a. id ek nu WIl b is maataobeanai' undy lter,lmIM, ii.'beilal ilio donit-e a s élit, t - petti drece iaëDoui'a mp ___ «Mo à anI eampllmto fa auattmae oeud ponria e yr; u4ib.t ne mwcceaot eehele la Wai s, d tneà anaion tare; ses greelou 11If thai horridmea owÙ n l lte à l urw voeld bese,; nMi 1 wouid refusa le bire bis vecth-Ioould no'tirés for aà blà iebride. ,M Zknow Mica Irco Iisa avr r st ny ta theeprals.epitmteiludreeesad rave. t acenos tl - jelly hait; plougi sud Bcé wno woasa p#y te woreî part wte crtes osne'a 11f 1 NÇOI I mue t ivea lovlu huart, wben 1 beou Ybat Dow à lottnr domoa for mue what con It W Doa, Jane, Ih look& à UJZ#fdoua-jactletme roa l ont ; TIc a prepoesl, 1 dolare. front Mt. Wbito i Ilfow mrange 1 Re offorilithseweath to me, My band 1ho, soleozoohange; Wefl, roolly, Dow 1 corne te thluk, the mani la No. would I wixlh te vox bhic beut, 'twould mako Milm toit eAnd;1 'hlar.. oniothisiq plassing li hie look, h1a emelle cweet bocUeo- Oh, Jane, what diamnndn 1 ahould bae 0If 1 ha- miealisbride 1 01 o'.mnee1I wotuld flot wod for gold-l think l quito à clil Hlo zoorne asiIf lie rettly loved-oh 1 what c Mitue l'ut In Ild botter Mtuamon Ilte ma'--aeo' vlow It wlit dolg)t- Dout Jane, wlll *you rny brldornisid bé, If I wed Imr. Wliîte f On the cultivation of* Indiau Corn. Il il net ltae abject of titis eu>'teei certain tain muet corn, b>' tigt maaaring nia>'b tde odn an acre or lie ofgmeaond but ho* il muay lho prodacod manl choaplý sud conveniouîiy as a stuplo crep,' ani hdava hlanlsd in thelent condition tprj rahsitaon et crope on te frm. As Indian corn is the crap mosti>' de pendead en in titis ceunir>' for raieing eleci aud hreadiug ou famitias, au>' suggcsliom as ta tam il may -ieucreaied, or itemii la>'bcho mrce asily raised, tocomos s mal ter et greul impertance. Tako s field haI baulaie le claver lis of ltrée ycnrs, epresud ou il ail ltae avait able manure on lté fart-the uait an tite pern îlac-and pleir Il lu deapl> jr tho falu and inIer. Te trench pieughit i venid be beior-tat'is, start eue piongh sud turn ever a fumoir, and elert anoitaîr anuemiter il e intanme fumroi; tite seond furrai etflte firetplongit muai tura te sed le te belezuofethlie fireI farow, and lte second plough t>' ilts second (arrow wili cover thte sod over. Iu Ibis manna, pieugl ltaemitola fildc. This matitocyil te eubsoilt bariait in te food'et plants, mlii bc a grent Impravemaut over bite cer mou melhad. In lte spring noitiug vil: bce nocaiculbut te battoir Wl, la>'if off'and plant. lî je uotagreed amang fareros miich la prefemnble, Ce ha>' the land off cacit vay, or Ie plant lu drills oea ay. * Poritaps mtue grain canti ho macle hy pianîing lu drills, but il le tîceughit lraquires moto lsheur e cultivateitf. If me arc iaak.hauded and lave lovel land, peritapfs tst te plant se ttlmeC as l ntivai, ocit wa>'. B>' phoughig amnd cuiîivaîing oneit ira>, ilt e. quires but 11111e isar it lte taud tee. But if tlaisnd ha relling and lhable to asu it is besi te pleut li niiril, as il in thon. casier ta culivato sud leu lhable le masi Tiare là mucit diticult>'ii kmaîiug Loin mouet carn ta tave on tae lamnd- 1fltae ievs are tire close tegotiter sud tea muet loft in lu a isdry toe ulneari> uin il. lTe distance apartmimd lte nembor ar stthks in a btill muet bc rogulatcd tbte strongî th ote lsand li-thesize af lte easeoetcern. Stuall cern