Whitby Chronicle, 8 Nov 1860, p. 3

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LadyFe5ý 1i'UI~4p8Ol aPoir lit Otly to 'be eoiseldj i future 5gw .. NEBW -ADyEUTISEM~! th ei aifornia steamer. Sla .wihi ce F OR AUCTIO Ern~ E RDRU-EE AIBL t beon viaÎin.- seine or the CbftritAbIe lie o hne- eraeo 55FO SALL! a.o sh s lt.ttlioUqOof.New York ce.ity cote h a ilohrlnteeiiNN~~~ aotoi i ne i, a t hi wil) emody lier Americait oboer- SI lias mna t6 tliet Prtfie CO1. IFli ciler e for ae dttinilnien- perienos 1111ci te IpiVelîîtuegatiatton. 8 1e ~~~~~~~~~ tOncl ro c b . aie e e li tB~ argalo, if l ,t 4 t o a ho t fo i m ... hi.'o enba % bcreturlito Englad. Iilain he Ieex, se te, îty.EX "- ' T~ < i W ibyÂu.3,804t ~~.jieesiO letlnrs peblshe aa ofhDk j&ur ne' W u annotince to his cutr< s an&the 9,hia e 0nd iP or an lÀa. tOîîe rciaî ili nceIvd The - 0 J A M S Il. G E R R IE 4 pu l ieî , that bis Stock m oa D W M Com p o e h ibee.n l irîaioSp.Strpra importani-ao Bmaylilop teUO EL :îlWton%îè1ï.èb5YO pin Cairhclatianili. 27h reprt in ta ÂB-14 En FARdrSAtSrpw:lae s Water 011 and Lamps, 9 I E 8"* y* , SIlAW L Cre~tMa frnumber of. dnya. postnd_________î___lOÙ_nd_______________ Fa fors X -18~îvM ntrel epaper, -no,_______~~}T -11 W ITBY Cou -1 -n Lup- 1tlai Frlosey nd Glo)VesPitFcoyCotniee5 :oiu fo r Ita libeIl loa char ctcr " WC - deeni i-L R. At 12 'c4k , noue K ero eno , 011 a nd L am p ai gi e h ttîog t: C otton 'W a , Ca p t , D m W c, B r a (J o h C s i- ee S o t 4 if a duty ît ta - uoitfot aie that te TIIORNTOX - LîNTO'XfIZ&. -hth; S1IL AM0 iARS uàn li n er, re, cioitio eeFn Clothe Satetts &o. hi ietr snene Ciprtcloe'A~i lOi ntbaorityofore the t Prvnchoa. 7ttî. ty the Rev. James T. Byrne, VA AEdO4- Bmi tu &,ap-solyinheBî adFe baetew~ he of juicPies, n- NIr. Aher Ttornton, to Miss., Ana Linton, _______WiliBtk)ei edFie, bgChasrlotlycnhoouîtivvteeoai ito Bricka noisuud Friuch M-trets bieod Chic houï ilc lnl bnltnya duertned to ol lO.- b1B5 mUst l byW a'15 :8o. 1i -ACRice havee et.ehou lid Re t t eOi clairole bo 01 pick6riig.TEShc-lesbvbe 0titdesl r e i 41 . elso Colt andt examine ,efire ginfg taforon- at a amatil avance oni the Sterling OST. FOR QAÉIT. 11e Wvotlil 42111 5Jes iP toOWI1 urlîcipîîled malicioîiq attackst-e GBSI-LWity ntoth isi f %Vwm bilitbyi on lUlI Oii wai TIX-rB bo aad attention tamp bi anediv ChaionQ. imc iooia, made iipo» lir atta hyhv etr argaret Sori-a jolie, belovoil aîl OntV" dd Dc5h180 Atie Elfflt crs L% tho subi01 priea. --[17xa.kE L TR . dter aii te gîvo te ler niîes anil ilecgtter or Y enm n Gihaon ticq. W edeiik DerlS9 , __h 1A6Ei H. GEItRIR, ~Ç O f I G d J ceCU~ W d1 - Ce iiairl throbligations the sillue recagnîlion* 4 years andl 2'inonthis. Crut raWl) 2e àlsig koEfac 0 NIII FBROKDn ndloaStr.Brg eu-o h rmie-te77«~dWokasi my~~ Cevb&ObtiTOrcicW clnttk lc nFia tI icok . mht., c .st. '11 4-1w, bo deponded on.- 1,000 MenasdB o and an Botly ý aus ,10Mn EE~L_ tisr av hîhetoreeivil W caiit ak ptcconFrila e .i ncik- b-un.OTOE Biig the Nîrth-wet corner cf lot 10, si-ile igi et the Ilted Poot aod Mortr.anit. osVas ~0 eamlBy pisoPns feeyp-emi dontt thst this; aFSUrinC, the truth ni te the phiccet intei-iicet nt tt Simbral Te O ONE-r Coli Futad cfy Bèùý F.50 MEens ana tue Taf, ofma ofh- Rai-ch Worde tel and jehich any one0 inteirented in the qistio grotinei Pickering. Ai) frienils snd ne- Te~- elm the c-a,:o B.Fo Pirs Y 1ltteTii fWltv ot vr o.qaiy Tollsyiess y eiten ient hae the i te as-or ht innear crin,, vitled trerî atd L, rot lioi, ûtC n 11111111 ......... 