n84i1*o .eçured tai aui toiucb.d by Tom'& oreditoro, sbould ho b. away or anticipate bie ipconus. 4 iimore. Teai IldOseepat' pvle & tha tti.eu~ n rie où, re. Iid UIhUUUUI~ lU WWIU~SUIM ndene 1lldowilt cai and examine<.].EYOR (7> the infereps t f ii. children,, se t4st iit b-- e.rhu awtie. X u,17 sau St., News Te bc néon al l uturer challenges will bo utto-r1y I IWETRLI'o-; AR usclagsaand at-ilhis neo oaewil *e * . ~1rere~r i* f iao tapý, we %qprsçly s. Tori a qç R. tCARSON,. lu etîýrîng fromeisAbi bïJîl. Pmineerlan lit >tiienkosor ther iInd attpf $$Great Internationiliiz lt eal! pcîçvI'ylbéa ateag i la edcc o~jed ladalcay donc quit. oeled rom tlîcm, anîd lias great pleasura f eiiough for glory wiîlîout seeking furîber BiRITISII REV]Y W S. arnlreape41igWlsryU~>e honora luinlte field litter left to yennger - :-D .IÀ' i'Ei'à Oïç, su fesir ci hmn imslf nc .-EON RD SOT e seeki<~dlng ncqtialiitcd, ise an rm1rmrt4bnI sSëhÃkoot cilsiflal iacecsiîl.pretition colîciloiu îaiied maid forwarded Il, oiut Coi ctinue O.puwiakrthe4olîow.. or.- jouall for such:un objct, !à without par- PATTERSON, M.D-, Inuscedlng De A Case ef Palo e la telHIamilton. ruz, EDlniJiiot i iviEw (Jjg)te the lnîîiî .yai t)ýteineîteor elîreîie1,and p! h la our paTin niduty-te record oitihew(r. lecleT.~orCenr îdb1 r~tethe n -liberata suicide of Mr. Frank Sîiîîson, son 4. - foretices given. The followiiîg tira a lew: 1115 S5TIIST[l isuis (Lieral .1. SLsxTtct, Blowîestlîvllle. ruEwoiýiiçTEi izvi*'Libra.) W. lMcEîtasEq, . . .,lwusuvUle. of Mir. i. Sîh sort, of IHamilton, et the i-e- i-x icaEqWît _ J xo; IorcK Eitq., yhiby. <di ideceof bisfaier during last iih. LCKOf' ONUtl 4Â;~E(o~> ~ 5 , eý n> <À hyel. - Thé deceasced was in ii@i 23rd year, and was Ie.J LKB twnvîc -a fllelooirl, iiiii ofupwt.d Orix eetJ. Il. Ozsznnu, Esq., Whtitby. ~~~~~~~a ~ ~ ~ ~ h Iiîloigiiiîo pmd fsxfe reprcssemît critica! stteof Europcan t4i Office ut lMr. Illntîk's old resýidpie 32 hsi4lit. 11? îetired Io bed sibtut .uid- aflua lit render these publications un- l3yronnStrcet, Wlîitby, ucarly opposite sentp îilî)ai iiotimdaoydshre isually itreitiiig during thse forthemuimg ture'sluti1. year. Tlîey will occupy a mniddle gnoumd ___ 0of lmu barrais cf a doubia.barreL-led gutlemaiisiywrtmnw-tes T c e t Iliâ i it breat; so close, iudeed, crude speculations, and flyigrumours of OFc THE, CpUNT lES 0F ýhiat' lié cciii wis but ned tsy the discharge. t.ie dnil;,oiiy ornil, r pd, the poaî:4ou Tome, cf t1lýtfntyre lidùriasittentato ORE& VU t.3 al ni ad wus iniiûodiatel' ealled, but lie the livip qitrd uJ çitpIcpDcithe died lîlnost ilutailiîly. greit pOIiti'ýa1 events' oýfihe tnje s;haît Ou adi-ssii~ tuuleha efi wo atteabave piss<ed awiiy. %It is t<i tlese PcrIo îiisfth ôoe fce4ial u 0 icats tuai readlers iouat look for. tlhe only Onîtarioî, for th isa muir lisuets cois1brre(l stpon une of alheli wua i-cad tethie Coroner's immlligible antd relistbla