Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jan 1861, p. 4

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n84i1*o .eçured tai aui toiucb.d by Tom'& oreditoro, sbould ho b. away or anticipate bie ipconus. 4 iimore. Teai IldOseepat' pvle & tha tti.eu~ n rie où, re. Iid UIhUUUUI~ lU WWIU~SUIM ndene 1lldowilt cai and examine<.].EYOR (7> the infereps t f ii. children,, se t4st iit b-- e.rhu awtie. X u,17 sau St., News Te bc néon al l uturer challenges will bo utto-r1y I IWETRLI'o-; AR usclagsaand at-ilhis neo oaewil *e * . ~1rere~r i* f iao tapý, we %qprsçly s. Tori a qç R. tCARSON,. lu etîýrîng fromeisAbi bïJîl. Pmineerlan lit >tiienkosor ther iInd attpf $$Great Internationiliiz lt eal! pcîçvI'ylbéa ateag i la edcc o~jed ladalcay donc quit. oeled rom tlîcm, anîd lias great pleasura f eiiough for glory wiîlîout seeking furîber BiRITISII REV]Y W S. arnlreape41igWlsryU~>e honora luinlte field litter left to yennger - :-D .IÀ' i'Ei'àOïç, su fesir ci hmn imslf nc .-EON RD SOT e seeki<~dlng ncqtialiitcd, ise an rm1rmrt4bnI sSëhÏkoot cilsiflal iacecsiîl.pretition colîciloiu îaiied maid forwarded Il, oiut Coi ctinue O.puwiakrthe4olîow.. or.- jouall for such:un objct, !àwithout par- PATTERSON, M.D-, Inuscedlng De A Case ef Palo e la telHIamilton. ruz, EDlniJiiot i iviEw (Jjg)te the lnîîiî .yai t)ýteineîteor elîreîie1,and p! h la our paTin niduty-te record oitihew(r. lecleT.~orCenr îdb1 r~tethe n -liberata suicide of Mr. Frank Sîiîîson, son 4. - foretices given. The followiiîg tira a lew: 1115 S5TIIST[l isuis (Lieral .1. SLsxTtct, Blowîestlîvllle. ruEwoiýiiçTEi izvi*'Libra.) W. lMcEîtasEq, . . .,lwusuvUle. of Mir. i. Sîh sort, of IHamilton, et the i-e- i-x icaEqWît _ J xo; IorcK Eitq., yhiby. <di ideceof bisfaier during last iih. LCKOf' ONUtl 4Â;~E(o~> ~ 5 , eý n> <À hyel. - Thé deceasced was in ii@i 23rd year, and was Ie.J LKB twnvîc -a fllelooirl, iiiii ofupwt.d Orix eetJ. Il. Ozsznnu, Esq., Whtitby. ~~~~~~~a ~ ~ ~ ~ h Iiîloigiiiîo pmd fsxfe reprcssemît critica! stteof Europcan t4i Office ut lMr. Illntîk's old resýidpie 32 hsi4lit. 11? îetired Io bed sibtut .uid- aflua lit render these publications un- l3yronnStrcet, Wlîitby, ucarly opposite sentp îilî)ai iiotimdaoydshre isually itreitiiig during thse forthemuimg ture'sluti1. year. Tlîey will occupy a mniddle gnoumd ___ 0of lmu barrais cf a doubia.barreL-led gutlemaiisiywrtmnw-tes T c e t Iliâ i it breat; so close, iudeed, crude speculations, and flyigrumours of OFc THE, CpUNT lES 0F ýhiat' lié cciii wis but ned tsy the discharge. t.ie dnil;,oiiy ornil, r pd, the poaî:4ou Tome, cf t1lýtfntyre lidùriasittentato ORE& VU t.3 al ni ad wus iniiûodiatel' ealled, but lie the livip qitrd uJ çitpIcpDcithe died lîlnost ilutailiîly. greit pOIiti'ýa1 events' oýfihe tnje s;haît Ou adi-ssii~ tuuleha efi wo atteabave piss<ed awiiy. %It is t<i tlese PcrIo îiisfth ôoe fce4ial u 0 icats tuai readlers iouat look for. tlhe only Onîtarioî, for th isa muir