Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jan 1861, p. 3

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thomlie 1New YorkeTribude.> LlWWé - Cabnet, ludiclsusthatthe rvi- eus depqtuemýt. ylprobably b.elSIW abouuo as ,î.. "9t&t@-WilIiàmI L wrd c eN Wrslmoa Cimeronof Penuisyltania. Nsvy--Rg>lpt EB. uot, 0( virgulas. Yuisnlr-ilIam A. Craban, cfrs. P. X. onueral --qicloui Welles, of. onnectleut.t Am Ad4r.s te> Ur. Carsoa or Toroato. Aswic emisfuopithiO> repl>' cf the, filWlovngtuionial. Dr. Carson bas gatin Ul"ms up mis abodo la Whitby. The Doc 19o9e ai IUU waa wver>' exle-aded before 1hli removai, andi ve-are pleased 10notice Ibis 'expression cf confideise. frons bis patients Wbitby Dcc, 271h., 1900. UO.L'.CkBnO; ,EsQ., MD. ,ral from to 'Ton of. Wbltby wasa cause cf great aurptiaq Io us, because weha reasoui tubelieve thst yon Wailbeen &far. td viii an extmaordinary praetice. Youu- absence bas been a source or deep regretc 10 the. aumerous friendis vbo have beent 40 maîeriallybenefttied b>' jur kind "aia Iluin ucces and skili in 'be practice of 'We bavâeodouibta >'ou me>', in a large W1> le a vider range fer youu- xperlee anti OkUI; but we mest coudiaiiy assure yen tha , "v pealt thé. sentments or a ulume. teumrtlea ocf the.respectable limubitants et thia Town, ilustsîting Ihatit vouisi et. ford us glest saîies-aicn to bail >'cnn te. toiru o jcura aeong us. Your onpiisce vibh l'otiseiaes of yeuu- iumerUlf freoiud'vlll b. deemies a reci. procal teken of tisa taltaehnsent andi tnin- leruiptei eoufidene. bihiristo nipomosi In roui and ack «owledged 'b>' eu- ceatinnesi frrtndsblp.- 'Yoons falîhfnly, Nàivuc.. 13.v, Lavwis Hotîca. Sn5, linovir, JKo. S.M. Ws,.cex. Eamum WcTooir, W. H. Dozi. D. P. WvàTrr, B!. CAXPBI'aL. IRKVL. Werner, J. B. POWELL. C. 0. Jxnflu M. DoxovÂx. Anid sovenu>' others. RIEPLY. Toronto Dec, 31st.1 1860. 41 îa 5, i. - !tt~ il - g -. i - s. e - e as s - - 4' - I 'h I I r -- b - h t t I a ' - - - c 't a ( o i t g »fDMcr 19 t,UOfollowla n Pt fp- ol crms ee sdoptaI-ý Wbarta. Ire rn;out.esOf t4 C roa ufewu of thMtolîE*oé cu~bSt1bavil;, u d % naïr e11 eeunÃŽiiltsump uûer no diapes1tioi 'oseddle witb the poligUe. of or C"intq as bid <orilgi 1 tii.hegreat vron i awbiel wear en9l5gge, but nsgardiàg lb. passent perlious condition 'of Ourý compmon cotuntry làa criais lui publie affairs càaliegýftfiia mblI àac"$ion among the PeO$. cft4 8Sptb4 md viiereas, vo concis,, h t rdutyrma dur thw ïorefore. , Besolved,...iL a ' w.belive Âreu 'stavery, as it oxiots li l.. 8 onîiicrui tat"L ofLbeepubic, e ba vis. hmiiand rlzbtowinittution, appa.ov.d"'-ô(- Bod-ndi es1l b te opromote 1téii.the gc'j sbedegre. the welfare of the. slave. *Rcsolved,-....Thtse Ineguratioui of an>' political mensure whicb look& 10 tb. over. tlfirrw cf Ibis iitution, or frkbIan' fi a, manner, or ai any lime,> boveveiust for thi eunvlq u servile clan ont of a qdeniut relat.n,r vhlci lathet. '(sue normal eta, 1I10 on., niw4q duties auc reaponibiiltca the>' 'au-c incapable. cOMI'oalj b. dictated by a buiuid fa*iatiiaui, vlu ilc. i flot lislte t esson, but uisediy, iestvsy4 tiiose vIsonsit attempti tu, aid. Bcmolvd.-Thias nshé iProvidence of God, meveral million of te Africas«ue bave bseus commiitad 10o ua' cars as a people, we isould b. recreant,1 that trust Il we did not défend ont right to hheir set. vice against an>' and &H ecuemios nov and forover. Rtesolved-That-the electioa of * sec. tionaI candidate 10 the Premidene>' cf t6i Unitedi States, upon the plain advocacy of, prliciples utter>'-subversive of our rlghtat, eau cal>' bc considered as a declaration te boilit>' on tise part of a dominant majori.' t>' towards tbe people cf th .Soull-a de.