Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1860, p. 4

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ureacor etProcefe-What'lit gcents0 teed lua Iigît LUt. £ <~O obi' 1 4Z i~ Plirip wltlnYong Wid<>war. 1 4 k -~~~ I~Front lhie London Mornultg lsat)Ac At tho StratffOld Asises, on Tue8aty, a Tise roturu of liae Boacowee las given BI TISHl REVIEW S. lreacia o? protaais ee. as' trieti befOre publicit>' ho an laiir of the. - mot painfni Mr. Justicoe agiarty. "The plaloîif irs a charctàer. lit-will le recualecteel Ibat tlo TEON'AIU. SCOTT & CO." W iidoir oased Ingersoli, and the defendant Goveroaor. cf the Cape,_Sir George -aàYORKx, continue ta publIi> tle foilown a Younag mon nameid Mitchel, formrlaeia oGiey,. 100<Passage to0-.fhe cohen>' in thae iii leadingpritcOb Petiodctsl, vt - hardware racrchot ilotheSafine vilage. Forts, 50 acrewo bearingtg ao fgo Reax- 1.. Mi. (lic in openigthe case' for liae Admirai]lias Hon Sir il. Keppel, the now- ru o oteDOtAT C5tÂiOiy (Cotefervative.) piaieliff. said bell parties moved in tise 1>- appointeed comceandecinclie? of, thae 9 béat ociety ha ý8t 'Mory'e, und lnotling hiud stationa. On lthepasaages circemL-anoes mu lIN JOO5BU SETKIr (Whig.)- .. been mid derogator>'te 0 lieu-ciasacter. came to the licowledge -of SrGog, i 3.uou tvr FeeCarh Tise pinitiffla booband died about five which' resuoiftel lte lanoing Of ber lady'rs,-On,11 Il'1ý, yeari ago, -and abc vas oSiRiyoun8 ancd go>ays iip at Rio, aria lis Exeelleocy pcoceedmd 'Rî rt e t -mirVlEV(Liberal.) b aIe lsd no ack oe t eitors. About thrée b te eCape, eaving lis vite tu reton- a,' jera agohie fortned tle acéqeainluico f england., Imneediatell tIa Forte reaebed IiLÂCS]IOOO'5S XaseaUccnu X&MA OE (tory.) t defendont, and île>' aooctbeoame conatil'the colon>, AdmiatilKeppel aifladlis flag nt t- 1>'i TacSm> nîera aSociety. - Tho r esait of, to tloe Bitii, 'and proceedeti ho a distant Tloese periodicls ali repieseilte thes intibzacy vuaathe 'birtlo cf a coid iti prt of lis station. -Tise airirs e madeiv'Iloroe girat plclu ttru1 ofrd i-c 189.TTutntvadeva gv ao,~e. a-bdurc-i u> . à-' îain-lVbI.g, Toryi-sud Radiçal-buit POi-l 000Pr ô1, ejmelsiag te forma ol>'OhOfaor mierlaiOt aiock te . tloe plit *aSciety' cf- -h-îe1'tlo iel it w va rps> eehlct ie ~ raaof 'tle Most pOfotatit villgeaodîlewiu~v eidudF'aibo' eturnoflae Goverorocf lIn colon>', onbere ritereu M»," ieince, LitcriothIra, Moraity, lesi,'lover deemeol il' prodenltaeabsent le Tu exeedicgl>' Pôpla-anil -in"felt anti.Réltgioos lloey standl, ans11e>ever v leëmneives for a ac'asan. Deing thon pat ît iller lia Excelency tIe Goviororbave stcod, unrîvalrd in tle Woild olt.c- te "asuminer.tle>menedltnd ,île. ifefeodant-or the .Admirai moiti retire, if 1the Inter le te 8 iqig 'ocosltlcreil-indispensable te belog un willigto 0mari-y île Plaiotffihla'o fotsSpereded' ly île aotstiariticsa I h omo the al la? udthe proîessial mat i, le action irasclronlt On. ineb .Iate coto- 7ort~jiioI fîe~îcv ~ ~ ttoi.eign -oe fvr -a