Whitby Chronicle, 11 Apr 1861, p. 1

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- . [ClANS IN TIX' W,11ta i. aute ut [Savas.. s tfii.rossît of up. 'IULAR NIOTICE. gwiilg np wlth $îi, I nut rofortiîpd but ghveis ris, te a saitUnd dovataing a>' to i0is perulel- aou aallliaastuai umt foriîrdable aile. cbia ii tia <ira Ce- ZIt s &r )ultrbuctv ,uîl, grae.iug li i rai! il', t ib :a eiiahti l liei ille in, cîc p - ates ri>' aiaaluti, lre », undaM, uI lrct lau raai0la moast llajuibiut lai- wli, caatauive u teaitailair til I ha utruiïiae -1 ,,riuay liaue aajra orect taiil .iaao l'ar ldlis caraiar ofal hlm asua urnoCo. IN17. VAT & C. *31a13ib la>'k MIE aad uitrii lac h-lu alu !tl cii iiAly of' Lands, >4au t1i111uy,Irlm t t1i ric'ip il, ,1 !'riliaa m cl hcea idali'i-lco "sl ourt. 'J 1,ut orun fili the hua iia-,l îîu catirt. v-aaa i î iaul Carl aualii ,liicgcua ilu I Soiînii.ao Brook a ala Stliro aa-uuaaial ou ti -U14 anrd sLty-liO, .l<iat . -a ita ; ait ca ail Wisil1un lit. Ay c cuns Jiiels 19. t îat tu laiplytè t to. , mua ba iu grem, ice, -r 0l'tiaiii, s'a,, dhca ilnaiia une, cliod adoJ edu ia )t .oln ieiur- tde's Stre n ftlâctoy. Tr 4$'o2R, ATT1OUNYY, CONVVYANq &e o L. Ofiocoover G. 0. ros's AXMUUSTER.AT.LW. OFYICF-BUtJCK Otro0t, WhWtby, C. W. 1 S. B. FAIRBANKS, S 1, nlNOTAItY PBIC 2o.dc Ne . H AM, flAR1STXEU ANI) ATTQiNEY-AT-LAW. Xl>-Omee..-opponuta tia. )tegiètry Ollice, Brook St1.1% Whftbhy, i b .Je W. CALDWELL BIIUWNI, tlow<vE YANCER, comm'issioNEItpop. de isAatantur Land Dlvi t1 aielipur ,Notary Puiand UGeiAgent, xbria s. 'Oilee;-Klng Street, ueariy e1pesite Lh*.Adiea1 Hall. 19. .-401,busincess antrustea] tu bis ca awill JOHN BILLINGI, - LAWi CILANOEY Ie &CONVEYANGING office, Prince Albaert. A. ýMA1RS, B. A.- ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICft IN 1 £3 hasicery, Coavo3aucdr, &o., Main $tract . V. ARTNELL. D-19PUTY REGis1TRAR, MASE'RF EXTRA- ordiaay, andi examiner ln Chaîicery for JOUNXJIeNlAB, IARX18TERd ATTORINEY, d&a. OMfc- Conro',lurtl aicut ortStreots, (opo te Cab stand,) Tronato.- WILLIAM TEiIPEâT, ne .De IN E ST Z SHAW A, CANADA K es V 17 W. H. TRENAYSE IDAU18ITER, COUNTY CRiIWN ATT'OII .1.>Eloy, &a., &o., hais rcmovaud ta tii raoaina over Lowosde Powell,$sStore, Mosges. Maiier. &ona Brick Bock, Broch-St. WIauiiy, Aug. 9,18110., 40 AMOS W. CRON, A CHnTECT, CIVIL ENGINFER, AND SANUFA<JTURER AND DEALEIIu IN Cîguro, aind 14%f Totinacos; iliso W lalps, Johai ftroct, Port.Haipai. Vert Hope, Meci@gh, 1860. w-s w 1>' IROBERT J. WILSON1. B ARIUSTER &d AT rOINEY AT LAW, gelloltorinChancuary dcc Whaiy, (1. Offlo.- Wallacosslock, àroale Street, W lathy StMVGEON TO TIuE COUNT? (*AOL *Byron Street,whiltiy. ; îRABT WINDSOR IIOUSE, WIIITIJYt Vua. oàADMUl. iilîoi'îaitue. L lIE aboya Ilote al itteInat lai loacat Bsu .&tred rat laiofthteaTowan, oîî thiefronat aond. -#Go.,t aaoaaiaidtiala Ion trainellars. Good Stsallng s'aâ attenitiae asîlera. 22 IIUGII FELITZ, rEACIIEI IN MUSIC, THE tircut Piao For-te larînoaîy c ej -tlrag mmmrase aaali ilea-is of S Etrng liictraaaiîciitsla prepao treo er hisuldeca.4r ~~ICANIOTEL. ~XTAKEl dcPAT'fEllS<N 1ROl'IIE- Sturs, corliar of Yoiiag aiid lrugit Street». Toronto,, C. W. 1 CANTON IHOTEL, W. (JLT'rBFJRT, W. Il. IILLINGII. *p ARIeOTEI & ATTii>iNlEY AT LAW. .> Solioitors lI Claacry, Wliitby, C;.' W.- Olhias-Waiulatie's illiags, Broo-k-st, wlhiy JOIIN McCII.L, LICENSED A UCIO N EIe*t F1R CANADA L d o (utiro trl naiîn iiiticsi, te at- teusi Sles i> Aaaatou la ntiîai l 11uniitr, aouuuaissoai.10 JOHN METCALF, C LERKOVfFTI T111 )uVISIONCOUIIT, %, ounpriiag tie, Toaniislip lrock. Ad- drea;s Caaiiiagtuai. 14 FRANKLIN hOUlE. LINDOSAY, C. W. B nY.IEWETT, 1'lt<lI'iIETOIt. CV>.!FOR- jatableouaatoiliahtioaa fon Travaller,. Whltby, Janu. 21. 1857. 1 A. K. RICE, C ABINET MAUER, Ul'll(>taSTEREI, d&o., Uerrio'as haoll, 1yroi t dreet, W laitl>. lPa- 9 Janiieitly donc, and atcll kintis ut job- lngý,atit epairaag cf Farî,iitrea atteaated ta. HENBY 1!ANNAM, OIlE F CIUNTY ANtD SUI'FRIOII Aort, and Mieeuaier to tiliai tt t OUia- i.Asoplelianad oraiaaaitii paitr, W lit b>'.21 £A. PRINGLE, çERCHANT TAILUII, BIZOCK STREET, .LWItby.. i ROBERT SPEARS. CLERiC AND TJIEASURER Ol F TIIE CTownship of Ulxbillgte. Atidrasi, Uxarigo. CHARLES C. KELLER, TTOUNE;>Y AT L,%%N, SOMLCITOII IN A (Jlancory, Couiveyaiacer. &oc. (ltlce-ln Victoria haiîdhicg, oser tm la Jironfclscotice, Blrook atret, Wlithy. Alsna blracii aice lit thea ullar enveriu. touaitaovaasluii ufTiliorai, aiti lutina>'oft-i.a- tarno. _40 AUCTION BUSINESS ATTENI>ED te ais%îisitial, by J .C Sterlinîg. AAIl orcars ralatici tai Aiiction iscas i by the tindenslitiod,oslaiuld ha laft t teClaroualafa aOr- ileo. , Whtby. Mesars. lluggiio;Nas >yerliother are dnly aîtlaorlzat tu aippaiuai'ti atys f ale, seuls teérnis, d&c., antae1enter lutm msicia cthar arraiiganutetitua rolaitlacg 10ta uctieioua bisinesu #A thqyîrnay conisIierprapuar ant iiaaccssaryl. 