Whitby Chronicle, 13 Feb 1862, p. 4

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-t' j -I w omn ~sg m " baeovedj mco aWe î (1alce th@ 1siair for 14 s ambttnte, Iboi ibéèli for theeklTniVl buJhappy in yon-rc ",In iy .sd cmbeii5ih LleGrant aseI1lbave e.-ri:l r -efrolù 'infancy-witb rever-, Ai aellewus going,. Donald ireused bis RIpa to ber scarf a% it floâted paat him. Bue u'ee-med far, far aboye him ; and altbough n love sylph ut b>' luaide th rcmgh thse Vvenling, thongbis of bis firat love would intiode, end moistened bis eyea with a dêw almoit unknowr ta lus manti>d. tuauIe igh never niarricil-, but abll Iound, inuthe dues and pleasurca of social life, fuil occupation for her' lime, talents and means. SOIi it wauld, perlua,1 be to nuach 1ta Bay iat Rber existene wans'aa happy aa it mnigbit bave becen, ,l.ad not lier lon; engagement wiah Donald Cauneron wated ber beauliful Yeats, and left ber to long aaod faIthfUi a worsbipper at anc abrine ever ijo bow ta sanoîber. Wonder thai it had noyer occured ta us be- fore -we, Who generali>' îbink ai cicr>' 111in01, and alwcys at the Cabinet Council, wtich waa convened after the arrivai cf iba news af thse Yantiee outrage an the liritisît. fiagi nigt appropriately, be caled "The Council of rt."-PUffc. Maýdame Jero~me l3anapart ia atiili rosi. ding in lRlînre. it.ia said tRuts he en- jtsya gaçd healtR, sudthclogh verged uspan farrore years, bas a hand as prett', cheeka as plump,and es-in aM fair Ua aYouag girl c)f seventeen. TH U- ROYAL, Nerih Johin st., Llverpuo. Capital £,tO,0tX>) in 103, 00t Sharos of £20 Each., PIRE BRANCH T r Lt lttsof Treriurn are exvce,~ai ..molerata, ami rgertmed in e ase D y à carefui cousiderod cf the riait proios, d. l'ire PremIiuir_1861, $264Z000 LIFE BRAN CH. L.arvee Benneý delarot-£I pr cent per atîbînte oe tii.1actea-icre 1 i P.tizesttt arn .uut ever C0tlocouiuiy dulatreti br tige om'â-sy. »lliaof Profits every Five Years,. ta Fiscle, tiieu ta sX'uteusc two Eîtire Ysars. THE ROYAL at it yofie(ttcots RIFME CORPS. N~o extra cUare ta Voliebtcers. PEROT M. DOVie Toronto Office, Yoiige st., and Wllicgmon st. FRANCIS H. HEWARI>. Mtasuwer, Torona. ADAVIOSON, t 1 anpoecr. Al.aiaacu, with ample dotaila aiftMie Ceai.- pkny'a oprrtlont, and everv neccsaay isfor uitonfuruui.'iud attie offciles cf JOHN AGNEW, Agent, W1ltby. WlitbyJun28, 1842. 8 CHAtEJRX SALE OF FARINI PILOPERTY! tuore tg lsiutift, -Â InAr,,ttige npueiTet 'uaIs n îu opene4s in.p'tiE BOOT & STIlO , STORE Inlethose spmc~ miseskso'uraga Ca4w 311s, Block, Brock S&l (lit iv ocaeit b>' M r. Wetlierni'i) vhere vili al ie hoftîiîd al kitîda of Lether, Leaither -WILLIAM BURNS. IX )flavltug s Tanner>' f his owa, eli .