Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1860, p. 2

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a Aiition Sa 8. - mniitratlonsii3uoa ti i udtise use oettheOragefPs8nm;~Nw1 e - gael, as vol ell ortleo exitigdobt ot tise O es Ics-Bovr eEXct"-I Tise Prince or Waslof th Boton os tise <con ItsNo. 8, er of the 51is cou., County, if tsismuulel>'agceed uoP055tshall nnliveisary 0(ethe Gipowdes-plot,- Itisfles-Por-tleadvisera tse chips or tise Pitctssyl;,. on SturdIty, Ocober 21, 1860, h neîisdudr lîAc;at ieThelss-otbiet ot L 0.L. No. 130, o bsRoyal ilquasicesa svjtod tise R,)yi Party,. Ca the popery orWin.13el.-J.0. S eagreesment or eee.rsi aIt ldistingiesis tis owbc, adyoeràan Orage Spprwhich ed o méiaedprue h îlsprpry fWo.lei-. ~Sar- ament te beanunalty paisk fos-ties iid ' -alslot BRy. 3 OucLtoNee . 4hCscete fPc upennso, and for lb.e-thon dSal ,it ef is te ho p&rlikone f sCut_ rs otS- -al afrty simediaPo 4rtladar2eIC. Thand Bks Orn L. o.t9.-SS t onea'sou' îs.of nnc- tyaSts pee tjaets > The Ien. J. H. CaaseronGrand Master,~ thse psnprty t ILl Ianoy,-J' C. Stet'- mente for Ithe dsit ase le continue husgnle ieutuonfe'gpratcrn-cioibyieMorndCuilt lic u ucissser.. 2 Iaduatugtisiracedtie achri- ou, 1th occsin, au alitesoanm e Ioditis the Ctyand m ciioted hy thueuililaT7 M <lu .LoN. 21, 2U, Silo-Con. O e ,t ~trstesshahl, susng other tisingu, 10k. ietogisisad somisera ai tise rder, F's-m Ues-ogistise principal strecta or tise city, te hava~ W.litl)y, ou Tlsurstlaty, Oct, 251111860, thé Considération tise &acesnt prestonul>' piS chaàt.ce buoco e i.gentlemen hics theo chas-f ut for tisa acuemodatien oatise il 1 pr-o r tJlesrdJmsAiostS 'by the Tocn, or chicis tise Tcn 's-a>bhacharge oethtie vangemeets, as as-al as tise Great Eatern--, bieytie>'ebarbot lmid -aSnae (A tes-îng AutinnOOr. tho ise abule te pe' foc thse censtraltiuOf etsuporarmanuer invwhicis M ,Crectersle ofa-ila- n suu tsustc %et t - esai r bzidgàs teetice CeunI>'; dsent lie calira te pieuose ieguasuf, va teel quise mute, Tise. Pr ince at i site to el X%éwAv tertintS ti ay iie -iI Town; sudaaise ,isýhatis ai hthe t e trtalament 'ldl ho a thy. limiteuc eraedno C ProoolestatCokin Sovofe $2, es-Is ma hve ot, orbea fiable 10 psl, cmuainar li u~at li iecau arins0 et tsl, e cigised tettl esa is aoc 'l'h. is oà-ng Soefo 2,fo h.Construction off ronds'or. bridges hv eiso h .bs rtfcto ttesri -john Brýmu1- lir~ithin tise Town Sa tis'hsll lu st er- cl puce off happil>'.1- Invitations nacehaves he oe taedi herd LiteAbsoinienet cotcuti- w ~.nu.tai no ellc t tie Tce isevlue ut ils beau forcardeel te tise bretscen oethtie dii-se tt ýo..tl o ttai W HB ieet IlCat>' propos-t>' éxept rces atirent Ledges a is.he ýCouat>', anSd'theu t- United Stuteaia litigo,'Agent. -anibrdescthin tise Town. teqdzuca aaexpected te bo a ces-y large Fbe deteilà f et sceurncseel hthe ra Frosoissupplies .-of Clothes'anti- Tavooda - 3. Wbae tVl eaemnt or lavard hle n. 0. eamlsiip Ams acamails are highil>iter- ef c Lowes & Powell. hecu madeac sto' ttie saute and o e ia enîisg. The Popes, islà'ita allatuetea Se- pabi Oreccries anaSuSatar- -Loces &Powell. By-lse, duîy asifled hy affidavit, 8miAitho Wkitby Fatt Rae .lvrdt h.0cu o .adn>asjntefl lîeady-sec Cl othinti-LOwes tm Pi-cl irnmited te the Govey sveasi tt~t ets olg tCsdsi 0 iefl Mrgegi Sale-Robt. W. JehunstOn. thecospoîtsueoicobs procamtinaitisdrac- TeFIQselo fts aateTsi21 l. letee> ittr gana K ; Ileeaih of $Zl0-Cli,%rles Alîcyn. ing the Toton freintise jusisdictine. tisa Club, came off oves- the Whitty Courise, on Vce mne>at tgaie ss~-appe Notice ý-TbOMaq Docning. -Council o, lb. coual>ty iTbursdsy. andi FriSa>' lestI ttisuanti 11h Sert as gutît>', déestable and sacrilegions- neti Banutite-ptSale-Abs-cm Legs". '4. Aftaclte precldm5I oa cebeaunla.,tint. The coaliser prove5 ^Il that coulti Thereta, ta tise documnt, au inirct ceas- dilu Stoeeanmd Tin-wasr--W. 1V. Brown uS ieofcsetReosn oe> c. ie desiced, andth ie tracte vas sn excellent plaint that tise Emeror Naplen faitedStaIs -~~~~~~~~ ofis sd o sl-,i.Pr-, e tise Conucil et the Ceuuly sha i bave eors ,Tise ttendasce cas nnotnommereon te flBlliis promise vison ho permitteS d CnrSifs. Wu. Bker * u>'force in the Town, oxcept 8iotas- as re- on tisefiet day> but ou the scond day tise "Uheoenlisranasseettore efthlie taasican or h Bale b>' Pub ~ ~ ~ e lic Aute-OO-.E .lisl iecars et tise ýCoust ci0Heu0ssndf tors-ont 1lfufis- nongh. The sow et te atisscace ac s lsfer re Rm s i Joncs a-el Brother. - gel, anS ethes- Cont>'psoperty. in tise herses cen toissiderod gooti. Theastt ftisongistise>' buatiseassurance tIsaI ne ene cay Nec Llgt-GeOirg Yiloe. Towunus-I the Town uhalnet thernaiter ho ordes- eusmaintaiaod on the course durin.' cuIS opposa tisent.'5 Ceti C avons- liaScaal Bar Tendes- Watei-J. Crocices-. fiable te the Cesnly for Or Iseb obligea te v gmp-Georgô Yule. 