Whitby Chronicle, 4 Oct 1860, p. 4

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-»U1NTY 0F 0NTÀRIO.,1Y roasre of t arat ie un 111To.We8r: 3-Phytho rssrrolf>the one tv oi Ontario, boating dato L'ho Fourteth dy t rythe uaaod CI fht hondred sud asixty, snd cie directud, trh collection ofarrarand Asamets ue dnupon tihe followng lands is the said Jounty, I shah on EO!iWAYL theiSRh d9y of OCTOBER neit, At h.hour ofilO'cIOC, ion eat the Court fonce, lin tie Town of Withy, procoed t te Sale otfsid Landu, or 80 muue thoroof-aS s x ho necessary for tise paycient ol uch arrearsof maaaents, unlesa tie saine,. together witl ai liawfllchargen, 800061 BROOK. stat hall 7, 1 N Equarter 10, 2 18,' 2 Wvestujaater 21, 2 Not i 24, 2 10e' Norths hIt 13, Norths halt 14, 84 zat part 9. 4 mAsthlWf 12, 4 %Vest put-- 14, 4 lqonili ail 17, WueSt hall 21, 4 N E quarter 21j Bouths hall 1, 5 South hal 14,9 We 1pat15, 0 WS at21, ô - 2, 0 N E quater 18, 7 Norths hall il, 8 West halt 17, West hall 19, 9 South hall 1, I B W quarter 2, 1 N W quartèr , 1 West hall 7, l Norths hall 4, 1 N Equarter 15, 1 Nortish al le,10 Souths hall 13, À ±lorth hall 14, I 8ast hail ,1, 1 North hall 83e ;, 1 7, 3, Satshall 8, 14, South a.ll 7, Bouit. hall 12, 1 Nortt hall 12, 1 Xortis hall 14, J 15, soutis hall 12, N~orth hall 12, Souithchait 13, Northn hall 13, Birokuen 2, Bouth hall 7, Norths hall 18, Soutis hail 18, 19, 20, S, , South hall 7, 18, Souths hall 14, Bouth hall 15, -Souths hait 17, Norths hait 17, _Northu hall 18, Souths hall 18, 20, Northc hall 23, 26, 97. 29, Norths hall 6, Northi bal 7, North hall 8 Northi' hall 14, Bouth hall 14ý South hall 16, South hall 1%, Sorth hall 18, Bouth hall 20, North. hall 2, Broken 26, Brokeen 27, Brolokn -30, Broken ail Nortis hait 249 Norths hall 96, N 'WIofN ha11928, BQ, 32, Al anes3 , Bouth. hall 9, "South hall 10, NorthS hall 17, South hait 17, EAM thall 22, Norths hall 23e Soutis hall 24, N E qurter 26, North b tf92, 14w Part 80, ai, South hallIr. bn* stis hall, North hall 15l b shal 19, North part 91, Nborth hall 9W% .25 MM thal - 1% Bocuhil 17 SM" lOSl 21, 246 No ox 9hal71, a 4 6 7 7 6 7 7 7 10 10 10 18 10 8s 12 -8 8s 12 12 8s 13 18 83 la 18 la la Irut Front front Front Front FrS8c front Front Front, Front Front Front Front ACcES. 100 50 200 25 100 200 200 100 100 200 12 100 87 100 100 50 100 100 200 155 200 50 100 po0 100 100 50 50 100 100 50 100 NARA. 200' 100 100 loci 100 189 200 174 100 200 100 100 105 100 200 100 100 100 100 80 100 100 100 200 200 60 100 2(0 1600 100 100 100 100 200 95 181 1i1 1 10 100 100 100 870 100 100 100 100 100 10 14 20 80 130 100 10 110 110 Ib 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 75 196 100 100 e 100 100 100 -200 25 a 7li a 100 a 150 200 100 100 100 S 200 3 100 a 1041 ,ruina Dun. Aliorue. 1852 45 Ci 7Q 9.~. $32 98 1854 .............. 4 86 1852 34....24 9 1854 ... 1.......... 