Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1860, p. 4

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=nVille. V. Je Rei ireulnt iei) b, ~ %4W>iqdy,îineaoly eppalt Sp TO T N-DiEffITA!ITS OF TtSI OOUNt IES OF ttitloror myte Witbjoit- -bitnteA te coaigleâof Verie, Peel, and Omuaro, for th..ei tuofIvore lfTcrohpli 'i etd1srintg peut*turs,ttiu ma O ' tiettg ér r=u1106~d~d, laethefbNtire. Il wii ecer be y dutr tue ritlt Lcôunil- dense yon hava e itcfihycenflule in itdu. PEpiltutteeneriy,stit tib etïiiet ttenuin 'Iet * til the~i tu ahi Oatk* te ALEX. TUM1PSON, Auctioneer, mil. J SAS ..........0 niOni. ....... 1.. . . Britnitttn. Alordera là 't the 0i.*;fd o ioflu, vbre aUI o Esii% i cclet e t fe je s*To ýtho Afiotod.-CI lTUE c>LF.BIOATED G E RMAfA N OIL! îlot Oaa cnc OC jta. roltest it likinit of pYlba" jtou4dgt umideu itbec'e-maussu 1 1 BVteito Il ottl0sat 25 tý,botEach hoeording te uiie.- TIts ii lwilcure 911 freun *Qe 0ada lat v&1j lItlerttotdy forbhe : lictoi HRiSES & OATTLE z4NciF AUwQ1ffl lefial t 4lms, O'lm h 0fQ8 e mirote beexe heenetu ofàll l dq A &O' li Wl<hby, Jan. 2a, 1860. ýglr EE& e maniacurers o I.pfulDJesla MILtL FiJft-ttHUN9S, 0 4IICS T.E àSOVc1l0!$1 Muv , 8AW&W ofexwy7descripion, oc n d id itot ord ra <],AIIELD& Ce., 14 St. Peter Str0etc MonirULi à jooeb»e#, ead 4"dr .Mlk.c >jý, O.Owy teoptio5n f Bna ECUr t Wàacucbel tt&Ik lut , e oacr eu Mo1u t4- lo LtlIllait4 fur ienePila. CAMPBELL dà%c. 1$ M. e*9 Street, Montroùi 4 0e., Moo~etl. lUc grebteuîttase ta ourlseivsanud &avantage Wour Cutoner. Wiie GROGERY STO0RE,ý RNSE STOCK 0F TEAS, SUGARS, SYRUPS, illERRANEAN GROCERIE Si Java, Moch; Lay-Ouer Coffees ;'Voco anad Choclt; Wjinuts ajoendS, -Fibrts and Pokin Nta; Raisioh-'Ceunt, Fige, Spico, Candicd brangc and tenson Peeis,,Piciticà, &e. abîso- Fine Cut, Fig, Sun-duied and Plu &Mctboy suco if. S n;nCodflah, Htvinp and Mackarel. Brandies,:i wW aod idbotUeý. uRomdo, <Gin do, Smn geuinne à0W Tom, Port. ShettY muid'Maeerea Wînes, i Wod andt botties. Guhnneam'Bws, neandt Borton'a porterstut Alto, li plnta andt quarta. FLWQJJR,&THt1AL, COmimEAL, IIAUS, &Cc. "L ARIGE STOCK 0 F GLASSWAILE, CROCKERY AND CHINA. LOWES & POWELL, No&. 1 endt2, Conmercial Buildbgs.& I BRITISH. RE-VIEWSa r ISSUE rEONARD SOT C o., SbOdVaSaâme f Lioisi. ORcontinue Lu publishitja-ftluw. OifyFICE 21011TuIE -ISUE 0ng leaing Britisv MAIR RIAGE LIGEFNSES C, e .cOutiIY virtue ut a iWrt et rthtcau,011 (By Âui&ouv V~> oltotcfbunty'cult orIlltu ('011tit etfoU- 5010eQAKEL(Citrvie. AT TEE . tarceut litbyv toutte usuiueotuunt2 t ed eunente o ' Joh rusa seýulu iivi!sîr (whig.) ]POStoiziethtetslecior fP. F. w ltuo, plein- A. McPBEEISON, Ui, I e 1n d ottattuis ,te.-Oettit#ouaIle ut s OiRrul RiTISU ccsVooo(È~reuChurcît.) 