ATLS lthe t ou l rime of wh*ch h ande. Apart I? Mxc- mciiiale .17 lnd which as regur -- th ..g ota à thie -pSssaerty lo' F .-Mt. Thonapîe t. e cour. On lot l1fl. th con. Whitby, on' Tues- .AariOct 29týi, 1861, Iho propert of John Vemc~lr....Ftirnhfkm &Mardanell, :kuc Ou i t 3, 9111 Cou. Whilby,'kou i rÃœday Nov. 4th i'ianos, D~ry Qoods k&- FsirbI)fnhu k& Nladoutfll, atthir .ÀAutlou Roos. Nov, 5tb, Farm Stoui ck, t.)onaLot 127 ýth o.leei,~ rpryof Thoîmai iAi,iiIi AbOu e (-f baasa haîndred ,acres of ;11a iead aSeoiti, t Phiak'o hôtel, tUxbiid-c vIf on Il4ih 3anuary 1862, pu t~~ .acbSier. ÂctaSieot lBeau Estate' lDOSu Sha. 1ourIaidFuraîlturo &c, oaa 2 'd urm r;prol*rty of Jaiauet J3an Tio.M.sAucthonoer. eIANCEP.Y SALES. wa'rreaa vu. TcceNov. 14', t Oôi SIT1ER117PS SÂLE. on Monda v, 2ýth Ocober, proprtY of Oý . llac',ltian sd others, Towla$hip, of W h i ty. .Vw dv~tI~rnîutsIbis Day. For Sut--L, lTevden. Cqlrd-»cd Waaûid-B. Oibgnu. DI)UyýIi-g aiid Prctnsemo lu Sparia, for Sale Qsrs& --J;10. Clarke &t Co. 'rweaî, y az ~o. Lot forr I-~.Tlouapson. - nwaoa hon Sanorpaux. noiseraîi d .g-4iao. Wir. o t OWLY ONE DOLLAR AYEAIt lvhtthy. Thrs' tOober 24. 186V. Bfthla- NlrthPriloa, w1livl Arrive uat 'ahr i i ut,22uda, Nw haivé tle worth nla 1k froma i~sa~Auiiaiu buare-s ofaAy clitidewere iu Livrerpool, ,vtock%. TIIëe uew! i8 cç neeind Iit tlae prepa. mi6ons of ilhe £uuatch part qf the expedi- tiofa asiu waas oia n. Ttaree ieam tri'tus, à istena e.orv4ît, aind critter were bsug repared. It 1-15aaserted tsait %bJý u p<ror h c acliwA furtlaur diescqut lioaef tlise Roman qa:smtion until aafier thae A e.pvdiumiliiactiva-jy progrczsuing ai ~p ~ 'ai i Metku.It couelals of four 3eavw f1'ts>artwu ~ir acr nd ésix atia rf bf' li'!bter drauzikt. About 8,000 s unla î roo,,s Wit emih-lr, uof wlom n 000 -o froua ià . Frorns taly il 15 ai~ ziouas c-sdi taat thb Iriganad JBorges b le ee tr1ied auJ st, aujal 1 bat is 45 coasfaee ] lad uindeprie-oujerm-.lTle reporte& d4iash of the Elliperor cof Chinai conifiras. iapareinaaoticee cftise risibi. oroaaa euu'tliese dst.lnguish. mr tise tice o 1 [l "au. ...Sie ai 5wM'a4U founsi a mautvsaaable anes. t emasiceo _& oof"bewri" -ttoswship4 me w.Une Côaunty mnapa efthtie Provinces sud tise -tnuited Statetandu ofsail' hNorths Amerlos. Tise jîpi ing cf tise Tolwaskpga is an li-- 'eroY eieÊt- apon alli ter-worke' of-tise kb!d- thffly etend ta e that ~athis aieak dos c ohspeteiy-ecftltiem cilles, Icarus, Villaigeu, ralîrossla, ris-sa, &c. Tise wyo-k lsboaautily 1 jlusîrted with uatte.. t-oas caa'efalîy prépared çoioredl cliartasund tise unasep ae vesy saiperior. Thiseasaor tise Bitiis Provinices are reducel ftuotle loir. ge sud splendid nmape ut' Ma. bene, of tise Croitn Lands Daspartancaît. Nat tise leasa aauoag ils attractivt-.enturaetis te lfor. matulita affords on tise beautiful spieaace O? 