Whitby Chronicle, 8 Sep 1860, p. 2

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. lviio, M' esrsayal . "I haiovo tht prioicipie upo, viiel an>' 'hang aught to e iseta, ta 090- eh peapleofeck sactionaoe/the Province. te sssetege Mleir ois locdafa7ira in theur -mm a sn, ieeeing isittters of jeius*or tommioiaiiert nt othe ont r col». i ,sola cearo.l."B Wbicla principle me 3Mr. RIter esrainia laver ot-Diesalutian pare ansimupi, orai -cr111tell tdeislctove- Ila t laver oftr bath I Tes, M. teeor't prnlniples. aare îb shese oetaxpouliese> i-"pure andl simple" f dissolution, ani "joit miatherit>" d olu la tian, ta tioher me>' serve lis pen'pose hast;t anal af hôth togother, suisbath ara cocu-I tan'>. We knwî leutwho iaveo larolhlmS declara himitit during tht pissent coate4a, Je are pace lu laver of ont, and t tnotb- air pace, in laver of tise then' Slnd et due- solution. Mn.loeoer hmasao dalairel hiimlt is laverofel oetive geversieus, aute élective oxeccive, andaa ritte coutatte- Qan. Re augutol tic noroisit>' af thease changes ei Wiitby, anal Ohava-,alntougl le denital haeinX donesos at Scarboo'.- Mir. Reeser taises excellient caveslui aveid esa>ieg au>thing about i tlavo changea in is &&ldrem. But lis silence is c littie tee sospiioeai loret. Rnealvacates ts tlarough lise colonies of bs paper..le the Ecoout f th îe. 2h5oetNeveielent l1 «'On' ytean ef Govevneni le ton ax-1 isaaag%àî ted exponauve orn'tht ga anal vWtts'of dis Provine, vo raquino a 'WIUTTEN T-CONSTITUTION, anddthe hade of dopartmoents ineppandeet oI Par- > anscei "'Fb. peopleoet U 'r Canada are layai, .addosent desire a xtion te tht Unitedl Etates, HBt tome otheia out loyal bave déclama lthat-i t ti>" ancot b. acpsratad ftens Lovar Canada, dhe>' ilîl go Ion' au- nex~aton- TInvauld ha veil, tscrutoire, ton' lioeeWhoeopposa a dissolution et dia union# te consider vail the respoasibilil>' of »Chnt a position bafgre. Scarcby ne mmt in a laaqded in Upper Cauinailust avor of the UbOii, ifttut art tili Mr.n'lesar'e setimentai if lie lh.an advoctti of dissalttion, a vuiý- ts consatiution, -annxt*le athe Unitedt atme, la pretimere e ustise qunfloWUi tovai Canada, lin beeau<êluia te.u - tbm inbis addreott? Wamsl ae position te suppl>' nana>'alterextrscts trom ja. lamons ptper, streogi>' sdvoa5iag w iitîu constitution, dissolution, andl à - aaor tm nho bu it detuolun or aaeen pr pdnilesiut «cepate vlont pemi n teogiretem etasgutltn.gth- If dis adotffo King Divison support am - owtgosckpitciples, t>' vwilu nWo) ae viith ir aeu a pe. Mn. uesat t-- déni ayt>e corretttasofetis extrea b u)moangas i s opnos slue thea wW ip b euse. puameelb> TUIE QUEE'S SPEECHL 5vr. Jenae, N. F., Sept. 7. Tbastaemship OUV cfrainutam fom n Liverpool, 891 auit., anal Queestove, Boti,, psaad Cape Race heunal te Nev york, at t oick tit Frila>' venieg. - Ticheta art tva alsys utan'than diese alnoady recelleal Theise nsiPtriament vas praragutol lU Lia Dlii. 'Tie Quten's epeech vas reni b>'tisa Lord Chancalaor. She se.> s baha errelationt vith Iortign poersamar 1-ela nduseatlstactor>'. Sisatr-uatsta ent as ne danger cf tht interr'uption cf the genwatpuace ot Ensgland.. Sic hallovat %hmt I the Italieanaara left te aetll tîhoin'evn difficullias, the tranqai- lit>' cfother States yl ha undistunbeal, he hop that lra an>' neotations viat ==.",P ta0eplco the Savoy qestion. tic strlt>' of Svitieriand viii ha main- taine& $ h. lamante, the atracities coin- milteal upen tht Christaies lu Syria, and~ alserfull>' concura viii ether povera of Europe Inausieting dia Sultan oet TurkcJ te ratatabliai <saler. She regrets theu lau- une eoregoffttica iîh china, ted sayi tl llpr fonces i upportlise denaond toi a fuît ted itdiul executiomi cf die treatia et Tien ie, Sîse thanks P.msliainemit for Uicaeàppro- prlioe"fer torluficationeted cengratulate, th eon~ n tise efficiene>' oftthteIB.. V.,l7inten's.Si e conalus b>' expreisini the ueartiosi pleasealroand al stactiei aie hat axporiencea ethde arna analan- thusuaîoitic aoen the Prince ofaidab bas met 17vin u«erNorth Americai provinces. Losrser,August 29.-WIeai buA n uP' yard leudona>' viii an adiance oft 540o tidera Iieal adaiticel tatane wlaich has net haen concodda. Congreattomal abselhthad OOPic 'Fie &Mfir'came cil on the etareon Thertla>, te tis 0h imet, eintegrovo hi longsng te Ciarleoton Ii>'de, EsqP, nerti i Mn'. jGarn'ia' reeldenco. Tiec aidren te ie dia cisapel, lfrernacnluprocesiomn,tan waikoal te tht grave about 2u';cback, vbca vii tlate soit green carpet haneati, il lest> canepy abois, andl the glorieus clou hite s>' oiersn'cbing thevisai.