Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1860, p. 1

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Ton dom ip be r«IW 00& lesIr mb- * rir. e #oi S1weet, iWhfntby. O IV ~iuflt4~' ictork. VOL. . G«;LODà MOTEL;EuDLm ~E1l & TtORETST LAW, çff)FGGltob", e aseýdebào. eim oetotleoBrictth B Svwtb , B-'W. ectWht i huGlobe rtt itcola 1 ter, laeth.le4 fobattas ib.i surtof t huebe Torios te STMA. .4)y- UFRDA2RNK dAlfor s e o elgî lp$ sO4iËr% NT 'RY IJBLIC, &0. &0-C DWS C.W.___Il______CAR] ~~ SEA Brooklia. May 18-10.10 n '-RE1BTEft AD AlTDOtN Y-AT-LAM. COMMERCIAL H OT EL, T tooti haut ( j> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h qfl upuli hotgsryOau le ~stity taoR tetWiltby. m ll HTr.3 UNAvoRr'Tu SETE, gWwpeCe leuhtonduJtTHO]..~ U ICET~CIIITSYI115TDOORJAMES CR0011111 J. W. BRD~~ JOWN, 0NV YANC ëoüm"OsFx FOR11 TIIl ýAVELER5 WILL FIND CON 'An Dii 1,j t cnviiont tuoppcecg nt tIh taisto, as goen Conteyotn lile,*OdlitosÏa1 .ni, Csv eyo eefront hueK'gtee' Book kept lt BEUSmostc tlertg0 0lls~<igSr5!qur3iopposiýte Cbir thet ttes kcn by thecir predeculoor. "gae thueiks ibe IdÃŽdil ll- hi 1.The proprictor lekeq tibis occeiotuc then, ty lfOntario, fo g. B.etll oeioua .mtus~5sa s w"ill s tu nworoccr parons and frisotte for the rucSived fronthC ceprotoill tlTt.nded ta. 22 librrai pstroiiacgé hetowcd oit hMin uFineo the the rtticti< coiimeeeoeiîlp of bIs boaisinu Whitby, Lieune, lec wjl ioilq 1316Lt1qtNPýsales in iiy par LAW, CIIANCERLY & CONVEVANCING O" 1Terme, 6,8, atreOnlrs adblnknts Omanc, Prince mAbert. 56 '.htby, IMay 18t0. at Teu,,8,1 ..A. HIERS. R. A., URON flOUSE, TT0RNKY1 AT LAW, SOLICITO IN Porsc uieiTu jlatkhai. _ Main__ Street__ HIC1wnoderulgord lise tukuco tieubove inote], Wtitby, 110 timr fior thserrmoioodation utho public.- G.R AlGcNLe <ood atabliig, flou, roccîy eteuds,,sud overy et- Ptcio ,-uT EGISTRAlt, MASTER EXTRA- toi pedtiat mue ersa. or , TheolientPrtc o J. ordla exàii uxuiolu 10 Cleiry for wior.. lqîure and ciguirs t the baer. ~Coo5y. l l 'Ontr, BcSk-t., Whitby. 47 WLCMTIW WES TERN % JOUN iIA», TUIE TERRAPIN. ABRIIBTZ .ATTORINJIE. 0- fles - RCoreratC iirulidCouttStreeta, (uppu 2r EPROPRIETORS 0ir.TliSWELL elethe Cab àadjTalenToot-. Il ow Salooun re n00W liifcrpatooutTEUIANCI WilAMTEESu1< >the old Sr0. NICCIi)IAS. KingtZ'.ltlToronrto J onets WJJJAXTBIPJMJrJm <f-orly bepC by ir.liurlu. The pruriteeceapplicationte ltI i N 0 S T E 9T, OHIAWA, CANADA hartbrui e owy rnoootod throoghonî, asti M ent. 17 ttad1o-3 itch iit st tylo., Evry rocublu delyiteuueeot. A cigur divanete lu p su- Traecllin Dit. CHECKLEY pa=tlviiowlticttlige ubot tesottbrundu ___ ASr 1o'el te u e lto ly eccl,îliii aic periitiiid tu citler, Il. by Mr.olurr, eDandus Srret. 