Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1860, p. 3

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Chrity, btMrYouund Rayeiuw .Ct e,(rosl ng teProtection Of to .CA d lbroegbtbO Marseillea a-e1j(ader, paosdibm g ay ecaout car oay tas paris, acconi- âby ientisa.Ope Of tiies e ha f~nCabderright ar et oOÉ by ati aif i enet when he vau ai- dia 8flrfugeeouenct where mit. la-ieiY olerk in te ltegi-ater'aoffile., pee", ont1! ond Seait nthse tor e n acîilet 'Voumie oireorde a or &tEta n ote,"llated 1673, tos- jhateal3i Tîtgrtiu St. JeitrisNflti, 23. 'rit somo, City ofWashington, iihi isft Iicrpeei Weinastiay 101h via leelstoci lîtb, pusîsti ape Sac. t 7 'dlock tiis sventng. pî,tais of tIse bath. et Volturnuthaae sn rectieve. ti. i as c Mot proîracîssi na blootiY struqlttbut te Neapoitan a.qs final i ftt n bark in great dis- etr te tise lorîresa et Capes, vit LI an es- tests1 leas or ovr 8000 mec klîrd be- de, Sauta Pruatnets. Thse forcee et Gari. id îst ram 1200 te 2000 men. Ne aosîneîts have takon place sintah ie itle, op tle olatsa tvices. TIse poli- .en of affaira e inte papal sauto reusaica vitout 931 chtanlgOe neenent . ly MItRiETS. itorteti by Ki. i s u. CuaSCLa I& 09ME, Titpi e<nt weçk, ce far,tite tiliocris Ilgrin otaýlikindabave e1crsltccd, ewinc1 snanl)* teitebati stteof tlIerassis. Tite bndtttY of te martlis detrs int :r qsfi t ieadvieNs reciveti it ite fCIy Washiitigtei." Thete ullive .es oeat tsa t-day txceedeti 4000 .busît iVieat-Fali, $ 0e.I $1 lits. Ditto-Spring, $13G@ 5rO. Fleer $S 51 0$8. Sarley 58 5J& 60. Oaso OIc tR25e RY0SOC. dg Gille. Beef $4 0 $6. Sheep $1 ta~ $4 Ù0. Peistoeq, 20Ce. Butter loc. Egs ocI. -19tins. SpECIAL NOTICES. A4,GOO» TiING.-TRI T I rUF, ca-,uïote AN ESerîorît. S A VFDItNE trts tssueliats 0,11-1rer- ttasw.t retsslttttti lI ptitis frot !, yletu lite Canadau Pain Destroyer irsUmv tainlite lcaencd 'titcdacte T'he aeedian Paie Destroyr li, :piioainitotiS en andtSaitu titsllu ne Canadian Pain Destroyer ren CIlos ce itleadMrtnjes thlery onae l'ee Canadian Pain Destroyer ares Sssdchoer(tta Morbi ItetrtrY and TAc Caneijn Pain Destroyer curertidc ie atdt.t relrtTetaec The Canadica Pain Destroyer re, Bettsada, fol ie, adC ýt.listice. lite Canadian Pain Destroyer Uauisettttel tsîgfr tîtb .,c 7%et Canadian Pain Destroyer price 25 renseM r Ellle. Far laleinbwlVsity It c. A. ttatitcrau st ..il l.I>al. tI. ltettttttitt u,:Xiritlge, UE GRIEAT ENtJLiS11 REMEDY 5It JAMES CLARIES "elebratcd Femnalo Pi11s, L lits veti liseesn ,esdieiOei im opoitian, is,utt.ocand site retatetis'for Futatte Dii delicat t)ic. ieiit,ftenl o,îc es. wisiî- ri;adatestl c spossartiaineey, titc Ta Starrieti Ldies it ta peotirty alititi. Il ii, lin fitot t(ile, trttg ce titixuOntitt ericti wittt reirlari. Tsee~ i ba ioe-er kno vote fait W c r cmii oit-erveti. l'or fu parijeutese gel a pamtpilet, ftec, 0o le etioft het. ueOfPmlltA