> o.se et Iandi, paessfocuil tica ligiel, f.-w oaLlera Ign thoe e .jeyj Thge tmide I supiicu. Alklnds cf ort sl eerp ci' tic,, ie'Whtre. - IIIDES & LEATIflÉR. îlE UNDERM1GNED 18 PILEPARE To zT) 8:> a-m-fui' lilti., deivered:et J4-ude'a Qid îmeý,ofBrocitStreet Witby.i OL N[ L OTIIFR Ki)1)SOF su- by tout Leatîger for sale nt the Wh1,1- - Wn. BUlINS. NEW ' JEBWELLERY T ilIFEttnitgeri-her huas mow on isand, a (cli sa. Mortgtuelt i FINE GOLD 3EWELLP1RY.ý Rings, Broochs,- Loekets, 'Neck, and EngUîýh Lver, anud FwssLVacb WhIiia uuhg rcureffeil>' seleeteut, 'ce Oaa war- rant ,filàc bet-tquality ý ENGLISH AND ANERICAN PIMated JewetUert. JetCGoul, Spectacles, Silver i laied Fork,Soas c Jusi rmecovat a lai-ge o tsortn Or~c %W hi s lsele uce cling at inuels legsi tlisatige uems1 gprbecm. <0goheur cdocks varraiuted gooci - ltgne $eoi'ota bar 8.0 - Evi rC article it tige loveat iîete. JAMES JOHNSTON,1 Watchn3isier aud Je;'cllnr, Braok Street, ýVltby. $olýt. td, 18A1. j 34 CONSULT TUIE OLD» POP* reP;>aUtjug Fcee ad A.4e &lfdOuU 7ora, Ery#i>uui, G'c i)W"u of yeM Ad oessai e ugo,. DR. AMOS & SONi 48 El GMM .ktd, -e d. r, t A RIETIIE ONLY P1117SICIANS IN T11I SA whmo tie mbora ofithe. Royal wollge froooa, Loudau, xay bcouaoksd fi-ca V, a",Ukgiii te tnaraing, rutili 9 st nlght, lneovery stoire and aymptoai ot Discsle., Ttbetrosl-unenvrtha- aeo t lt tghrtor O~fp- Tiiot-clm ait cvîi habit sornetirnes1a, lged lu by baylm,liuu soîitde, citen grawi 'up vitR tîtein to teaumîooti; andi vhjclî,Iflui roformcd la duo ttm, neot be bgot e ;rlcu n1.slalet ta i t srulolL-1ha p"ncss butgiveK rise Io s aýcrîreocf prototdgg-luesudvsatg Few of thase 'sulc rive ma> te thissperuici. onte prituticoe avare ob tîi ntceq rtencegg, un til Viey fSud tise corvo-ne ejadi )te ifcd, eil %gugue Stars igiibmheiiiid.- itlabug sgmonocf tiue atut irnithuble elle- tuiea taiicaultb, ici' eotlgaie itiie dire cg- t lrr;e Orbf uul isAlessocanns aso deetruetiva,- PO1I0VA], WALMKEY & Cols. CAUUGE PACTO0UY, DR0CISt WlITY.ytý FISTEAIMRÏ SICTf 0F N. W. BILOWN'S A(1RICTUTRAL WORKS. Where you willI End Cutters and, Sleighs of every discript ion, of the best worlininship and m anufacturod of te best fnmterial. compriiing: ]Patent Front,.Jumpar, Rol-over Sat, Portlaud. Sloigh, Box or, Demourate DO0MLLE SLEIGISý & GOOD SINGL119UITERS F3R $25 00- ALSO, BoBnLIU, IR N IIEAVY. Parties w.,tng Gtters and Sleigbs wili do well ta cii and examine our stockc before 1purelintg elqewhere. We imake or own waork. and. employ com- petent worlcmcn-, sa iluit every article sold ýcan bt guaraîîtoed. Wo are,-doter mimed nnVIto be indiersold, sio corneand gct a good article. 