Whitby Chronicle, 9 May 1861, p. 3

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Bat luti Lion. wori agaeed tb 1a t Of'T'own, ..t.r o O of Town. ..i. lao Inin ..,. 2 00G tittieron'l., 1 0 Go .d beut l 00 0 f tlise a Gd ..... ..... 60 0O t, (L cis- 20,, Plckeruig. 50 0O kI'à àMli..200 00 ..... .. .. 20 0 Ofmlon . . . . ..80 00 t tt4 CL). . . 40 00 eusis "..... 40 GO eporfe i pbogn.edsuandI [iim i. tlienex I noo. trumolvus tâ teif inta < 'i roll, ad revild, ho was eaniei. Thse' econded l& Mr. Ail. be intructe t tagrant' sumr, ta nMr inas i1îgl tise amaaùit of hlm dmcnoibyMr dogîva an order on .îi9Iis l'or $II.'49,fos, , audtaru report..... scondeci b, M , g1* Sthe l'reimuner ho tise btec. gaue or-, ta Albert Gillet done to blidgem lan t y Nlr. White, es ll, anid carnied)ti, t s d-tu dnusw up a petu. Guîserîsil, t um a. " il lot -No, 20, la thse d otîseru pnpa,'irg for- tigeO acramu Duflhrlio' suioni -Mn. Haigit. 1auti othieru Ar 'tvecen Lots."Io end l.-41r' Wixsan.eh anti ollienuprayt ruou.-Mn. flaight. lt tLim Couneil do ýt thaîlnt[ail parties lise siLaislnlowmcce Iinb the Su Cocs. )Uifcutib,' a fonce ior Lh'ore hLe 'snt tîuat tii Coàrfcil do irer-'â hauds, for the imi bridges thls pro' ý:LOO Lu bu îxjemded by tise Couimublor n of LItis corporation uier thi e uafur aube C,)uuailor tls. )unbase. .And lu tis ach Councilot' te lectivel,' for thoelus. brutlged tise furtLer 11 or aten tise ,Lux~ front muey pl fan iLat purpome 'led. atijuiltise auuof le sustenîu towcs'l e 'tuletion wth thet 'and tuit Daniel_ andi Rebl, 'ardon ixpend tiesea.- ut the Counoiliy r of ver be a Comsmit- ini the ll:uî gouiced. em-iig.-Carrnied. uliat tise seumof oe Ith cousalqpinl j tisat JoliMelrt Middtleton be np. c axpeuid tisehomauuo, 21l on tise finit day iried. 1 i tise pehilmous cf tiser. prmyicg 'for reen Lot*s30 and8al -ced ta tise Coueol. a thuit Johi Raishi theOsums of $l9 for 'rowm an Indigent dn1od to exaimin'e road made Ibm rO* M. Chapomi the adoptod. îisat tise Counsoilot mwmship of Piciter' thse jobs anauBO' )ie in accordaniCe rlnMM!Ltsuu enoin' '.' i w wqriu ~'~ete 4 f, Tha~ ihu«Pe 6iPa lmnthat I tould y, oftC'at z me lest lot. , teqe; ow' l"41, ~r.Fcn tuer short. Idonîtwtah to bègfuhor mi. Iiar].Lau.i uon the ehtiuî bimtebthl re x Qt>courp or blu remarksLe lcur - a fu iéId outi nyinsu, fIcomin Of patbro.' 3- 'Thert'is a ass ý1 d â nage b me te jine the fôreco,iiee .d 1 cud iilij, an-cojetl !a~~u griglu or t a ate if I onli urned round widh the-iiit Noe Party, an tbat it iwaan' ritebono maia o NrthÀmerioan i b. keepi 'a ama of tuee Jticuauhun à41.mAfliaîaniangthat tise,'are the decendat t,' worlcln ai tiese pade, Look' aet Goojd Of the l6sitfilýeru ÇTs ..oh~ta ashepa, 'tbere'm Purdy,1n'Munro, n' tl*' e 'brandio I*4z. fny 00 , rouiof 'emu? 'Whýthey aint a poth ogtfd 'Gorgewataaansib' lo'T a ippossoa, thaîts, " seb-eô .o you,,an' Gole' auu tedy Tartar Oriaun-...crouuing in! the New od Iadher te follow hbmna 'ukep iii. party 'in ' ~WI harf, on. thit Wont't dhrink 2 niuili liko înd'prending Ã"vr itfrom DelhrifnguS traitu Foie,'. O'Day, ou he, yor hure to got a -1 do Miost erioul,' incline. 1heyshow aont . --n-y-tIsenxt giniral elecl<ubun. itl'on'mistakabiyintheir facou as te Ieave, Thsed1îobe wll filrII. Maybe Ésl, look. in my mind, at leaut, carce a doubt. In a'1 In"auWied au Possible, the Party I'd be COiivOrvation, I lied the hutppluomu to enjol, bate. Unpouuiblemc ses hewe'va.got tbo- 0 on v68% sgwie mPire Wa or fthe.l cry'. fixed. Lower Canada damnaullunsmeusCatolic aMîsiicnat Fo~rt WIium 1 Rîpremet)nsahun, an Unit's Grand -Tlîrsnk take mS'porofrfins a man d-if 'caoIli do. i.biiîu. u ling lu mid nd nde1of thuI otte ao afe. Wel but seu I l'mn onaiuy about coînplishcd Otchlipwa 8ýchqlar now living. thse dhriuk, I mightn't hould out the I mentiuned Ilis m w,' 6eltfw. He nai once Wloe lime long enuff' widhout takin confirmed it, and upokeof An early Jemuit1 an exthlra dlirop -2 muccl. Let 1103 miuionaryuput>omljielac, wio on ' beingi - c.udirady or 2 an Fil give you tranufre 0Tra,, ohmatuumn nan uor. Thse rout that Pieut lu il uay. met in one of the villages of that count,' at crit, w hidi l'us not at liberty te dis'ulge antivoman lie 'àLa kriownintiiju. They mu.1 lireaint. tuali,' recognized ench otiser, and in anuworc I hud me uhbuni lit from me coumin Io 1li&etiqniry 8he maiti uhe isat been taken s BWddy, iai.'. coortin thetRile -marine man, priuoner, 'pasued frous villagt'-to village,t ëhe smstme tic rnil i hl ot takin theimi. acoms BehnImmo'uStraits, and waa at lstc plimints of wan away yet frorn Captin Jim, tileh were ha saw her. OThiu8mnepDailier, Put tiare asfully kared ; moto Le tok' h matrieken by a mmnilarity of the languageu, becaue the Kuril wau walkin up an down prepaî'uj a list in which the wordu of the llnock mireet widh the chiai' conshtabie respective tongou. Tartan aîîd Algnnqniti, the laut nigit îhey were on dhurili. 