Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jun 1861, p. 2

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À Surder of the. 0011t r"194,109 4vla.ra 1 ter ba s hen toiniiied 1Wthé 1townahiP, Of ollliIvra>, Couutty cf Hum ron. icvitime were an aid lad duameid'Grbbtt, murent> era of âge, andi lier grandchalti a Uttie, girl ô '* pars0d', W. endehoq'tii. fallaw., log NI Up.rtleuiai from the Landau Pros. Preig. TUB XOTIVS 109 TEC MIDUE Tii.'aid lady whiteba met wittb meh a borribi>' violent doatit wu# the wfe cfa man, tlarned Garbutt, and wua an EugihIs *Oman by blrth. $hite:mdbec eauntry for "VM I eurai sr, sUdà of lotte oh. andi ber <5011 haveu or straitened ieumn e#> y arly Portoi or lier 1if. ah. vas aff, u erou up te lber deatb slie m -ooked up ta by the noijlhbors as a reflned sud amiable wamau. The. littie girl, a *weet littie ln. neceut cf six yearm, was thoebuhlti cf the. aid lndy'm eldest daughiter, vite wau mar. ried ta a man nnrned Harcourt. bira. lar. court bu be'q dead for nmrnetue, aud hîmr grandinother teck the. little jpue home to-live wit hero, aud waa foudiy attached tu ber., -Sa far ast elther cf the deceaaed werc péruotally coucerueti, there vins Wo esUe Iltwatever for thu flendish re#eugte whiclt hir inhumon inurdtorer uoughit ta gratif>' by takiug their lives, andi the quar- s'el wich ho had with Mr. Garbuit w-asoue cf bis own seekiug', andi fnr wMds buliewâg itupriuoîtcd lu goderieti jail for ibrea moutits. Iu the môuds of Augustt mt, hé accused Mr. Efarbutt cf tcealiug the raila (rom hie fonce, sud ounte Imputation be. Ing throwun back by the aid gentlemian, the inurderer struclîjut a violent biow, aud having knocksd l bm clown liclced in sever- ni Of bist tue, and lit Insupposeti, would bava klted him cutri iht wcre it net for the Interferance of noeupprsens vuo wit. nesscd the assauit. Since bis libera-tioti froin jail, b.e lins repentcdly vowed he would bave rovanze, andi the aid people bave been lîept hl the Most pahîful statu of alarmi, not lnowinig wbfen tho ruffian would carry hie îhreats intaexecation. Their fearit were cnusi<lrably alînycti a sîioi c tinte -since. however, ini conisequonce of 3aison tielling bis farm, whicb adjoined the lot on which tue>' lived, and movirtg sever- ai tuilrs Intrhie rpt. Ie a young utan, aged twenîy.six yenrs, anîd bis pliyscal Rystem is well deveope-d. H-e ile about ire feet cigbt luches highi, sud cf dîîrl complexion. lis icad p resents, ta the Moiait cscral, ohcrrver. a popflar formi. While the forobetîd le ample, the akîtil riscs lfi a concelilco chape, snd îermiites lu a point, anid, aîîoîbit le coveret i wtl luxllri'.att lack' hait, it looksm straiigo ar.d wiclerl. 11e s P9arc ti,,,hcly drawn togefli- er .wen not s1cakinr, as is oii ye is briglît anîd resîltees. 'flic expression cf hie fea. turc4, vieu lie laugis, as lie repentedl>' did dîtrini.rtlle inreutiglition, in ilmost sa. talle, fîcl ndi tnpesses ail wlîo ec Ii'ituwitj u nillried ulead. Hlia us beeti for yearg the terra:- of the tteighboriîacd, atnd while sOinecof Ihid friindîare uow sttivitîg ta etablîsîsibe pIea cf insinity, noue cf-, ile antecedetits will wrarranît sntob a conclu. ien. To IC as alîvays been wilit, viclous, and vindicîlve, neyer generous or kiitd; sud loiea quarroiled witib ail bis ueigh. bore, screrai of whom lhare, iu self defeuceo giron hlm evre o bntingg, anti tauglit, hlm te respec their auperior streugls. Bli as alway ubcen bard workiunz sud ludustrlons,, For the langtis oftime aflutiste bue atîd cry tas! beau riseti, tise attention cf te uuigbbora wau confined.tà tise captura cf tisa mus-does-, nttise bodies vaeealevatie tn ramain wh r ahojî left thiem. Ms. Joncs dadais-es tisaI als caulti ual gel near tbam, anti fait lilte tiniugafiar se Saw tiem. Onues-r vo females friotîds, via wore ou the grounti, stata that vison tha>' cama up theta lozaar pàrti 'of boi/s bodies were expcsed. the cdat/seà ianing beeu throwsi aver their 'tends, -by their beaosly murderer, ansd thir bowelà trcemped out 1 Hors-or ofiorrars! Tise fientihonsatiaiet vush basting in their ukuhis,. anti defacing cvrty uppearanca cf isumanit>', bads aslly tbrawu up tiai- lothee, jumped i0uon tisa desd isodie ocreraI tintes, suddtii nat dealut until tise intestines were seattere I al oars. For mare titan twelre feet arount tih oiie blocti lay lu pools, iidwheu tha poor ro- mains vAs-c taken avis>, it vas fountiria peso.ible ta gel a potrtien of tisa brama coff tbe stumpsaundth ie graunti,anti tise>'voe coves-ad ars. Stout, troîsg men vas-e tbuile ; Uic>'cossîti \ïeep ; tiseuscouldtî t- t' mpîta console tise poor strickean cit man Garbutt, wlto tati bec-n easly ou thesepjot, but ne eue coutîl isiitof touching the rs- maints, anti athough saveral cf thain at temptedt t lift thenandt place hbem upoit a litier, msade for tise pus-pose, lie>' gare lu up, viltisloutiiîîandstikuece. l'or so-es-aI bousmwure te>'alopietita remain, andi uill the asrirai of Ms. leus->'Quars->, w1 a, iaides-Ib>' a mati numeti Bs-en, placi thema upen tise rude boars-d, anti md thamn conve>'od tç tisahomo tise>' hîttiserecenîl>' leftin