Whitby Chronicle, 15 Nov 1860, p. 2

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liatbe»y my yule alesed ta vlsl enadain a nlltwy c apsattyltbe tnip5 àbairtket, ii oesap anyt baso4 ,at m expue tPOl 'f# of vitletbus alnaaey bomu a.ur-b.t t e tsmitars efth1. e amayv-à4 0.r-ê i mraIM -- à1 Ad~ellIsen*ill~ this uay~ I -is el; 1tynt~tsr$ Letth i . nl- eil'D ' 'yabiin cdntsslon imb -a Cs= *- - 6ttctl engqegeelii rtaiuug seno eleuntan- taty work hin taelaiigtaage, antiin he b t.ueswôof aàditi seeks, tic pronuociatien ,W1,1 nô tonger bu t oue-ce ofdeubl te bim, ilaile bis iociet vardas wit 5. mare tissu tinatiuplt. Iti laby tise ean lhiaI chud- rua leera thete nativé language. asti otitar _ éqStatn 5.tus besi acquileeti, ne 'bslaii 1 et ourse, ibulte casesof an adi - nitie the1 phiioseptiial tsdy. %EtlaegSus, construction ant irecioas -ftr langisage. lt ade Iaavsl ly sel-tlaugitt irgulat ticn pns isei aL "ecelariiyet pretunaclalion, soute rrr inaeaquantlyc ywulbtay is tant el frlyadvasages.- But non.et tèe ra- knaae" are iniet e t i#uoge t5.se "be."nittllmlltlme" i.avie an unilitea niesire te sequire lise truvietige et ian. ~se.Much lteriab .atlaatcllotit maY uZne'nucit adtitaeas regad lheie iatben et sordtsMay bu rea isit. b 'thse alias7sttdyet languagete. -Anti Zerela les to bitborne intintitat If ùie autient lanée fteliy latroduteti te lte tedy tof Aay laitgie*ahoteMay prose, ents it even aieeiisgnetalltceM -W. soesla& hoeyeer. ittim dl ai lente otlan- eagla lIn prSttere etjies the id:et a imas- p, n&:;:t Ir posibie te preime thier Melles InroUD lîta tlam .Muci tle and laitetvilhN5esaire&. Thte fae titIs vobt> heovnonet can 1he aubject et langage 1aiapryequaliy te nnayeti r-rauctsneisuasanknov. 6 ltg.ltscenc f~o legyBeany, Ana emmtb ,anti ea 0 *l of or, t eorantIniratous- y pay itis li0 aenagaiin .aimilar pur.- amifstt nia teslita aoe t tie cieslnise sauljsedalban tennis tit, ei st sue- of& Tb Onk et sceace, ai euce.'tieterc- ti nt. lthé5.rt grthle novice, anti tictj hlaatculalhelg povera, vison a ýfat times brntealItw liay bis instniacter-, anti repeai- idjbhciglo pipls soon becee e t ic Mir t&Waafr i a5ou5eitlt verds." Tise rouetgir waya et knotiedge tcec îe smoti, andthete banner, by roasparng bis poters ant itiiadvencemenlt, ithis iose Oet is ~etpsniomsa ia audy acquiras ira due couses -te canfieea iict lis allainmrrats justi. fy m In l estsn. Oi thle el!trisa7hn tr ose hoo dsine "ttolint«eaeitils î al triste" ltera la an unhituliat fieldi open loa&l,'% .1i'rhthlie servIce ôteactue te- asti> nlbuaboluteiy brtiepbmns; euTise s udieasoiicis-cal :titt cfon te powsoe tirvestigai>t5anti iuaonlng nmay* 5.prSeculeti vus grei ttivanage la slitudie. Quiet ta ofttar more iaorabie le thèse tisan te tuaset tise ieclur-raen. Amoiegt sucit may bu ciasedthle study ofettise eperations oethle humas mmd itall or netapisysical loves. llgailon-ithe altldy oethle exact science embraing usai of' natisematica, anti ah cters cegnale le anti taundeti1 upen tese. Buch, for axample. a Atroneusy, Oplias, flynatucca, antialiter benocisset Ptysics. Tlaeeattiy' rjusstanti crue cessera or lagit Cati= avan21tageensly puenueti in sol. lIfade.- Thie ctan bu sisi et tihits, a àtetiy vruisyoettth igit destines anti a- tl. bielrgt ef te tunan sOul. Lai a - tudtilen ett kneo 10rae! lison langu- ase.anti vitlan literilanco ias Iis e «Cssuulslet i tedon etoflirafreon Xoas, Lycuegs, Mnaand Se. Ilasn' re-eaues 'oeeytrom lcaael .rai li- .mer tiaonvarda.. lTe erraiug tords et rators liatIlet ieltit il iittc terce de- memer ofe" t Alens, dosu le tisebe-i- liant-elequeeneoet moderiiimes ant iBrit 6l Stattamen. Tise ptilosopisy of Arcis- bIes anti Aritole ; oetNewten ant ILA Plac; et leibtzi Loce and Des Cartes ; orf Botn, et Stewart anti et Kant. Tisa gtiseoretSeCralas, et Paï, et Cicoro asti fidltetuoe' Pl7 anti ai Buer ; aîttt gnalesi been et al I1lise pertecl sYsteet er-t lie eanter et Chisttanity. Tise Pro eiens relics oltitevot1ld's iistry are open tuebilm, frmon lie insplreotibut simple ra- -carL6taIn the begining Ced cethts 11riavenaaad lie eartb,'" lirougshec Opage < 01 iernodoiu% ,T-hcysitiasanti Xauopiser -et i U" Tacilsienti Pol4bins aiavt titreegismany agatof ethitis , tia tes 1erse ati peblsisetipert" ofet lst mate oftrstyleviso isus alay dtielefronI sinelsave gse ber- endeati roat it pÉ- teIttlirea ancenta bale tise vernacular @(it. g lnent, lbe daintesofethelie t titis ,grapeothle saltaugitL.Titi "mto ltuugite-ofethèiso verit-renownet voities are ailennoited in r bis own anetistSbgue. Stretat forth thy itandi 0O atlaaudeul, ca, drink, anti - l hiaatttat I orgel nt tisai issor>' ta brin- i et exampiesePaueenied eors, as *OUnr#,aatueeoeeM neahstengneera, wvise = daasatepeàdtiedion thlitesnitar-y 1011 Jeg t net iti ius tefait av it 1111 titiUupetitiaof et lianpeatîcai worMd tisic burie gablatempereti andti etifl 1Ibo idsciplinaetrabur. [ro ucox-etma] Passass e mnvor kir Assumdso limai auss se aett3ls.-A i teroetinç cri isptdnsbspaietibolveen Adjelant of ~ nen thtie titisR egimeanef fe-iaa irl, on t sl toteta ,vit 1eempgy- ofthat RegimeDi te En- laihe later atidrase te lieePeir &tetledte et Anguat SI, 1he U.m& P vhetera Comspany oet 100 'ding a tor e& nanofehet i - $até Mlla,- wouitibu permit, inla Rgisse! aniparadeunieý e~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ . - ed namlitr ipts. lT . ; t I, w 4wt. eeaIL- & Sb the ot h H ed rà - Yi af 'w th .