Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1861, p. 4

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F.w roadersMu . b iarep nusl tbey liire bad ee~~ Ifs«4 bew ururehilabor or imamb uleà, *noe sai.d by àrroi t44Is u sthiefollo¶5jt 1607-Vlrgluîlas ettled by the Euîgliehi. W hoe 16l4-NoeýYork eettU#d I bé'Datch ', 820-Maesabnutt. uttlsd by thé Pda.T.s- :1624-;No esemy s.tlelby the »ub. & ' h2-Dawrs.Ulaéd, by 8 we~ ig' l ,de , T'mns. -~ 1WMWqlad sottie4 byYrlbOabc l60NthCarolina sltled by ltb. E u;lleli. Carlea nttlsd bi lb. Prîen s *12 -nîgi settled by Oglethorue. 179-Veraiont admitted ie 1 h. Uni. 1792-Keiîtacky admitte it mbthe.Uni 7-?96 -Tennessee admitted lito bhe'Uni. BRITISH REYIEWS' IAZONARD SCOTTk CO., w lnlading BnItsh Peniodicals, vi:- raz LONDiON QUARaTF.iLT(Conà;ervallve.) ,ras TUE NORTU DRîTIOU lî!VIEW (Fiee 'Chaich.,> mz. 1802-Ohio atmitted inte th. Unilon. 1'o 1811-Louisians adnîttet into the Uni. 1 i', O5EINUO KOZW (o-. IfilO-Tudiana admitted ito teeUnicn. l8lOMisissppiadmitted ite eUni- 1818-Illinois admitted lato the Uni. liR9-Maushms admittet fate oUal- udr, 1820--Mlaine. unitîed inio the Union. 1821-Mliasouni atmitted intc, the Uni. I 836-Mlichigâsi adnîitted juntethe Uni- 1 836-Ankann ' admitted imb îte Uni. i 845-Flei ida admitîod mlot e Union. 184.-Tegas admittcd ie the Union. l840-Towa admj'tiîîed thîe Union:' 148-Wiscousin admitteditobthe Un{. ]850-Californla admitted jute the Uni. 1 lSsS-in ncsota ad mittet lato îLe Uni- l858-Oregon admittet loto the Uni.1 The pi-cment ciItical abats ôf.Eraiopeamiý safro will u'enden these PQublicetions an- usuailly lnteresting dtsrinÉý th. f'rthcoml'z yeur, They wii! occupy a middle gveOnd batween the lhastil> wrilten aoftgs.ItemA, cnudo sreculationu, snd; llylng i-mours <*1 tise diiy Journal, and , penderous Tomaet the future lîustenuan, wrltten afler the livltug 'iustenost and exciremient et the gi-est political evants of tbe lime shahl liaiea psscdswey. Itl IsIe tho Poi-lo tica h lit routons malt lôok fboI lb, dxîi intîelligible and reihibie hielor>' cf curroou. evenîe, nti as stîchinl addition te their wcl.cstablised litenar>', Dcientlllo, sud tiscologîcai ciiaracter, we urge thoni upon the consideration cf the resding publie. 'The reccipt cf AvJ~REsfront the flnitisipubshirs gives additions> value te the Reprintsq, Inasmtzc 4aeste ouw Fer any oesof the four Rteviews.. .$8 00 MoYny"o ôf th&fu-eiw« '5O Fui y tu rée-ot théA-fîar-léviewe. ..ý7 O For aI fetir oethue ltbna'.r. . 8 (0o For Blackwood's Magazine. ..:à00 Fer lackwo-,d sud eue Itevicw. .. .65 00 For Iilackwood ansd twe Reviews ... 7 ioO For Biuckwood and lbree Lloviews... .9 00 For lluckwoed and the fourBevews.10 00 _*" ý 1 foncy carrent in t4I State tol&rd inued A letter li t te New York Herald statieil otsb receired at par t -tat thore in flot a single Abolitionist with- POSTAGE. i1ith borders of Columbia. Evorybody Ganadian mail stîiscrîbers si!llie supî it oesi sevnt heyugladies casitùcs ut i Hees bc ltvcnmade and suspended tram thoir bud. porice no ebironission can le aMôWed te i 1,a fax ith lete tarandin tinagents. i ~a Ug wîh loo sarandlaLEONARD SCOTTTIL CO. m.iolto, "Now or neyer," uderneath. 46w No. 54, Gold'Street, New York ' at institution accommodates one huit. ______ __________ ldand fifty pupi!., one hundred of whoaî i itrging frin teaâges of twolve to eigh- intebuding. A feinale sallor liai turned up in Liver. . pool. Iler name fi Annie Stuart, and 15r i a fine girl ot 18, bora in Glasgow, 101J ha for rive years followed the lits ofta > lr, i maie attire. She i. Dow in the iierpool wô-rkhouse, baving applied te tho LOA'ED AT pirochial çuhorities te obtain mens and DUFFALO, ALBANY, i. ý.t!