Whitby Chronicle, 16 May 1861, p. 3

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M - u. uu4'om£Uw .1E0ri 1 IflDhe 4t.b sein la New Yorklc 7Gra n $1 23 frCan1ê lub, sndtl t? haetring. i l îïtrwl there fi Imord Ibquiry for mu to1he merket Advins <Tom Mfwau. report oloarao. '%.ý froM t1t81306 lut week tW the eîtent of M000 buabels iwbeat, th emater part goIIbg te Euflalo; a bout 20OO uhl Fui lwbeat bOre $1 I10 W $1 li Sprlng wheât 950 99d. -Obis 25é, Petatom sb2 o e25t. JC IBGAZIE UNUIEEy ATSEL EBA ,.E » 8ILVEJL NE Sdny cerlàain mcd 5cR, emedy for ml l îerlii, ,Ttibjutncolsm P#tjUj ly IIculIUes rroeularjie,, theeter isa"àlawhiilthe omàtn, Wife Tix«M cnua nodelet;iilug Inmeien. bat bm'W md m ld ILItheiraconThey wII ifbuud eXert the hopp1 at elecî inamil cae. or Prolap*uao Ufhi tu~rha rle hb l'y civ he fuîînd Ohma Cgîaiawtcertamn Cureiihat mn ha rund..i- Cr nm eseel t tuaIet e .feIw pe m~ire, 11. D., ARsco. ýntel Çoutîtics eof? Nr. 1 Drhtin, r, of JObUrg, lIalgr to bc Plerk of the Peau, llltnie cf Northuuiber.. 1u Inthe recta anda teas (lj. ectased. mu Hamilton, of Kingston, Law, t'O bu Cierk of! ýo 'lslrtsYf0ofthe Pro.; )srtsofAlgerne. rt oligihn f Torýon.* nt Law, to be a ýXôtary anada.- rusk GOVmItqoa(In EA, ualJ ta grant Lîcenaca te'ý oludo, Esqufre, M. D.,. NIew Market, Emq., M. A ndenseri, of Iocktoeî ppcr Qeniada, niatTinrii n neali aïe Dg tuite Otufaçtory. VolIN. -livesihan w York. Site reecheal - ,1Y, afLer a rtmn acrogt nu dayd; and elev. nnd of cap. Tîone (ilasgowy., uggestionut taerai Goverunien t te' ir p crposs; anal it IsR ulttons anc on foott' ibe ruade of great isportatiom- of larget 'armaeiîs -Iaccouint a pure, 1and Weil.bred vomers objucî Of violon sud e worldl. As mother, ha Womîln us u angel vaiid mî;tuke ahevoaii aasiuctifl d-and glorf, sA au cloutent or te the fieit cdamons. !ood lunlte heat,ýnd y anal silence ail hat spicable. -There may- and of glony la the Il of mcanhood, but, Od Goal'meuit aluighm, rhie§ olinensaud the of wlhic 40id the ln. ,or hia neason t <e. icious 01,dl ove utke Il je for this réuotu utPuueyltc paper) 'It isconfident. Iuciteus ofr1X.u tria) dicafd a Catltole Lu>' bofore her deeth liClerenont, and, sl lipon the Quedt et ltesaeatinte O f Btostoun ee li di suiris, for soidiero, twènty.foun ýheuri. monie of te ladie. te asistance of e( worn iL4ibeity anrs, arîd -ad' the d fiial>' ithin tbo. at te Pont oe' 40 busheluaSpffi (0 Ilon. L. Rceud, 670 bu81sprnt~nu 20., te New York, ber anal posto, by' là, lui. 1 on lte 1mr isy ethel.v~" itrd O - 'ALEX. k corsUo< T BT M)o W iýqm 9I City of Nol *1. F 1~~flOygn aster 0Aera OUTNIVMBERING IN ÂRITIN EYXOELLXNG IN TALE", 1 - & 81tii~1N IEIINEMENiTI Ailth~ bc ben hretofbroeaulUtho Aiensi preaentinir Ii oea raud ceS'uil * hie idjgdeterimned The Dry Qoodà departr Sor tih.eseauon>; eni1i SRING AM Delaines, Mu8lin, Bereges, CrsFeqhesRibb FANCY GROCÈîýi4, 'alarge n SALT > » LASTER - - _101 X frii - Al -kinds of Padcetaken b, ~ r t Bae !Taen, Ã"rt, itB nd frooldl, 3May 15, 1861. C. COSaM , fnai . BEFI D the TALENT I Fort Erie, C. NW., ri. y.I Mr.NL. vi J. North 1a ,i OÀcnr.Dhlar, ot(~iiIt ieic Iegeniiîe bave ird. J. Rebinsont Ci.Aljnîr fC.IRHYoîthe aulal. %wrappcr. WrL ' leur lale i&l repeoable )rugglit. M. *tike sdvers,ic 0 aiDre 11m. Kennedy, Clown, Mons. Starke. 