MINCT, PROItOTET. monnisoix & SAmpsoN BAIMII'FÉSAttornéys, lAlliort%&e AN MS MlRfZl1()N. I ' . .A. AlO>. C. IW. 8SM&ITII, (Falliivi1N ENGAN ARCiIiTE'T .nzi!ncer, 0Qnitýn~w. (hu t lîtpl, i tutti, éte., dm ueil and aîîr l tcled on r'nî. en. 826in ilAtN IN M & U 18-JIEIR, ~ IX ii A S lit't'V itItil En'- tV'.ILi 'iti! (la Aý_ottC. (ifive-Iexi ELL lIR hYN C.G.ilai'îvet' t.; E If ' i, niliitiliv.li.. 111-11ni)tEttttili.t d tit e. or, ect!it drai ui uti le' si! .(lerieraI Agi lit, ~ - - -- _______ Strt, i-cuiari>'uioie 'IL IIIM NÇ N tnrtî,ttetlilsti t i lWi ' 11T ILhtS ALE nîtll C IZ tA îtîm B iiitl S,~~~ Il'2. io -,iiiîi 't, ho> c ' ri. iuitfiî t nt-r,& .,lliiii Cleel 1tt., 14i . 1(41i 2 Stir .1(q l i-t. 1niM i ,h e o rsi t.COMMERCIAL 1-OTEL, IeNAII, tF0î~sî lmio,&Robrç.jt ISIIA 'A, Xh-IAli CI i 0 t t iii art itn tue Cluite-r iin1101k1, eC CA)NAPANEf ît i trin Ck-iit.(ti.o.teii-t,p1it rx' i1ZtWNN A171C l itîn iitlito hp.utoj 'tiiiiiti tlicte GooW ' tît lî iti 'ti':Uti -Stt. 91î t'etitn, ai- e nti veiii oî"ajtle*îîî h r Itie-'iid', '. lei hLT,-t.Ei'e 0F ret, fniooitn "r,~ ~~~~~1P' b\<~ iniînvkii i Nlti-hThe.'l'ut i-niii'e4 1CNtl1> hAtUi:Fs 1IN t - ii tî,v 1'.reilitoi t tiiuid it mi ut w 1 Yr1'oî,ier'uit.etl t chit -]ÇHr, ~ i~ ub' t CARISLE Mutc lti'CNIIEy. ')Il N J, 1ATl%' G<r'and Truak Iflalway litel. &'lt. WliIlit, î '-t - m * CrIENfI' GAi 'f' , i tii iittit i id 0ti i îlie, 1 i lie iii- 1101%it 4ittito iiit ljîioteiîttit ie ieileiiietii >fNIie1 lietiiv'i-]iit n Jtz' itiire erir C ý1il IiM, wl riiit li-uta'euur.i. Cl l itil11in ii i' Ex vW hîhit>',iliii.t1 i for .1nt nu rLL. NION S$TATION lIIOTEL. it~ tît itr il imla tnîîîm. Dlepiîîattntlin litiiît thet, 'Etut L E C'. oii ellur fruO1-ll 'nAION ROTEIR,,L T l-oin -ui. .. MîUPtroprietrtun. Exe llci tiictn uittilaitti 1t lu rt L I Z j'Aiinij uritlicli ere.e% il ,uiIIIiYAT .iA'i, the""-Rov C010n-'----ene r>', ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~13ri sVtttt u. JiII MRCNR t. gî rok,. Ad- otten1.teuaa tii.-e ts , t ci. il-ii ~iip i,liilc ot'îtoo l a çt Chcuen oh'ita Teono 'hd ' k j d ý o ril . Eîhit euu eih . oLi urîî a *t fi -lN o fl t it l e' [iminie atiided 't. b te i prtul a. lr' ii i u l ug , ' a i i t St, 14 ('urat a mi 1?nie aîîd Duidi aes,o I itb i ttiL luT .t,4eu T i-ili h V istitil lieii)htia heryen nenlv IC t, NOC STEET tttc iil ldritil xit dlot ia i l.. Wliti.] tlOODWARDiCi it c roa Ceiiilleitai-uîîlîîl uietu f irn i acer, j1ý. . riincuierre- theL le, I lftUw ,"'rie ý01'.J W. G. Chl LÀ eI ,ICKTEET, - -___' ___k B N._m___, Tr___ü (i (i -]'s . itliM1s ", B U IL D E Il, dcc.dc d, EE TleBET , & Co-., WliCb>-, C; .