thse Wadn ad Y lutins arotd. ts-Mr. ertts D macae - g*dy, Sept. dli, 1860. by Mr. Smit sas ý ùi; 5Pp<b"~g A i.eù e asion,!ace f iseee sxnY Conseil cossmi"teof fie,--cenaiatlng cf Meurs. vubl ouncal1of the a rdn aitishe Rate mSmntis, White, ?(Piicjcamp- am . ý uTuealy,, Xit rasu i» Wbllaià theinoye o ýenervi.mý V 1 lock P. in., 11.5cmtisa larden tack is hiS I', and tisa exacuthe Cdmmut, té geti it. Tise rol isaving been called oser, explananions ail. ta report 8tis te Couscila tis. folowing Iteove udaDeputies ist8rer. tisaieveing.. i te uieir naines --3eum'Plrow4ar, t- t. TheW a ho, of,-te b r.gtl8 C44, 414tp1sll Gamhb if Hrt, Hialop e'cloêk. IlaimetsMOrte à Iuf eindon, ]lns tue ê7iita e oucil rsnmed, and « Rom Wh iai [Picksering,] luise, thse aperisi O'elnmtte. reporteil au interiew ~wstyJ Wright. AbSent-Mesura. Pirt, vus ibhe Sissriff sud tise Exesutise commit. ~sisgster ud Wixonstesetrtisa tôlvu miiôi OIIIMfr seeinc's ass~s'a ~ recepiont Tisis bjý<rt gave a w'isw of liadesmiiilat ii ialiss tsecertain fauteansd recouusouded %isai ne ap. ýTisWe i ,spidtaiint *a O te ropriaiombnnierft4iti5ii100I au suadl. Ceaclil tegether spe b. ,ý 50*ain 0005. dmu. oula lie thsea teliée Ut9ile~eoid tor - - iu1,tcoaca aùîtik th COsénili IMn) Perr-to quance ol0ithe v tOr i- I oâ H 4 s aise thse appropri atioýs fqte pienebiliid & tiseprince ot Wale-theo boit apparso en arf at <>1'Uôe Waoleisasd oOr- -~jgeatespia owbicswuforuedaprlionofthtie Couisty. pà tbOtis country. A viait, lhesali, iThe reportras adoptecl. (roisumch a persacage, rau unpreredentedé ~i d jomec isul s '61$Wsx la the histary of Canada, and lie ad nto day. anobi t-tIihor geaiit rolilpradece, te bae tise futore ruler oethtie realhs ta r hicis wedimaly sept.ti. We rereao nearly alliei, anthengà t us, sud Tise ount did nal me et outil after 1l tegr a b"Irus hue ma personal kearloige of or unbouedi resaurcns, andd nparal. oecak. There were prescnrit Xara. 40ee lu itpo res, ild ise produtctive oftise Raisinaco, Sditi BartetiB1*ti w4rhi sieds préî i se uur.H bleedts i rghti, isite (Witby), ihîte Picker os ehslt ans the adutre.nHe silievedtise vin. g) Hart, McGregor, and Gamle,-1 2. etetf oerMostfadt, atdradueretheiso . . A resolution moyed iy lMr. Wright, sud dmseriitg f al tise respect and ettemntisai seconiesi by Mrt. Sats, te reilansider tise lyal aubjorts couliabehowtarards, a gred reportadpitse reau eena y itossvrig.AdrseRrtise gro aitisaitshe report vas adoptai an ituOusagnosy sireptd h eda r i-tireegiserrer, inasutuch as it ras Saea tas1enbatEstlos eeoeg d ur iiertierin tiat an adiressa rould ha tooc-laie, ara Royal prosence.ýb seesieg tise be-~ anid surisuor appeuielg ta o ct tise appaxeaýt. th tis rone, and rise tishe , ras asisil voiti inih dissout.: prince bai plsced iaseift aiur disposal, tserjsr riaaede e Jastheea wura due te, aur soyereign, and ta aur. sud on motion et Mr.Wrgisi,tieWr slves, tistwaioasiexpress eur deap den sud Messs. Hereti, White(Pickeriung) seau of tise unexempled ionorroeferred Sauts sund tise moee, appoitod ar-otlmit- opon os. lieder tisese irrumtasees ho tue ln draft an addreà . - [tise larden] iad neoiesiaery in railing Measr. Wite (Pickerneu) d abl tise Ceuseil togetisor, tiaitishe Casety etfcppossis, and voted agaiestishe amendreet- Ontsr ith usevery aussi part efthtie Pro- Tise Wardea lotitise chair Outil 2 o'ClOrk rince iireug hisii H. R. Higiseess pased sud tise counril resesia'i édedlren migisi take tise epprtouitY ta gise expres- an address ras reportesi, sud thse Wadee sien te ilsase sentiments of reirome