4 I~a,&U fru617 'oPOW aL largeiw Its plui 0 fouruts 2,te. Iofc 1oua5 Joan IIliEj a Mot%- ïeveUly injusw4'gO4 lhe 'uter.- Tise' cer, -42 10 very tiueis injIured> 44 t lis lre lmetspared 4., su tiss scaffld, aeelng thé' iel ef the&Ws4l, andt taê 0 eM ion are dellgh ittel ltr )ailite," Tisa> deseribe htliutkq iua ls oudertol et. ug and p!08ervFug ibq IlBaunnat', Ialllano. a ci a cosincstic. It 1la se0 acs tise tise prpia. 'fuiie enîtiiesi tsFlorlmeli tî N eâi asis.eo A desre loIigis roputa. rcairei'atans. 'O1t5rAi1tlsbim. . --TWO maen d isi Mesiracbarge4 oUterfelt four dollar banlé' off Menîreal si Otava,' oil coutfectlalter,- NetÃe PlIe çouittrft' bheurs a- to n genulusa bil, but ,ho former ln pot 10We 0 bll ae well p'td.- oQ a countrfeil, hp dgi~ ais of Motrcl, -whilei axacîtion ttiaisthe f1».' r tlite a nump~er fet iss a<aiga people oamti, iu4o urday, vils a quantity' bfc r ni lil tise ther nouai' sequeut upou avisit ront- gatsd Ltisi trais of folewer.s' otise.r part>' off thiscue' m locutosi naar tise raiseno 1Polars, i-enr., for nmre 'aise, Thosa _n6orearo m nisif ise United Staesi û bot for isou, tise>'have ciwil*sî uîd r tht> -Britlis -Lonzdonî Prototype. weesi sinoutosi te 565, of -ciiilran. Tise vat de- lires off infants lu tisaI cil>' owleg te tise crovdod aund tianuar lunvisicis lie larger mue liv. n - ped frous lie coant>' jail, St. tof et'o viesiaVi yet beema fô or threae tise viso vere coafinesi on tisa aage, 0 lommuie eidle lu tisa dia- filîà , Luidon, and tise Wea. faunilies hava' taicaitoitise einîser on thetc destel. eor. tgili ta tise ludou'à Bal kîplace ut (iravoeand atelye rdetipatchesi thâs maà -. r JVotes for York Factçsry, - I'lIeur for Meese Faetory a t'l'or the Euselaîn Ceant. serguisst in théa coldtreaus td te lie the, imat Manlu wus cilaged Io't-a respectable mid moite>'trous hem joint eau, fer eoma isa, epoted bu puà rcitae off bita di rgeir ho coitusitted terne breseb id vas reduccd to tise rais n9 lduittpon paradetisaeallier isicî vitis à pIâtol. - ;0, a sorieius accident Occuir* rtisern Rtaly et at mfeld Pyms, a HIorU'ordà sisre mages le. T<he* rails at tise sPei nl>'y toolcplace, hWtibees ýr twa befoeusthlie fatal ce- alîhtlie0Ugitoneofftise railS re, neu 5eoubv seemi to bhave isn sat', .-.Indeed, aeverai5 'd 'oses' iL tisatmet'nlng. owt, lejtthiticim hileleen f vhi, sut balof tlirteeii, iii racîieuo'ýreals.'ctata verth ,L yt'ai--Isrougbt ibn acllen wuliai5 te recsvlur danague lpJîI i 's(cti, basning han cm esie is'icîc ettorail-, 'Trhe ijury' gave oa verdict in uilimti, swcrdimsg £l,000 for, id £1.600 for euadofet tu clildrn-t.a total et £13r. named ibapi SisePPard, ta Grat lweternRailw&Yr te his,dutiai in lise angI"1- (Satisrday) rcevd5a sa& wi regret to sa>, termiaatà it rfenty ninutai af'ter IIt 2mltouTMes. sMuuvor GUEvN4 09M rc Joureal aofIP1dS> r. Mr. Johln Murray Off Sas'J- lu ina reu ixy.h e yet Miurray' was tiese ,teuiOtl blackseitli visa rivivêti 50' inll chuinis in tishe l da414 îuolpon te dealli of aicai, lbis smandlle(1 ipOs -ray, amndiha, lnibis ltTl> 'uo a brick tracdIt) liI psIef erasile, littcsth aBOI mgt tb"' Lb ()f cou ples liosoutbt iit iii lieue, ha iuti"1' lcg-prt in uany a itW i"isusiv lien (,ratna UrUS" dil y, tdo M I ( & nu»t ofttais lM ork:tog Lu ct througb, vn i' ny,' hcore tise lusitiv?.' ro rm by tisai'..caae andfo«e ellihtl thiin formailr a 5il ir stommn; 'frianZe in hot. tu-, *A 77 Millht 1b0 his i d$ arreujenuetit. â'~~ o, te tise rad, 0%,~ g~ CII<>IOI yrsu~ -[ Satlirdm,ÂiL st 17t,18 1 v'r . 