1W" Ail our Cutters have STEELTOE 49~ ~ D0PX0VAN. WÂLM t& <Jo 0F ALL KINDS AT TISE_ TE-AAND COFFr4EE WAREIIOUSE. TflosE W110 HAVE SOT, SIIOTLI) TIl ENGL ISI BTACK TEE. 4,000 Gallons of Prime Whiiskey.11 - 150 Gallons of Fine Port. Wine. 100 Gallons of Fine Sherry Wine. 140 Gallons of Jamaca Ru=. 150 Gallons of'Hofland Gin. » 30BARRELS'0F F5] Consisting of Salmon Trout, White Fish, Eackere1, Cod and, Uorriugs. A -superi-or'lot of FRESH INGEiSH AfK ANB J-APAN ýTEA-Sf Sugars, Fruits, Candied- Lemion, Orange and Citron Peels, .AI- monds, àç , &c. Received direct fromn Baltimore, at prices defying competition. Also a superior lot of CANADIAN TWEEDS, DOE SKINS, Cloths, Satinettes, Plannels, Blankets, Buffalo RobeS .&c., &c., which will be sold at a sinali advance advance on Icost1 for 'Janl. 1Whjtby, Nov.'27. 1861. T. H. MoMILLAN. au6 m syceun TrILLli ' - aiectgrave. i de' rytu raidly', -ttas àcsm, na deruuge- . Lage, sCet>'. bu- MANUFACTURER 0F ALL KINDS 0F i- b Ppmm-edavs aboys m d r- an deutitsIr. Q l nleuugrela bnuutiru -AND- r 4,>558 ACRES <s asIe ta 1v ptl. Ti. and aver aIZi> ricuitural 1roprety, 41,. pi-oent vii be ond a faivl'Irâbie pportenity fer invctmtnt. 1 TOWNSHKIP 0F SCOTT. 7th" castgaf lot No. 4....... TOWNSHIIP 0F M ARA.7 isi " soufhweatV l ot Ne..1 ..... 50 " lt'li sontu-.Ialf " .... to IStls 44" 2.. é()" 18111 " ae'th-hialf..............ion " TOWNSMTI'O0FRAMA. erront Itanire, lot No. 44 ........ .. 8j A Con,.l..... ..l B l 5 ........... 10 44 a c..........100 1 " " " 1. .. ... .. .100 18 ... i.......... 100 B 14 " ' s.......... 100 p................ 100 F7 " " ..........1ion Fid 'nrtmlaf 1 ...........100 F fi #4 41............. q()4 No 1 jrtl.tlay "j1......... 41 4'"" Ser lt o.18....... ......9250 i 44sî1a i l il ai....... :..... qi Noth <oui.t Bt art14 ...... .JT4 6t . di A........ 14 - i BTIlsn U sool a ............1010Il stli l 4 1 .... ...... 20 'd TOWNSHIP 0F ELIDON. srd Con,oat.sf lot NaO. s51 . . 100 61 5ii wcst-lgal...............s10 t 8mb "neî-tli-igaii "in0....100 TOWNSHIP OF VERlJLADK. 7t1, " Bruite,,, lot he. l5i...84" 1litîti Lot Ne. 14........... ... 2400 COUNTY OF GREY. TOWNSHIIP 0F COLLINUWOOD. i2th Il Nortli part 1 af X.). 12...77 TOWNSHIP 0F ElUPIIRASIA. 2g.d "I <t Nzo. 10 .......... 200" rOwNSnIP 0F -LUTHIER. lst I lot No. lé1............... 28 4th i ................. ...... 201 Id sth il Il 9...... .. .......2038 g AIse to lcame for a Wtc rnîcfiqyears la tise TOWNSEHIP 0F MABA. loti uCon. nî'rtlg.liu,,f lut Ne Il ...106 ioth 4. 4. g. 14..100 11111 di" t..;.200,I li th, -Sjg 2. 7200 'g lith 'g sutiilif Il e...100 i" iitiu " ,eehbsif " lus. 100 "K d bith " ioftig-lalt " 13 .. C l2tlu "sonth-haif " 15....100-' le %," ootlg-lialf " 14 ... 