rlsiris, rus Mesur. Hart.adltobieson, appieted ha(hqutu erme etertained iy os. a spetdal IComuîitteo ta sait on Bis Excel- el TistepuySi in tise (Junty. Thse lardon lency tise Gosereor (leners~ oSSaya flibrtieratei, that ho boad deterred rallieg Bllerille tise noxi day, ta ascerisin risetier tisa (osseril togeilser until se tata a periail, tise addres ruld ha rereived. herause ne requsitios bail bec piared j nmtineitnIaisn seids là ia band@ but tisai iavine receivesi a reso- by lMr. Smiths, a ssi Ot$300 ras aPP rp' lotion paaed ai a publie meeting, Mostde aied oris tisee rpien sd te"0r resperssily attendl fren alparts ef tise <o n anyEgue panett Couty, lie tot tisai ho coula ne longer tatise expeuditure. hegitato, and i ie hlievei tiai there ras Tise Wardee ras sppoiated ta preseel StillSuffiient limne ta taise tise neressary tise sidress aeremneied by tise Cauncil. stops in gisiug expression tu tise dcep sOise OAOL seottr. ocf 10a estelms riiei îiey ail fet. Tisere A b-y-ar passed enaailiog tise Ceuaty Eu- ro, e asis, saine etier uattets whics gîneor te gise notice for tenders, sud oarty vold coma betora tise Cuncil :-tIse ha- Out tise necessary improsementase venty- pravemeeta nerautsa bte amde in tise fise pe cent te h aisutise cotrartar ai gal building, tise plans preparei by tisetiseÉceinty Engicer'5 certifirateo Ceunty Engineer isad heen approveil cf riEr OF ras canIrrs BILNGSi.-v vitsnomie ligisi alterations isY theo InPer. onn oileofetMr. 'White, tif Piristring, tors of Prision.asand duly saactioned hy tise a resolution passes1 suthiriting as tb5roa GoerGave' wuoen isi ece-tie tare echaplaed eenlMr. Tremainsi equsuce ot tise akeratiaus, a turtiser oui- uap oethtie Coonty, ai au expenis etf$355 isy reuti ha aeressary, risicis rouli hca acopyetftise uap te ha furnisiso d tdhe rosered by tise addtioel $500 voteil bv vietaata ctise satistaction Ofthtie Coust tise Ccenty, and tise lie susu fioutise go- Engineer. vernment- Tisailitappeared DO autisritY 1se &njaaIUR"or, Wsaiison giveis in tise proceedisgs oesthite Mt. Sminth ooves tise Warden base tus Coiurcil ta go on vus tise saris,sud tisai chair utl t-arras, eveieg ait 7anl3er alsvas ncessary this aisoula buhonunoue. Mt. Whit. et Picksering, usoyeilaseaa. elblisecstted, receivei s cemmnira- joumnmeut sine die. tien frein tiseRosse ef Mars sud IRama ie Fou,,Wiie, Rase, Gamble sid Bart retatien te tise repaire"etftise Narrera leu sotes for tise amendmient; againt- bridge, shici ras rsa y im u tatise Brava, Vribht, lRobieson, Smnith,, Bart leaoneit. Tise Warden aise ietarmed tise White, (lisithyl sund icrogr.-7- Coueril et a crmsmiiciationt rereired by Origins1 motian rarriesi. hum tram tise Trossurer as ta tise deposit etfliarden lqotitise chair. tise Couaty fonds, aiatieg ho [the Treasurer] ----A* bhas e appied te hy pariressieg upon 1llelgCretPoedss *bati termu tise maisey coula ho loi eut; Sà arussutr, Sopt. 1, 1800. tiai ai tise ai tof Moutreal four par cet Pickering Tosnship Ceunril mei ln the veuld ha altoveil au eposit.s slosel ed LuIw lH,14 juisga., pursat Wtead romain uiree ir.atiss, and tisaiaitishe On- journeni. tn arieRoistires petrent waulsl he allared A By-laer inîroduri h i hp an balances stuke eey reois.vas puaseil, appoieing s cllecior ftoiti' sasses asnos.yeat 1860, N'LaROWSBRIDGE.A Bylar intraiuea by bi. lixion ra on motion etflMr. Revoit, seconilsiis anssd. establihig aread arrosa parte Mrt. Smith, a reuctticin passe i ntruç5ing Lots No. 18 andSIY, in tise 91h concession thse Cotlety Begineer ta prCoesd tortiscitis Mr. lirtreigisi maos, ktisaitise lice au conjonction vutisah Cooty Begineer do gran bis eider on tise Treasuier Oftti ofthtie (ounty cf Simone, tu prepare uPeci- Touasisip mnlSratfortuieos$1, Ec fratisons, and put eut notices fer tendlers outyhemotfor s tise s ene $1,i for repir o tise Narrers bridge is conter- uthe inoRUAtondotie seedred iO Sity rus tise iy-aw psssed laut Sesion iegs on tisa Grand TiseS ltailw&Y.