Whitby Chronicle, 18 Oct 1860, p. 1

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W hi!b~ £bs'z14 Dl reil WKXK. U o t,»OoorltOthe Reiskly ofice. 01E OTR ?ER AI<NUM, -W IITBY, C. W., THIJRSDAY, OCTOeER- 18. 1860.. %-F" is1mn! AUBL ROET frSLE rtil0ssla ssaueCupfy .trenland &Pen ANDseua wb2" ov 1, obe; tS a NO..3 n thing about business. Sho csn'Lbolp me.' ail abigto N ls¶hP' VflI.lM Y "JU* JL V * < 1 WiRO & XCDONLL9 GLOBE IMOTEL, EitOOKLIN. n O KowrAIP ssrneCopnr & MADO'EYATLA, Ne TUjoring lniabUs- IWNOEPO)RATED undîr an Acteof1tJe Ttird xitiRlSTr i Cosenr LAW, M1GNEDTAKS CCAIONf sIp( FF1JUSN. TUE1Sarsnd preisises IsIeti occnpieilby 1 Seesnof th Eerendi lProvincialpanlila 3soiiors Le tenCuer c;i05%- onmtueitehSpIMus fp PSON>&5'T id a bsn m.J.-A bMilisue, stlJtics, fle thîeTown- -mitI aflpparCti-% 010 SCe an uutsd tisa travellintg IlubIhllefordhelihrl paton- SD annooince tath hia t- t orlti he to. Tl uter re ofa C PT L£lOOO GOG ' ATEL,- ff extendetite fhlm csion lia ommencoti babitantse aI Wbilhy adssrrounding La citaheterai o Imes.Toise fi- CPIA-1000 NVEAIS ueinss t Benlli. I dilc sebuaims uitry, tisat tbsy have enda Uticn in itise cenre cf tltedToomi i 5i5l Isiui Oré eBlîig i i îIIRISTERbt iayfieponutn for II a pndh U OUtsrac u e, is uîn flendi-Cit o e of y tlhrel*m t ieieriu hu ro nlpuesthrugsi contents. Evrer iluitormetlen sulupndît ei [3et &c. ffco . rJ.'.1 Dorildutsoici ltslapart la lrsep ua i heclarsat e t h: Ta sla'sSRPo n B OU c hTerais l bu emadtteuit puehlesr. Ap pliestîio taîlth e i içscd. 13 ,Iarý driStoreBrook Stret WtitisY Globe a a leentofoe, foreaiest aiseugatth l platotebmdet leel otels bintis partet tise Coutry. d thuOpaposilte the "Ont" loHôtel,,*Ithre alplmtaere omdeC ina etrrU orttthe aensifrfst u J. y. liAi, ssuueohstler, la in steutdne, ast inais Aorar cntrusstathe issoie houansitis JAS. 1EL CAMPBELL,1 JOHN AGNEW, AIlîSE-ATLAW. UFFICE-BESIIIJE hiiierss ai usual. ete n epth 45 Ashnrpn P. 0, Itearlu. Travelling Agoni, 11freit Itreci,%Wlitty WRI tulti! I Tilut, filet trotting eony «Blek Bird." stands ian satid ptr.- pStroet, %iibl W. for allure.-,lis misantut theî stable. Torses te Whittiy, Oct. lOdi, 1859.'FO. ALÉ_INHE___TONOP____________________ CO ~~. n. FAIRBANKS, m~inusSi*forthie tseauli *, lngle len t ,- ang ules ORSL 5TETW r PoexPr smlfC S . 't B . C . Y l U I. C tt . ' e -( , D A W E S , - OtV 1 IS T I5il e r . u r f Y . o a-e1v35111»su i u i s m s, t n n r Solaa. 0 LETPrprst .fr a tu of jeans, TOTS NOS. 2. sndl22. TIIEY AIlE SITU' .STABLISHEII) N182 S. G. liANiIr(o futraie cheiolion lonig crs- stid un Diiodon Sreet, lurleurra M. S- --~ D1~ONEALA H T l; â-ftt), tet rati es itisre-arvn- ICeihraie's andi Ljnius Crcrt. GILLESPI, MOFFAT & O. ARRS BockW PUM LIFR&. Agensufer Canadat. omS-!pisite tlb egstry Officu, lCMMRILe.,sefeetýe n theiMuu-Aplttinteemsîe B iit y RC TtM HTV lVhtby. A guolPOutiuOP- POemieulttuscieadete 1SUBAECES agalut Lt>SSfESley FukEuandi 15 OT'S tOTE, jOpposCtsUHamiton & Roet.fl latl. Auuio-11115. ANGELINE IWT eI ffooedvultheeenostturersle trse, and UN' tSTPlELTN% 'IIITBYi,IRSCT DOOR JAMES CROCKER J. V. ICAS, Lot 33,ith emutssis»tarlnten London.l ltuu eftnetets BadC J ) .oît Batrigetr. Il Cirtuti ffriig" pîreue coyu!util foîbil H. W.