- claration iui faet, if not iu foi m, dissolvres the compact olf union 'betwçen the States$ and drives the. aggricved part>' 10 assert ber indépendeuice spd maintaîn ber rigsta,aet ail hazarde and thothe last cxîrensiiy. Reaolvcd....That onu- beau-ta are with Our breh&rca of tb, Sousth, auid ahould tIse> ever ueed onu- bands 10 asuust inaciileving ouu indepeusdence, we shall sud be found wanting lu ti. our of danger. -Resolved,-;Tlbt w, place dur iives and Dur fortunes upon thse aller of osît Stte, content tb abide ini heu- puosperil>', te siire lui ber advenu>'y, ansd cleermincd, as fer ns lui us lies, to preserve lier bonor unsuliied. The sontlueru Baiphils oui secesai on. The foliowiuug are resolutionu pussed b>' tie 'Obarieston Assoriation, one cf bhe langeat iruJ meal enfighitenesi bodies oftbe J Bptist denominatiomi cf South Canoliua- gue lb>'vre unanimousiy adopîed, andi arc li these voris: :Wbeneas, ou- puedecessors, the members cf iilsis Asocliaioti, sud, at thoir meetin.g in tia cil> of Chsarleston, ius the year of cur Lord 1771, expressil"approbation of tise Amenican uneasutes,aa andi their sympa- lis> witls thecolon>' cf South carolina fan is âtruiggle for indepentience, we deciz il Dws.lu'1. .Binaisîc-. anm IV . L De?. D . lteîilWtiugaou, Uzlsiidgc, sud ait sac- cl JAM. Celeratd FoalePille, '1 ià6 c11hawisliiMedicie Ilo . uso imposition Shit a suire ansidtagreuatçdy lfor Fousiîaio 1)i iffieultlesausld Obàtrneîouîàlkarcrnjiv bsuue I ca-e-; Asi aîhorgts'ovonffui iemody, tbecy ensl ln ohinu lanrtitobstise cousîtitsstlss. u-id Lisehlait lpcuinysdolit1 viii, ; shr'tn e s.g on th'e monîh> Peo-d ilteguilia-t Tiosec ll 1'1 hureasor known te f41 iiO vu» d çfcl»g tisa lad page ol' îMmîîIcp arcs Forful purtieolaru, gel a pamiphlet, frO, cf N. B-$1OOaçlopostage stanipnl sd le OO KIG. -T411(lIl. i 's 7i19 CAISADIAN PAIN DEiTiîOrrnI - Ti AMEIUÇ o tislmusnej 6stc Ansi pou- I *'Mimelnt removul ofilipalis 11cm bise syacoun T/7e Canadian Pain -Destroyer- tuas Rbauinatisin, Illearisv, a81wpalls lu the, Thg Ounaian Pa in Dut royer selteves Pauuislanhe head and i kk liosidacso. 7%1 Camidian Pain Destryer sures ) lbulilic and Cramnpaalis tlà Otossîei 21.Canadian Pain Destroyer cures Choiera, Clisolora lcrsuis, Dyseuiter>'and 1 i0uv oul >uipliit. 2'uitJadian Pain Destroyer cureèineildesi Celdai îand $ore Thu-cat. 7:keCanadian Pain Destroyer nu-en Neursîgla, Tiodoui,îmnux, auss Tootuaclsa. T/te Cantadian Pain Destroyer aures Bisrus, Soaldos, Fsost-bltos, Clhilalaiià<uc. TUke awUan Pain Destroyer Io aIse aul excellenit tliiul'ar Strainis, tpnmfis 5JousiJs and iiriiis,. IltsakL a swiay alI fi' ifsliîicumet It isn appîleel. Ne Piai'sly sisouls ho wltioi a botule or 7Vte Caeadian Pain Destroyer iPriee2S cents per BoUtle. AUl endors aslslrcss-d tus Fur ÈAU Ili Whith) y >' ldi. DiJtlsuix,-unds W.î. ~. ILîîwe. I 1. lictailigton, Uxbnijgc, iad ail saaed.ine deulers. NEW ADVERTISEMNS IITAN'rD-ou'gisciufor naise aionn Olt lilrsi ciiâ fnii îtnolerty. A*lyt JOhIIN LEYS, Barristar, 52-3w. (lutinitre a0se, Turuiisi Non CE. 