23 CARLISLE du CONIEY. New Taili W hitby, Mumioli g '1360., l rseeITrunk Rotoiwy J1etel. -8N W* JE. TrrI.WBAYNE <Sd>aie-fJS-iug Pu1 SPIM tA IISTE C OITV (JROWN (oATfOR l lfRa'l;RESE' ne, ut de.leureuose oti, ruOns ,Sý!TO INFIIEN '-habitant ~rLi~eu iPow~l'B tore lisur-. rier- tls ficid îd Ieu pibiic, hait lie lau iow ontry, thàt ôe itelitPo 'lsok ret.Me ecftle ahîic5 tel, th ubseinecs bu, rik io 1880r«-. 40 ofîeîhe o o1 ii ture ecurry1o oslits»on Tadlorte m Wtitbiy Aog. i - aotet. (looi LiîiorTeus d Brandies, pmîth Cigrra.opoie h Agos W. CRONi, Ritultet taetl ieg-ercfeI ttentctionfur Mun orders untriet AEIRTT, CIVIL ENGINEER. AND san-ti e- .nestneouand ClFtecitbt ttCîiJOSEP'I 1IUEBCTTOU, Whitty, 0C S. DÂb~NETi< & C.. Wlitby, Jan. 1il 1880. 8 tANUÂ4u'1URER ANI>DKA Effl IN W- LV.Ci acu, d f Tuteu > noWIi1, UNION STATION SOTEL.W L5Te5 . UOt'T.1'VOE T.ECOND IXOUSE Jubl t îet, Port Hope. la D lit Por flolee, lOure i8tt, 11c860. w-cwv lb OUîl,ît c1îl. sin tatio, Toronto. - ccc $ cIle Sa. 1rels 2lIdo. Iuod Stib- ]ROBERT J. WILSON. lcg.W. OSBO)RNE, -âi flýAICIZISTEI > t là TOINÈY AT LAW, î13'reprirlor ' îrlE Scbsuo j> Solcitor in ChancorY, &c. wIitbv VtI. ---- TL'nIe tics (i c- ovur hustore. ut Mcmrt. llsseoitote & ONTARIOHOTJIIL, vse llececlle tabocrs. aiAseterec. toy bterqtii ItOOT CIEERLEY, ,~. ERueelcecribsrimtree i efrni tels frImAq, hemt. BO T.1)C icIr. CV ed icu trcvcýliiiîg 1cibic, dil lce t»teck- Itectleuclauts URCIEO)N, ACCOUCItEURt, &èc. CORiONER it st itenbetew biownsiottecîcand triests by s fr Chu Goutty of UOtario. strict selle u;n o tu l)ei ud eideîth uvotreteg Wtitiy, tNo i, l de lil c-1Ili ouer toc lheu coceror dc n - u _______ IR. iJ. itNNqi Mî. ». c oitrîccuetu, oicri c t alie of pubbltu ~URGEoN TO TIE COUST ACiL, îctrlieweg, icc1 tiqceoru cutiCigaso. t'ueMarklhaîï s Byron te ret, Wlltley. 4 f«.rtatlle nueoceeecîccntefcre ariu ctihoorne- hAST WI1>SOR fOUSE, _-Aîetteutic e anti reuel Lctlur. CNA wm. asecur.u'uoruevs. Ahuhr âmet18, 116 VRhtabovo Itotel lisuitctad inua 1eeat and AIIO Jrelrd part of te Twnoe tIchéfront roud. AIKT Q NT, itouoi accomodaeton tur tracullît. (iiiGjUG . TI Purltent acceot- stabliieg aud attenieis stîtir. îEudis -it. E rr tetiu rtCeeofr T56Er N I C,î1TUE ai AiLRtoAD SEOTEL. Ctc Ibro li ud.soit aIndblottiolCANSINGTON. b ecruu tiwr s 4eaaitjee. IO- in ba SI ite> op anti ru- - e gndi- Z il',.Prcifrre theIi AIX aN B4.1!t. rsutiso ues Lli etctt utu1eA MB RC ccioeucicircf Ilcc, oie lhes ciicieg rondi ho- ~7LE uPAITTEYSN iOPIIIE- sîsi.Wettr Iuverlue tnd Liendey. Y? CrKor ~ cra'ofvTog nti racts01. Oued uuoei lotiosctuti ticive Osîlleru. fsoto .w. 1 eeaiktgtait, Ju,l rd, 1840. 35 CAN«TON HOTEL, af bAoRCNHOEL N peti -%FISCitlIgSE PICKERING. GOLID - T- boEICNSETE, nd eti r r ricr isuenst, OuuBAwA. .eelsligasl sooomunDOWNINO , (btePon ilote] tOtti, 'scs 1 hui SW. OUTIMTRET. T11no .