ashealîhs sud tseugtb. sas-Il>' afîur tise fearful oeuraîsce ii-'t ralateti, a memuengas- vas dipaicisedt î-John Hyntimun, Eq, M. D, Coroner fer tbé' County af ilura luso,»;cnce lu in ExpIes-. Dr. Ë.hin ; whia vata-absent f ha lime tishé smugrài On al ides va Isea s untiatinotem of varning anti prepaisatiots lu anticipaitiau cf tise camiug sîruggie. Tisa ulectionu, lu ls uemrtedi, viii comae aff immediatel>'. - Mt aIl ereuts a getuesal alociont cannuI ho long dannycti, anti visauer lu be a mentît sootiar as- a ment t atas-, tisera im nclime la b ut rown avay iluspu-paratian. LutI vuok ve adrerledti thebisinsilia- tig position occupieti b>'Norths anti South Onta, antu t e iis euse teeagainu res SanihOntariiosas niers-bactiforianste is hes- cioica cf a reopreettatire. Wheîa tisa ridutsg cetupriseti part cf En st York-lt ilvis always bath>' represeuitut. Non-résidents vas-iuîsariably matie choýce cf anud s- turnet crer lte iseadecf btes- mon, rosi- dentu in ise sitiig. Anti; as is tise came Io- day, mout cfý those uoui-1-citent represeuta- tires .were Toronto lavycra, visao oly mcugt lte, sepreetaiiou of lta. caur--. stitiuincy as a meppi"ug mîce ta attain lhiis- avu nsu. NeaimI> tweuîy yearr &ga tise caueitcncy vas represeuted b>' lte prusunt Jutige Smasli'-thitt like aur pruseut s-ps-csuuaise-4*iTqon wj .! hlm. came-lise ps-e myle calior als, ttc - a, te r ecommant i hm .tisaheratepayars cf South Ontio ? A practieiug -tavycr lu Toroento, he l is oli>' lfluaticet i Tas-au- to sentiment, sud is> To'routo abid nti c atînot hcip beiîîg biasseti by Tn-týsiîw lu - teresa. He has tic communi t>' of lnieramt vitis tic people of thie conuîitueuey. Ut, bua nover doute a single set te uquhuàt tise t-ada, os- mauractu-am, os-tise agsleulIus-ai initeuascf this Couni>'. Ha is noý even a membas- cf be'Counni AgsiuliuraiSociety, usr lias ie sinco hae vas pitch4'ou*ed immc the repreentation cf the Ridiug, sobeorit- eti a ixpetece to thea Count>' ASriculutiral fîudi. Ha bas, ta hac aura, occasioîualhy attendeclas few litie tas meetinzs, vies-a lse playedtiout the part of tutu16 Cftristiacn Polilictiai" ; but setting this aside, tisera is hufluelaise tîsat bas couse ta amis- Ien, te s-conmeud Ms-. Mowat lu tise fta« of tise electors. W. ask tItan, in aitl mobus ' riousees, whether tise electore desire ta continue titis oInte cf diug,? iIi tise> alil contitne te prefes- teittg repraeuteti b auto * awyer cf 1Mr. Mowaieu eta P,- aresi- denttcandidate?7 Witt tise> ontnue tb Alie tise dupes cf des. n. s!lallovi tte rcpseetatiou afi t oo ultl>, ta remain fsrn getseration to gpnm tien, a * ~ta rlisc~ lack of4l s ine 'v -iding, O - - 7 itisthse TE£ WAR5>P'N infarmed lte Council tisat ine@-'tte aut Semian tise severalTeptitionansd memarialu directet ta b. forvaîs-iedti ta lte Executive Concil, anti both, branc 'hes cf tise, lugiasa turo had buen doly - forwartied.. The ur- plus funda in thea bande of tise Trîtsunrar 1sàd;ý h. atâted, beao is*eeted aq dépouit ilu the Bauk'ocf Maitiea1 S tbi âohirman cf tise Finance Comtri.tlee ant i iimeif. TJýe murerai impravemeuts guiîig-ounu inte Cotant>' gaol, b. menticueti as apps-aachingt competion, itough, 'nat yaî quit. inisiseti Tise Wadcu iiext inanticueti the receipi cf part u thte go%-rrment portion of tite gaci expeiliîtiseaiîd reitarkedl pnpoutii. prmpt- nase wiîlî us-hicit. tlt5>*arrant imusti wbau tIsa amoulît was applioti for., Re tatr.d that il wu# ceneidareti unneceasar>' ta ap. pi>' ci, theagovariuenit aucnunhiticou- tract was comp1letçd. Tise tielay ilu the ocanipleuin of tlîe canîraet bc atatea wae attributtîble taotise damrp state cf tise celle wlsieh- rniered i hem n gfit for business.- Thse Wardati ceacludeti hy recommunnding duapatch te the Couucih, anti trusteti their dutieasvould hlie carl>'braugist ta a cose, sud tlîîtt trie ef-etsncb purpose thse seraa reliaste tsf tic Ctîîîîîty Officera were ready te be plascei ii tho bandis cf the respective Con:uîitteî u. The Auditorq repart was thon reati as follows. That tise>'bave 'asefully exntminedti is hîo9ks and aceounte cf your Corporation fhr lte year enuclizSIet December 1860, aind bure prepared tisurefs-on absiracteti and detaileul tateunant of receipis and cx- petîditus-es for uali yens-; aiso abstract cf utasttand iahiities cf tutu County Dan lot Jîtunr>'186t, wisicisara herewitb uubmit- ted for >-our ctiuiideratiou. Yoîîs Auditrt have te repart tint al lu formation snd documente anti au>'assis. tance atberwise useful te tise iberaugit audit of the accoutie c f your Corporatiotn wera ps-empl>'an>d cheerfull>' proutiseti by ynur Coutil>' îtifier-tbe Clcrk anti Trea- mures-. Tise Caunt>' Etgineer' report wau ixexl rend. Tt statedtb tat lis. varIa authe gacI was progressing (' tifactority atîdi oulti ha seau complet 4d -titat a weil, sud min- tester cisteuMu tati en placed inluthe gaOL-1 Mr. Ferry braugfis up'tise report Otha. select committue ta vham tisa icres-al peui- t lions anti documenta vers refeýred, remp#aidi in% tise- Inccrporatini -of- tise-villagi Prince Albert. -- ft Tise uepartc recomîmenuati- tisatishe peti- tien cf T. C. Forman atnd ailiers, lie ap praved i aufasr as relates te thse foilowingc tarrilor>' via :-Lots 1 6, 17 sad 18, lu tha 4thi, andthie Southhbah-eu cf 16,17 anti11. intise Sit concession cf Reacis, andti t maiti tarritar>' comprime tise prapaseti village cf Prince Albeirt. Thot osseasautise parties itîterustet inlu inîcorperatiug, saiti vilage guarautee tte aitheI mtiafactioti cf tise Wafduti the coul anti ex reuose cf taldng a cenius o f saiti pi-oprsak vi la '- ytisa' CIscri sPayne ha, ant ie br >' authorîzet Io atake n cenucf tise inhabi tant$ vitîtitithe uropoueti linuitu. 