tua>' beplauted elasot togetitet, sud a graulr nember et stalic me>' ta tort l itl ilo rget cern wmai hoplenbed turîhar mspart sud (amer stalks lu a ill. Largo corn, lu thie cli. mate, llà o cpretarred, evan if va niake no more te te acta, because itilaomier hamidied aud eau te dams le a starter lime. 1 mould se>', an oommeu Iand,tat il miii briug 150 le 60 husitaîstelanauacre. Faut foot spart oaitva>' aud lie steike in a kimi ilbhoutni igti. Titis distance voulul moka about 2,700 tiihe boa mn acre; twa cars e thie Lial oulba 5,400 este; h0 oar) ete latiasibusbi oauld mako 64 bueblsel, tetaacre. If lte landl le elrang enaugi tolapraduce, 1o1 il te planteil nearor tegeltaer, or Ibaveoo in a hilm, or botit. But if te land Witmt praduce se mucL plant vider. Mare grain la lest b>' plant. itig lac tlik titan tee tim. Wtelte proer quantitla15loftIen lte grauma thera la leu danger fret drautit, Thte atone le net neat se, mucit as bu beau luadertunt le more titan te average. Mucit largercr erpe bave taon zmade t>' iigh menurng, gt on ver>' cuperier land. We elartad ouItlete>' ay owce*rueau be meet ehespl> relaituinluconmeetion mt otitar erope, mticit, 1tiak, leà lte greas doside- rranmi hfarmare, Ater à afild bu heen eeîtlvatod fI cara as above, il maltes an excellent prepaatloa. for itoat rye, and oai. Steald ilt e sowdInaullu lîer oethItse tope, lante spring il sitould te coma Ihickl>' vit ae- ver, sud lie lu pulure lie yerse. Ttc se- condi year IIo, graed and té secouand o sitouicigo te ceed ton nanare ua>bove stale, sMd pleugh under lte clover and aauta asLofCe. , a epreperelion for~ corn. Titis rotation woahd reqairo font lilaId,, sud wmli te eulllnated tua:-cote, wteat, Su., Soier, edoser, sud thb. lUth ycar crn. B>' Ibis rotation eur lnd ill zegularl>' incroesoin pteductfvenesc, net Wuh le cern, tut iti wlat, rye aud cals. A ver>' profitable' rotation forcocre. itit du corne te rje ililp 1>' IaI ! stste~~e aboald le lamd Iog tà a à $ uih sud 'flapr'per eidll id barraifor comern b. lumg ly inorasse ln Peoductveffl, 994vJit u.b aprofitab» oaop ery yrý 1 tiaklIt 14very oler ith, t oho luerein dlr'cew d Io e , .Pvciftetmae greatly le b 1frrd by (arMets PD"-al 1, titan higitiyrnuuulg come < 1 , Im suressai&#themnead egqlo e baleeto ' lef S rrs,ý tbogit be a~ acres may msa eia onsidto yrablyfnuaa orop. To be,, lb.évlsole farm lu- profit- able crepe of eithergrela'or grujala regular epmovement le ferliliîy oci'~ in lte wbole, oonatitutes lte sroi.sjn profitsble agriculture. 1*ý I would tomant, ltait en oitltfv*ng cota, mten il gels up frons wahlolttebul. der bigit, I wouid notipiough to.clocead beop, ltaI I mlght net break lt roote toce muc in fadry snd hot weathor. le lb. dry sud hot season of 1856,.1 plobed a field, la lte furrow e nazIthe cerna wtba vide Shovel plouglât, vfth oaly a aalow (as o w, aplit lte 'mddies, and mt Imo farro we wîîh a narrew sitovel ploagit-a bahl ongue -as doep uas sstong heose could pull I Theo moots Lad eot ru a cots te roi, aud ilueroforo wero ciel brokea. While oltoer- fiolda Lad bad thoir recto ont by ploagiting and wtou enffering mth 'est sud droat,,' Chie fild wu graen and louriiigagnsd' prodaoed a fine crop. I wouid farltoer re. mark, Ititl1 wonld prefor t o kaop te iuýd- belmeen thte rows as levai, as possible, au I, believe il rotaine lte meistaro muet bet. fer iban teï a nridges. When the cent