> PruprINrI?~ ,îc etdbo>s(ei ______________________________Lîqîsiru. s1cricOr BO I fîrele n rol,. all w. E. ILLNOS (lotiestbticsc asi ato0_esOsthrs. 7Iltee saprepe ARlieTI *du AtXINICY AT LAW. BA S OÊ.Mr. Orueo Bsoiuhoere la Ctaiiory, whtby, C.SOIW.- ith tsom OItl-WIWUea- BMilitdle, Brok-el, Whibye7(,'ieuofBLaaDA daS eh. tobY aýpi1r5afo Il ABOVEILL I<NOWN, AND CEN- ofl JOORCAAD T1isIYCutuul tdhotuli liges busoni nwlyty 5d WîL - C ÀNNDArClI lFORCA tii, 211d rovolûtd ilta moiul cocfortaiîîo moin- A4Wst.'ettore its u el thd itotestet os.'the prescoot occupent. No ïxeieliss A taCaof 0 A114 isaDu)r Csîouities te et- brui esd to issiiO1 i uuosdv tend Sleslby Aàetîo ltloltd Fn~itiie o. ste bs sfeci* taraeolbt Thlebrgacede cf Tislis, Liqide anti Cl- r h aown - m Ilt 1 n. le $pm, got 1 E ortb ps 4Oehàwk Aeeeî183. Eooouy al ovne aidgleaepiblilon, coulit JOHN flE.1,A1w bTielsin uli tuai inuthe vcry tuourt cI lbhteoouuheur J(UI 'ETCLF- Towne of %Çitby, pied wiit tbe îooui t9, bthie ehuegeaciu .LMEROTIIEJ113MIvSIOII OeUV-,moâigûtckiuetaolpir.g pèRco fr fu=rurantia wîcîuets ~.eo.pisoEhe uweeei Brook. Ad- tracrîe& JAMESPsatsdo h, drueceuob~1oe114 BA î'KAIem rouES ý r ntors t ir e r ..' l'y B r uc i cUiel artichle àsocli qisunttio sU L-d, anud ee turu#ile ik uit, Pur equcci C Clehe irittart! ile CL.ARIK & z lbcA»1I .v. MIîi, 18,1. 68br4w. sU UonLdgo No. 50« S jETAT THE LODUE C JRromTrhiiigttitihetu t0rkiimvillage, oie lie firsI wV FrIiuY ofrrh munceieboce -,Cmiiefihl uioou. DN. W. R. luSa.toues lo tie Sfretary sboeld Cot TbitiayPeet lfitre. -h REMOVAr.. >TVPE GALLERY. i Ci 0i ots Pfiîtis for taa fi- ron.aa b rrsuedalne rouie- %uoesio>Ir. Cstetweh'e BIseuhe omte tîtatlice bas rameoos i Ae ry, ta the ous. uover tIes stars o# dut Powall, Brook StrSt, wleere s1 preset roomo are lolitoii rery apaclmes. anti rootain 8alidie ifr tabisg tise mout perfec t îl-lit BM FJ02 ,SALE.t aruîilpot eDar4litrtcen lbrseciea titiiig 740 ms, cciatIe julsg cmani mashd.%.,iuleiiug shedi, vooti- e.,horeo..Ther.ear.ets8lie 9itsl rdu. and'&eo-fufig~téu ,a i 'tie anti Toronto roidthiro etming scldot ofsre. Tilla par. eModerts. Teries suy. For par- apply ta BR.B. rAVWAED, &Y14e tl. ati, lm.W PoRa SALE. m"S tit Wbe nselice Bay',- Port P". r~ IT * SI4 ;lm )r fsWeor to Reitt. il sut aer, u*àt d k ,Ith é e . rs. _liEATO. . LLT VINEG4»it làïii, :à wea u ÂîÎPO~UU*~i eIIkLL Ã"PrTRÉ INSTTU Tt4URm ,18. ' _ _ _ -Jan. 2LS. uis.hoeuol«à1tm ln e bis.gb- bor,"~eiRi.J.Sostb. . - Js. 9l1h. tiubeimSlsscry;lloin" el le Sciptçre."-Rev.Dr, Wihhl Fe.I~ oid~iSkstrh of aarly .casae- thihs lifiduy0-40JnO MMO eoigeMilts, L. L: Fae. tci. 8eb 'eIýiec.sOrioue Pheno- mciesôKets.