Whitby Chronicle, 30 May 1861, p. 2

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teluc'It I l eavgb' ltijtDouy,tliO-Phan. la Nort Outario the. provallig epic- tam mitisusl 1 know Il moul. Thons Io the Ion ls that Mnr. <ould iii not stand, sud murdérers sshdu'i. - - t tIf lie ties lhsa uno chance ai ne.eoc. cor.Th V&ào anas.iabi os .10, Utbu l tn. Thenames of Mi. >M.- C. 'Cameron, sesat%,ndtbjudge iaaie4sostie ithataà. this minent Toronto barnlster, le uutloa azement ot his fusse. : - , ,, - d, l (4as cii as tha of Mr. HectarnCorneront COtheii ial aiOfte; noit bY the ëaoutsiders 1-and--at home a. have Mn. liglit thast had beu broughtwas the shaom B3raba.Zon ai Brq* atiMn. Cernie, and of the jmn fliowu. Ecg. and uxaggenated M.For u arneAletsdm lièe It mas 1ant ialse ahmnnk ln thevain M.Frmno rneAbradw hope ai esomping Its production Mii Betan know that Mr. John Hami Penny lbus had seen t, ci-en as sie lied scen l osat been maite pan by influential gentlemen On lte mal ai the corridor Of the. inn b>'. lu 1h. North i Rlting nequesiiug hlm the aill l a 'f lte Passage as ho &bgin to ~came îermstr4, for ils represontaîlon, "~Y îiîtte bloos ai thes innocent cild igiugveyqracaibsscsa upon bis seul. adgvn vra«rueo i nou Blrown thont madie a fraulis effort te es Without staling mie yet may ho the s aluai cape but ho ii overpowened and secured candidates, mre C84l uy admise ltae electons lu a moment. The storm-tîoude passedti tahb preparet-aut select a resideut,- if« aven and a long broad beam, ai suulshuîîe passible.-- sîrsame t hlle court. ~tNet gciltY 1 ie tesjury mitit one The. Qîeentes Dinh Day tn Whitby. i-oic.; ant inlaanattenmomnt lAnusamas iii the arma ofiter sisten. -Her Majestylsanrh Day mas celelinateti Thon a tlu pale olti man steoti up by wmih mors than usuai ecla inl Whiîby luis thes aide of tse -Jutge.. Il mwu Sir Ralph ya.Ti tr's~pao ibsns Hfeitage th igitshilrts ite hÈo ad nain ers ail trula pceofbsns frnt hiea icle lîd, anti arnimee lu the court we c iosod amirt ever>' housla lte lutingia darlanesa mcm the. starmu. "Yau tain itat floattng aven il tre m n thappy sou sud nom I bave a k.y " Tlîc fiag tisai brameel a tbotanttiyoassr te ail these lîaorgr. Yen have donse mur. Tii. races were gaittg on, thora mws a ha.' der lest a noir claiuinauo my affectior.sza -atliiMeebnica' Hall, the MiltIla i4lucsldanise lunte pasrti liftaeponchild tcrued ont gm4tÂly) , nti a a ord lhe day yen have destroyeti. My lard jutige, titis iras a holiday. The court boause s'as par. ta my deatit blair. Talcs me home, yoniulaî'cnpc sl t oia ooa mithe iocompasion. inrl osiuuinlshldyec& TI'. Iigit sherill sank back on lte beach lions. We counted no le han itwdve nnd mien the>' ment te aieihm uha> fage et variens kindi aI ils roof, andtheit fouti him but a corpse..a 1spectacle was certaluil>' a meut pleaaing eue, The. motive of Richard Henilage lu com. taelekt. To note ail tiie hausesansd mitting te dîeatifil murder at the inn wa buildings int tha awmre loyalI>' igged roi but ton apparent. Ho mas tied anti eut îouid requins a langer space tItan tiiero enoumicteti,.la titis cours but maragedti la is t aur disposai, and as me mish te maire procure a deadî>' poison anti ovadedth ie ne in-idious distinctions me bulle hem b>' sentenceaifltae las'. A ii ef Sirllalph IHoitagè mas founuti tating tint the mhole tain mas grand, sud mmici loft lita bulle af bis propant>' tote tiasgay sud layai lioakug sascouiti bs. poor murdercul chilti se that bis maleelàmiaý .Siet, _sdîefoi tii-ca putlnl their cîtima ; but a sufficicuit ThSte#,adheIou â aum mseasureil'for eud competence .W uls atr rn oniatet bath teRae asd- Auna. ýW uls etr rmcrepnet Pon Raclîsol I Site cu>' lireci ors year elsambere ai t tese anijecta. "ONEîeOaF-THE ard thouteabs moitI tasee, net ia a dniam, pI'opiE" s ta errer mien ho anites ltaI but in naîtilt> te ansitie aifieavea,,Oi t han la no panait>' for net ierviag if oies. ltae face of lier baby ho>'. tlot e ta Cunucil. Titane is a penalty of -- - --if me remambar ightiy £10. Laut year Nîw dverfs'm!n!s IîS Day. mc are aireatheiistreels mire lotal>' neg. MIoite>'ta Lenul-Jus. F. Brwn. Tu Breeoutio f Dur-ham stock-R. Miller. Chaucery sala-G. ff. Dartrlli. Ditraltitlu'. Bales;-W. M. Trenmnyns. For sale ciîsnlp-W. IL. T-enynu, cottage foi',sutn-Jîîo. Bombag. TorotloTurf (Ji,îl,-Juno. lonr Cattî, Ageuy-ltrcarcy sud Taylor. Raca-CalsoîîCourse. Cnnt-Dr. W. Rîîss. Vsaluihîo iiuil-liug Lots-J.TIl. Penry. Towra propet-ty for sîiL.- J. IL Penny. Quarter Ssins-N. G. Ritynultis. ONLY ON E DOLLAR A YEÂR Whtltluy, Thursiay, May 30, 1861. It is asoreid-wiit mitItrutît waeCa- rot cauy-tbutt a jraueral loctor miIl Inie uctet t>' tii Comnittleos t-mts sut im- pt-ai-ameuta, anti it mss oui>'laeisnlutle Pull mier anyttirg mas dore mt Brook att-cet. Tua ptosent year,....;6wo-rer, aur correspondent nuit admit tint niattens are citaugot. The great hnlk aifltse anount te be laid out oui ltse reesabas bain up- puoprialtd on Brook ti-sît, aud IanrItia last (v tro cls nseafiiîy corda ai atone tai-a beau laid town nt varions peints, art une un iîi-ocssof hneskiuug, asuithle mark ut inprovtng Brook tt-cet is gaing on mont vigeronîl>'. Tito iog nuisance aiteuit mont osmîsini>' be abateti. Tiere lasoms huit of a hy.law, ira heltama lu force on lie subjeot, but e marestrirgent imeasurs lu requit-ad. bMr. Macdonall's pounti by.iaî