100 f4omnersauîe jman, TRE subsciber '111 NEW DVERTISEMENTS. Mr. J. Lawlow, btor Air f. iobn,.nWbeat dolivvred at » iii r Il.C. S. flurroWs, Bokj,3a 5 81 elr.,». t,-. BoKellyl 5,181 M.- V. F.Nielhols, t 113fr.(G. JBogart, Mir. H Cuylo, Master Henîry North, P I G & S IN OC IANÇERY. Xacteer George North, lIV'TWFO N Maitter Hutbert, WILLIAM BENTLY, Piaintifl, AIfr. W& Tlwwpson, ~lNb . ir. llenedict, Mis@ Catilît,B gst f lo Zchnifth Blair, James Huggints, PMad. Rtobinson, a n u .Josplî1 Picricot, the City Bank, th(. Miusa Anuîie Rtobinson. Sok hc ei ee iflagnklof Moîtireni, Iphraim White, 'ogether îvith a bost ofP1crformein Stcwi1 ei d 'tr tanes Aimond, antiJîune Wii f~et o'of JOIll 'aves u or ui THE STUD 0F HORSESali Crawfori, iuobert canî1îbeli1, Rotbert TA1l.MANY, O4lVOT 13EAU'rY,9 E Ebentezer I>rry,- W ilia in Blair, ilU lE, N ATCIHiZ, f ohn Stonchou8e,ý David 8. Ogiion lîoJ3N, GIREY EAGLE, Manties. Straw Bonnets, eord, and Jittnes..M. lltwder, lis. ISE SU~S, s, ilà, Prints of a superior quahit' t'îgoet oniRobent Il. Lawder Wi. AtAli, BLAcK iri ssCoon TbeLinsT liantJacksonî,Sir Sautuciillorton VULTrabeîW.ns T PEtowaroncddlttF Tix otîs n Ciîsuy ,mr .rzQ~~Mitts, Tickitigs, Denims, Edaî LddIkls Miclîî cit- ÃŽ,TJiA J EN 1%Y, ilEL13AltiZ Broad s eron, k4anîel Bîîrk, Carleton Lyn de AZ iEP ltCaie s and Johan luticon,, ly ilyln. J GZE Eun'Jle, ToM.%1OlothCa s, Carsiers,e Dufendianso. !îOîîuuML................. &.N..~ fas as hrs is ANDvuui oJ.i................ AL,All. ~ 11L D X NluititCASTELLA îilli Itîtîke lidierii îit- James oirul Excetittor of the mitlli, tii a ilîngle %virenot) out lig, ut i In Men and Boys Coats, Last IVili anud Test:tîîieîi Ut hecLId ,(Iul.tk 1. lit., O()il titdiifcalI qualiiy made on the pî'emi Williami Bentiy, by aituîded ly ~ j Wn.Ly of revivor, depended on. Piairttiff lMAJOR t MAIEAIy'.S NolyYonir Brus. aici wPîIIel thie (,rîitd Uuvauede lito uteluTE E T AII O AND 1r L it Oo9lokil. nit.TH A L R Zephaninli Blair, Jamtes Iiggits, Ndewcastle, McaY 22nd, îvell Exhibft Is under the superintende ,. Joseph Pieîsoît. iThe City Bt kil, l' it lVlwr n ,TIIIJRNDAY, May men favoring hiert with their orderti The ]Batik (J Montreici, É,iuitr.iiti 23rl, Toronto, M1ay 21lja ad 25th. worktnanîike mannrue, and in the lat 'WhAtb, Jamtes Ahiîord anîd Jiiics I)(diSijit .1 ttî nd 7 o* .cock. perfnorinîuie F E H SO K0 Wilson Executorls of Joihn Brave. ttî tuu' îîu.îe lit1ilf titilt ur iiftvtrwurcî.. 0 R STSOKO tior, DavidCitrawforil, Robent Catip. A>MPS-SION 125 ClENTS;. No IîAuF icuiE. Cail before purchasing el.sf bell, Roibert Ebeîîezcr Ierry, WiI Z1. (G. CORNWALLRMiIBRPR liaîrî lair, Joîhn S olhlise, tIt'ci luiv id eiii gnt EEBRPR e.. OgcleîîFotrd anud Jîcîtîci M. i'.uwuî» E, cteni geit April 17, 1861. dee, wmidgilte8 (if Robert Il. Lai.v o'r der, WiliicîtJackson, Sir Stîuu.IAttsuiu.1 Morton Pelo, 1Bar'înet; "Thoilas -TO i'.rAxIIERS lirassey, EIillard I idl IBett.y, Ml-t COUNTY COUNCIL ONTARIO. colin Cuiîîerotiî, 9anîuiîl Bitrk, Ouî1F r"iEOntaurio Bo:ind ofi'Public Iîuutriet toit Lynîle tiitl Joitt litson,(Ity bll> i. boli lictue iiii-AiuiuuuiExainei and Jostîipit i li, Ocongu l'îîîîrsîon ~Tea;c-ionitfor tii Ctuity dut lriucu Ait linil, Thomnus Moouiy. Jurnes Da~viisueBtî ti Si_.QA iet t ' POweili WooîirtiiPaflui LaIutiuîîéltA Pliat o etfcae iis ûf ind Rokbert John Wilsonî, uthade ntt Atis i(ItuC-h raiii parties in thte iastcr's offlee). _____________iis dictorvoit iilL tir Sui aîîd îîîîuu lhfeidiîs.