û Me Jeesâean Short, D. D' Feb. 15t. Sa Jm '5Js tU lto!..U a Pub. CIeti. SljeCt-tiiTire' lIturouspe -at Eeq., nommaer atidit. ]ILuruFl(e e . n jc-A Ie 'ts O u, - lIarclestIe. Sth- te lddlity le eteli . wltuo a - 4-e.npîe.i~ the, lolder a memborr f thU 1ostitu ifthe ,er esdigOest., 1861.,sud etittehlmt0 îI le ofift goLàbrtecir twrbSl Xt. andlpisQ tuci ttiiccnc-ioa Cogrhor cci oneotliesfueeibrr Oftteeme e. îriy, sor a Iliiîo teéeeout» ýA LutnesTokut (priée 50 cantal) cmtitts thes uioitisr ga I ilady tiosiscitl, to thecJ coursofL.sticreu Tirbete may hé obtahlifIPomaey nOfthe OS'- cord of the 1, titote. ,2 Whithtiiy Nus7. 18604 DRS.,CÂLLEND)ER &CARD toer bas no *hwil ati for Sali laUtta.' clef ini sIegloaIStor hy, sit îles Urcliaserý<ED IY 0F 0N-AW;Q. urîhelbrmidPatron 1 ffl b bo 1n su ea. i{avlsgCooi:ly te. r oet iseDUne' e nitpul y att, esy. elOo uwnllf e uib 'A fIe ookg O6 t 12 dois-ret THUYAS MyIIN Aotosr, agaSIn e« asandl Damage ASSURýANCE C094PAKY PITAÂL £1(O.OOIP . - R ufsoteti os Buildiff ngssit hIOT Itvcry Iithmeslioo aoptiston Ir AgeOtC Byron reu. lib orRgsthbllmezLt 1 PSNe & PFEIJSON. îFTJLLY announce 10 tha OiM ofIhtyanti eunUoiO tbe bve0)ened a Sbp on U.'ok Streel, a u-Ontarie oCs150 wb*heeai ,eto 1then Wil b. doue wit et 20th, 1859. l hdtbyBrewery. GO TO G. ROBSO-N'S (XYextdr t o MtaI JRWisfri s4lce, ST. LAWRENCE FOR $28 TuiE RiNG $25 TUE pUOTECTIONISV <oriinal $28, TWO Mm#ES TH S YLVAN WITO4 GOLDEBN FLEECE, Inede~ceisfier saa yuldo Wallth gbe seIl tar guic etseuuae. Nhonua TIIEro REISA« llIVEBYSTABLIK ATTACHIED, AlsdvarIIeOEs esdit t b lce steyle 5>I o~pca cdub H AGIUtend IMLEEau. Ib. E. CAN - EE ie tersas- JÂMFES il. GJE1R1E SELlA a ta rhi e Am1 tile mor Ithe iuile ltve Anti urrsv greeta co)r hfsn% hoer, TbeAd taan Angsîfnd md trlle, TO gearti ou.'infaeey, and semw And whs orIn etgoufW p Tlieaguerdoi o% elIttroff--eum 51111 eenil'eug one,. froin onttmglo,j 'Ziïre is un Anul eleur ighi, Topo'mtustotheleuontray Wbso ,buso)at lifohy epirt la cross ti TIiimt fondtplsnb wç tlen tolsaC, W. watt lice Oret Eirhl!a eommons, Ttîst whlepera us Iboo mlle &wqIr4 Te huisutlu toooîh üth to eWec EflUc.5ýý- T IONý#ý= 5Prandam s5 ef oNt -m , *Oi en%-ose Wè o ecnence-Ihe publicao c othe. ar ufthle litersry emayaa»ent int9 g ct fo r thmpprisoe reti by K'.iM glo, thce bcal eaaay on Etiecation. The Nocet eeg cei a prrductioe of 1mcIe tberi44Oe"4 wma sent i. by onryee cn8~~,lt George. ,opkis:- Edcto ibealiaindm tttmttiuich cf tha e ltatvorîtiadtihimfsr'iIthoo4t îl, Le-wouldrémain infrior le maeÏ rea-i peaus ta clesteres of, a tuboa" "as4Ia. not baving like Isa.ectnlcaieig îillewliell ti, aa bisaeti, antby -viic »ey ara abte:ta. performa theeir:pà;ansd tC, iqto throa puiecipal udivision%,vis.:,xoral, 'jlmelaMansd Physicaletor ntIa-t l irs'omiponeet Wparle-nihuea» natwa.