Whitby Chronicle, 1 Sep 1860, p. 4

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)peONARIO, i 'BY *trtueofotamWarrn»fc lMMed Wtv: - hy the Troseofetthe 00- % hearlng damt UeoFouneontin dY of May, on.' bhthundzedl'isnd aiul, 'id te ume directoci, for the arrearm mand aasents due upon the fhllowing landsin the mid Ceunfty. 1 amll on Y, the 8th day of OCTOBER nez~, o l9-o'elock, nom., e thUeCourt fBouse, ini lhe hdt1y p70cOd te &h Sale ot said Lands, or poranchi àa cncmyfor tise payaient oet h minI rreof 4unls the masse, togetheriwith ml lawiol charges kid. luat hait 7 NEx Qo4ar 10, wà 18, 'otqartr21, ti ifhha 24, -10, North oIt18, North hll14 West part 14, Noth hmlt '27, Wot hait 9i, Soeu hait 14, 15, -8 West part si, 23, N E quarter 18, NortIh ait il, West hait 17, Woithalf 19, South haIt 1. -S8W'qnmrter 2, N Wqurtcr92. NortIsh at 4, N Equartor 15, qorth hall 16, South hait 13, Noth hall 14, Rut h'ait 1, North hait a, 7. 7. 14, South hait12, North hall12, North hait 14, 15, Bootha hat. 12, Northi hait 12, South hait 181 Northn hall 18, Broken 2 BootSh alt 7. NOM ishait la. Both Wale 1, 19, 20, 2 South hait 7 13, South hait 14, Souths hait 15, South hait 17, North halt 17, North huit 18, Southn hait 1, 20, Nords hall 2, s, 27, 28, 29, Nlorth hait 7 t4ordh Wf North hai 14 South hai, 14. Seouthha9flt 16 South hait 18. North bad( 18 South hall 90, Nordshall 98ta Broken 26 Broken 27, Brokon 5 0, Brokeon ai, Nortsh all $4 Nortis hait 26, NWotNhait28. 80, 82, lsed oueo 8, South hat 9 Soutshain 10 le, North hait 17, South huit17, Eut hait 22, Nords hait 23, Bondshait 24, MN1 qarter 2f, N W quarter 26, Nordh I 27, N wP8.t 0, Booth hall 7, 00"dshait8. North hbail15, Nomds hit 19, 21, - orhalf 51% 25, lut hi 12, Sonths hall 17, Sonds haln 21, Nort d at 6 North hait27 1 100 i 50 9 200 à 25 à 100 8 200 8 200 a 100 a 100 4 900 & 12 4 100 4 87 4. 100 4 100 4 50 5 100 e 100 e 200 6 15 6 200 7 50 8 100 8 100 9 100 il 100 la 50 18 50 18 100 14 100 14 50 14 100 114M tA 200 A 100 n 100 1 100 1 189 2 200 a 174 a 100 3 200 4 100 5 100 ô 100 5 100 5 200 a 100 6 100 a 100 e 100 6 0 T 100 Ir 100 7 100 7 200 7 200 8 60 8 100 8 200 8 10e 8 100 a 100 8 100 8 100 e 100 8 200 8 95 8 96 8 181 8 115 8 21 9 100 9 100 9 100 9 100 9 87 9 100 9 100 9 100 9 100 9 100 9 14 9 50 10 100 Io 100 19 60 10 110 10 110 il 100 Il 100 Il 100 il 100 il 100 il -50 i' 50 il 75 il 198 12 100 12 100 12 104 12 10( 13 104 19 20 12 2- 12 79 12 104 12 15u 18 M0 13 1o( 18. 1o( l8a lIt 18 20( 10 10( l8 10( SW] North NW] W West Eutl South Nortb West But1 West 18524.5..Il8.......$..486 S 185.2............... So 18"4............3 03s'u 1854 .............3851 1854 ..............789Sonýu 185i46o7 8 9.... 74835 Son 1852 4 56 78 0.- 88 57 1852 34 6 678 9-- 25 60 Sou 185234 ................4So 1852 456789.... 17 09So 1852 845678 .... 8547 So 1852 3456 o7 9.... 