Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1860, p. 2

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JST i4th len, tiat iiiy uant ,ttleritauce l'as eo c ange e,? ri~alnet avare el-it aMy- slîji nisU11thi ie plain oid niaid;ad sarel il, diiriuug firteen, yeurs, îay eèndei babeon suçlieasnelt toesperit. the notice llew offerd me, 1 cannt are bow a foruuna enexpectedlljVoilseu, co bave no sud- denly rendered -ne a fit object forv yosr ýptrûnaze. 1 ihaufore camne btethecon- clzison tlît it wss on My1 £12000 ayear joui al caàied, and niet on tune Iny Venîti reterned vour eal, and.haro thie unsougbi, unwiseed -for neqaain :tance mmideu.p fer tisl not i puupring the 'rich and the Srat teat sy weainlb will ha e sad, bat je sahiag thea lýnoronl, Iedisg tie hlengry, cloîhing the îaked,,ad vi&itiogibthewidow sand tatberieeîebiid. In the loves.f thea poor and weteliod,,at the hedïides or l'ho sihleand di -i re' u plaece, for. ihe i"eueider oF ni>' rxisteniej sad 1 ies. ny God that [la bas sean fit toe uie meîe tevarulasof nnch weslrl, *tsd, 1bnaebly psay ht t nay$4net,, nt lMiia jeuement seatluave to auver fur one niesepet Poud. 1 bava kitirgr,I)iet it iait tua bitter brenul of povety j.eo long eçt 10 wiIb Ac relier il,; mud g aay , ttrelirabe apet lnuneaing grattude te tha Giveroôf il go~,~hieco on>'be doue py dis a- sngvide a 1librai band aie bouneinu jçnd noüby tid Ms Thorne keap ber word. 9Mu>' teilie:s araeiigi Eàglse ibis de>, who ere ea'tchd tron bWteî *rie, and ovete lr ajst and prisent -prie- peri il te Mins Thorne'8 fortonate lebei. tancgetf£12,000 par anniun. New A4vOrdesmots iis D8&. ,Th. 1roUetiit Cooing 'Stove, *28, -3ohn ilu-a. 'EyýLw-3bhe wntion. Pieblia Auctioi-.Jsn'ee lr obner. Cans"iiauotid-9. 1B. -Fairbanks. BilsW ,Doel. pVtspanins auid hjm aen-Do. Di*eh cS ible ooey-llad, Jas. T. Noîu nitice- s-U.JJ. Maculoneli. Ét reyed-Wrn. Proctor, loa-.1 Rocbe. F~arm fr nle-J. . M. Wilcox., Seeior Gu-nunnar chool-W. MuÇaia. C rdi.-Dr. Vatuce. hepople's cteap cash tore-J. Bigelov. Cariot v. toedlike-oe Ilth bLcla. W~allace avs. reuanie da, 'W ty, T hrnrsday, Dooenbo 27, 1WOO. ONLY CINE D OLLA AYEAM Aeltiot c l)r wtiLlraw. l or W11alby froue the Coeuc . Tb*; lttera <ofMr. liigio.v, ad Mr. porry, on tis stieCtýi. wbbme publiai olisaheru. haveaueticipitôd nomse remirks of amr oirn ligirDply tua the qommnasictieem. ,-f Jur. prapet. À Iir. raper lutiates tisat a n astaet rx Aîuated ta-t-tg- 'uent» ea iai Aic. jertuapâ thia lte juam Ds reil. Iat<d<fgivengnerparatu veplus 1teh o tiqIeiltteria, it vil. when 'fitbast' getl indb ire Co nveuilant to sIal ite hen & Il tinme> o at'olft. Ai far astC6e IthIeswelbl-in ba sraady psielased 8ùa js> a eucodgtd inate'ageeieg tise ceeu wqdoh, ve have put foI.WWd Oe Uie Dft d h. ton. The Ife.lutera f et(aurs. ,suies te forv'Ial]utc cýeerq-dnl. Th. asl d cM>' ieàýudl*1a xtaïgemaffnunfi' lt aplce tise ihis>' viii nie bisa h»s bien "M'14 "dn John vieiars,ibW.d&aMule T. Byrnen,- Ilv. J. Grant, Ru Kieuge !Francis Onke ls>, q., 1 Oreheleas, Thn. DÂArr McGe ý.The auebjcts cf the lectiar arn tcucti,. ha the bi4lhest inch'as canenettral tehnteras popsetar audiene@. The eliceri et tihe atitîtte Major, Presidenuai, ThemusI Pre>uidni; Josepish glc' W. Davis, Tremeaun James1 rien; FranchiOnitie>, Lecta J. W. (Gambin, 'Jobu Notta0 Jasens Baird, George Panlen, J. W. Powell. Meaharsiip ticket*afor achar tise-Solder te tis euecf-tie-1il rattssdnnce dusini Use 'couaaW o oulycisdllro -aistc Aulsaleahan ta uce saparate - pet facd Kçeie Once on a ýtlnie wva tMr. avilted 'tisa cotusus cf the Wis anco" titi tirades agaiuet Job âau le Chro-ià, h as anlp anu proameit1a Use Ibedly>' is Mr. Juntes Wallace. Bt pradictede Mr. IBeachu ansi Ur. ncl long, bang tagaibor. lerda begor tue e" or do tisa drty vevk requires ia matrs stisfacton. Tise vu â;Spli.