'PliaYOÃŽC4e2 ' -itîraslGeegrophV. Th6 wori-c u abliîainl 2 vols. uta slow irate,' sud oneceseasu cau urait-'ely fait tus cousýmand su extensive. sala. Tisa Caaaîei.dition la pulîsisol iy MeaSrî. S. N. Gastoni Co, of Toronto. 4 PEsSOecL.-The 62usd Ânahversary of tise bu-lis-dat7 Di Caîstain 11owe -tie respee. luId Maor ?<t'WhisI'j-s, accordiig te lsait geantlomanas cscusto, coiebratet! by bita. self and a umaîl pairty ot perà oas friands, on Mantlaj e<eniai met lte 2 let lux4aIh napper ail lis -résidence. No ocae kno- iug tise woa-îhygentleanss-or. bis good' lady need ha tolsi of tisaigainai-ou ansd!profuse, ais as-cl ai rrn-hertel spiaý1ity -whicit dluîiuguished tisas occasion. Tise compa. DY cajoyet! theniseuises ha ttisauietsense of thse word, ad sepiaatetdsati e-f goo l sues fat matuyhappy lar u of tise ,swortlsy Caplaia's iirtiis'day aasvesa-y. -4. --th ea ast Pottrait GaIlcria iemcli waihave cas- tc- ere lo 1an g tli ne lisat of Ma. Suas. usiOs, iluated lu the hiandsoesuusarstore of Ma-. llijeiw ou Duassias uts-cet. The prneuiesu 3aire t-ei-jliAisome, hein-seituat4a on Ibe tauppea aloi-y sud the ra-as descendiasg fras1a tisé a-cf, aud appoat- admisr.tbly at-il alaptei to tise usas ta) arliclsishy si-e 550w put. They as-e fiteil up taqtefuly,-isdea-d are uhusuldSiaja ya-islicaly, sud Ma. Suais. suer& erilis sanie cLoico upecimeus- of of bis ai-I. Sec tise asalertlsemseustL TlýeCiscataîoaielthue iVs-ud. Tisai Observer and tise Pres. - aire i- Iy exrniseil oser tlae circulation tof tise CHaoeiCiseL. If oua- colciporais ral ai droffice tisy e an 1001,.att <ut-lstanal ijulge t'ai-tlienscelaic& ote ielsaken lise> are, sand Loiw grouat tieir airepreseatations. 'l'bis s amilil ia,' of settlius tise matter, Or ifilise7 bacîs tîsairs tiaementa by placing -Io a- ,or$50 i las 1hiauds otf na- e î ataile mnaial, %vu ailI rover lb. aninu sind leavethe tis lcision btiste Psustmseters cf Noa-lh Gataria. These aitwun aaato lai p osa î1e detos-sziued tapon. But tise des çulaiaîou c.?tise NCaiîc. known, sud paioporiouably appi-aecal la>- l te pidlic, ag oua- weckljiswe.llet! iht cf ne adv ail-r tlseèaéritrn cati tail, to mate ust fee aI all Masu boiîut tise sIrkinas Cflia cttiPo. s-arilts,; -t le '8oar g-pes" ailli hem.- PzeispiU owpatroaize tiesalet papes-. Rathenr $ia!