Whitby Chronicle, 25 Apr 1861, p. 3

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t 4 - Ditte Bye in Ditt~o bontrsal ]DIS. dôntres! Hlome sdc 0; tio Kfagtèn 00;Ditto Indigint ,000; Ditto Ilotai. ,000;- Ditto Orpl*n D)tto HamiltonMy Livers *2,800;-Dlito. 1,500-4 Ditto RZ ou 39, Ulylsintm jff. lec AsyiumToronto# tto dito a %de r, rr ilt0 Beaupor T-4:. 3St. Jhs' . se Genermil, an ~d- e-1,480; Salaryf mint $1,800; Sail 1,000 cach, $2,400; 000e, ch, *3,006 $500, $500-; Ditto scigr $500. T~ -ding Fed01 900 ec,*,0 Armonries, ai$8 Ans' vent o! Ar., unnheýds and ;àwa mena ani:tI Oreow t;ve Forcea'%t Provllce during WIý.'ý oÇf thw Active V y, 6 ays driii for rf muing payo! crillinla. ldIilatteries;, 12 days 0 homes per Battery, %n 9jrs, $10,304 ; 6~i Co-s 6days Opincleding ithe tos*,5.'Tota for posta"ges$ta IMUnition. for-i eId rnis and Acedutre. mus and Stores, Tua. uecLîng F"eimiOfficers 's5 Incidentai t.o tbe ane Asiusteunt Clark, ýembiy $1,400; b1~ t ; Mrs. Wvidow".3 Iottchdrl, for WtiUsO ervice 100 ; Jacques ,-Total 2,780. -%ow libdian Annu. ulin,. iower Canada nliameaihnry Grnt '. cap. 106, *400. -Cotonization [ioadu, amti Service8.-Tug rosi amndKingst6iii- ilopots 'for provis. iho relioef of Ship 86,nt $~200 enctu, provimiutus for stwli,- JIrochi for resiuing ibtue Kempt>,Ron, mon *100; Ditto te nI Petit Lac, mille Evans, h)iîtcmî aI La Iito to Thiomas yîagan, lilto $100;j ýne ot kocping uip r'sî* Paul and $ceat. 'ný' potcting :t'o 21500. * r.For sibsription on OfficiaL.. GMtele -us prinîung *5,000, petty oxponses of '00)0. Exponses of umi bo coquir n m the Pabieii Service ous incidentai oec- tho ye'ar 1800 ais 50.11, part 2+ ~f t] tef'orô the tLogis- la future, a fort- %port# anti importa loeper G.T.R.li. preseal senson te lao'IObris, sait tper Sohr, pactfe Aplri t b, tper IIs. laer-A. ,T. per R8chr. Ryal -C. Loyndd. April lea Lëac 2 tierces, - cgnows intt,*'W. WV.Doei Iý trio.- 4 casesha me W. liontiell ian;2 Zonsot prti, C. &kW.; Co.i .1 cates iDenssoîl; 'oc~s lm40 -Sncar. sces fors1Oim, 0 . Trsu.e 'ÀAprii 24.1, per Scbr. Royal Oak - 300 Ms. plstor, 3:U. R»OwoC Importa per G. T. IL.R.., Apdil tlà packages hardware, S. M. Thomua, Brook. '1 nd, 10 pmuclageaTinwaro, Jobn Bryani Ï071 4 packages, W. Sexton, Port Perry; 4tb, 8 packages, Hamiton & Roberts, Whitiby; 4tb, 2 bris. oil, J. Ty. k&Co. ; i, ô packages, 8. MIii, Brook;-, tb, 12 boxes canules. IHamnitoen & Roborts ; 6îh, I1cas. good#, bol Blgelow;-, Oh? 4 cases goodi, -Gamsby &Co; Otl, 1 cas goods, T, H. McMliin fth, I1eeeamthenwmme, J. 'Wtliald j8<h', a bar of seeds, (Gibson & Yarnold; 8th, 2 brio., R. Campbell; 8tb,. B plovus, Jno. Bryan; Otb, 1 bag seed, R. Caimpbel; PIb, 83 cases, Hamsilton & Bobeita-', lOtit, 15 cases goods, R. Camp. bal; 1Otu, 21 packages, -Hamlton & Ro. 'bortàs; 101th, 10 packages goode, Joel Biao. low <;I Oth, 4 cases goomi, Lowes k Powell; 111, bagua eeds, 2 package., 8. Mf. slihomau l lth, 0 bagas seds, Gibson k Yammoid;-1 11 irs 7 cases goomis, 2 packages, Hamilton *~Roberts; 111h, 28 packages, 4. Campboilh: lh, 2 cases, J. Bigeiow ; Ilth, 1 package, G. C. Grosa; l2th, 26 packages aasd caes) R. Campbel; l2th, 14 packages and Case, ..liigoiow; lStb, a barreis Sugar, B. H. Crosby; 131h, 1 case dry good* and 1 hhoslmemid sugar, Jool lligciowl a i3îIl, 1ecaes hardware, Haiu * ton & Rtobets; 131h, 2 packuages, N. W. Brown 1 1 case goomis and 2 baiUç, lHami. ton k Roberts; 101h, 2 boxes; N. W. B -]rown ; lTth, 2 bris., J. Crooker; 1 case dry goodis, Hailantonm LIRoberts; lSth, 8 boxes anti packages, I. Campbll; 2 bags, %sý!iton &hnoets;-120th, 23 packages mcases, Lowes & Powell; 22nd, 2 a os endum 1 trriis, Gibson & Yannold; 1 bale, J. Amnoimi; 83packages, T. IL blMcian; 23rdt 2 plouglus, N. W. llmnwn. In the Imports by lte Grand Trnaîk wo bave 0111Y notemi the prinîcipal o! those corning te the town. EXPOIITS.'m By R. E. Perry, per Sob. Queesi of thec Ray, Yott, 4510 bush. peas 10 lIon. L. Rtenaudi, Montrcnl. Rly R. E. Porry, per brig Dundonalil, Frankc, 10327 bush. wlîeaî teIlon. L. Reaud, Montreal. Per Sch. Roy~al Oak April 5tim, 121000 feet tuniher, Wm. S3exton. l'or Scl,. C'ornwall Aprit 1#, 105000 fect tumber, A. T. Biotion & Co. 