ît til à Pi tll te ni in le du 1WhtbyThusiay, Novembr i 160 1e. 1.g Ncda tloue tinauxgb, tee Vst. Speech ai Breettera. flon. Jobs A. ils enjoyiag tim&cit tugely tlireugitent th5. West, asti lu bing frisai "at ted, amitit rejelitgs5 vlierevar te- guet. A Branitord, sere te firet etflias surelsofet ettinmenta iinis tuner took1 placeisaspeech, eccnpying trenMI 5ve te six, cimsecolens utfte Laade, wva splendid ffort, anti soinre.iveti siit no- teountietiapplase. liane tuatiseti lecbers, maystite report, sera preseai ou the occa- tsion. lauthtIpart et lic speech viticit n- tares tote visiteot th. Pince.-ofWalesk M. Macdonnaldi sas Il wssepil uite thIhali 55vrit 5yi tha ne perlicitpirs basieyhati as instaute etýti mcase. lI5.y kosu lia the visil et His Royal HigSness -usil salemerespecta accemptasiet bY aiakea ant iteartiuranig ferwsiic, howver, lise 1 Prince tes itt responsihie, troas vhict ha sas peefectly- tree. If there alitlibeau a-Y feeling et titacoasoteor ansoujasse., ley ail knav thtHiaisRayai Higleeanwvanmnt lie caus.e o t i-i if asy haenesit fany cita- racler itlaaeea insulteti or neglectati, he tas uni responsible for iL. Oeate con- lraey, they isei lte pincesausdean teutem an ever, sud toit more prona etftias lic day telofti Canada te visit lie Unitedi Sltatstitan lie day te ienit put bis toot on eue soul. -(Loua Ctees.) Buttliera tati toto, ta griettr otiteamy, au n eopeaseosln lu tiswicis the c5airman tati alladeti; there tati boaS a sueR% ofetdiscauLenî anti heant- beuriogq; Ihare tati beau a source et a feel- ing lu Canada tiat a large anti respectable Asociatien etfamen hlaite eeu u1eg td,and k tair position ignMnt laI a snton insut ita* lbenu ofrredt t Iem, lIai liait digni- t y tt beun smteti. (Chuta.) Vit feeing tl>e citairane' taiigvea exprassia a 0 lu ineoeqnetat haieag, -at taI s- heg van entartaiesed lsy tise geaal majoily et the people et Upper Canada. (Ap. plames.) Whau il vas anseonieasiltiBis eRoyai Iighness vaste come 10 Canada lu Ilplace et Ber itsy, tbuy ail receivet the a oanenment W1thlie grealaat pride anti t atisfaction, AM ti tt oasticipate liai any e- et lte tifileuties liai t-baequeeuty atnr-. t ma t etihava ltaken pace. Titey bat itoped ti btie vitle -ofet Hi. oallii nueWsias e î trougt Cacada voulti bueo kt nebrokaen iimpit ; anti he fear at itif e tatpropat susdetroyeti, il sasbcuse IasPie' progicasasa.aiiaiat n recteal ty an intividea lu h in position, 4hgb ln poeer, -atiecupyiitg a ligitpont M n lue 1eImportai Govemeneutt vite u -foetnatéiy vas net acq»eiatati slli Cana- ~ a, site tiati net tesur peupla andt Ieir Lsocial anti religions relation%,-ati stejuag- e tio et inge intitiscoueatry thOltepesitians -t tndbeariag et' tisintuhle country in ,dwl ho b lvat. t folloseti&saamater et courras, tat visan Rer-,Majsty sent ber- son te reptenst ber, taIt e asitalte the elàme caurse titit respect le hlm sas te o sld bave tatrea vint respect, in heeseit. r, Hu.&'sllie oetti tk conul yherIsaihst t ,oueltibava beau accompanietihy -se a niember- ermombet Of- lier Nlnitry, te il hsu ehautti -have leoketi for avce; r.anti by shonu hecregrs s vsit bave balsn edirectlet. Asgenlemenit al Ira"~, sten H.1 1e .Mjety visied elbr Settiit ecieuce ,m ai Balmoral, ste vua aU7uactmSpasn t- iy eue ur more nlualers, asdthie mm wuva Id lie case uheet senat te, leehan_ t, is ha enilte ettar day ebat aellehadti elsrot fr- teuossaîiit i hte bo bsen socea pad b I»rd~john- Ressel;I, inisten for Id or;dý adriesrd«tiat hi migitîba e- iuati teo glve'hed aule.e alt idresa istanceas arise rsqaliig itlu b taryhugut A- Iis plitiesi practice. asti age,vian ite ht matl itr son boe- ta reprtseiat iksielthet sent wili him, m a evoindtiae iteei avth herseltque oethle maat te mbîtane-that asembur vite va» metst ' aI' tieularly roneecledt ui teSeoielHill ut Grace itae Dnlr-te Nvee-tO gilsehiesn lr_ atie as t tos,-lie aoltiproceati durie isisneyi prgru iaznda. -Titat auoe "tlIte ite qcaske, aey eue aquaisl er ili Brillid 9titlesaah M àw ptaetie.voulu a- me.tat il Vas ely llaersuiy carrli le ona, a reeegnurd priacpie. No coe Of ha6À 80 lci ceanea onstituionat neye saa~ aesaleIlit1tiisrespect, I re liegititt vi svisai"beareue ~-delusg oo is wb u lie Uaway d. dbee-aetet leaceetanlaneavihe .con e ttatient etft5. emuuley. Appiass) Ha fl (M. lieaeitlt) tises lhitiWistibea le tesapea te ze s %sa t.Preulisi Atauissu ~ Plac etWalefr m tue ..gtv"mof ithé ta trie a a li matia.lIaDbe 1- Pis. :Iroteetloolant Cootings ov,$8 -Johin Bryan. FeesinArrivai. <vinrceln-Jolen Wetbps- aid. Wletby Piano Manufauring--Jsep Pa- cor. ýegulaliona publio Lands-P- ..Vnog ment.- Crowae Laueda Dept- itoali. Sale of1 Lauda Coul ant in .COWfl Lands »epartment.- Special getteral meeting of Slaareleoldeti -Ouatavrio Bak JakD.Pae IunpalSbarontavio Bn-.Fh D og Loat-W. Byln Paro fi rsae-Riawd Yoeng. ch cw aiti-"n<. Yale.. Kaàndoae <ou it1Lamp-Ueo. Yle. Cais-De. <ulin. Canadae'l Were, bonnatfil ie Gtdicef(0 Hi& llxceliacy lise Guvernor Ornerai, enti 0ow in bihic ssna10te eAdministrator et te GOvaromneat, Sirue Pnwlk William;s and.-tlay ceqld net, vlieut.a deralictien of tati sltrnkefasanuiII IteyýcOUd nOtviUa outaas sompaation oftl.Èati powIear ;excet t. (ChItm> Titis lïlâii lie casa, lieuso- e.lte ehle argument agaiost -thonm tue ho faliacieta. Titey se beundtio give adi- vice te lte paon Whlo adminiâieri lte flaor et ut. coatay; but t it etof e Pales no monteadaànwlaaeat ie affaire et uhs ,coua é,Motryli hIle utmble maie in It.. -ý Ile came Ont itstre s- lite rapnessn*t tiv. et 1er Majasliti,.iti îdnet exescise the foactions et a Govetaur, Ceneral. The provinciliGovamasent hati -ne.pover, iserto 0atvise-ies. Ttey vers iouati te avialie Govennor General ; titey cnnid tôt go béyon t ieir dm1 t aiviseone who -usa nolrite b Goveenor-. Canera.