'The bn lcd io ysde, $howo e. iu gallint Ceptia anticipaiti a dit§âitît, ordherel do bt a common root of derivation. The1 tho wlsole ooînipany,uix ini nuinbc'r te orn, te,; iinnny from-thim trutbfnl ucholar was9 4 deup Io rcuimî the Xurnil. They ware me0 e conclusiveo b my mind than the pilodd trimblitî for fear they'i1 lotie the Viad up theories and vague peculntioîîu of a C throwuaru, end thé- grattietanxiety lu cou ge of -safans. iow many centuries xprcused to no the news wbieb the Kurnil the 'îook to traverse and* occupy ihlu im. gela frons hed quai thons. Au oon as uny. me nue extant of counitry..-bracup in bandsu thîng mynouu takcu place l'Il rite. whielb gi-or into tribe-by non intercoursee I-te niaintime? acquiro dialects of their won-We know I am, not. But with their habite notiing coulti Yen Ibrue feind, bc more tiaturai and easy, and witl thse TI bl O'DA Y. abundanca of game and meann of life came TheAtt. (emm IVsi îaa Mn Moat. rapiti iincreese of numbenu, mifficient asu The ttve(.en Wes iiid à1. lqwt.theji' watitiandi incinaion 1prompted, te Te (Froiîi e i'rg)ot% p.) rîeaeh ail parts of the country, even to the TeGlobe ruade a chai'go, tie otliin day, broati Atlantic, -wvhere now ilseir very name e agaîi nt -Mr. Attortiey.GCetic.uî M acdolia.ld, ià tradtiion. whicl, we are happy tu seu rcl'uteid in a dis iiY iNDI.iN WoMfLA. '1in mtannier, aitbough its falsity iwus ut. Mr.Ilient paid ait loquent ti'ibut tt el once apparent tb ourticlvicu. 'Thicharge chit'Iint et the lidiiii wotiiut. ]lesaeys tint Mr. Macdonald, foliowed by Mr'. Mac-. * 4' * Il Of the ntive wvomani of Rati both, on theo niglit the former made ie l iver whaî cau 1I saý ? Actions speak great speech, wallcd acros the flior of the louderr Ili worcis; ni le tking unto in e locnge andt hreateîîed to êtrikie Mr. Muwîît.,,, of ithonifar the dzzys tîiat ara hure The ruai facti oure givcn by a corri'suaidenî ""d tlîost tu contue, I1lhave buuut avified îny i.Aid 1 ,ili hure venture a M of the Hamiltonî 8pecalor, as ulluîowâ: prejili.ti>n rli stov ooe oei "The tturey-GneralWest. in th('te future, tiueî'e %1i11nuva obutis coi). W courue of lusi speechî* ou tue Reprceintatîin inir.t a r'accetr "lilil -whu ieu'th tht. question i lîd ocicueioîî to quota fnom a straige us o &iutAie blond ini their veoine speech delivered by Mr. Mcwatin l the finit wh'lch nîever ciuill thi %vidi' wurous cyes conivention, ini whielîl e mid that. ofpr cî < f1le dcuth, of dlililbi'us pouvr"'tleir, tation by, Popuiation wns ""t the .;ti.., ruk. lwarfit uni..itre..ti'te 11'. 11- 13. cHisxun, L~dmy,1 box hli mIamtTu PEU o. T. mP, 5 Packagem hardware, if. Beatis14 c boots mimd uhsoo, T. Wilkinson 4 utov1 -0vonmjý HiThsampp i ;'bt hlrolqgmr,1 'ilton &i Roberts; 3 liriýolm, 1bc~ '1 i$ e l o w ; i lb m u, w i m 1e , i 1 a n b D3. MéRilmna; 3 barrýelu,ý Lowem & "Po 45 baga oued, Hamilton & Robents, Whi " 2 packageo.,L. M. Thomaus Broolelin, barrel'gluawar'e, R. Warrens,' Brooklin1 barre, mufan,' Hamilton & Robents, Wbii hardware, 'G. CO Grom, W huîby i1,ha ohi T. Pamexton à; Ca., Pàrt Pmnajr; 9 c trou, C. Hill~ 29 bagauoued W. Laing box, momp, C.,Das., Brooklia;i 2- ban currantu, Lowem & Powell 2pecsb atoielJ. olfnde; 4barrelu, J. Rue] tom, Wbutb,' 3 boxes, 0. H. Dartiseil car lime, J. Poster, Whitby; 2 btsudem pen,' W. ILE. i4gin,' Wiib,"; 8 packmi R., Warren, liro'oklii; a-lotiof âove w .Gea. Robuon ; 3 barrais, Gamsb,' & C 5 baga ueed, Hamilton Le Roberts; 2 b' whlske,,S iri 9 bairelu ale, Jai Blàcký; $ banreis, J. Reuliett.um; 4 pac gos, iancware, G. 0. Gnous; 2 packa dry goods, B. Camspbelli; 1 cck-powc Gibuon & Yannold, IMP'ORTS AT PORT W5iITIY. Steamer Maple Leaf-1 auck eeti, Cowan, Uxbnidg-e i 3 cases tracs, M. B al, StoulTville ; 6 cases, J. Bryant Whiî Schooner Royal Oak-794 Larrelu pý ton, 13 tons Iilostiburg coul, Jams c &Co. Steamer Maple Leaf-1 box medici J. Noti, Bnooklin ; 1 sackc seed, A. T.E aon, Uxbiitge; 1 mack meeti, Wm. Les Piucering; 1 sack ocedi, beil &LCc., Pi, using - 15 bales trees, T. W indon; 1 b hardware, W. Thompuon ; 9 packa; good:s, Shaw & Clark, Prince Albert :lîueiw, J. Crucken; 1 box, J. Croig; cases trecs anti plantis, Wm. J3eweil, Pli, Steamer Magnd -46 paikagem gool R. Warren, I3rooklii 48 packages, Joua ligciowl Port Peî'ry; 44 p)ackages, Wi Jcckie, l3oreiia; 56 packages coudis, Ado Gordonm, Manufla; 2 cases gootis, (C. Lynti Vlîitliy. Lueas o 1 kioWil -slrja-ý diin ithr i poerVof li md.uu ttv My 8, 1861. 1sau ~relievinig Uppei Ciaau. M r. 4oiieurastitniierlipvrsf Placdonaîd luad i 'iiiliid, uui(LeSleilteii-i17 u,.bll>'ii>îuhiî Th uer e deiivanics of grainu contiueutta 1 being about to leavo tlue Choi'. Mr. MNowuu 5cl'uu"liîuelu) very light, cwing clubefly ho fumiers Loin 1*ume anîd mai lrnm ithe Globe icuiuifluuni uuuuu voyfrt t obtyonus usy tih Sprnig sccuing. l'le secaîliar Fopart uf hieispeecacîuet.dbutyMn. r 5wn.