'Per Sch. Mary E. fiurgoyrme'90000 foot laîmbor, Wan. Sexton. Pu.r Sch. Rloyal Ilbak'April 11, llO10uO fecttuniber, W. SSextôn. Per Scia. Royal Oak April 23, ~ :12-1000 foot Inmber, W. Pauxton & Co.- Al the abovo tumber bas betn miepu for Oswégo. About 600 cords ut cord- wood have heen shipupeil ho Toronto since January. The principal shippera wero T. Lnwter, Jas. M1cAlIon and Wm. Blair. On the 25th Mnrclm, Mr. Jua. B. Camipbell ot eah iipoi 121 corda shinglo boit,'fo Port Yates,* N. Y. SExports per G. T'. R. R., April 3, 15 horses, 16 catlle, andm 19 sheop 10 Mon. - treai ; Slh, 2 horscs; 9îii, 200 bris. flour, e- - 1. cLean & Co., Mommral ; l2th, 14 catie t e o. Anderson, Momitremui ; l2tlu, 100 bris. fleur, D. E. lcLean, Monîroat, V- 15th, 1 car tomim of slave, A. Sutherlandu, Belleville; 16mb, 16 catle, I<aac Howtuad, Muntreai; -lTth, 5 herses, Kingstomn l7th, 100 bris. flomur, D. E. Nlel.ecan, Montreai 1,7Uî, 17 caîtie, Il. aommid, Monîmel ; l801,, "1ýalie; 2Oîh. 100 his. Oamlmal, 1). - 'M 4, îMontremul ;22muîi, I car suries, A. B . ellevilec; 2:l'J, :30o bris. of ýýý,Cusaclc; 23rd, 18 caille, Il. 4 8m of Whitby on ~oci n likthly t, rson.nueotmi esOnwTl forceton he b us vr hxrtonb gette cd inCIe r nul i elerc IWirt mlii tiei spri mg work The Immret arrm Ino very àiilmw ~a at ncmmmiinVfr mrmIîc ho or al e sping ce Ynlcii to ren înmc m 4wcse e a decoinertc er bu-hel, mmli in Bufao thifrcmite maportounbee rmy hev rti n togic i r iion ntes.iiil i t ne andwe ay ot ooijI for nenvCy FuThetherva rem l0i,r $1 15.ies füthr lin Q inhemmt t < rs m bic s c. tý al os 4c orgn4 fr8c. tr oles PSaserNewfrork l it nrflcnmaet SPECIAL' NOTICES. 'WTWENTY.0NE YEARM A(GO. uandlI>rmmglt ot' mie city «t' Bl tli lai, N. y. , miy iiri>,iculi liotr itit. iitlcil ie mrmi.ttg irm ditm, <itl , eor simtli e clttîri t f m tlroelt mii 1i.rcrv poriotn hwlts, viitolmim tMISi. ect It tlie imst artilie iem. imvctteml ti t Imtly eelahrmteil lui.iit liiiimtie, <iiit ii rit 1s strend yfîilo-I m it in iim,, ommmfis u niomt mtmm,%trfmii entnmîmomi hum, mumîmîmr thme iiiiiii 13,tom «'Jmmmi.mmî.illcmttrîmuwm.lie .Mreftmilte, cati fori. Ii i-lmt )tîtsmm, andJ e, mtlii hils wiItimEN sigmîmîtimm.tii tic ouîmmide label .fthe bottte. MAiiWi.-Tis luîrmîl atic e il 1ine ha% lii Dow soultetWtwIty.-Iimymtm 'rs ttuftiretlii]i lit, anid wlttintiîmy >,effomrt îîm ie part miitte uîri- etoW, l1gt sate Iliv es ie)mie tery oemtieevc, mmtitis dal.IilriouQemIuzi'rîie loir Jimiceiet wilm tlit lactletie K (2t CEYIS) enmutles AU tît _partueke ofit '9lm miuiis Sole menîticbîrer, tu wtmomîait ordmrns slould be iiddrem'sed. For sale hy mmii resipectable druirgiiets. -f - t- Relief In Ton >liniuhes. 21. msai octuinant i upeov-ly r-etyeur itt'uo' fou-naI Doaîm'e'fe h, t'heetand Litnisa.CaumyAis, Cit4dg, Âsîhmau. nPlao n Dti m e shtiu, Isflu_- osso, Jleeemas, DtI;)eu1 Bu-aihing, Morte Zlmma, e4-o, rili1SJIlV tlelts gît ie t it tuuulcntuan nit I f!ct retioîniiii wtmeuu pt'suem'cmml wtth îim-u wti m âaljou 4u vesuvur fallim n u-m-c-t a u-pid audi iig cure. Ttouusifms bteiers eu-uu-ctited hml.it'.rlctîhouith wtuîu hiaveit' îld ih.'r umiu'uumit ain.mifm o ait lfit-i umaid i.11 consiliiniu, fi-y are riialtyamlu-,,mue1 amui a mumm- - ~notte imteufdciir. ut' italuer limuir lîîuîg ille ui.l-n5-ila liam'e ezie<m'd. it hçumrrrur sueu-mu il muay 1wi, limviietî Ibo ietr uecure mui( the vtaul urglsix ustint hotte. tle u vrayf-iu.