'psy tu the Cooîty or le the Conunty Tres- tise meeting, indeoti ne one Ceula observeo declared tantise Sardisien Clieabers It h o, .eveetq th i tisal 1e FQiry.ausy> moue>' for (Qeunty debte or othor asaytbisug eppreasaisin te drunkeunes or nu Power baa suer mado proposais isculv- aist rad ege, Loyal Orange Instittilon- porpoies, oxcept eortc oma as easy bc qscrrlieg-oa tise gs-eund. 'The meetig, in- the cession et a singlo-incis et Italien tise J. I uil nsc.ereed nîsen os- assrded asuaforesaid t rintaiaonaontise wcise atlf>'qualfod tisa soif,nod that thereex«ieetne public or pri- Prim ----- ri.Afte thelapseoË'fve yurs oxpactetiens oethtie Club, , che-on ao- voeoConventien etipultia; snobeacessioan.Th k-dJu hrîsuch I< hormeert Use' aastatorecain ltor ceunI ef tise St. Catherines races geing ensThe Con's mossage te tise Chambeorsas tise slsum41us goren r sarc uearusei r ttisesaime tise-the Cont>' end Tocs- exceedtngly interetin;snad velopa the Po- iuý -- oe ecard ss>'ho bc de, te asces-Isi th ie slip ploeghiug matches, tisa Oshawa (air, lie>' et the Kiag wdti regard te Rome and gsit ,Whýb, huray Otobr 5,1860- amontteulis puiS b>'tIse Town u the ant i ceso tiser publie gauierigs-cerc Venire. Itlta allegea that Garibaldi, inil O~tbe ~ Couely forotho expewellofethtie adminstr--stvr'snuieethei;f k nlceie nihrsei ytmli u tien of Justice.nt eysnunofnyhg ieafl ere'an amdbCopitendPl ONL (RE D LLA A EAR 5. After Ueo.cithdrawal or asTove (rom meeting. W. fhae laceei ever>' (or- recrimaiations, is reqqeeted Victor Eman- Gwu lise CeunI>',mail propsrty thertutore ovnalleme-occasions-Ue asurance (cous eSt pa- nefte tome anti refliesbisa (coca ailauti-s- hi AuCtiou-StilO Bille! b>' the Cont>', oxospl Rone anti Bridges; tiese concerneS, tlisttUeo décisioos of the oriîy. The Frencis Cabinel t i supposeS tepia aithisi the Tocn, shah rousietise ps-opus-b>' jadetigo, ru inait Camsesestiatacter>' isSnd (avdrs a rotéenceo e Isansquestion te bs-i 'Idhi hast printed, anti the rîteapest oethbie Conîst>'. tisat th. races caro tooducted te thp Msou a Congres oetautUeo Great Puces-. a Auction Pols cas e hoprootîretiut tise We hase giron tis eatt iatull, ibottelleil ooal ensrI vc' tss epct osr ssx x-.soa.AotB- is CArosîie office. A bonds-es-ilil(-hthlta a shoert one,aet.inluortier that tise itcilities hnrbeasnei vr tirrset ODaML XLSO.IAotft û bill ta ho iaS~t-th'ansheur fs-eus viicis tise tacprevides male>' iniea ul Tise pumes cern ail pasi on - tise avenitetan mintes tr 12 o'clock on Wedneacy h ondorteedanubc ohuitt îlevvisels of th ie day et eachirace, is>'tisa Socrelar>'ight, th4'luhahitante tinaSd around ArcelS- visi tIse iune o e ovtssg thse os-dos. ulikol>v n thpe a Uerpto nt i etandTruesurer, Mr. Win. Scott, cho cas toe, Ulser CountZ, cern satslifoS t bir nsq A. cosuspuleteakR . plce, ia thepevet ail heindeiattgalsle le bis axertiena te secothat slouchera b>' e terrifie noise, teliowed b>'I I By.fac for wthSswai heing. p51esl e e dO i.- etof poe trnuahtiug et tise oasIsands astring ofi ap Auction saies of County Auctioeercs, think t iliilic oncedesi that ael ttisavon- eeyhn vuWf roef' indocs a. dn>' tieugbt il mc escîlquaie, Nsý caIme o, fhho sales et Ms. Alex. Tfeomp- tages ceuid ho in ýur favor. No toey's FRT .anS great alarra and excitement encuied in siai et cis-or'.Ai ptstis iaitotebae ee oopndd >'tis cnu>'viisis Corsr osIRSii, nsDo lateoi>conneqquence. Ou exasetuations, il wus rCeon fouad tvhbauated e-le ou.hwihi o Pedes. Mil at Arnoidton gr do bu te corne te Use CAs-nisae office, tise tocs, whlte large sotrishave becs ex, oaci, mile boata. ble blocas up. The explosion vas lirs-Scou f end u e ped Ilics counnl>, ontaildu the tocs, R. bUlonr's Mes-kham Blaklotck 1. 1. (ors meraI milles around, and eeunas facse andthe cla itonc îid ut vlen up os eeaand brdges te chicis bth ocs Jaes e stes5J. C. Ileeuas 2. 2. as PougisisOspsie- Hec il happened îta ,fnd ivisre un>' Attcetier s. aesgagcd, cnsiueeSthe aust et chicis con- Caleb Crazdl's Sleepy T'Fi>3. 3. unkîors. The inilla cern retirel>'lde- ps- Thos. Decnisg'i 'l'oiisg Sir Taltton moliaisod. Fssrliatrly, no persons ires-e in inu and for clintday Sets servs-Vcandftribotton wcouicf hotak>'u in Coi tavur. In dreu. lIse building al tise time. Tise hs ta cati- fil ha ss-ctrcd. Pulli autatorit>' lias heauen ts îttemont,tise tes-au culd aise bave te Timo 1.55, 1.54. maed lt I htween Ifreu anS four" thoupond sed girsoii e W.If. lista e astle tes-ms lbe alloueS cs-dit (or tise value ofit initereet Cr eu r$5~inS tk 2 olr.-- c anti appoint days wiîbont roferences in ail ceunI>' poprtj, tise gael, couenstasel, Io mile iseuts. EÂsto-QuAKC n4 CANAsDA. A sharp isuea&C, ail tht> ceuid &Mount te a prêt- C. OsGeeontered F. Locellais Meis-u-suent of eartluqsuke wc e (oinlu(Ifftretlt 85î te tIse Auctioneer. t on u norf o.Teod tm agel b>' Gleee, eut of ltudolpti, parts of Canada oîa last Wednrcd-uy, the bol Ailcoslise ill lt tst oscoud us-aiae ,, .I1. lTth imt. Little damage, boasevor,vas th( AUacinblsprltadNtut his1tebc brongist agaînet ussistauodauywbercoIfsue xcep 1 W. Wollose Oi-in,5 jeans, elt b>' etie et hotu s i f ive usl et- ao office, saif I recolel- a notice iu tise oet h. couat>' SsItx cbich sas>'bhosaiS t ps'lot, ont ofe leusieret 2. 