N. tai ooi6psnetantpi eusloc aivs aititosireti Agentitl-, iI eetro a bolit c ht, h14t its returentail. Fermuate in 'W itîi JG. A. li5ceiie, ai I'. ILD. luo.IL.i 1ithîirîgtet, Uslrii., sud ail wixlicitai deai Rlelf la Test Minutes. felJiamu cofsMe'm 4" saîp send aietid /u .11 Oltàiaiaf fnui, Cia asti Laç.siS, M as g a seem . D"Emmiow SortAIII5 ietimael intsmne 5trI rýevttier ng iNtsa pmscd titacCo5Sttur tis tohavest, rcesnredI e rf e rtt bediawZ ve trscd othsmeulinvaint. T. otiI&eiesiOIi îîct,tt. sitey amre ai5ttsSatestàg and & a srs aumýd eti la~cts italer b ontg Io ine ittt a Va eiistril. utc io.weisee rr Il ansep' itp ptte Ot.[y tme .,Euceoyafite il esmil eaiLoI' 'srrttey cicie ite ýo'a aa ATreTio mt amresoceasetsti ees; ad ttc" erg aIt sie&e trdys viili, a ùms iaeltaloela *et &W dettcitliy ofte it-se, grlsstiimpoisIIl Bsmcollet %r. "1Y mair. A.Daneiee d Vsa'. ILDo itY lE a li tne, L'xbeâulM Mid àMlIi At Witty, on Ft'iday the lOtit'int Aines, Esq., aget 25 yeM sud Oilts. DOtCO55ld vas c Molt cul g lady, anti bar eariy dd" imela mtte nleti by ber fiends, Thit lelit of thse laIe Mr. Annels' dasigite. tuai viitin tisashort priaioet liefâta i deat, foltoveti cm tueade~~Y gra' NEW -AnVEETISEMTS Wild lande for Sle. ice in u Iré art Mark had ne te them d wilh lerate, ýe hu moch oc* forth brilý b Pistât LM#111 . Yet ýplf or vew, Merci- luw am; gidNu mal &bW& of the ru tot k4w ru, ic, eiDg for D4. JOCý a .11 la no feu nul, b, to pq betieý>W of ým A W )("W. et ww Pà, et ille ve0q, -bd i.8 V4, üer tondît 4 tO W Imm à sikh DO LE MU ste w] 1LaI u'rroleothe 1ii*e Fai:T, man&t mes of the "Little Fairy."1 IS ltL1.iE ISUTTtN, thlS ialetOGirlinlî eWerid oftlt ,r sot-t 9 yet ti , LIlissstee EIGUINGONOLY FIFTEEN POUNDS -irFE ASSOCIÂT014 ' ~.J~aj >-J~ 1.!~J ~If J MW. BAKER hi$ îîo o Wililbit b wat stisfacio liai leliowikg o esefraî,,ttatWloCh "TIi t e srtily tlit 1i ave b ee'ee, et a.e'a ïnel Stere, ced eoisider il a gTett ouaîsrlsa ny of fevel talso o lobeu." Wiitty Ot.22 160 ~ CROCKER. t GREAT SALE OF BANKRIJPT STOCK! Stuves,. Stuves T ATT A. LOGAN'S. Fullees'oh etiaatbli-î.intîueiBrait St. Ihtity. AppIl pares t Logan'a Ulf it ebsIleasures a Logen'à o l.i-ràtinSeoups et Luglutà, £ Tin-oaje of clerc ticcriltiit, Stevepipes &c.&cll fil e ytlin 1 lte tolitand 1511 nuec nt Logitl.. Cotpr Pila astiýllteet (pper fur sale. ta_ tar t ali hcpkieus. ABRAM! LOGA.t' WîîyOClt. 21, ii 40 AKn ittfititety gre.slr cariosity titi Getirrat - ' - Toittc Tttstab. OSIIAJWA-SAXULaî CcunÂs, jt., Barrister. As .dtttei i r thett NIîtollsser lion ___________________________________________ MISS SARAH BELTON. 