fa glazed, v. usally cal il aI the gronufi and put la stocks frona reatteen tW clîteen bille square, tie Il round aud let stand auit dry enougi to eep thon thuckit i ont nd put il inte lite cntb. Thec reldor staika me sgain put ie ostocks and let them stand unlil uoeded, titan vo have thezu fed so ltaithlit her and tunnure eau bc rolurnedbt te fieldis. Thoe taiks and 10-Cal *an * -10?jiIsu S., New York TO TRE INEANITANTI bi ts h le-Coiin of FortPool,ad Ountarle, for tlit at 'fayo-o oafrroclu n lu twffltré. i ý 11,111 ovE( b. My d at>' l e mn itaI ouSnf- mience yenhava e haerfuly coufided lu me. Protuptitudo, e , n topriolsel silon %a0 bveb11oontau Edaf-ira>' Soumet sotfboro' e.eu ..............irmei S. eex......... . ..... hly Ail rdes lfI i lte îluosilone,, rteru gularykap_4, &hall ho attendé£ to.é 2?tlaee us' ragC4ed dayli xqi, îlllouCtlita troubla cf - . 5Il ncae muse excellent mffuar er nuhrses rasd caIlle. Caution to Treupassers in> thi id ---- Public Poresta, AND 0'LTC I.tuat' ivn ital mi enot r BRITISHI REvIEVVS t ttit iue muPbi aemt t -te:- Lai pruuvliee: Timmt is, tha>' aililese itrir Tituber anti cet TEONARD SCOTT & CO., -.'V.W Out is manufmacture; mnd paries removing s -AiYeicec, continue le publiait tha tellow. - eusiug te ha romtoveci, unremesitii glu re jiug lcadiug British Pemodicela, vi:- lu 'hulintber eut et lime re-otheOffc et bDeautieent et Cremu Lands, subjec 1. theuiselvas te a loealty et $8 pot Trftî, vil tUa LONDON QtlAtTEtcLT (Cenitervative.) eosis. 2. Parseme hlidaiug au>' OtfIlor or Ag ami to lima l>parlliment et Croire Jeudaiu limé diu run zoINU<sxreH maVIEw (Whig.) chargaetf ie duty ila ei7iug tTituber lluagmîli S. eoui-or ttki awntmy-or cuisitg te bectkt TIE NORiTHt iiIiTtIUtEVuir (Frco Churcit.) &pma>, an> Tlituber semizesi utimer lime Act 12 Vw 4. Cn.g ,ara guttihi't-vn ooy partisttttmmgTlituber un Lamnds purcitaca rua irEsTUinOTERa tivuair(Lttibal) Ilthnion pretettie et' sottientant, butl raimu t5.ti 0.pnr f smcultim-g te Tituber, are Troia BLAcKIYaOe s zeDIxtUtOt MAGAZINE (Tory.) P. M. VANKOUGIINETr Deparl-ment et Creiu Lainds, cnmssoir Thc prosoul crilii clsaIe ef Rumepean Qmumlîcc, Oth Nevember, leiu. affaira mili tandem theso publilcations un- eusal>' iutenesliug durng lte fonîlucomin g The Oelebrated German Oi ycar. Thl it> li eccnpy a tuiidle groen -o-. otirean te hûatil> written moira-itae, H'OM Iheuuscudeuýf tosimôulsluse te lhe crude speculalieusi, and flying rumaurs oet howmtmr' tti saivimtilren in ,tefi lte chaity 'Journal, and the poudereuo umm ihve ujcil yenîlsel - ixvi,, n Teune etflte future hiaterian, irlilen attor -mun oati>îfldthmmî Itla1 iîuaqmillod feor ltcaiu the livin g inleroal sud excitemeutftef it ul, auîd dtmvng te-ites. Ilsatfleaey ig great palitical avents af ltelimie sitail eminsly great aîped te meut on btemt."1 have pased lawsy. I111 e lltece Perle. Tu A. KisovaxE 0 OEG dicualgtlit a rsr muai look for lte ouI>' Pickcerinmg, Fcb. 1£,1861. intelligible tand roishle bistor>' et current - events, and neascuct, lunsaddition te their Imulustmiceîoelyeu, andi asaa duayl*oe t weii.eslablished lilerar>', scientifia, and pîibtîe 1 ihink t mirgltle numoummand yoîîî tiieîogcaî~itsscîi',me u'gebuitu uan ahc,mid(lanmornati Ou1. bMy little girl guise- ihoolcsdemtion lte reaiug e publc. vaeijp scatuird, se ntuett se, tuat hoar ecoery the onsieratnn l th reaingpuble, wsuubtfl, but