'lI '1E Aissssusd Mem-iimy of titeiOtoeki)ltluu-s of - Isare oui !louiuiY, tIse 41b day cf Pebu-uamry mest At 12 o'cloas, fonts. nt T. N. Suiuiptsiua i'shot-tI fon thue lctiosi ut Dinectuosauj Iliticora fuer tise eurre-uit >sisn. ROB3ERT E. PERnY, Irnidissî. IN CRUANCER[y.. ELLAIOHNSTON, Plaintii Williaim Powmcii 1, a ry ixti ei, Joil Bigalom aimaitIse Corpcrationuof the 'iewixs4iii aand Jamssi toaloiihssrlxi, mntssleparîlus i theissater'd Offie,Deitlîi. D CISUANT tta sau-crf f lise(Court e L Clsnnoauy, mîsoite uis cai., hoanisît <lait tlue SecssthitY Of lMa>', 1850, mdand unjre-e is tlul Csinrt ansuultg diate the tsvoaty-flnumt du ut Fabruan>' 1806und a sel hsiutise pprobati, j ut George Il. >anei, Eowqni-o. Meuler of titi sid Court aI WliLlo3,, vviii ho pceaiuptcnlii uild Inui ato icit Ssitsitsluuytise Ivesît>'siiXi ii r i ut sruy, 1MI,naithe tsolsn4f tais oft ls, clac 1 titi, tonoucuioxu antIl. hiusacli,'rayonsri as-,tue l2ll6gse aofMaîaulseeter lin tsaiTo-Asilil uli hy t Mr.ic a sais 1ine. Amuatiolleer ofLot,;mp Itirseon.lustishe ten-aillu ccioi of theid r5t >owallip o ai schsoitu, durçr!hc as fo1îewly., thst la te s-:-usiu niigat i post sîov ploîsed Dot tige lruosîf tisa msid tisti ooasecsulo, uathe disusuce 'if fouir olalus ande (s>' 1mbo,, on a connuNorthssost>' fouir dû. grises 4st pcsntise, SuthsWestint iugle ci sit Lct'nutns<utr tI - taics:tl'e North sevon- tenfu- degroes, Eusl aouig t'die rossî cf tile &id conceigiîsîfur l'citsaissa sud sieu>' inki, hi 10e'amunuorpor ieiîtto tige enutre ul'iocutots, tIssc 'Niris tisreeiiegraes, M'est lve dhmuins ad isaiiy-thr-e liks, rassonaor k- u ps loit pasitsd loitlime Y.A&uiui IligilÏti ge iii fai»ti te ll4ouïtise Ruilai uit Nurthiorîs Imita of wate'r, viseanaslesi ta a uiulnt 10litstbobsok ut) tise otreuuu, le s poinat cftise ludstreai,mlt aisltanos oit :wouiîp' aiunsi uels'o UlilkA Irons lIme Sonii Weito-ss angleo c âgé saut 14. tîseaee erpssatbge salistrusanue ib dislLotufsnnabon thirtceu,îand' U l suinbetu weluo- thxne Soutih cixteen egitacs, Easss long tiseaimtern liita cf tIseraid roai i liev (0 i eîeaty..8'cr tiogrfoou, £eit Afont ehiaa ud slt âk; tlieuses onîtis ixýcou iugrees, as0t Sb ohala. aa ixhys5ix bbxt t ute plse bo~~,lug, oottssssgb>'admoantauiect, avann siauroi, ho thà ise ssmsorea or les. A pasri ctise salti pîc etLaisîl routs ouithse Dnîre roui AnallI. about four muslos und ai aliait ont lie 'llSsgp et êManabir. Tisee ma ,rame Dwe liaxg*' lfOiü énl-a.Imputise 5sad taudt, 10 e uîstl mt vitil an oldi mi iupon is. T!he prunemn ill lie ucqnuresut th ie r aie teps'dtîwn a depoIlt of teli poni orc i pahuaaocu> tetoveixuor Uran ia i- or sd t.pa' io reusaitduroet lsuarclisse v,- 11 IsutbcestIn osu mciL acter tise sy o, Amie, Tia.ilor Ilîsitien cf ààie arca so otaiotdfogcelIîin c iesiitCourt ou suncer>'. - Fum-ier partieulari u c oeblaieaduit tlisecf- sa cf tisi u Uiaiae ut itbhîy; islis, u &ans. lan, Jiiiurdi Pu-iscu, Albert,sud y a o.c,~.our doîy andi Priviicge te ive U dieu-ac, ha I beg ho return on yen sincee riu senitimsents lus refenience te tise pu eset tbanke for thse uo'nor >'ou bave done me laneu-lis. Tierefore b. Ie. Prefunting me wiîh liais addres. Tiec'CWt Resoîreti, That vo believe andi profeus counsuances viil ed te m>' departure Iha i nttto o lvr' seitn aeecd net new ýetâa1forbu-the moite or yeu at>hiniuio ofeaey asxsig au-e familiern withthemn, ibut I mna My j amouig us, lu anctienesi b>'tise sacreti Scrip. v s ie cf deop regret to a haobligesi ho turcs. "es M, ,usseruos fiends andi suppor. Remoivet Thet tbe tecing cf houe lers. Ycuu-acknowedgmeàn't otsunceesapnofesscd Dimiples olé Christ, vho haveoc- I met with vhien rosidiqg w4hi >'eu, tiche- aiuis Is zaîn isiin ewerti jel yo1 dnioi 1rouMy assisitance, ansih Jours rxpresslons cf confidence andi friensi. Ivo <roas ections