25 64 1854..........05 185934 ....1968 14........424 a 1852 84 ..155 SM 18545 ........... 5 20 Soi 1854..........76 Ni 185284678..03 66 SB ,1854 ............. 1252 Sou 18524 56 78.... 26 69 -9 152134......16 17 Oit 18545............ 191 Esi 185245789 .... 26,3 Nor 1854 5 ý.1874... Ne 185485..-ý.......... 88Ba 1854658.......858 Se 1852 4 5 689.38 94 S 1854 5 67 89--.81 79 SE 1854 6..........49 N ' 1854 ..........4 80 isa Wl 1853 4....36 77 1852 84 56 7 8 96008 S 1854587 8 9.... 67 02 1852845789 ... 51 18 185 4567 89 .... 56 58 No 18523456789..8608 SI 184 56 78 9.0 75 SI 1852 8 45 678 0.- 72 69 E& 1@58 4 56 78 9.... 78832 M 1854 ............. 2601t 1854.............. 629 81 1852 34 56 7 829--55 81 18528 4..... 16 69 1854 78 9. 21 48 1852458 07 89D.-49 45 185245 6 7890.. 60 01 18523 4561,8 0- -60 'R1S 1828 4 5 0 ....3733 1M a845679 ... 41 78 185 46 789.... 38341 1852 3 45 07 89... 5289 Nt 1853 45Ã".....9240 r, 18284..... 1065 N 182 84 67 82.9.. 91 10 Ri 185450789...780 W 185346789 .. 81 61 W 1854 5 6789 ... 68988 185 34 5 6789.'A05 29 1% 185234 ô6 78 9... 53849 M 1853 45......109 1852 345 6 8 9....4858 1852 3456 78BO.. 4304N 1852 345ô(7 89..: 50 50 1852 345807 89... 50 50 1852 34 5 6Ir89 ... 78 26 r 185834 5 678 9.. 58 01i 16&2 345 67 9.... 41 39 1859 5456789..115 89 IR 185284567890-.119 04. 18524 5 67890.. 29 87 1854 56 78 g.. 4468 185456789...4781 18ig567 8. .... 57 44 18524 5.6 7 89... 54 81 18528 4 56 78 9.. 50 87 18584 ...........h113 18523456 ......809 185984 ..........218 185284689..50 99 1854 ............. 13 6 - 18524 6 78 9...9085 185456789 .... 15 67 18545678 ... 50 45 1852 346 7 89... 16896 18534 ............ 183,il 18545 .......... 515172 18524 ...... ....... 25 185234579 ...IW16 185284 5 79. 10789----- 1854 .............. 8888 18545678 9.6..6113 1854 5 6 789.54 - 081 18545679.... 88 9 1854 .... ..........21 18523 4 56 7 89... 47 28 1854 ........ .....04 1852346789... 41 67 1853 4 78 9.80. 060 185345..... . 20 06 * 1845678 .... 82 6 ti1852 3 45 67 8 9.. 85 98 18523456 . 6 20 1852 845 9....1600 0 18524 5 6 789... 4050 0 1852 8 456 7 89... 4642 0 18524 587 &9... 59 88 Q 185345678 .... 6748 0 1852345 .41.. 189 0 185456 70 . 8189 15 1852845 .... Il 14' 6 1852845 .......20l' 0 182 84 .......2 40 0 185486........... 407 0 18554........... 161672 0 185245678 .... 42 24 0 1852834 ....... 79 0 1854 .............. 8 0 1854 &.......... . 885 i0 182 8 4 5 .....8 1 0 1852 84...w..8. 887 RAMJA. Front Fronet Front Fiot, Front Front Front Fronti Frout Front Front Front Froent Front Front Àro 4 -'4, 8, or 13 18534 56'7 a g. 6677 18 1654617 89. 156 166 18528 4 56 78 9..102 34 65' 1838465.1721..17I 103 1852 845178 t..- 7T48 88 185 8 485-789.. 18 07 91 185245i67 89P..54 96 91 185246 78 9.. 5496 88 185245678 9.. 8872 81 185245678 0.. 52 00 831 18524 567 89.. 59 49 88 18524 56 7 89.*. 4400 107 18"54ô7 89..6 0927 84 18524 5 678 9.. 84 54 84 '185245Si &Y.. .. l8-94 90 185245 6189.. 