2. schCanse, athss oriverasacy teppîrd duan, U/eoncl g-.tto,îtîti tsedc' t ble ch si, anS vo coulti asehbu ruquireti te J. Oates, IVegner, soh lceotsudchîhopre sud crosses te, . TiaI A nuroff plain andsi Ici a Pay a (ais- preportion tecars-utise atiiei- etfBlissker, dracu. claock e-as srarceîy perceptiblo in b paer .- AIl sasuoor rnamli ratiun et jutioe anS tise ose oftise giseI. Tises 3.45, 3.59. Gasucsa sevonuil llvilIs, asi es-e id was uj, Trinting, donc nootly, claply ced ex- Placin; both colemons aide b>'aids tise iS-iT&W ns Poissa$50, inciSe sae$10îo ist sligitly toIt, fis tise istries ofehQue- pl Caeci, open te &Il trottin; anS pacing bhs..bec, Monts-cal ancieres por-tiosno f L.ooer sec awar cola et rov oterwse hanlares-Canadea, tise plîceomse caucacci qute r pottotal. cad eud etpsos tths-is tss lr e s, me buts. conster-nation. a Sepaatin, otheTowaromthe omm lyin our (as-or. On a calfflatien hastS 1P. Boyd's .lim Crack (pituer) b. 2. 1. heur-go KitsgunS Aaron Joncs, haro a hý t y for eee Ittisewuîees le ee o pen hv isa u sten place lthe paI fise WI. K. Ellieî's Diesty Milles- 2. 1.2. filis ona the t-sio. Ktag ts a %c-ciiociosste - fr 1 leel5spoe. years wa s-eotusate thse smouuît f>ee-y sas-- N. Ray's Bladck 7lia 3. 3. dran. \,NwYork 1iscîssar. Joncs was-s0crl'--ie The question et settisa; apat lise locu ng te the teen, vbiob couuS ho affecteS b>' it .9,24,24. ls riero lea o i onm ihT from tise ceunty isoe athet migitWall e- e citbdraessl, t (ceas £250 le £375. If the SAune-c $12, Opon te aIt batte herses, iuosricary, anS ta rausideredoeeof tIse levaSeus-o tecenracîa bn fr a ssumile beuts, catch ceigis. -. fli",ssneî ahe cs-cr topsped it teIUn' gagetUe o ser, serions .attentien et the ownds e uenîatala o mprev- iP. KelIe's gcsy Dido, 1. 1. prize ring. w peeple of Whith>'. Ifil bu tru-aud vo mig a feedin; ino of ruaaS Irougis the Thos. MaSdenas ho>'Kitly, 2. 2. tCasîs clii cattu Prince' ia Geecu- isellove tisa tact ta undipîtahe-tlsat tisa count>', chat s ainting find-tatis; tise J. L>'ei s U, 3. 3. tisntadardllcst the PovicilGoea- tocs Conbrilicils maeci more lise is fir preet taxes chias e puy- could thisSEODD . Thue etitiiaies expenditurs attendant en a proportion et Iho ceunI>' taxes, chilo il 55&Moulnt ilo. te 'cipe off tise doIt. We SCN A.the Prince'c viit tbs.ongh tlae States anS dotes Dot purticipata la s-(air aileaofettise usait detins. te urge Ibis mater, euS sue Pitns-ssci Tee-$50, Inuidu malle $10 Canuclsincludin tise aposces of bisea (rom inie te bune hec ve"can escape froin oaoi, tee-mile heuts, diS not Iil, enly onu Prisce asdcilsasuite, eud ef tise bicot,luasei expendiîns-e, itlase imetUeo mettes- cern enîqy. heem ralcasiatooeaI$3,~l55000. 19 okati iaIo. If eute partnenslisp citis Ile building threu gravei read-the uaoly rond îaercaePoissa$100, fros te ail sad- Tlree candidsic re iow n thlu fieBldSam eentty ho a lesta; oe utIunr aide, cils ait acheços cbich tise couti>' leover f ikel>' tu floosst tood for, anSdisooked aerea Ibis fer NowastleetDivision. VitiMessrs. ti Ise &avantageson ce cothes.aiSe, hottes- Ie ge isto ;-boc ce enu eceid havie; Oua- x-sensen, onec mile, 3in ta5. DiS uet tf Ill i tten andS Siuier Smith, Ms. Ansrcw soys-e tiorenection than kaeovinagies 5rittecedasa>' te asuetht cbtm of the cesaqenee or fr Tffes and Shtes-ry Jclftr>-ate olS Refermes-,matees tise lsird i wiligy eri orslecteb ipoe CnyCou>' ad rv fon atsadCoUr-gpots;elamed chite trisdis;. lIcesv la'oser.-Henric'eanecr, a t dilligSj ermitoersslvs leibgurpeed ouncpai n sovfrosa atah ced LaDoiW Fureel$80, isie alle $15 f iqo dealer in Cinîcinnati, absoondeel on t cgpee. As usatturs necomstdthe lods lua 'n hcspsalo so aUoCont>', echan sdicap -caigists, paos ntr>, isaiî TueuSe> flest, rar-isg citb hlm ceeueaf- eempie*u t the orisc>' ollthe coctby. Ou culd serve tis abot iatoreslet tise Toc- torfeit, mii* bost. t>' teeuioaud dolaraseeiclah ,Onbtaiid hy roIlb>' . Osos elace F. sevei'aMosct-sutes-igorgeapapor vhlch lie reîiresnet tise qulisatieunnifIbi s sesinit r et yofWiîby. C e«etee .eUwl'e U s harts; heenen 5 hy I is faîlscs-in y, tboüyCetnei te " oetWhitbj te ----enas I3Olha, 3. I. 1. lac iWin. WoltT. c lieCenl> W. Welie's Clos-ion, 9Oihs, 1- 3. 3. AIdnss an rea ha pi a tsvarth ie sufe,s te.mattar hein; se PleugiituiMatch. J. Gateai' Wagner, îlOlbs5 2. 2. 2. ASrueusrnins -rou nIind aeSpanbss arrangea Ilat t leasI ont etnso ts0 s--J Bakec'a J. C. Ileesaen, <feathes,) dr. uin li resrut quscrel. Sho le organizisa; ire taxe-s d# paid by the to eo Orl/ The plongîlîs; match of tIse Soth On- R. Miiier'ls Blzclork, 9Olhs, dr. a cor-ps dars-sau t Ilaranna. Vper, . Snels an auount--visWOn Wv a 50e tarie sud Wiiby Agricultural Societies Ttme 149, 1.4, 1.49. a The rupure Ielceen Spain and lIce inato-uttIhe poptiat7tqO andati i ofis t ere hélS on Ms.. Roert Miller's ftain Svreess-Azzor $5 eacb, le chicSlise Rpuhlic la reutlinced. the Spaulis itet- tia vevomsicpta tue bes isa- uClub asSded$201, f(caofor s - lhrses nol te, hevin; Saoi ...dcd hi. puapo-tu assIlft.P thqtweyo uuil iieà f wiehthe3rdConnssion et Whitby onFsuSa>' lest, wctsuaag apute. uring theo seting,neconS Thosa (risarient troopa baS acticuad couset>' la compse-ta inone§wciol>'diepre- cisen 26 plougbe cons sotered, vie : 11 in herse te cees lits estranc , elieatu. gressl risusepha ocur tle.rebels. pus-iou5 te santhi i u séquitable dis- the Int tclse, 12 ia tise 2ndusclanmd 3 ti C. Gale, entes-OS N. Rs 'a bs oiu: '7i -DIsxeTim\ sllne .