Whitby Chronicle, 15 Aug 1861, p. 3

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te gratillealloas it wosld cf. ens tlowit'sess imlsreturn to [es and #e hlisisat thse luad Si. Louta, Auguisî113, ailrbent on the tsereet, la lauce ii placeel, thàt Geas.~ ma4 i1j. tisSoutIuw,î lbu 610<1 by hue Contadq.iituI mii blAnig kil Wt, and Çen. Il n.teroawiîlu Ilseremisant force. This Inforumaion i l ens rec(elvad by theo saeesul. iuîiiia, ltse ueseg who e kti"aleld fourrisurse# iI mAn Ro1uai in i* uhaste 0 Ocscu iîinemenger,. . thulat Gen, Fremtisit ocela but mghts, about lfllhl,ight, 't Ébuva, but tisecOn#leuts wu) di!taîgea. e ( roiax. tse IiajonunMen boeand iapprebteusiueos arc lndulged' r of our arîuy. ' W, wvlI>' lhthig rllablo u0 thé IfS tiuto or thIi eiltence ut the on its beau igned by pveiu Kuntrotl, including mou ut iding in t1w comussnity.e-. qcmir> tauve aIeu beau id. 11lua Quubrice indU- 'feîit i cil -furwarded 10 anid rve-eteel. If tiisfa eutiou will take place oar. Gazaltl e alutisat 3ouopl 30 yeare, a few days &go, in of Mr. bMoga'sMiIl,< 'or the purpuseofut bathing# e lu swiuss, renînred Itt wu&. drownatl. rf the~ rovt Seotin. IrATrilcit PoiI<T, Âutg.12- ýoi't arived liera ant2,80, igerm. anud $14,000 lu ipeele. ritiiit univcd ut Liverpool ý iso 1st, andtI pauod flue C ý,est pocint, Anticootai u of snss pausosltIÉe ns amettdaid by lise Lords. aîou1tii eLord BElgin'e aX. vanriuun eucrul ofIiudla. I viîry fille for Iarrest won tise Gbodwood stakes; trse was ueeuud. 17y istwetî lEnglaud .And ul lu hinegesclateel. ruar't. eorepoudeut sty ' he Il nnan questionî la near Iaiiîîiii report d lu be tisé tar ltl>fîîtîti.crr'uory,by lise llal*lwayC , ouid 4lae Cht cout,- 4paîtri .4sysa sut seversl e6.~ Aîlcerm inu tue service outhtie a pric-t Irons Romet,'bave tes to flowiunto the ]3Ank of d tu fisse prcent. orraspot1-neuoruthte Lc4uaon, iisli (toverausenl ilu Inl. Otude.nce (wit thlie rlecl si tisaIutnited action mal 'ardi Araprica, by se& aud ai etulficîilai, uow expeeo."5 standing il likcll tb. ear- Comsipromse are agaln galn. jou.lneiAluae speculatbsg ois Amtuaican Loan. - srugydiscuuuteouaucee exprauesititsa satisfactions aekredift tse goveruti.st ormton tIsat gouaonii CI. r> wana bcing takan by Ils. ,4f let rle-1fr.tis Fe ýo iitt(obtlle as on Fuiday I per lbcfO lbo. 25 to 268 k-~ 1iltiusos'oU125 tes 26. white Isur 100 lbo 12 10 te becuen 1riligîry spplied fitrunonirs Seing 0ccsipied la LitIssîiiding the ilyiug ta- attti uruinut 0<1wll-. bu it j ýgeashotrinis for Fl ig78 a SOcta. O Ob9~ hast ix C. Spis eiI 95cl. lîne bec'n palAfOLi ex cars. Chieageo a i, arc dîull ;Isldorà ~" ee'Ssinlg. Sales of C.IO exîtentat $1 12à. tIhe marikets are a slsa $I& 410lu $7 450 for oQli tIra. Whoat e ceiPtO 3) mt a tilade firuner willsfi'. Lid fuir export 4dII4 1 li Milwaue~se Clatub t~ sud 'deatàody411.. flbinancgnce. The Idre bad il& ,rg1ii u ajoiukg bbn, owaed by gr. 1'a&tci& DensI. KENT-M Wb'y, on &tua Ls »àt ?istant. IHani1,'relIt îof ditse toDr. QUI~r4$ 1mt y pu&y moto. Iog , haj 3 mtats,Little Etta, suêcond Éh 1er of Â. Â. Greoen, Daguerrea stged 117 motutbs, AsIlî 1wle at lirnjtrit.of mnli& tMm" licaiaýa As rùa aiy q11wl Jeaaaaisilié ah.Deu 1 111 Aelu FaFefIl - wa reîItIyeiaiiBwelkot Meeid, Jouiii " VP&U Bore Throqt. B 7 s.Brkes =m aéinthe HiornarhA, (.lhletdct J(4,a& 1> lory T a t4tBen~a dFras BaE Th Caa an"d,î Jstrayerr hoisîslow beau befuam th - builic for sairî tho ei'iiuîc, uîal wilorevef iu" l su ee l41iked, saver (ail îîg laia olie istaete tç live p<ramt Mlat reliai wbe. îhneeiy Ueeeiianti wuasu ve lîrver atttlo aeî tsrglacase,a<i eihe a'u~wiere te-Direc. lions Ilsve blevîî prerit' rtiulbîwa, but ait itIe eenîraryr ait are ticiig'ilei wiîluieceli île, ati speaLklis ibe ilaltit laaoru oiâVruti and âMaia'kee . u ThoIe tlteaîîh1tlg ri11ecry Mailons faiéu ain Des.. raf/r, sail eîrlîq t leeslv ef1r wiiels ii Wrecalaval coi l ilia w teîe' lli oUie',.. i ii e iicî iel.lrî. P5Lal aruu euli aae lereie er sitaeast'iri lions, etrifflelil tuî £heîi reklsl.'lteltiîte'el die rnalaîî.Oteleré arcrie itll ani irem Mattediir De¶erd. 'a lsli rtio lot(Ilita t&>eaeery fur tombiier suuta.e mil cae teatif)iug asus le tou eairulàitoeaile.a OeThe çCilal'. APi lfdthistoy f ieltr fkecep tu. i'iel. tauîae ordcr nuaf tees i; confitt, faitiltîlwill lit-wîlhoui il satioruiee rylîi îî ilrlcc-25 ecntm per JioItIe. oU uresa il e drit ee.tu litJTilî'& LMANH Fr Sale lisii Vtt.y Iny G. .A. icta theetJu. MotsIqe , Puilli'osCorsste. IL, Il. iiiu GLOBE JIOWEL, IJlOOKLIKV. T IIE athovo weilki ~iîetî, nd estîiijled Ilîtcl, ti'ti pr4ttlles, jivetto lu prelitsîti isy 4theaisseserIber, iîîîîhdemeire'ai lt timisîîte tiiut ie twîtl ali wîyd hben uit ttil t.