Whitby Chronicle, 14 Mar 1861, p. 4

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_ _D~ o t ok gaut cry COU & o. h .aP, bur t toa cd nde ; nm e w thoutC O uii w u j ~' vestige ofelot U ng, t erà I n ip.soay lOoW o thé litioh ho p u ___ ______ _____4.-'1 tI t VJL& oEZ bOru or otber-çvhatthe aword bad -nom. Ailtb1 k uN Blo.tmdea.onheayCt4o mnanceà 11re huad ended. Desth and blmck > ANDLAIEVolJV 71z ttiioontaWdoand odBoysVn.. 1,0MeaudByItdoyCoa.100Mi JlJ badeenedon. ,00hengadeBse--htid ork~hP~ Min 14Y Ovorywhere togethor. Spite ait qd1 Y ia.1r0 essu o s 'of lPants, of verypuc thomnoeold wornan who emednearlY F 1 El 0.ARBSEYMOUR& Co., hapa h. va too 0cM. o 4, r h~d~ .1lQ1 F&M St.,ODINewEDJ UTTB wltn.mm of thoforflconummidjn-.- Pei WANTED. , . f /1 litt i, hieo th n Iowing l u ber veine toi: .J Eu u 1i v th ut 4OF TU E oOUN TI îS OF'~F R W t H r u ¶ b a R C E W L t y T . distlaitordisuta'nt it n oéee t O ýfo Worthloua te prolong. 8h. sppWë i.d fflEssuilWinte . rederona. té - ng csa ahc st on asatone 1fooly alghlig ThoWP 'ltoila dl 6 Tcumqiiopeit the eundiSU4Uco Mai n adi dnigrap toh oDrille C aul P lilf i ù____ aud drluklng vaterbforn a litti. oarthou 01, 9il im spaynr.sth ogprc fct 1; eno* f0 ticee u isa tub ili-s-teamners m0ail1 oe oySaturdar rin1o-RFMEMIBER IL C., PERRYS BRICK BUILDINGS, WHI1TBY Yressol!. Terewva no oneotecom(orthbr.i.yof rcl té 1IF 9 1 pAÀRTmietNT t, brÎi n'fb« 9itlthf'cvkP uîd asO ororr.a mLbe; 7, 1860. sud the coldiary passed hor. by se tlxoy m .irjaoumatn 'é'suJur, n o Fion ldo.0W Ugs Weloio.ofPoisutotetxMtti-orartiier b s 0 ruLuon Y __a_______________ woold idogi Downsa otuottfur frotra vfth grtontdmriy u *al and a- l hftu e~. ,-FIM.fsndtob -- .min l- br.acd si theisence ltnulatt1I Aussi distant fronitfthe villge v.found a man ts o uRoyal. Y 1tre ',swIiývrs, b.crny dgty te morit that coli- BThurisy ekil watoo obleo scondby s nope vhich I~ ~Fonf o Y= îft T, U~ V~~ ~ nlsp~lofiorn o thnown to hilm. Iloworor, v. helpod '13;.I ranFray a Il f1o40#0 b;-f- Rusc, Sourboro' o( ii*ii..ln> AC, &fieraiarrivai "Y a filin up aind whon ho' gain.d tho top huo efiaél Won too woak te sta:udi Songo brandy and Exllbitlngm cr am Ielu14 nou. y*amr.of LC nu~,atari ai MuJo Joisubt hemoi.ucdcmh Ti 5r84,m ItAs. .. ........ Clromout. y-ré' o! r arrivai kI4V Ivater and csultv abroud was offered tefaihm T. TSu..............11,1101111.Tri Dfen WA"rHE>I "J' - aa pcarodd tylng freinst Oavatfoss Il Ahotlîer ExhitîI, An luorcmamgruogr cJan@,OflO0 -odr osu h C osZofewac Tii.bons ant wililcos ue Mall il w!!bat loaooi- GAD U w u adileeovei'd n a roc w hor o ho m uet £ O'O)a I stl <c 111snes and a*goa! enct% a rum n t ai t C i ty, willl ho notfied hy the Posttwgat.>,. L LI 0 N ýg ]W ke t 1 bc atfied t a v e b e e n f o r td a e d a y t. li e r e f u s d e t Mm m c m ., C o u s :la s l i o n s . C a le udwo c m i I th k p , i m ! b t o n . é n c M oh î . E fýt o v e w o r k e x o u t e d 'wu Î t n e a t e s s .