e New Adycr imM Uits Day. Cbsaerysal-S.B. Urbomlte. T e-'NoJ.ons.notel Teain i .Wa5U UlO 8d berte. Chaeeery sle aImb nandwaz. B. ar Inspeetorso iget i M sad i-P. MX Yauk. 0 ' bant. N 50Crown lan*de DeprtmeaL Ijichartisan vsl. Lesse et al.-Wbltbyj 22nd, Jueo-Fiirbaittk& Maonefl. Emeerson vo.* Coryeli et al-Oshawa, lOth .Tly,-Falrbai k à Madtiaell. Hiyi.ind v.,McNcil eta l,-OshawA,1 July-Faiîrbauks &k Maeoell. Ontarla Building SocléeY s. Thorne- Wbiltbj'P201k July-Faitbaais & Mac. ONLY ONE DOLLAR Â-YEAR Whltby, Thursday, Jun 20, 1861. 0Z)ý-For the fret tinteince its publics- tion, WC bave ta apologizo for the irregu. la1r issue or the Olrolie ttis week. iii. neso, and smne disappoinlment in rcceiving Our suppiy of paper are tle excuses vo must- plead for being beltinti band. Te ConnsraicmTar.-We bave recel- yod a letier from Uxbritige contanîing - re- flcctiono' upon the Rece suad Concil, wiîi, the intimation that if a-e a-ut pubiish il aur1 corraspondent will becomo a subscriber tea the Chronidle. The iberai offer catanot2 tentpt us to do an act which we know teoi be unjust. i -st] The Elcitions.. 90*sorru AvsIO. Mn. Mca-at siit holtia on ta South On- tanio, nata-itbstauding ho bas matie bis se- -ludtion ta taka ls minifor Kingsto,-in case he can get hiselecf iota there. The plan ai action noa- iî ta pie.a-it Mn. Wite, te Warden of lte Counl>., andt t dodge im out o! bis cdaim a t tie îpne. seutation cf-lte Riding. Mn. Mowat anti bis fionda tell Mn. Whtite, 16 O do't you rau ta divide the part>.; if Mn. Moa-at gels teturneti for ICingston, a-cil tison yon eau hatve Soult Ontai-o"' The>. pie>.off' Mn. Fareweillulinte same a-ay.. Anti Mn- 1lrown'î - helsc faigctling relurnetifor Torotnto aun sa sut, ltatlte Ritiing la aima promiseti ta hlm us a dernier ,-esart. We ver>. mucit mistakre Mn. White, if ho aiioa-s himseif ta hc tricketi in such a man- uer, anti iis cdaimns taelieignoredt lasmrve lte politicalenduts ai eny officc-icckixtg paît- ticun. Atîti a- groati>. even-rate te man- ]y. anti indepeudeel spiri itte eleclors or Sout Ontario--(oeaiflte flataneinohimît canslitunuces l intoe a-baie-Province,) if lte>. a-llsubtil laelie hougitt anti maid like jI parcel aifmitccp, anti bave te rcprescnta- lion oiflte cansitucucy ituitietiovur ta seryp titi politiclenduts af Mn. Moa-at. Buît Mn.bMoa-at anti bis fientis, bave mare a-ork befoni ltot ian lte>.imagine. Ceptain Roa-e, lte respecti Mayor ai Whilby, tas bien vaitoti upon b>. numen- ns finda front even>. puni ai bbc Ridin-, aud lu compliance a-itthem olicitations ho hue ugreedtelastand ion Southt Ontario- Ainoadyth> ie goosi a-onk lias pragresseti a-lail ct isly .1.requiros tae ckuovu tul Captain Ilowe in a candidate lu ondin ta gathen anourwt ima etoa-er oci sîrcugîh:Cap- 'tain itaa-eis a-cl knoa-u la mont o!flte ee- lors.i liha ben a reidiniaiflthi Ritiing ion neai>. ta-a score >.ers, andt bas claims upoît lte ciectana, taea-icb uciiter bMn. Mowa non hlm fienda can muxeolte sitet oaa prelension. Sece hls ddrems. NoUT1vTîARIOnn. Mn. blattea- Crookca Cameron w-i, a-e are informeti, content the Nantit Ritiiug viit MnrCiaiti. Al l hiugs lieing equal, Oun prédiections a-oult inlufevor ai s reidoul representative. Bol, as beta-cen au ignorent incapable tan iiki Mn. (louiti, sud a gentleman of Mn. Camcrnam tain. metlitigit citracter, anti standing, ltent can be but ane cioca. Mr. Caeron 'vontitido Itonon lattie represenlation ai tLe Riding. EAîST YORK. Mr. ThtomaMilna tas oer>.prospect of osn->ing te Ritiiug. Hi is s gentleman a-ta is viii likel, Sgrenl>.rîspîcteti snd ver>. viioel>'kuowu îtnaugitout titi Riding. Hoe toserves la hi seccosafut anti the ix- pectaliaus ltai hoe yul ho ma are vorn>. t. guine. VICTORIA.. Thon is scandlai> etonitî a! Mr. Joitn Catcrn's re-eleeian. VE"I IURtiAN. Wc arecltithat lte otite ane hneî ta oue ltai Mn. Wilmoit a-lit heal Monno. NOMATION DAYS. Lazrsox-inlda>., June 21 Sauva ONvÀTAO-Saturda>', Jutai 22. KIîeOmraî-Baturde>., June 22. Wsav NosruxEntLÂr--Titnroas, lune 20. Bauovi.z,-Sauria>, June 22., V'ICvanA-8aittntiy, June 22. CARETON-Mouda)', Juno 24. STauIaOInT-Thusda>., Jue 27. Coaaat,-A-Montiay, June 24. Noanai ONAiÀs-Mtoeda>, Jul>. 1. POLLING DAYS. Lorinaie-Fritiay 27tb sud Batunda>. 28tk met, WEST NoitTvrxuatà sw-Thnaday 21tht- anti Fidits>28thit nst. H,%XllToX-MOUtay leI anti Tocsay 2id July. . ryamix-Kunds7li Md TuaY Utti 3111. - VIaO à eua-on&yl ;aï, lit an& Tu- day J1dy7ulad, OÀuvewoi-Tueed" *bancs- Bem xOsrnlo.eMedy let sud Tâoe diy20d Jîly. r - 1 ôth Ãà dSeira. a.d lil. Noa= u O . -M-oaday 8ekw on gotutday se oas -of 6o mont bïfr tal, uprovoketi, sud vanton amosato liaI ever disgracqd l. 10t 'ef Whiib-:100ko place lis the clesr iisbtefdaq ln the pub- lie streets. Me. guessalrifhm paper, Wei 1proeedlà î ombus ofiste the Court IHonsudant vet rsly; oppo site Dr. Guuu's on-BYron street, ho wu keocked down mselusfr3>uabehld it a club, by titat m ontnotarions of outrage- ous scaundreis, James Walisc. WhilehlM poor victim vas proatrate on the grounti the cowardly rufian, kicked sud battereti hlm wititulmorcy, and inlU lprobability would bave murdereti poor figgins but for Doctor (*un'a lady, via etied, eut lu tite mont alarmeti maier, andi eompolled te ruffiaely mamallai* 40 î.'