- . _W.Più& ý,n4,1c Etdoe JhNîtieç Il. W. &WOoDIVARD, I KELLR, ~ IIISIOWMEUCANTINSiE fiL aiît(ietua >.îISTHE TlIMe-L. Lyci Wrel 4ShI'T R I iuCt'Jtai tîgstn lty AW ucer, e. <CiIce-l lhnituueu ts- IAInittCet-Eu ATq. r- RUSSELL'JS HOTEL _NIE W 'RF unemge Propritthfs of h'ie ehove REVIEMW' Lne 10EL,-eg neupettiyto apprit. titeir friende cuti paîrt>îîe, tîtat Ciîtavtl(u- COMMEI ruîighiy reinavaied 1 liteir eiitaithliîîemît 4ing 1'ilI lte m-iniir, whîlipf iblý1iliet, it t'w tI uier tou lte Momenîhiof tihe iigittitnte, atiCi tbe-rt,.For amy etw of't" N'liliPblcmpoirFor ny mîî ofilîro tarditonto tteapu tihînts tt ir it.1 hast xtelîl For atil fouref « ter, hiey ]liv ainî'wtrinrs atnd roîsil o l1u i ft lairge hittite near Chie Tiote!. 6 lf. r Lhekwor d anti arîeîiîe ulais în rpaed ii l;i tctti - r o !kwôad'fi WM. 1tJSI~h J~ ON. For Iiiackwouuti For BIîcliwood i Qîieîec Mavhîîî.19.1 For iitiakirwood t FOAE R er rWepr A Neittt îttaili'iu <'ot-ti e tit heiln ulon TO0W N 0F ýWI1TItY, it Oenv uelliýird-tl 'y('iAl!LES l'lEiiSIN. AitiCuW. Ir TR1CMAYNE, - tari.ter,&e., Witby. R. CAMPBELL w ILL t'f 'i, 1t> tfii ! pii s t ha tîilied tlît%' io4 uw t c l iii.111, l itut pslt tX 'C'il-h>'y, Avig. t' .iî lIotciOU againtc Loati alid Dumege, hyFine., ETENASSU li N(COMPNY ('A ietilti'fj£90ol iolh-t In li c'>'iiîi1ri11îlNi -,î ir,ui uAitt n-ta tiCi t I lyîrtIgîîlîi New TailoringEstablish-ment! SLWPSON & FER .USON'. p ~ ~ ~ ~~~~t EP"rtTytiiîtnritChue ita- liînitanîui of h'WlilxutittAdi-uroringliitg itm-ttnv, h-bat ti-bâe uo ut r ulea - Tallor't $htop on Drock NiSreet, oppijte.thCie ' OnÇitriiisîo i, tlcr I trmt-setruttteil t tuît in i lic di-te 'uîtia îie:tCne.usanti ý-ticl. W'hitbyBre,%ory. - il A 'ttI. rtine l'"- Titt'rr ptitt î'uIonftn- T tii-blt tI it- i.itîiuof'Cl"I Wlutifltrt'cri .1 -it -tut ixrcittit tiutie l ii tqe u-ii itititeit ti ixti I eli.ie ou1 m iniin eii.-iti it i>lit-& AMBROTYPE GîALLERY. 1,N rtttrîiti i tik uj hltiel" t>Ilupliefor t lue Il- lýi jiliuîiî ,he hm u c-cia-ed ii , ' ou . benvý i t i i4îliln l" i 11ýt Je nuitu e tvl ui t. Li tri ut bere, j? Gloar ituu tPoell ,vfll tShce, ti-r - lit i-. ilgIl lie T-ltî,1uuioh 1 ilîîhuî bittCi siun, uwtiiip f v .,rlillgti)tl ;inzîl seuî ttncc, 1huIlt(f ot]ituIdO itil l t I ii.] wt 8111 ep lcilitreierdv, ed a itt-'iiltm tet (.11 lcertîsii et- Ct ln. la i' beuu1tiftti-lv ait mtf,,it front Outhacni', ieum it.O-litix nia- TîtI is itiuhunillu 'sldoia ofnT-ti uper ffct IPriue Molenatè. Teatîi>l euuuy. For par- E t!.B. FaY1 îl Trctituua, ILa>'14, 18ttt.ý 90- 144, Bay ftreêe.t Toronto, Eniplc4rnent! &140: a Mcrnth, A<rENTS W'4NTED .1 I tin tiveAe i-rCnty FriliiSù%vingag ii. libers]l 6u'hià ryoiÇA 0Cper MONT1E andail l Expenseti I T,, Lutte] Ageltie a eogaltis!l oî,tf 20 1 j'ent.u j oit zll teultie.