&tilt vury inciemuent, aîîdthe seascrn ratio -puao id un w lui ue i ho r . sti-,li l'a. ijâ mletbot dursduuhu'y uichlietmimalieewusSOIof..backwar i bs cisequence.'ie lait an vonable tu Reprementitumcu ly P~u~~îu ~ val fromu Englaiid dues îîot bu'uuug auy vui Tluit altimougIi ceoun.ct, lioti iuoîiig to du lNeus'ZouI.ti Wuu1,r-igiot wiîh thsa Na- flatten-ing uicwâ. 'f e initrlietâaietiuii 's'itl tîhe cjuotitiouu. %Vilei lue îiîisîueti icuml tvm Ucdciuc ding lis oxtract, Mn. IuMacdonual iimid, "i orlpifui fVtLn le i liNeYork.tsaleslhave eîen i mode 'Wlyp I readu r ti y woti.' Mr.rc $uu~IoÇIcon]ufl, 1 25 for Milwaukia Club deliveucti ; $17 .bowai raplibed t i lieV M.Mc ii, 1i j h 3do Jmiytl-tg.frwhite IKentucky ; $1 35 fou'bifeu donald isaiti îothiig mare titi the mNieierti"' lt' t '"iiiuuuki milleanciiattick upous ote ewhite Canuada. ofi the Cli nirà il êtheMr. if tliii'reubntubtu(N'u. il) iai.4d .uthe riutn' liMui'u-heai utis iiu irtg,. j4iuu Wcti4z ý* uiotui .'j'Iie qauiBone mu udû,ftOr a it e aueasnug$J 0$ ti Q eu gJS te 98c. e' aton Idc.uc tmeui iueus 'lu uusIe'c ti ouiI Peuas '15cto 47e. ' anal fur timepuiposeofci'eanryiliug ihout.iL (1i cuir ile eilly Suu'u'ue kiluid aund Ill r,91i picser atthe umhutf $1. base feimaboodl. 'Julieimpuuatiui ii luuî Lth n utu]u,- laugvnously ; -3 eCvueucy; - - equali>'tise, as ina>' le gatIheu'ed fîouu thuu. PA'X'lTON -tOn thse 54 lui-t.," tîe %'sueÃ" tact of Mr. Miadonalid liniuoî',ujust inuisluil Lutest trafin Europeit.IViii. lPaxtn Est., Coutimy Trae r -,- f a tisncelioura' ujucecl, auuul tuai. Mr. Meubi fiiOn'tiino, cf ausoli,. maidoml, if aven tuistî's tliii.uous libutucues." 1iii Tus iTI' tiP lBALTIMOuRE To ilsiswe moy udd tul'Mn.eMou b alu nthdi l.'uule buget, aatuuuuueuiuced NE'W'ADVIERTISEMEIXTS. wau for 3'earti a shudeuit ndcî' Mr. Mia- i)ý thue'iuiu'ue NIS coeunecd lithe douaiti, and iii Lis esuni> profélfrionalî careerIl -iouueet'f ceut-iieis oiii the 22nd 11101110o. r#e Black Hawk Uhe seu ilistebtedti thicAtîonuy (jieu'nuii' V ssssnf'leuseys l'n m tuiugiuu'tiu .uu Il-. T. lkaijuu iml offîte oppousitiuon ina Y'oung poibtieisilihiîe Mn. Moîî'cm, îie"îoni', gunuîti'uui itiihuîîhoui cf Mr. latoiue's a tet up î'udelyin uPuri'ioieiut, flt]uibgue 'l lt utct.u i iuuu ' Y, Mn. Macdionald tisele, %%-ls eiuougb uou'ùuiu- 'Tue oi %ivhaou us uuaiuuiy uirectudTi J'î le t cu.'iiuueul urult uit -j um iiuusil )y tejusii'y allue rt'nouutîuueut siîuîeîîif uugiiuuu;theLu i'îcai oftheîî'paper duties, antid .ttu I n'u- li tl luliu. ti'u'uuiii met masoc. Ih is cil ii'uniuug counalfsandti th uiofiutuucculhue dulhies oui teae uiu lc ' î.ue t-. I. t .1 tuustuiltit tl-uItig m isneici til. ltof 'euî. rufiinu that thu lt- hi tuiul>' g lveitiud suguur. lLEVIiFAIRBIANKS,~ takens; uandu if Mu.'. hloua, siL v ith i iii ii-i- It i stuitdthuit, oun the 2h st ultinio, the 17hn.ut'hu. euciluecluutaî uhuuus hue ctus nul'lN o u(li%, fou%iuhng the impo hurtantuh bahe in the .-1 -.'. -- rage tîsmu îrohiihs oft iue las liuedid off leItu la hiiiesrlaiet h siyo ocasionm î'e'nedlo %u ohareo îuodutb l i utctiuubi uiuhotu1eus"of- ,.. Souuuilleucr alr Iciilnlhldeia ceiteience seulmpecuiy ccevo hi'aa.icl iee0ii uuitl i .formur uiu'neuuîuior oflieurs, theise a5 À Southi Aixacriciti 'is 'ui h)ustroyed by jouity ofi' unîî eu nnuitin aon or' accepiuthig ~ >tu~ nuu fiiqule lu iiohlytif (3euuut Cantour. 'The I'iu.nds Q B,' lie Norihernu'îi igsuclit ane the iitei' 1 11suc,1ain boîtes thsflictVt hor aiso o ligencaci' thue totial desu'chosci leîuîî uuldl uliutre le tlu.ut poliu'>. 'The (Chain- IIItiuiettlutîe<"ure'lc'ees ut tsi l ofth uin u 11li' p ' o urufuîillolhh~ et Mendoiza, iii tue Argentitue îîcpîlit lierci' Deutiu'u, on the 22nd, ugrccd, b>'1 tin>"h"sut i lue T,' 1"u tIs î fuiltu'tlit 'uuusuge lut M.eut u.. i duuli, thie '4It'luluv (Pii Icil (La Plata) b>'nul eanihqum.luc onthue eremi- a large iniujumitv, Ici taiekîu ti) cotssitlrutiicn 16,s. .I. tir o'cîheus u'ceflc uu hue i'o'uoo. busg ai' tIse20.h etfiîîrcii thelu e'u'ch (if Gi'balibin rci'cu'ncîu to Ilî T.ciOR 1dlA'TN, Tise town, mhih clîciltined a uinruuaiol arniing tlue couuuitr.u'Townevu Cleni. ci' rom12,00 l 15000 iului.btoiîî, 'hue nuus fueun 'Totulon ai' prcîuaiatioîts Pieu-tert"iMl e 7, ut-n.Y of fein12,00 t 15000itilitbta t s forie-lu'ging tIse hFrench trou.'pîufroum Synia situateti onil alevai îplainu oustise eil tdccliicausetl an illpuoveuuuît nî itisa uids ef j vit>' ai'tLe l>urinunilic rnige of tise AtudesI ie.hum, iet, buut i tlse Ilitnetsof the tmi-kcî ,' nt an cevaîiouu cf 2,891 teci aboî'c tlicseul, uas flot tuiuy umelutaiteu. loua-, .tuue Bttes, iîvl< liuuterus4or. (ici,. i'nu.iutBa.ildi,uanutiSsuviiup Su' the las! syjl i iid temt'iaiîunt (uf tut cu Lill V' ii. I)lui