Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1860, p. 2

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Natlbava' it rti aâm, <eon lrdv Nt.1 860.-a ana ,Mclnt, lovM ié. 6thtepemtl>y'of Alexandon Mctldft- AMev, Thonepson, Auctioser. Tise rateliouit ColtugStove,$3 -joba Boya.' Lafe Asioonue cts Tb*e Peoples? Cisp Caà*, Store-joel BD ry-aud sud goeri-o tIBiel BotssMd 8hoes,ýJoel. Biglov. Te" sud Coffemahrisue-,Husiiton & iloisrt. Nataluaer ooss-Hailtn &Roberts. Frrw2tor Sae-W..L Sadle. 0 "onle at eq spa iotui"opublie fartaI Spécial Nice-Hanittoit &'Robeat. BeY wstedTLt.&B.Perry Bryaa's Bsliad alocu. Speola Notice-Jeel Bigelov. Ve*Tek rbua-rcpli for 1861. Qaaýte&Mucasud CausntjCourt-N. Shovhf' sale'cf, lands fâr taxe-N. G. Rsyaolih. i lbyThuusdy, November 22,1860. ONLY 01M DOMMLA Y ]ý Part iedbled tet Ibiscicefor advor- tiaieg lob vor , sud aubaripti, vill hve trouble suad expemne bots te us sud tu thessaelves by clieg sud nakiug su oariy settlemen t aI lise office, ce hy r.mtit- tins tise anout cf tistir indebtedreca pet' mi. Hndrocf acccunta-msuy Of, tisaneot very long t&ndng-bave beau frvarded to anisciberi s ad otheri tise put fortaigitsud ire have oniy toamsre lisee vo da net mats a spesdy raiponse "asirva ili ave otareleacifur trouble laàtheir colection hy placing tiscm aI once liseé, aso f qlitecîrt of tise Divio Tt l in ipotiible ta iay or betoc etela in tisevaYor preventing rilway acciidents. [adeed visatever nsay lbesai4 oit the. sais- ject, aufflcien£ pteeaneotiotid oasuaitis apposa an utipe*afiity. Bat eeytbineg "6tatU e6clou, ougt te lt doneteosçare tise puablie saloty. Accidents, attesaded, *'tha fatal tonsequenccs, bave taken place ât t6t.,Wisoyat"ton 0evesr aregedr ince tise opeann of tise grand Trunr.: Moo thnoe mnlbol under the, infIneiuýe of-tiquer, sud travelling along tise Itce misai ceagbt ln lise otatîle- gsqaeddbis bcylefi àm culed a magled mass onatise tracte ilt cudeaver- hngto extelcate iusf. Po Tsma ,%aw, tise precediejuof tise issquet upon visas.body va pubtis wuastise lait violine. Ne bImanehlasbeen ai sny ime attdibuea te tise coiupauservants;j apotaeveey on- "one, il appeazs, tiseItisey did allt tiat vas tisi dsty tee do. - Tisejury, boveYer, te tisoir verdictJiad "attise cattle-guards aM faolty laSMcostutioe, sud recmesnd otItesof a ialer desception -suda-, eoy employM d viea daty il mbajltisbe Ioketp- tise trce about'tIhe station clear cf aIl ilragli, aud karent aMd place ian safe- keeping ail porions fnUaîn abuttht station las a mtate cf *latoxý- on. . -eadption of these sagcsio would -nndouistedly tend te tise pueasie ty. -Neitlttm Thomeas Shawm, nlr-,tie enfortutiate*rsuian vasw cagsluthe cattie-geard mabout a ycac egavo2uidhavte netoitsansunlinecly sud frigistf1a sin4M d Ibmy et beau -cangbit ie these tempe. And if thtre Wbad htua porion tmpioyed ta kep'thettace cleet vitis power teanreest mIl persons gaing Oit tise leacir, or bovaning abouat the t ioin l a atata of intouicaliou$ thmIswiotv men vonsld neyer have hotu allot'ed te ventue oen tise trmcirantdvw"u Id tioiprohabllity ho spared to-dayta tiseir fissiilios.. While it là the duty of tisa crampauy te laina cvecy pcetcson te preveet aclîeldate, the 1mw ougislta impose a sietiliar dely oen tht publice nder lits penaum Il~aoy mny eccidents vould have beesA avoidad, hmd porians goiug avecr ridway croasiegie, Jý the poeccatien ta stop sudlhok ho. toreisud, and ascertain visetiar lise tara ver. fnot ccneing? Wo e juauethets Nov Jeriey accdent, viser. a Doctar Somebody, rceised te cross the tratte un bis carellago, wisile tht train was iaclring np, wsd tiscugis bis haste sud imeprudence, tise lijycaof utsrly iixty pelsans vert siacltd. At tise Scarsco' Stalianofathtie Grand Tratr, 1mat July, tise unfcrtnuat mas, Ham, Icet bis life throegis similar carolesa' nasa. Rad he itcppad mand looted forvard befar. gchng auntIse track, ise vould have discovered tise mpproacbiug train, sud ta- caped tise cossequaneos of bis rasbness.- And ve aery day beaecf bair-hreadlh es. capta ettcrcesingsjeet becauna lise lav places ne cisecke au thc publie, wviie it ds upane tise Raiivay Ccmpany. Bots, vo cauteivo abotald ho piaceal on su ctjuality linttis res- pect, and tise Iavvisicis obliges au engine driver te rnug bis bell sud hobis vàwisîle Cour. ----- 6ea aciesing, sioatdals ver cf a carriase. tar, e -Moeaient te Wieîdraw tise Tovn ef Whtby ktoMtIe Com.atiCfoc short ou tise appl5c ict muniîcipal Plumaes. ing, sudbatokead itaia lie mevamneat le tIhvo f Ibis abject ovations te no. . obel Appeaa t Igaleiuggreasal.A reqwus* tics taitheMayor lutmlla publie metn ndTht ovaions le He alt as early s day a" possible, fer thse par- Iad hara13Luthe W<,an poeooft lsinilto cosldtratiosrthteadeWir- Lne t hms e IaiiIyCf the meaurme ubianumeroaiY aust&ticai in bis rfate sIim&Th<nibis h, sopppocouru, as aI * onthusimetie cisracter. T Pllle mtiig WC casebave teprsud litiitsmpaehoaaremu