> ateîs Jor suiiuiy te'>thte wîît tIof ,làgucetti. Thte 1remlims ea lîte ebtiieîir piyaiîîtecl antid 0 tted 4eisol ilt,)s elirt 't l ibe a tre'd lts t tîc 0or c ie prseeesstt îswll t re toiedoîert Gube bottiulte e. ttette l ay ('lfIlle filelis.. 'i'ia tatiie will lîai wyi h u lid teti lîîttiy f$ÀIetIICIitti lllce 5Ct MICiUt>t £Lle l'illnwiti i eîîlracerl ilit ut lqtortt t, bu liatt ut theo lbar, wotuieueund roteil. bluîîe>sîgollitU1asî1i îtlt<r ieîîpCriOr Wli*ikCy'î Ül oi n>, ltellimtîetGin. lect lratîdmet ut i îllue, Unîd itlît'r lretîthi Mi, rt, Slteî'ry, souciCIa (iovodStaNi îg wi ti ti'ancly theto soiler. ALEIX. MALEXANDER. lIruoklt, Jslty 29, 18,1e.i.U -TUE GREAT 'ICENCILU LIEDY. MAL>AM ttOlNItN'Li 4 i mîînsîVî:>II I. asu il lits itllîcr ilxuem*st o e ltîelliete Weaait, %Vlle tatl littetîter ares teeI leer lIîeîlea. 'leeee'lele reesatti eell"l et aiflrr'dteiex. licai site iaie' astit'eveat a les iddli h w'tes. l lety lm la eeitl lit elS 1lise hpistîsî'ut iCei ls il traies; if prtuloi;eeeao ifcniîe' I ee ceaa' a. o r tise wVtiî te, sje l1~reseti thae i etoiti a el nsi'eîî ertinCartelitîe auiea fouait- filis ali s tstî[lîl ecilittscctstlijtty ilita sîy lieoldtotclie îalituIl)-, 'rsegieee>i lseki(derig the'/t'st itres ,,ttth _ 4 fjotiieurriaee ix e ieitîce). ft le u. eeglî ie , but aitmelr ..rtelo îlîe'lr ast le tritily foiift.. N.i-Utielellear iii'leeceeil îy ati5hceri7,eclAget, wIli cuturejpackae g e'l'it y scIat of tat. leort icrie. C. %V., 13ialit. N. Y, hso cgîititre et>C. citO,41iY foisa tie te i lalwiîr. F'or "le by ait rreqeau )u >rggas. te TUF, GREIÂT ENUÏLIIIII UEMD'Y m111JAMtlI4 OAIiI 13 Oelobrated Fernîîle]?la rj 1119 Wtel i lee'i sîeeliteilete I.Ut) ilîlsttinle b t il mire asiettit> reie'iy l'or itt iili Iliclttiticl h ai reeiieee,'reee st lietlteta svetel- liser aeiel iltltettt':1 l a tee il st re t lî'ei ,i> geisîitîititeset i ees' S ti 1Li ltth' e eîîl,- itttiuit. , 4 Ta Mirrieeî u , ad esi îeiaetîeitl i'yaitud. it iil,Ilil a mitesst tilie, bristt1; 011 ttietttlitly poriod witl eseuiurity. 'I'emo ile "lee loeee cr kttisew,. L tfiti seirs tlit)eire'tîee siteut tISO 1à 'i e Uf o U i ilUtetlire Walliouiee'te. FJor raill îariculîtrsi gel a pasmpheits frc, of the Agetit. N. 1-0 5< se6peteuie ittainsssee sel'e toaUry uiltltsnlyfj'cl Agceît, ewi lueeCnie a lieeeltle c tihe 'i s y traîîrit smttil. Furs' cuitsifsî Whltiev îy (G. A, lIttse.le,, uit Il'i. i. L'oulI~ l. t). Iletliriigfm, tstsrcl i d aill iediiît enîtl-t NEW ADVERTISEDIENTS, t £ NEW~ TufEiopeolel*Io rickt Cllb teof"'e gsae 0 (,,tcketi. a i '_% ï 1I MASm c 11,. KELLER, 1 SIIE IUFr'S SALE TU 11J1 SOLD 11V PUBt1J ici AT TU'IE AUCTION ICOOMUà O Aîîrttt tile leeeiripl t.wcee eltiu leo k, SA.TURAY, the llth instant, l3y ordeittu' severtîl wh'ig tî'~~tiiagtlislt ltu geenala ut 1).i'urd.' One Govered, Double Carriagp ,uui:îs -Tsrec mouIse "ecdlt ups>îî fin AI- pruetod usoaîiecd noe. NE1LSON G. RtEYNOLDS, Wiiby, Aîsg, 10, 1801. S Fowler -and Wells' 3urnals. J'cîeliueteiere, Cttrg'e'eeri , e ieerm. al tîse helers. arc rL.qeauueîec.lbeet a asýzttand sigut Cithu fur telr Juîr'ieêlntI4. TRE LLU,-TiîAfLED AMEIiCAN PIRIENOLOGICAL JOURNAL A»ïDLI'iiUIIE. WATER-OURE JOURNAL A GUIDE TUi IIEAL'rlL tf'e l eîusîîulea coliiîet eittut îît.w 'clîînit tiI si Jîs y, aliti hete lieil g'eitt iei , tI i ow îee ilit unell 24 pi'ue ac uittclîi' , lt.titlc tl. Tfe In* 11 e taleulieu': Sisgie ece1î', ieîîel'elr a'........ ,y lorati t tclidile~l4re> u llacrs foer tell et eile ilt bee -ititqd tu tti extra du, freise Aell i55e.celîtesa ceyees' lue t eah ul ti er a iti tb l3ritisfile r',viîîcees le>uiey ptulges. Saoîiu menet fr'ee, FOWLEJ'I A,%.%DWELLS, icelet llcutdway, Naew Ytrk. Açaesitee situlce eovwliîre tu> <eh eesr peub. ticietuiIlse. $loîîl tsi u r i'îueete ut .i EMPOY'iJN" .AC1'IEINTELII- téeet s leleli leIi, 10ie eI' r ee,0.1lie îeudcle/e>t 4d ituti b> ail %aa reteg cr f],iilý,, lit I0~ ls'eteeetes'ce, Ne' York. Dopartment of Public Worku. N OTI1C E 'lO CONTRACTOIIS. Sve11teiTeters. iadeert',eîeeethe tiiîdcru',e 13,J ai ct Iaelees'l Tegedecatfor tlae mit. L:ti"ai' ('tlule, eiliLebu iveeed ut timi Tuetodey, tiue 27tiî day of Auguset nuit. l'or tehieeSit wo-kîs, ci ]'e'tr Ce'u <ei ll.Ti îîs.lrltiuctinand dullrory ui teoaru eîisof Loctk U.etcaa. Cornwae'll i'eeswl-Tleao tctruc~tion undîc.tde- lisser>ci'tete las e'eiflvuek Guicet. Wgs's'tlliescesrg Cuit.