Whitby Chronicle, 9 May 1861, p. 2

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T elal Tsimd 1h. a st >' fpo r 1 h ;TMs~ «_é7 s _ t,ýrsjr . cf lb. principlw, Ut>' nTW -U 0 e h. sz&s5d wfh ï- ~eva Unds, s suranmyno o in 1* b*aev~..i3.îIl.1~*hsl. î PrOdace a Mtlstry strong enougli to gole of O.~js~-... r~î. -Bilte dthe ta i odE. te r> ettlo'nent of thie question oeef et lb c~iue, - P.fJ ibPieCY f'og 8414-0. B. Hall "Y7 iSat &racle-of-tspoltie.I~d cr jliofQube . -Rn r i - Oor e v e~lufpe~& T~aaeQoe~e: 'W Bil ti noorate lthe Moir Pdlbl, Ifotco-H. Béàtba1 Ârne -oeamn ot -Faimý fo selBill te entd thelswrel g101 CinpÃ"i~bng...!.e~ ~et».0 Cu'sRy 01pejl97spo byIief a la on4~îa~9 o ~iq Dqoo~.. . ~ fmoitgbare mmameitiug 41t*oer e $1,1741.' m Load. - - î 000 hssrSbeen2giftahî, I ts he' 'leto -Wî<~4~~t~3~ p th nass - - 4~CTION ~ îfle'tsî îremsaîwyuopu b onImdated îStattes o! Canada, lii - wy ! dv~os ~ l. qess£511. "Air Ac rtueetini$aT...natic syu 3,8were' adïamse' ed onToronto, C,y g de$ criminal eony1icts.'ý Ho.1. A. Ma Chanoe' -) es aune 'ôdae-PaFibnlask ,vloib-am o ai> 4125,00l vord Paiti nId. âonel!, - - acil 28 O GmilTsuIqnk Bns - Di!l- îelite411-of Coni Olmanconj Saie ais 25t1 aMaoy Fsjrbanks er Srvsceii A 0 uÃ"re ý p estai o n 2 5 a n otie r Q u artersS " -ai a ituud é c o rd e r ot C o u r k ~ - - ite U$2goooamihieteaie:ceL.t,îy Teasn atiCapital Pelonies. li 81e o DryObodaaI Bougian on Aiwtber . ino! $486,66f A e advnetA ta A. Macdionaldi,-. m6h ue« saiil dravs n olon b1Y tie Bankt Diil teaaséediluth ichp i - ~ ~ ~ ~ o Ms-arbne ppCe I ule-Gad rro Cansolidatéti 8tat -o fCadml * ~~~~~~~COwiny ' amount or' iaiaesdue; UAU Actepcigte rvmiiPu ~~jÇ vtfk Q[1tr~ Jc îe toaI unontingta tse arge' "onf! ier>' O!,Cana" lHou.J. A. Mandai $147~,P0,mn~djrîiîouoL -Tic Fi- la lie Aasembî>' Ateorne>' Gi-ncrai - ,,%»r> e M a ' r llges - lie necesaifles o! donald osovedth le second ncnding af Whldtby, Thursiay, My 9, 1861. île radTrlu opis' I lans*o ih1 mn tcA 0, i. ip tie Province, lie snov drift s et tl1 lime l'aspect iog -tlipExtraditioji o! Fugitive, ONL ON DO LA A EAR vin part o! the postal ativanees, vere ions front 111otJnited States o! Amerie& O- Tiec ecroacîineuî matie 'anaur madIe, &c., us excuse for themourhse talien, Hn tr oin at1e111arast Opace b> aur advertiging patronage cao. but tie rinîl>' malslte.thé liberty. fof t,-. course ei '0 li Adrsuex'd pela us ta publiai a supplement, i-iiv ing tint tisse arcol excuseis.Wluec,. Il did îlot tn his opinion go mnalt continue ta do mtil vs clarge the knowicdge o! lis feeling o! thei"country' enougi. TIen. vas no guarnatee lint Cia ronicle, or muutesartna furtien aitera antî 1te buto ing o ,Province a man vas handeci- aven, ho vouic rece liaij, sroas Stefinils o! vithinid ta lie Grand Trnmk,:snd -vitheuf a- fuir trial, and, if aquitteàti tie bc v cen ptnoes. - the sanction o! palinîneut il vas centainlyh ierircd tIis Counîr>' Tien tbg t»a Muci for-mn. Gait 10 tek. tipon hlm- vas nrefoience tw hie important quasti The lîciureae taonm- Qeston. seif te acs-nuce, unifen ia> tirctuitances, wvielu adl anisen in reference ta theiecj For somle ta-ma paet vo have coufned 0lneasn.Hebseesoet-cu ý ditio 4înglisýb Courtsb-Canada enrelve vii smîî, rcaringcumeutantI madee lie Pos-ice. uasponsible for 1the -Att ominey (icerni Macdionald quit. erents vitlîoot giving expression te dcci aaut' t Il vas'a vrcug nt buds *ugec auiWC sà.getemen tint ded political eopinions. Tic truiisl tint impalifie -oee, andIanc -moito tien ùéytbing vould b___ e opravide forthic- roam thome are ne iluitical pincipca-vameci as else ve kuov o! tint will injure 111e. Minis.. a-fugitive vio amd, been surendareû, if1 sncb for Ibm is anoit-in lie ceuntr>'y > iiheconr'cea' ve> a.wsaiittei o! tic offence of! viicb aila npartylsas, for moeepart>' anke, viti P'uffrM.Gat.get4l~nilailt'- seq 4scused, butthie governuiet Dutth slghpstreereceto hepubieamd sttesmnâp, ave neyer beois slov. couitinot go se fan beyaud tic pres-isie ~~~aod. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i TIanwppe itdvoenf -ding hiu aur humble meed o! praise o! liet-cnt>'. Ami>'cet pnssed,,bere coi god. Th nwsapr ha dîcusit wil vt as desret. But lu ibismetter ' sncb n prohvision mmIo oos f lîue e ro duvtron s ort, dsiares i e bas madIe a grave ci-orfor viieeveu 'bedisaliOvpd. Imdect, ho vas ual sur Igiimue dt>'beterant ismor accp bils grenleaf. admirera vil! feil fa find au, whetbu>r hho id ptagono tee fanriin remin blc te tie gurienish rentIer, titan a1ilthc excuse, ing frontich Justices o! the Ponce tie poi I - an sesleàba o heo! ofinitiating lie proco -nge um-uuonuigNeisceu bnhiugo! lîec DEPI ORABLE Cessv.QîîkNCas OFPr wr -non. - dines.e lodls, vio dcem it tic ire t-i mthle àL NEcasoEN ...DcrU OF4 CuILI) - ouRMr Fo.>- saidthe ielI permithu, - 111015 au> stipendier>' naglrt or jutige te issi il>' abject o! them epiemenal existence- Wmîsiuy......AcliltI, 4 years aid, belougîug a warrant for the arrest e! au accused parti >pint caiun upan celumu, ve'i afler te a famil>' seia Comter, reaidiug in theie u au>' part o!f1the Province. Nov, tIl oai o! tlrpnitical opinions. But 3rtI con, o! Pickering, vas poieoncd lromiOS bieijaî faual i ni sU. va sli&ve iii te o île ci~Most Obthecticctab!lalcobl ou Fida>'hhat, ant bite tikwcLgc flutitse c ess caO!se, eaki the ebiso lohl dlesndsoucasa vas tic arreetoth le ftllow ii octacTrro Ac neess ofapekin anthe chldo! lie sane fiul>,6 >'cnreNorfolk, vii!. the adjudicatiO o b a c îe ldI>' andI Ioustly, _ hv ia n me antI Cc a' a! aga miarnovi>' escapeci tenth fro nt hinia Bl a n . H h u t, h r l he A u requin. Il, truth!ul intellilgent politidal sanme cause. It appenre tint Ceulote Onu., Generai ougbe 80 ho have amended ritimoufs. AntI it is in te vwa>' tînt WC brongiltaelis bouse hlfai!agalhon o! thl wta at hudb xmni pcli (vitlîoîîîboriimg aur t-cadet-s uoithb 025 hiake>', viclî, f rougi tie negligemîco of lu tie jurisdiction ln viiei 11e vasetresta litical Opinions,) ho aidres aursels-es hothie parents, vas iet la tle va> cf thiC lion. Mn. Mowat said, in view o!f1the ia olitcalquetioq fl tnteto tme. chidre. Bth hilrenpoitoof 1, btpanlamîceocf afi'ardimig every possihle protec. The quetion o!fhepresemîfaion by' ispu. tle youngest drank meut, and became te afgtv lvsvamgî 1 cm lot has act1iid he aheif on ! i uue insensible. Dr. Tueker vas seul for, ad o! enlîne utier tle treal, tle gos-arn. iif r>' for some lime and hbas bocu madIe but netuntil nftcn tie chilc bnci romaiecd etmgî sogm ute inte reit hbb>' o! b>'our poitîcal agitafore. lu au insensible slnte4rom Thsunsti>l"m1gitlddemie. Tien. vas nacioubt» as%0 te prescrit sessionateil discussion bas oce unfil ana o'clcsek on Friday marning. Ah itpr lie Supelar Ceunt,mpoîs lh. piedt parliameuf foi" hennI>' a forfig t tit medicalskill coulti adeamplisi vas e!.tie- orevrîe!h1scop ishd h dhW ve juet as-tan front a Bettiemenrt O! fected b>' lie doctor, but vitiont as-ail, the paver cf reviaing the, deciaien qf tie coin- imater as eem. %Witleuî taiiog tic poiaonoue fluic bnci vonke tis va>' loto mitIingjuktice...cl isothoi'ords, cf cou- rit eto tihe pificiîle if seif htoala ccsthîe surteun, anti bomme minglec i viiithe sidering tle avidececafo r fluepurpceeoa bold la the opinion tint thie peculiar blod. Lit.. became oxel before de>amy gig*eîrtueeomtigmgsrl tiediien <ixthistin-in maistat inétin Px1Liný;botween Upper andI break. Thjis ebonî i 1e n vanimg ta pa-liîad coma ta a saund conclusion. *This wer Carnadn justifies lie expadiene>' of renta carele83salnsigdangereus articles n ha las-ae beau remaveti. adoption,, in at-ten te accure tise due lu o!fsu>' kinti iu fieva>' o! cilîdren. Atre eea adnl xlie nec o! tic former in itie gas-ernent of At&uy enrleeo Aîc luincd coutitry. Upper