mfer taefinîçt sppicamtion ' Te receipi <of AIIANOR isuvitSram te ycur1mlgtism e mdiale reliefsmîd vont Inlu Britioit publiehere gives addiiousi vaueote a gLuftt l hmuber. Tire appliehltons e rpcn:eu uicRepint, iasmcitse ite' co nircuroul ber campleoly, samd sitele noir quite be phacod in the haude oftsuhscribems about MÂTTIIEW SWALLOV#, Jr. as soon as the original editions. Pickeng, Jaunuar> 17, 1801. TERMIS. (lieguler Prlcee.) uit i g etrosbt bilten, mmnd ires tld le urne youi: Pat aun. 0it ; uving dono so, 1I satrati ohti n>'groal, Fe'afnY Omna af lte four Raviev... $13 <00 lois."e For amy tireaf lte faut Revivs ...5 0 W. TIIOMPSON. Frau>'ltree etflite lotir'Rovias ... 7 oo St T uficeemfrnma a ild nuiug serafor imu For ait four of'-tae Revie fra.......8oo Yeum wîjout jinermision. 1Ilv. ittcod ltu Fer Black'uood's Magazine .... a 0( tny yeur aetebralcd cil, ctanmu uoircompilo For Biackîaod amui eue Ravie,'.. .50( ly eured."1 JAMES FITZGIBBONS. lFer Blackmoodad uli Reviem... 7 <>0 For Blsckmeod sud lieree Reviev...9 <o 1)£D&n inm,-Yn uni] ha.;beu lte moana et Fer Blackwoed samd lte fautBeviavs.10 oo osviug tli ofSa 1Ye t un> -Jfoaiey current in tise State whier. iuued IÉçý ILAS &OUIlit ereceired et par. Ouaeofthélite ncImndiotdzmounthIo Oovamuty 1 09AGEwrItes: POSAGE - " Dr-it Sum,-E4veronr, Rail otnltae *arld Caruadian minii aubecribers milii bosup. yemr Jmuty colobrsteci (birman Oit dosarvas le plicl true of LI. S. Posage. 'oknemrm. h mmîlimI)Oea a lleolng le man- - kind. I have usaci It lu tha cure et cuto, brui- lI"'Retnuttances must, lu ahi cacca, tes-, tnemtbtte%, &c., sud uttea an soraisetol la'u maoedirect to tise Puuliuisers, for at Ibeso_ 1%lamdig : ih inas tuvor tiecedte oeffa c ura.', pnicOs no commission cen te alloîod ta To ta lied et agents. G. A. BANIIISTER, LEONARD SCOTT & CO. BrokSt etclfltà . 48w' Na. 54, Gold Street, New York lteAn nalea 6la la f uies i JAMES H. GRI SELlE Water 011 and Lampe, ShOrifl5"Sale of Lands efor. Taxes. Coal 011 sd r> Thî mal iîe cls dfor Taxes t limte CenI>' KOr8oseo011 and Lamfpe,- L f Oîmlamio wviiet mesbols nt lte court ]Bu= - - Plud &Lam e ue u ima""th e t nofWhtly, on lteéltet ,Drm.Pu&LmpgOceto0lS, endi adouticd l lte thé t, cend Chislie thn tey e b bogbtfrom the Oui te thme 5 tetf ocuobur, sud Prom Chaprliantme' e ti opt av te altilthelim17th, end tremu thoe11h te lte ano. Cail and examneobutor. geliag to Toron. 54th oet Octoer; mSd fremutimonca pesîpeneai le te priao. ulîhif Meldai-, lhe 411î day of Matoui, 18à 1, et aiomn sd <arîmr Lampe iSVP and Chain lime heur et 12 o'eieo!c, comumu, ill itte place ai Baunca Anîpoi,. Ciurchas upi ed o o- lte colmin lieseli Ime Tome ef Witiby, op- sle priées. ruuTdW th ie day'anul ai lte omtr lest ahovo ieetloned. JAMUSiH. GERmEu NELSON G. R-ZYNOLDS, Pru an Bok Sore. shoifrs 0shariff, C. O. Whtb>', oc. si, 1 ra8 am0.e toe.Motll s fiee'r C. Ngro., 41-4w Wlîlîby, Osil. 24,,1880l 44 W"Slgn et1lite IRed Pont asud Motter.t & KCNELL ValuabIe Parm for le " - GENERAL AGENTS, OTS NeO. 1T & 18 le titaTemuclup 9f h1. BROC ETUM, WITBy C.'. Eu anà eëotý h On ima he90 acre Srm BROO STIEETWEITy, C W. thero are 10 seras% etmoade and ounlte chier (Opposite iit R84r>, Ornée'6 acres; tlim ineindlath - liIei en botli' t&riesle under lte hipteasWaéPf ep'ln REPose aattend à "elnu alpartta etsud thoraereaegoed buildinM ,ee6l1h-d8,c ad Aîh onry. sud oul-teusas ou bh, geefne youcg o~t. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr. B. C. MJACDOI<LL ards su ad valtiprivhlegosnet te bit rp d EEFERENCESg...Z.BantaM ]qu g. Ternailitrai. À 1- CouulLont&rlo ;WmUing,Z d*ude,' .1' ,,"i « ami. * etW. H. TILEMAYNE.Lu.1 ithv .0 i it r ei ii- cil le. Iy 1r. . '~ uJmJ'[~i '(f ~!f1Jq" F~ Being RgAILS FoiR EQA 6teomr4nlg% 6"tugb front Port. landt for Betty a 4ve téolrivi b. es fol- lewem ondo- By CjudKuIgTieJieotu FrontTrem Iota "Y:ufÂte uTrain , aoWêlil Byutoll raa'riis' autlau Ngiaftor Arrivai of Portland Ilm- Toreto YldayMomi5 mlntriy #y em âsyzvan nTrain oflToreai onwtlgal io Tiboutai muet htite0o mails mii b.ead At aeuhi(Jity, wlll ho notliad hy lto Postità . SIDNEY )fSMITy .Wagou-Makey'& Shop for Sale lu rtoLe*t. - T n emodicas promimes et Ilamor'e% Con- -L tar's raoattly ocouiped t>'tIr. Jams WÙ îjlm As a fou asu teunIiug lelnint iuunfiry. sera le a good gardon eud abotts qusnier acre of land, .Tie promisses are rentu>'asd mluaîed lit s geed mi oty for busiiness, sud mili bo sold orlt beap. Apply te CHARLES 'GRIFFITHI, or tg -JOHN RICE,- 4-5m Baemlit opposI itte prnles. Publie Lands. Il3TOIIS le tua Crean miileko eNotie L/lhtthe lcgul tiens ruquirnliaeymuiemmlot atitsadueont puihia hetdi ara tn ull ferce, mhtie te senuoti of tnitument. Sqmuatartana remmiiuued tuIst ioy cen oni>' acqulrea a igîiii>mublel lumds hy 'ptrolmos fronUe aCromît' sud tait the"s lande ara ol te lIma trot epplifaaut. P. M. VÂNKOUGIINET, Comnialoner. Doprmcnt of (Cromu Immude, Qmtebee,' Octithar Illit, lise. GIMEAT SALE 0F BANKRUPT'STOCK! I'S o-Soe - AT A. ILOGAN'S. Fuliet'li d elhiimani, Bnoek Si. Whiîby. Apple amrrs nt Lqgmn'si lait ButtcIatel M esnet Lgt : ralmi Scoops et ILugens. ET.Et., tacofeydgrpon tv-in tue fueaiutisverytlinls n tlie steve and Unle mateetcvrydsaîpluilvepie CorrPhictg lsttd*ShptrlCnppar toersae. Cam u It i ntttt hllmkimme. Wititbyi'Oct. h, 1860..ARNLG . WlllTBY PIANO FORTE M0ýVy Street Wlitby. TOS0EPIl F. RAINERJ ocu) l9takcegrentpiauolal. hully ottred ttesa extensive promimes tforintriy ocuidb' 8fr. 1P. Ford as natJrrringa ftmto,y, v moita e IlMqor Judgo Bnrnhiem e, lit lte1mw of Whithy, and whern ha le now engtmgcd iiitheomanufactlurae ofPIANOS-, wiit 81i îiîe-moeru improvemetitm, tnd wiieh ho wit! warrasnt te bc oquali n brtlliîttucyofttoue, doliency of touchm amtdl uperior ilu Suioh, te amtv lit Amne. Al l Pin,)gmara maden by him witli fuit motai- le traînes, uit/s omer strinî7, etthe hoat "d'a- l'ouad timuber, aud maertal o e itafnasi ..F. R'9. 1in~g oxpaeriotùc eft iianriy 20 ye:srm,, both lu Auetria sud (.irmanu, a iait wlas.lit lim 1Tse îited Statesansd titis ceunt,' eaehes hlm le mtté vlth ooulfceohI. ahilvle givo coinplotaestisfaction le lte publia. W»Pricem wsll ba ftaad maceh Low. eri Ahan ihosse oflImported Instrument 0 of Intarior manufeoture. Six Ocltaves (quare anse,)............. $180 69< do (round corner,) ............. 225 1 do de do ............... 250 7 de (evot-clring) ...825 7j Octavf , (ovor-Élrlng double roiun d earvaed iag,*. extra....................... 425 W~A guaranlte et six yeare givon wlith ascii Ail weod-work ln ltae besi rose' Woed. J.*F. Rise* Piano% hsve taliou firelprilos Ai ltae Provincial Exhibitions, and have been bighiy reommended by the Judgec. lie cen alise rater te sevatd al aille.