~ IIi"rrgiiîuirliait UktiY îuecîiIig cfrthue fruin t lteir rilpective Clergymcenîundîuitiu PIîrinîluit il eerue ofthue Coucrt tof 1 Tiî y .L (iyttl-uit, il i lic e tc'I.l i i h ( Oent ChaiToR r litit, lt iti eîmîe, lîatt iiug u te tc Outlî lit iu., liiiflict owiil 0f Vii'tI l i V luT.Ami 81 uhan telteteluber. 18,59, îîuîdlit "ner d'il' ttiA tu cariAoi 2, 8 boitîiîllf data the -)Ottl dit>- if. îI, I oi uesda.y, the 4th June et with thte apitniîhtîtioiî of <Çtrge Il. luu'ît~II nxt EsXq., bMutier o? the 0 nidtl(cour;,t W'itby, %ilfAt 12 ocicack, tioton, lîituiiuit ate nji)titiumo,ît. W IT A 1 bcâ)IIOilR.J ljurkfOiU)0NELo. BROCHi<STREE T, 77uritday, t/he 3OtA cay of May, i., ecorCtiiî 'iin -t<ti hti tit irkv'itaiSigut of the lango nt thelieour of tuoeiook éiii te fo'citîiuu !y "~li.' ltl 1, sui". à11ESSRS. FAIRBANKS &àMACDONI'LL, d V iiiitutu,' Ii, l ,n'n" IOCKIN'G HO0Rk" Auetioiten,itt tiicir Aictlî,ii Rouiit in the I OW o0'~ W IIITBx-. Salt, Piaster and lVater Lime. SCIIOFIELD'S OLD STAN« 11UOR FELITZ, Proprietor Tluefollowiîg-proîîcintv in ile lot ONiîuuî fier <ic byttl hésbsritur, 0 Tiîit pureui or tract o? luuîti unud ;teiniuicitie- $t0 , ii. crtii Vau'I.litia. Iîg enoaipcImed déft atnof t e Wt iiîlt oflot CIIPEI. iu.d publie isten tu iTîr taie, Nu. 1, iiitue ut ea. ofticTîwutsil;t.o' W'tiî ER. Aunt i îmiik thiootls 1 have ~fo:rsalit liy., iilt 'ciiM i'Oîhi'ueuîuiiî >18-2w Ahluit you-trIluroigi ticjeigtliy1 tl l u trcîil uit i îci îîdtir, Aîu iit t -'----' ' - t itc'itîre itudlo oitu'l tioi 'klue me l' lits, wtiecimid atîl je tîntt îîtdî i "I 'o 'IA'11'itiuiîit a nit cm0t.ispection, -and îoutiiod utst toiioiî', thitlt ir tî Ci>, C0'1-. ONT i.' I O BANK. Utilue îîuy LTIuII lVutnitueoiicehlon... llntneing wîtere Ic Çot h tum s lii'tlpluiti ed onut hie 017 evcy kuuud cti sontOil' tuai, uîrtlîerîu boitiidury d iit ldlit, exi'v- liy t ii ii TIC<Elh Is h i'n'iy i t i tiît a Div idAid cf 'l'ôpleurée yviir happiy ginit uîîuî boys fruit, the nîorhlî uîcost aie tittilîl Ivii, t ,illeu FOtîîiir tcifti lij 'oit tue itaiiuIliC apital Toyi thuat wonut brunak, und lineo wonh hi tit lu6di.Wrcai eaýt 2loiitiLuuit uuuu.1 It of1vli , i4i t hi r iltu iik utiu ' Oýcultis liv dtien Ci ertuiri tii stop ailml ii ud eryiit, ti'iee mouîîh 74 tlcî.'nc's1wsi gi iuiiii t:)te ii- foti t iurtîit hit tNoltr uii uite tuua And ofti ut'tîii le it àsiuO)ke'îii iuowîîîue l'or rnd bud <ii c lo ts No. 18 iîl I '!, w i lît! ii liit Ilile ttuciiito t ruticitos, un liig lîîuiuaî itiaber, canlt hc brokeit. tiltîite msoctiu lis lgiescuitth7 ciii i tti pl u iti îu' r .iul I le It lîiu'sî îiuy 01 ( Cil uîîext. I i luiy goods I wc iizitt îiv, 1iitlki tii a îpost plui cditli tc rI*uli1 a d'sit fortti- ,hlc 'l't'uutt.i'r liitiiuuil l îjbi t iitathe Wlltby Oi'u'r sim,'flueduiy îtteriy uiwîud Iy Itluit. liiiti, bc tle îie I ii ii tLtI fic tue i I luu îxt, iliuiino. Uu 1iiopeii'd îiny Fuuîu'y tonc, ilîitc iii lem~, tI olcîl lit Ilu74 uLcucucos eCuti 1I i ' lluit iiii i (icitti'i t"l i f 'thet stockt- Nî ici dtiSIigtuv oi oudo hefire, uid itO ýrtreiuî' dit i' Il. ne 'tor irhae .