Whitby Chronicle, 8 Sep 1860, p. 4

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a gi!t bait r i il . fer theI 015 Xo 8I lands 100 1834..............7W- Éereasart 4 9è& 4 12 1852456785....of 1705rre- ofSoutho al! Wiostepal14 4 871824578.. 26 Norh hll 7 it "00 5...........9 3 Bast hall 21 4100 1852 4b78 . 1$328 .Equarter 21- 4 50 1854 ..... ......... 2 Sout hal 15 5 00 852 4 . 8 ~ S B quarte Sot at 14, 00 85 34 5... ........ 20 oul9 iu35 No 5t ha6 2 200- 1854 .............. 738 NNpn1 S Wst ort25,6 1 18234678..8566Sup ait t 3, 200 1804........... 127 ; 52Soth hll N qatr10, 7 5 8246789....366 S57 r orth haitl 13, 8a 100 18523S 451 1- enr othhll .17 1400--' o 185fl4-â .........125 EaIe60s 8Wotao 4 5,' 2 00 185245..7.. .. 26 74 oth hall Est p all 91, 4l 100 18545 678074Sothhal BaWqartor12, 4 1 0 185 45.........348 1Wqarter1, 14 87 18534 5 6.........58 E4 a Noth a 17, 455100 1854 ...........35,5 Wpr Westo halua 21 4 100 1851 3 46...8...... 8179 6 E ,.X19quarter 15' 4 5 18 . ............... NWpa4 'In al 1., 14 00 1854.... .... ....... ..S36 ddlvfpa l Westpart21j 6 15 1851 3 5 67 8 .- 8 66SWBpart -,eu~t~h hal la NorîS hall 14, -. ,Sothhalf 1, iNorth a l(i! 2, 15, Soutis 1ai! 12, North hall 12, Southf hall 1, Nôrth hall 13, Broken 2, SeutS hait 7, Norths hall 13, South hall 18, 20, South hall 7, 14, South hall 1, South hall 17, .No]rdiShall 17, 7orth hall 18, SoutSh aif 18, -#&fut'.hall 23 26, c27, t ~ 28, î 29, 14othi hal( 0, North bhait 7, orth hlmf 8, Norths hall 14, Bootis hall 14, South bal 16, eutishall .18, 7ortb hhaàlul'e1, Soth isst 20, N4orth hall 23, :proken 2, Broken 27, Broken 80, Broesn 8ai, llorth hall 94 .er Noth hall 20. 14W of Nhal 80, 82, Athsly hous 3, Souths hall , South hait 10, Rortis hall 17, South Ina11 17, maoo stit f 2, Nonith hall 23, South half 21, N R qusrter 2 G, 'N NY q.art'cr 26, gortit half 27, X IW part 30, Sothtihait 7, Bduth hakit 8, North Sut '11, t ih hait 1M. N$or~tha 55f. 19, MortS Pa rt 21, 21, North hll 93, 25, 8 Sout hlf 17, Southabali 21, 21, North bal 26, Mot all 27, Iksa part 10, i Weat pIrt 10, i 21, P 11 29, 37, 44, 44, 46, A A 3, 1 1 2 5' .3 8 4 5 5 s 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 '8 8 8 't 8 6 s S 9 il il :11 il il 17 Il 1' i. MARA. 200 1852 3 4 .8.. 6 77 100 1852456 7 89060 08 100 184067 8 9.... 6702 s 100 18524 57 8 9 -51 13 100 1854 5 6709....* 565Not 189 1852 34 5607 8 ..8808os S 200 1854 57 89 .... 90 75 -S 14 185234 56078 9.. 72 69 F,, '~o. '8514t78 0..7832 Wc 200 5854 ............. 2691 100 1854..............529 SI 100 185214 56 7 8 9.. 