liiistor7yof çurrentmeodurng paFt ve:trt-, 1 :g&ilti conteý befoiw vot *jury, wliselluent te îmnuve îlaà lie euieot evetits sud as ssuch, lu addition te- thei o îIDeïiitng yoîîr Élrtlîer sssppert îîud cosfldtice hditiscif delilseiatuly, limîier cireuisn'uaiices wt.salscdltnrsiiUfe, , and luileeir.batnsy clnty te mnrt ilat ent!fi theological cîtaracter, ve'urge tiuent upon douca yoi laeeou. clî(eeîfslly confidad lu tise. of Ile inîssi î'sntible a Ituîre. Daring tisis tha consideratittm oi the reading public. I>rtirÃittîie, energy, uJ the strletesit attention foresion,te-1 istiquebt.-sic s eid 0O1ttihe dy Tharecel 1t of ADVANCE siIETs frem Iito >btistitess. Wiliel.athet ceails 1 milutake t, of tho decossc, hefore Corotner Rtoasjurglu Britis.h puliîers gil-ca additiomal vittuctodervlseotine. ani e s-lû-îulejry Ui theliit, nRecsa tîyca e- ALEX. THOMPSON, Auctieneer, an eputhejuy cahccd i'î hlcamds of rubscribers about Hulf-%valy lotsea, Scarberol The twu letteri teludesi te weýre plroà u- as soon astise original editions. LOP. -AGzT ced jlhey hasi îîst heen opensm e lcCoro. TBRMIS.(li.gitiiin fAces.) ME. JonNis uSAn....... ........Csrzm mer anîd jury beissg of teopitnion tisat Par an. : T. TItMi3eN ............. roulan. their conitentsa ould tnaktce rtain what Fer amy otne of the four Resico- ... $300 el. uen..................... r hklti. aIed apaudpetysr, n s ouhPr nsy tmo efîthe four Revieuts.5 00 > Juae 25tb, i1860. 27. msleulyiisîeard rcîs sreeîd s ucsPor tuy iîrceaof the four Revieuva. .. 7 00 Al erders§ left :-t the Cliroajele offle-, iwttcro thay shuuld bec serîes. Tlmey woare sent For al four of thpRetviemb ..... 800asRegisitr et al sales andd stlgt-etnL£-ntg. la re- out ti Mir. sttîu, ansd réturîîad opcn ; one r Blaekwo-od's Magazine .... g 00gularlv 'ko1tî, shah bu stteiîsed te.,1'rica raugis issîanduys fixesi, oithisut10!ûa troubla of usa reîd îmrd usîuy reing mid ~ ol-Bllekwiood atnd one htciew.. O 5 ei 00 t6Iisssn For Baekwood and to-o Raviewis..'7 00 tnessesd X-I-'ttlsar-" Iii ibis, bce said FerlIueko-ood anmd tîtrcea evcws.. .9 00 hbcdlaliv-csl luit cnsn'h, and m 1nade soute Fornlilaekî*od and thfour Beviews.10 00 *canetie tafèeessss te the fut tuna whicis bis 31Mee urs-cnt inuthtie State tcherd issued fithar Iîad amasd beilig heotter iu theise.Ili e reccived at p)ar. hans o Ii8 roterThee as stonPO$TAGE. baus o iismlîoîlss. Ter o-s atou C tnadian mail stbscribcrs o-ilbe sup. vain of isouy rutiissIsi, through tisalatter, plied frie cof U. S. Postage. oue expression heing te tise cifecitishat " tise iRnitances must, in ail cases, b.' îîcw guit wlich Ilii& faîbrîr lnd beau kind maude tdireet (o thce Pmct'is4ers,, for ýai those pl-eas no comnrmission cari be allowad tb enssugli te prsc-sat bila itis, won!d that agents. nighl do tisa îvrl." '"To tlîiuk of sperd- LEONARD SCOTT & CO. isîg Cfliisttusis" ssid Ite, "withOut isaving 40w, NO. 54, Gold Street, New"York