2211201M thts Payi publie uim Urd *à , 16imile M'i e Baia hey THE NOMINATION. a Mêê8to ' h IIi'clo was iteeped tg the-lips in, ý,rj Aï tùe it, lu,à n illisillt, te 'imwans foi it- riiption, and aftà -i*ardo ,i=idround Woods himself - - -1 4 1, , - r&IýLewaIIbed -him, and - SHOW OP HANDS IN. aWeo, op,ý,Ëgo,ý 7 -S. D. Cmwforde M. D. oes and ý May' 1 POSTUASTER GÉeëà L lule ýà «a IL se Bà rbâd la 0 For Sale or te riet- (Ijoud expressiona.ot ai ro4uv4l file , en no. Governnient To 0f Orutou 2 500 TO 3,000 ports"f tien by Population; an là iLh t the h 0-ý-tbè' ' IL Caution-Géo. walters. t1IaIý Lknoir ibat li woul t have down the' ý mail-baga, nn4ý >,ý ent; m coalition govemme i*énty.fo*ïË" F and,, 'w a -,fuu- sitior m., dia Re 1 liséd 11 Stovis-A. Ab&1wýMtim1br ýTM#týD1'ds1W- took- =r1WMWfflý 0 il bc (Flint) 'woùId'ýo for, hi - f en ro PISCÇ ait Peterboropà h on Saturday last. Inembèrs, ris, ne ricultural Fui-naces-A. 1ÀogAu«ý, eý»îïa ,ûr âh 01"1iït îwu, d,,-ýsLdd se thstt "ïgawié01lfiwýï the- - Tho tain pourei were untible to settle the Clerzy Ruerves But then, Le M!jO&,,U pay Shoriff Sale of lnnds-N. Gý Re oldi im contiguotisly until qu t of ý,w ponjy6ilig i'wedý,ie 10 jjmjý,lOw8: to- loyal meih'..aud--Voted q, nd w ka rai viýhtfrq., ý.$ra Ing payment for loues i 'te. wit of the close of the proceed" demanded by the -nîIanjiýý6 vý 1 1 Morq , il thïr Cash for Wheat-T, P. Whi all, býe ipe éi.ý jng 0 r cleared Can , e cru ont' wgmld 'Ingé en the wegth# up; bat, of Upper ada. ý It was, ha, ;aïd the> e, ýOsî Of4ces é ïg Il rebellions practicoo. Chancory J, wilsofil , --k .1-1. ', et, a "Th' m (Crýq4 ces i ongaverument , çj qf an alîl tIýýeà tb no us e go OD n iillut -in ïà d, ithae-».a Globe fi 11 'or- tÉ* >- -f th lïiiateà - at from 2,506 -te 3,'o bbné ôÉ " î-n j 1 ught ; 42, Piýyin" girl est Conte tî'Wbéi;rýý and trap lý') fi te e ort ing L 4ç , erp j» h 4)1 %iniii fi, a mereggi-n a-. a îôtz fbr, Dr.; ,nservAtives, te Cà -Affer thlit the ne P0r&ýP!ýatt141dUâ' ér' 9 i r éd* njà inin chinst, a farmer,, à lntâbarer, and the pbor andg,,id that Dr-.'N 1 was in il drenchin, je Most manfùlly In théir zoal toaýfan was to foritu agoveynmont for, the, good Of thfit the time was the t glu X; "_ !jend, and tkatý;whFýn Imdied at tbý 1, No %v1.9, l'IIE TVVE THE th, miéjýeiOfîho ii thî ýWc'COuiù y a ting that bc C rivi , , . , . J, suclu a government e ' Oven bc Pùt upoâ 'fi fOInbgtbne, 'D'Octor VoIed invarlably.,,,tbgethi 'leke of, 4proo, na iode.' rhmenti ýf the d d tfie4ý5C ripi1, ' aý1 Waa theSOVQ - Keéent -.y;.- 900 rendons whjr bc, pen un to te, uge were ( béêre.).. Th Oà u_ýw ', i,: ý ý , ý ', ', ý ýriiéno' - P: toi iý,. glid th zoffloq a' t'élce ' , "*.Tbeiiýti OZM(Mil.Fluc 411ë _,ercet. e goyernmont.of Canada,ýfor Ihpiil-dbe gupportedi and'good 1111(iroýlýès iiie-bay of and so ruuchto,,etlier were;rtbey t ce, fronti'g býiug à cç4lfti" ai corruptithan Mr. Billa Flint aboula flot. Hal got the LARGES11lý'CiReux.we edinýthë ope-q Çpa a the on) w no more 'à tnés 01 Yi Billa. Illut, ght bc, takeià , for thel Si th pverlnuiléiit Of'-Eà gIâpd-ý' Thiers. were Léýia *oie amièreraised Platform. g, bat TION of nuy country ýW" glYen for eýjw er Ur.'Glaà to'ùe'in -the min at (Qýreat lac, fr,.ý'Ffint was il the the last election ' N 1 Il (UproAriotis.laughtor,).',. Tho main go' tain.'in, t'aboi' that brought forth Poiting" , Tai - ni ana te the riPor4rý1 ýfc- Q thât th à .cýeised- ëit,-tb wlers the sins of the corrapt ýfiiiis&y of and a very BMçý11, flint' same Cabinet, and' lécsý>je jheï ýe!ýWOuId would bc i t rinith_ (tond the prose!nt'(Iay, and, so long. aý;, heý 4ad or it;bé, Bâil 0 governmiýi oè,Ê4&lani forSiginq S' ait tbat. (1 U__LAiý, roN, 77 no ne , , P m adi n wilà provideà who wu lý CIRC ôd, o 'therofore corrupt.1, This eh el « fire in btin.) m cor byéaih in lits boily beld, oppose tljçm, Èerc were oblige4 to «rpmain standing with thoir. ruPtIOn meant nothing, there, wai. ýo t.ruth Tham'ate Sho'à lensq., late m ber for 'tho concludingwords Of dying -Weil, 17M the steelthat wili tal. 1 Peterborough moved the ý fla of Mr. speech. -(ren 'note boqks.diipplugletwoën, their digalits,1 i 'it a" h' '* 4 eWCdtýlaLî.hter and pilsnZE In J an 110111sin "Peste 'ib4t-he«de0ed 'ap Billa Flint, nt Il gli st I-'oitmabier"Gésieral next turned Il aPY man to, eut bis Lui ý npqný one ng a flt and proper son to Hon. Mr, Smith came forwar id thëoituitiôh- wlaq net quite à P representcren, much checringiwaiving of hais, &-or Ile lentionto,.Mr.,,Stevenoone Mr.,F] e q aét 'Il t Division in the isla, ive '*egriff Corbett, in ý 0 corruption by the 1 preiýnt govern. Couneil. commenicefl by stating that bfr. -Flint had, Cisély ait b'eio*ëk'Mr. . n Ile said tbat the -conder, whor'he ý1s.aigJî lied foreilis Il ent 'Ur -Be'iginià Üext'târnëd te Mr. 