-Erru vitemmc atit-td aimeulitgiro tim un 1m Mou i ritrial. OeVcaima4TA àcED PuMumuI t<usrAa u, iheiuu- lVmt'-rn are wuecmliiarly tuimil le ijlimu insa jAVreurore <hageui,,m nevèe-e cCqtuiro hmil mrvit«4-.; andt huir ru-gi. jarusa..(or a 1tir day. trim, am ati immen. uuurmuumtihe -poereuand ftexlilitim thume mire. gru.umy iuîuprnvimugilis fllnet eiMlPuB5 euandelcarmmu... t(om wluim ptrmui.e ley meIe l i misny prtîmseicuuat vacama.i J()lr lZl§714, iolePrp i t n Rceter . S . Y as 25cetsuopeu-box. For - emie Ny 0. A. 1aîmmAeur a iii 1 IL. oai WbftyiIb>.La.D. aîcisuintimfuIYKiuge, and ailtmtue 7Y COURT OF REVISION. )u lINOTICE 1-1'.lupchv i'gii, fint ftic wlt itld ils irt it atimie in ite Townx lIalt, itm stulîl l'Te'mii i' 1m t ii mme2m utis ,y, 1811, at ftic hum ir tAî1l) i'eittek ii ttigofreumin. 'rlltMA'uiiHUSTO)N, wu~t-,.tim 1 -iii Islu. 'roîrmu clerte. A firmt liilms mîekly Palier. A dceply littc'ctutim andumitlîmmunrnnsx SCOTTISH TALjE. t<NrI'rLIu, ('/1apters froin tte Lifiu of .8. 7acket Tlm i omimt't i t m cie timliAmîîcicmm Jumrnal. A<rll1C,. 'l'u tdle itutitof te o ims imtliimilîrmi,.amud t.urmmimev 1sî.111i lît,14'41,tendwillho hecipee. iie yuli uîlrtcialt il 1y <'1<1 m su ruumer,. lt gm ite ite itmil I - t-ii pt~-i-iutn Dittumiraule Jeeumre, 'mcilveretl ttlit xter <all, Lonnum, «y tite l1tv. '%V. LditJilsm ou SCOTTISH COVENANTERS. 'Vite 'ii'rriqq lvimimt.Ju'm nttusbocn Sromi ic-mld«ut' i-t' t e iiut reaîitiule rulpers oui lit e ntt 'iti it 'l'itetru it titi % itet v1'of ir e, ite suit. ity tit* i.mua miiiriabi,.mi id ît(,e tiieritl 1 excellencea <,,t' t ttiitits rendttit tiii tleimît mited un iî ' im", rtit' t -ail imm tt'irmtatumd iii thetî~iStit' i rii4 1irtiîitiecs. Sîmietuuen ti1ttta ummit rqt'. 7'ERiMS 0F SUBSCRIPTION Pacyable itt ammaucea, One eii1it for «me yeeir................ $ 2 5 lt it%, vql«t...........it ...e.....010 IvP1S t îjil%!cil l.lt-i t... . . . . . . . 0 P i-llm'e i A , iu1-; ux: î '. o A.tNi.ij 1i.-mu% AIu- &5Co.,iN..1Z T iE-vi I crt'i.timtI ttisluin tot).t" nu a inatri- t tonli i llîttet m i ouelaie ofrfiletuauin ti.Iie1 i t-îi-ltu mmke prajin-ais ;elr,4( illa i .' , t'ia'k c'4ttt e tI l tiIi lit y i Ii r4l uue lit 'l-ite- Iii%it i îtiat1 e <iur rîîeinl ds who tIiit l elalîî'tlite .t ni ittimdltimtmlf tel" iili ielt, Iiii, t mri ir ituml teès, tveuy. cigiit i 0,eut',etni'ge,$ ii-Ii timlismm ettieelil upro- iermt tt 1:1 utt Ili uirnigtlit 'cîlicasitanmumd ltUU(iEl1'EL. J iiE Pi t îN, i ,\'OFt)t'Tlh(NON. e -i litii.i, mt. i rti i iv otu tbltiv, si-i- ittu t't I .t le tiiut.tc 'v'li-imifie 'pub îl, tt lie i t iitum t' itdem mur te reception o f L't-i W'Vittît, liti i t id .i Lguui'o. G«ttt smalimtg andîlailt teîttive O<lter, 15-y iDO YOU WANT A Brillianit and Cheap Light?7 01t' litthevru lm eh t ilti AI $lier giuloti, 2<-t BEST KEROSENE $ 5 A ltre V MmaeeruuEul mt STATIONERY 0F AL JINDS. Nt'ect mnor tý1<te lost Oiuce. W tiltSri h lim 1. il Bakiery and Confeetionery. ICAI('j,ly) ;*,,,' tIVi . sttil mformt llis ),e imm roir mmliid llu.mî-îîisiett ig IltY, muti - w1e iîenttî it îuuPindm , treet, tli tigte ri t i.ýt , Iy iei~i-1 iut-iMr. .j. A tail. Il Ii.it1 mJi ui'-titi il %it muh puime- bmtll. iiitiers m<lîtg i tl mmcmI l tIi,îtit-iti RUSSELL'S TIOTEL, rî tgmî e-mit 'r., irietors «nt the nlet;t t-ei irit-e i uti 'ti - t int lum I li mv- mliii. th riti widl.i eniuttes utittu t) o«ffer io <ie #rnirstfle lieImuimr, ud ftucTruu. melliuî tim111111 sut nemi-- mmm.îeuu i i ta. u î tlti,î I1 a tm-ittii i tit t i-t ilai litit cmiîm ter, titiy linîm'e ii-ev I 'triuimî at-t' llm'm-rtin imi liuîu-i litme t'eu til-l-- t' IwhICIl're, fi r e t t anmiCi cîvcuîiemîm-m, ut mi tlut mi iîmectiliuuflic cil3'. 