4407 117 1823486 .89. 9 16 90W 1854-.....ý........Il 84 88 18524 6t8 9-.48 14 8MI 185 3456F7 P.... »8'14 130 1852456 .88. 8 82 70 18524à6 7 8 9.. 46 06 100 152344 6.1 79 100 18"5343467 8 0., 5608 t94 139&34a78 9.. 18541 20 18523456789-.. 1804 a1U345478t::7949 21-1\1S24 S .1780. 3 4 6 I 19.7154 .12 6 pat Part' art1 part ~hait' thalf st hat ' hait ht all quarter th hall th hait th-hait h part h omIt ih hait uti ut lu ut 9, ;à 1% 4 84 19, 05 108 1, 2 19, 6 19, la 24, 1 0,- 4 14 4 14, t paut 21, uth hall 3, W part 0, lt af ,24, E part 2, Botte 2, 'ile à N end 4, rth hall , rW part e, ýihaî f 3 Oft r prt 16, 12, lle t hait 1, p qarte 10, Wu part 10 19, le, 2qtOO 7, BIt quartr 33, at aat le, West hait 29, 19, Wet hal 0, 28, 'est part 29# 'est puarter91, 2, Bu 3af 2, But hat l, But hait 24, aut hall 28, frte hait 29, fotMart 27, 19, eshat 20, 21, let at 29, South part 29, North hit 30, ,;est hait 1, Nesth hit 12, Sth hait 14, foth Iif l8, N a te, 30, 29, Nort " a Ntlhit 10 NSuth OVit 1l, wem crpuat 15. Ncrthall 1, Norths hall 17, ]SuutshaI 10, South haitlf Norths mîtle Sotuth af 8, 8 W 7olo?1, SE 1, 14 North hait il Eut idae Water t. do, do do do 4o do do do de do de do do de de de, de, de de du de la Si . 8 100 100 .195 30 40 100 100 200 100 100 100 100 900 200 40 60 100 200 100 100 200 200, 15 100 100 1859,-45 0o.-.. ll 185456 78S..---4608 1884 5...........10 83 1085284560...18 88 1985 4 56 7890..117 77 1828384 50... 15 44 182 84 560.:.. 8.24 1854678.. . 95 88 iI4cO........... 276' 1852384... 4078, 18594 ..& . 07 852 8 4 ...... '17-14 18524 6 78 9..8487 18546 89 ...92487 1854.........468 165ô*5............ 451 1854............'. Il 60 1854 ........... Il 77 1828 45.9 1 l 18584à6 ......1959 1@"4..... ..' 458 185 84 5i7890... 81 18 1854 568.i.,.-......9-218 1858 4 5678.... 4889 11852 84 5 678 9-..8492. 182845 6'7890. .40 72 18546 78 9.... 53861 1858 45607 8 9...65548 1845678.... 802 185345r,67Y89.0. i5286 1858458...«.-- 1 79 1858 456.... 10o9r 18584567. 1684 1854».............2294 185456789...5605 1859534 5 678 9... 3777 18584 ..........18 87 1858456 789. 60718 1859845 . 504 185945 678 9... 18 40 18584.......... il1 18545...........1 82 SCUGOO. 25 1854661.....27 18 la l8545 6 -......30 5 100 1854 ......... .... .9 86 3 1854ri61.... .. 786 3ot1:15486O .5. ........... 13 10 152345678 ...86 0 25 185346789 ......25 8 50 1853 46 7.........23 2 50 I82345678 ...4956 100 182 3 4 5 6 789..102 3 100 183456789 .... 50 300 188456......... 506( 100 1854561 ....--35 It 74 18545,678.......40 V 200 184 56189 ....141<0 la 18545 ........... 9. 133 1852345867 8...Ã"'5 41 182 34C7 8,.... 201S do 1852 345.. ..2421 $ 4 i[". 1851 1853 1852 1853 1853 18M 1852 1854 18M 185, 185, 195, 18si 185i 18M 1851 1952 1852 18M 18M 185, 185i 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 18e 185 185 185 IR! 523 48 6 Y.... 10 3 4 5......... 