Canada is aImait un-. Inu antvertising do)lnus vili be-f1unAIhînt lie vording o! lie Provincil Ata t cc or tal ai ta ali bol ciel son lia pol pli tou ajg The ccl! and thse vow ils a unm seuil nul for e Las, posii fear1 lnteîd afnti tainly Canm Ippl- not b doint4 tonusq -peni lo int langu ren, rîgit for i muore. are oc b>' VI fntg sectîlu and Il ciPte, "Audsi and d the p and tl a4lon tain.d Ou ewcntmorr eey lien. Mr..Sidney Snilisid lie olti lais eecisctlrg if vauld pros-o destructive We visiarnvcgtepmr'ae> provided thaheîsc iahrs af Jus-les ehlad min ava religion andI anguege. UJn.au0ceese, antI lave no doubt 'tint under tle have £1 a day eci, antI. amneng lie. se- tedI> Loisen Canadiens ara doccie-d in able management o! Mn. Itobertson teleIcclois, voeerllesese, dmiuut>' Rccses, ing Ibis opinion. Tic people o! Up. Herald vil taie ils place un lia foremost Wardcrms, &o. Ths BilI, vItil, il alloveçi Cnnçl are ma nenatuaec11>'hie deuire rani o! Canadien nevepapers. tue Rocvs, &c., ta lic ps-enI, hluuiteci terfere vif bthle v, religion, or tice tipir charges ta $20 in ail. The chiatgo nag«e .o! IhiriîLever Canadien braîl Mas. M AT PvsL'8 CÀXPUELLî!5 MIN- under tic) oltI dbull, s0 fer as krmoutn, for Inel TIuey simpî>' vent vint is tuicir eTanu.-Tiis favorite, antI justl>' celuibra- Y>'ear, wa's $4554. 'Thîis bull woram itIinil l e bave-Justice amatiE quality....ann ted Troupe appeareti before n Wlitby anditihle expenses ta $620, mnci ticslic a snviug man itiaLave Caada -notimgonce egnin allihe Macinnica' Hall ou Mon. la tic counry>, Tymut>' dollars wuold s. tjslis Itcispiit u wlel v deeeing. NotwiIlslanding -ever>' dit.gis-e tue fives-, e.rr>-'i ho 'fe daud irina beau mate, acivntage of rein>' anti inclemnt veafier cadi, And iIcave $2 cadi for licelis-e Reovei lorr taonythe emad bs ben mdeifleyaîtended.Ilic tiought the business ppen Canadienn ucîvpapers, tint ls~bu hure vas nalirat>' full bouse, aund grant cecîd ail bc gaItimnhongh ivitiim a de>' 80 tled Lover Canadiens. Thio ques. satisfaction vas expreseed ti thle performo. tuaitise seheclors vould lic reaserablcycll hmua îvys iccu mixeci tip-particulan. ence. Tic>' aunouce anoîlen pet-forma. paid. ehectiami timez-vitl reigion andI ance an Frite>' eveniug vlen v trusalte b M. Alk-ns suid liaeevero ten or fîfîcen ,n~ldioeneicesantInatoeaig be ahI. ta attend anti gis-o a mare oxhon levas in saine cauntica.1-lois'vrer. îiîey lis flot been conuidencd as a juiet prn.d- ntc !hmiiitee'ux ak ae$es'nii 4adaptcd ta oct- etete andtrematfions, MECuatuIes' 11Â.L-Mft. AND Mas Fmtuil io.M.Snt dlm> eu a I I sultable te tic aîîaying of. nuimasities aidas nT&N9ET-bbedsinus-t end. Tic $20 us-eata lic divided eqisi. bifercccaictvec, lti ectonso!cd NTRTÀsMEN......be. dihinuil >'ameng ail wio cuIdattend. If alv oe diférece bewee bth ecton ofcdArtistes vihi givo tvao!fthoir bighy ntticcud, Is addition te the fis-e stamnting Provincec, l1e hiatifat-madthie belief instructive anti inteîhactuel, Literai'> Enter-. àeiactona, tiare usoultI b. $20 amnoug thic no soon as lie cenaus bad been taien, lainaents etthle Meclamîicu' Hall o Wd iwiich vas marc liais $3 for e, aI- the admilieti propondcrance Of papa- nesdand ucTireda>' eveningu of Ibis vcelc. tieugi thc vork anigit l in t ,case lao , o! Ulpper os-en Lover Canada notern Haviug ta go te press beforo the irai e mrn le- d>.Scigtua ieRa c ci tie queiian o!ftepnesnautjnhim ouldti trteimment taies place, vo are umabioto wus-rusex officia niambers e! tii*.ocourt oe! ulsiIeeîîed-îlînt thie cenrecîmiesu ef maie au>' commenta. Quarter Sessions, il vwu mieltoc much ta urnaciple vas concadeci, andt tnthie apc Itle'srtliatn htc uc ,question for dusposlas u e o! an- Divsiou of Reach Townshipe ' on' ti o!tietil. i Ine desloMir. Adaîn Wlsonienquireci whethor lie amue d fdeai.nhu't dbae The bill la dis-id. théTovnship. cf $629 imîludeci tièh ojpefiseos