251. IRUSSELL I& SON. (Jiuhe, NStirellu11i 11411. lmi lt prî<-Y î vut'e tocrip. A valtu- Ime tien mîtiii towm'.tipof' eacticomtatuimin j(111 m'r,,a, tetui mruePorin oeu tif riel ius eloaeuredui t'e î'ît , îimg the o mut-lalf «f lt No. 18i, itt ftue 401îcoît. Timure la mu gondlinumue ummut iarui, &c., Itle m ill lm «f ecellent qummlity, amduih lit'lrtchutrty atttis the ilmrioling iiiugo of: iriit.Albtmmr. Aluebti 'iirmy tacres of valiml limercieu, bm'uuug par- t' lot No. 20, in lime Irt com. mu'r~k limbuitlie ofimiy avtmtta)lcreer pmt- vilie eiililsieircoeofsevheri inîles. A valu-u au viliage imt nlu ii uwfi, mimmmmîcm£-l umîtttc itticî xieile n.1t Xunc Street andintl heit esu-oitleof«thie prîmtiÀsua meu'euiuly Mn. R. Welincn. Alto village lot No. 7,Bit134-lm E i lle omid 'Vilagemof' l)ishiora, logctetur milb Sf2rmnme dmrllng hommomi tiereont uumted on thoue rnier cf iltgot anud m.lituuteu's murct. Aleot Villamge laI No. 2, nortît sigle tut' lit4mîtmreet, )atîeutwmu, %ituutfranie clwell- imîg, stalleul uuttreittmie utu-co n er ly iii posoeosi.ttlofm ni )îiel <'uuisîe)t. Thmo alovo propucrty wmU beicdmpnoed -f utttump, mmd omu cmoy l'or lorta un1imfiber parlicamtr, npply 10 S. B. FAIRBANKS, eSl iicim, tâli.tt. ASLIABILITIES. Jain. 1, Balance n:-. hann at this dnte ...............180 861 Amount due Township Collectôr for salary for 1860.. $60 00 64 due from Township fJollector ........ 221 56 66 of AssoIs in excess of Liabilities........... 1020 60j .Amount (lue from Non-remmîdents 1800. 4...728 77 $1080 601 $1080 69à Wei the undersigned, Auditors and Treasurer of the Township of IJxbridge, do hereby cer- tify th.it the above is a correct statement of the Assets and Liabilities of this Township asfar as can bc ascertaincd. J. W. CALDWELL BROWN, Audlitors. A. D. WEEKS, Datedl this 9th day of April, 1861. *< , -à IA51 Neyer flir. te Cune. NEUJRAL(.IA% AND RIIEUMATISII GIZFAT INTERNAPi.E IIEDY IS etmimtg -77teuti<intso«'eiimes licre ail<-tlimer r&,iieltea Iimuitt'mlv titi lotii. 1< ie io molre Auiiir,, ulieî'istt'jluthieumuomuent, tuit il; mu ~erfceO'tlEb' iq'l mimitiClVaStomilmnse paiuu- fim I ili.sem. 'ire visttiitilscmo«tlîmliientutS Foubriacaîlons anti u'mtertial <eilms rîea nietli mus sillutîs '4lth eturt'rcc nit', mmmc mm-e ly !iimtituvi tliti-ri tfý-cts îi 'dof ltt tii vimttim. Triý' Ntrttlt',iut iicreattthi' sttr of ilt tnuile, timiifeetimtl y bluv isîmeethlie mli- temei'rotn <lie 53-teit. Wiimdvise cime aiiti tm gite hmtimitlamnI beccu g aliafem cf ils ivon- deriîtpotier. Re~u1f7~ m.mtci.euiugeuu'e tf ceu kmiowa cifizenà :-y1 -IT ('VEDt) I, S. tle'nenwuay,l'rmupric. tur uofNitetrmu Street i Iitiiuit, lmItltttim oftNe itil- giu iieiiitmimmimlite ie teck andimioti micro. tir'"ON E it iT'LIS etimed %fr. ias Wet C'omuîmisionuuMi-meimamit, nt-tf vti-re Neuir-tigia tuf tlue liemumimmd tucck, tuiler uit «<t'mer menedies l'au eti. J'M.L . GBOS'umE"<ub, otfI'crry 8trect, tritouo seomf1le-1ti <te loiusemu, mmumd ctinely inable ton mattend teo limnsu-,, telomuw wt-ch fromnt tue mie of lVasom'nNcmraigia Ki ng. rqiYTTIE NIIUUALO.5.KINt'l nred Mm. JosuepC ol etcy1 fettea Sne-t, uf'l-iFtuYiA omr limt:'ruti ml oflong mtmindi«gr. At mite fune uof emnnlimeimig ilnim li as ea«fined toeluis liedl. :7rJANI E tV AN V'IKNJUta tu- iîotiti iliclVsin omt iis cim y, vue, citratilof h i tnti mu mumiti iilNmuti igu it il swo tt ri'tmu :ýjY-NFIANMATOIY RtIJU ATI.îl.- Mm. C. Il. IIeecil mia trrull street, iwascuncd iter tryilig mller remotîle for >'eaus. t--r N. 'LAMNIATOR i il EU.%tATISM, cf F1515 YI'S-sS'I'ANi>IN<4.-M-. Il. W. Iltt etmon, 5ri elumMir trent, euned mulist'o eweekou- miiii hi-en mimder chîarge ni hemet pimyicians in thia City. :irNE IIA..uîAinite 'rmttformnoffiften yv'm' tgi'stti-Iiiilz.