(a wi eoqucal>'alluede oonteeoftheit peti ers,)beadoneef dia Resetlimespeui bis, t (le toeu uuoe arac) @.iejs f/aasubOnAsgal. Tise eOrcisas v îapaneel b>' ingszogaspayaPr7r, alLa icl fijelvd 1h. sepstente"ta report via il vu amsed, secoldee, anal rosoveal, lis a OUof tMidl report ha sent tas tht pasae ef the tova, viii a raqoasi for, publics 11055. Sbort, but ver>' appropsIta spaecbi van ,iisvuqanutheiscousrsaeofthdiatr noon b>'the Pator li. IL 1T .BYrme, t by am It&ai.Mens.Loyd and al Wer assi %inm aercissean eaiv.ed la>'ex orieuf it MUaitinstrumeatal. an1al vocau, lt 1fir. l"t sud the achooL.The iaatail vea tiadal andit OWticiTis hFi e 0 futatdefant ceulal hardi>' taS etfgr"l fieation. À »"y>' ucuir et dia pua' ruo tht abiianmi tocds aiet . he van preantel.atiaul .me& itshl in anratossd cp"a a @sMeatMW thse merr>' voienziatuioug eyi*and I htpg aM" eaithe yanthhulctsnparey ,re UmmIog te bc remet w. Ties provincial Fair-11agisOTho=s4W, à 51 i e int< ho retpa tse Mmt UnIntonad - lmprtlgDectýutobrt Caufpbafl. di4ssrtions ai làitusiaseîa ent ng.-' 2 FatlSlobk-Roirt (Campell. Ile hal l téiauas ulivefoc dlolt :qjul fr .WietlBaiIel (es$dd Peu- ai tht Aeiienameeting. Wa onfr tu gir.'Th hamlltoe and lol4"ri. prooef't us ftact. na -bu repredmocealile0ce Otr--J. Hanabr Goam1ýbLWôd, ls EoeeeuSs<reporte et meetingsethe gai Ne ov .vllry-liai tejehuston. meust ]jing sait viiislnoes diai eaoula efe 1= cjCIoask.,Jie ohees oQotltý d, sol iiCiI4 resbovin; 1attend- ile Saleffav Miili-for Sat-Jsseph Ra. ea t he. matIluo. hmatit, hLa msaab ad, (laralages tnd Bgie-.Perd.,. e.>, eepia-thu.t reporte ito hie OVN P.-da' Cutters acd Seigba-D. Perd. par, a-4 huai>, wile vatt I kev taenn ei Grand Excursion te Wiltb>' pan'Stumar tl toheirvievouched ftactiair correct- - Maple AfLXIa . Eqir. am.- ThisintaMilaera political pein Noeic Ae iaof . tynolds. tiena lu dmaconietand tue ccv inslndil 'nla t Nov York Weklly-Strcei à& Smiti. dia reverse ef honorable, anal aythint biciH( 'Vatetrlks of 1812.-Raiert Stant bu. an enviaile Consistant one. Ttdtioe-.-Mie Carroll. W. ahahuov preed te sov-th. an Commision&c.,-ýFaiîb»a ks& Medaceili cMsov or vs. emmot atev or !i tyncendtional Aaurance an Lfeý-Jucaa" kxuuse.ra Grant.~Whia Rame. vdiirisg lm58and 1859, diae - Township prictig wtta ldou* t aI-Mr. ~~ Recsrtoffice'- ho réceiied ail the. profits himatl i t rb:*àToalaip tende. This hoadid white h wu actingl a tattecofte Whitby, Saturday, SepteMber, h onhpfns aWon o il.-s ONLY ONE 1>à et i. ignorance. 'Ioeoui Suiseniberu. ln violation et a ruie of thec Cuncil t - cir ubic lieh preides, pn'evidiaog that ail I Wc have-liko tht roet fthee rbl,(et theftune rpinting "sub hletot b>' con- 0 Vanala,) al taictu a bolida>' in Mue effico tract, Mr.n' s. oer bal certain licapso h>'-T le bonor aI tice rniel ef tht Prince of lava prietedet ahbis owvaofilce.w Wtie, ed e viets te aoias ~T~- Tenders vara vecaived otr doing certainP Woelea dt ins hedig nT- pri. ag tisa proett ear, hy tht clerk oate rot.No veeily pepen' vas thereforo ' ia heConnil oer viici Mr. Roer présidleG aneel onSaiun'ay test; u bt te-ay vosuppi>'Mr. tcasonetender vas net tht iaveat an eta-edlition, ceetainisg an accoant et vithie aatm et $30, yel hoawaarde i in- tht receptien at the Prinae t Whiîb>', eIltthe pn'lning. ,which viii ha aitriieted aongt botS een' lu tis latter matter Mn', basai sMortse weeky an sei-weklyreadrs. te a insy>'sebterfuge, aloegieg tdat dia veok>' md sei-vekl>'retIns, tendervasunioutin b>' the forema n a i -. R zr" psto a aCuddae a fficeevioua tha benefit et thtecontract Xv. Reser' isoaîten swa gedIilttua pcrqisîti *Wt bave thoug-ht, t verthi ita de- As evidecce etflMn. Reeces prett>' %rote a sinal sace te a irief exnmination acbtining aven' ths littie job, meand fit connience vilth teCîtriaetthse Concilo , of Mn. lotsor'a position as a candidate Ion' ve have thsa îoîîoving tacts :-Fendlers king'a Division. We niail endeavor te do e ve r ard y tht Conseil en Satsrday; no disptasienatel>', sud in a epirit et fain- four tander@ vert roceicit dornug die neatt nom, wicb neithen' Mr. Rusen' imetl, yac, tuai IresMn. leeor'e office ieingr ton' an>' ai the popera inhils istereat bave baudeal in on thelt iber da1'Reesr" tender oheeveu toravue M'. ocry Th absewu dattd teday fllowing tdiaitticg of obseved owàds U. Pery. The bu diaheConeil, Suada>' ; ted thil t i h a rg. anit asiomo>'indul-in ub>'the odec/t- ad vasdon. badaua dia athoar tender b.ed itemst anal tht miluepreatutalion dl die been opéeta anal tutu botetnts made kuave pV-daffir, sanal Ècosmst, ,hal puise ha andl thet tirdears ofr. laer asta-dateal ina s-îozded, anal iaiteaal, bard tact suanstitut- eider tu lbah suapicion; ubltt tishe miitakre( o f Sonda's dataeccavurtd bacante tha par-q .4. tics vacîte ate e e okeovlog, in toyiug te Mn. Rosor ta the reipomiihi teuton' ted maka it appeer