oslecîing w 4@gislative-Assombl>' gocu ta prove Renci las pasecithe pnvatýbibi Qoumit. Jurons for Reeoi-den's Courts, &e. i l whl e wveu mietaken. We bave tee, andt laro is as-ar>' pros et o! ifs pass-.lion. Mnr. Smih,-No, thora wuasno loclaystion of lie Premicr tint Lover ' lunîte lBouse. Imdeeti once n bill change praposeilunrelation tla hem, limoe dii wbl i eve Qoneltto Il. Outhie Camas !rom lie prisaIe Commilîte, il lu having been. Do petilions reai dilies coin- er b n e eole oft>UpporuCniadalura-el>' rojected. plamniug cf tie expenses. ,Witinresect te neye be aiiiýà ithnr4lnin Intue bil o! 1858,, io vocld aauy tit utad preuçut dis advnnîageons position.__ The Civial wsr lan Iii.lstes. - -- vdurçd tiuoxpense oneo4hird. 'The lurti. sani for indrd Iausnci (8 Q~ oyaacilb.rumeurs cf -wviandm» tisaI olject-anci, even vere heo pai'ed t ýWa giqnIer thon Lover Cm" itda Ile otlso!fforming anti marching tffops. ýak,6aý n isîr cauge is île Jary Lavi, ustftqjUppen- Canada oslrota4 bve thore lJimna allr ny.Teela cn~i anîh ii eIîoueI, sI tie saine number o! repreaemtàlvos. ne mre'sbloedhess bailet e o n la !wa h 1a eal t- Pfr niuîiisg isides tfei reahcr propaol hue tahing o! Sujopler. 3ù- - - - - - e or %qu t gujkd or nd 4tboughi'a CO' h nTe _wath * 1 . c e a de ff ic ie n t- a d enda fovotUtiof bis.. P lnIn wlishortldîcn p,4toleu andho mann Itte. f wa a. b< g ~ ÃŽ a ~ to. tr v e m %fo ulé! o n an t o l trer o c h tlia n alé m l on u f t n "u i a f o b npie < h ~ u n nt oec# ~ r 8 -n co w nts at tom'" 5W COi 4L Menmi , «WtnoM F oIe~d I:a d M r ~ g~uîl mafor ain nd an exp n c rt iw Bitti r a r e o v d " jU Ou ,Of &tr f J î~ - partetof-ifre RailwaË elmuèe Ç ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a unico tarruqe eii d f w e cndrea nd m as o~nd . E -dmL -$ mi teet.carctr r.(Jul bio #tMn. L iS.b pe eu -oa , Ii4 roge m t l i .Çw o n îh y on i d d s e dwi h i n e a n n e r e d a e o n dï . O nl b s aé b t o c i s r e i n a prt h e ' iÏ à iV a f è m it. p - l f ç u ii C un" - A l e n -e uB q i _!h'dyllu it t O o n g'boadt :, FiIdny cudgeîa w .Jg j n t _W n gh i . o h yl w f r a p r p ~ o * o J. .tiuroe.. ýnr tin lGoveah nt ulottii (Jauat uide.oftictratnsactieonnoaf lieWe!..sb.tom, in the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C as reia<od ha.m a secoRnd a d vi ie t U il d ite . of 5m14 . eba asndn (h O nC siO .~ 0 G do~~~~~' EssiGdt% ôulâ --T ï osiunsa « banR1, n sud fi10un pol uriî~ irnalîî a. jad, rone oGie m i i1.~Goi, O O1gi4d ~ ... 3 or lieèic s uionroprerwh ilc n cni n î e ad c nbnc La u ii asisf. T c Buf r F. sletiaofurl pead o pî~ le ofa ed etUppsi> b ein. i oniws edti a ie. Iet ulgth rsn iaern4 aOn ]rocrooan d front, Glhcon. 20id oftie 4n e9 1c o Vp cr a nd ."tie WCII l to co îm tce to cAede tc. os e e ai C a s srisiae c letef i att ýÉ enti n o ic fa t int "a i l t. o u h con essi lad e. t m --r J h terr1 Mebes o fee" ov f bi Obrodtpssngic1e"se *20 o Reevs-wh m ti lu e ter for or ,'l ütd n'acoÇle eolton as 1 ml c, positonanpraj r'eîïce- ues cnecrdieeusy hatBo e1 anIZsî 3i o.* 0 a ntin u i cuiîy to f i nt le T he'ddI1,tgpropos n ' a lterain ge i Bleboui iib' M. buenu, ap ; aeàntio lwb ncmbe iemél Coîftc rsforteh rted oresd ei, r a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e e ae l t e e e W r r î ' > e t i a t e ' 1 e ur > ' l u e ' w ra i e c n p o s ag e T- o t a l * . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 7 o f- t tha. ?d c og. intrusce uIfie exen se re cthiineod'a>'g od. i r. e totitrels nd pre oioul' nd yo1lu0i roitbe 0 un ro e a Q e -ngo te o me! * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J P ,tc s ee a.be n a c m o u j o ol tio s ôee dpe D aî ntI i o mi l h" îce of uM r. r po teGfoo S le t b c -n an u t lke M on- ic oun i a a n r so.d iecfi t viné reciveta -'econwiya flotn tdolt m in decr w s re d ec n -U l e r ril ns y o u are, an d ol b> Ç nr o-e îs o n vi m li c f o rpla l l e h d înt d nt îî ro e nd re orcdnI j rii i at i c rate o! luetreet. . fix. r apoen 1 iap ri at b si es c rr s. Mr h ito niovte , sc, e d by )oc ramj Ilînre was amot er cviint thee.y.iinn -crr-iau" ii"lier rat no tk: , hor i ntho tsyhemu invlogue l7î@Chu esUppwi-Hcuson heso' ,ei6uid flot be abîwla o h fie, i., lio eaiJo éiD oa lhebatnt w'f adoptand, vhi h eas carrid. The TIi ba lotas ofici a M r.ayune ciaracterias 10 draan foM r.W h p r rai on , sco ead m r. Ah: i' p r té,Crtaev e t bierrthipeor îceî. l e odcnt itu, ecy !Norîhintesriof Cutle oe Mr. luata wer0:eà o oý le amLeud e . l e h et rn mi:e a lert fmiectl iie 0 pr atiga s crEuancoifyTown.er.hm.a a orde tedo-pted cammileîco, it of w'eribig lion. . A. 1 ncdonocl tnsughlhuam,- urrraduîg.giptrcent isleoncess.iost. Jseuil I een, qJccr.îtatop udr pnrîy îclimutpu or nMedeel comaitîce la enqé'urrer b ti te nd reet sCold bene. rcciiiîvit nn d d o ioo a ie , unIs ta e e ch. oin, regulatn ticat o ! inerî aesi, asca- e ev, vo cdy e dv cae he Reoin tr repià.O rinti g n av J.rtis J d oe rpr... wecraaett rpesuli.db Oent evelca Wl esua upss !le M . W it o vc- ï od, eonedb>.i. B.30 mite esreit:Dstttes e T b roe o ieowing bille on Tcame hsubee > ileo brie. Cr-it.p ojeet or ai, pro [prIoM.-Jaes W.î. li tn n-re n i rsrr ort w C an$2 0 a .î i e u0 rï $ 2 5 0 o i h -r s , li e end tic ln w e rel i cî a er , u id Ii. r es ! f i i t n . T c d a u > u g r m i i r c er- or Ileatn , r n iu g o a c i c o u n > '. B c u u d c s k w u l - J r e î e d y n t I l e Cta b i c i a m a i m uhra t o ! i.ît ra w r icle s i i. cP b P .b a dv e p p e n e s i n ts h c o m u e , t v s e ve a d . b 2 3 o f . t h e , s n d e lie ih e ua it ' t t e i te , u r wic he h àd M n 'Mé n . a a o touijeet o pi d ti an e n w e u ciee , ee i lce tc tiret iss e. >' r. i colle tint t... ee... g an.. a s n e at o r l w w s ino i . h rfrisi t 4 o lo wo Pu l c otne, ho e sef c e t i. O rr on i e T e a e , t e ib nt Gi& Brant Crurdi >' în gt rach cd Jur ra aO a h t ced tc A t2 Ve. C p 5 a~c îu n e !g v r u e Bl l , fr.o iclandt, ivecr forvati ' iof b dids l fo c 0 or ep ir oue 10 iidg 0 0i e F- ôhâ4lic t amnd unitie« eeabject, oe. dr lin dividuni lad cn mtiou.nva pt b>' Mi. Wie e did uîot liîink $20ienouth, m otitnief nmnaim eBoura ,ath e r b eng B ericou p e itue ue es pd t i i ri >' ie actio nek e ! t uî tc R e 1b i i t50ld ta d av up a pei b thae ÃŽtrin sa icredla $10, or $t0e fil! tao f ixle pre ! moîe-H nsa',wsh e eeUhiplcmuny einiuues bib snostrohvh ouro t olumne. l i on lu li e s over n Geucrl... aue. l ue of i s î e ixt, nteetmoe MrLCu ion ocm itct osdrSokC' eea lue osldtd Cl dpen dentSimon si tws ihi t etie tInys coionisreltive inhi du eren A Il; poased ianbt ul iiSt Titasockrt o tc qus Rfri sr c'la mteonlotN . 200u h wark, wtiicwa ahe nduc fe n amidkc Houfka. .The>aod.au mi'.1&ovedraIt ocesio .. tic~~~~~~~~~~~~~ e p ce a i i a po ib e li ob Ho . M . C n o , ti t Cran- bxliln e rs. T6 i c r ii l wct, îî eprcd fro h C in . t ry. vre Gnue îy t a lie vorîl ei orf C unoi ad ou ne to ti 0re0M jected e e hmt eo!mroe 'be causfor cNo erth ltted W fta e omitioensiws to ru f be o >non' rtiRdng, l i 'c obsecët o ywa Bten3aii 3st-8 OU.e00 Wiîater iciwr eaul a ccileuidthinieopilse. no ! mo ctesra. MuMwieen 1 as àirid-a,9 cncsso priaciphiThevasounotthn wentnîco comittne yu reaBureauk Simpeonf, CaucLàio0îo - pe Cu~i ltl>b vte a-îunus fo rew1h unr- Mn. Dal>' vas h ttndngto helet -O lueoci4, lie ' wcne ai libri>' t doch.nge;i>theyc Bb ills'bv se 1Yh itin b . Meh ui a ' e, et e b ; ae i r rot; u seuidb ust é>ma C miness ?STJTIOXs i ortyyg ' rea an PsYd e it ncco Rdn e tier iu h et ban o tlî l tre inntuieunuu b11 teadmit d lînue . c'cudn ide'o "i0odt Go.at bnsle t rn aciiea I ,okd leaet it b' ucrtesnezf 'MeMicke and lienieuxuonitI.bass aidhlausr1pairh Vîmee morue>' ta dckaes auhonw liat Morremuonerorto e. letia ocsin- r agt happeed tnt tn~e huos nanas ~ autirt>' o! uti ce, unor il na o. Th e ee t qfl>' re d et-b wpiîtye o ntiriŽ , and Tccnutrso ie W tkm n l pnle iern ewenLt 0a lu tic adbmnistrat oonn Ju sub. jie tI s lesbions oit' !Jutie wnc arite. 