~lociistrution i' ise] di,'ier of utweî leur.. oef'Lieeak Gates. 'aislearm teir ccoei it IeO ee'rkc te>bc ticlît1u Aul lte' teistlriat' l'eie'f-ireisiec by t ha Uteti- trautor tîltl iteierliîe'u'ei i t o oo yitLe, lt, ieceisttut lIeci le. ' Ces'il tic' ilico f lte -'l rîicsdctilieucoriiw:tll Ccnula, wlieree I île tloruiacl!ti c îîîy lic tbtt'lued. 's eilli itu ici cte c eoeriîy 1er lite deco itîlfl- m euit acf Ic uetrlet tui b> lccîote> ucle Tetîdea. T. TiItDEAU, l>hyslologlcal View of Marllage, 'ns> rtt EFA! ~ tiqe te aitisaîoly -li5ce lnts 'hlieiîîts'il- ci' yuces l asi, te Ulcre liicth iigli Saturday nozt, the l7th iflst, - - ~~~~~~~jeal ti'îttieiîui' Ilie Iael i Iei ittgtice ONTtE 1En'lN hlAl LFU. i iltretIitsl ts',s'Yett ssiot :, iitIliiegm, c r'ctive ONVI lE.VIFr, ieselir>, licgee.ste e sefondeL Ltt"uhie, etittcs IVilI boe cljo>atlup«liesît t tise. lise/e, alec., d.c. ti esa tîslilil tertalieu Lsee% s liai it e-14, 'sec' tl Wlitis ut i20seu.Z d scllitececittateeeii egusa'sis0 tv e lietiertecils aece't teJe>ltls i lecir îl, i s'i>VU n.-tn., i5UNIl T .& Y. ticit'li ilc5eîl bu ilit eoediîiiî, aid esvite, arcenaiselite i Icufc'aiseg; dihetu taîest Il i e> s) fuil(tlt lttt te> toitdy Ita7itrei 1,11 bi e lcltil, tltailiîsleeCe, isîccl jsilegas exsiiscueîtal l' les'se eifet'i ' i' leIr, l tow iellersi vt'rit' le sîîtlî helitg ltsi siill . Cetcite St'Iiefl,ý i'lel eliitî'ct'lt' tý 'e Iiarge of YOcUNG %I*LN eiiet are ts'utblitwsilisweak' flIe a ut be itueeI l.s . esiciCti e e ' LitaudOri liti m4,ganit itlly citiseti hsshced lîi t tsIý iàyostls, the lfeîplse etj ! ceire flic sall tl i. Scetle'ti i1serte's cf' e lth caot izie neete, ec 'a rogt- youn tlicseitlurite. a rt'Cse"eiet itS ertig t iti ctrs, wtcac 81 TIIOS. LA~WLElt. liattctcc'etlclt'eletIlt'ts astc- _____________________________ _____thle Il'iii)o't i d tette,Ilaies ofi itiets'> seit Ilel'c1;1 li i tî>I , tees lies c'isir su' lite> ati î"' Brooch Found. S PWlAI1l ' iX l'elcs rl 1)IN ' y)ETWVEN Wiilv si )etseItsIe ' e iets ct e-icleaIL' lii iEA'. NiitS'llct;S cut l v itîea'e iî les a i li tttlt '1ce île',tfic Siti11 lot lsiee t 'i-I 5'ialllîel îl>ell ti anîd ptîerauJpcs si cx au se' aîe's'îesaîîett Ses'~tst aiiti ]*itsit' tt!il lie ('e1tc leitt. 'nsu-e I wi leceeth sîi el, es i 'Cer-lres' ua iii usi% CIIIONICLE OFFICE, tcct .M'eA eciicc"ci e ',VNEW >5SI Whtby Atig. 12, 181. '1Iici'A(IU1, LiEl il ES clait eva&"sil-" ___________ - îîledL u 11a d t> it lvee e tujtue cit'îe' ' 111J, tttd utc pubtill ltt'ie 14 el t>ees ottre ti st l aite au ett n]tt, jâ i- d lty, *Y..111,1 cz îcîe l'tei etteI)Iigueeeicltu SEM ING iiAC 11 1 ir ea, ecii.ie eade se te gruic liea .1 li' W, as a t iL itCitlitOurs' TILE GIiNIINE It ice jî e /cc *ttst 2ileir.1 I"ttt'et î ' I tît.!'tILL$.- Itteicts alto WlltîtfoLor \S îtttiie.'isealeot' îiece'y tel viitielliais bison teaicd W1E eàtc icotseslei sf dettes, itttt 1I seaer thl 0 oetiact I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t uîîi eate;'lcittic, e hai ut f )Ci.ý scte. litU 4I I ecc> essilts, viii lsc l'elles. 'fit et]ie Icie"îier titt siceesce.any lu lbu est M R. GÉE O. YUL E'S, JR., ts.cir'el i,-ltl wLtl- tln i'ie le icctillci iC etl ieitîîke lsntililu Air NE-'IaY 'ORU( 5IîCES. tes 0,&ta s'a, leu eLicCutVl*liwilte es lie"teai Tist'y tille' uiic i'iii s et cte c' ire tm.flit e bai t a cu la'aucesiict1eetytIi[ ciel ci- X, )t)it gli pi s rol'Prle $1 lier'box.'rthe> car cit i niled btati>y e s'ai' Wiie pareunoic lîeLeitesl la es'rCanaîda. oi lt" lcie. lO T'11iE L AID cS- W 1 1t el e adeto Atlusitîscct011OfileYUpllitnC. aicicet tete lessirwitlis negart tes Lalty cfthseita-1 (jL'0tErecclittg. terstiti a t u a'iiich tueuir dulicala or- Si ~AgentI. gaitiz'elit)iît ns'estfcu i l i Ihbte, tire patstieularly luevira tee euiiit[tltt. uaîas'ricsd ladies wcalihca e'iit l r11nul aluit, or C wtîo have tcholofaie iiiaereea.eathoir tsîiniîI1ta, unnsytcsbctîtifiad iialoci ve. 1Il le a perfittsatis c4 "-ps'eîltie'e teecoc'eptioni, alec] becs. heen textc'isis'e- ly usoddîiîig ttiI"l-b20 yoasi'lnc iaîo ta $10. - -- -- ^The Secratu s t Yesuth Uveied. cuittyo Oîalot[TII !