àu- T' r ire ie li s lai uumi r oindbun lu he tcîiuwalee loiund 1i uetiîueliu t iu t itah uîtî t g ci i', ru I littu -IdII 1li tt uîk, 'Ioii Muiudy Al<i Ctitibit, su ti I c'sourds,raidii teotus 2id cut.ut tirue sm l ik'Tiwitmsiuli , t i jI tLîuý b, o l Itt liv' 11tif lui t' î Tî'iî. ' lue iluj vt i îdtui, n utiua e tiîe sllie ilione tir lcîo, iilol t ih. 70t 4 cJeg i O taietui t tvumvu, O'ciioit ittuii, ILL trccit3l>'. ien'oi en> okooji ot fchtiiig We iitt4fii1l dtittutc 'Ilice iuitiu'giliuiiig. t'y ordon olt tuo Biurîi, Andd iuiesliîetse,iundl tjils ll iu igit, thitrit andtî jl It o ciilii' eiic, itii il rot îlt iwii uj, ' > tW hlE 1 ulir ~ il adut 's iiceti atnd iuiauiv 'got i<lttiiai îtit îîîi uetîîtîtil iti t ri ,B n ,W liei iii.ke thte iuuuu. Im t tud e.' Dritlco sau t 1't;ron,ilWlireaoit ', ~ ii cuiiiuîulo trH0,1<1 5 l'vu, bîusko, bourui t'eo'k uuî etes trôné tdtcîmari .,î tebit'oyi iiituy-gui si taceet hr ma Ocudotlelot.-.wAndcido i; itàeli r uuud eitgieruî' 'lie orcuusc ui' tit'cittî't if icsiu.iLi Store to ROflt. Ojierti glassifor tah(I iîiéîottiol ,- shicl,fut tUe t,11111- ii0 itît Milu'IL, 0Iuu lîii'titilit O, i Jeu-îî'iy forrantuuk fîi 1Stttltiî1l alit ti, "u t'uit t"ii> uti., lel il., 1ictt' lvonde r ttîiu:w i oitI,ji otiyi[uu' ut, ii, tutt ,, .,, dt ieil lîrb tue ., î iigs, ie*iO) iud itiiu frotithue dIly ou t'îilue, sfitii i iii> otteig l lI iitg ut1 uofoFor ladies anud ilidicit Cttd its4. . Wiuîttte uaolusoittttt ti iîtli l ut Iii . 1013T. DOD)DS. A11 tlicsc wiioni once 'tililivut . ien trie "lx huindrîe 1itiii-t'utitticufl'i ititieuo'lr,1i -utkeri uiu, i , i 15v, I ' l 8 -4 ii-pd w i ré ycit-nr tcIIasr etio ircel oze-,ou, aîd droîs otiicd 'maiod Tu d it r i l l t r t t t d i r r n c 1 . JI T EC ui t lh tli u cliitt.î r c i e s ForCars i lolst iLte#4 arteen anud a liai? ukens,HULGI FELITZ. grg~ Satittelte ut l37,14 coliti 'on yard. Two Excellent Dw'ellings, WibMal,81 1.or eolornig $St ttuiettu 50 chlltlier> iutd. lutolusuîulîîue forailgeutecI fuunil anîud tille ~O.Ay ' Vuli ClotItil iuhoni;unpar ul. ,wtîpu eRns .tweeds, uern>styleotfiit y ha ordc-red, 'utîu ' v)lsuýobîî 014.111og a'lq'a SOOJhLti<is, it cetslie lird fullciTutieuare i9inuniaud Gardeons coti<ing cents par ard.nî'u'y î'tiity out riit traeu. Ttere ýanvr atuuiuîugveI l'u'îhîî mtuf iuthnîîd fliak boudy sueflieot r IIE next Jieguier Quanteniy Fuir will b fshctile80 enm pr ard Jr îuatfatuiiug puijuo;ses. 'he îroperty li T huîd ut thte l'juin Y raaîueî 2-) ctt is'oryamrd. mcu dh l i ii'oeliut ttrt ut' tVliitby, iwmnditc- Parie»tjat r,),Çfilu ý,oI la ruy 1, tsly poppuite thue Grand TnunikStio01 ---eau&nkeiuLii oit he GLEL, BROOKLU1 buitg wrkoola iiroîtUen i .01 c sold nufi, yuate portion.i erSîtIhe IL I:domrbapretaer- ON Aud ~ ~ ~ ~ reii tIl udenondue eu;ijenide -'sIl] hbc xcluanied for fata- An te nuemi1aile pge t lir- 1'uctur irooh i ius atalystae Wednesday, Ma~y 22nd, 1861 tics hir own weiglitt'tWaal.1Partieui tueur- fu a la>iug oîut lit i&iidilug Lotis, u1wul uDyens of tiones, Stcock,.aud ±4at Cattlu, will llhl ihthrwenîa, nkuiv reîy 011I hehilli a iurkot gîuudeîter t 3l It cuu Y tu ie as nt l b prnatndFarudygllltet wu1dn, n ihdes paiellu itLcabrliigting twuu. Aiuîly to e cO u y.lALit Prtnte rimafi a su id aFadcl snaet WoAela dtio ta u ecurd fl iisl, may liane ît W iitby, ortu weil enttbliilàd aîîd Ppplar Pain. doue te take houetita t Cluî1J.NUIfROENV Messrst. Fairbaitits & bMcdoneil, .&utionoî JohN I11-IGU'r. aiîo e wilu becîtn htnidaud pull gNf$. duriog the doy. Piokoi4ng, IIsy laii 80110190r, &C-, St.