09, moton cf 1Mr. Pasr>', tihe Council vent ie o mmiteon tise repart, Mr-. l3artlett in the chair. Tise committue roue anti repos-ted tise re- port wiîbout ameudmeut. Ou motion for týse recepîlon, Mfr. Smith moyeu lun amendumeut in bave the report ruferrati baclai b hinstructions le tare tise report amundeti h>' ddîug thse north haires cf lots 16, 17 andi 18, ini tbe 5th 'con. . Ms-. Smuith justifled bis ameudmneut b>' xtisin4t that thue report didulnot dueai fairu> witb tepetitieneru. Thue petition of 1Mr. rtusu nanti cites-s aketi for eue tihin.r tbe cOmmitîcu ' their report were cîiniu, thetu quit. anniter. While tise report op- psrently graltedth ie ps-n>er cf thc pub ition, it virtutall refused ti . for the limita defiet fuor lte villazce would not embrace a suffici- eut populaion ta entitie thesm ta bacome incorparatuti. Ms-. Ratelitl.- cousitiered tisat in etting lisis maltes- MIltise cieumustauces sisou'd ha taken into accnitt, and maintainedti iat il would ha unfair Io silote Prince Albert for tise purpose of isecaming incos-poratedti 1 take a large slice(ram -Barelils,ant inlucf- fect deutra>' that, villaq 'e. 1 Ms-. Pers-y reopd faMs-. Smith, tating 1tint tisera voe400 acreas if bh thrown ail' h tise Cem-îîittee framntishe limiteavisici Xr,Fç4,man's petition sougisita ohava lu- cu*nrattk ati he~ei'tJîavcuof 16, TiÛeepu'ýty'Stperintendent cf EIV 6,11, tse u5& Crbt n -the ii n-nrefAarece ta the -rlu'ht ta endcw uIt., Lard J.I nrwe-btetQp cheltirubi*pa by,"lsé <"tuty"connuek2 bad been moyeuti fokusMoatreeI ta the.Coru- DoaVdcf 54o1 Tmtepm. 'Wall and !Beànhairnols £Canais, and-wbuîtuaz- »ýft!d f-Schol Trusthé. lckil ou ibe St.,'Lawerance Vanalt ' WHITDT ,Tune 4th, 186.- f guarded the>' i itaryY? Aima, . vhetbuer it The embes peaun ireeMasis pi ~tçue that the Commander in-Chief la Blaw, Framr, Hunck, nti Watsou Canada lied macde a requlitasfraaro Blow FraerRouc, an Wason.. 1addition îo thé f0rcénow in, Canada, andi ,Tbe Seereitr>'reaà a lettetr a1 reaignfrI awt-wa uu, ,j fin 'reeived 4, ni.Mr,. .engougit, Chair- Mr. T.C. '3r*ng a-p1Led- the Sucretal- man of-thse Board ,Ã"an ecou1nt; o f ab"née, f~ ~ Wra~ eev fRi X.nation, acceptedA, aad _ .-.ý Ir. Hcc appoint itiMan er he ru. ta in :>C14~h-u»je efljer of tise year. Orderu grate i,- 'reit uhofis tOt9lo ienbî ~tit14uy--ac farlord, but be blud ireceivue1 private informea, Qauts tion'thiat a fèv mn, about 100, had hu ['acer mlaje 572. - ent ta thse locaim of thse canai., Wl h rua-' Collectar'a warrant reuewed fér balance pe a~&eadqetoh a!t a of must yearsuraÏe- bil ct yet pait,isdtW pet tib. Cawad uestinhe bdintCanad Collecter instructedtiet enfarce payment. ha on $î lc ursnuitttts Board adjournedtietathe l8tnh met; titen hdsm ýesnerpeetdt h taoiuetat thse Ta*- Malilforiiih.,'pàrp wilitaryfore lu Canada was below tho n amenaI ut wiihitil tood Bornuyeru incé. uf eaking imb conaideraticu -,theise , dton It-wes iutenclet asentidubtllin 1dtch of Levi Fairbanks, J . .' ix u ud rsoeti iiayarngt a ia others, te beunuiteti -M te Townî for Schécol - -i hâd been lîurpames. IMiekersngTownshslpq oticli. Arrivaitfihe PrineAlbert. MautiÂMa 2ti, 86. . Joxy, tNfd, May, 315t., The Concil cf te crparation cf Pic- Via SÂozrîî.LE, IJnn. Srd. kuriîîg met purunîantto adjurunmeut. Tii. steamm ýbip,, Prince Albert, fs-rn Gal. Membserm ail present. w a>', Tueîda>', 2ist May arrivei hire ait 6 Minutes of laut meeting ruas anti sp. o'clock this uvening. Eleradvices %ru tvaw proved. daym Iater titan thase by the, Amerlos st i'ETIaNu PRE5EM<ED. Halifax. 0f William MeKa>' and others, prayinz Tise Asia, fs-om 1'ew York, arrived, at the Couticil te gruati furtiter aid ta Mis Queeustowu ou tise 20thof May'. Jaîn-î 3blcD- nd,-Mr. CI a -man. FURTEER BY TUE PRENCEtET 0f Richaîrd Da!e and oti'rs, praying for I aibe nonaitstc~ rnl aid to William Williamnson sud vife,'haing lu inîdigent cireumeatances,-Ivr. COi5 a man.av Sri Mr. bapan mrestita ChPm The Beigian Chsambers tas!- votuti fcr resais-e itseif juta a Court cf rerlelon andi treaty cf commerce vitit France. thbat the Recru do lake tise char- Carrieti heSpismiGvernrnent bas rao'u Several parties appeareti bafore the ta act.epîtte essi4on cf Saut Domiuro. Court complaiiîing of beiugaer .rgt One hutîdredti ttcusanud ducats, desîineil% by tite Assessor tpydic.otnrybuca uda- r, Tbe Court after iieariug tise complalu. dupaI of pIutndes-, iad beaun seized luin th auis andt te Assassar, arned the Roli Neapolitan provinces.