ýe pan dn .uxd amle ldotatili of teop,9looposuilo,, sud' 811W 1sd duys fif'pitout :-rouble io!SIDY SMITH, ~ .IC first te cené dovn ; ua muaket vas poinluod u.Inomtion 'turbighediet^bt44t SMITH, l o ti l'otftaatcrGaeri. Ait vork vcnrented. Cuill and seq mpçcuiaui s em ember tu addrail.c down ho came, snutclî.lock, tulwar aud Agenti for Tovu iof Whiîtby. Qsba i o. 98 0 O O & , W .L E oJ hN B Y N i po(vder-honn, too. In bais boit vo ond Whitby, Pub. 25, 1860. WigOflKaker'o Shop for Sale___________________si sotme elghty.cigbt rupees. This ho mon ---- otê oLet. 1~ # 11xerciai divitlod, ant luebird wa suade a priisuner N os oismoliaatst ni.O iIlnr'taorl and sont luto Crsip. lai one of tise fiel a ýk~oa~~ jq zq irsncityoetpad yM.Jat ellsa ?qoioo, 4il alE oimdon n'a se t eanurt Vr oid wosuan was fdund witlsber igbâtlog inanu lieorv.Tora g aod n 'g a<sen at 54j41 ,fl 44i, A lSS shattcred by a ahell: ln another, a littie ADisuabor .qaaTrorn liat la ui. Tue gardn.taalaii n girl o! abottnine, with lier liet leg chat- BRITISH L1LVIE1VS@ bumlnmis svilhomotiorI.t lou ara roonsy outil mttîattul loiai go o ssldity 1erm s u r . toroul t-Ail over the muadioner e catter- Alitpwll faotlt ho od liÜuglisli books, papau-g, envolopew, ladies' ortg'ABLES GRLIFFITHI, o -tigWtotsàâ ad nie ihn h milk drosses cororei with blood, bonnet$, jEOXARD SCOTT & CO, %Tl?.WOrn1y par-isoisrologant druuing room chaire; sud L Ybit, continu. to publjlh th. foliow. JOIIN ICE, needle, other thn attaoliing buttons& button holes othon things tihe robais liai plasndoncd fromt lng loading British Poriodiccls, dz:- b7o ielant, oppoxsuC the proitinem&. 0 - - Nectnuch tuait! oiller stations. ThéIi. aigc .4 m ltkti sf11sosldr<i i1 0;2oo i r LOSIDOX guÀavuusu (Conmorrairo.) ]Public Lands. % Wu% boutons down; tise algb ro p;adilsr£I OIGIRVIW(vi. BOSt the (, BiviiCk sti- aro juat necoiresi a slipuren ofc has lateast norelty filles! vitis brekRnTISH-ftsîmo, doasi Chttals.) erreaur» duo on puliclandsatara ins (ili bfrc, .N ansd a is ; baek beaps o!nattshee laacho. re TUE eaTsussers4. re Cuch) hti ite. fegul .trioti rininpt S An9 and terewithchared copseiin to tise aueiîsoPllissu tis gt ai etadote ot L à.cs jiireu lm n s hyac ]y t sud Sucre, wifis cisarret! corpeos in thoir aquise a righliiiPub!lc Lansds by pss reliaseTgo a siîyanio gases, lu wbtasvu!tu-iakitossansi rows e. - frni thie Crowrn, ssid taittesalaisarcunesoltiteatoidsraesyiu;aisiayarikeyt pecd cenres; ieas!scr utetera i i boni cr Lcioi' ssmraa Aaaîm<oy)f ie rtaplun.the aid stylo te se large, an oxtent, ,we WOUld rcatpoct(uliy ca!iJ-our actanti!i u gisses, n which-ultur-sCautionaàtorTreaBpaCsers' in theuu1>. M. ziVin Tory.) P M. ,AstockNEbefockebpturclaaselaigebsewhereere