cf ou- Confedersa>, are ,Obiis, are exîrcmeîy gnalifying, but I feer uhlerl>' ah variance vitis the. holeoome toco littotcig. I have determinedti lese. vords cf ont Lord Jesus Chu-lit ansi tic ccd. to-4u ouen t , ansi ta 'restiumethedotne bihsacrdnteoiies prigétceof Medicine in Whitby, vbere I dcrn hc eacrigt olns uhuii be lsapjiy nuit u arl>' day ta soe Yeuo, ansi tbat il is therefore, thse dut>' of aIl faiîh- ansi tIe other gentlemen wbobhave kinsis>' ur- fui Cbnitiaus bo à$ withdraw thensseives ged me ho ueîri, ansi -ail my fnieamda infromesumch." Tius. 6:.15. tie Count>' cf Ontario. I shahl endeavour Remolveti, Tiat vo viii continue ta te menit 7aurnotiauicd apprevul and te 'exbort inasters te il <ire unto tiîeir souvante do noîhing te bu-gel tige bigisopinion yenta he sutan qa "ad@r have exprèsesi in nys>ukili ua aPhysicien. tatv icsujutaieql anier I tinkitil m>'dut>' to adthat alîlug I vanta te hbe "obedient 10 bisein ewn mes-« bave been advisdd te go loto partnorabip tors, aussi l plenso thons veil, bus al thinsg, viti lise genstleman, vin ucceedasi me, tisat lie>' me>'adora tise doctrine cf God auceh la nol i>' intentsion, I intensi te be ou-.Savieur." Tit. 2. 10. Veus aiifil>' Resoiveti, Tiat li ncueistiuig the en.- G. A, CAItSON. enoacimensfth t e enemies of our domges. To L. Ileuckj, J. S. M. Wiîcox, N. Blow, tiq insîtiuo, ansi opposing il thse perverse L. Brevaa Rer. L. Werner, andsi cher <oui. dispuliigs cf lieue meus cf couruipt mins t1les o iesignesi the ucldrosm. ansi dealitute cf thse truth,"pu in> b Thse Nov York ocurier and Enquirer Gosi cisicides vith our dut>' te ou- coun.- f àoi ~ usalist of, marine bosses during I>.ITn.O~ ecret> oass Jtesolveti, Tiâ at nsl omed =sbr, andsi recaptsalation etfttho loss. cuir bisoesi Cosnmonwealth te thse protec->,m «s tbrougisoni 1860. 103 vosmis au-e re- tien asid guidanceocf Abmighîy Goti, bo. 99 portesi s lest lu. Decensber...rie aseoumst seecinug is toe eaigbten tise miudm cf <1 oft Iono veïselo*asitcargees being 2,o- cuir peope, iad strengthon' tiseir bearis t, u 493-250. Tise tti aussipartial 1uses8busansi ovorrule alcuir afairin lor the adreoce. ti 1ment cf Hlm Kingdom andaussi lb.<1r> cf His 1800, ineiude 1,039 vesiel, ansi a lau cf bol>' nanse.a 428, 382p,000. Ius 1859 tise marine loussi sununei ap .j47ll,07Q. Thceaviest Wliirr IIIAIVMETs. loese repohei fur thie menti cf Deeember, paaeqmnmo5es 180, oeethue British aiip £"deli -tJhe 9, 1801, Cicu ~ tu-se, *m20,000. Thse Brftik TeUie hsfr'ti ekb ena wltl y e:, fonsAnst-and teb itle wheat oreriusg. l Eisgiande0,00,oo The ( rinr rm a uptdw tgcfor prime lises i iv Orleans fou-iep-owt coîîoa ansi Fait ah $1 124e, as an outaiel igu-e; bssi ai mca, *285, 000. Thoe British uhip* butthier. la aoi enengh csing inugo, test bc L>'uduecued vlli eol <om omb>' ortihe msrket, andsitheS<ecraI impression 61 ,New York, $160,000. Thé. steamer John ameusg buyers a iat if lier. vere an> large tîl P. ing bu-inent*[b,00,. qusmîtit>' oflering, tise figures vould b. t "Oby.-W reret_%Q labais cin. In dresuesi logu thse feeling (atter eaheu-si ai Uex.-W rgre upi~b ii Sin ces-struggle emong buyers te zoe wbo veulsin Poliedy as public journalistot notice tb. celleet tise lau-gcaîinnnsber vithout regard s diparture -<trom lova c-f R. P.' 