>' St.. DAiItEu 17 Brooklin, Masy Ii 1881. RY OOS& HE4RBWté. Thi te àelýs t'e very LOWýM fluCES. ~pt wiUil found replete with eveyj.ricle sûitable M- Mj D DURIM1ERDRMESSEg, nusi Chenille Nette, Bonnet, dis- and rôivn Coittons, Hôllandi, Sheetinga, COhflmd 4, with a large stock of ,OATINGS AND, VESTINGS. Crane Iaored stock' of> Teas, Sugars, CuEiantsk itpoek 8uitable for. Country Trade. aiwa 8nhad lple of TIMOTHIY AND CLOVER1 in exehanefgooQ de. f RO0BEIT WARI Dash for any quantity of good Mera ýjOr at Campbell's Millin i rooklin. ROBERT WAR] be in ai e~, v - - 1-uWI MMm M.,?WmU " U T SWILL. BE.POtr1a> WELL STOPýED WITH CROIC1E SEEDS. r OAÇdrrRASNaio C ,RN.' PROV ISION 1-PLOUÏl', RHEEBE, &c. À -LARGE S8TOM DK F;WXV S.., 11 LII1IJR9 iJT Ru' EtEllfl TIMiLÂIU*KST AN» ýMOST",COMPLETE STOCK,,OOP REN, 19ELD IN tHE CO0UNTY""AT WHLSI IcS y18LE FÂRMERS ANI) GARDiNËÉ.TtLOWES & POWELL'POIL e the arrivai of his SpringIF OU WA.NT TE H ~ O îined to sel at a smal sdvance on cost of the Lateat Styles in 8,~ik4WL3 LOWJES& POWELL are Selling Gooda Ton per cent loue than their usual toir Prices. id ilats, Riblons, Gloires, Parasols, &c.,----- r and n ew design, Factory and White I MR U'I Nos. 1 and 2, COMMERCIÂA LOOK, welings, Window Jlollands, Marsejîles, 1 roSteet, Vhiby. W~hit Shirting, Carpets, D cemasks, &C., = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tweeds, Gabeoons Farmers DrillIM 1IP!bHEA O i'f 11 illars, Braces. DIalL1 lI ~ ~ ~1? E! DE CLOTLiîNc ýaJc 1 Sn ctin la -4ero, t c l' ay tii - 1 to, -M . n' 1- '~ ~sres ~es sts, and Pants, Of every style ' ,the fit and workmanship may 'G DEPAJjTMEN' of a first class Cutter, and geni l< ncly n haning thicir garMents maide Up yle of fasition. tOCERIES JUST RIECEIV.ED. BRTOI BBILDINGS, WITBY. il fIX CANE Ry SA.L r IN CHANCEUY, 17 WILLIAU DURZANT, Plainý AND Jaiitai Riles, thivicl IRobertson, Gl Eitstoii, IttIbet Caîupbll h e Cani eitGetir giuitlt and Eizabe Mitelelil)eleiants Bttweeu flortnam Fovie, kiaOnto, the tust wili and testament o? the a 'M. Dturn-au, y anicltided (AN wyay c01tlonivuin, Plaintif!, ANDi Jtaei Butes, David Roberhton, Ge Eastuii, Rnioet Caîmpbell'rueitue l I>armanottBuhlig mii ù Stvin gî .ciehy, George Stlihi îuand Elizuiet M'telil"t hr lýii]>andil htlph Rlobinsui Jestuuuut G. 13uard, an iu leiard Colin made puni es t lte Muut, offciice, 1) loîtdCtcts. Ii&insnt te a decer otc ourt ofChancc iuitde iii thit euue, Iurailtg dato the 7tb cliitc Feotruun 1 860, îînd an ordcr r uttthig Co bu'uunng date the 25tii dur of àMuctu, 1551, iii, situttilt iprobatioîl octve, . i. utîucll, Eu àl'aëten ii tlld saici Courtt ut Wiluhhy, wil stabi on Samurday, flie 25th day of May, 1861 At the Itour o? ton of the eiock ini the foreco by MESSRS. FAIRBANKS & MACDONELI Auctioîîeun, ltutlticin Auction mi noututbuIle ,rwWN 0F-n'WHJITBY, Tietohitiix projicnhy in tltrc lots : Itt. i te firut lut or IIreîl, 'uT o'n lot îtuu:nio r iu e !iilubloc kt three n t tc iid tuuwti <t? ' tu tbî - aiti tueing lpantrtof lut No. 27, iil, tuc llrok *l rout Cuit., oltue 'tu ofusui utS 'liitiy in tii e (Jouuty of' nta ie. 'littro is a gooi han i upoi it. uand a hîuîail duveliiug htue.. îItl. T itu e c onî d lut, fi o iu ti tuitif ui T o wn bot Ne. Ã"' , i1)dock 5u'tltfite itîLîlowIi orlVWbit- hiy, anud heiiluua[tnt muidlilot No. 7. Tlien lit1-11îu il î'I 0dteil i t uise, acutiltubalcon, tut Ltiufleiouut ml.uca urry ouit ala ce ht,lel", laer us lugood yardc cîaîjo-uuuchi with ttoh"iulld. iuug' Itru . 