1065 L:Iggltecgudiîg prltuer'iii ave-tiie an. trtjuiiLguiy j.es.uaIv cgigisg tue autg;in s tlie -to r't iflgtg;u',augd tige,, 1r price andu terule appjly (if by letter, pr4,pisi 1), ta JOHN IHAM ERRY, Whlitbl. Wiitby 14,Nov. 1581. 4- IMJ>ROVED FARM:S Acres Af lacu, 45ace iro compo- Iii ed ortilteW 3< flot', Nos. uiagsd ,itsi tol w'eohe itla an excehli-at $ig Mili, and tva gCoti ISv$lult.,u.esFrulo Boa, sud uooi acrem, .65 seras eciarcul, eompogr4 of' tise W 3< of 17, is tise tlot uesictî af Utiridge Cotsr>tý of ittovio, with l>welliig Ilonne, Friteo Blaril ssd Stale,%. WILD LANDS. Lot No. 2, le the ACIoitCt. Eliimaore, 200 loi-ce, Cotty c f Viottritt. ]-ot No. 14, intt-e115.ii tCous. S'ineorville, 200 aereai. Ceutt., cOr eora West 34 Lot No. b19.lun the lct LSan. Feneleus, 1-» acres, Ccunt * of Victoia.. finutIlt 1,4lotn . 17. in tl,.c Ilth Ccli. Port- laittlgl 1ucres 'tii1-tv%,of 1. r4a ige. lWeet !4 Lgot Ntt 2S, ilàtihe 181h G(l. Wavs- noch., lO-u scruta s, >uiitI>'MafHuron. West 4 let No. 18, iut the QUIx Cou. Davu, 10o xcee, Cuiy of Lnuibtcn. Park tut cf u6 acres, wigi (rai oue u.anud out- ttc w'sru. Alse 20 tcwn lamit. Far toi-ma cf 1mproIvýwii gporty lakii inluexebange 'ur ttai lhd ltndr;a aboe notCouuod. CHIARLES C. JKELLERt i - $0 1 Wlitby,- Office iti Victoria Btiildifugl, cuir the cuu LEA1iA111 'PI1OP E1T F:OR SALE. TrIEuudrt4nedoffiurs lulcvsîe&'ale proFryt). aitPort W ithy foi- cala. 1lt oapriassour- teuaiùtld wrilassl mes STOYES!!1 gIIEAPER ThRAN- EVYR. T l A»4F T STOCK ANIS (IFATEIST Va tyovem, Stove.i'urtr, jrTÇc7,ý vare, bc' au ie en utairlesStore otet4l Stisibee>syle and qcueitv end- Pt ail P'rimo. Tise pcpair vpItiern tovo bast been intiodactanend wnsi cubter varieties: 71I KINU FS7>E MRON DUKE, GRAND> TRUNX, PRINCE ALBIERT,- DAVY CROCKAET, PRO TECTJONIS7', . 1 gCaml and Sec. JOHN BRYANt Broeit.st., Wbitby. FOR SALE. A 01 )W ELINir IIOU$F ,ri$Poart l., A iiicthiii,,e inrituding divting bionter, i an.itt, ext-oi3etit wcii, iviti, al ite orubard'ai bennet appie tres%, &e.. mi, thei pro mie. wiiger.irsc(.4reevcqîîatureofn ITi w'elé ii bciio ld isepairately or tegettii, Itrlue-ttoQ for tho ue at1Lnt; oe.e tlii-dt mc e pat ig'iiiý, flic. balance in ent- veggr (rom mhe 151 Decenetîir. for fsrtlor purtit-larb, etgqeirc c ti liepiiu. C> taber 23rd., 1861. 41 T I? % esuriboffura fer sale lot Nof. 2,iti jtligcStb Con. cf tige t'uwuuilip cf Whitiuy,ý eocaiiig2' ore mre or ew. About !