- tA!tQlICt, lidanti iin 1 ittpbtnir 'x htitt. itecetali iri-lueteiidtn t tîttiLet te n înu ,t popi ýar îi the iautket. l<orlhpatiu- lare iud iia' pursaitéitibusitnoai4 atldreut, l itit ,stanîju for returnt Jater. Soie Agbiiti FtnLu-lio Spwing MaXclainisCo. X'lb16 iBoston, ag 24, 18616. NO 41 8& BLACKWOOD ?(CE JULY7, 1841. lus PL, itA NU M. lt'fAor svîes ... 00,* o ie fotur Ieiw...... 5 00' ftllfo fonlte%-iewA ...7 001 eie Itmiz...... ...... 800, m"(1 two Review<tî. 7 (00 utult dîrce Reviews.....9l 00 and tho fonr ltcviewz%... 10 00I t i lotSItvore. ie#uedtpil le A dimscont <121, per ctît. frouî thae ahov prîreewil hc luoz;wieîito (3inbs uoreerittg fonrt-QIi wmoe reli-i. of' iii> îmn!.,r mûre ut te itiîoVî -,kt rii Fir uirdei' ofIltiktyneol,<r ot ouilt iiview. xili beho mîtf b mie addr-,s for ciir cupig-i ftiî fouir Rtiviewe und L'ýhac wo à ut t id en iun. j-ý P itanc-e Fltiidawnys Lie addrti.ýted to tho1ie Ieite 80 No>. 54 tOohi St., N Àl;q- %er. LICENSED AUCTIONEMS, 1ÉUR TIUE ('t UNTï OF CINTAIilO. B of tiih, IîIîhhîu thecu I t t itirio, for t1e'wZi>et-id smufpirt they lhavt rîeiv rin tliem. mid 'xizli]kimidir tilteît i lîitiîr r îtinititiiî of tle.iie. Jhitig a .liienî.e f-r tetti île h?îiîianiy tii-v tre îreplir- -41 di.hAteWniti îder; it Cî)r1irii nd o Adnnt tltis, ALLiEIT lhIG ati ithiy, an p. e.. Th h1iiiirri utt i S ein t qetiit l'O-,,r. Me I.r iiiiî lion & iîhceWiit hy., JAMES SMILLIE. I4enîr, 1. c'n. 49 iETI1 IRY! ATV( A~ND WiLti\,G M. mXZlamB, A N ~ Y AMOU~NT OF - iÀV1CD TC6RF. ing becn for te hast tharce yoars Ina CitoOlf U tr. o * a tI i t t n \ei ti e w 1 ".mee1 Witdealers, in te diffce littu 1ettt osnie .t)o tfut rietoi aqn>ltI î etîqi iituitte A, ut eally ffnhrsC qîttiîtý 1temUr ), Sept, 1 q, 1861. 3 IV WE'ttIHOTEL, ~TFY etiltE .Tone Ighiik i»rut l' of ai-l>' ___C. DAWES, - SEWING I-ticilNEs! loui eîît aoie, 1014le. Itt i MR., GEO-. YUL E'S,JR AT NEIY YORK IlitiICEs. fte Suntieliat GEORGE YUJLPJ'. 51 Agent. Yr IOIONTo DRtS.1 C'ALLENDÈR &dARD iqRegeýuN, Dentliste, , cRooms over 4- Ir.èrleton- Lynde's Store oFssmil i') ets laCXIahsasii'MCt 'C'î'J1TByt J UmCi-t me Qd Iltlit 110 Tý"-ct ",le, i biy T altnta-bttutie t a Inti mii et proac feeîn u t ,,"D-Icdzo t'l thé uiîîg e tnricnov of tô'tt alia- y * gncat ik,eyr ititîetthii liePpitaoss, und inaittur brut ttu'ut il'}eati "ici i lIoiteitt oi"ial Chut-t l lie, hiefuotithedi2sesegt. AIi-Ti'ît'AI.TETul i-wel im G rI.], Sil- Ver, ltio uual'ae Asst iuu'ite ebrtdet - uvnectuiuuet il va l'U bse, efter te uitii.diei tut -1iv, v'nm-lod (elopCcd b> Cii uafe, ,n opmnuttoie' ins (lleît honCoýf