5581 100 1852 3 4 ....16 69 100 1834 7 8 9. 2 41 200 182 34 5 67 80.. 49 45 Wg 1010 15-14 5 67 80I.-60 01 100 185234 5fC,78 9.. G601 100 182456 7...713 100 1852 314526 79... 41 73 80 18545 6789.... 38041 100 582 3450 78 0...32 89 N, 100 18545 ..........240 E, 100 1852 54 ..........1632N, r 200 185234536 7 8 9... 01 10 go r 200 185156789 ...78 80 W 60 185346789 ...81 61 W 1 100 1854 56 78 9 ... 63 28 2CI 18521546 78 0..105 29 W ln, ý 1824 5 6 78 D.. 58 49 W 100 185à5445. ... 10 t100 1852 34 56 78 9... 48 58 Si i.100 1852 3,A5 678 9.. 43 04 i100 182.345867 8 9... 50 56 i 100 l 456 9 .50 50 8 200 18524 6 78 9... la896 I 95 1853 4 6 78,9.. 58 01 i 961 18!324 66 79.... 41 39 i181 1852 3 4 àe8 9..115 89 B 8 115 185234 5 67 8 9-11904 8 21 1852 34 56 7 89..29 87 9 100 181567 89 ...44468 9 100 1854 6789...71 100 18514 5 678B...57 44 i100 1824 5 67 89... 54 81 t 87, 18524536 78 9... 50 37 100 18534............. 1113 100 1853456....8809 100 1852384...........21 84 i 100 15253 4567 80... 50-99 D 100 1864 .............13 6 a 14 18524 67 8 9 . . 20 85 9 9 2 185456789.... 18 67 9 50 1852436 78 .. 504[a 9 18 182534 5 67 89... 16 86 0 100 18534............. il 0-100 18514 à..........51 72 0 60 18524 ............. 25 0 110o 18524579 ...135 16 0 110 1852 ï4 57t9... 10732 1 1854 .............. 58 1 100 18545 078s9. 013-- 1 1 100 18546 70.... 50831 t 200 1854 5 6 7 . 869 1 100 1854 .... ..........21 tl 100 t852 .4 56 789... 47 !M I1 100 '1854.... .... 10 45 1 100 185234 5 6 78 9... 41 6- i 100 18517859......300Ï t1St) 8 ...4... 06 I 50 181167 . 83 Il 100 1852 34 56 7 89... 83 93 il 75 1852545r)6 . 620 il 196 18254 59 . 00 .2 100 1852 4 56 7 89... 40500 2 100 82 3 456C,7 85.. 46f4C 12 100 18523à4 5 67 89... 03ù88 12 100 1853445 618B. ... 67 48 1 100 18.21548 19 200 1855 670 . 8139' 12 25 185214 5 .1.. 114. Î2 735 151À3545.2 ---2 0 .2 100 5832 8 4 .... 23 40 2 150 1854 5 ...4 4 7 3 200 185,1 4 .... ..... 2 13 100 185344i,6 7 8 .... 4ý 24 3 100 1852 34-.22... 279 3 100 1854 .............. 5 38 13 201) 1854 5........... 885 IL 100 85284 5..*...311 13 100 1832 3 4.....287 RAMA.11 Front Front Front iront Front Iront Front Frott Front Front Front Frount Front Front Front 2 2 3 20, 4 à , 8 7.3 55 103 38 91 si 8¶1 83t 8'3 101' 84 84 80 117 ffl 83 12J Ise 1W part W quarter iE quarter' ast hait 'est hall Epaît West part lfest part îouith part l'orth part Eas hai Merth hall East hall lent balf t'est part West hall West hall Soth balf NorIh part East quarter WVest hall Est hall East bell East hall Eanst lualf 'Çorth hall 24, 4. 