4l,.luti fow dystihe, deiy.'ie cf d an enuigasifor tise trlip, tise steamer brls bl eceeot IeAýiPLE LE4UVr be(oe thriahig tii, naucro#. Thi e c wch willýié&~Odïissa îsê 42s8ýj.tut.,and qatfv.rabi, w1~f~- borei )il se a rà ý Jotbeming har.alt hotgh manyfgild& eja In~lyrnsted,stEd th.elIy i.dolng vr fIfît-& witth (at off lait>3 air, togtethor with rc.titiuitbitnis"'lslgsa',ueîfie vavýyln; '<t'eus0 te 95e, -W1lll piteatise 'ran4ossI it e1ruoff fsth ;es'izs W7 jts à asouji4dfôotlng. FaiI Viseuét ur-aïgeiiuuu lusse e'becuftseWîgdc Y 1" s la' lin goê clsand aI $1.07 for primaesatp pla si And il¶odpring findit raady sale si t f1~ CT ~ A R t' r i oo qeta t 48e ginin . T i.eae sue 60.,botsir e odce gri tin4U: -g'on'oi J-1 èà eJ.5.U .L ;rJLAt1f. Osto re sarçe ~d wnted 7 ~çOe. neiie.. dit-ing wlsita il ros.r 0~ ýr-Lvrlu Preseica 'off tlisaeenrâioulsta. The a wa asn Iqut. ovagr, ne Of- -4c-Thtre vii>bc.ua fret-clons B3riu Bad; slîd A il lot of superfine floor waiplaced YeNteu'Iast $4 free on cars. on board t4#se > iesner, ospeeleil> isrga fo ic rlis Montea iircîortcd as e ce tl't ho ls occisaon. Tisae, oettro saiW ocu- tivelnýfontoalwi l arge salon off Mo. 1 il;td tou'iVltby lai ussi Uslisebusdibe usesnher EStpetne $4.80 a $4.415 ciosing firnn, snd ut'Ticetu iî ho bcserupuIoeseiyL bf'Ei),see U~nd lt. ha t01. - a, ist*t o eaed 800 u al ; tluss -eerbtg ta- In ew ork' he arlet as cec colrusurtl; of ,il crcswild lseut. Al tho tt(,s ltnWoinoe at tisa rate of 1 or 2c dcili.- lîssoisse i l u pesi rosî fortlsýe ut o bfoutbe4yeste dayoff 100,000 Isuusels Luslleiansd oeilldisu. ýAppIlcIeton uioaÃŽd be lw£ keIub at9ca $1.02. - ulaut ontce.1 1 7-i&hbany Ilarley la reportad as ver>' TiCKET-4 for te aueur ion $2 25etss. fr dii n a es te report, tise ast sala lady ausd gent. Sintgle Tioketâ $1 2ii:ctx4., te hc uses <> -,~ haltishe 6torcesoff Massera. Giboli& tyoriti>d,ý tisera wu 52J for'very -bright LCaada. Loweis &.Pwl>sWl. T. iH. IlçMillasu, Mr0 qlegg alaBr tieund ut titi Q/sî'eiced OJZ00, aisu D IE D. llisuek'e tiisi Wt l tby. At Oshawa ut tise "tores cf' Mr. lllslois, an;d Mr. W. J. Suttout ".a LAWRENCE.-At Pickering on liselitt McElroy's, MausuuiVs, Dosvnilg'a nit wooule night ofettis lt ut., Susannui, tisa belov. lool#a. At llrooklitut these tore off Mr. U. W u ise, suitt Aieuler'eand McaItale-- cd wife off IIoury Lawrence Esq., iu thee trs' CM hyaar of ber ilge. ::0» TIse udsssutulis uudortakissg tise LINSA -A Whtbsosue 1t i'!lug'uttoff tueilot, iht-"detcrssined LINDSAY-AI Whiby on ti1eil's e tie Ltbi'.stcxrtiosis 10 gLs'e pert'ectcsettuiso 1081, 6amlia, tthe beloyed vifs off Mr. A. isIlbusUlfiiresd, c41s(1ssiji ie» titat es'csy tr Linday>, agesi 22 yearc and flie souithe . igsssclt bi utterenier t'ic trip Iluttuit Tise funeral vill take place on Fi'iday t-e TI.).I A W Lnts'IEis. Ot is t., frein the deccued'i residenca te Agigist2 sî oli. St.Joh'.chuchPort Whitby. Friendit and aeqaa!ntances are invited to attend. PEILNOTICIES. Amessg iseho insrt;sttf&lli ri vlîa d. toecc.19urnIboheCaesdkes1Pain Destroeir. >elis2~s t suls t T)ts lt IlleSioot5. Drupan, .4~~orieIÀf Th ,,u, Saldi..eui u is e jii_ùli fi fur e h of lime, antiwherever i" ed se Itk.4~n.ye .jlalfn a ig inl ttItatstgotivo oa ~t5. kiswii inl ae se..ofdr tssetuwlere thse Dire. fimbayhavebci roperryfoiisweii, but ast the rstenmry; ail are deliglitesi wfI lis spratieti,% iwid ope"ain the hlghest terniof il» VVsnagueatd MAgitai effecIs, Thl te tnsliiig effifray cf ItiseCanadiaa Ftsin Des.. troyeS; tiictirfsti 1 jetiwtisfur whiis it is recortisnsi- 00 u ts twottsierfuit eu [ iisuidulig the tprtsînisîg pulmIntcfihturnatioti. And lt relicvissg N rrous Afft?.. gion#, entitied ifit ua hi gisrankin te tes o re inedise ise the etîsoits.Orders orecouessinsf rotmMdicine DeeL#wiii il 1ptt r the fti.Couliry ft ilier usîpplieu. antid a emh tifyn iysate< iti auerussi a ois t Isle CassllsxnPaist Deirss7jer Vrer foilleto give im- Moiste relief. Ail Medise ersidio e wlp stIi'tyu vatte srder naitseti Ce15aist tc fsintiy wiilU botsut 15 aller one ryiig it. Frice 25 conte jier Hotle. Ail orderessssîsi Uc tciaîisees5sd tus NU01IRiUIIJ& LVNI A NS, Crtei . us. For sale Is , aî iv G. A. Miiisîicrr jas. II. <lerrie anid W. Il. iSsu!. Il. ise,).uw. Joli» Leppr, iiillis ( ILRIl. Tsîi GLOBE IIOTEL, DROOKLIN. -' rpIE meabo v eli kuosses, ols i tuili,itd " Jt-J htoe, usîlpru tuises, haveuire ieurustrtaos b>' tise ubecriber, ud ihedecirua touisîinute tiusaIlue isil al xayt bucoit- basudta ib'tettd pur sonsiily 1e the viste ut hua sguiette. tiis The presilsiies l-rae ei newlyi3' imbun nstots, ansi conuiarjieitI?' :ii rois fîrulily itted np, usidno.