- accordauce witi tic avidetîce atided. ngaatnuurBiî4pdi rpet Mr. hapau evei ttattis Asessr'sin& tiie Schlesaig, Holàtein disputes, sud Rail aof tii Municipalit>' for tise yenr. 1861, Dcîmark tcugh proparig. for var retaia. as attended, by thie Court bu now fial>' etihopes cf Ï puaceful arrangement. yseia ia is lr o tf~ The. Emperor, af Austria bas aerived st pase n htteCekd cor t>' theTrieste. saine as on passet,-Carried. Ti a Ou iftotion of Ms-. Ciiapmau tise Court Th obay'mail's of lte 21h uit., (rom adjauuatiainedie.Caicutta l19th,thav-e beeu receiveti. Tise Thse Cunucil thon resumei, tise Reevu in Tesisranasmuit acîvtyitlt.cta tise citis-emest. Comoan cottoný.vas advancir. b - permanent A "W rt IE WILL overtlic ý t;oyr Tus-ento, DR. 14th Whttbh k TISA:-ou Jtami One o it %nlia Atme a# A T 1Ie Gn tat lit lu the 'travi pliati ait Uri tise bridge &cross Duffins' Creat luntise firsat î e coucessiou matie theis- report. nu vsqie; ¶enavetop On aîln c Ms. Higii aBylte as ueedestinas! 10 gradnualhy becomu isregu. pagsed extundim lte limis of roati Diii- ý- bas liret b>' Iimmefi un ammall sau>, sud- it ln matedthIssuhoalias kepi a s-eon bar- rlt reovevr oalet, itier au lis prseni viben ahnlî d or see-eainu thie house wbernt nIiue. Ha has a native of lise ceun- t>' of Wli-kh olland, an:d came ltetlis country>' vittItie lirntus whton quille youug. -l-Tlii r se ses-ral mu-mises of bis famit>' s-t'idiiî,g in the lecalit>', al cf vltom hart, bcen ts-uuted yb>'ila ini themonubasait mauiner-. T-nE:%I[tt.c Zialon bati taiten dinner nItisae bouse cf bis Cousin, n tnuaurned (iilbert, anti vas procliiit,4 in a ne-bas-se lus-hi wagon tus tis ahoitimof las-rance, ta vhîomhlie lind mod iti t aim fs-ithichuiseexiletI>'opposite thun oealmu which tIshe .eeao d rta i meid, vhbe lcmt the cl vornanuandth i tîtie o girl. Tlhuadt beeu ta the bouse of n lifs. Jitueî,, urî-f.t -tsu a pornlis-ion cf thte siimnilui, lfor thne uîîuuroe ofh' etenniu~ni aftuu bous-e, andit sfuudiîir-Muei. Jett(,s vas ual aI lio~n', ttc>' Vrse in the. net uof retuniuing to teis-os-ut clwllin. Mrs. Jauis n e ua doteo efut he juiny, stanu-ul ibi as tliti olti tady wavs pa-ilig fram te bouse tus the gale, a uiscaictu of about hfty (cet, esic av ber and lelled iehra'ta stop, anti for feus- tbatý eIle cutuld ti uni cuaie ber suno OOgs-. Rhe tahl hies-utile gitto utuaftas- her sund induceere coîne back. Faim te plice visase Mie. Joueï vas ststnditr, wbeu sae sau te odi uoman, le distant abtout fort>' rode, auj asiselle ap1racbd ta ber tho bou wssonuîd inîlescepi te isewes-fsrnltae g'ate for thee os- fous-miuteus, sulupoei-.tý Mu-s&. jolis lied quickiy, vhicellmitatit idt Ms Joutes noticat Musion pules lu tic waugouuia 1ev niminutes uutaious te ttc tinsu- thte ol l ady bcd been tu lice bouse; anud site thilu ke lu 1rilmbe uîahiat Malioitsuanthie tvo ticoased void huîte juît met outeidi' lues- gaie, ud ctiiiu'tjiontt ly ulits-a. vouit bas-o beon iid (rom ber riav Tisa 1111e girl, lunclîcdientu te molhinslutructions, bcd s-an fu-yard tuerrcteo eslî lady; suit au son as Ms-. Jotaps huit grt fsom ba- bhinti tue hotuse, site suiv th lae u -nniig ta her'iluia ver>' tuus-s-ifid manuel'. SIte aston heu- irisai ilses ; aid just tiseu, for tic fisst tinte, sitoe sav Mdic utolo his vaigon, ait tihes-ond, vils a stick ilu uts isand, " vellitîsr" (uts mise hus cxps-emed ilu onsetîiuîg ou vbicb ta apliearod 1 tî tnd, Ta thisi questions put b> Mss. Joues tul les- little guIi,asite i*, firs-l raceireti in rapI>, andi an interrso4tttiu lies- ascoud lima,,te ciild saiti thatit Il au William Malion, aitt tisaI iso tesebeatiisg anti kiili.ngsg oethii tint vas very red 1, thefora Mu-. J.outes reacised tutu fonce, Malien dsoppcd tise stick os- club 'ailici he beit in bis baud, anti raisiug liii arrn aluft ho os-ed, at thse picS of is voice "WViokiow firs evas- 1" asd tisen îakiutg bis coat ou bis a-m ie va aikut quici>' fs-cm tise spot. Wisen Mrs. Joues gaI up ta tise (anc. tisehors-id spectacle af theoelti lady anti her litîlo gsand-dangbues- lyisg ais hanis- boeko t , ltias-faces "as r-ed (g s-sbed caald ntatitACM, turuqa up (a t/se sma 1"sud lise rigis baud of tise chletîoket inlutise left cf tise paor aild lady, vas. preseutedtelabus-r iete, ans!elte iarcluulai-ily uîtereda Ionds sesarn. Ma- bson iteardi ber, aud eaiocecastappeti; Ms. Joues Again oremmet, anti m&eo talc tisai the impression fos-ued upon ber minci mmi Ilion, fs-ôm hiea00kvbiah ho gave bes-u vuas t oS f dtermination - te take hec lifu &imo, and Asie lias no toabi IM dnet Isac -White midi, lis appeas-aneoeaI lhi aa-ci bis hanse ais.Wvald! aisehavre beu etis. lrcîyed.- - Isaac Whie lisas ithin anSorst distanue enmne T~ t vasu no, hisaors, l'efas six o'clocla on tisa aveuiug of Wotieusday thtt tîte ivestigation commencoti, as it vas fouitc dificul b sacure the requiile nuin.