11O ~L MitIit.ts7t ttt sîsea sit. f ge,ansd tttite asscaller titt Cet - T-att Tliititt5t wel A&RE REc-EIVLNG FIIESJILSUPPLIES 0F a tl" iif , otld tfi aIy ttrl trClothsl, TWeedB, -Blanjkets, Pljannels, Grey Cottonsi Cotton I~14OQ3~MbIfla Yarns, Striped Shirtings, Striped Looins, C7ttpets, Dflggets, -A San il% JitI 0.1111e. n.Ladies'D1ress Goods, Shawli, Capes, Kanties, Purs and 4Song ciiiesttttt5teh ott-.Foit Rats, (various styles,> Ladies' Head Dresses, 5-Ilcci etr-d tilt 1 ti s r owta7 6--Dttililt, - et -te ery ptetciuc tci Silk Velvet Trimmx.ngs, Ribbons, Teathers, a'tiet-te tisMiss.Plumnes, Vlccwuar5 &o. &c. Btettcttand Mttstr J. Il. Lilt. $-Lit le fiotlliu O altls rcttfàlsiteet tsr; et 9utise late 'FRM,SSUGARS,,TEASCOFRS Dt Ilie a,olie a gi,.t..litIftChocolate, Coeoa, Tobaccoos, (varions braads,) Wines and Il, Il, "I'rLiquors, London Porter, Pale Ale, Pickled and ]Dried 12-t> il-t1.,ttktt. oc.atdttas tts Fish, Honings, Sardines, Pickles, Spicos, &o. Il~\tt. ttti, t - " Iltelhotes adies' Miss sc,and!, Childrens' Boots and Shoes- S,îIL V.ILLtCIVE.L4 b L- A Iee ,tlt.u, - et 3 su- LOWES & POWE LL aIi U ltiI Iz t --stý0L' s2cstitt fil,ttslrltl iut lo It.,t¾ titràtslalt NEW ADVEUTISEMENTS. jj E [,eI in Mcitt. lcecih 0,;Ïe - lt DY TIE TIlOLSAIîO AT *£W L*8IlTi OLlIGLWS REWARD 0F $500. JE IGLWS Iý;VX 2 :c mqý amiWIeRAtîSresOHNtSIîERIDAN ItIflAN-, i)epartmenl et crotua LansS. 1XTtRFAS9î. tttoL.ctttltîtsAb- Qtsri'c, lt Ot, lIt0. To ets i Caal 011 Ltnpt, -Cul,', ttpi te o f Csa ntada, tIc i% i O IE1 e yg usse.t rss.eticeeis thesfite ut oti f Dusatuber tst .T TIC ivite.tb g c ~ ertin lans ~. 1. ~ ~ ~ andlias net Ltltactî iscrla e fin ittfits, ' 1? lttttToscssiiîi,.. f Sustgtr aid W tel. S-A - -T 0- 1-Litoir, iuflite Cestty o et i;-tîaUC ., vîlI bc Te ar i FlidLanil ad u -ai -l ipeni Notice is Hereby Given, =,ecfor sae ounetsd cl.r ts iaii; tutitOe esst A Thtate oarl otf 50 oî e atFuybGe ,rItitIstl i te loIs n sd cndtios et sale ertasclent fCanada, 10 by et peseit et' 1sitta: cpsy tmi. 11. layes, Ectulite, Creain licd '@!ho amvg' '4- - lO i s c e sa 80slt1at tou Aget,clt Mdo.. jueedïatsatorytisahesaisi(uerTet'tlof ANOREI USSELL, I T itltee eletek iitiitr at aidi jolsi n leridîantIlegane,if Ilice or if lse li- y TT e t fI o circusutitaes t ieuàsatunbi ICEROSENE 0'-. uthi a urae FAlIISANES & MACDONELL, le (ftlt'tettqOttl it - e ls asslar t uacctei o cst'san sctiOu. on te sobjec csl e ntAel UCTtONEEIPsSCestttitsiost Merilntit Lci,tctofeItlse itul o.tt td int et bitîteer. t le autidersigaiti &e.,,5)-FF I4 Misske sitc, eppQ.iîqlt sI eo rast tRtjcelt tatupearJa. For sail IASA Ylefor'OOo ProvicialS parley GEOItIP VUJR, r., Qnob, ,Oct. 1,50,ti.rooct rar'.20 t saetheaUV( 1 h iteticueratirmosll aAgett fý,r clilise ztitoo di M B 9G11Tt reasesaibie terme. Viiisle.24, 1-t;l;". "4o M RTGAGB SALE., SALE BBLiO AUCTON PUIISUANTTO A COMMISSION &cl iE!IIUO~~Daigle. oaitet in cetattOFtctAuLE 1m. T U liSCiZilEltS BItS TO INFORX 50 tiielacti ~~~an-I cite, teulRobert WilseonJ it Jo sactas ite saite ial iesjso ees nc IN t .iliaaîef etUelidoc, COUUttYeOr at"- & af tteTeaeîîliip 0c I tJbeitigeand eti aring 10, tet'te lC, Gbritite, on