~u-aiJustiace. A corraespondentat ut ausvnaon irrites. Maîisew Raty 'vais bris gbt before the Ma- gisîi-ate at Manilisa on as charge of assaint tapan olse James Ga;ason, asnd- lied onle dar.iî a-,tanrs sousndi, adinlu ti- charges Gaguoun witlh bieakizsg the sabbats isy sAeapéaisaÉ big*ÃŽ1oejtise Mà gisl-aite 1duet bhisa $2? uad rosu!I Torono utc aeu-Newauarket Course. Thse Race5s ovte isNewmarket - ourâe coine off Ã"oa Tusdaj nextlthe 2915 inst, anid twffo tolôiing day:. - Sec put-ses k.. in ad'ea-aiscmcsaî. lsemiiere. The Whutby NWatclassu coautsaed. P1*w aWitlesa m ili-egaet4ha4tishe Pub. lieaiion ofutb i's ilolIus siseet bsu been dlscontnuaed. I - - w55 comrww tdâ , c ~ouple of tlsossu'd peruons pretsL The following la the Prix. tMt-- noup3sj'raigIs t y.Tw ear aid Fi>-y, entries, Ist James I. Daidti 21ad aJohnsfl lry ; 4gd John Hamsilton. Oit. yeit'olal-PiIy, 4 cutieslut Wus. Miller; 2nd Chau-les Pilkie i 3rd James Sprhag Font Draugla Breol, 7 enta-heu, lut John M illesr; 2usd Wu. iller ;,3ad Eduil Autlioay. Horses'Saddle or Carisse-Tarc jean old k)lly, 4.cutilè,.lot George Long; Ii James Laaruon' Air ler-Mackie. One jear olsi FhlIy, 7 entries, lut .John Hamailton-, 2ad James Whiteside i-Ir Josepis joues.,- Spring Foal, 23 entries, lut Jsmes Osrpenter 2tid JcinS . Palmer; 3ud John Baira-y. Saile Herse, 16 enta-les, lut Sherman" Bamown 2ud Josephs Bell I3S-t!RoBUa-î B. Cattaia-Miicis, Cows, :8 sli-lau, lui Whlliams Mller, 2usd William Miler i-Ir William -Miler ; 4als John Miller. Tara jean cl Reiter, 4 enta-les, lut, 2usd Sir-iWlliamas Millr; 4lu Janmes ltw. One yjai-oit! Hoifer, 6 enta-les, let Jas. 1 Daviriluc; 2usd John brileri, 3rd *John Miller; 418 William -Wikie. lîeifea- Catit, 5 ésti-ricu, lut Williams MilIer;' 2usd John Miler ; Si-t George Broarus- ltis William Miller. Bull Caîf, 6 cala-les, lut Jaais I. David, son; 2ut! William Waddell'- rdJh Taule. udJh ÈFat Coar or Heier, 4 entrilus, l&tý John Miler; 2usd Jaimes Plirie;iS3A James L. Diaviduon. - Fat Or or Steerr 4 entr-iez IcI James J. Dasidson; 2nd Cospea- Wilisou;i Jrl Jas. 1. Datsideous. Twojesar old Steer, 5 entries, lut Wu. Miller ; 2idý Couper Wilisoa; 3ril Coapea- Wilson. One jean odl SIser, 12 enta-les, lI tWm. Mile-; 2ud do; Svi-do. Slgep.-ÀgeilHans, 7 anties, lot ljiut Youug; 2,usd William Piekaui d ai-l ess L. 1avilson. -Shear'incg Ram,5 cula-les, lot Johan Miler; 2usd do; StId Waile Brittous. 1T w o A g ed E tes, 3 entr os, l t J oh n Ti're sbearlhusg Eoesa,3 enleîai, lot John .Miller ; 2usd John Miller,; Sa-t William Coarle. Rlam Lambs, 8 enta-les, lut James I Dav-id- sou', 2ud lJohn Miller, Sa-t!William Mller.; Taro Rew Laissas 6 cota-les, lut- John- Milea-; 2ast!Jas. 1. Daisosn; 3rd Jobhn Milles' Tare Fat siseep,4entrie, lui-John Miller; 2od John Goudl; ild Uriais Younig. Southa Dowu or 'Fine Wcol Sheep.