1 @hal D diliad o ratif>'a>' agrement i hay niay nfiake 0on111> cuau r Ilsi sattendoti lit elI parts of the Caiintry.1 J. C. STEIILLING. CHANCERY. SW. IL BILLIN(48 IIAVlàNOÇ MADE ±yj ýAni.au 4lauints vitia %.a Soletor caf thie Court of Cieuioor>' lu Tarout,ise nov preparati to conuattaisutiandcutiincis rcqaairîag jromplt aud curoit Iattentioat l ianuaaboya DR. EL D. NORTON, ~JAS SUCCEEDED DR. CIIECKLEY IN bis practicu. g4'Rooaus-Bryan'a Rlotai C. W. ONIIT119 E LO>NDON, ENGLAND. AICITTEOT ani Ciil Engineer, Ot%!cawa. Chaaa-chaaî, cYaipois0 Houseaa, &e., dasiguad andtimsperia- tenidd on rresiouu,$,le term.is. m J. BAlER GREENWOOD, 'TORN'EY-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR IN jijChlsucry Noter yPuibliaCneyucr j Wlty L.W oMs, in Victoria Block, tex, tot Reg1ýtry V11ico, ounIirock -trcau. 48 *it am ?rinted <oMrog VOL,àva GLQD31 3 IOTELo ItO JX.~ç adthé travelling publia,fo ilie pto- ag xoddto hta in co . o 1 en"e business at.Brooklin. lu dog i is assirss Ide Marty frind s-ithAb no .ffortýwil bP pare4 îoit bis part tc. kéep p tia h ettcor ofthe Globe ais lievtofoire,- thremost amocngit tbe hotols blniis part of the Conntwy. $and.'th. sAine ostier, Is lu attendance, ali4 min s lis« buséuiessuai tîsal.* Tie fast trottinag Pony 1"111118c Brd stands fur niiairhs tliaoiseon anttua stable. Ternis to Insur. $5, for tic ssaison $8, Ainglo Ieap $2, C. DAWES, Proprletor. Bro IlMay 1860. la COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BILOCX 8l'tRERl, WIITIJY, WOpposite lsi* &Robrts.On Proprlctor. C ObMM1IIAL TRAVELERS WILL FIND %J teonveniont istopplug et, ths hotal,nas tiiey eau learai iroin iathe egiltrBook kapi ant the. bar thai routes talion by thair procegssors. The. proprietor, takes thia occasion to thank his nnmeronsw patrons andi friands for the liberai patronage besîow8d oau linasin.co ithe commienceinant of fl is uiness lu Whitby, Good âtabling, and attentive Ostiers. Wltby, Maiy 1860. Ot HURON HOUSE, FoaRT waraiy. T IE aiaderigncd hais talkon che above flotoi, wiieiha fiasne wiyfitt i n l lsbout mataner fitr the aoceindaatioià of the publllc.- Good stblng, fine rooany Asiacts, antieveair t- tentiota paaIti ail aîi horse. Tie.best wiaaa's. iiquaors aaad clgais aut thai bar. WILLIAM TIIEW TRE TERRAPIN. IIîE P8OPIETOEa 0F TIltS WELIA kuowaa aalosi a are now liiiocajation ot thae olil ST. NICII.OI.Ag. King sitreci, roronto iformry ket by Mr. iarlcy.. The promise% iîave bccaîaîew]y renovateal tlroaighout, andi fittcti 11-jliatiaa frsi style. Every procurabie tieiiaoa n saasoaa. A cigar divanu fitteu11aî se- Pars lcy into whiellî îoiie but the bent brandi are peraited tai enter 23 CARLISLE d& M<CONqiCEY. Grand Trnnk Railway Ilctai. (SoadA a#d4 of Railavay Dapoi, Port W7alby.) rIE UNDUSI1GNFD BEOS TO INFORIM T. lis friendanaa thai public, thaat ho i1A nw lia possmession cafîtae iahnvalbote], tih uiaoss of witola laceaili lifuture carry on oîa ils owiî accoaant. (;ood i Lquors, Wiates anti Braandies, EiAacllieai stabliig-aarefi attenîtion for mona aind haonse. JOSEPI! 1tUEI3OTTOM Wiithy, Jan. 10, 1860o. 86 UNION STATION IIOTEL. OOT (OF YORI<S. SECOND ROUSE F ot Dpt, aan Stationa Toronto. Bad$1perdaiy. Mciee2bats. àood Stai- W. OSBIORNE, 18 1'rcprictor IR substeribei lacgs to lifortn hua ftrîcaîd4, sund tia. taavvallla public, tlaat lacelaîs taik- an trio ahova well kiaown hoïluai Itraîis by strict itttiata,oletlacs, anti 1)y an-flavvrlng- ta cro6 ail linlaispower lfor<Hic comnfurtandi cou- qaaiiilcc ofgaaeaaa'. te inacrit a i siara of pulie oraîreîaîaaga00da, îoalLqaor@ i ud cigaars. Cont iorta~o>taccommoantioniaaafor maanaad horse - diaaautaativc anti carefultilur. Asiabaîral i, laa 18, liAI. 25 ALISION IIOTEL, E S IARKET SQUARE, TOIRONTO,-. J. $8TIil, iropriutor. Excclcaai accont- modaîill.a. Every atîautloaa paid to the couatcart ofaraivellers. il UAILRtOAD IIOTEl.t ÂtiXAIrtitilTiuIaIOMPua, tuuimtoi a-pIIE aboyna lilacrua iîewgly fitad uap andi r,- J.. icaivcai iccl I atand i nwfli tra ptret for itia racelatîcia c f gîemtsq. lu.1lu ehtalitei oaî1thea lili ecaisim! ofl'ilrock, oaautie uaitiga roiic le- tvaaaî Whiltii, lcavntoac(mtuttiitay. (1o00d aicccaaîaaîuaitîoîa, aaaîti cita iihme Otlcrs. Caia1cimcatota, .1, Ily 21a--,'11860. I I3RIISIK AMERICAN 1HOTEL, liqalors. Nleiraeiiaaoiuii riauoas Guocistatcliig, aulil iatteantivea Octienut. 7 BLACK'M IIOTEL. Orer qo BRivan ud Daiadi otarsetàs, AIl. T lIE A13(VE WELT, 1<NOVWN, ANDI CEN- JLta-atl>'sîtuaiteti halaI liaseisl eaiuwi>'filteti iea- >'tue lrosemai acecaîlptat. Ni, exliiceslacs% bacamiîarcalto laîscîra to alilgueste iail ululons a &uns. Ticu bsbrandrits urWlucs, Liqauers acuti C- Rihou>aîîd caiiueuînt iieti, gooti stiabl'u aind atteiia ostlers. This Icitel la ciîcaitet iniitue uer>'heurt ou tic Towovaf Whiti, naît iii bca fucîndt ct h e i montaalcaneaiatit gsucpfirg pateton fonnieru and JAMFIDiBLACK. CENTRE JIOTEL. B YINSTREET, Opposite B-hank of Mon- iatWlithy. 1) 1B. DENIS1ON, Pro plataîr. GlhccAiluccarnffolatiotisq. Whihby, Jttar i 151 16. 2 THIOMAS DEVERELL, B ILI) E c, d&c. &cc., GREEN STREET, Whitiy, C. W. H. W. WOODWARD, C OMM18elON MELICIANT, INSURANCE %,) a in erai Ageaat. (lllc-latoly occu- pied iy Joutes lloaiiitaui1, Wlithy. C. W. Itaiaiiicaaas-Thiaaais(ltksîii, FI.,Pre- Aidenat Boaad ofTraice, Toronto; W. 0. 