'd 'as im. giâne te ail thelrotible of giviii- Returiiiu Officer, ucend.' Flintli' posed upon him. by Mr. pl . ., and bury- 18-37 wbilë he"(Mr Sinitl ()Nlj*y (M E D'ILL AR A YU, AR 9 Votif; "wll;n, in the' H'ous'e, and show. !nt eterbô. ., , l ', ý, 1) watel in ed from the Journais of t rough COMM int himsolf and putting an effitaph on 1 cil tbeý - ittOI). Ho did, t ý bis:ý'm'u'slcé't te shôot mên, like biln. bM4 .01-ý&nd;sfterýgg:ging tbrOnghý bs-.Iýloffl no n thst ô But if how m lie' oilly, illat on the 4 j the. rendons given by th - 1 ? mail leêted te séco Wliltl)v, T1iitrý1iiy. September 19, t861. the uscal formai prolirginarien, ennoutice Prèý-dïitidà tg:"ý vidé'five mil. gent! an that, waited fLir ton dit etors of nd Mr. Fil Preceded bin, would bc "Satisfa ýs lnngcrýthc oie minai 1 !on. and; à ,most 1 suitable acte( lions of Poona£ or Clergy '4eqrv" ""Y ho (Mr. S) lied good reason but Trent Division wotild most efleetti:illy do thst ho was rendy te reccive nominations betwoon the miinici the i:)b fer him. -.) -lu celui. been made. Mr. Shortsaid that 1 Parties of UPPei'C tg gif (Latiglites 1 ý - ana- 'q for di candidates tôýrePrcserrt the Division of dat'â Opposing the governnli IT, osent parcil the LJI)PCI- lionse. te II, cofirt ni Re. nateil Mr. Flint bocause Mr."Flint nd fiva'bucdiïd thousand pounds bc. file Nintli AtitýIt.iii EýxIIil1itiiin of the Trent in the Lý,gisiative Couacil,* t' égin the MuniciW r Ca' nada cOntest, ha Èaid was' VLsioli, and ilsked. th6 clector., wilether ed him,; gnd'.now Mr. Steve, ô rendjered W itieil 0 _f LOWeý ý e the =t mllortant lis y one that had 0 they %vaiited to send thore a iiiiiii lilce Mr. the nomination fer à pýrecisC1 sin) M So<.ýit,,ty W04 Vacant bY the decoaso 01 the ]aie Ron. ccured on ziy Soutii Ontfirin or in thepropà rtioný Of éne to tei that Mr 0 asion, it F Iiiit. y wasnot a eblitest betw w1aïl, tipori his owiî shewirig, dia eerla pro ided in- flot tlllilfrstlln(j, fi tilotiol, wlien it C:111 10 UP, opopeçl rit Ille 10%vii of %Vliltl)v ni, irt,,d- Mr. Murney. Fally half an Leur elapsed Pli ' nt voted for the' ' > ondulent or Messrs- dependent m voted ýfbrý fhCý P.ýbi3'ilion'Los.ý We 91) to on Ive(Inésday without a môvemce boing made, Dorion and Ilolton) giviugbalf of the, Éve Opposit. ember, and li mem r of the and did flot linaýv wliether lie %vits voting -th" n iffi 611 tOUP loup but a Contestil not andï one- good tutn ',ýdeoervés And lire te (lefer our _ýI 101 Per Ca>nadà 'to ýLo'wer Caba. y with a yea or ilay? The charge of ilisalissing ,a %veto inconveniently crowglod* by da, whënýLow 'C ' government support b of the two gentlemen froin l'or c (Cheem) Ali Io Mr. Short., lie, f ýI1otIce liq Weil li&.- ([le IiýL orclicilliumti fin- ar anada was only'entitied ,iier,, %ýolild inaster General, would j al.o rý th lostling friends -of both candidates, but to the fivo bundred thouidud pounds. lie aa the P nt. (A explain beloro procecilitig farther. til next week-. l'he Imple. 0 w one Bide kept waiting for the ailler ta see charged'Mr. Flin on VOiée-"Will lie promise r, of Lhuc t;otight from hiiii the > ituation of him. He necused him with votin Ments glje%,-n hY Mr- S. W..13rown fi ride lier Canadien in et with boing the ' ly 'Up" attend the Housop and ni)t 8 FI t 'POfit-iniiste", whicli ho (Mr. Smith) gave dissoltilion of Ille Union of the P 1 wbo'd be-in« firet. The -largo crowd of mber that se voted, and tay a orne as bini, and jIlýo gave a brother of his a Si- and fillowed f1.ým the journal$ - ho riglite a did ILIso flic benutifill 0 asked ïf that was one of the nets thq would you did te féod you, cttle V' tuation of $506 a vear if, the l'ost Office. Xperlilleils of eaiýiria"eq ("Xliiblteel people conducted tié-niselves with remark. recommend Min te the ellectors of Trent HO supported Mr. nit rr. vitalquestiondaffecting the inte frie ersOnal The man cawirc, toiiiin Ili the Intc, eloctiôn, Uppcr Cannas c e, bc 0anovait & WiiiiL.Y. l'lie Fair, thisycar, able Patience the w1fole ligne, and amused Division ? dship and beeausu am fbre ý tite promises we.Il rw- ciie ÃŽnterests of the Se- thcmi;clve's by Checre - - (Cries of éýNë,, no.9f) Yes, il,. n ho had rformed nild sild tbat lie ww.; t1ilder Io Mr. Short was and jibes nt their cQntinued Xr, Benjamin, thails one of the SaMe kindness in birn: ( Short,) Hr. ýlýiedoiigfill, and that if the kitter Catile s1ways found wantii cîcty. 0iir iivi-mirit in Ilext weeli's imper, favorite candidates as an when ho ran. Mr. F iint w Out he'd bc oblige(j te gupport hiin alwas fillort, of bain,, in h clection CrOW& rossolis why you should net gran-t to Mr. ai self made PD _ is place. will elillinace ail pliviieillars. Flint your approval. Man. Ile W alled fi dissolvi "5 would-do. At longth- When ho did repre. ý as accused Wjth b rig an uw that lie wotild take- lie part in il c ele ion, Ilibileil what was el no, educated man, but there w 0 and thnt afier tliat no One shniild. have his IL, referred to the maternent of M, sent you ho dia not consider your interests, ý Was ýe 1 excuse . Ma. H', V, Colonel Sti-ickland came forward amidst but went directly Contrary and opposite te for tbat wlien the difFt,,ulty 0 1 rifitictieu but liiinsclf This %vaç finit] vo- that wlien lie voted for the incrou education in Mr. Plint'a sello-1 Y, and in a sort oflipologetic mari. Frencli element in the Cabinet hg tend cheering. Ile commenced by statin- thern. AllOthe;vOte wliieh ho (Ur. Ben. 1 Iý J' ns Lectureli, commen. filai, ho wisbed the candidates ta e _*O well fier And if the (li4iiiisF.ed Ilost-innster onio for- jamin) folt called upon to speak of was reincrnbercd. (Laughter.) lielexcused h,,(I' Cori fi oeil hifili-elf te giving Ilig support iliere were more ways of ýleclitiniest ward at once thomsoivoi;, Mr- Flint for voting for tV lebellion m a do- than by choking him willi a ùin'e 011 Mcfliday vv(j1IiIlý, Lit the and tell their own tbat ociven by Mr. Flint of the Robellion n 1 influence in liiq opporient. it should ()il %londay lie spo4o on Ille Arne. . tories, 'do that the eleciors Lossvs Bijl« Lodses Bill by allerine, a and chargea iliat a man Who Who i (Mr. 13enjamiuls exposure of 0 thût Mr. iIJaldwili fIcýVer love --veighirifl %vith him (Mr. Sinit C) c riertil Civil Ww. wnfi one of the unlit-IY tipon Mon.' may ho able to judge botween the two mon. Mr. lelintis vote in favor à thi bill and if Mr. 1?jint a 0 0 a 1011deris in car7in4ýt. But Iltit at tlic timie of the eloction, him voiec honest votin(y in one matter might flis (the Colotielil) candifiate was a man Of Pavin-p robots was 60 witberin- that ho Minent of Iviving f4ileil Il!