1bc exelece o! ta ust- i aanndGulIwothkeuee nt on unai t n ndgetpeeo.- r Hig govenoaumenî redesir frd, bby thycet dII, ta put tlke e bu Ù . ,ig oestit so uncditslf do - o e i p a n . l e à i t d o t t e c r s e da n c a ul i aid r f e r i x t l e d tî e w u m a t u n r - a o a p o b t o n i nde ti o n le u p l u c i t e d a n tI o a -lia n dw i h iC o r lf ' r a n d i e t t n hua f e acîc lio iu tlc l nud o! ilim c s.-uîr-s. Mr. MeMt-k us rov d uc s con ns uti IL n. rs d ikr aa i th Ser ae of n i Cres l u nme fx r p snd silu a plesu e buies Con s M i Wi otionso ! li eo d ball v a î le waise w-cru B ilsbiug pbici te ut !bsLIIt ,oi, ods encisia a pr emnl, andtruat ai me , uits, on-ateati.JVtceuanaud fstro e-ltce lin s w ien we d iek d J nie . l w ast lu ti c hîe ti auî o y u, a 2 nd t e sw e c d nc ! " Y an a nud a e c i rgo tcýt e P 0 . o e>'j r, ot. " cln Lohat th s s a nt ol i, 8 i co c s lion . Mn aco uTii urote sso n-cru ue IDab heiiou, o! Ipisnu on for V. irs esth iies i orcrs. Bt !-- eNCe acî o rtvet" rose oi orb-re-ictn r e o e é t e p r n i a l o n t r s . t h e p r w lia s- e a c u e l c c fs mo r eh c r i. o na e >' a u ' l G . ~ a r e a rTe gballoteesh ii ticcprese n t h L ig in .ll rd eion a'ý nid m e icc u iI ai ic s ng i fiae etdayltnsras otic Smob ers o! a r hamaet aflan Mr.1 M.1i pu ha paM . L bine m o i naureit m eiihenh t tM r. W h teieve u-ered b lui ll li sc e lî no! Mn.re lduvn t>s. uîre ot ta edbyth uaesit o miur. tleke wasomiuig icpc babuet ip!I out'sadfverticnct p fa t be e redilh eppapniat e Prom tintr tii ed o e t poi tg;ilic t efrteufuds o!tbc f lisdte pe O>n- lion J. S. uutudonnld cau ehuidt-l lu>'in us- mttc e alduuidetned .t rua a tig antu fribuokefiful iii tlîat son. netan ordo! otthemTrtintrea! lieMrNantia- e1la ru i e u Ite o -uuîuus i i i c e i L u hfr. i puc ro e d d dsro-mcen tal o uupauuisment i , lestatnig lîtchb>'eR? T i o M r. tno a uuî iin pn v u e t a o d tud bi g s t spe ena trtc Set odGo-cra ent-wi 9.ma ampqui Il>lu c ci rd 1 byin- tIse Coanciofl bi o 1eupoitiUppe r.nada b' iuîtiauitheg uriesca 8fe o! uvili iactenlldrcd a eond len Mre i-ba ic n o t iabun aie! aur n hivahion b> ' wi a v tredliPanlooi a i tîcrfas Cmssiaeo r of Ibi ps arp arn ytfectng tint c pa ret i nîi e glte ie1u s inteagonnu nciîg tht arnt er e give tic thearte oie : t a dry usn o ,b u a towbcir nl> ugcai ;t , antI itted e ved.nIr îl rsu M n. oblin ad anild uen ti ii fi) bprclihent i>' ti. brig . t star . Mr.mngd > he enes o! Pnimeî. t a>'t i rer an vltci ouacllo r . O ce Noth Wgentleoman o huge uuueusbn ae iltte Geci-lyCanIen-dr. tnt mtion Mr.d fuesBuchanaon îlen il-'iîî'a h e i-,51c, - %DTHP&&W Tcum.v- Whthate év1d'Lieauo rn Connu-ailookemn taeknoui auof the i ll. about re a ti bih e s teas o fd ab îiint e ed f t, liiw"'î-u car- e lie 5 osreed l ees lus condncth e d sum riin . 0 an ad ptsij urp o reot - Ii out ny dstintion wl etherCheuticliic do)caus iiiSout Omacho bCtinncillorCarite Xr edowiMticuiuvsallswuiiîoru winouietnopoiuncd cia nel, antI Mn.nxpau luvissardneapotfv65 tfn ti2un tI. uîite. -T The u bî îol' b- b' fee ls o ing bills' or tihenfort ua t bilienr- sue atie li. t> reu- uir deo ns rretfor tI r.ti ameis m a. prosenseutat u -re on-heT ase au ri inîive tnent o u pn-ae ithe d:tt n ci ire disusI'ioni î suiuuug lauseeae tbsdn hsveyefcuiy F0rne o .Bah o 44 o d ou am h Ï40 a .paid oau or e!