auly social esjcytseut, la too, minci." Tise lettes- cuttauiesl thiâiia ul expreasiori ;- IR E M 0~ V A. L 1. "You told i te there a inîo bell1; yenr argu- J. iE-pnuIP menUsissue c svisised me, muid 1 do net V;1 AS IION'ED Il sadsd le, liarnesi ind .LL-Triutili rctctr%-, tu liroek Strect îtexttsor four tish se jtne" IL coucindesi with te llsemiltoîs & ituberri opposite Cr-ocker't Cui,. ait mo-li tnjts-,e,,tioti ost iehesi cof lii ittarcil l tl irIsralie uili bhappy le sie t111 otsS s.ts5ouiters, îtia il on-lio m in ytsv,r ii uîith Ilîci- mand fatifly. a Lsll. A iimotîetfladesUrte, The jury btiefly cousulted togetiser, and ruuis "îils, Bits, lînidles, Ctirny-csttîjlbol 1iule eo. hie.a haeo-hI seli cdieu p hr cash. ________________________ î-cmdered la uc-i-titthe iadacoeacddicd Reiuiritisg Joia witl, tîcattis nud despateli. by is own isauds."'-Nesof t/te Day. W lsflby, eput. 18, 160. alSti Caution to Trespassers in the No-IV 1a the ime te commence Lorming Public Forteste. -A Cetisots S1osiu.-Tise Ayime bit for ltae Tùnes cf lise Otis, says:-6î'A singnl4r NEW 1 YMÃI( . W E (LYA . È rend 100sf cui'toscirtssîssstmce hies beauAD OiCrCORA Ii'ti% behraby give ti ta il pensons re Ncuc eOTtLt tit0iý ite i lslcI.il ,rttedte ti lis oeeurring regnlarly, daiiy, a utrti i rof bu cil sîbuptlit .atî s thest and îiglîtiy, iii thseIbotusecfa farmner uauued liINLawP i L O V su r tJi Joep lehri-o- esdn-i teTon Tissuit i,tic-y vili losa tttcir'fisile-r sîtit cost, Jo0i m aîrigltrstligi is on A SPILENDID PREXIUXi of iiits iitecifittss-e; istîd itmrtic-c re-iiovitsg on Ãœlp f Iluil,abount feour tuiles fr-ontAyme aaiisitsg tu t-It-îo s, rsi.it5 1sg i se r-ttîn ' Itsen ïfijhuas e Aier. the TO FYERY SUBSCRIBgR ! ! iîîs ei t itusber oin t ts -r- ft!L Ollicers hi. a tus issu ui- ise pei tlsrac oactestueof tise ut iîs.sîc ro-uLuisis, sit-,j(-et ivça-iug %liplusal, Iscdtlisîgr, &c.1 beioiigiug te T-o-EWtiicun3iies bu isl'eliasity cf t j--er Trc, ciii the fumiy-ci- stsstsgýers riissiing tiselieuse, J'WE LY eepson ;55iidtc-nig ttîly (iltasor A-eti t o ]lise r n toti tes-m lîî ter- day, uithout Ibatnds AND PICTORIA..I.PJjv - the Deips.l)clttsiilt as i tsnLatis liiitué dis- eisssrge utcils, dultà cizs Ttbr lsgsi on probasible sauje. 'flieus-iole affiair is a PHELLOW ONE w = U11,12 uîs«Il)U-ieY ic-ILrie c ata-1l. MYstc(s-Y, ntt athited, amd said te b i 0,ha alt fb*'ty FO T O OL AR !! rrteutt5c- - rcsiTissbe.r uiL L sc, pitrceiitd Unfathiieitbie. A saats or hasderciif OUR TERMS TO CLUBS. e trc-t I(lsitueics: ctibsut seslir la-lys idres-s, o cîiîeîsceai, left in FORRM O O LUBS. ! faor ie ,ur -(ciss g llr g Fscsty *t eithen ef lise touo, anmd tise rot--nom vucaî ond j ea , ujl'icl licw Oiss>e i ba bu.P aend te rouinclots, is insmediately toilm, 4 6s s'Derr-vints of Cronît Laisd, and tise taîding eut> le easiiy iseard by auy N &rthoeinbi-n, 5S6,. SFierai Or Ounrcilie4ers ueut tgecathtis -hU3 luun ou