- la Whllby and elsawhierolsi tha Coanly, item lia e he balte W ur OaqPPlYý, Pete lte quitly etliii hîstro ID»Aii klnda of Sitinle-aitrumonic repairaI1 Ahl lanes or my manufacture koptl a tuna tà r ôn. Vasi,4RATIS. ÉoBmembort utaAd'dresit, 1JOSEPH 1p. RAINER, P. S-Pslèe iioudWocreful, clt o radit lita ctstomatitc et lnlorected zre 'W ho ar Agente for iîppiylo% forîfge Pianos <rnom Maote. YAIX FOR SALE., STii iy o et mao. At tAmi&ttIOA M-4-1--tuile tfe the ngt s~tacenîle fo peo sd-pe&oHea ail-uger o nVenhUîe wiîphied IIWO e dSIU onq n-leiaI tmilt ien preveu> WILLIAM O SE:ADLM au n~eJsI4,o l Greanmood P. O., Ceunt>' Ontario tho'offce teous>' ho fou htalhlto b. ±vkrhms>' 1, 1886. -M jwÉltîy, Jan. *S, 1861. 2-sm' tAmyrsh Sooko Tere, Sgmi eand' Tôbacos,> &0.,J~trio - 144, ay gr..t-Toreto WANTED, ,00'FRRIIÇ$ 0F (Qi) PACKEtDT,ùtÃTER wg ee.raurAuuftcO CompYuy LJZI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o C A Lôfi I j IH S NtbeJ5.eei e itzlevelli ProvIcil ari REMEMIIER iR .,'PEBrRSBRICK tJLMPINGS, WHITBY. - CPIL£10O0 coaleeman Ev n -tg uledo $lsI îm 00lIm0-sciaetg naté aOO A Ta vAflh, voi $ig' -ity PRACTICAL O.ARPIÂGE MHAKERS ANI) MANUPÂOTURERS OP' BROOK SRE, ITY SOPPOSITE T1E ONMAL AU of the above work executed *rit iénatues >and despatch. .Al'wovk warronted. Oeil and sau epeolmens. Remem3aer tisectclres. 43 -DNOAWLY& o No. 1, OomuierciaBidns TIE OeftAT IIVTf Clotbing without seam, made eutirely without, the use QI the needle, other than attachink buttons & button holes Ilave just eccivedl a shiptent eft tiis latest neveu>' lu greal varîeiy, sud of tho masi destrablo styles; sud me tha>' are likely te sultorcede the oid stylo le se large au exieut, vo vould, >espclfulhy csli yeur ettention btoti stock hefere pmmchasiug olsaihere. These tabriearea ah moyen lunlte Wool, iitoul anyccatufi, on tha crossfibra ystum, ihicit 'ceulaina thte grenteat ehmsicity, initithlie grateust reugltand durabiliîy ;« mii neither sbriuk, net etratch ant ot shape, uer crack ; sud almeut waterproft,asilupeint et varit, dutsbility, and all othuer dasirebiecîuiieutquesîiamably auperier te an>' oter styles, neas ail mtest Ileet muet cerdiaily admit. 'Wa daim ltaIttce Seamîcas Ceat is vamrerm sud '.ill veantegr thon an>' tire odi- Nos. 1 sd 2, Cmmercil Buildings, L J3EGS to mnnounco to bis nuimera friends and customers thet ha is novi-zarrying on Ibis îtcnsive business ot C-ARR1IAGE MAKING, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Oin tho nem, prenmises lateiy croctoui by him on Brook Strcot, the largest and moat coin- pile establishment lu ihe Provi*nce, where ho je preparcd, as lîcetofore, to mecute all orders antrusted t10 iiii cate. CÂRRIÂGES, BUGGIES, SLEMGIS, CUTTERS, C., W»Mnufctured and bld at the Loweet remunorating Puices. ALL WORK WARRANTED LUMB.PR and PRODJC'E LIKEN LV EXCHANGE, at M1ARKET PRICE,& D. FORD'S long experienco of thirty yeers in thoeprincipal Manufsctoties of the States aud Canada has given that experienco in every ,rnc of the business whicb few have beau able to arrive at, andi for besnty of design, cleganceofe finish, dursbility, and sclidity of workmanship, 41s work cannot hbeoxcoiicd. rWCalansudem peclmee TuJE NEW ESTABLISIIMENT NEAR TUE BANK. )WES & POWELL. WhitbY, Sept. 4, 1860. OFFICE FOR Tif E 1iSUE 0F MARIaE ICEONSES (By -Authority.> AT TUE 0::) POST OFFICE, WHITBY. A. Mo'IIERSION, NEW JEWEtI",RY.- ENGLISH & MERICÂN Broacheo, Locketo, ]FINE GOLID WEDDING RINGýS. 