lisuets cois1brre(l stpon une of alheli wua i-cad tethie Coroner's immlligible antd relistbla liiistor7yof çurrentmeodurng paFt ve:trt-, 1 :g&ilti conteý befoiw vot *jury, wliselluent te îmnuve îlaÏ lie euieot evetits sud as ssuch, lu addition te- thei o îIDeïiitng yoîîr Élrtlîer sssppert îîud cosfldtice hditiscif delilseiatuly, limîier cireuisn'uaiices wt.salscdltnrsiiUfe, , and luileeir.batnsy clnty te mnrt ilat ent!fi theological cîtaracter, ve'urge tiuent upon douca yoi laeeou. clî(eeîfslly confidad lu tise. of Ile inîssi î'sntible a Ituîre. Daring tisis tha consideratittm oi the reading public. I>rtirÏittîie, energy, uJ the strletesit attention foresion,te-1 istiquebt.-sic s eid 0O1ttihe dy Tharecel 1t of ADVANCE siIETs frem Iito >btistitess. Wiliel.athet ceails 1 milutake t, of tho decossc, hefore Corotner Rtoasjurglu Britis.h puliîers gil-ca additiomal vittuctodervlseotine. ani e s-lû-îulejry Ui theliit, nRecsa tîyca e- ALEX. THOMPSON, Auctieneer, an eputhejuy cahccd i'î hlcamds of rubscribers about Hulf-%valy lotsea, Scarberol The twu letteri teludesi te weýre plroàu- as soon astise original editions. LOP. -AGzT ced jlhey hasi îîst heen opensm e lcCoro. TBRMIS.(li.gitiiin fAces.) ME. JonNis uSAn....... ........Csrzm mer anîd jury beissg of teopitnion tisat Par an. : T. TItMi3eN ............. roulan. their conitentsa ould tnaktce rtain what Fer amy otne of the four Resico- ... $300 el. uen..................... r hklti. aIed apaudpetysr, n s ouhPr nsy tmo efîthe four Revieuts.5 00 > Juae 25tb, i1860. 27. msleulyiisîeard rcîs sreeîd s ucsPor tuy iîrceaof the four Revieuva. .. 7 00 Al erders§ left :-t the Cliroajele offle-, iwttcro thay shuuld bec serîes. Tlmey woare sent For al four of thpRetviemb ..... 800asRegisitr et al sales andd stlgt-etnL£-ntg. la re- out ti Mir. sttîu, ansd réturîîad opcn ; one r Blaekwo-od's Magazine .... g 00gularlv 'ko1tî, shah bu stteiîsed te.,1'rica raugis issîanduys fixesi, oithisut10!ûa troubla of usa reîd îmrd usîuy reing mid ~ ol-Bllekwiood atnd one htciew.. O 5 ei 00 t6Iisssn For Baekwood and to-o Raviewis..'7 00 tnessesd X-I-'ttlsar-" Iii ibis, bce said FerlIueko-ood anmd tîtrcea evcws.. .9 00 hbcdlaliv-csl luit cnsn'h, and m 1nade soute Fornlilaekî*od and thfour Beviews.10 00 *canetie tafèeessss te the fut tuna whicis bis 31Mee urs-cnt inuthtie State tcherd issued fithar Iîad amasd beilig heotter iu theise.Ili e reccived at p)ar. hans o Ii8 roterThee as stonPO$TAGE. baus o iismlîoîlss. Ter o-s atou C tnadian mail stbscribcrs o-ilbe sup. vain of isouy rutiissIsi, through tisalatter, plied frie cof U. S. Postage. oue expression heing te tise cifecitishat " tise iRnitances must, in ail cases, b.' îîcw guit wlich Ilii& faîbrîr lnd beau kind maude tdireet (o thce Pmct'is4ers,, for ýai those pl-eas no comnrmission cari be allowad tb enssugli te prsc-sat bila itis, won!d that agents. nighl do tisa îvrl." '"To tlîiuk of sperd- LEONARD SCOTT & CO. isîg