Miiay ui,,ut last, daîcnmiîîed te 11usd cit tîL'su Ccrei, but got a haudarchiaf tomît ieit sandausi eiurused as muicis in thu <lurila emicr. It is cartautuly oee c tie Bî-oriet a aeirs tilsuitvuhe lse-cear-siof, aud WC oetrust tuai. tisa secret uill isoun c he<he- loped.' MARh1IAG L1IENSES (/)y Atsuci/i.) AT VIlE Z)- POST OFFICE, WHITBY. A. Mi1EssN 46 - Agenit. Sher1Wfs Sale of Lands foi Taxes, 19 "alieetfLendls tonTias Il, tlîe Cotinîy ÂcY Outuuni, ohii o-us lîel-d ai ta Court Il",u nseuthie 'tuîî- ut'Wlidtbv On tise Sîi of OctobLe - 1860,ud adjeensse.etb te t h, ud frouto t15h t e salOtît et'Octeber, and frein thue OtIs te tue 7tuh, mimd frein the 171toe s â4th cf tittubisi-; tta nrotuîilueuce pesipomed utIl Mensia>-,the étIe day çet Mercis,]SOI, ai tisa lueur o 12 '9oeîoak, uieiu, uVlhl t ceplaise at 'thé Cntiou luthtisaToucu.ofet htby, en NELSONG. RSYNOLDS, a.t C > Ãê. ilItLMI umis. -STRE ET & SMITH, Enirusiss DP:OPîmtETeui tF TUE NE W YO>RK WESIILY, 22 cclemtn Street, N. Y. Reward-...Strayed Cow. s TRYEDoi- Stuolou,. about se month np, so01MIiy a - BLACK AND> WHITE 2IILCHR COW -i *s-ari. il, hueshrta tr, aud long tuti, lîad bîI." ama outt ustise c-r. Atsy ici-sue retuinmiug ,lien tc- tit idtele-nigied, or gieiîtg stuelu inîforîumions tsi c a o i~lse lier rceuove.rt-. tili lia i-awtrteet. JOHN MARTIN, %W'iutbyuor 'furiste. Orn EDWAIII STINSON, or JIcIIN IIOL- Lt WELL, Let No. 28, ard cous. lliitliy. Whitlsy, fla,1i810. 48 For Sale or te Rent. N Exceclent two-story ucusbrickc et it oliquaterof uins crof a food gar- nýeiic-us etsitsîîsiig inuit tracii;ig somtgod *tuableadelwtod-s!ied, otiî-hguetis, .&e.1 à isalJau exelesi?. ul ahit -r, stuatad lu tae ilge off Duifhis'sCreck, mndtTooisl$ip ci Pickerinsg. Titis indlspotsibles Ti1mVMbrai. Appiy tu HtECTORt BEATON.- en te, - O.2B1URNa 21- w22o-t PIickcerng FO.C.W. InformatinWatd 0 Y WVILLIAM JAMES 14EST, a yeamg "Jboy aaun îe d of di-î 0< -eu ilwaY tram the Tououto hlonsé 6< lidtry -sqe. unie 4i1 Mai-eh. on Apnil let. -Tho ho y W"é et atout built, dank brown heur1 sud>,dans fuil .3-es, anîd Ioid te have boee takOn AWay hy a massnausa i ln uthe ta i rt eu Au- lîferînîîoc olg tise boy, and laftttlusoiiee.wn r isi auixiotis methe* EMWÂETR VREST. FORt Clllt>TMASltRE-SENTS, YANKEE NOTION STORE. 'f oys 1TOYS! TOYS! SANTA CLAUS IS COluING! il CASES JUST RClVD YANKEE NOTION STOR1E. Tise IouluLuIl iii'iite, 1)y lW'iIls.su Coliiui, At thsa X N O iTlt STOLE. Violins, Plut -s & AecordeÈa A nu% lut Jusît tc- i-da5t the 48 YANKEE NOTION STORE. 