20i a re 141iine <ut îiîl iiic goneantn e eioa aiayess'îY'19 Theii~ f-i~ cO c c i q u maneai a r mo k il n ite te attend. Silo ' -I ne alo ont 1 1tiB icd i tiac e d O N T A R IO B A N K . A F É661 Sto ck ofT ou t, Sugurs and TOba o nU & .,j s r c i e yaac tn e n m n o a uYtis -xiein are nei flc 4uot9eo itBriOu4 iti iiiBuliLa prSi ii a în l il ta ba c n u na iici v ti t cc cy ia te ha j.c ~ îu ch l is S , 1t " 2Iec l. W ord, LetI 1 oi Br oeh S t., an i ci . pesMn tilLaid tec, havec t.t No.tral the -Vst;i Qehcis 1s'hree itneu tt,, Ilcyceoib Sont nl given rîse. - CIlobe. ton, iiiiiiiiiiately )irevious ta the funeral. T£iial. o-ttfth ecsh, bailane e ilie. Vliiiiiec flc .DVD N o.7 ,0 E K "q ý-F G O A K D B T E Weeehd iao t lîng m T rky. 0, ~ QU RsN. A îtitb ~ 1,0 Pt Lilt 18 lotit C-, M20a ae s For uil- of mIo ii tc. n 1y te the IDERD W ANTED, 100 FE K S 0? OO PA ED B T E Cle ta a-otn-c tir 5 FberASN.-týhth nte-o.Mra . or to Jeuhi, S- M. Wi îuo, Eýsq., Tain orf-HG ETtîîetctdc y-0 fusÇt~~ WrjbdSit fTig n uk dIi iictuît., Joutieca chill fM.Mra N E i2th t ilrubain-) H HGFS-etc WL c AD S% 1, 1 h I Cluk ..........lXE),s herce giveu Vtu hn scnfitriity1 cfrepndneo titr N.ra Y. WOTIL Faqursn lark JANE BR'BNER FORilt thIeG reeciC WL B Âl) iCintisit neritOotbii-w tit Coii %Vty. Diroateca in th0etc4pvrj.t. eîîttcl et hie4EFO lait --LN _______________________ I._ -. Sothide 21 Bright Strect. Rîveiihr 5, 180*. 11 - îta Aaincl Ociierat '%eetin. s clividc cf tWio wheuie empire, bot more easuecially CtJcistla. WIv ITirIY MIAJtI rs 5¶. Mia.tNii.,ac iniiiSre oi e rxio tis a i dci C ita l Stcl ock ofi thisRÙat t . ER YS B I K B I D N S tinop )c a il v iceni y. . T he s a cit of Il 121 T eiov i il . N t c .t e aemlti e i i i s t i W i b , N v m e , 1 6 .4 Tlie.rct iniar Ilne Ilaei-iuiai' île iuie)ocii' -sq rh ime ha n Il av.la iee de c ,la andî IL-i T)geiluioc ot itia ruli h>- MerCi-ne ci- 1,h cf" e ekrc-t elb lcc -enIi a d e t d V .o v Lsc il Tlln Ilieh î o - c o Y f î C b e-ai-,ui si- ',-i c l, a e tilia d a ndce i d a l p ~ T i o Tti .à B o c4e in tbe country bot it i% îLicanu op. Ne ,,,.cy (boz lain. Lt piai-tis iiiehicd ta the Emiate ou thîe Bronhecliin n cieo Icturdityl te, -itratclay tho future ta - laite Dry investneiil.- mentFi $ 5.61 $ 0. i 2iaLi, st e-cd adat i i reitie ,onil la thcmoie riedy iNvineboh mari lhftns have 'fatio morine 20 pet Dltio-S1îriuîg, $0 015e 0 $0 98 Taa. <out-OftliCamli. l:Ilanco !Ii fouanm unai thc soaineta thie uile],igaicd. By ordcrof-thie Bsn-il,1.-1 cent, wiîhiî, a few ontha, aud thie gai- Flou $51 Q 6 iiitduclosits. JOLIS' IIIADLEY, DFIHR ahe.Cltxs) -LWOItno, Blnos Flnes Grey.tia cfttus toseoAlton.,tii5 nlt i cemîil te ly hink rnpt. T oucindi PCIIcsz 4 1) 0 filc. L O T T W O . Lot No.iccSUItColi Otita ïc Bank , 0h~ ,- 5~ 1 Y .n a t i e h r i g ,S r p d Lo m s ,C r o s - W g e 5 ose5u m lp y l tn .- of Turks, obe bavc ilependel Open sauI IarIly 55 QIý60 rwfllallv chioe the Etate of tIcs latte Peter 42 Adil* COCIRANE L.wnavie s..t O15. -80 1YrstieShrip fleLO salaries for dicir dily breail havo aet (Icilc 22e aI 25e ey.*tSH.CCRNLL.BLàe »e Gou h lCasmtlgFr nd butta paid for a pear. In Constntiaoee Y S.i-i10. Wcet il3,15 liiit Rate, Chuithafli - . atylees LAFittitTE thaIulcal pr-essue shows itseei in the 1> IiS ,p, $1s0 ) tics. Il.... 100 ,îeo- in ATT(IRNE ATie, te.-KERFi as,(ain tls)Lais édDe85 WiIyOL1,80 thsfuniBei-f $4 «0 $65. ...... -- -. L> ici- Cl -ce- oa-Piii.A. tii Bi lci)ew Building, Jliunlas NotAEice.os:e]eah ë reduce l pie tirca od,&.Nxt S,,~« 4~ a-de liatdo-i St., Do-or.. 10. l Strect, 1% Iiitcci-. ____________ ofSlOUtfdlit piiiii gétodte, ta. Nxa siIk Velvet Trimmings, ~bns ete I3 - - -I- l- .100 - -42 afuotuîdecliia l ocus vintei- ce Toly expeet a gi-est amont cf - h>tatocc. 