Cfliisttusis" ssid Ite, "withOut isaving 40w, NO. 54, Gold Street, New"York auly social esjcytseut, la too, minci." Tise lettes- cuttauiesl thiâiia ul expreasiori ;- IR E M 0~ V A. L 1. "You told i te there a inîo bell1; yenr argu- J. iE-pnuIP menUsissue c svisised me, muid 1 do net V;1 AS IION'ED Il sadsd le, liarnesi ind .LL-Triutili rctctr%-, tu liroek Strect îtexttsor four tish se jtne" IL coucindesi with te llsemiltoîs & ituberri opposite Cr-ocker't Cui,. ait mo-li tnjts-,e,,tioti ost iehesi cof lii ittarcil l tl irIsralie uili bhappy le sie t111 otsS s.ts5ouiters, îtia il on-lio m in ytsv,r ii uîith Ilîci- mand fatifly. a Lsll. A iimotîetfladesUrte, The jury btiefly cousulted togetiser, and ruuis "îils, Bits, lînidles, Ctirny-csttîjlbol 1iule eo. hie.a haeo-hI seli cdieu p hr cash. ________________________ î-cmdered la uc-i-titthe iadacoeacddicd Reiuiritisg Joia witl, tîcattis nud despateli. by is own isauds."'-Nesof t/te Day. W lsflby, eput. 18, 160. alSti Caution to Trespassers in the No-IV 1a the ime te commence Lorming Public Forteste. -A Cetisots S1osiu.-Tise Ayime bit for ltae Tùnes cf lise Otis, says:-6î'A singnl4r NEW 1 YMÏI( . W E (LYA . È rend 100sf cui'toscirtssîssstmce hies beauAD OiCrCORA Ii'ti% behraby give ti ta il pensons re Ncuc eOTtLt tit0iý ite i lslcI.il ,rttedte ti lis oeeurring regnlarly, daiiy, a utrti i rof bu cil sîbuptlit .atî s thest and îiglîtiy, iii thseIbotusecfa farmner uauued liINLawP i L O V su r tJi Joep lehri-o- esdn-i teTon Tissuit i,tic-y vili losa tttcir'fisile-r sîtit cost, Jo0i m aîrigltrstligi is on A SPILENDID PREXIUXi of iiits iitecifittss-e; istîd itmrtic-c re-iiovitsg on Ãœlp f Iluil,abount feour tuiles fr-ontAyme aaiisitsg tu t-It-îo s, rsi.it5 1sg i se r-ttîn ' Itsen ïfijhuas e Aier. the TO FYERY SUBSCRIBgR ! ! iîîs ei t itusber oin t ts -r- ft!L Ollicers hi. a tus issu ui- ise pei tlsrac oactestueof tise ut iîs.sîc ro-uLuisis, sit-,j(-et ivça-iug %liplusal, Iscdtlisîgr, &c.1 beioiigiug te T-o-EWtiicun3iies bu isl'eliasity cf t j--er Trc, ciii the fumiy-ci- stsstsgýers riissiing tiselieuse, J'WE LY eepson ;55iidtc-nig ttîly (iltasor A-eti t o ]lise r n toti tes-m lîî ter- day, uithout Ibatnds AND PICTORIA..I.PJjv - the Deips.l)clttsiilt as i tsnLatis liiitué dis- eisssrge utcils, dultà cizs Ttbr lsgsi on probasible sauje. 'flieus-iole affiair is a PHELLOW ONE w = U11,12 uîs«Il)U-ieY ic-ILrie c ata-1l. MYstc(s-Y, ntt athited, amd said te b i 0,ha alt fb*'ty FO T O OL AR !! rrteutt5c- - rcsiTissbe.r uiL L sc, pitrceiitd Unfathiieitbie. A saats or hasderciif OUR TERMS TO CLUBS. e trc-t I(lsitueics: ctibsut seslir la-lys idres-s, o cîiîeîsceai, left in FORRM O O LUBS. ! faor ie ,ur -(ciss g llr g Fscsty *t eithen ef lise touo, anmd tise rot--nom vucaî ond j ea , ujl'icl licw Oiss>e i ba bu.P aend te rouinclots, is insmediately toilm, 4 6s s'Derr-vints of Cronît Laisd, and tise taîding eut> le easiiy iseard by auy N &rthoeinbi-n, 5S6,. SFierai