%'itie cn Clint titi -'*. lu 'it: 1IA Cosnt set'bk'enat Qisin- ter Sessionis oftheîeal'occc tltisa csuîl 'ut Willt lb culetslit anu er ise Coi'àn 1 t y flt'.)UiIr, ttIlte Court fone, lusnlt Toseta cf Whithby, Tuesday, September the lOth, A. D., 1861, i itwlve 0o'isîuc'l110011of et vich, 411lCorouc'ne, Jnselieee ut' tlie I lecacConstatitest and 811il ullers cipistiuetiwilt take nuticeui 'honiff, C. O. SiseritiofficesnC.Sure willy, Ang., 1861.8 À I'réctiia an t7ieee44e of Preuseturé Decaya,-A t/eé tteid a'eu'ttpiyet##uustd preéceatellcc atvotg é8011024 sSatIu csoé ies faïï itcahitjuatat- at«q cutft7eftate a tinvt eriabty aStide etside- iié, and deveéaptng fte w1wle progrem o/thé dis- ecajram ttée aamitéceét.leut tes (hi ta4 lt wl bdStdent bSp utacu i ecec4t f fao(8) cen$ Àl9"ttetsJuinc aiui, trous 8 o'olock in tbe luuseuluirles9 àt nlglît, andioun Sandaya fmcm 2 t1i115P. un. Metiies wit'h t'ell directions sent te snsu part ufth1e United 8tale anti Caîsedas, b> pa- tients% comtuniciatiltg tliairacyinpt6mc 5> lttler. Biieines correipeudotuce stritti>y confiticutial. igr¶)r. L'slae ii te cl1 loabti as estabtisi- eri, unden theua utausofestDR. LA CROIX, nt Nos. a 1 IMaitic Laite, AlIbany, N. V. go ' e , Tuly 29, 186 1. Iwlll b. hol t topae h âts n uj ty, tisth futo.5th (lsyot'Oa>br .Lesser OS ta T err4tory, for tise ctsdai'i of Bepteisber next -for te section Suth eotisa uive Ol*awahMtile 1rosi m Otlàatho viii~~ ofObre owumhiip ot latrls.qho < p r on t.' ç at uo exe. ý ""icl aver ueko ka susd Bloiec ivetro, et thlî *- iflu liue toTorontos,,on the.2ad dà y eWtber Init. t. Laz1cer Se. Zawrmieé Té7ritare, et thei Crolvu Ttsinber Otho, Trois lirtolei, on the t21td day ot' letober'sisxt. f Bie edul s4iupg 2I'mry~, e 1WcwCarlisle, oseftthe 7tla alty' estptitile e axt, icîtîlit Cruâie P'ointt. unieuthuitl îty of Septaitilii'r iîtsxt. (ihauiere aned .l0desuesî&tiaTn'e t thie (Crs'wa Timrni lice, Riviore di lýonp traitcr ville, on the 171.11 day of sepie, uir ext. lut. Tieo is tutîboir osttinstteol grcs, mtue orlesl Wbu pûttlit tPublte -Aucticîa, lotsuais -ont,,tA iiy bu ille îsrioalbylthe> Deliîrtlit uff'rôwisî ltîds. Tisa lierrtlis tlmi tjtitlgedt o titisptirty bid, dti'q Is tien ibait ainuielet ut' louans. 'ri kte um id ti.o Itret ieeii.eu's frient, t,. ho putlinînattdluaty lifter the Ik-rthisa djuelgad in aueh ccaae. 'esee. Pt'ies te wloîn Bsertha tresdjuldeld te baunt titue czpe of 9truilJil4g tie liaîetiOiIr founslleeetayieccoreltîjc ttis itsttitioli" tu teitisuad by the. Depcarnîuît of Cre>Wn Lanîds, 8s'd. Lîcenuâ to lesifue tel tihuec'cs et- s îstitors, ,wiîbia 0uti, uotittttfs'onîtts day oft suie.- " 'all. iuat tiior I'esfetcas tm iet'st e lc:b- jeet 1ttooth e itti ultîise, wilsii ThoItes'teici ohé rffered fteesaeles cuti eo ns- certitlltel uontendl letileT'lW liNT'L'li li ruit- Iueîu, ut Ille lcii'Ctr ruevu Tuiser VUilc. ASNDIZEV RUSSELL., AscllisI.Coinî. of CruesssLanîds. Quelice, Aîîgnst lu, Iýfl. siI PL1EABURE EXCURSION Nqiagcaaafls. A ' 1i. )u cets'l.s s )cli îte te>unî îietu lieI-po pie. t'f 0::jWHITBY AND OSHAWA, entaI lie lutte ii ut truitcîelet fsaiti oetîr- blufl 10 tîue itîS, utc Satturday, August l7th, 1861, Ailec eeagied fo-<ea Ietripe, tise eltuatt r "M A 1L E LjA F, 51 Wliti i diituee Ijeisitt U. ,; il,e', ted %%t'Iittey ut 6.W0, i. tll. asree'ihjit tNitgre iiuît iii a. 'le. sems 'tilt eeatp'i-cil]ts'uit lit rouei- liemss lIserel'1 te i ie'l'tofte lîs> ieu tc u cit- 'es lit th s'teiîtu te iisIleietl'itiiitg wiit louve tise Fall»e ut 7.30 1). îîs., ttxtîc aui'rdiiîg futty u pint lparir u issigiebauifni Sec- tîes'y lzîtlîin tiirho l, itilr a isttug11 tise itsseginleeu Fist eefaiLt' iai,,one oestlieu gruusidoset ,woîtoerà ofsthébwortd. '1v' liet arrangemnîît ayé beu uiside wiîh SIG-NOlTFARIINI To iv oau lit,* clebrtiteltIlit ruo ep'eor tluc, du 'n esg wioiieisowilcross.t letaNitsge- ru e i s, eameucoest'fte exosiriteisls. LýrThe)m wili bo a tfimt-luws e li nd, tttd GURRAN'8 t..UAIDIILLE BiANDP (l> boîard tl is lesmaor, .pedislty elîgegat for t' tc] te> Whitby aud (Splitswa, and tIi sîîber ofeef'tketee will bacsos'niultneiy LIMl'I'Ei>, aies Gas sit Who cecd SOi0 lis tt; a'llialse Iecaritssç ix. earoluiiets-frouis1uIt the lueoussaiucest eeud d's- counf'ortcf er c e'dod iBout. Ailtlte itciS llîctts wil habc xps'ssslyirosarecel l'or tlisce sel' Lo ues aise sîldrcsî. Applituion. aticutit tis tI'elo ut ocucu.1 TICKeT6S for tisa axeur ious$2 f52 lts. fer iîtdyuîîdgsnt. Sinîgle Tickets $1 e2*Sts,, lu tic hli; ahetellorscof àMousrs. Gileieeu & Yus'sild, Oiwe &I'ewcii. T. 7H. Nlmilluall, Nir tLegLs tened M#.Yulse andiC litae 7&,one'Oa (p'ce, at5tt Bl!ac'sllitel, ¶cc'ittly. At 5)alsioeaeeLut flic mtores. of Ms'. llIc, autel Mrs. 