Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1861, p. 1

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* tent KiebMm t, la o gîe mvY ta this perulci. aure of flic cinseqmîeiecostun ea'lma uttormidable ena'e m)n imtlittino is e tédira ou-. et CmLees ni cau e struallys t i. 1yitem11, arawlng Itus las iiugi a few )ar fe ai sut teloy gnuive. It do-: hI' Yl'teca rapliy, wiu.îéés ofIl 1f', eitisas iitl ti enng-. e ;înopord mtevpnsim it f lu ea for iiurriigae, setmtyý bu- rthîl iiîmiiessandi louves ke in la bmîy aduii'd tt, fv. iltpt1iolmid mi trai M4n ofo vîh itiff dhe Lutuitsalt'. 1'tsaku, pbistine 11Iti upe nq <ecl alILilioi in p ronin. fImît 'I(tiseuIc 'm'adle '. i Se) aL testtîy tiîulomu10tt sii don, j'ý lla i inl avn invelte] or li mîkmîls, oraay îdisese et0 IMPC1 I'vthueert tmig e <,,,ruit es. i, lurîlr tu stlmuly tlî,ie.è fiaîts (mf thims instnuflnnut hait ilu au7imi )tance alie tlsl'um,()Iy uîften a faîrttril ne flînd(ei byretnrntug tlIa ILYt af thîe Worhti mqy t fonmîînîtiuîg a. corret1. >N 8EulGansne.Street, of Ejhcot $ti'at, Biiftsio, BAssuirance CO. it itAltr u t es LON<DON NIlEX> IN 37 . îtmrl YuE ~ FllE aud mit nef Lroua. lu, tiie uard if, -Q>ISAT Vre, Greenwoodo . 1[11, Fmuuttmans, Pi'imasas, iea Il ua. Alto, th# ]YE CLOTHING, diN [ su1 cu miai-/im1 r ui c w u, mtlupet u ml 1 15111. lx, NIUBITÂNTS ta-u tm îîks t ttn 11,11# -îiilU i'Vîrk, Peur], andi umu 'um .r riteured irâg. mytmiligizmm' efa'l'oryi i mltlomît alli a lii l ea miimmy to mernt tiet conSt- uui iîufly c4îîmfiltmec limili, tmul C i m triu'tut mîttiofyi ihe umlme1i aiaii alta te iSNAuctio-neer, ..i ............u, S uvb ro .Cluariupt. limtuitimumedte. h'nlaopq tir. i let . t a troubleammf MPLEMENTS. ghing. ahns 'ns' &c. here taaIn a'hîaam, eto lis mel leuiim, thit te ioun Te- mm It iii J)mîîiml i Suect. (o 'fI)îimtuip S'treet, it fem '1 liiitl, miaa.altuais prim- Oteere Iri]litsKUme wltlî 'i l ai -uni u t pl i ste a h a t tt f tl h il umuco 111, o tiuuitiIontlii.na6 ialîumea, uummtisa ,mmole', e, i j l îi1 )tu Im ut'aî lo m a t i plihuite ltu'trmmnmae. 11 iimly .,Vhuro buttesr i% A7SCLAY 'rON, litri'k Strni, UIPLEME~NTSI hemIt img Melitts iîukisfor e- uttuîumxtatîdeii Co ati'qî I li lisfrmntis li auitiuiicutto inu- Cultivatorst, i(armnîleul lis mltt,' tîintîîttty anti mlitiafitlan guîmmrirmuuead. AIlES VALKER. WANT A Cheap Llght 7 y, $1 par galion, 2m' SENE *$1 25. TIlLE, Jut, fl~ tSTR$ ATOEtEYSAT LAW, Oor, &¾Ie* OUlco over 0. C. Urop's& *JO V.DAIM, Stri, 33.lFAIRIJe, W. S LCT9ý.NOTAItY 1PUBLIC, &o. &c. fliRIt]TY1 AND ATTQIItNEY-À-t-LAW. n, OIleO-opipo$ltu theleglstry Office, ]Jroek btreet, Wilittby.' ' 1-- r J. W. CALDWELLBOWNi fNOXETAKEUCOMMiAs81Ot!qR FOU taking Atlldavltx, Aooutitant, LauL Dlvi :on Qourt,,NouryPuiblic und oerai AgutnI, %xbridge. (flfloa-ilg $trout, icourly VoPpoI3tu A. MAIRS, 10. A., A Tr'RNEY AT LAW, SULiCITORt IN £. Olanoory, Colivoyauicîr, &o., Main bt.ieut jTY BEGISTIIAI, MASTER EXTRA- nuta.! ed iner lhi Cliiuncory lgr tint uuario Brck-ît.,Wlîlhy.47 Joux MONAB, ;,»AUIISTE A, W UINEY, d&c. Offie- 1 Co=nmot C'.rch iand Courtt1trat, Op li ho eCi atid-,)Torouto.8 WVILLIAM TEIII1EiT, IL De RING STL.'T, osIlAWA, CANADA W. Il. TRE111AV N E B gRj3L11CUITY CliLîWN TII liay &o. C.,leùsrèlmîimvidta tvý i i>i îi bvitîwe &esuPowell'. 8store, bMturt4. McIliLr- Wbttb.y, Aug. v, lUt. 40 AMOS W. CRON, BCIIITWcr, CIVIL ENUINEER, ANI) S. IIAitNETT, & Co. ANUACTUItEli AND) DEALER6 IN Ciar ad Lcisf Totacecos ; auo W tId1 Pm, Mi'on o.îsMd~i. Jliti trect,1tPrtIliipe. Pot lote MrëlSUI, 186o. W-K W ly ROBERT J. WILSON* B ARIst$'ER deATol'OR7EY AT lýAW, SColtcitor i('tnincery, &o. Cit-mt. %V. wD 3. GUNN, M. 1>.-- UIGEOe TO TRtI COUNTY GAUL, E s11 ltiuawl inlua plensamît ialld > oured part of tii owù, 0o thie fronît roii. newiindnlatou ffor truivetters. (ooîl in toutv î4e~t W.CUTIIIiI'L' S ,ARRîITIER ut ATTOIINEV AT LAW. - & lolllton luClîuîcrv, Wlîlthy C. W.- t ICENSEDI)AOTR'ION Kh'11 toit CANAD)A IL Weeç t,-Ore îlp e a'rviu'autii the iiiliil t.t ut' (frîtuhrio iîîd l)îîrlîîmmm ((i'îmmtles, tu lit' 1 sud Soleg by Atucthmîn luîîuoimlmi Fmritmmmc ceretîuuudizauud 'thuîc et'ctstuta ruîeouuîitî 30O11N MECTCALF, e4oniiprI'thîgthe '1oiviei iii ruck. Ad: dre uCungliîigtomî. 1 A. 1K. tICU, fA3l7. lT MAKEU, 1 itUIISTiRdu OuGrr '14 HalIl tîrosi Strat- îtb.l'a. fiarUuuullîg uetty î'u ,, mii idu ut' jb- lg, und roairitîg ut' lîrluil ta uîteuîdad r R i E U IANI)AM,IEii)l mAlo pliillamior <iii, ietaI îîuiîlar, W lut EliCldIANT TAILOII, IZ1OCl<STREET I(OIhERT IPE ARS. )L<ERI< ANI) ' iI tJl<. ldR ()F I ETf Towstmîî t' xLniîgi' AmdresUxriige. CHARLES C. ILELLECR, A'ýTOltNEYAT LA. W, SOiLIC'ITOINt VItoIahld'iZ", over their/oîuicle attie, Brock struet, %Vliit!my. Aincu s branmciîotfie,' li tte ililrt ?levr ton Townamlîip ao' Thuithaniiud Uteort î'Oi tani'o. 40 C. W. MMITII, Q< FLONDON, ENGLA ND, ÂlIiITIO (r (1)auîd Civil Emujincee, Omhaiwa. tlîrîre'leu, thets, oumeso, cdesigtidad sujîcrin- scdoi treiuîll aije J. IEU R IENWOOD, A.TTOINEY-AT-LA'tV.SOLCTOîR I aN anIiiioory, Nîmtary Pultuic,<înie la: uic., Wltby 4, W..l(ooîuu, lui Niotiîriulîîk. tiext to Utogitry ('ilice, oui lrock 4'r,, 49 DUS. FOUTE & WVARREN, J. FOOTE, M. 1). IL. WAEREN, M. 1). t' W. 0. EANTWOOD. A. B. M. D., R,1P l SICIAN, sURG REoN dc r iz uidurusiglicd lfias tuikemuftia abovp Ilote], .1? wlileti luel Luwly ltted up in iett ait tnannern fltui ic<O oruuiilîumbtc. t4ood stabttng, fille romlm hedf% mmît vory ut'- tenton palito tmain aunduorse. W lite beut win#4s. hîqiionu.aud aigarg mt ttîa bar. W ILLIAMî TIIISW A.NGLO.AMIICAN ZOTEIL. TIIIZ si,îîor imu111f; ittted up Cfie aboya aid establlsledhotat, wth tîma viow of uiiordisng gvery sccommiodaton ta thme travelling publile. ulve hlm a Cali. Good stabhtîîg and utimters. 