8 03 1854 ..............851l 185 i iï ýi* 74385 1852345à6 7 89.. 88 57 185254566 7 89.. 25 60 185234 ..........25 44 1854 5 6 789.... 17 09 18525345678 .... 85 47 1852 345678 .... 25064 1854 .............. 9 85 1852384 ....198 1884 .............. 424 1852534.... 185 1854 5.,........ S5 20 1854 ............. 7 6 1852 34 5 67 8 9..23 66 1854 ............. 1252 185234 5 67 8.... 26 69 .1852 34...... 16 17 1854 5............ 18 91 1852456789 .... 26 78 1854 5 6 .... 18 74 14 5 ............ 58 1854 5 0... .......8 58 1852 4 à68 9... 38 94 1854 5 87 8 9.... ai 79 18546ô............ 469 1854 ........... ...4 80 South part 8 W Part Norths part N Wpart EastIhall West hall 3q7 W part S'E parl 8 W part S w part West hall Est hall South halt .North hall West hait East hait West halt S. W quarter SE quarter Souths haln South hat Bouth halt Souths part Souths nait Souths hal 20, 19, 24 20, 18,- 19, 19, 14, 1M, le, le, la, 19, 18, 18, 12, 19, 20, 6. 18, i6, Eautpart 21, S Wpart 1, Souths hall 2, N Wpart l, SEBpart 21, South hall 24, S Epart 2, Contre 2, E aide àN end 4: North hait .7, Noth part 3, 6, Easthbalf 6, S Wpart 6, 8E1, N Wpart 7, Middle of EBialfl, W put 10, 1852 84 ....3677 1852 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 60 08 SWpr 0 1854 5 07 8 9 67 02 paI 12, 18i345789 ..51 13 16, 1853 45 6 780.... 86 55 Norh haie 17, 185345678 9. 88 08 W quarter 17, 1854 5078 9 .:90 75 SEBquarter Ili, 185284567880.. 726ouutsatleaif 22, 185456789 .... 78532 West hale 29, 1854 ............. 26 O1 13, 1854 .............. 29 S Bpart l, 1 1852 34 56 7 89.. 55 81 le, i 1852 3 4 .16...l 69 36, 1854 78 .2.. 1 4 1852345678 9.49 45Wet part 9, 111235679.60 01 Wiestpurt 9, 1524 56789. 681South part 14, 18524567...8787330 18524 5 67 9..., 41 78 27, 1853456789 .... 38 41 32, 1852 345 6 7 89... 52 89 Nort at33, 1853 45 ..........2240 ictaf 18, 185234 ..........6853 Northshait 24, 1852 34 5 G789g... 91 10 But hait 28, 1854567809...78 0 West hale 29, 18546789 ... 31 61 WVetpart 32, 18rA 4 56 7 89 ... 63 28 - 19, 18534 56 7809 ..105 29 West hall 20, 18M534 56 78 9_ 53 49 Wet hale 24, 185 45.........1 09 28, 18523 4à6 78è9.. 48 58 South hall 29, 1852 34 56 7 89.. 43 04 Northspart 29, 18524 56 7 89..: 50850 23qur~ 1, 1852 3456 7 89... 50 50 West hale 34, 1852 345 0 7 89... 7826 EasSalt 2, 18588345 6 780là.. 58 01 Elathaîf 3, IM 3 8486 79.... 4139 'aut hate .4, 1852 34 5 à78 9..115 89 Eutthail 6, 185 345 6 78 9.-119 04 qortih all 7, 18524 5 6 7890.. 29 37 27, 1854567 89.44 468 8, 185458789. 47..4751 16, 185345678...774420 1855456789... 54 81 21, ls5 3S4567 8 9... 50 37 29, 1853 4............ il9 185234 5 0.380 18534.......... 9 82 1852345i789... 50 99 S Epart 5, 1854 ............. 1326 N Epart 81 18234 67 8 9... 20 85 Contre 7, 1853456789.... 15 67 South hale 9, 1852 345 6 78 -..50 41 Norhhal 11, 1852 34 5 6 789...16 36 tNorthii11.11 1, 1854 ............ 1 3 Il North uiut 18 183 5......51 72 o. 185 4 .......... 