- Agedai Ras, 2 entieu; lut Joseph %lruont, Jr-. 2ad . Taro ares, 6 cuties, Iut John Ellot; 2sad Josepis Wixsss, Jr. ; Irt Couper Williacs.. 'Maciei. B"rtorat1861, 2e htr!es, lst Johnas autt 2usd Dat-id Bas-ay.- lt- 5ev asf 18P9 S si-es, IsJoins Elliot4~ 2asd Aler. MctIéy; i-dFs-edeiick (Greens. Poullay.-Pair efBai-n lard FowIns, 8 entreesut Dati-'Matisearm; 2.1 John Goad ; Sa'& do. '- -Pair o? Turklcej, 4 cula-les, lut WIllIaLm MaiJor; Jad Dat-id Haley>; Sa-si Theuiuis Burton, Jr. Pais' of Geese, 15 ercus-e, lit Johil E. Joncs ; Zaci Robeart S, Wilisons; a-t!Tises, Burston, Jr. Pair cf fiacts, 13 #strîes, lst Joeeph Jnnes ; 2ûd Chas. 1Plke; Sa-Daliada flair7 ProdauS.-Ten Poasaxls asBlutteaý 21 enta-le, le Ma-m Willisam Major, *sad litss. Cospes- Willopu ; -siMa-s. fiaitid U îhYug 2i ob oh i ,3dcruvatc .:r. Lre ::rwn ma"sua a 'Two Butheals f _u 0 - e,1tltit was previotoaly TreadIout1 afollows.: nsýB ,hlèof 0 l* b Bisit aged Rin-Rd4. Miller $4T. YO 2d,ýD4id O'Gaay $C, Thea . Pausr42. 2u4 Jas. Sîoa-oy e$2 Bara-el of Flpiaa, 2 entris, 'it'ruman Ruaca Lii-sm Saml 1Éesil $3, Win. Jif. P. White. frey $2, Jus. . B : teli $ 1.tumtbr Wà X , 2- .tza4s js Jasels BégutîbreëE¾%res-Win. Jeffa-ey $1, 1alins ?Keith1, 2odneml Wtlb, . Guy, ta, Saial.1 Beau $2.., Buggy, 2 eatiOM e Bejai Doteu Best Shearlissg Ewe-2lThom. dlurl $4, 2nd Benjampini ioten. W .n. Jeffery $3, Samel B3al$2. - - * J3e 3 Ewo Labs-Wna. JWlery 1$3 1 Lot çof ?eaapinu;Jon.T i..1" -~iiow Two Busaelslo f leanse hcia ey TrO-! 5 usside. .Agesi Bain -jIL Spencer $4, ÉI. Ârk and FI&% Seed, Robert S. Willso $t2ý.1 1 .ludges for uHorses, Roots nd ;ai. R am Laaab-IE. Ârkland $2, Thos. 4uy BaUetl -widâeld, J~a ?~ on ~ mes Ple, ohn ogI 8 Fwe.e-E. Arklaaal $4. IH. Sqen- Crawford, aud George Kea-deas. 1 cati- $1. Judges for ùtaUle, Sheep, Sie,. &c.- Basit 8 Ewo eLeainbs--Il. Spencer- $2, do John i. Wbelei', Richard iButler. Tisotus Pearson, Thomnuas ias. I grssir1W. Domeulloc Marin tacttie. -'e-a yds Rome Brut 2 Wvctlsers-Geo. Ormiston. made. Full Clotis, 9 eaitries, lut,- Miss Bir- Baisit 2 Etschas. Scott. rai'; 2nil, Mmt-. Wm. Major ~ rM-.s fl-miel Tiseraton. Rerte, liarlvin i Bull (isi1f ISOt-Ro ca-t Te,, jus Home miade Satiuette, 3Sentrelà ûit-s:3, ~LAriçiaid 2 lut, Nfr, Stasl. Soiaurville ; 2usd, lMrs. uBg ti-ale B Csif Unt'61-Jta. Tho Sp. Satasi Sonservill e; 3rd, NL-8. Benj. DIXOQ.sat)n $"3.11 Fit-e ydi Gba -ador Plaid Flausaul, 13 ilesL.