-eilortl'svl bu »putrtd 01 tihe part off dise lrrs-ct owsucr te resuder tise G.loUe iotsîl a isomut lrint'Lw tIss-ut>fu' ic fritudc4. Vie tible l siv ent isefoîsusipleciutdî> sîsopieodi itît tisebutisaos tsefsllomiig csuuLrssrr a Lit off ilquorts to becihast ut tsse Usur, ss'LroLera!raund -rctuil. MIeNssîstislton'e (iIsuievitt. Ilortiot'sFul>' t'rouf. Mlotogoleia andel<iser sisuerior vhiass""i--; ">étToit, leliisnd Gis, bcd tiranîdi et lCoguiie, adotîssr Brat-di a, Il'on, Sherry, aund Capie clssice csWris. G o t6issg viti S ansi>'tise Ossier. ALEX. ALEXANDER. hrookln, Jul>' 29, 1801. 2 TIUE GREAT FILIENCI! REXEDY. IIADAM nOtNIN'8 Cfimi.'IiA'rI-) SIeLVI:5tR- TRpmtE oay certainu, assut olissedy fur abtt'serine Ioiatrucliis. Nusimi~ijYiisusiciea trrecarusleis, antd abi sus- t-e lims ieeur t tn wisi thse Wsosiiat, 'sis, oali Mote rc e îculssltlia bIi. 'lseneeMil na inhn uo delirioust isgredsisits. ibut are «tantd erriats ntusis'î ones. "ls.y yuL )tsussî inncoin t ise happuet elfees 55ib llcaseissofPrleabpsus Uet, ti.s dcreiia. or ste %Visite*;s mt-i.y 'i5 ue f,tiid the estei aussist-certsain Cure tsai eau te fosusi.- r Il l it est aitt cf iliste rtofut'tio tt iesisuti usei i tlken ty Pregusoitfeuir, dssrisug tei h r s'esceus as mcarrsu'igE e is era). tusie isessgis uni, buai tlie -P el& it.tisse ix c .urfecitr talC. N.I."Ot'tilstr ers5,c'i usns' asihrzd Agent, viii cnutre iess'iagc cf 'ill, l' reîarsîtsf mis. -C. CtnOSut's. Cesserai %ges~ lFont ric, C. %V., nauiraits, N. Ys. s.e'sieiq.-liewarnisuCusssîstt'ferist, fiuic Ke hiare j ha etscsauure t'(C. t'IlOSIIY. muthte osesie wnsper. Furoalse isy ail rcupsc.utoie Inuggss-. ta EW AVPRMENTS. OINTARIO BANK NiOTICE 18 IlElIEIY GIVEN TIIAT B .Â.N anthsority of tise Act 24 Vie. , rhaeçt.i95, , amse(lleIst mcr"011ont iii l'rsss ' >0 il i .'Aî Act tsioiscisd theiss rurfth t ie iSmtris) 1151kt' tiselrcirsi ui iii s. oruft is Iisi psitultit0s110 rrr'sti 'os'i l list1 D)ollarsç ofîtei stocki, disided hiito Tsvcnty tir'1 'rioustesîsi $iisrùscof 1"' t> li los 1' ,isitielis hislares, isisîil 1)(,- nsiiud pro rus- s> îsssrs ,g msuis pcrcslit s mayis A' 1 lu.sof Iili Bisîl on ise'L'uti sisyni Ssi eîtisir t e nm ing5. liI s sock I lkstsscILhobs>(,1stoie lt tire 1il~d 'i is ratUnis ri . Lmll siireal, T l'uust', () I 'Iwa, lt-rcot idil AýI!isslriii1, for ai 'irs' ho ane ti',îîd ilist said iiiek Itoolsa ill -niriitn osec trust-tthesc 'lttls ut sjt.ttitoi :~ljhe Toitii of Octîsiser sext iî.usisui, ansd tii-ti vin caie ofteueis isoeisolerss or arsy ein rr- 1 iittg te sisissurise or tuegioiiixte trerpitlhe .huresu te wlîiclî tise>sisy buItehctîseti%-el i'îti- tled stithiiitise pcrissd cisove ii-ttlted, thiî auicliese so o refiecd or stegiecteil to tte ssr- cepted vii tLe soid b>tise ll.isle a s d 11 8tock, but ne clurceate olu ir'cit tilt", Par, andiauy profit issde frosnsu asîtcl s ial itîsb c cradlit.ïd te tise reserve fisid of tise Banuk. TU7e aid new issue of Sock wiIl be payiableas followsto it: Tise trot lntlment et 10 par cent. aetlise tise off cubccrlug. The second fistalment off 10 lier cent, on tise lot ot J une, 18012. Tise tîird icstalunent ff 10 per cent. es thte lat c oflccemtir, T1862. Tise f urtlî lnttaltnent o110 ler cent, on tIse lot off Juste, 1863. Te hi i nttlinont off 10 por cent. es thte Tt of Decesisber, 1868. Th ise cl ntalmeut ef 10 per cant. on tlice lt off June, 1864. Thé caventis lstaimettt off 1e per censt. on tise "-""'lclof f Dsss.'ebr,1864. Tise cgltitinatstielitt ot 1o lier cct. osnte loI t'fJunc, 1965. The nintis instalisnt of 10 per con'. ýn tIhe Imt off Decoee r, 5. Tise ienthi italotest <of10 per cent. on the lot of Jatte, 18608, 137 erîer 'off tise Board, -D. FISHLER, Cstulier. E manville, Aug. i5, 1861. 