'aà%seli4, Emq* alijzor 13tikB. N. Amiek., Toroanto; Torouatai W.(anula, Esq., Miltau i1111eTa- roualo; liona. P. MaG;ili, araîîîBatikorfIlion- trouId, Moatrcail ; bMcssrs. Maitiliuit, Tylec& hlicauao.Toronto-, Musrs. Anderson, Evnus Ci(o., Maiutraal; M3wars. W. Prica d& don,týli- bec; Nl,,sers. Il. J. N6aîti diCo. î'.1-îy Ei1)WVARDU d& HODDER. T AlDRS6a, DIAi'hRS, di IiiTFITTERS, iz liag Striectiilinu Gelitîinaa's gar- an-ntaiimaide tai anîd eait inithe mn ii faiiaiaiî- wes OWl. 40ý1M TIUE TIMII. 13 GET YoUII LIKENIfS AT J7. A. (ilarli'. lit Prize Picture Gallery I F yoîî alairo i correct ani litc-hiko Amblre ALtypea, Caicotypu, Lettergneph, or Leaitlcer Trantaer, or au Li koaleAli a L<Aoket, Broeah or Rting, f'or .. A. Ct. can do h lu the hast style, aand ai short notice. WILKINSON'S BLOCK, 68BrBrcok Stei W)aiily. S. H. COCHRANE, L. L. B. BAIIRISTEIt ATTORNEY AT LAW SO0 Bilcitor lu Chancek Nol ary Piaie ke.- i>lhc-lu BLcaiow's ~cw Building, .Ã"ntliai Strcet, V'litbv. 42 DUS. FOOTE & WARREN, ItROOIcLIN, C. W. J. FOOTE, M. D. Il. WARREN, M. D. H&NNING & USSUER, TROVINCIAL Laud Snrvayors, CivilRa~ . glcn antiLanutiAgitas. (htlla-noxî aloor t r i'l ciChaucli-ei.,Bowmc.mvihlo, CW»Deoteript'ons for Dee diwn nî n short notc. 4a W. O. EASTWOOD, A. E. IM. D., C ORIONER, PIIYSICIAN, SURGEON der.. Wbaitia, S the GIb 1«t4jit tl'. rtta3alfot 5,iluthe 2n4 4oncresslon of Beach For ýpatloulavys enqure of the subsiber. -J. 8. M. WILCOX. Whitby. Doc. 26, 18.60. ~ B AU OT T I O'XNE E R. W ILL ba laappy to cattsd al salas that lae maay be faivared with, anal froua paîot ex- perlancea iope ogveCieaatsacioi. u aiîteaaded let iliornonticea and ou re;isouable W iitby, Aaîg. 8o, 1800. 46-t O YTITÉR ofsnperaor qnallty récel ied fraslî %Jevery day, and for sale by thelaaea t Ëa RYAN01 BILLIARD SALOON, BROCK STREEr'o WIIITBY. Try thein, and gei an article wortb tryltag.I0 G. A. CARSON, M. D.# rg'IIouGl{ the solicitatioaî of laisn nmeroaus I. ridtie» bas retniîraedteWliltby to eue the practice Qf edilciaie. lie Is a gratitiato of boula medical sehnols, wiil tract ail tilseasa li the mnt sientiflo ananuer, andîi priormalil operaiuions ou thae Eya i ar. iei. sccess wacaDr. Ca.a'.at w1itii wlacaa praavioaaaly residilng Ilu Whtty l he ii at reconulinenlat- tieu. h. tan gîve. iniînany ce la.buwarratits a cura or no puy. OFFICEt.-Opposite EceripftaroeL4Irote], office heunrs front 9a. ini., MIi 4 p. mi. %Wian not lua the. office 1ho iîy lie fouid at the lioai. Whittay, Jan. 28t, 1861. 2-Bm Protecti on againrt Los*anaid Daa;. by Pire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY CAPITAL £100,OOC' TNbU1(ANCE atiacteti on Buildings andtiler ..conteants. Every tinforniation auppliati on alippbcatioii to the undersigueti. JOHN AGNEW, Traavelliug Aient, Byroni Sirect, Wlaitby New Tailoring Establiuhment! SINIPSON & tFERGUSON. RESPECTFULLY announce to the lu- habitants of Whitby anti eurroundiug ountry, that thVe have opencti a Talldr'. Shop on Brock Street, opposite tho "O0ntarioo Hotel," where ail ortiorse ntried to thoun wili be donu with uoat-ness anti dcspatch. Whitby, Oct. 2th, 1850. en. Whitby Broewery, witlta cia -elliciiatartace lnu suiaquaiuatilq nai naiy larecîiatie, aaîdcaterans ta i sit pur. Bottil aie qui thile liai partatli article. CLARKd& W(ODW ARDII. Wlaaday, Nov. 1.501a, 1859. 6$rî-44,w. Markham Union Lodgo No. 50 M Eg ETS ÀA"7lTlE TJDGE RLI lonn, Welliangton îaiatel Mîîtrklaaîia Vallagae. oaa the ie r Finitay of eacla moaatlabafora W. H. HIOGINS, Secretary. il. R. COItSO)N, W. Nx. Wcmntantea,îastoi t thePcerataary s1lanulc be add rcascd to WVl i taby l'ost Oflica. 18-ly REMO VAL. AMBR OTYPE GALLERY. T'Natiarainaa tlhaîilca to tlac Paibaîca for tn Ila- PBRYI C. LIOENSE D AUCOTIONEERc FOR TuE COUNTY OP Ã"NTAXIO. B, EG nost.rsspoatfuuly ta roturu their e5107 ocre tiwîtu s I llabîtaiîsof tbe Colin- îy of Ontario, fer tiie Liberai support tic>' have raclveotin thieni, aaad wonld klntiiy jillii a faatricoanliiînation of theosaaie. ilavlog a licous. for the. whola Coaînty, tic>' ara proliar- cd Lu r.ttaud ail uore wiih proanptules anaon liierai toPuas, .&laress, ALREWIF 1t>111KIG, TIIOS. MYEJL'3, Uraauiauk, P. O. Whatby, P. O. House and. lot for Sale. FRmaclo ceaapt e Dwelliuîg Bouste and Lot ou 1VRON STREET ln *sus îlao Towil of W hiuiy lataely lu coeu- 05 5pation of J. 8.Donauion. For privoanaid (omis apply te J. H. PERRY, Witby. Fobraay, 7, 1861. DRAIN TILES. T RIE subsaerihar lacs fur Saile nt the Tila Yard 4tla Cou. Whitby, (iauaaedlately Bsit of >W. G. Ogstoit's Faria) a qucaiity of Drain Tles, cl sizas, and t in otcrat prîces. Tiaa Tlas lhava iccu pronotincatiby oonpeteaat liutiges aualie of thie vaay boit quailhty. 1,00 filas; will lay 70 Rods. L'rive lastifraailtla onti orclers taketa b> Matis. liiiloaa & Robert, Wlitiv. JAMES SMILLIE. Deccaîlar, 1800. 49 Sharlifts Sale of Lunde. Coin ofOitaso jO N IATURDAY, the !1 i i Tciitctn aaîy ai _pril, A. 1). 