'Ciuci, toPrice.)la ectuailly lewer, ansi vith asivice, EsF- Esqq manuager of tise Meunk cf Uppot tu-ensBoston teceivosi Ibis sornîng, thse 3pus~da i ibi teva Up daycf Iigiseat price, qeolablo to-day fis*0.50 for du~~~~~~~~~~ :lprue u.Cn-csvstenea tise Seait eigis, anti enytbing under 200 vouls usa PPe aseus gentlema of isotterMid pro. Fens are seau-ce, au>' gees lots sel! teedi. aie biti. ne hu lefi liabilities verionul>' sai. 17 eat Ne. t nàa> t f-ousa *15,000 te *20,00o. W. Oat au-e pleut>' <et local cousumpîlea athlisuc e1*v tie'uk afl>'scrsi<os 22a te 26c, non, tahela fer shipseut. cit Mr.Chuebasugnsi dm Bau-boy là ver>' dal, the briglutest ansdo Lkb avlig, X. uc uindbtpIeu mal'lb. pubt<levu et 45e. the 30ipuial prcpenty fer tIse Jenoit of bis la Pouuir> tiser. sia etaOaree Uip sdlîors, baut elaàsaii tisl i cal>' be hoa p1', bispnices keep icife-e usuten.fo ~~~aiî~Edi matrcmeeivt ieasut~ iîe re lover 8.0 p r,10 Ialaa eaitaide figture. ,W2ý ir.,btl 0u'auditsýdupetture ksua seasd Cor4, Woed *2.00 for grecen, 82.50 for rosi- exlhemaL-ro fl.'~co,~er.dry. PROVINO!0F CANADAI hi su Aetip las- limita efihe Provnçc, !eaidtsunse W~-FIIeTY THOITSAND DOLLARZS, ILlatite WcYIioaa c f tli cnd;a. 96"tise. Ciaifrousu anal afotisitIraI day of joliu-y Isioifr<apstIoltpArtine3aor ftmUeTItatr et Fi#aa,nt, a ihoCiiy et Qtel'ac, lust xknada, btIaIs 29t5 day of Dee*usber, isco -AT.,,eAtT, JOHN L1AGONLVV BY-AWNO. 11-8w y- 1to 0 open - tp and eutabi8ha) w& àf)o1ance -for- road titroukit te& oeutroe -o] (lie burt/s COnCehi8on 0, this loîo»eksp, from th.6 aide Houn beaet-oi los . 30,and 3ý1,î0o (lu tOW2aUne of $cot. JHIEES certain ratepi>'cs f thua w ToWnshîp have by thhir -'eiltiou presusleuLto Ibis Cenueil, -pnyedîbuit ani allowance for ronsi sbould be established ln bise centre of thec 4h concession, from th1e aide lino betweois lot., Nom. .80 snd 81, te the hown line of Sett, andsýiti p- peau-s doairab 'le Ibat tbc prayer of sisi pe- Cition liîoulId'be grantosi ansitise rossc- tabiliesi. Therefore the, Muniipal. OCupraien of the Tewusilp cf Uxbridge enactu ai fol iowo, viz: 'Ihst thse Wmausi hbance, for roand bo ansithesassiela heu-eb>'establisheel andi coMniied as a public hlgbwAY. Thaý italosay, conmmcnciog on lise scutiierl>' lisuit ef the sii ilot o. 81, nt lime centre of tis aid concession, anti ruti- ning QecuX 1N0 >W oms tlia censtre of the said cjisbee ion, I130 cisains mou-c or lusi tut thée solitifeî y 1* lsit, of tise ailovarace for rond. betw-uîstIt 'lTownshaip of Umbriige andi Scott. 'TU.-"isad rond la be 75 links vide, and tLisaboya deecu-ihesi bne te b. the contre tbLe-oL 'lhabtishe sait!puoposasi rondi lunow nîarked on tisa grouins by posta piantesi oni tIse esusîersiandi veste.sn lisaits, liereol', anxd a bIiszed lin, la bhe centraevisere il passes thu-ough buslm landi. And sI thfutlerenactesi by tise autisori. t>' sformuaid, lisat lise report and diagrausu of saisi 'lloavnnco for rond as suîàrve-3.ed by John Shicr, Egq., P. L. S., and hasucuale eaaculd, shal frus psu-t ausd ,bo a portion of Ibis By.law. 18a )ue cli oe Of Ixhniidou litthc V"illage cof Geesivoot lainsaisi tose'itt4sp, on 1, euday, thse 0114 dY cf Fbuurary, 1861, At tssua0Mock la the farenoon, at uvisich ltime anas Place tise meutbors cf tise saisi Musnicipal (JOurtcil are listroby>'ruiquircil te aendss lor bise plirp9se usfcrmend. ROBERT SPEARS, 51 £oi nsiip Clou-k. CASH! FOR E'ERYBODY!l ,Who vialos te IhAY43 il, 13y turnling Surplus Stock lut . Mon1ey TVe iimulersigxaulrecoes cotnssmat-ni4for "uV1arc the Io s0est prudes Cîsli e osase A5Lps:î os caaîiguing goeds ista>' el> cl, ]Ro MPT SALES, AND T. F. NICHOLL, Auctioîsaer & Geou-nI L Comus'n Menclit, Petenlsorouii, c. w. N. -TiitTownî lin a-kuscwhodjb> lhe rCommsclil dsunuiiiity te bho.Le st lu tisa Provlince (tir h iiolust. Plbr',C. W., e ., 180. 