10 19, 9 300 1 10 100 14, 10 200 Si,'10 100> 5,1 10 100 19, 10 200 8, 4 100 1 8 1 100, s la U10 2it ai 21, 24, 2, 2, ad 4, 7, 10, 22, 13, lu, 17, 14, 19, 20, 2, 3 l3i 18, 24, 28, 29, 32, 14, 20, 24, 28, 33, 15, 23, ai, 2, 3, 49, 20, 24, 28, le, 20, 2, 2, S E part N E part Cotre Senuti hsl It'nrti half 1 liortb hait Nnirth lit 1 NutOluhall1 Nettthall Son u lusl South h.1lf Snt. h.ll lNelti hait N otthal' 1 lNoth ltaIt 14orth' esif West hff N wolJ.rte r Sorti. lfi Sotuthu hav N NWqsmr4r1 Weat pant Sonutih all Northt half Seîu pari INest puici Southhtutu1 South hait Seutlh bail NotI. hall oth nhallf Noctil hiaît s7lrt>bal Sonuth hall 8 W part Sccth hall 15234 56 78 0.- 60 77 1854567 850. 17.07 8 18523 4à 6 7 89..102 -U 181 a4 5.... 17 1 F.a>t ide 1823456 18i'77418 NîtrOt 185345678 9 18 07 ult do 185245078 9..154 96 de 5324 6 78 9.. 54 96 do 8534 56 780.. 5172 de de 585284t5 67890.. 4520<0' de 185-1à 6 7 8 9... 592 do 15-2 34 5 6 18 -.440 de 1165 24 5r7 8.... 827.9 do 17)2 4 5 67 0.-44 do 1852 34 5 6, - .... à# do 1854........ 128 d&. 1515345678 0.. 45 14 do 18-î3 34 5 6 9..483064 do 1 -2 4 5 6 . 22 79 do do e113 4 5678a.q_ 503 do, 4 à 16 7 8 0. 20 4- de 18245 6 78 ',.-904 a& 1S2 3 4 5 6-é8 à. . 748 4 18l35 17 89 .... 67 a 5l ......... 2887 40 de do on' oe a c- ais du do dé9 14641& ......067 24 1M à 20.067 Fut bail 2 i067wc.tbatt 6 10"641 e8... ..... 2 ,'f8l0 415. 8 .. 2017 1»5s*5 ?........M19 ... 20 . m 66 14 18" i ........597 554541 à0....... . 250 .5047 8 .. . .. 0 67 550657a6...8 -- e 67 Seat hall as Mt 47u~ . 66 ___ 547 100) 100 200 200 611 20 93 1852348.. 3-381 1853 45 6:::24 70 IM53456789-105 1523s678t 51 67 8523 45678 9106 70 M84 5671 8 9. 831 3 I853456789 1081 124t356 7 8 9. 40 43 18fl5 6 78 0.. 03 2 182sm ...1 1 lm & ..... 1,M î55678.403 d 25 do 18m556 7 8........ 7 184.......08 do 4Do i5~7 ~ 81 ........ 08 , ,'S ......... aos li 8'8 do' . ' - î84 et Er- .,.,2 1847 . 58 -d 18528s- 66-678, tre .... -0 îs8 -24 d 4de .......678 . 0 87 1458 238 do de 18"54567 8. 20 6 1.86224 . 7574 do ' d 1546 . le28578. ~ ~do I' do 8556 90.24î do 5 do lu85-87,8...... 2047 18 4...........44684 do 5 do 2185457............. 20fà 1 8 5 4 ý5 . . 8 . . . . 75 1 d o - Jd o 6 1 8 5 4 5 6 7Ï8 2 . * * : : 2 & 7 18 4 . .. . . ..' 0 do9 34 m I M 845 78T as.80467 1845 . 116d .6 do' 8457...26 S1859 do 17 do 1546 20... 67 18544,68 do 1 do 185468... O il s4 609..818 do 1 do 18 54r-7 8.... 20 67 1846......... 25l d 70 . de 1854 56 78.-.. ý20.6 '82 468..~~d 2 .o 18545 678... 20 <6 185467 2.. 1 do 28 do 15568..26 1854 5 6 .89.... 195948 do 24 do 18M56 7 o.2? 18468. 02 do '~do 18545 6 78L....26 18523 456789... 5385 do- .19 do 18.