-& breakauofethti sto,-and or, coera te feu dag cge,- Mi. Waltaces i bsviiini prctegWe s t îte tai vui nislned b>' tise later,' ts and in retuvu to hie reepeifua îold t-us Octgelont jeu pui i speanlje bmnyoud-cea the aid slor>' oh pot sud Inle. XcM. 31aste mai lihe Por W.eennot accpi of litse bi.inaieets publisialin tUn ma evr ta lite chacs nmade Motla ileesa celgsesin e' Fini t tht thesasit was a dia . coust> le et 1va pease. Tiedijliaih. du do e eue Tbhepublic luii veqire sou tia tise Urecthorine s alteff caarcealeus peints ubicis bs ellte h. Mr. Mouschamepi up Iis mettes. Indea smou Mu. Meusies oua parna vosl h. libaijie seles. Asi fn4 it saccesaur' sot t e ulay for the satisfuactioau cet b. Ce SouthisOuiaoes e vii-as tie consicencee Schepael X aseMgicea Ceuen<>gramluas.atoiOal, ansi] acisoot toir place on Tbusrdui tl-.-the fonmeraa itishe Me 4usd th. latter at tbe> ccoith tenidance vu squsitelarge ai, bc ,ien uMdd e gsue!itera ite prcgasaof tpapils vS êmeinlg. Tise resat of thes ,te tton sund papisa. asime varl -bas bes torusesi tlsm eimetionor etMaaretue Province, atusugis, or cormu uleta,]b>' acclanttios at Un Md n mis 1oiM>' ltatThis d veiilesr '. tuerprise or qie teumi Telexrrpt Campai>. mwancements of tie moita-i ibueswuaes a ibm <rectM transpliiez la Coaglarecelu Win a vcf i eein B.v.E, L mgatisaes mhse»Anas wexa placstb an ell, Ra. W. nomiation, vould a.-re te amosPt Une et- t, D.D. Bey. lie, 'd sireto c q one of211the eaUs. -Rev.'J. clcctad. . Joba W. , Mr. Hmeg wu noi prisent. Bey. Wii aie Mu. iglom, inasmusci as Mr. Hanter, s. vus net prsant, couisidernultisai sspo 5eanoteePc5oser cud seconder aboeul speaJk for ihu.' dagras, ced Mr. Yaanuld, (iranhcslt,) I>eus*aider 1Mr. ta aunse la mer as fit na lproper a persan ta 51fiah offie> WnsuY'palson proposed, and I1aail iace Eduard demanul a poili feu- ii. anaVce. Mr. Pur>, in vu v!- e -da% elaed Iecetary i J, tha ithi. as sol bis -,intention ta ha a con- Baiut, IÀbra. didete ýfor ibe Malornît>' le 1861. Ha rer. - betl tise office le 1858 sud 1859, duiug et cead 'Vice- ubiiseh odi,]bis ba itfor Uic interests oh cpi Bigeiev, tise taun.,He b1iheveuthliaitUe rapalayars Wm. Visie, vare aatinhied viti isteadmnistration ef tien S. J. Haigiet, affaire ot Usa toue duisg tpiaiu;and tor his oua partbcho tit uite isiSed ebtie eu>'3 enttiiig -thec resuit. Theri cul,] an atrm brau>',aanul for eound-escgojudgmeu% goal commun f lecturesamaredaise, ad'acqusintsace wvhsmunicipal aets 75 cents. gantes, aiseteul le discisage lise datiez ut lectuea12J Major, isse Capain Rave. nHawusis - (Mu. p'a.)caead*tdan cd the nice hom isa van v"Ilieg te supportasd ataked. bus friande tu ta ppart0 fur there coula ho ne btter Dasi,] Beach mon te.icCeptain. M hue i ms'"Wi y-neir cedseconder, andl declinoul tisanom- àttc, pvaisusb Dr. (lene, ifer, ruturnhng thanin te bis ieg7 bosoni otfniaer aeseudseand,] ï - intimstiueg tiat 'as ever>' one the feeling af uSe meetincgvas net la avcr WùIlisc did e-tnug speecheus, ductinsi tise ionor of Mr. Beachie uug a candIslb TtIfhea acapteu Ue cf- r lte faled iteM pflo bs uafsualencgagements uould ,f hMm ta hie bava bec laterleread uls. Hee vsarveul csequ0ce. té biàmeif tise elgît oh Making ferliser ce- k aeipy ce a. seavt. ileg euL A T,iitsJoIi!. xacdonci, vWho vms maatiug' ith propuscul byA.Loiesonm, Esq., ced se- sgtepis office, coudedi b> W. H. Higrglus, for e-election Sgod da>' 1" eat addces.ad Use leelore. IHa tateul usiutioe vwas liai iho aono t h ere butore the bac of bowc dore jeu publiceopinions; sudafitar retucnieg tiassu ? Tt I tbut tu bis maieras.sd seconder,.