Or Ounrcilie4ers ueut tgecathtis -hU3 luun ou Miiay ui,,ut last, daîcnmiîîed te 11usd cit tîL'su Ccrei, but got a haudarchiaf tomît ieit sandausi eiurused as muicis in thu <lurila emicr. It is cartautuly oee c tie Bî-oriet a aeirs tilsuitvuhe lse-cear-siof, aud WC oetrust tuai. tisa secret uill isoun c he<he- loped.' MARh1IAG L1IENSES (/)y Atsuci/i.) AT VIlE Z)- POST OFFICE, WHITBY. A. Mi1EssN 46 - Agenit. Sher1Wfs Sale of Lands foi Taxes, 19 "alieetfLendls tonTias Il, tlîe Cotinîy ÂcY Outuuni, ohii o-us lîel-d ai ta Court Il",u nseuthie 'tuîî- ut'Wlidtbv On tise Sîi of OctobLe - 1860,ud adjeensse.etb te t h, ud frouto t15h t e salOtît et'Octeber, and frein thue OtIs te tue 7tuh, mimd frein the 171toe s â4th cf tittubisi-; tta nrotuîilueuce pesipomed utIl Mensia>-,the étIe day çet Mercis,]SOI, ai tisa lueur o 12 '9oeîoak, uieiu, uVlhl t ceplaise at 'thé Cntiou luthtisaToucu.ofet htby, en NELSONG. RSYNOLDS, a.t C > Ïê. ilItLMI umis. -STRE ET & SMITH, Enirusiss DP:OPîmtETeui tF TUE NE W YO>RK WESIILY, 22 cclemtn Street, N. Y. Reward-...Strayed Cow. s TRYEDoi- Stuolou,. about se month np, so01MIiy a - BLACK AND> WHITE 2IILCHR COW -i *s-ari. il, hueshrta tr, aud long tuti, lîad bîI." ama outt ustise c-r. Atsy ici-sue retuinmiug ,lien tc- tit idtele-nigied, or gieiîtg stuelu inîforîumions tsi c a o i~lse lier rceuove.rt-. tili lia i-awtrteet. JOHN MARTIN, %W'iutbyuor 'furiste. Orn EDWAIII STINSON, or JIcIIN IIOL- Lt WELL, Let No. 28, ard cous. lliitliy. Whitlsy, fla,1i810. 48 For Sale or te Rent. N Exceclent two-story ucusbrickc et it oliquaterof uins crof a food gar- nýeiic-us etsitsîîsiig inuit tracii;ig somtgod *tuableadelwtod-s!ied, otiî-hguetis, .&e.1 àisalJau exelesi?. ul ahit -r, stuatad lu tae ilge off Duifhis'sCreck, mndtTooisl$ip ci Pickerinsg. Titis indlspotsibles Ti1mVMbrai. Appiy tu HtECTORt BEATON.- en te, - O.2B1URNa 21- w22o-t PIickcerng FO.C.W. InformatinWatd 0 Y WVILLIAM JAMES 14EST, a yeamg "Jboy aaun îe d of di-î 0< -eu ilwaY tram the Tououto hlonsé 6< lidtry -sqe. unie 4i1 Mai-eh. on Apnil let. -Tho ho y W"é et atout built, dank brown heur1 sud>,dans fuil .3-es, anîd Ioid te have boee takOn AWay hy a massnausa i ln uthe ta i rt eu Au- lîferînîîoc olg tise boy, and laftttlusoiiee.wn r isi auixiotis methe* EMWÂETR VREST. FORt Clllt>TMASltRE-SENTS, YANKEE NOTION STORE. 'f oys 1TOYS! TOYS! SANTA CLAUS IS COluING! il CASES JUST RClVD YANKEE NOTION STOR1E. Tise IouluLuIl iii'iite, 1)y lW'iIls.su Coliiui, At thsa X N O iTlt STOLE. Violins, Plut -s & AecordeÈa A nu% lut Jusît tc- i-da5t the 48 YANKEE NOTION STORE. 