-n, tic-, wasaLIiýr,-(I ti) 1wilg piesumed te bc dislionest in anoth titut was Weil kriown to illoin ail, a mail tact ' ito el relipls Mr. Smith dia w,,,e the flonoralilc Attorney Cerieral lie .4upposed tliftt illat vole was just ai-volf w h cotisiderable interruption front lie 4id, wlien arld ber M 0 y for Iiitn ; awl dits P.,etiIi.isip that had-alrondy made his mark in the po- Mr. Viiiitle suppoi-tý,.ri;, Who kept yCjIillý Il, votd for the payment of 'ý2onvi ted r-tiot est as ail Mr. Short's ailler Party litical history or the country; a man that and howling out .4 ft»jotjs. Ile dercn#ed ilie payrner Ife (li*ý'IV.ï ý'omj litiiiý3,.H. y C ried %vith 01')tlnsjitz Ilitit, Y r. S'Ili0l, tilýl flow, bc asked could his sineerity k cartiel'il iéwilst fjbnIlt %, .1 à t to Dr. wntking foi- h:% nppoliclit. if-stllted -C-1 Aon. 011 Ille ved !Il any Ollier rnatter ? Ile a"'90 If &.0.) 11 . Mrotind iliat it mis not a t1ill ý% lit the Soii'ti Hall at hall donc a grfat deat ta serve lus couritrys Cartier ?" &&The Printing Job9 LI ttorney Cellerni, tifid volIfIllefed Ilitit- enings. Intymelit to Ille XAV very short was Mr. Ishort On t obliiWa on awl SItlli,(Ilty eV inferests, nt borne and ahroad ; a gond Itettiritine Officer succecdod in restori I)octOr but ta Ilis ireditors, self i niol-t 1ý lqitr:lýrr0Lls M-tiiiier. IL 111:11) of about twetilv-tlit-co and a useful man; a man. whorn, bc wnq order alid Mr. Benjamin resumed, denouilc.. to whom the Doctor liait -assi.ploý, iiis pro- wnq for Iiii,: vroidii t lie' disillisvd Iiiin- for 1110 incorporation of th(- O,,itti,, Y(!ar4. glati to etate. hn(j ilow tah-en up bis abude ingr il,() flimsy Povigo fi ta the resolu- perly previous to, the rebellion. And lie Mr. Plint %vit,, ilie !eigt, iiiitn iri Ille w(>,.i,; tulion, niffl that tweiiiy-rive Gîjjý fi ati tnated, perinanently theni, ntid whose lire tiol,, said that mr. slllltli vias as býjj' as Igie illeu, under %vh;ch Mr. Flint Bou Mr. Iiijit ýýmrht to a-,ai.,jst the bill. As ta Mr. Flin C-lit shelter Flint fil the inatter heeaust, lie wtnt down Govvrri and wron - riiii 1'ti-inet,'s fliend", lis lie called blni bis tempera. sence m Ould bc of vast ilnýt)or-tallec iii ad. as an excuse for ', pullilq the el over to Montreal with an nddre.,îs fi-ont lhe chi. witli roi-rulition, Ife was il, illat in 18511 Nybeti the bill Illelit lie is wý2II worth hCar. valleinIr the intel-ests Of the back country- Ille eyes", of loyal men, w iIPý, )ii,,Il culture, of course they ail knew to %vlirm bc allud. llutnbtlr characterized it as 1,14eil in tlielarze Fliti) of $DO,)o te thý (4rtect Io Ille reciprocity treaty en nitielà Socin- and mere pretexi, and asked if zells of Coboul-, 10 the (;()vei-norGener,,il t1iat ;t %%-il bility nfici pleamillit illailliel-4. lje i ed-his man was the Ilon. Sidney Sinith, the e 0 liiiiilr hini 01I 'ri 1 l'ore ille Uoiiselhe saine Mr. I.,li 8 Open jectors were going te Vote for a tri Ille pfLs.sný.r( Of tlie (,r)vc-rnni(-nf :ýii(1 il(, Postmaster Gencral of Canada (cheers), thnt y fin (1081W. a 1 1-cit %1;III Wiil fil g(:î Icýclecl his duly and lilitillied tire vot,, u) ilivi 1 1, a" Ilebellion Lumes Bill. of be 81101.t.) ifito parlianient. .4 oted in such a rucatiner, and then hall l'ab't oriumP' whom ho was proud of having the honor the ineanness ta Ilide his act behind such a be ilie gentienian referrL-fi fo privali- ing fil iiinch vivacity of proposing as a f "0 W'Is Short bY l'aine, and lie vould platise ailil Ci-ics or" Soe!c it te Ilin, )IL alid pro;r poison te 8 as sijort alid as Io,,(, il, lvllut lie tm ubtetfu.&e ? He Bard that the opponents liait te lie (.\fi-. 'Sinitlo %vmilll iiow tell Ilir:ii duit '3111illi re be il %Vays 10 'ical or 1 - -id letter,; fvoin Ilon. J. Il. But bu represent ho Division of Trent if, Ille Of the billýasked for even a Polit sny as suited hiln, and lie was long enotigh Nfý-. J., *,!t %vils riot to i-ile Iiis -on Io himselr, and toi lion. Attornc in v pouement before t1le enlirely ho.,gt, I;ee-isiative Cotincil. [Long] Cheurs,) Ile or ten da a ý public flot ta eVeil if i'f' bail a i-li;ttil-P fir Macilonaid wa y e to give time te obWin an ex, bc frightetied by wishiag that, the and IwIrIl bi-111-1, %vieilll heririn,,, ho 8 the m'In that could represciit them, preu the straws. The in Ilere the fins of Nfr. Fli-it Mc-lied fil-, ilin-bter C'encra than il)n Of oi;iniorn-fi-om the e ' t'?"ests orthe country 1 would bc successfui that was able and knew ojlmt'tuenc'es ho said would bc best sub - conte.it, C-)Untl, Ilow 1 Ih, n grent hom charlatail;wli') trav(l t'lie 0 de if. and that Flint,& naine was reCorded amon,,, -son-ed by def. eut. foi-, lie said. aithouub Illei. Y. lie (Continueil Clicorinc?. Re was not a mail ejst CI ment %Vb %vill Lit ru the the Nays, for even that rn'nent, and Ille defeut of MI-. venteil the Pastin it(,-r Grerieral fi ()tir $orne note of file Goverti e miserable delay 1 on. The Rtý!trnin7. fliroitp (,,l to liftier part Of thftt wOuld vote for a Rebellion Losses Bill. would not bc ff ranted bim. But oven that Smilli wotild be one or tlle best incatis. A serd somv rf t1ic, riivr to 1), iron coula flot endorse, bc believed il next 11-pe wili di-av Iloiijleo (Grogins for Flint.) ffis candidate was a wasnot ail. n "OcOll-"t'ýuctiot, was celain to talie place if Poâtrnaster Genelal bad'done good You would have imagined, w1lirli Ivid tlI,ý cfl*ert nf arresting ý%Ifh Ils abilfty. wiLli ail member Of the Goyerament-a man that contitigred the speaker, that a 0 Mr. Sinith wils defeated. Tlley would cOtIntýY, in bis Maitapinent of t the interruplion. .