20e. N 41-c3,, Ot, Cana lltuieei-firct - 100 Ilead Cattie Wanted. p td1i9Plumes, Fl'es C&o.,- ikoE-t phyaheal sulTcring, frin hungucr and i-aid. Scîttoar loc-. '* 37 it. ]Titite 1859.dhiig - Btin the cutyaround its effectsare Esgl dozL S ý1-t h 11,s ...t.... 8ii-hdio .ipyCàl o heaoe RsPtfli Blcl hoedio OW StÛR moi-e manifeit. iuidreda, pet- Ahia Village Lot il% Iloglmi, Tacrualp c Ttl qiiiic oI -Stipe CaoUla deli-eri at lits inug coinfct ini ti,-1 limie duliiig tliiiea-T 0 , O !M S15subcii-oan batmc $r lisps thoucandi, areo ini pison for the non- SPECIAL4 NOTICES. Tibi. Forliss îlh l.aiî%tl leg hoLt ci oate, o eii e il , u ife d îî îîîîn oiiald t paploiSot~~~~ nil.-i Town Lot Na. 62ca1,f Pci-c Street, sud ilotci.,1 uii-c e'i Ceuu c !il lOch1, Iteiff e li-i-etlat * py bs dbt. Te mnîîmis c-c uîtci A GOOl) TIING.-TRY IT 1 Sic,,- t.i-lt MIIl, Toi-h Of weithy. 21,- Nviciiciir, 13se. 42-4w WhiitIiy aith whist sattsfactian the îaîîicgi Liquors, London Porter, Pàle Ale, PiCkled n re blganda, wka phunder ai passora.-by, atd -Ti. o iis-fliti Csblnefu animal. '-ri-lite îa t ,i-iu lc,, t-e i sc0e -. FsH rig ,S riePc ls pcs &d. li nome provinces the regularfinira are ua- TUE C u.ittAIA P.1.1% DErS-arOeP. lnsctiicms. Fouula, Ieouc fourii i-îia tr tuat te tIfircieineooeofV aferigS rdn s ikls pc t d d b c ug . o h ns c r fth TI O ' ecan iniocr, a e Redt efiîecl ,icc t el a e ,,. L a d ie s ' X is s e s , a n d l cJ iii l e n s ' B o o ts a n d S h o s . sîtedil ai hoiiiecriy i tie 'cA 211lEDlIIN E fertini,acliole and per- LOT TUREE. G;llî-ic'iteiicli i-hi cnnei-mteLotO&I f ul hiu.e lt. > C oCKlER.4i Ic iduci,-t-oo'lclI .ii i,,tcraco To cîcaitî,c Ectateciîhîoe latoRtobecit Spur- ILb.iiilt thia cliii, praciuig pI r> hb,1 Oc.2,1R0.4,n R ------ e Caaadian Painu Destroyer ruti. ond pa uyig~cpie'.ii ty c.0,1fO Garibaldi jandl his Solillers. Cares Rholîcacî-tteîc, 1elcii-.. cul pcain ho thce N\ 12u.tlt Coi. 7,liciei . 7 ici-e TO RE - lLrk.iid inlclr 3e., E cf c.-i St 'sofW ib Vau ause Farm s for Sale. L W S O E L ch- The Nationuilites pnb)iaheî the fallow- 'The Canadien 1Poufs Destroyer TEnui Cash.uh a 0'Nc.lcuîl c leTîrîc Vct-R Ttic mIsuolOi Joi ccetproclamation oi G arihaldi ail.'rls-cliî iti lat~îl 1i- 11au 1ee fU ie t Ça-,.oib2 Uulk il IJU-lu i-c-c-tu eaecccth Tocwcc n' o f Wiict SItr lrgei andcote iôl L Igc--it.- Lgîc.hlli thetia ciacrci. laf- Molise ,icriitil inili tioiitii ai- ýL LITFE SO I T N O es dresseit nectzne Mlc:Tu Cscn<mlian Pain Destroyer LOT FOUR. 9cIu C-twcil. cil tlw UO arai-n ly-, ., lScuioii.Witicy- <ia ASO I1.ui 0F SCSI 1 Ni 'G0lory te the brai-, te the chi-aiti eure BIiu Ci- lihe ocuil ('rinplc ini tili- Stoeocu nacln o hn tint ocr. ttcrc clire1 acroi if ced. oc and uu t eOthore, a M.-ick flilc sic ecit St-est. c'i mca ciha :ee hefil bir hearm, tlîcir niea n'e Canadien Pain Desiroyer 4hule ci ari-o F-a ta iti-pssi àiiu aacrts; fi-ic o iiiîdc r tlfc l Il.let adcli sici t h Aptioui ostO piu te PSN T W N Y E O T Id ad their Cliilren, fi-cm the Wolf. cuias Chili-a, Uticiene ci-lia ii aI Ea~ c-b itîlter hell M merilli- aar i -c il d luiilic-.-e ct vl Mot2SO &I S R EPO R "' ci - l aoicit and ,,u 3J ofi, i i, Lt -oc l.