-Sbe quently Wallace wae brouglit bîtore tte Magistrates and vas fully committed ta stand hie trial at ltee nexi Assises. Au outrage no brutal aud utiprovoketi could not (ail to cause great excitemeel e inthe taa-n, and warm syntly vith the mufferer. Measures vire taken te lyncit Wallace, sud il, required ail tuai Mr. Hfiggins's friontis coulti do to privent titi populace carryîitg lte intention ietao ffect. As il was il ýtaok a pffle af causia 'bles ta praleet ii thraugh the stricts tromnttie try of the crowd, andi' as ho a-as marcietett gaol lie a-as greeted -with -te hootingu and ex- ecrations of titi mob wviicit eseorted hm ihrough the stricts ltte Court House, Laté nt nigitt bail ams givee in-WslIacé itimsoîf le $111. and la-a ureties in $400 ecta take his trial at tbe next Assizea. Articles of thc Peace a-ire aiea entered iuto,-Wsllace je $1200, andi too moretles lu. $600 escit, bieding iitover ta keep lte peace for twelve etontits. Thtomas Dow Esq., and Mr. John Agnew, the In surà nce Agent, became Wallacem bondi. moen. Mr. Higgium in mîill confleetilta i& bîd front lte îfl'cts of titi injuries recei- rcd ; but a-e are happy ta stale tital under te skilful treatent of bis phymician, Dr. Gune, liaey are nat likely ta prove of a very serious citaracter. In ail probabiiîy Ibis scoundrel, Wallace, will titis lime get, vitl bis deserts long enougit aga entilot aim to-a term in the Provinctal Penite.- tary. Wallace wua the projeclor of titat r unfamous cenceru, the Wbitby I Watch- nbas" so happily tesiguateti by Mr. Hi-. gins ns lte tg St-achine," and anger aI las failure, n s a-cIl ns persoual, malice, are lie.auly causes that can be asaigueti for thQ commission of lte dnslardly outrage. t Ilarsa KEEPERS0-Wiil l ied front our îdvcrtiiing coumua, ltaI Hamilton and Roberts, are in réceipt of a lot of Englisit Black Tens, wltici no daubt a-ut b. <oued as usuai -of titi. best quaiity.- THE " HOME JorRNAT."-Titis is lte naine aifaà uoa-literar>. Journal publishoti in Taranto b>. Mn. William Halle>.. Titi paper is a-cil got up, te scîcciions carefual- uy matie, andthie original malter lte pro- duction ai Canadian autitons -ai ailit>.. Amougmst ils cautributana a- e Ihoaur aid inientis Mn. Thtomasm D'Arc>. McGe, anti Mn. Jaets MoCannali, a-hase produrtions bave hiniiofone aa frequenti> citannioi lte Canadien public. tui- evis ta succeeti in ltat place le publie favoun nov accupietib>' thoe abominable Yankee productions, ueit as te Nia- York Ledger, andi ibeets a-it situer oentieucies. We irisi thtt Home Journal e long anti oseful carier, anti lte publisher ovin>. sacoas. Suitscrip- lion $le5.- book supplie& a ast c-iicit bas bien long icl. Ita plan anti arrengement are bath admninablç,, anti a-ile il bas lte recommen- dation ai bnevil>., il is a fuit anti complote giograpiial a-ork. Iu titese respects as viii as le meditanicat uxecutiaut anti lite- ray ebiiity-, it excella ail vonka ai titi kinti itleria pratieot. Tihe numeous mapm anti illustrations are ail executeti a-it cane sud atistic miili, sud tbe dofiltons anti ttc Metitemetical Geograpit>.canîsinet inl te inînatinctor>. chapter anc o! Ihemaîlves invaluable. As a Canadien vork, lte ne- suit ai Canadian entcnpriie, sut Canadien talent. The country. bas niason la he prout ai ils Canaiu Autitar, sud Cana- dian publisbei'. Titi book teservea a ns- tonal sicceas, la abtain vitichit Irequines oui>.t ta e kuovu. Titi price is oui>. anc dollar. 0::Tte laIe iniamous canduci ai James Wallacce a nc gotresuil alnead>' il lu ta hi dipriveti ai bis commissiian as Captain of thc Iligitiant Riflc Company>; anti itîeafter insteat o!fte five on six pon pihgarlicks viticit hi basbien able ta mu- ter, on ana excise for a Campan>.,a-e a-iil havea sCompan>. ai volunteers ltatin u u- ber&aneutappearanci yl hi creditablo ta li taa-n, untien te cateand o! a reapec. table oflcecr and s gentleman. Ot.-Mr. Mourat wii l even condescend ta ie et lte nomination on atualrta>.. le bis steeti titigreal Gril conjuran la adver- tisedte t give anc af bis puzziing pori on. mancei. Hape hioaill ual ls. him cit Charge o e Pan.. Mr. Jamnes Wallace *standscitargedvhlli Ibis gneel crime, anti au investigation viii tioubtlest-eunit in endia5 iinfor triai ta the Amisos. James F, Brava, of Tarante, 10;yi t b.à aNotary Pub)liein Upper Cana bu~ been tagh s Lieum to Robirl Bhsakely; etr1ewboro, ftmq., IL D.9 ind Mdwlfery in Upper Cp;da Wm jbno 180t. The Board ineIt"at the Toyu Hani fis pose of eafcrning riîbîe Beeve sued Local, Supe 1rieten denti ai theTow-naitip ai Whitby relative taueuitieg coi-laie lots ta lhe Towna tar scitoot purposes.- MismrosLFramr sud Houck a-enttie ou. ly tomnber. oft the -Board le attendance, sud eatmsqueetly ne busijaces coulai ho Tihis mÃ"de e! daing business s neitiser ilil -nor -ïprer. WitOà n eý vr- 'Board ef scitool, Trustais-appoint a special meeting for fi ppeciat purpose.044 .notif pplem fr'om'adistanýe 1t e hef 'thom, d a y and courtesy alike require ltaI îLey smiould Le punctual anti in sufficiet numbirs te enable the btusiness on itaudti o-botrausacteti. Lou ofet le -Steamshlp Canadian. Wo have mati ne oid St. 8LJointul the effeci ltaittieCanadian, anceatflte Montreal Company'm steamers, is lest a-ith 20 or 30 of ber passetigirs. She lefi Que- bic on the losinsl., encountieei a field of sunken ice an the 4îh, eigitt miles Soutit of Belle laie, anti ruuniug upon it, went doivu in hait an htouri 181 of te passengers sud cre- a-ire saveti. Amang titose lait a-ire mixcaitin passeugers, te second ofilcer of titi ship, andtihie mail afficer. Titi ship's papersa-cri lost,anti Il coulai not a-itit accurse>. Le keoa- vio and itoa-many wa-re draa-ned. r.Bain Darlington, Mr. Motfet, Rag- lan, Mr. Lee, Est Whiîby, and Mr. Bat- bridge, 0Oahaws, a-cwru pasaingers au boa: d front titis locali>.. Mr. Bemibritige elone la keoa-n ta be sacd. Aftimal Session oci the Orange Grand ILescge. Tflceltirty-siconti Annusi Sesaiatt of lte Me. W: Grand Orange Ladge ai Brititit Amenica a-as hoiti lu lie Cit>. ai Kingston on Tuettia>, June 18th, inml., a-heu lthe foi- loa-ing officia a-ire olecteti: Hon, ". IH. Cameron, Q. C., Grandi Ilasten. Maxweill W. Strange, Eeq., Dy.. Grand Ifaster. 