\i ave. r(-Q:iiiniýiI "fi thcY wQuýJ have renson te. be proud of:as ' c L' prutaient 0 fier dealin- have Lower catinda domination lor four Sinith. P 011, n-1 the hnad. 111à faului lie i.ï riulily lyortil hearing, with rebels and traitera in Ibis manne.1 that 111 wilý*tl %'()Il 'l f which ha )ut awiv. (Io voit and viiir li 1-endin04 Ofthe lefters was haileil %vi seule ewtî- te wo4Iti0ý' ý".1n repreeentative, 1Iý(eOnîimff-d the colonà ý4ônîî4éraw« siy it wriq Siiiîtli's row(Ileg. ý1i-. Fli..t .-)A. W. GORain, 'el) yon want t t maý c!eCt the loyal menl-wîî_'hîýo test ana suffered than th- _o Mr iat eIlee1jng.) l'lie P rnas a 1, _fIt ter Ge 'Vpl)er Cnnada ilue vos a defirirtirv in t e 11(st 11111fi Dy_ =ICI cou orthe floylil Lycouil), Toirelto, %vhu has the ROSI. Sid' ci Sm-th -nnd I know you ail dýrin& the troubles in defendi ng wanted IZepreý.,eiitatioii by population.- 1 Ir for sueli a man -as Il Il a Éliown M beeil playillir %% will do lt. i couid, h aid, diveil for bours tiroir cou '. ÃtIl LI"! Illiviltrivol cotilpany on the claims of th ntry and Maintaining British cOn- T,,, lie said tbat Mr. Smith slieltered 1 to bc ? (Cries of -«,LýTo no.,,) fl'0111 last e 'PO-9tmaster Gencral nection and British authority in the pro. self bobina Et vole in favor of the nie llnl- mll"Il q !i'; Il il il i il and the services ho lins donc Ille coulliryl asure (if tliel;itlytiig(,, or iiie ll)pv bc led away by catitand hypm %vveli iý viace. No such tbisi,«-and this, more but it was a blilid, vote and given wlien it were the nero;iffle. -,Vitll Wollid Illev vole fer a ninri who, Il ILI' consillerable promise, but tigelle aro Reveral other sPeakers te foi. than anything cise, showed the spirit by did not endanger the -ovenulent. Nfr. reltl"tnri,.g nudit l; Mp, and I Watit you in heur the candi. whieh Mr. Ilow Own ellowin.g, did not linoýv wliet a IwowIvsiý,e #il fer one who dates thf mselves. Mr. Fliut and the party bc worked Short was ratho Mr. Flirit Illid Ille Il And 1 have Ileard since witli or long in bis conifflaints Il - 'vas votilla ri-Ilit or wion,,? Or eail IL werc actuatied. A resolution was sub, uboIt fil,, gidoul, Y r. Flin fi, iqtitciIifills wero iliiniif'rir IlIv 0 1 veteran. Ili4 came on tle I)Iatf'Ortn tlint Mr. FlifIt and initted to compensate the loyal - le shufflell the corruption Ib"Y vole for liiliiself; thev had bis men who of th, Mioijtv in givin, M rIntrilry ta the r. Benjainin w-iil; a gvntleinin eharacier illem, and hiî mou in -ýl ifliac losur," and friends were going te sPe'Lk two bourq suffered loss hy the destruction of their £,-,00 for cach- if Ille public prilit. always liail boeil, %vas Equal ti his sui-plieil 1'lillIl ili ýj ,,j'!itp; *'Ail il) go Ille Éc')rd have Ine 1 0 .111 Ille 'Ind in 0:e IlrfIýIlirv, nt rCY 01, you properiles while putientr down rebollion; il,, i,; ti.,l l - 1, licl;ets. the Solinitc)r 1 -il Thrva tit!iirpni,,. (:,il 1"-- I:ii*..ý: - _. 1 . for the inflielinti- «' y _.. -1- l - - 1 . . . . . _.. . 0, b1r. NICN liettiriling OfFicer oblained order). M r. _- s ...... - --- --- money %viten Lowerl 1111110lincenie!Ils in our ;ttlvultisilig colil exe et-illat the motion wu not for pay- clear up certain charnges, and after liearitimrr rercived a million, blit '%fr. Flint Wk.l)lýÇiýSDAY, Sept. will be rotrivi one of & (,"'-n" Benjamin resurned. He gaid triai hl' came ment of Dr. Neilson, but bis croditors. He them both lot i lin publie judl-Dre botween %V.ý1R go ignni-int flint lie cliil tiot k'110%V Jvlt, Iltint V8. McIlherson.-Action i ý 1 08- forward ai the sniii-itation of Mr. Smifh*s He said that, Mr. Benjamin ]lac] or fruit if ho lriew it lie -SC-1ed ilislimir-tiv enver ýçrmount of bill of costs, V ley, relative te) tlit.-il. /(1, l'erchil Ceýilejtl,. could casily understand how a man in Dr. tpbuetmliimselfiiito morffil n'yotry about file in not gtatine- committee ai Pcte"bO"Ou"h, tO second the Neilson's re.,4ifion-en« tred in open re trio fart. lie ilýrft-ll;leii Ille for plaintiff £16 «15 Sd. N. a. liai For rîll purposes vr rotiiirg Liie tiviterial iq nomination, and from 'Oint had - talion bellion, could manage te put bis property vote given by him (Mr. Flint) on th, Re- cil tlie tnriff, ntil ilviiii1mitivil l'Ã"t tel bu lfilt %ve Iiitve- muid Place bc was glad of the opportuility CI .1 111;titltifF; D. MeMichael for defendan thin berbre. Nir. W. - out of his bands ; and, nt ail events. bellion Losses Bill. And -it reminded him thilt t'ho m], relorem prinrfi'le to 1 Quizleyvit. flèney et al-Acti( ,vu IXts row !, %V. Brown, (gosilli. Firsll beeautIe a report went out tllat*be Dr. Neilson and bis efifate received £12l, of Asop's Fables about the moulitain the ponr as %veIl ii.g t;i(ý ricli. It W,'Iýý,, Ile royer, plaintiff acepted hon.suit %vith P110ilit0il for was adverse to Mr. Smitys electlo (T rontotl(lp(i. fi roýrvvt vrinciple, and pre- ri n 500, and were relieved from the 'debt.- in labor that brouglit forth a in ose.