16 TIIOMlAS hMOGGIIIDGIS. JOHN IJILLINGS y ÂW, CIANCERY, là CONVEYANCING ioffice, Prince Albet, two doors weet of T.S. 7onl s tore. 12 W. Ross M.' 1). t 1, t I fil &C.c. lareooait, C. W. 20. ROUGE HOTEL. TOSEPEI MOON LATE 0P TUIE NON- VAluGtI lotel, anti forumrly of ltb' an- OOim 1loits frionds and thé publie, tat ho han ssntê4 the. aboya weih-htrown Ihotu], wluîch 1-u ow lu firet rate ordeor totîo reccetion of 9 eésta- Wluos, Ltquoanud (igars. Gocg tibllug aud an attentive (Jathen. 15-Y ) , l'A. \T011 , 'Vol, 4 YiiyAo, wftha go FRAME ItARN',AU 0 l LOW HJÃ"IU$r Fur partloulari, oîîqulr*! ofthesouliioilber. 1i.ý' - J~ 8. M. WILCOX. Houso and Lot for Sale. ANEW TWO iSTOIIY-loi o brick votinsd oîery attacltgdsi good frairie bu f.a bvor t&jihg weil wttý pnillp. The Ipreniiàro slttiatMon BrQok. St., Iu, the Mouth Wad and imnset. ly opposite "The Ihuron ilot1. TorUw ,esuy. For terniand ftirthur partelenarb ailply to, FAIIiW34>KS & MACDON ELL, Aeinr,,Whitby. Murcih, 2,16. COMMERCIAL HOTELI BUîOCIt STRIEET, WUITlIy, W-Opposite laamilton & Rabert..u JAMES CROCiKERt, 1'roprictor. C ONMMtChAL TItAVELEIS5 WILL FINP %,)It eamveniaîut 0atoppiliîg Imiulisi Iotel, au' theycuat huri fronit tieRegieier lBook kuîpt et the bar thîo routes takan iîy hir preccAsors. Tiiojîroprietor takas Chia occasion taeClauk biI mitacunams patronusnunit frieîîde for the liiiîcul pîîiunaieg'6betowed on. liii 4cileh coinme liceîont of' Id. bumlninslIi Wlitby, Good Stsbllag, anad attenive ostuers. Wiitby, May' 1860. mu;tC TUE TERJIAPIN. r'l IE thttOIETORS 0OF TIIIS W3ILL L'lt.mucuwn uitar eaDow li uSuiuts of the, aid É4. N10IIOIAS. King stvoet, foranto ~fi-riierl kopt b.y M. ;î cy h penls fitîlaiii li the firet ostyle. E%-eny proctunîîbie d inayl season. A cigar divan ilIttdlotimn e- Par. .ly iîîla muic nanae but fCime baet hianti, ure peritilttadte Citer. 23 CARLISLE & MeC0NICEY' ('ulh aide oflA ea.,DqoPma l45. T 1RU NDERSLIGN F.1) il<S TO i NFORUi -'ý, olte 'anîd mîitiptulitiiiît hoi i ow lit F)ot&1c0uioli iI'titei ut)jtô'm'tl, CIm biuiioe if'wlîîcm ho mli li fitturmsurry tîmu on tis valu "tiiecmîl. t4odLiquors, Wiîîes andBlran4le», 4,'uisr$i&0. Excaiileimi tabiing--cutiivMu tamtlotiufan inan muid hiome.. JOSEpil RLrTEBIT0, W 1 1 190; roprct86 'i a - i "I i "y? -c Flw:lytec' I4n, are eca . T'ofb utilos ofthe TunofW 4t y dýou1d'piONre 'f rtrns f. pj~~ * ~ m UiîWLONÃŽ,,Isýq., - ao isuâMod -ou Coltiorne citg, l èbitýdnlt8> Apply tu W. Il TREMÂYSNFý WlultyMiy~hBanrlster, uc., Whuiby. 3hty M l 861. 19 IL E. CAMPBELL WX1-LL ble happy te attendd aIl sales that lus irrybciatmt With, iand l (ota puet ex- patience l= astu giuie oltiînetîsl'uîlalSie iittoidod u sort notice aud min re"umomable terilus- Wh&ltbY, Âug. 80, 1860. 46-t rotucti ýon against Los@ and Damiage by Fine. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY CAPITAL £100,O00P 1NbUIlA NCE etlctad on 1lolldinge atidtiler couWtits. Every infrmuatioiî n uiied min Appîteation tu tha .idensiigueui. JOIIN AGNEW, Traî'allintig Agent, liyrainStreot, Whitby New Tailoring Establishment! SIMPSON & FERGUSON. R ESPECTFULLY announce to thein .Uliabitanta of Whitby and sunrounding ountry, tiaut they have openati a Taillr', Shop on Brock Street, opposite the "Omhitario IRatai," wîicrc ail [onders entruitteil 10 thein wili bo done with riestnoe stînd tlcmpatch. Whitby, Oct. 20th, 1850. 60. Whitby Brewery. UNION STATIONI'I OTJL. /Secibr.aenspraemtoa- ()() () Y m 6T, SE<ý-(ND4 T ntulu the parous o?1the.ta flîdY Bramer>' DautRuan Siuhî-, oauo itl' aint article -u it sch -uq îautitiosaias ulmi, $1 par ctay, bleuIs 25at.n Good Stal- îit4 lWdroqîul'itis i nrlul-ta suit pur- - W.05i1NEieesr, o. st 15. C»4w- CAN NINO'lON. ALCICÀN)Li Iiit ill'tAiJ, 'iillkîi. r hn5 im ita biiîmi newMly Iltîtod p mîîuî.1 re- J. îimmviod, îmîl lit uow fît] Y prepîîrrmtfor t1îe recoptli tiîmaglims. It le mitiotat ami tlua i2til comiemcI~uon of' Broili, an tIlleuiltig rtend bc- twi.iiiiVtitbv lîy i'eîrti>iiand Litiduîu. î;îaiio iiiîiiîiin midi atti lite Oitlurs. Cîmiî jtoîî, iui231-d, 1880. 315 IlltIIINh A3IEICAN TTL, T 1t<MAS l>iWNlN(l, (tata buîlraîîd ilotel, LIVliitty,) I1'rapriettr. lieet wistesmîi (4îiid Stiîîbtiî,timi1attentive Obtiert. 7 BLACJ4'2 IOTEL. Lirner of Jlrock afo uni ad a ti-ute, hitbyl. rflllý AIuVPWELL IÇNOWN, ANI) CEN- JL trll v it tiitei icpdlin> tieci, îîîîwiy lttud i, UI mtraimu îted t ai î miîmt coiîmfîrtabitii îîîi- ner by thei priiaiîîmt oeutili ami t. Nu expitei cliii.. iem' pmred to iîîsoru ta a]il gutiaun id visitorm Tfiu<b bemt brani ~of Wie, Liqtiot anti Ci- g:irit. Ibaîîîîy toutd ciîveîmiet slîods, good itablî illmi attAttivo nlqtter.. Tths liit.il ta sitilated lithe vuty heurt oiuthte 'rowii of lvi' îtly, mand 'viii ho t'iuid to it buthe îmt oîîîiemt co totifle m:g place t or faurrmuîr' iund traulc'm. JANES IA-'lK. TiIOMAND EVYEREL-L, BU 1,1)It , &o. &c., OR EB N tTREET, Il. W. WOODWARI), Ç (INIISItION MEIZCIIANT, ' INSUJIANCE Vunît Ganemal Agent. OItlco-Luutely occu- pil cby Jamu* Hodgsou, Wliittîy, 0. W. Ry~'eîtot.