-Cal Oatma 5 TOS ilCs'a sECTtOi. ried. Mr. Horetdii mt oi us iew sra.lg now Mi.1 tu eantsinibisCatura3 tiemen et tise Ceuseil rers in te etis e 27 y t(ctber nt.-Ca<» e position us himuelt; but he did ont eXs.tlY lElg(oIt BEATON, eompreiee tise nature efthtie business tisi ie iliras noceas" ftIltthe. Cauuclitirasiac in thia utt. Ho quite agresil in tise Te& PaavtsCIAu., exat on.-TsOfil prorieiy cf tisaremaria f tise landosasteentisPravinra xhbtonci tsey Ie givi.g the princeà a praper andi hem- ha isldet I i ùriliod, and d l hograse in6 receptien adioet duing eterytbieg in a't preper seaue. Boniss circumtaufe as tise by a vieit ottise Prince etrlWales- f Wor ut etftise B itisis rave visitiug ibiss miofet$15,004 viii ha 6redas pritea. Couty nover asiiig taises place biefre tise Days otfilsiibition, Tuesday, Wedneesi hooaivas dearving Of evoery effort. But Tiusday sund Friday, Sopteushar 18,1 hoswcis ts uncl as cslte a ept.20 4,i 21, 1860. TIhe arraulgeisedts 8J tsgatiseoC.un.ia reeilduo ssu dsty- - - j hui it rçsli ha p"-p1.tehava sfisyuius8 r lu ferme Up1WIsflaii1lii, aitha Tep»S ieaHl.TheaI Ni. ttW*t M u'ilml)'harsae M ba e mi tubacis sig al ai ai tha avkwsat peai-io-W.*vai 'eoes ta vu mpmed u scarealýy b"evWbhate dc;b mspsi ardes in bIs adarn ucuilhae tué~irm eaisly hIlO Nmi. "Md hFsalt haesp-eibthOr the ~.tssd~s oU r . maues l i Memib ,. fit ihthea wy t iiin w anibM t b laIl pw BB "g 'Iwo .555Mud i h"l tise Yad6-M tha P,a 00 -wpnsm %D pmmae a ______-_____ tom%.tuwsig2sê &@froodnteaumeraim suW av < 0(5eo jM Çà NVAS8, - <. *- ~~1lsesirlbnrisch left; Chlicago ou tiso *-,wu ruaen .O i. Tt~ .ume~ Ni. Emasc P ea lfriands set m rn bt ngheartth~e whe . Lý nSVk go teti.The stemrsunk i20' mbuntes, bin 800 itan totene person.u.ai5 a arem acting 4s o f thiUd9pfaofriiIeB Steward and porter. oeu auf frtisait, nà ld&tith ie vlateris parti- Freis 850 te 4 dcii s r, idt an eto î,Xiasion Sae1&i'sas 8oitli (là ,-itiase han au bead, ameng wvias ers tarie je conrerledit la 40nov mitteil b7 tise BI* argees Gi-esn Ysgeresud Rifle.;- Perr vOlobtau aan seveisi Ors cempaniesaofetMilwaukee,- ailparias, tis i- e wlbai n a Wbvie eaon a suait ta tise ciii'. bandsime maJorty. Ris long resideure'(lotLuusien, . pftbtisewe Orleans etn ive squa1<utac nuthe"'0peaPle, PieYsussandt'"ily, vôre &as ticboad, aci preona poplarit, arehr bini lmandi amesuppSau ed isbc lôs.- tenis dily. i pbi miga5. Tise naines et *tuSeseaivsi a' hee oescentinisai Piemis.Herdiffe. keove, areas feilows y lm, G.fayas ran vu li. le<~r~acatirais, te tie netS;Fred. Rice, ssa iEdar Westeutn en atisa-DivisomeDuting tise WestllTeo p t ienda igii e&t- oteetng8isa e Portelrt.Pel -GnTleis pas t 1 1rp, hoas<,itlitingi, >. ondslsr, rofed Yta glte&ni tbloe J I.KdHobart, ofiiilacukeeu- -Tios. sas, hoo liliby isi gntlutaritn~ebceS, Fius.O'Briee, Vii. A., Darnes, ý-Wildmsu Vaughanit and Smeri. Tise - inigo, NIIîsoOiie; Lyman Opdyieatsuuen; vote, us a selye an exception, peffisc H. Ingran, memissi et theisaimpoibal Ptrlîa- faluresi se complotte, ln fg 4. s . Eesci ment. Tiesoin of tise' lasinâmeigenileo beosSu ic biss0- n l T. ii thris - tunuWhis spropibeter et tise Londan th llstotd Nsea, Ir as ou haird, ssii bo l pertet orkhjteut aiibi, t imeetings artsuppeseil te hae testi. 