%VOODWARID. D - .Linig'à Stor. Is-lIw. lroluitClr. Witisy, Augel 5,1860- 2 - - - Commissilerr Mercharit, lirhtty, J, W. CALVEIl L liO- -N, - __nt___________orOntario. NclCOMIfSSl0Nll F01OR~iI ! VT F.Ua art jOtra fONVEY E R ' t-semiet Ctltet t titis hile1, os - v hitly, Asg 10, 1859 jtuisntlsitsAntieuet, Lutt, Div canit. MR:îAîTIpiVLEiIIIutILiND oOte,,II as~D ilM lsitorot r iCe t ue A6ttus gîi, thie Icrusfrouetthe ER e itt r o otipIut tseuCtoteOfr%* 1 tlPitendunrl ullle lu but ti rtetteken by Ilîîr ir ER, inaudibleR 8 A Z Tise lre- ,uc -4rtitesiis omilon 1 î,t tuSElI i aAi ei t l uIse the Medial liall.. The priaprietotar taille tuuîrc oîmerelcrssot bl fLt o th.~4ttbird1ruaueClettestciâ cviilluiunseuoiucptriem es ielIX sutr al ie ~Vwtrf Ptiarenoelun ul s.10atsîo alo o o jUENDILLN 3S 2 Goibe S ates'm d ateiveocil -tes i ntnunieieiibrltnwl edi turu- o!1s atC IV ' O V V N I GM yli, t . e t ofieu. Cliietuins i O 9, 3 d c n " o f W ity n 4offnPrtne Alln- ~ wsitur, tod ifeijulesnIirkiesetrugted RMto8N ES¶A E liAI1S, 15. A.,l HURON flO UShE-ai %lb, luss elCeneinr.nluToicfW ts. A. etivesfiadrmsî irriliHl AT L ,LIS TOII IX rouer m, n eo. i semter. Alwrk tuand a e lbeiiuliremuiutartan parti th5 e s ou>111*4qarero Aw t-i lNzCoe tur e.& c ., tYAieLu îit [i oirindI,, uoeCleueIbid, r îtrdof te u ren-l- t lylutet L otN.2,61 ocsini ul ln otluke. rne Albert. _________ ieliii uesMay srl1I360. euenu ie est Psr puuueietCskei ii nde for u ureueiiruutleei1c"" Ailstifrsnit0toÎd00,eici (. te utsaii u cid t miles fr teusTowmnvWitl. TTRE TLW OIIIRItNi PORT Iubtir.- luianut tanith usicae,, tst u tItiDGr"iar d.-50 acres South Wast quariter of IEA DLF (i. l. >AiINEL ' Geil telliniî In -riuueuirs ci uieorvat-ta EI'UlTY iIEGISTRAiI, 1ASTEII EXTRA- tendes 1uusud te letie sd fitur. IW Tho )ueut 8bisou. uilîl ho e ir u-I' tîl o. No. 18, 111h concesion et Maipos, ubout D ptdise rock-ýt.,eîlîi tety IWidO47 uuiresîdICgue~LLAM TItEW 9islsta idu. asaefrtussINSURANCE UMPANY JOHNent MB-eTiH___________________ 'xty roe1Y Fanion, in a iiigh stali of cultlcîtion, goadl 0F ENGLAND. JOHN cNADTUE TRRAPi. 5 ~ Builinugs, and eat important Towni.- ARhISTES ATTORINEY, 'te.Offie-- cernereof aac' led sdl court Strectsà lpoluer E iloRCRETOILu 0F TMUS WELL ne. i tes Apîyeasnbe n nfvr-RylIsrneBi1fns,ýmp siettsCel t- , T,,rOuuii. l tow ao on aruwtu curmtiot,01ul Su s' W mieClota iaedl tini ST. NSalIUS.erKitit ren, n a-i& 5 5 i ~J. Il. PERRT. s WILLIM TEMENTli- 1 derocni!tIby tr.lueirl. .TCe ,pronuiL IIE S,îbucributrosareuuDow , "tAgetur the Oierrier. Ms. 129, Londe<rd Su-ct, Londonp ING STE ET * OSIIAWA, CND lsbuiiu2.11, toutl turueg-eT, îdInru to1Col'e us'th rwer hthy, Oct. 6, 18559. 56- K '*5it ______ drirayinIerusis. A igar divinefittotiup - iuuy hlx:relluietu anti estterne' ,teu ui lUrTOL ET. C A P 1ITA L1 .,reuttd t i.ir oiule nao ote s tdaril. 1I qoetn 1wlig lue or TWO MILIONS STERINGi -%-Sit uauveuil le lier louno aCuti]> ttiai uu CAIi.lf LE & MCONKEY. CLR &-OUDW I' lrtuli i tuesta Cî AI LIpiedSJVEFIitS -v Mmin.lorrr, on u ndats Strui. Wh itb, ov. lîtît e4j - T y Ja tes ldii s! htad itunir u pic ANuARElEEVEF WsIýiuy, ttareli2ii' 181f.C Granid Trutr RMasy fôtel. S T ONE ST OR E. W~llTR.IAE &ot slilt,I'iilicuy DDqut, Part lhtby.) le therToîwn of Whlitîuy. Posrsîsiou glneon on FIRE DEPARTMENT, & AIiCITEI- COUNfr V l rotTE UN DERIGN Fl)lEGs TO INFoRm !DAILY 'STAGE 't4frotc iniCeiiuber titi. 