10lS it twelvo o1cluck, aîuon, will eidc h sli liualie Auatioî, at aur Office, auntVae Coutr Ilouacli t taeTowai of a iîîtiy, the rag lit, ile aauat laiaresi wlicîlailaheuiaiemmen- tiuucdd telenaiassavcraaily posus lu thaeun- deraaaeaiioaaaai lanads anad taaaanîaats tiacreon, ecizeila>' neaaaeaîir aiîaîb>' citai.of sertaat writaa of Ficri Faias ta e sî io rectell, viz: litlahe Coaînty Court. Tiicanaas Boistar, Plaiaitii vs. Claitopuer ligoaacr D1>antî j'1>1 if Lat No. I36, li te7tliîconîcessionî, anti Lot 80, ia lithe fila concessionî of Uxhnitige. lu tlac Coaîaty Coart. -Thiotanas ailtr Plaiaaitiff vA. Abraiaam Web- ster itaiil Ilaary «)i i ter Dacuidatits Village aLoit tÏ4, lu Bloci C. (J., Uxiritige. In the Couuîty Court. Sommail Daivialsan, PlaintIff vs. Chrustoplaer Sqlacalay, I)aiftîaieaît. lu thae Coaurt of Qaaceni% BohondlIfalor Juris- diction, JTames Sqiîire, PlaintifT vs. Clirtstophiar sba.litY, Dafandaut, Ail tariglit.tlihoaudl hut etheboabe 'naimeal c.eaiiriit lu aud ta Lot ?oie 1trluthe Výirç u l it, llîtai the Tawiî*iabp oil hila nu L ouiaty if Ontaiâ, on i lelî t a iet Vs~ kaîowai asiste <Itario Ilotîsa," N ELýON G REYNOLDS Slier, 0 Siariff, C. O. S lcnurs Onue0, i l'ar (0. Nonne. Wlitiy Jiaaa. 1.5, 101f LUMBER 1 LUMBER 1 Ile uF virhaga ta iinforin the Inabitants ail îAantla oatorio, tlait having openaia l.aiauhcur Yard it Oa4latwia, for tue sale ofnesera.rs l'iei i & Ca., celchirctd ta ltaaaaer, lac wihl bat ablle ta stapily thae same ait rcoîiaI praîsa l'ar ciashua riplrovcd juit notes. C. W- SMITHT. t)sqlaawai, Jana. 80, 1861. Neyer fatls to Cura. NEURLAIL(IA AND RHEUDIATISDI Tilas s. iea-a pitraiu ie uit csraeltua(l siae cuill- GREAT INTER2NAL REMEDY i.atcccicg 1)[14as0414slii N. CfilIuncll'c Bloek, hcis 1.cave tu icliaaaat tuit lie lhism 'ceiîs iscm Mm T» ura ng flouaeaîsoftcasses vlere al uîlaer bnituie Giliary taithii i, ici rer the t.areunt Jrecietlcu, haaienplv fiti. Iis in mulaere i àsaar'-. Jonce lal, Brula Street, wliaeî A roYu, a'ipsii 1crlIce unolicua, biatls lie lis îirep:tad 10 faia-imiî Acabruîtype Likenemes ai S lECI lIC ccd CUli E Iorn cepulls- jraîa thecica alyle. tTitescnces ' lacvut nimîber oait iiealits, Mrt. (4rccu's 4liAnili nonistare liarîteail ftrcîu ialiraiaiouac nal eiacruil acîhiciaaes, viicla tIi. top, iraemca-y splitlulis, aciacl eaîaîaiîî îI11the ccel s i ffincalait itpfthlicsarl'rce aid>, airacair- apphiacuaras for taîkiîg tht anoist çcafect Ita-lika > ec-npon.a'ic, it tui c- 'fets ao f outîa liko(ens ifa cli kiti. tintati. TIii Nciaraigiia Kinag racac h s aaoa-c Wlaltiy, Mai>'2ti, 18610. et l al ta-cible, anad effecîailly> bruislies itie di- arase tronatlice Sitemf. Wa timvis uonea-id al tac au-e ih cata-iai îl laccoune atctcdtof is van FAIM FOR SALE. dc-ilaie Tr tnla Townaship cf Darlauirton ; beiugr t i, 'ajfio jL nortit paint of luiNo. 3.1 liatlIce Ont Conces- jy CURE1) Mnr. .lenenva>, Prempnie- clou5 eoaaîatiaicg70 eres, miii 2 dtleliaig Jlo i irua Street iicinn.i Lin, oaiNacil1- hansmes,liarnt undcileila, ciiviiug iushed, vooti- gilu hliiiiiiiimn icathe i ack udalsîcîccltian. siietsahcctanou Thricaatirae o 2 elis îpt_- < u TiE .iacIr.atEues Sieti, ai spleidid orcîcard,cati ai noecr-taiiiicar crai (,'niuaiOiliIaataCiliiimt, Ofl' satanaNaaar-tlgin i o wlcclargos e ît i-n. It is lieaitiilii i the hvad adinek, aller al o',ea- -ietias fail aîauîed on tha Kiuîîtstoii andirTorntto roaîa,îhrce cd. cilles frora Ofcluii,;iid six ticaliownaiiie. ý-M.L RSEOO er tet Tkiai#4is ait cpacing selîlîcn oI'treuî, Tiaje par Who wsr. L. GR O te inOR , c uPndm ia-cat fecc. i>ice Motieatte. Ternus cosy'.For Iar- iioais to attmend 10 i ni as, cua i iai> liculara d&c., aipal>' te îcbo ta atat i ascae a lt E. R. B. FiAIWAIID, fal roncatthe usa of îVattsoiî'n Nauralgia Tranen, a>' 4, 160. Ta-caton, C. ti. Kiig. Treton Ma 14 180.15 1.WTHIE NEURALGIA KING ena-ad Mn. Jn.%e1ah (iiolev ?Suvaeci troa-et, tfiauuaaima FOR SA E. lhiEiiATa-eaia olong standhig. At tha tiuae ot FOR ALE.coaîumamciug Ils; use ha vas confimeti to his bail. rr WN LOTS lu Wfiitbv puratheaie 13. I f l.9 VAN VAIKENBU84, c veil- ~Ils, i'ila<a otatiDtat1n'îCnakFreàc,,, î awîpaiuieeVaia cfrilîls Cit>', wu?% cureti of mLAix, c VBilage î'îa t Darry. k, ihîucîîmmîîîsîn aind Neuruuliiia lu us vonit fortn. AppI> to r.4-1NFLAM>IA'rO1'LY RIIEUMATI;I.- G. H. DARTNELL, Mn. C. Il. Itact, 86 Carroll sîraeî, veau caînati isolicitur &C aiter ca-m iug utlaca- anicties tor yerc. Bu'ockre , oi l3ube. jIe-NFIANalMATOl(Y RIIEUMATISM, of J nue le, 1857. tqF IVIC Y PAISSTANI)ING.-Mrta-. ul. W. Puat hian, 56 IPeari strani, cue n uhrca uscaka.. 4A]LT VINEGAR. a chage P>ois i lWNEU1ALCAAluits oqnrsbfonm offifteen yaaîri t andig-Mrs. Lymn Ri hatlhauiu, of 215 SA IT VINEGAR ccii nom be hait lu large J-elavaa-c strci, etîtia-lel'anati. ~I or mnal inaatitics, ait theta WWILLIAM çeJOIEMAN, Anciaunean, No. 4 Swanti sta-cet, ecrati of severe Neuralgia in ials Whiitbv Brewerv. limbs. tà7»VILLIAII a 'FFAT, Braver, Mca-gain WHISKEY w 'nis y z 't'auaaî,oNtanailgin 01ohue faCand teoth. laice, $1.00 pisr ioitle. BY TuIE BARRFL, AT I'aepa-cd ta> FAIRBANKS d& MACDONELL1S, - liiffitlo, S . . n MAot Bies For Scie b>' ail dielers lu Medidines. ASupericr article of Fomnil>' Flotîr, Choap .