0O:-To the Affiicted,ç - TUBCELEIORAT.D, G E RMA N -O011L Cuba Braisas and ail kinds M >lea1 WeundsLuucdent-to 1h. Humai. Ini Dottlos at 25* to b0cte- Each 4aaording 1 isze. Tis i Ou ol -te lT0 rom ouonds, anîd la auifallible ramedy!frth. rc. lief of','- TIO-0RSES & CAT-'TLE Ë Infldiceà naýit um w9J - r ' i haitbae- uaed sneisfcly oi-uaLat-ueuyeara-, mmhd bas ncverP.oa k ucwnte faU.' M , Il ë olidbw Pickerng; ~'> t! n Ocaai 'Mail Xcquiets sallagâi »SjT mmrday ftom Font- -lald -,fur, Dn--ud Front London.CW Tfiu rdiyiemuTn i lr x inn qs>ie ts5tt' -- i Y, :~4Thud~Evon~ Trsin I - tâuuaal By Fri4ý " - Etiq P i .l. 4'Lteuou ran -Tise Oceari Pmàu ~ Siâ otstir wiil - B.SpeealrinFiy--sl xi ftèmn Nigjitï, aller arrivali -f Portlaiud hp- BY F0i1sy Eveuinc TisiM, i"at * olîlet4nem ml. JjJ(U Thealitut.i lili ihesa Malt ill çce ai ece- (City, wili baiiotleac- yts Patm BL s SDNEY SMITH, p, , Pesinaster (hnens'. PeatOffio a epartuietit, - ShenlIls ale ef Lqinml. C u f0 t o} vn tcia WNvit ut ont of the Ciut)'Cýuit ofilsu cnttr et Olit- tarie ai, WItl>yand, tma direcleel.itigaisit the' n&u aud taeneia tübf Johni SleiLay, defeii'&ti5, ut tht- stuit fP. F. Wsiiuu- îlati tifflh avesijizcand 4aUIS kan-bexeeutituil ltite astatmiopie -11Ïst of fise sîîid Jî,lîu McQsuuiy, lu tait certainîs btor parcc-h cjffIt:l, heiliig col,,- pT-i.ke 4) tIse Soutli hit c-sfLut Nu. e, lu the u teanaînecta thornaun5 or thse stid defêundect'st esisibe or littanst thieren,, I satill fer fer suIe ai 1nblie Locîieuu, ut iy clie, e itae Coutn îîouaae, iii tIsic owiasutcf Wbithy, luntthe ciuisiy cf (niant, ou lSautday the llthiitl day ut Fit- iruary, A. D). 18661, utast oe o'cloe-k, ceuti. NELSON G. REtYNO)LDS shcrie; C. 0. gIuif'ii Offlah, , Vr C. Notirse. lvliiby Ocet. 28, 1810.- 41 û.]tEAT SALE 0F Stoves, stùves AT A. LOG A N'S, FuIler'r§ clet -stbblmiiisîîeiîî, linuci $t. Whitbs-.- Applie I'îrers iut Logii's IliaitBitiliel Messtu-eaut Lc-gns'aS (i'i-iiiui Scooutsaa tguu Tiiiw o-unevuecr>- tL.cseriliii ttu îe &'ec,&e. lui fit er-tluiss t. c riusc stucIl tic Iýie ut Logtcs's. Cuje i n llO t Jr iule. C ueli or 17ts:ssIi.lc-u stscr1rca Whitby, Ou-t. 2-1, io1800 ALOA. 50 WHITBY PIANO FORTE 3MNUFACTORY, Mary S'treet, ýWhitby. lutely astrd tisectuaie hsias.-a fo..rh oceu t!cd b>- Mr. 1). Ford sam aurtut fsîoy neuriyts e I lia listîsio Jtidge Bturiiun's, in tha eo-ofutWlitlcy, uand ucheu-le i.uIo- cutesîged ilu this taiufactt-, ut 1PINOS, with ssii tlsetus cdc-ruiiprc-.tciulsd o-hieS lie o-ii uWarrnt Lu bu auet i riiiuuye oa d oiic f SoucIs,mie spri-hiuult uy in Aiusiicm. Ail Pliusara matie b> uitio-it fîil suctai- lie tramies, wth veirta-rinj, of tIese at 'Pa- sotteet tiuesher, ausd inuteriailà oet thues, seriptio:r. J. F. lt'P. 1l11, experlaîse cf uuerly 20 ya.uri, both iii Autr a sud Gui-tutti, usî Walt a#, isu thte Uuitad Stastes muet ttim eduitni, etiuelîlas hlm tu asiate wihuiellslisihiea lii bfy tg glu-a coilplets aatisficuio uteubl uile. grPries wîilbis baud mech Loe er Ilunthome uflmpurted Instrumeuts ofinferien manufacture. Six Octaa'e, (square as, ........... $180 6ï do (round cerner,).............. 225 7 --do de do-----------------2 . 