cieedad ecandovrth ori ar auin o ýepse8inteDopatttent tf cnnwn lAnia, Thie tfabrics are alwvyouilutise Wool, uithout any seucis, aun(hheocs fibre ytm cases ng ainong tche crtpes ainsi rina- Tise préenet oitical state of Euîropéenu]Publie Poresitu. Qtaehee, Octob3elua 160, ~wshicautncisonstegreatest elasticity, wifh igeo greatest stnengîl atisd sunbiiy;w prwlngnoio,-th orse ad u*-niochler eltrînk, uer stretcîs oui or chape, snur cra-k ; andi almeutiwaterproof nnaiii oin siluaeoasiaffaire yl rondos thoeepublications un- cf wrtdurabilît>-, ad loce eiablissîlifies, uqeto asrapeie w orîsen, agug adtraauping tbrough usa!!>- mtcting siuring'qko orllscouiinà wahrmtlh, as anotstal themâcr deil lqy admite n> -.- se b ro k e n c rn - m o u), tu r n in g a b îu t m ars- p r me i . o c u p a ui id le g ' i eusi giei bodiles, diviusg atewcilis ans tip», ownth tarsits, n-Mueva-îfeu laWe daim (bat tho SeanileasCoat ld vansuser, ans iyl voir longer ctisn ytve- grcaai ~eas:g411n n N-, labcroby given (bat ail pcrsonm ayCnao teodsye clirssbing toc aigrra ingo n cuti, è eculatien'su d flyingwruerso eitLOWES & Io PbicLnd -ihsi POMTELL leh mtocks-.al aearching for plusîdor liko ow thoéid5lf>- Journal, sud tisa ponderons auhnîLo liwili bc puuisnisO go- os casi2,item rcai ssldug. iSt lIvIngme of tetre it d o uin ritna t b l4r rOis i Nil. 1sandl2,ir TInbev unB)ildings,4 ardi>- assassInf, ani rovelling lu tho - Tola, thoy îtorlogeo (ho utituberrand o::t ay the li i ra>-. If ltand e cta iete o f P ofiA u suuant aimi e ; n art i s re io Ofeng orrock S rcet, %Wiiiby, Nov. 27, 180W. 6 ' ~.- rorsof cat, lko lend l ren poitial aant ofthetim & al o - teb romovatilor iuasielsîg iioi ntsor- inelibe p s u ei l a b I e h e » o! c arr.ug f ausu..Ivoe o ntl ntclsyo $ ea r thi-.., wlth tas Time P e ansa êord. d cal, chta rossions m ust look for th o o uy oF hi D partmagnt ef Crown Lando, ubjeef-a At "A, evut, udassn --Y aodiof u tr e GREAT SALZ OF' Tlua l aror peaensward ud er vei-utaîîhos lters>, slotifosudtions iidrisr) ~~r o Agentl is-1t A.K Oliloadourac or ddtAo ent ir"o8* BEOS te annouance teafbis uuuuseruss fniendas andi customors that ho la novirny pieasauîîy nmade, criousaîy centnvidlu-n thoologirasi character, vo sst;o thomupon charnge Do l tIa ty liti eizig Titber ilitagatily-4g1m JLs-aT T C .IC « , t e k o u p o nr ea ie e x te n s iveti bis iTice rs ei A etted ke tievieawkhefl icconidération et tise roauhng public. ont-mor takiugavay..n cautai te ic 5akel G EM K 1- theate gsiiof Ps udi ilys NALL ITS BRANCHIES, Tlu re Esau arra gem ens t ffeoîed lu. tho tisa O R epnin ps, iuasm ucis ase tisey I caon novk Streeitheî osa preisitnea nnsi sittl igs an lacep. rl3ne f ir iispulshnsri adiins! alot XaloroeuîisgT o rw adt ole' l blihti t, ok t OS z at _ A ESLIICTI4sSL III R bprpcie od rmtg eut e Fpracyone fthhadfoubevscr...m aout