tlutdiatender hbashae jropritor et thi e *kili Eseomief- sentle tht day matter dia meting Ot tise Jiis héco tieatiompi to e dn>. le diat Cenecil I oni e2h uy 8l a ae For is ma)faoaanaeofo offiet, a resale- jocati tien vu introduSealb>' bis brother cesecit- use of îles tollnviag langeage in laver et Ions, deaiaring that M. Reesar hellilbis a disolution et gît union, pure cad aiea- seat illtgaily, anal ibis resloa aswu l> s.. cnegatlveal b>'Mn.RAeer's owve eo "le Inanticipation etfai ha pnossilecon-. . A crieinai protacties Ibu iran instile- iicgency, (disolution)t mat> net bectel- ted agaiest Mn'.RIesor on tht laio>vechargs preper te consider tht affect t vonld e s Y lia ratpeaa i hOf ies'Fo"hbp. And likell th aieeon tht materiti interestsetfnovthie elactors cf King Division, bave tht respective sectiona of the Province- suint kuevladg te Ot nmnen' af mou, Wosuld a dislution uecemsaril>' prove in- that comseafervard aeckingeiamsuef Iical te tic interestaaet Uppor Canada ? rages- W. aneve-it voulal net, but dhe re- o ~eiarrivai othe' e City of Wash- tu litasaldrs, teth elctrs et King ntI Tise Gsvrer.tGeaertl, Illui siithet Sur Edmond ond esiives C-tndta&bout t dhagming olOclohr.-- Be vili ha aucceedeal lamperail>'b>' Sir Fenvitis Wifiitme Clinsmmder-iu-Chiefu se aditunistrabeof et itgoierefet. '&The Orange Dafltt."9 'Wa tiluistiti the soeeer thia aituten' ut alînvea letodrep, andahledo bthal inoie aaoal aoui it, the botter. Tisa leaders, anal thet groat Wbof het Ornageinn, thois- selves, condeme dhe conduct cf tdieu au Rbüsaln. 'Fie Orangeaen ai Beleville are nov repentant, anal a depetalien tram tuat gemn, Isetaleeb>' the Meayor, bu we uon dia Dkt of Nevcastle, pcejing dhe Prine te sisiI tilr tevn previeutut bis aepatrn' toe icStelé. la Tenante everythiug tp- pears te haieemtuaiiabi> amengrl, as vo bearnsfrina' dee foloing uctars viel pasanal htireen theDuke analdiaheMayar GevizauesherRrse, d'T'oronto, lUi Saptembar, 1870. ail " tpaeful trente et the lait ev diyt shoalal ha ai one sud lot evar buriedin l oblivionted sething rememerbunlt suis heat-stirrnsoanne vilch luit night pro- cbai ouelte sorlel the unelmouan sd endishuiee 't teb.Cie' tyForonte, diail t is aneti relietto s>' uimualtht 1 cee vidt u>' ymsacrif tdat>' us dia Prisoesof Wales. tecepl te poloz>' vIiis in ofaerea b>' jour iatn' jesl recesit 'il eu onb>'hope diat trout ibis moent ail digeteucSme.>'Mseosoplttei>' veuih t ront ttesimnda of otheesMut ie>'vilu trou "Sfir, jour ver>' obediet striant, t es'flt ,.Weript iayon of Taote," aToronto, Dli sept., 1lu0. afi M Sr-Tbie Prince oet Ves vii Comeeil, an Tac«4 it le e c 'clesut o. -propee,, lstasIof est-morrov. 1 vue set v vissai w1 %0 eu', liai linalce ros veeat *0set se osjEWOASTLU. es n Il kt at os P- on mt id Mr- ras à- i- 'ta iç -je et i- ra- ieu t. bmak upvidetl 'ouegsnying ru ite recendrateeof tht repot fotiha enshttua, ted ite amasduatr#- a S. dstait sud b>Prudent atep. hvaDc04lstic u tÉ l ieu whe cleil tht publie m*et. bc Pg, anit dapetaithediaeliff te prouat hie vi tdrese, that thte 9 PeeyCoiltil dinm i latmomicru votanotMfed sud requeut- ne id ido-se. -Adnotbaving taen acionci, stiure,&a otienea id,-i-m la o eelate lea et. day Tortisom te gmiesand d's uit.c Ie~o otui dia>' bure itritved tu rrlivad ai imo veiisg tht $800, ted prumsri.tî îg an addreu fr eidair ovebd>'. Nov C ratepayece is the Ceuni>' vill is&ppneaT' if the Coure adopteol. The Prince, tai the Or-ee ng, t Tise Prince bas refesd t'O land ah Kings- lu ton, in con"eunat et thteQiangaman par- îevcrngin ,thei'«sIatemnunataom (o val in proeission. Adalieuto vert pra.c sentait b>'tho Maoen' ubihalf of il tha citîsens,mail b>' teSlaeiiff Ion the Uneitedl Coontiot ot Lonnox ted Aaldingtae se board tht Pinwca steamer RmnogtOn. Tise *ddurcm of the PresbYtonian Syeodt wu likevidepretenteal on board. Thae prince paaed ons te Belleville, anal great ox- q aitamont le said te prevail, andl thaïthte t Geverner Central anal theDuleietfNoir- castia bava bae hurneit in cffigy ine ie C ty. t At Bebîvilla tee vo aire intormeil that the i Prince ratuscal te lad io Consequtoce et i the Orange elispla>', tnd that the Kusog#ton1 left ai tan oclock ttut moreing ton Co- bourg. Erer>'oea la piveal anal asicuisheal aet viat bata en place-titmen the moat loyal anal Iresaieulal cuLof tht ver>' exu- harance ofthein' inysît>, do an>-tling thai coclal ha constrntal mb an offence tovarale thc prince. Tbe prasant ie net the me- mont fer comment;l but tui e a vl s>' diet tht orange iiple>' veakindi>' toi nacet loyal>' otent in intention, anal Ibat, diair persevering in havîeg diair preces- sien, ta simpl>' dia resull cf the tirts aud heetilit>' induigtd lu te pet tiain deva as vali as the adîlce