1 etise bosanLd neoopiiibed, ae4ntne sa usopapel', tise papers are ail1lbnt. 1, &aidintteli I 4alil thav e o searhd .Aterthtie collision, tise siesmer fictieil thecoumn o t', (,rna su n icot stista linetia, visero s'isesueS. - «- ftise -aliset tuiisa diui e n aut P. URTIIER PARTICTJLA RS. - rise-l-Npe.aEiticlà dset&, gatse. tM g.Sept. 10-..No naccntate liii er ring; No a tiidla ilis "Blent icfiner et persnses o ard tht, Lady as tise grave," la is te IlRonomi'8L' oais Éta sri cho givi ut tliittiiolowing KiceIs. Division. Net a sybtabbe art liiiettimite is usarli' correct :-Exrsirsion meeting et Mapléi an thee Ilat ub Ilis Party 3111; regulan pasooqngeis.te; steamners triodi îetegré et s ra as so 9-rw8; total à 85; et tisa but 98 ara frind tet ie et4uite siai a e sael. Tise niptaun oethtie schooenrsair expotai. Nt s gresis trocs tise Buriri thee listtbiseaens nisupsi ieeting- held litSept. si risicis150 Eleci theusta ieta a qusrtert ta hit a toile oswtopi-senti e ofvisOns satail loi distant. it lrustiîiig !ty bird at lise Ror rets g dirn it- ltlt a ime IVien' hotar thisua colisioenras Remt iMata Sisil foinltiuebird 55phisabie, ise ordeon tise achonet'hein te tise isuuer preserit. Metsa aiention, bard up. ani srmci tieseiamor thire toi thé 20 Spettets, and four volera pie- Wtiitos atrivards, just alsuli tises pâil sont sitisae WesoasMeeting, sai si-ics padilo box. The ssitier ispý on ber the oteà toë à or P rry and or course, er nginea in Il motin. Tie! tisosoloStoai d or Fi-r>sud MB A, uistsatell inta the'treugisoattise sesaud Reesor. Not a osisper &bot S t:Andirews 1111 ber huai gnar, jihhoem, andi stnehesons :and Miai1Tise politirsi AteincepierS verse sttied awa laW@tonS in siband et tisai locality a-as atagetiser tac colil for clearoil away thse anchoi,supposicg tise 1 rit osRm. Surislp iethe sslt f tise test i vuel ranli 111L Afttr nrizig thsti vmS and getting up tiersa i-sa, vo auccerdeil .six Meetings, baldbihy Mr-t Reeser. Tise in getting butors tise witdd ssi oood toi Lquestion tison arises rise is Mr. IL ta landi. le lest igis ef tise steamer in Ovse a otaiilstisme Ilaweoping inajetitins"l' itise minustes. Tise second. mate efthtie Ladyti wst? Certainiy not Id Bîdarbere is er lgie maYsibs ar theolight ota vseeansd 1 hocuningy alowd on bâir f hs met*sdcg aut bard a part, but tise sessel pai liernningy ainrileuehal etbis~iei~no attention, sud stisnk.- tise -steamer, .ing te boitve tise Hall butors s vota ras tearing off tise vbeel4 sad- cuitinfi itaugis 1 taien. Mr in Vausghan or Etoisiroke, tIse guaris into tsI usahie andi bull. le- 3risare a Baker'a dezec ras conideroil a teitigeisce o tise basa et the teabiser ciii geai atteildtietca osi meeting, vils tise tise excursion pari>' on haard reshed sinleexcpton t urv,.t, isre o siMiwaukee yesteiiiy. lu apresi iiSke t sigleexcetio df urwtà , her he otvilifire tbrocglseut théenty. Tise tlegraph th ise 1<8votes. 14e sY'tuiittIY fot hIsîsion offce ras Ibrongeil al day wrus relatives Veonge Str oot I and s tair prâspoci et isanici rienit of tisuse on hoard; msny 01 '- bIôsing bis )ris-Townsip Maribaîin. AIl visoi presented despatciscs in toars; ens Yis duii and goryferrlisoTrocto»inetise utinosi excîteiseni and auxioty vas gIoem n.mm1 utid inlise <ourtnlesof et tein ail. r- otiig varia rigis. Tise iiattihivr, ti thetiselraisari cf tist ciiy h is sai tisa is eaut af arien. Mflosidsib, ti Steeffviiîe, tisera la scarcely shootse or place et bush- oudeaveonsi te cl tise isiele. but hoienos tisaIban net lest soe inim ni anly Maie matteis verse. Uri. Marat ompioyee. Ail tisesrivsruite in P "are utseeiu ous ecetdicg te Caittainulson pise for hi Ilesuuied Sliai taibuspe l fudgrat irsvoîy ala dsing tren bout.He )foct thiiMr. Perry ras tise ina.oatie poil- à s foreinostin ecnreiintig danere and p Iessiseisle. On the uisetI baud tise reuis eiueat fer tise siftety i is pasieugols.