1e.v. Sîepiten LIt, L. L D., Grand Jitaplain. William. Anderson, Esq., Grand Treasu. 'on. Antinca-Fleming,, Esq., Grand Seereta->. Jutes L. Maihea-mon, - Esq., Deput>. Iranti Secretary. Wm. P. Pilipe, Eaq., Assistant Depul>. Gîrandi Secritar. WiliametNM. Boîton, Esti., J. P., Assas- eunt Dîput>. Grand Seenetar>. Hcnry Lemmoe, Esq., Diput>. Grandt rreasurer. Chtarles F. HiIi, Eqq., Grand Lacturer. Auex. Barr, Esq., Bit Hereiti Knigbt aI Arms. Citarles Smniit, Esq., Grand Tyieu-. Titi nîxt antiual Session a-ll bc e hcd at Motitroal. Theomtion 10 aboUit ,Local Grantd Ladgesa-as ual edopted, 'triicit a-hi, ouhîlesa, cauize Bote dissaitisuaction. TtecIlo. Mn. Cauciton tas becu ap. aointeti Commissioner af Public Worki lu 1e place aiflthe Hou Joitn ose, rusitgu- m G I 61 Diogiaciful Tuctcfo." (From flueBu,-toPoçsAI "iibientaIt rako Envv tudt r-oki'd iualice nanrnuteut, Daie- bite lie test." Ttc Watchman lu ita issue of lte 3011 cl. again duagraces Canadian joiîî'îîalimm. Titi editor bas heein epeateuil> convicteti of the tait unblusbiugiuîieitoods ; but lte hati habit lias hecoti a thoonu;iy ingrait- into bis nature, tat 10 give it up scems impossible. Ho knowa "O0tteli' occupa. tioui'm gone," anti te is quite okiesa. "4Tt>. oui>. indupendexit (1) paper lu Wtit, b>.i leteleinlua ilocalrasonîl>. tanner. Ttc editor aiflte Past, utoar féiiaw, bas la eau inthlie assistance o! tietiC/ronide anti lte Pries 1 -et up bis artiles coudenx- ton>.aiflte inmscutete trio o!flte lfc-iet- msan. Droatul i But titis la; quite as itue Ihat te Falc!cman cinoniat.-s extensivily amoug titi literati ai Bitien. The 1"cvr vigil" f'atcliman muaI Ir>.alter '9 ta(- tidma-tiltrick unden cansitenatmon ia tua- transparent. On marc titan ane uccasion a-e tave seen lte value af gain; fi-onttome ion new.' The JVatclcnan's assertion rela- tive 10 bite prcpnhîtarsbip o! titis journal is a case in point. Tie TIO aere unatle la exake en>tiing af titi atitor, '"atrililing" and ail as bcie j, 50 ttcy musl uttack bis fater, the ox-Poslmaster. -Von>. onedi table "l adties" tiese 1 Evenyoue knows- that ia acqusinît ialt lte' mater-ltai Mn. CHARirs RoBîzsoic nevur 1"nevivît" lte Pogt for tte purpaaî o! runuitî ag- ainsi Mn. Gouiti; tbat teha nia pecuni- an>. ietetercst lunlte concern, ornon con- neolian edtoriail>lyInfeett h. wo'itai. i cie ista s leofaigrass mniarmprsnîetliau, front hegiuuinig lu eud. W h ave doue a-thth ie ever vigilant print. Hîneaften a-d o talinteuti noti diftg ils maliclous ravingas. We hava mhiatn ltaIt il is una-ortth ie support o! Refont ena ; ltaIil doe not receivi lte counlîn suce aiflte igihti binking portion oifltet communit., ltaI it is couductet, anti ita puicaiotion cantinueti, fan punîl>. pesonal motives; andti tbt ils conductona are sa' charactenîesm sud unpnincipled, ltaI noiiter public or privale citaracten la maie front ltoin matcoand t aantan alleoke Cricket. On tie t i i t, a meeting ai titi Brook. lin Cricketr-club vas bet a-heu te folloa-- ing offlcrrs a-ire elîcteti for titi mmmi.g year.-J. B. Bicinie, Eaq., Preuideut. R. J, Warren, Vice President, A. W. Camp. beIt Seeretar,,0. AtteenTeasurer. Andtihle toliaaing wa-e ciasc asneà mauing Canamitti.-J. B. Bicktc, Esq., Wm. Boa-Ion, Rsq., 'Robent Warren, Esq., A. W. Campbelî,Emiq., anti Dr. Warren. No utooeRhentnati&nt efler uslng W.&v- soi s NUi&ALâozà Ktaio genransd 1e the 0lectonof lb. Np4l pepe eauejo, andi of pqti ine otribntiugto atison'm pr6spériîy,gýd là building -sip itS, ,greatnemsThéest s&à zigbty Emopire. viith vblck-Iv't bappincss ta be assoeastcd se a depeuidei Ooiany, je largely inà debteti for jie Mjl position site . occýes amont the' mItt6i of the îartb ta tte preement visdem by- vbichber Jeg-lltion;bmsbien mark4e>e pecially during the curret century i fta te unbeudieg -integnily Ith, vhichj, > respective of part> intereuts, ber lsa-v ai been carniee tt~xceie c~It ét for titi people oft tiis Province ta o âter- mine aithte approac,,iig electio.ns wJ9t.i1 titey mitI enjoythis bIemuiig, ,or vhtp.11b tey chiI -not, nt lensI for- 'tbp. ne:t , 0p yîaes wheîîher aur Young Cuiony 9hal1teQýM r ieue te prosper in the messîre v, tbe resources at ber 6ommand, and lte i try sud intelligence of berpjeopîey accoIn- paieti by;. h. DPivine biessin& -varrinti-tto te expeel, or vitether, like a sitip str,ï.1 gling vith adverse a-inde1 tue mitallt ibfe but tardiiy" in 'the prosperous careèr - on a-ic ite basbueniereti, eeconnterieg ai evcry slep in her paîhway ltose impoingi 'influences ltaI ignorant -anel incompet4nî- mon, citosen sud peid for lthe very purpoe of itîipieg ber fora-ard, have throa-n e lier a-ay. le'cI eneclioe witit the political a'- taire of our Country, Ilion la one gerlous evil te a-hidi I a-otjlt solicit, tue special cousideration of every reeder. I ita be. fouîtd lu the tact tat it ual unfrequentiy happoens tite most respectable portion of lthe community, tite men of superior educa. laon, intelligence, anti prabity, lte moni, Christian meu of the Country, eiiher à $ peraistently refuie taeuter the field ot'p!