- (Cheeru.) Gentlemen kueso ltaI e soars n a staleetO *CDolalal depandae.e; anti ong asiget mehote conejeciion belveen titis al ýtiti motee coutrty extat. But lise peepie -oetr"15couinis tryb ihtigs t 10es toit 11, i5!itheir eonposition te np- ouid it atà vuitmn tise racolleclian of evet mas umoo;gthem titat, ilt as 0n17 luteytbxy bc&une posseaaatil et 1he nigis they 00w enjoya& ti t vs et11y7vititin a 5vs yeasltaI, after a long agitation anti atubolstxnconteati, IlesI taey sera accordoti lise riiege et govarning titair evie affaire ausyltougiet proer. Biit shile lteY vaoytiIeir Osin rigiels, - hboy muât taIse euet to0tranciton tie of ethlers; andt ld bi ave been a geat mistalte te forte advi.eurinolte Prince etWalen wtan heoaste bo guidati by Imipal icen- iierationsanti by lteefficer et 1er, Ma jesly gent vrit im hlr t ltIperpese. I vme ly hy raapodllng Imuperial riglet tit iisay coulti daim anti enjoy titeit Osonanti bc able lu aay ltaI îhey poaesed lte nams tiglets lalit" country, as lte mea- bans efthe Importai Guveamout iGreat Britai. i'also u tisevies takeee-by lte Provincial5dov.elùeut etfvitichie e(Mr. tedonald) vus a member. MEr. MaclonltiroedltaIportion of tle aleiate l in e Home lusisession sitarelte opposition movga for tise appoinuetft of a coassittee te-onnu hasidea ofthtisa ous t enonaider lie asost fiiting mausar oft n. eiving lie Peine, lueorder lusishowvisai lte opinioneetflte opposition tteo sons; and t lit vaivs only aow-tating ativastago ot lte.tnortunate* oceernces soiicis 100k plaS-they couglit lucant thea responsiblli. 17 upon Miuistesa.- Well, reiurnlng.le lise cusstblulionab question, ltaecourse etf(lovernusenlte.as clear. Thee sere acquatoleti titi, the ot- linesosfetbas prega.Tiey tues ois teulti go te Quee tlita epital et tise Prevince; le Ottawa, tise future callital ; te Montreai, tle visit tise magnificooi Vic- bonbaBridge; andti thie oliser principal chtina andtihltsgreai ronsters ofesature ira tise cante-y. Titey spproxtoeateath ie nain. pointa a i eichotewould stop, anti made arrangement,, le givo tins a soe-iiy reep. lien ai asch la Ie. Ttey made eugg".tiens, usal toal us lete bcdoc,bol mereiy auungsieasais titey*iad no auihistiy i atise, Tuere their duiy andeti; andt wtMe01BsRyal ffiiginesa came tee tas ne- conpaaiti by lie Doke etfNNewcastle, bit constilution ai'sviaer.Nov, 'te <Me. Macdionaldi) mottBay tisai h. tsnukit il ontorlunate tisaitishe Prince soaeatvited bs lte Duke et Newocastle. leosoas a man 0t untieubteti intogrity anti tuner, anti o isigis ranieanti position; lhable te loosta ltings front an Imperbal point est viat. lie vas lite iiseif a mausier ofian atinete tration, dapentiing upon Psriiaanenitotû suepport, anti itutite cnsitier-vitt ee lte progroag oethtie Prince voulti havi on te motter country anti Paimeentet Adinistrations. (Aimplausas.) Hao iidIroil 1upoastisingstfroasan Iuspaeal point oftvievý anti ron bis course uon tise Orange qanes tien hoe (Mn.' Macdionaldi) wss quite certail tatthe Duke et Noc-sîlo tiOtoollmert etflits condtioiln ant-prospeclaet tisahePal meenton Geveriuent titan aftie Province Wisy, tisey know iaI aItishe very lime th, Duke of Newcatle wau saying thisah, veuldti nrcgnize tise Orange Inttaltuttol lu any mannen., -a tilt vas being pasife titrougithlie Imperial Parlinitst. veis lti ra"nctoofethlie qovernmneat, daclaring i ceiminal tei, ear lise badge et colonrofet b Oreege Ortiey. Tise tact, neotiaubt, son pressng open lis Grace, andti iey coul 1 eaaiiy understani isaI at is feelings ver fvwiea akat if i Ilouiti buconvenioni tei i lis Royal n hIlness te recaive an sitire froantlite membueneOfthlie Ortier ira tit c-nitry. le teiltishat lsy givuog tua cor sent. ta veoqiti buprecttialy oppocedtg te iegislaien oethtie Impetiat Parliamani la visicis hoeandiisa (lvarrnmenit ati vaygtaimaj6rbly-e-aed tisaI unjority hi s vai lihiable 1 y moment te loea. Wha- ever ~ .1thatsmlgit have uon bin miter tee evidetty neyer Iboogis et tise effeel e nhbisconnae upen Canada. 0 Mn. Macdonald siso expiainatintrm d.viev belveetthiuselt asti aCoemminlese late citimenu ot Kingsten, wit tise Dut, d Mdt hot, evoryceiaseieratio a ssurgeg - _ _po _hidl-a-s hithat1bavas- imosovabs lar te tisaI asnsinad b7 anome eofise gentie- mon eftlie Cosioty liPauncl, vIte boner os viltteir preuaSeçe leing lite iaitiuga of te Ceuicl :,'Tise1,fancy tlii bocause Wlttby issopeina lto eeavone tÉ iis nga lteé c0tlty luat , lin. rightlteÀdeon tise ratapayers oftlhe WVin!In every st.Titat teé people o e 5.teoait oulitaïtem.ý salves for -eauking roada, bidges anti im- provenenta troogis'lieheunty1ant-intei higily, ftavoreti fr biag alloledt ie rnvia- hie privilege et doing- se. Instad 'of in- dolgng tn 'isaa'o t a"n -se sitolt likee s. avcniapra 'smeet us vils facts, anti argulte question en t nerils. W. titI 00w proceeti siorily 10o li ;te eor nratirsfigues: aeioglite pesition .et1tise t onira1case etfaepaatiols.. Tisevitale atunnt lte ounty tiebts. coverng debenînras, ati aielister liabil', lies op tte sapenset daytan 8,09.