48 ~Agent. eti or in teset oftth e si John lcquoky, In 48__________________thel cetatlae0oput 1of landt bittg cuol- WOONT poute 8=c0Iu ufLot IRe'. A, 10 îtc.CU E uMISTR E s&iLibertli.) rut cou»eio5iofPlckeoinu. AU iirh lentS, 5. au1 otn enucîs Iortovi, or te e»Id tilcibituinutie AcILWOOS 3utIiSUItliIi MAGAZIN5E (TorY.) esîsie orimtrrt tieien, I sbiili ultur for vile etnt leicia sl sy :offce, in lîv courtl The presoct criicai stabe of Europeîoti Rooue, blu te Towen of iuithv', n Ile Couit> qfOntmrto, ois Bturitay tieth oa t i tFe- affaire wlll tender thcse publicietonsun- brorry, A. D. 1661, et îvcive o'clouk, tnooe. usuiiy itteresting during thic fortitconling NELON G.RESYNOLDS year. They Wil OCCUPY avi nîlte groluit NOTIGE TO MHE PUBIJC. Blhcroff, C. 0. betîrcon I the uatij iritten ouo%.suitto.is o shuririt OEe, parr C. Ngaire. crue speculetionu, eaîd Iyi.tg rubmeurr of 94ILIS FOR1t ENGLAND. w hitby ticI. 20, 1860.t 41 the ituihy Journl, atthett pontirrous _______________________________Tuneetftte fuiture ItistoriiOn, uniten alter lIEwrilerdueptch otthe Centdito all the living interetandit xc'slunientfth tte T furEroe hy >ithe Canaditon Omuan' heu retLpolitiiial evcii ft heutLitulnîîii. Steeo Drnet c anideer Satttîd&y c asrolnt0r- bave ps e way. It il; teu tituu Purin' IoafrDei ttt- driu,~n etatl iicithtatreaiteru vouct look ftotollie uîly FronLondion 0.'W intelligible anit reltebie ttiutrof cîorentt 1 ly Tu y1oùT tOn 'events, tnutasu such, i ndiiuonatu titoir Fo t, lait.t>'kcn ciilotàlished iitcnutry, ucîiut.ific, totit ningTreuï lolnd ']Public Litnd"u tooogiuuul ebatrter, vu uiotewti oun B1'TiotltcyXi I 'rnte çic l, o itltie rCiitg publie. Frua~rot ret>c Ttin trty ~ L l t uuie Theo reciof àU'AIl 511113frotit Ite "I l~~'e o utî càltoàtrqlin tinn fBritispublishers givesodditional ttluVto XIgàtaller arrivai of Portland lui- Squattent arm ,th tut1,116Y ca ou111Ybc ptsccdit lie handso otsubscribers about Tona FrIdtyUrli iutiu i't-Iey sequin ea ilit intPubie oLandstu uy pvrce sotsoovinis bceoriginoal tLititos. Trai. ateourrîiosl frocltare ton nd tt the ltan ads are stut TERMS. (Rugutur rIces.) Front to otuc, etflMu1n'atu te itralt apPlticat.VN>Utl1cr50 25y Fîtoüens W Train.P. IVA UG>L. e a l nouue~4t R I tuusut Oi1I5tti i For any on.efthebcfour Review...$VI0 ,jIS~th i WTnd rehi tn Deliaubnet <of Crowa toitsFor atoIv ruetfthe four ,Iboviua..... 5 001 Th. boulet nehiietethete blalà it nulasclouaitFor mil thothtorRoviçte' ...8700 abemel > -nblh otfuibybt ottit.-For iiiickwood'a Magazine ...... 30 SIDNEY - LTFor Utuckwontuaiuele eview .. .56Oit reutamter <enet'.'For illckwoit andt to JLcievs ... 7 10 ,Pest OnffiC4 Jitrent, 'r For Bltckveui andt Liree Iteviens ...i9(ii0 44aoheo,% or~ , t0.48 CFer ilack wood and the four Dinicu10)00 Valuable Farm for Sale. Morley coo,'eit in fthe Stade icuere teu xiii be occivedti utpar. frV ,ont or O tt ueunvet o, tili aTbetruone ltlnpotekt t nialturne t ofiithaeititi W1410 inlrthtet ?,.