35 2 M34...... ....... 24 1 345071....... 0 3456 789... 28 1 34 56789...56 & 348e789..... 43e6 14586789 .... 4609 123456189 ..: 43 9 W34 501789...698 t5 4568 ......:O4u 14689 .....4.1 2345678 9.317 523456789...0 13456789 .....2 13456789....0 123 4560789...5 12345 ......... 9 14567 89 . 4.... 9 8456789..... 49 M23456789 ..4 M3 45 .... .... 6 34501789 . 9 3534 86 B5213485678..54 852 34 5 618 9..î.. 401 824......... .. 9 8524 ....... ...... 21 82345678 9...6 524 ............. 9 821345 0789R.... 54 8 $2 3 4 56 78 9--4-55 54 5 6 1O.....8 84................ 4 852345......:.3 852345878 .... IS4 5 6a8......i... deo 25 do '26 do 23 North aide do S - do do 4 do do ' - do do do l8 do 10 do l db .18 do 14 do 15 do 16 do 17 do la do 19 do 20 -do 21 do 22 do 23 do '24 do 25 do 26 do 27 doe 2 do 29 do' 30 do i1 do 32 8 do 33 4 do 34 0 do 35 1 do 36 2 do 37 do a8 do 39 do 40 Northbaide 6Siaicoe i e do 2 3 do 3 t do 4 S do 5 a9 do 6 14 do 7 is do 8 le do 9 la do 10 *~ do il S do 122 il do 13 57 do ' 14 3 do 15 do' 10 do 17 do 18 4 do 19 29 do 2 0 14 do 21 16 do 2e' 17 do 23 :0 dg 24 a do 25 0 do 26 94 88 do 27 e t S o n t h id e 2 93 Simcoe t.> 99 do 3 3 6 d o 4 20 2- do 5 90 do 7 30 'de f 3 d o 9 97 do 1 33 do il 33 do 12 30 do la 02 do 14 53 do 15 97 do 17 1 9 d o 1 8 18-5 Northi aide 43c ! 9Victoria st. , 94 do 2 42 do 3 ko3 do 4 35 do 6 ai do 784 321 do 8 1 0 do E a 2 s ý4 ý5 17 L8 9 200 200 109 50 60 100 100 200 135 200 65 45 28 72 50 119 185 200 9 100 97J 100 100 61 176 100 100 200 100 85 6e 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 »00 25 25 25 25 25 THORAH se là 60 100 100 100 100 100 18 83 ese 83 88 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 60 50 100 100 100 100 100 ueo 20 12m 100 100 100 200 100 1BIAVER dea*l dneS o.lh doe0 de'1tl de.rt de de do de de do ~a&S de de de de de i.» 'de 7 7 7 7 7 7 jue2 do - * ls ô7 .. u do' I S6 15 8 :: do l e" 15 68 . :- 7 - 0 do 1854507 8 ..... 204 do ' ui 5 a 7 ....... fl do îe8mb67 8...4;-.206 dab 1"4548.......s do îeI&UtS .i ....... 20 dti 1SU557 8 ....... ô do' JU5457 8 9.t..... 7SI do 18"5487 a .... 241 do leu4588 . ' 20'N do IM 18 4 57 8 .--à-:'20. do le 56 718.'10.,7 . ... do 1 7 8 ........209, do B1854 .6...... 20 4! 'o 155 678...209 do 1854678,.20,9 do 1854 5678... 20 61 do 1854 56 78.... 20 6 do 1854 5 67S.... 20 6' do 18%546 78.... 2046 do .1854 5 678.... 20 9 do 1854 5 678..201 do 18545 6 78...-.-20 , do 1854 567$...206 do 18545678.... 2096 do 1854 5 678.....206 de 18545678 .... 206 do 1854 5 678.20 - do 18545678 .... 290 -de 185456 7 8.... 20, do 18545678 .... 206 do 18545678 .... 206 do 18545678 .... 20E do 18545 678....20E do 18545678 .... 20E do 18545678 .... 20E do -185456 7 8.... 20( do 185467.w... 20( de 18545678 .... 20( de 18545 67 8. .. 20( do 1854 56 7.. .. 209 do, 1854567 8.... 201 do 1854567 8.... 201 do 18545678 .... 201 do 185678 .... 201 do 18545678 .... 