iput le force moult be juat tIethiing nom, anti mouiti iatheideatred seet soughl for b>' aur corespountint. But ai-on thte Poundme boîti-ve ta ha behintittd - a on the sibje eat o ld l lo i r luuo u amanit ani thne soit star notice. AÂt-a- place turing mirlqtnmnardtlilt t e at-s feres e te procestiags oaI bitsTain ta lia- ansuiyuuîi,pcite tisuibtion. It ne>' Couicil milI aheî tic amoutît approatued bcte obut for u' nt-g-m e iutcine 1 tihe or sîreats the pt-sant ysan. belieattpe tite g etii-c lmli rot corns *4 aff baierc te Faîl, or aI aIl aeta carlier titan Scptembor. Ilowtven il is btter le ho preparcîl. Il nsrwtt-id lA to e lier-utnîtd" Th TcGlobe anti tisaitUlle Gmil ateets liuat heil miîun it bellowi's are bumlirg ala,îd for Convemstinns ini orter te sectura lIma retenu of ta iuincapble, goot-fat--nth iag memimenulIe>' hai-oaItest>' t-aget et Ilîcin sitle, or te speaire ethlis still net-se, suit more hIncapble. AUl "for tles alies ai tlis Part>"' ai conug. Wo trust tual th lî ora uutîltitud thirm omu iiitercÉits aufficiently te ie tatlata didcriminata bc- tiraa tae mnît mieputaucîsneo alter t-. comuncntlationî Ilan tae et-y ai- 'lie Ipat-y,le anrd ltoe.Wmitnet from pritille, eutdbai-a s love of coutrI>.ht. ime ltai lie mert-radinug 1olitielaiu funmtheir preper places. Tiose mok psîtriuua, mia bales to paiiticm au te>' munitle gambling, ouglîl by> lis tima tu e h-toamî d utappreciateti et thein propot- marth b> tIse peple. Lo t ltse leclots but undorsaart Itin own imi toleats, eut me mill nul uhave aauiiiug 1111e Chaucen>' harrit-jal o aTorontoe (a "C/i istanpoltif r)rpesiutiug South Ontaronlortwuil me hame an Incapable, ltse bull aiflite flousa, aaiofe-rer>' uvms p aper iin ta Provitnce, resnt-s ting lIme Northi Riduig. We oithin>'liai-e mcii eneughinhaSouth Oularlo, l-ing amutngt us, itouihifiedohthel lsitrlecaseaiflie Coun- t>, suitcapable aift'eproaontiug lte Riting creditably li Lsgisamive Halls, illiaul goiug la Tenanto for a Ciancet-> lamyci-. Ant iun Nontit Ontario tent is no lak ai able mon, mIhi ra wecouit nhl look up ta art 'respect as ropret-eOialii'O, andt mIt meutti do houer ta te naproaisieion oi tic cauîatltueuîcy. We tual lienthutitheli coming eecior, peuple iiitai-e a est-a, anti taI the>' iiiprofirteliii iutbst5 andttt liooer oai tmer ceunt->',la an>'mrespart>' politica. Part>' poîttiesc 0-a1i1> tg thee naduîass ig fniti fer lîse titiit oU fi" Il la ouI>' ta lii temiguuiug ambitiemua amea, mha urge tem fonaît, anti put imore>' le tinin amutpunis b>' îeîîing pao- pue b>'te cars. Wo rnot etînugl>' bpe taitth la cors miil rottlhe blintudo thte factoalet e îauing eleolian. Il la lins It îonetiug meo dncnSolu eti Onta- rio. Mr. MoiraI lias bils bou-aitn ning a tilt aginît ,John A. lu Kingatont, anti me giteelti sîow ir tho do se. Anoîugsl aur FaromcIiu-sWiuite, Gibîbs, Fait-buikî,Ros, Warren, suitPerrys me-Ubva ploul>' ai bot- ten inn-mon lt-ing ia oun nit stmiose itterest moult le oun inloresl, mio are se- quainti miii ite wiit aithe Cout>', anti miamatt w ual tscguidied t>'Toronto seti- marI, as of cent-se, Mn. MoiraInuit b.- l us dispense mt ilîs gontl-eman titan> anti loole forat- preitftii'O ut tome, irs doulcame ut moat aiteofi poliiicm ho i- ki hioe a. s cident. FîEt-S-s§VECTre'Ixeit'2!ttiiiM.--Tie rai RemnrCatitoic Clunrol, in cannsai eroction t t Bot-lla, mas desîrayot b>' fine on Tîursae>'luit. The lianes exteudeti le lie dmolluug unt ot-buildings ai Mns. Spencer, wticli vors aise quiolyen> asura- Pd. Seerat lter ai lia surrouuding buildings rojî)catdl>' bale fine, -aud mers ouly saumatb>' greal excitions. Joseph Deneau>' as rrastat ou suspicion ai iav- irg ast fi-s ha the buildiings, but aller s Icuglienet iinvestigain hefors R. Lard, sud A. Ilur,-tiEqqeinas, J. P*s. mss dis chargot. 'Tse ostimaîti iloau is $1,200- ne inaureuco. Tic teels, vslned et $40, heoegiitg Mr. Croecby, wia mas aI momie iii tue Churci, moreasemo toayet. Thte BritihlsAmerieeuiuîur.saca Coi- Wî learu iron Mn. Darneal liai lte inauanuce noney upan tii hanse latel>' ta- stro>cd b>' ira r im ia tain, ip ben pait b>' te Bri-iisit Ameican FiMe Insuonuce Compîany ai Toronto. Thiis tbIigiti>'btn- arable conducl or the part ci liaI ntlisbie compan>', as Mn. Darnucl futlier irionse us titl eing la a miaundcstentiiug as te tise corpeter's niale, got egai grounds axisteti on reaistiug paymcui ai 1h. ciaini. It ta more than likai>' liatinla ealing uit farolgut campaîica the result moult net liane tien 5sellîtfactot->. We1maislte public mnlil appreciate anti patranize ihome iunstitutions. Mr. Jota Agneirje ttc ageulý fer tIetiBtishum ricanuin thim caunt>'. Fiat AT ST. CsTEaiw'.-A tiluasînaus it-e hi-alecout atISi. Ctitine's ounte 23rd mast., dests'oyiug igil ltoue.-Tbsy wst-i il lt-anse buiudings, eat-aresttaion utaI probable aggrsgato valus of irai *6,000 la $7,000. Latw St4ueety.