or Quéc, tiYpoferutius .umonarAppluteono pcmea lstl- rcîclb> hm nntask Srctmb anea as mîtcen p-ll f ho l t of-st y i ug lisa d tengrelobe a o o s it e our al ediio s. .. . i 0 'aAstolc Icotre t « nauW D aboro. u d So d ai ct L iv s r ggoss r ti g rce arc - u utt os os 0 f co u seF ormanaay nsit 1)reR Mu t th e u r R Pie s .); .7 0 T hP. b a te oM a nK O ü ! rai N E'r, n UAT plAte c t ! e s o î i i o P o Lisc O, hR e I ii ur epANT e d , s i e e o o e e e o u e a l~, . ~~l t christeu t5lcop," wlsat cesidposibly a!- r--;,- ail ifsr uf tise Revieivri.-.... 0 - Tlmn wane of every sk-seriptinm, Store pipes ford as gnunder serie cf surpris. thon tise For i3îackwood'ti Magazine .... B o [ liusiisass oa!tustimeioilal» uste th, &o., &at., lu fatf verythiuig in È c steve and LUJIfltfanad PRiODUC'E TAKEN 1XK EXCHAYGJi a ARR alteruatcn et nglut ani su>-.For 1linckvaos d dono Roeiw... .15 on IFetboimeofti his invsiuiuulo resut -, tue fkol- ttiinliaiLgsî,.e alenain fnilt n !y owtîîg ihave beasi soiaeteci: '-'N-Mý~ D. FORD'S long expéenceofo thirty ycars lu the principal Ifanulactories e h n.eFor lackvood andt tvaRoviev ... 7 <0 " i baro usesi your oi!l he tut ix ycar-s, and TOu e tpprfr ai, Statesu ansi Cloada lias givon chat expérience lu erery bmuiao- ttis ie buesswtiR iî EDJ AD s D ay -asntlisig btut a iiU Io ligi t d vsto v i 1 F o r B lackv ooa.l gJ n dt t ee R e c s . . .9 0 0 alon ats. %ld -tb a as. t im nequu lled t o 'on be ii i Fo~ pe f w h v o r b e ta a r v t n o b a t f d s g , é ég n e o i i h u isoe netmeliug, wo lancw not what. For Bîackwvosi anti thefeun Beiovujo o00 esss, 'asi !ourisifrost-1iteoi.Ifs efflosu-go soat ian Riigu anti Slaceia4sism. f arliiofenabo te arrie, ais fr aibeuiiyc elileguac tflildnublt Nigls-a asisn, diriaulatllea Arfo >on ur euouin the aState is-nuedcqsaiy greit ppie te mats xsiston MABRM LOGAN. ani oîili> c vrkan!ip, ior ciand t c leai. rgoi, eits', c, ors ie thtlsil st3 esl erc4el tps.T .i<ousEu JAMES GEEIG. Wijitby, Oct. 24, 1840. 40a5mdseuSoinru.MIOre, aneîse...Au! u v g, fsrasg (i l rmretpOSArE knssgw, FbR2o86.IIq- _________ - AnPonANOo, F U RIE hisPOS AGitPikeyogSept.1, i4.TIIE NEW ESTA BLISIIMENT NEAR THE BANK.DU ÂS Tm Er V TJY15, 1 sages betycen, nutil vo bave oxpîcosi ibis pliesi free aofLU. S. Postiage. publie, 1t thiukkasf rsght fa reesamtiseîd yossr MANUFACTORY, - _________ buigs sitc esabrsril ~uiiv s unailnma11ashcnbrsviI b e np- ati l Germait Oilanalias a di-I o e ti CIJoSTVIS s N EW VYhA PrS J~ 1 satna s m ste b im e liiasc o n o n e rre -il ! a y S t r e e t angs drw o dPbige# o tteewià-lpubîful, bi taften tho-s plettsa w e d e r u a s i c u.m n al b f g.1- -î u i c s u i - u ai-e e e .e c r a .. n na s 0 f . M - i ti i l > t e ma -±isufodat. 1-fte'arais out nacra pe5ipiai tisaun coi-lt - Brook 5e-i-cet, Wl-in taes> ext r ose.... ...2 fr a he at1 04 alaceî , in Brfva on Fiot o, c ) .