- the latter of wb.uêha complimeseas b.ing the menus -of placleg blemsthlalbMjou's cisair during r (2isamey bis presan.t jear et office, ha, refccned te, Une adminitration outhtisadatiez durneJbis scucility of *eatuabanc>' It wvn, (ob.eced thse es iocaibu as MjXoorý ,,7ute n t o eii ibmthex- le agaiesi Mu. pcltous oh iatuhnda, ced te diseisaga atota tise detes ofchiebef magisiesile a stis- sharges uverefaclouy eanuer. And ha ashaul ta bu ac- natuld9 te credit ofet ai hat intondiug ta nau os do visaI van gbt, for h teard tiserata- lraovleg lb.payera Ètat hVo s a dasirevbidb aloam b, 'ovne x- gvenuls d nflseceeail b.s actions vie iling -thea ayev's chair. Hoevau ecouni etthe 1repsrad ta muever aIl questions regardiezg mca.t Peur>'. bis jear et office, viicsan>'ratapayer pre. netiig mare saut usa> thick preper te put tan hlm. Tt sents et tbe vus sot bin tention te be a caihdate foc ive veiseteer. the mayomat> tise preset ycas.. The offie ah leu vas noieim : Adboal bu nw kinplaegath"nsmgaaous it ha18,59, as le. dt4din 1860, d 55</p45Çj(5g5 hia n office tisai h noermould bave ut m b.vii eoted Shillet. There m-re aeMa linge rha bhhn Usen eonaectedib-tiseoffiue viioe vaere not onuulntsa yovr>' piessant,--aecfvsc vstiia îleOv eva Mmemgt hava tise public ppalirs tu costaud vil. Thi bh did net objaci to on long es 'tisestrieturme fthUe public es. prose. vire onhaul e ,toils puic ýela;i bui vb u, s lentls case, a papes ia the toua of tbu Senior dsscamded to le mmesenOf I edd iug lin ileeco'>'Striai b.a met minute prtiala affaie; te hala a>'and, Frida>' mâttl eàt connecta1 <ch is tse khargae da.a h alsl, cf Ua publiceudatiez, net aven 1conSussi to 1 ouee. Thse at- hiheself petsoneUy, bei reiaticg la, b.s ta sdil examinýla- relatives; la boid thesa op to ridicule et eviaee < nha sd ta Pour upea tîen - fclipotiad leits va &ul buse, ubet tises -pect'dac te duamea. mxmmimathoua tic privas' boud bv eit. aes relaabim alites frouýe b.oiras lbe llier,-authUsatonguse the simi«ermson, plassanti bg. Yti "rb.mus part of' thc distinction visicis ha sear.-Noi enjayesi ele huing 1tee evie coirluOf th* cd regaullsg TeuoW&ft ibyr- Haalledei, cfcoem te xroat * e the lb. Ihts>' 7ccl ansd b. machere- amsveegrebte thtIsai tusgentlemant (Mc. James le acauluati01oaWaiSUê, -luoecontcaiied thse alumnsof osm net spme i t iitaisa, andedua npanrthUe autlor i et th. Mon- cf tiesecaad.loue peodusciaeusvsnet Wble an- psuse 1.Sn uodar ta e ho(lise Major) m-g1et val suints lanlai tisa*ibe kouw ov gMr. Wda ace o t slaeg the hou cus1' sulma justhlyl>' b buaig- etiprtanScad msda stsesestsd ibise,. Hi, houssas, s_ .i1eor - m-tisepaumi peyrlterT.Wallame>ndI ueuieagupea thegond Nleus -kickasea a- vaileaitaiithe aeciliboard dess-Dgthe jear, med eusilng Vaptala Rove'a daims ma fîuies. for telfie.~0 Mu. Boucher, amidunimuscle nde a haughter, 'md . a-dhcosseuteqd shasgueo, te ie bt'b ber lectoms.'! "e vus0oppo- asi ta aiioieg beasenwcn to îralk the stret, in tavore>oft'thoteauparasece causOIe eppascul tasalon ced bi:lard licenees, sud anada a ga'neral jemblheg uprecis. viol>' eut oh e rder. Hovaaitcd te>lbu made chiet constebte -for oua menthisbacrdac le cîcar Une' bren vomon oui et the- tuce. Mr. Draper fet i toha hie sdat>' to maire a fuiv fuu-iremaria, front Inw t ad fl.