'isoC-iipuu laie lulîdtiïoeudt il ote d-u ry & . . e esresuiCii ,11:8 V aetree f j t he îî itul uten th i ow A Ir tcdiroriptiou i f frolet iir is L n dr " -Damssu ioer L.owie & leuIrs Store, ~in p ei-file ul ttrehoteu, te tuineortu BETonWEEN stZibru Tw moi' tîIir etr iosS.i tiiiton l utio er t sli v e TW E IITBY AND) LINDSAY JAMES 110WE. ý] juIit îoreen prempty ettliis tholteut de- 'y bitliy, Aug. 9,18S60. %ondeuit. Gruud Liquorr, Wlnuisindu rni esi, AND WITCYADBAVRO . lVtIu,-uC22 rs S auu tti disoiuist, ad iuth sout rufCorite Amos W. CROS, Ext-liutit eiitblig-rfol sttuion for imuet '~N eau trael thgh tram EiTIIO .011e'"aitlaniol.lasmaaemn iCIITECT CIVIL ENGINEER, *D li hnoe. P etier ptacelier esaisy- OM ET""I N. ompa Cnysbaseristheinonacet eetsféI ANDsud JOSE1,IC IIUEBI)TTOM, Tits Stages frtte LîirOand BUsirron sn- -0 lit WA OIIll!1ï) _1roreitot. irhlu tit c tienCuseibigtuiet andil vii. T11E SUlfitCRIER I1 1RPEPAIRED' TIIO F E A R S. BAINETT, & Co. whCOy, . 11, 1860. saN ofieWTu yn t trtaiulstu-rotr tutbli-t lii t o usC- . fPoft aosi 5ANUFACTfUI1ER ANI) DEALER, It OT L Suietiehuie.te kiitlirtd uCu ai r lieiitbasihi,%-rie n"iteulC*, aet siviplItion o rfi0cenl M ~ srr sudi LotitTolssîuaui; I l-0 V hies, UNION STA&TION M-EL Jliesc30, 1658. Iliiti1 u Bs1.i, e)onbsW ittieut lun ei iuuriiy, and ovsrry beuit 01o" '.lohute Sr&o.,&l'1nT Oi <F 1Y1RK sT, SECONDIItOUSE u funacti teelutiio i ur e, i u er liaes oal.bnIsnIi~isuet~' î.oies ie is.It-i trzCm.gflOl.siibMens' Ware. of the pat elr. ROBERIT J. WVILSON. %V. OSBORETSAMAT TIIE 1.41)1E li-CFreuCuflers t a £0.0ST LIG lAIIÎIITEII 't ATri1NEV AT LAW, 13opr«tenRsu UIiliugtoil Iuitcl -.......t....- - 4 5 Ilun ritieueeîaui uSàC in l la 5nttsuîrîtui'.ili i lelet.......-- - - B ic iur 't(tudr,,i.Wit>i' ~ ~ O T II C TL liuri e otiee ztine uu e ,ICile- - --...... ¶_ 50 £285,889. uaero rt it iorsn Mrr. t 31ieiutuin t.ths fit iuto.. LiOn Cirîto - - --....... 175 E ibiting unine C iit5 li une yesi one i0 It.,uree mll îI uirbrliuiC îfeîîli fiudW. H. IIIOGINS, ................- .. ROIT. CiIE K5.EV, siu l itier Itluutur 1tlule. lie f 1erutu,u RonT. HEIÛKLET, M D-, and th tmvýli,ýsTiti t thauiie la.itliesututa e. £ 53-18 sIRIIEON,Ait UCEUC, &c.CORUNlER usteidot -eitrîoouictl teul utul e uySoreer. adies' -Lar. ,Tefnai adece t or the Couilti>ofiOntaioti. strict ett-tii tu s.att- ei udeaerriig îil. R. COISONX, W. M. IlesC lua. tte ....................082 00 - I i - hiieu eiu r trt cniiîîfoît i ldr5Lote- eieuluee tisurCte qecery al-ii lluuen...........ut1 sir-7tc - - -0, Ri. J. GINX, 31. 2D. ii.tce ut'igsn8. ts lment àC a ire nf itdieiL li u tulrouoieC itetby l'esiCt ihm. 2i-C> IBII.rii. - - - -t......... 2 EXuCCii u Curu-eiuoi oni %.Ur1Gu '1TO7 IE COUJNTY GAU, latrnagieri (elLiquio-esud iCilras. ola ___ __ - ut tltauC ur citniun iIdlit cituet Cisi Cnie£8 .000 S kreluStret, iW tCiy. 4 fnu r emuetidse.lf-lu'utiu ud iiiroe - AIà:&Ctttits tle s uied u iotur. il E m 0V A.114. tiueud o ili Criu. iui .eu atiuilig lione Caloiars, v EAS WNDOR IOSE WiITXS. LONW Ai -- WILLIAM MUIIEN ample dtot tit the onP'l'uOeutytiou i,i w -uusA - r, iu As.Ijliturs, Juliaet,I. ifirueli utie1 fnl p5i reteieuty informattion tutniebnl ut I v'- _P_-AMBROTYPE GALLERY. -- -___ 1F.a s - lîtel *Z ilstuatdit aspîmeclit siedC ALION IOTEL, Oueotlhîi o.riîthe m l- WILIAM KAUFMANNJOHN AGNXEW, rî' - stifturuu. AST MAltENT SQUARE, TibRoNTO,- VLIMKUF NNAetfrTwaoWlia. Gnod Snolinilsîaioui i t trumuslero G-l . T S ITI 'rohurictur. ExeCetut undi-AguifrTun etW tb _______ ,-uosîl0 uil ENiy tteuîhse f Oak t ler, Z di frN he ________ F r N rettiavesgtisuie 1 bund i ii', ttun lcllC" e0for thî ) - .144, Bay Etreot Toronto. protection egaisat Loas aid Dem.t tEA 'IlE1 IvOS( TIE RAILROAD IIOTEL. Liueiing hbuine ir. CCilC's IlionS. lieeshy Fiee. itiruus 'iso FrteCiuuiuioiy utitttuvule t 10itiCalant l ietisatasreto% ni liix Ani- il. ie eni 11truulsi beepu(iîCir