Él. toi cela, at FAIRBANKS iMACDONELL'S. Departinent of Cnowa Lands. vOODS AtN FeaiUtxs Quebec, 181ht Janeea,- 1861. N TITCE i. ianoby gimen thait Pairrîmiaisens of J Puîblic Landsetu auîcer Licengo elcing atcel sattlemi i% ihccniaimm mpaoemanîs, eau obtaîlît liccaîsa froan ilue spectivoeCa-uviLaind or Crus a Timbem Agentas, tw cn' ant igîpcae of the tiunbsa gromsIng -ou lhe lat. purcineib>' tiism,î(promiîied the. VALUE of Mu ietier su enteand diposati of, ime appliat inlupaynant of thao puiechose unone> duoe the Crvii>, ouniliair caimplylmur mii acertain conditions unhia-lacea bc leamnefa fa-on pinteti Foran s ibc hainl the Office cf tha Caovu Timbor andi Crowu baud ~Ants, ti ofaover>' Post Master anti Cuatitens (Mor haougaicat taie Province. P~. Mu. VANKOUGUINET,' WILLIAM AJFMN AROHITEÇT. U- 144, Bay Etreet Toronto. COUNTY AUCTONEERS.i T IRE folloming is ceciaracilliait cf the Auc. ilueere wIai have takan ontLioeuge at myn oltlra Vie paoi'-t eut r. > 1. >Faia-b-tk& di Mcdonll-tiie wmiile Ceunt>'. 2. blaïer.qdc Sprng, déf 4. C. 'auno-heceh, 5. Gen. llndidr-Broche. 6: A lez. Tiioi soc-Pi.-keriiug. 7.Mna-tick Mcèhaddn-Brock.4 WX! PAXTON, Ja.. t Whitb, Fo. 17 Cimmt>- Treminre. A WhithvFeb-277 p 1101h3, Botsati lute, (4roaaereafii'1u Glauswaio dab, cc. ailof h iwi lîbe 001d chep for tAt Â. AIlkinh= ~tprodueo takan lu exciaugeo. Tbie suiscriber vonît utiantu10tje. inluabi tents ci Wliby, =the-s a noecftesur- renntiing eQoutrYtlit b>' strIct attention to hua tiians, andti rigiat tiuatlue, ho hopes te g1vo gp.ureî ilsfaetiou te alis cistoiscitai vou1dý sui-bitisahaare of aitrom aa. p- sad,, dorucr of Ultalk andi <oboine 5ircects Whltby. - -- JOHN BEATTIE. Wlitby, Mareiu 28, 186 1. 1 . t NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE 0IIEAP B .os 811OESI AT THE 'TORONTO BOOT AND 8110E ST 1ORE, WIL1<IXSON'S 13LOCK, BREOOK STREET, WHITBT. T îlEuileu4girael heur uiaîforaîa haK ienuier JLon$is fniuci imi tiao Publié, finit hua lacs o'mimeuced baiiieus lila Mn 1aveIrainLa4es laitol>'ooinpiid rhN> a am he"Tu- route, Boot andtI tc tre,"1aad fit lie îaaas procureti frouai tire hext anrkcîs, .onextenive' anti uiriad stock tcaf frxtci lias oota, liillia la urfpairadtiu, cli it graatîy raduel piri (tom and ei xamiine, audjuil lre for yiiactvs Thera nevaîr vare uiach hairzauis uffaTrcialin Boots coati Shoas. Tii. attenilonacf colunta-v Itastoaneos lu8ate- qtaosted toeita. large steak cf MApCowhides, Mooasins,&t-. ou heuti. A lairgo asoniaeit of Liilea' BNOW SHOES, PRUNEILLAB BALMORALS, GAITEIIS, &c. Tha subecnib)er Jlana liloyad a niilcer aof fia-t-aliais'radasiaieodui t i al crirs for wonk teill ie e ic<iitcllitIihlaust stylaioa01tila preunisas huiinler lis emavu Pittpcritiileaîe. TiIOiAS WILICINSON, Whutby, Feb. 9, 181.- Tavern Stand F OR S6 - airadTiavaru Stand li la- tlo>', 1L&t No. 2, hi the 4th o rig, arniîrI>' (lia-oti-îî's Coin Acre ail'lard îîttacbad, on w r d. The lacni.es rte bôth > s. TMaePost (>ffea is lirejr- naitl rooni>; thea ttin ln ai gooti baisiilpas 7 s Audio>' PoitOffice. LOCATED AT ¶UFrAl~o, 1 ALIANY, Coerensoiaacaanal Muia Ne. 4-, ..... 1roodiwaiy. cor entcireaiaunai aiLprear "Coeoper I liiai.,lo 1,1e rScai. Place, DTtI Nnai-1), Wooudwuard Aie- Cor. lia ianal Chccîîcli, 1. nu. Cor. Clairk aîul %Wcîlaaiag.Cerner 7h liainic Vire SI. uton stiasia, GENIIUARL INFORMATION. III ýmînyo t «& aur - k frahe. kinaapa tiv uffeciima u"atw, To bebrw4d týwiMIbo adisclose, 4 Ukv'.sl xorcmleionohoa addalceal tg 609 Vt at tenttioacewali, ad blyon ai thftul ta na Autl yt se Iutsslsdered,uevtiid adaâopelaïsa Whli lierbr4s'vt fatint apae goss Wblebaspaniq aJn ba ji 8w lpu>lm prta o avese r luitlut ît 1- Tiiheal afflieion.sud mifilel1011-a llaw bolf' uhk Jui batdab ihli lLii Wlaaî socruw. whist wig6aah rmuet bar besoin have WVheaaulae fuaîaad thec Llraaworaîwas nolaiiger her ewn;5 MosWhsa uaaud ho.64ai wrasthe usger9 of erllfs Vira hrulim3hô tè ~woül d saialm as. is lf.- lIa haad mat her, wheaa.4c e rig4t agîii8aieJber ira WVha-n viquea waii brested l llevecy sg, Whieaijhatife blocal hodaiitalwill beauay ber ceaeli, Sais iiloocd, aniuul ae lavei alnt bar love adanehr weile; t h. aieu wcak, liat eeorreg i t o,18t la u ain Ta rerainIbouah.lainaianaî aie -(relligs 13lt.ilQ. 1Anaiiabe liais uhesymati', Oep end ieluicere, Oteverybrart tee wbuahvlIeaaalbier. i Ofavary bush G ' 2i ,>ccad ZMaýY That hbaiuas en %wàrmeit-,by a wamants softmmUe a eAti! wu wlîh laie Ibo onaur daiHppines duea, Te o 1 sua iila. ye in' Wduiaanadltrac. Un), Vinacaandi Loie bi; cadrehle fiermliame, Whicîhbas@galaucala new bucare train wlist woulul ae. Th~le Brave Boy. 'o ao Ouar staul rut cf Penmaailaip lathe fainoa btau tiait inîmcea i utîmaîfini, as tuero ara nu uleaiicîcocîs The PliIf;ipuil an tishers fthia. Ciaia cu Colie4aca latu e cett(eieicaiqiatitictmui-e îuî eau tu liar-e ailii, anI ialuiv iaosujier il ac lit.sia-, tic l'îiatlahe r ie-uc siiitrnists cuttiu±ir gruuliiates. Sîtcleicsttu iii iag i ncicoutailicsi < illaînc bv the la>'ic-ci t u3A4i, lI>omea actitîcud ctIcth ofiiltrs i i u. catir, Ilciiitiit," coiccîcnisicIl cinto -e lniaiulaniiil itciaim'e, p rijc-aI ailplo lts ieasliiuiicilnthce ca-l lu Eoons-, on aiIdress . -ahinu 86 13RYANT d& STRATTO'N WIIITBY PIANO FORTE INANUFAC'IORY, Mary Street, Whitby. iO.