- Ion fr*ni geetienien, ispeelail>' trniMu-. Bouchber, ubo, it appemved, darived biis i- -formuýtioU froinitisa comu aioftise Watdo- msan savepaper. Peopleesauld sot ho- haeve what appcnrd in Une 9JVactcuais Tiare vus a gïeat deal pulisehe ntisai paper vihisas net trua. EBruy lne Unat appeare inla it4in relation le Une dis. emiai Itise ,Tom' Couneil itishe - t ing hafore lia last, rsgrdieg the graeeg of iceessvau a talSlsaut. Anduieha(Mr,. - Draper) meade tise aternent iu ordec ibat people-nia>' bacc visst emount ut ceaSi desco osghitbc b.placed in laIt appoaneul i ha ta paparc Mr. Draper uxptsbeed visai Iok place butoeatise Coonicil un Une oceut- doen referid to, ciicwushrasalianme al-t nedy reported le Chse columni, and] total- idiffreni fren thle Watchmas'ï ÃŽO versen A asse ethaeds vWs ben lakoen for Capi. Rouae, vbe vlti e Ueexception of sorte hait doue, avec>' pareen litisa roota vo- icd.fots. six perBoevoted frot Mr. Htater. Tise>'ver%, Tom Wallace, Dor. ssi, Bouciser, W. Caldwell, B. Taceol,,- aMd I. tsrr A pe vmas demande,] by Mr. Yamnoid oce f of utMr. Manioc. (JagétsnoRave etecuardu spoka buiaN>, sa"thiaiha vas once more ralieul upon tu, ii Une office et Ciiet Magitrale, ane bonou- vihla ad alread>' han contorrud apon hlm onatuea uvaral uoccsions. Ha didnt tee offcIice, it vus fac ether- visa with ilisan d b. vould runch preter beieg alloveul te attend ta bis ove affaire. But as tb. peops eisieul oebis ncceptisg i, haecasld ecarcel>'help binisoît, anedi allove,] <stheagi that vus dosit&ý1 u se- coulat ofbis appont,) .e vould un,]eavoc la discsge Unte dties us veti as bu coul,]. Tia dusiles vieardusois, and Il a bard Uhiig tlapresslb.e ofilce uspoan bna, con Uer vare s sanl y jengermean %!,'ead];i viing ta discisange tbem. le o Vs uel avaretiiablme men haul filed the office, sdace is i ;j and amanget tii, nunher vs te iapeset Ifajor ; ced nu 1naiIit e haileveil bW ever Sied Une chair Ithat as sel cexieus ta de justico e n tistae ii friand Mr. Mecdonii. (Cisacr.) 'This vould neir bis (Ceptaie Rave'i Posiion ana af greater dflculty, fou-lt coutd otlha cxpeted tint ib»eenld disebarga tise du- tic@ se0saiotatoril>' us Usitgentlemns.vis b.'udes b.ieg a mm of ahitit'biel tis adt- vastage af beiag a tegai geelemas;-,andl people wueidlha liai>' ta drev comnpari- naaona eltar, »niai ay bat s deficlen>' ahiue vswuenhhntu Captale Rouae) lu is predeosesu e. HUougit liatithiwu b ard- 1>' <ori b uite te repi> te tise remarks about satoe I.icenaac u&o., cousidaning ichae they came troni. Capt. Roue coeciuded, ildai appiause b>' aethng tbat ise woutd na ne paenai exaction visaturer uor vouid ha asirfor an>' man's vote lu eecere bis etectiou.. Thc Rmtureiueg officar than decaaed tisai Uie pollieg vousîd tairaplace os Monde>' and Tuasay latue s esetnd h cif Jcauac>, ai tae places appieled facriholding tae Mu- nicipal edictons, ced ltse puueevuiage ter-! manuatd.1 Wsthdrevel a1 tiskeowa.ofWitisy Irem. tise cseti et Ostarso. 7b du eEdUtor -of Mie lfligbY CAsmide. Ss, I observe in yuur issue ofteu20th hat., a leter on Uis nebjeot tront Use Pan of Mu. Chester Draper. He a cnjs: "iAller Une informel mmaeen in vbieh use hite meelsag te considar the proposai t vilisdav Wbitiy frosa*le juriadîctios of tue Couset' Cosuchl buoIe up, I fouidi> i-pa ii ttUseagitioe on Une aubjuct ha>'svedqdeee'S *Y É us lieWbtbe.fque.i> tand upposed have vetuscued tlise y rt,*IY4-beingàto .h ent aibr, tisitmia nswOt important1 dacreeseof about 38 or cent, It vould - r~eeataionisbaeid tah-0 place. bavs bean avait, bosveeeÇ bd Mr igelov rosser hta"a et bceermu. >sU..DmaPzat iosae langi edvaa th e n à12 tle -ýfe Oounusi>'ncressed fer tish oe sai perachpasaccaedfaiy, ntv SM éü s two ater,'IeYova of tihe ac nt theteaaule rere froni large sp- ytisa same ratio s aI tvsotcdrect sulvaslaga - ~htey'i' -' - - prrupnisiîuil tad ttibale.municipalites nUeSut 'lue , aulaxaIlieruàtsty lusp P diýg bhausa.qi, If 1111 g rie au.. t w&Ïré *11fl, or about oqute febr'oeeabi SXi oea.I sM.Draper sialce ,thet cf the taxà,et"îý'Coutsty.