llijýwearrî t artifirud ]tî-ebispmi he ý l ittilitOite. Lia tie durailîy ut1 ChumtItti-i nsedti, elîti Cicartuiyini-hie hlending oufenlur, tue grcatumt eatj.iitiiue'ili bu foiiî. - Puitel~u au-titatîitgiet h- titalane a.' aitttr tCId-bu ua ti iiittCîrtatit dctlitii- utheirly. of lne oll'eprilIK 1- . -mi speri Aui oportionm Uwarnautod sutîsfeoM. Terme dýit p! tiiuîfftiuble. Ctelîiiufrec. t er. St FAIR]BA.NZS & MAÇDOXELL v GEFIIRAL Ac4F.NTS, vn tht i itm lt, Ili rnp RE11 p t'i-e watt tti Soies in a11 partfs of l O L. Y-A IRIUAZKS, Jr;, tiD C. MACDOMMEL Nect L'IFEtEN'Eo-zBtirl>t -l- , eq;ldo.Twijtt 'Cit ta-tCtriu; wna ,it,É5.Wî--. akrand onfetiGnery. (o ICIIAID S-NiOW Jsta Ifrnbs A. Iliu n'oua ei-usttaer-,.und lh, MOlic hi ibt Ageotl ,te bas ienuutt'] fretn te iiIpmtiteta-Im Sivi- aii bhrinm, loharaleelon DtiîtixAs trzet,&î~ tlji premiers ýia ei>' clilpicr1 it)vlMri J. Alnil 'W lt eiedrs inbLis a tua îttuuîtii t ttitti l'une -"liuse and- Lot for Sale. T I Thea ripe Slda tIsre ecatterredieteddies tof gold- OuCl h-everge. otIýf tl e Lt t îiat' knlng, AnadZlico orchnrda Ct1eppieCiôte ild spretîc- tnig worldh, - T4iruîsi lîcý1(ir liololihc tf lse-sWC pinte F"itiir beauitfl, .lsttyl lamps it Onrfaec. AmIî tPe suthr etanoeur, wiîh tbe Peeches Anmi (hie satly-eitookc4l appletltat's èritneoned ihîuîwtil eiiide igapeis fitîinet urale siîowesiîlItIl tlver ltiy a gteeti-inilffed trulli% end vil;. %vliila tijiieîid hnigli ranites Aetd dreamut Til? tilny rattalt Iii ery i 1breti& NIvIerî e rbth awà kes, arorcett. fuî i leep tceart i Iy tot,-- lt likte eIldsof de abîînt r'11 ruiaint t» te]I 4- ,DY' n a-aLiIg Lors. te',tounuln as b hail t thte grnni; ititClhCB to lit lu the iîprit-khed with ghory Ct BoIutt he salltee breati to iestiddden 4(1 btîtferffies Aý,ftiug i.in '4. -.~ Theo soft rcaouanceo an sd dolcel ,henphat r h ai] lluuttud buueheu foot andiýgay- yourtvig v iringa of tomne lritmpj -he dîzizalt w w ut1 the eN-niugi aunro, toustellatiùo .1maiet ed un tgii 1>'tuvard ti She nmi*>tbeautiful-: lACHINE S vtitatanditg the"*upi edgedcilcntlvee , ex, vWho 1' neyer CuIL G0ENI cY .: e> odaltlltJi Teeuirof dieuc iras tcturepe.y mton bruif of ber dèepvioleî:eyej CINEt CO'Y as the beart of 'tbeèo Eîait, omoto. wue sa ligit dm1 of Il t ~ ~ 'ier be ac..,î,andothe la are recommçcndoetfor r- of bugie anti violin, rr lbe last balfboun D Sounrd uf tripping iees, lite t-cuiver Iint bird, mad ceaed oôver, 'spd ltebelle indcc by'.a daulietg lin, admirera, wà lk ft ctiuaervatOry., -Very beautiful, uol- 1at ber hy ber owtr éId se& uetytbiug au lotd ah- ber busotu jiant titan the. sparhrle s.belr IlM, scarlet mgraisblpsqo, ýWd, tiaI. dded toi peýsnis, ýcûlre ileedlevouk by the liglat of one dim eandlê." Illkanmamm lispeti a littie girl of een years, wbo had bren -rubbing ber amali bMue bandastogethier *0 warin hen-alsa 1 vwtlienoVery .aýisfà ctury effet-di..wbere diti ou ieaen to'vork semuat?" ~'I lesrued long ago, dear," mgaid th. utber, 4"wlen I1vils s ýsy 8,1-betoïe orrow and vant 0cam0 tu break, me dowia."' 