-Tioîmuu haruo~, sî.,Pro- mident Ilad aof Truide Toronto; .C. 'asselm, Eaîî , Magager, ]3uniu 1Ji. N.. Amrerlw,, Toroiîto* W. V R.iinm {, Mauiigurir qmueec Batik' Toroitto; W. Giamnhui, Esq., M1iltiîn àhi]]]sTo- ronto; Itou,. P. MliiPnecilent Bank af lom: troi, Motitruil ; lieàrs. Muitumid, Tyleo &,. Il titchtimtunî. Turonto; Metim. Ajîderui, Ev'ans & COa., ontreîîi; Mjmrs. W. I'ilec &diSoni,tlîî- bac; ïlMasri4. R. J. N oad u&Ca. 6- 140W 18 THE TIME. GET YOU1I LIKENESS AT J. A. Clark', Ist Prze J.ictune Gallery TI Y1! you emire a correct amilfe-liko Anîbro JLtype, Cuîaty Jiap, ].ettorgriiiîl, or Leatiier 'fraiîet'ar, or a Li kames. lit a Locket Broucti or ltluîgt tor J. A. C. cuill do it la the 'bedt style, alid ut ,lurt notice. WILKINS(tN'S BO 3£ Broc/ ccei W/ditb1i. S. I. COCHRUANE, L. l- B. J3AillISiEi ATTOINEY AT LAW 80- ul ricii l('Iiiiîica3rv Ni' rv Public &e - tstrece, yVi tîv. 42 S. DARNETT, M ANL'FACTUREH IAND ]DEALER IN (L igars amnd Lent Toliuccms; aiso Wliil?îs, J'itlie, &C, & . John îStreet, l'art Ihope. l'ort Hope, Murchu8, 1800. ly WHISKCEY! . WHISHEY! I1 11 TIIIS BARREL, AT FAIRBIANKS du MACDONELL'S, A Silliar article of launtty FloOir, Cîmap .'.for Cash, at FAtRbBANES & MACDONELL'S. ZWICKEYPS IIOTEL. rrIfFmubtMberdesines to frnfortn I is frlentis -Ladtetraveling public, that lia tia new- iy paporeti, paint.st anti furuishmoti the aloi-e huata-l (tieriy occupleti by Mr. Atklîseaul anti tCat tuatavellîng eemuuuity milliffnd coin- fortahiea ageomzuadatian ut inodarata rahes. Thé Cabile mal suppimeti miti e verythiitg lu souu saon. Gooti steIlirig amcroful astleî-s on tise spot. JOHIN ZWICKEY. SaddlerY and Harness. T lIE undersiguad alsa legs to state that he cantunuies hi. business ila thue ay. elia, anti le ready t snPpy .vorY article lu the trade prainpthY and mit spunatnutity. JOHN zwiGKEy. Manceuetr, Muay ,18lu1. 14 A-MBROTYPE GALLERY. A. tl lt» x JrN retiuiiig tilamîks& ta ChI l',iiiî efuor tou l- .L lenrmi 1 iati'ouumgu, lue huer recahvueti -iuuccoinu- 1.u01cmeig lilmaseli-Nii-. Cldmauwol'i hlo-iocgs leu'vt t ta hlimtta ttutt-lme ltitis o hamcLW Ils'Ami bu'ucîic (Iuiiem'y ta tîme raîumîe OVar the alune ii MaucAre. L'eau m It lowai, toci ýtrL.umii-m- ie le îim-aired mo fuimiilti .ifulii'-dype Litm iiuiuimi li uthe Iet style. MIr. (lreui s it iruuauîme ire t fîCu rot> the tai,ire 'mry mpciuimisieîemi mai tîîhtnie.thu uultuuuuaas cmforti-umg llthe min limt ut it c-litm liucme' ae l mii iius. 'uiittiy, Nimhy l2s, 1) FARM FOR SALE. -- r IC o uaTul-ii1i ut' iariiîtiu, h -11ji e lirt pmh art 'of 1uctNo. 14 min h ti lut ct lu, coittiiuiimig 7h0 urs, mu-l 2 lu timumtimir lîmmîe, hbut-ilm mand nimeiti, iluu lîmi, mýA ilwt- ciiii siultiaitm.,tiaaoi. l'uire <reil"> i uI ut î~~îîil um'iiinlmud auim'r-i~iitrmnuumi wluchu erm'.ua telîe til. Itit; iUI. iiit'ti'm- a2it tmuted 'uuu tlisaKiiigttim t oi 'îtauidl mîilc fruttmi )slitie, miia uiii frmIi wiiui'maîaîu i. Thuis ix aiopauuiiuu eldoii molerud. 'lile uer fuat. l'rice Moharatu. 'l'rtit.,auo-. 1l'or itr- tiautiurs i &., appliy tie je.. 1. .FnhWAt) ITcitiiui, 1. 'A. 'r-utu, Nity.714, 18611. là - FOR SALE. T OW'N LOTI'S lit Withv ii'mmr lIme itm.- Alemi, ý'illigfe l'oîmts tîil' rctri 11111u1'4 Biy, ti m, Port l'err. Appi, ta- - Jiil, 1, 57. OIl. DARTNiEL $4'L WILLIAM KAIJFFilANN ARCHITEOT. t: 144, Bay Etreet Toronto. Employment 1 $40 a lVonthi AGENTS WANTED It1 WEwnunactiva Agent !I Oeii01i w lu diii Uol nltod Stata, maid clat es the. Franklin Sewiîmg Muchle. Ta % libermi mumber of Truîvalii Agmmî.,w, WC wiii P'îy a siiiui'y uti $40 per IIONTII anud ail Expenses 1 To Local Agolite a colmiiuion aof 30 lier cent. on ail sales. Every umachine le warrunloed tagive îuiive'rsui tqatt4tatiom, md khaut in repeir six înmtitii.- lacentt inprov'omieets rcmi<er thiiu machinîe tria liiat tîaolar Inm tua iimmr4t. I'îr fit i iruiu'i- lars amud a perumuait tiuncsa, uddrobLs, Witi istauli lfutr çttri latter. IIHARRlIS BRl'OTHERtS, Soie Agents Franîkliiu Swing Maichiin (o. Box 186 Bostamu, Musel. IBrooklin]BHouse. T]JE Smbcrhbar lia%,iag ieaeed thîe linuoklu flousanuîd lttod it îmlî au a Iret(lus itool, ow prapra t aammW umîethe t'ave lîg Public, olure C bey wihl inmd the bes;t à ulit o Liuoriandhjàfalae provided with and hmscl' algyA o ba liehosolictuma share o? the publie patronage. GEORGE MeLEAN, I'roprietor. N. B.-À4sa on hrtad Ilorues and Buggies te drive tnavel&i9s10 11part of tii Couity. Brookliîî, bMurelu 27th. 1861. I VINEGAR .VINGAR Ott MIIE UNDEIISIGNED HAS -F0OR SALIS JLVille ar of the hast qnahity, maaufaetured by himsel -.on the promises rear o? Bcattie's lIse Schofiold's; Storu Brook Street, Wlîitbvl glu inlarge ai2 sni I quantities inlolesa e and rtail. llly a Chea , and iealiy good uit- tlcle,--an article fuud by chliucul tus te bc the beat ever prodrued in tIie towu. MICHAEL SCHNAPi'AL~TF. Whitby, July 0. 