rrauit, lsv aluiutudtd biih by ANS) .isBuits, T5uid ltuulueutuniu, (In. I'u.utuiuuuttulit 1l11iiil I ui i uu'l$o sei~. cil',t uiurge stduuuui uuuuutid lma, etli 2ueul it,%ill) guud lipluloina itame 1urhles i ia Msàuuiersilla. I)u. I'tinnuuim itt.. a de'rep if the C'ourt of Cltiuury utuuu,'l l u i tii se, liuurnuiurdate lue7t01utuv of' "elutiuir>', IO, cunI au ourticr ouithism cuiuut iluuct'uug dalte tuje oriui di>' ut Miirclu,16,,uuuti Witiu hue tiiltuuubltiui ai of IL11 artili,1,M . luln tf ij u.i cl Curt ut Wluitby, %uVili . coiti oi Saturday, thue 25t day of May, 1861, At is.'huîuu of heu cf thue dock li tthe foreuioeu utt he Auicîieus reeus etf ME SSRS. F AIRBANKS & MACDONELL eu ci. ry 'n ana distance îî'am thc Anuanegu volenuuo about fifîy.ive Muies. If sn counîuocuhy lieut 'ai' un'burnt bricks, cotutaineti a large paniuim cLurcli, coîiemnd uiothar buildings, anti wsa aplaccet'fcoutiiderable iportanico au an outrepot ft adotibawccusCiibanud Bueanos .Ayrcm. On lime aveniuug ai'theo authsuaake iseo "îuncoesive ulioclîs seee tot beîureeîî ciglt and îiîîieo o'lock, uviichu lasti Lbut a loir seconds, but seeaof auch ueu'niuy as ho deminoy every tiîrlliuug anud public building in tLe llace, seul e tas ofi'lite wsu ilu leaut 8,000 an 10,000 poi'sonus. Wiuoic famillcessecre iuutitlythy tiuuytti, andthte few tint oscapeti ut-re lofti hiuusesmandi tarvingq. In audditia o etis. Iororsoattise eartlsqtsalc, a fine brolie out i theîrenus sehiali detrayotithe lit-cmofai' saumy uho hle 'eCaapo4dstriuction fioni the cucîhiquaica. A mare terriblaealambîy hli e t ocaumneti for man,' ycnru. -h sewureponiedt lai eue on twoamaHlsr villages hli eLn dtimroyeti but the report lackedcti uiînatiouu. Tisa qutasiropso bues tiroseisa gloeun ocrnthe seisle 6f Chili, cm many oattise iaading ami' lieu of Santiego, seho Ladl gone 1e reuie nt Mendoza oui accouit oft tieir politics, lied penimîueti. iLe-ceuinencial coiuîmani- t,' of Vaipuiraiso alima arc ilccyîto sallor huent-ylomucu, nas nlarge tmatie wscarnieti ais between tie îwo lplaces. Job hItr, us Euglishisnan fuomus Lais- cuulline lof't hluhisoue butrime townsship of 1st O'xfordl 'sitt) ihie intenton purciesiumg mUnd In Illawck ast fait. île Iad a conu- iideobl u mof ii oncy lusilubie po.sssious. îl lue ut bcnc ard froun silice use loft. Tise more tinderandutdtelicato tie blos. nmsm of joy, tise uuurer musut bc tIse)landt tlIat seill culiIlium. Exporte ai Portnt sIitby. Per ucLoonen Raleighî, 140,000 foot lumbai', A. T. J3utton & Ca. Par schooner Qneen of tLe h'ay, 22i Apuii 4.,300 Lusiiels et l'eau, 11ou. S. Rie nanrd, Moitreai, 1»' R. E?. l'ami'>. Par sehuoouuer Cafaraqui, 10, 100 busielu l'aIl wlmeîuî, hii. S. Senard, Mlotitreal, 2Ouh April, hy 1R. E. Penny. lPen brig Dundonald 9,027 Luscelu spring ut-bn, Gillcspie Moilait & Co., Mous trul, b>' T. C. F"or'man, Prnce Albert, 31,th Aji. Schiooner Royal Oiak, 8,167 bumielu upniiig v'lieat, D. Torrence, Moiinrmi, by IL. Il. Laseter, lst May. Selcooer Sardinia, 8,935 uiaelu spring seat, Janes L, Oliver, Mantreai, b,' G. Paxtoîn & Ca. Scaounan Belle, .1323 Lusialu ping sleunt, ownen'm ortier, Monincai, b,' Gilbu & Bro. 7th Meay, pur uchooner Caroline, 3834 Luhîiu, peau, Win.Rus & Co, Monuneal, b,' Hamnilton L& Robants.i Scioonen Royal Oiak, 9163 buahlJm uprnîg seueat, Ii. Stnrnem, Moustnoaî, b,' C. D>raper k Ca., on acaount ai'tise Ontarior Schooner G. A. KJ'litmucy, 4527, bumiels spring urmat, Gordion, B3ruce & MaAuliffle, Nuit Yorkç, b,' C. Draper k Ca. ExxoRTS 'EU 0. T. IR. 26th Aptl.-Siduue,' & Creseford, Mon- trenI, 36 kogu ai' powden; Mitchiel k Geen, .4 burrels aggm; 1R, P. Clar'k, Trenton, i berne[ ale; IW. T. Seening, Montromi, '2 heguLbutter; J. f.. bMciiian, Guelph, 3 Legs flaur; 1). Fond, Torouto, 2 cnniagcu; Eepartment of Crown Landus. Qube, Matthe18111Xi 1~ IseTuieut lu1, I Auuurutler, iii fi leu Tuuse on lîc uitîer ht-i i luet',J itule, eus l iia coni0it', u u'uttal suleuuuu'itt tierecs, lii u aluî.Iiestious tît Wauleri'ru"u ,biq.C'e'î LandtiAgenutl>îu'uuiuu ANIttIcw ILSEI 17 Assistanit Ceuuuni&sioiucr. Department of Crown Lande, Quebea, May .3, 1861. NOTICE lu lucreby ,giluiitt ilcu1111114sfiii .'te 'nusuuuLip u.f àautctiiuss i.uouonr iasuIt ste. Maria, U. C., seil bu ipui ersus etçlsuOnai ftor tflil i' orJine, 1ou1,i u lumiC onîditionî et actumutti uatlauneuut tiiuetui, 1u1)01, appluiction to Josepi lmu icEsq., flnoseuuL;ouitiAgeit ai saist Si. Marie. ANDIR1USSELL, 17 ~Assistait. Comiuilssboucr. Houe. for Sale. T[uIlîECIdWeii tig ltic iii l'anny'mi3hBlock, hahai>' oacuuîici lu> J. Bais], Euq. 1150E1.Le. 1'E1lty. Wlli.by, Ma>' 8, 10131. 17 JC1NG thua uiolîtl 01114t q uarter (uf Lot Na. 26 B1 lu tuetcC0mn. cf lWlitb>', entetinîuug 60 atiu, uItuîuîeti seituuî Cîo ed a lîslf umulesu cf tlt tuSl'csof Wlutby. Fer teus i&e., ep> te S. IlCCciIiihA7E, isitMa'71561. 