le mence ment ftheation d 1 fýnant hu . fro >the mpflablntyafothar eoistncorrect a anti e orrectan cteai >' i-o- ru meaeinnt t tn -actoo eteidat bs toanoh.icooaslilt>'of lor essfiag >' ord.of tho -curi-cot literature o f the daty, gc.ne t hîe States lu avoid lias constetue n- cordial unîderstoýnding belveeotht. e t la'tr'oo'gboui the worlil. flan conliéb possibIy, sea o? lis a fotleosncaa. cheèfs, ofir mach au occurrence atisaie- otaod ruaa>' sei ocoùco' ' Mi. ClencI piocceedltui1 re the ii-e- feriî-et 0.-EÂRtLy COPIES. toise of isarriago troce a' arge linie o? The receipitif AT EaeTfi-omisthe t leera wiiclolO eldi Tohisclitdo. The'de- lMast Siorble, v-ýc nE fendantirrtes uallient in 11e locoosilovcaick -Bhiishbpobllsbei-s gives aniitiotoal valutèo slaiae, rlido rctute ltoa re>'di' -The w'est Afrioen ra -the Repriuts.insonndl as tbey.can'nOir feront l tire tf beams naaoey iet ulili a aeCold14 C0ape be pl'cei ihelconils etsubsciibers abot a feren tupewhen tbecmes ipossile t publsliedat êae CoatasGo(,n-Castlf. ase original riginltcalions conceatlthl.tfinilof thoi- gilî>' amour. Atrica las île foloiing article.: ERIS Hs goeclo tle lttes for a change of tair, siciicici 2000 OmI S c siSvOtP"rati tnd writea îtht le ho ii i-y imiseoi-bho,t AIOET -For an>' one o? the foui- Reviois . .. $13 00 -und adeises her to leav ore 10 bccoineti- l u-Iarmo ?îeiioJl'ieFor on>' tioofîthe four Roview ... 5 00 iiits etr as, hwve, Onfndtoa lacUimrsonfth 3 Jyw For ati>'tIi-eof11e -four Eeviews ... 7 00 penis etlttor anene, oalihedCm gavo pollicit>' bu île aiful fout lIat 2,000 Foi-ail four ocitle Ravie Sr .....8 0 pomois ailigo atIpic c îe aspersons vere about te be, saCrificed 1Y>' For lilackwacdusa Mgazine ....l30 tnd Sataes lis inabilif>' 40 compi>' mIl the Badaloong Rinr of Dahomey', in bonor of For BIackîeood and one Rle... . 5 0OS demail cf bis i4moat bis O mot olofe fatler. At tlooher.Otîmetolation of Fcor Biackwood 'andi twa Revihoo... 7 00 for maitice. - ' 11v. CP. S. Hla.sll., Colonial cloaplain ot For laskwood ianid fîrec Revietes -... 9 00 .Alxaunder Emerson vas tle icol witncsi blese settlemeui>, wo 'love repi-oducoil theIFo,-Blackwood andl tle foui- Bevtews.iO OS -colet.IlIe identiieti defoodùban d looint aricle on tInt suhjct, wihcappeared in Mooep 1 rrent in tdg Stof. chece iesed ing on the Iettecni. Ploruoitiff mas aaeys oui- isue cf 1the luI, oandldeaicious ta calli11bs rcceireiut par. anppooed toe1bu a respectable andl oeIl-con. the attention O? tIhe-fihnda o? Attica ait CLUBIIING. 1ut mmot ni id far Ion'-ner tIceirorîdt o tle dreadful intelligence, A discount of twcnty-tive per cent fi-cm pallies ofrthe woole commonity voeo il ire trikeocf 1000 copies for circuilati<on.thie nbev'pri4ces mill bc altoocil tu CLUBS lier. Defonaielrvae o ver>' umootl, trit, uiot.oi'dring four ci-more copies oftan>' cnetor clrsclo'gdng oungmor.lin osd een more o f the aboya moi-ko. Thuuo: Fouir pay'ong lisaeddcusBtent anotler young lad>' ERS Majeul>' Bailobnng, King of Dabo- copis o? Ilac-ooci, or el ontaRevioe, uil ice. mc' îaot1 an be aigadcctmîbsent t0oi#ne adi-oss for $9; foui- copies Crosts miod.