îcr Uic. wouid rneducthe liost deee&îic îuart ofobligations, lie mst taek.thie ncucs ely ic-i uîtvtuutruars ebexcited tiie ire o! tic parisfrt de>' O! oeie îxîfoumu .An lur e s-w IS li o sti wî tnveb' bs moltrffie, but we eoliectedin thse township for tint pumptule ilu peantbu. ii sep ucI ~, 1 his zeal lu hebaif o!f thein interesta. i MrMn. Mc-Creigit moves tintth11e au ment disliouiest, unjuat and nlusui-. lad ria dosaitis lion. frientI usas influcuced %i ' tni inuulli cli in olhofrtebei ftecutyta of AliId t ue esusi tn: vuhe foartic benaefionfieenus-y int of$50 be expeaded on lise western t .1iciis Hin. Me. Siiervooadsaidtlre iuîachiiueny kiy lbe hast intentions, bal it -sofas împosiî- Iel i 1iuar>iw tiî e.t lue 10110. tic cormrnita wîoufll en nflcp pieofa! is township in ejunnection viti h th ot seoutionîmuet Le aoniewlînt cunubrous. bic ta do auva>'witb miv caste li fie wiôlc. Wîieuî îiîe ciatuninf issgcd stie'reiwet-od lecmuiy idb ut ten u end intownship of Markiam, aîd tint fDaniel Inonder teavoid tie suspiciaon of unfLîls sale way proposed, -If.an a,,enI as cm. Tiiritiisig ail lia Icavus t iM ' tier Caunties antI Districts as il i in Hoover, JoinBrky antI Hat. Varden in Itige .a w il y i n - . I i l dN o rth ai o I B u n k e >' pla>' lui uaking it. Ten. as uC suspicion loyy ite i tn ro utls ôNhi aid T!scip be Commisionr aepn i an c o n n e c e d i th i l e r u r e u il 5 st ne l c i o a a nul f u us l st o d Rta e r e u g a d ii e , believed tit ail, Uic coutless a! Upper -fesiipale" muîa h iiit bu pad fan OnthAs pr -od tiuiien ed diuug W ity oCarried. I)W 1 blsîuîuthe ten Seule liiic. Vhtb ohuîp Couuicsl. -Mr. Haight =oves tint tic Coancillor cf af e x p e n se Itie M il %v o u l ci e fe ct, le d b o r o r c ro d itor, u n e s t ic >' w re I N'il te u ir , i iii t ic t- l ie r itr esseu, B R oax m J, M a >' 6 , 1 8 6 1 . te . 10 v ie v le - b rid g e , l in t e fi. t con'c-s Mnr. Weibidgc sai tlise Cherk oethile Pence prepancd tou'li> isadb Ba > i 1~îdt-a î u luri ndblesses Te(lip et fr s luifcc>t 0o aM reportmanMex s meeg-arrithe w i a w a s o i u t i m e a C o u r i y - A t l i u n u e > ' a n u d c o u n t r y , w i c i h c a p p r e e d e d w a e u a l L if é s e o lc e t iî u g s u s a n c u îs un o m ; TC u c i etmr n u a d o r . n i a p m a ' o e s t=tî l u f hitI a privat. pmactice of lii eus-n tao onulihe case. 1l0ieldtricd la reduce.tic coste fClur te oiny besoisl; thMch ir. ee Ilfreont.tleoftu* L0o.txpNdou 8 t t conM P l la ias-c rmhine, tado wiî theae aîcaitoof lu actions for prou sornotua e, andI b. d Tle ie, doli io îîsîsîeureuuuin,en lrlifoto o o 8adta onM~ Wios viriuui I aw Pew et Nelle IsiiiThe Confilcil resolved ilsel! ido a Court Samuel Byer and . lana.mitIdîton bu clu- lIon. Mn.SunahbilTien.fis ballaI uad peanbupampas. But tit Iis g ficn poe>' mn>'be pro. o re-ision. TieReove appaFunted car. pointed Coiisoneri o expeci te sne, vassiclppoitinnic ufononaetmaateriilaprecate, i iliei ncecon. la The foliawing vere mde luregard ta c! Navember next.-Carlin a elnect;io nler hIs iiivone ofluveracn-sure met viti tlsafge was obliged t e' e. ar the gusiing melody>' viel acampa. several cases a! appealun isu'oe la i eiinc scnt;morovrh s u. n o eeapelai il. It vas said tint it placedtIhie nies lte beauhifulsecntimcnts brealicd forti Movetib n hue eodeibMn Gog r isi o sd ottepinfo aciectore. g hemecyofth cein ve>' -' b iMr-thiteo! tended iMrer re1arsnad tespyn o Mr. Craik defeudled tie Middlesex diosehrl'a l ee !lecein veylin., anuetaudo tuis, rstY's AImooud, ta ieparcei1 of and - Ma.id onth iernbtwnLos3,ad1 R-caves, si>'ing tint' if lie Governinesatlare, antI if tic Hanse paseed lie bihlha beI lie mâ cbad.tnWlsi asse o, oaeîdt side rton belv ot 0anI3 weré as economicai as lias,'1the affaira fore it, tie results wauld ho ver>' muccithe .