îî, o u, ae. cndîthr ,cîlarîc goid boliii, c i clase ,'h -e Toono C0 TW. sa-lc -F.AOJIAius 1F lc0mAute- st înloac eiio Aileil 3 ec,a t-ifi Lz l)àu iri&conwi;iltne)uàuoi-IliiTW ENTY-FIIZST ANNVAL ItEET-, Tam Butccyc Snrnbmbiènecfilebé ofe, anslil laT,% %,l ...,id iti, taHai tii, wica ut of her i-aceaiiu and Bopc ruî ionghltad coaqueceil ai lairnis. i.Shame ta theappuilations woia1Ypat the approacit ai the upoilerjail ahbandon ecerything- Whea hey retrtoi t0 htii bouses, mal their ci-ici-a pit ilu'theirefacrs mcd srink feaiah econtact thuh thCO' 84 --.an. 1 Wkci i-uj i-ht vooart T/e Caaian Plain Destroyer i ll r The ijanadiaa Pain Destroyer c 7WO anadan Pin Destroyer Wcidca.h SU-,jcîoe. It t.cLce a auic.,Olt'tl t ul 1 ,eltiti appuie-l. oquerers, and i tislkniownthone yo NoFi cli i --l- ilcIuhc-% t taof T are rolei te fight, tlhe foîcigut panera 711e Caruudisa Paini Destroyer chal ievadji- ou seiler one pietext er Pricer «_1 ensever ote. amuloî itcrnet n-it for peur onsaoght. AIiiaac.ti.clu iTo ci-ms t yeu have four mcntlihi--:l1011&I.I NS iai-c Pao of cupuLke eucriCa. li ift c-i Farc bleicnc lc uzhooA.1.uctr-ncc mnt, in Naich. 1861,willi i-o iciuuto ch C. lt'ci hiI.iiciruuOLoAcu cnt IlIe cuitie ItOciilI teriitî->' tlecbyluu ai ilcit atI -c'cunt1i cii. SO-i ifttAT ENOILISSI itElEDYi 6, sii JAMuESC.CItRKE' ArrivaI i lise pr-ince Albeit. Cocbratcd c nab P Tlo, - !icpiuicion te p cipiuuf .çfusJ. tiCaoi, iM i.Jaii, ,NIIc-Fiilay Nigli.h.t"~c;cuLS. - luuar his Qecis. The daters b y tito Prince A'clert lii-e hue-a ilsyuc latter ttos ttc.S hriithît y lii o's11 c-il cuit-u s' l i t huuîuefor tliui urpaut tînîlîcîx. I lleu-oti.c.lecnniiiliici. C tl-.o io The newan oiut i-ciy imupoanot. cu,-ciccvd ici ît lilli acccflehil -icur.ly, lia-> T~e Itoyaillîeetiuug ent -irsai nai pro- ct iicii itru t. e,- ,uuutiîc. Votiiig et Nuaiicr atOuti- annaation ciiieoccituuuwheug od tiîli qtuestioniucuiIiuîlc ch.o tue 2lc1t aocfa- PcTh1c1114tav l,,t .-uir- t-oc c la i-il iciere hi-r. ,il flrecutit lî,l adlt iien dititiely iluuc.iiac t-tf uo 1ld ut areii.ct tu ac-t itil. t cie tutel thct the Nea. -iu v""l. i-î freo p han vtdUindOtuuuinauehly fraui- torturlccicaiti-.i-, gel soa P uc.fe lleX-cliauuenco.e Th ui fRii-umond l ied nt Londlon 11% 1tu,.giizco Agent i!tctSctauupiolciect1 fleIîie ii-ccucu. 'atAcue at uîru hîlle Il on thse 21t Oct, agel 70 y)'Ca". tie liluic luî i,-t.IclUnciccii -ic-Fu le inu t%% h Thie tteomehi.p ,rttAierican, frelt tc o;- -'cl-c-sai. l.icc- i Qiiler, arriceil st Loudonderrp ca le ft.tIci-c. lc-------- *.oio- noicieSi- Ilicul Oct. TheIalwionay Stci-t"oliipCampi-tny have Relief lan'rcn Manoteia ,or-Icirea nw tea-uira te bube hiin u plcneof ithuc Conuugloi ly JolitLuai ofOi-i-u Liiuci-iiaa. The Euiperor aifitusuin, tbe Epror cf sT,%, onacet tci -,lp-oy roncmuistirot, una 1 Asatia uandlthie Prai-utc ega9utt eh liruacici for «a D-..ucof tu, 4 cau at Lauc. n acre ii t Woi-ioii-,to7gtluii-r % tuhte Ci-i -Ss citeheeee-ctus.le/t priniice Gortacha)ccii CÜuuit ttectherg, atIand ce, I.oj-Oici-D1..em' -stii clir îrets,îoeut îji,ýiltcls. liFOtetuA'a ,IWOi-uhqe"saiwituOiisum-l Xatiutg transîireil as ta the Conteruadi.Tiui-itleîcthriuiicd ,hsuoitu- ticitt-ci ,,. -i- n-u i orI arls . a. rit refuaci taejnter ite t>' eOimt9leut otit lae rrcd l cî,i-oluis T Uoro-an f .4turii ~ oj~ aur. ioiuau,hy areahnqally alm s12n.utii a suai s alticîtniagit teal o R %at- -tomm u-1cr. ilet ,,-iuuenuicr . Icdi-oci mUi- Thie Cnstitutiaonl et ounies thit tt-the oc ui - udinu d-a 05Fii-. n.r Eipem-r bcSeid -icel autoaolttebbis hur trua'.suft-tce-- l'aiea"qhope. throns the Czar ai Rass s1i llaisiusg tleo- -uie na sa, i-l*rl .-Lircue SnO.niuuhii- uca ture cf the hVaisn-umueting, îîîd deprîv- To vnc,..> lcc xePuai-l4uAKofSis, th- aii ing it of an>' signithomieIhostile ta Fronce.