304in BIIOOKLIN FAIRI ..tuk lsie oit01 Tliursday, 1ôth Auguet, 1861. .Noss istlise tUssie fur fartner*,te diapuiet oi tiseir ttoek. Iny'eswllIbe presit i n utors, sisd reuriy te pa>' Cash sis -iFat cattie, if isep, atit Ltsiiists T iuisir afl'rs!s ct (lul ut t 'r tisa d'sspoui fal U Isuor-ouI.4 m -hisig eLiôf uooaeessss.rwaal] paruts vus ooed evosl s411i rniîway fa-tehllts. gsvs'tbits>'er sstd seller a fuir elsnuuscand equal c'eutiptltuon-" ' A il! si th is aupruvided for tise rocéptio4o of s4tock frcs off charge. Tiis a fir offerts a gutiss opportunit>' for -%elliug mtitinis .ansi cli ttesuctioîîeerc Ici the L'owuuuy yl l ie ets Iiod tg o eor tusir sarricoas. lIlusser milI bu served tut tise Globe Ilotul. GO» SAVE TIIE QUEEN 1 A. ALËXANDER. ]Brook] i iAt-g. 7, 18go1. t Tio TH]EPiF'ALLS. IVAIT l'OR TILE 0111THIE l7th INST. Ansi esjo> a coitfurt.sble trip. Fruits WHgITBY & O3H1AWVA 0NLY G14NIBtUSSES ssiIl bomi»attesudansue at bots, psissesi. tucouve'oy Ou, FiE F, CH.lARGtE t-o tise tut. 1Asîgutt6, u861. THIOMAS LAWLEUt. Specot Sehool. M LSS"CA1UIOLL'S Selsool wiil re-opennf1er the Sisiisiier lslgldssye, 1Mosslcy Sept. 2usi, Té S4uaiis Ekoôui'sionýto'I ON FIA d UUT ~i %Ir. N. lsys isii.tssatili eouvey pos. ciengere toeudi frointtise boat froc of chaîrgafront nii nters. l'orties vissiiisg pasusae ciiiicsvu word nt Creuskr's Cominersriil itotel, Tlsireday e'esiisg. Curra's Quadrille Baud wilI be on hand 1MIl. lQUAIR hast alfto mode a'-rssngcsnesîto nit a irars.ssss101l"ssat tise 14 oIl<lu ive slisnc>r served t tiy e> t ljilstprty int tise rits, ot'4Oictîs islwiso (tuflot wixlste o oitn tisel'ic-isic 1risse pie. soun hi snd ends ceire yotsr Ticicetst crrly, suf, iisl 14 I Lssisd 1uissiber wà llbut stld. lu L. M. SelU tIR NEW ;VOLUMES OF TIIE FOURt REVIEWS & BLACKWOOD COMMENCE JULY, 1801. TERMS PEU ANNUM. For fiîsy 0e1eoff tihe four licvicwm ... . $ 8 00 lFor uDy two of' tisefotir liovicwss§.......à 00 Forainy tilsrce ttisefour lie'iowi5.... 7 00 ur ailfor off tise 16siw,............I.8 0 Fssr Limlsrwoos't Ilu;rytzine ... .........8 0 Fs'r Blackwood ltu e lcview. ... 5 îo For Biockwoo'i unditwoles lews .... 7 (JO Fsor Blîsciwood issi tiree 1toriews.. CC0 For Blasrkwood andi the four Iiuview. ..- 10 1)(f ifueeyCasret ie ile 2tcte wirs.inud sioi bc CLU BBING. A disieiit of 25 lper etitt. frein tihe above irice wmli Utbc liowed te Cluisisorderisig four or flore euold-stofanY ny te or itîsre ciftihessbcsvs w-rks.'iso: ltst-cespicsscf llieî Oor 'Ris lriew, wvii )esia tsu ene adsiro-tsafor trr.r ie>oi'tilrcfour liicwwanatd Blasck moiît r * and; "1u 01r. .-f4lsrissrosiuuild always Uc ouldrcsssed LEONAILD SCOTI' & L'O., 10 No. 54 LLld St., Nssw York. Auction Business. r IIîE ursclcrrustird hegâ tir siqvsint hic fritislà § eu ltr1 tiUlie, tiirtt lie il"i itikcît îLi cetisse for tule Gounty off Otiario, andi t-at lie la îs'uvrs'.rrd tu i.auiiizt îîîîtlolîîa les lu env part of tise Contty. lus nndlvided attention eing giron te tisebtsit4iiuc oand Irons ht* large know- lesige oftise Couslity, liatteri hirrscaif thot te riu osi§ e es vas iessother foîr thoe arequiring hlic curvicex. LzWlis book sd liit off engagements ara lu ttise CHRON'ICLE Office, nec usul, wiltro tirer>' iiilornation con hbc i, and arrange' îîîestss, and terme for §alcoscettled, ast wclIas' mît Isliiiesslfîscrt§ollly. J. C. STERLING, .Auctioncer. Greenwood, Augnet 7, 1861. 80 Farm to Let in Markhai OR1E T for a terni of sane l'eu ioT, tirai vail known fors, tise et 08:0pi'eperty tf Edward Wheler, bciusgthe a ~ xt haires of Lots Nos..Il sud 12,on tt eticn. 2o0 acres; 160 cleared, lu a good suie off cultivatlon,ni free froam tempe.- Tissi aleo airable tarin, as it là a itoates !Û tise N'or y iest part off the 1ewnuhiplul bciu ne assýit asrtcr tuiles tronstise vfiî%0eoff ark- fiI), t-id twcuty eue UmIles,fromi0n tis of> e Tsroîto. 