- Wibncsu las lnovo in lonor of tle best King Cana. Deter- cf tbe tîlur Reviews anti- laekmwood foi- plaintif for n number of yen-el, baril>' incicte uipas ail former monirels ici $30; anti su 0n. knew lier cgo;j ubeis ua idoir othbî io tle magnituide t le performeti on ils oce- PÃ"DSTAGE. clhiren I 4ang brd se lha didi casion>. Badoloung las matie thoe khonni- x Canadian mail aubucciberO tili bc oup- ale 1 aStil a Young wooman-oboutIThi-t>' tecolve prepratiois foi- île clebratian of plici fi-ce of U. S. Poosage. loy appearaluco. Dofenidant i, aboat 24 or thie grand customn. Remibbaote foi-an>' of the aboute publies 20 years ot ugo. The lirîaoo bas leen .A'ugreot pillbas leen dug, wmlohiToluthotins .sboulti ahwoys be ic aducilipot gtling on fior coule lwo or tlree ycnro ;t coibin blond enougl o, taient o caoe. Poids telthe pubîislieao, ati til commenctment plaintif iras'abonb Tva thouanti persoos mIll b«Sacriliced on LEONARI SCOTT & CO. 27, andl defendaol 21. tii occasion. ýTîn expedion la Aboon- 46w No. 54, .Gold Street, Nev York M. Dartnell-lad oIe god teet? louts is poalponeil, lot île King las sent ___________________ Tbo'Coni--Yon tîrel>' can'l jutigelbi- lica crm on> amako somoe cursions ut theNwjetec ,et ommence f orming aeloy ber teetîl? (Laugier.) expilese cf tome wenIor iribeo, and aoc. Clubs foc the Edirord Long, J. P., swri-iBeeOaloc- ceedet ig.- captoring many uînfsornnate qoaliteti ith piaintiff for 12 yoaro; ber cceatai'ea. Tn ng peupe amoag tlcoe NEW"" VYORK'« iW 'TI'LT. conduel bas alitays Oen ueipeca>le , abe priioners mIl l e sala inta 6avef7, andbo the5tiJ iras.very fond of coanpauy, lut dia-ti' lotdlpersona ol leclilled et theo grand tes- &At Oll calIr tTOPIXIL t1b c nytoicig orog cf ber.- tom. Cruss.Est'aotifld - Plaintiff liveti n las---PII'INiN Y Pl-lELLOW (lodeuitl during lier lnoband'a lite ltime; As I.uTCLLuiGrSO'T Et.rruu.,."i. TellI w>-0 neyer lerd tîot Ibero lad een a oopra- grancltlilren, said thb loto Rigît Bcv. A SPLENDID PRE3IIUII tieon anbcalnot o? the levit>' of bier couO- Daniel Wilson iritiog lamte from ndi dac sho mn-aout10 eain aag; atntau leplant beébhala îiasc in 'lb TO EVERY SUBSCRIBEIL!111 tîree clilli-easby licr lusbonil, vIa lad ojes. Foi- tîre daya le hlad bee oin-m been dead about live yeans. Plintif lhad pîcîci> blinti. lii> oinr it ufeaginier off-RK ' E IY receivtd about $20 frein defendont whito eraieia>'daPD ebi ecn ale iras atPoy. do anytlcng la relieve île pouor animal.- AND PICTORLAL PHUn1a" Drc. Wilson said îlot plantiff left St. Thedoctor aid le mould use nitrate of Mar i-y' l,îe falicf 118 ir ler tiefore nirer, vîldlowuoa aremedy>'commonatp- PHELLO'W'ONE TEAR 4loWêl 'mS' ie ao'lev efeenf~ lied tu élmilr discases io tIc lamaeye'. po.RTWO DOLLAESI!!t Up ta tiaT perioabcaI occupiel a goati Po- The luge animal mas ordecedt ice domn glition in Society', and 1er cbarocter iras un n atotlrst, on tle application of the ceine- OUIR TERMS TO CLUBS. excetpioniube. il>, raioed a moat extraordinar>' toar et te a1eopy one yeer .... .