'rite hiri lot, t he îîertlt li i? ofu t o i llo Ne. il, un D Bititi usti, liiaituitiTowni or andîtuy oi tcilig purt uit lot Nou. 6ui lthttuid Irokeoit Front Concussion. "'ueno la utainabi Intine bouse oni tuiit tut. Tteupunelnsen tir hirclaserA of cacit of tht sui> 1 Alutlilaib lit fite illaetfsale a î'>'owimî icposit Of teu tien cent ut' thie Purcleutse iey le thaVeziton or lui.s ioicitor. Aiaithia ulue ino n tît fr im t h e cd a y f s l e,, -o r C l e it uit sàid puinelus.e iuorlcy o otr usItl lie cleîîsl ta niake crie lhait'tii ttîe purcuose mency, antd lie balanuce 'ihiuisix inutiitus frt flcuit tt ofo tuile, to btc auctncul hb ait apnrovod eudui' sedl "()te; or ioortgiuge oui) thTleireîîiec'kp, tus tnay b e de. îîîîiîîod by Vendons' tiuiiicitor.he Mont gaige lo be pnepaned lit theexpoatcuise o? pareluau. C r i a it o tite t r r e p e t , tu a C o n d itio n s o ? su e ne tîloite Coltatned lu tltemeul orers er the maid Co itu l'eou tutler purtieuaui apîîly te theuiAîctiî,u ài lcsnii. 'itinbatukii4 & Muucuiîel, and W. t. T re n u tie V n d tirs ' S o li cu to r, E . C . J o tu es &Brothes, Sobicilors Tu'run:o, amui o? tle ut]- gîtcd M uster O t helîc Ujo t. GEO. Il. DAItTNEÃŽL, W'. t. TIIEMAY il M il'n Vouions' Suiciton. 17-hd uted My 8, 1--t. si IIEREBI ginm hat the Court of eniion for the '[owîliiî,nutt.i.e!in vii.Im.d il L1 il ýrwitr( r an. 45 'le, . li, be Ndci Ip. lis e Y-' 19fi DY ALEX. ROBERTSON, >"erner1ly of te uuJmw& Specator."1 Xle Jerafd yul contal thlie lîîtast news by i aeo a n d the Maille ap lu 2 o'ock 1). liit., ti thue cîiy cilication, It i îttenmaec ho icitte particular attention tu coiitttreiauinii- telligcuueu ut hlore anîd abreai, e titat 111l pin- hicsA ituiresred ini prudunce. tragita, on fitareliiimit. dize wi tIl mweys bu able te diàocvr Ctheslm intarkci's, by r rcl'rcime o its columina. lui uuItcttuJ'mldwiIl ha iudcpndcnt, igntofttthegpsole, mucitaurcyat oeL'egislieittielane 110111 îpbic olu i ditt. ti e.nefn curt. f otu whu nt he H u srver 'partyi iç> tc o tpeDr o cs STiiu[uropertýetllb ol Lbectltbenyta Il t e n f th wc ,k, i4su p ercio r P rin tsT F a diean dr F a n c ya ndDc lls ' rsood"l 'a a s aelo t o f w îtb iattereetl t a s m aperad vutcfro n ctst f o r C a s bc aixi lzeySaurdaynoritgbuiiiecin sale.bc hta Pnesatut thJ.Mtinte iut woip à o r P r dan egnuei7C t en t feu r t H ue pe tioh i ft I hi ls p eÎîuuuatuâ'ritu f s n ail îicîcte couscrve thpa W.us.,1sId lon adWy I aien f thucash tlrl aiutiL $.50o u rti soi, u ho 10 et o-0m purjeit Wtauu y, dutd eeoutieuoliti Tue tXvekhy Jkaid apargie slrmtittitg t hd i ol clteatino the pulie encraly, i 2,e0.6 lutines odauoîî Aubhoetotolsabjeetr theesainaxb Daie or ceklieiliCashinnmu beha otelJstaimtaui alate lJ.oËMaedoy, le ,, C1toiutinfil bis au t e udyl înot *Rruig, un ouumccnpy ACiiaa ia c n c able lut edeunce. liuie, lnapWittoni na)COIv sbcibrviolorttt Tme h e a g s n et a s re t c r T aS g rC fe s i e - 0 bridgeonilvillet Chur.uHuglyMbefure. thuta Wulky;Jut rceicd lage ,o of mmotliy, Cloîrer, Garrotnid Mangold -on thrst duty t Jo îtbx, stiIit edeir18m61,u ntO lieebfrlai aniea Adineis- Wurt e 9 of howhidh o a Couat of pricesn. .1. .hl. . daN CHANCERY. SALELS WAUBEFAM!Risins, urrat, TMalt odd ndSothBa&isc. _-TwnhpCek 1 î '.briIge , w pib l uet ut6M.HglMoi'i. th aid ir - - on c tiuxl a t t lL0R'itb EyaRS' Jsp ierob iil, EicN . yrok tret W itby tien ig o c Apnile 24,151. ud1n6m