~hlm andI Miles Wells jointl>', logotier vi Ion o!f Wurd No, 5ou of thc Province would b. In a bcIter positionsanme.Ile -vas wiiig enoug la )et tho The oanuai meeting o! the Witby Me. $200 persoual propueus-, Mr. MeCreigit 'oves liat John Haigit lais a presermt. bill go lea a pecial comnmittee t sec vîcet- enies' Intitute iii i. beit! ou Tocsade> , oac b>' M. ,hltscneib'M.b mbnse aopni1 ono 1 o MrAlis uèprted the amemdîcit. or anytiug, colti ho dono -li, the dirction evenig nezî May 141, far le purpose o! acaitn uearsc m mte > i upr fGa arv nidgn f o r~~~~~~~~~~~ i l v s d s m b o t a b vei!ad nt î s s s P ~ i c O # 1 i n g 1t h J a m e s D r y d e n , P e n s o t o .- C a r r e d . - 1 por esn ts e sci ctioehantheif 50, ioproposcd, nppoilitlng officers antI aller business.- ho ndded to%Ë'a bsn aemett ethîe rate o! .Tic Commutte. appoînted, la examine 01 The bill as re d a, second im e, andI M em ber e;of tlic lstitute are re cjesled ta $29 poe cre, and $tiOO b o d d mclé4 from tih rii e n ie r ct r n m te la o u g l i t t o b c p i . a t n ,b i1 e n l r p r . - , n ep o r ge d o r. t ei o o o n. p it owtsliie ovrunuieereferred te a spocial committes. atn.bsproâpoet.pr n nmto of-Mr.Chapmoaý h UriMowtsad te Gveri4nt ere Mr.Benami mvedthesecnd ailngMoved b>' Mn.- Wite.,- nd secandeci b>'repart waa roceivociand aIndpted. to hlamgift1ipe.xpanse o! the. aclections M.Bnai oa lescn ecig ANirMsssON"l Our account O! the- Mn. AI'maud, Iic $100 bo lairon ofrtie as. M.Caia~mv~tiîleCumcho vas grent. - 'liéie )bsitieuri iîad becrip- ., b i - bill 10amc.aed Chapten 24 o! lie lest Fair o! the Unitedi TovushipaAgri. seesmeut o ereCrI ulspran !Wr a !tctwsi !P~& poacd ta lie secondY ecpertioruoantI ilo.s5aof thentownship oStatut. nowe t o'soul soltionhor. flu f slitued An atue for, Upper Canada, culturel Society' beid at Brookluuive omit- Propèt>tQnred --ho u i.asilonisedto lecItihejobs anÃ"JS' -o k -h o o k a ,r e d u l io0 lal i u i n fA d c t r e s p c c i î g M n i c ip a l l u . e d t a i n g t i t M . G e . M e L a n e o i ovd b > ' M n . W h i e - s c O n e i m b >' M nr t i nt th e v r k a a r e d o u e l u a c c o r d a t Gover on~t usuhed, o io euhdnti e Upr ad.Teion. Brokîlu bRei gav lb. hbema$40Ã"scnip Mnîtîcuso'from a. viti -tie report c!f1the Commutîce appaiv iu tic particuhan aimed et, lie>' Ildre gnleman- o:phaincd tint tic object o! hie liono tva iefnd ! l Sce o ali gessment....Cannied - ed tbexamine the bridge on th1e, rOcit dtiiper dcin nilovanco froun$4 to -iOt u vspt b»-r.- Witu rond knoovn aMiciseli's bridge and ]report as>' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h provl nariri>'sa a o iiivsiota& ext a n tianIt ie @of -,codd >'Mn yl uthQt $20Ã" be ýde. 10 Ibis IJauncil au or before the firil day as $20. - t0prveoisrî igtîtatut. ýlabor. i Tise Indl Sa4cnfpdi hePco ducted from ite assoamen ,o! Mr. ROcse, - a! November 1861-Carriei.- >$î cMJickerihiad beefi aboutha minro. Tic -bill>vieasecond lime, andI ne.- -nnSst ofiei i lnon bis pereoàal puroPénijiCrîd M.Caia1 ioe ht hil1021e duc.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~al allladav>'vli111aorduefrelaapeiionite.-Jufor- tue- *mudëe--o! Peti'<ur -antI luis The Cout:n -Caurned n* - - Mn. C do iadjuan, moyestn this one11 vif. huag imaeîf Wa4 : Wdensdsy night ~~tc dore a-îii m sCaca. of lie icevos itogéter. ' M! Goml'bis la ameuci lie Act rot. iiai vWas-tobe leken Pince ilu's fow -The Cosneilfsuured -ell3'lc onvajuri esadajunt i M .,F c rg uisn b el ioed lth e cxsti mg bill pecti g lihe "M un icipal -In stitutio ns o ! U p. d > s i l l 1' i c - - - , an d djo rn ed il iliho ldt h e C o u rt o1 IR eligio n -- G~ s- - - - - - -- c--\ - -, -- - -- *~-~z-~r 4~-; - - - - - - - --- - - - ~- - s-- ~. - - - - - - - - t- t-I 1.~ - t ci qI ac ta Pa do vo i dit d'oz eral ham eqwi a t dons vas YOsu ta et Mr. 1>' tc saab 1 ruffiie lakei suint B>' ligeni (La 1 inc 0o TEt O! fi-c sifuaf and dt about built, Parisi as au On and n destro les -faiiit vhici escepe A mi for me on tva bat thi catastr vicIe -lies ai ah men had pe: t>' of S beavy 1 on bel, Job enalire Eust Q landfil s iderai lcham The- nos of lImaI vil

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