- ber of jus-a-s. vt as weîl ou ia tic nigiti ten tîse ex-1 aminîttiou cf tus. ast vitueme vas couclnted anti aihaglihes-,vuso re s-ai oties- pes-- Sons prsamnt for tic pus-pose of gieing, tpatiusony, ttc jury consiulered liai amty9 fusdues- evitanuce vas unca-cessas->, sud tisei Coroner cloeethtie investigatian. Dussin lte exeminatinof theb. ituema, tisa prisenes- wheo. sat a«s Me bcd an which t/te bedieî were 8tretc/sed, paidth ie graetau attention, audr -peatadiy contratiiotadth ie teaulmon'. Ife tae! di iimoluige a tsa mors-ies-, andt ook'hqlul-af an>' peint inm thie eridence tehichs seamAtila tim 10 be- uneupparueti as in at-y va> favos-ahilu. Wlianît Mfs. Jonem testiflatl thaistetitdid not scia 'ahat iltrmstuat bhovis-i ponnding aI, isc snniled anti tns!srnas-ed tiat "Ilbtero vas ne haine eriticcaagainmt hlm," batwvIsent i uittle girl matetibt i teas ' smetinug red," teasakadtheis Coroner if il vas fais- te put sucis questions te ber. A verdict of vilful mutes- vas retumueti lu botis caes, anud inniumanu mnstes-, teo buts rendes-ad himmeif notesionens auttc most Ireleutlasmurties-arOiti as earsdtisuracat I umanit>', vas givan avart tatbe constables ta be couirayat ta Godesici jail. Ra vas tien courayedt ir s. Quitsrys tavrr, anti submequetsly 10 Godas-lic. TuR us-antiTÂt.K OP LYX(MNq '~TUE MUtins-as- The psimeras vasconvoyas! fs-cm Ms-. Qears->". tuvrerîarly eu Wedausday moru- iug, andt ais at otnce coufu-ctat, b>'tise people, vith is helifelems victimns. Thcs via os-ee prsamnt dadas-e that no puscapti hile chargevisautes-as-appuiad altas-on tise fetures cf tisa mus-des-au, nor titi ha evinesca this oigltotscouspunctionotaIre- iidaion, andtamediagustu es! teese , .'has-ti> anud Ityal yaomans->' via ere prsamo nt S tisa vetchu iiidi9es-nçothueimdiplayet, tluitoud cresuof t.-'Lýich iim," vae isearcl on aihumde. A rush vais madetelas blutu, then anc or tvo Ilaating fis-mers lu the i tieighborbead pseenleJ su>' action of tisat kitîd. Tise crowteiurganizoti a meal- iuug, ant ilh usemos-ad tisaitisose via os-cr ual iii (avrs-fadisposing cf the maustes- afte- -%tc fîssiion adoptes! aiesosae lisehes, sould bu compelet b>' tisoma via vas-cta baîug hlm tu she nearsas trpe. Tise Britièt plant of trial b>' jury vas tisougist bSat, anti bovever viile usontes- td ntms-ied a rilent testh latheheantacf lisefs-ents anti acqualutauces cf tise daceasei, lIse>' -susoties-edtheliafeelings of vengeance viicit hat rianu lutueur braatsl, anti hautes! him os-es-tte ucouetable anti tiselavuaof lise -landi. vUE BmODUs-mN x ruBOUS£ Cos-ones-, tbo mate àa pust emrte x- aminstion, males tisai heite nevr 5ev 55>' tili uthie injures, isaI have been Inflict- as!. Tis eonîs-l of tise hanea of - tho fae sud iseas! af the nit lady'esam m ied Iet jel>', aud visile tis, face la fiateudes! to about igiteen inehea in-diaimetes-,tie lien lu go retuceti as ust ta moase tvaý incises in tictnum ITue 11111e gisl' assans! sil are complotul>' breken,- ans! hes- lith aubumrnusla as-emixes! uP vth eltb-hs l- -What a aleof iccdýand vielasé1ol Tic Ccreuas-'m remask-. lit-rogaca - it te coa-- uitlan af'tbe'tes-:pÈcta of the. odle. v.e (os-boas- taprattice, anal dim lts t he -- lnmau mautter, via go demroyed,! iss in-ý nocent vidtimo, bu places! at thehus! cf Ha uimp -muaghe sepeu,-Wh*NIi ~- iselputi himself ta cfice, as Juti tïl' vil-turOpaora ts ithe ir 1 'îsitS sud vilies- men whà, a4 nlu crsy- doua. Tise laIe 1Mr. Peter Porry vas tise- 0ing, (if va except a knovietigeof logal cl>' reident rupretatire 'vos-lis> of the' qulibbiing) Ms-. Movat'a superlers, ni ihY rinme, vutici tise coumitueîîcy avrs- ad.- uci maka osa selettion at home?7 We place_ It vas vhiie ise vas inember for Evqt tae maties- abore anti beyond aIl part>' York, aud tisough is leexestiaus, liaI On- groundua, î aamdieasktise eectors tb chose tas-ia v as saparateti frôtu York andi Peel; tla A ON RI M.. anti derinîg bIS time, muis-a clgond vue Cj..Most gartene as-e backvas t is doue 10 praola diatheintrs-ste of' tise yens- un acceuiît of tisa unusuai surs-t>' anti Ceunt>', titans b>' ahliis represeutativs-e colduese of tise Spriug. Tise sÃŽWéndid gar. beforc or mintce.. -Mter Ms. Pes-sy'm la- tan of Levi Fuair-banksm,Requis-c, aunlise meuted etoui, Ms-. Wini.Hans-y Mitcel elill, vaulti appear to bu an exception .But vas lectet, but tiat 1'asliumnent vas dis- Ms-. Fais-banks is famoum for bia gardening maîreti, hufare h. hait an appcs-îuuity cf autd horticulture. W. cjoyedth ie privi- sitting ili thn fllusa. Nexi ve a stMs. lega of a valk ubrougi tise grounds tise s- ....inA l ut,,as à l . ihu.,u l Cnserva, , - ni-uuu.weeuk.anti sera us-nisldanti de- tire- but a mni thaisad juet au mucis kuavîctige of paliticu, anti political pnris lu Caunais before hoe vas matt te tise Legis- lative Assembl>', as tise King cf Timbue- tee. Anti thoen carne Ms-. Olives- Matn, our prsamnt s-prsntaie-a Tas-auto Iaiyr-andwvs nîcet uevouti>' hope tie lit of the tributat vih ars-ita liras- ted vustiste rapresentatian tof Scuth On- tarie. Ms. Movait vas equall>' innocent of politici as avrs- 1r. Lusuuden vas ; Sut te vautadto temup frein thse bar aunttce Baucis. Gatting lute Paisliameusî vas tise spatiloat va>' te accompLsi ils purpspnu Sauths Ontairio, ta pe-caived, tesu siteys the tappuug-staue b>' vici ambitions To:anto lavyessgaines! usiais evaion. lit a luot>' momentlihe praciairnati iimself a follovar cf George Brown aut a disucipla af gritismu --aya anti mose-e, )a Clristian Politi- cian't Tise Globe andc its initiions mcl t e teri-Mi-. bMcviihast mono>' anti gare frseh>. We ail kuawte iesauit. A id no- Popes-y" cm>' vas raised, anti jumishet up vitis tRepraentitian b>' papulation" (vbicb vas stîbsequentl>' te-siguate S>' Ms-. Mairat au s mare Oeacuionacring isovl> LSarate saioos,"-auti goctinese kuctes wvt, until' people vas-e mate te baleeataiMs-- Mer. rison, tien Rtecels-cm Genamal of tise Ps-o- viicatu vas ai Jesui in diaguise, anal ut Canada couIc! l oui'usas-es! fs-cmuhe tds- minion cf tisa Pope b>' entiugeus- "C/criff- tian Politician" te Pas-hinnnt. 