1861. 26 ,lr~ ~~'~'- t; J, t .t Gme .uef ytoi r ô aitie l asa-rl 'recolvetfiÙ m the nt, d %vonliikiatlolielç me tussthen otuntinusftldn -o? lh'eAitIîda', àvtng-ï LIiçfor tIi. *l tîl iay, ttmey arepe MF cd te attéià laliodr vthposilcsanisou llbaai'arîa. Aidrsa,'.0 - Wh ,i.tily, t dato - e o At.(LOigstôi's Faon) a qaitlty o? Dnuln Tlsuîlszat i iodarata pnices. The Tilets )liave'boan prai;onùceod y coinpetml il mîetge bcuo te t l cy be-t qualîty. 1,00 files milila> 7 MRd.1 l'rice ittniteloxsd antans taken b>' Maiets§. ihaunlonl & Roberte. Wluîtby. i ý JAMES SMILLIE. Deceunhor, 1560. 49 LIJNBERI LUMBER! T i ahucnîbeben haguta iuformmthîe Inuhibamîta ari th Ou Otania, tisaI luaving apoed ia Luuo Yard ut Ouiuma, ? or tise salaa? Massure. Paxcui d& Cos., coluibrateti Lamher, lue avili bu utile tu s uipffuiJtiie sainemimt reuuuaablo pruces for cashî or upprateti juuit notes. Oshuawa, jan. 80, 1881. 3 DENTISTRY! DRS. CALLENDBR & CARD snigeons, Dentiste-, &c., Rooms oci-r Mr. Carleton Lynde's Store BLINDAS STRIEET, WIITliV. TliE'l'TIIflme] iumthCimermoit 'rfeet luanuier, T auIloimlo ut tlica haut amuniiit upro'm' iliuituiltimema. Themm-duuid i enurJ ut' Trs. Cutlî'uuiam-d& iivertuij kia'mia tlge mît lCitiu uuthe Cam'iimtu c Jc iel leuu iri ilucii:hlc lita ucrtjumt tliunuiiLtll-ium iam-uuuiî, mii ui ltulmi o rgaumn, Ilto tictit. L ;.Iii tliiuer lriervitium a gnet(tm]ai ut tha imoltis, liuuipiuae, andt- ouuil'irt of- uuuummkinmcimot.'flutir oaîtiouid li thi brimucti mof tl IL Ji if e u ca OCt'aituWgiva miat- 011,11viittmelsiim sefolaeted eW go to fIi, mu iliolti. AliTIFICIALTEEIS'rlimmrtdlui (ld, si]- van, illaîiîl'imilte, alitiîmponthua ocelehrated,and jînliy cmmuucîlC vulcuitiizfdea.iae, atter theo it-t mut mait efîîî'ud uuetldeui uit}d h tili TmeI'~ iu. toe >pbs'nffouw ofD1) J'. Cuuuîeu thu'iiuutu'ti I illmid Cime Iarmîuouîy III thi tiniigutiioor, ftua gret-îtct i.atief'actioo wili I'iiriui-uluur attenmtion given ta tua cava aund rciiluî tiii i icitiusteeîh.Ilareeutmslîoîid attend 'mtumî t i musaory iuipirtmitdtity tu tbin aIls»luinlg. 'r 0F' A RM E R'S A.B1. SALTER, Vetcrinary-Surgeon. 'iur"cuniii id Modilin hu, iîîsîoî, U. IS., aiui ialttitiIlrto I u(,toeli'tin m'aioir, iraimn îtî"ili'JJlî'iduil, Eiaa i mciiiue Ili teil- 'i leua iiil" Si)im't"S iiuriîu4- amui mvel:, k lir. 'i J.i'rîîlîm-nliîiul, WIqiittî",miore lue iiiv li mii, 'liit Ou Iii iriii-i iii cimeîu a ti %v 'lIî'lliii--4r.n imui ctule <ie iui Mu. ar. $al- ter u"'h çuiiint Chat lifteir muuact'ih 'irei me- cv'a'il 'î'îîcîaicuc 'iii ha atlieatu gi'auittis ft'atiuliitg, 411%4inîouuy nmall uilairu ces., Farm for Sale. 1 Ni- Tiiîu'îilii1, ao'Piecc'riui~, belimi' )it ami pt "fî'l" Lut No. 11il]ii tue li i . iinold No. Il iii tii 4tlîcon oi uîtuiuiî121ymacres mof lawil. Teilui,%il "muwucllumîmmîftruuî îîîj"îlutueh ['m-ipet ti' tMit r. AIea. I)iiitIi, i ,tiî u ue i'ct,ami lmm il l i iviiis i)uîu irqîirlia Ino irthuir daim- u'mitiiu,. l'or Iiîtticulmu iîiIly litthme l'08t tif- lu A. MfcPIIIZISON. FALIBANICS & MACDONELL LIEN EIAL AGENTS, CoiisinMechants & Auctionccrs BltOCh( STREET, WIIITBX', C. W. .(0îiliumite lit-giniry t>filc.) liE rparedi tu attenîd Iiali~lI al hua ai0 A tha coumilr>'. J. B .IADSE L. FAIRBANKS,Jr D.C A ON .] REI'ERENCES-. B llum-mumuumEq ,Jdga Col mI(uiiul; a . ailitgEq< ti MJ3kÈ1 m alagr turio Rait it: F. Bure, Lq, ýshaa; J.Iîiuia1m, Euij., ()41 RUSSEL'S JIOIEL, Q TU E BErC. 9'IlE tîdarsigo et l'rcîrieto-u of thea aac 1uindll1101IFL, 1i4..g rnecpeafail.ý iyiie lniza their fniemîus anud patruna, thiux tle%,' lî,tuelitu- rcugly m-nvated titeir auhlhummtdariîig the wiuiicm, mtiw aiua he iic,.uolu tiu.or tîu the Metnbam- of' ftilt l.eriniîutiira, andiflicta ' vailing î'îilicriipriruauuuîouufhIt. l adiditioni tu thue aliiinina(Imts hue> lumi fast îvhîu- u Cr, tlîay havme 2îuovîarmlons-and ui Ba-romimu huilsa targe hut iuce ur tuhlaie, mhîicm, Imor oisii mid Culuienîe, areiiarpasit lan flue City. WM. RUSSELL &mIe SON. Quiabcc, Mardi 11, 1861.9 Bakery and Coufectionery, R ICIIARD )SNOW tesi-c tat Ifaruai bia nuincrous ciitomers iud tepbit 'lns, anîd il nom tamataut on blindas mtract, ils tia ypreunimas lataLy a ceuipiati by Mt. J. Arnuil Ail retis iliîitsine atlaîîldt hum t>pallec ofall kne) à1 -ly -F.ARM FOR SAL. Acres, 80 Acrea cicaral, l100 the nîscleured eoîtaiuiag gooti liard vraad, canîpring tise S ouh atilaioaLot No. 8, in tt i 4th Con. ahf}'iakeriug. Tuera in u.gamit ut,. andi out-hn]htiiuge'- a agout haaruug Oreluardj vitI abandanco oefrnit treas, aund a filuleneyer- failiig streani af water us tuumou4gù tue arm. damn, the reaiuiLder in5fOve )ycarly instaimnts. Ap»ýly (if Ibylelter past paidt,'t A. 3le3hm- son, "qq, P. 1., Whithy, or the proprialor, ALE-. DUNLOP, P'ickerhing, Juumnieil.1522 mi iunraaTOelik citremanonatle ratés, anti ini tue it rospnul- RIDES &- LEA-IE1 Je Iyq au5h for Iides dliereil fit.Lyliids e SOItN>ALL OTl;By, KINDS 0F SU- b y i , i abiuiet e ar ±fot uale ut itbo W htt- WSa. BUtINS. TSO EMAKERsAND S.'E . o0wTAND T8t>0M0 F>) j0UILNESCT W. BUNS. 24 fluuîdmàs tremit, Wbitby. House and Lot for Sale. fmes F iLîonlBYRltON TÏÎfeLT ln ultel o itb' itt utc]yioeu l 111 Irali atiouu o? J. .auaea. iiocu l' pricau dt ianiu.e appily tu J il. PEIIRY, Fescn,7, mai. Vuty ]FOR SALE OR TO RENrP! SO i-ra, 41 crscleanei; tutociieu .01lturliiau eiimg îuaNorthu- lt'eut carîmer ut' lot No. ,,, iiti tu acaîciaii ut'of'ia'kcr- iu 'e' imit hago>î louue cuitdhum-tm, 811ii OuIt-utju one. lé-oiailarge aud fnutitî ii I rclird. Tho preapçcemra u'c ive atel.e(l i (j iti iLtîlaLi auuun tîcsheiltumuîlity, avttiuim ii mullit u:(t the TËomuoif %VýIItty. 