%5 '678...'20697 185458 ..... 2179 49d -,27 do 58556 78.... 390.' 185b23845à68-.1i 097w do 28 do 18568..07 1824.5678. 84 do2291' do 1854 5 6 78.5w267 18523 479.; 4072 do50 doï1854 567 8...26 185845 589..6717 do 8 dg15467...:06 19534....18 ......87 do 3 o1854518.,206 18534 5.789. 5048 do 3U do 1854 5678reý .. 20607. &'235689..34 d 25 do 1854:67 8... 067Z 18534......8.....86 do 30 do 18545678 .... 206 7 1854 5...........218279 do 37 do 185467... .- 20647 do8583do61855678....6206 le. ý- 4 do 39 do 18545 6 7K... 20 67 1845678 5 5 do 40 do 18545678 .... 2067 185 14 5 67 8.3 d i -do 18545678 .... 20967 1854............la 86 Sidoe 3 ai.4 S. 2 1854 5 6 789... 80 do 83 do 18545678.... 20 67 18545..... 13 2 do 3 do 18546 78... 20 67 1852 345 678 9.. 863 0 do 35 do 1854 567 8.... 20 67 18546... 3... 58l do, .6 do 18545678 .... 20 67 18 5..... 2329 do 37 do 18545678 .... 20 67 15358.534 do 78 do 18545678 .... 20 67 1s468. 95.do 89 do 1854 56 7 8.4... 20 67 855. . 66 do 40 do 1854567 8.... 20 67 1854567 ...... 13 o 1 o 114 6 8..2 6 1458...0.... do i3l do 18545678 .... 20697 1854 5 6789 . 14N rthaid 184561..........7 do 2 do 11854 56 78.... 20 67 1854567.......... 51 do 3 ido --1854 5 68....'20 67 185345678....2861 do 14 do 18545678.... 20 67 1853689.....2 0 do 15 do 18545 67.... 20 67 do51667 .do..8..56.8... 22069 18$3 67 .... 95 do 16 do 18545678... 20 67 182 56 9... 12 4 do 17 do 1845 6 7S.... 20 67 1854689. 18945305 do 19. do 18545 6 78.... 20 67 185457....... 3523 do 20 do 18545678 .... 20 67 1854 t..... 241 do 2l do 18545 6 78.... 20 67 -85458..... 112 185456........06 do 22 do 1854 567..&, 20 67 1853 45y6 789... 2815 do 23 do 18545678.... 20 67 1853456878... . 680 do ..14 do 184 578.... 20 67 183579 46.do 25 do 185456 78-...20 67 )T4T659. 69 do 26 do 18545 6 78.... 20 67 83568. 98 do 27 do 184 5 678S.... 20967 185 3 4IF6789. s94t S o ide 2do 1854 56 . 1 2 92 18545658. ... .....93 9 do 20 do 1854 5 678.... 20 67 18534..... .. ..... 2 5364 do 21 do 18545678 .... 20 67 18545658.........7 120 1854578.3....21 do 21 do 18545678 .... 20067 1853456788 . 409. 2 7 do 23 do 1854 567 8... 20 67 18,r-34 56 78 ...5 690 d 7 do 1854 567 8... 20 67 183456789 . 036 d 25 do 1854 5 67 8... 20 67 5854 5 6 789. 1 4 o6 o 85578902 1852 34 5 .178 3 997 do 10 do 18545 67 8... 20 69 1854565789 ...93 do il do 185 67 8... 20697 18M534 5 678 9.... 0 Sothade 2 do 1854567o 8....120 67 18513-4658 9-. 4 30 dSid 15457 .st2. 1854567. .... 60139 do 14 do 1854 678.... 20067 18534 5689 .. 23 1854 678... 1 0 do 15 do 1854 56 78...20 67 1852 34 5 658 9 . 869532 do 17 do 1854 57 8... 