'Thus vas satior Tcrontoa lavyas-, unkuovu ta tise political voslt, wiîhant a sligaeutles! palitical opinictu of lis evu at lise urne, vitisoul a sol ta->' daim upou tisa Riting poscming natiing belles-titan lise Globese rucemmntatin - (vici vas net of couss givan vitiscul a Ccopsidetion)-4chated cpon Southi Ontario. W. have Wiàd liai tise pasition cf lte aoustltneucy vwas a liuriiitiug ane, but vo aboulai bave ttea lat uie il lu aa itat of Ms.'Moaal laa ccuilmptible eue. Laoklts t the meanu taken b>' -hlm ta ah-. tinIh riersee nltio n-isia setcion anad >àsm 4iy ppdly folowint up sus!. exaimninàs hie ýpoliticIam stssiloce, andthle pcition wlih - Ms. Mcua-.tlose laorable Mc. oÇVit ba MrMo*otirabet ideei goos! baso a b êfteti bne lc eeumolte: repruetalive of Sauth Ontaria Let .bisl li1utied 'vti tisa (os-vas-tanti beantiful ap- ueasatca pi-eentedt taus, se teali ptise tamie dieplayati everytere. lustens-- rangement of heautiful flever tes-e ara aridenceicf n cuitisstedta ssue, anti reflue- matnt viic ustm, wva sisuiti a>, ha tie vam-k cf saine fais-as hauts titan aur fient Mrs. Fairbasuks. 'Wa pus-cliva thint the Globe Hat6 i s came unto tise posseassion cf s nov prcprie- tas-, Ms. Alexanties-, uMs. Alexasnder im vital>' kuovnansu cannaI faut te seenre a large amnouni of patronage to e maais an esiabieheti bouse asutisa Globe. Tbe l'ate prepriatar of tise Globhiotel, Ms-. Daws, cas-net for blusseif the respect antiesiaem of ttc communit>' tuu-iug hie reidence in tic naigissboatisus!d leas vitu lise regrets cf bis, numaraus frients andte tiatraveluit *ig public. Wa visit iim succes vises-er s-ha gus. Su'ccot.xPias.-.P-olauser Runien cf - Philadaipiinbaso lera on biss a>' 1 the Ceuni>' cf Lincoln îvc aof tisa iantaaîaeeu pii cf titis bruant a isaeares- seau.- 'i'iey vos-a importedat ai at expause of$1 2i5. Tisanse nov oui>' about nine veeke oit, andi are valuati b>'tic Profanosos- ai $500. Ratites-expansive biseheua Y.unng parkas wouit mate? Ns-w PAL'anss.-Wa bas-e rcais-edth ie Cobourg uentinel, a uuv pàper, publimbat at Cobour-g b>' 11>. D.-iMeAllistês-. It us a neaI impes-lal sieta antiprsusnts a gond appuarauco. Iu polies il profemséseo taut neuts-sadinsdemdpentetit. WANtt-aeANta àIOBINsLoY xJU'rT. -White tise Riaas Caîholilo ahsgyan at-Thorns btill vats attenuiag seice ceil ai a place callet Garmlgl's Carnes-a au Mcutsy veek hi& buggy vas 4nured atdafaceti, anti tise bas-nosiuitillatetiantd pari of il ai. sracite. DureçxEasTo TuS se ttI Cauxci.--Tit lJ udge t OiBcCa' Qj vPT!àï lof- vitAllans la a tinner la tis eReuves anti Dauis atte4;ing *u_0Cant>',cotuneil' feoi Th nsn d ,1 -smy1Th retîne- u abu eruti in the dreiidfuty ream. -'fj:Ms-. Bigelote la rueeiving fncthb ad.- dtbasof gummmer, goats aitishepeaplée Cis Sto. vitiintise ir'-. t mp au a $300, . snt ana cf 0. It alsa men- ,tionudt tsi.mi«*semteades, antiotiseri nucessrar>istiches hlidbeau previdetifeas- tisa gaol. At the sugg,,esîicn cf tisa Jud,,e1 anti shes-iT, -tae Caunîy Engineas- recoin.- mendedth te luuilitingof aut atiditionai petit1 Jus-y rom, ett tîte Noi-ti-West antgle el uSe1 Cout flouse buildicg, andthit conversion cf tisa present petit Jury rouami as a bas-rus fars' ccnuuitutioa s-crn -the exuteste beiuîgi astirnatet i na$260. Duusiuîg tira monsîme eeunmenciîmg lot Januar n d isieusdug 3lei *May tise prisouars confinat inl garil number- ed 30-21 maies anti 9 rfarns-twe of vtnm vas-a confineti for te itolo tesrn, antI otliess fçeriudm vrsyiug fsrnaonc le 26 days. On tise 31s1 Mn>' tis es-c tes-s- maunfiîtg lusnus-nolnine prsionasi--maies amut 3-fumnies. The aggs-ate nutuber et' tînys auî wvioi prisanes-s was-a an gainl ai- hovance vos-e 1018-845 on mai e-shlow- anc., nit 17.3 on ftnmaie--auiovauca, ant ait - azgrcgato con o-f $9!1 24, -sawiug. an- ares-age of about 9 cents eras-t> eaehi priect-. lTle worki ait tle Nasrates bridge vera repas-ted tauho pu-gressin-' atisi eîcs-iy. Tise contractors isat e- caiveti $190o fs-m esct Cuuny-being atuthe rate cf ses-cutyfive par du ut. ~The report coumlurled i'atis tisastatemeuultisaitthe 10e bati damageul Scugog bsid e, andti tisaheb cnof cf mpaiuing tIse dtiage amountedti t $23Su 53. - cuiITy - TugAsuaas'a ttlREPORT. Fr-ontishe rcatiiug aftisa Ccuuty Trensu- s-es srepîort va utîdermîtunti tiut the baance mu tl Tur'sensur>' msisuset lu $8,8H1,09. and tisun r e asaCutui>' rates iti attitieus $3,53185. The estimuttes for tutu year vus-e mai tiovu aI $21.422, cf vhicis about $3,- 600 tecuulti hareccivat fs-ont Govrsnunent fer Crimni'nui Justice, -ea'inag $ 17,922 ta -eprovidet for. A ecimuuicatintrecaeidfs-cmtisae Post Office.D pastuient, is-cpi>' ota he ucemorush af the Councili saaluing Cahave etahisused n dis-et-t - mail s-cule batvueut ilaaves-couanti Orillia vas ais eaed. 0f T. C. Forasmn suit otisers cf Prince Albes-t, ps-syiug ta have Chat village itucar- poratedi-Mls. Camp'iol (Iksach) 0f'sevrah ihianus of Fsinca Alber-t suit viditlu>' prayi rto tavue lat 15, 16 17, aud 18, antatisat pus-ltics -19 aud 20 op- posite Segogbue l inte 4îisconcesion cf Beacis inces-putrateds! -theb. illiAgu cf Ontario-Mr-. Fairbanks. 