17'Biuî TOWN 0F WIITBY, Thei olosu uiig preluert>'imut hea luté: Ist. Theo tirwut o ci' uuuuc '2 Ioîvuslot uuutiii.r usuue.uuhucui tunc ii iesmuid tuseîoetW hitby, miud lueliug 5uart o utlt No. W7, in thua Broieni knut CcIi., 09cille 'l'uîniuslhtufW i i lstuge Cîuîteot' ut* litani o. 'Ilere ha fs geot barn. iil iit, iuiud il M111111 I ilt-cllu ug uouile. -wiul. 'rue c eutid lut, th i.. urthiî Iif uuf Town' lut No. i;., '1lu.tuuCIL .5, li)the ul o "uwiuf W'uut- ýjtiti bcinsu jut .1suuid lut Nu. 27. Titru teus o eil angout jweuiug Luse,îunud us&usuienv ut 'i u 'iuu ize fuu c uru' oui ta a Wse Lu i iess, hIiere u suilguud yasrti coneuu'te t fil u i lul' Ord. Itl'l.c huru lot, the uuuu'tuu uuuui'.i' h"seîuluit No.. 11, mius , iîu .ne.l. hu sull 1 uuuuti' Wlittu, uu artueu of'e' ult Nuo. 26 huuntiiesciti litiuuli Fus i"nuust eucssieiu 'lsse eil amusuali uran. iuiu tu-le oui tili, ut. 'l."e plu reisser or iuuiiuclususensetofuisclof tilt seilt .u4, e.aut t tisetuuuCsl' siepuy doteu c 1ueîuusit. uit icis uer cut i"'Ille lîan-ciuase inionenv tii t lie N e euseluri'ci'IL. eol ueutuuî. iwistiunue isiuîtutiiIruui hufie (,lu> olsuulle, fort>' pern t ofii muidptitA t îuunhsuseuu r u.'uaîgli utLnhlhedeliocit ta )i.ke unelstit tlel I.puud.cluî> uiey, and mie, hi Lui secuired y t i uuu ,tuoucel cusu dt notei, o uieiugi' uuun hit -0liiu'e g, lus ui.sy le Slutei-siuue.l lîy Venduulurm' tSelicihcr. Theli umort I utuge telu e..rej ch tIs tij xutuaihieuo uriie il lscl utluer urespuectsi, tIse Cou,)fhtians ai' suie suul itho u t ille l t.otrýodubu i Fo.- 'uunthun 1untic uîhuur4 apply tlethe Aunctioui- n.s %destis. l'sinibuuis m aciloell,uti WV. luVfoueyu,5eijuuu' olicitun, e. C. Joui & Itherm,uSocli'tmnu, 'i.rcilu:o, anuufti f t]i- sagiud iet I u t ti le iCuouru. W. Il. . Il DAIITNELL, «%'lilor, i).eior.7tlistr Dutîd May' 8, hýO1. TO0 TE ACH11E R,-.. T ~ Il M Outarlu, Bourd iofPlibe Iutuoîuu mill 1114 heiu .i Seuui.A uu,lixiuuaingtuuuout Tcuuulters ft'e uaCiutuity îtl'riuucuî Albert, eu thue 80tShauîd BlAut'!MAIlisext, at c'Cluck A. ':Ahi applienits tanorcru iflu'atom stlbcafarsard s <lu.e suui uimi tise Cuthi,, u nuîd uuhfimninui s huluuîr uiuiice iii' gieuh turceturcer f'ront thicir ruisîeetine Ciergi>inQiî sud Miiistersi. R. Il. MIORNMON, Cirnmaus. Wlittoy, Apnil 20, 18#1t. 17 VALUABLE PRBPERTY FOIR @ALE, teeu nanticl aceres, Two Excellent Dwellngs, Fuais suiîuubîu for a geiuicI fuinlît, aund quise reoii',seiths puehoiousu eîut'.ifecs, rnu, uia.- Thuona arce 'nlich, coulndtiarieiu couîeinjuig e'ur>' vmhrety oi' fruiit tracs. Thouei.-s iuuvr- taiiug orisiruus t'wseter, sud in a Itody> suflilcient fon humsuuuiifuttriuug piinpens. TIie prepenu>'lu sutn ited litlVihut at Of Whiiby, imimediitc.. ]y' oppoisia Cne Grand TnuinliStationn astise biscie ia nditiselbc sl ns rt oriions ur 1toe-ter o iýita dasirablu ptare uusr- Tcrnnuliiserci ; ardtI lh beexeisang'd ferfatenus The abovpreportylsoinoât dcslrably iiuiateet fur lain'ig oct 1lusàfuilduuig Lotâ, or would sunit a icarketiardrer treuuIts centanity te bine beus. Ap1uhy la GEORIGE B. hIALL, Port Wiitby, or to JOHN HAMER GREE-NWOOD, Solicitor, &c., Buc.'-St., W iby. Wittty, lBey 8, 1981. 17 RO"CKING- UORSE, ~oh- ET D0i MNa0 orSOIIOPIEID'S 011> StAND»' 12 pLxT, Pipritor. 2 Kiî.d p-iblelsten10eiMy talc Aud 114urk thuoot lizÀay?0: mule, 1051 l wnl vîc'y re thvou*lrtho leptbY Dot, 'ep . yiivlsv' luur hoîld ot ho niss 1 Unto usy j aliad vcruqci oollauion- Toyu thst woistbrasumd îire worthbpY1n9# Certain tu stop ai]l skusimnd ,ërylng ue!s Ànd of È llrl nh'bc 1 uaken- '4 Bcbg ltiu ltaber e obroken. mi . uitbýVog odl IWeil moy y , y ma tii. anyo ri T u e. lare e tolîis l î lud bru ds , n d b od , el; Aî.d couîbe, and tmiliz 'moispu, a"41 %e~l» ib,; Anidinaîbi und ni&tU, iiuingusidinetting, P # I'uifuery ta putf'tu Aujd Us haiboté, ousd pins a&Z ring., W hu n:uuk:ethe lîituîlsnîncst toile. s l Ivu beuokets, boardm l'on elueuk 'uidoluesu i âes Anddomiioeý liayeti 1 ny 511m' 9, NiWltii crd s l'or lplay mund coev ntiaiti ' (Js'erA glg$%sesfor tio nattioni, relu Jewelry for ramîk and istation, 1 ek ' r u ne displayed n ecuisi n. Brouolies, rinrîà f and canis, :and pondantm, 'I àle O ç'utieu5, too, VinweUll tijlieâ, pAnd tlieme wlîcî onceutuuey havte h&'n tried Wijlgivo uîy esltounitssuali piea'%ure, Ps, My maies ntuîst proeper wiîlîou ineasutre. Sne,, iweetuinecti, and enlieand miles, aand candies % 'itii luzCiigut4, 1111(j dët'ops eauied branidies;"; Cinfits, lmio idopsd eriekerê, wls. llubby.-Ilurmuts, toits anid rackers; cms I.4.î tiuiu, Uitiigcs uuil ir1ui, Aplîîie, usts, a&id pustuat ' Staîioniery Lti lu reiuy, m Ati en.veloîsesuids mn-e thon* tweîuty i er, iaituw,iu.d oueîîs, pans sud IsaldÃŽri, Boxes for twine, .aIuool bu1.s, and ccr>', ud toy-books. ini wbiab goad boys glorY. 