date IOth t dey IliAîril, 10eV. Thes îndeUat'-EER Nýsu'ovember 20, 1860.9'siliage ut aleritfosaI i o' Iloeutielca&r IO I N Tuesday, sîgeewtilieforsate al kltstetlute AI oee 'eiucl, p. in. ion ut Mi Bs' rrtuOre oftaPorfSatle cetaine(]Inleàa riday, iBth day of Nov., 1860()' OMMISSION & GENERAL AGENTI pt crteinsioIrtitc, ,mocde lîsiJoceitW. Caiti- g M.Wiluok-lwtiuiw sah'j diset tt Th olwigvlzil ad ii remnisasi, -vi t tindain e n"e ecrai ,ho eoai isul.site ofî - ton ssr,not? Tint p liofta* ret ai f et No. 31, inltie ett silGI>p>l~<kSrt &B flieliètaereclt f et tViii aîi ic anetu rtsrutette oli t. ofttîe Te itfux)rde4k ove putttthIteietrl Ofice o, teit ly illt tufe amitiaibel on tan -eof, inada e wua, se l n al sstter i lic t painsttteisrce! la l.O fUbrde MeL'sVet Jr. P. BL., .soilliae L ot cespretart2,,n &caiatrted itt milt1, esee -Ubi,,e adÙLby o.P. PaIt. Eaq. e ones',tiîit' lsaieae Onelctitt.~edoe-st abafaIa- f arTosomatie keown e a t tea ty oCaa st îctlis. emOOn lRT W.à JOUNSTON, FAIdR hBAlNKS ktraACDdO» z )Va is ~ ~Praperty fi il cdaped tfsorte r-- A.15,1rseceeepts1,.f dito etfa rcttecititl fz.lilamt i Itcliteligibl lsî' txritige, 0, SOtOl,16.4-lt V îtt'ep.it f01 ietttIl,9twese pstrtO tte ilitatsls1 tarboe-l-Pisc ant d tes plic NTIE ccl-v Ontarte; WmaitAtiesS, le-ý. 'hibI bey repititit utraeiltg Iittt"a ndtc e aI - - y ien eX n teits etrcxîa l tfavoablie te 1l.J. baeIostcit En., Mayer et bitits y. Icria an -Lbprasot ara toeby cits'sioeoi gsnt IL Waren,'Esq, Matagler Ontario iBak, file 1ttrcttceer. lteesiset0nA a rhistunoia r ene1aig a t ietsF. Barbe, hq, Os wg . ioI, ht., loi.i o k and ades'yJc te Agste, lEqtiro, of cia. .... d Titiles, auti NiVec Agutes, L3si 1. fD., ut aI xteSl. Fr ato etcuaeaps e hecitlu fivor etIte forserit te uta ns * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~c Wir.E C iiEi.tiBt. $,.ipayabtle flmare sattit ll ter dte, an-rd tesesîie ~ ecOole inss . hse flteeelitas betlfuit3 paii, anti atIinota ibasibece 10.1 or iilit MÃ"MAS O fWNIG 16 ,le ,h se- tit- Ne. GSRAYD LODGE 0F TUE Loyal Oran eInstitultioni gat'auon lal',cet Tw te t tBe th.b[t»br m-f -(; ' = l-- o ?hulmdaYs ak IL. NIaasase.meeut4 vit s bzoucIeor et t-ét Celut le'tChaainrs' te Toroo,, 15 nowprepafflt itF. Stoiieps lConse olte Tavutshtp le Celseluend ce l tentiointe e ,.qnting cipi tt ndJivet esorrtl.alenllisete litaRbuse oir Carion te pratcpl ctti ,îe-5ttt o tete nne w edm 1 bs F014 ~ iiecf& t, cis eeSi s' John. Skier, » LiL'ENSEI> AUCTWI<lNEti3 TI-Àus l. . s, an rcqect iclereinteti COUNTY 0 N;ARIO gsecn",i Iltt b1Uireeg i tlds th Asy g BERS net resPeetl.!to ttsc.tbisa iteost- uea. stIT SPEARE tatiei e tl babitants etvesldp Ci of Ontars, fer lise libend ci r ho hm 37 r"eaet ram tem,-m'tatid t4,r.~, a fer- toer ceeUliQuiu ethlbe-atl. l&,lug contt sàm aalule ao rI tte SCestue, s' Aalesti l anvlikntewIlbcefsreiehsti fbec te oflevia to---v Te-,60 10 t istinc-ertias'. __QTtFflon 61Whij TIIOIIAS MTEltmile te- te Mwisies, Atg. 2l, 108. 