îbvfL Vasôhn>îJî fte eo ronu auee.TuereatràoDpwirdOô une thousasi boitld fsuc.id le Thtp inehiar'da 9-~adeitu arcvery exten- ea0 as"t oec refait nad t bier irot ut e- er7 deacnipthcn. TIte rWc'-ASi.iea enubttutisi tianievale t-ttel ouve hsc, tid itI thLit eoL'btlijlitle , ii uarc rooni> auslexteusv Ted lu moaklg te w itole etcfte meuIt <,- lament ttae ctlDu itb heogoY rpr ia tc i ienore o yesûre, sa ,oay bu grbedui pOul Fr ftrtitr potiutire, ap7o.te Pro 47 on ieftiponsel. cautionto w'zo sors la thae )TIC£iÏ literab> giventi iait *i Pe rcen N etUtlu inaher un Publeic Lana le atite tuthitly f ICOPO, rf1 i tes4ttie MthLie Tlal, tOe vll lottm tulrn Ticte utti ect ef it Umurueetsrtt estimlia eeonlor.c - ttl&tut be reslo sea1~aCee- ta'M iabsC et si eh th. 00-ve >teDepsKetoftCliinolade*'taIhJset timuéeebns aw eê 'uoàty cf os par Tioenu iIt Q te -o » e p sm c l t e t C- - r b .Lu in bitg etti auylattmn 'fLntla Vie parti'aê cttiait Tiibur souLait nhuee Iuj h.an ceu pretal Of ell E.tt I t nay ftive î'tpuuee teututîlic LaT.baraeT b aeeb .Jtvvt ÈicVÂNKOU9IE,, D'epaueset et uvbr 14;). TOY 130K S' A. ER TUE P L e àif -qoT2 Canedien muail ,tubscribcrs vil be uup- GRIC&T SA14E OP pîidtruiceut U. S. PusLuge. ~r5g~¶yj' g~WReiiu Lbtnireu inusu, n ait ciiocu, bc BANKRUPT STOCK mode direct ftu t Ptbliukurd, fori ttoesu pircc nuo ommnisseon cati buealioociuutl SoeStoves LOADSCT O Foiieo' éet ttbllaimenb, Brook St. ýWitby. Apple Paurtte t Lu»&='» liaitBwuaiaio&stvatl; tLugo't tit SUsaifti Lag=%i', MOn rete e ofevely dxrptioenstoeOIdpen Sherlfi's Saliaf. idsfoi Taxes. '~'~ I5'..u~I'I%8 rri le ioru Landsufor Taxsnliittue Contioty ce"- 8 lueaiut oCpper for ie. ' 1 OttOýit,qio, wiliîvo'hidt la ttuCoîurt Uthar o#ISo kis lotuoe, in titu Tuocti it itliv, oU 1j tlt itto fer iitmauisafiboelekiO.Oltotu iti),860 anduijîtur oJ 'u*ttu tlu0, tttid .ABRAM LOG AN. tronus thu ltiýto t o lutît ort Citî)bur, andu frot 'lYiutby,Out. 24, 1M. 40 tue Sttti tu theu-.thanîd frouîttheu lt to ite _____________________________ 60 t!lt outbuir und ifront it Lltui'o tiu'.ipittt wwu5flkWl WietWItOb> tuil Mouuult%, tiso thitit ofu> atitrut, I1t61, t Wuini PIA O PUiIJ.btheisnur tofilu'clouc., ntii, %-!Ilht.ohc pinm t Ltue Cutrt t I L&e toLte o'owr t bitiby, cou MÂNUPACTORY, Lthetiiay&utO t tiiotItuor fsbousoveàtîouu.d. MoU'y StreBet, Whitby . NELSON 0. 1t1Y NOLDS, $lueriih, C. O. OSEII,.itIXR haritra e (Mue, 1 iýur C. Çourte. etiiilaio.. gCstt uieureltlit'a Thilo>3, iOut. 14, ti86)0i44 Tf IIfuni.î l«tes palqtuts ithose_________________ iaaly ea ttobeeexteitulve prenimuco fotwineri ::M ttby r. B. Fordtua cardaoge itorN,,Wagon-Mfaker's Shop for Sale tite -- I on .hedm e Buhiotme vu 0 eubio andti rft eite ltausoneor te Lot. ectti t1. theumaotactule ut PIlANOlO, nitis aitletu&tiî bin la .vtiebotlie 01149E rurnnofoiuus preirolocuAtIl iiinrio Cor- atO wll t -tmertoll a lalubrilltiuàe utft i . 