-o e.icOuii-lieOac.C.hOYocilun iUi i-i- fru utir ire 1 -l i a utm li line luee. usnci lias 'lbho Gietfte do Lyonm lbas t-ceeu t upprea- .c- u-a.cpeiilinscamlirOa oeil on account uaitg incssant tipplasferi-1 pr o u iitti etiobe -i0t.i, r -i n agitation, tue attack un (tareri-aiet andl - riaiuiv _au-lot joy * uYiOfccu.O aaO. its iisulii aigonda Iri-it. on tciilA. cpeaccoctoc-i--uir. N. TîtoPoil hhiui-io cuca ut si deepi F.,a mae h). o. A. iutuei-. ai-ICV. ,il. Osa st 661 ta 75 for rentes. c'itiiH.. itliouingoc tixi-der. ,muid41 as - Naples deapatchea tet 5Ist Ostober an-dcale Deuiii-O iiednce that asvote on tise aoOcIatiea ques- uL1,, ces tbeo biag taken Mncli etthia- NEW ADVERTISEMN'l!. sison existel,soanCimeecroîio -;bail_____________ acsembied nt tise roting places. Ailt-as 9nuiet ttise latent latcsi. The Kng or Naptclesil adi s aprotest dectamng tiat boc ,usiidreil tbm votlug c It cas rcpetudotistafter Uic annexa- tien cas e tfec:te oltieoai- Pria,-o n tih -mk of (jéers) ceolit le oSled Ite hro ae -GoaeaiiasdL - A Nople despoaici of te 2lut uit, mya siisc lr ois Giai ,ribsaldi baa cfficiaUly delsredit tat BT o sm ot eut utl ias woul loy ilocnea iaILmctatdùrglhp on Uthe Uirandocli l-1Kiiiî mlCuulp cir m-ci1ti of thie King 1Victor ~Emmanu. ,d iir tee ta 0t it touc oto fotao Tise beail geueral U(iiiiti5 citit bia are- ginotaaocucl tu uts-ei -e 0011118111Sencounteiod oand betsorocf %Wltuuo e enu ut thtitie.Ilof acue NeaPoliteat iIsernia. Tise genersi coi-m-om aii- h atit ChPltc s1 te gandti aîanaing tise ceo, so& oits ofiers. and eoat5h0le iba r teootiic ofi s NO sablioiers anid a swee"aen. Anîth alli- lut iIut ou. Ihe " lok~a <bptismahasidinla aporocrucuurc' Stsls iic I..u atsiai-tl, tLpt:th , W.iujCnChoorSma.-41 Aquu- tioa ieNaeiiaua"tr. . -teahi andIi m uai . au 'VictorEmmanuel arrireil et 5alei-ha on tity or k. Are, i-PloLuui it eta-6 àA qujoith the 21&9 oft October. or bats a o. 1Ah' .1is sildelsn tâ It Vol teportel tht provisions oresrob.- hâterolitolO ,ilcti5lcts gining te fait st Oseta. Ue rm U W,:itJY watcbIafl" OM S le was alsso reporte t tiatth mc AiPRNIQCM NY llisid« f fMarine tond rueved asdesls ib AI ENho oi a la awmuc*mg i5%tbh srlumtl h is uWO mi Aiî.wiik rpom -ilcih l o y Pobie titorcd VSa'100. 5Sp" 401004 Aution. cnuMtlcl te Ruto aq of Nuis.1t8u0' 811 a5ell ~os~ioan rifae - MLtu-aproiaseof%" aa)&" hetji5 So IbVt motilOO t e at tia f- lab aito".tb5bl iof wl 4p.onu liStieuffl butbon gheis Bsels OSe, WtitA C. 0.8 > banda.tevtit aab Tihe Hidoemê r om oré'MCSMP 4in e te ffbmofth aboe * edatmot etýton a isg. un ou Icah4pij" ethe tain n bisis hb a- Tb. «trt he P*a ieo db eosojs (Tameeioia!ât o , w hi I ie-eth din rt e pa wt in tala-à. abpla h b, h auj, hi Jcîcîî rc i-apiii. Ttlitc% th hait bu- îci eatia., ici tîr it tiigVOiaeaif aL- Lc'te 121--il 2QI, North, ofiCaitir ti-ucet. citlcui->. 1c Scicîl, ;49 ti iicieoiaii Micc, Ie 10* rai-s. Na. 37, 1111, cualur-reoiu Arteineos., 14 iOnm-' A&1SO, ri te ic t Tan,Litasin tl Tuiatoi Les No. c-, t rer-Y Str-et. lb. C.c-t ciltecai-N Street. R-- . t cf tt,-cch atrot. -ti, c-P,rryi-t-eht. Ti.o. Four,,ll Loindc iniL-,î Fout, cue-fi01 aC.,ii, cc tluin 9i.cuae.Jt iikuat 2tuuli, lits. Thetala, ail c'-aicic'-i u-,iutlly aI ci-o We-dnesdty, Dacember 5, 1860 Tfinatruontioneuta. sattt--ri. Ltlsac..- 'lcha,,- tn %Ias e a tu misali ,hitig liiop riiitvy $ctd,ii ta atuoiu cîîttii, ic a puiirskiuv-t- t.r ir lkeh.r iitcitti in anud particulharsa c5uly iu--il liy letier iýreisIl, FAIRBIAN'KS & ll.CDO'i-ELL, A,,itiuciurc, C Niia l Mretlioiit4, ,l7ktuh, Nia,. 