admcnsa, sud tise visoe suijet falliy Md amre Imatu, ta il sentilaed. Many, va kuov, uev labor nu-orddauine.B dert' tînt cterreneont iip r ean *0 o od for binmatf, unaa pu aubjcl c thtpresaI aitales. the ibmadministration. TI ubt Of tthe P ouagiadta ati sTeot- ioner tâS 5placeuaiT sacs etàtînt olevetlais a oatylitaiVer- sy)eing, sud ce thtlove olal bave ta baud a ntv gol t,»jiumber of tickets and oeonrt.lofoc imtai; ibta Dmseer eoi10SLvec et MWevets vcld ho treated sud tisaI a »mer of e1 sufirady feeling "lvonth ton anald lIte counlut vanlal ho tht rasat. Ibis On T«9d&7is 11 b ailmeeesla, Tise sapara ela Od faIlYoung uma "send m a for àMidopurpeoog Tht sabout 28 jeure et ugo, Pfsan relatI ocfatoweva udIbmcoeu. alajpre<siaeuaiy, eita t'y, va nla, every respet, jadliafflyasud earynrPotWs ctlaevis, am ci ontinue 1tô55b55t.Th, amnTfing itut asdiscovul levwa Vtmld bave t115 isma riglisi 10tht use ted beau derpollt as cf lthegaol tut il bu nov,&andvonld ely ty. Tise airuaia bu",t ayfait'anse tocrI% aitedofalet rwetomUtront tb *8 ugIre or ix llanos Iqjeproportion, scattreal arcusd thae g mm ,esa. No Weitr nv~ffc ho InrptrslOd tisaun e y abld votd the vitbdcsaifl cuit talWir vort intha. mot aesatebutou ttontra t1 eoarot m enmer. Tt. i la ef ptevema nDpai>' Ruo onôlod eso ba bve beau lled apon t uw ils î u- anditeor etelessaiesanaofethis nature, tainug pl Ilenaleg mtIgarietthe taonMd the Tint om5t5inltsvare1 eseuty voeu ho on hoCer teris -&Md otained a celols tek *suvold be onemidn&u uor tm£eseas uva bave btte doabt bet ibm boeaet f rni. eealy Ds, boter isse hlp t litSjasaiw% areae'haoabg e er mo e lIth ï - hu" e natss>'ss f 1e lva vl l a.bas ed Mtetheon.ape emulm Ifaitsi aho"isav,»Y voMintensiybev u celaty exeol il iiM , t lIt pubfie IM rxomw C tdsMe>' oam itvass u a dWb al th" omo - n eP aimt hIeniavr<f & bi m b eovomsm Ou5»c su Ami a goaty nhatae 10 luer maiIl.00msai h fern ismmty e iepee of *Î i bo ramye W. lb. ru.iava tbsy sine aejesîtlytsdoin etyeW"ttht r-*V» MMeokols em 1 aiepsas f 1e ovet. F n uemo m o Abl e -remy -Udaakethekémr sd ter*" utr t t.Ia Wbhiiy, I hg i tueIb-0 a jelo mwr a" b tf n - ibatiom teltter haisea-y ighle epsy. Md, m. r11 Wa teel qusle tsnideel tis a apepr un- sud &ai e"asth" smm daatadisi eofltha questionïm al eniymu- eo&. nemim 7ba. bav *0elm at au r auaugmie- hypeit b" Th5se vaia onl ara - 151 Peus Am- -1 or wagon, te stop so a raitvmy Cross- %void danger. ax A. Macdonald. iJohn A. Nataes- taIt Continue. At id Hamiltan the de- r vers cf lte mail T honorable geu. êter-pieces ofttaleut kgreat dellht hy le isdoiug immense pblie mans,sud for lhe diecer la, bis 'oronto thia (Wod- iTuesdaysa antiai- ia bern scld ta, . e Ded. ijst., thé remais 1 Wiliam Durant, Who hmad ded to iteretaIsi. John's ütiy. On Snnday Irtd tisaItht grave nathse teld. tatas ma part ofavwite te corps. sd tati s;e. Th iseacreouts hslleved mat, did clam,'y sd barba- ~te st# ocoasion vu teiarcleeorsuni pelaIb tislocality. glad talemrn, bave geity Partis, -a tbat they vilî be se. We esatlly rbiais tise icteduas te dervea villib mi dolmlsa a mie um of mot ni order te, mol lb ite pbUcand lis meag U"&end iMs. éparties Who a a1 «bum adstane W% te maicmeNsr - WC%àup Qsd laout tisa &tlity e wgýbWmdoue. Ms gte mit ev-7ybody mot Til-tu ofle "A IÈATAL AC*eJÈtaî AI' Tve au WiBsvSTA- Ye Continethtie pebliclaliou cf tise ache- e'avs.TismssSlismavat n roiu- arîyVeesay cf Botte %Tcie dni>oIdEduca- dent o hs b ton, inee as<~ngtn.[t witt hooin deatis near tlisu Wstlhy Station o- theteIise . onaludeljein u et <sGrýt!uukrlIsiIay. enIaturday qions- imam w regt t tiat smoere r. bat inglb The unfonttnate decessed it &p_ hotu ovet'lc*eÇin-UUt pnotrelJes* peared baveg returned fom Tot'ntoon thie e1170 are i 0 éYtv r, cfa typogeapai. cneec oct trn, remahuned loiteing aena cal ciaracter; and vbaas sncb an 41 Htruo tipplicg arcnd tht statioe during all tin otate?'for Ereadotu, a"teciMens"tMusse !tlerffl. Imotlely hbeoeothe Arrap5seam' ,this itellèt resdet, 'vieo able Îîl of tise ovening express traie, ho w.- le aupo~y ispý correct readiug. luhast scan on tise pîlforne, ad on 'tise tratpeloo'teasy ulsha lsIvse ratisat'note7, and inder thisInfluence cf, ie.vrhvve îueso oe tiquor, buial than;is ýsrsns adriscvl bina te laie car. of hine at stht train1as kbled; final bItera ut plalaBoucs vere Omit- dâuc,'il sudbit igisi gai burt, ne efriap. lisde,nard-aVabtute&ir ,tesutch as pears te bavï.ee ats eate put tise. 94 on-pr"actial"for: more po-escticatt, des- deased off tho tr acte.'WIson Ihe fraie 1lroing the ianne snd maaniug cf tiesaeau- osa vithan tIentobr four minuts cf tauce, ap vail as vioaigalIe ntst arving at tisestation, Shawv vas stan 10teammar. As va bavestatiedva6regret mialta bis vay westwrard sn thse iactei,sif Ibis very zmacs, as spoiting tihe aty et going lovradshome. Witie, gailing auon ec is-oI tssou tisasubjact of ol lseBase lne, be muaI bave fallesa uno Daaine neduo n îa'sb thaecattll-guatcd,.whith tieropensegapieg' litet atp for tisa unwany, sud whiît an- jtt-an a lteeaty prodanttoi-wIab isasu doayorhssg le exîricale bisuseit, tht train comaunuder eut' observation.1 We abali came en buse> and crunsciednemaugled taentctre,, tisaIaiMulr errora sissl net oc- tise pour fellor le a isonid msnr. Ont car lintheremaindor cf tlisepubliction. of tise le gs vas coneplclly taklte off traým Dr. Tucteer, vith a hocomiug ibraity, the bip. sud tisa part fromese is igi tae bashmroquasted us taeband cver tht prise af l-,eite uund imb semaIt fragmenta Olenh $,t e tha. fondsi cf Iadies' Beunovoet trac; lise allier Ieg w55 aIse ýsbactsngly Society.