'W. J. sittîtîamiee .elc Isu'e Naiiîtl'ee, L>U%%iuotg'c 'îîîd Wosle' 1 lîrîtesia. At lreselit ui t rta e tieo 'f r. IL. lVe'es'seist,seil ut ~5aus an d asc] eLuaiôI le>- !'TheIsa uetsaici.rsa, lii t ilruii te lletteisiaelll' ithis 112-4 dei, ueelelcrsîsiîîedl les elee iri, b tit etit X lieetee&J ie'e irfct arl tilic liese leu tel,.s'icis enîsd 'tilI scettuttI ceI'>Ur s'ugliglîeiltiti adetuhorentier tiî trip lloe4ait 1Augeiet 2, 151t. TIIOMAS LA tLEII.1 'l'O TI[-E FALLS. IVAIr FOR TIIE ON TUE l7th INST. AuJ eîtj4>y a ouitiortabeatrip. k relia WRITBY & OSHAWVA ONLY (ISiNIBUSSS iti Se lna tttanee t Srtlî tisc s i v arsîees' Yjim'îE Qor IAIE lu lIeu JltI. THOfMAS LAWLER. Asigsiset , 1M6. Auction Business. T IItE uieraigtsed Segs teesacquainîsi eefianels anîd tisepuii he, tutIiseit tbs ttekec esatid eatece foJess'lia mbt y'tof Oeilanis, amiellteat Ile s ters'îzteeî'd to neascecl acîloîm temuils îîy paert cf lIse toeismt . lita ilueivisiclatttianis eit i velai10 lte bsiltess, aindl roneitta.,large kieaw" lecîge ufthlie Comiîty lite flttlessItiitseei thaliîtle Caî do as ecel tes aitlien l'es'titise sequisisîg itia meanleas. :;O"'llia icok andsiclst tof c'aggcnîaîsarani lait at ile>cliiE<INIsjLEI, miic, u liacl, wcei'e eecery linformecîat ai e Le cta id icaerrctcgc sîlis, aîidtel lnss ult ae aeîiae tias vlias wsiih liiiistellserseiltlir. J. C. STERLING, Auctionean. Greeîiatcsît, Auquel 7, 1811. 1 CL , Gzi±s. wm: Tlusipiën. Michael M/Beau ... Thoê aBlrOlsei. j aies Bou rgeois. A, Dbr . A ort c V ti atl,.. Thuru Wake&ied ..... Northtitd ..........~i Clmroadn ............C Atse. .........a ilw........... John Foîtun. S ...jherbrooke............ J. T. L.b.....e.............. CCI C~AOWN6IUP& ' Acres at Ilarrington, Monstealm, Arusuael, DcSatabry ............,c. ...... ................e.. ....13,5000 Pourtbîud, berry, Viltseuyas, Bo3wmtiu, Tnstim ,.usl f'l.......~... GOOe a41Qcw Wsltk...... 8011 (hectr.......... ..... 4 - mielon eîtudC... ......................... Ij 800 Cagot, Ciicutucliu tuerr'ero'eJannuero Miss. Truublsy, Clinii voix, bitbtbuai e ,amc rrCarons, big=sa, Bluad, 100000- 92000 110000 185000 0000 180000> 12000 120000 des Amonal 80 cente. 60 cents,. do do do ou. do' 60cota do do SD cents. do do doceuc do do 20dotà do C LOtNTIES. .'he Xorth of the Montcalm.,. ..... JOIIOt» niud IBortîtder............. rn.MrIha tuacnolu..... -Comtty o<n~s:s ' N ilatturiiuy, thes istht isti, ot 12 t,'lock ilooll, m'i Lesolti hy 1'uhhië Aucetion, at niîy v office, lisflieCouant lIeuse, lus tti 'ucrvi uf wliîti'. flic rs'glsc, tille anti inter- calt w1leh tte îîtiderisitnîiotcd ttefcnaii sess'aly ecsKsss it Il ie lleriseulioued lautti ttteh .1tcieiîts tiOtcoi, eiti'tettt v meuider Xid le> elîttac of ecentsth 'aSciteof liFaas;e t le> , tisse iee, cix: 11 li ie Cusîti> Curt, Johsn Cratger, PiflittiV', 'a.%ielsaui"le:nsray atnt W e' llitscltjrYe lJe'tdwesti. "rThe eesi ;70ttcrc's cf so titîll ut'fflot Nu. 16 in 6ti Cou. of Scott. Iu theîouîrtl(cf Qîteeulr i'e fLeuli Tiioiw ixtolitîshicsrcIxtusspkiitls e'e. ste'plisu 4'. llety, l)et',cnc]ist. The titeetie'idedJettlt of lot No. 9 intttua iti cuti, cOf Seugtsg. 0.1to are cf landt, lu ie hens muronsr leiî, biypatrt ut thaeuîas'tapart ut' lot No. i20, lu lthe li sou, cfthe ownslhip esf lieciti,oss ii elî lSt.s' 51li s erccteti. Aie on-- ucre Me tland bsflie eausse racte on teas, bc- li pteitflie i4oeill 1etîs't 'ol'lot No. 21, lu ths NLPLSO'dN (;- LX'SOLDS, Shierii', C. O. Shic'iff'e Oficoper C. Nuurse. t1S Dees etiut iL i uesetsu'ared ib> 1 8s4ite s ine , t t t u iila it ) l a einc a -il ai e h give penl'el Satisefation. TUE VENETIAN DYE. Tes theles itstitli is the î'lc. lis lenie. le uty, F gt Cti, Ljctîc tt ottlùecusitaind dori5t4 tIse quîsctiiy cfd elacoîltained iibtose uXucifIYt eoîd f'or uns dollarîn The Vsaueti.sn Dva li lthe aftist coiiipsiliOr Of ils chas. Ibis wnr rtutchlefot to itajsîs'u tis auin, onrlthe scalp, tut tha sightca.t dcgree.' Tha e allan Dys Wos'kcs 'ith. recJiaity and! oçrltatiity. If asia no unoyaece O unbl e t l lose cYbo use if. The Vaneliau Iiye Producait an3,1shadIe Itaaut u1is> e testris4-ond Ihat iyiil et ue, tcrock, non 'aseh ouI; olt tsaI is lacporuieelu w§ttîis Itairisoît. D-es iot, iià tan> uiinltriti'taer wili thé natusnuft iseis i etthiM ; it nihurrsoreused mur dit-à il. The Venetlan Dyo le lise besi, tei'hispcet, ecafCsl, stcOul i cit iaoe ccea<uend tîete'ua>sDyets r >Tise Venhian Dye litnggiuti e tu xtonti rîstaiu ta pubilie £iarciéais'uicsuisd igainiStti rcsasiisg Gny preparetiluthie surass etytfesiutilr Chliesor diff'isntnîitasue, as thc n mre imitation, udi liabie lu doiasjuy. A. L MATIIEWS, 28 Buffalo, 'N. V., assd Fort Erie, C.