îDcvania e a l '-Jasa. NcGilI$11. t-ltries; lut, Mrs. Hawk-lins WocdaiutY;2ud,,Besat Grtaide 1Ileaf(r Calf -Jasz.Thomp41oa do; 3rd, Ma-e. Win. Saidier. j$3, do $ Teu !ds Houa. madieWool Cia-pet. S3tanuS au. eaties; utltr.Tio, Iro J; aa, litUnr-se Ci Ilt for I 6 -sddlsaor ii- Mms. Robi. PFailer;' 3-, Rachsel Betta. *Irig-eîn1)4a-e~.n. Iviluan$ Tua yd e lonse made Rag Cairpet, 11 lnr-- ,Colt or gsI. o gcaseaal pur ae- enta-les; Ià sa, Mmr. JoiuaSîigh ;26d, Mus. se.-.uInn. 'R. ttelifi 42ý, Jsa.a. Pile $1. Jas. Carpeuler; .2rd, Mmr. Wsai.Major. Uni-se Colt nil 188t1,I.fui- draaaîghi-4 n. Pair of Blaýskeau, 7 cuties; 1sa" Mms. Aîaasnnl $2.- flitdI,< 1uaer $L. Wm. Saider;- '2aud Mià e hirrel 3rd, Mrs. ~sa ot-u 0,fa iaal'n-aiig 1 _d:odssL *M-.Sas.-as . e.dlt M Itx. uPile $I. - Co vrlid l2 nt e t, à . Sm. MfI'e Cu'illof Il. p ,fo ier ai-pee, Somua-vlle; 2aad, Mrs. -CasîciForsytal;.1ardMiara'.Cslt oi $ui for draft-Jas.' ~r. Ma-s. Aa-cId. Ililkic. - eU .thoa .-as Qautil lb0ntrieï; lut, Ma-s. Jas. Car-peu- is.-- ter; 2nd, IMies Abigait (bud; :1-d, Misa. le iiIa-a a-ia Wa.last Kasit l ed CoVer, 1 entryt - $2s4I- isalaCa1 leb Powell. *j oirfig l$014-M:rtias iriuiguat$2. 1Pair of Wooleu Soces, -4 enarles; lt j a-t Sue'. ti rsiebrei-ca-Inn. Rrîgg.( î 2. Mms. .Moi-ain ; 2nd, Ma-s. Dainiel Ru-atSow, eaaaall hi-ei -E. elrkliîad - Tisorston.- Haat ~a' PigSOl .1.I.Biekoîl $1. Pair CitnSoclks, 2 cuties; lit 'Ji-s iis Os0a AI-S. Morgan, 2usd, Mra..Caleta Powell.; lest .0 Is(lias h-so- Baraiey blowla id Pair WoounluaMitti, 9 cuaricsa; I, Mrs. 2. ,Ino baiai Il) s. Maclale$1 llobt. S. Wilhsn 2ad, lMm. ,Clttfk6onu i-t10-11usiutis'i--Ja. Cs-ct2 Rougem- rs. Coryell ýlý(, 1k-ti- 1ayl.a' Ocaea' Slarti, 71anes; h'st, Mrs Chauiaeey RIeyaalss; 2usd, dci; 3stl, 2Mlrs. I.. -t re tif s.ip-d M.Iale 1 luçrutel Burton. * i-.I-t- oa<l1reiriserer Fat-t ali1 > - a analaa Si ra*; nile;Is,$1.,-la1 îihsI $. MIs ibia1 Guuld; 2nau, Mi-s.-, Saiutual i -tIafa'--t'aiu---T. T. jL Maert$ T'es ydi Fsciry sueeFusll Cohi1 lis-i liS sso af Ms.c 0,ls.J.(;(i v ently ; tel, Mm. UDaniel Thoratota. c ('sa12 vbbsc-n ssa. 'rigg si, Tha-ea Losaes Bt-ced, A14 essahi-es; 1ai, [Le-sar .50c. - M ise Elleza Logain ;,2aad, Ma-s. Johni Sleigli; lxilsia1. tnss-Ts Trig'l$1, -rd. Mi-u. Ti-asaain P. Wlska.. Csrys4l <ic. -- Fasscy. Dsipartn t. -Faucy Kuitîiug, 7 RS±tt variety it egtalc-l'o.Trg Cftate5;Ts. i i35Bapisemiai ia-otn ; 2uad, de- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10; 1rMn Sude- t01 S~i lOd ih. si-O 1ý isas car-Peter Tsiy- Frce Work, là ) cataie.i; lï.i M li $,T. ars-l3c.r FmcsSomersille; 2iid, Mcs a.hvid lai-. dlay; 3bss, Ms Fritures Someriville; -FIa, Besit 12 table Appla,-JAs. Mfaclele $1, Mura. M. Varazatt. Rs 2 iuJ- sncs-n.Mcul$ Eaaihioideray, 12 antilas; Ist, 