oi, lrscverthe tue ore o niC SS R N E O P N h ie ttsiG all e r y t e lt 1iuuotil -iCo C e o st RORI nlouitw 5hnuesiu, airo tmtuuu i-e W " l oE v as ' t Od or.E l e. P I >h'lut t ci e î 'tutl tb , e ehal irl i ilo l uuftt i p ndy - in thue u sau tstl k. iC A P I T ALR S A -L E , or tais reeideo.. o 4, Sreett. Contaeu.oRid utis io dil ti «y uîdým rs O ie M.sîhîroawetmis r ihtdfot M P O E AR S M TofoBik,,on t.e15 Ca.uiurouitiubct, JuC> 21rdl licTOWN LOTS, &C.ai su. lIs,> _______________FOR SALE. ý mrvdFmi hty 0 Travelling Aguuutt, Boron Striat., WR CANTON IKOTEL, BRITISH AMERICAN IMOTEL, -0ana inWres., 10 ________________ -- N KEKPICKERIING. G(100 l'lmai oEsan,OiSHAA. ANh'excealesntnev rateCtSlyI Drign5 aDutumOltn - ~ oiuiiit, a iseld l, tI Atischeurto te noti it 'titbv,ud oui lmprovi a - iFnEIQIIAfl'( 4s 3nu Çu'flBrico T WIhiCby,) putOritir.iBt %lie»aeSertae s ier CPSh two-tteof n acedofO ei Mauposu 150 ief,:ies)V tJ-aI.5 'Ju liqors 8,perr ,tilitilutotf.ýtraelea. andattcid -. Tise bnitaios fltelnoe s&part- acres. W.M ILLINGS. 6ie isttoisiie, ,tu tti Ce g t OlCit 7 muenCutuals aneellent conllaer, ad .us e IdLs nMtsi - <le E- aitl, £5e 0,000aSt- Nt, eUinl U~RRuTE ' TTRNIAT LAW, .goistabline alla ail notueaoit-builedis ARRITER& ATORNY - - BACKI MOEL- aid se5tupit zuspofciuil atet ontiso poi. phaia, Arlomesia, Luthser, ahnTULISTEIIS t-Tise wIialionistaeI Forît!5,. te'uhietancîl bu bnd tlniDoyCn, liu,,erfaiL deoO tSidututli.AreltCbuli C CulpeBal OCe-aCe'eBldig, rutuWhtu ejw- i auluecrSlsAd5.Mii Pri-rpY o vioge heju hal- -----aur -- K'«WN AN»D<-EN- lbrl.PutJ. A. M <tYERffOFER1. ,viiiloPr:-AviilId Campbell Bamci JOHN5 M5GILL. Tih1trý J1 oi uaic lu ebi ieC1y ittaJ J. 5iltrtile OIEl ilAlui by-InIlampton, Tovwnship et Dai-ietan, ceel I larin tI.Bsieto ua T i'NSII) AUJCITON EE tFOR CANADA uni) u ýo l t l n a R i tuielor tetutlloe man- Ofetthe viry hcst ile dsTownship of Dar- im s JotusMotiet.Es u W. Iuiry Piu oinrs ti u 11uuîandeir tom FA-EN FOR SA=E5 lieto. Fu; >tmCs Inic~L~ t test n i s y Aunîilie linu.uiiild Fouiitre, s sa ..T wn-0 E3bu,%Y Itermebi and utir ufferua. esI cresitabCle Tho bet brouedn ot Wiuc, Vt-us soidCi- atts iebpclIihuga shite bBwoniile, BSotin, IlamptOUI Port huons, Loi.etn irw«d jeVr lu eN t-e.-own- Iuuor f*iuicteee uS J1ectri.,:InFv ilecrA (hiuavs. Aucst li5n R sud a,î u n t ai, itods opend iLue a.1 Iiorttipart Coit No. 3Miithue ndéd-ucý ra- F aIT' nit Sarnli- 117-,WCi, Lusi, iq.,Clair, suil iittuuetiti iu8lcre.ei, ceutiliir Tut acre, vICIeSAhfnoul LsRAise a.fiCol.hVFitiiloieuti, I KI>TIIFIT!CluiSI>NC UII Tiut I fCiiCl, Inud i vvh urtuuu Id C te i bu'sael,ian telle, roi. ieesedas ulu Aiea e Tis ot ateTen Aolf~Iîired atne" EnU , Jlki Fruuilei Fm JOlNs METCALF, Thisnhotel ir ,ituieCei eelut&' ntu truntua Im iuoo ee. sr le ri I.eilu, r l eitug tl HIB .6 "-ue tq îles Tov ehi lierk Ad mu i cO t 6t uCuu due acu ltortirie.- àî i ptl ii orh r .e ila u e erfiig tî n Fo r- s le L u n d Ou L 055 0f 2rWVL chuereaF. ILrteutc, Wua uer. D. 1. M LElQFT IIEFanti iveitheUR, Twn fai huiltiud- kali fuladto, , a epludi orhur, ad aiiserdaît 1i-. tiltTownhipBroo. A - statut ol5. vhueie oruiser tLe furn. , l1 elaifiallt Mclm I t ts eiro8 us oTuil - lamOCte luu'ts«"eC"uuu Luo t e deseu auuý,uigta. 