- neilataci anal one et tihesade etf the de- coaseal vas vccy mucis crusabea'li e suc- vived for about ant boum atter teocoeur- Mtacc'L.sscLTeRv r rance, apate te tliscaruenthlm visona iht Llit deivereal a lecture befoÏe lise Mt- tnew, and appoarcalto hca nconscicui of chanii' Tutitato, on Fridy avauinge sut, pale; ho astead repeetedtly fotbis wite bot ou thisbjeol of 'Beanud their influ- hofore tht pon onesan anciveal, se buit ente.", We ver. plescl taeste tisaItisae ouatan te ta v. Dr. Checclay vas ealy o.l hall v i sa-ngel. Tht lccture vasijter. tise spiot. but lisaciauî nature aed atent esliug and iestructive, atthongis va expecl. cf tise injuries rettintel, -ranriant ail bis aal aonethiug more frone tht lectarer lu tise aklni unavadiig., ,uenin, r cof tiesesnu. A jury vos empanelca asnltundsy, te iscld au inuiest beote M. Coroner Chetck- loy, and adjourneal te Mosdmy oenieg te complate lise heaninig cf tise evidnce- quita a nuneher cf vilnesess vre examin- ad-tise masî important of a-biaisvas M. W. H. Cane, tisa ongino.alivcr, %rhsea teslimeny vas as toltowa. Sto lise dc- ceasedal et over tht caIlle guard oe tht atningen cf the rails. Tise trais ose tise about tan fast tram hlm. Caming mIalishe station, oltnea, vils the igisi of his lump woulal bave pobaly base ihusthinty et' forty feet ahoal, if deteacaen-arat standing up on thie tract. e. ocoutl nul bava stap- pel tise train. Tise stapping of lise truie dapendeal on masuy thingn-haen tigist tise breates vert put on, tlis ataet lishe rails, su4pithec causes. Cama over thea ct'ossing proably at tht rate of tee mniles an bour. Il vax nimsiblstfoc him 10 stap lien-'2tvasalaItdone ina a cenci- Dial nelteel tisaoengine paasing aen de- teaseal. Savbina afloletetraie lisatpas- tcd avec. Ha spoliec,ho appeare o le hinh no pain; hae asica tonra igisi, until is'd sot visai vas tIhenatlon. The breaks vero put down aetihe limo ai ialsalca fon bneas baelote ocama la the bridge- Ho gava the usual signal, anal bis Sirmm was ringisg lIse bell at the crosng. If the deceased al e laid down un lise calI- guard,ie voulhart-becs quita safe. - To a Jror-Jutgel tisaI the decea vas trving le gel ouI et tht catll-guard; htIshI lieans isurnyissg in a prally lively masner te do so, but tisaIlise train coming an vas avec ha len an instant. To lise Coronr-Iteard no acramn-it sisoulibt prelty houal tahast' anythinU et tisa kinal tram tisa flose cf tht train. Te a Jurert' IVas lentisaCompany's eux- ploy ince the openien etfltho roal. as over 5a vomasenoir Gratton, about tva yoars neo Thal vas tise oely ether atci- dent vhitis ocurrealteloiison licroal. TIse jury, star considering tht avideece vcry caretuily, braugl inletise foloving Tovianr Wnrrasv, tTht Jurons ennemoneal To %Vt:- 5 ta nqnîne anta tht cause at tisealcalisef Thomas Sisaw, lateofe tise Tovn ef Willy, carpenearfinal as folluva: That the saiel Thomeas Shsaw, an Salur- day, tht 171is day of Novomber. ieat., cour tihe ur of balf.psst moen W'ckt, in tise evnisg, whsito pasalng alag tis ascl of lise Grand Trunt Boiltcay, vosîvar fteine lise railway 1tin tavards thea IraIcrus- ing fron eteaien on tht base lie-tetli lotothie caîtls-guurd, acloiing said crus- smog. aed visite endaavarng ta extricate imsaItIheretrone, the avenÎng tvprast train passtal ever bis bsody, wounaling aed neuIilatbng tisesaine. antd trous tht affects of visicis, the said ThsomasuShav Iaïsguisb- cdl andal eol illin tise space cf oe uta >alter tishelaecholy occurrence tonte 8place. Thal W. H. COcue vas tht enijn-rvr anal J. S. lank, tise coeductcr c sain train, Danal tht no blasea haattachablo t hoe. Tise lurons futamta lsd tisaI tht said caIlle guard is-_frene ils fauîty coestruc- 0tlion-bn aàaangerous condiion, anal taey t destra te a citishe attention oftheb Grand Trust Compauy Ihorela, outis tho vie>vr baviitg the amnte replactal hy guards of gastr andtalhter contruction. Tht jurors bave tge=prsstheîý regrot Ibat lise prescrit is nottise niy occasion, vison ik fatal accident-octurring undaer a aineet simblaruedeu ume t Ie - viicis led le tht deali et ThsomaseSha- have taicen place lu tht viclinty cf tisa a Wyisiby statice t Thajarara, ishiblliahy can allaci non ablesme ta the sesnvante af the compasy, ara of opinien (iny viov othIegrt anal oucrea- rnng bsinesaI tt h tnffly station, sud s of telisafathat tisaI portion cf tise track betwtan ltestation anal asheWeo int la made a treqeent thoroogistare. hby way ef shoret-eut, hy persons tavelling os feot, that ont ofthtie servants ofet iompaay At the statfonasioutd ho specialiy emploed th j eep tisaI Portion cf lise tracte clair, and peuvetpemoasa travelling tiereenl; Or am Ibatane.9=.tit',th. povesu o a Ces- ystabe,bletappoitd for tisat purpese: sus moepaLicaliy tisaI lae. OIFfice0m p apeinteallbe invoeal v ils specllPOvor 10 î rreat, ana place in saTi&teepidaK.pefm ii foural lu a tate of istolcilSa rcund tlb Station. .Grand Trnt Station, a lViîiy, Nevembut' 19 1MS. Bool Noelteeu. Heavoar or Ctvtssa, fie= tttisse of l dhooer>' tic ia uniJio, teasials tris eu m o d. i a dâol,ofP. I <baisa, Ruqitr, sy Reb-t Bel, I yak. JolmoSema., estesul. We am n judtaiste the patdise Tr bmdoosem* bosai eepy CE tlà vesY lae Tht next lecture tairas place *'os Friday evening next, and vili ho dlivemed iy M. A. Watts, 1@39, M.' A., sbjeet-" lTht Cisemistry of Food." Pattassaisnuld an- deavor ta arrive aecly aItlise hall-aI leal hotore boit-puaI nanan o'clasIe. Neising is more suitoying, stot alone tô LIa tectarat, but ta thse isle audience, tisas toisave tropeo apersans% rusisg- in for a quarter ot an bouc, er tventy minutes etter tise lecture commeuce. Musc.-Mr. Cisarles Carras l nends sisortly taking op bs residence in Wiitby, sud openhng a cacl tar giving intsruction on lise vialin. le bis alto fermeal a quad- rille banal iu tht towanre, slprepareal la mîletd balleansd parties in alH perte af tise Country. "MsacenmasWauýmoeos.-The ou- terprisiug fina of B1amiltos & Robers, et tbis ton, bave opeusd a brancis estahlais- meu tancisester, an sunenneement of vhicb appeari in othen coluas. ur friands Nantis, visahave hotu in tht babit cf paying exorbitaut prices le vill.age isux- tore vil final ont the advantaga of deal. iug - vils a firanvisa impnrt lisir gods di- rect andosalI thaun at a fir profil. A trial of tise gas a nd lise prices of Miessrs. Bianillala& Roberts la ail that la nttussury ta open Ibejr tyta. We begho l ul tht attention oftuar real-1 ers te the atdthat-tinePools of tise Lite' Assocjatiau of Scelan'l, vilI ho claneal ua-1 dec lisir2Nev Sciseme cf Unccaditianal Assurauces, on.5tb Decembat' next. Tisoseq aour realera theretret, wvisae desirees1 et ïatisg edvmtege cf lise honefit àaonast fult year Bonues, vicis tiey viti gel mort Ciss thoneusnsaciug ater tisaI date, Sud baller maie application immediately. Tht Nov Sceme is an excellent ana, anal la veit vartisy et publie patronage, saerg thelunuder it, o naeeeaal vec Se atraid boeng is Poliey, sud if Se bc escioan ot diacqtinaieg il, ihe case demnul ram lte Office aue-thicd ar aIt ho bas pid-sud after five jeans Oie.-lsif. Tn .E LATe PA CL Lsppsa, Eso. -Our chi- lnary cluans ci yesterelay briefiy record- ed lise dcatb of ont or our mnee rmeal ctiizna. Paul Leppar, Esq. Tht telin- et pratatanalregret wbiob pravadeaiai rnis anal classes cf tise rammunty et lteans- ncusremoel et tisaeavent jnitien us le betoa-îeg upan lise memamy coflise elccesa- ea, aifea-vends.in teatimeny af iboce ex- cellent quatities wbicb bave calleal forth eucS an ununual aisplay etf feeling. upen thie part of bis fulow-itssns. tYban, by tht unsasing isandalfai atl, a gond man passs u ram ur midat, tisaI a public joar- nal sheulal gise expression le the genersi grief la but a fllting Iibuta ta departeal vontis; nor tan sncb a recogniton of t fait ta serve a honaîcciltpurpose, by incit- iniiothers ta tutbov a vcclby example.- Thorougly tapaartIand al lngisfora-ara le &Il hje tual inga liroughout a long buti- î aes carter, a kinal niglhor anda faitislal treisal. Mr. Leppor van tram thasa ivils visons ho as tîsus ituocittal, su affection- autemgsrd ramely accometata mars persan- ai qualities. Asa an Sisisman-in isaspi- e5liy-in vurmofti e barl-ie gensai kinalnss et nature, andl lu unsatpastang opennes oadipsition-' mare Iris than the Iris taeuuslvta"-tselest ilI b. long Cot ant dotpiy dafobreal iy bis coun- trymen-oapotlably lise peor sud.lise un- tritudea-nane cofvisoneneyer appesird ta hie in vain for a vord cf counsal er iselping banal. Thea <betase gentlaemn vas a iagisîcata of mauy ycars standting, sud htd rante in Seaentary Mlitia et tis >Ptoinas as Leuteant-Coloel. Former- If a member af lthe City Councîl anal Preo- sî'dent cf the St. Pstric'i Scmaly,lne a% &Il limes aenjo3ed equally theintdeinco aif ibaftllbaw tixenasasd osuntrymaen; anal * ta,indeda, vers hlaocal pnblir ussem- luakinge foruaseul or charitable purpoes t M vis eicishis came vas set cennacteal. t ne a-a a native of Lendndsrr, irela, tram vhouce hocaeiîgrateal 1<> ounastry -aboat tbirty yeura ugo. An isenese cou. course of &alrIcait mm es felleva is remains te liseir bairestieg Plac eta Moun eEra»niCe!"Iu, tcesttam sdacen.