îing -te undertake a situation morecuroaJ a,,N. 4 .indwy nu 1cordancu with lher sei. Sha hau ive N. Y. CITY, CLEVEPLAND, Coir. Seziaca asupenor l,othero, all sailors, and it was ber desire lCooper Intituuc," Aitor [Sîruels. 1 be vwit1à tbem that induced hier to go te i'PlceDETiROI ".Durisîg fie years her sex <vas only 1 Na4~PIî, ,. ,'% owa.,,,î M.. di; icovered once, and thiat. wlu duriag an COo lan d Cbeui,îgSoit. 1nue1.r "-nmirtation by aàinedical Mau Whou aheCbCc, T OI fi "itured her rîbe by s fal. cor. Clark amoilVaahieg. Cra.r 'liiRi an VIMis lun t5ireos Bnm~ca 0F irPIiisE 0F MÂRIiAoc-Sr. GEER LINFORIgATIOri. riXPflI.5'Covv, Y5TEPAT.-CCK. Ouîr oatidrd of -PetmaasAip In the famows livjTT Y. Tnib Rk~ICV. .3ETT.-This vuWl 4î, en4Eria,,." 'i wriî Stiiiit, cin comnmenîceantat any ime, as thera ciWi f enquiry te aubes the damages, ore n viigî,îoi,,.. I ii at £5000, for bregeb ot promise of Viie, }riiipalo anîd Toacbern, offlils Chala of uiariag. PainifT'is goarn cs it geohive, nextotwiue aoquintîîie os)ii ev- iiiiiriage PJaitiff' to agoyeress n cilarge, cieo,, and ilwàtyot consuidar tl a ploaitître ~~nheser an drcnonîk îe ncui.to' fil1tlier tiie l*et iternsti of thoir griiduantes. Manheseranddeendnt os heincin- $tiýlucits cî,teictouaauy on,0or thcee olloese ';nîcf clîrchin te snie cwn I Ila)- tlie pasynient uf $4q, bccoino entltlcd te the 1 ,ntof a churc in te rivilown , etwuiofthe contre ohm,,,"coîpriellig iî;,îînunced ilirt a telegrant lhad been re-, eliiit jfti ,ottn,,î21,.rn u, ctiFor 4ived froni Manchester stating thst the and cl,,aoel ent the College r:,e 1 lad a.recd te a verdict -for £1200 I1>>îio idrufs 1h tiih,,VO. liae.80 BRYANT' STRATTON Tac SaicnntiyCàsz.-In dliv.ring jîîdg. î:nîît on the Sîtedoin caue, Sir C. Cress- wllspoka of the prosecutien as most un j ti iiflabk lelgiion, c.'rried on by untound. v'I aspersions. F or the male petitioner he 1 lad nu sympaîby, but for the temale ptil. Iît,îier liei did foc! amon deeply. 8h. bad rn. cribrought tupliii a full bliet et the truth i lier tathr'. story, and it wus clear, thiat 'e lied dwet uponfi for yesrs and yoars FrI -,ANU LIME "ith the unheitatîng confidence -of a duti. INSIRANCE COMPANY fal !and affectionate chiid, until it had at I ENGLAND. Listbecome iaterwoyen with ber very na- lure. Royal Insurance Buildings ,Llveipool A desperato ececontor tcck place at No. 29, Lomtbard Street, London. 'e'st point, Mis., on Christmas day, be- l .von Mr. P. Cash and Janles Kiinoy, in 0 A P I T A L, %% Iii the former wua killed. They fought TWO M-9ILLIONS 3T LUIG(, %îith bewie ýnives, and Kinney was literaily AND LARIGE RESERVE FUNÇDS. eut te pieces, rec eiving eight wcunds, but it lu nctt îlought they will prove menraI, FI1 RE DE PARTM EN T, un ho was able te leave for home in the Tltli% Cînîpiiy Ingu,,,. Building$$ and ail othor cceing Cah'.Ibrat as ut remcardescription ofut'oropryr rlanxt Loo or Daimage t;ýenig. ub' thoa wa eu frni arby File,, on tii ilost Ileria Trpw. 1.> car. le died immediately. Kinney A!