1 velJAMIeSBLAI*Iu l ât n t h le KEtuuoeuandeuToronto eaun,tîneeMm caisa heOfc wýrýuant mo a ______ _________ ,lns froin shevuis,id nix fronut tovniast%,hhc- mgn Cao hsve fraen12 lui 18 mtas tl' iy Pire.adCuu-ii l auefiutluint, souhit FRANKLIN IIOUSE. E TR OTEL. Theisui it muîeeig eduiieuitfctusl. tCîsperu e m te irs rt payineisi. xuR of the d iseu, Mitlesuid hIanuiistto LI7liusAy, C. W tir îet leireO lfdesn. Tenno useti . Fur par- SnitreCruai _tttr_ p-1 ntpaief, adait. utnuo, % 'aere., cit Mirc iuisi o 'T Batk of on- M.SJ.d ol.a PrERRYAtleul dotheins I Siip li abanCs' riad .JEWETT, IulOI'REEOR- COtIFOR- tfeUX;II 1)EET, SuiOrie- s. IL R .LYADcu uNdtoq.Rvr .i tu$ 13 stb e omuiilfation fut Travoree. B 1 Ac - uddtiuTrenten, t'. W. Ocobr lu159.irem freiglit;anud huru i su tu t ail ___________Jan. ____1___lu-.._ Wlitiuy, Juie 11,l"). 28h 'fentas,,lay 14, 81860f làîe itqaituabea859g A. K. ]RICE, POiOgSDVREL SALE. ML)DW, a n.8aaa5ei5iCo isnri ired ua ABNET MAtER, UIuCCILSTERERi 'te., &e., oR.ESTREET, WFOR SALE. î ilaecULft t>pi . 'fleiurefl ofluaiis Ia p e cr I isiw uBhlcit, ad uai u itOfjobs- INWitby, C. WW. LOTI----iurth By. rpiig or Furirsiles des. 5ui5iLota 5UOl e ) .-CaeFu.»iiiC RFCFIVE» ean a tesLent ,«14 -ijMý o eun olluClth rofaît IoCe Fugaareunisrtlh eniul îWndt e. WWOODWARD, elyi.u 'itrsy 'ýINGEIBI10WN anti IINILIA Leseuonara made.t'iCshatdueu _________ s.~uUtulSSlON SXERCUlANT.ISJRNE AppI> te i rpi4G ClAFrts, .11 olAdiu' viii ie i lutanud aadimisiaedipald inMont HENRY UANNAXe Ueieaa Ago.fo--meycn . Il. DARTNELL., ;;;Pls5pte ia tior ltTeroiil l't iu wiiisuat risemleo te London. RIER OF CeIUNTY AN» ýsuERIOR -pied Ly JumsI loitlouii, llitî, aSWo";ituersi&.uAi ilu fite Ll aircitue s ieetweuklt. Cou(sseeaud M tlaissuse tea olinty(*t'i-if &c-Tas sra . funeCIîdrk;uuu, Euiqýj P-- Buoc M . iraiS iu YANKEE NOTION STV )RE. s1Auuue lnte bonis ppuluitul Ilurir tei. A"o piniansd otuuaueutid pdaleir Witl pde t BoduttaTf oill .1(i5 . J ue ilai?85.- --utani. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . Arlad a tCam isj. APunkNGLE, l,- o Fr 3eaorke Rent. - ou L ~TIIOS. 'sVhltY, ~ fE CIAN TALO, RUE SRE1~ ro ta 15.P.iPUttlliocluiti-- .iauî os ta:~tm qj,~DtS .i..~Drtr. H anhvanileileepBoitaizq caris 'Toil your vI1"Th e orda vomin laboard for a year or, tbye, se4 fiyeu bis mmid, and vouldget ail eieil sÈaheul, riettaubeigiOia. Time UtIe Girl Cat Mm e. ale Th~r'a aiiCe gtitha isots < n't ouasy vese yo*e poing, âWe voe!t trj that jet, Detuyr Au wthlanghlereor feà~l. Aaron?7 why dTjhIairamytey f ito Andla ils er oft ott= ,. itt?' q% uretin r edoaeý 'Logtb peit f 1(0,ao resv Ob, lt'a only oneà malter ofbuans.- oueai lanaing, asd MI fiat = - 'wbr theasddensi heu, -aidvary, ri oing toiame Ny. Lawrence., tionvillarreot is vIolones. I P*O sdees tia auiigbt. s inl.gnear me, 'Edvard Laroence ?l Wbi gmore to Propose. it o-U~~>~ On Myiye.1 elad instait bmIe iaim ,~ sielbai ojes as bie sihoiaven; 'Tl j 1our vife 1'lTne vords--aee a,- Witgo homeeta Mollser'a. ton'Wr I g d & ou leven;) Mo t a iIf uttered loed lu bis ea m , no er vaited us tW laTS thOte I-~ ! Snà suhr Ghmbri Wh"am io 700 ping hoasme hlm about?, ccet us pue1 oTer haif wvit410.1c", That forevr a ie lis sing. «Tolt ber P t"Mig, lent lto theq actoaot. e PS ïY And lher sweet voie. over iiiug, Mr. Ljtilsstad irreoute. Wbatgondi ajaer Aunie aomefieg b ttake ibçu'éa of lleauty o'er thse rapt bosit brifisglii Iveet aseart. would telling lher do? tltde FÀie and Làie tloug-,4 w Witi hrsunyluIai uri; Whats the mtter, AminYou've 1 vil go jeta thg atoremai Chef éloiktY Withb ler te enowhite a-1 'porlY, beon dulI for' aime time poil. tothung 'Jiotay I jou!ee ra P 1 have me o ýkandt srlYs poing vrong vlth you,I1 hopeY' Andi bis 'Not aiof it, Aaron i laite . seibUt5 An BL e . .tb swsy.d , vdpr i iife laid ber aud upon is ar , a sd l on- oma,m ai jeu yl l 4 edbefâ o ll Sm o 96 la Rsy ovn, jut tue acails- ed tovards i hm luaind vey. jear older, if jon'U lot me have uMY -Yey sîlreti ittle had-led llee ý1t" i & ot nvtry wrog'h vred, le 1 dou'b luke ita110o0%n, ua n- Udi 1No aiY. an. evasilvemanner. 