'larimu libarai. IIENRY LAWRIENCE, - BumLisuita, 1P. O 16 ~~~Or oui tuamoums II L¶OVED FAI{MlS' AND 'Of LOU Olta0. ali 7, i tacrc, agalia mii a axiiimîtSurMiii, aul X' jiii im- lng tue, Fuauie hara, ond lu>mac' ûares Oeleareti, .aimpoaei o? Cliu W it 'ot17, lI le liucessieof I'Uxbniige Couity out U io, -m1tlemHhugflouse, Frwuu -WI'L D 'A N'DS Loit -NO.2, iii tii.ttI (Con. Euiuisuuiare, c ucruea, Camnu> ii u' icîurhi. Lot Nu. 14, iii tii0lu Coli. Soi'urcitce, 2la .ucm- 1 i'li t;it ' Xm ii'oi. %tc.: 34 1 iii Ni'. ,,o, mu ll(It mb on. Ieimti'ili ii teua" cm-ci utity of Victuiria. :nmittu3i"t 1i7, iii tfi C i ConLa. r i'mî i i)u vii'iusty ut' l roiitmiimc. eVt 1- t 182-, iii te V tIltCui. Dm ](j' un, 4 'iîilI'iitiiiiofi l'nrI lut mît tacres, mwt it'mamîimuu-e aiiua hlili.ii&mgs, ,itutte Oua DaLiidiun atruat iii tii> Cmii tre muir,. AJ.nu 20 tomiui 1litm. Fur tvriiî.,t miule, &et., tItijmiy i attio cit. Iîmîiro'm'a I 1own uîpu'iemay tiîkauuiuîaxrttiumugm fum- ltehlu Ullisuuidâ a'moiiti iiiit. C'iAItLES C'. KELLERI, OMee ii Vitoria iieituî,Whe iiiNi C 0 IM FP E T 1TION0 J ul1 l i a i' e 'm'%urk h iuu Iiuiii' l9»buime uîciim, aju iam- ttuîîî tm'uCt acub c iitf tha kîu iu i'îkil iiIlmuid astii.iii 'mm i . li d uup umdaeriii uîm'muî i jstrtiieioiu, it cmîuîx ' ir lili!d tu fsi taeatnii'itFi ui'rlOudii ie t'ilo'uig [incas itilli mpie.u: men' \ ai'e. 1la.ýt irtitî'iî iiiiBouti..... ....f ti 5i4 Ciiia Ilium,....................3 W 66Laceots ...î................. 1 75 3rogalie ...................... 2mi L-adies'Wre lest Lae litttti .................2 no t'ommîtunî Buote. ........... .. bta BU->kilî4 ... ....... ..- ..- ...- 21- . andt a otitar articles iii the idiome Bieta t cor - WILLIAM bît-IEN Brooklim, Mari 1 '8r0. 103 FOR SALE. T li1,tnadmrurigr'ct olfars hue vauuuui t'iropri3 ut l'ont* Whithi> furir utleIt amuiim-icafour- teac enmd ca it' <aie, Two ExcoIIeqt Dwellings, tahul suut<itahofuir i gaitecilti I, 1tutti imite rîauiî, 'mithsti L"aitt'li". lu'ia e . Ti îcre l ire l iîiuil tiiis oite iiuiiit carry vartî'ty (it iruit lice.'lthera i' Il Iitit'- tLiui m trem e ii f mcîicer, anu iiii<i tijlluiiuit nom-umnîiîibatuiiuugpmu T heein 'St lucprty in aitatAeti in theo ua)m itta "st of , iuumuii ct4jiole- ly appacili ChueGrndntiTrun ist ituthii iteo Jiiai I ied uit bumî l d ac ÃŽtlu e iuii-t c îrtiuluc or âitogaliier ta r5ilit a iiesiritmua îurcîaer.- Terienu iîerat ; uand miiibu ecliaumgedfor ?armî- for luynlig ont m!i IiuiimugLots, -auf 'moutd ui a îuîlct OLgcrtieuafrnt UConhiiity ta thme tomc:u. ApIuiy tu GEORGE B. JIALL, I'orl whii'y., arta JOHN ITAMER GREENWOOD, Sicîlitor, &uc., Broek St., "mltitVa. wliithy, May 8,71S61. 17 CATILE AGE NCY. T IIE subeanibers beg, lu iîuforuu timeir fulcuidu anti thue pbtie tmart tmey havea iîs day openeat Chose axtenmee pramniacuf, Corner of Wellington and QUeen Streets, Ta Farmeru and othars muishitig ta feaad 5 brtng CattieeCc, ilul Markct, thiuehrilýers af- fan cvcry faciiity fanSuIte pli Couuniffeiioa. 'Mm-. S. Braarcryc %lin expenience au ]3'TChthtL,ý ai-cm 18 yc-aru in St. Atitim'a Markcet, alua 58y cura aupnretor af timu tl'e Ilat hatlaimaiiCit hie Yîd, li enlafient guîirautem ofCVie fuir inter- iktjnc o? tbe dey being abtoloti, Mn>b1r0. Br t-aaayc iola attenutiuuu biugdacotcd bt lu ..ancisfolime Bausaee. T'eu-iy 1percoent. 048h ru,,itos-in anka DrUf f/n'e douue cferlo. 9h) BI1EAIEY d& TAYL.OR. youa-ticket, and, by meti,*1 i e' ad pbç , I coititins~ng~~ enter one of the Pjampeterof esma llivhnier. 8 tons.. ch -béyare osx'ty feet Iong1 land ejf a comnplte ue'ud searaîéengn e ~ a b nend cap exel eatie'elreatîliof the'MLi blé of wo9 jnjq inependàftîoh8 Thâd ýades'are enierid -bY 1argei1jicII Êràe-*The c oad'seýW.Egn s nrk waj'ys froîz t.he 'mleélr,. âd ailso by w'*wen y itpî>fuidêti<oe ý ,40n of sidq ports, suioh- five' feet,:oquatoi. Yoe 3i , Olbo; wheau n'eriDg., 5sU sa nowm ,cend thaoepoayntiea aud, inUtC, with b aw 14in bie th11b yuarq in atier cargo ipace. Tiserea pd the, expauictÏlv9ebîltaib., yupré'iyoùr ticket and, puas ttroiqÉb tliIno the-uT iog er,o U éonriucc whiib"Y Mch mae î6 rhriioot1ý7 ither'at40Ã"roý'es vistorisrgiterd; aa tgthroiiigh lierea par initite, ýwits steans'at 25 Ib& u' vitirout yoa pacqnd ; m9îisr figis: of Stauir, and 'eàrpanaion, or nt 55 istrokes a minte -with Iou are upon 'tiseexpansîon cntting pff at osie-f6urt ('r TÉE MiiâDuÉu.-Here, by atcppiag tisa atroke'. Under thes, -ircui%îancea to tise right or: tiICAt fror' th' staircase tliey wilh bé. worlcIný u- lte iaiaedon whiois youlhavejust asce'nde(I, -yt aili -be poier 6,500 horses. able$ in a mecasure, 10sa uB a iacothse 'StîlI lowen doavu is-the :goneral'- ondine 'ôf, the deck. Thée bul' PaO-uiLia uas,.