$2, and PIltoitil ylioutn maneat - îlelohi'ocon.oe h'ieîbow one jear. Mc. ClencI lIen pracecile tg commt ntacote pain wihi aind. The efe . $3, aola a reiitu. uon thle evidence andth 1e lcoctleoonesci lavver, vas irondectul. Th 1eeirsin ~i -:e îledcftilan'a oodiah, lora > isIca omanoae, retareil, andl the animal coutiea 6 .e tors, Tinrlidl la pXoposed ft cmetsospaitiol>' tee 'The nexi In>', Ien le Vans 10 44 1er for the lunes o?1er virtle b>" tbe pa>'- Icuuglt, ondti cardth îe dacter's voice, le 102sa.4 a ment cf $1 Pc reit. > laid down cf limait, placed bis enarmous ---' Mr. Lai-bal lIenpi-oceedeti te cadtrens lead on one aide, c-cueuîui)lis ceouk, tirewir ~.Senilfore Eneeihen Niomber, wobbo i the jury To inigstioncf dangers, itllu irSea"bajustlîke a -an101about 10 en- fliriisied cnet, anti cutains foU paruicuhacn o0 Thiq case ai-at. oui c? the lili-faions cf dure an opecnation, gave a tigî o? relief PREISIIUMS. 3 iote 0 ih a youog mon o?24.- irîail u vas and tIen, b>' runik andI REET -S I ri The courthhall lateil toc tIi-en >'caragetore, evîdentl>' visbeilta expres. lis Enrouas.,,)n I>uocx=ro Os o raNEW YORK anti at ite commencement tle mîdorwu vas ctitude- Wlaî segcity 7 WIat o leaon IVEEKLY, cf the mature oge cf 27. andl tle detoadant ;o us o? patience 1I-bocdecpccdcî. 22 Beekmsot Street, N. Y. 4more la>' e? Utjul verging ota mon- huuA. A woman lihn> Ici, mith hlot Ior. tnow"v XtP ra EsoAto'r, lege o? th o outIllld no fdubtcuît>' in et-l' 'Buleigl,", tle Newt York correspondentl liacting the attection fa susceptible Youing cf the Boton .otital, gete 'cff île ?llov- oma u l e edefondont, obos an vom witirs30r111e romance :-"A short timq snce him. VI b e mdartreceouI leramceehesone o? the osany agents îlot are obroad se- him., Te wdowsprnd ot ler-meneâslectiiog musca talent for Ameslca, sent on andi le tel-I inlu the nonce, nowtîîstandicg #0theto aca cof iis itp a Fi-enoeh .girl vIo tle constantai arainge f hoçfii-icod. The wuenaga e10teadlo furoreeear un a Poor ooong mati mas tle aevecent onferei-, Soutiin institution on a aalai-y of $900 anti le *irs really tle edocti Part.- pur yeai- On lier vot u Ne oirik ee Plainforciaaimeil but normo ng w c * id m as a G;cnamerdaint o? tais Cil>, els F IRE ANID LIFE 000 oc duaugeit bi noting rasa wst 55 ira tien itI li-r,foi abe, vas aYounog ta île 4efendant'a meansofopayiiig. The ladoa' u latng taut>. Ho foîoweduhec N U ACr 0U A ' tact mas Ibot uhe lad compietel>' bligltelteNoi Yo, atI aieo fi-mlMpPANYa îhe prospectsocf île Yonog man jastat bis ftoclber blnd. The gentleman iras el 0P EI4GA.ND. otrlanceo mb îte wrni, anti ie irasnt homoite1the bueoth îehocuse cf Adamsa tîtlmOmeni driven an exile inb atnothooc & Co., a> a gentleman 'Of irealtl anti stand- Ro.ye'41,îscar£tuce Beaildittg*,Lsi7900 landlt1 .