ÇEPII F. RAINER, CItckes ar-a1(it4icceura in l tcîîiag ulnlia tcint uclieIn Itel>' acla-rclilAise a11xueiccine 11.)pren-les fcriraerly oec e ld h>' Ma-. o).Forn is aimniritg f.dur>' ve s ~psliaIlimIiliior Jndceo hliraliaini, Inuice t . if iViii>, ciaImmhec lie is comw eaigacgc. l)aithé ama-iuuifiatiino ait I'IANCS, iviii' ail tuacmoderniînprovauccaals, amati -lih ha wiul warrantil aulic a-uailin brilliaicy ocftolieu tiecue>' uaf Cicîli, aadcisaperior lin finish, tu auuu in Amini. Ail ianicrire imuile b>' lain uvilhfii] meai] lic ftratine, ieth oep ntriaq, ail'the lîtut -Ia- sionnati hrbea-,dutimatarials of thelie iemý scnriptioný. J. F. R's%. 1)ng axperienan of lacarl>' 20 yeians, both litiismtrýa antci rnany, na. valh as lia thea United tuItes amui tli.icocitry, ciaclls im te sade witb conidenlceahic auibîli>' btgim'e comuplote satisfaction te lIce pumblie. rLrPriceoi wsli b. tounalmuch Low. er Shan Ihose cf Importcd Instrumenits of lîfenhor mnufacturea. SiX Octave, (squareasle,) .... ..........$10 1 6,V do (round corner,) .............. 225 7 do (10 do............ .... 2,50 7 do (ove r-smtalu.). -.....- 825 7U~ Octave, (ovor-striiag doubla ronuti cairmai 109i)cextra ........................ 425 igrA garaubi. of six yeens givum uiti oaci instrument. Ail vooul-wTinluhe hast a-usa mooc. J.F. le. Pianoaiav ielcnir;;t prizaîs nt taie Proviniciali Exlilbtit ndutbave bran higbîy mecoummntei iy theaJudigei. lia clun aieo rofer hoe ctuerotl failas luWhitby,canti aeiviiyoreii ili e Comt>'y, viion ho ha. liaitd the îouom tai suppl>', as tai the qmaliuy of hui& ijt-n cmants IgrAIl lelut, cf Otain% Icehauments repairai Ail Pianos of mv mataînfetunre kapt lu tune aumôone yenr GR&Tl$h. WIý Romeubum tha Atidrms, JOSEPH F. RAINER, 43 Wh i tb. P. S.-Paa-tla, sitoniti ho anretul nct te creâjit i0- statemeuts of intorasteti versons wmua are Agents for saappl>'liig forehgu Pianhôs fronai hou :es ladi stianece. suipport hlicîmuntautiire.1 À t.tl'T.Aj. TOiiY. I salal nevor f'>rgct a lessauî vlicb I ne- ceiveti wbcu qaite a youag lad nt the Aca. tiamY in B3. Among my sclîoolmattes vore Harul>' anti Janson. Tho>' vora somowb 'at oîier tlîam mysAIi, and to Jenason 1 lookati -a ai sort of leader iu maltons cf opinion as well as sport. Ra was not at heart mcli. cieus, but hoe hati u foolieh ambition of be- in, hhough miii>', cutiho matie himself foared b>' a b:ud babit cf turniug thi'ug,s iuta ridicule andi baing aven on the look-out for matter of deaiion. -Evi -anovsebowlaif-ati Uile urus kavn cf lif e amongtlie boys. One Mcmn. lsîg, as vo vereuenthIwary oseubool e",h neiguuog feld. <Âg dp-ceboyai aueoug 'ihUZaiam liJonsoui, moi him as lie waspass- lng. This opponttauîty wac net to bau lest b>' Jeonc. Haillo 1,lho axelainict, 'wha's the. prive of miIk ? 158aJonathan vhat do yen fotider on ? What vil! yon teke for ail the, goltiooulbar bonus ? Boys, if yen valut te sec the latest Paris style, looku nt those boots V Hlart]>', wveetibis baud te ni vili a pleasaut anule, anad. driving bis cov te tho fialdto ucot n th~e bans -cf a rail fanée, sa-w ban safel>' I r inclosura, anti thon puutiug up the bans, cama anti outored the echool viîb tho raît ef us. After sebool, in theaferneon, ha lot ouitithe cour anti ta-ove lber off, noua of ns lenew wurero Anti aver>' day for veeks ieho ea t hnougb tho sainie task. The boys cf 1B. Acadani>' vro nearl>' all tha sens cf wealîby parants, anti mome cf tlion, among viion vas Jemson, vora duceanougihoahock down witb distil aipen a sahouanivie lied te drive a co.- The snoers anti jeers of Jemnsou veroene- *ordingî>' often reaceeti. Hé once, ou e ple that hatiti net like the odor of a barn,t rerusedti tioit wiîh Hua-h>'. Occesionaîlly bho uould inlquire atfta'n the aov's health paonoanciug the word 'kcav' aftcr the wlzo noý oPIYwenat 4 sk >iJarwseaut, w-ow r'Woe scola~o uppo 4l~ttu -îng the milk, of, a fine evw,;of.bic h mli vas the ?o'Iea. tljaI aco 1oh o -Sbe o l a landi laMpe, id h«, gràndsoç,,ý oFn wlem sle depçuded.t diei wr to puturp, wîson hies baok epIess. scholar, J 9&il drivo yourqo0W.' Wihblesaingiàsud thatikue olti v4 mana aqloptçd bis off'qre unt hi ,kiadu <liti net stop bre.Money vewu;vctt.t gai articles from theo apot4seç*ry. di have money that my ;Motber sent Me to bey, me a, pair cf botswitji,1uteau de vitheut, thent, for, a whbilg',l 'O,,,o,' saidth le olti vonan, elcaa'î ceusent te that; liai bere.i. epelr -of. vreq heavy boots ibat I boughî for Heury, who cannot wvaatbem. If yen voulti ouly bny those, giving us viiet tht.y coste, va shoulti gotaion du ucoly.' , >'The. seholar bottght the. boots< cîamsy as tbey voro, and lie bas wern tbeu-t othim tino. 1 Vell, vLan it vas discovered by other boys in thea aaemy that aur sabote r vas lu tha habit cf tiniviag a cew5 ho iras assailati aven>' day with lôuaglator cuindicle Rie counbide boots, in perticuler, vae matie malter of mia-tii. But ho kpion ebeer ful]>' and bravol>', dauy by'da>y' iever ahan uing 'observation, driving the. witiowls cow andt wearng bis thick boots, C ontented inl the thoaighî ubet ha vas doiug riglit ; car. ing net for allubo jeans andi an eens thaut coulidlie uttereti. Ho navar explaineti vii> ho drova tha cewa for he vas not inclincti ho màko a vaunt cf bisebhritable, motives, anti furtbar-more, lu bis beart hoehai no sympeua>' vitlhohefaIs prido ihuit could look tiowu wih' ridicule coit au>' usoful oui- ployament. It uuas b>' mer. accident tliet hie course of kindness andi self-denfial vas yesterday discovoredl by-bis hanober.