'Buinesubaiieoitai leu bnow. ,Idou't bolievoe'Wa fai MuLy tlîe'vrld coule issly ouiber, dulf tlà sesion.' man. Let me taie bis place, Id 7M W Bieîetilifal 11pon ber, qi.a it? roi sory. 'Wby didn't jeu maie a clear aaving >orf ifIteeu n aradot. An~îo h C r uar uisijr.tellme ?' lam a yar; aid, majb-lo f Ot U ach Tbrougli th ' ldo ur iuliU What goond vould that bave doné?', oe Poes te i ebled yir te bringiu., Ngrief ber purs o.Ký wriniuig. 'It aigbt bave dett a greul del of good. 'i cant tiink of il, Betey. .lt tevolt Wi ts vu es. Whou a man'abusiness lus duii!,làiii vfe&wie.' Maytbeivetes hurtlu eain- sbonld look toalihe- ousebold' expences; 'yox Mutiaiof it, an e voWt wevls Brgiur ntisaI o'er vaiitirVeîi. but if she knoys notbig about it, emiay anubile,' replioie esoluto vifé.. - a BVlucre lili wýv-eof lifeamr lrven go on in a vuy iabat la rea.ly extravagant la rigbt ta lie dons la best don u ~iémy.- Puo o ed ity âje entier the c rcum staiiCe5 I think tiI men J a th e e ut sau f ty lu M ypan 'N iiir urtobroweoverhlinpr, oàgist alvaji tatel their vires,,vison i"y- iYol 1thirik thore la, bo--";ý Wlbile mi am u i. sb, a elolar. tbing is pg ogm.&' eTb lf lsa at iton ceasluaeu r tiiih ig h oine!l 'T o u do ?' a ulbuta over bo ad, or, . s e l i d a t -------- ~'Certainly I 'do. Wbnt hettçr r»une hlm a littleWiÏe l, prqm o Th -Hpyead. cu jou vont tban the one 1 bure giron ? voulti mtiter bave aomo âk ih3.lw Soute loUler," (vo UIi t vas a Moto- If abce boys that tise incarne la neducoti. as ronce,, ra?' ing nevaper typa> with.aubnkeeu i. u apndeiit vife, alto vultendeavor ta redue . 'Hang 1fr. lavreecoe Il lidÂt ter a ol m uus 't.los us uIthe expe'iies. Hsiliit jouibotter t ofLittle. 'n -r r awey." your coul, and ait dovnanad tlk itus Very watl1; thora belug no belijLr ie th re n t a h ppy and-m e n itt e, hfor o you ee M r. L urence ?'l L a reuc e, vo ill go t a o n a nsi i'lp isOCethîs u slu~iu ~Mn. Little permitted bhis wife ta drav off ourselves. Self Whe lp, '* sirdit mid, ialuru 1ut-1-îisaan ienbousilela Lithis overcoatl, viicitelleho ok inta the pas- is alvajadtsebhat hlp, aid Most te bc ri Anidldqustsliup eisre oiiiruto saigenditreplaoed ou dis bat-aIr. Theu dependeti on. Wo snay keow -.oeumlve Aiel ehusesrtcus' i 6sin cs, rebeniing imb disepartor, dabs saii: and trust ouisslvea iaad "tisa reiat And whIeu y ou de a jo wnrk 'Nov, Aaron, ltlau rime as .froely -ai den1more than vo cmaMYsasoot oties Po. whoeNtur' ei 11 a te Wre, jon cboose. Don't keep asything iuc.pIe. ,Whossisala o bayatise ale 1, rt lu orery b.iliig liru.ik 1 Wbutever the trouble i-% lot Me knovit ta 'Not - IitisBeba,eno sfut. 1 le liliere ume leuitàb %tdou't tngaelp, the fulextent.'2a s àtlgrost t lu aal, Th"?eF And minly cave dui't l100Lk1 &Oh, diene's no vory preut trouble jet. vonld hoie0 aia .k certain loue. Fumi -------I a m anly afraiti of trouble. I mse lb com - lui-s old at auçtion neyer roý W alb qa o Ve iug, and vus ta ieep out of ils vey, haif ils cool' ut &,Tll Tuevevriingedvwiiiili Betey.' l I4t ould be acerai gin, Aaron, if i y- Thoat rousti my paîiveaytruer, 'Tisit's ise and prudent,' naid his vifs. sareti ju framhankrupuey, ils vhipi, a Doe jeu boy