- ing, But the young teoclcr ih<clîaed the TIejuigolei îe urytasa' voldo-prposiot eat ilI lirconraci for teaeh-.ivio. 29, Louhlord Sbg, uLeondvcn. mages the o>teulti giv o 1a opinson o80ce- - aboId expire, andth îe consent cf 1er- tiglîl tied acmd herc isotA fetacire I cllr ai-se île>' roltifighI it Out b>' ample lotatî ilà ttueisany's P_____, ut lion skiItcorn t.e lofti templ$a ee, r OOU'tanaoelu'oa. MntbeifidghtlIl Outinla <iD ... <ifiontb-bb A ai sevemr iftsowaeS lIaIthe tieceasot ernet, for uo eiai lis tliea, of joHN GNMW,. P gaer4 to lace becs ite voer abou isi au w lot lor smre weeks prolbbly. W. Sf01- wluih, . à, 51.lu. Tbie Imoti4 adsasti fot veorna» pli-oaa îtbei Omts 01 the ____________________bu *ddelicnts- WNo hoaotais and4 ireafrein CasU" eoe " eaae, lu ellevi Ie IM am oi. TinoJry t>ieurneei% ver- telcas'dnetinuog e i te. imat k- Eot aiof 'W .i A.. KtwEiRt 1b-ifuaIurdecagamst smre puoron aBiýtm im Dtet Il.- etngà~w uiwu,ee andtheliodti' u ' ±aî gve-yard of St.. Jolai'a dy *hit>m&lehis at.jaco" Cillma St au enit tissa - uMqte la- Saaustime catg a " >Misluvm 9100- M&n-" Wm & *n l, ei sa.- ilt ifat lar. c- Refoe r sng Iinhe marauÈ& 55qqae d o& à*jà mr ainiFe I.- OUR NUBIOAL FRIEIID.] CC.-To the AiUitoul.-ý: VIII ilili V l G EIRMA N 0o1L! (utc l5ruiboto -.11141 îil I it]n t iiof WVouads acicdeut tbuhlaiinea In Bottios at 25 te 5Octs Each romu,ande, s u4t'a i hîufiicule reiiiay tie ue r liii oh IL1ORSES & CATTLE HEA.LIG 0r ÂLL WOUNDS A I.'ýCj eut0fiW li UA Wtiele>, Jan.251, I 1> MILL FURNISHINGS, AN Aio u INAiTUtIbtc'es rprm.cs. OFFICE-i I ST. PETER STREET, 7IONTLMIL. - SAWS, SA'WS. 0foo>eeti.buon ish ut ndImditho crier c.IMIBELL & Co., 14 St. Peter IStreet, Moitreai. FILES, FILES. nlotas lieu & (au iaeis.tic u& (So, .'pa lus, st>r% -rui1.ii, ofIFut.', liai Ttilie morrantei a o- iie nteo ai c ere ntcb len- tJplne tiol u Ieotd yi uri r nto l-. CAMPBELL & Ca., 14 St. i'eter Street, Metitreai. br OIL, OIL, OIL. 7ey Sjar, WîtiitSt.crperni, FIeuiueit, Lied, fuel O#u.i, &,u.. &At.. l..r ittniiu,,g "r suonlicry, oe- itithitu t.. eut'. hrrio tut 10 t' 2.l.hOhego. tu0 C.AMPISELL & Ct., e t14 S . luter Street, M o tre&L. i. I0EATHER BELTING. T Palet t'> rce'tviictl W't-'tit'.f'tl euttd, Riet- rieru ,'iudvr ,.ul t.iitour> resptect; eau utit iti'uuih tlirhi utl r Cueuoitero t a 31 .uj -cicr tisua ot uul..r1ntlc ii Caada cd 'etter pritmtelIe prie CAMPBIELL & o., 1 he36-3m 14 St. Peler Streul, Mot,îreaî. te >y. MM , 1 - -ý-, ý -E October, 3,1860. ]BEGS lte announece te bis niirr.sfriendu ond uti --t iat ho isn neut arryiug on i@ eextensive bueitîcu- tut0 CARRiAGIE IIÂKING, IN ÀLL IlS bRANI'rll!, tOn the neutpromises lotrly erected by hbu on lirock tri îioohlargesi anti mosicocu- plate establishsment in tle Province, vIoc-e liei is aetiuts litretofore, te executo aIll ordei-s enli-ustii to tir soue. CARRULGES, BUGGIES, SLEIC1IlS, C [Tf EIS, &C., ie-ilanaactured and 5.14 aI tbe Lu u"ulreiiotrtîing lantces, ALL WOiI W'AiNiiit LUJIBJ.sR ande IIODUGELTAIEY V 'l-if(l.lcl, MAhIRKET 1>IC.Eà D. FORD'S long experiecîce o? bhirby