- et M-. FrrybisS ctstj~ tasfn ta fie le ris drorueà iýhI this unireil foot s O tihesahsone. Neartir 100 perseenattrisei .v preof thtie ceutinueil oiosuesor thiai itin flfty yards of ihe hasch, but wor . cnddte- tritis ai#e vont by sarin sepi Sari isy thé selutning savseauý sud rblllng frilsnss, tot a er days moie, lent Up ta Shus morisg iront>'Boet oe aiditisoeletars nil secre, byddoubt ibodies bave iseen rmcoveresi. Ail accedet . tbio cletian. ihayondilaueoshondlu macro - ecator Sewarsl'o neeptien, net dore fol tit. tistton. 9 T Itt t e rteacce teday. isua eetq poipossi. -t-Tise bhaiof et or ertgram, a menthe - Ot Fridsy evening las, Mr. Roet r eld of tise Brtish Parlismeut, hast hee It a eieelg ai Burvick.t. lere wveo iut refoverdi and taie in charge hy hi 150 petsooc preseut, and tise uoeuacg or- trindu. SHIPWRECK. gaisisesib>' eaihitr. EPaiey le tise chsair. Detrait. Sept. 10-Tise Canadisu scisas MF.-Rasor reheaseoil bia nov vebl-earnedilcen TW. l. Davy, eunk, witis a cargoc speech, aud cottainby, vo areuli tisaitsecea, nuar ltidulo Iland, Lake Ensi. Ti offert os the meeting sas aeytiig but rer, sossu poisOns, close seveuteou becs stiritoatirrnsg. - Ail prasen et ttebtedisumn ote ssuiggicg adi a-e na sl' iescued. e of tva ossg heure notiinglesé iarangue <e. ------ A. liversi iasLetise et solehi tmie, tramntise èCo-eer'lmijtest as ilessertos. unimpasuionesi lips of Davids Rosr. On tiedu ot u nu anu tise vota, oit et 15o, Aues banda 'rebeld On Thio-lxish t ns. niqe iO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a h~ o i ee ~ rsieli by Alfredi WyattEsq., Coi-eue b opfrU.Reesor. M. i'etry vas net pre. ai use Ceurt bouse, lu Beaverten. ou il lsont. bdsy et John Lytius, visa tisw ierim of -lnto tise mil1 pend, viul ssffeiug Iroi In. UR A aBEEB A3 vasTes. ddsrùssstramest Ai tise eqtesi ofthi re 'Ameeting vas hlil on lMondial evening juiry. a post mrtru elqminatiieli r ailu b>' Dr. lis, foirishi h purpuete Ir q ,hat ai Iman, by Mr- esie. Tisare qeest vas aijoorfes, to tise soit day, wlse à wri exsrtby îuosy parsema poasnet, oly à verdict ras retomesi, iat tbe deres su four otfsisous vre votera, lMi. Fax actai drovusi imsîlt biîsi in aà state et toin S- sas hairesan. lUt. Resser delivered ptr' nsi>' usd hi't *dig len( lic drinks. Ater cumuls6 uP lsetridt " hiîelt o tise usuel quaity, sud qa- the Coronir sali. 'l11ranlutvwiiisildmnal doe tiiy et matet, and acoupied prenisety ing a tes i'emoslSs on tbiu unlanccisli' o th sime isngîis et tins, te a second taieo catonn A te# Louisre, s eceasi it in. A vota ras taiea, an tisetoast Johnc Lvoiuu v- in tise tuilejsyinut4 votera presot eqoalby daideil, ivo for Par bis h1s .iî>' smetlpe r n anov i rit ryansi 15efor Reeorib ha nco*r- s*aenaeeu refrainis. sii i lneaf aging caiivassfor tise Disucticu osundidata. ittofaia ra epie trust tisi fi-lemo r .rning nitic a]est on the ai Cas tRIG-tuAsIs.