20067 1853 4 5 67 89 . 54409 do 18 do 18545 '67 ... 21 32 185254.587 89 ...4 08 o oaid56e8..206 18546 9 ....6 6 e 8 do 18545 678S... 20607 18513 4.5ô78... 32499 185534 56 78 9. ... 31694 do 9 do 1854 5 67 ... 20 67 1 852345......542.. 99 do 10 do 18545 6 78... 20679 185456789 ......403 do 41 do 1854 5 678... 20 67 18546789 ......93 do 12 do 154567 8... 20 67 18534 56 78 9 . 28 35 do 13 do 1854567 8... 20 67 185345 .4378.... 20 do 147 do 185467 8... 20607 185 45 78....221820 do 85 do 18- 5 678S... 20 67 15234 5 678...8. 57 do gl do 1854561 8.. 20607 0 18534 5 6 789..54136 de 18 do 18545 67 8... 20672 185456....17.. ..... 36Vi ost l1 do 1854567 8... 20 67 1854 ............. ~24 o 12d9895.....9O 0 85R 466 aP.-? S o 2îdsdu 1854567 8.. .'20 67 18545...6 .... 41702 do 3 do 1845567 8... 20 67 18584 5 67 89...5409 do 4 do 1854567 8... 20 67 0 1812456...955790 do 4 do 182567 8... 20 67 105456789..... 148 51 do a do 18545 6 78... 20 67 1545670....... ...4 4 d 1767515678 . 2 ,6 1853456 78 ..... 43 0 do 8 do 184 567 8... 20 67 154568709... ..8Il7 do 9 do 1854567 8... 20 67 855 0 78 3Od 9 .d2954521 .. 2 6 1 1851567 8....... 1 53 do 81 do 185457 8... 067 l 1853458...1........ô2 do 12 do 18545 7...... 200 58586789. 1996 d 10 do 1854567 8... 20 67 1653456789 ... 18854 7 do Il do 185567 8... 20 67 18"54t%67...1546.... 7 8 o î do 184 5 678... 20 67 k55456 7Q... 1245 5056579. . 847 Northi 5 do 1854567 B... 20 67 M 584 5 6789. . 17856 do 185567r..4 0I6 18554547 89...... 2 7 do 2 do 1854 56 78... 20 67 1854.6789 ..... 429 2 18M556 7....... 2 0 do 3 do 18545 6 78... 20 67 3 5 6575.......il5 do 9 do 18.5057 8.. 20 67 t. is5461 8 ...: si I do 10 do 18.4567 8... 20 67 p1845618...1 64 do 6l do 1854 567 8... 20 67 154I)14785......515 6 Do 17 do 1854 567 ... 20 67 151%4Je9....... ... 135 0 1:A547089 ..... 48 dobrt s. 1 o 1854567 8... 20 67 18486709....4.. 4o do 2 do 185461 8... 20 61 8 S 189....1.. 8là 3 do 10 do 1854567 8... 20 67 1358450 678 9..... 529 du 6d0855 78..206 Q_ 1844547098*. . 604.. 3 i 7 do 9l do 1854567 8 ... 20 67 0 18 ......6. .1511..13e do 72 do 185456798... 20 6t 4 1s89 ..... 46 .023 0, 18U437 85..... 43 t9 nids do 1854 56 7 8...20 67 0 1854667809..... 4 dA9 do 184rS61 .. 2 6 0 18.46789... ...... a8 do 10 do 1854 567 8 ... 20 67 0 185456678 9..279....16do 85m6 9.0347 1Rî54567 89 .....60 438 do 21 do 1854 567 8....20 17 26 2e 1 oc 31 100 25 50 50 10 10 20 10 200 15 133 41 40 20 r100 100 10 60 100 2160 200 55 45 28 72 50 179 185 173 200 69 100 97J 100 100 61 li6 100 100 200 100 115 50 200 100 100 1 00 100 100 100 200 25 25 25 25 25 60 16 50 100 100 100 100 16 83 83 83 83 83 1 100 50 100 100 100 59 50 34 tw 1 100 106 1 lus 100 2w 200 100 100 200 200 16X Me 2( MAI Prnts, Grey a8ud Whitè (ýttons, Striped Slsitiig,,C Vestingl3,, lu ,English, Canadiànan siàL 1A.méi<à Tweds &c, ents shirts, S hirt, Collar a., Ladiesý FanQýy -Dr Qs pds Stiuff.