- & Anti nov, ladies anti gentlemnei, 1I ap- peal te you, vus ahane noltmue herios lu ibi boyaU -.conduet ? Nay, Master Hardy, do not lido bobindteil efraiti cf praise.7 Cere f t - 1erd- yard Hartly, anti leivas sec - face Il As Hart]>', wiîh blushing oli-eks, matie bis appeerauce, vith a reand-6f applausa,in -'vhicb the vhole compenyjninad, spaike ith gnrlapprobation of hiii couduat ! Tii. ladies stooti upon the banchas anti vaveti thain hantikerchiefia. Theolad mou -wiped tha gaab-ing moisture from tijair ayos anti clappeti thoir bauds. Thxoso clumsy boots on Hertiy's foot aucomat a proudar orna meut tb:îu a croura wioulti bave beau on bis bond. Tho medal vas besîowed oit hlm amiti ganoral acclamation. Lai me tel you aigooti thiug cf Jenison bofor 1 coaltiae. Ha vas heartil>' ushîam. cd of hie ill-naînreti raillery, anti Wheu vo woe tiusoisseotieho vnt withi tears of mcmi>' self robuka ia bis ayos, andti todaret iei hanad to flairti>', niking a hantisonie apolot logy for lais pasi ill-mauuiors.i Thuuk' no more of at, olti falow,' saideFHartly, dlai us ail go anti hava a ramble jan the vooths bofore breking up for the. vacation.' Tii. boys, oua ant ild, folloved Jeuuso'i exam- pie, anti thon We set forth witb bazzas iute the. woods. Whai e happy day it wms 1 A Royal Courtahatp. 'PUnda as thl Iu.age of Tselg heo 1 ndiltttidà 15'Cà , eV1ie artiý!leli uving 'is evideie u ,vsroalîyindescnibable; but i iras wiwnhele eWily delaui led ie erec; ens te Mas. Yelyrton about 'erehting nid ofgte infabi'flîa'it roaécbd lis lefýhta laticeti, go mach, va t apprehene4 h>t, vfitbout vsitin&.qcatghhbim, eetâide,u-the, indignant aucliiotwold .&et-aupoi 3ul n i thl.'eaititself, 'tliut afier dédlirine the' adjourument' the Chief Jnstlie retiW"pi'jed on hi e h a t t ntil h lie h e c ti é ýa1 .~t d ofthe 'c'rovd thathai shayed, beliin l ve>' ýoucugbanigtpcuards 'Yaivertene' Au imens conears: avte i hm eut. aidei' openl>' av'O#ing an intention cf maz kin hl aCnaita&inilitho Liieey, rafla uiîug close by'.JI consequence of this, nÏ1 in ordel ho get heu ýaway safal>'. h s slaI anti I balayve viîh hrnth , that thie vur cf- fleae Wasintimateti !w. intention,' as soon a the!prasgent trial le aven, te arreigu Mijet Yelverton boforo a court ma3rtial'for 'fcoinî duat uubecomiu'mg ai l br nel ia gonfi& uîau." Itis saitl"i this 'owtix ovideuico1 ho the offjet tbai hlia frequoiateti as a visi-; a1or the bouge of a suparior eflcor (Canoral Straubeuzee) iu pur-sucurce of the design o? setiucing the.friand'anti guesu of'that - clU' cor, !vili b'lii desounecf the.eatt fFani cas in the inditiieaat. Ma-s. Yolvan-ton is pacubabl>' lu ber 2501t 70cr. She 19 unden the middiale baighhb antd of lfatir complexion. Shec wes paleo, .veuiy pale, avideuil>' inpresseti if netagiiaîted, bl the circumstnîien of th e oasion, timoi andt place. Subitequeutly, ý'vlie slightlY flaieoti mthe oexýitemaunt, or plogshbl the bout of the court, herfâe o sumedth Ie seublanceocf wtebait udoubtless vas. untiayà passad b>', wlaoa i twono tbhàartaIs huat atînucctid tha despoilcn's,,gaz.. Beauhiful slae was thon intiaeti. 'Net that lier Éd., haros, ýwbuau oxemincti onea by oua, wotîld, ha pronouncd lragular on, beautirul. There vas a maitroul>', a .-rave, tbeuglitful,-mer' rowfutexras1sion aven a14> thai I cm uttenll uneblo to tieiba « d this îi t~ she., hrew. a qièIé ' alf trublctiapprehonsive,' fina~gan' xieîy, 4Utsi se-waneîe o bo sure that eh# waa inticotianidst tlae fnieudi> eay s aa bail clvcys touid lien I¶iFreoeven hota, cfonuti in Irciauti b>'the clailinen, cf serre W'antd miaifontuno,. HOPaSsspoke ho the troubleel soul thai heti s0 long uchuin nenguieh, and thonco forth slea eti dte acquir e * sireugth unloolcat for n iiisae a fregile fiame. Tir cconutonanco is ovnI, vitb as dclienholy poiaaied cham; thae ganeral ex-, pression of theo face lau nost tiecidadl>' thait of grat i lmnocscal mi esnli, pcraoaaving digiied peiner -ouliiccnlurepoe. It lse lo ye diatlighitsandii!maikas beautifuIJ, the uthol ontaentanace, vbich, li fact, is~ aine of ubosa wiielbasislis boitty>'ndtiat. traction mono lu expression, the sceai aof wlîic eau uc%îer ho atcinatol>' faxed tht iu nieasymmetra-> uindrgalanit>'oef lte, indîvidual featunca tiemseîios. Her glaeua peucîrcas, whliiuhclarmsa aîwith ea spell, Su.ag as profusion of nieh tgiose>' aubuni -hnir, vhich vas worm alri Engenie. Iler baud, thue siclhiîess of whieh buas bacu uccesecnill>' allaîdetite lu theoeviticc, i4 mauner of somo country> paople. Tlîe late Empress ef Russia, vben