> litice, us doce the treito-ou& coate t en-; ter the fleIti of couiiict a-hon titi libertiès of lis country are in danger ofbhein&gdoyen, dawn, or epproecb il ns cnuîiously, anti take exil fo-ont ilas speediiy, se lthe timid 'Medical Practitioner tite home exnpoisoed hy lthe breath af a deadly plague. Titis civil devolopes itselfini a twofoid fort ie, the refusai of our choice men eliber t'ô prescot themscives before their fellua- sub.- jects as canîdidatcs for, pariiamcutary hoori, or te du anythin~ beyond record:" ing their votes-sud cran ibis titi> some. times refuse ta do-to secure the reten of suiteble caudidetes. Titis evil moiti us evcrywhene througbout lthe leugthil u breadtb af the land. Tho working ejen of aur municipal insltitutionts bas not es- caped its deleteriaus influence. leae>y sections of thte couîttry,- ttie mon of .ged exponieuce, enligitteneti vistia commaoding influencee most pontin hold aloof from the management o affiairs, and thus eilow thein contrai g over juta the bauds of a iet af the nost, cantîmptible ieiloxvs, unscrupulaus, brazîn. fuceitiant iSinorant, andti ielie ut frequetlthlit tle poa-er bite>."oss ciottci -ltale ithwi. at t-u t about wa-ti mare titan e peaeaek'a prite-as an stntlfanrlte advancaetnen eea.t tiete,t andtihetcgralifieatiott'--a hale. Titi ivit I bave montiauct ishaoui that ongitta ho sa-cpIa-a>.,antdltaI mut t e cnuslcd aiitout tels>., if our 'dcountry. is ta mat-ch fora-art wlîh acceucretei speedtiet tuat eecionLmuong lthe people of titi voriila tie it er geograpiticai position, sud ilii>numîerous olemînti of mateit-l gcatuesasitec pasacîsce, as a-cil as titi itapes anti aspirations o! ton people point. Ttc educated, intelligent, anti saint Chitnh lieu men among lns muqt tnc longer aliun, as tue>. aoîildthttcfatal Simoom'asawecp, ail participation lu public affaire, a-itber vititin te narraa- limita ai a Township aud Caunt>., or viitielte vide anti oct- probonsive demain of lte entire Province. Politics muait no longer ho negartietin lthe liit oi a mistrcea aifcas>. vtrtue, auly ta ho wooodyth. e baser mort aifbte people, but t-aterlunltelitofai estaid goblen, and' vitous tuatron, a-li benîvolent in lthe wliht tacive lthe greateml goot for ttc grntesi nember, 5utd cageni>. inqtiringr aller tthea-iaiat measnres ta reatize iter bineraient domina is eminenl>. entitieti te the definintial regard ai titi bran d tact paîniotie ttraugitonit te]andi. Privats anti pet-canal cousmdonaîloua mustbc mer. cd -h clt auits o! public dcl>., andtihit billon portion ciflthe communi>. siirktng no longer a-ith maiden enynîss fron t he lcast participation in publiic inteneits, test sîn-enuc)uaI>.sttuggii ta oaere lthe tlitru, et ttcetxpproa'-itig ciectarai cOntest ai meua-ilii<e ture tort or Iseaaciar ai aid, mitaIt have nnderitanding of tte limes la kuowat -bl ur countr>. ouglîltatede. Ever>. cinaliîttenc>. lthai soudstaebte Iloume o! Assîmb>. an ignorant unedaca- ted linon, jusi as inconîpeicul ta pencîrate ttc myscnies aiflthe politicai voniti as fho is onable ta expamu lthea-outrons tecîta niat o! hie owu mante, juai as indanipietr 10 grappie a-itit a groat public question us ha is ta square lthe circle, anti pcppet'iike movi ng, anti parrt-tliiîe apeakieg, just as the Chie! o! hie part>. directs, infliéo'à a grevions a-rang upon lthe enlino Countr->. anti couverts lthe cloctive franchise (a rià lkt dean ta titi ieants o!flBritish -freemen,) et ance itlo an abject, of ridicule anti an ini- strument of evil. Wten a-e bave occasion ta eniplo>. a doctor, do a-e catilta Our aid a tan juat as ignorant as aurseives ai the liealing art. On, a-heu quis. lion cf ila- amis, thaI impenils the tllutre b>. a-licb a-e tal th ie prapity that aur oa-u, on ont- Fattena' indusn>. bas matie us, do a-e, in titi cmirgnc. rue fon adnice leae nei.ithour josi as able ta un- raIl lthe secrets o a inl ail ils canaphi catîti issues anti tiveiniict details, as Le ia le descnibe a-ith accurse>. the mateniali of a-bich the Sn' bodi>i composeti ?- Mast ammunîd>. ual? lu cascismBcit as Ihîse, a-e siriek a-ittannrr martuthIe ver>. ides o! aloa-ing ignorani anti ineom. pilent mien.ta praclice upan aur corporal, matmes, or ai pormilting ourselvis to be guidet b>. ttie atvico of individuais, as tiaraugl>. nfiltaegrappie a-tth tite quos. lien ai issue, as lte>. are ta drain lthe ocese of ils a-aters, anpluthe ttisuae mot hlm place in tLe itiaveus. Wcno a-e infatua ted enongh ecuberi ithe ouiecase or tinbte alter, 1t-,tiopent foran ahapY esape (rot tie punil10ute feantiproper>. ltaittres- Ions us, upou such mensenes as tleittined ignorance caulti aloeemuggcst, a-anti a-o nat bu nigitteous>. changeable viitt a vilfel anti celpaýbuleifiiin ai a tout gnievou a-rang upoît ounscive suad our famitice? Thi individuais in question migitt h ionougit. 