0f seeraaiinhabitanta cf lte Tovnship .cf Tisera, praying for ait on tisaCaetre Roatilieur tisa Taîbul river-Ms-. Musr>'. 0f tise Municipal Council of lise Tavu- mitp cf Thom-afor tiseumre puspose-Mr. Muas--a>. ,; 0f severai, intebitants cf tise Townshsip otcf et; psaying(as- &id au tise sida-uine betten -lots 20 sud 21 iu the 3s-d, con- cumulitn of Scott, - KOL L. On matlanat3C. lu i»t-tuc@net b>' lot for a ipeC4 laComnuitllea eqnailie l.e aufosmuestccli fac 1060. -Tii.bellot s-a-- Fair-bankns endPusri, Smitu hcmp- uont atsd Vernon. b>'ý Ms-. Pus-s-y, h'tie0eo1patitao pt-aying îri th i nl al ttle -nérW fItas lte cf Richad- l f--- dnty of ttc Concil ta 1400,. sioîailane thalt Nelsoni Clapman,-Ca-rieti. tisera vas tisa requielte ps-pmlttion, but Ounuuotion cf Ms-. MeCreigist tisa Colin- tia eistcvsdoeb'tsi-st- cil ijus-net until Mcnday lise 24îli day Thse tht-ce viiatss ese constanti>' in visat cf June,-Cr-iad. hie tes-met n trianriuuir-quars-al, anti it- vault ual menti matters nov ta rive oue 7o the Editor of t/se W/itiby C/sronicle. ci them an advaniaze ut tise axpeute cf- tisa atisar. To ahute howt is mattes- weut Mut Eus-s-e,- Ms-I. Pers-y mantionedth ie fact cf a near I mca by youv udulci-lal, Chat I moisooblehsme urng luacu bîsilt ut Boralia, vas %vm-ang lunstatin1g thnt liera vais no anti oua cf tise irducammutte halti out la penalty fôr.- net sringr as a Couneilior in parties tri join fer tleise lccos-untion vas àa Munieipalit>', alttou-bh I do not tiink it tlisi b>' doinzgo t hu" suul us-t hava to vais nacesuar', (as- in al the Municipalit-es miii>'ei lsai-sare aisi- tisa dehentures. lie -Of my acquaitaiuce, tues-e as-e no jack cf Ms-. Pary tiltno knov vistter ltas-e apîulicauîtsu fr tbe ciice. -I arn pluasedt t vs-min be sitlllcient- ps-puîetioros net w-it- mua misbat tisras-rse appropr-iations for lte re- in tise tas-ritoes-aitacédtinlutisa s-a:ort.- paie of tie streets, tise laboures-s thu vwent Butit lu as nul fs-u- tise Counoil te make tes--.liote einayas- t the ulaveuîmh heur, s-e- sitorv mîusuhpoîpulation ta meet. tte vaut cein(ctipe n lcn>'. Nctiutanting vîsat Lai Prince Albes-i vaitutil il. tatistuffi. bas bout smaisud tertiten saut thueisos-as dient numniere anti net nsk tise -Concil t0at ian aus inlte s-elas, I huas- af au mare des-ai' anothes- village in os-des- teauset beiîtg niaula lu tic Cutuncil ta. abate tise ils seq>it-amaut. Tise Crinneil couit nat nuisatnce. It lua seau>' lac bat tisat îthe aci se unjuel> as toaiatacis taîf af oua VIIl, ises ofcf olitrun sstull but emiangeret b>' laixe ta a rivai village anti hat -tise remain- herses galloping tiss-ugh tisaessets-rt tes- go to the doge. (Lau,.,hter.) ttîat att shoutd ha auinn)yed b>'tise bogos. Ms-. Fais-tanks, vhtus prusentadth ie peti- Respectfulliy >'ars, lion for lise incorporation of tise tirea vii- ONE 0F' THE PEOPLE. luis-es, vas lu fns'ror f uhat plan. Tu hie Taothe Edtroth Ilb r(ip vuete of matters, il vouldi bel-tisahast titinu-dtrc /eWiit lrncc for ail parties. The tht-ce villages enitet. lMa. EnsTo,- vonît lie battes-ablhe to ans-rtise expenmes Bas-ing adat aecasion tise chas- tint waulti lllatincor-por-ation. anti tises-e t>,acgvtsmiecirpril ipe voulti hirespectable numbas-cfstoma theeldmaître ar tae Plosgiting bMatch fors ixtecu os- cigisteen lîctiret cf it popula- ieCui'cfSntOtaie vstl!ls tien. As the report mmev mante, t haro h onyo ot Otrowsfedl wnul beembace wihintheCorporation autumu, anti aime tise West Whuîh>' Sacie- vîmult900a Bmrcteliht in Ise C icyods Meeting, 1 faIt ual a luttîlecurions ta meone an00 ses-os.e atedisvilliae.li r. n, eotise itleq -is-tise second clasn, tisaI lairaanksa anierpratheiillafte. Ms-u ttuevas me mucis dimpute about, attat Faibans ameretithes-ls-lt a ti CoMaithe lis-et ans! secouni prizun." Aftes- ss«» n to delfine limite, andti e-a cuidsct i mrn iienqisy(om ts arti is stancas inta account. Ne bilt.lha sait, ansuolfe nirrm ertel h emeudmant ta mes-e attise proaper- ime tn ae mpaniad me,* I easil>' founti tise su tise affect talt the nos-ili taîf of- 16. 