et impruldent countrelars. ont e od etnotice hafone hanl, on' et cenciliatian afierverde, mit there veeld ual ha an Orange rolabon dia pitycol, if lie Prince eo villoal it Tht Prince at Tareatea 'Wa taS tscarcciy's>more lte nthat tht neception ef' tht prince at Totronte vas suvpasaingi>'grand. Everyvltae 700 uturn- cd, _Von e er. mi idiagniremut arabus, or itecorahione etf sonne kind io ionon' cf 1hs iilustn'ious guect et' tba City. Tht viole ait>' vas ana 1i42t)et bniliant, anal hesutioîl>' varnegateal ligit. bu vas a siglat veorti going thoeaaual et miles ha vitneas; anal aucb a oe-citu nremnen- bering lie vistothaI ubeetateDublin- as the vritan' bas neyer sean exceilal. It is sceil vorti>' mlitht minute detale Ot description, wvieS Oie Toronto presdel upen te elahoratai>'. Aeydiing mort noil>' grand ditesaspectacle ai Oagtedthail, tisa Romain buildings, and tiong Kuns atreel, il is sacei> possible te coucia. No veedon tht City vas croideol*, andal a- thougi the erovitas gpat anal dense, nd en>' syavailablo raom, bcd andal irn' ltLe ail'ocupital, ted tien tie.straateS ied dte nepletien, Lie niglit loeg,-tse vonder a , cauaidcrieg al liai vas te ina eec,tiat atlae croval vas not ethli greater. 'FisTh programme laid dove Irai day te ýeday, hue, va ara happy te learo, heen bu>'Y carrital eut viti thea mut utiefactor>' re- -suit&. met Iod md ng Wa mat dr "i i»t li ept 4MA of S this lsv the sic ticé 'las te lial i>'l sa wl tha cri Dur lml the oat net cm' flni baui as the al: pie BI are te hi HIl tu e Wb in pr il th Ic RKIOUSTttheO--a dignifleol mamaandoit cernatle aigil, aesd dia arrivaioha a t b ec e ge t te ths G u *5 rn er C en tra i b > ' g r e& W Yt h e > ' i sin g e c a un e an l th e m P e r sqi ic , poih i a d b a c à.pe - lieu Of tht Ciengy vio verteot recogniz- muet Oî00f«"akbte 4iara rmdamclii-ceathtM'rsdpmlanlea e ad le lb. Moatreal programme ef prcace- tests. î ilttaiY a t e aPrince inuiiiite t lyal pray rCet cacl ts.a nd~ar n g e . l i n , ig n e a l b y D r. T a y o , Of t h ste l 0is *oy l p r t a i a d W a - . t -dn' el b > ' p L i e i a i e s n e U.P.Chstrch, Dr. W ik e, Caegragalisesal ce ai ea t h Ma N yer, ti'M «nest Mr-05P leo,, p a c p a via othe ~Pr<.. m Srgatoijwuhva ebn omer- diuintec, M&Mueo ' r inatue f ebe dî l q Ycf-tb. th Luicor Betb ofiera lo". dominai. e<> uesth GvS agm ,04Y bue,,suel meat saiditn'-ike;th, Colonel in fen t e eis w ar s h ip p ln g S r p t ; a u q m bT h eC o n ty td d rU a s w u ra s s a t e .o r . y aeim n d a l b is a l vm u o s t e u n 'a y lo fi t h ueg tvaetb adse t isa Protetati pepalaw tt giSb "ua aet' n sa s 14fonove: r ortan o a asci.ai ogtsr o lbrteti tie oft Ci ty ~~,-ad »miga ueIbMe»Md À&O UM Parsyt . are aIdisO e vaieg ccc- prpati. f t ilawy susi 'is, 'iý < iof I epaiil' thc ofr oiltingclabad proor.or i nctaWat, tntrpr.- ,,- asBtvs:services in Inia. he Ohars Fine Coe- - lg i e ta d lo y < a ~ s c o e it h,. - ., i miet o maW i m ta M g d iâtn l - - u is.ta . - X s . J e m 7 a o . h ma . d y a t a u ' M O M M % R M i 5 , t h t e r b a ig b e a u i , , . e 77 no rapid s raeothi - as~ -'t-Y - i oag 00 bl~.ci f or Iere IPÃŽ*d*. UTir ultiama-di tht notova o o I Ith Or d senwgmo 0,t e týi stdo$ ber lsi- .2 eéthi adeetftohl WEniTROêOU ENHU ATI RÃ" t e orthelinyiationfl. e, rh wh. fa" oio g ic turnii.g ei to ar ilEOOt* vC X C M NT 1 ln P râ ta d 5iO vl't 1e n or,7 m n ah udae<f toi. O lk' i ADln relation PCO viR&TIro ppm othe NA ïe 1pliat iotl, roa the yn e u f t e - IFF O N E R A LF OÈ, N- -P HEI 1N s - t>i ý Rbyn' lt n e i I tta hInnt t he wlthtii Ohrel et coUndveu ce ~ I~I4~S 0 XRI CO NTY part do eed alloi., f'0nmeTROY BGea A iW iau s r d t k n it t RE *0 PS ON T . 1 C0 te n3Ittiroutegve thei addaaag troti. rie 0 ae,-B otiv i vince ,ae ota n e a t- le RiGT*dset5 ,o TMER , NDTEE1ý a mqcc te ttriOSl havethan- bQ d ia n (rome TtoPrntcor~ac- PH - N-*BàFO tE NU i, 'el thIt. l gl- g *t adorart y of h T- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ fci Ti.ecetoevso ar andN1!~to'tvittchmvathOomn OF TELN unUIrrT>Yl A " iLiat s ti &li. g o heo lent 01Gvajio d h i toe goflia th ILdres ite otWaesd- ratini, viii avo ishllAt t, p,ý et5 'ti rodta i yido i theotlupta'er, iii oas l w ie otoas 3. n n a i -Hi Cbrb fSetadws sinlhan og armabTa sa raladi àp? uihd t o e due th nitt aot ra'l anda lecir cfhgad aflygtoe.Wib.