1>. anxion e act up te the full tonsure 4if 0' pe < rlhsral andin ihtMai rsolt teostigofetn atie anti comerce, ativaucipont"f!lier q.r iacreasiug population in edueabion, ibii gence ud ani arlity-ano'e ltas. thiage oa- AOlittie valqe anti importance le Our-cmi iualn tttae are resalved te do waa va can te senti ýo0tite Halls' ofe Pailiameet ioeiù icaysbtè as any l thtit enlise cotn- mtnuill ta totake a compiehensive marire ('of lioee anleti intmets, or bt onna au un tIigiteneti appae:pinon ofýtbelite asuned beu flted ta securetem? 'iia- e tius, villa suiel i gilt, mck ta infliel a deatil>. lenjur>.upon*tbé, couatr>.ltaI vopioutil>. cati Dôur ovn, lte crusiting pressure af '*'ilcb may . hi ti y Our chiltireus' chul- tiren, a-heu a-e o>1ursilves are mouldirieg lu liedmSuppose titat me of titis stamp e truly desirousaofprouxotingtheïr caun- 0 Ãm god , ae have ca eedto ,tac hald tia goati intentions are butl a pon coa- vistiantsud,âffort i na sicerit> against titi mati dimater ta vilet istutaniti ignorance le almnoit mure toixonduet?7 Wore *a-e on the bosont of thé oceana-ion al lte 'starMtu etheaven are aitroati-in sucit cm- cunatancis ns liieea-ire lte iickeuing in- telligence le niacit us ltailite Captain anti çvejq officernoftrîiid ekilî on boaîd itad bien sitddeeIy sa-eptsway imb lite sngry deep b> lte Might> sa-eh ofthlitreton- dons tempesttaeti moea-itile vere lte appal' iing cry ta (ail upon aur cars, 1'breakers ahead,' ai!1 lu sucit a fenful itour u3 titis vouli il alla>. fdIe(cars ltat oppresa us to lie tld ltaI lte ani> seilors nemuiuing are a fia- raa- sud onlrajned Isetismen, a-ho have ual yel recoveed frointlte agonizihîg uickness ai tic final sevoyage ? Wouid -goati intentions on titoir part, et a peniod. ,suci as tuas, secureo uasaiset>. front lte titreatenieg puis ltaIsurrounti os i Shahl a-e tite be guilty>. 50 fer as our votea antiE 'nfluenice go, of titi atrociaus crime of con-1 algeieg lte guardienaitip af aur couutry'a misft> anti praspgnit>. for yeans la coa, tot lte handà ai meu, a-ho boovin itoest aud excellent their intentions and desires,E suffir nudor the incurable malady>.of net!-E ýIpS1 ignorance, ai titi ver>. final lîinciple,t f thec art ai negfuiating a natians move- eta amidtihîe thousant puis ta tut- and progness ltai arc ovin neveaiing t 0 ves? - more seins is lte evil t WGe are ouning ta expose when in- nontce von>., as is frequent>.lte cgar- bineti, anti min are ent lo tie ofitm i ur cautnv a-ta itilet hraying odlýwith usjuc vuiganit>. adýOipa tatheir coýnuî?&,welfare, h'ave tei r cye aif tbc a-hile sleadui>. on lte public pure-men a-hase bosonts neyer 1oa-neti one particle ai the fine af true Ps- trtotiant-mntewaho b>. titiexorcise ofittat lea- Cuuning net unfrequcut>.mtl ithin l tools anti idiots, succeeded inlumecuring lte nomination oefp;îà ked conventions, anti thon borne mb toth ouai oi Assembi>. an ttc migit cf part>. deoation, causeenate nine- tee-taenttb oai thei negards taetiteir ca-n inlenesta, sud lte nemainder te those af them part>.? Are tueeloa- Iicksters fit te lie statosmen ? Are tkey as wauuing iu abitit>. la discern a sotidpnincipie ai legisialion, as 'lu integnritytelaeppi>. il, bie tee mb a-baose bauds a-e are a-illiug ta cansigu titi destinica of aur Province for >.ears ta corne? Sunel>. t> felloa- subjecta, a-e are net reati>.laporpetrate uet e suici- daI itinuder ns titis?7 Sunci>., tte errons ai past years lunttis, and tilier cansîlluencies are Ioo dean>. accu andt 100keeni>. félt on ail bauds ta hi nenueti yet again ? Sure- ]y., mon ai Nantit Ontario, titnie or foer titousantis af aur moue>. expendeti, anti uat oue solitan>. pantiele of gooti ta sitewa- a retenfor lte expenditure, ih fan taeitigi a ptdce te psy fer tite empî>- triumph ai part>.,.or ttc frumliss pivilîgu ai bey- ing a dent! anti gooti-fon.noîting Reprisen. tabive lunlte House ai Assembi>.? Trul>. a-c have ait learnedte bknoa- bitIambitions ignorance, aurrauntietib>. a few itutinctid acres af lanti anti a fia- tiousauti dollars ai "oIti, is ualtte bîst mabinial ont o! witicit la sennre a-me anti besîtitint - legimaion.- Shah a-e etaîIto, if ancit a 7'hing embol- tieetib>. rinumpit aiflte paît, sitoulti eguin step Forthite1 solici-t aur suffrages, anime lu aur ave migiti anti hunlilifback ta titi oimcurity (nomvitic it ilshauld nover have emîrgeti. M en ai Ontario, il la uat merci>. fanretication aud talent I picati ns ucceasan>. qulilties te good satesmanshp -ounti politiesi principles must ual bc left out ai ttc account. I eail upon yeu lien, b>.lte regard you ciioniat tr on or conlry's a-cal, b>.lte revenence anti affec- tion you enlentain fan yanr eltars and yonr hantes, ta give titi sanction af your en- dourageien t and votes te no tan, a-itce -poitical vioa-s have the imeit of repuli- canient abouttem, and wa-bnare not, le parlicular sount ounlte ta-a great questions -annection iit/et the Mothler countr-y and perpet nation of thse Union noa- bappil>. suit-1 siîling bila-cen lte two greal sentions ai aur common country, Let au>. tan, a-base palitical cet discantis tics. ta-o vital priucipics, lic negartiet as a traiter, viton aur baerant hawss>. ay loa- ta ne- aide lu aur mitiet but a-tom otan paîriotie dîvotion viii neyer alioa- la touci even a-tht Lis uttle flugen titi legisîstion aud goviruteutoai unr bileveti Landi. Uxidgi June 1Stb, 1861. Prince Alfredi Comlug wislward Prince Alfredi amnivud et Quebec fret lthi Saguima>. oe Weudeasia>, P. Dainlutii Qeeu Victoria, anti as immediatel>. tniven ta lte Gaverner Gienrali esidonce. -TLene. a-a no format ricipîoe, but te 'as yull nuceivit b>. lthe croa-ds e inthe steamer. Ou Titunstay., Frits>. anti Baturis>.hterote about sud visiteth e Chantier Falls anti alter places of itebreml. On Sentis> more- ieg te attauedittiviee service aittie Cath.