- The inslte ettis cssc>' ords.Ast cht tseIrdciau. hedayvasbin. be ies, gl >' ile eu e Cosai-y ci, Bcucal ostio e sr 5GrnS runt Ril doas ae lovarocetr la reus-e? ul Oeuteamu saS Hauesu cs-eflegoott ndos-iaS, tothos-necgistpositionay Cnepauy Gengroses a rea Rapl-ci JI itmse" ofeil tisaexpenasa ef seetiXsa OtPickering, a SeSsle preented totehb es .,33 5 aTrusc es-y Sean>'readrâr. deyoooseh, Qs ssass-'Rla 8ocSeiety' 5> hIse-. hlaui-loo &-hohor BylaeasiIWlitayle, alceAmuon Pickering a ei'u'aPva-Wa meoinle o- Csrnerust adsertse a ewdoSet$500 &ad 4 <ibr od asls pritnr tnt *& laJ d assis s PLITeP&Mthîesdiscr os-r tJahn Sheridan tiegani. s aeameedetetms, ci i ia ia o-O s,-thedWt Sie ' hts' .s. eitu i-ty.ieshr aer a, pubisas_ Messes.Loves & Posrsl arc erocising -tt a p ta à WiSmsaisaan f >'l. hih' ecst>entitieS"tIhe Cassaulâ Pses5 p EIsresh su1spiic ef apiendil %cintere gueds. - rFeamc Ce-À.--IS au m jesTiospson C. T. Pa5gmt W,M05nlw. 5 s - « We bieotlsat ne exestiena ciii houpas-as ti.e! u.sass$4.00 t' ld, IHouri Beifous- $1, 00 s-55 ceàdi'gly M ly tf> glop Pýt i t brin; tb. cruel aSdoanileas cretches, ~ ~ ~'~J~>'~ Od- Wte isespaoa $lOOt415,JSiiosYesKobjecite Scbi e be th.le Pisttqativise issus depris-eS co iseipfle hosgof $Mle tgpower is-viisovas, i iui n i< 51 iai svttstfasti uMWeintlàeliseBt, te justice. We Sas-o happml> soces- tàemse-e ta «r FoWxuoCe--tss-Te toGeorege Tk -Pauti« off the itaws." bape cuiberae a saleS upos te ebrosicle an £JM 4 f beco $4be% w;2do, eJo. 4th .- 81liV mit>, as lb. ose retondeS sisoyer ce hap- 54 et£ àfU rs 1,.8,iaf fator ta We Oresispeis; la Prisces Etcardtiouatys aa in-i eaM& 54 em. Pite $&00- omuiuaandati sgemOet."s eel>' trust il sa>' se-r b. aur lot io de ese'tc as' Tasse-.1U%------Ib 4s- - aseagetu. Theze nus-ulra have cul si] - m T&pemu wigbaouauneeb 1boarmoce t tee1f gloose ocer tisa lqe tommeuuit>', andthie giia-e aS,- 'tsmg il: w-Tise plsegisnda elsi a-eumt *vaisortu11in tate isparpeteaaes ves t iton-a s adib uss ea>'ha Se touatt and i sreaht tes justce- of te wele lîëndby M. JW, ,iseAouta year ago Mr. Polteesesandstifl b llrekecs asil ~ Aio ton-a ex- aed scatlI ts,.aberrationof ta c. dsebySeIis lI: t mine ehave Dot lsSliai esh" ytiel imic%. dm y »Wb-ft«Ii -qL as.ru 'C- r-- hý t&ýa tame ith 5osOh ta rYork Corespoene fftie WiII le-s-sJü b > ' c 1 o n t elale . e r B s -oduclion-P-ine -of ,a e in sNew eh esý--?Ue issptl C oveontion - te ps- Wg . lat Joncs, iFVed-Bsser andt ud he New YoVrie Lelgtr - .ulserican -ne :fi. Bps-rom,--Bpeotu, corsapoants" itU 0c or Slst, hesoma se pleetitul so dch ap tain>' 1vilh smre hosilatioti T,: adcos jour ave 0o on tos tmhusia -=,t ,cttyi. * AItise .eut- eri tmc>' es-celIU ho tnSeratoo t t net ( e uS lad uvie fisc lie "ceaS I lave evec c loîtr On jous. ceb useo ]t ne 7u L On se> ' i ite s. Tise mouseenlsu>'imtera are eol et tealis( vice ta yusaf 'utceaelimg th yens- lare, . it rslp -ec hèse nt iai i atisos leas i lu a es- reberue" 10 relata ; it taie t o cw ou fai D dI s ppe te n t. Tises- e t be b. notice th 0 c d i so lu io noe t p . en r s iip " m c > ' h o p b l liatSeS b>'yen0aI as>' smoeosnt cils mi tiseil 1eonsent asud t ccisrmae. St o a sIsauges., N ec Y o k Cily> frte e , i st eee basprenanteS au extraundines>' nonT c osaranro. Tb. Ysekeeatho itgrotest ca ionin it nate actSing bornageta lu Royal ileed"la csesîhin; pasîin. nge. Tho reteptiee honever, vas T s-y tiis;tisaI eould hotsedsired, s-cS fer uduanos of asythin; Usa Ps-luesetfWalee aie suite anticipated. The people cero Tsf ere. Tco hnndreS tsousad tin BrenS- tios" tj ait one tins i Theasuethuam wceet plouc tatm;g. Cisuer spon chues- la> ail classes, publi ria aifisaadkerehiefusuad lisconin; ut thse b tquae >' lis ladies, anS themsect enlise- plouc sti Sseonstjsatien of je>' and Seiighl hby Onte c i&Lerda aif Cs-ationil wcomed tise casus rinca os hie trinomplialente>' into Ihe rit>', chai se prose et Nec, York,is iet theu prs-cs ot Te ca choIe contry haro fdtial>' chresuicied sean c progreas et M. Ps RL, fronthie fand- alios .aI Delcoit, le NecYesk. Il mut ho-bis utifyts; ta ers-Majeetta leaitise glow- per c geccouata et hec îen'o brauess lrougis littla s Aseerican States.. Bush torms of s-es- ci- mI anti admiration for Hec Majesty lber sigi overomeut, anS thst count.