-Eaiter Tenmt 1801. Tic ftllowing la a correct lisI aifte gentienmita mhowoe, turing tho presenb tatui, celledtelahlis tgres f ai Bntisten.aI- Lai :-Wlifim Dauills, Londion ; J. Il. Daiiout, Godetici ; George H. Darînoil, Wiîby;, W. B. Falleinîn, Beilmi-hle-, Wm. Fanguaoîu, Kingatonr- J. C. Hamilton, A. M., Toronta; S. P. MePherson, Jîun., A. B., Kingston ; J. R. McLaren (irailtse Lamer Canada Bar),i Henry OBrien, To- renta;-,Fîetieriek Pmoutifoot, Tornto; W. H. llsdenurit, Pert-h; G. B. Boyle, St. Cstiarinîes; J. A. Artiagt, A. M., Barrie. Tite fallemhug gentlenen met-e edittedti practiceasaaAtterries-t-i :w-W. H. R. Allieri Piclon ; Robent Bird, Torntuo; J. A. Dont-eu, Toi-nta;- W. B. Faîkiner, Beilemilie; R. S. Gond, Sanis; J. C. Han- ilton, A. M., Toronta;- Alfreti Howeli, To- rota ; Williami Lacet, Tarante ; F. S. MacOachar, Waterloo ; -Nelson, Wood- mtak ; W. H. R-îdaniutu, Pertt ; W. Raoik, Taronmla; Otaries Francis, Belle- ville ; G. B. Boyle, St. Catarines; F. Proutiloal, Toronto. ouNbtaplinre Thie foilomlug I of our tiirty noigil veston Poet, Il surpnitset. IMn. gmuor ai the IU if d 1knowit. NON tZIiETTAXES. Mn. Penny brugimt up the report ai lte speciai Counmitte nu ltiamalter whiwvasaplet mitenut amnntnunt.- Thei report amthiorizedtheli Clark te iniai a returu an or befora lie lait a>' ai Octahai- next toetaCunt>' -Troasurer of ltse amaunt of taxes due and urluid or sci mpanalo lot or paretl ai tant fon the yoara 1855, '6, '7 sud '8, Mn. Ferry lu hinging np tie report ex- pieat h laifonrltae ycars menhiatet, hteer limhdole artdlte asossar ah liat titre tic non reidetir nturna met-a osmai mae a s tite> ougt ho liai-e been. Tiare mare aitagethisnsons $1,700 tue lie Cor- poratien, ont aof'.riici $232 batl hocu e- ceil-edt lrouglu tie axerticrus ai tic Cou cil, loaming a balance ianlte negtbonhoat of $1,500 aîiii due. He (Mn. Penny) mas gîsdti tbato liaI hlt laysars lte rebut-s usd heen mnescemnecil>', asut t lte se-raailots wme-ititguisiat sud bol- tan ion the amaunts. The b>'.luim utaori zirg th. ssii of Coul>' lards ion taxes, Mn. Penn>' obsenvet, moulti came lie ofarce next Dectumber, sud la orten ta have thase tain iotastinot l tinte Esia l as noes-. ary ltaIlite reluru sitouit ho nae. Mn. Penny naeet uet praportica s ia eRader- horst properby, thes Gilterlio asate, anti part aiflte Wertcu praperl>' as eiug me meth as four ycas taIxes, sud ùa h tnagli the meut af proper relurus. He conuedt b>' îbaliug liaI lis course paintati ont-b>' titi ripant monti have tae effoct ofai tug $2,000tlathia inuis aifte Corporation nsxt Spring, anti naking Wiity lic moat light. Il' taxadt owin i ltaemhiohe Pro-rince. STutEETS AND IUI'ROTEMEXTS. Mm. Penny itrougil np lis report of this Connittai, eut ounation lis Courcil ment mia oCammittes of lte ihQole-ecor, Mn. Cameon ile chciait- mi.teisreport mas adoptdi mthout amnntienl. The report reeounmerted tie iollomingr appt-o prietiacm Brode treet $1,000 ; Durtias St. $300; Buse Lire $150 ; Norbh Wart *250 ; Centra Wtt-C $250 ; Seti Wurti $t50; Bountieny linos *60-m al-$2,1 60. Thte report ne- cauietted. hitltle eppropriaion on Brode sut Duntisa mroite ha expatîded u-. drte tho supsinîendeccîoifte Canîlîtea on mt-ets ant imipravamnus, and ltse ap. praprietiens l intie tiffierent merda unden lic rempeehii-o Couaciliors far n chacimi-, lte ippt-oprieiou enrtusBase Lina la go miti tia Sonth mat-t. Council adjaumasdt laMonday24ti Jure. Omtioal Appointments. Tic Gavennon GencmaIlias madetiste follomiag appointîsuts, vi- -- Edwmin Goonts, M. B, art Michael Y. Kealiug, Associate Cet-anars, court>' ai Lincon ; Arthtur Ardagi, Esq., M. D.9 Associate Coroner, court>' ai Sincoa PotinrAX Egiesor, of Ottaa, Esq., te be a Notar>' Puhlie. Him Excetno>' bas aIma granied iceuses la Johin Turule>' Farrshl, ai Cayoga, M. D., art Noil Dunlap, ai Kingston, M. D., ta practico ptysis ie Uppan Canada. NEm PoaT OFFIE.-A eem PosI Office is about hsiag estabbisited au Scngag Islrt. Tt mas badi>' requit-et. The, Club w dm1>' felloma, WahIice sud Dôrtan, ta pes- ter the. toma iii tir black-guardism. ,- Il nerama bIs quill it miidtal sunduit sof, Titis Journal liasgainel a mail unouvia- hi. notariet>'. Base insinuation, systetus- tic slander, aacompaeted b>' lie grassest abuse, ihave beeu lte meapons oaitis con- tincioro, even mince tii.>'assumeti control ai its colume.s. W. matei te statement ho- ions, ati me repuat il agita-ltaI bite Wal'at u evn-mithhélieexception ai lie bi tlime Mn. Bcach gave tone ta Its artises-teiest mmlipublic and pris'ate eharacten, lu a innen sa foroigu ta tic spirit ai fair pis>', anti in astylo nos otiIt Ita ai gontleumauil'feeling, tiat mc -ire forcedt th le conclusion liaI bitter, pensa- ual istreti prompte th ie comardl>' attacks mitai have appearmd lu ils ceoias during tie yean liaI is puat. The. Walclsman hubeen pleaseti to eall aur aîistures «insolent, unsaledior, anti entinel>' ialae.f' Tu ipi>' me liai-i l oui' s>' ltatIntahîe Wittto-DoitwAiWscitool ire have uevsn stedieti an graduateti. W. nova-like thé Edilor ai ths Watclemail -taie, lteehoice apeoimns aifltsBe AR Roox as aur standard. Anti If lte Pogt ha net as billiau asu sanie oaitis more fi-r- hI>' situateti sonlempearaies, neithan does il enjo>' lte nputahtinaifbeng-misl lite Watclr,-an la-lie IMmAitL aiflte Cana titan Press. Our rsmarks au lic proprielon anti sdi- tan mare ralther d'insoilen, -ncalliti-far, an entirol>' lseleIn Iruti ai aur assertion, me have oui>' ta direct attention ta the fact, tat ouea ser analior ai aur masl reapectablo sud influeuliai men have beau misnepressnteti, tratinetianti saiumuinted b>' tItis moral pemi; and ho snai an extent titi ltecouducti aiotte Watclîian pait thein riane. sud sinful altenipte, ttat lmei Reformers aiflte Caunal>,fion hmilte>' professedt taspasie, ihditirir emcourte- rance anti support. Thisa la tImigit b expoctet. A paper lsbal l