ý &Q; Shawl, Ch, DreseS, Embrolderes, Colla.rsLaces, Edeings,.&M. ,Wicks,, TwinesGrain 3aës,,llooped Skirts,; -hite Cotton Yrn â ootsShos,&e.,1:&- LOWES &.PO. flighest Cash price paid for any at tise Stores of w l3rO Aber c 'esle e~i ~ 4Tsraiad, ~toii Ba'- tyol UI aiubd -Aboe ste gtsery SU quantity 141-1 aherekt l.tr efeisn xhibita itîfîîîîî and nnrrang ruiytpO'cC tiints oystetsuanetg Grene wîaîv biusity nîîr Ria", i~ttO mail Cther elgitaocf at dcseel l ib~~' ttîc ie l dLtnrgnttîzutieîtîoffabte.%sYtettt11,t1*4111" tte .t'siat.ting ilhitenc (tltiet"Il P""ttîî septieantd detecott ecttlcdy sikly Vicinales Should gonos ntierceint tvieo r ,,c iegtltitttg ttdretl.icvlui:0,4eie illay h their olullui it t tîelle tte. 'I mib~Utif. 011a ue'1A bealall~er d iztecît ou I'a Viile tsefcdts i fl t ciiiieoei Atiite, 1Beel cmplairaic, l.îc' Choot Diee-sece, etruoe t~ii '-nipuicllchlttcltcc, ,,.ctictt.îelltlWeOO lanItsq f Sirt, 'I'le ntccd S trael, seonclcry i 't. t tlV tte lIon , W or so c îili kitut . M-CAUTION !-None ,li re c'ei glite wnrde s itttîVt1,icîi~tt ar ltbrtl u lkitt.teit-k ilc 1 tetc anite bck ofirotittt ttuuiv,,IL t'it rctex letbe 0ok o ctinicaenittYicrtILt tesaie neia), ltbc 41j~~O5.iitî1t t se mi ekt ii leio tO ltit l . 1 ilrettthie 1.teit ,oun Dittt:11 tîî't czeti nrfolitt bîtleced iei cctttt. 57 i cthe* saineknoTluet te nldr.tO i ll î'it7 ttb s.ai0llit aistltrltehe iicît'"f îl,.et Ina rsctitdielereeiitcteIettett-ilt. M37 i1e orldnt Il, ite Pit.')mît-l Ptorns illi Froc iet ail 3litiertl Poîsolat ythi N. Bet i i elr,tntotjaf' .1ellut e ,'u î,i i tttf tItet tin ttctttî i r3tlrite î'rccliu t.t r t ttît,"l" tt' 3i etîoir t edicittt iaiîc~t ruoulr.' fîît, lng ec tîtereaMitttlI teil cet'l littî t lt etri ttîlt .1tttttettt tîctîcesi othttOrie tiviItttet "r ..t.l.ttl I ' tî eteo , telbrei a 0 ima i flc. tt lit. titI boenii coheinte lIitrîlutuu u t mle îe t1lge s tt i tui, to 'e llî ia tltt'tuttt ttttelle betli e ltîtttuttttttttt. t lethe1 led sigaas fi. Rila vla itt c t e l uttr,,l't, I.t'utp.l arleite tuiýt t"tU t, uu.uc tta', ,atu'li , dlclute icltrittut't n. l .. edt ofiger 1111.1ciAt.'lt i t itt 0111 Ilcttee t'tt ttuuuteltî5 t'i r t ie y OJttîal.c. t I re ou ttttli , ;.yitî.'