6 25 Nrth hale 10, 1882 3 4 5 7 9. 18510Southh uae 12, 18584 5 79. 107.0732 Soutih lf 18, 1854........ 388 NordS hlait 5, 115156.8orth11 ait 14, 185 5 7 9-- - North hlait 15, 1845678 9. 51North hal 4, 1845 679 . 88 69 West hait l11 1854............. 421 N W quarier, 18524 5 67,89D..4728 NOrtlc-hait 1, 18852 4567.. 41 67 Soluat10, 185478&9?.8.00608SW quarter 12- 18545 .......... 0N wqaatar 114 1854567 8 . 336 Wcatat1, -18534 5 6785D... 8593 a, 185234568.69...920 Southbhalf 9, I82 34 5 . 700 North hall , 1852 34 5 678 9 ..4050 10, 1852p5678 ...4642 Soiuh Part 14 West part 15, 1852 34 5 678....67 48 1aiaI , 1852345....... 41 89 Norh hale 6, 18457 ..81 39 Norh hat 7, 1 185345...... 51 14 Souh hâte 9, 1952 345. 20.. 216 1, 185284 ..... 2340 2. 1854 5 ........... 4407 Sou hle 4, 1853 4......167N.11%orWfht 185845 6 78 .... 42 24 South hal , 18534 .22... 279 7, 1854..... ............8 ,îît8 le, 1854 5.....31015 Nothchale 6. 1852 3 45.28 87*3101Soth haât a' y 152 4 ....... 2 87 Souh ale 7, SEzpart 1, iI.North hale 7- 152 345617 89.'677 18546789. 17583 19»4.4 5689.11 84 8 1852545 6 48 walte t 18ab a5 6486789.: 1807 do 185284567690.. 5488096 4 18594567890.. 54961 dou 1852345078 9.. 6 d721 4. 189 3 4353487 89P.-.os 64 1., 8 18»82450789.. 4400 do 1 JOUS645789.. 5027 do I 4 18248639- 854 do . 10 182 34 8 67 89.- 3454 do la 84 8524bOS... 894 do 14 80 185 S- 4 3878 0..- 4407 do 15 17 1852345 6.8..9»16 do la 00 15 ....... 2284 Ado 17 M 1852 84867 8 9.. 45314 de M- 1952 34-5< .88 WouaraU 70 i1834 568 9.;*4600 do die in 15545 6....1Il 5 do 60 185234568 19.. 5 w du lat j 5 6 8 9.. 25 04 - do Ià&W*481T9S.. 79 48 <de 78 18 1 1 81 es 1 84 84 100 1852 70 18fr 9à 18" 50 1852 100 1852 150 1852 855 85 40 1864 75 1854 80 *1852 8 1852 »00 1852 100 1852 100 1854 -81854 Bo 18" 40 1854 s 18M 100 185U 200 1855 200 1854 200 11855 au 18M 100 - _1851 100 1M 100 1M8 200 1855 50 1851 50 185. 100 18& 200 181ý 100 185' 100 18u 200 1M8 200 195i 15 185i 100 18M 100 186 V 25 il Y 31 le Y 100 il a 25 Il 5 0 le O 50 i a 100 5. 8 10 - a 200 il 9 74 1 9 200 10 15 10 13 10 47 là 40o si 200 1 100 50 50 100 100 200 135 200 56 45 28 72 185 173 200 69 100 100 100 61 l76 100 100 200 100 85 50 200 100 k00 100 100 100 100 200 25 25 25 25 25 TIIORÂI 50 15 50 100 100 10 100 los 83 es 83 83 83 83 188 100 10 100 100 110 50 60 20 100 100 100 100 100 100 20 100 100 100 "60 200 200 100 100 100 20 100 BEAVE] oce-fi ooa-8Lftb onae-SOIf oca-fifli 'One-firth on>-Im one-ifth do de do de do de de de do de doS de d e do 1845. 3106 - do 29 18548678.8067 do 54945878.2007 .9067 do 85 do 2 8 45 . 5118 do 9 15678...403 do 25 45ô.. .........--10 88 do 2 284j 6...18 88, do 27 984078. , 777 dooi 23d ,8845Oe... 894 do' a 45i7 8 .....2588 -doe do 4 ;254 ..... 0'3 do O à4....... .... 907 do 7 .234.....1774 do do 1 i4,68 9.....ï2487 do 111 ;4 .............. 4468 do 12 i45.......451 do I .îil 60 do 14-. ;4......... 