> jiist logsois promptly nttie', wthout de- ivruo :na ifi.ti hie .it ..1, 4ectioun or disoutitýt. aadwitl,,wut ref,,.,nce te, The London Tisses remaries on tho hap. j-y coincidence whitb biinge authentier ncws ut~ the pesoe witb China just au tho belle wcer-ingiuîg-tbeir furet Christmas chute. Ths Times -heartil>' ccngrmtuimtes the erouitny ou the conditiona et peace, by the tisai-Lb article of whi9h Tientein ut oncee becomes an open ment for traite, unit bringe- ue loto direct commercial eommunication wîiti Poila. ÀÂuaw colon>' cf Irsee loveoa, soc iialuehu, people of 4"udvanueit sud reoeptivê minda, ie about being feundeit-at Hammoutea, en ijie Camton ait Atantic JRoiiwavl~bu thi-t>' -miles fi-enaPbiiadelphia.. Abont uleveu huuidr.it feehs s-am ireadith «0bmor ou thole- wuiy hither, Most cf wbcuu are' ople-tuaitt. ThÉey mIstedtefollow the b"so.of umreci gardening. z Eugaud. ------ qi ut L Tii,,luaigo Cestil uand jiticlous saugenîcut et tuuîs ouîPaiy liuure tlheuio etcnefet>-. LIFE DEPARTMENT, Lorgept pmntieipaion etflProfits conistant wituî amitrn ute socanît>, sad%iteeiybensuit euîî- bi-mcitiiithua sciencec r Lire Asenrùteiouforded b>' tua Ro>'mi,, Pttemenîmlmuhe uecelpîs forNe olIIsawii i-!,Oi cf the past 'em. Ineefroni ail soareee lu 1858 Exiuitns -an uras. inuot 'mr cloue ew The fuRds inluant exceoei £70000,o Ex>hlbitig an ELbeaeeloj u Signe cf aven>' iecna rluotlonhoufwnorniit a te offiae cf, ; - - ' -- Agemnt for Town cf Whltb>'. Whhtby, b. 25, 1860. &o, u b*Mb to he lspi 10 ConaNumber; Tearnî 02.50; iaAgents vantait for ti'ass publices. r 1J.tlceand leasIng lis nîumenonsMoinds tinsa1"d the venu' i1bers1pattpngolie bau r.-, Ïeiveit-,frgnm thum, sudhais groat pleneurInl eordua'uy reenmendiag te thei- éoi8aee, sas DR. PATTERtSON4,",- ,WIiî who lm>buen e»* juukW ntd kîsowttbebbau sktl2if sd 45ceues a à r<btlci or.- PÂTns " LD-j nnuiecçwd!ng Dr. là uow pritparudte trea4 cil dlseness-ncldental to tho haimatîýNýytâma, eûte'or cliroffn iduaer- ;fônîmIlUepération'ena utho'Zyo suit km,-with- g reet isceeseA. lie wlll attend te cahis ither lii cownor Coautry eut the mnt Crespectaible r.- ferencesilvcn. Wke fulowiutaune à tow: W.BELAYkJ'%Bowinnlanvil Lrwzei locz, Esq., Whithy. J. M.L cwscs, Esq.mIlluî!Y. - 1v. 'T. Cc nCore. Rev. J. Iusu, lluwtnaeuviifo. J. Il. Gsram, Esq., Wlitby. (tilOie,, et Mr. Ilcmk's oid nefideno,, jiyroal Street, Wliitby, neuîly oppoisite iiorip turc'* hIctel. 14. TO TUEINHABITANT8 GITLC 1TI . , 4' tendorne ni> sîtîcore ti,îî,lî,, to the huis- the ÇCou tiei1 nme dprifng past catia, 1ega n came be(oe gblloftluug yn ato ipotsdeeIee ln the future. It will over bc m> duty te moent thaI confi- dence yon lsave so clicerfully couîfilddlI nie. l'rounltitnde, eîîrtv, and Miîe stnictest atteîiou to bueiness, wilil bothe ujens 1i aboliteke te doserve !tg contînauxýco. AULX. THOMPSON, -Auctioncer, llalf-way Ieuse, ýjSearboro' LwOCA.Z.. c3=>-m3 un. ionz<N aI ... .......laremont. 69 . ?IIOMFU,3............... Brougllain. -' 0 ~.,ac ..............Whtby. a ne 2Oth5180. 2 Ail ondet~icft -it the £ronldoffie', wliere 4 1lgip ~$Al sale» and *nga'eouîute la re- gairlycepslabc oattended to. Pfoos sr. nanedt and chiygpfixod, wieut t0-e trouble of meelng Isr. Tlîmpsoîî.81 Caution to Treupàsoosiluthe * Public Parests. N OTrICP.ls hcrcby givc'î Chat ail peroonis Ncîittinir Tiniher o uicl.,i.t4%ithit LawpriIe of itAii iieîit'î,tire; aid parties rciioviîîg tir catî,olugr to belicni.C, Ir limmsitif IL lu rettior- lui; ,l- in.i uiî, r ouît i-1 tt: e i f the,,i.tlçert. orf the Depitrtulielitot t Crw,,l.ivio, ,.,,uujcct tlionseiveA to a 'oîîaity of sk; perTi,,,,,witil l'encans Iiiideriiig aîiy i >!fcr or Ageîit ct "le. 1)11î,tinent otC(owi L,iiis péliu thldids- clîlîrg. .1i;iie tuty in lu ,itlî itriber ttJý,gudll eît-or tiskler w yurctialig to bctuke ki âaîy. any 'liber sciîred uiltr thîe Act I12 Vie>. Cap. i), a0re glîllty ,of leliy. Partie i