0O:-To the Affiicted,ç - TUBCELEIORAT.D, G E RMA N -O011L Cuba Braisas and ail kinds M >lea1 WeundsLuucdent-to 1h. Humai. Ini Dottlos at 25* to b0cte- Each 4aaording 1 isze. Tis i Ou ol -te lT0 rom ouonds, anîd la auifallible ramedy!frth. rc. lief of','- TIO-0RSES & CAT-'TLE Ë Infldiceà naýit um w9J - r ' i haitbae- uaed sneisfcly oi-uaLat-ueuyeara-, mmhd bas ncverP.oa k ucwnte faU.' M , Il ë olidbw Pickerng; ~'> t! n Ocaai 'Mail Xcquiets sallagâi »SjT mmrday ftom Font- -lald -,fur, Dn--ud Front London.CW Tfiu rdiyiemuTn i lr x inn qs>ie ts5tt' -- i Y, :~4Thud~Evon~ Trsin I - tâuuaal By Fri4ý " - Etiq P i .l. 4'Lteuou ran -Tise Oceari Pmà u ~ Siâ otstir wiil - B.SpeealrinFiy--sl xi ftèmn Nigjitï, aller arrivali -f Portlaiud hp- BY F0i1sy Eveuinc TisiM, i"at * olîlet4nem ml. JjJ(U Thealitut.i lili ihesa Malt ill çce ai ece- (City, wili baiiotleac- yts Patm BL s SDNEY SMITH, p, , Pesinaster (hnens'. PeatOffio a epartuietit, - ShenlIls ale ef Lqinml. C u f0 t o} vn tcia WNvit ut ont of the Ciut)'Cýuit ofilsu cnttr et Olit- tarie ai, WItl>yand, tma direcleel.itigaisit the' n&u aud taeneia tübf Johni SleiLay, defeii'&ti5, ut tht- stuit fP. F. Wsiiuu- îlati tifflh avesijizcand 4aUIS kan-bexeeutituil ltite astatmiopie -11Ãst of fise sîîid Jî,lîu McQsuuiy, lu tait certainîs btor parcc-h cjffIt:l, heiliig col,,- pT-i.ke 4) tIse Soutli hit c-sfLut Nu. e, lu the u teanaînecta thornaun5 or thse stid defêundect'st esisibe or littanst thieren,, I satill fer fer suIe ai 1nblie Locîieuu, ut iy clie, e itae Coutn îîouaae, iii tIsic owiasutcf Wbithy, luntthe ciuisiy cf (niant, ou lSautday the llthiitl day ut Fit- iruary, A. D). 18661, utast oe o'cloe-k, ceuti. NELSON G. REtYNO)LDS shcrie; C. 0. gIuif'ii Offlah, , Vr C. Notirse. lvliiby Ocet. 28, 1810.- 41 û.]tEAT SALE 0F Stoves, stùves AT A. LOG A N'S, FuIler'r§ clet -stbblmiiisîîeiîî, linuci $t. Whitbs-.- Applie I'îrers iut Logii's IliaitBitiliel Messtu-eaut Lc-gns'aS (i'i-iiiui Scooutsaa tguu Tiiiw o-unevuecr>- tL.cseriliii ttu îe &'ec,&e. lui fit er-tluiss t. c riusc stucIl tic Iýie ut Logtcs's. Cuje i n llO t Jr iule. C ueli or 17ts:ssIi.lc-u stscr1rca Whitby, Ou-t. 2-1, io1800 ALOA. 50 WHITBY PIANO FORTE 3MNUFACTORY, Mary S'treet, ýWhitby. lutely astrd tisectuaie hsias.-a fo..rh oceu t!cd b>- Mr. 1). Ford sam aurtut fsîoy neuriyts e I lia listîsio Jtidge Bturiiun's, in tha eo-ofutWlitlcy, uand ucheu-le i.uIo- cutesîged ilu this taiufactt-, ut 1PINOS, with ssii tlsetus cdc-ruiiprc-.tciulsd o-hieS lie o-ii uWarrnt Lu bu auet i riiiuuye oa d oiic f SoucIs,mie spri-hiuult uy in Aiusiicm. Ail Pliusara matie b> uitio-it fîil suctai- lie tramies, wth veirta-rinj, of tIese at 'Pa- sotteet tiuesher, ausd inuteriailà oet thues, seriptio:r. J. F. lt'P. 1l11, experlaîse cf uuerly 20 ya.uri, both iii Autr a sud Gui-tutti, usî Walt a#, isu thte Uuitad Stastes muet ttim eduitni, etiuelîlas hlm tu asiate wihuiellslisihiea lii bfy tg glu-a coilplets aatisficuio uteubl uile. grPries wîilbis baud mech Loe er Ilunthome uflmpurted Instrumeuts ofinferien manufacture. Six Octaa'e, (square as, ........... $180 6ï do (round cerner,).............. 225 7 --do de do-----------------2 . 