-it Wdd umoy 'Warka andi the bou ses- upon the deck are the screw.itiself. It la 1l0. feet in lenglis. built of Muhalagony, andi add greatly to tise anti weighs 60) tons; the afier lenath of beaty of h deéonationa. Tise 'deck Ou thia ahuft-la 47 feet. and ti wcigrhs 35 tans wbict yau noW'îand la wocd, but beneatih -wras 'made ut the ILhcefiald Forje.- it, ut tise distance oft about six incises, iL lW This po'rtion of thie suaft, is tise -heaviuit iran. One of the prominent feutures whiicis piece aof îrought iran in the abip. The. ail] attraot your notice, wiil oc otiser length a? tise Propeher Sluift, cou- Tac GuxS.-Tue are foot of thesui, aistiag 1or à iffmrent picecs a, ch'l 25 (et two on oais side. They are oft irai>, and long anti 10 tans wcigisV t 'ero matie in' uveigis ovir 6 wt, and are termati, by Landau for Messrs. James Watt &Ca., ucanien, 18-pounders; they are useti for tis. boudns o? tise Scnew-L-nginee iriuc saintes. On holtiug over tis ides Tie Sat;iw--is atLacbpd to this, andi la rau mii] aeo ta bc sce ans you enter or louve the ship. TùE BOÂ'n.-Tvcnty lu numben many The Scnew Propeîher, whî,isi' a24 feet of them bovin, ppitenît ittachinents ta theni,lin diâiueter, anti 44 fcet piteis, la the havg.- s0 that thîey cau ho lowened whou tise slip est evhur madie; its four fanswavre cuat se- is unruta dway. Thoy une pnovided anti purutely, anti afterwantis fitteti into a large fitted i auccoîdonce mvitlalthe Engflish Pas- cut iran boss. The ireiglt of the e8rcw- seager Act, anti would ho able toaccomo. iu Il'.tons. date aven two thmîusuîud peuple. Next ive After vie3itiiig titis eniii-room, ave as- yul point youi' attention tu cend andi pasa one a? the - TuE MÂT.-You 'mdli fee they are six DocieKE L'uo;iEs.-These are useti for in rnniber, and >as many, even scafai-ing varions purpacez, audit as pnmpingtlîth iman, do not kîuow tbain naines, WeCmviii mater ont aof tihebdip, filling rtise boilets give titei to yon. The linat, on the 'for- for fine purposes, and soaineo? tiset are yard ore ut the- bow, is caîhedth Ie Fore- ta bectaset iniîtaking in anti tischangingf nrysail niat; 2ndt, Fareinat; 3nti, Main- cargo. uat; 4tb, Aftter Maitnxust; 5tu, Mizzen' ,AUXILuitPY LN.Eaîzs-Twa lun uinitr, muat; Gtis, Ji"'rmast. Upan the fint, two one fotrwari, anti the othor aft. Tuies., utbs anti a trysal i i set; thse text twoarne usati ta weigb tlîe uncitord, anti for-a': have yardtis acros, andt set square salIs, anti variety ot' useful pîîrpoce ;*tley are about aiso trysils; the ?ourth, fiftb, ant i aith 70 isorse powern cadh. setiag î0~ trysails. The zize >ofte e tsastsWu ailI aow asc.iid ta the mainî deele, rary; the r$t, fiftb, and ýsiïtht are tiro ant i tie Ot ouse we meut> goiag towrns feet aine taiches in diameter, anti ara of thse boir, is %vooti, vhilu e aiecond, third, antifourtit Tus S.ioa'U-!SÂLOuxý--Thiia alarge ire tistue feet aine iaches hna diameter, anti ant i eyflua7fitted-tip place, wlicte' thsepua-. are iron. Thei niats'vary in height, fromi sengers or viaitors nia, uit ailt tue,, enjoy 130 to 170 feutu (rom tise keel to the trucky a fine breexe in the anmeibouse. On the and oucis meigits f tom 30Oto 50 tons, ex- atarboanti, or r'ight-isanti aide, la au ç he eut aîvay, a, paculuar aipparaitus ha boca iug of poculiar iutcrcatta ho sean istae. Oui uttuacliati taoais îuat-wurked ty a paower- aitliîtr ida ara slcaling-cabins, arranigez] ta fui] scieur-anti is assort spaeao? Lune suit theu couunrciceofolarge or mai] tise masamoulti bc crushietianti faîl' ovcrparties. We* %'mccii uîa'm cus nft ta thc île side.* Tise rg ii la oatly o? avlya- Tnuun îx.'a'îu.x-T 3slaof tisa rope <7e' lacbis,, anti the abrouds are su saineaize ai Clu ana me lava just hoft. f'ataaed'tlisf ana ma, la fiva minutes, Anti on tle ieft.saîutiaidela ise %voniti bc able ta tuaitthem oiT&. Tlise-nîuiii IIIDi'tantu .u.a Ad on tise yard la o? hron, anti is 130 faut ioîug. riglit is tisa WViei tise suuts au-o set, aven 16,500 yards cf OficEte' Mcs-too.-Pantrias, &C. caîîvass ara sit ta tisebreeza. IVe 'i11l noir retrate aur stepa, anti aoaîîti- Bittmeîî tise mats are iij t tta îir aea,oiuea more wuo are on docc. "eFtUoN.5isOUa urE STs'C.$c.- NcXt uWC fiiid n uciseti îltfoï-eu, Ou 'maisie Tisesa ar ie ia anîîinber, ant i ter ouîy tyandu a tuouse, fonmuerly lhe Pilat houa. froiu thiaeiy hein-, comnîressat oui citisor 'l'is îîot is the aida so as îlot tujprescrit au îîuch surface Sém'utoîî î'v'îe'ti 'tlooimc.-tmo linnun-. tu thea' 'mimî. On aitimar aidea c-ot'mo ber, tha one ou these aîrtauîtrd being oct- auInal Pilles ; tiseami ra thue utacin esae pipems. Nom tisai mu have nuiecdth ie iuftiemi i letures emaaatiîug froua the main dock1 ewmt mii toto onr ttentuuionî ta thesa cu, ai sten) of theis li. ilela isahe Vtueeora 'LxaS'LRiNuua mi'um"; TseCOn- sista ai' four lua 0 eltaupon oue spindae Ftouutua barra] rani a el.uin, miicis us cs tiuougis see-tai double auila tulucLi.h anmd cotiimets mith the rtuddor by niautiAa o theu tiller. Oui citiser aides or'tue 'mcoah piacuti a large paint comuisa, se ttuat the meina ut tise maisel cuti eeta steur tis tip). lie, aIea, hisalluelaîaappiiancta1, .0mithu a brasa cita-niar-elila, aviichis le prfo ruteti mitis un aîmrture so tisut ona o? tise carda may hauccuei. TIa olfi7cer, by icanis o? a louiidie (oun'tihe bridige) exposes tht poinît i'milletblac iaica tise" slip'a baud ta ho h-ept nid by iseans uf a coinactiti-iod à coincidcuit poinît ia tuaisat ciitise couipasa, auud theliusme a tisas enablictetustouu thcetiasirati conu. Thare saaisea a speaki ing tube, su thet verbal arders may bc transmitteti from, tisemiseet to tise bridiga. lIme mon itio uteser as well ai tua atecrilng officci', stand upoîî tise tistd platfurniut)bi- on misiis you are nomv supposetitte ustan- t iun. Leaviiîg 1hi plaifonîn, tue firet ub' jeet titat nicta yuur oye ha tte S-rEE11tÂoî: Cu3vsuuAxo.av.