onittiiig Tituber ou Loiils tîrclingoil b, Cls, ouis retence ci ;etilue,,out, lbut rvaîuî forfh l'ip'e utti g t'lie'iiitibar, tire rust- 3.1. VANKOU;I[N.ET, C:Onuliîleauiier. Dctsirtraent bf Crown Lauîdx, Quoiel,, giNovcmê.,or, 186o TOY JBOOKS FOR CHIRISTMAS I'RESEN TS, A. TIIE YANKEE NOTION STORE. TIOYS!1 TOYS 1 TOYS l SANTA. CLAUS 18 COIYLING 6 CASES JUST XIECE1VED. At the Thîe Wonsan 1lsiWistte, by ' llMo lUn,, At the YANKEE NeTloN STORE. Violins, Flut- s & Aceordeans A n,,w 1lot Jîîst oçctved et thie 48 YANKEE NOTION STORE. b-:>To, the AMioted..ÇI TIIE CELEIIRATED GER MÀA "liel Culs BruI11es. Dans l!kinds cf Flou' Wýounds zaeedenît t sk*Iuma*, f il InBottles at 25 tQ 6-Ocep ]Each kcrdiîîg 10 siz.. 'Tihîý 6d wIl;/dtâ aý I o ycýin4%, a"d is aU, ltfail blg remod(y for tho re, ~EUG OP ÀiwùDXD, ImültWteëd eut' oihnàWî bh an been usod suocosst'uliy for tiieLest itovon Yoars, and lias novrer beau kncwn te fui>. Maeoand soIt bit A. KI4OWLE8 P'ickerng, C.iv Wimtby-, .1,,,>.24, 1600. 1>' 2 pf thse Canaiau bMails Steamerst, saiing ovenj Suturda>' fromt Port- liaiît ifor Detîyat Lvenpooi iii» Ib.eas fol- Prm nhou.. W., Fi-m }ailitWî ai Jý,",hur&dy Evonlng TrainIn Rosu1iu Pro Frine mrulng Trau, ISatara_ FrontKlnztqyi,11,at9, 1P. M. PionEBripda> 'iALi ooeaTrain' Tii. Ocean - rioutre. Steamer wil ly Spe Loi Train brida>' mail ftcmn - Nlgfplst,- ften- arrIvat-cf Portland lum- T orono rida>' Mornluug tedia'ely Fi-cm Quebc, cf Moiitreul IIÏyFrlaav Eveniug Trahui Train. couuleiclug at Riehmouid witiî $PequsITrain trpm - Tho hour et wJie letueo Mails s'il> bc elogod et each Cil>', irillt ho otitled b>' the. lutaîts. tore. SIDNEY SMITH, Post OtIlu cpautiueuit, Q-;chec, Dc.0, 1860. 48 Wagou'Xa'ker's Shop f«r Sale tx't, Lot. l1Eeouoit nut. t liuer's Cor- sL ienrto 701 tUy eeeupîod 6rMr. James claInsp leuueut bont a. kîiton acre oflant. iTha pi-imises are i-coin>' nnd i 'uatet lusns géod ot iolit> foi- business, eut willibcho mli or lut clîoap.. CHARLES GRIFFITIf, Or tc JOIN niCe, 47-8m Blackimltht, opposite the pncuilrim.. Farm Servants Wanted. A MAN AN» 1118 WIFE, who wil! maki tlîaunocl%.v o erail> ugefal, and ider- sxtand e%,or)ytlilng cotîncotoii with farrilngi. No one nie! an1v iitliott réereuoo, Aploly te LFE .SCHREERi, 'Xbie rquaon pnopertv, Doeeubor2l, 1880. l-sing; Agricultural Notice, TIl E Aunqal Moectiîîg of the, Coaiîtv Agrieni- Tuu Sni ociety of6orth Oitîrliî, m-liblll at Crocker'st liotol, 'Wtiitby, on iSttîrday the 1 OLl nl., st 1I olek, p.ini. JOIhN SUIRi, Secretary, Whit.by, Jan.Q, 1890. -ll8n Publia Lands D ETORS-te ther Crown, wiii ake Notice guet; the elog tioij#4 requiriiîîg pîyiyuîut cf' arreure on,,ubic lstndt4 anc hi fuîll furc,, witb the salle onouf P-irliginucîît. sqqntttons are ncnulniiled that tiiey eau only acqilire a riglît il u liv Lands by« pureiameo fron, the C(,ruwne and tiat tlicoo land* are aold te tho Irest aîîplicant. 11,w M. VANKOUG!1NET, D ntinnt f CownLands, -gCQuebee, Otober let, 1840l, G lE*T iSALE -0F BANKRUPT STOCK! Stoves, Stoves on 924heFit a1d Wo*innk bpt'ia bdepended on. '%Oo caes andt Beys-Tepsnd 'Bedy. cool.' , 10û0-Men WAl~X~'11~~ ER0OS,ý BRICKFBUILDINGS, WHIDrBTfl >~e -iOR>WtOWJHPIiIH~ET PITCEWILL1~EPA2 PECICAL CR.IE A RAND- m NUFAdIYER'0 BROCK S7PREET, WILITBýY. fl.J OPPOSITE TIRE TOWN HALL. e Ail of tbe above work éxéoûted with neatuess and despa.tch. Ail work wanncuited. Cal! and sece specimcng. Rememiâ,tlte adclrou. 