50 7 do (over-.tiiug,)------------...8 2 5 W-A guua1ýnte ofmliyasia ti -Al wooi-usorniletise ieut ri-e od. J. p F; R'a. plianôwsC ifvé' talc-uts irst prizes at the Provincial Exlihuilons,uîi hae > e hl ,yrçqpowasd b >yt. Jeg'» a n ai a s' refen te sqy-il tiiilsuiW4lyd elâe*bie iat Coc ýu, o-em0,oaauhdle înerit . à .11lintO P anfcuekepi lgtape ~tJO ?~'.RAINER,i a~ne~u-tti~qurthome ntanntmee s -,MB It i C,- m-' 42 DONOVAN, WAL1ýY& 'C. D~OPPOSITE THUE TOWN, HALL. , Ail of the ýabove work exeouted with ueýtness and despatch., Ailwork warrentecL Cal! aîd seeispeclnigins. Rrelrti ade. 43 DOIÇ97AN,'WAM Y-~&o~ Tif4E GRÉAT m*fNil9AT*SI I1I Clothing without seam, made entirelywithout-the'use, of t&he needie, other than attaching buttons & button holes! Haejstrciedasipnto f hs - - s Oeý SARILESSBUNE &OR OT. I prlat variety, and of the niost desirable stylas, and as th'ey are likely toesupercde the old style to so large an extent, %re uuoul1d i-esliectfully. caIl yonr attention to our stock before purclasinigelseiwhere. -.These fabrios arc'ali woven iin the 'Iool' , without, any seani, on'the cross fibe s*ysteni, whi-ch centaiw&.tbeg,&eatest elasticity,, with thçegreat0st strength and.durability;, wîll n iflier:sJrink-,.ngr strutchbout ofshape, tiur.crack; and glinost waterproof, aîîd in point ofNdrmthduiablility, and ail other desiri'tble qù-.lities<5ýunquestionably s'uperior b itny> other styles, as all wlîo test theni izîust cordially admit. Wc clainithat the Seamicas Coat is wariner, and will wai2r langcr than any tii o ordi- nary COUS of the Uld style. LOWES & POWELL. Nos. 1 and,2, Commercial Buildings, Brock Street, lVliitby, Nov. 27, 1800. . 40 ]EGS tp. uimounce to bis nuun.Is ffln n eu suti oens tisai lie is uno- srryimg on hie extensive biusintes ci -IN ALL ITS BRANCUES, (On tis n ru cm'iscs atly erectesi b>' bu on B3rook Street, tisa largest atîd mosi com- plote establishsment lunilie Province, whiciee is preparcd s i i eretofone,. teaxcecute all -ordqrs outriistcil b lus à c'ara. CARRTAGES, UUGGIES, SLEiIGIIS, CUTT ERS, C. Iý0Xanufuotured iand SeIdiuitishe 4Lowest remuteratiingPrices. ALL WORK WAIUNýTED) LU.IIIhZand? 1WDUCE LIKE.L'X lv EGI GIat ARKET PIWES D. FORWYS long expeitnce cf thirty yearn l te.principal 3Matsulitectoeiscf lima States ansi Canada lias givcn that axîscniaeac in, évery brandi cof thta buseiess iih fao-a b benu lulé 1 arr sie, asi for haint' -cf duigm legac ffmtît cuiiy - s ~ d-Call anîd sue Specimeusi. - TIIE NEWESBLSIN' NEAR THE BAN.\K. Whîlî SSejt. t10860. lristmas & Ne w Year',s Goods -O0 LAYER RAISINS, MI. R. RAISINS, VALENCIA RAISINS, SULTANA RAISINS, 0 -CURRANTS, FIGS, Candied Lernon, Orangre aid Citron Peels. dr'aft. rD E F YJIN G COMPETITON!.M 12 lbsi. Sugar for $1, for Cash Only.- - T. H.McMILLAN. Whitby; Dec. 5,; - 1860..- 47 MANCIIESTEIR WARE1ý,ýIlIýO'U,SE. -oit Bulll -- 'tnsivolUug - - - Agçîit, ilyren t« BLONBJ(N ONEE il - -----.-- - -- - 4jT Hý subucrbcn naiqicstu. publie attaný- tiotemebis ncw 'stock oh sÉupaniorý ve.They include tlje folloo-img naur pattai-ns 7'IIE KINU 0F S ToYFm" THE PRINCE ALBERT, *kv -.QVCROKE T, PR 0TEc ToNZ2T- GRAND TURR, MRON D UKE, Cul! sud exsamine? .JOHN IIRYAN. 