-, Vie JÉMral embrâcet al vîirtule, ohàuity, truti, gopedoeN pieiy, ýandtialan thé vhbolçp of h gide range of religiomn slles Il la te improvemeonteasti oultsvatcor cf ce unrlfr ttiseir natauonanti devol- opameot. Forteyraqalyus cp- tilI of greeti, as tier tb".ntell.ptua mas la incapable cf sproweâmat. Thé, intelkectuat compruhendsthe lIn prcven Ial bar preceptive simnd raauoolgoepa of jodgement. By il we ar* leeieht toabc- see, tIcintèslla1e,îê eoeand t -t1 trace ont the coonection existisg baîveen, caues n d effct,. rthîctÇ tieara Ilcoso ficoltie viccltend mors h»a ae1 olleera, 1teraise cnaman igh"intle,e voii&eàtleatioe lime alboCher. -Thé ýcol tivatiose of lIce istlîsle g ooeralyoneor- > [tti dc oemirac- edacallelis lI wds sasse, leecpechive cf mAW as'amratë vIM auplayalelalexistence:' TtiàultS v v inarofa'àpron ihavlng 'Wbat iscalîd 0 huosaer.o ie elmenle hyont th bountis f ebacatie sllelnmeta But làa- Ihomgi tise linti f cuhlvatItIa censtt li "i to embrace m» ida aadIW it inaey.' tlelesa cf pmrsunnt importanc, fbr nda- «caic sth in itelae .0viat tillsge.Ià te 8sill *"tont viel aillent voltiresnain a istsuvate u it aà.utn il aice cf ont sebjec t iile in aqaaly àà Ç&. paît. of bil easloraieti ly cadire, andi atnaymt tauaurh orf asliné sàycfam. lia et a pokoceortbtlia thel h.iyasim ajalsu, o, hapevéra cf theubody. No part c lie Cuta onstitution là in"h moré due dy ant Iy a*lbh etd'by peso. tim or isbit>th"a"à ph WOical dh5rlm, iintu. b asema capabe of&wcf 4ayt iiylI, *tlaeti 15 la ablle to go iauYtér<her" cas eIU le iiîagn& '*hle 4 oftli d aêlges dt e tifte cs oftu- amubstî oûleva appt à.sitâlapwle' limugI tie aclqkilUndMe o pet iýà» kWd iby môrdtblia ecihery saw amll- au ope danbeit Mad tâsaffl&bl IWPU fo warl éd0 lm i i n3a4 k &Cté "' ' b.attmtUpwr f ko- d meo 11h6Ydvnoqwm or, ddÃœ îml xehm ooesplete Sntitio it!I[ , liati l b tbllatnally ant ii"j1Ili. bi Wel a ally uspeMns Il u &thoenogh - cltivat e.eeyoo quality, whethW it bé ra îtihthoýpllUiSof Ojs.indnOI, 6r-4llà nineplyr CctIuelb"ly: fiidt5&i&.î;This il due uai elna, for=nlg the gfthbliIn licbqisn fheing, y at igôpôwÙtli ing faneiiar wtht he fact tiogikY anti Mnoîibor kinôMipÙl)a -Ïoià Yd UIeiWalnti4th the wbbu)it à îble of l.ipcovewàeèin o , fadt0 ,Wb ium cnitieng proofti<o) ý of the j>LCtieegn of thé cmalbritthmqj b4ghem- Point of pefetion ýis thitU th6g,5w iéeeisa i4alure so tnuAmrfde inintLswltItwhictel e viole axia .otiraeain ࣠nuihy. muai) s ~ie'raiI of asne t aeleei ua 0 kei oe~tuliisEvcytam;hil t malsC,tlif io etiuec~aeltinIlê.îit n fa6tkàdimita e 4lmd otcemberI eiitions, lihig avengit ,mnt, it 4 bit x4eosiruhd lth agboti dealdof cor b5T>O thn primary *viaiin -sequlhng » duc-,- rL ad tien,, a tailabasohle cotroi ove.' lirnèe in ýbe ovbeilt i, ald o&the poej geda na.- .