>' ees-hich cuiS ae se isappi>'mneas are boyend. aUi i l ,aise. AIter thia let ne Britishsaubjoct ind ratisa oeanenod of Strespeslofethe Le i 'utecs. The> houe roses up te, if net atiel s-passeS, eu- ove isas etfvisat is duo te u1 as syaltj What s chiange a bec short yeurs cas s-e matie? WLon the finsI Royal Pence gre> sited Ibis ceunte>' in t1ti. Tise Pen is >le sytsasia Packlet ot Ocbeber lth caltalise juali ite bu>'islliarn fleur>' Guelphs, IL. oIf- are s-ti;g et that hRoyal hbruteoretBritatu." tes io ali tgiu ase aBuabilit>' anS condescan- les, [a'" on tise part efthî e asol> prince, ho i Tise proession oi fis-emon w as eue etfipile randust diupiays oser citesseti on tbta aho nitunent Citizen Biressen citizen soldiesy coin er iýstitutieiia peculiar te Brother Joua- Clu an. 'Tho Prince l'sa Iucd na rPttat Oi Tc iriinit>' et iuspectisg anSdiciesol>'exaus- nu iug bath. Tise scs iS f)uke vu i0 1cr caaoed aith the proessien that bu addnes- sesi Sd a lettes- et tisansokdirect tute Lsuusf Sali aigiueec ni the depsantsest.'Tise baise fais 3ya, -"lNo uthisercil>'could preaeiuî suh n tlssa seetacle sud lise appeicranroeOftchat linse fMs. udy of mess, vus us aîrikiîg us the test et tisa se exhibition vus liscutifut.5 ilat sau o ci :osuiiest chiclt the iremen are pruud, oet ti ssd elle tise>'juat>' susiteS.'Thse P1inuces u dis c-eilntre, anS Lia necepîsien rIit VetlFint;ti-i sa 'tsiia upctse Esudson. Ilis plnchasîsa et Sol 'ecey at the (sec-faumeS ueaabisahmentt et oi Gall Bicts-Coc. bis prisicel>' presutette sesou aerns of te fifttavetnue Rectel, atnd tIse l'ai reof thf HLari-et Leonc. iiaroceptioi a p at the hal, lowe ie loos- broeoiesuasnd ho L dislsut duace citi tise ayesadacsh- -i tr, ace ubjects ut mas-iuttronvseratisons-e s-re anS] mouliimportantce ntuoniied te racîs. su Tu Su>' le catIe fs-en Peortland for fuis owss Oas csothec-aso, hasppy ldnlscsdt I1trustOa oui nu-ser nS a Lottes- min. ch The Lite Inaurnuce Comnpasies Lare ta- bel- cen the iniiative e in riang aobaeniptieus snia- for a auttabîs testimonial le Captait, Wilsots pic- and te creofuthe hrlgsîMinnio Scisas-itr.' lias Through theo mani>'aenios, p1srrsss-usce stc aud s-.uceguotfCaptais Wileonusix hbin- brs fred lires cerresacd (romtbIse bass efthelsa cleasoor Il Conuau;ist" il is preponed te ni, seule au anssuil>' upen isise ta be euliuucd p- stelita cifo if sehoeîtisurets-ebhum. Tise tir sulaentptien- a:sbeadeS by Hocland & As- ye sinalt tur $150 aud airesd>' suouuti te $3,500. About $15,000 cilI bu requiced cta cs->'eut sctensul>' thie noble prejett. Uclike muaI oties îcisties the lafsdeîa hLd their convention iu lie full et the yeac. Nec Yack iî eictetiet fer boit; P-' central, butî hocau it is tise great cil>'Ofets the conticeal. Everythi.-said aSnsd doue B luÎ Nec-Teck is (nil>'ceptotilua tle Sdii>' bs papore and S tendeSin eer>'quas-ter ofthte habitable globe. To obtate that pubiicity ti the>' àae, thia vwu selectod teor tiplace c et holinthle Convention. Tise aumbor a present diS saut exceedift>'. Thé ecimbe-h, cas euesteeaclarge fos- sucS seu bjot. A0 proposititu 0buttdaiumcinfiSat Raillei Nec Yeork vas Icel. On tis al>'Of aS. jjourumeel ana Mua-s'mode s violenattes-kj on Jesu Christsrgteii ntbat:s scison beioc. Ilet*asu niaacFalla suSnec4" Vos-k, BlnonhmasmaSo Ise« L'5l"acd cili Senbtiesu haveti'tislsùtry villi a higI as-isa slisse>'pot-l.Tise licocis; osesal>'tisai hieenud ta dract as,, véry dal, seS tisaI k ta s>' aque.- tîon oftiema sbi5i NLMe 1bas rciseatoStise. se f as-,mat1 ps-eutt lis fail mi c th ie sassYs viseu il Sdmsne- car. L reatisteBasanés -dl real la lise Nese ianypmpes-ithielte . 'FS.MenaitVe- cnan papeota et Ilivae mUbct51mm a gae&t c- k the iJaiaaiUàti o sbe minr eaie" L heited statu on -tef« Te-,g &. là pmWeinco t le ei a pete of elit ,vmrf f h Lt li ecisasMr. Àèwn" <T. iters u n t e ;s , et 0 , 000 a nsd suies a Paitsh 1itileemuale s-oaS- is s e y tinZ s a 5On t il p s n eu5La c urli boy lieuse. e Donnersicio %'aib o s Ind ces-- co t eCs-t go a feller on tise eilerîseti itcost. ce- t plutCics. Bs-t Tucada>' le g , 10 i 5~sie oessocl StS'tes. d neS reei u eiîhescaed CoDerlliThei- e eaCtatinfsion 'tickte f os- B.11ua , liandBlrecen sid;5 ne 1e eaatLicuoIn anS tIti Be- s-tistas t oIIlis clàeiieSb>' thal Lincola viii se-s->' bie ,eu ie o se ity. Th e vota hiiutk clos, essd le s 0eti ket s an tise>' ho coseend he aiq chance et eue- stand Luse about cqua ho Coust -ou.bp Pfog match-. di ica th ecs-un b ad Tonsip aIsc Asesiî asiss, os-o g e oi mu et lie trm eollesetn_ (ccTces a> tise 1911, bise ,bc'ucteliaet tise 0Couel>' et South vsdt n uWcsip etWhithy of, andbe aet'oiOfR Milles-, os- e 0 aon nts es-cedthe Daw Farse. Bnty-six ps1 10a1s1 rM ars ie*1 ,aleeS on focs-i th n asen. Tise ed tes- eaeutilatie oskour ioure, )na t lie rats-Ocf lcut sixten houri acre.A lu ages-slte timae, and somue [e more thsa,on issus-liipisd for th ta;n up anod srltcccitscrpîO hnte al cas giyes 15 --Oas-." It estsOn let flitaine ,0ert grtissv ihind and ur>' diS ,ol brs-y n ols bu fisc be- e.A litho mss-c end tme 'lnp, Mn. c Bros-retes-, PotiieI tie President. No alleon 1catd.il go11seaccy nul finiabed. O s rose strp csp ta lise PreiSotl ho, canspirios is a rhile os- vsry li;htc a cçut Le cors, Icrard bim Bsu>'0uuMs-.c ies ta u, ts-t lkeugisissMen bave t c e ." T o