'à r' ecttliy titctptud luy Mo. J iius alonlige o ouù>tuCatunos a nagonîti Ilruoniitttiluuutuult 60$ ~~Ags~tsu.' ~ tutnftkoury. Titero lua c urdobeit u Al i pLsttamaremule by hlm with faUli celd- aotut aeuaîrter gCoenuofimd. Tutu pr.ltuuoâe le nrneu&hewMtubVf hl-I-buot n - anntuty and situeatdit a geoci luuotity tun fflud tu ad f l. buaiuiuua..,,d Walibuldoltcieut ttrlootie. .&jîly.ly J. y R'. 1 u o ne* p » yer% IABULES GRIFFITHI, lieh in Ailed a sZht Z OtI~ telit Ur t laia te ttte vith oelev O l"" %lty tePc1vo 4-m Bltckemiliav opîeeitu ate preuotoea. esapioOeuiof-t! e u.shtpatelleW___________________ t zweo ipotlA a8meu speruor articleetfrniy Fleuor, R«ep etisnlrieaaefiwOea àix Osoaae, (square t P1)............. 910 FUEAE cMACDOXELL'8. p de do l- ....... de (,.«.trgUu..... . FRESII ARIRIVALS, 7,3Coetgtp, (veu. - -.l oul r U Àimi-.rk la t ,ebutVom "l- NW tCASH1 URUO FRY iO!hrv.nr nA b,,,tvWt lgot pis"tn wow _-l alAwellla Monk fEnrk t tLtl ululArt mores, Citul sonnllinbtt nt n amailai ann 1ounce to lis Ctstoilber's.arn Me. lie, that is Stock is gtow Il pltei rs, ito sîery and Gloves,Br a l h C si Cotton Warp, Cal-pets, croDit tooei a ni T w e e d s, F ll-C io tl ld , t n tt ý Britirnb tond French MçÀrkctu, CA 1 S d Ho 5110- set o' a 011attention to bis e<teCllve tc ADY-MAD1E COfIN.1f upc tnse- the it ad workma slip may UP prmîes-t~ ,iiOdv Cotts. ,000 Meis bo dcpende on 3,0 M n 1101iO> osv-yp -- tut tutti Boys ~ ~ - -este m,0 Mn tn By poF, 'Or'sh SiCofoTeasi, g s, ana Tobach,&.usecid WAÀNTED.,; 1009FERKINS 0F GOOD PACKED BUTTTER FOR WlIICRl TUE IIIGIIEST PutîCE sVILL BIE PAID: UEh.BER R. C., PERIýY'S BRICK UUILDINGS, yllîTÈY. 4 Wfiitbyv -Nôvenbber 1, 1860. 4 DONOVAN, WATJKEY" & Co, PRAUTICAL CARRIAGEMAKERS, AND IjxNVFACTURM O F B1IOCK 1STREET, WIIITBY. AliU of the above work exeouted with ueatness and dospatch. Ail work warrcotced. Coll anutsec spuciniens. . ili'uOirthet1 ut ddreee. 43 DQONVAIi, WALKEY & Ce FOR A FIRST RATE ARTICLE TRY TME Tea an (offee uWvarehoiise, No.. d. ]BLACK TEA, Ohoice per lb...........................30O 46 ci Suprior 1.......................4 9 6 di F i n c e I m p o r t ed , . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0O GREEN TEA, Qood, ................................ 26 :: id Ohoice ................................. 3 ta di Superior ...............................a9 46 44 Finest I>nported...........4 COMMFE, Pinest Java .................................i6 9 La-guayra ............................ i13 HLAMILTON &ROBERTS. ~~ W ~:0: P I - and Figs, & . RE TS £yo0 1, OommRercial Buildings.m-J -0- 'T'lotinEitot emaeonRtf reX lywluT 1- the se f nced.le, other than attaehing buttu>as & button holea! ââYTi - oolîïp SEA19LESS BUSTINESS 8- OVER COATS4 Ia grocut oricty, anit of the nîost doinrabiu sty'es ; awtut ut llucy une lkcly lu supecccdtv bbe old style Lu se large men cxteitt, WC o vubd âçtiiuoCi ri)pll >utr attentiontteLoour stock bufore purcbaisinguiScvbhec. Tiueuo febries aeail ronen inthettc ool, oititoît aibtu emu, un