-Mrm ,-tr'imnn tatlihtirn, «f 215 1)lwaemtru-et, eu;timety C euîmu. * 7 L,%It.. M')LtPilN, Aeiiitne, No. 4 Fran streelcît rml <of' seteme Nemrlemuin itîfil linîlîs. MiTIIL.IAM %fi FJOAT, Bretrer, NMorgan sîreme, ou Neintlgia nitirueIfio utld leetia. tic,4 i)por itti e. I'nceîtrmd tîy At. 1. NMATIIItWS Iiiflo, S. Y. andmu Fort iErie, C. k. For Stale Iby mli dealer, mfi)M t'ildires. -m -4 CD 'a >se t av l By turnag Surptc tc noM ny 'Thle nideu-sgné, moC'ëele onsoignimnenha fou- Where <hoc higlieat prîtes eau ha obleinei. PIROMPT SALýES, AND T. F. NICIIOLL, Auuctiliemem u&tGencral Commm'n bermubuInt, N. 1.-TIis Ton iim sacknowîmtdged h lime Comnmeral mi unuicimiy t e h te tîcelu lthe P'rovince fonr> si1) ia ROBERT SPEARS, Treasurer.1 LIIE suibseriber has received his new stock of Staple Dry Goods .to whichlie would caîl the attention of the public generally, a s ho is determined to, seli nt a small advarce on cost for Cash or Produce. Ju ;t received, a large lot of Timothy, Clover, Carrot, Mangold Wurtzel, &c., which heofalers at low prices for Cash oniy. 0 b c111-o-- eK,3 Itý The largest and best assorted stock of Teas, Sugrars, Coffees, RIce, Raisins, Currants, Tobaccos, &c. Whikeys-domestic Malt Toddy and Scotch, Brandies, Rums, Wines, Gins, &c., whieh ho offers at manufacturers prices. T. H. MCMJLLAN. Brock Street, Whithy. JIJST RECE1VED, TUE GILPAT jfNetJslgn xÎIBflA" 0%M JAmpliCLàie'5 'C ,elebrated Femnale Pll1p4ý liuts Weil hîown indetlie n uoli bni tir olre<d note temedy for Vernale Dl' ciiltie, andl (bmtrnetlttgeftoti eony aa*e wIat- civer; ctii thlot,,h fi'poworfnl remedy, thqy contai,, nothinu luoirtiui to the on,4tltution. To Married Ldliouit Il;pecnilarly onlted. U W"l, lnnsor ie, brJIns oit the ninthly tbb directionl; of tie Ond page of pmuphilet arc well ob,'crved. For ftiIl particnlars, get sa p.unlolt,rl, of the agent. N. BL-$l,O0 mmd 6pootage ntmnpsý. onelosi tonuy'aintlimQrize(l Agent,, wlllenânro albottic oet th V s yreturm mauil. Forgé01 hi 1,v <4G.,A. Banitimelor, anre1.H.Dci i letliplnigton, Uxbricigâ, amnd ail stiudeliio deal- NEW ADVERTI5EXMNs. COURT 0F REVISIOX. P) U11141Ç NoTrICE Is Iltert'hyiven, tlint fthe %Itst,'ci plti oicil "- thc Towriekhîp of Ux- tir dtr wltl nmert ai M r. 11 tglu c(11ns t th vllsmmze «ai! îîîîw n iisîtIliniul on TUE.4DAY, Ille 2lst tAY, 1801, lit the heur of tell o'elve iiii tt îît¶oî,, r the plrpose otf hoeling a Court of lividi. ROBIERT S1'EARs, 1-1!xlrihlge, Arîril 24, IS81. 15nsup kk AN B$ Ae ROBI~~ftT SP~eAR, ~ YE~ CF THil FO11-9NACAL1FREDIGrEs. 80 F TowhpCle-trfor 159......:17 60 " Srveylalg , a... ....18. .u o " Cleed r g Ratosuevu ........... .. 840 Sh npo........- 17 '~wnsbip olleçtor or 1600.......4100 d fo' PoOekÀrcMfr189ad1....s i ............... 25............85 o ShppAuditors.......... ............... ....01 'M CoLntyTro tier .....::*.»:**..*,109 8 onTen re. ...................2.. 0537 Towshp ollctÏ ôr185 .......T 17w60i dbl , b .ecorfo .15.......... ..... 6 2 Townhip élleýprIiiiW .......w410 00P Asoorl lrk 180 .. . . . .60 Do Baane n and n thêe !yi ur ..18 .........188006 We, he nclesiged, udiors or hoTTbnsi of Uxbrid, T dhreby crtif1thagth J.i. ALWEL BiONAuitrs Datd tjs th ayofonilb181.d o teE ltKS, lo. ......lg g $0m9542 860S 4 Gý.ATEPUL for the miny favours h,,eitowecl upon them since their comméneient, an usies, wuà ros etly ofr their pntrons, friends, and the public Sencr. ally,. that tbey,ha7ve'j4 t received 'a-cornpiete qMiortmnent of, Whicx for boauty o! -demsign, antI style ot finish, cannot hbc surpssei in any part 1o! Canada. Thcy compris, in partimas foîîows:- 1 Spring Ixnd Suimner Dresses, Duko Pattern, Ploiccd -Palzrine, xuslins, French Bereges, Prints. Fronch & English Brilhants, Sylph, Castillan, Itush- room nd Turban Rats, Childrens and Misses' Hatî, Bounets -Bibbons, Flow. crs, Peathers, Parasols, liairliets, Shawls,Cloakingi, Dustero, 511k Capes, Sewed Xus1ins, White anid Brown Cottons, Window Curtaius, Window Nushins, Holhands, Taolé inen, Damasks, Towelliug, Shectings, West of Enghand Broad Cloth, West of England Doeskins, Cassimereo,-Venetineii, Melton and Faney (oatings, Scotch, 'Yorkshire and West Tweeds, Cheviot nd ngold Coatinga & Trouserings, flcdford and 'Windsor Cordà< Russel Cords, Croton and Âlpaca, Moleskins, Gamberoons, Xentucky Jeanca, Denims, 'Vcstiugs of aIl Patterns, Borges. S'mîrtings, Shirts, Coclari, Tics. Handkcrchiefs, Braces, Rate and Caps of e'very desacription, with a coniplete assortinet cf Gloves and Hostery nul ho fourni reploIe wmth evory arbaclo s nutaible for the s'mson, MADE 1W OUR OWN W ORKHFN, and mt prices, considcring bhc qmaity of tht goucs and workmaunshil,, tîxat To getenepn ordering Cioîhing ire wommld say, that- having reccntly secured the stm- Vices of a flrst camas Taitor and cutter, cone wo huis flled a similer situation ini Edin. hmîmgh, Glasugow nnd Toronto, i r ie preparcîl te oxmcoîc ail orders wibh which ire may b. entruatemi, with neatnesm and despatch. A faim trial will, ire ftei-aurmed,- convince. 0*- To llousekepema anti others desirous of having every article in the above lune of nope. niom quatity, and mut prices lte suit thteLinos, ire wouid say, Oall atNo.2,D ePherson'iLsBlock lictore pumchasing olsoirbere. hIaving mamie exteniîve paîrch.cem in the Amenican amui hlonîmeai markets, ive aro enablemi to mmiiallo lr as i ny bouse iîm tht trade. Our stock Muscvado Relned grnulaedcmrise iandluartd;TesYon Xylscoaefn med, grn lat d Cad adiesuop 6,g9,rm0, 12and-Yoan Hye ackmpein l cheîsand Scadisofg; Ja10,.12aui1el. an Baekâcha OoongandSic an Jaa.Fgui aid an]ParlCofees Rie, Currand i. Poot and Pemo arleCcan &Oitonat, earang Picles Saces 4loek Psh&rCon. P e P9hSlmnr.btrs Wax Sperm and Tsllow Candies, Fanoy. Toilet and Commnoi Soapi. - :0:- -q Plofor, Oat, Corn and Buckwheat Mea<sDried Hams laid Bacon. Dried and. Green Apples- Port and Sherry Wincs in wood antI hothica; vcry siperinr Pale and Darte Brandy, Gin, Jamnîcm Rum, Scotch, Toddy and Conînion Wluiskey, Lcndon anti Dublin Portcr, Bassc's !Ate, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, GLASS, CHINA, Sýetie w, such ne ire cani'th confidence r cotnmcnd nl ursomere, mmd wluiohir 1. 00 URLS. EST QUALITY,1 will bc diposed of ntlaw prIces. e dtorcsoes n hc April'24th, 1861. SPRI NG$STOCK. TIl'f? suuhîcitîer bh-IZhi tn ai u'spcclal <thon- Tlion te-)tMs nom Spmirug tnek ot Fine English Jewel1er-, &o., NEW DEti,Nie, QUALITY UNEXCEP'rIONABLE Antia mli-ee, limai eanumot fml to gie sast'mm --ioii te a i"t i o îay favorn iwnh Ihelilaînro naige. Ahîmil 15, 1801. lrOCk Street, Wîiirr A UCTION SALE HAMILTON & ROBERTS, Whitby. FOR SALE. T Il E 8mm1,sirlersi belnz 4mle"s <oretire rtrain ie Foimnîry bus-iness offer for imute THE WHITBY FOUNDRY. sutîmated in fici Towil of Whitmyt Cnimtl of the Cotinty clof îtarmo Any per*i o mf iim«lorate cmmitîi llt11fimmul hie a first-îmme oliporîtimy tii invest it tes nnli nie oifmime beKt semiiiis for e Fommndry iii Cana (lit Wemt. For terins antd primie, cnqîîire ot C.-Tnmi «r LYNDE & POST. Whmhy Mtarch 27, 1891.i ADVERTISEBRINT. 