-br. 1D. Ford 4, uer visa sye, isasa onîy isîsu a tir stel , dstibsi aiebiis anisomne ses establisment ce tinis iigis reaito pi-e et and etern theonBrokstreot, suit is preltrei tisravis misyeu"Inti >_otcrig ntasti, in the ot sye -aulcamer. Aitisough tise Preiii la shahl gise a moro ebeleced notice et Liquotot ba-r m not ho aivissabbo, 1I 1, is establihmebnt tn suoterisînader'; thînk tise giving of t iquert t those rl ade a.sait certain1' le a moisi crimne.~~ meut in tississue maies kcorn, ts h e,0n, tocnnndotJise tise a.! divinezrtied tiinil netisihe as Homese ss eeUizsg Béuies tIsaPrince sud bia Suite tise follorlng gentlasen vrm presout t-Bis lorsiip tise major; HOn. G. W- Ulml.îlions. George Bossus I. P P.; J. B. Bbiian Boq. . P5 P; 1 the Bisop of Toronto - tue Roman câoe ic Bishep et Torentoe-F. W. CoasSer land,, imq. ; and Captal Clakftiset tise 1 Reiment, 61Prince etflmleaOs," Thse llaila"moUeaptim. Tis e peo samc eieiara hwmis memtifedai uSe rosea«u a insta s hrtovm, mut ta," $ rosp a qbpwtadicut. e e te promuntsm dueam tW tha Pfii* 5cm asjert. Trsm Pî"s 4li.Raasj "d550 mertihagi-e sut"haeisrhspositsmaIib - i etvsas "tam ofa et Iemt5 mmd tishase t rcfTqsaste. This bave heu ia1Ogephai5.sTOae5ýd f la tha e aslà 41 i wsayr VaeaietaMj à I ' 7Tmý TisBemeiani rît Io110 Bimud 132 seragO paueugeisipassi iiti8 i. LsvRuuiol, Aug. 30. 40«tiser SineiSsu nut quise attied. Tha saret rgthat iovei. Fluromail aistformr qbdtmtS. lest CasaI 31J _e 315; islîsiderLà hM sd Bati6, r 31. te 32.Gi'Wise, moderato iuquir>' Wa iac.~ hite t2à 6dt I la; rmi lie to lie par ,lis. or a hiie 8 mquesiMaiformat queitoSi.Whte33 tos39a;yeluav 35 t 33d) uixed 34a ja tB5&. A&SWS iuIb. pois 28a teli fuerprubeu. 1Te di«>'asi VCSuOl921 te E9- os mFI! b th i o.., oPlc f ra.éMi«" Gor nobass - - .1 Id- ii , - &Mal.AiKioe, s llIi i«4 iaisait"a -ý- . Js e..m..ast1-t eas kI& 1 tà dnt iai. vSatÇ tise ebjections tiste ordicary system ofeither OlficS. aiea, qneJta a Siu, à jtsfly 7%e A SSiRED is ot 4.ultect go assy .Rsèrict (on <5890 O utiefO o a'o 7,k POLIC YHfOLDER,on .44 -Pderig i oùy, can witdrbao a jfedam wussalylagepropou'ètit fAie pagmenft rtic pa, . liyfrJobeflou; ;or-he May rOiU.datO #196 same mà as a toastand So COMI>LETE suda SAT SFA(7ORr asysten4 orlYnaonditionst Assur- ance is fot to be.found in -the arrangei4epts of uy otiies'Assurance Office., Explânatory'Pamplhletsîh1nb.hxad on applicatixon. ,TRANTS l T TH PROFIT -GLASS l o r beora5T di DEUU1MBFIR NEXT will 'socurti ONE YEAIÊSS BON1YÃœS more tissu viiib. auo.cated to later entrants. TlÉLICirE AÀsoctAr OEr SCOrrLN vas fôsmded ini 1838; sud has issued uqpwarfof 1'irteeen 27omnd -olieufor Life Assurances1 amouuting ta nearly Six Itrflon Pome sSterlinp. Tise AeseualTlor sss up *dof £166,OOD stering. The Policies under the oigi nal Seee havealdso for msny yeare, bren nnusually frce from restrictions aud li1perfedtlone,:a'nd the assuredl bave reMeved largebenefit.h. Prospactusea of this oeindaot may bê hsd on applicationi. * H$AD OFFICE FOI CANADA, 9 GREAT ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREALr. AGENT: WHIITBY,--W. H. Bsures9, Barrister. BOWMANVILL,-KL R. Loscomas, Barrister. NZEWCASTLE,-SAirumL WLkoT. 'PORT IOP,-W. F. Hu'ia, Manager Commercial Bak; OSH[AWA,--SAuIWEL Cocmr.&ji Ja., Barrister. Coule, Cossit .3 f Ab-sit udh.e ri, 5eaniTer,îsluîrsu iseri ya 0 Dessy, viiite ioldon l u o ietus'y ciOitri a iCsfi touse, lu the Town ut - Wliteil, on - Moiisiay the 1,1 October, 1860, a t'sloi, 112ti!tiSuaL CmerJus 1tt1e1.oe al I=.loi!=te,al o.tise M concotuai, nu iss&e aotios sud govaru tiseu- sassieNsESOÃ"N G. REYNOLDS, sser f, C. 0i. Fer C. Maureso.1 Siserif',i <lSes, Wlidthy, Sept. 1, 1860 Nov atise turne te commence ormimg Cluha fer the NEW YORK WEEKLYl ANsDcoCO pIrrosIAL PH-TiNNY PHELLOW A SPLENDID PREtmISJ TO EVERY ÈSUBSORI BER 11! THZ NEW YORK WEEIKLY AND PICTORIAL PKUNNY WRELLOW ONE,- yEA OUR TERIS TO CLUBS- 1 eopy oneeyeai ....6$, aed l'ictriaIl 'isemlu Piseltar oeayse. 