enatseofaide. cana>' -,tiefying, iraleati ai gutdiag, public opinion ; atîd 'îioialiug, coutinnoual>' eut ystemalicall', lte commmon bordu,af socle- t>', counot fa on a maoment bcpet-mutt loac nclasths expoieut aifltse Refonni par- SNoans but tise Etrai lte: Waclman moult eccusus ni tond)ismn. Ha kiscîrs baller, but ie iî nmore faniliar iii imbue- liant tienu hruth, bhautes, îniirapnusenati.in anitis bis purposa lu tItis case. We bave ne-or, ather diracîl>'oranitdirectl>', courteti tte layon ai aur Caunal>'officiais. I emsv itavar noticeti tiietu fum'aahiy or unuttvona- Iy-mail if tse Walhnan coulti me> as muci -art yaî me ara accuacti of leadylan b>' lhi tiscrabie assIe. Itho WFatclnan dois nualotady il la because liiifarte is "Peurnug eut sît-cusutsocipoition and ocigaîl, Slaudrous roproutelîcss aund fuîl liattieia." Town Couci. Wut-nri', Monda>' EV'g, Ma>' 27, 1861. Hlis Wasiip tieMayer bale the chtair t mfupat 8 a'çlooie. The other meni. brs oft lyrF es Aa nron art Dr. Gunu. TheMa>-ar tnformedtheltsCouacil thuut lis itat suspeutiethie Citief Contalelfor nal psrtorming bilm tint> a s auisiactar>' inanner, aeuthtlie o ulti romain auspan. det uttilie Couuil's plisssena rmate biii disance, Riley came inlisne The second bout h'aenan muaassirat up, art tale lte second pince, C/arien wtnnirg 1»' about lwa isngtbs, asut L in forau-on fii leugis bhurt. Thethurd t as u mary kocul>' coutasteti, C/arien comnug iii b>' about a lengtiniteati, suitbot hioreuts hciug meil unicer mlip anti spur. Limber Jiin mas te favorite bera lte saret.- The kaomiug eues afterwards asiteti mithi J. C. Heenan, but Clarion manitiutct ltae finit jlace uc-l lietahirecobeau. The nexi anti lasI race ai lic day mas for ltse Tnattung Puma aof $50, traite alake ai $15 encit, open ho ail trottin,,bot-ses liaI raer bout ltres mint-s. Theti mar t-aw ellani,andthle re8uuî mas W. Ilarris'm Rose of Streceuille br. n. 4 yrs. C. Gaies ta satitlo 1, 11 2, 2, 1. N. Ray's Fanny Fauter, b. n. agati, Hubitard, sattle, 2, 2, 111, 2. Tins 3.17, 3, 2.53, 2.55, 2.54. This t-elmus a eqy kean one, sud par- itaps mare maryc>'ciaugeti barda ou if, lien on an>' ather race turing lie meeting. The Rose mas lie favorite on tiii starI, lira la oue. Afien lis firsî boat ltse bolbing mas five ta one, anti aller ltae second test, ainoit au>' ot4s mare oiefeo. Tietirt- iteat- lie fastes I in tie race, thie-Regs' hachiera coolet dam, sund sainie oitien began ta badge, sud mien Fanny taie the fourti hea, sanie oai heleiooieed ratier non-plesseel, anti a gooti deal blIne. The odd es mot-alen offanoti in fa-rroa Fanny. Bot h anes starteti on s liî'ely gai lte flftit heat, anti kept saie b>'sidte t tae quarter poe, mien Rasa broles np, Fanny making about four isuglis ai an apaning, miticit aithtlt until wutie about 150 yards ai the gland, ibm iathe hnting at maiug aifhaashy persans eioug the mou asma lange' perlaf the. course, mas graceel mtit a ftir snd onàpieup uprinie. litg aiflthe fais- sex. Thora mas nelitot' tinuninteu, fgiing, non quarrelliiî à-h. servableti de'erytlig passeotiofY lu the hest msnnen. - Thte ruuning litée-PiuiI-,Day, aIitatiugi gooti, awual tquitq 80 attractiveose, tie lia fallamiung dsys ^ýThe tt*sgýý for lte Innitespens pusse ai *100, mihluside eglus ai $15 cach, mile hat& SlnnS, apen-ta ah1 ages, wee not-fiuist. Tis gave cause 'for soais ucouagsment, anti masowing te lte fact liai lie stewards mcdual allai Province aloancola Puemtaoccb»d Irse, sud miiitma wu in iby nome ýt,,he amuira ai hanses mite tesireti t o muke ,su- tries. The Steardns couiC net make t6c sallawarce, as Il monîti ho contran>' le the ules ai tie club, and, listshle faulî-fiutiers meli kueir, ionr te e> ' aontmneiý,hansss entier lie sam nie mss isetofore, ýnd min lui mitanut oblainiug lie ulaance.- The intentio onau hem parts mus homeven plain, and it wmasimpl>'telasava thein liasses for lite cib-punsi- of $200, itc ltae otdi aif tiiProvins, alloiese mre net giîn than, ionr theluineapers put-se. Tii. rase ion thi.Count>' Purieai $80, mihumnide stake aiof1.êei, a, pen » al hanses amat t -ite CenI>' of Oi4ania nile heats, 3 in 5, T. C. W., mas mail con- testeti. The entries mena:- J. Fsntou's J. C. Heenan, sgedl gel. b. 1231h, W. White, ritien 1, 1, 1. A. Gnaham's Willey Riley, aget gel. cites. 1231bt, Chuas11>, rider 2, 2, 2.- Tina 1.56>, I1.551, 1.56j~. Ileenan mon tis race" iii tht-e stsîaigil hasts, aund appearced ta b tee tntg for ils emsIler antagouisl, Riley, albengI thlie latter iras up laelits irai liaithelits irte' miti outsiders. The tl ir iastoats lionsr mas lthl more tItan a leugt betwcan lien, but tlt ih baulits gap wmssgreaten. Riley mas lame et titi stant, andt iis ne toubî affocteti bis nunning. Siaeapursa ai $20, ion unîraucti boes kept for itacl anti fnrning put-poses, catch meigttîs, poat enteuce $3, mile tai. Five aunres. F. Kaler'î Grey Dido 1 ; R. S. Mil- lcu's Mark/ram Muid 21ldi; W. Fralick's Country Boy 3rd;- J. Lyntes Bay Kitly 4ti; Dr. 1luke's Gre-y Cartwright Fith. Tino 1.58. Thia race gave excellenît upant, Country Boy gotel lie hastsellai off, anti kept Ilîle stu closel>' follamvetib>' Mark/ram Muid îe tiheul mile pni' - Grey Dido liien cana up, autel bohmen limaItutndthetei-e- quarter pale, passeel thorau bath antiloti heme. Tic Second Day mas titi grant day ni ltae races. Tt beimg lte Quaa's lirlt Dut>, and a holiday, lime cannuse uîhnouîg- et witaleclaîeni, andtihle greatst ntemr- est appesmodtolacho niufested ii inte rcsnli. lut tii fita-ac for tie Clb Parie of $200 insit. abaka ai $2.5oaIt, 2 mite héats, for ail ages, banîdicap ivigita, hatifnfuit, tiers mers four sutiei. W. Kinmait'a Montcalpt b. ageti 1231h, N. Litîloficit, 1, 1.'