- Thist s, for eu:: p,,e hatv aeuvged tise adoption aeu>' bundreaul ivitul by Une coaisty, tiseofteeapprtim,1hc blvpes.d Town çouilnibutà ie6luti 7. Tisa ' etibia ppopratens .viice1hvap.is. on sebeacil>' ,piorttise'otier crusilpaiitics in, bhi -yea vere hase,]. ripoui the ssessed t Lbe cadî,mtadt vaineefthteetown in 1845,-us made 1b>';ytisa ehaeSoul nij sd t'o udt Aaso- fotse u tise paver oet teseo muiciimliiiea te pro-, Tavunaip Assdr eèe h nws Ltiescanlunoif tvu of tieir opponants, iàcorpvteul, sud cousaquecîtiy, iefere th isa ue repeeenatives of the Touen oft systen ot assommnent on ise sesweolvaut u vas lutroduci,] bere. Howsa îtin 1857 ? Wiu eautsr itonts en> Osur taxis fer tisaI >'ariste cectij tated Cîucl b'Mr. Draper; butchakt'propoctiotu did fc.tDrapaura tin senuriatse ta- thay boit tu tisa vio] l conty 1? Insteaul Port u0 ieEaeiatof o sithe ' ru et tse avnconrihîiug $ istis $l0~ s eppoited btrte erepresentativesefts of the7 t coutriuedut utile om tet$0 aTnu sae' 5,that tiasceforu e e bould ise85 *io.r e ter d,, ontioe s 0i n etow ueovcaiiu. WiII Mr. Draper Say>, ttisa0 o i t.r od o h tisse haraue c suupportcd oneaof tChose ru- o tiassessnita p9118 55, aur laxes i h a inla1860 tisa ratepayere 185i7 vousi,]'bave hee 1986; ciereas ave portinI ealootrwsdbae 1 paWd$2804, 'or $819 ueoreaisncrfar areoeail.l, 1>, roiemiedbru Pi'?Ioriea f iseoes,4y ~ tous denanedialna citidracvaiet tise Towela? fgar. ,.Will Ma. Dperea> tisai bocauso tise sanie IVocem tetie >eat188. ec asreportacerea seppo rteul b>'tisa Town'& ce-i We cornaetthe W eanributad in neart'tspresenativinis1855-6.7 eand 8, tisa rte- sainieunjusi proportion tu1he-Ctuist>',as pjr aceîbrmril>'a otiseracieo <ce did in 11857, viaz va pnid $2622, baccreul front dcuaang . bu-cie vboceas onr talc proportion cii tise bais ofthlie Town ine 1860, under te isîuoviieus of the anssmenta toc 1855, cunld haie berme an e at af Prlim<nt wmiivisd n ot coune $1850;- or un othor vords, $712 nare filon utaemimseltd>utDcnbr I 185q? par. ln~~~cccding ta Mr.Drev'ahig WVe nexi comt te j ear 1859. Tisefoc cosd apprcourimations lt tiscuayeare, yeac'Mr1fr. Draper "ras flepa6' Ileec. ia lz (-o7 isauverteatu>' tated 1859) quotatisini: vae muirited $1465. If coiiall to thia "lie 1859,1f. R ou a md emeseif coeetise aura$2009 paid to tisa cost>' moto tien nepresoniativos of the Town, lilise Couse. aur tain proporionuioutcone>'tares for t>' Council, ced.,Ibe equatismtjoui atie as- 1857-S9, var have $3474 contuibuted to sesmint, hisla sapeciai attestiems, and tise iheCeaety ia the ainnracoyae tate, inl Coueat>'taxesetftise.-Teit tisaI >yesr ce threeofutthe six years chicis va havaeiscen duced frouta 02800 te *1760, sud tisis year 1 tisa amoueIt tsi, ouent>' ax pald,b>'tise unit,ta tuoceauV; and have net receiv- Tows in tili ios.-Iigures-uhicie Mr. Bige- ed ne>' appcrorton un reture. Notwstis. lous ebould eut bave omitîed lu his latestanding aiii ia-oser humble patîition fbonit set ci." ,-thse TownIne m tcCeuitt>'Couail, for aidt According tu Mr. Drapec'a eisacing, ho in buiidiaz ail expenaiva bridge un a Iend-1 veulul isve us beliave tisaih ha bd vuougisi iag Provicaials n,, waî uusgvststtjl dis-î a night>' revolution le tise Couant>' Cousecil, regaruld dac ehred tl uild it oursaives. the lientfSelai l efete of ciicis ce are eus- Mr. Drî'rr appeera to be content wcish jjieg aitishe priseut time.i Noisvitsteai,]- atteanp.iag tepeec tissât tisa Towvn receivesC jeg tisa4 t specâli attessioec" ut Mc. Dra- au indirctr adeatage equal te iii coatu-ihu-f pet ubat are aise fadto? le 1869, car pr-o- tier ot tir sivemet of rondoandud portion tamained neari>' tiesamme asit id,]bridge, mraagbaat tisa Count>', ceris in 1858. We paid tiis >eac $1716, aviera- 'ta ' qu-s' -nou ai ti',-<iDoses