1Tisre ire good buildinge un tiseprc- tsises atd aisir ton tonlln sue uewm couis'oof ut etiuu. LuaaKcsion con bc gircu ont- thse tt fOctoher. ENone but go dexpcri- eîcssd fsruerc need apply. Stek and lel- mnentis cul, bo latd a a valuation un twoire' s isabiber at Stesi 'vile, iIg 1 etr t-o'd. steufft'lle, Augnst £lias, 1861, 80 TO TU y pieuta fur in ecutfn iagaNra e e 3n FridayAu*Ust , ily M161. Anudibans pead eni4J4*4welkrown ueemer MALeL II to euuvy ( oonnec- tiess witli tise Erle ati Ontariu Mljo y ts excuriouiesate andi fmuittt-êro,Yà Titesamtser vililoneve Nawcassoat 8.80 ecl dlock a. n1w, DariîngI'on At, 5.80, On?awa at 6, ands Wlittby aIs? e'dlooic tisane. direct te 1'i>St 'gara, wva o -à t;ecsa te-,is lnasud Ou- art-o4e Esua>oiii hetin vthe an Yis ,to, aarc li il leve Ulimeat 17e'eiepk >pmins. tise stçs<sser loueav LigroaIt7,60, ock, ui k. ' ,ntoripa tsle mîontifilt t>'I csW* elo..' "Ilu", fi eus Tos-outte, asit a Iigiiauad Plpr b.a1.cbeis eiptggdfor loi 0$aealp,ain. tule sectiuno itsituâic ut good ts cati bc pro- 'cars-il. " '- r'>iecet» 10 andi frcm stise Fitl», $2 50 per coupsle. Liidy'u Sîngia lg leicet; >31 C0; Gonts o. $1 '80 -te u cbîa ils 11Wtithy, frosn Ilaumil' lobs & Roorti, J. Crochter, andulat tise Chrone office, in lirisokiin from C. Davesi in l'rince Albi ct troust1R. Il. Totutiis-touu, lus Ualss'dge ros W -Kacli'ifsu d AMlu Vruosutslt,u frostt-A. Bol- IVill thaiaLdy iake a granud aseeusaoitacroca thisa garat Itiver, th iseegit of whiinsi sulit ls wortis double tfisofsre. Th ise cslssorter listcre Iinsl t tat wlth the Cicperuetsiseiue wlsad liiigettiug up cxcur- 9§ioss4, lue0sillIlususICC it tise tMost î21SUltsauit ts- tesidesi, ash ili sl inusas e uer>' Possiblîe arassee- suent lor msusut rensd lîleasure upon tOse t'oat sund si-o ui tLeu 1. "lise excursizonail bu Cuiudueio'ri suoutise P'ic-Nie Tsiciîlo,,hut for t1ise ihvue is, lmeastis, vibcSe povideiCîso 11e1rmu tliebout, st a usodcrýto Pr Ce. Ansd ti; hlee rii. ic ssi.tCo hlu str i auy paeseu goars ais Icat ycssr, tîsosewlint tae sccure pan- sge lied bAttcr îurclscsc ticket» asrly. LEWIS bM. 8SQUAlE. Bherirs Sale of La5ds. Uonnty of Ontaio, N gaturday, tise Ioth To Wit: 0 doay o Nov., A. D., 180.1, at 12 o'clock noou, w _OI :e old isPublic Auctiosilit mv oice, lu thse csutnt ltsne, iii the Townî of Wjltby lthe right, tille antd inter- o.st wii the uielrmntoiad defesidante isevcr.iliy po.ssesta in tise undermceutt.ened laus aid tceisientss tlisreon, .ceized by misutidor and isy virtue ot certain Writs off Fieri Fiscias,, tu mels3directed, riz:« la tise Colinty Court, Jsiiin Griinger, Pluisie, vc. Michael Marray anîd 'iv.n..Motgomery, Defsiodautts. Tiesoloat 70 astoes outi haif off lottlNo. 16, ln ait <Cou. off Scott. lu thse Court off Queeu's. Benci Tiseiisiii> a:x'on ndIGeorge Fi6Xto,Plaigitlifi' ve. stephen S. Dot). ficffcsîdant l Tihe utsiisividedisoù off lot No 9i1.thse 1Ilti coi. off Scngog. One acre off land, b ho ile s inore-erleis, bciîsg'po-rt oftise ttrtlipssrt off lot No. 20, lu the ô5W con. off tise tewinishîpeol Mteacc, oni wticis a Satw iilinla reeteci. Aleu s> c ocre et lanid lie tise siine moe or lces', bc- ¶III part o f thisa ositi port of lot.Nd. 21, in tise Ccon. f tise Townshîip of Remei afforastsid, sharuf, C. 0. ~5i~l ~ pér 0. Nourca. fanbeJo~ing'l ColitîsLoi No. i lires n *eiarlî, belDw',thie'a.cc lise iisîsd srcltiie towsiof Witib.' Aistisrly oppll ii» lareqssebecd. Noue but a rosd triner csccd opply. Pickerinîg, -29-41n THE Canada Agency.Association, LONDON, ENGLAND. A îE îrs'~nsrdto ssrg.tiatc Lsalut t8 rPc reluit. iileresti, tiupoistiros'rd furms,. 'ruse uiome ue>rn tbc ciltaiid ais aou a5 e urolsrt' liens becs vali-ed and tise titie lias boot o o f Appjlications andi other inffor- inaio apiyto A, ROCHE, Mansager, C. A.A. Welliurtou St., neutr Jusl t., aToronto. Or te JOIIN AGNEW, Eeq Whîo hec been sppeuîted Vaissuter for lise Ais,ci,itiuu ut 'Vu5.s.29-tf -H Wol Buckingham .......lotand, i dit Bonurra Tomploto ,Bucekingham. d nd Ytiit I'(yr .e....... A,'u i'800i0 30 eonts. i'h sloJ.ua chtrstnî ue A. B. wà e"' 8 fte. AqI14?,>uborroiul1l. erroab0fo.s... . e.mb rc -. ............... -.S5000. 80 conts. trnsiad ts nisI in 1 Allez.- Uleiré .... 3hat u ata e '.........tetK ee..t, . .... 141<500 r- Cooc fte, fte" A.t lIn -. r-s fer'tie, uir-s roi.l4;e~... li. tsarl an osi; ukuuga-- eflofuisc stuButeein.. ~ ~ !cs' ~ ~ 5 r" cJ at---ih .I", sdute ' imnthe 'A.