4d _____________ u x o or y h m r T- e s 1 t atOM Mc .e a r m et b e ti îý . if uO5n 3,,ae litraL t 'diI'eu5.r at 4ev ý- (1) dePti U - TWEN-tlTY-EIRST IREPO-RT.,ý ~ TWETTFIST AKAL 155V- ue Bo-Âso SsritA aitea mnuctetiAaooc, 111(1 f lto L iF S * a o l T t » 0F b lt e vae .Ti tio s e se ntiel 5 o tin u- L n t sh e 1o f i r u e a 1ti i î s t i t . A c c i t t L n i m B o il a ol a i t l'OT A >v el - vits it iarter ant d cf plieent LtsOl bo Mr.Wi.îuaùa n W IoI la a t Sir ucml&zjiIlor otoai@isl nd ecteti sili thtit.Direclore. Tiselceento Rirr., lu 15th.Jiair. . hlave for matly yanis beu ottekadbsthelt Thte follcwing are te pricielalevocts in Autitier In a comploeata stifaclory nual, te DiàtLot)its ttv, itOud te h Me- nef I endîlta Dircetera -oui 001 ontycentinue ug -tîtto prtiee, itttlWytl rentier the audlit ievan en L)trig titi Wear eidiug ltxApriE lit1, 'he Ar -more perfect if îso,sile. mpueixi fr 11ev A*-Cüçooie test Lîsnatrr inttoir dealioge asUn-acters e 1.49 fo. 5685,957 adg., ihtIti Publi eite bat poa-ltcy.te Dtreu- (fwictsihiietastetien tors have fronan eta ieailpedm vers . . . ~ sî,ai5au1,529 4- (eeet,;a ategivenantiant iities ta A oere . a.o..i.....t... esut Pliy tltei.Acrtlrgly . eFoRcies 14umme e ie 4opre a d OU.942 laseîst iy tte Association fr muni Yea fi IAOS k te Iloe f0 et.., postl hae beiretr hem u afra the tîtor- -M mheinu, ncarnea ern It ~0 dinars'rstcctions anti coditioxt, andttitey kt7 'u acet iytas tmeel ltewanst e iimdoirity, The Aociiutu iev . î.,"C to455Ol ofAsierers liic oeos irr is fi Aicsilwt contlinucesl l ielres a eaniettafr aa y,- [ite r-a fe rna, meete i. tSlt r é' it coties teoo te ara il urisIpe n mter t a llle t aiotulit tahe ve thcsetafetesav e etîld a moe mple, j i einataeyece 116ileallisa s.ovtW b 14 liteIlirotorAiait o1wlii *Qtat, Es Itolifl fr ... £56832 àtg-in fatqc bava tise eption et aiing., Titisr Titi TsrAr. AmuaScçsa TLtU-ACM4lOtglacea. sl. s nteîo enoa sanaprittiples ont! pra- te e of nrl tte aiaiess antciita10 =tiltîtions, alai iill, tt10tiottiti, tntrt-A M1,t$i,461 ai. btse l lta therscesa antirepetaîlan of te la- % Tise Pa,èoaei a pceelese ttite esla is tittttiee.V ebewNvin iiottaùeowiîtg Table t-IT te vrrau tetrimmitîeemimte Directere bave le recosrd te doitit efSic James 5'or- ASUANCE.eititoDcgcctorl93S AÀt--U&17 rnBr.li a ecolt!wtîlt so litt u ie.tiate. - INCtifulE. ciaîioanseDirelar attd Clairmnn tce Ite 51tt ~ ~ k £4e42lsa4 itt erlSOt t. 0aa r cssaeseeslas aer Mosl ttentive te ôd Aiota8i2 ïa sîîîi9 10.493 testatercetlandite cSeedtiin taininaîthea s- ooî95Iluna ti ci-jtaes, s t poet fait thi tte.rs eoflit. Boardi. Tite 1811 3,a78 i ai. 45.t910 D irection; ecre lorttat itteectrinz 0000l-lte laU c.05 xc a" eeitutf.ir Arliit lHpeefCaigtuM tBart. i18577 10. à. u ss.'slt llthe litectir in bilt main, adtiusauaacd lins 13.397 802cah~~ititeltprtrttî,noutit tita sppoistitolat fie N1 snACràeafr tîtalost I glîiT enea IN, receaîtsett îinas te cery eay oell qoil1- baa% ttcet, onulte average, 1071, for LOiO0t lites, and liitely lte ainoel icctlable ta tise sterintg lier nsotalla.