- James Pauûàfirzen Dick, g. aget -D. Recdy's Cenlipede, c-1o5. g.-55 cara, C.. J. Sbarliuîg's, BelIllUe Las, b. 6 yrs. iOUbsi, Chas, ils>' dut. Timno 3.47,31. Tl'bs race mas atiertise asî T. C. W., but as it mi asntlliul>'ta bu filleti, und] tie parties agrecing ta îme it a hsîtdif.ap, the jntigc-s tecitird upituidoiutg se. The ruuin a ma ntogetîter boteimeutMontcalnt samd Dîck. Centipede bobtti beoete gel, liumg la litsquarter- poea, andti lrci itis ri'der, anti sitiongitcaugitt, tc ballet agai antd iras maiket teck. The Las wias dis- acetite finI lieut. letwecn Montcalin sud Dick, lte race mite maIl contestei, lte herses lsppiiîg, anui bong neaul>' sIre b>' site, ltse finît hast Montcalm winniug by litIle more thitt a leugli. lu bath icats, !tlontealin. gel a goot semutioff, s an&itae second bii unîttirec ngtits tie tibat.- This haiee-rmas aming teu n feuit aitheo intiges, ion bath herses cane t hiesore as cloiel>' ns coult hc togelier, but Ment- calm mas on lte jump, aud DcC io thea lostnasîer ant i uta uretios againat a rapcslitiouu of titis rogleot of dut>'; anti pro- mises af umeudment mot-o gi-rau lu returu. But tie promises mers rat kcpt. The De- cember accounts e e net saut etililte 2nti April. 'thesu facts m-rt-sreportcd to tahIe I>otinastcr Gencral, wbo aciti lipon them mitieut knaming o a inng wmitIwirstli colon oi Mn. Robinseuî's pogiis. Il will genet-ali>' bc admittiltaItah regluctotfaitt>'ai micit Mn. Robinison mas guilîy, was jusîl>' punisieti b>' dumiasat. But te Cloan Gril organ catunet brook ltae itica ofjtldtice betssg exteututi upan ons ai ils prtizani. Ticealter day it tufentiet lte Moeller frauti, and donouncod lte jury four findiug guilî>', upan ltae clecat evi- douce. Tic nîtemupita malte a martyr ai Mn. Robitnson is lanundipulteditarman>' wvtit ltae doiecmes ofMuulicr. lBut lte Posi- inaster-Geuerai muaI ast upon a dflereut princiffle. Hia muaI execula justice againat Posimuistena mie tire guili>' of negiocttag tlîcin dut>' or defraudiug the revenuneaud ho saunai stop la liquinee den ls'hi-bc long la lhiii antitat politicat part>'. Mn. Robinsoni is unfortunateiy ualtlte ni>' Pasîmastaner hm ilhabecu founti tises- ian>' la dusmis.Tite Postmasters ai Niaga. ra, Beacim'illo, Calitugmoati, Coteau du Lac, Wcstou, DBerlin, Nemboro and Menicie- ville, as ml asliaIai ofBeaventan, have besu dismusseti. Titis prompt dealing miih offindors cannaI but have a salutan>' effeel. It ii cause il ta b. genoraîlly understoati ltat ltemisconet ofai au>'eeconnecte&i. miti tie administration ai lis Department homem'er remetel', nia>' depard epon biing deaIt iîh as ho doser-es. W1et.n liee offenders beioug ta ans politisai party or the alter, Il Willibca atttue sainie. The Postniaslc-Gererai, in acting upon titis principis, dfe-eve hesupport ofa iihonesi men. For lie censura aiunapnincipteti partizans ha 'nesti ual cars ; ince bis dc- tenniluation ta koap ltse departmant officiant anti pursemiilmccl lie approbation oi goati nien ai al petieu. ienow ofa. The.splen, about 60 yards ai the stand, mien the. Rose passet besud ant tber leU tiaa .lethl. Fattny mas certain of gottigtheo ýmebot ion the excttemeut of hot frfnds. -The Hurdie Race u mas eclýfor ntho T hrti.Day, Èans.ofi$150,l iýod tl. eaci, tuile heats, aven four buntitei, 3 feet 6 inchei higb, Handicap meighto. Therte W. KHlnwan'a .M'ontcà lOi10b, Peppen, -il 2, 1. P. Eeedy's Faniv KemMle blk. ni. aget - :.Starliig'a Beltivie Las,, 140b, The. hanses, starteti freni tthe stand very plomîy,- cash, auxlias for the. othsrs ta taie ltse hurdis final. Maou led mith thé. Bele- pilleLais,, mia slmnk the bondie aftt tiwliteirn rider. Fanny next came, Mfont- 4aia t ler heeloia. The znare led aven the titres riaintig -hüAldIs, ontmqr tle aide. -Bath hernes came lnuentier mip anti spur, the. inst quarter, Menicalua se- snriuîg ttheat by a litlîsmars titan bali a lengt. Tue oLasa mas catight, anti Maoun emountd, sud came round arlus. Mason rode 1531b, 131b aven bis weigitt. The secondbhast lte ltre.hanses came to tae bore sgain-Bellevî1le Las& mt snohi rider. The senti-off mas goot- FaounyKemlle leading ltse part>'. Fanny lad aven thc second hurdie,, Motucalmi close upen hen. Tii. Lais nef usedte talae ltse hurdls, andti ien irticis attempta ta indus. lier la do7so, ai'èe msbroughtback. Aften passiug lte thinti hurtils 1moncalm toaie t leati, wmih he kept tathie stand, coaming in îearl>' two leugths aiteat.