a gitl, admire. Madame Yclnca-ton vas atuireti Wlth admirable gooti-natura tii Hanti>' ieda s aunIt vor ntqueuiing fa-cm o tefiattda>', iualight u r fsin bo'myaliurttlverd a tirsen. ingu ayear benea nd on tho lu blckmirehan. berall the o 811>'altempîs ho veunti anti afier the occurrenco. the Court raceva n tiquaie bonet, an thee a lcek îooa th aune>' hlm. I do not rememic at i e visit fa-ou the Grand Duke Nicholan3, thatque icas O ifloîigda0 h vas once betrayatinlte a look or word of irother of the Empener Alexantier, anti uoniencs laad rnchedtiber oft'ahbt death of Mr. iauga->' roalietion. ait that tume, tees net the hala- expecîcuit of Beîlamy, lier brother--l 1c, and,' accorai 'IspoeHrt0 at ousneedyt ha Croten. The Grand Dulce sav thie ingyl>, she appaaeti su.sLqucutu>' la men- ,yPrinces.> anti vitlî tie qaîick rsolve n aitive in. So fat for lari er so al u p ae a>'ctrtiadd>' means ho mako a milkmeut of te bis disposition immniaateîy dtiatminet but bote shah f1 tîccibo viiet cou'ltitutas, yon?7' to usk lher iu marnituge.-Ona day, ap le hea raet2ar bu eTepr 'Why net?' asîcotiHerti>'. vas seateti b>'lber aide ait thea noyai tilnoer.ligeanthrm botir? Top. 10 uouhiug,' snid- Jcmsou, 'oui>' tln'î table, ho spoko te lier cf hic foathconu feclitu ai gmefrul motion lu the simpiest - bve ee athvatr l th cas ctorycadepanture, adding Ibat h tiepoudedti tpon movemnt, cuti the voice,-o-ueb a voicae.. hier-whvhhr or net bis shaylunBoerlin shoulti dean, îoiî, liquiti antimnsical. Braewster ninco tltcm-,tiat's cil.',liacpa-ciongai. a9 Wliat aball I doItien, 10 vais bla ilier baud.., In the var>'firaI Tha beys iaugbed, cuti Hartly uallu inte influence >oam intentions?"ii vs thea-cpI>' least moa-tifiecl, nepiieti; 'Nover -four; if 'of the smiling, pnincess. Yen muai not eoc exchaug-ed batweu hhcm Ibein cevar I ilîculti risc hoalbe e milkman, 11,1givo refusa le recaiva my etitressos," immédiateo relative positions ivena faxeti, at s gýootinuun anti gooti milk tee.' 1>' aetaa-ned the outaipoen Nicliolas. laYeu candaucv was hans. At the vea->'sica-i sha TedyatrticovrainteeasIc mach, compîciel>' took up lier position witlious Thea dbe aintiscen s at ic hra m 1asI cyavn more. Yon augllho t jIvc effuitor attampt, but sema haiw simopi> le. vasa pblc eaiincion at vic a um me seaececouragement un my audeavors caus ta Il masier nlglitini position, oue, ber of laies anti geutlemeu frem tie uaigh.1.1IlTai1 0 to please you. s ht estili moeodii. vhicb cxacteilthe mont aespectful 'anti de- hoigbî sveepee Pia eafcuiti. Besidas thuîo ment is net Wvlu- lanential, de meauor .from aveu br,ar ttt awertied b>'- the Principal cf eur Acaey>, chosan b uask for a favor." dé I begyonr- goclut." anti bath HarandlcuiJcmseu eceiveti c a ignset gvm ig htI caeditchle namber ;-for in respect te scai oaelh.ie ecaguta cnabip ibaeotucovroauteul Afr am totll>' indifféeont toent. Yon -have a ai1 cm afait i othe lighluing," marmar.ý the cremo wer abot eqal. fterlitti. ring oit yoar fluger, tho possessuon of eti c prtty veëman, turing c a',hiaudeïstorm. yb ce-me>of distribution tho principal vhicb voalti mcke me happy. I beseech <'.Waliyounima>'bh.'" seiid a spairinug laver, nema-keti ubatthere vas oua priz., cousis., yen te give nme thhoring ?"- ila Wbat fgive weyorhtistel1 iug cf c gclti modal, vbicalî as carel>' the 'ring nt theo dinnier table, anti in tho- pr*e ha. ou , an ais1e. a v a r e t i n e t s e î u a h o n c c e a t c i~ s a uc e o f a c i t h e a . rp e o p le ? h h il U L t n e s e . O l t i M r s . D a r n l e y> ' l a a p a t t e r a i o f b ou t e . cos, as becanso iii. instancesve.mr -piess it it inte tuis- pieco of;breati anti lolti eneonom>y.'.Siie scyisbse bas ý,mieoa viioi rndarti is bstoai re rare givoiîtome-" Anti presilie ring inhopanf oklsIilte ysbou> whih rndeeditsbesowa PaPe- 't'tuissahe Ii, anti gave ilt t he future En- . vasthaprie a ba-oim -The hast boy paer. Nicielas tolcu niy pnui gtiu e ett bm vrïvna.ct vhp recaivaeueon, vas -young Msuaners, urlie t>'te leave the hail,. and' oxhamfing the uev legs: te hem evn>' eller vmtter. tha-eear gmsudblrttilf-n reasare frôm its vbatau tomb, discoo'ereti AnÏ'Iishiniti meeting a connirym1n;fu trirvuing. Te ton. -an luacrptien th. -muer side lunFrene ali, antiicpa,ýt qiiiredY bis -aaie.' Was,,aite w iiit ~ ~ e s api n i p l.th t , m aaûii iu ig t e th e f el îo w in g e l l'c t : 6 7V ' - l1 w a n. é c . l - W a S b " s it Wt tePermission of lb..ceapOpan>' lieperatrice, de la e>,-iaH,1.saidtho h'esotiiPd>."r lient ter>'.bavé worm Uic keepsee o b ma fbsye fram Dublin'? I 1know- ivo 'oit midâti 'voalti relate ad 8 - - Y.saeTthe et o i 'No log. luc, sjn ~cioins.ver di's ataciti e ccliinrond iSà' nck, Ihro ftat naucm vselleef e a p4n t oellerodeb>' olapoca' e fy-c ,, oos1_ fugn. Teftu1g- îj . ~ i~ - hst a>'te tht.ng 'rsenlied'be'0nc niu ie, miii. Thie..liousetoole 'fmlghtîant i dîeu rug' for some lime fihe cmblem of liervly? -Wyoap-;smcsln the boy, injuriug lin se sail>' thel lhc vas future gi-ceindre. whilc since It's liati a uap." it r J.-

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