- W; 8lauho~iEisrbru~oRlelimo#'nd d aits l'Mrt utof sbea........ l'ait ùt Wol' u Csuti...... 1111S. JucepisBeauce., ... 1 Parlt' Megaîshl................ li ýtRlzie .ILatubton, tise St. Franco] tac............... Audrew RUcus......Fraupton .............. Dorhester, sund part u'Biuc.... S. V. tanne. Vre. Tetu........ JO*. Jolivet_. Stanislaum Drapeau,. 11t. Chartas, River oya. .. St. Tinu...... st1 Geisng......... st. Jaa PortJl . Viollet sud Elgulud..,...... F.De ais.,..........S&e. Auna la Pocatiere... Kuuionirks, t.. G<4uvnetiu...Iole Verte.......... Ttaiscoîîatü Bj. I.Lopugou.... Ilitnutiki, ...... Riýusiki........ J. A. ..L ...... John Lieu....... Xloir Carluia ....... ... Gastea Il-tin ............ Pricas of Lands range frein 20 f0 60 cents petr acre. Thera are fve tInc Grant Roads lu teowar Canada. The Elgin Road, in the County ut 'lslaÇ-about 35 muiles long, from St. Jean Port Joly te tise Provinscial Unes.. Rasidant Agent S. DItÂEEÀtT, Esq., af bf. Pott Joly. The Metane andI Cap Chah, Agenh, J. B. LEI'AON, Esq., Rimouski The 'lache Road, frous Bucklnnd, in the County of Balachasse, les Kempt Rond, lRin iesurski, abiouth0 ieAet .Eqa t enPr oy The Matpedia Rond, from bMatis te stigouch»e Agent, J. B. LEt'ÂGtP, EqRuuîk.20mls gnS IÀ', Esq., etit.mousPotki.y The Temiecotînta Road, frotu River du Loup ha Lac Temiscouata, Agent, L. N. GttivuoÀu, Esq., Isle Verte. Iu under tes facilii.ate thee settteuucnt o1 thase parts ut Canada, the government tas authorizeal Freea Orants of' LandI niong tfissaronds, nof exccadiug, las aciscase, 100 acres, and obliinable upon tihe tollowing conditions, lit-Irtnthue Seîhiar bu 18 yeaas ot age. 2nd-Tisat lise take possession ùut he ]and allotad tes hins wifhiu one monfli. llrc-Thutt ho putlula aa state ot cîslivation 12 scres iu the ceairseo futrat'yearu.C4 4th-That lise build a log'tiouse, 20 by 18 tueansd residu on the lot util tise toregein" conditions are tuifilled. Faiîuities inny rasida on a tsingle lot, andtei several mambere bastIng land allottad Io deîn wili bce xemtup froni building anti residance on cadi individuuîl lot. The nou'tîiltimcnt out hhse conditions will danse 1theiunmadiute toiseufth1e land, whistli scili bi s oldl orgie'en lu cuiothaîr. rThese ronds haviug becu niade ut tisa expanse et-the Goevruîîac'nt, the aicîtler le biîtd tes ktop Ithi in a good condibioni of repaire. iThe Landst thus openset up, andi grataitoussly offarad by tise Uvern-uuct for seeument, are clîiatty ot excetteust quàl>ty, and iwclt adapteti asrespect estsoil sud cii- mate, to atl the purpos est'fîsusbandry, F'or informxatiou us tesltae basf roulas sud cheapest rates of conveyance,, b uuy of the aboya Districts, application shlasntbc madti stisendarmantlonad Agents. QUFBEC..... MONTREAL Crown Land tIepartmeni, Quabcc, Mfay 7,18. ONTARIO BAN. 'Ki N tTICE18IItEltEtY GIVEN TUÂT lIT ittisurity of lthe Aed 24 Vie., chlai, 05 Putîsed l aut cecs.l oan t'îiaîîîcinut, andtintîtsdâ e.Ailtt u d leoessescetiais rsaternOFt liiOtino Blik9the lscPresitint and Dirctore oftthte lut- içîllutiesîs liasse rasesl t iseua One iltion Pesions oul' îtcw stuci. dle'idLd litho 'r't'eusty- fisse 'T'ltiau iSîires. uf Fort> Dîstisensi Reset, sssiiclt shiares siîull lice alloîteti pra rateaîeniu>g such reeritons OamIna y hSteias'cicolders ofthlitBauti sels the Toîîcieadiy setSe plesîitir nc>I iîsisiîg* tisit Ste4e lte)iceN-111 'tbc ojeeneelnt thIe ilcuel <oice', atttdls neiclo sISîs'ueuroultv, i)eietie'a, 1'remceitt andsetAtxaseriet, ifor sîttre- isuldeers4 ide1, and 1m alt iStec'k Booklse 'ilI reelisen oen frcus te Teustie ut Sepatetier to tlite TetîttaoutOctubern nexî inclusive, and liiet i case of'stlch sisaralideor un uoft lin rs'- 1 eecuig tuo suhiecniba on uegluetisg tes acept lte escerae uho Ich lhey îusy bc eripetvaly rîsti- ttiri'tiith.e pcntud aboya intonethIlon sîcis eaue goaie tfliied un naolti hoteSau ti- eeul lbWu sld thlisa liun epauic îî s'tock, bu Ihoelaros ho t a soiti lasettan pan, tend au> profit moernt'ruî iuehicia shah bai coutitett tes ltae reaervo tunti of lise Bank. 77&e said ssew issue of Stock wiU bcs payae as foUpo, to wit:. Tise fritinottulnienl utIo0lper ceuntse hetinte ut snhscnititg. Thot mceootd tuctalîfint ut'10 leer cent. ontii heC ut Jîsune, 1812. 