1Ilhave b&-iicu, 1 do deire, A. AUi lit iiwoed. &ccd willow.wiire W. plates disiî"s, tubs prints andpedr, W'Mnidteiu, rolliug-puus,, wîd rocodens. )Y. ('redits for laitei, ud biuby's dclu, as. Cage# for birds, parots ai. dpelle Basket.tue ei issniuifatîilre CO 11or thai. utreat iuaker Mr. Ilcugster. 'olu,uau, , have a more, C,(.gurmI the boit broc ii li era beforie 1 'i And lipleo oai' ery à zo snd kuumd,' Bu-i fu . i o ct ai tiiie, nioîîey, amîd imuid. o y u %y imusie, tue, and Inîstrumencts, k q a r u j î s t o ie o r t w o t. a n i e uo t A , Beiug by iii 'si.'ilwitu usre mulet.ted OX Noîîî, but ta Lest iisuy Lceuettý. 11 lcl the geotis1I(lo supiy ily C11uACIslete Pl euse 'il try, My Iy rices înuuver wiil bu bigu, 16 Now iier b, tu teti 016 nue sd buy, k. i A f ur tu g ainîth ie pu ubli t f ivo , l'i0ln îy evtry Clu au&vour. 11IJGII FELITZ. Swlîtlî y, f7, l'uts 17 m ACSALE WILLAM CERYA, Panif Whikeys-domestic Malt Tocldy n ct, rn ie Rns Wiuens &C., whli.h lie offers et Inanufacturera prices. T. .1.MMILN 15Brook Sreet, Whitbr JUTST RElCE1VED, 1.66 BitLs. BEST QWAL1TY. MfiE 1)ILY IIERÀLD. NRYS:f An Eveuuing luaper, li e ulibuu ut l a iuuli- Sattur'day .A/ternoon, 2lfay il, 1861,>~ Dy AEX. ]ROERTSON, HAMILTON & ROIBERTS, 1¶Ileral6-1Jwiii eîiiîtau lue lateet iuews b>' 1 T l t ' u l andt h le i'tMa ilo u p t.) 2 u 'elcek, 1). li, umiu the <Iusy ut'l'il itiiuouu, I1h lu ituudad hi> !ute tule'urtl(Illtt urciutboî u totilîiuerciuil Ill- telDhureuuuL,. tui suil daboad, >0 igluul p- lies iuur"eli ii nue, tiarl, or uiuere.luuuut' t.Z' 'li uIL]%'uuVs bu utble ho iiieî, veriutent lIuîarli, hy relercIeucte)uiits uîiluimiis. lui 1;"îIitie.s thie Ifcradelîl Leilaep'leît, 'ii,îiuituiel!, tuueine uLeginl.tive aeue Aduuuuuuu.t utvu. etenu,. ii, vuutvpaty cuiuuatiliv, Ius o0 irlelalcud te conserve ths H-,,lli ou' tue pc, ie, iue cure eceusoiiy hls Uic vw'. Wehicly leraeiula lrge leluct uhiiiiiiui uigi tic e S u.titIseweek, an lite Da'ui, uili bue lunii eu'ry Smiui rduy uîuonuuiug, cuunusuuiiîg àluiv IS, 1861. 'ÉL~ius.-Per %full, DAuy feald $500 per umuiiuu; *2.5co fa'r uixinuiutlis, or £i.Oe l'unt.eu Tel' Con-.vmusioe.-,Any jrtie, reuiltlig til i i u c 'i u o u l i v e m i b u a i r s , w iju t e rti n t e m s ai ne 1 i " D E I i v u 5 i01 - i v , w i l h h i . 1 1 1 0 1 1 4uq e , b L e f n t i i f l î r t ' d uI y u t 'c i lJ u i > ' u s x , i l l r e u » e 0 e u ' o .ALEX. ICOBERTSO'N, 17 J 1181111114011lluuîllîu CJIANCERY SALE 0 F VALUMLE FARM PRO1>RTY IN CHANOERY. IiETWEESI JOSHUA RICHIARDSON, Plaintiff AND joseph Pierson, by bill, anti Zepiua. iili Bilair, John Braveumer, George 'bhurstcn illi, acd Tihos. NMoody. josephHlml, ThaeIBank ofMontreuul, Jaîuîcs IDavis. 1). Crasefoii, îand Rtobert Campuîbell, Rolicrt E. Perry, iloe'ell W'otudnsil Wi. Blair, Jeohn ,*toutehouse, NV in. Jackson, Sir Sanu. iusel Morton Pcb. Thomnas Brassey, Edsu'ird Lodds Batts. Malcolun Camu. e-ron, Samuuel Burli, Jasc Hugginis, Jaineut Ritsom, 'Vii. Simith, Patrick Pauge, anti Robert J. Wilsonu-moade pal'tics bustise Mastar's Office, De. jcntiauts. I N ru uonuue e of th e D cre a ju ld itimil order for ale a uduhli amuse15, diuileulresleu tiel>' t e twLitli-scoiid dc>' o' Noevuber, VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Will Lcifureti fr maleh 12 'cîck, los, cit' th EIGHTEENTH Day of MVAY, .At iu-Avtlii Ritnme MOSSIS. I dirhllks & Macdonell, hlltT>lu-E J ,, lN TRE wtitua n pruobtion ai' G. ml. 1>.irtuuli, Es' w,,thet.oNeliter ofthim Iloînriubleit'uirtliii W1iity :-ul 11111uuîuisiizuliu' tiiîculîtuilsl pauruai or tract c' o ulnul îuprnuuimes ulu uu.uu ., 1>' lutz, tutti i l t~ iihue Tc,um-i uuus ot' luuiuu.,tutei'î c î up u e u lo r i' p a ur t o f« o l. î t ii î i l l e r c i g l i t . 1 % , tiu eBroeniFroint euuuCe-sîil,uutu l'tu sihul '%i'uu- ship of 'i lth' ; LCotiuiesiulg ut fii.cîu'il-u anglet f itid u tdiva mo utlu iuei j tcuu eftht, rty-ler lai, cullaseuiy-iie fiuu' Mienu ommi u mety'tuur dcizies,caussi Cent>' chas uhuu etIshehcrn uillinit of suillaut ; ton uui.iu sixheutu degrttu, u-est li>îy-utirlaiuu, miilla t>-iuelis, Iuuur o e nî, t tua m: lusauceu 1rroudainutMie rer citie sali cuco- son; t tiumu eît.iusoerit>'.ir dlaree, Wset tweîuty clisimins, tuent huwe et bogiuuuuiiug. Tie popeni>' sel e ol itc olot. 1h cou. t i n â t s ta b e a i 8 7 u ac s b o u t t t e » a # s cu n u l u h a contalu vaube lurtiuood. Tuiera lâ a gooti Brick Dscliug Iouéo upn the pranie ; aise (ele Blurti,two e itisd& antia a tblo tiiurei.- Tlere ls g quti Orelart li tfull bning upotu t ul e l a n id . A c r e e l i r u i s ,, i r cu g i u p a r t n I t h e land . T i t a in ie s ab ou t th uce nl fus i uui tÉlu Tow'nsersni 'hiie.cumsbhay goul reatis*. Tite condiioni'suiS' e'il'ce the tiidiisgc condiins orthle Cîurt,xcptisq folloses§, amui* ' --A deposit ei EIo for ven> Ludred peus I f i t Le pu r c o s a n s i o Y , t e Lu a p e i t l e t I e V u i ' d o n o l i é S ri î i r s i l i a h e im . u ef t C i eh e . , a l l a t i e b a ln c e w Ii l tu e u e o.le iti nu r i o u t t r o u e thedas>' f alaet ithIi iterest iit miii lier cent ler a n siin uu. 