2u « 41 .... $,Onda. r ba 12 .6 .. .. :684, u'Beni toras pseeman Nusier, wsiteila ftsristsisè rai, sud mutais full partleulara o STREE-r & SNITHl Erreu ave Paoaraiu on or-maNEW Yoml WEEKLY, - 3 eekmuaStreet,lN. It. VETERANS 0F 1812.1 HoJ Tor Queenston IHeights 1 Wslqstilb t, rvivoa oftte War of 181%, wii bc reeeived on Taesday, September the 18th, 1860, At eoýn o'clock s. in., et the- Qeewtson ROBERT STANTON-, Toronto, Sept. 10 1860. Secreasy. COMM1ISSION &c. I SIICfSCRIMMLtS EEG TOÃŽINFORM Ithe ?nlîlj.. tiat tb* ey ito mmeed A{JÇTIONEER S, CoXUlflP$I à &GENIiRAL.AGENTS, alla tisaitlshâvbe lemced thse Maelines oePi- od by JOEL IEL<1W. oi&Urook Su,( peitaà thse llgistry Offic,) vso hen iin pnipared, qeu à -&flr the 345h IteLtterecelv. eona ne, tf d stu id îrus prompinea Whitbi sept. i, Sf6. Cugtonfio m- aIng. Ea..hitly; IL e .. ayror «hthy.1 .WarE q, ayr Oiof' an; J. F.~~~ ~~ BaSdq ssr J ià kai oq., Oh lJlisMMD T TOO L«- ONN'TUI Abouit là hatu. isbet, lysra hi, tou mr ter brae spiied, iss.esIL]e"sscoas- iiuoIUniisd ne oura o,ýn1 mB rk asoUr sia n sthaemmt, ruai haut ueo Irai-I i"et tva mon" isas n e. (ieet uftae ngh hui ksg., Onuthéin"Ibf she SpaIeig % LaOO in*,s ita l_.Seabie bei 18CARROLL RSErrFUdLLy IN- M" timatas hon Intentioneocita oponlrga, AT GERREI'RhALL, ON Mfouday nezt thell7th instant TERM,-ltedlig, Vritag, Grassuar, (Oe- gripbv and Arithmetus, togetissr nits Plale sudy tNdlei-rrk, St 50. Freith, 82. angiossd Foa,,$.Chiren usisi tas ye.metaain egtais,$5,par quartés;- NOTICE. NMT mon et paracns dsising harm et CRUet asts. isteaou tise Fareelafasu pre part>' lpessaPtais nouei hà t Mr. Siiibht nil not virupfsible, if iiso are test, et for auy damnage a nC. EIER Whuisy, Boptambor 5, 1960. 48 Lunds and Saw MM*i for Sale. 1 o rua'the m iSsuhait of Lot Me. 7. i th e sud Co u. 0t U îsrig , Coeety ca e therist its an oisleit as it, a-itv gi aDwelhig losuma, -sith sut oculocs thera- AIse 7wacrsajoiunn, ermposad ofti.oto part et Lot No. 6, iu tise aine eisession. The shovo prcprty i.aimillttaiîsand do- ligistsiiy cinuateinila 5pleiau ltity, sud in neu et tie eldeet sud 1 et -ettled essuhips In tise Conety otOstatie. ItibsîitlIsn a uiles ot the Vimgof tuffVilme, i 10 >« f serot Ushidigo ilisi g 2mileinioLtru.titisTown et Wiiuy, tise ospîi tthe Cbsntyett)ntaTio. The plett vjdiii ha ol, rary oisesp fsr GarSh. Tta udIsosaht A 1tta Or hi -FRANCISB IMLlE- i M ~mm< E- TO i» HI)AT RIAMJLTO lBth, 9lft 2Mthand Blte$ . TRIES et Article. for Ixhibteel sud F da u els - 0 cc i o v sé i t thu tessre5ary'e Office, Tore o u e5 Lefra tilî tis avut etoacfMnt>, ItS, ken tise %*%luisabcseattai vlS a %ietia tomut i 1 thse ave i«s of trid yqBepten. ei- litu 2e tirviMti M1tb.mtei &MmLit s u rladFormaofErtry, con- Id t h nfo ti -tu îa - q' etatnesi su M m éI"la' i a u tea, uir t tishe io muet lath A itti n mfo r- Ixtlb l i e î p in t u is Crysa alacms, on thi es e.nSonday ltixe siLs tock, wv sautlhathera am laer tanT anisy t u Existitonmu esstnel revite for tihe towrcingetfsu kartiolequ niff lgtissu lthe sgris. RQIff CTRONStST, Toros, Àet. y,85. J. UAEi qioVEENWOD, sextte #iestsy ('0ue mBreak Gsim. MPRTINI__DIRECT.. sesexsimlue Golsi loddlingItRings, ,*e jÀM S JOUNSTON, - s - rciSret, Ihitis. eple tb r8, 1 9 . 