-Qeotsse . asrws hraee Testerd>'1theevùi<g gmuiuma demi - mdtboir.xuaumm frusse GréeuGiset, Goade, geMKiaac m- Issesasand Maelfle. .Tha hloiti gmelmen aI the5 - lise passai-tie rxa'umimfisfo mis, a m s. TimarrN Tie ifoMr. A. Itejalof Paris, toIt lae a citen on Wedaesdy lent, hy bac fout slipplag vIilese vus la tie sut aof draving watar fron i, sund before asajet- a"as canneta bandabe vas drovucal. vov, Nov. 3-Tse steamer Dan, trom Havre, sith thteIis Brigade acrivad bisn atO10'clock titis mocclag. Tht Brigade mat vitin a most ethusjastic receptin.- A depatalian tram Corte, vith a band, met tise Brigade etthIe antrance of tis a Hrbor sud ectrted tho steamer on iser pasagr, tise baud playing tIrias naional aira, whist tht. sten of the Brigade crovalealtis a pd- alte-baves ansd rigging of tIc Dca, cbeeneg Most vociferoualy. As lise De steannen putl ber Majeshys'abips Sanepareil sud Ravin, tle royal standard vas lovrca.- Tise mon appeared isealthy, sud phytically noua tishe rat fresa thet nmpeige. Tise pollical demnastration un tisa city of Landon, at, vii ciGoore Brovnbs hoon ievilâà ta apeate, la la came uff an Tiasay tht 29this mt., aI nun. The store cf Meurs. . &J.Rýy, of Ramiton vas bnrglsriously entorel on Sunday nigit at, and beteeau $2, 000 snd $3,000 vortis of tillas carrical off. 4flying machine isu sst en pateteoa le London, consiaîing of a vtry ligisl stetan engina, wviic is ta operate a veny bue pair ofvwings. Oit isîtn ho ustd fer tuaI instessd of vaod or coul, tisat gleater hocat may ho obteineal eitis tise same vaigt. Tht Montreai irlnaaasays :-The barge ZEprqset ucuteon thaock euct of tht Lacine Canal an Sa:lll~licig mcd tatk. Tise cargo couasteal cf ohea t consigned ta Bevard sud Mongen by George Steel of Ciclago - insereal in Home nsurasce Comnpany of New Yarke. pabtish in uArizena Territary, bus juet becu receittd. il says that greal excita- moitI pruvails thora on accoant ofettisla- covery cf vecy ricis goid mines in tise vici- uity ot Pietu Alto. Lampa yodsh $10 ta $20 rare hejng dug up lnansy quaulily. Parties vers realizin.- tram $4,00 taet4,- 000 daïly. Jadge- Neil in en e-eute ta Washingtoe vus officiaI diapattiso rm GovemrarOwens, a&bcut thtenines. Details et Naxican nova have iscen re- asived te the 7th lnst. Tise actouts ot the mavemeta of tht holigereel farces are ivolveel la consi eable uucertaluly, uta Duails bving beau recolteal tram tht inte- rior tac toma ima prier ta thteaiiug utf the wami teamer lbnseaee.Tht anly thisg tha smae Ce ho cerisaie is, thal tht city of Gadajà arahalnolt alIon, nîvwili- standing tht repatol' ns" raid'of its captanre piahilnhed by tht New Orleans popexa. RytUmne or 4tisaL At.s MONIt FOsRueH Wzssue Dvnaac.-Tisc retenus of tise polling la Ibis Division vare aIt colleale yeteraly, sud rasulteal iu tisereterse otSir' AIsu nMeNai> by a najgrity >aof 2. Mr. Douxabl'a ritnjm CI" sahast ha. ajerily is but 26-ovever, .21 age te atheao- lat raait ot la.coateat. DI.L nvssesvau, the fricantraveller, hba ben bard cf. Ht vma eteasd vl up ta May, sud reporledtisaItiseéestivas of Afica esince leu isesiluty te travet- es tissu tornarl. MrA lxrOvnm, oT ve ba heo blemoal by a son. Tise happy fflel bave calleal t Peut. Tise Imparial baby iss beau appuinteal ebitof the Koura rugi- meul nt f nlty, ieverl regisents cf Guarlia, anal the RfeBaltalion cf thtelau- Perli]Fsmily Happy Innocosat I Leuxa Taas.-Tha 0tt&*& Udon Statestata doublaelise quanlity of lamhor pradeealutasI muon Is nov, r.aaly tactht uarlet, 4 in face of ti.ft thleihome marktlh stappe a ircady." ýC-atien la Mgffs.-A setbuerlptietsbas been itarted in lieluna for t e alsulcaptai sud crev oethtie m b, a c wf r, t in isaaded b>'tiseoergteoUnd ta ltes acta al aht slvy, lMa . IL MPriee tor $100, ed alrWay saotet te a eeusideralt, Bu.uas Semrý-4MMondal daibas acon XM. Bergsr ma fsttard m resfn ladies, la New Yrk, vhicbnvas IceiY attendd& Ascng thea mut asim*wmti sectatore vsm - uesCharlotte Ossimue, vic i erenbffaua etpLb gamme 7The G6" "maytw tl a% my bhrex a theteveasug of &S&esdIEsisOIiMo ber &aers mmBq à Ten V 5tfbr thnt purpme mà nSme t onet netcis bet-ce-a bis Anetricmc colt Uanintr and a humenettd Tomt Bavline. To- BolevutWtdprc'iotSaly hoculise vinner of tht asut DerIt!. NcnvnrNDLtn.Tise Leginlature ot Ntvfudlad lau heen summoeoatelancet foc dispaieh ofbineson tht Ird of De- ceneha rieti, ltingnMar5ly tva meanthes easlier tian tbe utael ime. Tbajr caly meetings bas ares r0odersal nucessary, et- cerding taettelecal peapera "sevorel puis. lit matters reqtirjng tht ourliest consider- atiû an,d uniontline, anal probahly tisa nent elareons esrttanilt is e meeting of tisa nocenities et thota anione ea lit is- ery anual batcreltahave loft i thonl ce- sourcesaof Ilseir tva. Serion sappraisen- siens arc e t inst. Johns ta liatavatiata must enuise durit,,,tht Wjeten je several cf tisa oulyiag fditrict., in canatquenca of tht almont Itotl tailaneofethlie