lieuTown as aecordieg te tise busthemtsanusmeets riceive imier irecîl>' or indirectiy, an for 1855 unr faiu- proportionu acunlu bav-a aruim-sieam otahe $1300 par snuou, tisai heen *11358, le otiser woids, we palul ibis ho adtelur acaul b aned b>' a witisdrscmelP lonc $418 essore tisan aur fuir ps-portboms oft he 'lave? Wiee M r. Draper under-q of t/uc Cousntia taxas. In cosecties vltb taire' te prove lt a erecoive aunob an1 uls tcsed, w cas a u funte-, sud cisal- eauivanicn, imiltismnk irhm le divide op0 lc,oi contradiction, tisat tise reduction the Si1300 ireoag li te vards oethie tace, eînianud b>' Mu-.Draper is not te bc attri- ced ehew u mmarum j tisa North WIard le ad]- buteul te ai>'vary imalerial ebasgu. iing vcneuaged m its $500 of anual coatribu- made by, aie Ceniniltea on tise Equaliza- timsn% c iiu mldl Irae-d. Dilto tiseCen- tie ofthiue asealueitfoc1859 ;ba ut te tri Ward,l'for itii 508peu- sannla. Ditte tact tInt tis ijar tisere vsraed for 'cotise auîl lard fur its *300? if be eue- t Ceuni>' parposes inuludixàg debelsuinrisand ceda in dicg thiain tels tuture luitene pre- iutereuit $19010; cherean la 1857, toc tisa mire,]one mliii sajeeu, parisape a aajerit>' oft sane purposes, ibere w vu seeud 5'is5i Of the ratepsatm, . e s ithoamjonc isumble $27,800, or in other voculs, tisera use servant, v 'Ifeu lenulule bia vievu. Until levied*$8,790 more in 1857, tban tisare lm itbeten I tosai epactiil i>'dffar fronia Mr. in 1859. i)r'aarecati, figurasssand conclusions. Horyile t ht i otvitiaianding tie1 se . 1 I e, Sic, l pariai atteWtioue, et Mr. Dripacisae qnali- Yonr, u&. zatien Comaittua ut the Count>' Conîtil JOML BIC*ELOW. P did net malts a fait equluzitiozs, us tfrs Whiiiy, lice. 26, 1860. tbe lova is concerna,]? No Itouis tisat Mr. Draper did tise hast ha coul, , ndcr To tihe Ediar f thme liffiby Ckrouirte.b tise citesnstancas. l U ilproisabilit>' bu urgeu liaitu-uoni the euoctu ot tise fIlanneli Mu. Eiat-To maire a point,- Mr. C.P criais, ibrougis isiie vu cero pasaiig, un*'1Draprer ia hiitter publiahed lslut our lustf exnmplmd le tise countr>' for les acceit>', *issue, gar- a croent ofthtis vau-ionsî tise effecis ut wiieh isad veetce,] ube value umouemia pal hv tise Towa tor Couet>' pur- rof tovn proprt>' more thtisn> other, &C.r poses, ducinm lieu pust fice yuscs. Tisen ce. ,Yet noîciîhstandiuug ail tise, tise Picln h!ret aith Mr. D. appea-s tlebisf Equaizulium Coneanubtu a fileul te dejustica tae cvYey tialupesioiilb-at tiscongh is ii les the promises. -i, extrsordiearv exrioa,, tis a tovpaid leu. 1 quota froni Mr. Draper,: 1coune>'rate, r 159 thasu i1856, la pro- "le 1856, *9675 vare appropu-lateet for I porinei e taoataliamcoluniof taxes toc ronde anud hilugea, Plrkecing pssdut tissa cou'de>'PurPaca collectadi hs w aua$42, Whitisy Townsis $2756, ue ntss c WibTon$624, aed Oshava *328." jean. Iuu the paon 1856, 1 <casona of tise It euuid have been vail if Mr. Draper rirscnii citets out'Cucl, bad given tiseciueuanîtauceî upon wiicb and Mr. lrlpcc iseld thea eamu position in ibis appropriation wc adiie; but haoisav. i859- No- tir ehe roasparises. Ia1856 isg faileul ta do sol, I cull sappl>' thems.- tise equalized vairle tfor tisaceinut>' use, *,- Tisa original report upon visicistise granta 124l256. lut if thme Towais ttWht>',fo-. <coc mcd, nc --mn --ne --p-nitu- ru t tena eir. ii -- 7,92or e__ .-to fat b " bm e la Sleai theemd,t v hulu.is. tues. à rs tl eea St of...the.abol& 8 l4al.. 9 lababss usem a w4 hi aite t to lïi; rfi e" $lpk In 1856, tise ubole coan>' t« for eonty parpce u $ 27,488. lu 1859, forarne' object *19,010, mnaliui le us& le 1858 by $8,478. Iue 1856, tise love pald sl,8oo..