-Aasoeiatiott aed tttc pttiaic. Tlic l'tttta-I--ltoicoiee ctli t 1 tTMrtCIttee111 ttcel'roflu tltritglte year estatitg stt Aurit, to lieR r oas tss aliionsie-approed bit 1501, lwiltlac enalietion ta pay eîly 62X l ir lite Mectir, ted votesoet tîtnie vers pieasu e-ti et thesir l>retsjieesýt ttaît, 1,sa d* peta t te Directitre andthelot ereat Boardi et Mg. Li-tts ilîcctte of,.'st. er t basa e uacustut cIthe Branchtes, amttae lheIse lce ha test hi.jeîlotlts aaltoeatodtlfor tîte Year. at l liTti. etcae esiaf 1Me Ooîo.NaeeiSCTESaueett ecAiianaof the Nw cv ilce ire Or UxNcctsrrecoçAL Acatnttistetlci lr, aiJtc taeoi pta9aey of lite .>eed r I&ID OFFICE IN CANADA-MO.I71EA4L, s9GL'E.IT'ST. JAMES STREET. J. G. Maec sEq., of J. O. itackeokle &Co. GI llce tt ena-r Jr., Eeq., of Gilespie, Moffatl llerettsotc. ,&et'O.c ercitcste. Davîn Teizntarace, Esq-, etD. lÉerrneO & Co., ALAsatena otuc,Kq., Aticoto. Metitl enl<2lttu,-R. P&nss IeVÂoaxo, Eaq., M. D. j&lecclterTonaacati& Mounet% Ssosiraev1,-JAME1 GRANT. WVIIITBY,-W. I. LLiiBarrister. iIOWMANVILLE,-R. KL Loscenice, Barristcr. NEWCASTLE,-SAMVUEL WauLer. t OR lsn'1IfPR ý- F. IfAtrEa, MMnager Coinntorrtâl Bank. - vako f th Depait4a OYf A bc Tram , RETT oua ST. liDm s. JoU1E$STWART, TaS.ucat&Uuio.&s~&c a! r~<feâ daeT. VE T eot, UpontM 'IwAt erie- tiib* tb - E e aaatyles, aqo" Irloq pemaity OuroBcittipmaiu 'ith. -la PUBL1_0<NO>TIOE. etkt»lv liti tN S S(55baguua n 4 n ~ e l a k .belwN M » * 1e111M - M~ 1 1 - - lE setee wfferiaan i na tt r -:0:-- u Y611 lIANT STUVES aft 0 (;GO TOÇ*G.,ROB5ON'S Tiîunll-îhle n Ur e luoteinfottete ountomora anti theit i olc Se aln aaveit lelie i . ear Store Lo te ooabettltiitl) un athertie t ctîat ideofDutigcnitr tbo 5lfi5Taaiiiblongtaen Ctexr ew l i li sed teeo"nin,. le h-Prj6 abQie Ra'slitee ioaWâ' 2Mi&'Il ttr nileda. 60EWOODS S EC L'VRD çEiher. RI etim.l-bpiiA4 1 BUREISIBES TuIE XDDRESS,< B.L REVFR*8enuittel 1poli tterp ' "THE~'EPLES CR.&P ~AB STOE,"TH1i KING $25 A -OnUdtutt It)IP W'tÃ" l "t- i t'itby, Ot. le, 1860. DUNDAS 8TRtECT; W"iTBT. 1 IIiTSt<Y!EtIOIS <oigini 51ti,pjldY i te fS&l n Fny1r ul-ok Kuulz4 sud otitesVitor inaliié RTIIeALTEEIlIsireil 1cuit mata guils. fÈSýVA M4 rr pâil5se iEl i pnate.