ytflrs in ii linc 0hipal iufoctoriesocf the Statecan uCanada lias gluten tîsi esprieluet linuto - r uuîuuofthfle business orl)icl feir have been able ta arrive al, sand lur besiy cf tic e-ct c. ofutieu nîish, dncabiliby, and solidiîy of wocktnanship, bis varl i snut'tue k etliui. tW(alandl arc Speiniucl.. TENEW ESTABLISIIME'T NEAit ME lBANK. W>Vbtuiy, Sept. 4, 1ecs. TAIL ORING ESTÂ BLISIIMENT, Nos. 1 & 2, TILL'S BUILDINGS, wHITy$ IItîlmate the arrivai of their Foaîîatd Wjj1î.r Stock in the above departmcnt direct froi the iiiiîiUî:îturers iN AuL TE EWEST MXTURES A»~ STYLE. NOT..-.....g ....e*" th s r .ic .... .........Y long aidfavorably known in, Ibis lown as a Ffrt-U. t tr ustoners can depend upon bavinç cvery garm:flent inade up n eusot Fout i, e yle, anid overy ar-ticle Liberal rdiscout wÃŽIIl'e ollowed onUfl il I tCtios- . CÂ'uPAID for ail kindg of produ-ce at the Stores of 37 HIAMILTON & ROBERTCS. onto etthe Ceuig-V C C.l'Vr,e £100,o ew aru pote r iage asti 110 W i o f JO N A G N W ,T u d T1 tI .. i 9eot 11v-eu> Str omi, W buiths rit? OU- PheI ire AssumS CO., t1l my,ÀD a 'onND fw e 'n ILLMIEOFFÂT & CO,, ai- du. tbout -eht fVM uetslarME4 i moeiýLbth. B .. d L l"it Q lI IISIOALF>RIEND" aRare 0CO-- pannnt'tor the Winter tontbu. et ,3ir , IS110-dpr 014htwck SvEery Pnoph, inbg' but. 10 C&>'XS I I ny2umcu imber, cuýont~ oo nW ' St>' the eculS- lrcat ofdt iCoontr3ylobe-1 TEE BFST kIf 1>CIIIEAI'EST WORK 0OF 2 TSSEJfl2I 11TUE WOELD.) Mic.oltlei-10 cote. St o m elb est O -it5 oIC nI Fe ê oi t üdc frein> 010e ecorctNenceetadi> wilt ,u caecnte 1 ol . anahif yOîtt lit 5 toi o 'Cg FlueVinhin. Carnet, CI;xuIr' ct1.csrdiua, ec., noolccribe la te eýntaiaing'.12pag'i cstngilgrh 10 CentaahaNuber; ýyeaLrl 02-50 Ilalf.yenrly, 81.25. 'AIl île hort StirsiherA utf10 cts., "l ot'i irn Volusu, csuitoiiiig 17 Suiesers. utit50hceci, Oiiotoy ou lisut v~Atno oaotd for thii-npluiblietoios. C. B. §~MYI1&tt. lo Nasse1au S., New York !ilO CIiON h otiring freo is icara- Otice, andmet iving Li ienrsnerc'tî f'fid in WVlitbyuin etit, ala c.îo,ît but tl uî u si enlcoe oii'harfy tlIin8toforut Ilir inOci e- loue andl the vert- liborail Iiatrctiiauh bu s e- ceiecd fro tootleui, sud lits greuit 1i-itii uordliallIyresotuiuidtuig tuaticir c ih esu DR. P-ATTEI>ISON, ovitla 'ihoni bo lims bicîluî10,1 ~oteantI9 kodî to bc a oili'tiiasd outcü,uI ui IeOiion B'PATVERhO'., 3M. D-lÏii coeeerdug D- to tae clzuâof nI'lîii e y ittiytjlho le now rpreparoiltitcintdta esirlitc1 ente, to the loun 1uytuîut, o*rit Ilru.;I: Ild pr- I'oclinill hpcrution' 1u oh 0. ound kr'ilt Freal sucuteos. Upl tO.tOi ssiutole î fowii or cunitr'y., dîl -" t 0,rpsectle re- furcosecs given. lîcfiWso ir a ltw W. MgEuomu, k-.1,J. 1. Ou'sielc J. II. LoNçrtu,hfi. .ti, îtv. Ir. cos"onoî( il. 11ev. J. tFrite lowuo tille. ByrousStccct, Whlitiiy, xostlŽ efiseite Scrip lore'a lioîol. 