43 DONOVAN, WALIKEY & Co-- .NO@ 1, UCommercial Buildings. Clothing without. seam, made'entiroly without the use of the needie, other than attaching buttons'& button holes! Ilave just neceivcd a shipment et this latest novelty SEAIffLESS BU1SINESS &OVROATSV Tru gi-est variety, anul cf the most desurable stylas, sud as tue>' arc likely te superce the oit style te se large an e'cteiit, wo wtou!d rcspecttuliy cal! >'onn attention Le Oui- stock betore ptirchasing oiscwht-ro. . These tabrice arc ail weven in thuaWeol, without any seani, on the cross fibre systani, which centaine the greatet elasticit>', with tiie greatet strongth end durability ; will noîthier sbrink, non itraîclu ont et shape, nr crack ; aud almost water-proof, anuinii point of ivarinti, dunability, andul al otlucr desiralule (Iiluities, uiuquauuuiotîrstly usupenion to auy other stylos, as li who- test tiucm must cordialky admuuit. IYe dlaim that the ScanilesiCoat is wanmcn, and wili wein longer tiitauiay twe Odi. uany Couen fthCle oitstyle. Nos. 1 'ând 2, Commercial Buildings, O Bnock Sti-cet, Wtitby, Nov. 127, ISiiO YES & P>OWELL. flEOS te anneunce to hie nurne-u.uss fu-lendre and custome that ho i now .carrying on his extensive bueiliese e: CkR-ARIAGE MAKING, IN ALL UrS BRANCHES, On lie new promises istciy cnectcd by lin on Brode Street, thie iangcs and most com- plota establishmnent li the Province, wiîeno lia le preaand, as hanatofore, te execute ai! entons ontrustedtote is cane. CAIUtI-AG'ES, BUQGIES,'SLEIGIIS, CIJTTERS, &C5, $W-IanaCactured unSaiolet at the I.ewent nemunerating Pricea. ALL WORK WVARRANTED LUMAiDR and PRODUC' LEN INLY'IfXG at 3L4RAET PRIGF.6 D. FORI)'S long expeniencaeoft tîint>' >ears, lu he,,pinci-pa!Manuuctories ef the States and Canada lias given tiist oxpenleuice iu uvery branch of the businîess which fw have been able te arrive aidt'o at' tdsig,olgucetfiilidrbity sut solidity 8 wenkmnausluip, lita woi-k caitot bo excellet. ZrCall sud son R4pactmeas. TIIE NEW ESTABLISIIENT NEAR TUIE BANK. Whitby, 13ot. 4, 1860. AT * A. IL OG AN'S, huleor'. nid euttbisinuit, Broak lSt. Whitby. Apple l'ai-ens et Lugan'osOFIEPRTi- OSZ P liai(' îîusîui iîol sitres ut Lîanu's FIEPOllt iSE Gi-ahn i, cechsui ai Pu'yi. MAUhIIAG-E 1ICENSEý' 'in waro it' <vr i-yescriluthcî1 ttovui'p*î Ms(By Autliorityl.> ~dotclu fiet ucîon>Cluitig fiu t. a tova nl AT II WC)i wu e Liguus b'J *- POST OFFICE, WHITBY. Caliler I'its uuand Shîet ('ipper fur sale. A. MCl,11E1Ci'<N, Cuusuu fier ltiegt;euSheaîsikhisn. 4Agenit. .ARRAII LOGAN. -- Wltb>-, Oct. 24, 1860. 40 WIIITBY PIANO -FOBRTE Sherif's Sale of ]Lands foi Taxes. MANUFACTORY, Mary Street, WVhitby. s I ale cf Lands o-Tales lu thé Cu".isiity - - illuite 'Imcwui uorWh;uhi',outhue &h ci' ~ OSEPI 'F. R INER, >cetu18i0Oi, and adjcunel te o the 901,ii, u,î CPakeli-c ret ph-nu,-,lu in frein thaell Ct eiitl cteaudi-u nt'ig teClu iciothuetlio bats ii,le ,tll tic 7tli, anud fofi-c hi17tista the fer posimltoI!% ilouici-Jude Buinlim's, thei, aur oai12 oek, accu>, wil tako hplace ah lthewucfniitby, aud W lare lie lu ucw Chia Cou-t Iloaso lCin heTowu-. of Wîtou ouiguug,,dla ID thnsauuufàduotuureofetPIANOS, wi"the tlie aendl et the, honluabya meiticuiiet. ai, tlia.uiueern liiproveuielus, laiud wieiîho wil warrant to ho eujuialinlubrilhiuuuuc>' cf toule, NELSON.G. RZYNOLDS. dehicie>' cf tcuctu, aud suupeior fl ui oib, tau îieif, Cro. suiv fu Amnes. '6shonrilOfice, 1h l'en C. Meuré,,. AIl Pianîos ~ arc mada b>' hlm with feni> metal- Whiltb>', Oct. 24, 1860f 44 lue tramasx, awfith ve atiâ, t tuhas e2t -as- - - s1onedý tituber, suit mateuuiis etfthe tiicsu -W ANT beth iuuAîui&i-S sat 0emai Bpia -o in iî A 00»practicai Toncer and Curnier mer- thue UnitetdStateusstudtioul9cpii-vr, elluiles .t.iled er sltila, with 0'NE TIIONUAND hua C ttowlthoonildetfc hîil.ltllttu tgiva DOL L-A-RLiCAPITAL, tu fCake flntat suît cf coumplote satisictlop te tiuo'ubll1o. lutereet ias putuaer la tîî 9-:Prisrswalli,,e i"ni macha Lcw. Brouagham Tan.nery, ei tissu 1hea ofiasupubrtluIiiatumeuts TiisTannai-y li srscond te fluenliceCoutut>. et inqnio- iausalwtur,- -~. ~No rival Tauiner>' withtiimiles cf it. lt.