-erte, 4OEIt BIOELOW'S.. Fer suantii'eteCap4, 1juab& SYJaVAit IYITOJII var, piaillin Platej aise Sat e edettî Ctiki FitliIs &.GOLDEN FItEIC%, 1iit id "an o St! vltbidoptdb Drs. Got>e, Feaie Bâtua loorti one f mtitýc Printe Caihtasree, tIsUk Books, 'eaeeConeiprtra in- (eiotîr itaI colors, Blaioney aI Pnblisoeýàr'Sicesa. TEBX, ietrmiÇa pen*d h a A a ( o tztOI l n bTweellds010asd tbr 'TBHôBAN-o tei atfiin tc 'W = ed lannleLttlas Prueel, Cilos allai atati oIbi . a ~Viillun led iteessBouts ant si es. tetit - latH BPî&l Iëot lnineii eii, ithe il i'rintledanti Sîripati Slirtîttgq, CIttîlidreux L.e.sitr,cppi5tpcI oiteîbr Sittea' f7 rbin er s tviii d wel te rn, lt Tapôelry and tva î1ly CariaI; tfileaRuitier OVers8ho ie a ils<cm frang ealsavItaa.o tNÃ" sebonne lteu e Sitrthbigte tett çM l irntt Du rl, tle.pA large stock eof l!aalyGresilieri~~an JOUL BIGELOWi lea JÙEL BIGELOW. -st-ice l* cetR, eteahBiul ~ 5 TERR iS A, At e~rnteasc = rarelellti eafrit~ ~ if IIIARNOC ~,ntIrLoffw i IRY TABLJUIAHD enssl.Cnulte ae 110er! oacnddCetOta t biS t Hiorsels*and ÇarlageU HAÀMILTON & R0 e ÈRIrSAaltsâlO'a NTIMATF19te arrivai per sitip IlPride -ef Canada," oet f4 balai W"den Ca1peting QtI1LJIRLJMLMNTS 1 o, Sdirect fronthlituantaclurars, Kilosarnecia, Scotiaod. Mali, -<p. K la nt fotr ode et Pattacrsoess&'s att re- D)UWJJEE BEl PP C. RPE TIA G) --au n ptirseueUoCROWýNIANDS, DEPAwRMENT; Pcr ex steamer IlJohn Bell," 2 haies fletnp Carpating, direct frontte Manufacturers, Drck tret,'Èi ài ub . csî i ' teee5rW.1ijIàdd Duntdee, Scotlanot. 7 inlteeal1e iltsy il~Oil SThe aboe ogootis will lb. founti Cheapl, andi of superitr quality. An I axeatvon50 n titale lteitveleelîlto afOtile Whiitby, Oct. 10, 1860. uOfasoveltp ni kmut For lhtotetole -ancd eondidnh <etSodeaUp- Whjaif yemcee sd t e*, pyte oea ltieE<aCrevai lida __________________________________________________ 1 kno* eh" , Uta laruget aIlIa. goo. Anal pors1nLeW.ita lita iatandiehealieol AnOlDE W RuSSEËL, scraelfslt,-,AlOafte ont e863 Assistant 0Cou; fi . W-.-BROWN. ________ iitu*arerit a~jio d W#hU0 T HE subseriber woulti reîpectfully interne tho inhabtants of Ontario, tisaI bis Fali ULCIEVR1(l~ 'IffH n ROCRiT iQOR ,WINEYaiitS< îAe Crorkcry anal Gîsosware, lea130w F51 cetnpiete, andti viiiberfound as larlst andi oel 8slb iesbeute.Abri rpii tsotrtcd ase aey etler Wesl t fMentrcal. Consting oSet dbý h beJOier. ddeu T, el LYoting Ilyson, Pickles, Sauces, Qdebani, rdi t, 1880. Ttnankey,. Wall Nuls, Filîberta, Gin Powvdar. Alinontis S. S. Oolosg, Raisins, Curants. Congo, &c. Broent, Coffoe-Beat Java anti Laguira. Paiti, Sugars of svory quality, ieanu, iShrf'Baeo ad. Rire, Tobaccos, 13à ÃŽ.ae Ostarf of ads.l~~i~ Port Witte.Pepperyinnt, {A H ~D" SO,ml et1b'81inolee'nsc8 l ha lAt pât pieApple IWiue, Scetrhs Wbtskey. 10 yearsolnd. 10'ltastesll>0~itdctiOp 9U5It Ilict do Olt B ànn Moeaiala bustey-o-- q,ueoil 'by 0 n ShMsrry 0 arrlsprima Magnelian Whisteiy, lilGTU IS OTI AI izridoityvfieooanrO lir Ginigsr dBIot & Vo's. Pale Aie an pinte anti quarts, 1BLGTU At OTI AI erna itlrecail, lie Natitre Proldo Abbots, Guinness aiSen, Wbitebreatii, GROCEB AND T TOMIE Ointe< éoev cmrL Malega do Robert Perler &Ce', boit Portseain 110W offEu NS Ga-! onogBny p'i it ~:W1ai (li Brandys of oîery grade, pinte anti queris. tftSil, ia. tio*Wliff