51 Sm. Farm Servants Wanted. M IAN AND 1M1 WIFE vise yuli mahe r1 isossla general>' upetlians injdor- 11attia#di eorytiigcuuinocteslwiilî rssrnlag. -Ne al ise sas wpply lt iieiefoeoae. Apply' te WIF1ED C. SCHIIREBEL, TIs10 'arqui pu-opor, I Dtecunihor27, 1960. Dl-3ins0 Agri oultural Notice, E tl 5E Ajînni ?octlsmg oel'tbCountv Airici-i .1.isi laoicty cfSots Otibtaris, yl hocllti at Cu-,akor'itfIlote!, 'uVJitby, cn matnduy tise r lOtis tuant., at 1 O'asilock,,p. un. JOhIN SIII, Wlutby, Jan.ý2, 186 . fc-tr D RRD. NOR-TON, TTyAq SUOIEED)DU. CHECIILIIT IN Witby.; ANN UAL MEEýTINGT, 01 ie u ïorth Ontartoe rleehnn]Xvisîca si N OTICIP lai heres'y ivs'n, tisat the Ausaau<l scînhuuiùisi rt' âft)tem aansidîmalrtes fort0 'ear 1bilI isethud et B. Piookm Motel, lu, *11 - Ltniie Vilag onon fat hs.heur of 1 'olock lanbthe attennoon; u N. B. Tise nemi Viractor, sutinL vii , elulutisai,~ pInce-05sb0siîhbu Ftva, Moi ý-1*»UV eo a uies intaleuu wsis>19 V4, t $h.gu-iffCO.d lu, qaby$uf, Slmn oer C NoJic 'and rbunsi P g McauiX$uf alon, Odfh. lan ae adefo acleareté-ýers GLM259, BIS&O 6and urtons porerg adfUWp»erCdýt , . . adt e 1 p hse f verýn-alm t , ; Ut 7 , O' w"Ï'à, g'., A L t y prs o e r t , ta s . G osinneas s, l3asaa 's an d B rto n', P o tera auss A iesandfpints a d q u arta. t -' e i o t sait0, om h eptiag i i n ss in.- hs A L RU 7TOC O GL SSW REdistrict ou- oui7pplicatiols by lciter b thse 0112A. * OO~é A L OIL A N» '00A L I A P .-~ o~ 5n 46 . ' Nom.land, CommcrtitBuiliding"ssmaa (i)TTClTTl7D7T-LB ALA Pauused22nd De., 1800 Tolx the ctirai andpl1ace.fàÏMTcofd'ilsp the' J. oiitidby îi Eis1î~îîlu~ atraW TStoôkkoder#-othe, Port kM an o, s Cle is C ciialcsr for th iu <Co ini, L jjJ jýJ [ NI I oa om 'qqi rMI EUisicrioers vil!eosnmolicWe t ako thse- Aligvers to the ,following questions vîli Sch'o Company', did ssot paso a By-a oxactod55 aeoeoallng l t he 14w: providing for th- holding of thc Anu al T ie u i n u u , o e ui p i ' i i, p îe s s or th r lig i n * T i i u b c r i e r o e f l' e r s a l e ' i s e n t i r e S t o c k o e t n of h l b s e ck o nd e r M o n d a h e us D e a n d ug o ë à h afos la p r e u w o b d i th e i aue j C o m p a n y o n t e s c n : d y i e o n t isé i gi et S Un ui , Ja uar > ttS1, 1661. ce ab er. Whoter'tie o'beoetl* esidnta rtrn A nd w ereas bh c Directora of bhc saisi aiitviai inig their par-nanent rasi (lom",,a r au- hez-c n eë den te u e s ev W i lafurd ier n eessar >' te i- dicte ie ëdà i - rma cnt c tlhe' Foy 2 nd Victria Chàp. 49'oecioho, sine ltiforati a th regrd tol an>' maîcîbr CompriSing Gilt, W ilite 'and Figured Chine, Tep. Sets, also W yhite 39 n" 0 of the Conio lâed soies of oth lam t u ' te o a yasetl i and Oolored Stone Tes Sets, a sud acom pit as ot e to' C m Jpper Canada, to -pass a By-aw fur ftlné requred. - ý . . Plte u -orM'*ét o Com , olling of the said A»iiual Meeting, ns e u - m e r o n W m a r re s io r i g l o , v î u l a w o u - M o n I V i r e . H e w o u l d i n v i t e t h e i m m e d i a t e t t t e t o f c u t y n l s i b n i s o nhôt r h , eim - ' Deaiers, and ilfousekeepers, as the Nwhole cf the,-stock imuat .be> 33e lb dtrlro mbr.- .1 Desifid Deub, Blind, Luatieiae Ilotâ. d9o e f b t e FI S F F B L A Y 0 ÃŽa8-10 leiVe :f the saisi Coisipany, tha>~ t te next An- TJOOwi hâv attuded shool duirg the room for anotZer branch of business. * - mini cig of tîîe Stockhoderse t tIhe B I h d eaJd P 0 t 1 s . nu it g t h e c s a i n e p e n u d , Q P T ' 1 1 r . . ,a i d C o m p a n y , a i a l l l i a , l l d an t i sh e -C o i n . witi the Ag s.loi, bc" ccas per.