-us i. SiCL-tae, iquile caes - r -'- istet in-thue Ceo tu Tonshuip, of Plek- sW nonu4arecea,) 225. ... eing -ti*o Milesfrn s tain,àtho Gi-eut 6V, tP (rug cone,..*....... 6Tuoandet s, wî thuoi t decbt, the, bet openlag* 7'1 , de -- d ,u ii ý I.......25,fr thle business betwetuî Kinîgsteon a onto. , 1 do0 (cvoeIr-îi g,...:.: .....825 Tiic Tanner>' contaumi% 23 large vals, Colers4 iegsetra..................ed ..- ta-kc, aud aight herse powrneng'ine and ai! ......otlier noquisites, te Ait ont a frateîssauienr>. wA guaranco cf sizyemrs is'on vîti emcbAllit novant provotl. Bari-kl abiudamuce atd Instrument.1 couievont, Nocuis ue d pply but a ttenay'sel 'Ai1 wood-.wei-k lis e boit i-os vood. ber maun, and a goot vorkimo nlu&Il* -dtenant.' J- I'PJne.sau<~tq~fip-; ~ .t . mutatof tht beioisa. - i>' f b>' ether ths i4ovifil Exhilîtîcs,' sd-uitluvo bea o sit i,'u isighî>' reooiinanted ,bY Li. Jnd. . ieJcarteA-EâJR dREENWbO.D game rataor te, eveorul' tmilea:ln -hltby1 stit 9 ' 'oliôeltor*qWhti> olsewhreif4 the Coant, whom ]lea uselts e- B.-th ~ e .fratn.my h,fet, Isuteuleuse e C 115i1L>'0f rou the.sbeve pi-epont>'. Te s desuurabie purclia-. ~aCa" - cfSti-In»ornaasamie aise, vitti groat atvantagete iome' A11 P n" 'MYvnIsuofàatrsékOpt làu ué-- unitp. fF,, ad e 48'" ' -Whitsy. plegrsNCIAL uianAens.OfiRce-next 1 gS'Prieslmld bserfuiactto q o& eDr.i 1i, Chai-ch-St., Eewmaaville, tt-e statemonle cf lutean ai je-eews re, J.,G. HÂttEINOP. I. . E. las, îe. t; s. Agents ton auippuiug foreign e'riiiofron hou -. r aDomniptions- for Deets "d ua p ut ss atma distance. Support home manuacture.. short notice. 46-6m WH ITB Y. 49 Partnership Notice. T IlE aI? îionslgao-d ieivoe nuorud intocýo-I'nrt- uc rl§uijî for tlîo triuisitiouî cf Ia gcural P rouceila -isiiies. TMie îîaîîuoand tstyle cof the in tu ho Clîcater lIiiir t&inu. CHESTER DRAPER. LEWIS HOUCK. Wliilby, 18t1îV'ceeiiuluer, 1860. 49 aw N. li.-Ciigl' paid for Wlîeat, Ouitus, 1eas, Barley, Perk, &c. CHESTER DRAPER k Co. JUST RECEIVED, A FlES1 ii sîpulv (f Siatiouery, coousmitii AI ùrfae]kinols cf lcciscaî,. Latter anîd Note 1Papor, l'citi, hîîk anîd likxtaiidst, lu greut veroc- t>'. Altào a quitistity of 01- CONVERSATION CAEDS, of the iiist aoaug.'rao. tylina loutve.,, ortbeiiuorny fentuntoielle.. MACLEIR'S ýOÀqAA1IAfl MAMNACS. Dhiries for 1861, qf 4Qvery dysoiption, ad for mile hy W. iH. IGGINS, SItricl Street, Wbitby. FOR CHIRISTMAS & NEW YEAR'S GOOD, CHEAP FAMILY GIIOCERLES!! GO TO THE "People's Cheap Cash Store." JOEL BIGELOW, 201h D,,., ~ Dundlast., Wbitby. FOR SALE' (UEA? for Cashy orïappovodecradtt; tor C wciid bc -hnadfrCa'woor Fanm Prcdiee, eue Brcod Mare tn 1bal, aind one Filîly ixiint'Wo yeariLolds Ca;been at Seott's fItel Esat <fLlnlg'ms tore, Dundas 8>tee, hlty -WM. SCOTT. lBth Due. 1860.,-49 DR 1VANt 1T8E8tg.lfen t4u pbie the tn-1 VV ~adsloeuttîilathe Towa cf Whltby where ,hô,wi p jrompt1y attend oeils tW treatai msiiin6r of diseé.aete whioh tha immumn ")my areasubjeot. m, B . VNCM. D. M. R. C. S., Eng twlhple.WILLIAUMu gf i T flWO ,URATXP -sîu4ar ait4ç1of. the Third gLS,«elcn qf