- :-o c j c ts m l v u a c l f r - = a w il - dA seîtia n h a e s il th o p i i tiu ca rtp 1 >u' is(has, Tasusv,;rnd 4000lfos ae.trOTSaui.asustt cututtusisuin.ht. '81 1h1h acres. saisid pluiti.titp- a E n st n là e st h it b y . n th e 9 0 a c rea sa se s tW ualiusoel ileissisafiix rifmv a.t re b s i o li-atD Nr RD e - Ail woosî-xlwit hve eorkneinolueo rc10hcrs bout)d rosaonth oheireesl. Lo ni i iu5t.itkOtp intue PE TA LE4 o UI ai- rGIatPr .-oir- up.rIVo beifeva Lt 1'Iie r lou d A C tsp o f tcrae haro ofet 5l LIii for-AB E sa i -i 51 Ide a ndli to V a rJ. F. R', Psaîaia oa- b ker S-sfpzo ut& O , & . st, as tsua p îrt ettis 5 e i. t 27 citIrC1fL Western editorexpresses Isise.lNo luTuso m lube P r i oale aireP. I'rssii; sIii-su as, s arln hassue bseuul- ,, lu orosu 58 ad C arrigesigï- - - - b*6stal>- his f torése îdge.. île ac ndm-r Pa alsaSai' t is a ei ii, ptbioyod b M. 'i roi l ca sed s ý- of eyiîopy thgiva corfor. tpp I o l auies2 llfronott -leteu- - - - flea r l>oce o soc, aa c u V D1 I O Ontelesafs.nny' sd giclinfimine.t o lhoi 111 ET Shcrif'mr abOveCliatcu (aillad, hu ust allenlotoo!Bsuasstacuity, usera TtheE $-Caa res te m saatiîle e ih lsaî i A l thaee. c îsv uauofctstheep is tîti S ECT CL I t S IT i! SIG IT wihai tcef i s e AI'AnIDoAEw 4A1I U «p hsnpeCIc, 'r .Noîce m ils -- - IBA Y Britshererif, C.n S O .OT D A Ç- the veseu eno 80,tpo ialat digîPIROBSTT O Y B t' 80iCn of-saasa sltur Sta attd C arnatgesot l Tali-ms dulibaramo tl.tppeCanPa. r t e , mî e ul a t e oiih nof- l ty . F Tu U LIYeT re- .cr' o 1 i a r W o t i n t e a e p u i n g n s - m p t b & up p d ti W l e . i iiiîto olt T MEraz , JàE S FI0E R IEg rE J H N T-,Y A N K E E N O T IO N S T O R E . Ce . 7- - 4 n at p 055 m p ie t a rpn edte l n Z %aesU nd s-o 111i D4gadBo tr. l .-odb ah assrCheshsa ba,;t.se oate cape! et Ric,-had 1 b ,ecf - noctSîeotb-sRê . 2; heSrei- - a W4 8n TACoS 51O ZN Io- -- - - srbib al l-aoc Lin, bfty. fss~nats coasoiadanj boe . 55F ARBure* t. oaNKs J L C O E L6C SSJS-RS'IE. - Sie itb,'use " - -l Sd,160 -fheaper fluaiv îo a iso)iîanymortaerbats& *A. eesYAFOKEÊ NOTION STORE. 'PEfe5&Ipllinh~ Woyo is>-tt s e go p l ous etis iu rt, N, - O teestisid itl erthf ui ill.ngc, m a ia 'ma - if Aw C sesscnr wn.su-kcj.iaut bodysuaz inii.y-pro. ip.sdticomýniaaptju;sjt isd a 'rain et ris - - A -tietc h reisiai ft6udeuti t». %. 'El- kA STu. METIFJC nlI£T - £1. .'lsmuery, Drs m m & Sîsi - 5 Tl s. rkluain. tf ilic>- [lave a iiasilc __ _ __ _ tmiuuitf fr.. o£lsie o a u lr1 s.uonr,tl..