1Miss Ju.Saia -'<(Se. 1erý 2nd, Mrs. D. Dcciee-; ai-, Mis lI-' Ieà tcll oiatf iratJu.Mth rai; 4tla, MssEis îsWoOdruiT. î - Fana-y Kaiutlug, 10 eta-leg s; ' la, M Sceler; 2A, do; i ia ,Mm. Win. Sedier; etpr(i'-a-Ca.S t$1Ja 41h, MisMeruey WilLioia. - B il uOc.rý i ett 1 25 Flsat e-iaW lesr*7It ui le ii'ic~-.u< tr i li Jassa Persae, laaulkMiuuMarvtrei - sa:een - ,jûja-s 01 oilcae aiîig esyciaW Milles'; 2nd, 3rd, 4tis. EI)caseser Bivrael. - Faiuc,'Baskept, 9 pentiies ; JetMi8~i e -Naisli; 21d, .Mlit ai-y Guu!d ;a Sa-a, Mms. lael Bei-lads; 41h irs. .A. Mca-gan. Exrtaasa uosasnel~Cesof iWax 4Fruit, Ma-s. lloItaî¾a'R. Vaseons. Beas CassiSn, Maray Js at'%aiekie. Bead Collat, Murai, f. Degluar.- \Voolecit foodi. -Ml Woolcn Ctoteist atts Fanej a stic Fiuase, M'ai Janie Via-ih. Cana lBoule Markr, Mies Aseiil Post. l'air %Waiuei loi-s-, Miss A&delia Puist. Ca Apple Juil>-, Mss.lRobai, Fller. EnlgPlein i>-usarre Ma-ad-, Thos. Y;a-. don. - ,Fruit Caike. - Siscp her's aPlaid.- 1 Judzatuafar .. 5Va.aa.a,,M tafatiIu rwl- Bet $ari- Ttrkutof -Js. t -y . Tise alscae Saclpa-y's Exhaibiationa-is FaIl tak, plare it Be-avis-tuasou tisas 10h lasst. Wie lcaa-u (hast tlienasumbea cf eta-les sur. passedaItis aisy fo-i- - cr sauana thet tisa atteadetnce mai unuaiuals' ge The "foilboi, eis e prize lats ltltiss.lîare Pi-et prasium, Thisoà Giasfai-i;2asd, Aiius à utrasj. - Two ycai- olil FiIy-îft, Chua. Galle. aa ; Ya2nd. Peter NMeCutti,. YearlisîJ Colt, enir-Igt, William Mc. Yuarlmq Fily-bst, Chai. (lalioay, Saile le eeast, Wms.aRltchhe. FQal-1,3t, Johin Gran.;,u2d,W. Me-a $paas Deugit . lsrss -Ist, RobI. Dcli. Ilua;2usd, JohnusMeCuaahJ. - For thse Chronicê suwell ais ImLrçIpl5triSom papers tue frquentliy' iak 1'd5~~ of party politias, anad persqnaitl' a bsrer, the. subjgete o? thi.r eieilidareo te tise exclu8ion of other usatter fair more uaaful aud edifyiaig ta their eeuduerd. SuICl a co 1urse as mach to deprecad on laccoaut, not oaaly uof1W axclusiveness, but of is er niçloasi influence on thaee oaiuity at large, by exeising thae-worst fceIlýag of thoe wbo, happen te disagreelunttiîr y'tcws of politi Wa p.atiw, and hy caesing net ufrequent- ly, an estranv -i 0<;_betwirsathose who would. otia.ravlie. on friealdly tarn.- Ingtead of dissesiag politits as ai science, they indulge, toc ofteaa, lu Yiiînperuting caich other, either politacally or, iidividuatlly, to-gsight altogether, nf tihe great; quet. lionis whiclc politic3, ais a scienace involve. Politiceais a science coaaspreliond more tbana ,aeaely alais paray or tisai, this leader or that; il comprelacauds diirliole systeza of goverasm ent-ths governed &ais