12 Ilrck-Streat, Wlaitby. Quebse Goyvrnment Agency. - isssi ther - PUIBLIC DEPARTMIEN1S. t tiltc-uticd te. AlIo Sce te. .Ch-LY DYRBVIEBATS JOELI4 IIGÉLOW'S. ~~E E P4 el l~u iýi et 11ýE sbribers -havi4g opened'the Sto âéyà 6tda co *ie ' " à 'st()ij f MÀNOIESTER, the;y--îdýw ôfer r a ey retda 9L> Y i O O ~ Q~ Qtssrtm ntfr Wintew n- b uiou ï-u;fie a andAi auJteîiateitliraî î, (JL ?.E LNG-9y r7ç qu.s, i~d 1~6~s, t~È i~t, al 9îad by-uIrttuuemu ouîtin' - styles. . - - - -11 - - - Ii t m4y Col lise. -' --' -- 4lf5 uh - - '. t~ tens-st U, T e t §ô tise sats x r o r n t r iI n t h e - c o u r t u r u . - - - le -Reg ià ond ...... là t ' -l e tse-ot p.- om 'T' 0( ffltîîîî e t 1 -s- - -s ýYbDby nd l;r'Ct Icoco, 1660.ai I A~1 eiý ., kà f- zgh T'lieanenq- eitf'Pi unry',À. l t -le ourt 'il,- uuadenuneNdilqme mi- ,legs,. -- , it loau 45 Dr. AînÃŽ os - -ein orderoû tsYb e. 0 ~ jtoJ st llOtrîtg of i4lsrlns&t*ument f4i et enosehies.tIiiit ýjsauydinsuance..h it irnay precre natitlietory ;r*,:#& aiitrisi tueùiiiy iilbereftnnded by iarc aE. the ParionS lu any part 6t tle1e 1&tntà iy be @UC comtulIy roite1 by forwûýI ing aa e~*eetail ofièiir caue, witbh a rittUrýCîoç.~fr -Medcm.. Addrein Dr.Amos & San, goynetoi main and NEW JgËWfl-LL1--E-R-Yi ,rPgK mmsliheri,7r' egs te Utett JL >et bis îe:j gand the, bLii.gn raIit~r, tebis hii î(sthilk eG&~wheîwI whicsh. bc Uiqa a ras etlt or- SilVer.plateéd Prs~ ~o ry n a- zr;,ç'mrin,(na Corsl- .tncianri Plai Gold Settu., Enitirely uc Spectuclé, Fine QÃ"ld' WeddugRîî,&e Phoenix Pire Assurance Co. OMW~D ilBELl &~I) iiAiI-NG 0110., LONI>eW GLLLESpg, MQFFAT'A CO-+, TNIURACESagaw4tL(>SSES by P11gRand LUSF pl-Wihvnit rýrrèU&teBôd n -London- 'Akdnt,, C'efnthI OrOntâri#. 100. e sOfm nllun -& id-Osreu, eleured, 7Li tmo *Sud ConuofUabridge, -(;tunty Ontario;ý togatîi ith o-s an xs.lleutI. aw mu ii it wo guod -Divellia n a~--U e un.- - AIses? 7ad-es najoiing, eninpoaa of tlb ent ganrt of Lot Ne. 6, iittie e 0 cïieAston. Tli li "e'rOlerYý ýlteisltuilv, n de- eleof le6degs îund 1test'. -cttlesl towmnsliipsm tisa Cu)tuey 0fOtin. ;ltii o-lt;siî'234' iai ut tilu 'v uieOf StOutir-ilsé alx>utlnaWsabr Uxbric-lge v ieto d-taîiles frnillite Town Wt 1luiby, tise C;à i'iletise oihcouity donlanlo. 'h 0 JoerY ucilI bo- actil-very ciseap for Orto" 47- hb. -Old'Newspapersfor S-ale. esJun,-forsalaeiueà l).2 - Notice. t- ero-ise, ire i<5*ylofil at luet e ià talury-- 1siuaule t Este Mu tin i'JHN BRADLEY, 42 -Admluitnmor, Valuable -parmefor Sale.. TOSNos. 17&l$ lucot chp f Whiit- -nâ Eand teu est5vhiÃŽby. Oc i tise 90 1ci-e f ar.;--lls onfasmanulr Ot1W lanud 'nbot and tlîe J.areê good uUdi sund otL- itisè b Lsc-'. - ardstsd Y ti1rmih adà a- ,prto , HjtgsU ïio Ê -C orW 1.TEAY.nF, q., Wi tby. P-AEKPTOR SALE. -W DEU ïo Vo Tourt 4.-as ilý4 mnation i l' 1 1 1- -ý,-Shëïiirisntm nf