JOihBir, <John B-rDSOne, George ie, Gns c, wiîhle ofesa an.fcuer rcs l'mniyo tîahBaiJoî BannGoreutues wartnts a cune or ne pay. T h u s to n H a ll, a n al T h o s . X Mo c al ',> > "jt, Joscph Itutîl, T eBank otMontrcal, crÈ - H ÉbF ti fb id Robet Capbell, R bnt E. Peny, p q u'N Iî snitsstLia.C flA o.2 P ow ell W oodruf , W in. B lair, Jolin o 0 fi l I lle 4h f(ti lt, e . itb >, c oi ttuin i d. a - a$-anSqSIL ý ..tnat 'îu -î ithlinttwo allda lîttîf Tailleso? tuai Morton Peoe, Thomas Bnasîey, . ---aW t(1l t h otf C'ttt. Fi eîm u. pl 1, Edn L4dds Botta. Mmleolnl Cam-; 4E ie tecoH. tN" et on, Samuel Burk,Japrs ugin, -a -a'g .USII.Dza*tte, li>u, nd Robet J. Wilst--nade t OMîy718. iL arties in te M ustem's Office, lie- le. 6 0'Vhtv fendanarts. J C 1 N, pu.tiiie fteDc and finl iondeur >- P. g.t A8î9,iala thei, tthe ha-of Ap. l folowing -o- r VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY ' ?O.. , 3 e erf lat C re t' Wilhcofieod for uile t 19 oi'eck, nou,t CD a t E R L I ND R E N TS le tot the Co cg rai t' E I G H T E E N T H f a y o f 1 VA Y , *1 5 0 E - R A T I T E N L 1 t r » At th A caon i ol s f T =r eîitelie s i ave u t r y f iled. Itis no m ore Mésss. Fairbanks & Macdonel, a m Hfuidiscse__The_ -. n B ro Lt ilet BR<)CI STftE , INDL. He E .îbrocutiouis sud exteroal tu eeawich BR. OUSTNET IN RE --4 aceta s itimulamnts o? thej1uirfrChetmîuy, tn ly hcniporuuv lu tîteir clcotsancd o!f oitIi TOW Of3.V F W'HITBY a. Critu.Tt Nuagitî~ eoc Wlth o? G. 1. utrnef, Eu. t .r-..-,.o ___a ndef cuiy r.uih he di wii li prbainofG Llitiil . esse frontile systami. We adietaoeeAndjai the Nister of this IHonorable Courtnt15t n de uiiàtriai and becoîue set.sifletio? If& wen :-A Il itad iultigutn thucertin mpaiel t. 4 o tract ofimlan îd pre-uiset iita yru and t"o . Ri _ _ _ e serhldg ii. 0 fl i â i;af 6 w r heitgilth Tow uthh t ih, tmtouî <i nu-lt Uoiatf;c/1 ~ Zbce Usn 3ty of' Uutarin t he tî 'neine c fCanada.bl i br1 -- OE U S.Iemn cuieitp l otpart of Lot îmillnbr ei hte.n, aR o tw~B f thu tioket roucoicesîot o tu tutiTew. Sc e c téon NpgrmStreet OutqiulouiLin of.Neurâj. sbhi of tX'lithn; Colîmmnmeiteiimg atftli i orth-vest - 2e- gar.mueuh/ t'Od? ika~ lci lâ. antghe of t'utid lot tien Boothîtsixteeiidegnes, . O t i'tl' f urea m néa~ -, t h i i n o r h i e v e n t y . f e a r d e p e s , c a s h t l i e n t > 'h 1 ) 1u a1o k , a l r l V i r r ý ý à & cialuts, te Cheuecuceter mi t o? suif!lot th ncd andi Cweity-flne nit, mono or les, te ttd al.:Who ..1It..4IiN.I toAtNi) uiviNTLE r Io Wv a n e e 1 r ro u d i t 0 r e a o ? t h u a i c u n e - tillb to u a tcti e d -e t h e iàef, ,s ' 'Ãœ 0 4 Bmet; tonit som e uuit>f.Ir degrecA, esl Wall, frn té ase f lo n- 8Nodrstg tweîcty chîimîs, lui the platce of iteglitiiing. maXXC>XX- - >£ m&l ig Thoe rpc rty iiibc ol ilhum etulot, I coucn* T IZ N U R L A K 1 G ug.]M . t a i n s a t o u 8 7 a r e s , , a b o u t t o c a c r e s o c o? i i hi T t IE Nc l Eal yA l N c r d M . conuin vicahe lanlwood, Tlieno la ae rgo w e lt ih al h O E T ES- F T K SÀ14 tniif & h i» ë B r ic k D w e l-lln g Il o u e tt p n t ie l r e m iL- u s ; l s u o i r r p. . zwe~i ' i Ei t e u g alu s e t l o n g st a i liit g . t l e i n t . c f otil awo htueil and, a Stble thereo.