- etia n l letit 1titis uxaning ton Mentreal on the Quie Victoria. Hi vas heartil>. citeeneti y b>.ieIeoplIaeueevor ihemade Lis appiarsace luinte cil>. On TTesdthe Prince arniviti ai Mounceol, sud on Wîtieem. day euortling lie as te proccitet Ottea-s. as tan>. citisens estre ta revoke Mi. Wi shiall'rià psaèfnto eitkbr, sa,' li&Nota- ernersit4f.he Untion i disOIoti.ý But-aWho en lthe /tienicaô - Ooà ineht fon ta-o' Be- pubiics-e-achwel orguizeti anti pnompereus % Titi 8ouîheruStates have -bien. tfontifiti, tiefendeti, our at èxe .the Union, mays PrîsitieutLincoin's Gavera- tînt. So:hMd tLeThirte-ce Ptpvinc- i fe 1776 beenà cici anti Pr(tocte- ti-_tý coal aof té,Britisit Empire,, bulthal. cou- stderatlou titi not proviýnt theun fnouianti -asrtingiitem. lutidependençi. Beities5 Conmmission=', train tite--Sonlia -ire-- lu a-aiting ta trial ot these uesion f tthe Prusident vould but have enter-ainet ient. We cenlain>. cannaI discover le tic an- gu'nents anytiig ta nentove the case'lront lthe commoa atçon>.f ai eal3!naI an, mou- ,anchical quarrei. -Thie repnémei:tationi of lthe Nantihtiglit hi matie a-antifor a-antib>. se>. autracral an canqeerôn tiesiSîs of'.'ne,, clifying" lii-,frontierni conmoliitating bis empire, or netaining s tisaffecteti province lu subjection: Titi uuanifestoes of bthe Sentht migit ble put forth b>. an>. State dominous ai turmieating an npleasant, conneetica or exchïiung u,ý&,nion (or indîpendence. Thte ou>. peeulsnit luntthis -Nia-Worid a-ar la titi appeai o! the Legitimis la an irrevo- cable vole aiflthe people, inteaîcfi i1 dithe divine riglit of Kings." Presideul Lincoln invokes, nualh tit 11manti preragatives ai a tigity encetr., buta resolnîioîî adopteti b>. about îbree millions o! Amenicans neani>. cigbt>. yssago. Titîesointion couvo>.s ail the nigit tla a-icb ie eau preteuti; lite ruaI ai bis case turns upon migit oui>. We abane ail titi iopes a-bici have. bien expnesseti for saule atijusmmnt aiflthe dis- pute, on e speet>. termination ai titi aar, but a-e cannot sa>ltat a-e look a-ltb con- fidence toany> sncb eveet. Educated sud enigitned as titi Ameins are itcyoeti aimost ait otitîr nations, il docs not Eee thi.t their advaîttages in Ibis respect router temn more disposedto peace or more avinai flawu la arms a-iîb extraordînary alacit>., have embraced a-ithout a mamînî's serupie lthe dire oblicallous ai an unalunai conflict, have adopteti a-ar lu ils a-oral aifarts atd a-ith ilsa-orsI of usages, sud bave nepeleti ltheoffer ai mediation as if it convoyeti au atffront. From ailla-c eau sec or jutige, tite> are beut nesolutel>. upon a-ar, sudlthe>. must ubide b>. te oa-n appeul. Titi questiatn is simpi>. abter the bon tillions oi Southerers shall bîcome indepeudent accortiing te Ithe deatnes, or lthe Iwenty millions ai Nortiternena romain poa-erfoî accornt ateir <bains. It ta just aucit a question us tasbhen loft limes out ai mind iunttis Olti World ta lthe decieton of te sa-ord. The s-ord -til ectiti arbitre. tor in ttc New- Warrdt100; but lthe event tesches us plein> ettongi t itIRepnliiens and Deniocructes cuja>. no exemption front the passions and foulies af hutuanit. Tite Maîtrcal 7'ranscript sys.:-At thei eut afItbis mouth,or bitegining ai Jul>., the ta-a campantes ai ttceRô'ýaI Cailatian Ritles, st prisent in gsrrison bine, a-IIl go o tead cînarlonsaut Toronto, baviug licou in Montreat since October, 18519, The>. wiitebc-clieved by lthe 47th Regiment from tome. Titis, the Lancaster Regimont, a-as cx1,ete t ta mberk about lthe mitddle ai runo iront Deblin.0 PuzEaTuni Los 0FTUE HAit.-a-ijci fis s0 commnon noa-.a-da5a, ta>. ho octinai>. pnenenîti b>. lte noelof Bus-ntis Cocoai-xe. It bas bien umet inlutixusand a!o as a-bcntt thm a- as commina- outinle aud- fuis, anti tac nover feiledti taart-niistieca>., anti ta pnamalm a heallt>. aud vigonoci gnowth. It is, aI the ante titi, unnivalleti as a drcssing fonrlte hair. A single ap- plicationî wilt rentier il 50 mail antiglass>. for several tisys. Arrivai etftiti Jura. *Titi Jura arniveti ai 9.30 lal uight. Site brings 42 cabin anti 169 stuonuge pas- singrera - Lard John Russell saidt lit Goven- men t a no information lthai Canadien volunteor negiments; badtendereît ieir ser vices la bthe Uniteti States, anti ai course couldtia mn>.attaction voniti hi taken. Ttc Nova.Scoîlan neacitotiLiverpool esniy ou the imamniug a!ti ftht. Lard John Russeillu intis lîtcr atthe Lards ai tbe Admirat>. dinecteti them nol ta permit priveteena ta take priais inla Brittstports. He isys il is dose ta aucune he sîniclealttteutraliiy, Thte "mnes replies lati hete 1r.o!flthe Nortiten States agaiust Engienti, anti shoa-s that Ilta a-bail>. grounilsm. Prince Napaleon hati embanked ion Spain. Tite Quien a! Spain gave birhte10a pnincesa. Ttc Prussien Chatters b>. a teinctive vote, mate-ihl>. nîuceth e amaul ai cri dit aaket b>- govurumeul for ente> purpases. LVOL BRoa.EuI)ÂSTt!FF5 MABEI. Fiant-r ver>. dm11 iitt satiîchieing Icuden- e>.; viteal 4clI anti irnegt-ir ; Chicagoand Mlilw-aukeeet Ilc. Can dt; -y iaeti of- fereti at 30; provisions stcai>. Five oasis, coutaining 100 rifles, direct- cd ta lthe Commercial Bank, Nia- York, intendeti for lthe steamer Adrialie, a-en stoppeti et Gala-a>., lieagent o!fbbcheon refusing tl et tem pas. Tit- Paris corresponetho!fbte London Tlerald argues thai Italien indepenence a-11 te buriet ineCsvour's grave, andti ta Ille Peelemula urili heome a tire tiepeuti. mac>. 