- Taking ene-lenli, anste ol ens proportiont, seule! malte euelibiliiy-4%809. Tise cnal efthlie adiministration'et justice, thte lust six years, (allertiedecllng lte ameut racaiveti fronu goveesemeul,) v.Sud te bu $7,000. Àdmitling otra iar-e te bueona- lents, vouiti malte ,Oler-proportion $700; ar auannual contition.Qt , 1, 1'- Theseo ruase logelser vili a lairpro- portion for ltee et litte gael, npMeet tise oulside total etflte lts waliabitlity.- On lisassis, va Ihiuk if sos set aalieaa souutf$600, va hava more titan sufcient tes cover tise annual contribution efthtie toto, tu, tise esuraty, for au jsrpmneu- For lise six yeaas pasu Lisse figure s ili foot op $3600. ITisat tas tlýe totnofe Witby toto paying for_ Couety taxers oitin tisat i lma? Ie 1855-$1169; '56 -$1800 ; '57-$2803,96 ;58-V2002e9; 150-$1776 84, andthle presant yrar$1800. Allogalisie for lte six years, ira round eum- bers *19,ooo0; er a son uf $8,400 moore tisa eue bat proportion. Wisia otr pro- sent connedtien sous lite Ceunty exisîte tise tutu sili bave te esatinue paying ira tisa samue tiiproportiuntle ratio; wisero'i5 by silidrawai, tise suns et $000 sonulsi, vilS te pensent decraseti tebt et tise county, buctrottgilatioontes $500 ; if nt Insm.Andut i latnhen ta bu remambereti tisaI thltosoil aicegel crediitar its prnportion etflte large sons expenest frens lime tote inate County outire lise lowa, as aise for its interagtinbi lise county ibuiding&. Dy viiitdasal au insmediate ssving ut $1,4(0 1a $1,50 a year vouitibu otlectati, anti tis sus wettld isercater, on tise extinction ufthtie eooty dehi. b. stilî fieetiser vary mucis icasenati. Tisaproportion solici lsehe ttes toulîl have te pay for ltae ademiniastration et justice, sudtli s mefethiee gael. vueisi, wo a1es attisiati, provo esIrstitanteulihase aliowert. And ltm se otaktheotronisie bte examine lntotise malIe, anti compare tise feu priauners sent lte gte ol treen tise tosontitis thostrous lIe esunty, sud ther large expensas attendantl cpon tise-convey- anc.etftise lttier, ciineclinete luou, jopinion. Wtt tisai show et justice cas il bce urget taI the tevrasouiti continue titeis ontair contributtionte tatise conty funde P On vtat gronecaoit bec ou- It tentditaIthe rateaycranoftisa Iown ofe Whtby stieulti tax tiosciees to, psY $ 1,500 a yaar, over anti abuve liseir eorn ýt taxas, le paytcae etfte tarmers et tis' e estînty. Public epirit, (eofiticis taepeutlie ;- ofet ut, taofutWiitbyr bava neyer siseso any dticioncy ,)dors nel requie bis. Bol n sohile se seulti bu tibesilse esunly te n adtege, te mnslbu jat te orslvm .If k lte sous ai siake vas cOne et 910al1 amOunt, ut o a tet itîtdrael deliass, tera may tc reasona for aayiag ltatitil ssscarcciy a ortit erreling abontbot titan itmetittl 1- upInetaousaid.5, itlabsa 11111e tauserions te e. te titregae-tiul.Wtiie tiis t teposition ae et tise toast o e gititltjustice cous- te :n plain of lhis detf-tise represontalivtîs do ethlie cnuniy Iot5Ir5U&. Wtiic an lise le capilofthtie county. pessamig tise besi il hue-hon on lake Ontario, a principal station ison te Grand Ternie RaiivaYi anti tatini Iintu account lie publiecspiriti ant i eralili re vitli vielilte people o e tIota have r aivaya cotue owarel te asaitcounty pro- is jac ta, visai have tise (JeMnY Council dorai n-te devlope te rasoeeecs oet lieir ove te capital ? Tbey bave pectetei ue useney; t, irealteue aliances fer lise unitet imea Sprovenant et bat teo anti eoeaty sili *sspicion anti nogletiand ourclairs aipot d, Ihirassisltace tit outumetyanti indiffet- af ent e.taius lisera aite charge et otar evu sImiens, andth lilte aeans atour commnd ýr. do lisat tor lise atvantemera et tise loti of andthis couniy, sisicis the couoly roundi e, il do for neititer. ed 31jer'a malle. te- la O ND NCE. B i- Nov York Cerrespostiee. NEWvYORK, NOV, 10, 1860. tor'lcea.-ll»5, c Peedenita setoea JJ'iU South (îtransjn ecada T-Mes. Berger Vite preta Buttsrd Player. MR. EDeevu, Tite a.cî,y ie over. Thaa due is eu. Techll benanhbs ae in-.. Abtraheam , iO~Titesdy, 60e, vassettiet tae great qoi ci. tvo vilI bu ia the xi Peesideul of Il- itd States," Lixeoola isleele > i v> obas utoie Elacra Colgbi, 7or er tequiarte uses- ber for ateChou'-Tis e Bpeblcans have carrieti ery fore Sist, vwIl lie sigt excepteoneof Ne eJely Iswsintah1e aste o et.v o-k lte groal tule s to spitu. T ue àueoae.m , L ine lsn e - qsieethle 35 loevea otes oftliat 8to» tend te Ei5et 4l" 'Ifats vus lthe g asi i- jeCt of lie* to-n tcet. nie hbu ourý riadthe liState hy at Ileu, torly tineesa m s j o tly . -n i . , s i t i m n g àl b , , M et meesy ltt-" ha aeepeeaîey ltheUFe- ionia ntlis0 Cii an tiats, in a gleaies Vhcos7 forelte llepcubcafl. Ouathe dU of Màarh, 1, rilcmeea hefa hve 'Ltaon 0e eof 7,Ieur. Th epuKisen 1 1 »,l piayl t ueusauf. for titi tima. - yo1JNG CANADA. k.-TaiGaina Tsete-The Trrstdi - i Tii lme ta appreacbieeg sese vey ene ciii have ltse chsaneto procurca aftarsm or a teonbot; or bot. Iletears irtgants anti Maetieseli announcelu olter colernns 4 isay viii on Wedeadseay,e tte Sti ofe Daetombar oexl, oli'ar tor'salo siltisunt e- serve, aItisceir Auction rç,ems ina tia tuwe- a nmntaroetvery lvaiuabletfarms andsttown lot&Is. Ttecfataisaresituatatin luMais, 1 Ss rvle Entrns-Murmry, Clark, Chaisasu, Co1iàeýWont, Mariposa,, Le:Tisa losoralots ies Wiitby Eosmaniie, Port1 PO- Ââ1 ien thie s of het lb.i-j tarant popëtries .are te finaily cioso tisaI [estates o ettie neeraioluens, thir sil te nu rescreo. Titis pressantet ene otite bonstI opporluranltins broogisi betnotise public tur a long iimefhrs'ettarlg renatolti prga- party, iliser irn te Shape ofta trn, or a tosoà lot for adwielirg Up te te tm eta' shicit va svete, John lame r, Eaq., cf' White Hall, la lise only candidate ire the field ulteeing it lte Mayoelty et the Teownut Wiiby. Who lte coming great man viilbu hta $enmpus- ible,ait tis ditanceot time, te oflie any ti'to litea poitive'opininn. One tlîing, howver,soe suI ventnre te matert, anti h is lient liser are sonne men titan «i oti Johsn Sammary er News. Iiav. Hoyau Lloyd viii preaclele inte Baptiat, clenrei, ou Sabbath oeil, aI 3 o'clock p. ms. Sunlejct-4rBaplieim." TýienNaso U. S. CînirTr.