11 77 do 15 2 84 5. sî... 1il do 16 5 4 506...:19 59 do 17 - 546............. 456, do 18 2 845ô6 78 9-. 61 18 do 19 54 5 0 . . . . . . 25 11s do 2 0 534 5 678..4382 do 21 St934 5 67 8 9.. 4 92 128345 6 78 9-- 4072 do 22 3 45à6 7890-...- 861 do 23 2 345 67 8 9...:548 do 24 45678...80 22 do 25 5293 45 6 789... 52 86 do 26 3458.... 21 79 do 27 523 4 5 6. . . .: 10 97 do 28 5234567..... 1834 do 29 .224 89- -5 03 do 30 52 3456'789.. 7 77 do 31 5284 ..........18 87 -do 32 53 45867 89. 60 78 do 33 525345r ....024 do 34 58456789 ... 13540 do 35 .3-. ....51Il do. 36 55............21U-- o 7, do 38 do 39 do 40 8534567........27 18 North aide 8524561 .......3053 S;;*CO i 854,............ . 9468 ai 854567.... 786 do 2 85456 ............. 5 13 do 3 852345678 ...8601 do 4 ,85346789 ....25 80 do 5 853467.......23 29 do 6 82345678 ... 456 8523456189.-12 34 do 7 A53 4 56 789. 505 do 8 M54 56.......... 0 66 do 9 M54>5 67.-......35 13 do 10 [8545 6 78 . 40 17 do 11 [8545fi6118 0 18545 ......... 035 dol 12 852 34 56 78.....91 51 do 13 [523 4 67 8,...... 6 57 do 146 8 5 2 3 4 5 . . . .. ... 2 4 2 3 d o 1 5 do 16 do 17 do 18 1852 34 & y......194 do 19 18534 .... ..... 3529 do 20 18534 4.........24 i4 do 21 1 8 5 3 4 5 ... . .. . . 17 12 2 1 8534567. ... 26 do 2 1853456789 ....1817 do 23 i853 4 5678 9 ....5680 do 24 1853456789 43566 do 25 1854 5 6 1 8 9 .. . .. 44 6 00 do 2 6 1852 34 5 6 8 9.....43 4 do 27 1853 4 66 78 0. 6 .. 9888 1852 3t5 67 8 9..3001 South aide 9 18523 45 67 8 9-.-30 93 Sieccoe nt. 1854 5 6 789. 14 99 do 3 1852 34 56 78 9 .... 536 dO 41 185456789.... 18 20 do 1852 345 6 78 9.3* 7 21 â 1852 345 67 89 ...4097 do 6 85234 5678 9...6290 do 7 1853456789 ....6036 de 8 1852 34 5 67 89.-.. 34 34 do 9 18523 45 6 78 9 .. 3 173 d0 10 1852345 .19.. ...997 i 1354567 89 . 4.....933 do Il 195456789 ....49 33 do 12 18534 5 67 8 9. 210 do 13 185345 ........26 2 do 14 18545 6 789 . 2... 921 do 15 1853 4........... 7 53 18523 4 56 789 ...867 do 17 1852 34 5 67 88.419 do 18 1852 3 4 5 6 789S.. 440 5 Norih ide? 1 18524 ..... ... 9 3Victoria St. 1852 4. .....2::::: do 2 1852345 6 78 9 ..694 d 18524 .. ....... 942 do 3 18523 4 5618 9---..54 03 do 4 189,2 34 507Y88.5 5 do 5 1854 5 6 7 8 98 . .... 8 385 do 6 1854 .........4...484 do 7 1852345 .... ..443 78 1852345678 . 18...820 do 8 1854568 ......1.. l70 do 9 1854567898. 17....736 do 10 185458789 .17.... 7 36 do il 1 8 3 3 4 . . . ... . . . . . . . . 5 2 4 d o 1 18524597 .4....27 do 2 185245679 . 9897 do 3 18"599......... 79 do 4 945567 9......2 2 do 5 18"56789...... 17 67 18,245à789 .4..4380 do 6 584 Sa7 8 9....... 2 7 do 7 1854567 8 9..... 2 1858ô6 7....... 222ius do 8 18m à507........ 1 551 do 9 18466789.....1]b96 do 10 5854887 8 9..... iS 18467 899 . 5-1S5 do il 185567 8 .1....M4 00, 12 185464......... 177 15467 8 9....... 6S North aide 18"568789.....227812Âlbert cI. 18"5678 9. ....4 9 do 2 1854 ............40 18"549......11 5 do 3 8M545789i..... 277 do 4 4. . . sci do 5 58467 8 0..... . 