- Reeti>'protesteti ion being croîdet aI lits fourtit hurdie, miens part aifltse hurdie mas t-rowndowm The jutiges deoidedtihat there mas, croîdiugp but tlut il mas nin- tentoîtai, sud gave the boit ta Fanny. Ia tis 3rC- ba he i.mars again bel off, until site came ta lth hird iturdle, wmmci mita înusie, causing lte rider ta las.is aîirrup-itolds, anti wcits mhia sunabis ta regain turing ltsltseremainden aiflte huai. Ho e nvcrîhless putaheti his adi-en. sur>' iard-Montcalm mwinuiug b>' ual mlore lieu tira onrttrc engths. The idiug ai both lia jockeys lu Ibis race mas admirable, anti exciteel lis martu- est encomiuii. Province Handicap $50, open la ail Pro- vnce-broti herses owued lu Canada, mile buas, 3 itn 5. Tiras cunias. Join Harrisen's Cripple .Tacle, aget, ilOlis, C. lIa>', 2, 1, 1. D. ileedy's Cent ipede, 1181b, Jarret, 1, bolîtid. W. Kirwau'a Lady Raglan, 1231b, dr. Tmes 1.55, 1.56. Oul>' Jack anti Ceniipede rau. Titane mighî ha saidteibla .onttie due bmal fon tite race, for on te aeconà huat Centipede holîtid before getting ta ltae fit-at quarter- haole. Lady Raglan iros drain lucause- qucuce of larncucas. Shako Puise ai $20, open tealal trotting andt puciug Iherses, ieapt fanritacleantifarnm purpeses, mile icata, 3 lu 5. Thoa. Poardou's Farmer, ageti, suika>', 1, 2, 1, 2, 1. Jabez Lyntie's Blackbird, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2. W. Tlîouxpîon'a 7ippa, 3, 3, 3, tir. Tinua 3.94. 3.12, 3.94, 2.58, 2.55. Tihe trot mas beimeeon Fuier anti ilackbird aiter the firat bout. Tippo mas iui poor fit, anti we.î ios.W4yrk bijey^c. Ic catlot wau claie ans boîee nthe "TDfermer. This match-sa ntlelhlaa match of $50o b-tweeoîIlls herssoaiMr. Titan jsoîs aussiMn. >eurdon. Tic geriorai opiuionu appearedte tahlai hiatiBlackldrd beiig idden fromthe ucbginniîug b>'the Sain ideri-tuai rode bhum the lait tlia mata lie wcîulu hume mon, Th'Iî races coucîndet mitit a Shako Purse for lituks, araetuile dusi. Titans more sotue six oiiînias. Titi punie iras mon b>' lir. Fialicke 'us e. l)ls-inisi aifthe fluaverton Post iVo huaehititente refruincti tram expres- ain- au opinio n ltse malter. Our gym. 1at1e? ena .ert.nl 'mii. Robi- sea The session ai 1861 mai operet ou lie 16111 Matci, antdiclaaed or lia Sti ai May', heing 64 teya. Titi numban f ai C>' ofaiilings mss 44. Tita Lagioaeive Coucil tai-e pasiti 34 ai thum Bis, five ai mnicit have ual heen spproi'ed ai b>'thie Legislelive Assembi>', viz :-tires affeccing Upper Canada, art lie lte mbhio Prom-trac, beirg a l3ankrupb Bill1, ant ill311fuotrltse encouragemient of Arts andi Manufactures. Tic Longislalive Assenihl> have paiseti 129 et ttîir oie tilla, igiteen oai nsi have nal beu appromed b>'teitiLegioasilve Caunci, viz :-Titeeu afl'ecting Upper Carets, four affeccing Laser Canada, anti are îffectiug lie mitole Province. The Legisialian ai 1881 la baist upon sixty-flvs hBis inînotucet b>' ltnit>' nom- bans frai Lamer Caunada, nineleen ai wiot are Frencit Canadiens, aud upan sevealy- ai Bills introduati b>' tity-ior mîmbars irai; Upper Canada. Fous INDnazu MoRmous passedth iraugi Cleveland on lte 22nti ou hemir a>' ta Utah Trrilan>. Tits>' mee frai, Englauti. Elgit cars mare occupiet b>' lie people and tire b>' heir baggage. Of lte eigit piaseugen carstira mo erse ccupiat b>' tioso calliig tteniol-es flnsl-nlass paisegrs.- Titose appeoti muci betten titan lie oalun enigrns-; the female final chas passeigers mini panhieulanl i>'taltgihable fraos--r dinar>' Mormon nacruils. Tieeti of atli iomnemrseventi>' ai lie pooneit clas. Tite snigrant train that sonveyed tous Mormoans masa large one, couîiting ai tee cars f ai sesngers. quits i treat. 77b thse Editor qf t/se MWlbg (Jlsnicies Wm'nnr, Ma>' 29o 1861. I noticedt lu t iaumben ci ýyourý valuable Journal, liaI me listia coniuies an Streets- sud 'Improvonisahs. I iai ual issu lte >artilinluqestion, 1 mioniti uoi-dr, iri tic stahe ai aur -sînests, have imagina1 titat mwe iati sueh s body>. I am moul ianlaI thtit la ver>' easy ho'ied <suit, anti 1-do ual foot dispomadtieade so; but!I oiii ne answho lias neticet aur streetr- for l ai i ynao,!n ut admit inat l oui>' rèabit-ovýeniuhs have been limé, and lte Iraffleon ou liai ihiniteti havs cuabieti a paoon b>' tahiug asesrpenline canurs, ta driva amer them mitenut an>' great risie ai bis nae kbeing brokîn jsud in ltse faîl, wminse aisaititeholea looie ratier tiagot-ous, lie>' are filiet up ta makté langer and deeper haies in ts Spnua, anti ,miten il tn necessar>' te put on atone on- Broci Stret, It is put on fust befors lie' commencement ai sletghing, fer lis benifi aifrosie uervos aud slegi aises. 1I mmii pcniaps be tld ltaI lie conim siauens do. tasinmarie grahuiticusl>'. ,Granlet. But I baîhuve ltere lintnc penalyfor notsrving, lu lte Counuil, anti I ai net amuie ltat au>' ana isbeen elscîed, mia tas rot soli- citedthle ionor. rh suci ho lieéisol', anti 1 Ibinkie ilcannai lic ispuhet, Iefr ons hait tint lis>' ara in honor houcdt l do ion the'- improvenient aioltseTown aIl ite hem power, si-su il hein pensanai Iinconven- ions,. I ai nespetll>' yurs, ONE 0F THE PEOPLE. -.4-- lb t/se Edilor of tise Wiitby C/sronidle. Wnî'nar, Ma>' 28, 1861. "Salve Lardum."l MR. EeTae,- You mît ses b>' ni>'motta, (mmmcii I have borromati ai Mn. Rasitit),tal I in- tendtt bo iite about lte ponkara, wmmci in- faîl aur alrseba. Altitougit lten tas beau se mucit initIer aientthle tog nuiance, liaI it iookleis a praflbos tasie, la su- deavoun ba have tits nuisance abateti. But reoluectirg lis decisionai lie jutige mime wrnuget it taeaiit o emadersania, ta premani lier ennaying biiib>' hon irequeul inporlnnities, 1 iIt ing lte suijscl 0usd mare befone aur honrorable Ceunci, in topes ltaIa>' my iii came ha a likes deci- aion. I titinkif la bylai mas pasact i - poaiug a penalty aifse>' four dollars, faor ch pig fouat runningta ntie sîneets, nue- irg il tia dm1>' ai tie polica-afficana ta campluin ilion lte amena more knout, eut misora net lnowu le admetise, eutdacl ln four tinys, tie nuiance moult