tu'Eleveuth Proila l Paill IrsmirAuce eteted, on,,Bnildings asudthir octs.. Evau7 infcipiatieaauphiad onu sp pieation t t heiuderelgned. Merine Etits ýfor tut, Season or for Punre. BLOINDIN ONCE MDRUEye TH aubecruber nequsesîs publuc atlen Ttue'on te hic new stock of superigr S.oves. T!ey include thec foiloWing new pattaerns: TUIE KING 0OF 8 TO FE3, THE PRINCE ALBERT, DA VY CROCHET, PROTECTION.S-T, GRAND TURK, MRON D USE, Cal! sud examine? QubaGoyernment Agency. »uj3isiuems ouiectet withstha -and otlien PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. utterudecd te. Aise Scenret b>' tluii uscnilir. Addroiss prcpaid. E. J. ClIIIiLEY, Lanid anîd CGeuicnil Agent, Nu. 2 , Aunie ti-cot, Quebec. Qaat.ee, Mu-cirei r, 1860. 9 . JOHIN BRYAN.' flY THE TIIOUSAND AT JOEL BIGELOW'S. Couun of 0tsi t(N atuandy tLe.2Sr ,,Wlttaio 10- day of Pobunr>,A.y D. 18911, et 12 o'cioçtc îîon, vil! bc soI ia puubic aoetion, nt uly ofice luiithe court fleuse IhTown ct Wuuitu>', teLue uulnetieyed iauiAwtse<'umouigs thei-eônicuitit b> témi der andi »y virtap of certainlo FYýîéï chas té sao dînoted,'vîz:-Wroef ,içri Fuýý George soul>', Pleintir ,va. William Molutesai defendapi. A 1, themad iteeudm fis,ldet u roteS' 11iFron, u h.Township cf Whltb>' lu th. Court of Conmmen PôS Dorait Camones, d.ilant, Ata Alexaniter I rtai SI '4o 8uvi bby, stude ýhg gvwlug up ltii tem to,-iannlo m sdwhieh; tht na rrvaQ ludue lime, not enly begete seieius ohasd. te mnatnlmoitlIs~icebtgvarmf affection$. - nedtusi veutî Few c ee &iawytettprli cus praotice ur".wâre otbaeeneaqnenâee, nau- -tii tbey .fut *the itervongso Im ishatteret l strnga'-nd 'naè'ftntbi,- eaestoae,ý. sud vsgéile fcars lu; the minet. mies touheaItlitcrjuiotbIag ,lej ti im .,-s çisiuonsg own to'an 'untiimcly gravi. - t.-â - treva thea uiervouxa-% eyetOm' -spidly, w*tu 'away th aoalergieseof 111, oau*esm mental dtange.. ment, itreVentsiha wpr-eevelopueuut oethaim eysemdlqnii~s onatrilog, ocet',bu- tho sulfoner wrnrket lu bcýd>' sud nulat pi- diiposai toteconsniuptlcti andtatrainuef'evila moeetobe»drended çhsus teatb itàqlf. ,Di-.,Aïnos e&$Son tlrlc<cpiee idannoanelat tlîat they haveInven ýLet 'moisi Important la, sqtrauneat for dhs cure of the abc ve a s.It lis boen nbjectet te atat by the moateeue piîyeiiusluLondon PIim Phllideihansd Ye oi-k; it liae ' Lean ied tlao oly uisefallizri-nnut.evasr laventeit for- the cure c ommnaI Weuuknesm, cran>' diseuse cf tii geultau encans, eauxeot'b>' the eeu aiae ycnth. Pnîce $10 b>'mil on expnp!e.. Dr. Ausos d& Son,hI "eierte -satWSr tho mcosi sitep ticai as te the mantà of, thîs instrameut piedgoe themsqe!vestij i ay instance wire utsayprv uaatthtery afiar -'a tfir trial tue cey'will b. refundeit» b>' ietara1ag lbth Innm, ains geet en der. PenAons ln any plîrtoithtle Worid may beimue cetsntullv treated b>' f«iwarn,1»sga, coi-relitdetail cf thcir cse, with a ramittanca for MKeticmnen Adiires Dr. An.&son, cerner cf Main AU41 Qm:ay St'reots. I;Imfttlc. X.y NEW JEWELLERY 1 T R~E sabse,-ih,ý-r legs teO eau tiie'àtfotieiio oL cf m riéiirmdm sund Ch. Publie- en railv, ta lum isi-u i.>w stock Ocf; o.1 1wli1tc vilI1 bo toiuid WC-Il worChy ot zutootuon, asud uoag wiihlic eiw lias an asorttieint of Silvrer-plated'-Forke, p.os te.2 ortthe bcist qmîîuiiîy. III. sitoek cf Jeýweiie- là us vo lit Juun, coiuupisiig Cenico. Ceri, 17ramcau, ai ieliiGohl Sottge Ruiturel>'new styles Engisli anmd Swlss Watcse, Spectaelaus, File GId ol Wiig ng, &c. JAMES JOUNSTO, beptmabr 8,~ lrck-e Stros; Wîtby. f§etetibr s 150.46 f Phoenix Pire Assurance' Co. ESTABI ISIIED IN 1782, GILLE.sPIE, mouFAT&k co., Agents fer Canmda.