'nue ttîrinât Itneuiit't'l10 pet' coul. on tiei1 tI of Docc'uthan1 1802. Thecoturlt inelutruisut ut 10 per coul. on lte tst tsf Juie, 1868. Theo fiChaiius.tlmeutt'f10> por cent, ou the lut tcf t)c'ecauibcr, 1863. enle ixtil iec,te'ntciit ut' 10 pier ceint. on the tait ofJuea, 18e64. The swea' tlle sailnet of la pern cane, un thse bLtuf De'stbs,18614. Te eiehtl it t'iîesut ut 10 per ce nt. on the ltst' Jil nsea, 5885. Tise iîfth lgtîîlinesît of 10 lper cat tslita lst csf Deceîiber, 1 S65. Thtent eiiuealiiîout of 110 per ccitnt. u Ie liet cfdetîee, 1866. BY orde fthîe ]Boardl, D. }FISHeIERC asîer. B inarcellle, Asîg. 5, 18611. iii EARVfS'2 IIVPLE1VETS! -AT- 1 cmL LA N'S' Coinsiaîîîiig uf Patent ileel anti cotnsoîs SCYTHES, SNAITHS, Grases 2ncGrin S cythes, Cradtce, Forkes lcfake, ilas'set Milles, (alotees, &c.." FRESH GROCERIES 8p> t f; ee-»E WANTED! -MclLLAN'S 1 MMEDIATELY 2 mceteart cite 'sceec %Ie ce,o arcs'e.iiilet ilsetl'iicg tle pli ti i;i, lie>,t; tir ttdvudit hatve beau Stiieai it tel ' o[qvert- w lia tlia prseltt chies 8a lnst-rate- Aplell iiîeesediLael>', eitlua partottali> on c>y leitan to J. LUMLEY, Pa'ters, Or Maeîacn'ila i'ls'ulomit1P. ' FARM FOR SALE. FOlt SALE, LOT No. 52, Inti LANGE, F flukeu Irotat, PICKCERING, Oz: CONTAINING .80 ACRES, Ot' wiih 10arec stden calivabion. Theo e ia trai-rut it usîcdausizad Rotil to the sesI aida cf tho Lot wîsieb tesiluateti 16 mils tru's Tenue- ce on ltc Kinclon IRoud. r.' Tiseo Port Utnion Stationi on bise Grand Triuk tailiwaw i le one,10atidta-hu it' m 'rom lise Lo>t. For punîicutanc upply te JOHIN C. W ESLEY, Oaa the prnstece Or le JlYHN LETS, Barni-iter,Trntos. Juty 24, 1881. 29 0 fi ti u T fr Ji OUD HAIi9BURt;H CHEESiE Me --AT- McMIL L AN'S. Choie, Liquors and Wines M l 1 -AT- MM ILL A N'S. STAPJJE DRY GOODS -.&T- M c M1L LA N'S. _%FO0R-S A L E V l'AIR otunat etiPoules (blsek).Teni. I 12 menthe caliaapoeiont itle, intereet if not ulsid wlu due. EG. I. DARTNEL14 to-t Wisitby. AT A GREAT SACRIFICE TO MAKE ROOM FOR EXTENSIVE FJOI-L .PPRT11J? Those in want of 0Goodut will SiÀvti MO-NEY by patronlisinag 66TUE PEOPLE9S CIIEAP CASHI STORE-99 ...................A. C. BUCHIANAN, Chiot Emnignation Agent. ...... ......C . E BELLE, Crown liimbes' Agent. J. Bl. DALEY, Emigratiesu Agent P. M. VANKOIJGINET, - ET LEÂRPI WILL FOR ONE MONTII SELL GOCÏDS A ?I à iqD r4 ,l, 1D MC Oi i. 0 ?4I IN ORDER TO MAKE A CLEARANCE 0F THEIR LARGE STOCK PRIOR TO RECEIl NG TIIEIR If -you wish to realize what bargains in DRY GOODS ARE; as we will positively seil goods lower than they have ever boforo been sold i the Oounty. ILOWES &POWELL., PUBLIC NOTICE. N OTICE le; hercby givc lu alit partiee'iîstcn ccte t t lie itiflinieil-ipusl icîlt c the UîtitedTi sesthipe 0of Mnu rantiRalina, intenai 10 aise y-lss'5tr Istatiug ant i cltbuiisg lte foliossiig ysaets lit bite aftsneseid Unitedl elovli la-inIcocondeace eilt ise Stitnte 22 Vie. Capý b4, $ce. 321, via t A noati front Lot No. 21 luiiîe 715 con. Mua, counîenoiîsg un te inis boeisis iota 21 is thsas7tis; andi lot 21 lu lte Slacol. aaut ltae iida part,1 ltcu~ Iliîs'csoliia ite ee>i-I oflot21 luntte Iltcois. 10 nceetis t'est curter of sii soin h h iulft tîîce îîlosîg the lineeiv aessn ltai norts huti>ot caiel loi, andtlit îorth hlai of ltINu. 22, aui in the ccîîo>ykîtessîn as tisa Niue Mtle' or Meut> P'oinît Moit. Allio a nondthnotugh theafrnt cou. Rinusa, bacig a coutl) instth iaï utreîady e.- talistted, eotunlaeeilsg ut, Lot No. 24, andterbo- îîinutissg l itNoi I. 461, insaiti1lrent couceasion of llaîisa,,nItiesacttbranois O1 the Sssvcrîî By ' dercrth DENNIS O'BRIEN, fars sud Ram u nsspCtrc Jîsi> là, 181>1. 28 flaÎeslftrmtIbispromises ut' the assscritier 0 Lt N. 4, ndCon.- Most Wlily about lots days agu a yunug 110W abota 'a.