o" J ntiça anti N. F'. Rutti, cîtempaigues, Clavette, a&0. IL Al it mltifeodtliî's riâ tille, a Hollanti anti Old Tot n iîs, Broo teet, we vre vu on sre e 1,4te 80teret of itandtotit oollOte As toe Suitcriber ictendi doing a ieading traie titis fail iii neto osli at rite t byaboygg teure., ç CoE teur eaRroeua .eutit intie Tcwneaip ctItldt>y oua ý'tne is ntetio ( ret lt te Mn, ua,iita5eea itrUPVap ri Sogap, Csstilee, taluiug 10>toï"auaslactéOcraeu.. ~IitaTT~15i' ,aaa~TAFAFil'TEtu T, i, als, lnIaTbaeo, ickle., Pev-> 1ýr VJOWEK1 I IUNARATIJiIVE P UICiES~i. -W erind e$hSot, ttka agesofetPadtIs andt lt tteCourt rett (lmbiin tic". Oi*n; viticit viii te s .arCielt, aI uta aitev flotel Reopers viii finti il groatly tei their ativantage toi purcitase front bis stockb an bctoier Otttge, lever titan any bit." eli t luitis!. »nl .easn itlioUaAa1 k wi11 sest!Liqeora at manufacturera prices. Callatt sudsiettefr eaffvs of retlintamAi h, a ltif riliâ 0i8TOMS1. MMITLLAN. wvoetay, le a oi ad lot Nt.. 7, Col ot N. B.-Wantedi 100 tlrkiîumeoflButter. Ail kîntsoetProetotaken luexcbhange.f~isuil t 1 tel titCe. o jô tliy sT.6, (1 . 52 - OI) N8I3EI~Il u ~Wblyî t5791.uts 17IiitorifAux. 6. lmtI - TAILORING ESTABLISIBLENT AUNISR1Q. KeDIB&TT ieg tebeeii(5 te h beitt oéi 8pciut(lagenat irite iNCltWC 'BRETSSIAIIIIIOPl O Non. 1 & 2, TULL'SBUILINGS, tY %e~AÇ.ltWt eA UlA C UIV ,, IntiM ate the arrivai of their Fali and W nter Stock in the abo re e i ols r ie cr ce i.OtToroei d'fli a noeW rep*arloet 84lo u --Ia -snsid la 'itqiy-as se [asl, aliranceu Ve0seila, Cag.t ati Fwigtt nt department direct from the mantufacturersi>.s 1 VIEST OF ENtILAND CLOUS, StC TCI1 TWIKEliS, aiaabaPtli LOW RUFES OF PREBÉI falu slslerait, Dexéitit. i As ao'vtter reptihle Conpnuý 'e IN AUL THE NEWEST NX RSAM» STYLESrte pittLsi lapspsati gwt>le"I ait, otW it1b(<y t eilssatitlit1 e eade' of lan e ie vej' n i it it em 3s NOTrE.-ilavinig securecl the services of Mit. WM . iADENBY * .u "»" do, U et5"» Iboaeth r0bue!lot1, eI - long anti favorably knewn in tim lewn as a First-Cloi.s C(utter esutiier endepand il Adi eopei ie ac cb upon itaving every germent matie up in te moli Fasiinable ëtl, at vrril gîaratisieti, et pricta lthe mont teotirate anaiteTiW ,if Wtlà*ieSdis ait vi . == ofdeu ii11ea ~ao sti Liberal discount wiIl be alowed on all transactions. CAME Pis» v.tiessn for ail kinds of produce at the Stores of , q ntoid oie 37 HAMILTON & ROI3ETS.0 rlCr i hrc, ý tIaI ane i in" IMM* s5ur bc 5ettseOhm mbel , ei' t ncl%%- iceeaCC etlena fiais. praeaettmgslste 1 -ae t ttuti cOer ite7Li 1tf 6te opse n figure ef11 tts laq ntW thei n et4ml Fp ALEL & WNTER «QOSBLNfI VVa'a telaaitillitantitrelntsl ut ý' 1 relit Range, Soonrille. le. 111 fth RPlSmiu tO Ku, Co-ieIJ fOýn- e aikt lae. Ip. "11 loesti e' f ateêlB I lamilaMd é A iaiw 1At Bar Tend«r Waunt

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