ha abated. OnI>' ycslertay ta pasaiug a butcbet-'s stop lu btow, I sai net lie bulche it I i tie uap, but e pig meikiug abet-wietiter la mat-va cualonera or itimsîf, I titi ual hear. Ileapoctimil>' yours, A LOOKER ON. lb tise Ediercf tise itby Cisrosicle. Kuowuug titlyoc ticepl>' symupaîiiza wit tse amsupporters ai aur Queandar Constitution, 1 lake lteliiberty. ai iniorm- iag, yen comcernng s moal glaring outrage upon ltae feelings ai aIt truc sobjecta ai aur lai-et Queut, perpoînalet ounItso mning of Mu>'y 24t in luth it tterto Brttair.leving, Village ai Clarumant. Ti r otlres pet-- tics, dtlrmiret ta showi hemirwnI ai uîyaîlti te Union Lac/c, anti lhitait-l icrence la, sud loa for lis Stars art Sînipas, nisît upoi lte flag poleinirthe centre ai titi village a flag ai litIkinti. Oas ai thei parties iugagad,imoids a post ie aur Court>' Mpilia, anti tai naeslout anti frequeantboasis of bis attict atienenca, aye, ci-en la the ler ta tie Croira, but te muai needa cut oui lie star, andi assisi ta effix te stripes. Sucit conduct bas givon ise ta quite a feeling afeitcuul>bh- lîcen none, anti tas caleiltidem tha cen- sure ai en>' nrigit thiieiing persan lu lie eronie, or wah oct. Becultus ttouyaa Aasioscomplete iutisfactiou. HoR eamhr I tha huit. as well us thtecheapoat. Yor saIsis>' al D ruggialýS Proared oîly by A. I. MATHEI<8, Drugglît, Iltiffalo, N. Y. and, Fort Vena, C. -W. A GOOD TIIING.-TRyJT 1 tHIE CANADIAII PAZIN DESTRtOYER. T8 A bMEDICINE for lthe immeàs.iale asupr- J.manant nomevîl eoli11painiafrem tIetisyt.em n7e Canadian Pain Destroyer cures Cbmunaism urend pain lu thei Thse Canadian Pain Destryer relieraes Pain lu the huad and Sick headlacli- 7%ke Canadian Pain Destryer scures Billousq Chooand Crtupsi u lte Siainach TUt Canadian Pain Destryer nitres ChoIera, Cholema Merlis, Dysenter>' sud Bowuil Compliît. Tae Canai Pain Destroyer cures Suddeu Coldsansd Boe Thnoat. Tse Oaiadian Pain Destroyer ocrer Neuralgia, Tiseleuleureux, and Toothanlie. TUs Canadian Pain Destroyer acres Bornus, Sois, Frost-bites, Chnhan r&n. 2Yse Clanadian Pain Desroer lsab au a excellant thlug for $trains, tiprains, Wouuds andl Bruisox. Il takus away ail Pain tae moment it lis appleel.' No Famui>' îhloulid ho ithont a battis cf 7%e Canadian Pain DMamryer Pricé 25 cents par Botte. Al ardera addrcsied te- XORTHuiOP &LYMANS Nemnastia, d. W. For Sale in Whitbý y >' A.,.Banuster su'd W. il. Docl. H. D. ilitiriugtoe, uxbnidgé, sud&I ainee-urintdee.doson1 mntes. m Axima 1 iflebsd - - 1 bottle of pr-. t- sm tu sl acure- hava axialed, or aumaver smaei-aay aseu, p.rvu.u thei orogaiie ltlu o f lte viis[e rgans su ast bopes lebsly vfasçd.-Every onfrsffiëcdshudl ie TO 'VÃ"CALtsrs aà= Ptmtîe ftàgiUs.Jese Witers are *ecailay vatable; lba WMiii i oD,ýÀJ.ewvs powear and B5aitty cf ta vidcgreaullrcytil toile, couipsaud-éIsaanaWfor wbleturos e are regulai ed bLvma>Wprfeslonal vocaluts. JOB fiE, Sle fropnielot, Rocestaer. N.'Y.. Fricà2epr bou. Forsaea (;. A. Banlstr.anst Wl FL 0.61 Whntby. ILD. Ratiinglou, Uxbridgesuâd .DU M4 dicias eha. &stratton.-Witliin the pust year 1hm5 gentlemen have brought out»a0iesof tet' books ta lbe used in sbofr chain CollageO, and alxong the, booksa prepared, for themn,i ane upan the subject af Commerctal -Law. On the appearance of tbus wat, the. dôpàrt- nie nt af Law iras rs.organized inth ~e'Col* lege,- aud the. book jdace l'a the bande af eaeh studeut es a subjectaofstudysad recita, tionaïd the-eleparîmeut itself placed undbr the supervision ofa gentleman vel qualiied ta ,onneet'it. This hia noIr become a veyimportant <sature af the. proscribeel caurse of stndy k . nemesarily farma a part of tbd requisite, edncMtion for a pusinSSs ca 'noau>choot of à conmmercial cehaçorercn meet thé. uta ai tiiose, seeking te enter upon the duties of active, business lifs, without kt. Lot the, Young m~en of îbel country desiroos aof attaining a thorough anel practicai ediicasioù, cansnît ttiirbighest itîterests by enteringi the Bulf. falo Mercantile collage, Cqsr olL-isCnuy Council meetkWon T esay ni - - Ât hitby,, the,16th lit,, th ii. miofa John ghier, Esq., P. L. S.oa a daughtôr. On Friday, the. 10th Instant, the. mie of Chartes Robinson, Esq., J. P.,e of a- Son. At Pickering, on the. lOth inst., Mrs Hector Beaton of a son- MARRIED. HARNDEN-COURTICE-At Myrtis on the 1Sth inst., by, the 11ev. J. P. Jones, Mr. George Harndeû-,tô Miss Polly Cour. ticel both of Raglan. SALKEL-W1LLIS-At Whitby, an the 11lth May, by the 11ev. James T. Byrne, Richard salkeld, ta Miss Elizabeth Wiliis, bath af Whiîby. UNDERHILL-SULTON-At Whitby, Mab 28th, by thae11ev. James T. Byrne, Mr:."Robert Undeéiu af Whitby, ta Miss Ann Sultan af Pickering. WIIITIJY MAJITCETS* Wednesday May 129, 1861. The mnarket for thc patwcck bas, as anticiputcd, shown signs of Improvement, and prices havo hooni weli sustained, par- ticuiarly for fait whc:ît. Severai loatis solling yestcrday ait $1 030 and $1 32.- The offerings wilt amouint ta, 400 or 500 bushels daiiy, and in a few days marc mn expect toe ctitn average one ecr two thousand bushels ; ail parties ugrecing that thore is a large quantity sti1l te canin in, and if tho fariners are- irise thcy wili net run înuchi risk, but accept a good prico when it cati ho hud. The bad accaunts given of the fait whcat ti the back part of the Caunty are, %,v are picasced 10 say, somewhiat cxaggeratcd. At anc lime It was theuglit te ll wireat mas nearly al icild, but within a weck or ten elsys it has corne an 'vry rupidly, and the pros- pects are geed for an average crop. 