î tu bet ss>ofeif afsikbia X emoîesslauu51 JT R sua' l'crk; if lusa s clus de ie d t, a o n1 - tia JOuant>- etO 6cttrl iauu-fruîncast, oven in,.elte.J or tisej saoSaiulWéakaîeat,-orau, diuascc senn S E eutu auorgsîss, osssed 1,4r tise se- hbt l )~Uî C atiige asr f is c s t ihis ilsitnuicaî sssalîîatt luIatn. li mîipreove-nlltu&&caoailsscii]K ] i S îusîauy ofi bcefuia~' y retriutm ti'sune at isa eed lr on.1 - , g~ ppmu lunPr i t tise Bi-idrlsàybêo,, - >-Ducy ste.,i 5ser~case isifl a -osîItatucef,,. Medeistsmut Brick Bloek kdtreas Dr. Auist&Sain, coi-tes-af ùMsiital'Vk>,M iy 'Stir!mutl4. Mias)lg. N 'X oenix 'PiiséAsaura ste A1e,, IISTABJISUBED IN. 1792.- A C* L EPIEM OFF ÀAT C..oso j c Ma a5IIANCES a fgiut LOtISE S b>- FlICIm 2 13 rouet d(u fthe rssosîsg ne-tniu, t parîîid-visll ie!fessnite heu M i IL1ÉClWODWARD,- ioWtnw (7onmujar .I<c Il', /, iffly, -RO BT. C sibAtîg îlis 18", fur utie (ëtcsfsl ads and Saw Xii fo Sae. ', 'Dre c4ygl4 lia!! or the,%%, EAST WINDS the .jatlCaa.as Uli'go <oui-ustsNo. s.- atii l . o f' tt xcc-ikst tew 51h11, oa-- w. - i>wsaliisag Itosatos., tgfite tit oS.,.tias,- ai7 srsaitsss- coeupied o! tIe fimauadsfsi ilscaIiesalcliSa- âmne. 4 tute aildis aand est -otlei amnhislsT 'ncfOssftarie. Ir1%i. aifiin 2x »mi111es ho - Vl neoStoait-ile, 0ts-0 tna f= ti< Ig iilliage assld e'-tiLas (roui tme Tow fl>, ic caitlal tn!rttecCoua> -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ý1ru ofOrt -eor- bi rsideuc. y isill bc ______in' Or to IiI {ALKER FRNÎ ELL 'Ternto, C. W. cuuo - t W l 4 t y . CANT ~'~ ; - ~ ~ F IN s C III b e r i f s S a i t . o f L~4 â w . i of - - BARIS-TER <& -. ' - x Satùrtlav, tIes t h > fc - ule t' f-ock usooln, ah! lai I Ile Autaln, ai aeai 95e, în,heme --t la tIhe T nor liti,, the niglsl 5,, J t, oIer iesemt maSo!, fuse utif s!suaie tioeta d tati-a- I e %4 < D ve rsiml> - aso in u th , u m lorssaossîîtooad tA!tl is f (usiftaie as '"si tcnemt ts tiie'ren, ssreid liv s u mu teud-luileâ by Au I11 ' i eo f i, r i s -eoasîasisisicua u l d iiî et utr d 'î jM gt us M Iee ýc i p î stilir, s. the 1h xJOU X iii C u m a b y tI fcs sja Lt. - W siî rL E R K O F T II1 E i t I t C e s t f ; , S ~ Q s t s à ~ m C s B a u ;%uj - c o a s s r f i s g f i I a î a l u 1i C oi u t Z t h oe W h i t b ya t e î W s i i f i l Iuth e oturt on:qiuoea5, cniî1,, Ia>- uacl sus! 'buis i[au Peni-v, plain. -, fLiER lit yh py Soau S511Couusj, iy .JiEWETT, iv Ils i 0 C e jt > - IS < 1 55.s -B ta b e a cc o w a Il yntauts! I lirain Pes, puua f a - Kt r ut.2 . l the 0ou ilj otllro >10. ABINET MAKI Un, Wood~ ~ Irv li lrun PF suo crI Gennie'»s aicu5 M [Passy-, dt !etid Ui,. - t17-9.u npiras il t unant ôfto4tQaaatam O~gF COU uaaisucftIsa aajj èt Wslaulip t ci Aise plain i - Ileciiicr, 0 nbth ion Ibiï ép o sis ai n 1 plas;xtter ai i e OWi ! Wiçi,>, ou 'ia iounl t <or Conition PO0E8 VS. Min ,]I ltir.VeLERL AND 1 mio iiiidea.Jà>.i"dccfe:i VTownship Oe!'l fi-lai 1as i TNIirflîolaéî ]oli ir t t .. - t- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y D.jj ~ ~~ --B~lL liI 1OOkIU8f f % 5Vx - - la lice -t~ g - - ~-~~ EN(1) 1a, uau w ýP~

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