50 7 do (over-.tiiug,)------------...8 2 5 W-A guua1ýnte ofmliyasia ti -Al wooi-usorniletise ieut ri-e od. J. p F; R'a. plianôwsC ifvé' talc-uts irst prizes at the Provincial Exlihuilons,uîi hae > e hl ,yrçqpowasd b >yt. Jeg'» a n ai a s' refen te sqy-il tiiilsuiW4lyd elâe*bie iat Coc ýu, o-em0,oaauhdle înerit . à .11lintO P anfcuekepi lgtape ~tJO ?~'.RAINER,i a~ne~u-tti~qurthome ntanntmee s -,MB It i C,- m-' 42 DONOVAN, WAL1ýY& 'C. D~OPPOSITE THUE TOWN, HALL. , Ail of the ýabove work exeouted with ueýtness and despatch., Ailwork warrentecL Cal! aîd seeispeclnigins. Rrelrti ade. 43 DOIÇ97AN,'WAM Y-~&o~ Tif4E GRÉAT m*fNil9AT*SI I1I Clothing without seam, made entirelywithout-the'use, of t&he needie, other than attaching buttons & button holes! Haejstrciedasipnto f hs - - s Oeý SARILESSBUNE &OR OT. I prlat variety, and of the niost desirable stylas, and as th'ey are likely toesupercde the old style to so large an extent, %re uuoul1d i-esliectfully. caIl yonr attention to our stock before purclasinigelseiwhere. -.These fabrios arc'ali woven iin the 'Iool' , without, any seani, on'the cross fibe s*ysteni, whi-ch centaiw&.tbeg,&eatest elasticity,, with thçegreat0st strength and.durability;, wîll n iflier:sJrink-,.ngr strutchbout ofshape, tiur.crack; and glinost waterproof, aîîd in point ofNdrmthduiablility, and ail other desiri'tble qù-.lities<5ýunquestionably s'uperior b itny> other styles, as all wlîo test theni izîust cordially admit. Wc clainithat the Seamicas Coat is wariner, and will wai2r langcr than any tii o ordi- nary COUS of the Uld style. LOWES & POWELL. Nos. 1 and,2, Commercial Buildings, Brock Street, lVliitby, Nov. 27, 1800. . 40 ]EGS tp. uimounce to bis nuun.Is ffln n eu suti oens tisai lie is uno- srryimg on hie extensive biusintes ci -IN ALL ITS BRANCUES, (On tis n ru cm'iscs atly erectesi b>' bu on B3rook Street, tisa largest atîd mosi com- plote establishsment lunilie Province, whiciee is preparcd s i i eretofone,. teaxcecute all -ordqrs outriistcil b lus àc'ara. CARRTAGES, UUGGIES, SLEiIGIIS, CUTT ERS, C. Iý0Xanufuotured iand SeIdiuitishe 4Lowest remuteratiingPrices. ALL WORK WAIUNýTED) LU.IIIhZand? 1WDUCE LIKE.L'X lv EGI GIat ARKET PIWES D. FORWYS long expeitnce cf thirty yearn l te.principal 3Matsulitectoeiscf lima States ansi Canada lias givcn that axîscniaeac in, évery brandi cof thta buseiess iih fao-a b benu lulé 1 arr sie, asi for haint' -cf duigm legac ffmtît cuiiy - s ~ d-Call anîd sue Specimeusi. - TIIE NEWESBLSIN' NEAR THE BAN.\K. Whîlî SSejt. t10860. lristmas & Ne w Year',s Goods -O0 LAYER RAISINS, MI. R. RAISINS, VALENCIA RAISINS, SULTANA RAISINS, 0 -CURRANTS, FIGS, Candied Lernon, Orangre aid Citron Peels. dr'aft. rD E F YJIN G COMPETITON!.M 12 lbsi. Sugar for $1, for Cash Only.- - T. H.McMILLAN. Whitby; Dec. 5,; - 1860..- 47 MANCIIESTEIR WARE1ý,ýIlIýO'U,SE. -oit Bulll -- 'tnsivolUug - - - Agçîit, ilyren t« BLONBJ(N ONEE il - -----.-- - -- - 4jT Hý subucrbcn naiqicstu. publie attaný- tiotemebis ncw 'stock oh sÉupaniorý ve.They include tlje folloo-img naur pattai-ns 7'IIE KINU 0F S ToYFm" THE PRINCE ALBERT, *kv -.QVCROKE T, PR 0TEc ToNZ2T- GRAND TURR, MRON D UKE, Cul! sud exsamine? .JOHN IIRYAN. 