'I le tu rc lm e r it tai t i tat i i f al e t e t i gq i u a u i g c e i s e u t f r t h e c e u i u i mI u ti e a ' t h e sel e ctitled toca coiseyacneeuntu te loci lnto possessin. Tieue lnprty wsel linuitil ubect te suy titxos dueoiit itii pi eîusiie. 2Fruier prticulars sid conditions et ale mut> be obtiisd ai Il. J. Mtedeul, 'luiiitill" S'>ic ior, C u ni.lionne W bi l .T; 1R ' J. W ilmon, W . Il. Billisg u, ,it nd <. I l r$.'1 r inyne, Emsq , s e l c t r i4, M W i i. y , cU ti 1c i n u u n hu s ci Mator utishe Couirt. G.I.lh. IJAII'TNELL. Huiser.1 Wlultby, LIUiil t>, 56i16 IN CHANOERy. - 13FTWEEN ADAM SPEAns, PLAIXTIPP, JOsepm Planson, b> bill, and Zepha. iiihBlir, Jolîîî Bravener, George. Thurkîtun Ilcîl, ausd Thomnas Mo'dy, Jomepfli Hlil, TIse Bank of Mautit'aal, eJuttse Davis, 1). Crac ford, anti Rober't Camupbell, Robert E. Perry, Powell Wootiut,'Wuin. Blair, JohnI Stonchotmie, Win. Jackson, Siru. E dward Lacld Botta, bMalcoîns Cam. eron, San ucl Burk, Jeunes Huggins, Janies Ritsil, lVsII. Smith, Patrick Page, antd Robent J. Wilscis-made teltieSxi i Cl)cfoa imd , fna odr eePcmuusuloies irous of îaung aveu>' attcle td§NnhduY 'Of APnil, lsGt, tise 1i;lluwiiig rcrq au îa'uainîrces to suie tise timus, mu'u wouid-say SValuàble" Farm Propeitty, UallatNo,2MefpherY"'sBock seul La effce or rsale iit 12 o'cloak, îuoen, r o s eft hu EIG TEE TH AY MA Rnore purcîiasing eltieuclire HIavung mauu1extensive purchaîîmoIli tiseanivîuric'fiunau, Attise Anetion Recuis cf compriesuil) part Messrs. Fairbanks & Maedoneli, Kucovadp, elned, granulated, *Crshedl and Lump Sugar; Teas-Yong Hys.î m nd Imperial ia chests and Caddies of 6, 8,' 10, 12 andl14 ibu. BR110K STREET, IN T11LI ach; Black in Oolong and Souchong; J'ava., Laguîre 120111vN a3lIWEU23"IU9end Macha Coffees, Uiae, Currants, Fig., Witmi tisaapproatiou n ofG. I. Dartn"hIl ,Euq.,Poan ezBrlyCoaad te Munler ce Lii6 liiralbln Court at 'ihittL, MPot a er, .le yo , o cai umil cut iuiigiar tluuut eritiam or n tract cf h CieLeon r a nge 1 cuu land îîil ruims ssitite, lylout,, aîd ing , Ctrninar lte Townushuiip oai'tby, li tise Ceunty of Onu. ]P ckles, Sauces, Spices. FIsh-Dry Cod, 'White Floh, Salmon, Labsters. &é. tarie, lin the Provî~'inue o ati ausdit,cuiuutiniuug an 0 à 'O a, % V - B3e tue euttisne or iesu', boiuug aîuuposzed aif .r Per'm aud Tailow Candica, Fana,'. Toilai and Cominon soup~ uaurts cf Li.ts uuuuuubers and uto uiuuîiegîuuecu, ult frtluc Ilusi iuu îoîî of tise usiti.roishslip. 0 dluscruh .e i u lllees. ] Cutuuuiuiuug Wli'u'e uot st m hc,, plausteil Èo - - N4 oui the oust liuia uit' Lot 1Ne17, atîu disatusuicof ~" 110 ctuIo u t a eouuusc uiortl, 16 dlcegrc,, wcut, Plor, Oat, Con and BuokWheat Meale. Died Hamus'aud Bacon. D4ed aitd freuii tise Ksu l, alt a gle f hue muid lot Ne. 17 Green A pples. thîl i ortil 16mde4rreswcsî, e cisius'tiiten souiil 74 uiegreu, t ch, mrcsiu.,ner urles 'ýO; Ç tu ttci w sen i isiit ui' tige 'uuulj lot 17 i tMien 't întlu 10 duraun 's'est, 17 chaseuti niT20 his ' uies luuulflis4pe eu -t 10 e ueiiis aluren or Pont and Sherry W'utuies in wood anti hutties; very stsperior Pubaie andDan l ruuuiI ir, s o u t l u 1 7 l e z r e s c t t , 1 7 c h is i j i s a n d i 2 0 i i u i s : . a m a c a R u i , S c o t ch . t Lo d d y a n t i C o m u niu u u u i i s i u k L . . u ig d u u u e . îni n I e i r thueu suiitl 74 clegrpes wobccIli e houlus, more or BsesAe les, ti ho e suteuui iuuuiit tc i' lot Nu 18 tluu'u scutlu 1 if eu o eust a1 iaius; tlie n orttî R T L R , R C E Y G A S I 74 degrecu atit, '20 tiiuuii ; thon useuiL 16 e CULZ, IO KE Y LA S h NA, gruecs catnt, 24 aliuis ; thimeuuorîlu 74 degreet N cuiel, 20clidliis ; niuor i losi tu tue piacu of b-e. >Vlà.111!5ENVAÂE IN GRîîE.Vr'ARlE'rY. Tuepruucn>'uvil h shilho nulot lian SEEDS. hî'truuefs anti G.L"dQiuers unîtlluuuiil nlsice sarnpluti of Fieldi anud.G'uuiil taiusubu:.îceewll.ii a na isi.11 ' alel cral Seets nw, suait as une cauîl ucufduc rcuuuedt oi utnwu, uiiî'uc fhr, iami e îogusi. liesetpols tise uili ba duspouuud aof t low 'priats,. Saii entis uui; aIseoune Bari tuvo Dnivuts ShAsii.d auîStale. A tirea'i ristlruuîgh 8£W"Remomnber the Placaà-Nos. 1 and 2, MoPherson's Block, puni. 'iffLhu lud. e01, wmichtu uuerce isuuio a tu5unuuug nrwiamir. Tua fnnîuu liuabot i.tlsrce l'ernm Brook SteeWhitbn' tlue To mii ofcii' l tby, acces uabla b>' a gond L -& P W i L rod.LO IS&P W L The conuditionus ofusale wi eul he iuastandiung 'W'htby, Apnil, 1861. eonditionus of the.uart, exeepi. as tullewd tiaiuucly :-A tiosit of £10 for everv suinde P S.