a h e r e p i e , "T i s e > net ait Sosie, l'it gise tbesaifleen cr, ac>' msicltras io-s-s Ta chics hrheci. rlsrply s-isau mcoseetaIlyoorr s-igt, ssots-sil, usoilde jsstire" cbhen ui. le cai-d off.Jc7c0 ise ta thein report, en saios-sixa or s-s-snsoretoscse bind cnee c fos-prie-o cicisa-O tise toiioingt e s fi s - a, J c e T io m p a a e W illia m Omsieao, ls-cim bîfl ir nsd soa Oe sos, msa scun11,, i, sgfsose Iidtem lu ssy tics-e icicea (iss-eiaid tims ;Casa onsi, Goorace Tlcoison r'in Pas-Son Mn. et, fs-oc fctts-s-s c ct ýcnOy minuies ha- id lie; hissa liais-S, BOYSseulOfa n abot bacîf asnceur bs-tcîssd Witil aIlt r.udter, pou as-Ilsee fromeincepriss liaI rt prs-tu-a ocses aade'l tealal Oet bm; ýi iliedil, las-s-s uns- lneasi ltaI tho e asocioc-I (;Lbs-essîc,tl d"iss-olsa'lY cser, c"eD c i cc ainear s crizetaes, igtbikv s-ca- o s i -s- las-t oet iobooty. mie rsy ustisai i istrcctie sesaet asan Tlccccs-csc cl icl l isasss-rY efcoss- ,d --t, s cc- s- s- ,t,-tcwer- tie>'id Ir.s- tdosa saidic dlA c,-t iliikie aas enited s-c e e i n , ic c ' so r r l c ii d li e , lo t a s t e sa s-s- a s osi e : v - s . o u n c - a y i e e s ig i t ,% cuisae il. Nscc, Mia Edites-, peu cri5 es>' the Pr I-c t'isaI Join Taceedis ai a sîs-us- tics- r aasciclia oad fusissi tocv inouIs-c lfa ,the ais-sa time mcas" -- Il sue il lu lis cpblie la acOces, te aen Sd ihe lisrt jica', che second clasa sA n, 1 ls--rd t cs-ai tises-e agrs(ri as-sca tu 15mivti dlla-rs-clias-ted ferons so4tsses-scscuc t es-s s tait not fasir thel orse 0 -lcis-c o ld lave Olicir entry- cey roco s--Ieccii csssSeiluenCeofuthe.s saris oft casse l, lie tssaco. lis tLe a lle s-f pisus-c- ccc oci h ts-piag. M oiah ass-roclihc- lus-i eenscuiid ns eua iaajueticO usiic -isib , us I lh a va inis a se d o u nyens- 55i morse OtîcaiI aitfinal expced, craie ou wci lforio- Z. 0. Tise Juaiges base bren for soin. tise ust, etsga-td ithîe penssai ut lIe litera.> saps, sentini for tise priea osoreS b>' Mc. I ggtna. Tecs- s--fui rompetitore etill )a unnoocrd scext ces-k. fTse aotLer et se ssssa ilt.i nsotto '-Logogrszphosl", aSd ico lia s-çicls cd itaof e iasrasme 'Si data pcssucbita it sasas-riot iu ossen i5es-lb" mustuci.tisë s- olit'$ceai nasesin3 s-dos- ti obtizi a rius-. Tn I ýTsa .o. ec f rOs.E-IeO.- Jud;ig frccm tIc- first secouati cL ecch Sei os isaflic Ns-e ol>ea550 psisrs, tise gale tf Iriday sud Pics-day, aise 1Iîh and 15 tlu sot, ce es ise s ates-ritaleaSd dstructive s-ics hsaî es- sus-pt oeccthe Gult et Meico. TLe cic-taec fs-oastiese ontI uasi, ansaoeets in.y gccttcs-sio tor-ce il ita coîslicance. f-ad or a lonîger portos bhan asualti the c-sqotnoxial hurrirane, Ther oit>' cf Ns-t Orlea-ns islf is spear cd, bot thse (ici ocaîss o pt caitis Iccifi riolensce, osud t11-' os-oesa oocitienammlt b imense. Att i;thes coasl the carres baOhisg iscaues ci cILs-s- Isaidings ver welaI a'Y, said !Pls-ie ulsuar,lafter th subsaidenrc-of ct,-gale, cas aoreco vwit debisus hoLe ca -casa; places acreus Lah- Pontchcartr-ain ws--- aise greal suffecens.- Ot theore, Bilas-c sus the moal rethiamll deait citis-tse ,-tr-ïet ibouse, hOtaisu an ýsme uixty othc r buildissys bois; oi.îical destroyed, mss - cg ia ssof acas-fy 200 100. Tise wasbs-ois-tity, iu fart, proseai a scolie sOfgearc: dati-oisc. le actdifici te ail tlii is tItlncg te the shippmsg, c chti; il t s-mps-ssis te to frse sne>e linate. Victer Esaroses'.,Pr'clamation. Thea foiteciu .sds-sofethlie de>' etIl Majeot>' the Kcc - -frSurdicia bus bots corS : BOelore !Il se tatisied vils >ynu1 * i*Thl. iià~ tls'reo ~irPsU~TOfPoe05~. an aearthqsako plongeS Our Pnpsals a itata ottes-rôr. Tho bntld.isga ~ Ths y e Pritr osss-or peate X »,o c ga o~ n riiecss feisglit %dIts j q, Tîa,' eitfoit t1mise,,cd saitroeci %Vbe.it laUi, Y Vassus' uaro;usboy 1 'T'as net cliF rsunsd tisersuziy osas,. Haisa linbisfisliiri atlas the ty pa-s 1 ZZoria It %cyl, iss, t, lîngthetod (se, .£hostucS>'dusil' tait 0h0ogyps- IT i uo ihon"QA 0 druadiel nuts, 'Tis net ulcon isottiar prieter quta ,fil, ettsioeiaeofh it astump-Yelra, quili. -'Tis eut slisu al Iss!a rk e lloe, IlitaIgnueiertiF fticsho lsovera usr, ur'ecso îmarri o5ar a pit et heur. ..rit no% chan !&'Msis Fsey's Iglass, Lmi sog i ulricst t scot litas Ys, ad sIcosse lu liapes- aathey pasa tWe'll grues joui coiunesby uai by.5 Nor ii% cseeuh nusereias anies9, ilitelk oniglss irts ai el'stm setL9 Asitrwas-. ela d hy ouer'van, ()r grec hby isiri- umagespefla. Nej Veaierne;thlb. ?nars heur, 1isser ofreaislocot rapoce, la nest selsechy sine iscagis pocer, 1lItItut cI1sslcas lty grues. I ï, %e'se oesaiso ta y you ftoc lias iaper." WocolS ocus-kind triondS, dd ta oses- tes 5'icoùnsOf et pst" li>' espeudin.; te the luti Tii Prsesa.Porîsti ESTEHUS[A.STIC RECEPTION. DEPARnTURU FOta EMGLAND. 01 Il was a fins brigyht ludicîs cummer day. fTho vaselâ ithie barber, the publie build-. sags, the ohoorratory, aud the Brittuh lieol wcc ait gaity dororatcd vith fia.