8itesigiteti eayly-It wualsamit a mob -was sit epke. Maoh ~ II puranedtheti.chulti diti OYeu thii- then tbat jeu w oitîtieMr bave f vont for a livingT" Julia De Torre starteti as if an, wler- att'stuets ber, and abrankr instiuctively <roý,tt ie preiltat*trely oldi gaze, of ber pale "Dore% asic aucit fooliala questions,5 Ma- ry," sihel said, almost.ebarply.. 'Who lw Chat, aC %he door V' -The little girl rose to open te door,, snd te aent, wrhose business it vas lu coileet lte roufs of the lanentent bouse, siteppet in e, sitalriug ashaoyer of s5xow fron bis broad abouiders '!Weil, bow ie it about the. moue>' le. ,nigitt, Mn. Wbat'so-your.etame Tht aitibel leta rought Ioucgit no etk'lWnd Ions. 441 bave flot beecu ahl. to gti ee ah. fallereti. g s, "Weili,louok ber., titis 'eres a bard, case, said tht aA it.tTo be sure, it ain't My business te ho lettin' ooe tny eutployerts titnnlsy but theu you bave bad a plaguey hard rovwltelaie, I do shlow. Tain't yoQur, fatît hat itwitltered busband ofyOfzr ruet tiffwitl a tiotiter to~u"aetju fanît 'ttyou wau'1t bora te scratch for a h-elte en rougit old Irishvomeu dovu* stairs. Nov jeu tee iere-P'l go and1Ire. port your cas, at beatiquartera, anti, 1 kiett o' guets you'I1 h. let off'easy. -Hlm tbat ownes these.hous'ea b. dreadiful gueti-heart. ed.") Anti shakiug, hiniseif once more, 11h. a hugôe Newfouridland dog,tbe rouAg diamouti alarteà forth mb lte dniviug tempest ' 'tiHCaven bleas him iurtuured J'ulia,ý titroûgi ber loin-s. - In. thte. cheery glov tof fire liglit aud chandelier,' 8at St.aiwood Hiarle>', aurrounti. cd by iuxury and splcudor. 'Wealîi Sloi- cd, Ponctolus-like, tiaroug 'is hone-a second , Midas, vitatever be toucbedis eemeti lu turet tu gold ; andtheii jewels bis f'air' wore, ver. a antali fortune in 'tbemseives, as site stuoiI beside bina tint eveuing, at, the moment wheu fia, agent vwu introduc- eei. ,by. Office. ulrfm a kinti c' qui e;trofi bsutat ic Neihle, cii or gncaelu Ia i-hç e-iarl(loi or tlîd Co'jv- Clt b l ii dbefire miltJ loi* in i %r ebouli floC'f. rua tic Mathew Teofy Wth -calm Prînted, wordgp greas1 EARTNELL, UZNEY, CO>EVEYATi e oVer (112C. Grue <a W. IJFFICE-IIRtCK :1 PUBIILIC, &e. d(te. 