6, 1 dil. 42 Wghitby ffiechanics' Inatitute LECiIIES TO lI E DLIVOIED ON TItE 11IA.LL 0F TILE tNfhUf tll- IRO TI. tOEASc 'B, 180-1. Ba. II. Stje-'oitand hoir iOnft- ec,.-ltci-d. itctacu Lile,. . 0 N. 28r..oUlIct-"sJhttatctry of Food," -W. A. MCot, 1.. Vei- th ~ji-'Ct - _____- rt17. -. Ilt. Thiruîuii, tD. Il. < Dc. lui. Suilj ct- Tho BettinliMuseumuc -icClt. 1î,it Ba-ili, t). D. ic-e. lOtS. SciijeLic-Tia Grawtt, and Paie- pci-cf th.ua iicdls I%&-" , hstut"-Toa W'Arey MetUeo, M. P. P. Due. 21Iaioicc- -lion. Juhii itot1ýit, D.1) J... 8111,. Subjert-115¶s andsoit b is .gh- hr'ie-J. Cîîîtîh. Jî,n. iith. Sjet-" Veuice," - Wnî. J. Eo.tti-cyv, B. A. Ji,. 83h. ,ibject-"Sa-r.y ;lits otra-tt te Driutce'-iu - i-. . Fth. toI.et. ubjeet-*' Sketch of caly C4aa 1ltaiettoi-y."-ýluîhi tierge o cgtis, L. L. IL )Cip. îSap. uf Eialacoii. FaS« t,. l~Snhjoiit-"-uonie CuionsaPlina. nmulia oi- intod'-tov. Joiiahail zShert, D. D. Fch. t5th. Stiibjt"JnIca Mitton,îî-Rv1 lta Kag. Fait. i2il Snhjact-' Tiie îliei-o.epe and Nit,oliccels al oiiile,'1-Patrick Fesoolua Eýq-, li-noiter at Las. .larclislt. Setjet-"Âlrcuhthe Gre-.I,"- pti4. E. O'Keei. NStnelu 551. sich)pt-5' Fidaýltty inaasI tuh.:-v.Mc. Cfai-i-ci. àI!occh - .SOje- AccoI)txerioîeutalh»a ttein a Phlîutupical ofiSciutiioSu Snjue"- W. A. WaîttusI. A. A inboiànlcejtit' Tet (pitesi )î eeuutitte the hoilier a iioiei-ou tte ituittto ifor tiie rmelKc loiti, St. madaititlsa laina t, theuseoit Libarysurtticîunriiol. andi aIs tam,.to t pdmwithottcia1ur inemnho i.ect res. &A Leisi- Tisikot (prtso 50 reste) emuntitutui the o îl, 4 sueouo to-te aduo, tuatîle "f ktbta msy b;rutah.dfeny o ion- oses ofthitlittts Wi% tbp Nsl. 7, 10 THE FITFH AINAL QIJAIrTERLY I FMR *U£laEE ý At , VILLAGE OF BROOKLIN, 'W."daay. NUst ag 1S0. -- a ut ý ,atme -dic mm -». kIe.~m ouditlc ,rliiicee, er ti Sc B3. FAIRBANUKS .. IL. .1. il.Si.laq., Wtithy. crI-VW. Il. T'CE2IAYNI(, &-., Wl thyi. -TO SPORTSMIEN. T IIE wii*TBY SIOIVING CLUBnuil lielit tulc ir icc'ia l îciiiiiitg icilii a1il tseeoi- iniatiiea icîi- tsh iihcIicc tel, Po it -u tthe Rail- Thursdaîy, the l5th Nov'., 1860 .icI l. cciI to 12gâoi'i-liut ccc h ru %iInt ui t' iir..cccc cci il Turk.l iic %,til ý, I , c..ý Mr.ttlhlb., h l c ' gui-ii c a i hîu(riCi ut richhe et- Fait Colts. WIlO WANTS A FAST ]MORSE t TIt ccuhcrhi- rhciiii-. puchaiecl tlat ftrot- ci eti-cttilîclirbe "OJGGREY EAGLE,"t will,tII lie itiit.îii. iicr,i-,icio . le iloatî hui u li. ailai cila Ioniisa , evie t.ce'qliiila. Il ' i;LOti i ,l a ii.hle cLon - ig, iîar-la ui-,cicde 10c4 l,-io ucîgi, olide Il -cttIcc.id pîi c bclhao undi use- ilic ! ce 13 i. lie troiteoc-ai il,, %Vtiue cca-. Ucotin Fa i t al -ua, ii 2145; bi-JI.clle iliicU.ciic ouo-iOt lîiicil' rot- tild ccc publhi cc l I ci ii,' JOhN ,s. SPROWLE. DRF. DELLENBAUUHl, tOilI' ttSlLl(OF BU'FFALO, Rcicecrauicoi teiîcil'c)ikBlpet, o thîc151 scîci lleHiel e teh.t ltiil ou tîîs2.2ui"1. Prcu inceru lugla Aiciacan Utlî, lIed, Itecihlil. IllheIloual, 21. Wlithy, erichîr'. it.el, 131h san2tit. CW-lera lIi ic cl iuiiio. un ail fi-cm, a te lcîiihkeope a fac uupplY Oai'ti -l lsa J£MES il. GERMIES, 4t DeocireWCîttthy .1101tocilpliciilai-fltse Townships a T Uicril 's ilà oi ica 2ttui Nsiie ceitpp;ccl a cs a lie-law fur- uhs pur y-i-s, o f catuiitel ieiuolin aotrmi froicitii peof-lliu atiiliit èue ac U1lc-ei d- itnaci iiteu l'Qucio. h0JudiS i-, oq.i B. L S., iSud relîclect MI[ r*to'tuce$atil Dotal ut lictiatia iril ly Of Aigoa 1860.ROBERT SPEARS. t 37 Trownsciluerb CmMISSION &c -o----4 houC1ONEER S, daim tîtl uy lave be,5 tho eaiocoecpt- (i plat Iee.t. 1w,îett W %VI - pf.i - tied ciol t r lita 2tt ist., tae fei-o iraouredoutaid eîsolnel' uucosatc.