'flet e have been large sales in Ncw York, prinicipatly fer expart. Canada club >-cstc-rday steed at $1 22 for No. 1. Chicagaspringl5c leiss. ln Mentrciltho markent seema mach de- pressed ut proert, but witb the large tir- riva&l af ocoari vessels, and the falling af the watcr, it is ariticipated there wilt be a change for the better. Forced sales af Canada club have beeri made at $1 14, anid $1 16 a $l1 8ta askcd for Jure dclivcry. Wliite whcat la scurce, and wanted ut $1 40j ~a liigl'.r prico ceulti be realized -fcT a 8trikt Ne. 1 sample. lu Buffalo tlie arrivaIs frm Chicago andi Milwaukio are vcry laree, but the quaritity changing hands there te reportcd as very small, a]lniest the whoeoià shipped threugh te New York. FaIt whcat hure $1 25 a $1 32. Spring wheat 05e a 97e. Pcas 45e a 47c. 0ass 28e a 25c. Barley 45c a 50c. Pctatocs 20e a 25c. Fine Salt $1 75, Plaster at Wharf $1. Thero are some parties buyirig potatocs her or 1raller Marets at 20e a 25e, thcy want good sourd pirk nycâ, cups and red or peach blowcs. va ia zAo£SAIZusa ponow" -UlZDtl Saturday, the 8th-d4ay Of iwb Naît, aI ttan 1o'lecL a.n GOH. DARTINELL. 20 Mluert x us .Weie i1fiin,ùd ise -i - r t - r ,urges, a0 CAT an sd ths Coiner or Te Farine brnug Cade fer sen>' ta S. Bt-e>", over 18ysar us propnictc Ils Yard, la kit prisei bt-sncb o! Il liera linaaI6 LkaaIse a cti Whitby, Tmo TR BE er semon b, $5. Tien Mamben, a! lts Tam miii an]>' b Ple Y-d IN C-i V'ALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY YIOR SALE. T AT VALUAutBltOFERY )IcMiau"sGaneraiStore, ad iob. Thspropent>' is about 100 feet frontois Brook Stet n200 fait deep ta a lane 20 fint midis For a mercanitileý stand;, or a linsI-c]àas halaI te locatien is net iurpassod lun te TOWN 0F WHIITB'Y Tyausv-Tan yaara credit for threo-feurtbae - Ilîn-purelîss o ns>, sud but thmeuspar cent listerait for tto ist fivo vears. Parties dogilng te buitl ave new an eppor, Ionit>' ai purehaaîg thaeeri>'ata.lowprise. loun cr a u raduced steri A l ýO-J. IHA!!PERIM. Whilby, 29tiî May, 1861. 20-4w W.IBOSS 3M.1. fTIYSICIAN, SUEGEONi ACCO1UCHER DionueytIo Lend ou Improved Fairmi. yi! . ICOWN, Broker, losâ~, Fattale N.u t> Geutieral Agent, 1 Masonie Mal, Toronto Street, Toronto. 0.m Corut ofOntar~eioT haraby rive that the 9( . 1Court or iaal Quar- td esioîu ~ lis asce, and lte Ceuuty Court miib holoidn in sud fortIhe C ounty' of<Ontario, aith liaCourt lHouaeinl ltseTom of Whibi, Tue.day, the llth day of Tune-, A. D., 1861,, utt*wesofienk, fan omn wi ail Ceoerà, Ju*tioüs ofîthe Fouse, onstàbias aud al ailiers conicnnned wmiii talîëe otice anti govtru thiemil-re aecondngl>'. NELSON G, REYNOLDse Sharif, C. O. per C. Xouraeeo WVhithy, May lorh, 1861. 1 WILLIAM DURRANT, Pintifft James Bates, David llebentson, Gaos. Enaton, liohart Campbell, The Canada leaen t îî]uilî.in ansu Saviîtg se- ciotYr Geo(rgo Sinîh ud Etisubetit Miteitell, I>el'ndautâ. Botwceu Bertrau Foins, Execuoir et tho last mill aud lcatamcmt5of tIesa sid Wui. hurrant, b yîmeridcd bill, b>' may af Revirer, l'aintiff, AND James -Bates, David Rob ertson Geo Lalonl Robert Campbell Thoe&uatis Penrman~ent BuiltUng and gamint Sete- îy, 'icergo Smthl, and Elizabeth Mît- dieul, (b> bill)-sud lip h Robinsen, sioshua G. Beard, aud lRichard Colline, ,nndè1partie» lun tua Mmten'aojS 011 Purgeanttoadecree tfheCotiitefChsncery mnude ln tbis canas, hcsrug date lte 7th -day of Februury, 1860 sud au ordor of titsCort bening dutet. he 2th day ai Morch, 1861 sud miih lie approbation of lGcg. Il. Dautaîl, ~s. M-ater of tlia said Court et Witby, miii O asoito SaturJeY,' t7êe2litisd<y of May, 1861, At ths hatir of tari of lIts dock lu the foreoti, by ME99MS. FAIRBAÂNKS & MÂCDONEILL Auctiouesns, ai ihstr &notion Roams iluthe TOWN, 0F WII1BYY The follewing propsnty lIbtrc iota: let. The finit lot or pas-ail, Tomn lot numnhar nlîle lu block ie inluthe îaîd Town of Whitby'- îiuttboIng patrt of lut No. 27, lu tia Broken Front Con, et ltae Township or Wlîithy, lu ttce Coîîuty efOntarto, Tiersema goedbansupol il, sud tu asial dwullîng Vouse. 2udl. The second lot, th.eatorth blaIofcitain let No. 5, lu block 5, int1 te said Town cf Whit. by, nd ulti-a art ai saiti tai No. 27. Thon. lx ponWà,gôç dwlliighoua., sud a baker>' of sufficeeut size la curry ou s lange business.-- Zay, luiM. Th -Bau lime Mthtay eof bearttsg dat At lte ho AucI TOW Titfo llami là&- Titi Na. 24, in Wbitby, cc 14 degrees tua hhirdâ Wrest 15 chai chiai nsd tie sida Iii saouti 16 d citains ltit Thisalt albout ai ui Tomwmofc dmslliug b bouse anal i froi ltae a email sitress hoasand t Thtis lot alisier ual £10 ionrsme witîdu ami viatit sun £750, sud It exonge oij ter et the s con. of this1 udinassurett tieus titane Elîeckcr, ai The pure Proportion m usons>, sud sae, a suila balance mwu] trd.-ijnh 2ud ceau, of aide et Maiý lu a course tensectien 0 tie euat ar( titeuse nonli 2 linIka. te met, aleng Italie! lte, ozet liCls beluetii miCofcile emit 89 chai ny Sires links f=oI mcrth I'f de Mary Streel histuu Tii. lotsfre lot& This 1 pOcp sae. iTie i a depoitu of!fla ateralu from tZedo to naki ans the bslsuee thed&Y of 0 liote, or mot to e he ta For t"i SolicitorIL,

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