4 -A BY-LA-W. Vi a s wu d y 1f b tsst mit u sofffluia- tJV-TYieteauis5 slb d"o'8 tua er wapsl- aMit <n7%lonty yearafdi' the Iamar- I tf Onlerlo. attiereacritheouniil opionrataino rt ellin tise sud (l baety ts oso of nthbeu eiloltai-5iutis Penise aii hi'q tleoeth8etsaich Cautprthenaabl -i Ta't dorp avideita ts ui- cijsaliiioesvisera, tise mcuoy .inte be expusudesi taise bhiBy'-JaW oretiseurbas an equal 1aM unt »e i i .hs e foi e aluprc ild by tise Municipal Corporationethtie Coum*- t>' of Ontarioein Couicil sasembsI, ýanidii ba berehi' onanteil y hiihs utsouhty oftis ame, thaït lu ohall bu .Isrtul for tise Wms.- deoi th fiuCoucty te rae. i' naY w Ot lom trout uni' paren or poisons, heu, ou bOis les Coipase or politie, via suay ha Il- ing tsi aissulstise stipe U nntis e 'et of this Vounty, juil <t th iseucrsisete- in incitel, dýtisessinofTwenii'.tisani dollars et lasfci lmorse>' efCanadgaandite caose the saine toe opsuic to tisa iands af tise Tiesumiet oibis Ç(le eiyfr tise purposes iseteiu etadl lst. Tnt ut aswa ié e issful for lise W it'etulf tise (cknti' to direct any De- bonture ci Deboctues te h. maie oui trasuris sun or sma of mono>, isci listiss Tety-flso poisnissaris, suad coi exceeiinigbutise sisal.the scus et Tventy-isoaià nhdadllars nith intémat tisereon, s auj peison or "ena, bosiy. cr bodies, rorporateoraiPaiitiemaY agie te, lcd or ailvance uipon Auch Doben- turss:.andsudsai siDsbonisires - aisall lNbd isniscfeues sstise lardis of tisa Ceoiy lI l b ei oL e it d tand. ahsalI ha lunie.tie Calip6ld'a rthf Cui oun t', ans asll hasigaltil lii' 'Wie and Treasunert tiereot, And tisaieaus ha maie payahle ai eci time. andsinusuis acina os shal correspond vitS, mcd as viii sa ify an di disnisasge ti s ai d 1 inué its listouesi bhsercois, 8ui. Th&st tise interosi opon tiseaid De. bentures sisallha payable aitishe Bank of M o nre nt, l i t by>, au tise frai day ci Januar>' lnt atisand ovel7 Ye.î durisg tise coirancyo i' l tbiD.ecsllui 4is. Tisaitise tespectre annsuel Special ratas lis tise Bcistdllheteaftei mestiausel ansi farmIng patt e!t tisa ahissl ho I'lé i îo ied à dan ti lactt Itl ver and aboya aillissa rate , fe tise yes r ris-eÃŽe ifptu. tionai, upou til t titblo propetty Is th6 said county cf Ijii, os'tIse paiposaetp payhsg tis, silsi m cf Tvsnty.onsis< dallais sud tise icteteat tiseros, am afore- saui, and tist preedeof inchsapetual rte Sasl bu ipplléd goaf'ly ti tise psyuecî and atisfttien of sâh s ebonturas,and thisIn- iesit iiseosuntil tise rsobe et aucs Dabonicres, sud thinitt iereen aisaîl ha pais inefuIL formbng part ibefeuif item iâBi atma tu%. lui, s5W, M sasa, mOs 1811,214 18,Sm si t36% me lsslo, lmu laM5ss lau ira seau 19lum lais, * lesas. 185 - sais, " saiS. l m moms t san, IMNIM, and fterth aiime h* » daUbu u Po fealb is , tumS baie. Tisaiu8fludj-LA hamottba g58mor*o. j IopeSrMaes.8&b"a Theandarmeni the aneof' bei-o ,is haais I»t lseuUisint -ad puti $w, z Ix O YO s N TOE GO TO G. ROBS ON'S (Neze &or Stê dii. R a*j eJte SjT. LIBENCE FOR-*"8 THE RNG $25 THE PROTHCTIONIT (olgbasl tu8, TIO SIZEB -- TESYLVAK IITOX, GOLDEN FLEECE, THEBAN', CdebrstdChflRa E5 ua No hau TRIE laA TJIVERY STABI1 EATrACItICD. And et'erythbeg la eeduoiésinluthséit at tyla. ÂGRtICULTURAL IMPLEMS< GRO. ROTÈS<I,. Breck St raee 44 whlsby. TUONAS XYEE5, LicEN8ED Aucr1oNEÈtwi *THi COtENTY 0o 'y OeOntariyfr thelibeaw slpa . cird%.m ieN. -@Bd weaefer iher eotiasathe usa ea.IalOuty Licerne.hao iipustifl imd à ers aale saypi e ti th AÀscl* book and bsleknotre er iilafbals d feêr Ter ,5a î oC12 ad-- - . NEW ARUIVALSQ v ay oe ala iil asamuit ek, D" ,TOiIoferdM tu « 0, W W~eA alet n, ba, o. ?. 0 o WhBtla, Gtigs WIitbd OA-IaUi i- 1