11PECTACLES 10 StJIT ail SIGHTS 0F TUE BEOT QuALTY, AT Wao"unsletoiJeh Brook-ct, Whitbi. BX~NBIN ONt~J~ MUREI lEsuboriber toquces ,pubhic atton tien tè bis nom steck' olsuperier Slaves. Titoy itcludo lthe fallawing nai patteras: - 'l'îE KING 0P 8 TiP',BSý THE PRINOEALBERT, DAY Y ROCICET, PROTECTIONI87', &RAND TURK, IRON D ZE, 4OINBcA. Cal2 and exa4mine?1 Quob.c, Goyernment &goenoy. C Btisineme connact.u W'ithlte' . s iad ether PUBLIC 1)EPARTMENTS. Sçenrcd by the fqamîbsribar. Addrs prepuid. B. J. climEy, Laud and Gerterai Agent, Quoec, bMardli rd, 1800. CHRISTMAS & NEW YIABS GIFTS 'Ecg DRUG ADBOOK lSTOR-E. WZM1 TB 49IC Sherifrs Sale of Lands. ~ ~ ,~ . Cotnief Olnaro, 1 N 1;Altliiilnylima Tiir- S 'É o W it -; thd o f M ar e, î A.D. 1861, at l12 o'elck non, mut ho esolmi b>'- . -a P li e i c A u c ti i t a m > ' O i c e in tae i o t t r t l I u m e ~ ~ i lu th e T ow nmuo teW i tib , ima rig t t itle - d i - , , S tercsm which the nd ioieuo d&fendamnmts .. 1%eerll popinsluthî b eteÃŽi- .8aid and tenmet toron, sapolmd in ur ~ au yvina. eoteut WrIts of-roi Facses, Iunlita Court et' Quiew'a Benià ,. ~ leo n trC r cui, P laintiff v . John G oedike, " ~ - ~ ~ luthue Ceuni>' Court. Jamne Wallae, Plalullif vu. John Groor, De- tondant. Ailte sald cetnacet's rigt, tlle and inter- est,, lu tuaictpart ottia83<oet-Lot 27 ln tha 1.1t cotaieiotI teTom Uetp oftWhulty, kuein upou n lme rlpliu of'the amsie, agTownu Lioti 1 sud 2 lu Block Il ,"1eoflima' Town ef Wlîilmy, eitaiug b>' sdueesutafbuut P-Ste C01111 o! ami*ose, more or ess.1 N1<LSOOG. sta1)O . if S4harmif, C. O. punif etberireotiées Wbutby, tBec. 21, 1860.,g TOY BÃ"OKS IFOP. mHigTMAS Pi5REEN, Kr THE A K ENiOI O TOIRE. royal".TTYOI TOTS 1 à » ltrot emvlAt the 'YANKEEgnotio fÇ 'O2'ÉEE. ]muot Geo Ai: gI*te 'eto OuItiti 1 ONlSaturdAis>-the 28rd Wui:-J ~..dey of Fbni>rl, A. 196t, ai 12£ olocicnenm; ii ho noid iet ýicnoui, a, myDfeé a.luthe CourtIfloue eo Tein et WlmtbY, lte uudarnmauià néd [A imd tonmonts hborceut, elsâd b>'mreni sud-t>'- vîrtue otfehhtWl.fAu a to e t'cllred'vii: i tieesi siqendsîerlhit-,-titi., snd lu. lo, lnanedtteo utAtlta1fet ot No. 20~ keu Front,lli teé,Tomnchi et <WlIb éniug 100se&=e More or ij.- la lthe court of Coininonlots.; mmd CaOr.a-de id,~ a IsMx tron, plainti.- nt Ilt e so4 i si ut f r firîg ti l a d int " if7, l thli'sh i-u-ilmemâfPer Jmpmi~ rzmStse~ b W. T.> ml 1 l a th e C o u rt o f C e tu n P o . 4dmnfîi.ttx ePMalnder Ja nasdfendanî. Loi Numnb; ,er six,?, a Tirc4 concession oetle , , ~iG.RE.NOD 4t DOG --~ LOOT. A od mu OȔI$ b iact, m liii, ring aretna ,naaiu witîon on b'l'fr.lôl ,sd about taL,.aitentnebUlomr,', ;Wtimro»e l tio t aa "MbetWil'b.erevstdes I 'Mtby Jan. 28; R. Ul. aid Lt fYON BT1E. i ttdTw» of Wlift lsIn itOôOf- -T J. 4.,PEUT.lh 1 lsnEND eW liii>. Il are dcl>'muitorize cetil t lrmi, &ct., arrulgemtisgli sthtyre'cae euaây makeou mv i 11T" 1ent tedftnu Whi$I7 Co 1 0 F eLNDON 1 ý 1 i .1, 'Y ir It Y, a llý merde of M~armzasvo uc~firo 9 c tie nUnion.- T!