-Peupie ut course are inrlîcuIaely be3sy inelte torma lion of Cëainets fur Me. Lincono- for viticit, accord in& lu tbe dospaîcit by n Sprinegfied correspoondant, hiu duiy grate. tul. Tise latettone, matie up yotetiay, fixes npon Me. Sesoarti fer Secnetary ut Sltts,[P. P. Blair, jeu., for Secretaey ot Wae, Henry Wintsr Davis fer Saanetary ut tise Navy, John Sisarman for Secretary ot the Treasury, H. Ititeretige for Pont mas- ter Canerai, S. T.. Lugafer Attorney- Genarai, anti J. Hickmao for Socretary et 1~~~~~ - - ônr coletupolai~lEs Sortis ~s preclsely aimi- - - WdevmaauCirewu -mets. -- =Mt viticitappeau. lathlneiton Detly ewrs, lia" the amet oft teteaisifôàr viti lia Gm-A ntiTtnk Companyy la"Wata b e huile, ilSfMMW 51er-Ding p.er auUêa siin alahtuequ tte Wpu9- - teipitbre »&Our resSen - ju4ey am r cotenspoey, tassatà itsuaffle TIR WAht EN ClfliA~ TI. 1~ Qeauflla lIer-. Il. A Jvi aigiL i The, Aberiem 1 eft lÀvërl)w 1 . Qeue Nv. 1,960. T My Deset SIt , îs 0hve nolle- ai isn't iifinthi ttsg of 0doat ntselinte to do: k in ? Welb totda, n ltd havts ettearrangeti d, thm elVOs s0 sirelp ns 1a glie m elen ti enougle o do sotietgfor sens5beurs evary It day- qeilscsOsîUi t it5f10YOOsiiamt tes tee'dssoeils.Ilososvtr, as 0 an s~ u tseoptttttettf te Frensch gonur- a tehtiitverP lbard lu itte obligeec ," 4 ve ha t i," I b ave tiecideel te It tes verktcbvO Il vilitte Jironicle ib flita ate o ecl o ur agreement le thisogh Ls as 000lirOec'va' bas axisirdl t, iy rlfusi5fl nf tiea1 1 don'it arec Bosy ne0so hp v0 siteituld o s paels à grastiiy as %vol] assilser People. You nay l lces iss ien t el otai osund phil. onps npsit5t as boid anti confident b talook a 10cstY viii ae'nt 0 , uteeda onk 'aay ço prinI axperienda, f thal disistosnecty cle iuqewt suct 0vcPIMsCa obsineas raliahii. v 17; for lime astnd ieI aapatifrIa Bons0 transncb bynefrietitantioutepoiten a getlemen. Bil etongit otthis. Lle5l pear, ti Iis ÉliO, inter isaticetlin It wtill aisointitur, tasd frontltahobginning Il ut te mouttlt ii(,udAberil, te tidgond e sieigiir, bt thel ai tuwe te'aving lte s nildet pitsihie %veather, so mu.is go, tisaI on tise sosth Bite of the river thee trocen tcaee tes bsve iiistes tise senSuel, antd ara1 eiaooittsi-ettstifbutditg-i.Intiet, 1 h. iiev li 0 aet5rsnt ecnticrop et 1 ,cave$ anti isissons bin beeneitiai.W bave bati sevcri-ti dast itiiesia sitfort. niitas vBru,bllIIY tad beateul seatbair 1 u ite Jyatt te f ie lds eshowas fine a ver- e dur astte lcsriy do ina Septeeiber.- 1 Tise cueliesC 9, tht ttisee tie have astassaishitte nt outdti17esuati1 more butter olàteinîî rmadtis lu 0Juiy, soe ett e-rseirottgit. Our bap-- ce-sp oas Toriy liglît i55dilt wsflt earedth ie prie ut istderceroniti est tp 1 t e ine prices duriag the %%-itter ibat, titstiset is1essin o- .0env s edno enele tistress 1 nord bc apprcllrttllrd. Nyhen wu tt ai this gracitsdispetl.,ttlOît Of Provitience lu tle boutitiful ceo O s cll huset, anti for wliiit ilure is su gsond a mnarit, te msy veli tissent, sit georatraiscartto ltlie prapî iety ot trttlcZg aparl a day for tisants-a givieg attd paisoSiie ahr'u e Our suîatve5 tstca oebuàano tise cIsole, vys-cptitalterY, anti tisestocka ut-f timitbr beave tstîtid rettdy purcsers ai tair prises. Sito0, tarc looiieg p for the destrutction of R largeO number by lte viln îe esh-tslr'etetly pnevailed la Europe lias l', lleutcstale at gooti raIeg et tise whtultr -c Tt setobm autenoner. if ete primes kcep oup, I expeet ehal a nuea bar ut I-crs ic clholaid down sg oucn ns oaiatitII is Coîri, antd tissî nue cerpen. tees soit1 fitd emillOysOttt due-ina tise sintor. Iu-ts e inlMontet at orîttigit agu, and sons su-prisd ut tihoesnsier outfine bouges ut course lit Orcceios. TiseCoin- zois love 15 iail Monenta, is cee-tainiy gsin ltg ad las emieleri si aunor, atd unsetoitg Iclie everyîvl.Itre rectieriesg indica- tionts o et cteolc! pcescrits, une fSudsno 1diffieliy in acosîtln o teteetperisnatt- ncr itnsylici t uly reccieed the Prince, or aI lte putblic t1îlrlt lthepcliinsto ponses. h' fi a coirpartliely easy tlîieg for g comunt- lty sn th isety îlsy of rosperily, te do thietgeS istndsomely, foe itter ail ttay ea pp more taslares lîal reeleihutelegios tesPublie shseaînd lîcîpre îets. I suppose tisaI tise capitlîtin isinl Montroai, relue-a gecîceally 1008p-r cent more titan titl ct rptoycd ilt scieoclîî'î part of tise Province, ieocoethe îterclîsît,aito ualutfa profit ef iwrsly îisossstdollnrs a yeae, enisce-iSes a feco hitotedI cerandrssfestivily, or pro- motos altîlilrionîcs, isy îalieg an odd thosooaaîl dollarcs îîoîth ot vîvet, in not la tact, s0 lunchtmit o 0ite land thaon t isanI couîtt'e, ns, sith as mîteis oun anti more nciety in atoilter place, for wiici ie ltas-tly n-ealle liait bis gaine, conteibuee thait tes mars o lv islie objeets. Montret ducs tvcll t10tsu i ts fortones neo, tueorit ta nul by avy strnss certain, that ase viii kecp lier peocom ssmercial tupremnacy in ail future blini. Vith sooss chitnaes, Que- bec miglit sarcrotîttlly dispute te violoteale Intrde soitlî lir, antiovenIs, even nov, are sltaping ttnselt'rs, soiisi ay betors long yeffeel a diocriîcniin ose tavor. e le pollituel alsessiisre in this sectien ut ofte Previne,, le as nsaa peetectiy caine, dateti1 do ail sec tiat ilt sa a a liieiy lu be sosuridistured. Te seccrelta isat soc have no Glotte omnssnabeur quet- ndle,tanstiu p etar rcligious prjudice.