î, îýj l et >veovu, ca 1enhave cofte ?illý effèCeîi by esualon, ot esaisnad t liiiý' ,m û4 - o jt.e cIin 5 npo t on l i e a .4 s 1 y sg 'e - ,%,yyi"--,,, lsaiS feudlon4 t .&rztlprs em i4 m ih ytutme ieye00 pxpCct eîhe oe, 00.*eP .ýit pleion, ,se robern eilqceit i. cdýesa1s9m leeiutis o eZc ieOft r mn tiorppIetIy alisti $q agj niiel we lixexocf àigît in aooe YrapeçISwiClucut tucth ifa iîi.i iieeohqency d&fine Joethe, 0 o:mess obufoitiew, say çlýcer_ Sotie fu.hio1 thu.e i n MLoty The, p'rsenb flm fihu -a!.neaterisi cf mta* .,»OthBmd*u s v qlevtç~nI alc*abrne gagaamacler. peraice of B(bi e5iUqe ~st b. nidje mors Mora u Ivs au»paaino lolsPeIlIuCsi foir cortinl. tbmc1at, *artd eomuprebeoawu oxmpoalon ffeto h !hici veyhr .aubjecedomsmors e le tan n .~ bettes OIorulwàtbs>, Iéofnec 1 élte t ite-imprtqneý, ai aime teitii* pr oý,e adiis >it. eaid as l nolcp C n fil e t ali t ueirng emiet 5 eaer ptee 1-* f tits erndh.,- iO m aery tW ap-neal>m >etoti théir Ile lOItPUllthe gran."s j e i cu . aeryeivkw PPP1%ýto&iâ. smes!ratvl Affy >ii c0" solmn .ea ntigly 1181 theau rig.' althepu*ot, iutOfaualilirsa-lllgr.ik o 1 0POves! glethlayaaiodd adraulhnieaaral lie clia .kf nsldt Ae eudie M it is fls>, elSI1les,. 1 ided *ya. sccuatti of'pte ol go a,1ý ah d.ltaspade Ch. v oui sasii' 4,10uil. ; - o aomIeatrt1e»til- lam aina l o is denlt pa lihuais lidu e 8< or gio»gov. ne ,O t 1f a eui ot*-thê lo~I mou, maleeS k .twoLo l aftita slO Md or cieNlag M. id4« ~be 0044 t Il as EMr., C(arlet.ou Lynde's Stores DUtIDAS STREET, WIIITBY. TRn ETrti flîrd bintie-muni purfecttane JLaîd neuse butthue bot and mt a prueIM metiebl urut. >Theu lung iexprBus of Dms.Caîtesier d Oi anditueir t ioreicgbknowedge <ul dia prsc-; &trs sfleiiigtrv, c'ubl0t Clemte li pprste thelc grat 1 eusit.- tiibo tierti Cd ra mcrfet pre- gariià utnItîioaci ui-iipoirsst, aui bqstitl orgues. ttcé tetli. 'Uese thi Pruervatiooa agot atlisaI cf tieultb. lispp'tue5ait5iOf! ofiticiliind dluPeot, Tteir Oeerstlusutntlie brasel teltufe tslooeillot flait ta gtiramât ltstiuo. ljet tige siicteti wittb iis." C lethi ouy rieit tîctmn in ttme, boforsClt* iadleea <su "ITiiciALTZEIi aorlsutui0014,. Su- v'er, blethes Plate, etuo spes tg esibele.isitle piu ultYrmituienletul heti tvmaiCtifter. the, tie profs-sIoo. le rtImtiiti Du.of der &1 ca re g o Crtily iperforsueti, s'd au Ierft il, ilheiiebvu thsot ect y. tluiiatet .1texpreiciolits priçocrl"r.bcul tiee lenei dien- frt cf chu wnrr ofthetr artlei it'eth taprli moîcI ti .thtcs auiIlte. Il hie tco tiuc'tty lies maere ýI oued alictelt riicy ili teu tutetiieti oelor, ii leogreatct utm&tlton wlti bu ficcnti pfrtiro&r sattenonlusglece t theu ors and attised to h&se a ory imprut atty hi> hoIr otftPrIeIg. Cinlîstiuii fru. l24 Do YDU IVAN'r STOVES . 1 NEW.

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