uihe cross ibre yttîrî, olticlo cutont ite grealcot ei.eLiiby, oith thue greai t,. tg,,t andtit itu itiby ; %viii ,uutbtir uhrnk, for oretcb out otfuluaien ir crattul i ,itt j Iuîto b, cjot ît ad ipoint ut wavtroO, elurnbiliby, undt ail other deusibe luitIbU~dtucOio>isiy superior Lu tony uther styles, as ail nbo testt ieni rmut curdiaolit tuduiL We claimtait te S esaniess Coat ho vnran utd %%il: 't tir lu.sgur titan au> bue o-tii- îiary Coabâof et buvt ylLe.E O ~ E L Nos. 1 unit 2, CommuercilBuildings, L W s& O E L Brouit Streut, WbiLby, Nov. 27, t860. 46 fl EGS to annountie bu bis nutneras friottitoaitit c -tors tiut lie is 00w earryiog on lis extenuito busii tut " IN ALL IISBRO1 orticre entrtsteditbo liii CARtILAGES, BUGGIES, SLEBIIIS, C UTTERS, &Cnt W'axauteCt d sd ut thebbcLouervi ictnatsig paies.. ý,& iWORu WARRANrujiî LUYBLR sucand pJODUCR TA4KENLV £XCUHi vtA, uit MALRKERT PRICwE D. FORD'S loing tTperiense or tMrb>ycurs iu t'luirericil lanuflure fthle ton busc bounable tb arrive at, andi for bctttty etdfv i leg-utiofetfitniuh, sleraiulty, andi aoiity oe- rorkooqbulý i, lu5 «Oritcannoe bc eo1L o lzt<J ini smd tC c iotre THE E w STABLISIIMENT NEAR THE lBANK. MANÇtIIESTER W U4EHOI»SE TAN(;ESWZ1, they now offer intfrWttr D]R-y COJS, a choit'te aortmentfo ntr CLOTfING.- ' Udr.otVesta, Pan% a; de Lty'les. ci GIROCER1ES,-Al esh andcomPlete assortnient for family CIRuq e' rom he ralufctus~&~r'e CiRoS -e ftio iopi i l ii ea Mens~'. t>. Buet FrenluCui lco.1I4 52t,îua 250 ............ 7 Coo ijle . . 3S ......luto ....1ri 4 l.gt,.......... ......,.il Oi. and ali litrurticicu inu licte elue e t »tucor 111~udWohI0tc WILLIAM MBRlIFN itroulit, M ito l 1I seo8(. 103 t Britsh gqeienAmurcreiCompany, Nslllý'ilj r týorleetiliProvinicial lParlia. CA.PITAL -1100,000., IrLîtiroîliecu ulloi t Buuldingo andti itir coîittnîtto. Evcrv iitfitttut oppiiet OnIt Plictioi tit the ntlt.oietti. Mi erîsiak ukte tortit ncton or for Ptirt8. JOIIN ACNEW,. Tcttveilitut Agont, Ilorv It lrot, Whittli [BLONIIN ONCE MURIE TII E subscriber recjucoi'l 1-eblic aLlen Linbilis nelu stdck oi stipertor S.ovCu. Tboey inciodtht ie fOlOing ,In' TUIE KINU 0F sTYvvEse TUIE PRINCE ALBERT, DA VY CROCIET, PROTECTIONiS','71 GRAND TUIIK, IRON iB UKE, JOHiN BILVAN. B2iruc k- Stre t, WIVIitbY. Queboc GovOrtomont Agoncy. ..,,l cicr PUJBIC »LIARTM NTS. atltotlàllui. Atio qotitroîl b>tii',iîîot"i odiroi ioitld. b. J. iiEIIY qtuirOe, 5l,îrcl'rd c, 1.-10. IIY TuIE TUOUSAND AT JOEL BLGELOW'S. El'r Sà Ë va. WiT2tnnUtrltol a rObt. Itit% i. S 'atitroL utiethi Su'LtNO. 4 nlate 0 Il wl ýWo bave, T'jjb il i huruli. cr tAtiicatilthi'e tia utnî l o de hîtt inlluî ub i ilu bu ouidNvl hov.10 itio -ftcti i , n'i aillef Silver-plated Forks, 6pmon' I 0f l1or iwiwe l ico l it il. ii ll' iJc tu l i r re, Otttplieittt >Lâieu, Ctii, 1111. lu u tI liuîtt, isetto Etirec>nt 20 ÃŽ.1i51tti unibu0100ZUilhu Spe ltu, Finu Unld l iditg Ing, &c. JAMES JOUffl0N, Birook Streeti, 1O"ithl Phoenix rFi.re AssurancJ CO. ulti.