à ere lJe au ovil, habit sointipresindislgo.d lu Yi, beys, i olituide, Ontangrowueg up ivltlt- omtotmonuoi; and wich, itinet rerormurd il> duWe tlnt 011Y b(eg1t4 PerIoumo- 4î»t"Iesý Id> mati'appiaumabit gg i litmePl s *r sérigue et protrace in»uIidioudan d dovà sguln Foi et, tLý* eo iilve *&y ' etthis péera. <ouç pracice are ma-ore of lhe consoqmtoà n, un - tlte lthe nervossm syotam aimetrad, foui sîrangeand -ueaoeouutnbo ssonsm, and vague faith ie mlud. Self abuse i» olme of ithea utafornmidable eue- muas -teoa câtl-- ibm lotlig-olelit ti.dire cmt- a dr ain upen lte i mmn y Zlc , d - m t -thoummîdClsotlimt i trougt- ae14 -M , e t sufforisig diiiltutt unttieýly grwe. it de - sî»tiovwb itaïeveus syatem rtpýidtyl, ma»stu tillent,grsoyeteutme preporr lepmomm et i f he sïsoltdism»milietrmerrag a Sety, but- iiiOtà ,i itd tiltaîly tphie a tud les'es lino sulater wrn,:ked hi bommdy'and muuud, pre- dpoalte ooesmptiom and a train, or emils Dr. Aie t ieuSott leliensuai tonuuelug bth y lih'iaveo msvoitemi memuet Itmrmom-tim in- strutientfor lima auteoet lIa tedctu. l hues hecp suhjaeled te a teit by thetnosttetiLoceî, itytciliuLonudonu Paries'hiltdeltpti md NwYurk; il 'luni en eeti ared 31oui>' efiiluitrumuanl aven iuvont«.j fer titi ganilal ergtms, cmusod b'lthe secrot hatel yentm. l'une $1Wb>' inueulorex prao". Dr. Arnue E& Son, lheu er te suIiât, lthe mrti seal plammie e tîrl fluisloitruiuttat jmtadgo titaisevem ltht -lunmmuy I2eec Wharf et iumy provo unsat!dlteteryeS'ra laittrii thme utma>' wilh ba ratuîudm.db ýumub Parsonseli mny part et thea Werld muay b. suo;d oealivl relad hy tunîstnJing acorrect datsul oi)thtireass, miltli'a ramutlcefor'31edicîter Addnees Dr. Atume & $oen, corneur ef Meut u d Qutu>' Sînecte. llntilto. N- Y Phoenix Pire Assurance Co. 01MtAUPItu TitiE? ATSi>CU.Mli3e eltese, LOiuues iplsTA I ttI @110I 17 82. GILLESPIE, MýO.FFT A CO.. TNSUANRij.q aiguismiLOSSESly 'FREumîmi cfetetu ca lie Miost thuona'la-terms, and L1SM piid îm'tlt o rtreuae e t th3oar ndu Lonuden. H.rW IOODWARD, Ceal,niei<ner Jlcrcian 1Vs i?,j A/lentf, Côn nty qr On t«ri,. Wluithy, Ang lm, 1850, Landu and Saw MMi for Sale. 00Acres Ofjtninc a d-80 acres cerd 7.luti-e2um, (lit. etf Uxbrilge, Commuyari o t; together wha-lmitexcellent Sta- Miii, anud two geod D-wsulliiig Uouifl, .iriti ont offices tittîrd-- Aise T erres ndjoiuing, coupseote freont rrt of e t iNo. 6, lu img ainecncsso Tte tutôo apro mmrly Is imcuiftm'i y 5"mlé' llt muli 'tteTcc n a i'hasumîut anî, md ite ita ofltme uldmut anmdcest -etlel tewtehts lui the olit « ntaio.It ix »'/ ii nul mles orieVZaofStutivir m- t10ui esfruum Uxbidg vllae,111il20t tuiles frein the 'omwn uf Wititby, li apmiitaul lte (ioumtv Ootanie. .ite p, rty miil h oleblver*y ehcmepfut "I. tL m ldwutal1a. A 1 -t4j - .FP I EcItmuc5j. Wtuby. PVARK FOR SALEF. the F4Gite sut-linifof tua. Nortliilfom B> LitNO. 5, in thr tud contcssionOtt c eftmmitimg Fity Acres, with a good )PR-AIIE BARYÇ AND LOG 11011E, For particulars onq iror Cte etiî)cniibcr. - J. S. 3. WIL4CoX. Bheriffsga.of Lands. auuivý et Ote ri, N Siude', lte 211h 180, aI - tweil -'nmty p'A1mil,e* 1) 'v Publia Anaemt m ll fmi ltme Clit tuo lu CcwntWu tty larIght, hile, nul imleret mthei lIm u uudrwateîme defru-, lnds, ainci tohaxi à t ine, eic t sur ad b y ii m a u nlm r.m W b ilo ri acîçts te ue direco, i: - er - In lteCeutuy court. S'teptlin "Gnose,'plelitl ,f, ,vs.lthe wiuby 3t'eetI, Miii CempuY, doten-,tjt. ]mi lthe Colimir.Qmue l ct Joiet Vcuualmdm, ittbyvsLtpWuy teamu MiiiC], um>,dtitmus 1 aieni court, b.prne.tI D-,Pordium lite titoCsb BARRii okti lBrick IB Witby 2 A ICIIITh A tKtlr -A Ofie- .I ET.uceW13l JEIt ortithîiutit mid w tcl AI WAR..TE I L et, Ocu tedtto t' W 4e lhuizu drffl: Cannlmui LILA Btaule thmmm4 teii iuh b>'