-For Saleon datlu dalut , 'leu Acres Primesa CC, la thso thue Vcudnr or ubis 8ahucitor, at h e t ile aithue T'ux t W at y . & n-le, iluud uu îuuî cttlh 1tocit Le mskie up eueo huuf fnths e u ), ofw illues'iihi temit cuiurou utu uî ', j tmua ruuho cf ix lier centu pr usiiiun franstltha day. Tisa residue te bu éecnned b>' unorugige S t. &5.L U N u1ioii tua preuuuhsu, payacble isI Octobur mcxi, o wîtll iiiui'cstt ciix péiîcent freîai tie day tcf 0i uretiit fer tue aîuupieîi.un aet tbapur. caliss cutj1ýi guou ayut of tisecaslai ortion-IL fth. flua uireluise uînay. acuti eantieui ut tise siti uiritgie u i itur uvili bu enilel teoUcui euuualuuieanus bue luiitu> poxser§'doui. .Beos to arnouiice t1ue at'î'îv,.iilof his rpîriing'ýl diuecon the re.unimes. Stock, which lie is deterrnined tî sCII at a sinal advancevi du COSI. Fonar îe lcutuuams and cundiîieis ni'sale o3 heL tStylesIn in aï . b « , b uîiu uiai f Il J . M ae o d eui l, li m uitif l's c o n s is t i n g o fSt eî r l e s Sululicr1 t uuurt Iloiue, Whitby; R. J. Wilsoni, W. 1H. BuUbî»s cuitSW. R. Umyn, oqir Mtustr of tuu Court. c Ieuueugî ~ ' G. I. DARTNEL, Mandlesi Straw l3onn,t, and fIts, R bbons, Gloves, Parunimr? &é. 'W lu th y , A p r il 2 7 , 8 0 1 . l P r i n t s o f a s p r o u a i y a d n w d s g , F c o y a i . - l IL t iuM. se ~ N G Noian& 2,TLL'8 BIOE HTX ÛIIATEFUL for thme man), favours bestowcd on hen Minceil.icir cam meeccentý 'il) bus.iness,'seoulti respectful ly iuîforîn, their patrons ren ban cL public gelierc aily, that they Lave jusi recebveti a complte assore'meniof SPRING -AND S-IUIMME-RGOTPDi WLiclî for beuuy of designi, nd style of: finish, cannai.4ïo sesrpassed in aay part uf Canada. Iluay compimîe, iin parti u follows; apiKnd'Suxmer Diesses, DUke Pafler , :Ïlo=nedià aiis Ksl Frouch lrmePrints. Prmnch & ÉEngliuh Priliits, 8Yiph, Cautiluimn u, il. roohi and-Turban Raie, Chidxens' mmmd' Nifls' HaiBonnetsRibbons,-Flow-* ers, Pather,'e'arasôoi R air Nets, Shmîwls, Cloaking, Dusteru, 811k Oaues,8,ew-d mienus, White aud fBrown* Cottons, 'Window JurtinsWnd*'idi~ Hollanidi, TaleLn, Damasku, Towelling, Sheing, Wceot of England Broad'Clothil, Wet o! Bngland Doeskins,'Casuimeres, Venetinel, Melton and FeAny> Coatinga,' Scotch, Yorkshire and West Tweeds, Cheviot and Augoiti Câafings & Trouseringe, Bedford and Windsor Cords, Russel Corde, Crotekî and Alpaga, Koleukins, Gamberoons, RentsickyJenem, Dem"M'm Vestinge aof ail Pattern, Serges, S'iitings, 5hirts Collars, Tics. andkýerchiefà, Praces, Has and Caps of ever,' dessnription, with a complete assortment of Glovea and Hosiery wuiI be fQind rulîc t e evmry utit'la eiibli for tlîe seeson, MADE HY OUR 0 W1VORKMEN, anti ut priti, considiug tîLe quaiîy of the goude anti uorknishnlip, th:L To enilanien orticning Clothiîng 'va votsid smy that hîavilig rcedontly 9cîne the gel.s- vices c9f a first cluiss auilcr anti cul"ter, oi; o 'las filieti a iituilar sit'itinn is E din. borgh, Gleasgoas nd T'oronsto, sive nacpreparil i, exuc aill rdur'î c ti sîhidi iays bue enircuteti, sitL neatncus and-despatch. A f:uur trial uvîll, we feel îîssiiieà; cauviuicei '4 Uottons T.able Linens, 'Loweliî gs, W indow IIola:xds, Mtsi1~ Mitts, Tick 'ijgs, Deuims, White Shirtin,1Carpete, Lheiiasks, &cJ Broad »Clolbs, Casimeres, Tweeds, Gambcrôong EParmcrs DriW Hais, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Braees: 0-7mREA4DY-MA1W DE4CLOTRjNG.'-< In Men and Boys- Coals, -Veste', and Paut,,of cvery style andi qualîy nmade o' the prçeeiss; :th fit and workznanüship =ny 1)4 ýdejiendedo. THE TAILORITNGDERnu1&li le under the s upeériîtemndeénce «ot' a flrst ýcjass Cuttôý', an»d, gentLc. nnfarighi;n *se,,L iein orders, mn,' rely o n having llse garoeeits ruadle ujî in ut seorkmânî,ik6maener, mand ln thbe Inînul stYle ai' fisbjn. D:i' A FRESH WücK 'OP aQFPEs8 -j1T.RE, vE. 'ail before prjhasiug eLsewbere, IRE, eNMBER PL IY'"BRICK BIILIJINUS ITW Apnil 17, 1801. COUt ,0F $-REVlsION.- D>UBLIW NOTICE is arce gît-n husuthue. br-dge ehM'iseet t Mn. lHugliu eGiil's. atithé* u'illsitr orai' podseeed in said TownslIlp on TU.ESJJA'i, tlmu lut kAY, 1881, mii tué hofffr or tuo e0alaai liheilueuireiscuii, fer. tIi. parpoa oftlilditug a Court ut le'snu Tgosslfp Clark. ý,Uxbridxa, pnil U1,864 1 D>YltOT STREET, sou-fl HOF'Tli E liohuaue,' Ie'tltmlc,' Wiultby. Et-en>' atei - tiouî giui , Cu (irole didfuse., usîl iini îcuY 'es, 'saurauutà. a tre or no puy, if; susi be ba t i ' isnw stokoiS-" T1fl3 subs "ý11ý ý1 ' Jpe;Dy :G;6o ',~ Iéh l ewàdl'callithe,.atent:ipu.oUJ9ouiiceea a s hie is d e te r m in i d to s el t -6, - ' 1si ýma f v a n c e > d' d , t f r a ll I, 'or Produô. - --4 v' > 'e on iii Ju "t recei'ved, a'large lot of Timothy, Claover, Carre, Matnzold Wurtzej &e, w4ic ho offersat, low prides 'for Cash only,' Thed lags u 9 et assorted stodicof Teaisý,Sigarsmi fes le 1 1 April 24th, 1861. lie bu ... 1 Il

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