*nsand as -T E R M J S T R T Y C A i S jI -pa y's O llicoPort I Wity', ors i c r a i§ îo u ll- ia I e us o f ti e r d a t . P ~ I r i d a y , t h e li b i s ' J a n u a r > , 1 8 0 1 , Al Grjat and PtI u'XiUi unit otir maiufac,. * 'a 12 oco, on frhi pipso f turiîs esaabith1ict. T . I . M cM ILL A N , a 12 oco k n n f r t (- p p se f A 3 a l disrtu t *on tatth e E num r . W h itb y Dfl - 1 6 0 .elec cb'rw D irc tors or the ben ou e t or 1i:u reu n ,lu rdanao w it k She eulea s - Y f . O . 4 7 y etr, an~d th at b vth e L s sh i a1 U take us b y aU sisîtiou >ythe1 1.atsBlu. 1 allie "a.se sn,~______________ _ basllot, andi bat, thcstabsent sa>vote by W detlr oprito o r cautà,a, ol l c re : N 1 T I D T I T Qpro m'. T h e i u i bi, r u t a rQ e o s u s à d o r c c ti p l I 5 l a i j j j - l i - ) jJ,, S i 1S1, O N W ' ' O 1 ±ain soour of A ur est rod ulc sg à cr p l ui 1860. A t do. do.Pia pasture.AT I do. do. inui Usriusor Orcliards. TieticînsltY of lanid whils l oduieod cacis a o o 86ui heumber ut blaliehs hou-. 86 Ote L T.eand (loffei Alnd I cou ipublc attenlotio- ctise lOtis clans, f Ls e K s A cot suisiig tilc folloi ing . '-T ~ Ard tloi i te emW14sel tht t hec saidElsui. à] raton» siall b c au-oaraby tisa. rcssuitl au i- thcrized t6 assk u nil'parmons sal qatsudiolis 0De- cassary co entsale thit aatouinakustise siascisua.ist aud ubsisloiî'rniisa'r.sd isoIkh LAGER RAISINS, tlscy are îîititurîzcd wtuaak ly any litrssstitis to bc isisi d Lb t ie a d sard uoS e ixiratio isL A  An ~ a i i t titi cuMd i lalialas o e r c am ateo L T N- -- i A ,s ssii ASAM111011ieaieasd osiîar doumisents cois- tasîîtssg iStatlstW'iinformastionu. Any peu-scia VALENCIA RAISINS, svli ros.uisas or noglulsleta uuiovr, or wii5ui5 audsaers ftlsicI l a uay m us tio. li,-o £tTRR N evusry sucla reisiaaaiurc e, Incur'a puttaty i R A TS of n' issi tiaitfuirdo Iars, isor ure tisais FI twutiy dllrs it tIs 1ettcoîsu f t'.0ai Magis t r s t o h b u îr i w l i o n s t i e a u e l u s u r ' d f o r , s s d ¶s tise tuo-sicua i tiu ctica i sli uet bcli isîsi- The usuat supply Iluest brai te d o th e m t inte si 'I s i i h t ise a id sstc c ctuit s o a o c - a g r c c rc to bu tik i as ai rcaic, but mlal cxled oî R ob yalLo h na ga ,&c , iii>' quutioi wliulliIt mss at ais>' hyissabt cuissi roqsi.iio to auli lui order to correct or nui,.piy ais> suppciued oer or rdofcttIsisAucis aCctlsnsu. s. B. ARBANKS,j Ceassis Couisnsiassner l'or Couasty cf Outarlo. - 1860. IFÂLL IIl Otuissîa, Doc. 20, 180 1 JOEL BIGELOW, tl 0 v d 01 Y4 w Y4 w tic tu to tu 11) wý 81 - JO SEPli D=£~uetn' ~ "T J 0PEUPL E Li-0:--- tise mure tla iaii >'I hfod exir ; ruti, . îî a àstjîî 15argo trade Ilii tlîaae eild uruti musiall good tiymncs,. h6istock, and bc eonvin-Ad that taydeof. G/D "' TME IEOPLES' CHERAP ASE STORE," . t MEIiu the lecickue of thse ,ict _ vorA 431d. tits Dre s Goode, Rob Ro y and other Che eku», Printesi C n.; hrnreeu, rvtgpop ry " )Ylltelr-'A à Cobourg§ fla ai coloni'.. A large lot of Cauadia tevoes. whiteLt rdCie S itriSG Snai tedFiaaiiels, pymnted and striped, Shirtlogs, ai.,% bargain; Dc. 7, 1800. 1 ' aèirjr ndTw- p$y Carpets. A la?