- A torttigsb ago, i bnolî a àensp us far ns Belleville, aenl vinnul a uitIle amnsevi, soben amosg Bnule fite respectable olti peu- testants oft-Grittiait teetiencies, tu mark h heir y sîpatly i-i(l olicit de f t e e.pour poprry opprc'ssrifl nemisors efthe Ietoree Cissrîtes is Loin-r Canaîda. I ileaniceti ithem tuerliteir jood feelings, but aeneueed ytuen t tey Su5r1 'ciirelp wseltupon ne, aecin og nie mccqtitc oblivinus ut any sorong itsricîg b ors louee us in lise pani, Mee.ascaus.x ANDo FT&L Acctnasn.- Tise body ofe a asan nameti Mnrpîey, wsn tounti in a' iorrlbly muuilteti tate, on tise tract ottise Great Wesen Rillroati, noer DuBarais a littho atet davnoun Feiday, by 000 of tae man omployeti in latin- cure ufth lialino. Iiteppesedti tisIthe de- couseti, so ieds in the viinity of Durling- ton Hleigitts, itatibeau reiae-ning trous Bon- tins, tnd van ran uver by lise niglet tratn. Tite Guverament bava ai inst ubtaiea some anîtanuia informsation anslu lita faee ut M. logan, M. P. P., andthie informa- tion leaves lithl Io nana 0hope Ibal the uneteîtata gentleman ta yel alile,,or taI lia laft Canada ai aII [ia axpactedti lt in a shoritime te clteobtainat i viiiprove ite 1have batenumrslereti in thte neigis. boritooti ut Niagarea,fte inoteay, .t200, iee bis possession. Ttc vrit fteehie Ceunty of Grey ta ex- pected lu issue iusnuliatsly, noso ltaIpuer Iogao' a te ta nu longer donbttuh. OrUR aat v-rie.Guide SAycs.-Tise Pur-t Hope, Lindsay anti Beavarlun Rail- ceay is doing a beavy buiness. Long trains etfviteai sesdilumbar ladea cars dont in troa tise Nertht. At Miliseotk, Manvens, Onionra anti Lindsaay titers ta a heutiiy competitioo ameug vissaI bnyera, anti proat quntities are beiag martateti. Tise Roa tet Peterburo' ta tioing a vory fair lambur tmiînesn-neariy tiioidiog tle. trafeil ise Coboeurg ine. ArrAnas oxeSyRtà.-Tite currespuntiant et te LondoanTtosa, eoti ittce army in Syris, givas a trigitfai pictne ut tise condition ef lie country. Untsairati aorp- ses ane seén aong lie r-ete, accoaspanieti ity maurneen; ant iIf lie Denaea have m- natredthie Ciritanas, many efthlie latter, tatisggaivautage etflte aafaly affortieti i temraiy te prasene.ofethle Prancit, an retaiialiag on Ileir enemies by robtories, ravisisinge anti swssinatieas o e i oat brutal descriptieos, seuramt casasseofsobicis cameunader lte observation etflte veiler. Tise Prenci t b, a iee naMAI ott-iast soay, belip thianseivas lu shalevar lhrY vaut in te vay provision@. rown, OUIile the coltd, for ci.-let long yeora, ' md aluraliy onotîgitarc vsry lîeîgry- rhe louves and iIlies, are, now ut rrigllt, ecordieeg 1e the political -ustiag0, lthier s, %d ase a natural ceqocecc, -tItsc Wiii ne a geneal clegiwiIbo h new Presi- t jenin lainstalleti mb office. Amonglte atllet, tisete viii be onte gran ett ermbie te tise N. Y. Customn Iquse, ansi Post 0f fce. M4assa (Jreciy, ig stte uhlave itis eye an tiselbIter; anudtiif hocivoulel inprnvle il tur City postal arraugemen sp ,il is îo,iss le oped ta lita e May bu nttccessfti in lus s aeilbe andetidisieterested eoxeertions.__ - Mart my soords: Betore tise Seat de'7 ut Mard e oei, soc iit have anm e o ora s IL etaltatoi ous ie te lgit.I.n lte geocral seulement er - accouaIs, siith the proscrit icombenl, reveletionas wiii be matie,isi wiii astealish your .Âmerice'n-lovianeigi hors, andtiri institutions. Wae'tcbwcii, ana nes it My vords viii oui prove truce? ut is e commou opinion ina Canada, itat, in veiing for Presideol, the siector votan tiirectly fte e-an ut bis chioc.- Suce in net tisecane. Tise oporation is thortiy as tniiewa: -laI. On tise Sent Tuende'y in Novomiter, te eleciors for Preaiticot anti Vice, are elected le ncle Sînle. Tise aseber ut eleclors eseis State la cotitiet t0eis sdoter rineti on tise basin of population. 1ntt. Tist, eiectnrs meet lin tieir res- aective Stnles, ou lie Sesi Wellaeedy teen Deeember follosoing ltectetttiseir vosS.t 3rel,' Tiesse«oies, are lten sntlutenth presidqpi ot tise Setnate, uteder caver, wiith i lhecertificate ut tise cecturs. * 1 Ails. Tise certificates are openctdit inthe ereseocè ot Cooptons, ou tise ncond Wecd- eestity ina Febure'ry, te vole coocttid, atsd the nesilt declareti. Prom titis roundi-abouti oe'yutelcctittg e Prenideol, yen cao emsiiy endeestuse lilîss a President cao bu eleeet on a ttieturily voe. l is even naiti, tit in lthe prescet eetion,Lincoin liasnetrreivcd over sîîe. leird utftise popular vote, aitito' lie Wilttbc siecteti by tise Collee..les 1856, ufthlie popalar vole, Buchtanats receivesi183, 232, Fremnsunip1341,à14, and lFillmore 874,707. Oasce tisaI ilwsonsaseertaineti ieyonti doubt, Ihal Linccoln sons elcted, ail eycs weto teeneti ou SothiCarolioatel o wtee tise conre ut eveats le, liat Stae.