tlisery sud te patta rep. Tise Guet Darlinsg fsmihy have ageiu perfornetd a ha lnenet. Os tise eveusisg of Ttsds,% te lt ls et., thut loop Tira- la, AtIrsan, et Ahrasia (coal) for Lvinis, ett Shields vitia faisrital, ad vas aven- takesu by ehe gale 01u Wtduealay marning off Narth Sunderland;l egaI as fer as Sktet Itaadt, wvlthby et go bath ancîsars, vbicîs durinu as irfeeltthurricane, wve anapped, sent(lhe vessel drittent on tise Long- stte lRock, wnete 1e rfsrslire Wa Iot. Tht mnaster tand cenv ad gvent difllmuly in gettiuag tfrusttIhe hi),, tnd afler beisng 12 is noutise rc er aet itkeat off by lise ftllir, a Irteeer, tunt tva nephevs, ofthlsaI istroje Grace D.r'ig-tise father nov hoe- ing its bis iteh veair, ifs7 of vbitis ho issu becs is the Lighhausatservice-andal eter iseiasg hiadîy treated hy thena tiuy vent Itued ealtctday aI NantisSutiserland viseuce tey acre faranarded te10Arhroath by tisa Shil1ttvred Fishermunea. Sotiety. I\zeFînee nV ueRMON.-A bill js hefont tht legisattsnt la prenant priza. fl itias, mkiteg evry persan Wvis ial engge in<t ettsucht iglttpunisbabla hy isa- priuoniment set soethtIa ten yeaes, or hy ttne moretsans $5,000, anal averyitial, se- conda, te surgeon, by imprisonment net mare thas ice ypars, or by fiunt sot ta ex- comd si1000, atti every reetelant of thea State visa gee net of il ta engage isnacis figisI, nubjvct taete senue penisment asuan 4"aid, seeond, an surgen" te auy such figist wtt/s- ia thse SIeste, Psitsce John of Bourbon baiS again nrg- ed iis clirttihe Sîcaisîterevn is a lot- ter taete Loedon iles. He affirma tisaI a revalutiois imienttin Spaijn. Tise Parias1t(eiteur etyn ltaI affaire le Syrie bave ee-r a saen phase. Military ection wnul ntasecectamoral ilene. Tisera isnoetconfrmatin of lise repart tisaI Faunt Pacha bail left Sïria, or tisaIlise miasacren tIsera bail bectu reueved. SrEAMaeyAT ccIese.-n--SsevrNe.-c Liue Lasr.-Abtbetht isidllaetflait montis a terriblteaccidet ccarsal ou tisa Lateaof Garda, ltahy, hy thte expianian of a bejler. Seccnly pennens lent thejr titan. Outy the captuis sud swn ne thrte of lise crm ver. saeca, tise whtle fanity of Count Guarrieni, Vacanta, cmîsisissd igisl persans, ere tant ; and tîte family ot couel Avajgi, of Sala,sanlertel tht naute fate. Tisa steamear vas a recglar lecagi;boat, tram Salo to Mimant. Spregnt cf Shebrooke, bol a pirilalista, hatve battuconeited ton trial toc tht man- aleugliter ut n ehihlteiaulAllen visan lhey attcmPeed te eure af scarlea. tever. ira. Mitchell, af Ktliogsvihla, bus hoos baroud ta deenh tram tis arets ane Of buraissg laid. OneOfetSir lisyla iRoche, invitations ta sU Trish nalieau vas ratiner equivacal . «'T hoPe, My bLd, if ever yoa tome vitis- fis a mile ut My bosýe, yautb ta>' tIers ail IiEREemTix. vo nucEnABOUTer lsENEs THn Srjvc er ITtMsNYesa.-' Tisera is aotlsing hie- n leertin1 yaur vamesla 5s receivea l censs tifbselsoa.A clergy. mac living iv derlin, Walechas Cc., se,,%i bovaver,t e in AdmancacOf lise t'est tcd bis tierical 1Ithren in adventling for tht uuaci ns-y flISernson oet raantanonyas iil Se eucen by telse îîaing natice, visicis ve lait tram lt' e Orsssa oaatinanal giva gratisfotb' hthenefit oethIbsa visa prafoer a Coudl DuteI knot matrnimonaI, in prefer- ocestauIthetiipery cnotses lti by &Muon.si able raunstIer& 'Tu Pasî, i ,SU,,e avtcr -Thene udqcrî,d baga arcutai isfafsu I, pofer o~f th. narnlage cesu- eaj itist a inen rlriss I 'bc e Stu6eouths endaof Kingastreet q~t P lPe a t r i n ts e i x l abid s P; W. luar, "Jarlin, Sev mau iiaLer. -... .... ... e lIsi,...........1 12 V &bridige -,....... !à pot' cent por mentI, end .21. Ibisviltüm.k placein a land et pleuty. Our basin are rnov atreeger tisu gasy haeemt«beau. urc experte cf Bsedots ta Eurpe ilu- gMv MSu Mgldmaerou M c or rp trs abondanut. Tbe traven d traiteOu cr mraivadh greatit, sdmi t eomutry sacel prospereas, vals mmos patO meusytissu have ver bitelfin eetheOur il JEU fer fa" lia pous lt*visoe. et tbings istah belago1tWlaanpoea d StOUI#lmet sisoalireige, troolte -ma> mai t - Wb» Oe il sud mlis bu "WouT e issae vibe Lms bau me lavicly auppihiaMIaMr wat5, 115 vii be p.verty mai smym 1 Ttegais a pedal Our poEtIeha.vinlo IDe-oi3 mud usfiayeê Net Qe ,atof cm> mse~u, ntso soght of mvabms d bosAm epabled, e, M erpm tirougb tisdr e td". iA1 a fi »m. oties. m " a natbis agistise deaurl, Thse Canada 49aXeto Saterday last nmd wus cispsng witht bis t<oW. costaies a lProciasaion, ofthing a reovarers, nd aerheaid ont oft tiean ayillg, r of $300, for suds informationsaus l*111 ltad i10 oi asy ee. anlc ommit it to Go<', te th isdcase,appreiseiàaiouama\casane. nwie)Iahismed taak it CPs-- tien ofthe saurderer or fc ërae" t i}ind i e tisy came 1,asud commit 1h 1<> lia Johnsa Holtes, of Nou 2'tieI% e t ido ilatettW is tiiatetado, merder wascouenittod in AOKO5s t 1 ,d'tisenleave to jases ithGi _iat Londan, a few sights Ïce, Mr. John, TheItstian stwshbreegulbt y