20 do 18545678 .... 201 do 18545 6 78.. .. 201 do 18545678 .... 20 do 1854 5678 .... 20 do 1854 5678 .... 20 do 18545678 .... 20 do 1854 567 8 .... 20 du 1854 56 78.... 20 do 18545678 .... 20 do 18545678 .... 20 do 1854 56 7 8... 20 do 18%546 78... 20 do 1854 56 78.... 20 do 1854 56 7.... 20 do 18545678 .... 20 do 18545678 .... 20 do 18545678 .... 20 do 18545678 .... 20 do 18545678 .... 20 do 1854 5 6 78..2 do 1854 5678 .... 20 do 18545678 .... 20 do 1854 567 8.... 20 do 185456 ......12 do 1854 5678... 20 do 1854 5678... 20 do 18545678... 20 do 1854 5 678... 20 do '1854 567l 8... 20 do 1854 567 8 ... 20 do 18556 7 8... 20 do 185467 8... 21 do 1854 56 7 8... 20 do 1854567 8... 2 ( do 1854567 8... 20 do 185467 8... 20 do 185456 7 8... 20 do 1854 56 78 ... 20 do 18545 67 8... 21 do 1854 56 7 8... 20 do 185456789... 20 do 1854567 8... 20 do 1854 56 7 8... 2C do 1854 56 78 ... 2C do 1854 56 7... 2 do 18545 6 78... 2( do 1854 5 .78..2 do 1854567 8... 2 do 1845567 8--- 2 do 1854567 8... 2 do 1845678..... do 1854567 8... do 185567... D do 1854567 8... 2 do 1845678B... 2 do 1854 56 7 8...5 do 1854 56 7 8... 2 do 1854567 8 ... 2 do 185456 7 8... 2 do 1854567 ...2 do 1854567 8...2 do 18545678B...2 do 18545678B...2 do 1854567 8...2 do 18545678S... do 1854567 8...u duo 1854 56 78... do 1854567 8... de 1854567 8...5 do 185456 78... do 1854 56798...5 do 1854 567 8... « do 18545 6 78...U do 185456798...5 '7 ' 4 is 17 e7 È7 67 61 67. 67 167 61 67 67 3 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 7 67 67 67 67 67 67- 67 167 )67 )67 )67 )67 )67 367 367 567 D67 D67 067 067 067 067 067 067 0 67 i 67. iO 67 iO 67 D 67 4O 67 IO 67 If 67 !0 67 .0 67 10 674 M 67 10 67 2132 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 900 20 67 29 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 Io() 1854 .......... 72 100 1854 56 7 89.47 87 79 18523 4567 8 946 08 100 1854 ..........89 35 1854.......... 2 60 il 1848a.3..3 93 100 18545 6.19.1975 100 1853 4 ô678 95062 40 1854 .......... 1 40 40 185345 ...15 05 80 1854.......... 5 93 34 18523 4556... 37 65 100 18534,5.. 25 10 100 1852 3 4 ... 17 60 100 1,853 49 .. 0 100 1853 4 ... 12 42 100 1852 3 467 8 959 15 100 1852 3 46 7 8960 89 100 1852 3456789 550W 100 18534.4..41 186 18546 .1 65 100 1852 3 48. 71 lS< 18523 4 56... 247'0 200 1852-3456789 105 31 100 18523e 56789 51 67 200 l 124 597 89106 " 200 f 15467 8 9. 86 3à Oli 1854 5 67 89. 31 38 200 IMS2456789 103 89 93- 154 6 7899.40 43 200 18%546 78 9.. 93 27 M00- 185284... 171 100 1854 ..........7-% 25 1M523456789 2417 NSELSON Q. RET14OLDIB rer C. ?ou,.aa. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 I67 67 67 I67 3 67 D 67 067 0 67 D 67 D 65 0 .97 D 97 477 14 17 4177 144, Bay 0f Ireet Toemt, Be oapie thoir friends and customel's thatthiey are BOw1 Beg t appls 1ceîving htlrge additLions of NEWImu.StNA U Mes -'rI9% Wrn,-Ge n hteCtoiSrpdShrigCa~g o re. Twn ee dsWhite Gon hts, rpShr Collar an sad La.dies Fancy Dress Goods Stuth-, &..ShatS ,,Chenille. iéàa DriesseS, Embroideries, Collars, Laces, Edgiugg; &c. Cotton Bats, .WiksTwies Grin tugs, Ilooped Skirts> 'white Oand c red - Cotton Yarns, Boots, Shoes, .