- <iiueun iaus h te G ni ad W is .d. 1h r .u ' c O ncbh anu l uît b aing tp onrugt tutt ut î e r ' ' I JA&M ES V A N V ALKEEN BUR the land. cek trutts thu "9 Ït Arc1 t0kndwn q1cirt ôn, 0 and. The fanînlies mbeutrtlire n'es 1 1111 te l . ~ ' 4~~c hm i T cw n o ? Wlitby, acco able y g od roneal . W u îm N eis M mmd N eunu g La T Ua T IO M I-d a n. conditionîsou'thde Coli thexeptai; follows, nusin- ad2 IV LOX 'fter #. iï 0IN lAMteÏo'mIkttêy JUAIS 1 :- A d p oe it f £ îI fo r a v e ry lî u d e d p o u n d a D 4 F , . a tV ir i g o t e e m d e fRÃŽ i Ë â u l ] c h e p r o i m a s e o u c y , t e h ac p a d t e t h u V o n - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F i E Y E a i S 5S T A N j e i G - M r . L W r., «F ion ontis Solicitor, at the <i o? the isale, sudi ' the balamnce ivi.iits u âee.iudr mntthfrein tîmmu111111 ôgPearlt trent, eenred in tIlirseve s' t hie d&y f alei Vitîi ntret ut lair par ceintultenane hrg Ibt hyIin i pen unumî. Tuejuunhusur»r ut thet tinte oftile tusigan utgrooeuuet fr te compleon th e i'sg 'NTr AL A yahmwnsut l'o l iéteen_ p irrcl o m ea m ui u p u li t p cy n cu l o ? h s u m o , l uee r 3L n a u t i u n f i l il bue custtcedtota a cley n d ate tbc,lt 0e<> u &rs laiitdi-'M ni.Lit R uuliir, . i n t p o s é à 1 c . -, T h e , p r o p r y v i l l b . a oI d % Vl I L UwAn e s r o t ' la eiy u nid, rit>êct tû ay taxe due OCite eietrTT T f 1 yi \' WILA ,JL IIAucln.w ( S u ili o lte C c i u r4ll u s e W h i t t . R . J . M 4 L duUT A W o f lite and vu. n" 0....' ale >11,Lire Soliîtor, hlityat tthe undurslgcema)Z -.i rSd 1<4îu ôIe 0W8o il r W iby,ÂÀpil 29, 1U61. lseter. .A .pî tl . 1J,861. iWlity' Y sl lq idrld rai<dllo ¼î Àlarge supply OP L WOJ., AND UNION P CIOTLIING rom $4 1-2 per suit upwvards; Also BRiOOK 8TRETr, IN TUF~ WYýtbc tapprobation o! G. Hf.Drte the Mastr of tCulH,, foabteCur i Wl aituc atn nlar -tbtraln o'ec tilaCtPrvince cf Canadacohtalnln4- B.lte siue MeeOr less, bctu m~0 l rié, of Lnît, nihrsb~etii be esibed aï ljows i eoniel)ciitë whèi oi bé bepl0ej onteeuatlin. 0f Ltotl17a m làe of t0 chaîts n a course nertit ' OUaeg Weswet, thin corth 16 degmee.wit, '8 0 éfliin nouth 74 deizrc» west.2v c,i, more Cr lond Cc te western iimit 0 the sad lot fjjthsu north ledc$res west, 17 ehains -ad 20 llfkj -te ot 4degrees eut 1 o _ns 41rd bas balf the vietth o' the sild lotNo 1g thou %ouil 7 refiefit,17 chleaiad 20llnkt tho oue&dgree' et, 10 chelem, moreor les,, te lt fl'ebterptititofthcaajd lot No 19 74 degreesoat,.seclgis 'éttfnusoaut 11 greeasttl, 24Chilis; thon iabreIc.? 14iMdke euat,20 chaînus ; moire or Ica btete place o!flie- Tfhuprollerty. vittte sold iconelot tcn tains about.89 acres, which are nearly al leare4 Titero iaframerougtoîtw hpae tapon lte iaid prentises ; aise una 3u*i;.*pLkvlnoe Shedst aod a Stable. A cruek 44àë t1ot ' part cf the land, ou wilch there la rAie >e pn o? weten. The fane tices about thrce tii.ôfrom the Town of whitby, acessalife by Iljo read.' i The condIti os ale viille Chu mitaadinir conditions o? thîé Cellet i *pq 4s t'110u nan]y :-A deosit of £10 for! i ai' $idrok polindao? Clae purchase fltOfley it, Wp, q the Vendor un bis Solicitor, autte Cme ott11. is tc-ind a main sufliceunt to make up eue IJuif the purciie snonuy witbin oe e eleudùer monlu froue the day cf sale, with intereat lhereoa et the- rate of six Perunit per anuain fron t bAý day. Thte reaiue tu tw eeured by ilortgsg6 ueoil the pré#itaes, payable Lst Qetobur taux:" I. TWEIEIý a lot of

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