14. TO THE INHABITANTS OFTU E COU NIiOToI IStuutlI tcirrfu1eihtucont,s tittYui and ttt Untarr, ,tr lte uth . t cOiois lue douiuvin îire .l..i 'c. ur Sohicitiit uit 'rÉmi te t la.'idoiO in tIilîluro. li ii lter heo li ttut il'. tutti- docie ouiq ici. t inc. t 15 bubi v. ili s ,îsthe. ealtý.u deserve it so.til-1-l ALEX.TIL lg tuutoîc- -1J. aCsI:O...... .... . Jnco 25th, l~iu',(. Ah torIer.'1,41I t0tjeficot t c'hic' - r e a lîcgi.'ir ( i 1-1t-' I .1, .M gilai> hut, ti-I I 4c' i t. t Rociof SI r. TV cI I '-» i l à,e oR WRAPPING P JAPERS C> M ,"F,ON ET ROWN5ISI MAONILL A - S P51t5PilrES. aetasim i be ."ed s tha l Mont-owi r Toroto 1Ptloa Atitbl TAIÇXR lNO'TION hSTORE. At whoaeIaaTuWlOW 131,A N K 13 OK 131mk 3o.ka, Euhd& u» BOOK IUDINO in au rt E KI'mI" N st tb e - clé te 014 NrewspiPpro for S A lag -!t - à .11- P. C îhi. Townui aIw itlq5 -eb;a derMdbyvhu 'e-=. DONOVAN, WÂLKY&Co. PRA01TICAL OARPIÂGE KÂKERS,.~DM~FG > BR1OCK STIREETWIIB E7n OPPOSITE -TIIE TOWN1 iit14 ARI of. the above 1 worký executed wit à0 nOatsa and desPtOh. -Ail ork warrntéd. Cali and sce specinmcns.. Remmtr tàc oiIdrat ai 43 DOOAIWALKZY &Co IDO'I lAIL ItPGILUE OF il sI ubs rber would respectfull> nforn the in a itlt of Ontario, that bis Fal l St..k Yforkery and Glansîvore, iu now very conpite iî r ound as large, and WC"il assorted as an>' otlscr %Vcst of Moxitreai. usltt i FOUn;g Hyson, iPils 5' Twanko, xî.N;l. Filiberts, a.. P.owder. AiînsS. S Oolong, Rlý:s arns Congo, &c. Iliîoitl'urr i$ E!offées-Best Java and Laguiro. i iý Suar = f ever>' quality, Nlcasurcç. ue>Tbaccos, Ciii Sherry do Moneot 40< Ginger do, MXativa Port do 1 iioo' do Brecîdys cof evecy gradil, Jamahta andl N. E. Burns, Hiellanti and Old Tom Glins. Oic.ciel it"1heash. 50 biirui tuie'JilIOW tey, ilioro &uCCet. toP i F itunpits oand quai-bs, Abiiot- tillsu & Asucn, bWIiteb-cods, 1,Scitri iPortet & Co's, test Poiçcs in c1OoIn ait. httt, &C-. Cr-LOWESI REMtTNAR1Irffi\PRICES. .îI liotrI Kecpec's oill findi gi-cati>'tet lcir Asiutta 1 tuttutîcfroc,> bio stock, as lue osilI seli Liquors ai monufacuestti priccO. ~ ~ ~ lli..N . B.-Wanicd,,100 firihias of hButtrllcr Ikunds oft? i,uit'itakecoin escliinge. ]FALL & WINT ER GOODS SARRIVING DAILY. 1-- ge JUST JOECEI'VED FER TAil-t1<ItA, 2 CASES 0F SCOTC11 ROYAL WINSCEYS, ___TWO CASIES 0F- Ladies can 110%v select the fn'u .1 i-îoods ot HAMNILTON & VROBE1tTS9 Nos. 1 8& 2, TILL'S BUILDINGS, COMPÉTITION. A Store for iBaie or toî 'j IllallinOowr in iIlo or 1- Ibcon Wif Ttactngo M 'lWare liéouig arctionl.. . . .a eRUFl oMEIALSPI .ca ooi o hso..w OOfdIcQ v ier, ti-ai )Ilowug pices vI]llpoi BlrotFri, .Me iti'fI loCha. $ 10 a ,3Out oerlth 1icoJiyii il üilia ........142 e,î1lhilI onciî c o uieosi-i lio so.... .T.... .. . . .. ... 1iflî &tti eiO U I ll n o s ai t2 5e t î g t i r i h t i i t C r r f h o o of o ult , is i o t t ge1u isi n. ,na ut ui.te l Iirtl e$in. teioor lin t er t - tior tiiu l l;ii d iei miîp Att. iijt *letdi, i... 5 Broliteio 3lub -11oc1t18e . Fo ittiii cuos telî cioîty l hi î JAS.IA B. CF A NNBELL, OF XA iro aiorqi it - - - v. -XSiio loirs i i re meut , esi. h 'l'O LET. Onall'ol«So u eonsu l oit îoytli St tiitt' littot ioitoco ro n t 8gto? lctiintuiest or i cot d. The ounietileyistiîc t .i, dretu IîîîUIU: .itii RiOgE sud or Sits t.