~ll et-stte..aedirrda..'OtsnrAleiMutnei............ 's-r tlihdyp4rln is1,hrreyl i J.P.lIr i..;StEymood m~uu;c2 1tiL j Ki J .rt hPotio.&Ymlnss nutu aipOaiio4rh Vincani hitOOUtttI . -i', fi,!. e Mecy. .....1One" 4.f lilas ni' fsf orobgns1 "rgeoltstnDutsei\.e ïr' Msiore uterre" St- JointMilr s >'ej' ri e - J. P. Déry..........."8.drRa mond ..'..r.... > .ý wÂwkwila e 'U00 d- 'u ; lc rýi t-o ioom - . sMa t al. .. ..... . Ch o ti i..tinil l 4nêtil.Iut.. ...........,areig;A5uetJuttsd WtttnWiso.............................000 d AolnrwRc. Ftmt........DorIsetraiprti otBReauon'd a....Stanâ ' esy aI#Rxooai Dti~U'LctrWtod S.V.Lma8A luale ,RIerC auibo irne, F ept Wonlickbdad one W re..9000 tCITY 0 £'?t'>i-F'5 crn' rsr L Tou F.Fr tot...I taniol.......... pes. -~ teiica'u.s --dd~. singi ite000mi" do'flewng usis fnu48rsu-srir Jossiellet . B Gevisi........ .. n~ prt of itu' ~'~" 000- do '- ~ t.-rlu~'se.tt..corer... ............itin Bs5'laetstsicrs.......................~ sn4a pat-sû*nrmasit- 2000 o...............l coutai-s...o....to..,'sr-.-'.re;o a.snd AIaso Rossi...au.............art.O.......................1...... ..do.aiBren.-lito , Thetford tr..s.. ....dTM * à W day, ùfAU-l4,'A . D . 18dl B.MD aie.......S mte. Auneacis ottire.uid uueurak........ ......... ...lP"avorti , isW ibdge, l'ainc id akBma> hht L.N.ro om.r ..... IstieVre. ... .T omissditand............. I'i:ne::mok.Ã'.-. aJ0 o Stcc, s Wusd'sr, 00v Wid'irf si s J. Bt. Lepge . Rinoussi.............liunockl........................Dirusitessn, eerpesuDno, BDeln' 9aui'ion, red.... ..........1 1000oQoun>r'n lst:rss iiîu îrrt:u. J. A. vi; ...e e. NwCarlousi. .r . .. . naetuo...................p... .. t.......Meu N-...sUtrctu, 200Nor 00stsIhl'wtl s is ii-is. 'irrtririi I lsim .Ba;Toata.diiutm . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. 2 0 0 oN ilîs .......i.ii Mu .'r' 4î'url u jo ." i c .._____ A e u u , .. . .. . . . i rt- i .ut vaeiii'.. rl i t Bell-l2nsd.-'I'!lsBo* o , uis-i tisin i cl iat ort» rsu* s T idà use Eà lgin Ro..sitsea o t ly et...l' sl bot85ie s n g.... .. Ja.Pr.J..e..e.rvnca.l....i.n gctS DIEEV ue, e 8. ot o>. lc ocuoujîîus r .stntrr.ss poi or Lo R p.......f......r..r-.......r......un',b..i.r..........ss'do, Y. rhc Tach..... e n, fonA uc k l utndr, il t is n'o ff Be.........c ......se....lho Kem t R sdin is urn i, ot 00 io l, Aget, PaDrka'L, Es, etth JaPotJoî'. 6bse's, a'15's itss tLe iinlv su i. 't'ds, 1 Tie aîeis Rui ro M ti e esiguhe AenJ.B.Le'oo Eq. inous>i lcsursofVuiîtr>.i1>trti"'Js'îs' Uckethl -i Rive duLou teLacTem scoutaAget, . N G'uvsoÀu, aqo ....il V rt . ..s......Lut.t..r.ir..rr..'.....luit....trs'.5Mwds .N I (avn ...d ..rle clivetiar ote n Ite ........ oiseporta otC ndis go rn en bus uis izdc (Ita.-.off L...sul idr eBntie roulis, ....cxccc ing u ai us,10 .trsehhlris]~,'l t]'t Oi-ii acrt. es, asi a ......b.eupi sefe igonrk......... n i ..............>o r ist-Thatattise St.tDenisaCap yesrs et age. 'lbotChroug -000, dolsrre'mi is 'aiî,Cudtsle G -istsr'euîera ,i Vabe Faies L srsagen a cingle ot,0 antse p er aimmes svn as lotc e hn u eee p rn ligancroednc.notes niida lt er t - he ct e 1srur i nLi U ot i bsrr u isuctc m t e e a r is fe e Gt R sis n Cnd. ii*výe1 l*rlprto i eo Forein oain a t te tout fle ai uat rasonfrçavea eStje anypot ottisca ote isroniat , -ie&ontS.tion ' , s'ati. - cl. rrce] of ssurNu.07, lu brt>cu tste ts TheNTREAL -.nd. .ap. .ht,. .getE. B.LLE Crevs Timq.Aget.iAget.ki. ouii' ev 'b'Lt & ite r sri str'iusd- J.e acl.RouALEYB Ernigratih en Agent.elecass- tl>emiuuod, i srnituskiabots20 Nur., geu, Sls tza usnsq, ' St.JeasPor Joyr 1tit The liatpudia Rfrontrom -tise ttoestrsour'up Ag'n,.J..B.-tir,,rG uiuutsr-ilhinkg OO.f.AJ'SSI.XE . Nide. sr'uo' .rutr Irt i ififr 5.r.O r -, rTo il-~ Ques ead bec a y 7 181. e' inomititLhe fml r.-; tIngroconditions.iudti 2nd-ssiIo iskt psi 'siiorU the lnd al"otiti-o 'idiit -n'ne mlune Brd-Thst ho-put intoý stabotof "sriuttili12"acies inthe csui.eof'f ir<"'rs. t 0'1 fîltt fuis - "~" - - ieîneu r1 i'î- ur. ir 11n'5 .