-, cnd busins as mtstY Ssspsikded. (Great .s-ocds of people and carniages coco us. sembled in. the itreelo masd eroscdltce Grand Trunl. dupot. Tise train cith the Prine c rosaed the oitY lins eut fOrtY min stea puat 000v chieh eus asnosncod by a national sainte of 33 guns froce Brambain 1h11l. The trais srrivcd ut tht Grand Trual depot at forty-ne minutes pust eue. The angine assd rars ee decocated cith Bri- tish and Amonican flcgs, and thu Royal crc was eleg-actly funished a rc collation cas sprecd, censiatiug et celd modte, fruits, cmoes, s&e. The Prince alightod ss'd lsearly cheers frotn ber itajeaty'a Canadien snhjec.aand1 Britisîs olicers. lic cas ru- reed by bis boueur Rayes Ihocrd, the B3ritishc Admira i ltne, Côtasmodore Sey- meu-, cnd the otier Royal oflicers. Rayor tHoward rcceiccd thoel'rine cits briefeat welconso meS led hbmisetutedittsy te bis crsrings, prcscstig bis eon passant tc tise iscsslers of the City Coussoil wha sslutcd sun, tise Priscr risibih bat in retun. Tho Princcoecteed the R,%ayer,s carnage, (au cl"gaist harosebsa sracti by four lack herses,) ceith tics luke of Necstle, Lard Lyosaud lia boueur tbe Rayes-. '1ht Rtoyat suite fulls-swed in five ther ces-nages9. 'Thcy %ceoo eerted by tise lIt 4gicnesst, undor the commancd er Colotsel Laroat, consistîeg of thoetPortland 3Merîsassie Ilues, tise Portland Isightt lsstssctry, tue 'Portîland LigIot huard, thelaPortlansd Rifle huard, anss tise l'srtiviad Ritld Corps, wetici lat- tcr artel s boLdy guard t)a tîs Prince,,casd by tisc Norcvuy Light Iifssctry, Lecwitta t.igit tssfantry, a,îd tise Auburn Arttliery citis several bsands of muossic. The jîreres esass >roceedsed t1isaugîs Iidt5, Middle UDas boris. State, Csasis ansd Atlistie.stretý thse Whcta~larf, wchi as btilt foc thea 6reast Eastern, isece thse Royal bargs varss caatiug stim, atnd bu embarked a Isfteensetcsutes past tiares o'elock,-ts mtlttacy preasctinZ arma,-sfteccsalits. hoossotsrrdially cits Lord Lyons, tb, Mayer. tht Britishs Consul and etheru. A tht Royal barge left tise wha-f the Britel aqatadron fircd a Royal sainte of 21 gos each. Siasilar saIntes cocu tlrci froya th city anS feten Fort Pre-ble. The Isaches cas fui1ltof steamers, acalitblits, bargea &ce., which acresnpaeted thuettoqai barge assd chicb cas uusreundcd hy houts ires the Royal squdren filled citb Britis etficers. There cas a freab breeze hies iog, anS the caler in tLe barbour cas qui( rougb, aso that boats cuveS îlowly as Uc loilla ueared the Royal sqeadron. Ti yards cors manneS anS ibis, citb etrint, eof huîtisg suS Ilagi fflin.- iros esery poisi forsed e meguilicent spectacle, cbich ci ssttued hy* au isenose concourue1 people, ssuembled in eountjoy, lise vrco piers, aud every aticeasahîs place. As I ,fRoyal Party ptcsaed tIse variena vessols q ,,the equadron lie cas ceccived citis cheer eansd cfen ho rchîsi the Jlero et: 1minutes hefoco four, the Rtoyat standard c a mn op te the main, sud enothar 'Sain fired by ailtbhe Iset, tho ciggisg ousui cessaI vuas itqutiy strippe5 ai the buntis aud the sailoce dieappearsd (rom dlot - tlsirty minutes pat fouc o'clo ck. T h- sqaadron sailcd, steaminfi eut of the lu he our-the le-o, leading offt ollowcd1 -the Ndle, tse Mcidee, thoeF110u8gFi le anS tise Stycx, saluoiug and-sainteS by t )fFort ce they passeS. t Extra tramen losve tlalu oesssng on Le cailceada te take home the creedu c )d bave ussesebled'lu the Cilty. Semo of tht militer>' coapasies cel from a sdistance of 50 miles. Re Everytbisig cent off linel>'. beThe rity 1ta ticoageti sitls Canftans lThe offleeru of tise Beyat equaresu hl Ie modSe mauy acqueintancte isoreand ouide o iy enjoyrd theseesc fineIy, hoiug secoi' thb carstecitizens vils every possible eti à tien. The Royal equadron wdît ateasa o - long essough. te cloa tise 1und, and tisa 1Y matador of the voyage cUli bu cade ue d suit. The NUe, anS tise $4tx cl le 01 the quadres off Halifax tIse ia 1 Jau huri laur cas( tasl ebo, t, let and toc the pus WW, but ch calt tise Ma roi Ma Gil tia de tiroi of te h aiB li au e l sh se a ur ,I L ai shtI iet i le 0 'he MS Lhe oc Mse e5 n- mer lave ts- nu es- lise se, =s ai Acorresjseiot ritia; (rosa Bale Bt. PasI, naya. ' At ton minutes te six on Wedna>' moratu; ce wcacastactipd vith a slvers shock otanemetiqutes. I vas parti>' cau- OS, chea s a>'sras "ustoandeSii a saost nias-lIts; crnIcia; noise ; immeâtiit- 1>' sttes. evesytisg ite sbousam ShOob 'As crith theo crking Qetsathoussatistemsm -11ila one anS aIl isa ti>s-a(crustheon» -desa edtoua i lvle;eerai tes-rs-dopsteti up- OU lhiis facesthe Wtaestoum of lie cisimne>' opposite vus-e iallimg in ail dire- tions comon masS ehi ires a i te igli4t drme, spleoesug lthaproetion ofthlie ues De ititaImla e utsg aboutl PA trsesiling cit terrer. The aheste lated aot Bye minue.1smjoe Ove Or six 1laisa- -- a e0u,,swaa dOW14---a, g 5a calendar of celf4seslructios cwuossnq* Ea.ït Flambloro,' on Saturday futat îIt se3 Blacki, inkeeper, of New, mei red hisoseif to deafa by Sitting o rciig 'pile of Sticks 1 The fact% f et s are as follocu -.