'J'eDTJNCAN" & CLAIIm' -c- ST T SWILL BE O*OLD ON Tuesday, 3Oth cf Aprfi, 1861, at 12 o'cloek, noon, autîmhe rooms of ' MESSRS. WAKEFIELD), COATE & Ce. inimt luuaimce cftma powcr ofmamIe. m,tiîic i mun iMrgige, irterciu JASi WALLACE la Tit i'.ut1Lnds In bhs Towvn o! Whlîhv, Seinq part of'rown Lots Nos. 31 mnI 82, lIme mccmnd tien «f the Su-st double range Wemut cf Jiock itreet, lu Werdon'tem srtey. Onuthie preumi- 3 ST01RY BRICK BUILDING, 25 fi-eh frtitage, fitteui up a-s a mulre on tic flrsi fitar, antI as offices ini the sieeomndand tutu-i sIonisme. - Futruimier partiminiars, and enuitent; of sale, may h. huuj of the Auttionoeer on th-, day cf sale, and luenoceomti t the dat- of mamie fromn READ LEITT & READ, 9o1icibora for NVendons, i ('lînurchlt ., 'iroubo. Ton- ia, A1'nil 13, it't1, 14 Conbating thoeImrgemt 1%iît. fFarmq, Mlîs, FumtOoriemi, &0., &o., ini tho Province, tan ho gcen at monetorth ie Connty Pomit <liicer anti Taverns, or it wil hc ouet irce 1Iýy ptt'e 10y Prnperty wtt l çalerbsel f'raeeof charg.- Perileimexptatneît lii tiremiar. DUNCAN & CLARK. 50 l'nge Street, 14 Toronto. FAIRN FOR SALE. F IFTY mires on Lot No. 10, 4th Con. nf Witby. Abonit 22 acres eclesred. The, timber 2Otthe nlceirtd landl la mogtl7 tuarti Wooid. 'Ile naboie itunsrîmiu tiittcd witliiui 3 Miles of the Tîîwn off W iiîmj, uandwoul prove a mouit demu;rable invcisxttmunt. Fu ortrns, uti., spply 1e whf. BAKE'R, O o Wilîby, P. 0. M"'Remember tho P1aco-Nosu 1 and 2, McPhorson'o Block, Brook Street, Whitby.- P. B.-For Sle on advmnbtageons Terni., Ten Acres Prime Land, in the Town of Whlbby. L. & P. SPRING & SUXMR DRYâýGOýODS LOWES -& POWELL. 6T'OW OP$NING." Nos; 1 amd 2, TILVS BEOZWXmR.. The Pepi'N 8~~s Sb~ Dundas it,. Whtby, and eXamine the well »e1octed Stock cf JOEL-BI4-Flow. PER EX ýSTEAMEË%6 Al LARIGE-ASSOURIMENT OP" FIELD&GAIESES iWhitby R aw TRE SPR1ii l'« MET'~ FT ONTAIO TIJR1V LUB, Thuraday, Friday & Saturday, 23th, 24th and 25th 31ar, 186ai. FIRST DAY. 8100. hNmrm'uoiPus;witlu an unside miake om'uli mtch mie mtelstust 3in 5, '. C. W.. $80. C<)umuTrx 'e* iii li ide mtaled «f hy et limulmmulo at luis- date, mile heats4,best f it' 'r . C. IV. SZ ii).cmm<PemîsE, opeun to aInnîreiifi homite'u Icetit fom back emmulfaim plirposes, oind mile mali, euicîtwciglmts, postt entrante $3. Second Day'. A $200. CLUa PViTrq, Mvilli at i-ie muStait.' - $2e citetu, for -Hl aicît, lwo mIie ettuT. CLW $50. LAm)uEmmm l'mttEt, witiî ait iltuimýie 5n tru Mlle, ren101 ,IOrmies owneiitl le.t t,t-t' ibill iii huieCtmiem af<ntarin, Dur)- NorthIi itmtberlamit1, 'ctcrboro' amtd Victorlajq lictmi, beitla inî.5,T. C. IV.- $50. Tatuirongue, %vtri-In insimle s ou ml,-) emclu, open t10 ail Trotimtilriies mtî vuer îeat thrlmuiniutsiii public, mite à $150. llVmttuLE Ruez lm'm* iim milin ia mimme eluirmi of e8oO enchl, inut hetover f'ôuîým nti'iit of curi'. $150. Pm'it'mx-e I l£ii<mAlrPrnsa, ocpbit'1 ail Provinmce hred lhontes owute i iiaCaumadiç?l bemîtse, het-3 in .5..'L $20. $utxz l'î7ngr, opcn ho ail lmoltM-tib , pîeimtg lhontses i m fi mc mlarn tpltrig ,i eeit lte wlumuer tintme 8.5o trot,) mile b'mlsîs' bc t a ila.5, go ams tlmy pleatue. poiqt eutry $0; A gcod hand cf iuttîmeewill hbclanmtteudune'. Thme )uhomues eim uie a Sait)a, eut ?m limuml tiio l tmmit. EumbnumîmI-e 8cm 14) peécricet. 'lii>. mbuve reec-te te utrienîaccoclig te ie urutils u lIme ituîh. Ail emulici, te bc tide im wnibtill teml umiter fseul, wittulte Sceirmr, htdrô'is! ti'elock «Ou the cvcniitc tuotiomue tu' emclDay". Mmmc-o. AIl nitiers trililibe remîmiraîl la druilut Jumelmey mtile tuceor(thimi.rothue mutes. Evtr heroumuu,,emîemmv i inoretmwiii tutureqireii ti ianeiîsoo .Tu iîgsdecîutoduto heu 1111111 imn al i'asesý. JAS. I1OWE, J. Il. I'EIIJY, WbM. 5COeT, îurcsjitîm Treusummie-. eorelary:- IuV litby, Apnil 13, 1811. 14s T'. De. LOY'8 PATE~NT SEED SOWERS, T IE Barliefît, Ileçtî, un-i Faeut Soirer cx: ltnt;soir'. te-imetAIil til titer gnmft suu ittpdsiea. rmLilrU4ras iliî piîtfty bd>pta«& ou lime crumuml. .'iws Wiumuu ot e it wiltm; Uyr e 4t lt; 0timi'.40 t'ect ;Cuier 40fuel ; lBen- ler olit '(et, 'iulliitlity 44t tact, mamd îii«uilan seis lit pnr(tartioiu t-a veieimt. A peu-son cmii ocir uimim titis imtelmlmumt, tîtîliiim te work.