- Tise'Lagisiainre le in session, atdtifet-at lise bioodad-thnder tiereai. ut bier ear- riue politielans, it wuitibc cocvardly et Le sheow figisI. Aecoriietgiy aitlthe cist of lise Sînte Legislnture, (Columbia) lthe farce of passing resoiueioos for caliiatg Stale Cote- ventions, mating appropriationss fôr atm- its, tise State, antienolvietg geeseraiiy, lit ttwe are stme punlbiis," 1teqbeten dtly enacctid. It is ail a bag uofIlti-shitie.- South it rolieea atone, cviiintsou eve lthe Untion. if ait the Sutiteres Slave-houlding States, cvonid joies ierrily i ithe mnve- ment, tiacre wvus itbe sortie probabilily et itas ue8n. As il is, Scolie Caroliesa canant afford tu leuve -4thlie oltitolis ai home," anti commenece iouse-lseepieg os its uvet acconi. Tite operolioe is toa ex- pen ive, anti, lu use ta cotans n expr ssito , woniei ldoustmore ileso il comes lu." lThe wehite poepuatinofes Soths Caeoliea is ait 300,000, sous a Stain tieb t os-er p,000,- 000. To porcitase tise floeU.i S. torts withiu iser lerriesry, tise Customs lguses, anti Pesi Offices aI Clearrtos, and oleer T ow n, 10 bee lliti er ves e is uorcyar, n id Revene, anti te selîle ville lie goîtertil goverameelt, for lthe snre utflthe Uiîjîti Staeespublie deisi, soulî cont ta leanîlsînte aoin. Tee millinaotfu tollartsoasteu trosîdto ine bue reqaireti for ltai purposo. Atitie10hlitausonlierrpreset ldeisl, soitin- cidents, and Souts Caroliea voulsicom- mence bier intiependaet cancer, wiîis a lobt ut fitcen millions ot Dollars. Minsute cotte- penies teili bu orgaeeizsd, ntîts-uectittgs bselli, extra gas blosca 1',teand lise game uto bluffefrasenason cviii be trienspiant. Buet il will ail end in emote. Ail in gooti time, tise axciteent sou1 pas00cr, anti lise Carolialanas wili le as genîle as enei- ing duvet._ Ree'lly tison is nu prittoiplo nt stale. Tise soiole question is olte ut Dol- lare asti Cents; anttias Lincoln ia tssrai a Cosseevative Adinistration, tiseir lictu- liar itestitutions soilI nutlibe iarmrd. Siven sallil ieul .lavep. Cisaltais viii ntill bc hisens eings, antilte Reèsebiicangsowili agats have tiseir soar-cry for tiseet ec- tie. I tiiett I ieue 700 say t-" boul, ennugs ot your polilirai ta-tsi." Gratt- od. Can yen play biliardse? il No t" do you ea7. Tison you ane net eduestoti, isemateizeti; nut lileianit'vl. Why everY person pisys billiardsn. George Wansig- Ion-tse latter out iinconntry-pseyed billiards, anti very tnitrmen 0insi$ dtay cositi mate a better score titan ur dm1 Presideel. Tise Prince otfIWales pîttYs billiards, an t l a coca aaid, ltat 1er Ma- jonly eau tend lte Royal Consort lu a gante 'ot 100 points. Our minieers-nul 01 Po- lites, isut of Reigion-play, anti recoas- menthie gamoinea an itoaitiy exorcine.- WeIl, tise billiard wend lhan sees titroson .ot qeicl.co-supt-o - y tie arrva1_u The' Coo:y anad Towilqhlp - 7b lthe Et1lor of lhte Jh'/,f eh Sts,-A allOnymons *Setoiern tdWfl coOftpporary agaQltn er * .sglthyo-plaunaiou ounlte aleore hb It Would, bc a vecy eosy tasnta15 rfuie i Ileigstinsof.tltn peraôs erc eete il .eelsery te do no but I do Dlot Chte~ liter the listz agaensit 'very e serieller wito huj pens ta Snd apl,, neospaper. --Let VeTitog col., 0ont bin OWn propersgtn, tltlie k:l0w itow te dQal i sithies-... thenb houpon an eqital lOtie; V, lh lacs titis lii assertions eauhaen Wit s te publi.aien I1iam, Sir, Your ebtit. JAS. THO(MPSO05 Town Conneli. Thse Conecil met ut lte Townt Biî u, Monday evening* Ris Wonibip, lthe lMa>" is tise chaeir. presentl-Mesrs. no-r, Peeey, Cameron,lDraper, Gnnanti lrowsY-d Tise Mayor laidi belonlthe Conseil cor, eeuteiCrtion fl Mr. lYole, tiemntdin* $toi asti Mr. %Wilson's costs, 5 aeon e d, ae d os e is lîro c r y , a d ltresl t 1 proceedittgi unless lthe aene soehanal oor seithont dem7y. Froas Mr. Tarteolti acktecleait,. reipi of a Commnseication tront lthe Tova Te-etsurer enclosin., a resoluios0ortk1 Cuneil dcmaselîng paisen t of t'% lu alleti tŽrrr in itis boots, an tai t tise en-or in question Wset a misittie etfiÏ4 Astdilori,athe lise oer and Second, of the rcssluiôae Weil tees, and ltat h1(:. Yatttold) lltd given cet for lte iles as per torrounit readereti by itim. Froos ttheCommissiener ofet s il relation ttelite fées teiho paid lee ltinet mett ont Tero Liensc.. llio Wornitip ralleel lthe attentioo f Il Council lu a ronololios passed tiIlthe ag tmeetintg directing lthe Tresutter 10 pieu lise su, of$25 ltelite creelit eofsthe LIte Ilevolcent Society, anti explaise t tt lie Trstrer' optinione tnttibis ovn e WOt g lthe Treeaurer could et pay lthe IRon inasintecit as no enomvas appopriaiei for the Ladies Beetevoletat Society. Algo titJoteses B. lleawley hletl istssg. cd Itico intaI bcu ssil posent nîtaitit loin the amouet deenandel trom hiiu, ty tit Tretesurer codver a e colttion eoflthe Csa- ci], ntti aing for tian. Ant i as liai ls yetr's Cotirtty mooeyitati set jet itt= peside r cor l eCoutty Treunneer, ant this î ashlb e ci' a tondith îe bands ofi Tos-te Treose t -t, hoe ope t h te tse seuI ho alîsadeti l). Mr. Perry t !ýrciscd lte opinian tint il cots teeteeccer-t y for lte Coneil tu ta Sp tiinItat ter, as lte Maytor andTiTee. surer coultil t ithe malter teosalutteret The Mtsyc.-.rtted ltai bis Sggeslie ttnly apîtiied i .iscinteeî. Ounlte call;r,.utolthe pedPriofthfl a, tite msotionttcy- te secondi raadiag etf Ur. Pcrey'a by-law tu mettd By-lsw No. 4- (for ktlcpiteg tise sielewallss on ree'lgn or- tions ofthlit locicearutofsnowYa-t et lte i tla ce utfTMr. Pcrry iisritsegei. Mer. Perry sttictatisetsaine utflthe utel*y erg otflthe localiticgs ece tîttseeule la lt e ettsas t re , nd nti t t i g on i t t eiti t e p5ire s slts e a tl er. 5' 'T AAtt5NST tMt. ysîeet.o-'g $rXtevt Onteoioor utMr. Perry, Seconde1 ty Me. 1Dr-aper, ta resoîntiste pasncd inIstritiai tie Mayor lu have te euit comut agist th ie sorelies outhltteTecasxer Bentjamin Yaraaid, for lthe Snu, of1M due by sad Tareolsitu te Crpration Ite reterence bttee lesienotMr. Ye the Counil decitici bate ta e action te lte utlter, Catain llswe anti M r-. lee explaieein.