-Youde' acouiti, antiare li luI: A TTEitCAIleDU ECî.-Icrc You uill acc niottuen ateering uappanatus, designs. ecd hy Cai. . Vine a li, tise laie Commîander-. 'This, ta tisa' ye of tiese aa main meeta lisapsîprotationu. Ih la iutmid- leti ta le unectinlacase ttîo upparatuus Wt' junt visitati ahouiti meat mitniuîaccidtt The tiller ivauld bliaimniediately iselinl check by meanof a' Io palisanmetChe rc leiving takies adjusteti, ant in luestim> titan it takea me ta tiesenibe it to yau. tisa slip vouit beunden Lise ,contrai of tise helm. Homce, aco, you sas tisa chaimu cab' las aseti for moaring bise slip by tle atema. Here, aise, la one o? Bnomu's Patenit Cap- stanes monketi elîher by steam. or band- Ascendiag te tise deak, me miii just taRe a 13k tataou af Giu.v'a PÀTRST ADJVJSTI.'ÇaJCOMaÃŽSess. -Tse.conîpasses rank isighisnutise nuvies of Great Britain andtihîe United States. TIare are severul o? tisei aîcotdinladuffr- eut Portions o? tise ship. Nex inl ordor la te JIUGER M1T.-Paahng Ibise WCcome ta tise AS'TRR DoICKET ENoîz.-Thc huiter, engine, ane machiuery, are ail an deak, anti It hé useti fan cargo, pumping ship. Passng0 -MszzeN MAT.-We camte ta, TMUE Scaîuv I,-aE Roosu Goma&Iu'zOa- avY.-Thts la readily -nuira by being us anî,archiet, dumnelike itonse. We nom descend a- spiral stair-case, andi luving ato ppetioou hue Orsitdece, ave avili looRai tis beantiful andl ponderona maiciiey. 'lhie Engines, tosigueti atdi buîlt by ie cu1mied Iy tic fus-ai, aîîd the othar ty the becoi.d Oliler. On tisis anme0 plat-forn itarec aportion Of th(J S.toaz ,NSuCvLIouIIS, ant 4 Tac Cm3,Niusi.'uteiu3aGuuX.-Thi islaa Prlarge anti taitefulty fltted'up non, anti las Pr cery inaduru oonvelienco lu it. Betmveîi i.tiseConsnaiuder's anti tisa Otiaor toùus S_ Au-'uit ML.z-I.STr-biit OfnI'ran, ttuiid is prea'iously descnihet. Noxt lin ortier la the )fuîCraum' to tue is Su'oui)t Cî.àis SAi.aaNs.-Here ara four. (I 13u's-u l 'ouiue-i'mlte liot nditcolti aaterP cuisat or Itoali, us tise iiutuc'nay eiioos.- Ib Tis seconid cdus salooni mas uîmtim-ely des- )-tmoycd at tme lima of tisa explanion, nit i l as unot yet tcais, refittet ini ità forumer is stylo. Anatsor fluilt of atairs dama, utlla ýeyon are iu tise 0 LOWUaiSECO:uNDCîîiia S.TIVu'Rouis.- àEucs oI'thic luasifiu ati euis haveo t]ir tiiirîgîlois, e., uttcledti t tteu.- ýrWo nom aiceui t thssecond tieck, anti C.t av uuouracîves ttc trouble a' ofng p ounatsar tilgît of atairs, 'mce go on tise Star hourd bide Of tisa cssaieîudl as tc mni a passae a ayî pausii tihe yia'islr'ér store- raoot, Lîiei bar amîd lise uanry, andtiVme are 1-uam naherat i ito tise Gutasi SALaon.-Tisaloon isa162 faut laîs- by MG btt ide, anti 12 feet hMAh adjuiiiiug it lse laldics' caiiii, 20 lcet lougiý; theo urran-iunte for cautiiuiting andi u ihtiag tise lamer calmat froastiese iiy- ligit nccobsitatut tise raiiumgoh' an Openi 0sîaee ou uais uaide of tise saloon. L'usido bis, tata cf thee aiorous I'wnels fAnt isir muy lpurdu tlrughî ti toni. lise openspcsluuou'r acdudn iiich side rest ai ltigisi itozi olatniîs, nala bu-twccn iluase cie uruninoutal tualustradesa nînaoof ron, aI' dam-y dalicaCe dceîga, cat hy tise Coul bruokiaie Itoti Cawpaîiy, anti are heautifai spot-lianes o? tsair mork. Tis itou 'muork ii au, imitation o? oxydizati ailvan, reliaveti i(ilgidaii. Aboya, tise caiuxiis appeator usupport, hy unmeus ofisrucOkets, tise monbeama af tise slip ; are tiacotateti a]tunnatelf lu blue cati tat, tise undeci'aide heiîîgglt. Tise spaea totrcan tis emx are dividat i uto tiacore apnels. Tis ales are covereti wits a nicis pacttern lnraisetilgolet andti divuteict paneisby, green stiles anti pi- i lustors, lu imitation o? oxydizeti ailver, to correspond mustiste calumas. Tisa,'ava lange funuet casitiga mmclh occupy consii- echibe apace lin the uoOm ara octaganal la t plan; tisa four largeat aides o? tisese have iseen coveredti iC mimons wvh continue C tise perspective a? tise saloon, anti aimast do nvay aviit tise appeace, at the' oh- 'a gtrection mhis befote 'exhtad. On, tsa four amalan aid@3 at thte angles are, Ar.a laesqua painaIs, arameuteti mitischittirenh anti emblenis o? tise sea. Mitrons areat piaceat the aide o? the aloon, anti Ounn cacs aide ofitem ara Arabesque paintinga; m' mith chiltiren persouiI'ying .thse' arts anti sceces connecteimiti thUe buuilding, ant navigation aof the ship. Tisenee mo r. vrere designed a.n4frilt *lk aresUàg~"n,es,,ô j1 Nomienalôfuhi:....2 e ' -;.