-, in 1859, vite Mr. Drnper'sassistance, *1,_ 116., I»ecraiè juit *M. ' Therefore, viitbleth total Cosmiy tax vas sxuumufront 1856, te 1859, EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR HuNDRHUD/'vp ý SEVENTY-EIGHT DOLLARS-ise, pro' por9io a payable lmy tise tbvuaredecu no4er Mi.. D'e. limandiai abilitielu the n". niffcent soinor TWENTFOUR DOL LAItS, legs sixteen cents. Weedarfai »Yv. ing t Rad Uhe lproportilin payable Ib>'the, tovn in 1859. issaenlthIe.sanie ratio as 1856, viz: 61 Par centithUe aMount tise lown vould bava bacc haâble for, vonld lie $1267, iseing,*500 laeu.tisa vat tse love bus actually poid iou-bad Mr. Draper givon a littleofu bis «I especial attantiol to tisa'l33d, cla.uie of cap. 182% - 16 Vie., (Asreasment lav of Upper Canada,> the taxces payable b> tise town for couaty. pur. poses, avould bave beau $11237, inetesd of $1776. A eavieg lin une jeara&lue of $539. A fac more sueli exheibitions et 94'ospeeill attention," on thse part of ur reprpetativm 1,0 ute Couni 'y Coancil, voulut serve, le convince every taiva rate. payesr ut the aecassity, ut separation front the Coenty for muenicipal peu-poses. Yonre rcspaettully. J1. HAM PERRY. Whithy, 24th Dec., 1860. Wlllidrawkal et lViitby. 7b, thbeEditos- ofte IPJViby Olnroniacl. I aimeul toabow, lest avoua, tisat tise wboieofutSente Ontario bad been beavily taed for improvaeits, mcdo moatly in tisa Nortis Iidieg; tIsai consequentl>ai tisa anelipelitica lanbthe South bcd caee l coniplain equsil> vicietise tove, no feir ai' laxpayieg and expenditurce are ooncerned - and tisaitee expenditure on the russieasd bridges vhicb bav e ben ault, lead alayjs heen advocatad b> euer eves visite they vere la many instances opposant tu tis'e raprisentativaesufthtis otier municip- lillea linlise Soutehitiding. Tise naturei Intreenca tronitithseufaute La, that ave bave loin rooin fou- compmeint oeaven tisouge va are tou isighiy Iqaed, tissu soinsafuthtis other mueileipsliliea tili, air, I ami tar troîu maciiaiuiueJtisai ae shoutd pay more into tisa cuunty tremsuu-y, thsuuon u- talc pro- porion, scceruing te our russes. Tha ver>' buais ut our assesanent lava, la tbst every man eiould a usasposeible, couitribute te tbe expanditune ofthe country' justi pro. portion te bis weati. Tis a stuld hae un- qnestiouiahly b hesacase vus aeaicipaiitieu But let us anquirevis7 itlaistient ce are oallid open evor>' jonc, to, pal more tisen vould eiee our talcrssore of tise Coenty taxco? My frhntd Mu-. ligelov in bis speech et tisa public meeting, eclul saItishe Cone>'Coeillure l'hué! sot Unemsa-l isonesty tÃ" do -what is just on the equaliza- tien oif tise eseemant coila." I cannet zonear wcl Mmin teeopinion, 1I ee ne- tbing on record to ssow it la>' h ave ever retused te do us visai Un.>' Une> tisougis ie h justice ; and outil tise> bave refted to, do so, h te sgeieg a liuml too fair ta charge theni cite sncb a crime. Wbcn ce look loto thaenmatter, h viilie apravedl tisai it ce are a inaltoonisigs, eau- ova ce- presantatvea, andl interetiaily eexsciveu, are grestly et tault for il, sud ongtolsie witlung te share et lest a portion aI tisa biomie. Limtmus ai oy it h s aare rated su ninei teonsije. Tisateait liesfiu-et pnrtiaily in aur ova assmetnt, but 1 cam trie ta admit, that tise cvii caunt, liefal>' renieuied until an aniendanut tenimade in the asseesaent law. Tise Mode of asses- ment undar tise exlstieg 1ev le toueks diffues troue tisat ahicis obtaius ln Tovusip.