-1mw it vas agre etils banî natler ltô arblrtors, sou ltha abond Wtt isecnte res i ie for the purpose, and iL t ie loetow n s a e an d e o i is . . .W ,p n ae te abide isy a decinios le bc arriti l es' tisat way. MA.W. wEY'8 ODs. On motion ot Me.lDrtaper, neCOe ti Mer. Lynde, tise Treasseer vas isstrute ttl t e J. B. H aw ley's note for tiec e nC5à for the amount due lsy bin e ltee tts, ilielunlig $4 ineleroal and interesl tu lie citargcd outise auouni ofthélite at given. Council atijounet for a ftlight son-- bae paeaiit Mctnis alt Licridey its.e irst Lbecture eean litoi ten lce," bti elastan lîpe B iD. the confth iei xpDl ade 1 tendtance. etST~RANJesceOP or vsNin ~a5 M AItL STEAMER eeNonvo iieTroy'$' "b ruot, Ttc».&.-Tie fine aden stcaitet NortIeh gritoan, buboagiug te Moes. Alite Brothe, ut Li-rpoo., nantiempîtipitiil tise mailservice btseea :ILivrsee 55 Qîebe, Snt uboreS about six a-r- ti sorning atI iycatitS, a titial villaS abonl Issu heurs sil fteoLntiaterll.- As eue neaiers a-res nai aare ity W>i grapitie tiospalci the Nitahee ia etisacal led iaai Londonderry ateor &sm', asti ai ber baeeiig ber mails anti Os,0 ptils8 p o ce e e ti u a b e r v o y a g- e t .4dpet' about IvO heures aer leaing, se W asiton near Ballycastis intea den"~ cf Ttc Teleptrapit _toielc aou 1h' acition, ataes laI evry exataI5 t. bengnma&te fleat Mti iipe ,isai 1 rang-lte graina pofignea or titrow vievrtoard, t9getlter *ira1h e ticies, in ordier'te igitielie t5Is Tie espatcit ise a&tatai .wns beitst nal nd afrem os d~y liat titere is au occasioncftee- ssaies a it e t s r e g a" d s p o s s e n r n84 0p. Ou Sattmelay ltestThe&. 0.*til.t,54 Manger uftite Buteoet PP«r-<PaM ltI teer Rngland, oea bese ct"" viit lie lBank. T. P. Wgte-x, Esq, te propriotor et tise aboya vell inos milta, han matie ax- tensive additions liereto.tiuriug lin past Sumeeatr, vieici ve -inteutieti uoicitîg bu- foretliatins. Tisenes additions conasa, ot avhsng 32 teet square by 50 test in iteigitI, matiag Major Milla ose o e.islue- geaI, if act lie Cry largeat doer mutac- tering establisments intia Coisnly. M. White ina nabiati te teuneat oeue huntiedt barrais et flerin tvauîy-tsr heoren, and tise qnaily oethle bnat tatas lie fiet place u intemnel imartel, us ssiI as ltse markts et -tie United ts. Ite acenaiof gristing doue is aiso "veitavy. Ttc nov additions coea, va an tlid, >uver $1,000, MasthIeorginal alsuttape soe *10,000. Any rue peaalag aieng te firth Sesenion of Pickering le Markttan can- ual &i tail e 5Maek it iitle admtiralee loeation of Major taita. Tise situatiors en tis e saIbresci et DuffiRua ciet, about 5v. miles trom MIlrtiasa village, nies troas Ouffin', civet, and ti lean ftren lla lova, ia te bot ofet pleaditi gran cesne, tà abost lie baseofathe5.kmnt lai"oe! wel présesniteL Ollea anti oftiaihava va steppai lte admre il tea pneaalag tit way eoe te rou Io eMarihassi Vie saier poernil aimait madfce"tfor- My PMr h, aful<behsg tuesy4 uafret, ami ate~nt ta e dr.isve.a ity Mr. Whâlyand iiin lcbaame tm- ieya"si» vu lalsa s .MHm s ueuevie leanalsed Umtmd hum cf ismier amn-. uiactrai âm=tk lb - L Iasuxten- ie mAmetarla, eumfleoflMr. White ber esthtie Canaole (officiai> Gaeteaco- tainsu proclamiationus naasiug lie 6t5 ut De- cembe etsar-s a day et generailiaaingiso. iag for 1 th oittifel ban-st; astianneuu- cig tise seection ut Walkerlor ans the Coueety Tutu et lie Couany et Bruce. Aprouss-e-NTars.-Ur. Casther, jjecor. deroratQiue, han been appointeilte "jodgenitip vacant titrougithlie d"al Jutige Pover; anti Mr. Cramaie sicceeti, le lie Racortienitip. A trniy rossnie duel sas IatelY futogs ih lienavirons efthle net veeyramnantic Ca-, pital ut Peteia. A yonsg lady, il in etii- tee!, et gondi faaiiy, hmaving accitientaliy tome mb opossession et a chtallengeadaitras- aed 1e iter lover, resolveti upon vitehliu lte lettor ant i giting hersait. Ineefihia us t amyappari t iitentione abucar-riait eut. Deseti la n aaly ihllimtBsite mot lie chalesger in the Jnagfern laide, a toret int ibu uigihorite ftet iecapital, anti beroppisieeat bavag tut once aaen1 anti tat asspuntly 0aI rtigi tia Mms vis biat ofenddti tis, neoiuy accpted lie se mepr an lisalegitiseatuftee. Dms tanteos vre Mmede, secons plamId, pis. tel, fient, viseatlite a e5off sialte bgos, alr sisilsg ber satage tnt t in i ibetduýThee lIanse fet li giig faie i anieosis busi jstleallWiIly b-si-<iail Met ou foot eeaSrs thecrlb Of"in teuliiS msaw g the ianis oftui afir viipreiaty seCa gratity lb esniu it o eapubiel. ON>.&Wo lR. - h ieetees oetaUn Ouseorio uie thm.o1qaea * iae in Toronto $h* g nt -S e M àem of A- L*bua Noi. Teb@ fi Wtthdrati'eIotfte Towna itele lIbae rtra vwiir se tee oâ eion le mke atrekeortire *go lnale'otIte tepuahof thlb.Tata fmrets iCuni tcrjmdicwalpurposes, buav e uhiettr qullua lmumig saaesge 0c1s'utwtuiy heay county cenlauPOrie& Y'lh menti se tati ntetenote e ecti-Fer ittouit lia insugleosln eprumlsg aca Opinlid mpon aety matt-tiiî a-s puai b- Juesuast. 15. ativeuiy of flse-hio ar 0eIui«b t~e do.M it in muet sasi« Fil Fi 1 1

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