àO te oser' scuenu t c itBmuknoltlCDaiiii9au sdactio!l ofu %Wktby sept. i, ii6-e RFS..ER\CrE.-Z. uamn. aqCý' icg C.., S.~bacs.- Jiiolopu F. o Bai-ko. Wq, q, mb - '..u L le te sheritfl' Sale of Liods. C-ichaeiî.t-iytotTbF 1ii-cOfaiàWi-it ici lti,,sVrr: il Stai Fc iii, euil, 0,11 ifeh tîC..,uil.ti iC i ctli liiiiiitN of ti- tjce, luc t Wiicy iuiltucii, cit tl. cigaiiat ehe lcuulo ici1 hiite-lemeni-t- ai-jeu, Mil tciuy. ,i..iuicîtt, ui lit h- ucici- .Ihi. . Wiitii, plaiun- tuît lIiccieoriie alOii e 11sî1ciclthie cotatl orenlt,hrc-t ua'- lIc icclJîlîuiStqcuu, liî 'tiaertntact-îuori ciu- eIiuiu-t. bieiuciii- poaccl iii'tlr racti l f Loat NuO.t, iite 4a1,1 uiiecucict, ttiur.u, ru rtii.lo ý1t .ethoti' ,otaua oriiterut 'eiciul. 1 chAit 4ilir [Ici- -île litut'ul-lie .tici î, cît c i lit itheCoCuni- lloîis ui cs ?,heiuiof Oilithy, il. theîouuuty cl oiic-e it Sîtii-cr lttetu i ci ehFs- brar>, A. te. j1-41. tt toshe o'cloch, noon. NEt-SOX 0 . EEYNOLDS Shurif, C. 0. Slueri'offOSes,, t lPor C. Baureo.1 Wlîitby, Out-. h2, l18l I4 Wild Lands for Sale. N0 7, Si-cnt Rne Sto. Seci-eille, Ceiaity fViiici. 107iocres. iPiitie $- uaztici-e$150 Cash,, la-Jaunie Nô. il, qi l eicraiel Mr, Couiey cf On- tii, 11moe.Piiio86,pue aire. $2u O Cmch Bcth of theabcote Lots i-se toiouatlcl cua Sliu.l, an uicl oeusy nowefe-dait theloce pri iomic-. la or tsi- ta chccc ait att. A-dl-oas tif uy lttcepre- poid .) H. . PERRY, 1V/iiSF. Wilithy, Clet. lOt. 106. 40 41V GIMEAT SALE-OP BANKRIJPT STOCK! Stoves, Stoves Pijiiesa ad eathhliehmit, Break SL Whtby. Appt le ncs dai Logaa hOWBo.abei Moamui-s t toi-s'. Grain Siopm ut Leguaaa Tiiî-cemce et evey ileoci-ptteaî Stae-e-ptpem c S., ln fbct oierthiog taà 6soveo nd u llneot I»aso'. Copupeler Fins soSirect Coppetfr u- oe. Cash fer ltagsanti Sheupsîiks. ABRA-M LOGAN. MORTGAGE SALE. P t-MtUANT TbA- CoutimndI b i a it Iort«aeT sade 1y Wse. Ctlmel miut ifs, ti-erot C ileec JOnue, aIllait1ssTu*nmbip tmiiiahuileait besoli-g date b. 1116. -diApte, 052. Tise enlor- midtie'1odie fr Same n a tciks tet lac tht Villoa, ai' ltrdge, 52ut:1eek te eboethe,- Snuoa of Priday,Ith day of Nov., IWO- 1aeug c Bueq-, haieuser he ofer i îîso- saa eeî lteecl i-y lh ..h0 foll1n-int a., tc rath hi.st u Aol r lumoa eapMr. o %v iltebt W Oo lanuon (;tii 1T Aîs c teco',les-c i aiutltoit t -the icol rr; n l ieîc lu ii oct nutiOl>' aîtulue Siri- titho paoeîlî.rs, hst cetîl canItie tho auditalvo ri-jiaciaciscie i )i-A-Covme the I)i0rewai- ite cePSt auî Be a cRt- u ihe fotr 14,97dg hveftrits 0ilr),*ha u r ct epollev. b he bfalle i t te ro,. icî,s ta«à6tst A tar ia iiasinrue at o tiw uutoci ,lnii i.--ttrweR- - 177 t)r.tt in3theMii-9 huer andeu iret nuit g isin ,uetionl Imeiltica t Acae rio - r o urit doithle Faly hutile-p. A ercthegly liFavent 1 i cca itthe e r (ia 5 - t l45 ba-i iitheo- A.oeoetýt - il. iii-mn- er it CE3 C ........ 1429c e foruc 41,Pi-a- tg- ttbi-he Pe fetoeibciuul e fc Yiec- ucc,-ciithe anctie- - -s teoun1ial'y oitaii tt i-alta 1fîl anjet> TIc Acuii-.ÂitOFecaMneîil 53cIS29 litit o A e,,urer and0f t îtc, icoon Cer, a d e-Ire c 14jitis atlaci iji e a ti..e.., £ 142 soccemhiathe-isis-,"clih A.u uir ml PoliosraIle liii... .26c61 li -. , mu-~ i- -euiuit oaf Wiiai r - 1 Tic Ta ci Aacciaria Tiucruaeras mii steuiui i eoeiot i ccuund i i-n aisaplea on-id pra- £2,eOciacli. h'1177 t.c s thef s m lreoait a f th i Th oCiîin tc Fîcui inohie bc- l1PI oi s.ein es O tc , m o oeovrtaîco ire ______in_%cinq qliss te rm tc, Ilutlit e frrJm 0 For Titi-àitsa lljEiiest thce &cue i oj4 i n uAI te.i-es t. rt li a ae usctod '10&wl l iasc uîîî i, tiithe itciic. 