ýgc lot ôâ'Druggeiiaug lm ____________ -! carpets, &e. Ladies,' Pelt Hlas, la greut varioy ; Uosiery. . R  TK & M A D N L Ladies' ansi Gentl'emen's (ilovesoFuir Caipe andi Gausiîcs.Lao dis làtorinelr, uRt,&e f 'T e«u, Sujets, -ôbaccon, lai great varlee:v, eta bergalu. ýBoa.e b Robesf , " -.Commission cicans&Atcine8 Geuitlcsnoull i's uebber and Bulfalolned, O'vérnsih'es,aga (1,OÊ!poloItegistri7 office. baigîn. ~ Y ~ - E,pîpard t1 attUod sIcà 1.1 a111parta ot Soliocil Booke, j3lank l3ooks, Inluiin; a generaî t i tis eooîstry ~ ~ tionery, t Puilluler'a Prices. . . FAIJI!K".Jr D. . M CDO1ELL ai ha ctsmliauiuîîtuuîr~cd ii ptîls fure,1u tIe I -q IlEFE1ENUP(.S-Z'. BurîlîatnEsq. Juge- GOodu nM111A dtub its î ilJ ie, d u f.111Coîî'stv- QuîtClirio; #tVîo. Lniu, q. , WhIduty; prIce, (roum wlsicisn eltm oiwl u au yr« W ih ~' i . EMEMBER TIIE A DSSI. 0 trro c.i) , Eq. tyr J 'li ; . lé' t.-IP OPI.Es' CIEAF CASH STOREuI, Y. BurIns, EqQilawsî liuEqU JOEL BIGELOW, a. W li meisi , u b n r h o h l i u n o v esj 1 0 lil s i stw S to r , oM D aoid îs a d j p s o i h tctU m l n i n s o éo S B ENG thse Miste-litfofthgIe Ncrtisilf of Lo'(t No. r,,in theis îd ctîcutasion out itoali coîtaiming i*f> Airua, witis agocel FRAlIE BARNF AND LOG 110135E, For pantiaulsuequiro of tîie iuuariber. J. S. M. WILCOX, WîiLb>-. De. 20, 1800. 50 T IIE CNADA AGENCY A-SOCIATIMI O F L' NDSN, ENGLAND, ire preasi cd to icgncimîe kusiis-sat 8 per-ntul iereît tIp ous inuprovoti Fariss. Tisa mos s yau b o e tailleu as soosi c.a 'Ibe plau-o r>-isubeout'upf laroceil cf. Fou-T 'ru-n. etapihicatlon anticar infIorma- A. 11. ROACSIt Do l~ eligbols-st.fleur John-ukt Troato: - C AbiZ lie as>' aIn-, on Lot No. 1, Buoken PJro c,1iker ig,aubont lise aOlis clsi>e [Jecema e,1860, s Bssy Ito-se. Tite comr ct ,av. ssair'- bypro-iug hircponty andi îayia5 'WILLIAl b>ROCTiOR Pierinmg, Dcc, 26, 1866. 50 Sin SECNIOR GRAIIMAR ICHOOL. H lE Wiiaier Ternnof Its. aboyo vlU conI Ttscinco, <D.V.> ou Tueday tie 5k oJuauary, 1801. 2bty oth Dlc. 1960. Prsep. -VqkmbleFari for sale.,- Acres, 125 eum1red, ad2 oeLot 19Ã", 'my beiweessils, important murnkat owniqof WilIS>' 5454 tIsIeva, ansi tii 13 isitisut ]rive cf olthiserlpe. 'Tise f l'a mumidür tht, suisap. "ThIiré na piviisu-dircfelle ù6îoooud ,ds efeat 1isifeeon -thefru e. y field 1'e, air mofruit Mdsioistu-ut eer V-ý wa C-sto'>'atout Itoux3, snd-wittte ml-bu i, whtch are rees> ausid exteust thxb b o rd.rnuxrexpencu becs S od 1Arfflkla-t>làg pl oee f ths ns, poss imis lIn thae nnlry. t s>' 74uiaeusrgg one 1 ta,usolty snisl e>'tsiagrodpou. es ubsr,-p u aIa ) epy 490 Ah. r 7f': m 74 'M-E eWa-rehouse, [Il dlwfa LEM 'ON PEEL, ORANGE PEEL, AJLMONDS, BRAZILS, -WALNUTS & FILBERTS, ands'"'of, Brandies,- Wines7and HA-MILTON, ROBERTS. «x è ct 0 Loi ti s- Id 'M Wieib,o .bion , 10. Dsils totitsb RANC 8 TR ssoialss LIE ubsribrs aving opened the Store iately ereçtedae ,,TIMANObHESTrER, they noir offer-in ID k Y G O S ach i e aortn ent for -W itr. GLOTJIING,-O4výer.ôat,. . Uàder.costs, Ve4 SPank. al GROCERIE$-A fresh and comîplete asortrnent f'or family CRO CKERY,-"Direct frrom û;-the'- manufaCLuer9, t41ord. ALL KINDS 0F PRON3)T ÀKsV. O - 11Ã" &r-II4trndncestrc fT Tthé medicss liai]. Bro»k Iuei ilby,5r wili ho uatid acsiof~urictc EXTRÂ.BOUND BIBLES, rFrayer Booki', W eslay*â Il> mnà%s IVA"T' PSLM 'AND IIYMN,. CôxPA!Ç1Oji To TÉÉ AtT.? W. M .DOEL. B.Ge.u!n -ruiu -iArta %- Itioct lit Take Notice. B' ER 1 IIY fou-bita1ýîui perésonisoletn - ueii is tg sie fur Le nUe of StnJ prsed, 0,,(,,hxr&BEwpyçRT IPO two~yp l&bcc-.Tiso uwncr en ibaa umoi 1i esl- piug.pae andi vs. rday 4 ar,_ r tie buis cbils for lch#, ýdb>' Iats soud 1 1 the Jolinshéir'm pluil of i olli and 2,1w Ifflek, - Wliitbv. eoistainior by. atlniùââurr,ýu" 1 &1 Notice.

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