5 185345......... 6644 do 6 18 ..........I81 do 7 18558 9......1.8'S3 d 8 18 à567 8 9.4..... do3 8 18547 8 9........4553 do 9 18M à57 ....... 1 3 3 do 10 la i -- .... 1854567 ..2.o 07 %esat ball 26 b 1 ..... B Wat bal 26 ..457..267 18us968 ........ 2778 East hall ,1 58845678..267FEst haif 2 18"5à8a78..27 24 1854<73. Wu alf 6 IUs 5 &7 il288 l854507 8...... . 22667 Bouth a.1 1 46 1825#,767 17 I&M5 57 2L, 867 19 18M 28 .267 1, 6 7984....2 7 - 14 o&I .........:6 -878 5 4 6 e do do, do- do- do do do_ do, do) do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do, do do do do do do do do do e do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do- do do do do do '~do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do dS' do do do do do do do do du do do do do do do 50 Ao [0 79 100 35 il 40 40 80 34 100 1OU 100 100 Ise 100 100 1854 ...........3572 1854 5 6 7 B 9. 47 87 1852 3 456789 46 08 1854 ...........4489 1854 ........... 60 1854 8 ..... 1854 56.. 91978 185345 6 7 89 50 62 1854.... ........40 1853 4 .... 15 54 18M 4............5 93 1852 34 563765 18523 4 25 10 18523 4...1 60 185349 ...2036 1853 4.... 12 421 1852 3 4 6 7 8 9 -59 là 18523 467 89 60 89 1853456789 55 03 18534 .41 i 1854 6.7 65 1852 348.3371 18M 3 45 6... 2410 1813 4 567 8 9105 37 IM53456789 51 67 1853456789106 79 18645 67 8 9. 86 33 1S54 6 7 89. 31 38 18U35266789103891 1854 5 67 8 9.40 43 8M546 7 89..9 71 1852 34 .. 91 Si A OABD. .1s 6620..- ...w 67 IM4507 a.......20 67 n"55678 . -0 67 18U5507 8...1 2 154 56 7 8.....2047 1854 5678i.. 20..... 07 g leu.,;67 8 ... ..2067 18US4678 .... * ....2067 18545678-, 20 67 1846 798...... 2067 1855 6789.......241, 1845678389.....2417.1 I&5 678.....20 67 18467 8. ....20,67 18M54678é.::: 2067 - 1854 5ri7 8. 20 e 1854 5 6 7à8.*... 20 67 18545 6 78. ... 20 67 18545 6 78.:.. 20W7 18545678 ....0 67 1854 5 6 7 8 .... 20 67 1854 5 67 8.... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 1854 5 6 7 8. . .. 20 67 18545S6 78.... 20 67 1854 5 6 7 8.... 20 67 1854 56 78 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 97 18M546 78.... 39 43 18545678 .... 20 77 1854 567 8 .... 2ô 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20,67 1854 567.... 20 67 1854 56 78 .... 20 67 1854 56 78 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 1854 56 78 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 1854 56 78.... 2067 1854567 8.... 20 97 1854 56 7 8.... 20 67 18545 6 78.-..20 67 18545678.... 20 67 18545 6 78.... 20 67 1854 56 78.... 20 67 18545 6 78.... 20 67 18545678.... 20 67 1854 5678S.... 20 67 18545 6 78.... 20 67 18556 78. ..120 67 18545 6 78.... 20 67 18545678 .... 2067 18545678 .... 20 67 1854 567 8 .... 20 67 1854 5678S.... 20 67 18545 6 78.... 20 67 18l556 78.... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 1854 5678 .... 