- .'su50iee t-hTh t o uidL.'og ho so 2 b 1 '-. a d es'i-nthelo s-i t en rf '-co diio ssrer.tl lisf r poi i-s-c.ti' L tir 'iiil e., -The*nTr'ar'lh.1'oft, 'acoditins Wrl 'U'0the mT'.ateTou f t.c.uad, 'sutwiltissl or'i-p toaisthér'-sa 'r".suent ndt'utî'e c Gr1 an the êýeqséofÃŽheGô#eni&à eýtise etsttiss o etiso P at icond oenmde ut bund' fo keip-ili/fiinIa lJIos.i..îlsrî oft i 'r mi srSCYrJHES, an wl agtginrspco soi -an tLtN. 4 aBlt. n Gries easi(Lans Setbuts apritieau, Fodrkc, auLisi crueLs. b isheuusi'in.ntssortsl is5 . r-su cir'sof n uant tise; maeSIe i hGpRps oCEusanRLEy, RI ETJT D FV îIt1 iJ,- sortiiutdu'-pari~rsît ofpc s-iso e."-.No.' s s.' ilieI t r. "' uis ' rut e Frifr aina - th- st ouesindiocbtrat o, lnutanetLun otth,. t-s isticsssp'>à 5o irrud:r. tretotheu'urmntone .McsruIllio' L ':Ol o ia r,' - sc~~' 'f~ 3ns, tniituesior tueo lsli tnrp (i - rrt -i fi ........ ........ ....... ..... .. ........ .u..'r..t4.ur-runAN, rl<îr 1'5 o AgertsLotiti M -I 1 >' ON 'SL................T............C . B L E,' t i r gntonmusW.drrit si"..trnru 'rs -.AT- __ Em -rtinJAen çtiWrt rof ilarti-ru cri -.' .i-or5Ic McMILLAN'S. i utu-s'sulznLt sNouil, n taNit , lu'l CIRANS RIINRIE &.PR PSoNS-.LOR, IIMS, (IIESEfrot of "i- . - ro %t- ' ousdî S r.ss Ài su coiin prof .si>.u"r,1861. i i-o hd i.a rtici tti us s' iit . fic u' Choie Liuorsand ines WIN ~ANB ~sQU RS W lOLebn A B RtiA tL v ui0 - A T- ùV-îdIi t -r ii i'- s ATAELEEDRY GOATSRIIELDDINRTHESCOUNTY AT Wl -tES;ArLElPRICi - - - o sut aen R elad om o e, 7 tf n n i. i~ 1' tu 'CTE S, wav..S... AITHSI- Ltted tsîit- uts' t fýct tUiecouà Wo tie Niu etILil t>'rir ,iitilti. Te tise Board cf tha Liverpool Assutr- ance Cornpany. GENTLEMEN:s- Ilavingiad tise isfortssne te htave nu y honge p:rtlallY deztroy cd b>' tire, on tise 24t1i sic>'of MaYit- t, and auisi on tise sieti sf tise sstaic neutlî, tise property liing iussurcd viit your Ceîiillyan,, Ihavie great lîlcasture in ackuiovludgimsg tîtrouugli>'ur active aget, John Aguew,Ee of'., ut iiîthy, tisever>' sutifastory ..d itusbleumainer in wmiecis yen base madle a ettleuet tof 5>' i-aim; ftise more se. insis- tiueisais thte nnont t v api inehueisfore tise necesisar rpaire svere cotiisîcicd I hase clso te beurir tiitssusy to the struizlisteiorrrd aussi esu îitaslle t-nisser lu usiicLu Mr. A-guisa lisa' e tIse dusisgc. 29-4in ICHARD» LEONARD. W ANTE D! T MMEIIIATIILY 2 hastr cts ouicwlso t1 ire douiros >of cusiigtie liitiuig Usîsblli- lie ss; or tsi'>, thsave ren arme t-fisse st tic rudto misons tise presesitcilr a lilsct-rate opportiissity. ApIdîi> imsiecdistely, citiier personoîll' or ny letter tu J. LUMLEY, Fainter Marham tiiîsge, Or te WVM. LUMLEY, Ciaremontl P. (0. 28 P'ickering. FARM FOIR SALE. F OR SALE, LOT No. 32,Srd SANGE Broken Fron; PICKERLNG,- t> COnAINING 80 ÂCRES, Off viich 80 ra under clilvation. Thisea first-rsstaumaamizod ltoad toe sta ide cf tisa Lot? whlihin eltuateit 16 miles frori Torov- to on te Kinston Rosa. jâ Tise Port Union Station on tise Grand Trattk Railwaw ln oui>' one sud a-isslf miles frons tisaLot. For partictilsrs appl>' te JORN C. IV FSLEY, Or to On tise promises. Oro JOHIN LEts, 1 Borrisser, Toronto. Jnly 24,, 1861. . 28 OTEA.M BOAT HOTEL. THE HGH EST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTE R.- REMEMBER LOWES d: POWELL, Nos. 1 & 2e COMMERCIAL BLOCK, 18 Brook Street, 'Whtby. PUBLIC NOTICE* TT IEle;isreis>'giren te laarties inter .'sstestin-ttise tsi iil Coîteil et lte UsM Ewiuitipss Of ilaroa aldaUssinau, li t,) palsu iy-ivss fer iocating asîi e-s'ilcliiisg tise followiuKreoias in thse aforessid Unitedi Towialaupe, in accordance vils ti celtclute 22 Vie Ca. 6, Sc.821, riz - A oai front Lot No 1 n h t con. Mars,- eommeticing on tise lins hetweeu lots 21 i tisa 7tis, and lot 21 ini tise t con. about tise misdie part, tîsenc tisrough tise sentis half oflot 21 i tise 6tI ceu. te norit. vont corner of stids oustu I âf. Ihaese along tise lisse between tise nortit lai of isaisi lot, asd the irtishait off Iot'l'Ço. 22, alilutise cnuîéni>' kuisê,uiai