«ýî4 cictureil atii a seod claie cf ctltivggtiagg, il- remaiidor boigg cvorotl wîtthi ooti itaortwt-i5g timber. The abovo f4rini- nie oftîteltegti,, tletowt' blhip, huluig loctteti tetwcen thte two'e idiitg renaefrontc-W itbi', Adtu.tî pe"siug evgry ail' vzntage Mrir aro'iiiig pvoduc. Triere ta on the runýisieca alargeltraîne bit-g,, lxrse$-000 giowti, thec romtu:.tier to suit th~e purcoeer. For Ituriher ipsrticnirrs op1iy-on %lie promniseu'tu JOHIN McLA$e. - 14 . ggbto Caution Aga'aagt Connterféatti. -Tthigh repaver anti esuoAive ui m i'ue î.Pi-r. v tueaitbi 0liettpiceitis udganrousto-a posg'nn. cf tht-j, wo tre uMlion, i-s-.; h'e'il' ,g go ofna pesuatar.te.gtg tht-i- gai-dt-jst 5,s.i tre t-auiunlt-e luh eetaisurueof R. & I.. PEURY & Co.. 't' allixed t*ihe oido'ae cf aiinsp. petr ogCiIe c.'srau Bafliorfsynrnamtibe"eive }Fi- seat-e. ad tht-lt- utiie.sidre-t-and taw tiethai ofthe ut-. d'gume. la bln'n'eui hie tlti"im'stale w'eh Ml fu,' sus 'in àddsu.ti It e e. Perrye's o.edljuo gsk ut Aoeiaia. licia. China, aaietiicher para tit ftewrlit. wiil lie p1teirteil d 1,-aspatetini-a att fftzî-ti. te tai-h boue. torgsghermansd ag= hsi feis;aUti every et isd boutte Bug b. etootpaled by sat-<yv ni Vii" D â h s tjwude littheprier chargei for btceo. a & b fa5y k c. ae futIli'tatii-roi,. ltbîci athts eici lme~, No.5Déet"at i-t, i.ou. don. se the)- aevÉ.'uder augy eihuutatttga vv- iherat berne ti- rgotin. sud d ltrhese atbonthe tpa1>5as sgiustaay pe.îuuu mgthur<5t nif Rg. ThegretatestN dca ioere!te à - Âge. IMltis America Agmurance Company, I ZiORPO<RATED under nn Act of ti, liilrd Sp.mmionnor tic EI.ventla ProvlincalPaLrik ment ontllpper(!unada. CAPITAL £100,000. 1- . firrancaetteted en BeIldingm snd thlit crnuteiati. iCvory Intetiation axëPplied on ap- piieiitiositotge uncieri.igtned. Mari,. Reki forh. ean otn rnrrnrtsý. Travellisig ee, livmon ltrêst, Whltbi Phoenix Pire Âsourance <Co. OVO,'IU> sTRIM A~ IANvuIWG 005, OO S .eoN GILLI*WIE, MOFFAT & CIO., o efected vu,.the not .t fvorW'ie terni,, and lo(Sg VE.4paid wsitotreforenca tothe Board in :London.- Il. W. WOODWARI), r4mrm iEalover Aferchant, kti, AetCoxnty Ogtar'nizfie BRITISTRE VIEWSe I SCO(TT &('Verw r, c'tn i.bi~i J0 ttlJltiége iicwing lendi,'g i'ori#,.ica Tîu LoNteON QVARTERLa' <Con.cervntivel. TUE EnIcar,,ron R.viiv' (Whig). 8. Tsra Noirru lleînSIu r iw(Frc Curcli) 4. Ton WuTEsTrit e«Rr.VIw (Liberal). i5. Tiî< rp*gvgîn erliric-il etae of Fotropeatn gfftint. twill itletr tIice glgiigition gmgiR>tinjter- cstittg dur ng tihe ierthurn,,ig rer. iigny wiii orcinpy s 'i(Iidlcgronul dbctwcýOn tige l4jtiy wvTttgŽn i-w-ten' -,,nde g. peeniation'. an t ftvica'rgîno,'g n tied:iiîy ntgrllnaialrtti- t;,rogdero,gToime uf the' future lilkistgiai,, eris- togg after tige living lntercit antd texcircneigt of the, g-nat lilticai evetti4f tige ti:nc sit,:îll-hatvp pa"Pet gtgwpev. Ihje ta tige.