'ai France. Count Cavour tiutiou lthe moruiug et tie Gt mnt Hia tuat causeti s pnaiauud sensation. Ou bte eveeing priccetig tis deat hlm bisith itatibecamo so aharming *t stgreet tmaiioe a-as, evincit-b>. titipeople of Te- riu. immense ero'vdosaurroîndeti hi# nul- dence. j Brnons prevail thaltihr Majemt>. viii viti Dublin iteautiai cf eisyiar. lancei lâtuIï Sprng ta seîliîeg rOm e 5 o 900. p±'eas to4d. Oà te -26c. 1NoOl i.coming in uiavi>' 20tba 2. perpoue4]*à the ruling aluin NewYork, yesterdy at $-I«12 toit11.fo iwukelb lu0 Montreal CanadaClub in'offering $1 De. ta $1 10c., -batt OL mue- hanging THE.GETIENHRM : MÂDM ~INI'SCELF-13RATED SILVER- COATED FEMALE PllL8- and al ithe oltter dioems -o Lél lt ch themtti. We. and Mlott.er are peeoliarty fIable. Taese PM; smacontao delelerious lnedients.but are sae and cerwa î t ieir mtian. They-willi be (ouW i lq excrt ft. bhp'leèi.efct'in an. cases of,]rolapi;ds Utert, iti LeucerrIte. o r: Wë%items;ttiey'îaI I beud the eùctail td eet Ce=tamCure ltai cn lie fbtitt- Il ion account a( tits eenaimy itat lhey 1sitould fot itc taken by iregt e, Yçsg#4re,,> " praatheir use teper(eclly ate. ~ ri B -Dite dollar enolosed i.ayawÈlarize Agttl -voll ;aure piekage of PVlt,h by rete il Fort En., c, W., BIao .Y CÂuvos-BeiatoftCoutlteeiIs, lheltie hite tlh. signature et.C. c B n By, onîa utiste Wmper For sale by al respeotlae Dggia W-ilnîhewoP'1Venetlan lqunid JUia Dye.---Akuwloc-dedy cli to be the mtp.y4 ,ultra. Clieapentinithe wrld. &aitly applite-1 workstot a elînnin. Prodîtcesenv sade thtt rnnaybhodoaired. Pctri rvlatt lacln does mot dry or scorcli- tite i hu; p.odneea a ptrnhuit i lor-outtzint, will, neitier flule, erock. or -, h'lit. BcIk-tî iit Ãefilftoett veana. A' el~ i ce nlplete a:t;'titOtt. ar1te meinhier! the he8t, o% well ats the clxeapoat. For sale by ail Drupgtsâts. Prepared only by .A. 1.DMATHIEWS, Druggiwî, Buffaclo, N. Y. and, Vert, Erie, C. W. NEW ADVERTISEXMENTS. N- NTICE. COUIÇTY (OF ONTARIO Tle bereby given Tou T thaI ait adjoinîxed Court ofQiuarter Sessions of lthe Pence, lit and ion lie (outi> o! OnI nia, a-lliicluolden-et lthe C'outlio-iciult. Toan of Whxth, ou T'UESDAY, JUNE 28t111861. for i lie parpoi ot'aiudltiig acens ot Comtucl- Il. J. MAC)ONELL, Clente of PCee, C. 0. 'lltiy, Juutx14, 1861. ' ' Titi Oula rio lleview, Obtserr, Oâltaa-a Vin dinaton and Vaateliman, to ccpy ance, (HbNUR;Y SALE)O IN CRANCERY, tSUAIt i RYANT, Plailntif!, Citînies Etuet-son Cor>'eil, sud IWil- liamt J. Corycîl, Deiendants. Pnrsattea dccrecof the Cou,ItofCiateery madle h i in 14etlce ttitîg dateltbe lthtiti> ofApnil, A D. 1h10.iîti ait ordc-r o!tii Court enriugd ite thrtliietx du of A pnif, A. D>. 1361, a- el 1Ã, pi'Cîiin oflc. Il. I)artuletl tEaîj., Mater of ltao raid CattIWiiby,a-i bc salî <it lthe1 YENTH DAY of MUY neit, Ait the boxa cf 12 o'clouln, noon, b>. 3]ESSR.S. FAIRBANKS IL MACDONELL Attet'encens4, ai the ].ecklitanî ouse u inth VILLAGTE0F OSHIAWA, tia fo)iittwiug prapeni>.:-Aii eand singtillan tit cit-taxpin acei or tract ofiauti alicate lyin4p sud tri g iIllte Village ofoeiiuwa, i le tte ocuiy ut Oltlaria, beiug eempomcd cf s part of Villaga Fit No. 3, ountteé muthsie oiflBon t seet in tii sidI Village ai Oaimxaa, ai§ manketion tbm plana of Viliage l.otd i id oon aulot Ne. Ilinlutte unl ceiweeecion ai tIti Touvnsiip af WLitby, by Joiij Bo-lamec Wurno, Esq., and la deicribed as 'cuba-s, lthaI t st ty:--Cotieiling a-lereae tost lias licu pinteti in front aoflthe- said cou- ,essîiî, ai a distance of tut-c chaina, IsovAu-. fie l nie: u acoursce sotilieveuty tfour dlecg lCw-St in010lteSouth cuit Uîigo o!' suid et No. Il, iunortît sixtecu degrec§. a-est uti reliaitis, la lteé sineet linthit t-ur of tihi tiack lîent nt-tIiscyeuît>-4toiîn degneescuiot atne obain toe links., dieu aixtu 'de nnee upt aile lallt tacIte iliiki, ieu. sontEli avoit>'-t'onr lcr entcaa-a, atelChin andti a-ive lina1, ta luie sa01tl '-ca ngle-of lteé saiti diacribed pro. 'lue pt-e îticc, are situateonithtitisoulli-casî et-ner ot l'r-incieut a d dtractsuilteé Vil lge of Oiltawa. Thte i leaegoot i sbsîsuia iie-aiîc-a-iiutfstor-y brick ta-cliiig abont 15 >4 g, a-tithî eue-alrad>duidtion aimueieti 12 >s480 fet. Aic a amatai aitatittal stable anti ilet ofa-ced allacitet. Tluavesî la laidi oui as aa gat-dont.i '17ti 1îeirlîser an purn a o f lthesuit p- iea, alimil at lthe tine of Lale, puy dave a de- oc-il o ai er incent o! lie purultase moue>., t lthe Veicnor Fer Solicitor, anudlthe rmi- let-mof the parctae nony a-ilt inlercîlt roin tee da1 aiuli, ta be paiciivithie four veeki r.c lieday of the soie a-lien lteîpunchesen ïvI hi enîlîtledtie a oe>eysc. luattali ter mapetatlt cntilioisthtit' salea an tlose uutite'l u iniihgeneral ondeneaofi li ai tt F-n ful ttien erliilut-s app>. ta Mcii,,-. Fuin- muks & Macd11011, Anctioneere- B. B. Fain- xtîks, Esq., Vendor'aS olicitor, sh a e ud te utidoeagned 1Lèasîof &Ja- - ~Muter at Wittity. L B. FAIRBANKS, Vocndoly'i Solicitor, atavaai June lôtli, 1961. 