tise- NnlVMile or 'Mool>' Peint Bac. ALto a resdtisreegle lie front con. Ranms, heiig -a continuüaton o thtbs sresidy ou- t*sliebold, commeliiisg at sot No. 24, and ter- -minoting lu Lot No. 46, lun ad runtcoucecciou off Raina itishe eut bracelisou tise Severn River. B>' Order offtisa Ceuneli, DENNIS O'BRIEN, Mars sud Ramas, TonhpCe. To Contractersa-a&Ldoro. T ENDZUR wiil bc received sp te Monda>', thue 2tis dal off Anguitt eat, for removissg tisa two varaisoonn and buildintg a qoautity ef crib work et 5Pioeorg Harbor." For furtser partietularc opply (if b>' latter pro- paisi> te WU. WHITESIDE, Fm P rS". Danbaten, BDA D EAY, PEOPRIIRTOR. Goait IWbare plaitseandsi cificsit'5Oos au b.accu. Aconmodatioits. 28 1 Dieniarton, J-i>' 80, 1861. 29-td BARGA S!1 ARGAINS!!' "PEOPLES' OIffAP CASI STOiRE" IIE Proprieter, of this establishmeet hgidotertnined toi dispos~etftthe re- Tmaiudc'r of bis AT j.&BNI SÂCRIFIORýTO, MÂKPeROO X FOR EXTEINSIVB FJOILL 1./pPOR Tl TIOSJS Those iu want of Gpoods will SA&vE MONEY by patronising -Duindes St., Wiiby, Juily 28, ~ ~ iO 181 OLBIGELOW. 'moRoiSN& SAMPSONq B ARRIFi,8TzER",s Atoreycmn Sao Biditors g 0 Ch urcis Street, Toronto, C. W. ANGUS MORRISON. F J. A,$IAbuPsom; FA-RM FOR ýSALEu 5 O ÂCRES, about 42 ciearad, oompmlcig tise unortls es iqarter oi lot Nuo. 81, la tisebc tis :nesâi0âoof fttisle townsIiip off Wiiy comiprise o good frote houae and b-hum; there le a good heuring orcissrd, andsi nerer fiuiie streatu of wsta throuighottne intire lot.- -AFP 1 t A3 Assit-buru.I Or tui WM. MITCHIELL, 29'ti on tisa pronuses. W A.TgoN' .S NEIALQIAKl9NG 1 TfI oui>' complue andi triuimpissut cuire fur. Ehus.ýi2matindausiNeur:à 1gitt vor dlaýcov'eu'd.- strikes et tise âat off-tise disco-e, era4iestes 1h. andI leares usa<traeoeltlit. -Cures alà o,--Geut andi Dyapepu-ia. flac receires tise higiset tous- tisenisaà frein é tisesset sourceà i Neyer faIl., '<Joiste but sane dollar aistittie. - Lustitiu a bet-' hie oflen éeets a çore. Tise grossi. siicioreryý ofet tiaâge. >' 28 A. 1. MATHEWrs. ' BnftiIo5 N. Y. poert Eric, C.W Torontortr' ricî'oa I 501'st ut-:.. . isiti-Osi bï fil.'.ss ' rr. . l5..oitu T171U E VlIIIAN 1) ÃŽE. 1'tiis' r r- isseoply Fifty ri -'u Urrsidutle, Ise qssîssy lîis s.Lssu' 1'1 wss-.ill Thte-'Vemîttia lite tlat tv irs s lI - rrrs , rs.i' iri v:t r iS oru t'oue oitis ous . te-, Th'le 1'estti.nt 'e IVor- wnin r-tit r rî:î!lc1'r, i' -t-ýro Lthsrusfie str e . iis.ssr or r irctii c' ies-' 'lhe Vessîtittit-Dye TieVsetiutn. ye Dors is, smtu x~sirrifrt'a)ro vus tgisey itIitrîel li ssftîsrs afttsau ir ut isest sraicu rc For SaM by alt. ,git.-Pejui, iyb 29 ti i fi " i's , N. Y ., isu-,t Eri,s, C.. nt,' G.. 2i VaeIl.n DyTEL - lIo~isg gs'sste t-suc'rsss'rXrL rrVj' itsrîos, tse 'r" fe HOUSE TO, LET. TIIAT TWO-STOUY FRÂME Ilouse iituate on Dund4si t, cîse door caci off Mr. Wtin. Luiiig'ss, CtC at-d iately occupied b>' Mr. Win. Scott.. Apply to J. HAM FERRY. SW'littsy, Jul>' 17, 1181. 27 1 IAN1NG & USSIIER, pItOVIN<'IAL L'isd Snrveyoze, Civil En- g tiem ud Ld Aeîtss. Office-usext do>t Dr.iusiss§,ieiteSt., Bownî'rsvillss. C. (i lA55!.5>55, b. P. . . 1..B UrsLtttcîs, i" .L.. 1) sicrijîtiujis for lccoetudruswnu uçat Notice te Farmiors and Others. N eIV. fBROWNIsta fuw mure of his com- - ic cpr n Ioesa i gi cltura fok Vib hc owl ip4 of o Resouae T n .'$ W. BadBeaWne Wlitby, Jsi>'y 24, 1881. 28-tf Senior Couty Grammar &liol T FIE Suntmer Tors of tisa above wyul cens- maence (D. V.) on Monday, Assgosst 12. WM. McCABE, 29-2in rulueip1. j WILLLIAJK MANSON, W HOLJAILE snd IB tcï) Deaier lu Britisht lansi Auten Statio)nesý'Godoc4,Wrlt ing, Wrapping and I oomP apors, SesooI B i av,131 lryents, .,manuffacturor off Blank Accont ilBoks, Picture Fronton, e&., &tC, No. 17, Kin Sgtreet West. (lata Moccrc. ,à , il. Armour dC.)Toronto. Toronto, JulySO, 1861. 29 N Titursdoy, 25th off July 861 beleean 0J Wh.tby lousitise Rerd. Ãi. Tkornton' Churcis, a BLMK 8ILK P^ARASt)LP Tise finder by ioaving tieseamne at the Cuwitoi a Office wli b. cuitais>'rowarded. t 1--s' 1 ,