sin& quit a1it -'Nov tel me visy- you are goief ta amo 1 underitand i t, jas are tIireatoned' * Wisire houpes aes v.rn iiur- a Souse liu n aisleni dell, Mr. Lavrence.' fi*ini,' aid--Aaranlire y net on it items teluiti or Sosie rire Mr. Little lot his eyoi fsll ta the -flair, vithaut that. 1 lue lise ide& ofjyou on-ý 1_ .Wlleru wviiiieu eiausJlul"raibr=t l aid set for sanie moments in silence. Thon isn... ut my store andti hlg UoýM"Ao ~Aleîitutlkerilltge paroi Tishe ud iu inisclssC rsuutloMYfuiso. looking u o esaid:zplice. Ail thoeioney Irout retIaies1 La Ait iiiekst«, aiuwrel "sery P" '«Tire trutis la, liely, 1i must bave more passesz troupli is -banda, adnie hom a.lbin, ___________________ capital l in y business. Thera val! ho no bis povor, if not boaéesta rorbme au,- getting on vithout il. Now Mr. Lavrence iousiy. rvo notftItgtgether eay lu sa- itcraurt ait commandl, or et bail sajs ie o an camn- pardtu itahm of tli. Wbj, I can'$uSdll mandte tee duuand dollaru. i tini ho leu. l've sean notbung vraug, $ut if of vould lie lu joie nie. Ho bai aid asInnoittaie bis plie,fiftses itundred Oollaea Toîl jor Wile.mch tva onres imes.' vil ho aiveti certanly.' 1~ 'Tel m wie Psai AronLiue, pea- And yoo veresgoaop ta Boe hlm on tdat 'But if 1 bavs.sy boue t e r isg Blond, jet ta himsîf, le a balf amused buiitneo5?l'il nwtdt'ti,-o el ofbalf troublai vny. 'Tell MI vife, indeed 1 41il as.' jusuttde itoem? The Ilittbleg lordot Mecs goadth iat vin do? Wist domsais1e 'Don't do i,' maitiMem. Ltile, susphati- is ta pet the hous offimy bands,' 7gkeow about businessi aid Morley malteri i- ca.y.Dos't youau ik ibat Anale oaaldlho lia ai h reio a.? Ner hr' Whj nott'l red Airas. intiuced ta cai aid live viti us for a fkv no hope tliere.' 'Beesuashisn't dis min for jou-not niontisuetil vs 1, this inov experitlai. AidAirn Ltte at ausnpvid ~if ho bliitventy thousauti doU*l a& But ihe Moeoy, Airaitsuk t- me sr * perplexed -cant--- e.Ho hod a ness- Do a i o miO,' tepb5ed Airasnitura vaulti bring 1 kà3'avPi . rI ba- - peper in bis isoed, anti bis yes bai jut tle.isg aftor. Ta u man e iby nov.' - a£0 liesu lingering over a parograpis, in vbicis 'Tisextravagace of hb ivfe as' vas 'Verj rue.' the ynlter auupeatei la businessa mou in aiiswered, lirmly. 'Thon lot as bang cet tedi.rflo. . Haif- y troble, dis prapricty of consultlsg tdoir 'Wbiat do yas inow about bier?,' vsy measures miy only ruse evei7tiuing" -1 vires. 4'oul vbat 1 bava seeu. rie enlIi l nov ttmother viii ttlet Aux"o lomm &Talkteomoafreely àïbutjý outaEfii5,'upou bier tva or theUtims,and bave ihome; no it'eamouoto'"k uofit. [The tsait d. 'Lot demora ,dmtmd UUy ti!noticedtheilsstylo e isiclier bouse l agis, Aaronthe a"d flap 1I >pod "ier our o diti a. Te l h euof our diffic l- furn edt. Iibisarrayed in palace attire, upon'l, ta t sa im itigh bt h k g to beh So liesa; of jour emisarrasuns, andi af jour coMparil ith ous. Aidas for drae, ilb dons. A thouatii tr fle«' han- S plana for exiicalig oiselvus frainitise voulti taie the isterest of antile fortteo rés!deirs in ba"d viiaa ibu fe t nageei ev b a r uort.ta pqylber lmnuler'a ad uaitlemaaier'slikeanothet 'petota ie-glo ye ~ea - Nyvword fornlt; Ion vil get bell neaine bille. N o, no, Aras, Mn. Lawence jlaotaIconfidence, sed eneni.. Casasot of leu. Wommu bve qlck jouriniai> tiepesti on il. He'd oueup tisa 'T aiy bo rlgisu, 1ltoy, but ? qan't flperceptions. lesy rmicht conciusionsua ~tee thousaaddollars isn diii mtvo eaes.' ba heinlie ougisht fnuniot ouethe sas 'J samrray tliae rsasoeueg, and gel stIthe 'Well, lletsy, dbat'a prelly dlem ialk,' lagofwviicis on 1.kwsligtl.