-. =oid, wisite colon, long luit, in. t4âsidoundttic,n sdj had, pige tison bcingWei'ued. Anyi pereson givtssg hsnialiou tu iend teshan Veaeoy wil* leiaauttcbly roardeti, .Saspecled luebeis cma- era un tiese tte Ltue, betwean Whttby< anti Ohsa - -'CWILLIAM 1WIUTEC Onthe-,pratusc 30 ~ ~ ~ '" C r i t e ,m e W fh e SecioholOf 18 0ABiIOLL'8S chool wIeepns~ 1861. tiaSinsa jelty, Monda> S81,t.2nd, Dundas St., Whitbi', Jat> 23, 181.1 MIORRISON d& SAMPS ON BARRISTERS Abtrnucys, Solieiturs &c t)lsFICE-',acelcnîs A.Sietî'uc lldn Chureti Stree,Tononho, O. W. ANGUS MORRSON. l' J à8AatPSOM. Toronto, Juiy 20, 1861. . 28 FARM F011 SALE. ao ACRES, about 42 claiaet, derlipris.iiutgthe t)nortit sut, qnartcr ou tut No. SI, is the lith caiiccssion est flue howisthp ut Wlsitb>e.; .Theuo iâteutthe be»l qtsittes baileding,; ",,'i0caa gsoi ame besaceand br, tisane 1c agot saaing l b19oncitrd, anti a nis .'on tiliug sîtuiM ofst'wstebiroutot hesh tisaaIe lot. E<;BT. BRASI Or bte WM. MITCHELL, O'na lie prenlsest. 29-hi Sti Wîsiloi, Wtasow........................... .rags0 n Tîtoor ................ ....... Cru hnn,'nepoBuckta, DusIou o..... !Jostmegu.y Asborhîslt andc, latos.... ........ . 1'~îtiîtrAsîtûdGunitau CecgatiLalonluine, Diotnie, Arago, a rnd Rote................... uttpMi, WuOduînidgO, l>uiuciuutd, Park; ]3utagay, Chaubot, ......înît<e> ...... ,.................. .... .... ......... Witetl.Viger, Poserea, Deusoue'ita, Boigon, t1ccit..î. .... tIqcXle tîcaîsa Ne, Naitçette,caSbol, Fleri-Ietl, Mitneidrn:matancn A1ugmsenitatein, St. Deise, Cap Cittt, ltcînieu lYAtAitcrt Chearbourg MtatlatrliJlac'îiotetiMîItîsNose'ti'Carletosi, li, Niewi Nc'wupr eco, 'stsMalbeiiu, Douglast, York, Sculi taspe Bay, Northt <laspe wnet. Mir. $vdutiseem .. ...... . JOEL BIGELOW. W&TSON's NIUIALGIA KING 1 TRE Ouly Comptiete cidtrinmphattuhcura ton PcistsmatianentidNeus'olgia CCd' diseoycreid. Sînilcos-ettha 'Sent dot'ys ilseame, "cnaiieeil. aci ilaaesnu tnace t»ihti. Cnnoa t]o"'-'s.c uud J)ycpap-ic. g .a- evdtiebgsc c. timoeimabss tous tise higlregatdoreâl, ieetls Comta l'ut oesdoslar a bôtItihe miliàh s bof- dje otten etiecte n cane. Tise grealtidi'eesvry es th1e age. Prepanctib> A. T.MM'UEWvS. 28 Buffalo, N. Y. Font Erie, C. W. c'" C-CC-Ci c'LetC'. CC~C»~'ecLIJCCQV d~C"ii0te5 lutta, "-aL tW11ltyo" -maw ies frohs3 , ', .:ity of Torno. 'TIsera ths gadd btldWgg , iiiimei, ansi a newietoluadwetllng house ow id couresorstectiolu. l'osAhebicu segiv 'Ou-te o ttîa Is ew cler. lNullebu'gpa ri- aueod farinierab isesi ppi>.' stoec flfr,' tuantis.eau bu ha' saIftit avatînua$ ,tpoleIlvé montWs edit. Application h>etsu êtôiie S3tonffsilie, Augut Und, 1861, WILLLIAM MANSON, W HOLILSALE aisdl tait Dealier lu 3rtIsl sud Ainarcn 1atiu lurpeicun ansi euns er iSeheoL Mokliîilfaei"uar,& Iurs,Scfttl.re &aun.onn7,Kii tre t e*Pictllr lrues, 5k; dA. NLro. 1 &, Kizsg StrtWa(talcMrea Toronsto, Jiuyz0, 1861. i O N"' Tlisîseada, I Cobitu jul8, B*kcpý4 l'eh.tby ;uud2tt io ed: .Touig' . SIK ~LK PUSL Tise flsder,»s lsîeugitosains -ut ltaisCssaoi- CL£I Offic wsiI biusaltuy reriurdati. HROUSE TO LEfl5. ORy FRa X" 'ause1 itutiup n .Duudi t., Sote or ue l'lr. bWns. Itau', C a l ac'youpi db>MIfW .Apptyl oC J. IIAM PERRY. Wbitby, Juty 11', 1861.2' IIANMING & lUSSIfllfl '0%11OVNCIAL ltnd Sus'eseusc, Civil Eu- Lgieerse and Laied Agut;. Jlie-nezt atour lu Dr. ileid'i§, ClînreS St'., BOWtthiuea. C. G. t1 Âxe-vLx f', t.. L.. s. IL R. TJe.tra, aP. L.. te- Dwecntiues fur Jieuee drawn rip st Shos't notic, 25-gn Notice te Parmers andO0thers. ~'W. ]BI' 0IiN lita nftwismureof hie cesun tAliued Iloapere and Mesworà u t i Ag- eu 'unl Wors'ktjWluthywhich liswiUldispue. ot tsil lieusesnaýic Ter -me, -Cuit àihLaxausIisé N. W. IBON. Wtîittly, Juiy, 24, 1861. 28-tf Parm to Ràùt£ rnut ton a tlaîni u aa, tisat wcl known fsn, butoigitig ,ts i Rihard Cotlse Lot No. 1. t3sokon Ircuit, t'tekseriug, bciw hetBîae- Uean uîî teuritle toIu ws' tilby. A~~rtspîtiî outtenapceed Nnobuli > urin'ser o ued ajepi>. "" ARE pripea Degho ucgnIis t CUt.îLislcst, u0rpo r- pno proPé- ius ie vl e$bcxaud tetiIste lias hasts 'or F"orisit oApliccation uied aller tston- Mascirr, C. A. A. 'tinln <t.', nean Jutiet ftl On touue>io JiIIIN AG.NEW, Esq., Wtia ttlibae e ppotiîlcd Vulîîa&tun l'or lte, A.suatio ttt %V IiWttby. 29-tf Sheriff's Salo of Lands. South 'fthe lRive r St. Lawrence. Bontavensture,....................... Guepe ............................. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!!e "PEOPLES' CIIE-AP CASII STORL." H1E Proprietor of this establishment has deherminud 10 dispose est tiset'a. Tmainder of iss 1% 1 1 - .1

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