&c.', &c. 1the wrld bas aer ooril Tet l dltrived fti rr 1 yonoeitir nOt cocni4te Of a cnt- plUtOn otm 10'O" Jýths.ick of eery -- ecrthe 11,11O f ochicli lie, nleS bP5n dod- lit laveir cfny dtlorO or ' V8p'entlf asia hcm gali. BhinofUs Dtsorderse. tifvliottevet' tenta tilsooeI8 tttcleoitlen lIre", i l e t l i t m a t e ete l il t çtl h y t itis s e r c ltta g , jaîsice su irocitihe roratire. Lot the 5195, vVcî le o e SarIatv oecîttdt ed reort i whcOenfdlitîiro te thie puts.Ofttlalîtt* b i l o s n e i , a ld a r e t e n ti t o t u l i e i t i t a lla Ïtiity wllubhothe usieeryttig reotit. 'lie goat DvatuPeift for ic Thi aiyte seurge cf ttis C6i(It v11ad, ifiece eterctl tu tîtrir î,tq e'ldigetiroerg l', l'are nsres cfotl Tet toue'1rr ne ?il, wa m. ete tfi i. m 01 diernseltxibit itoie'ItOit e pli-î and nuneerîug retl3r disperes it lletesyicinu. G;emral Debtitl ani lyenkutio5t Feore whatovrenlraiser lornees of spirtits, etti .11 other aigu$ cf a dlccoootd livir, alla thel eradlatltig Inlutoecf titis t911fpc'0erfoi soli- spie alladudtergcttt rceedy SiokiT FoemUIOS shocld booue lictimet lu tryittg o fe doeso(cf regniatinalla tireltevittg rttte'i ; htet Maty ho ftheir coîîeiitttt t t (colet ceellti maféty lit al Paiodical I'dateti re dieet'gonie ticuti; its ofè eet ble ihtt lirueOlOtc. Roun,*pilb are li ed est netly 1ltra illt fA îrrefrth, ftlleericej dieiaes C huticc, ilceî ieet, D'uflst, he ooa aVre f i itn. tis wode tJIilîtcp,~etcleVeil el feu-t the bock efdiretictt arceide-crie lot ue' lot the sainîttîey ilie Piitly ose."'e iof. heeJit ld'ttu dctcttij ott c teî ' frty o ceýl, c tcolireil tite eeiit-e ' etig t mne kitwilbgttttltitl t 80 Mttie tLa:eNe'eYOTL, a""ti y ait reetteettefle ttnîtureeotcalltaDîenesin 0 oile ttteotîgittti ltejUtlteil Statie 401t1titiCIel1- lZed ,ecrldt l, lith t 2 et llrtt, 6 il tteitallai$t tbo lat'o itePll îîa lori tîir jFroc fr111 ait 3liliertal Pomouilu. T futtIeLite 'i' tl ', und Itt.ee nt-" I et'ectcul .% ti ,i . ctt.ltiti.ttettt iq, l.itrii lc, li itt i . ..r ii t i' I tî. ttt'i t ltes ellritîtht httit'.l'tl tan tretl'a',t 'viltt" l. boat doe, a 1ero îtitinv -wt"iti i', -h l1rQreed l.i i~îl'atte .!, f Ilt, e un .,ý t titr Njjý fleW ki11 'T L T dcieoT.le t.tttiluIt nîl litie o Dgptltt ttcttl itil.îvl l, 1o.rîil Wood liDsor, t.ltOS SO cursat t itOitveet- tN.., Viti, . . ou 'fe,1,il- Yte t il '1) 11 'telS N 'f111 t t i t il tc tt , loG . i tiA . ti r, lastootî.citi utt1tiîi *feeietittlI-;l'l.T t. IENtt"tl t A Ittî'? ettîNTîlt' l -AeT gite At tîcrttiî'tt 'e l,. euet'ît "iitel tioniî RE NG itioNiOus t.O' 1-4 ..tt;TCf Nlou,, ~ îh; li i îtt tlîlit't ti;l 9 t il ii4 tuln it netetît i le, r luertM i t1 ft tiS ilE ,;- nd A ei rAnoeo Sot, iti or tcie'- t". c-lital )bOit ee r e ttria lrite et iti". etlttttettt ciri t y îrîto't ît15 .