1ISC urc t h c i Uto mc Iilv te Lc " d Castroaaa ie itaU li 1uitilt h £20a isi- £13150 081 £4.5 2 5 euijeo-D oae>it, nNu ere ni t uututtlYO t Pol a j xi os tice s-...S ;26g.it in v&tch u lae otonllu of' tigtuc-T i Tie Or LAs tl , ie&îài oN ga eiO6 î e ,& , .ioh is mu, sit ucm cih e sn r 'e- 1011 ~ oins-t - 4-ase c bDtete- iae fi u etitiadrtacti o nofe l a-i'e ellintfilot1r5 i i O'c5 5638 met 18 oISienisiît ihipeeiR-Ctl 'oll Boa lasi o.ua 4~~~51 c lIais tcli iitisrecorltaie o oui8 sîc iet sc o>c îtu Mui sui ' ooai oua hu r N A. s.ILpUt VriliiiO to d wl.P iuîth onîlm Tu inAsoccraort tua INet )ME.ict Tera le recciou c e lm snid ory iy a io itsk lime ticit, o tu oceago,1071 for£1i0,OOt i fosImieete i-e scarmwtetihho e ta 5 t -eArite l ier a2,,îî, £13u1jE- £ .24 Sg. mcue e sta ndciî uel iji l i n iilto. ti u Tu Pt.elIe1u.usiun eniltihmmolltaoreaoftteciret. To e Mct u ui-f.015 îiiîn. hit la. lt @ie e tofliir t1ai1toa i-or (a l ach cfM a Si-ua ahifciciesof a d. L S.tIcS hgînu l tir u l .rhcouil ta nolIatos. 'omts1l85r7 taascaa ort pu.IO-3l tilt t., e l m 13 wui ioi.i. ooaacoei ftatiOEoi n a gbs010ut5i5 ip il tea111- i/litnet or Ayaieprmtlut A.bW -- n tePulc Tel-icIEADOFE 15 CAbd a prDea-Mote In RSS I. UMS sis 1.0. Maxafeneu.m EqoiJe . a £1k e naeme SOteliso B-ci ranrch " e he 011Moî DAvun 't.sscucemEq., or -. Tari-in. & C., IAa.axÂt.55tcilio uiq.Adoomte. Jtcecal Ojce-10. Fi.sla Ilow a,-F a-l, M. De. hStetua-li .T susaA M ca5 Swoac~ii--J->ESGRANT. AGENTS; WRIITBY,-W. Il. Btttîstis. Bairiter BO MNILK1.LsaaBarruster. NEWC.XSTL$.A15 lLea. - c PORT HOP8,-W. It. licar io Nar CoeriisI ank.- OSHAoit--SStE Cocsu.1, e.oBarriater.- ~ 35~D& 43"~7 A L te PEPE'CIIEAP CASII STOIRE. SALE B tli hi111T f UchehiF o antyof Onlar Tuesday, November 20. 1ItIi A-t oeea&CIeec. p. M.- - Bp rltraai Fanr i-Clcotalied la à n7-t ,iM h.go>cmslal,'J.ap . 11t. oeil B-tieoin-l t oltitito ttn ! 5Mý . cii tics Village of tIX:bridgae, on nillch laerecteit cna-sea lnianteyb5115r O houa". Ti-oo Prapei-t>' la ecl silaPtoachla r t'l '1 dcof ca membeha flii-. andiLq hi llgi Cpisusi-oli ngekl-ilrou d Mcaspoo.td<I Ïý;Uqý,,rjj eïree tb. h urths'is OuC aiti osole . or JOitha lr oi GRAND LOJX*1K Lay al raup ituM lIlSi"elc Thu""Y' NovemberStMAntc At ono l, t u o O mtIr. B100ta iotiuooimtta issotito-sondl the pobhas.lcluslhmresste the wtiiow stac I~ A l eut1tite North isdle et DuilsSret p tO 'iepaA-uu eut Th pretocutce ta h cualaal -a 0i aa-an.11i . 4 mmcIlhe 6at igt lla asay Cty or Tons a l pher C .a s. Wg EW <ioilteceRSClla D VEltOi-Y.,c JO E L B IGE LO ' :g RE>4EIBER TUlE ADDRBS1_____________ CT" - PEUPLF.Se oMAP CASH STO=," Dpatmtet C.ws La Whity. Oct. 1, 130. DU1DAS STaEET0 WIIITB. QoeIt ...... NOTICE la lberuslupýgiroma i0tt & A- lormetock ci Stapha and Y" ry yFUR;-Uo*k, Vaslis, and otlaac ascoints, iuo tue Tecamipa tf Uisogrào Guaout - -CWto atd WIt. iuwiluthie ctbasofO.U.g JOEL moSWs. Fur- a-i Claitln C(>c0».5 i- rmute ousud506 ofru lb Drecuci Ud, Felt Hâeo tet tctaiI oleil Bci- Rey mtan tboc Classkx, talelS-oe, FAgur t a ilet»&0 PrIcecI C»m-lInerec, $c10BImk okat M.P. lay:% 5xw i %,i-itu Admc l c Fmnlào, ____________________à 00r i Aiéanto rTal suiland trepl i rlsguu- Clildres mlem her, ope-todi. t i ll b6i Tmp cte oel Ien if~ -i-O*9 I b-u a 0bi- rr 2 nsmo . (l ow m JInictou liu.aurdtlItie JOEL BIGELOW., JOEBl BIO3ow. i*LUAIIIEI CASPUIUS IIAMILTON & ROBERTS'- 1

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