îp.' tl I l Qi'lu, ilt'iutttujils jtat .spelce lntnyice il\are c., totc y uubtieck ittliîte'ttA.BItt"itîtil %%I.itiy Neo'yEW TgsIttîE.. Tlittttuu u TltctretiîîîcutIrs' îîtieî.i te ltee,îte p ,rEcfStAe yir.'nEx ORTî'uI'rE îCUtREt(If ii (CtJrEd iucetît IttAND t t 5 îîtttt, . t .) InDvr Atage.0tt e a , luetbae t,'tu.. tî Ttlîo tin Tutc itl,t,(:- lut tutilli -fu lue e i Eti.j.ee andtter-i.ttr~'t't tiltt it'ut tt uecîl a l, 2 m 'l 1,, ei tîtl, t, Drf teer& Sttti, c,iît' e .nl a i., illa oticti Rte ic iTA E ATIC',Lut11 uTI. ttc lnetrt,,tî.ttavelatIl,,.ei proseeauettttY thlm, mm. v Et5ici nl s i alibitî r tc. Dteer tn rik "bl, tin t e t A tit. t'. t.. it Adscitieiuî Ic tbcttttt, i ,, I l, lt.c'c, eti f]IlP m" 0otte nll .it i t lîtctv lt' itt ,it riatn the uitilley ir lenîtI i lbIurtrtîr, i lki t toc, lt latietlcntsc la t ittîiit'tî ~ l'to 4ii e., hic, iintelte'lcletttt te, .1pnti, eî aonr r,, Angdileoc, ek ,,l "indt tel iteicy e î promis, ie te l tîtt, Publie tii 01 evri «ltlt do Firet-u dIons. ot elttg or flE0S te anoaoace tehie mcr.idn nd Ztaei a e o nX AM MITSBRANCHES on te MWprémme k e «c"edby bina on BchSttoet, tufgro pwoetbisn nthe 9f6U5 m,. wS*re bho 9tiiOd abrteÊe te bowel' &U 0 WOEK WAURAffli) te A supersor assotnentof Gents and B3oys WELT B UAWRHA, FASHIONABLE REM> >NMéIIDE CL O TIAGI in Tweeds, Fancy Mixtures, GAIRMENTS MADEL TO ORDEIR. &A»cw 1Er3w C 4VARÂRK"Elson go ma&"~ IIAMILTON & ROBERTS, 17 Nos. 1 & 2, Till's B3lock, Whitby. ~1R~AN~D Si1JNThER T9OýRT ATION~ Begs to inforin i s ciîstomiers and the Pub. ti, that bis stock of Newr Goods is now to hand, and wonu hB BONd (hssP for Càsh1 consisting of a large asortmelnt ut IItSS GOOUBS, BOINNETS, RIMOUNS, PiIRSOLS, Glovesa nd Ilosiery. Carpeto, 1)amask, %Window Nets aind MuHlins, Domestle VCtoa, &o. A largstock of Broà4 Clotho, Cassimeres, Canadiian lýeodfi, Gkâmberson Farmer's Drill, &a. in b.scà' and floys Conta, Veeits and Ponts mode up on the Promises. The bs considolniJly 0s"nlaed, '%"'Iparties lucotlng hlm with their ordero, vosy roi! suM having thcir grnîtsimade up in an uorkmonnlike otonner, and in tic Intest style id 0 Fashion. A large stock of JUST RKEEIVED. Perry's Brick lliildin., Wlîttby, 27 April, 1860. TIIOMAS H.lilcMILLAN HAS FOR SALE HARVIEST flIPLEYENTS 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION ýTWIIICII lIE IS SELLING AT UNPRESEMENTIEDLY Aisemi-a rt-" ce ro1Tesnooffec uts,&.liuriiece an Ls51irec 'sONW'sksl'ot rei irket,.. 'A f , e i i o o otî l e e t N a f c îles r ins . p rt es o n rit5g t5 P5O i N o. 2, Perry's IOoek, Brook sa 1 W part l Il,- Wou erirs OdÉce, WbMby, Ime 21, Iffl.

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