veli as thea n-overtaur. Tlaeré,tayýthere neces- Snaily wil bc ii differcrove of opinion aî. lu îlac deaîsils but thea-ai ca bc noueas uoug honcat, iatc!i;cut men respecting the gain- erai principlca ihercof -for 1likas overy other- science its ger;aereî princalaare imanutehie. To Ie eixht of -tiassde, tMdil aotheInt'o- test a pea-soialtmatt,-r, irr"e<pcîive ôf tise prigacipleï îh involva'a, or tise couapromics tlallis;ttata ,aaaule, i-s, in ssr hasuble ouja- ion" sasperlatively aliiurd, andsslsllossst and slaoald be frownedsiairai y teray ra.ý spectuable, netotelusay christlau, edîitnl thes Province. rLa-t thueplli-jaral of every grade bs-cat'tei- do bis iano a a o exclau1e froua li coluanus et-erylaiag t1mýiss acaica.ttcil ci-catie a pura-saallia-ail; or tn excite annry Ifaeiagà drair idirtivu h 1an-ga e at hins hoaeutsspeakafsmatllthitîga u in s; aapte&i sutis cr-aau-taae iaua- rwialola aise es-uni ooic issîca, and al oinudalgu in uisiner vasay stro-n alatige lu aciaa-acterizc a iaIli.i ai ' ct. Let all do eau ati thies-papers will [au; uncismore ra-cu-so, taid riciîalle. h i-a.ï, s'ry lî.atiasc ra'sia 'e as gausua ta>autol satva mil in ui-pi-au- vincial joua-isaIs. Cutis uytîiig be moare nburasi ansadiridieul u-isut ise b habit tof costinally hai-piaag ai u ne palltïalsti-lu;? as if the wa-ifsa-le ut'nations ida,)f-passaeilon liait otestuject boisa; eli s-ealilatedf. LLt a-spper an6ut luin-n iaettentioun lu thus rtà gi-sud i'e of pullýis; andlela- thasandisau s silli cith a-e,"esidlelt thons lani- ta ca-crI pîalitical Sasiata-trUsture sa1pon tisaigreu l princilelca isi11t.50'qc15Oc es-sii-ca, sad tîa laoî - ilI rcletise h -asty andilalsiiaag urs1rtituile ut'fahustolli- gt gati ni happy peopie. - If suiac eaLimre wCe a urcl ly oui- - laiîlu înblu csii-n!itsta woiilai not au as muas peusassi aha-a'iyeu i-au attausas pourer] foi-htýi lruu he aicoliiuaasst(ut thae Yrtius ncppes usv u-sd. It li raltli-g-eftl itîe ia it uawt oa- moealeerssot st-o r amasofoua' pta neirspaapem i 1 - IScewaiora 0:12 iaunoJz etu etîed ula t msna ravsci o? thsansare asshted hyb,' uscu ist-oe moia i f lr. seusihilities -are ' clisher-un- obtuse, rli un obliquas tisaI t ey esatuset or wilMt suaeaVr' ibe impropisat,'or 'vick 'alsacaso? tirs-ful Set- crisaý; bhai tlra-us'is forward wvîisthassnaI Soutb. rerkilcsuuess tisit id ouIn~lasqalct!b>' tise 'hM ut-isilu3ilug aefruntea-y sa-it is icelstiaipry l H (Ias-ot e hei lied isohbup abhi afuls nd faihilagu te tisase tisa fats public gaze. - Eaa-l Coamesaanengin. ort'crii5 apbague ëspot ii the lier- laIs - meut i ciminit>-. And iault ".d of' !eug a se uriaj inig tusi