- Tise ancuai value of bousin and lots baud oun reutaid kuklen ln loves3 vielle Une Oc- tuai valsentf properly lu taeanle the Toue- eisips. The rent 'ai ofte reprisnts Mire- thon tise aetuai value of propari'il toa, and tieus our prmsperty ilu «alvajeres i Mita fuit value, and lin soute cases at a greater amnount isila lin rival mnicipalsiea, pro pau-ty iteneoi pne-al>'aseaed et nnci anoe .isu .aitit.vi. .Tisemode of jf gmlpeeayl n Teus cf WMhb, llt7 IV le 185I. Tige=gforhtlmIde soi appmr ibtelleCopi oft" is temm o f tewamaf« ea - M1us i *u>. asm 0 U e u v a V e w u t ke ne fmtr 's o f til tomirsp -u a f tise co u n ty ; b ut tise V40 Priacipia èbf euemkbg yisdae lu, adoptea, nu",ug,. au iCcase 'rerj rapidly, said 'n~ i Cee.seutàl 1858(ceot> rcmcisd ils lelgst point, .1 no u rW tom tescqaidvaa i Ibm auleailatvaine.' te ealid 'in.2h lô sjeii naion Commitice for tîer into tise Cousecil 0 tisa 23e,]r bciag ourRBeeve. l Io , Iru mode etf, me n ti as edptaj~ »eaaedmlu viauraea, nan1l vas theatinetahtsahatel OU ' a 10 foegbt., e ep Our eqaiiedvele'p p a r. v i t h at h e e s t o r t ha e a i , a s i cauid supposa that Our actant meutt ineaà&ýd 25 par cent in eue jear. ycar Mesor.Peu-ry and liovaIru pre8cnt.atives, ta the Cany' Coancil tise greateat ÃŽmeeuse 'nean ade, te fgt ieg yosr, vben Our swe]vauea the inéredibla ala f $ , 122 8 U , a dobebi vatit vas tisa fini jear or air porata existence. This vwu nesrt, ju s tie , b a t a W o u- et a M rne a f, ril? Weme va net at Iaît Ournelaiv n ilaleo the saseted valua of te tome te in se rapidly ? The aiatitoCI loir 18à7,,anade. their report on the î Jane, ad it iras adoped, en ferat nthe minutes Of the Council exhitît, th85 single proteit or divîiion. Meainiilt. Bon and Keller avere ounr lie, niai t>' tisai jear.lAnd jet co peret lin tise love stiefleul, Ibat it sent Mc. HoIl t bicis tisanext yja e breprennti i a Mr. Treunnyne'bain8 11e. Depat>'. 1,M yeaýr (1858) tisera vws s li,&ht rdiou à~j our eqeaiimd value, bat net vInt it gi io bave beon. Mr-. Hodgsoun VU"ne, charmas ofthe eqestization ommanitie-,w na, oeporicd on tise 9î Joune. lA sma ment vas moved te inecrias the lnux of Uxbaldge and Scott, but itveàioeIr. Moulguonvotiu rainst it, nad Mr. %e ma.vne heiog&%a¼ues. Tisereport vuas aulopttid vithisît e division 7In 1859, a tuibar redueti-s of *î0ltoneu Ui our equoeiied % alsetiion. Mr. Race est mysoit repîee.- ild the tuera abat jae.I cen testifr, faill ursonal Oheervàeiam no disposition-mas inanitista,] by m4s ot tise commituce, or of the couecil, Io i os mn>' injutice. 1 balieve ail Ibat.à ceasar>', 1 e s how tbe justice 0! aur cie, sud 1 arn persuadedl'4it thay <iillix>ui, 1>' coeded. Tisa report otte ccuat wu ade liai ycar on the oth juea, un vas adoptaul ithoutaedividion. Thist"i nient offacta doasnont badeaprove tWs va are not teeiighly taxed foac calty Puil poes; bat it abowa coneleiively tIai ,* count>' bas nover retusd te do usu jntiue. atiitout Ibore in ne> recorudta ibet elee; tbat onur representittival le the Cnsuiy Casa- cil have aivaye approved et tha eqeiihe vaine wviciebus bitiserto foraed th boi of iaeAtioe, sud coaauaaaty tint ÃŽle meens of vedresu aov vithia car reseb bave neyer been exhanstad. White iMisà lte c3%set appes to meiîvceuld eIn s huigie of folly ta agitato fioc a sapareie frouae cousnt>', lasim rt n aean b. doncuotoheUnecdreueof our glie-u thu-ougIe exstiag lustrumentliiius' 4W vian avec>' efihmet iethai direction fils,it viils ea bc tissa enegie tuarageua the radical chainge of severeece trous la ralsmauicipaitlee et the cocatj. 1 Olnd that my suibject la net jet eiiiut cd, sud I muet saut permission t te re it neau yack. Yonus&C., 0.TlÂP. Wlaitby, Dec. 26, 1860. Correction. Auearror vas made le cur report cf Û4 proeediagu ofthem CourtOf Quaceer iii >iiîous letve. kýTie peesenise v. to teepenoientiar>' fer Laecss>'-15'J. SiadeandDoat lr4awler, Who vm à> Th MWs O Jslpl-lave

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