-Black lied hep ?rr for sonne tcenty years la Puslinch , unt a year ago, lnu0os6 of bis fils or th ne;," ho beat his vif. tilt ler lire vu pciired of, but through greet eaus à, sre. He rentel theo lavers and u. cced te Molu Forest, and e uel in ~ e as as a hutcher, whieh did. net prspr tbien. A fsw smenthes agl le rentoni liiton, on th.efine of the Befle s4M rou Blail way, ehere bisfAsunityAN a cnt. He came here an Satesday vsgk al t firut appeared vory unsettlosjlent Id corneof hie acquaielsecces that hM )fid ho the lest tins thoy would xanet.- ey bcd botter shako haudu. Tise scoe ,ed on tilt Satucdal morning, wavichl enoticed. going jute a field cLore Issun lys coco hing bruit, aed cat ducsn tise burnin- pile, tilt bis clests eresta ncted offit'h. The boys gave thselean, hes tco of Mc. ltobert Mershui',s wu sue and drug-geel hisi off, but hie sfiti pet, cd in going- on. Tbey tried tletaill, ioff the secaond time, but he theee em, whoisoeerate forasstae to ar. ,rtin, who, cith sBoe thera, gut Lis s1 ilie sttîllwanteid te remetsonseaje< t aras bis doosa., le thon wus ssîirly mated. Not a partice of eioting *u tises-I un lies. le hors it ail sitholit ly Sig'lis of t.rture, Uctif tutti to M, railis chore bu cas attenedl hyDr. lent, Lut mediLSal aid ces uf us avsit: b4 lieredj on for about eiglit houri, dise catie caime te Lis relief.-GeIpi Mur- Extraoduusry AbdocilaCame, Frons theu Chliîsi l 't, oc., Il. It ia wvitb feelieg of deep regret %tvis ae callcd to record a Serions of eects ti 3estly occurced et tIse quiet lilile riliagi f Icilsrtm, about 12 naites Icois Clathase rici,, taken a atogesicer are, ce are pleseil ho chie to Say, of issusussi occurresi tas "ction oet-Cansada. Ai ueary las Isu ve berts able te gatfi the isetS, thl'Y lue rse ;-Sumveitises ago saseuisesiseclfek ,:ib,.actth, aged aboiut 27 yesrs, vis all or sosuie r.tse residec ltsiKansas, cleni la leibetin and took viehis resideice tisesu ser a ýibn.g tile hiacoh10srOeiiiledwsis asptcoîand looked upee a% a despleralt yi dis1aosed pereos. Hoeoer, holt u rred in 3lenheiso cithout atteotiig sîtis utieno, oxeapa it might lie chat lie oc* inaf appearaete tinthe Street% calies1fOtts se resuark Ilthore goos Mark OUlitl tas îatd hbe a sagoes arased cilsaa ciill anf a bowie hîsife ouder if it ta trou?" r lang-uago te tise sine puriur. Yot [ark ltred onu ssiolested by tise peepis uf se ueta,-hborbeed. Latterly, h luiscs MarkeuytunseOhave becs muOra estoal. ry w tched, and aSshort tise &go il lI- Dt that bhocas goiag hock toeULmi1 ,Iae thatILie lied iaauced four jaung itlia rathor unsseacrieti corn, 10 acosUl lusl two of whicls femalea cors sttOil TLis gel tssid, ce esderiiasd, fr05 sMM ssjuiries mcde hy the suother of uoIt tl fémales, Who usipectod tit ail cau *1 suite right, and.d alosged ber déaghme whsie hU packisg op ber Ihtugis rbeu aSsharp repl y cas gises te the u bel asitecas goissg 1o lEasasu, vts iatl Glbraiths. This hoing mado publi ,7i tho gleeigltked -u, aas boul 5as opoclab e, though of pour pa5r5l5si seoreovuar il beving.hes poetistlJ ultso bhat Galbraitha cas ceirtain 1tafOUrs ort 1> croit on TuesdaY 'OmOigao 0O5~ was et once resolcesitisat bis siosdi sobemne for Seducing frosu their bases simple-seindett girls;aiboutsi t ilaiell II fruetrated sud b.hiielfb lad eitles' foc bis e aeritY. Thecefere, ttesbe0551' complote Ilueir diegela., aaumbe? tif Pr sona» eight or uine lu 31l, blgckeWdtiâ races, eand shout tes o'cfeck el' Mts»W olgist, proceededletalbritlls 'lec cas situated ta an ont of lt»q cayplatt, tommoas tiheout akirts of teVtia ll* Arrisisig hore, MArk ca, as 0"ietsoqs ceatesiout-hge cu noeta inbdasl..i' dered IoettP.0 a 1tef 'ie low dlise5 ta dotidahtone dce,ý bocie kaife, snd vitlseut dolai 7cisli"o î te shove Kanaas fizbt, aitier lise me1 -outniecaof. On a u ", b-4' etiste hoad, wffite a third ""* ent le the greain, it iSils »Id h mal Pro ft» 0ls serdaJM.a »Onu as ià bassi n becs liahO cas usig abolnie asuaber Dofcter-M ticsV' Wie e lfookisg ce ah once tar s and tishe saS geent lcas .llO to> greessi, strippeti atid tasof ai festsers appîted, beaidas a1 le" ïe cisic go diabhel ie s -tiat I Is51 ctais, ho cas Dot talite ta lce5Yaisis thougli notice wu glMcasihtl0 ses]m an 'Tlhs dt, ai thu irerai ti5s ceasidiriàably. 1hoehi muaje or ths Madamie p. Frenstte., sas,!aise orteZIN oshe hif alIon;*,thse coas sro a site fnis b re lies a yse a-l s~ Oirat ant iut saeore - Ïock le ' quarter pastt ix andi laited fossem anS fort>'scod-voea uris6lte19 escilfattea commenceS eta% tylt. s Utes paIix ûrlcetisg three or four Uo& but lho third, like the (iravesOoc shock w chSknocltesl dera posrs~ &0e., and faset etitwo ortlLooeeede' shooes cioco net, se mach foît oe tlh t ceean tise lplaies.1 mlenti haera sU pioco Surisg tise choi4liane these pbws,ý noa lesteS, for tise purpmoc i, ils ducatios liere cith oeller loizalu< Nover in tise meneryet an>' or tb Ises4a tent e be, bas there lisen suclia% sotiu oerthqeaka. Wo ceru carnet of it,& proaehes, hy a Soc s-smlisg sosita, U4 the uheocseaccempaniod hya se lissg noise."

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