(i u day ARi l"ON ie«r Edward 0 mnt sltmusOO*~~rifo dy so ong e daptaion dericÀ t ale, iaio andUi irf i rs vii i inr.asatha oe t, comi. h 1 f" th dr& Te Pre rOden 'TE&Meoi, bonred Witby ithFhiRiilutrl ind iret ben ot (3vraa rtnoe hart, and whlu c o n g fa o n e, an waamdand enihusime- h thtmpar rai afýiÃœ thtlt e i dn'cii as epetelh abc O , andReaeiud a a1 e d-Q ea~ evrtal pndae vthes it vueascerain- llia! dtyalS i lr i llera etthr dra ?Y-luct Empirte.ft,, 'ree 0cr rdene St it -hi e orsing th t ha le vs t no ti pof dia t er ofajSetomb l eas o f h r~elati on i vrhrwotPe 7c o al f iingb of no an uatstht n dteeno O-lont o rmntairedo. F riandeslymur dea gire d hope th Wfor yof -native off thd à r ie presancete tntcif het depoatation in a ing nestnay laive ho, 110leliin or e an tia ILua lxo ioiyted thees o i> ,oon( gaj oti.iI î li Rsorels $'dt aaî*111 vojt oo#ong h aibth aa ber Eda"d teyo saIL s Mstg IO ne bae'. Srtil mnPlaisoahhe tam, bggie, nd ehiiaecf vtrede mdt gia'Proide oeai. airc d uaontgan v-e ntln spttecriptionf *ihithglamean o mr i fen, res e itil so e s til Lad fyourl- uatian d ei reen tcd ad n iei bot oda atire, kepew iltor- ln , etr i5fiai dai teat f Whoei ADDRES& ing i rom t hoe coutry. Ev heyaeu IPY de anPLd S Ye teMd ra L Iiote ioaea: ppoahi thtefrono th nort.,'eot 'acîen an re mteOf GratcriYfor TheSyoa e tt rehy eria îucted u v"ecavas troung d t qoiial u dret~i A hae ofscte dta i iJlaadahle one ýctn h thte C me .w àthsImotatvt lieeldbe el. a ppwhro ts re r t n d p edes4iorisan d ma agtr and te sas-c, ie E pie. 0o e r essO uri de n noa hne om ingti aur rec wilanatl c oi etn la a éthor ie; ns iges oth iho oie utn'O 1sohO o o yale Mr comgandon toccaselionhe tydr ariain i c hnbo onn it an eaete her de roooan d o r vayIt orIiii site oe h pare thendominthea et our bein.cd pectcle ne st haîstigh sFront vf Où y r us a w]ave isC o r.y tatv reagoth t Qiet wo i ivflaoteh inh t he ir. n h otnui team elaiilde eat 0.tsorpa ilonger 11., havi.oajn anranr1e treightourd w urch of En Reirnppaenta tte seI ipto laa th memnaadtiomn, Aiengli stl t rdo let sii îaWs U s i itaivi tiin, a actien trts ppte& e in tei e foiaatikp ou- usru aral.wn onAtoi o ReS&portant ah cunty. vmomener luh raid: rin Royal amii. as ala tt vhat, vih thtPninces atemar, f tuef'oooY Couaifor ceY IPet tAdSOIgOYAL lansie, u AsgO GEth TNi.eR'àEYl l tu v'OAhoEd*r m lirntragrdi; a vado ht p pre. t h e snharo ntheoonorteoiefl, Prinu ofaveas, DtOMa gl Thanoarotethe s nueris huas,. , and tht prtpellerJ. E.. TuaL'er &c &c Cnatdand affection wih atady hirh nd -ou tide th ironelieth maeat e . skoPîityurlylliwiie5 lot Mr o BitlhOovn W a r poaldatn tellatria. Tht te r asentesea , ln t h eo o te Coiity ftiOti'i i UCBTi ta ets th outr; Yooi Roy rdal h.lansfani tvOtr hue Prine;and fonth o ail Le îîlaeyoUr of d et 1i e dm .Io o nrv th e ia io o th pror riva sin puebic b uild tis. N e t a lbtrcit etth te mm o e irnq 'v t i en' Royal the, it paoted minins oade l e lpdve- specntase-toeser tihndi nt-exhtca dbace- Higlîotu tis weîuicauf o r ron t o h emain te t s materl eoubai, wmndthtfraiono et tom .eera a vkid;pooîttor lev ed atelîCO 0 orbcnvdQîce h sarîeet ndsatifcin. t etethe n' p a d-vcivîl a tenclthTh vanicty ted eà«'t"wl arie resi ocgt usntofee ingoataured tut intviteýt hehetit î.Alngo te oity ouei t S h a ie o n g ail, anFtilcfasrelgi preintoe? coathies tw htittepiay. Thtsted ourioye e troe, ogrdnq a e d te ire te ingto, w er te ZinmraenooW tt Tehist t o y IiflevdpAlbete tayor ai Princy ot Vln SS idak of Carnada cthe tae ofnoyd iibeaC vitrl t cad ipaLe n h rpleJ ,Tce c&MI ru soebranc tht hursreatimeroans ivon'cloc, ana ,ledg et oe rlnertO îm h v anc aete aion a irti e ady of tht bel eve t e ar her, ul y Ivo e ivse ae -rsuyl lney u goal lIt 1hersso a1or-ccoin eioh haa ca tertince ov lenal twrinsgt eote ihfa rnt W teWrd ndOu 1 it i etuetour th offic t ei u aine d aiothinhcr,, tdonthroame d eilasembred, citltrse ctov e h ogr bol niban filaet our Churchin sthepitfat gay nvethettap peints. At*tht northo ya i l COthlighestccm le viîsali seh ety ~ ~ fo evd viaitoinvhitopeiandthfront ialthtthin Ui9t and voftheicou try ue R eyaur vn sid ft viin3 act v li hsCutadn h ai:o Ilk osrewtsaifcintepgff pul e uildis et a lot p o h iewodsr ecfe t'orRyle he alr egaur pnadetltheprom eta t wt 4 ric hicrat td, vsî - preerecacs p 'ofre ulir rioseis r tvo pemtato t adendflitd orle, v r ha villon vert thtelette-e" A. E." carocît prayor a altoparsudad tii va he thb ak ttinofdsetnevorgrtcpeop nl a rgo breau d Tse raet 'te tu aleie ttW rc î autrn s in m atin Of achetrshnglntit an' il aatht vcho r' iG n svth atyuand," t man Co niy C eou il s teitiyrota n 'atetent iint s t e a t wte tht i S e-ilateti C ut reig an repec teberGovenînait A tchcoret e crnssn cethcovrsaltht osat haavet gver. ta-Slie h opff nd iau llti nq ofiht e mlibitt peso eroya l ains df thea ipvliana TreMomrth nd e Tour oyer îvccc o edts igbne iil n iey nalal'oherthtieceof ar exoftchdodranve a en ~oyalTow n desand alai in iaeknw n ea elgonlespritual poesingof ted ht onmotdct o B i oyal Hse ighcip l le n d a ~ ~ ~ ~ ln ma;lal aî st