- tire Vo1Mtiýý4ýor Ontario alh! n, terruption and cries of youro venfed fivoritim te Ile êxr;tc-,] te) InoVe in terni a(rainst tlie,,Bame. , a 11*11,isterial- ( Cheers, couriter cheers, and cries or (Lau-hter.) He 'd'crended himspo r P J. - and Ilîs iât." Mr. Renjamin avowed himtell, If fl'OM reaf tniriti over 'tir. 171iiii's a,1 noil Ilara fn laintiff ;a Il. Wlilson and a 811P- Cartier.") Ye-il lie continue(], they the charge of votinz fur tire plebellion friz file lil;Q or 110 Sii( le Beil for defvndants bits ettliti('t feil te, ge in- Porter or the Pnvernmntit, alla, lis sllel, lie tniglit bawl out airainst Cartier, Ftupportc but ho Lusses Bill by sayinr, that there was not a 110--iveliF, 1bove, tfie eartli belle, the on. St(lnt,,y Smith, a mem- eould tell trieui of à 1, ni- in thr, Noble vit. Robinflon.-Accouttit for i votes given by Mr Cartier word in the bill stating triai rebels were to ttneler trio, earth.'l ý:1 to Verdict for plaiiitifr $129ýG1. W roi'fing wvIl :1; ber of the g Verriment. He believed tbat flint would put te sbame the men who were bc Paid- Ile srtid Ihat tel %vitl(!IY lirlf)wll, tri(, Prime "0 if Mr. Smith tire Belleville, Peterborough, alitl Geor-lail Tremayne for plaintifr; N. G. Han -6,0 0---- nt miniqtry did more for the gond mahim, the interruption. When the bill shouldered hig mustzet during file rebellion, Bay Ra il Wc V, lie, , ilint lie , PIt Defeudtat. of flic countrv thnn any other ministry tri C le-barrel ai.knoM prececded if ; fruit Illi, ai was brought in to restore the rixhts of ho (Mr. Flint) shoulderc-d his doul) an end to ii. lir Vv,1ýt gl.1d of if, and, lie 'y did m ore for the Osan'lemen if was Cartier and the Lower gun ; and triai a-; the Ri.bell hùlieved Fn %vere tri(! pr-offle wlien tliev THunsDAYI Sept. 121 - ion 9 sept. 1-S, intAreRts nf file ooiintry and yond Lrovern leni-lied froui Mr. Fliiit tri it if,: to tBryintý,riiee rvisý,,.IitDoefWepyr.o-peIrntyterupuledaedrerai ment. He aglced C.nadians who voted for if, repealing the_-Loq."s Bill, Mr. Smith li'eaded a deputfition wolild tint puy fer -Iie %% li The Royal Mail Er0l)ý _tllo.,tn to turn in the sin. "PartY Processions net.,, yeq, ho gaid. and to Montreal, and thcv werc bcth in flic ýrr. fýlin vîýtùJ for iessirrtit made by W. J Sutton to pi., Liverpool . sarue d-ileinity, air(] illut if was better for ft'()m foie 11001f, and loëlc over the la-i; ra-4ýqed it wu Cartier whe votpd for the incorpors. trio in %vilich lie and whieh had beert seized by trio S 401 via &4tri, arrived by fil.. goverriment silice 1854, and they tion of the Orange Society. (Chaers,) the people te send filera both about their (Nir. Flint.) Iiiiiisolf cost onder exceution. Vedict in rayo with two (Livi litt,!r wtýVs iliiiii p-,r A )f'lo w0fild find more Zood and uscrui mrnqlire.9 There, wn. , lie said, ancyther feeling got )I:Lil)tifr upliolding assessmetit. S Io ý ri-loadq of milver, and ris lie Imil 10:1(leil Saxon, business and clect somp, nue c!s(,. (Calls ci the c!irt let Iiiiii ilow drive flic llol.gt., Sale., of' enftin ai Livet-1,mI of, to aclvance fhe interegts of the country, Up hy thnge gentlemen of Mr. Flint's stamp, of déllave yon come in ilie end of ynur ýiI)oiit Ille dispent-ing with the Governinent F' ilirbanlis and John Bell for plaintiff wore 8000 lfaIvý ;'L' u 'JaY to 'lit] îf& progSmms, and profinote the per. Who had ail the feeling frr Upper Canada iion-,) Mr. Flint--" No I liaven't-my elo-illiz dull. manent prompority of the penl-)Io han were 1 Directors nu the Grand Triink Ptailv.ty .1. IVil3on for derendelit. and noue for Lower Canada, who cried ont whisile isn*t blowed out yet." He admit- 11,onrfl ;-bc (Mr. Sinith) voted ný,,Iiiist Marthz t'a. lewell.--lýreacli-of ever passed by any previnus Administration about Lowrr Canada and French domina, ted flint lie did not undermand as bc did ilirit nant on Lease. V_- diet for plaintiffr l'lin goncrul news not of ., their continuinre it flic lmard, Mr. or ""Pcr' in Cafinda. Charges of corruption were tion. tance. 0 IV bat were the factiq ? The Govern. now the nature of the amendînent 15) the for divin, and whirh, ho n4zed. did they R. J. Wilson for plaititifr; S. B. Fairb malle, and they were rasily made-too ment departments of Lower Canada the Cler, lictierves bill, dividinc the money thinh- lirted hest? 'ý,1r. Flint endcavotired d J lin Bell fer defendant. bort, sctit to Anicrica, eamily mft(](,, and unthinkingly which Upper Canada was entitled Io in explain to von bis vote tipon trio Ciergy el provifi %%aî believed Officiais of British crigin numbered twe to In ",e Queen vo. Geo. ll'*aller.-Lar( l*ecently ar. Without inquiry, and where there was not one. against the Jo è-r Canadians ; and in Lower Canada, and lie char-ed Mr. Smith Rrserveg question, and said file if lie had rested lu NT,*w 111) polifieul luis. Ille shadnw of folindation for making them, ail Canada tbey wouwld count five te one. witli votin, to diypenge wiih Covernment 11ndgrgtood it thon, ns non-, lie wotild not Trio indictillent charged the prisoner minil from vionq foutid in But lie deried any man in that vas " a c have voted as he did. A pretty represen. entering trio premises of Captain It bis VIL.4 foi' bumilif.-Si pui-poses t assem. But how wap if with tbnse gentleman ýho DirLetors en trio Grand Trunk Railway.