îtte to ro e Ider thaltlîtt ofntitttottilIllt eoi e~irr.ý, w rt, A i-ti cpcar i tmulii Dratl. Ili%, & Smet fuile tir imortantofi1t- etii et fiîit(,d l iieîi e ffeditier , c i tra; e tull 'l t o ii lte 1Y e 1 ,t emttr, 11 Ltyiitsttylegîl O tiitt lakiliottoî ýt'. îic n a wl Yr k; iutl I t tttît ' t t rt"'o ,ittce onc letetîott.t nii ê o t ritît o itîto iltetitefur pté Peire Oe iili aîrve t tîs 'oaeeil tic> oct gelcîa og2, cî'tuted trosî efesr-l ati a D.AmoreeeStir.,itiic deSut cîtethe lieitd ti ni lteetotheIleit et $ i isr mn A/1 supers01r a-sEoftfleîtl of Geints and Boys P'ASHIONABLE IJ4»EJA/DE CL O TIII.V G! in 1ýwecLIs, Faucy Mixtures, GAIRMENTS MADE TO OIRDER. GU-ÂRNR I, 'Z&U 4' irxx* -on noO AI&B..a 11AMILTON & RIMERTS, 17 Nos. 1 & 2, TilIs Block, Whitby. SPRNGAND SUJfIMER IMPORTATIONS~ Bcgs to inforni his caîstorners and the pub.- lic, thet bis stock of Noew Goods icitou' to uîatd, and wilt bc sold Cheap for Cash, coocitg tuf a laîrge assortmen flte DIUSSGCOUBS, BONNET'JS, RIBBIINS, PARA'SOLS, Gloves and llosicry. Carîlets, Da,îîoek. W'jtioer oNets andi Musl.ns, Domestic tiottîsa, e&c. A large stock of Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, (Janadian Irweeds, Gambers, Farmer'fi Drill, &o. inlcns and Boys Cooets est', and Ponte miade up iýthe Prems eTh is considcroftly c lirged aned Partiet f'onrc.egii tewith thiter ordert, mtiy roly spes I acsng thoer giero c t maet ..1 m' eoiot o anncr, and inthtie litest style of oaslut A targe tstock of JUSi iFiEI'iLD. Pcrry's Brick Buîildinegs, Wilt> 27 'pri,186(). a LE SH_ R0 eJS R lýE THOMA~S Il. MecMILL, ,N Il S FOR SALE 19ARVEQMT JlPEINTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WIIICII IE 15 I SELLINIG AT UINPPRESEDENTEDLY Att tîltîde ofLiqoîore acd Wr pirco. parties deairitlt USa »uY 1.ugl hi. lins, wt owl og TIJIAS IL McMfLLLAN. No. 2, Perry'e Bleck, Bruok s;. Whltb 1EGS to aneod ce te hieseîneaois friands mand cust0m itt h ow c on bis extensive business ot (JARRiAGE MAKINqGl IN %ÀLL ITS BRÂ&NOHESi On ho romse.hortofre ccpk by Mr. N. RAv, on xWYSidetu ee anid Broktreet, where ho ie prepred. à Ilae-LtOi Mta ZOCtO &Il CÂtIRIAGES, BUGGIES,SL GIS tTE1,bi 'lwNa~uCtUm ad "id art the L.o,«tml reuiUWetutisU L TIB.b and JpRQpDUCE TAKRE Y IECHÀ I A £ 'ks.,sei04I D.FRIrS longK xperienceaïet tirtl Y"-,Iiiithen mn i States»A mu mtaahlma giros'thm±.mSxPOneo ie a. ,4% lOofIiab, ÎÏ - 1ev baye hem. sual.té arrve janmd For beanty o e c. leg*o fi Mud eolidnty e ofrkinatihpuhebis om aliot hoexcmod w'hy. Ameust - te9u. eCi e pC ? omote, mn wiIlbboend taobe pMillai - on bottr pepoe. BoIy a4 ire Che iulolÇronlem O office, W. il. 11lCG&I1!. 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