* ' 16 solution of a difficult question, long before said Mn. LUttle, tsiig a long breaib. 4I'ni iSI sai ay covurd? 1 Arc yourafsell jour slov moving tisoughs sbring jeu sein radlier afrid, after vbatyjas sy, dt tr.ta do visit commue piraeoci 1t on 7Mla g. ougis for maleatobservation. Tell Lroc i o ymain, fuex vat ana 1 ipt ?, Lo urvrdti lueitebe.las u tdot' and iuevoice fol istoa atroubloul -1Ivas afrid Bos;btSU»O jour uffairs I Xeop eodiiag baci. Tiseloise. 'I1umont bave More capitai ~'faint-bealteti. Wath seCIa blavelit"i LîaY, botter they unautntheismalltetia ri. Little peusoti. vife aa o, la Stand by 'aijad, U t.iî- clearer vil! hoetieir perceptions.'Qrvutrbs if oeiaIhm ourdaaii' AU, Â1 a ory Biatbeorye asud Aaron LUt- stentiy, and vithout Bany sjuof eai anx- luaeka v otam îtit ay, thil §@a Ststoegtise nevapaper front hlm and iety. vas houp asut. Wbea tua AuoQloaý amati mulweas, oinga inbi elir. 'But it won'& 'Or I may become baiuxupl.' sp lis accountabo liad 1 lu a a jldse vw ai do in MIceue. Tell Betijl1 Tes, l'il Im rtbaju5yhtAin iiseeadedUsfor~ lfEI uetass jsî rdois.g ilA mai.Lt -ntiMes. Uttle's vaine tremblei percept- vu fBlei ast ta the ordero to , ie hobaril pusieti indeeti, vhpn lhogoosibornéieblj. it com stalutobhan4a is tth r i sht vuo Mua- ta coaulat is vlfe oniibusinesaffaîie, 1But Fr. glati jau vs tald lue. Thse melt,admati ai felt i u éetP ova Andisas Airas Little disussedthedis sb- nov paorncurpteOaicourse, I1sal!itnol vordut tas easy an an aid shée? Cf0» 0iàà 4e,.le a u ci lderahle douib orlS.ued mtn ~x. s a nager a" màllUt ris C:rplxlijai mmi. TlueW nt oueo e <O, s l tt th &ount It vin -ostif lit. HobsoN, seeb-fatulaOr --k*volt vitis îMaifor a jean pont. DeU huai- m mirDo preut difrece,' aun it . recer n alier busbaus ataors.7T111M aid nom aid liaitldebte blad lat bis affaire isn tlvt as o agsarblergh a"~- naser ai wspramiaisg -Coedition. Ho 'The part lour ookbi aabby ; aid I elons anti ahap.girl nt e ut d but ira- cslt et n bi va ce.,foru~.~ nowyveju' set jouribsart an a nov car- Mm. lltey batia <pick, s810517 94 en ula Tsking Iade ait ilbebonfor the pat Pet.'aeflb-ne hie d ,,adsix imonths, lh coutid lot imagine boy, 'Iideed, aid il vilniais a differenca, so euo <oIt, a id somade evett içwb Pany, itisthedisuraae et bis command, basthon,' repliaidiehe utile vamnainlersnde- aenviont lii ber viii. It vu a zeaWbkb s rmaturing pajaletsexe .ta lie M&ql cideti vay. Î'bat u4feather breaisithe, fact, diat at the close of -Ile iai&eke eurai ' stgbmrcaia'hoetaM- camelis backe. AniuUtile abolInover ber udmissttiasofafièjrL i c"le te- ol. Thinlalie. And vlith m=c- f iai eaof bi wkàextravgance-1 ceipte ara a ven uidriam Ufvdslu ,agi- ptal nitctoeania prter. 1deuilfilm vould&ut have anenovcarpet nov if il vote in excouo lt eespta orai"yvOéiv5tb pu»" & tisoifiulfotwra obrdta mi etl aItPris'.'thempoavious dires ___a ta van togethen umnind. heyo Tiou ars a brave, trusvouai, Betej. HS&"ve odon sui" bealseel bu »»I rioly boses butI n na the vajast a on ngorefel v i adlt inate ab f ekr id i. silO nevwvs' With mim Printea words, giieat, though" ý atil untîring iladmitry, we advocate peajýe, progvm, ý Kméwledge,.,ýBrotber-- ler 994 le- tû but ly. r, cal lili. IQý tL où 1 c irit agi U ,y- lit l04 km ria E Fm m km ud »Ir lu au b Fi kpa ios kilt ,ou atil Pl lke an il au [UN lis 1.11 vbîleýv gr ock 1

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