- tative indecd, who dit) not linow bow lie Mayor of Whitby, on tire 10th inst, Only, b'Y tO Point out one single corrupt act raised the cry ? In 1858 when a motion He said flint Con-er and me voted for the wn,,; výtin, ? Th"ffect of Lliat vote was te the family were absent, and stealin- committed bY any - member of the prescrit came bafore the House Of Assembly tu in. Peterborouý1i aiÀ Georcian Bay Railway, tilie 'tway the one balf of $5,701,71G, bc -droôm a gold watch, bracele-t's, l'Olitietil affaif-4 01, the coiitin(mt i-etiiLiri govertiment. (Cheers.) Yes, ho said, it croue the French and Mr. Smith wég interested in Cobourg Ion ing to Upper Canad% and give it to unchau ed, element in the Cabinet, was eamy for mon to go aronnd the r articles of Jewelry, valued ai country these were the very men Io vote for it. and voted against it, and effectually burk- wer Canada. There is Mr. Flint's vote te prisorier dispoaed of the wateh in, and Bay the governý ed the bill. He said flint the Government in favor of it, and after flic whole subject ; '* -NEW Y(illiý, mont is corrupt; but [Cheera. Interruption from, the Flint party, Il anter for $10, Who took it te Mr. J gelleralitie% of Ibis kind ývere deait in and cries of 11who voted for tho double were coerced and threatened by the Grntid being- discuqsed duriii- two days in the septelliber 1% Iffl- against ail gilverriments. 'If waq only l'ri sbuffle?"] Mr. Benjamin said ho voted for Trunk Railway, who were DOW looking for t bc did not know etoij*s, Watchmaker, for repair. On ýnongIi to vote correctly 1 Flint like, no return of Captain Rowe's family the Fleur 5 a 10 cents bettcr. gencralities tbat the oppone 6ts of the Min- the double obuffle, te keep out that most more; and flint altbough ho was accusècd ci impression e 1 ould bc marie Uponi the inan, ticles were missed, and enquiry vas ii Wheat marlier 1 cent butter. illtry-that those Who complained of cor. miserable and disgrucefut comblination of being uneducated ho wrote everY wOrd Of and like him se wéro bis partyý-no im- at Johnstotils concerning the wateb,.ýw Sales 70.wo 1111;lLels nt $1 07 fur Chi. ruption, dealt; 89 Bonn as tbey are asked publie men, and abandoument of ail prin, bis own addréas, (Laugbter,) and thst bb, pression for gond could fite made upon resulted in findîng that it hâd been cago spring, $1 08 a $1 10 for Milwaiiiiie for proof-as mon as you Open the books CiPle Which they witueued in the Brown. Smitbs address was the saine si John A. themniid ifheweretoreason witli thomfor there for repair. The charge was pr( club, $1 22.1 a $1 .34 White Kentucky, -they bave not A word te answer. The Dorion adminstration. [Cheort] Butl did Macdonaldobut différent from it a little. a year lie kticw il; Would ha%-o no effec4- home to the prisoner who was mater $1 25 fur White Western. opponent', of the ministry do. net act from net go for looking tu Washington, contin- He complained of the subsidy to the Ocean that tfiey would vote a,,,rainst the Govern. to tlrree yeà rs, imprigoriment in the 0 * - - - Principle. Disproyetiieiratafementactear- uedMr. Benjamin; [Continued chee ring] gteamohipO.ompany, the Tariff 0 Binditi y and truly as y atid the ment, right or wrcj2-. As te voting for vincial penitentary. The County Al 9 grain by mauliinery hu been 'YOU wili-show their What did the leader of Mr. FlinVe - parer Setflement of the Seignorial tencre. lie PaYmOut Of cOnvicted ferons, bel (Mr- in Iowa. charges tO ho as Iules and basoless as any- do with representation by population- whený defende4 bis absence fromý the Rouse on Smithý-never didso l he did not vote tbat ney prosecuted. It tbin- Utiture clin ho; witb the tru John Montgomery bc paid, but simply flint The Quem vi. L4jle.-Larcény. tà kes une Inari to direct if. The graiu is evid" th self- lie entered into that diagraceful allianSrli aemnt of sickneu, and said ho wag ilever. Oncy in ý this -C was chargéd, i ont before theui ýthey wili not believe He took into the men for Lower Canada! fà rilierer from if, as those who went down bis Petition bc board, and if wai thé -, ilkht pris a" neatly and strongly bound in sý#eavc,3 as YOul unit still continue bawling the saine the river te zee Baby's piers. (A voies- -Of cvery British subject, no matter, how, ategling a qugatity offurniture, the prop the retaper proceedi. 'l'ho band is of 1,0. CrY, "the goverpuient is corril Pt." l'ho that werc adverse te the principle and the, How did you go to Toronto when yon, criminal, ho may bel to ho lieard. hy -bis' nf the prosecu.torl, Labeýllè'. Tire evidc course Purllutý,l by the Opposition was, ho ouly man from Upper Canada r. S nd. - à '- ý _ Lý - 2 1 1 failed.tof establiah'the eue and the pri 'ýho coât, of wire muflicient to bind an. acre [M 4 *ore sick 2) Mr. Flint 1 1 was carried petition. That was ail flint ho (Mr.ý or wà ,-disbljÀrged' said a novel une, It wu Dot the course field Macdonald] thst wu opposed to re. there, and heid uP Wween twO Men 10 Smith) did. But whaý did MIr. Foley, Mr, of averagp grain le about fificen cents. in En-land, nor in any ot-her British pro 11%e Quém vo. Cleary.-;Larcony. presentation by pop"ign. foWrg.l If' r i prisoner was chairged with eteaUng a 1 vote againet the Ministry. (Cheers and 1 1 ut's leader do? He inoved in' the mat- &Mye calied him ërozy. -John 0. Cýjhon Lly ud týc storm; 'Àtfd7 'wlién 7-ho was de the- if going ab ' oird a st > eam-boa t carrying, liore I;tcnm-tlian Cie register alloked, Yoi, told AU- or thé Oà Pt"litl she wOIJId exPlOd.e; anýioon after the vessel leavin-C her dockand blow. ing ilp, yen wère- arre-;t,-d for the crime ot Fur 13 0 -IL (ierri her déstruction-thus do ilie 'po.iiiical John LI X02iq CUII'ýte8 deal -'ith the prophcLs-!iving; son, IL ýf, if dead,,,the pulpilts of the poor, houses excomniun te icato their sodls from hoaven, and take down their biists from the pdà es. ut tals where Genitis sornetilnes, overlooked for aa n- >t by the w. at of Democracy, èbntrIvrs t(s get. 1 'The moral of all this ho-nily is q LQ everybody' tliinks and s le i's, nct n6cemaril5 true - it Inay be y le deed, by nee.deilý for even,-blind men m exb ini-lit, attiinl.)Io on tliv, riglit rond. The bc-.zrts--tl.ic Titars who do un imrsan To Voi lae lItià ianity'â hard, ýrork,, and th'cn'get lue :nctu cheated of theïr wages, because the> sS.