20 67 185-568...20 67 19545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 1855678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 97 1854 56.1--. 2 92 18545678.... 20 67 18545 678S....20 67 1854 5 6 7 8.. ..- 20 67 18545 6 78... 20 67 18545 678S... 20 67 15456 78... 20 67 1854 5 6 78S...20 67 1854567 S... 21 59 185-567 8... 20 67 18545678... 2067 1854567 8... 20 07 1854667 8... 20 07 18545ri6 '8... 20 67 1854567 8... 20 67 1854 567 S... 21 32 18515678S... 20 67 1854567 9... 20 67 1854567 8... 20 67 18545678S... 20 67 18545 6 7 8...20 67 18545678S... 20 67 1854567 8... 20 67 1854567 8... 20 67 1854567 8... 20 67 1854567.........0 67 1854 567 8-. 20 67 * 154568 9. 067 * 1854567 8... 20 67 18556798... 20 65 1854567 8... 20967 184567 8... 20967 185456798... 2477 s 185456798... 247 15456798... 247 185456798... 2477 1852567 8.10 2053 1854567.........670 3. Vcestiuîjs nEIlglislî, Caîiadi;in anîd Aiiricans Cloilis, Tweeds, &c., GeŽnts 5lîirts, Shirt (ilillars anîd Ladies F.îscy Dî'ess Goods Sttuff-l, &c., Sh:i-,1s, Ch~enille I{ead Dresses, Enîbroidories, C'ollars, Laces, Eilginîgs, &c. Cotton Bats, Wicks, Txsines, Grains Bags, lloo1icd Skirts, white and colored Cottonî Yariîs, Boots1cs, &c., &c. LOWIVE, & POWELL. 13 ECS to annoclco to i. n îîîîîeîcîs friccili and cistomrncs that lio is noie aarryifll cA"RRAGE NMAKING, IN LLi"Sl]AN2IES crdcrs eci.tcd td o liiicare. (2ARIIIAGES, BUGILÏS, iSI.EIGILS, UUTTIEIIS,&c., gýrXnlicuàctretTd ancd Soid ast the Loweust rcaeasciticflKireea. ALL.IW01111 WAI]IANTFID LUJIDL-R cand PRODUCE T- 1-XIXV a.XG~it MARKET' PRJCEY D. FORD'S long rxpcrienc nflirisN ' "r'irsluthle îprinucipltlainufactoTisc 01uth States ant, Cainada lins gi5ei liit eiifiruiici ilI cry hru,,îclofet deic uinss hic fev have mcdi able do arrive nti auîîfor btyiio f desiiîi, cicg.cuicc of Suîlclî, duabililiy, and soidity ol worlînuiciistiilu, liii nork c.:,uiutt lic eclci. TII E NEWi- FSTABi1LlSIENIE NEAR TTuE BANK. * i _ (T cs lruic i ;u81-1 ll I.iiii' cil'ieu Wotuî'.ls icci.h il lu(lieii ii.iiiui In Botties at 2m to s tîEach ILIS>& ATIE 11ALING 0' ALL ,WOUNDS :ý -Il i i Il 55',i r i02, 1 - :' h NEW TREX'IMENI' 2IJFFALO 311118W L ISIENNAISY EST.Il.ii.i iii T E I . - , D5.spi7icii, e.îî-cd 1 o, i aI ', .si c il 'ii-' V...~ tciJhu Dît. %,-IIOS & "ON, (cILÇER or c ,MI -., L!1i iii, N. Y.) A RlIE 1EI'ilS 'ix jî IN 'c 71 liTArE . - 1 ûîal tice i f cti,-I-- l f àcIl Si.c'l1iNiiE i cliu mircllill.l'i" ote il Eie.;î cIediciii. To2i utG II tl ti'-%PI IAIi* ur thatthieuYIllCc ',-c- iir ;il h alii. I I icly uscfilsiani- rîuî t c, i-.-'- 1--r the cure ofs luiliii llz5 i. ii- .-I -- ,I>t-f ile yontli. 'lnsie -.1 gith WM oIi.iî.-r'c it 1iii- liiilif1 j'IoIî>, 1ti dle 5dW iE5i Iitell ii Q uît du A Cdii iiii"ii Dr. Auii0&Sicol.li%,f-r iiîycee the oilliciciiccII -c'liltii a.Ivcrtji là iii ui i cî i ec u1lly t rea-c l ii ur tiî "c I d i îcîî oftheir7cite, i*tiiui iciin i acll-i ".c,Whicliill bl r i--t c -î'i uiuccm despaicli, Oi ccc uîî.