17 ai pectilva.lans. Tisa fis-at is tae feus-ltfs-cm 18, sud tise.vluole of 19 in tisa5tti, andtihIe fous-l is fecu, iata is lia fouistiips-é. tise sutitithaiÉf o6, 17, ans! tisevitale 1,< milîiut," qutd tae secnd is tic fifi. 18 antI 19, lu tisa fuiscon. bhadaicedt Ilerer, Thoprp nitr r Mleb b>', glsing cas-pas-aIe pavese ltises nîij! a wt Wh'ei, aumh arctis-cgh the gratis villages. If i ie natimeut vae le lsvtici, affardes avos-y good cp- siau,hc -vouit go for tise repert. --fttuStu t -uiuty ail thie stage for tise agrieulturiat, latian cf Prince AlbetI as net suflient;t6.re th ie maits of fail, pliang t 'l il vas, lbe ai&, na (nuIt of taeCouncili tsetv riigsopoken -0f-, ibisa ,suspriiug An srly e sle, lwu- ntth b ohit; ta mas-t thse difl'esence, lte ridéj ttt.s'aýs An tie suiise>,b hncti, il s e t tbekp aais-dans!tise firsi puixu ls a meclas-,notiàig cf ha atiiotcrata cetiiibrek tp u urovin.' but lie' pure uts-aigist rates*cfpeu viuage a mile ava>'fs-cm PrinceAiSes-t, fer n o eeal tic purpaue cf giving il suficient popui~-teis ile tise otites is ali.ittasmixed vitis grass, lionnearî>' rncitoring tise'vinle. .un (sot,, Ms-. Campbsell. <Reacis), replieti ta tise t- - ghut aili lie second clan pIisiuig, meamasof tise Reraof, Whtby, andthit is l preit>' mucis ail- grav, titis lie ex Reeru cf Osihava inluaàss-t bumoronupiu c tefi-t n i titisprze lainds. speech. lie axplainedthtie incorporation It vault bu veil if jutiges atoaur ploughitg, cf tise villages vas an olti questionî. If intctO!,5 an 'd-f4MMo nlages-rt, wournîýpýýy tise people cf Ps-ice Alias-Itiesis-edtinl- 'more attes-.tot te ail iPmuo-ant. malter octpas-ste, h a tieuglit -tIses-e ugisi te ýe tif haviug tise $rau Wcllbus-led; uospecialI11y no objection ta tisais-deing se. Ha baler- (h higsnvaul-ass a bfore. et that- the- resiteuts cf ltae portion of tes- - eeing. Toc mton' hattentlio invlsii>'l s-ias-y in dispute, hic! sigsses!the petitian tW pais!to'tisé-ppesratsee, suis!nult t l-. le~~~ ~~ iÀa-oaei isPic Aisi etue of the vos-k. lu 0canlsian, I voulu! hlilerot, that bas! sud ailau thse. people cf adriso ahitou. actiui egnîlemîseu, via Rosch teese, tisa>' WouIt i rthakBs> u e> a It 5M0 isuti'4 aSOI, lti sui .gjyem isnby- vae1tatta have, au>'pasai f tisetieuig, ta jssy a-riait ta hbeled nov, townàU!pýtiivwn w he dgganti-ýI th ink 'if lte e>' .s-enot pausdadh~-l' latovssi r av )l.eto (seucretiasu ta h ave :Jumtice bet-veen $mai1L414 la ittes>.min, lie>' ili admit liaIlie tieciusi vas Ms. uit'sstedusntviatien -put, jasI s! ii* ' - 1-1 . .-'- sud lest, tises-ebeitig anIy îhrea >yens--- aAN OBERVER 'Mesu."à*sihtqs ampbllp (Reach) ni Ure Fs-. Pair 'msaîionfor'.tlie incas-pc- cf James Camer, -employed s! uForemai'of 1 ration of tise tiriee villaesawsmnelltt' Buýy is-us-drivera, by Bille PuinIE. vus aie. 1va>' of auseudment, le tise-ruception af-tie4 IcîdeusialÏ di ëwn:e, ii migowro ; -ep Aý an brcnghtonA afus-ter'dlstis jWedueuday erening- lauti vihiteîtoàttetP dan de lis~eb. Mc. Perry.'uxposuedul tobr'eak a jeanin iqthe'e gs. o- Ré aWUo*er ment vas losmI, yeuu -54eaaiy: 1.--ca>'I , ,»mueUE Meuiser. - Mr. Cay, the American Minster là 1Ega. sia, writea to.zhe- London Time# on the. Arnerican struggle, iu brief but deciie teinmu. He saya that te revolted States ctin be suhdued, but it 18 not proposed ta àubju»aî? îher, but: sirnply ta, put dowti.-0 the'rebeý citizeus. England'a interest in ta stand by the Union., He enquires whetber,Er.rlaud eau arford to offend the United $tates." le s-Eu",land 8so Itcure ln the future suiý uéýrvouinad for ç Inh'brervlto fri,u am btion'as to venture to aow seede of vengence? He concludea by saying that Esqgland iu the -natutiall iy of the. United States, ,, Ï The Independence Bege statea that Latd Cowley bas praeued î>aiuut thse right of laolated intervention lu Syris daim. ed by ~ Frtuch Miniater. A. ilstl expected ta mail ou the 22nd for Beyrout ta brlu1ç the Frencht srmy home.~~ NE[GHIIWANDER-WILSON4-n the. 2Ist cf May, by the Rev. Mbr. Fraser, 3fr. Christop.berl Neighswauiler, 0e Misa. Masry Wilson, bath cf Pitkeriuoe Outr Vdnr,chay Jcîsa 5, 1861. ,mar-ket- aincelha veut is v es-Y much improreti. tise talivus-ies will ausmUP' 800 as- 1,00 uO imtuels dail>', cf al kiade tof . gs-aitn. Fait ,bas5 ronugoas high ns $tL32. buit sinca Tes>' -mornuingg $î 27csL. tht§ Sean Ih rliumsuig figure, andthel sféeling; Is lus-dit>' t put if $1 25mu. fais ber-it éam- pies, but vhethis- il -udtra p ta tli til impomniiiie toay s>, na s al h usess-s oul vas.-y auxiatt a mecus-e#tise lettsamplaît, vitici as-a allen s-n up ta au exts-emi~- gurs-. Ini-las-unnpleet are oughecteti. Spriug %btVIis s t oest> I 2tsfac bemt.- 'Paas-are"s-auted -an dactive at 4bcte. - Ottsa, scas-ca at25ctaa. yul, thioenes-allinnprs ssieu hat 20ct&, vil c 'se ise pning pnie. 1 :aies i iàNew Yorkt >-stes-dimy il $1118e. fer Canada CubWuui$1 10 os- Uhisig Teitanarktlin Mouts-usila-ses->'dcIli, and! buyera anti itles-sas-e vite-sparI, vici reSts-ici sales, NO.'1 CausI"t Club la que- tedatt $ 18 ta 1tic6tu. chaica Witel at't140te Ius Osego ltes-aareaumail ts-ançactiolmt tisa eitèr pétion gaunig îiitO tsàtNe«s Yas-k, lu> original owunco. tYhice Canada lue quatec i q 5 ta $1 85, Canadatie m -Gré>' paiter-$î attise. vies-f. THE GREAT FRENCII-RENDY.., COA!rBD VE>IALE haLLs as>' pe t)-uuem IN c tiisne lu )'abmuai j lesring vlitîs Ch, Master saturt TOI ii lot No. Josnpoi s Wmithe Fmuth1 lote, o. n Ela'. Il, Whiih mai1 Bà

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