ý Lengel sof str.okea' .... "Eotpair of' eyli!déia, '*ith 'i"' __ côndènter tnd ainjth m p, foru Si n , lu l dé9p1eîée îigfie, and îeach ý ineon*rucje so as ta permit of instant duu<oui4foii. * ~Te 'pddleiangnegatonie .ilt .give powvertdf 5000 h'orgsg If yo'll notice the he c&rank whle y &tW i you îwillî sec a fric.tion cha'lu *.iî" the,ý by wbiehs these are tilacangectèti; Shonâ?t Yoal like ta ventue, anti there La -néotia-. tOr ,youdeac dan ai ir'oa1addei-,ianïlybû are on tiel.î.,rn deck, anuucan niore iutely i n s p e e t t i e z i u a p n i o n t u u e wiiciare, o? Oh-.castin". Yon valiE 131 escani telite irsta.ume deck, and- gôiaiî aft, yat,,will tse ,.laittiulIlatiten of foui atep ; ls Yau il asçtnà, anti ycn are si tle catrace ta the TuNi.,a..,..Whieh leads fnom t'heý adàjë to the acrew engin. mooni-, As. you pasé alang, YOU mit] sae .advenit1tiSonS dpei tiseoleacI l thse Bal'ER Roùomas.-The*first doôis leaà Wt the patdîs boI ers, .tisescùtingnarn'owirIrili staircags, yon are now lu thé P4,>DLIt BoIts.'t' Joox.-Tli> follamiiîi are tie p rticuhm a o f these b oi er ;- - -Numîci' of boitera,.... 4 > Lengtb.........-.;.1ft9. Width ..............i7f l-a 'iWurtf..............tu mftte. .40ions. Numbar o? tubes ....... O *Thiekaessof plates ....È1and7dti.tài. We nain,pasthnougisthia bofier roonti ta the SCicEW Bli.Euî Rooi.-Toie foiowing, are tho, particulAra otite scnaw éiiialiff Numben ofulr . Lengtli.................. 18 (t. 6.iui Witi .... ;............ .17-ft. 6-id; Iliî.............14t Wiit....... ...ý; ... . 57 tenD . Weihit o? mater.......45 tons. 9 Areâ ofiseatiugsunrfacc.j'obosquare fi - Nuinhen of ies ....420 Thickuesa o? plates.',.7-6ts anà-4 d Tuie GA JTitR..a on iteirsitie, abqyu, and etwevceu, thne boiterai 'and anS eiapble 4 lodig about 1Z,000 toua of coda%4?e-' tha'ire have givea thelà flt' tisé' C,'" i PumsE IiOxas.-These une oiueachi o? tisa qisp, and by looiig tlrougis hs idw doord ycun have a grand vie,'cof. Tite PÂnoî}as...Thoe patitle.vitoeliarad 566fcet la diameter, anti thora mei"lî id 18â tois;-htroveio luas boon made, wmii the slip isticupiy Tatien, for reeftag oni ti a m in g, lu t h es a i as - L O fo t. c Tsa F7loati are 13 feet Iay 3 fet and tiityi in nouahetat' u ach mIai. Tise 'mu'is aSre camunc'cted tota ti ungihea hi fr'ictionm trapa, su thatL tiey7cn unh discon: teated ti aîîy tse if i-aisoulti le aecessav7 ta tise tle uai"mby lis.e'. The whiole co? tise rougst Iron motif conuîected wits the puddlas, anti ait thf tlorget i Iou ln thceniuchieriy, mare execut-- ed by -tisa L-.îcof.lt Forge Comipany. Tit to paitle cruiiks are eac 7 feet betweeu centre, anti wcieti, ren Whuforgat 111 tous a Tise patidie Iinfts are cecI ?et loag; anîd w ih Ag tos. We avili now ascem tise stairwuy and talc a viewmo? thea. Biuiiue.-Wicitise vasc sait uiiing Immié otl'ucrsa urc stustionut a'h udti isy con- unitata 'mitlî tii eeiiuîg ai ratua aft; andt ta loth ocii ne vooma, 17 ceLui of Lueuglay's ai'ugApparutus, bleu lee piLaeti o one aof tisidai o? e bridge, btatoceushao1,addle box .A campai - tle du te aof tise ane un the ifaie stand. before ait office av iso lpacei'untier t11 ien a cofthe caitn. It la coverei mite a biru cii-cuber alide, fitihlcis apenforat aai nim ninre toLemit of one a? the points an thi card beintI seeu. Themacaptnin or' ateeriîîg 'cor lda a baud]. isy mnies of miicblie expaosea tbe point et mhich lie uciisas tis hips hbad ta o bcapt, anti by uneutis o? connsetiagy roda a coificitient poaint la tiisclomietio-h tise campais irhic idl iratelctily tC iaoaeLrmuan, Who tuissknïow3 the may in mîuich, le ia ta steer tise slip. 011 tis anie pluilfuri lais e indicutor, bi ulanu of'mli ch tue 'aginccr reccives bis iristructons. On tise meuintieck, about the ccntre of the double boxas, arc two; JIA-.e> Foîucei; t'auîs.-Which ara useti for punjiting hip santimaslîiing decka oce filhirîg, thtuctui;s. 'WuaDow tareaalook tlai'-ugli the. J'î'ne-.'lsseSIYI.îIirrS.-Ac L avU a finu isird'u-aye .view o? Ch.eisuga machin- cm-y. l>'uugtise Ladies' Saloon entrasce we caine ta tise. -_Va deacendi a dlight o? stuirs, sati' find a fine airy spaco, fittad up mits 120 berthe anti 9 mess-tables. The sellons sieep isorue As me posiaibhy Ima>lebdiat'umliug, vo à,nia aiceati, anti vo come a thie. Fotv.ua Da.ouEY-E.'ooîac.-Tsisathse uunie seize ant is useti for tbe saune purposi -w ttc une me tiu'cribed aft. Now me conte 1talthe. Foitvàaui GARbo lltc.-his Bled ta lhe laspitali Dispenms / SurgerY, ukC.g aud la cahati tise IasiifÂL Dica.-.-By rleaceudia'g another flight ofhlcins, you are in one oftie cargo Hoids; Intmwe vili go np on dock agaia oa enabla 'us to visit the CIueDEeus.-Tehe ha leadng o, tîen adjoins the Cargo, Hatch j ani oi deesntigug t dxcfinat deci wae finti, on libher aide, the. PETT Ofixut' otc.-While ttdrwednt are tise Çabl escand Use cppliances forhand lng, attpcrtag theni, &c. Thea floors of taiKe deoks, are sheatsud mIith frdi. Be- nect thia dock ara Ivo>mure Gable decksi while lu tise extrema boy, ounlthe. OitLor'DEc&L-Are the Ice<llôusé uid Butces-sop. As me are bere, awe .111 Ïive yon a description o? theî ii "i a a e o 1 jffm. a mu IL qwà%rîqâwn a Mma

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