îerfectl.v; wt-itt luit;te lnd ol-m xpericiie luti etm%,ilimîmteveir umîtîl mL emvttug otuf&etl auttlmrcc-riuuu-lis otut ifu ladi&fi l i tth litetse tif il.. A coiun Ibee di - r.!y Éi, t'hue se~us 4 i-vteti utuoe iicemnel ftIle m-e l)trle ,vymei lime gr'nîumtl, taiilig great j regmml'urei mt ' du11 itu ittlit, uumml iivin r tite hc t Cul' l im ,'r lits uu-lltt'Wwhiil ILmularge suutiilig m ui'sm emf ieetem si iititt S nl isafmuly oumuu' ti Ilrud), miii iiuu'eumt-lrpseminmjum mm t umaitemi. 'lcre lîtvoe heen uo i tio r. 'in atieiyet iluetruttmme ul immu ime mt imjtriuiicuu uvit suive htuer cust luin mtuîur aimue, mus thiese lioters. WC OAGRICÜýLTURISrf lie et&W .i. i Imimgit'lit.tleiluti> utuanuîtmmclm4 ryw, frnisuL 'llime sainie Oitl u et ill itmuitteuui.tenimlie,. 1'IICE ONLY $10 EAýCJl. plumedtri ettamituut lmu tg io vi ~ ~ U~ - - <aim waC. W. Begs t? annou'nce the arriv-ai of his Spring Stock, which ho us dcterrnîned b sali at a small advance on cost consisting of the Lateàt Styles in il 1» p9£% 0S*rWL%3'f Mantes,_ $traw Bonnets, and Hats, Ribbons, Gloves,;yParasolye Prints of a suporior quality and newv design, Factory and Whiteý Cottons Table Linons, Toweling's, Window Ilollands, Mfarseilles, Mitte - Tiekiîîgs, Denims, White Shirting, Carpb'tq, lem ',&C, Broa Cloths, Casimores, Tweeds,- Gambero-ona,.rrm'ers 'Drii Hats, Caps, Shirts, Tics, Collars, Bra 'ces. 9D:23 1EADY-MADE CLOTLTTNG. In Men and Boys Coats, Vests,- and. Pants, of every style apud qualiiy made on the proýmises, the fit and workmanship may 1e- depended on. TilE TAILORING -DEPAI1TM13NrT 1.s under the superintendenco of a finst class Cutter, and ,enîh,.. menx fa% 1 ing hlm 'uiA utlucî'r ýorder, nay reiy on havimg their garmenbi; macde up li-t workmamlike manner, an Ini tho latcst stytco f fashioul. - oz>J- A FEH STOCK 0F - GtOCIERIES JUST RECZIVED. «ç Ciail before purchrising, elsewhere. pr4.IMB R IIIY',$ BRTCK BUILDINGS. w!HTBY. April 17, 18r)1. -I s fui v I licreby tiven that t î (1CoIur t «f Revixion for thme 'owustip b t itlmy, witliuneet os -ima Tow,,i tf Imin lime firit blondey ini Mae rcxtc~mgtîoiixt îimy of Ille moth. Aru - pnIififre ittskenotice mandiigorerui thon,- Town IHallt, lrookclin, April 1,S.156 !,!eis Fruit Trebs tf, rul it 'es 99 - OiLumicimlSinul>hryandFiwcrs Çom the ROCJHEStER, NEW YORK 'rie îumirektrd tiitrmvelltn- agent for th'! 'witi ho hmuppy c -aenil ro, âmd *iurumbehappy &te Aleorders ent o. Crokeim îlmmtel WhitlýY*. - AtlibitmoC. tr- Stores cf the Royal Agrieultural Society . f' KANILTON &-tiommxs, t , JOH. NLANN. 14 IM1'ROYIEDPFARS LW 'f h j fL nt o6sd ,l two.2«d D o f Inmj ionme, ram. oo terl, togather witlî on exellet $ EI , 1(u)1 orre% ero ocred, s.omposeel of the w ' X of 17, li the bit efenacmion of Uxbrigo eConmty cf Ontitrio, *tthDIwelllng Ham7ati Hamn -and t"eg,t int e.2 h t tCon. Ennismore, 0 pores, Con nty c,.f Victoria. - Wcmut 3< Lot lto. 80,lit tho lot Coni 7onetoni -100 micres, Coulity Of VicUt1w - I $onth %_ Lot No. 17, ln tiv. lltli Con. Port- land, y10ocres (oiïnty o!f lrconteiuté. Wm't 3 JIot io2s, fJn the lotit Con. WâW W"t XLotN<m 1 _, ln the tlLCon. Da-WI Parlot ô? c a crie, ýwîth friýýne houa. zand'Mft- bnildining, simmate on Dtindap xmtreet lu, the Con- tr m.-AIm, 20 town lotse. FOr'ternnà of eut, C.,a{jly to hoitisirihor. lmrvýT owproperty taken in erxcbngei for the wild lanldg asbove meitlontmlt (Mietln Victoria I3uilciags, ovpr the cnsorîý I ,lui -i-I 'i., v ?rom thé Seeds Seoltland. 1 - whitby, April, 1861.

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