îîî II -c. Addrec l. AbI'..ci.e £l~ iti 5Mai and Quay s Stti, 1iili' 21, 18681. M EeatpU IVut 99 * 10, unt 18, 11, h, 20, 21, Y6, 2?, 28, 29, 82, 88, 37 44~ Uc 409 Gore mieeo ud cty t1.cnks fer tullc ce eved fn'ont di, cMid hm eit -i il~"'0 oreicWiiiiig tlîctir e' diii wiih wlocn lie lias du1-"gIlý kiowa te bu a kful endcî~ii-î i,îîcceiîî Dr. l. '*' li co Il tii. iiieicof WllitIV lid ieI ll* fl ow prepircd te reat aliilii~""î cOUiehOicccila ciciîio W,. forcme al op'eeitiiiiic cil IlleiETc cu1,ier lu iroC oico. *Lie Wj,liIi il0 cill: 1.J. Iuct.M. iiiicic .U. 1. Ir.Lc.EqWiih Ofce t le i eibi PINTING OFFICE FORt SALE TuIE M7iLRI.,L OF TI71E OSHAWÀ JOURN'-(LATE ONTAR18IO TIES) Printiii Oilccoiiîpritign riln ~ ~ sud d u ntpI'.lclviiir paprsnd joli cilie.-l"'re'O fie 95 wîîy TO THE LpifÀBITANTS OF TiiECOitN'fi-ý" ilS Ontari, fur Ille iii îi~- i molitiiii, yotir iiirlitr 1'.cti .:d so in the fûiiec. iii It willev eV i i ciii- Yt i ! l douce -îîuiiic i-a h-'tIi i deacrvo 10 iti; uimiii ALENLX.TIO1,0'O\ iclîouiccr, Je x .C .L.... ... ...... T. T lM ~ ' . . . . . . 111*'* jîîune Lii, î1i7. il r c-1 i-l-- (i c- , . 1 ilii.r1 ron,,ee,à, lii. c. - - rcceiusg u. :,. DONOVAN wALE u PRCT L APIG M ÀS ND MANUFAOTURR.S BROOK STREET, ,WHLTBY. MI of thse aboie work executed with fleatnflos and dosjpatch. AUl work, warrnteil. Calt and sec spectioenc. .-Rcrnenbé'r the atldrege. 43 DONOVAN, WALKEY & -0:- The subseribeis will pay Cash for any quanct ity or WIIAI7IBÂRIEY, OÂTS & IEAS, IIAM3ILTON& ROBERTS. Whitby, Sept. 4, 1560, 48 Begs to inforîn lus ijuMelOtS CUstorners a nd. the public, that lic lias recejycci Ex. Caniadian Mail Steainco, "Nrl ei Cali anc1 1> c:lleR"'c part of Ilus Fait Stock of7 DRESS GOODWu-S, SHAWLS, LADIES FELT lIATS, 0F TIIE NEWEST STYLES, o6I-CLO0THS, CJSSL7JIE RE se 4'c.«.u Which he purchlased pcrsoîîally in the B3ritish acîd French Mjarkets, and whiczh he is dcterîîincud to, sei at a sîîcall ailvance onc the Sterlingc coci for cadli. Wookly Addîtions wil b3 Received by Succoding Steamer&. WANTIEB, 1,000 UFE1UKJNStOF P1VgKED BUTTER, FOR1 W111M E11IIE lTlll R 1iICE WILL BE PAID: REINRîIEMBER ItPEItIY'SB111CIZ BUILDINGS. Whlitby, Septenibler il,18600 Beg to apprise their friends acnd custorners that they are uoiw re- cd'c ing large. additions or tlii Dot ~IUSTE Cor, b .J hily r7iAU cfoi . Iiv. - -V rt-ig' cirOF. AW, cil ti". - E.JNAGI<ES cELEBLIATEI) SEW N IAm I (0F SINGER'S 1PATTERLN,) At 25 per cent under Ncwt York prices! T15EMachînes aa uaed in ail the principal towusa nd ct#eS fou#90~" Sý-Th.y ava evfilfed to givo sagwuam.- Ail tiladhsg Boot uSMiso. nmaanctumes teaitu f iir auPU06ty "V~ NaglomkBo.arsMaoao inp= ï ol doiog auiy Sind n of le. f05 MiO te Noi. i1[ÂGHINE $75. No. 2 M ~$85 ,90 3 MACI14EI WITIi EXTRA. LARLGE SIIJTL$F5 xv«E T CM&CIIII WÀ31.41T - tý-ý,-To tho Afâicicd--'ýJ viz: IN ALL rrs iiinNciiLiýs,

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