h iieace e fu i ce liatteshuPioco et lve Vîîlc e ,-l., - c 'ia c e ontee ing hc lw adup thn div ett adis t iiby- i ploy ecr Ra yal le ti 'teheoeet w ather ing h er ev ere o andThe r station vsemleov e ral it aga; Wc, the o Myort CarOvO Otio, nd Cii- t ho aat ht Lof o ardahaicehoOute neept staenion, unnd tteJ ha ndSt Gorgte rossOesire ns .ctfvW iau l blîiLEI co etus Coun-bll leetofo rEPLYi tepahofbtwe te e vry koin . .t.he oeia' Roala igar Raythe lîglîeatee oxpnes osa jetyandvirte i whiha heirfat r aiao y esalt iga fl aigfion a (Cetg l h mn itso yu oa e "10ed is ndi muististhgino Ioit f htst viothOr era n , t folIbc Mylojc ilngtlia el ira ti dd res hchyp art e pren ade s24taff an td wseete. pesre ptentaohr uesfaor w reIOn hahaiet tha t P haiI aeh tie ft sig (rens er, pinann rinnce tl T e el tth slaies:; 'of yourn toy- i connecien vithbe Churc tctin lettgrndthe woids -oll erty e ti tue vnew aind eet nihatîoCv(mdv orel ta eiet fuoaie te iithe"vsaeine iasothaïbiiijeiy's îloîaiiila . pcr nd feelindgrspft to ~ecl et h var.eltri aIa raiofprinc.Tmuiticth ovdo the oîîiy.da. îiipruilotiontt e rMtin 'ba Ansieughe le d aieseYthiagRthalen ac n e t e a> ide iotbn fbumt a ing IV To Maor ti r Ryiilg1ci,~ o riheote th rlien ada it ther tceaPrne'& icar eitngea. tTvel ad eslro ote. o T own a d hi rî alcm, nl copiraa, d thttel vssne andhetht fti ca pe ramn er t ro ida ed thaes, Prinesa iot utwaale an-é. c ivili& tiofl t [ste t tht in lab Ourl entthet in e vo inm t e anditoy nio teldso f u pa iin or Roait-giî'os 1sv làhusti, urc f h osesa ofes e eacing tut verd etlaid.- vla iesnsl.cgoo Iet> cit nliv iuseiyoor iiayal Iliginces t dan i ti h isseetoer jo icla o r e Iron Tes la tto a ovrdwt ie eteM yoCroain n i 'rh oeve tL diabuthtoiu eaoiyrn es cla vags mn den lecsStiGeg e'ticropseslzooht0l'iaatearTown Ui . or th eCenrt- rasio ar iainthrtO iiiht n toretelîtotht ry in vade i .is of, Otivgo, ti reerdvic, ma i tt ' atha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ines etpRoyadvru, niiihaiae l ealîEq siMtyor et Witbyfrontenflal ciŽ,clrcira it aI in' c cros hia "Iti i le lia saisfanact eion c t 1ae ttTsi -ra f uto n the tie sprgor unicauviigettt n Ran ,cvhea I esst lic aI hv i eote tffo heor effcrtslncom- byintopth ura- tiohlioor ochcu ar suitllineuhis ia *mon beihth feetthe ebtheriaChhe tito.Thvin g hmbronittic Ty oiwe Cou ailProie ofelopn th 1liceofyoiRo-. *a ind, myion g phte re of. ted a n- Jgas. Rnadve, J. H Pery ting, ,LeiewaI liWc prîy ybsatr nsivoal l ndoti e hoa i loaiar theonreaW o ula ntin maytha ecaiesiof rone p ic. . ThearC.lyde, wasl- prl oaimc ortaytîortiv ov fer ost Ma m eis ofedthed na netheQan anrntedho Vail N G favei9 nt farîlîg o mnion.y symta Paint itg yn i tcac iept m y th rti enneIon'n nploi'sietohilett l ivingy Mjcolir tyao n îiLo a sen; ansal i ngoot th eligioetnan ote y f b r oeaneo l ma Esq ie, graî o tire no t l apprecîsion t t oe, ind estm- solaidt werety h wthsteyýBAf pten erysnSecrets'>' ider. h c. atus,îtru saea t t e dnoivo, osa ponpnty -estat ofthe lbourof tJohnw a Hall iTheepsliofsqtie, a rd n f hivalcibnn un vlteh aIl rtie Meotys a à mslest t eaOchlsg he od fd. - hith oentaimtid thtrgtofs e'iag m i centcfs ni Ihj csetc ojo>' i ghnst nie re i l Fourfowur psooalt an min(Irrso(if Qîîcon.h ai Thsuison rr aavenobe' cpei h int e t heeeui>' rance wm. l.J., Mcu t wiltig inte eer'Y an. ntll. PC PtsO is Yatiel e nd e rReva f vlgenJe, Rtalff ed am cT tisi c f tho ora certly for ai ihnhni hab o idss Of doele tàit a ted fDcputye e Eutties al re a deehih rv e prao eth e nolt Pr loa T iae th oic n a n d ô Whitte bye T . P.n Wl eted. Jusosn, iand th tteQPocns aîoe th as rst iet Ing e fots nl o in. Jr.1oi ehDpi>ooseo ikcag Iilnv iec h ,utovapres ine ye of A"t li o a î a re J. Du a pWi h e , J . MaGreo, K eevo loysldt u e n' litojt~ r vi a d P n- f derhtJeGnacle. asonlatial Mferbc r lti o gnaieignt , or 09 ean wretandon n O taysamQlie mg1 onted mes R eo n, of ra ibis feventicelingof e y r ony. isen i b. o itu acet d t Ohana pfor inor. taae cgg-. ii ai tIx te rinaetyhî undal nd se erso adalvese ir hojI attndedby he Seretay Mr C. our s, bebeieltof tue Ied tn ewcadrspi,i W-Hsb v a d p evaidoon ." Johnral, ha'. shin e, REs i e t aet T o fra i, h nc nrto ihatfe ee t ' hie h4 a slag al. er th DIe tt, an otieet Mlwii ar edm ini, of îooal ai laieenobud 'ltheovorenrueo-h g tl e i em n n'y ath d Jontyh une pety R eevW he , et Br c of.