tihe Vase- a rs. * OI lto, vssrn eritl m actnd, sumsnedlup brief- lapon 1>7 twomaen, wvise aeled bini by, tise ,unnes te total dofeal et tise Banc. tiscoat tbxew bisa davaslapon bis Latte, vithen rtn, dthpiigofnemles tlay rBod~ss p4a~s ÇSal bsslue, ad int hndrd thôasan< NeapolitasV>t snatciscdmatlateenn ootfàgnard vihitn, e taor -et aeneaiete sardiciLa.Tise was aroundbissek, Te prent bis giv- Piemliest and (aribaldiatl arneyp sndet' sng au alarM ne ofe tiemgripped bine ,C ao Ë VICTaR EXSMIecL tise tbrom8it5 s ta prent utteraeer croaseel tlet GariglianoOn tis a rd, and at- lcavntu ie gobIe Marks inant tise tackeal Ite R lttyalists. g îl a st cun- isub ndia eriy met., Forta- The. Rylst iPOsd suel*gd flugo. lad 1'U 1 nbs p îc ta victr ilan deisprsd n l s a t t h e d r et i l ta l T $ 3 0 u m n oi s n a ns d l e f i h g sa . , 0n m u u s î t i t h e s d u i n lotsaI iaslian. Ù taIbisCim na muo ncse nanher of pr$reseSi iebauds of of tht perpetctors cf tihe outrage beenth oqem NEw Yos,, Ncv. 17, 1860. Quedsjîcatioa of a Potian,-8emheni patriots-Rsigatiom tofnot-sa. tel oeZsothder.-Hont aercaion cexý citenseest 101*on Sowtlersm erme.- ;seng thé fe.-fatesevnia Np, Eato s,-Tiss is a great -couutry. Tise gaules af hreg, bl uff, sutishuneisg, arc tht tiraI priencipies af tht peattasionat poi. lichas'. cau yeunrg immcdartel ?-1 Art you weil upu tise geine of blufif ?.Van yoA play thteisumbug -sand looke a mmc s qaan in thc oye ? Iunssoéri can you ilbuatIa ll off tha.hcidge1' sud ual feel agonerstt? if go-thn yumare aaiung nean j a pronsmSing ciizen, a valusisle lahe. rerin the vineyad. This sartI'of vore, just nov6 goes bravely an in 'Sents Cmcoli- ns. Tise cîtitens OftChat natedl Statu art in a faner Ot excitemnt. -Liccolu bas been elected, sund South Caroliua didn't cleet bjth. Thislathe giealt trouble.- Thase Saaîiserltrhavt beecia petted, pal, ted, and naraad, like soldcisil lmo, tisat yen heuer 'nalbing buta continuai hav.vav, a sneap, enarl sud hca.isoa, comprise tiseir pelitittal uîocIe.in.lrada. Stears rcnign, vise terne of office is just crpiring, Braett Stentors t Custome House Officera forward thuit' resignatians ta Wushiugtas, vWho wanld under nny tirunenlauces ha kfckcel ont ils Marcis next. Noble Canlone faune officers I Fira-cating Post-masters have tbrarte <p thair ofltta, visan lbay vent nat vacts a day's purcise witb aticsln Administrationl. PatnioltwPaat-nieas Uaiveaatty tht FaederaI Qfficc-hotdcra bave dettrned tlsatlhcy vWittflot hotd office .ater 4is Mercis, 1861. Generoan visole- sfsled mcn-rady ta dia for their country. Fer cigbt long ycarn bave tboy Iived on the fat of tisa land. Anal nov because thay tennnt tual, rab, sud plunder anoîber four yern, tiesayacedle ? Tisay' will do nathing- of tisa bind. Sousth Caroline, Geargua, anal olscr Sanîbera Steates Ienow tva vaît on wviics aida their isrtad la botter- cd. Of course, the fuming sud htusteriug wiUl for a tenson prospcn. SoutI Carolina vitl holal jts contention on tise lîCi De- cemer. Mucs tatsuamansd I"ver tu thn Ienifa"- resotetions ill ba adoptee.- Cuargia andAl Aabama vitIChreaten ta Cmx lthe proalsets of froc Steates. Florela nay close ils porto la, ail sea-going vestî.- Saatersbans nmay bacsejtlsorzed ta eus- pend spce op ayasnta.ýCanon witllba fereal, Saga villahe lsolna sar" yull ho ibrown ta the breoze, disunion coaes vn by nilhy men, maney apept, Cime bast,i and linge quantities of ual wisksey drauk. Thore it wjlt cend. This lias stezt year Sanîbeners wjl ha precisoly vhtre tisey natv are. Snaping, snarling, Ciscatning and grsmbting, but sttil ntahie union. If 1 vare Il Unete Ahe," ssdon as I ha- came tisa botdofatse faneity, I vould oasut tisase tbitdren (an she usuel plate of yanthfal chaestiaeenl,) sud senal tisae bed vsthaut any eapper. St nppcars itînent abtard, 10 avon diseuse thse qusttian" o uths Catrolina geing ont of tise Union.- Whcn thora la uno probaii bit7 oftan evost takiug pInte, it la9 simply tolly lu, discumtaeliseualt. By nonmens in this lise firsI lime tise sane gamne bas boesn played. In 1828 Souths Canolina vas beund te a aeloave of absence. Sise dial -of her sensea, (visicis hava nover relurn- cd,) but sot of tht Union. Herc cisozns ftow aronual geuaralty, and iltare tiscir nbirts,<' bat sonfounal htisIlsSJordan vas a beand ratndt ta-vei." Thse tesson taugbt tItis lime nvjll bcof otmre substantive ser: vice la Sauthore cbivalny anal Southeru greetneas. Tbty have Keon tliseger.