'l'ToIIS 1f-A T-LAW. iieiiCr Uile, l3ruuîk Urie asrme, - t151 V câomuer a6y 'jetifli la yiug befpre otir reada'reotl particeiarn aa bave reacbed otar 4arg. J: would 1appear that l iashe25d battalion, of the. 7at Fusillesra à Muies cut rq'btià à 69 ioen going onformome monthi paet,-aîd titat scartely au officer qsf the. regimxet btat LOAl ftIr or les sttfrered froin thbs de-_ predation. Watches, rings, t-ittkets, ptr.. nés, plates.in short, &Il a -rtcles of a lgbt* aud valuabie nature- disappearet in lu Most extraordinsry "nnner front the. qiatn ters of the oficers; servanU #îtbhotit lblad!. ber vere ducbarg.d Qu stiepitiflbut na clu. to thes hief oet~ hieves could b. tftu- Àt lei4tkMajor BI'ifti8îti e teiýtd ta~ bring mattera, no far nepossible, tW i ti; iMax ; aetd,>--asecnbliniu b hofficeru in'tii ante-rocotAT lte fleSS) he poiiited ouit the absolute uecessity of. solving thiii. anft mytery ; and, by way f ejËample, jýVdpcs» eytIa-t a dontmittee of- offihters should bd named- on thte spot 'io'&éanch tbe barracksm, COMmencing witb ibeir owu' riiorns. Ail presen:t willingly assenIAti, iitt thas excepu tion of otie offluler, Luveritige, oin viont, as it bappéeted, sme imgit sort or sp1ý cion bati slready falleet, front aù uVèr-tesi be had aboten iet <ischsrgiug lais 'servsstis aud ,offerinï(prsontally a reward of £50 for lte discovery or the guitty parties. Ile uW troat rigbîteotMly ltidignaut et the. pro, position, and deciaret C hbis rtimiaihoiid nut be subjected W ttelcha u iodignitiy.- We need scarcely sas thatthis oppoition at one!stremgtbetued an>' flosting ideï. iegaietet him sud, Major Btrt<lktle 'With praiseworthy 4itaness, at once declam'sd that the. roptntssltould be lntmediatoly 9ee cheti, snd bis tbhe Very firat. The. comiuntee vws instflhtl7 nsîned, andi ou proceeding tu the quarters of 'Eu. sigu ov9ridge, tey foud in a ver>' few mîn es ,\wbole of then miseias property to thc valuetýof no les tian £300, cdttlf<1' ed incusaioiis, cbalr-seas, saeet up ln' lie endà of aees, snd in fact, mont artfally conceaed. Panful as ers the» ervea- tions, lb.7 verts asuotltiug eompârath- l the relief inl'used throngiionit thé regiment by the. suspicions snd unjuat aligmai re. move~d fron the b Ieatis of many humble-jet inntocent peoile. There is, bowever, a sitl more distreafsiugfeaturs ln thé matier. !lt oozed out, as Chinge. vill uoze out !hsu once the vetige 'bas beeu ins.rted fitai another officer hati been for tmnelime. past av/are or the guilt of thiecuipnit, bail detecied i inthi et tof easlug a boisy comrade of hie zovercigns, tandtilIiias enkl moment of teuptstion haîi heen pneailed unon W taire a part. as biuh mneYe Uad YoE. 7 V. -WIJITBY, or probab upon a C& nlois. inet t a Living. tu ýr lit t*