îîoine-ii oni U tie I iîo i i Thriiid anîtilitîo tiigit i f et T STA.OINE T R lririui uuuOiitin~ d iltsTstil', titi.y. 'uiu ilter ienitoui aetbiylht s u in oii, tîtiiLit dIn. ootdstOU tonoiîliiiteius iitw t r otiri -sîiîiiî lîiiv 1 8 1,0.'le .ilag o im ue tuberiided liiuierilse8 i rbLUNtII - feTIIN BNtEMUREI ioo&Son talI p l-s îstje ti e nes Ibr tc sCe t 1 1,can ,iail ,u _ l c i v eiu u us , Ter!ns wi 1 be lt;liwe tu uit il afecbions pliatl t b lnd tIFi> oeiua iioido e, l'otis, Ce fol lirilat o t r lit dt ii sî l D45 Aîlios & i'o ,-,iRoruchr teigeitndl0 et c r inîi 01ritt iieito tflts oto id l'g Oîî lt l cîliti i oîîc TO L ET-raiesue provo îîuroutofî ý, eîe In s , a sue îîiuîîo il b u eltîîîtd ly g îcso ST OxE TORE, tromuiît îii11vood ordcr.i \v Osodio gvenon wal'te ruoso iü iiv ttrttli t tVcai d îîeI LL in Il it r e e tal elr vn e t e Olî a rjtiu frd lia .&Tyt $Qui i a natr e t lîc iîio. n câs ti 858.is noe 128,ulsoît ior sdt otiipinmla rh I Stvo. lîy îîluo le fulsvig i that. N E'Q [av e neiIl et l 0Y pOtteO'tfo te eir o York;it lis bCnOCKET, t L oefi li i t-ci vri ieiitu porî e ilO DU E, slyt l ii hCi' 'i.scl b t ude hahli bo o îîîîPi itoU t10.tb> ufîio,iuîîP, ,iil'au 4c.., 4'c., 4e. eDr. iiosi ici.wSou, i i r îîî îe 62 Stock Siretl, ~Vl ik ti yica îîr tir iiîroftîs ntro ui, goteilel'ismtt ~ i OtyitneE .tp i ny olle r îîila sl ii ut ait D NTISTRYLID. D.C. CINROE Pus Slit n arteonthe Nuorl, nyh ~uAa1l5ds, >i.e-c.-i~CJIof£'lh ïr Ctseitiattio'it aic oeoir a Scortib c' iber .r . .Xstspicuo atten AddI ai i t icneor to lieid Soe.Teyiild th O di0%ioboIlt leNEWi.tJE WELLi er cbi @nii iiî raoo ei te i l h e t MON D K witrlc tI oii i , tctofiGnds, i iecktld foi 4njtIiîr1, -it1 ili ftet on al o t o lu ,wunlueîit uotoris#iltet ilof a oîeino Caliand xe',ixii Sil -lto, allr o 10>0 of lOn3 deciic.N &O.otled gl uaJitropocilouegl udeuJeiia II tIli ;l bci illob b reliSa -th s3 le bs Eiruikily rdui tue prittch Ié 0: slî ce For erie itiiodil Il oiil &I fîîrtiîcr olate tlîiilu liýe heu h N c OiiiiitY 0 and otterdîîiigoultIîSo icbeiiitop îîîîîîîhur uf,. ciourgen.eiiiii I tilO t ht Seenrd by 1w Aldret proald ( Nlold riulir ant ritisa platei . Codto he atet tlein E. . oCkuaeuop c liea O sîoa4 oil W tAeL Lnikd an Gellera Agelt, own, icl Iopr àolî i l4i.oltu e ott ot quibe. itilY btirf.îeIird. cf itti ori o witboil 1aiih IOa i iollih il hui t e 0o f0ci e 1 te ltii pos IDor. C l. JHM.wl 1anet Sf1 VIlETtlOUtiAsD ATse % h(,groet - Ili C l i-o.ssPris Cali-O jive B' lO4O i hSt oli G 1051. cl d'i Oey o JOEL BIGELOW iS. lidau sw W rk y or5l s ý a the e Solo rCniâti.0~la, e O8rt hd -viO es titl-tO' ofitoWtâtabio V. luie end ihi. lt jtulitur 0 Don- s O natureoo and'o iug inid , l t àtet o0f11 y srtru. mis %ýut isittob0ebioreiDOWti< -he li me tyrdifu heOa h hoeofr wem h t, d el . - . . , ', !. :. 1,;, tA qpllat the . 1 WHITBY. 37ý 1

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