-n the nvial, lar vie fy, y to d powe-r-an go int'o court an sue the Dwatils the y toil, for-hear the tsounds of 4he > rumbling up the Ùill of-difficulty, and seil Pnee 25 c For ltal, theI1ýriireof Truë"pib,-,nm iif the car, long wlitbv. 'ere the pilgrims hqlloid even the, draýpn'jj W fect, . who draw it;----eand when the saintuit THE is rttaitïèd, a députation of the little mon- k st ci s %va it to,'welcotne'the bmuti fui strit.)ger Cole S, and hruýt-the eyes who first felt lier love- it. liness into outer dark.noss, and are careful - te place no monument on the grave, but I t' leave the wèrk for future genérations. but inore able to bc ju.st, because time cure&- fReulties ever; ai n the feyerýs of prejudice. ýI et there is a TO ýL e conipem, tien fur the Titan---sleépinp in , C3 0 silence anil nefflect. Plowcrî bloom on Period iv 1 < Thtse his grave, and the children. and the birds tbb direg 1 Weil QI).ý and the lambs love te- play there; aný à nnels of charity coule ta greet the pure soul, ýand bc.ar it up 'tn the.Everlasting ta au ' au r Rocl.-. jh ! lo-ok-ing down ùpon thir,ý-yvide the ÃŽ-11L F wilderne-qç of the worlçl, speing at a glance V G. A the prcF:ent, (flintinir in thoshadows of the &__ t 1 ý&L-: Past, and the sunshine of the future, >_ those -iant heurts iiiust throb 1 MADAI There inny bc few so'podr as'to do them reverence living,' nonù are rièh enough to Ur OUI pity thom, wlie"n-ileafl. OtLtrt am ali the and.31othe Te the Mitor of the llitby Ã"lironide. are Mfý-ftff L vi exý;n th [;zcn. in L WniTzr, Sept. 16, 1861. the ellâtek il is un Urr Sinj- taken by V as ilit.4--ttrri 1 sec by a communication in your last -rio" 1.11, D issue, that the Uxbridce cricketers are PIR a - a -vi,ýtory over the uinited 3 forces of the You.ntr Ontario, Drooklin, and Oshawa cricket clubs. And as a meniber de of tbe yonu4r, Oularlo;l 1, canitot pe;;xý C, ---Ippôr, any thinc, *h at detracts from iwreputation as a> ý cricket - club- ta pass unnoticeL I NEW --vould simply state in refèrence te the late match, that lhe Brookflin cricketers hein,, a disappointed Sy a Iewý af tbeir players, were obliged as a last resort, ta send ta Whitby 1 for the requisite nomber 'o complete the eleven ; but on arriving ut Lxbrid,, th 0 el , ey f0ýnj they were still without the full com- plitnehi, and one of the Oshawa club being, t of tilt present, waq - laken i in. And this is -umio, at yOur correspondent -calls,'pliïying agaià ït Ã.;Iltl Broolclîn, NýhitbY and Oshawa. in C éon. ton nuil clusion, I would say, that if the Uxbridgre "17ed an cricketers-can prove.,the victors over a Intert-t c picked elevën frora threé clubs. it wolild t au preil re uire but, a sent knowedge of ]o.-ie:'to Town.4bli spow tliat they would have very little trou.. beiug eai blo in diWppsin,,,, of an eleven . selected from >ý the sSou knowjî ai one of them And with the approbation by "bu Village le, of the comnifttee of the Y. 0. C. C., I Street, ai berAby challenge the TJxbridge cricketers Cer ta meet the 'Ëou tr'ontar'id 0 f this towny in ('f whith friendly game. The match ta come off eompoi;e, on any dav between the 2Sth ofthismonth aond, con known si and the lithiof Oétobér, on any ground byJohný the Uxbrid.,Yê may select. An answéi di- Villaire 10 rected to thé4ecretary of the Y. 0. C. ë.. Street on 1 JAII Wh or a notice sent to-the--Whitby Cltronide, the Raid ý will bc promptly Ãœttended te, with thaziks 1 obe of] office, il for the kind, use of your columns. whitby, I.-remaîn, gr. Editor, ber, A. 1 Countf- conne, ,çybo joinflý contrýjýbuýd in in.aking ýh'ç!'iigme aAafé heulthy insti tution. ELISHAMO 0 LITTLE. Grand Jury. Rôoid,, je Ttioýtidinýà q froni Aniel.iei'ýciil Lin ne tg dèe'pëiittÃŽc gloom that ôverhà ncrià thý-'faîi of thst disiracted éourffTyý -Anétlloir «Pi L'eh cd battle hns been hà s""1jécý sustained by the North, accoin net ab dl,4gi-net-fal as' Bull's ,Runý-i;utidsstil1 ftiiA)t,-r-to doindralise the- army anl dis. etie gov'eliiment. '.Aceoraing tç the SPL'Ci;il correspondent of tlia Tînics, thi is contrActing ýde1à 'at th( raic of a (Iiiiii-ter of a million a flay, a suir -iiiijost iiicrediblo, which would soon ruu op a National Debt to an amourit equal U ourown. Tiiesuiiisaircadyvoted,,aiuount tu ý318,000,01U0.- - f1eaVý'-tà _î 0' W posed in order to meet the extraordinary eniergency. In tliemouii . LiMe the, p.riec of cottoti is raising fà st, and th dÙnemploy. ed Peuple arc crying-out for bruad and bc' coming riotous, and the course of events seems te 'ifil-enten something like social disQ.-ýrtni/,atioii. It is liard tu knôiý hoW tu speak about a stateof ihin, gs, à ,bý differ. ent from what the world anLicipated.",, ý The above excerpt front the Limerick C14eonicle, lias been upon the desk for seine days. Wliy it was out outý might ptizylc us, philosnphically, te explain.- Ileihaps, as the iiovel-ivriters. phrase it, thu, act;on %vas "meeliaiiical !.