- ra bing a n righi. te .a ha aviii oblige valide Thee ofnîhrit LieJoh atoia ndperWaal. ho vi RE PU.t Plyr cd zn Wii ci imkt-he tm pcay, cnisig ti hiloEqRTvJs, vs niEal b tarbiokj y o icroidor the s negb eri sud v iigtyte ok ft' aeicia, . . Gh ite n Js. WGlîchî th a rs iccf ic sil aevot, nal Iintd hie t tv lkr.ho n> rdh a'vrd aa .icL u0iin Eof, C. Jisa e uliit ctinlnie.hnivr fMa And h i ee 'atehomevie i iscege aWr. TReme a yoet y Esq eofAicJ.Ser , S1mauiool deteepsin ,fyu nAs cuoine reaiag aa e lin g V o sq. Co.rEgt, adWm- Pax e, a rs, - loaIlito li-otnens; t u rreaan el i gsalal ea. MTht liat et h m a at he lIn. O. Mo Rv, tht eaulienJfr Sombi, roniang etr lie ialecoses-tat f ht u c.r pOf heiitins of aste s et th p,-icator. utanlof and J . ouaE.th e e mien' riff is lo ti ecas la e, aa heHao amawsh eaol a the aisg'opnteo pî bnfrdgeth Ontari , ent. C ol. irso. Thci inggce andtlee e ver iv a ovessCon'- W.tlma Firsierae n Jh Bat O uteMOite J. B. Wm- socotiui sterl. an île . He nceliency u ot win eobicg e ths. etrat, tatle ie au Rnotie, Maotgt Otann Bek anty popr cavoa.enOnanloeco iar aof TheOshmbev t he N. hG. aIbm, Esquirs , B T-hle, on tesslaO thtaîo fnd ctienpre- hum hat ome eept hav totle trOnn snistr, fJ . Draso, Esq, Cee W as.t oîtlsades y nienn iepo thferne nov iy n uvidlgtti'an lkavu bus.incssj Esq., A. caine inîabEe4.,Phiiip St. Jouiea Ca Rval. e4J . H. tlndrev ers n t O' ase t'aide O ileaca ts , an liede A Royal.,J. T. Brn, REs.,Mn'. Wa'e, d hrtIisIulre rîeodbfI Brocs a RAtIMrais a varde Loctl as iaans deu paeai we'tm15 Bugre pth e tor>serhat ' mnsitu Tt at .e Seawk.I L stal"t Oaardaera b" e tvasd um l epasa-..t puit, se hat l wi-9-a..a.erai11otmmi;-ce bain" aussI Sa al" p c e i bailué *tU .»V i ti>' 1 cbvnt aflt h tiop ¶ýua.lxSut.rdhw ea aitr, vâà tbat pot up ah thteoCr 4&s'ae.-W. TE mymefor 1P" - i h a s e eA d s li in a f . D I a c itI d ot % n 1 h 5 5 halai ho a s g tt e n lian es& M lgoîh i Te fl m o ýi toCouittea; assithe apptra4ot 8MArh5ine tel &oitetlad on byt,t ru» soitnd umontd r te ~ a oMr, Psrry's cr!Iýr îtW4 licaiod, wva sIagitette o naa ue'ap.ESnda xeetd st any similar damonatttoi 4ttia4fr<sdi th b Cmso &QUMlfl ,ls'ovaca._Tfie strette galeng tht; ys nçashp as a y ver>' a * e meviat.duety, Anal tit, toi- di lged aclk-.orrathen' a ox er viile dsire ta cathe TaOTe ina- to rad si~ reglIs'aMIfai te~ cuinsdeavas covermadby arc,,,aa~ hya l cortege. aparmeldte treatIteL - rm aiIg5K.An immesnse fiag stsffiewen à, t15 misnutessuialt 'tout' olclaè,, 1t>etactle heigit,. arage. Ireninli Roya tiii~sa taahi44155~lstI ceonisisfuttrol, anad th. aras, nt once weui- on biprd th,.tqamrnardaeal a ut viii gay celeorieV,1. #a whceofv Pil~ stm' Pnom tvp iatge poirs at oaci aide g ole leh r. on' tornto, thé ira-ireet immense Punap ik er lai crovd iulClfeio>lsly chiiigintii and i tSs the cantra.poit, a afo steamar got s4g lt;ti set en. Thea sud tinsse polos, analthiaehor e along tic virf, wiv isici m5mtbýt15 p' * er gîndcpi; Sa muele bélngli, runnieg outinto tisa truutaîeials nlgrau~a ýbeggkraaaldebMNiPtloni i/lt Va Oint e& . Tuh uVasignlenaol oitbe- rg sass f menvomen andchldrtn, raiarci. .At lhe ceiduInce ef eges anal iorsee, budllee tegetiier se Per>-, ntscil. asvs rcg ,pactiy-that vitb aven'>' trge et tha gatae oiranca. It wvas suronle an of honds, one vonbreal boy e- hanelsoma sahiolel iearing thea pies aIj cs.easped'boieg proclpitattd inta the Princçetf'Wales, Andl aecert'rlle sn' wbthiboundeal oaci aide. Revever fSaga. Hanlsomo flags, jar., andj accident happoneal Evtrytbing ventý aise svwayed frei ne n. Pervy's smooth.> and piattant', amIl mer>' ted the fonce terounalisg hi, %marniaga bell." Thse gond ovalen main- grousndls vas alse eceraposa îlth sol by tise Marshils. et tht processien George's crosses. Spionlialda admirable. Tldeal il vas senuthiig enturleit froin thetlowocs sud rai ndurtul, cuider thc circumstaises, Sierifi's netsinanieý ndf1rtinîo ff se groat and ' mîscellbiiits a resodeece, wich vas ver>' taacuillj. cd coulal hava beone kpt in an>'- cateal. Tht resideace et îls .1 ng lieteOavler. The chiot Martial, euesr proinnt cilizens, .Themas Meedy, anal Mn. Thomst a similarl>' g>' appemrso, rien', Mashall vare bhtisoy eclin tct --vitieut .ntriaag ,htc ut, as the>' vers conopîceaus amongst tic todicen et anuerasîug esci >ncalw. lanElle procog' ion thoy -oda ly-berez vas scaraoly inltevI uocliaety in frontoi tise Princes car- freine thte(Jouet>' buildings-alo.,s gesnal suateecoal in ltiescing the streeta (anal if vare ecept tourn' ova o it affectusil>', ail siengthe route &ùm'Einfutlding) a bouse or a prenisint e nilwa>' station te ths Wharf. Thesartriici siiiar detnte ostcai, - %yn anal Shoniff both et vtinm felloweal anal veicoma vcre net extendeÉO th Prince'o nctinasc f6 the Wharf mc- Brook streot at tht outrance teatIr. spanled tht Roya5 part>' te Toronto. cis Clarke'o cottage a prît>' anti le tesanbomfee idtthetrtienethici vas placeal, wviala e heal nar>' énilil nt o# frein the Grand Trena station, notice; anal acroso lis Street kut th tht