ee:, sad a guaidetg to ~s>es; Isle t'ui Il i- casa-se o the foraser, aand t h tslustter -The We-woe e sle toB~c1 ee mafeis cf tiserams ~Tsr thieprçent 'al iMeetinsg, in coasseqaunce -tse daibu cf st-sa- indisposition. The sport, we are. tobts g aa ti ue si to ) ea r n w a s, h o w e v e a, v e ry g o c a; a l y sarlartn ea saisi thse zùeltiag on tihe st-iole beltera- is yesterday foa could av a-aeetsexpectési. -Tiseatteuidance 1,500 bushpls bath ilcysý was qashle uumreol5s. The fui- da>#us sas bas'i active 90e ta l~~4~ S tie reasu'r-- -- - extra sasuple -Faauea- Da-.-$50 Fui-se, mile iseati, wý -e Catch waigists, fu or sese owased at dateof Bsrley 'us if advartisemieat lu Counaty. OusMrÃbi s4aid'- Peu. ai joining townglhips, caut aad vwest: - Oatts, 2 ' N.Gatls' b.g. TopiQuinn,lby Pilot -Hssy, $. - - Ili Mont-s ouat of Count ry Mà aid, agei, 2 1 1 cuitaî, send 4.Dat-le' g-s ivell )c9, by Sir Upa aaa J. entou'e .. 7 C. Ife,ana,aged, 4 3 2 W. Card's b. g. Limbelr .Ain, six r,. l'- sha. ila, Magnait, by Pilal, 5 il 41 '-la fa 1" j tii Tm -11,1.54. 1.-357. J iadnu Trotting ['tsieor $100,aiide slaiku u It. fjails's ca,,,,. $25 ccha-tuilehoat, 3 li2S2pa0ulu al ua1 - u a-u ad su f.- aal A-.uuauCIa,-5u5lu, Totti; flarL xse1s; tg arih, , &,alan g. iC/Cë,1%1'usa as-a and -ak, a n. 22OIlI ,-tr5a SKr. N Pc krtal.-Pm. (Irzi, oen- o ail ,4laFaorau Oanei, -Uua sas uCanada:uas Ma. wa2mar m.BhslI. Iilck Tome, 3di 3 u-a d-i Tinse 9, 1~,45, 23,-O -Paau~r-a $IA Pur-- atrnblau [blii ntcai- sh,wa.d 2.50las' puilie huei Voluac , pt aaa oul3if Coab.a"rrinMuid, b ged,2t. B. A. Etýrwluhu bey h. Rob(ls Mal, Il 1y fHeruniil,; -yo«m. - I 3 J. Fetit asr's b.. J. C. !eenf, T. Wcilei-* . . Clrion, Iay Pilait, ont tif Clarionet, ri yeairs 24 STJoias I.Oct. 19.ý Tis a ŽEa aarveil oftCAipe Race, tata Faiiay ini-h1. Tise .Aaa4la-Saxorn arrivai t! aivterpol on theas Pilihst. i Tise Etnut bas foi-ty caban à aij , c ohani ,us l~g atraei.hv atel a l~ tira daj vi ltt te Emnpas-or uplsa.--J The ucesvia Pru.elu reporte tise aleatls of the Emperôha of Cbinai. tà la a-poa-leui tiait Pihac NaPeI'lta sa sent ta thaiesaIaca-t aIIr( nitaof ht ,îor tant stal'. palier'oua I'~adn4ara. on -ber pris3wo ta-ou ;end. - SLiasdssaj, member mentI, fit a pubit Iv ut-ge thoerepe6i ,aase eadca-oa-iag I parmiton, beteeai Grat a Fastem hlid for repirt- aaî~s sas a-, a a P-auua Jleu CI 55-Juua ai, t,"" t~ £551 Il lu a tuas .t¶~ll I iSuafi-sîs I il aass-'ta y k t 1I 4-f lie- ta uT ut- cc- 1 1aurat ala cf lis lIQ Crosiby, n , M I- , 1A ~S-aCh- inel Pat - IWbi Urs. fu. O'fiîq, w- ýtweek. 0ff sosteai ta anuscunee' -tii& r ahi 6 bc ei at Casatine Jita a watTs'