- Tise agitation ut seceunios vus cammouceal by SauCisern man, la influenca tisa preîlieu. tial elecîjan. Tise excileent sa nov ted and Ieept up by Nartistru specutatora ta eve teir awn ends. Southere State atocks taIt five pur cent par day. Whoa hases ? tise South. SautsenSaunk bille are et a discount oftton per tantWhoa lass? tisa Sentis. Nagroas fallei prias frein $2,000 la $1,'000t andal l descriptions of Sathera mal estate dépreciatt 11fr7 per cont in lois tisas' 30 days. Wha tass? ltae South. Trade is paralyzcd. Callon cases la flow la thteNantis, sud, gold ltulise South. Saulisuce railvays horst for the vant oftIrate, and hanes suspend. Wha nass? lise Sauts. Ictare out in visat po- sition yen plnce lîsis question of q9ceaaion, il is lise Souts that wil aIw;-ec credit, btr reputatian, and ber mney (if @ho bave any), isy tht oporaioa. Tise truti nouth Carolina coutl nt ha enaxeal la ieave tise Union. Na aman of driving or Ieicting will makthar au indapendeut nation. Ber tradae, bar commence, businent, sud social relations ara so cnlvined sud intermxed with, and linrougs tisa viola Union, tisaI it la ulmpiy nonsense tta lkitof sasetian.- "Il can't ha aid." For lis e nafit of yaur resadera, I viN aev explain tise principal feetur. le Chia acsecojnesene. Yon ilt isear lununinal, it srepsr .i fooeded. resSSt aide eWisaf boraneon prpsItesredea tis id Irtflatrtag55- àIt il repertd tbh goq i g on aeoo etis Tiea , -tiad' d bappTweb'5Pber"*" Aors t p m l ... » -- aa- S'dBgo0Sabea lsv t L, 130W ilO 7b te Bdfor of £e jîbý DsÂg ,sin, OetS <: 16,î lst, Obserifag il yneu t, tntthat a ainsajlthi5 h. 'laito bas 8te Sm D ur came je aIt maltes aunt u in4'a 00 village autlsoritica' It eZtlatia, explanatian ahould belié ven'rt Q OTUSIvo unsaer givea te the t at la f ecting tho village Caeneij SXIa'.et l"ntend ed .ta tat 1n0n< " ovd aset Id ytc 4we.tId7n )r fl t faiwith the nluncmt or pepe ~long .M nUr5tves 'I a=.truemen asthesatra.( t0 tait ns) are flot *itt m-de pastisue:aned as ta the langea h1 4 of, iLt ful7 answe ~tt àStomip ail doeter oatles et oh0 utîte O whic h yon ri. Edtorne r table. And aa"sia theeIltht are in ign1, tl it thenfer,,~ the., istereslting aneicîon anoPrvsot the otlier aide, Deed[itabbi 4î't &c., nd i waal beP pity te da, n a i n 8 s p r s a t i o n o r 0 u r y e n & e Thia impudOnt strengar lia la g about tht rond, 1I tteforitad if 1 hall fait so ipacd y ownat plainedl that thet Oeneil have oeal this aessoneud if the7 have heet tu expend ait theii trigl es pitm bridgefandiother di~g onthe niA te aur corner, tva conrnt vx r,î, attensd te triling'viîa. ea îtiat thltJ snight have itrfeoed-,6th t aasuscmtut.s, end they e'ighî hveM. ad aloeglb btween tht Post Offtu n Gt Corner,and madt:mDaaY Other je te tlihl but Rame vas nnethut ina 1 nd S aur taxes are only 2a 6a1 je th ' ed , et Torontos they rces Ptttdhl that Chis letter l euh Ce an, te ejd Chat the unawatrantable tse o rnull h " Viatar" may hlave canted nvjthth cilen, and ehotald tbvy fre eel iei V4 light up tisa village, 10 eahll a aePPly them with ally neneher or~ vithout prejadice, et very choap ra- i 1 reunain, Mr. Edjeer, Yaar eb't servant ONE OF TRE BR0WMg, lOad state of Thtngs tn Mianvasta. A Bomaber of the Citisena f elonat hava prcaantcd a nemonrialt te ePeied ad pepla of thtelUited Statea Cûepi a msetantholy picture of their circeesises in the "ProsPerm leset." Tht e . lista ay:-1 We bave normade,atnstylai,, if va tvish tu oehange aur predtce fer, ceesary articles, <te mest carry il tentai, te fifleen muies ta flnd a atare, and vile tisere, wva it.-,ive toes hahets et tkt ta boy a pair of hoat, ed.oer buieas, tar e aty ta yard et enurse. waellen laL. Our salty incvnà, glass, and acarly ail aU maufactured aticles camle frets dituk places, and uIdlo rtc have ta pay desil price ifar tïeac, <vo Can gel bat one qeselse of tise ordieary valeoftour geais We wear toat saek pantaonean d A mocassins aud lenotlags for foot coetricp. We use leather binges, and weadea latebo and glass enangs barely ta de aur indeer The memarieliats litote that tbcy art sx tonsequenta unable ta pay tar Chai, Iseda, and they aI ta bie relieved tram thttito af uticartaety le whieh tbay are plaeed, sn- asmuch a nyhady tinat bas $200p er a land warranlt an bey tistir ianprnvauatn eti claims and turm thoa ulutofdeans. Tht New Yarke Cammitt etofArne- mente for thet incé's BaIlihave made a fult ad iuâtme býëî acenanits, andî§rd a s.rpus of $12'260 an handlThtl* ctite Committee bavaeeardinglY tant te oaciof tht 400 members ot tht fies- eral Coinneitlea far $30,65, thetamunt 15 vhitb they are ontitlad. The ttat 6 af the hall WMs $28,746. Mitreal aad Qehet arae tveeh each allher. Mantreal rejeicCajen tht Pme- sente of aies Extelltney the Aduinialater ai the Gaveruent Centra Sir Wilia Feawiek Williames. Qatete rages At bis absence, bu0t thte f tntineinutesa"s "Pb' natian Illich the Qeacitet ara beeed ta atrept. I s -It la iq eeoly tarde that the fuir ladies ine Qtaahge shtetd desre ta have a share of thteatraOl's atteetietal and va admit il lasa4rtely right that th'i ladies of Montra a shld menapelina tle aIl. Rut nfthe OGea ea ete a A s beld hies, we tear tise Ckrtflid" asti* cipattd stetion af gaiaty and teaeting il tara ont illusive and imsgnýie. Oha ded 1Who la the tavaared lady:- Arrivai 01 the veederitt. Nav ya, e . y18.

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