depîctuve cf tic Prince, vono boul- lino,- South et the Railvay B -a viti pasacaigert, ail anxieue te viteat part>' coemotneatttl, vas lob usýfslhwo editenebarcatieas ai To'onoto, but oui>' thracgi,ve are grisîgl e ttaean os, lir e e%(dotulin voro fortenstte hal pening tu, oneetftht vortiaaa-t ough te get on boardl the cars vrert le man nameal Wiiiis, vio enu arc i oe for tht purpoe, Abtngethen' tie' ri- b>' a rail. ,otf lis Royal Ilightieletir Thttb> 'g ~ Tis lt the en>' accident t os>'. in' the moRtt fivoae" auspices; léie hlci s'a are causl e pen taeccinei sihon' vas dabightIul tibis tfrangcmonte the tening a largo honOire vas ilie eplola anal satistactory, anal tic. peopletolaveanal tia rajoicings kcpt ne yousl>' pleaseal anal anthuesufastha tlate heur. AseOun' apac ii sot poriéll uld tiseir Prince ; anal in tht latter n'es- sopplying a masre extendel nizlent :t, vear ve on>'happy' le stat, that 80 haie ohI>'tfa elaltient aIl the tran ill ceroùailtho arrangements carried ut u, ere as cempleares it it pesible eiave n-t heard ot a single aliaeap- caud ho, takI!ig eIverythisg inte a )intment-tii vert gratifieal viti theth'lat thte 5~'tcommittain, oud :ht et the future Ihein et tht Britishslin- cliairinentandtiheiascretaries, devsa -c. ptopbes thini. 'a for mcrying nout reTOWM EdCOATIOS. %snobes as they' hanve doute;-au tel The oniy thing te give tha-jucoe et O panlicubar Ma.'a'-rs. James Rteve & ihithy su>' causa of regret on cnnhc- baiee annel f n sheinsolvex aIl peeit on wiii Lien visit of tht Princf, La, that thImenise e xmn'hions adoe by lb. tu aid net permit lii RoyaI Higineesstht Harinhate skîug ovecything a visit thoir handseomand seil daconîlca lte se much-alesntage. )wn. Thie love preper, as al.nest ever>' ne keowuat!a tul>' s mile andal a nit ram Tht Wn'st torng'a stiaismî ,ilucsy station anal harber', se thais s palssible ton' Bis Royal iligînesi, or The Sicriff et this Cont>, N. 0.. ose in his train, iia.see tise prepririen noids lEsquive, bai recoiveal tise r11tafo sale titre te noceve thora, in cisci it vont electiae ton Kinges Division. 1%e oilite preluing their sta>' 1,>'dn'icing retarusabie the finO TuesalainNo Inugii tia town. At tht Raillia>' a------06 sen, ana t tise wha.rft evcr,WOventuot TEaLa Casaroar Wàtc.-Peoe et>' thai eniough veaste ha sean te (be- tais anal blev ai tic> pliuteabout nonstrihe satisiu3torily tht beynlty, ctiimiportationss et Fereipe masnufetuO husiasin, anal hespitalit>' viihwiiei the jot nas support the mmn abnstse epieof et'hitb>' ted tCotînt>'oi Oui- prooloce anal manufacture the article6 aro desireal te scalcoethticvisit etftiscir selves. Theare intht moinv ha deis "rince. Wa lineaireaal>' ieptioenoapart ha aopportcd anal paîreniael. analit à 1 b* Lie dieplay>'et the Rbile a>'station. In te h epesol ei hi a iddition te ti thtire a vearecteal Northo thpoiehulltretara. ogiah station, on tht junctian ot tht street Mr - il- soeo teems 'ehalg h ton ftram tht e bsl tuiade largoetudditiose a1d ine, a ve>'hanalseMi, ana li eb coratoal met vace tactory-and buai seah krc it theic orde ' Woicoint oeaanal tome a show-rowonecSnck ett, ie 1"ll over thtetiste in the centre, beiveen daen' ta Ilemiltea IRoberti'a, ai 0505 sec letters IlAÀ Er'vveaticd in ever-grecen, veil desive Io look at. The stf, tim id surmounteal iy thitilds hetnving tht clan atrane, &c,cof Lia eva uà-a*ti 'cinice et S&ITtîtaPlume- are finiaheal, anal in counse Of massW AT TUE BAY. an tht premisea uasiaestjOllq Nazi te tht epbaa>' aietiheStationsvia sapee nottoilte a s epended arch orecteal an the apprenachun ce'ofuimeorttinge b O"s -ens Break siveel te the Harbor. Thi noub nwlde rie a upberi structure houit in tht geti- Ncv Brane.-Moasir Caml s>il istyle, vila aemtedeal vingo, surotint- etBow nvi av peba a", edb>' fiags hanners ana trn'c ofeer$, Goosad rcriîtrsi mnriot>'sud colon', neprtsenting the signais T uaimprtn'eatnDr'>' sto ire cl seal by tht Royal Nsîy. OveIr esci wing 'i> a n'as auspenldoashitide tmbiizoued vith on5teof tht Oirna bas jesirewns tW th Royal an'ms, analtise Prince'epbuîme rapo, vitre lie bae madoesetentil and paieteal lu gorgeons colore. 'Flia chms, imitable.ton' the FaIl irde. roi app:zans alm-ot a Permanent structure *ý uoing stonl bll fitbn' anal cover- What tht Prisne @id ut gits ace fK R-b rbde< la t,. ~bavie loa bt -tu qad diai taut -part. froua [uth t of c m Iisi byec anl olu Psi ei Keat o dt ve hWt o lia hie Ce, bei ae vl pre gai cil iq M n il ai ut1 il soi -j tmd to J'aine', au, »d thmS *glin to th. a,., " a C"ow-n à tuum :; for ftw eîecolý:: ý of a vel itýý ib Mfim'à for =;kýàc PO Weý ed bou gaglm& àbSrtin« a mw et-k d J..Lý .à - WhhooL Te be fa Md

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