%n ortt T AND usàttiltttO 00110, Lequel FESTAII1ED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO., Atulteufor 'atttdk I $iANCES egoiil ltio$WES bhi glEod PI1niholtîl ,ý 1 thelte ttun IN ors. lu terI3~u, sa L.tt:ES îî,&id mto tutîtcreutu lu tht kidul LuuditttDit, tVliitlt>, Aîtg 1,51839 Landu- 1 nd Saw Mil fÃ"r -5111. out 8Ilael£i ,%olu 7 tirue ujoin.iitil euîomuuse ii lof tI L'ut Nu, 6il in t ain o iltttouieoo t figlîLA~Ily iîuîî.it o, apiuo.t iwitity,O2i" ni (tte oiot Ktittltceot ottledit uollt qtl thlii olli4of eIstoulO. iivO Iottoittiut% Uvitrflge %oilhige, PUl ti"0lce *fuithate Tn of Vhibý, th týpltofutitet. uluitt4,fu"ý uth 1 oblhirc.uWîlt lbu to eitS' lsl Thu p 'rtY ili OsdÀ 11t Or47XLL1 Old Ne*spaPers fra! A ji.et, tn or iu emp101. or W.: NEW TREATMENT ISUÈFFALrO MEDICAY'»l1£ne E1ALSnf De0 ty, e Oli, .Smrfula, Old Ulouc, Eryaipuz ,og Aile of voueth uud<,oùagr, t&o. (CORNER K O FOC MA~ Il&NDQUAY ell., ituOytO,,* RF TUE ONLY PIIYSlC'AMTAE%ýioacie ies rtIN. (luliegu o ïgut s ojo'. l OIMÃŽI8 o'clo k îtv tl -n<tri t a uîtl lie tmuuIinûeîbu, iuy oîlo;'t tî the 0"O1 41 8,01 t30 % 0'leto3eoasu 11,tî lie lu LoinU.1 8 :TOtIMO StEN TANCE IAfIT1CULAO>14140, Thournuli trncvii habit voîîîolî,ipoi oi n, 1i 'nl', re 011v clo tt Tu n n oo ;i . 9tob io , msttk 5 tu itrilfltitt'l i ea ebg-l scliestiort Fui" ut thiot ilgi veboiy t lis Imti. ~ s tiig tbc Iild ni teloînuylu f~nîu uodil turololîl i3ldud. aotuu1,uu ilteln or linot tniuîuan luiubîuu a h i no ftlt otiumdle illic lu Iotilli, lr oolix e lstinIle tdi,,e a traiti poit tu lttlyltt ru l thîon.î i tleltîtuutlîruugb A wtee îet suWltrig dtn t Iun uîtîluolv grave. la de îttroo' e Liteliuroui. -uyutMen lopidi, ., lIle, ifrucctI the Prtlpur dlloleutetl $ uî lvubi, di-qt ilî ltr tarriitge, laedîl, bq otîton, anid oh cOtllll3' Iltlluno, ou l>ae tuo untrurur wr.ied l body ahu nin Pm llîpoeed 10 Consulolption autîtiil train Of ii mnoru lu hc dreddt Lit,, olcoitslvur. Aà11000 SqJLENTIO'IC IiVLtilO. Dr. Ainos & Sou tubie pluttr nurolulntunnv Uit th thv lioV tvoutoîl ains11011 tuirtinî i Aimatientt for the cure ot tlîo àbî ou dist,0.,i heu licou t bjocted to tu n ti l lotcit,~ niyihîaii titom n, l'uilllideIu'Qn,10 qnlettil inotruî,Ooht coco iuoouîd uftl cluruot'seilinal Wuoeiln, urtiy ithtoftti getltit londins, caluoetl by Lbtheerehtlbib il poolt. l'rice $111 b> imail or cAprela. Dr. Atuoo d4-,Soli, iii ordor tu ottiitibms a,,.plicu l.luth.vell 1 lli ovron tes'u tut,>iico Paruît i llry uOla aeiau'iui cetitoo trot iii'horom-dtitt yacuiit " ufthï Ilîce 0, witl t. coîtittotice trmlliiamt Adtlruuu Dr. 'o ltid& Sont,cournucol VWaui Quît> StlitL', WiIlIAIi,.N- Y NE W J EWELLERY! i WE HÂVE IMPOUT ENGL1SJI AND En, ljubria the be BCI Wkh a. - 10--7- 01-PPOSYf E 1 1 f TIJE, TOWN HALL IA

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