12 Ilrck-Streat, Wlaitby. Quebse Goyvrnment Agency. - isssi ther - PUIBLIC DEPARTMIEN1S. t tiltc-uticd te. AlIo Sce te. .Ch-LY DYRBVIEBATS JOELI4 IIGÉLOW'S. ~~E E P4 el l~u iýi et 11ýE sbribers -havi4g opened'the Sto âéyà6tda co *ie ' " à'st()ij f MÀNOIESTER, the;y--îdýw ôfer r a ey retda 9L> Y i O O ~ Q~ Qtssrtm ntfr Wintew n- b uiou ï-u;fie a andAi auJteîiateitliraî î, (JL ?.E LNG-9y r7ç qu.s, i~d 1~6~s, t~È i~t, al 9îad by-uIrttuuemu ouîtin' - styles. . - - - -11 - - - Ii t m4y Col lise. -' --' -- 4lf5 uh - - '. t~ tens-st U, T e t §ô tise sats x r o r n t r iI n t h e - c o u r t u r u . - - - le -Reg iàond ...... là t ' -l e tse-ot p.- om 'T' 0( ffltîîîî e t 1 -s- - -s ýYbDby nd l;r'Ct Icoco, 1660.ai I A~1 eiý ., kà f- zgh T'lieanenq- eitf'Pi unry',À. l t -le ourt 'il,- uuadenuneNdilqme mi- ,legs,. -- , it loau 45 Dr. AînÃŽ os - -ein orderoû tsYb e. 0 ~ jtoJ st llOtrîtg of i4lsrlns&t*ument f4i et enosehies.tIiiit ýjsauydinsuance..h it irnay precre natitlietory ;r*,:#& aiitrisi tueùiiiy iilbereftnnded by iarc aE. the ParionS lu any part 6t tle1e 1&tntàiy be @UC comtulIy roite1 by forwûýI ing aa e~*eetail ofièiir caue, witbh a rittUrýCîoç.~fr -Medcm.. Addrein Dr.Amos & San, goynetoi main and NEW JgËWfl-LL1--E-R-Yi ,rPgK mmsliheri,7r' egs te Utett JL >et bis îe:j gand the, bLii.gn raIit~r, tebis hii î(sthilk eG&~wheîwI whicsh. bc Uiqa a ras etlt or- SilVer.plateéd Prs~ ~o ry n a- zr;,ç'mrin,(na Corsl- .tncianri Plai Gold Settu., Enitirely uc Spectuclé, Fine QÃ"ld' WeddugRîî,&e Phoenix Pire Assurance Co. OMW~D ilBELl &~I) iiAiI-NG 0110., LONI>eW GLLLESpg, MQFFAT'A CO-+, TNIURACESagaw4tL(>SSES by P11gRand LUSF pl-Wihvnit rýrrèU&teBôd n -London- 'Akdnt,, C'efnthI OrOntâri#. 100. e sOfm nllun -& id-Osreu, eleured, 7Li tmo *Sud ConuofUabridge, -(;tunty Ontario;ý togatîi ith o-s an xs.lleutI. aw mu ii it wo guod -Divellia n a~--U e un.- - AIses? 7ad-es najoiing, eninpoaa of tlb ent ganrt of Lot Ne. 6, iittie e 0 cïieAston. Tli li "e'rOlerYý ýlteisltuilv, n de- eleof le6degs îund 1test'. -cttlesl towmnsliipsm tisa Cu)tuey 0fOtin. ;ltii o-lt;siî'234' iai ut tilu 'v uieOf StOutir-ilsé alx>utlnaWsabr Uxbric-lge v ieto d-taîiles frnillite Town Wt 1luiby, tise C;ài'iletise oihcouity donlanlo. 'h 0 JoerY ucilI bo- actil-very ciseap for Orto" 47- hb. -Old'Newspapersfor S-ale. esJun,-forsalaeiueàl).2 - Notice. t- ero-ise, ire i<5*ylofil at luet e iàtalury-- 1siuaule t Este Mu tin i'JHN BRADLEY, 42 -Admluitnmor, Valuable -parmefor Sale.. TOSNos. 17&l$ lucot chp f Whiit- -nâ Eand teu est5vhiÃŽby. Oc i tise 90 1ci-e f ar.;--lls onfasmanulr Ot1W lanud 'nbot and tlîe J.areê good uUdi sund otL- itisè b Lsc-'. - ardstsd Y ti1rmih adàa- ,prto , HjtgsU ïio Ê -C orW 1.TEAY.nF, q., Wi tby. P-AEKPTOR SALE. -W DEU ïo Vo Tourt 4.-as ilý4 mnation i l' 1 1 1- -ý,-Shëïiirisntm nf

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