ý etracted ve tlle nmat. iavora"Ie tennis, sud -LUSSES liait without i-ct ranceCethe Bourd la Lanau- H.W. WODWARD, -t Oommi.eioner .I(srchan,iJ'W , Agent, Conusty,* o; Ontaýjo. Wsitb>-, Aag 10, 1889 - Lan'ds and Saw "Xii for'Sale. Acres etiln m nimrs lesi-ed, 1V5Jcomposed f Ch. e iOt iaif ciLot Ne. 7. ln tha 2sd Ccii. cf lxbidgo;coutity Ontui.; togethuer wl;> an excellent- 8mw Miii. adt wo goet Dwelling, leuses, sIyth ont offices lItert- ou. Aise 7 aoroý edjonnug, couuposed theCi.front paouf Lot No.6O, in thcemosme conicesion. TIi,,aboveo repent%'laimthftîllv sud de- Iigutfully sittuate in ietai t leirality, eud ln "c'l C hue oldeit cuit i est -ettlod township# la the, Cont'cfOuiario. Xle atiu à234 mites cf tIie Vilage cf iSteutriiîeabut 10 miles frio Uxlsnidga výilltugo, etand lesfroon tue Town of W-hitby, the caphlr cf tho Coauî'-of Oîiturio. T~ho pvoerty wili bc soIt ver>'chesp fer GwiTieidlpuitable. A 1 en OteFRANCIS KELLER Old &Nwspapers, for Ble a r g q u ; f o id N e w o p s a p p l i e d ' les4t rai, fer sale ceni.- '> ' A Lprin tdabtcuteto -saFAtta$l is moiet huarogmired,'andl sali parties bavinge lsIas agaiiet sala F.state, ara reQîsesteittehait la the, saine te the uudonsiged. JOHN BRADLEY, Lot No. , tjÇcnWhJtby, 42 -Adtminismt.i Valuable Farme for Sle. latter 1073<acres, alînatýdIth élstownehipr Et mudt'est'hitby. OrrtegOaaear thora si-e 10 acres et wecde ad on the olisur ô acres;-tlIs a malaler 'ci thC hlaiton botm farna Idlnmuer te'hlghest, state 0f mnttvashle,, uni eut-houpes on bth; »,ailt ie "tgea- ena Mdtwaten pnl,.,legoe sotte b.ssurpuea s. Tcrme ibensi. 'Aj,1 PAMI P. RSAME 'loarr T't 4Ït in GEORGE 1 coÂr, Tc., &A q& Coli. Har*dware S sOLICITOR, NU Oriîawa, C. W..- 1ARRISTER AN eWbitby. fUNDASS$TREI D E Rat of W. La J. W«.ýcALl 'nON VEY C1 ridâge. ofo, N. B -Àlj hi cm b. Ï-)romoiîtly attende L W, cuAxCE ATI<,RKEY AI ciiauce cen) o Marksaun. D E!'UTY REGIS " ot&nàry, anîd i the.CcftntyocftJitani JO.Ui ]l Corneretci,îîitrî m&tethe Cab stand,>' WVILLIAM 1 K 1G STE E W. ff- -cver Lowe-; t& Pjiweol AMOS ' rCIIITEC'T, 'CI IL Ystate Agenitt 8. B.AUZ AlNUFACfUROE PertiloM ,Meui ROBER¶ BAIIISTEII&. 1>Solicitor un Chai ROuIT. CniI -sfor thueCiluiutv 4B-rciu Strect,%%. EAST WINDS011 j reuiroed port et tr Goo.i aceq.îioui ~)thmroach ,or bis reideure -r W ALIZEI, & l'el to-Scrner c 0ouoC. W. - CANTOI UFF.IN.î CUEE B W. H.i1 BARRiTEI' &tu soicitirs ilu ci tiffce-ehhee' lIi JOHN LWesit, culais Ili$. taliuts of' Ontario, and . tond SulesbyAtotiu Osiuuwa. Aarnus-t 18 JOHN 1 (1LEltKOk-TItEFI C cumiiim)g tii. FRANKI - F. J]EWIETT, Pir Btby, Jii. a , iuu A. K. C 1ABîNET MAICEl bin.g, a7Z,.reimuuring of Fauiture canefulîy rne HIER ()y c4mUNci Aise pimiu muet or A. PR 1ERCUANT TAIL MLUWhitby - R OBERT CLERi< AN» TIIî CTownâbip cf tUxhet CHARLES1 TTOERNEY AT I - i~~ .huncoyCouvi Victoria haldUuig, evg Brook tstreet, 1Wluît!- Alecn a bruiuch office I ton~, Tcwcsip of '£ho tarîo. -REMI C AMERON d&MAC fiea lx nelnovet fi the "NePhermon Ru Whitby, J ue 26, la AUCTION A1OEe~ED te us >- AIT endors relating -undasI-sir, houltb fice, Whltby. Mr. oeh.tersi, an. sd arnangeunicts rclating Lu a sthé ayu'cenaidor pu SW on uan to ta au mu>' mke on my behai Suis attoat liuailp B ~ . W. H. BILLIN Ctuitoef Chance,->'ln Tu to le -pou'dsIutits ai prmpt sud cureft alu DR.E. D. TISSUCULEDED . l fraotice. -/ -4 . F! , , ý '7 , - 77 ' ý ý ý i ï vu uvv.ýýmK!&qo ,mmentem O'n 2=1 ': 1 62

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