&l Mr. Lovitridge's le eture on the Amorican War on Mmiday night, rocalled the abiove waif to 0" recollection. It ii only the last sorite:jcc that will especially arrest t'he attention of the reflucting. "It is hard to know liov tu speali about- a statu of thin-s so different froin what the world aiiticil)ttted.11 Wliat does the writer mean by the terin *'the world ?" Probably tbe masses of mou in it-tlie hniorant, and the more Llian ignorant-the liait educated. %ýl'ithout incluiling our transatlantié -ýcoti- teuiporary iii either category-for ho pro. bably nicant to tersely express the very thouglit, it inay bc well tu claborateiust now-wil.1 not it bc profitable to enqtiipe if there were none in the -lobe who (Ua, "aw icipitte" the dismeniberment, of the Ainerican -Republie' ' net onlyý in' licalows Etiroi)e," but in the model coun- try's oivii boriler,; -.rien, indeed, Il te the man or 1)nrn"-with the bloodof all the P:ltrIu;ý kIgIeMz1f.--thVwýý Certes Maeauliy's name nrises' at once in the mind as a chronic disbeliever il, all the fuailiersof the-ýÃm ' cricanIbird. ý5omuLliiij- like two veti-.ï ago the able cd!- lors in the States, condescended te copy front the E.,)-,4ish press his lettLr-'to an Aincricati -etitleman of eminence, who had sent Iiiin a cnpy of his book. That epîstiè, while courteous, expressed a fil-in dis . tgelief iii the, lt(,-rl)(-tuitvofdeiiiocraticinstitutïons Thi.,; Was ilot plicasant Lu the gentleman who.ie ilitellectual developeinq BRIGHT in BRITAIN, and who-grow very when they emigrate te Cit:i.i(I-i-that sort of gentry, who profess inuch loyalty te the Crown, but who 80 idtjiire Reptiblican institutions, that they wisli to sue theni pregarved te Our nei,,h- uors over the Iiiie. It is certainly gener- >us to wisli our friends te keep that which xe so admire ; but hardly logical to lire. mine we love return un inférior article )ur..;elf 1 The chiefs of the rural journals Il LI)c StiLtes, went into excitement over he great liistorie-rorna'nrist's Opinion.- )iie jolirnal West, said ho çvas a é6bull- iecked 1-ti,,Iishtnan," and slieuld ho chýok- ýd, and a reli.ious palier in Yankee land, eossibly thoutglit it a dispensation of'Pro-_ lidetice, for his scepticistu when the néw- ýorn noble, and the lyork-carked writer îid hini down and died. Even the botter 1-is-s Of journ-ilists 'ta a Tule broke out P 1 IE A ha 3rd'ax m foum the Henfi 2 cfifý 418 nt th, cantsfor at the con tm tistil respectiv4 Uls the !ng Win b T-'i'the 1 bi. with'putr ý,well lutuâ collid be 1 jocality b, iëld týt a terws [From 1 lie Lonjùû Glol we understand tËnt --ý'is'ëount 3fonck is lIkclY to Succeed Si-rÉdmulïd walked H, as Goiemor General Of danai :> thia appointment 9 is sOmewhat exeption'al in its obaracter, frou2the fact Of Lord Moiiék not'havi ný,,,, beé ý pre ojousiYin the Colonel service, it îs one which'we feel certain wili be apýrOv' ' ?d bY4heý public. gen'emlly and the IcommunitY.1wi.th Whose iteregts it 1 is MOTO Particularly connected. As à Pro- fýisionà l tnanj a. number of Parliament fer sOmc Years, and a member of the govem- -mont, Lord 3fùýÊ ý'e'viuÇed great bu capacîty and acqt,ýired 'generaf u()fUIsà rnà l W-e liave evýerY reMOI) to antiêipate bis Canadian eareer will bc attended with beneacial resultg to thé publW in"ter«'ta.ý 130asting is sometimes out of plseè. Wq ývere zouçc. usumed: at hearing a gentle- man. remark that he was a bachelor, 1 1 as «a bis fathler befère him. Tlie irifluance whieh the United- SLates cofted upon Catiacla, and cyen the home nd, throu-h the a-ency of the-Liberal's, not gencrally approciated sa much as its iportance deserves. Reformers pointed te the Union - DÉ a witness 'on Iry occasion for the virtue.of their pet ýnacca-q. Indeed so often was the tëstia ony called intô cèurt, that 'l thosennr- %vînindëd Tories," used tý recelive W' hat But-theradi- Is had the rump cfthe row-makers with eni, and very often tlicy were allowed th e rope they rà ved'for i fô- r"t'he incre- ýlous Corservative, who réad ar, well as isonéd, an d.who hRd seen théir'grèat rocons dissect demagogues, knew-jolla- in would-hang himself n'SI: %yell',as.,,any ier monomaniac, whenNovember Windi. ýre bleakos4 and -tbeý wà rld dO Sang ry- Fn the UiRed States---with all the chcap - encoï ,ýftwqpëqny ý tvradle-Ã" 'afidjimberý turces, thora, have, been those.who "me-' iog'suspected Sisterý.iDolumbia ww; not.ý rnuch of a saint, , as the, Priesté; of the ler ýéf St. ýDiyes,, ýwanted to have god itimon'a dollar baptiied children bé., - re. 'BeWeen 'ilSt thora were those wh e pectcdý,!her.of Zia-8oi28 withinffilelity, litià 'saidsbohad be 'eaur, tatrob- ýhý3fexicG. But the demurcliâle ,chbriddled up ýttlieassertion s, and h her young fright eyeg oný ýyou, and L'ib-erals abroad alm'ost ready ta adore woli ai, praise her, 'and the mmes à li" WHITBY MARIKETIS.g CIMONICLE OrilicEl Sept. istii, jSOjý The delivWe.c; « grnin are à tîll verýji- Imitéd and prices are about as' last wêèk, Fà ll whcatin small shpply selljng froiii 80ets- fer irIfATiQrýtO $1,05 fer strictly No samples-of whieh' grade, there Ja not much' oTering. Spritig Wheat ii; in.brisk demand at Barley is mooving yery, slovr, 45ctsA§IW beenthe rulin.- figtlre offered until this mOrning when it feil to 40cts. The sam- ple does net corne up te last season.- Peas aétive 45)cts. Oats wanted -1)5 te 28ets. Hay $8 te $10. Saleâ ià Montreal yesterday nt -$1.05 for Chicago Sprin,-, $1.10 asked for some lots. 0 . ý 1 1 . In New York sales $1.00 ÃŽI.11 ýýr Milwaukie, Club. wo TR-Ed7el Paterboro