2 )EPARTMENT OFpCI1WN LANs, QuisWse, 8 iI ns, 1 î1 lIts ECEaLtaucr via Govxmxoft GXZ#raa&j.lu 'onnil aa eoùÉpud t arinlie folloa- qgsiam o lte A]d V ud0ie. nuuer lias pro- t811e o heAct22nd Ve.ap. 50, Consol- [a a ue ofsit anti0tatsreIsIing te lteé.Iinpe. Jauper K4eabali Gcotiing, of theiTo*u af ,ode * h 'U porCÃnadtoabeauInspecteér et fi g t tl Ilj ti a Ci i Tweutieth day cf Juiyne, ? At lteetit~~on Ro aio -MESS» FÀIBAKX8'& MADONEpjLï Brook Stith dft TOWN_ <YIWflITBY, a-lUs the apprbtienon f G. 11,Dareli, Se_1, he tro holýncrab1e, Cus lw tY, a th-t'ceiainpareilor- 4JAND AND]- FREMSEs, seitWin lte tOwnabip oai Marslu îlae oxy ai lte Porttbal! fofLut neuber îa-onty-=s,In * lI-t tni oncession ofetiti suid 'tawesiajo aft ,ara onang bY adfeesdnetientbDehua. -drod aCr e he lt a une m ore or jes . Tile propint>. a-il bu sold lu one lot Thons is o au la mnddlj, uX sizet ostr>' oIAf Ilonse, sia. hi, sud oter ms, nt > hutdina f~ercey-ny vaie;Aboutfrom, fifieen to taent yCrdatot lte lsu4. are cinJancd. lte ron i tbush land i a-lIta eo tldetabl 5[QU.u tiyc l. iepropertys p<ýisanîIy ;îua ~pd, aerlookng a zby on l ilneueîscui2 udlle istant tram 4botlfiç ¶3btwo ta eiles, sam aboultttree-muileafro-t;I e iia-s. Titerin las stea awm liothtie djoiuîng lot on lte mke shtane; a publie rondi kuc-nthe liiodetvgeee. enuillyt rd, tteI i- Z1.oand dbetnIp I oaa: tieuition nnttwosn491thlie (>nt!-Baud aoflt coçuty of OntaripÇ, rens s'ati t à ud lutirat theïraest endthereby aepnnîatlug the tinta iie 'por tioins coatà iutog re.pecltirel>. about sevete sud > niuety ltri. acre». Tite-conditious aofpuba-tII te lte standing ondition& af thaýCurt, exexept mse loa-s, namely î deposit af ton -potsuda tonrery bue-- dred puaci-as of lte puetiasimauey taibe pzid& te tite Vendora or lteir Soliutlone auItthe c f qae, and the F'iineea-ithle anaemlrdrmoetlt frot hedtf , i a-lIt teneeil ut jaix per ccit per attnte.: Titi punclissr a lihe ttue af s4ale te) igtun t.gnoeultîut for the campk-tice or the pur=ae i t. upon paymeut of rte sm bi a-iil be cuttle tp 19aocouveyaue TiiprupcrlywaiUlbîsoldaubjeet tonytaieo du 1 othlie prommses. - rinleèrpattîultlrs sud ediations ma>.bu obtainod cf Mesîns. Moiian.& Samni, I'lainiffla Solicitons, Torontto. Mosans. Cain' cran, MeMichael ILtcFlze-sld, ttalicilera;, Tii. rouita; 1. G. iea-lU, Eaà .,-Alterly, sudoet lit tîndenaigeed Mitaer af UtceCourtx. 1 GEO. JIX DARTýNELL MORRISO'Ll & SAMPeSON. Jlaiullffe' Solkions Dcatod t day ot' Jette, 18951. -NEW BOOKS! New _Books!L THE A DY ENT1JRESS OR THE BABBINGTON'PEERAGE, t:i By George Augnstus -Soja, PRICE 50 CENYTI 13> ltse Auttor ai PiccioIa.-Prl-e ilOcta. GODEY'S LADY"' 100K FOR JULYl .&T TÈS a VANKPE NOTi-ON ToREiff NEW JEWELLERYO - :0IH I( . MEI Broaches,. i Ear-Rings, 1 Loèketg, FINE GOLD WEDPJ'NG ]RINGS M PECTACLES to SUIT acl SI(HTS 01? THE BE-ST QUALIT, AT, 'Woteisher & Jèe-let;F Brook-st, Witly, JOH11N »DAWEjS, AGENT FOR VYA*!DEUsON'S. CW Alat-dans bylectten- oraîtcrwie prompt- eltendcx- l. Attinesa prepait, Brookîte. Bakery and Oon4fectionery. R ICHARD SNO'W dominca 10 iîtfon bis ILniunaýun$ s1mers-andlthe publie, thst lie tas romaed fncftmiiabisod pnemises antlte 132y, anti l4 uow lItationu Duedas itroolin te pt-mises 1ately accapiet b Mr. J. Axgtl orl o ndis m xi te ettended tawilt pune- tuuiity. tlupins atteutied anti supplie&. Oraingesarli, CaniestiaandConfecioun' " ai ilkina Mron-lm> TJIIE-Pcarttierahiipi ioelofore ixiating entie teayle antitd iita u-a 'n Penny, anti Hunt &' ltiugset pitue Alberty, Lis n hox iaoineîi b>. icutual consent. L AW, CIIANCEET, & CoNv-EyANCIN(d Office, Punle .Albert, ta-a deons wa-oof ýT. C. Fbnau's swtore. 2 MONEY SKVEDI MNJ.Y EARNE1J IRSTzSnp iy soit eut, Siioni uit F pfljuat ftecilved 01 thal Ciaeap noOmPaper,&,Window Blinde Y4wçJEÉ NOION SOlro. Patent pire Ligaiers, E t titi YAqKEn NOTION STORE' CAW ~EUNDERSOLD. CflOLA BOOKS AND SOHOOL YANKEE NO«TION STORE. Otyour G t codigto RUPJP & Whitie aveiopesail Suds, J>frima $1 50 &.'th=uuad M!U- wards aMt te YANKEE NOTION STaBllE A Penny Saed1 Iîs p.Penny OGue R U L D e aW T i re t ae 2 e rn th --YANKEE N&nI~ON BTOIIE. Wultby, 7uneli, 1moi. - aaiA. Adai Shneon Tiffin. - Robert ?altdhma itoba tTsÇr. .. W. C. Scittibei lobal Bobbs.. - IMisfier Saedy. - Wm. f:rly W,. ISithy .. e W. Adidison... Bè rai. D. Santry..b b. car..a. H. Nut.... Gregar McGrig H. Graig. H.Gnaig. Alex. Kînutl. SBsrbara Stott - 7'Ricad ni arJas., Mry' AnuM 5 citas. SmthU., Constable Hue SCisief Coustabit - Constable Le- Chiot Couatabl 4Chiot Conabl Jeo Cffe.... Chiot Gaustabli Citici Coustablî Chiot Coustabie Tïaac Bs-... Irna.Creme.... iTno.,Cruse... eas. Habite...- Rohat Beztl.. - - lobt. Bealla. - ïTas. Galba-ay. Richard Martin. t-eanard LUnger Tias. Candoe. N. Baoe... R. Hicksa. . R. Blicks . . Jeu. Graxeger. - Richard Blanci - -Richard Blanciti Richard Blanchi JTane Wootieoek Malcolma Gflesit IL Bueil. ... Eli Connon. . . Win. mreta. Wilson Kiuuicly rIsabelia Blair.. -Robent Mathava Saufard Walkt8r Darwin Kent. . Bilen Matiexon tienet Osmen, Duanm XcEes.. AueGillispte. lames Fana-ell. Jaume G. Miller mm& John Mépi Icertify i Office Of th(