-' e riotiienlêt thit r.'aglerg Imugu'î bk ahfr the a,,iy reaily intellii-, bic and rgliggblI igitorv of current evente, angd insth gggdlig tit their wl-sgbiic iegt cictitne, andti tigaoogic;li chiraggter. Wgu ,gre tieggg lipoli tige eî~drt g~ftic rcadiggg pituii. ]EARLY cÈOPIES. Î Tic .rg'teipt of ,v,îaiterPm fronitic thIri - t1shî plgili0igg.e glvvgi additional v rigge téi t1gogg 1tp-gtiluggniig chatlîcy taugn nw be-,;Igglcjd in tue iggggîtt of agub.qcribereA a1gogt gggiumuon am dtig origingal g'ditIgns. TERI-IMTiER ANM Per tI ccnecf tige fnr Reviewr.. 0 Fggr i'ý gytwgg gof i.ýefour lteviewe ....... For sin vthrte Otlgt Çggggr l<gviewg,.... 7,00 Fur cl*ii gr cf tgthevt i......8 00 FoDr Bi.tgckweul' Mggiz-1Iî. ............ 3(10 F-r llawgdand0osi eiegw .... )(no For Ittggekwo-l ,ggl two cviee...... 7 (O Wood' fig<w and ai0114-gReviciv .... 9 40 F(,.- luuckwoi on ttse fogr Povierg.. . 101 00, *î('n gCtrregt jete .)0ut., c/getiered il bd Agitggtof 2.5 pur cent. f.-igu the c'oove prie wifl ho1aieinjojg àtu Clubte ordcrig -f.,gr cr tre cýpi gg afan v onge or muireuet the abnve' marka. Tst.: Fnr tie!4oCf Blncgg,-ogod, or -of 0cc Ru.vgow-, wii bu sont te plié dIr ',s fo- $9: four oiaOrtIgo four Rliviwe.etd iBlack Wood furtimeî; agd >eo n. P'OSTAGE. (141,adiagî Mlubacribora upplied froc of Ungited S&ntes i'eetg!ge.- N.ik-Tie price ti lèreýit Britigi cf the fve luolc.lîaoie tgamgeilae$51 ;îor annnm. 9-Wlteggifanc-es %aiîeggid alwayubs drae LEUNARI) SCOTT &co., go N., !4 GaldIt', N*gw York. JOHNS & (JROSLBY, r--7 suie Magnfatulrer of tihe improved t;IJTTA PERCHA - - C>EMENT ROOFING Tihe Clieaiiest .tid tnog'tdiiruj'ie Ioofing ila use. TT 18 FIRE AND) WATEIL PROOF. It vac bc applied ta ugw anud oi.l Ro* c f al klgdgq, stimt, simlngle ip oiS witt>oat reinoviug 2 5O Pirltsiniv~ e 1taoe pl il parts of-tiie UnS tic el,"f y nft nd trmatgtî seret rllies of luoth sexe deMttyt,rv4sggtder palitiati)n cf tboahut mornory, iwdigestin. uan - etis ?4k,0ifs%Çtleo 1, a 1 &ci, f . e.It lis altrnt marricti ni tiioso cot-rte who ntitatitu syeret loubi cndéitenn, aniwlito rec hazardelth tho -ith. itaptîl ta whiti 5irN- immun (heir TOIUNO MLN wl'A are t nefs. (.I rl'iv C-1-fel iv "1'e effee-,af rilkh or,' tuai ftiness. stometirnes :g1.rinOlI ovest. iroknes" nt the baul: tirs, coenfusti of idefas. In mnieligoitv, Mavi'Olic er Wo hanve. rprentiv dervati -11 vtoitima' the EUROltI avangn r iu-..ic fthe eru-f cithe m'eu chUl t4ni-gretm'. iti F.nrp ndil'.( wlio piae th)enbseltes ccd hsvr týcfnli benefit cf'the lblidte ointrosdtmcaitaonu Pub lie rniy rt-st nred of. d 1 PtYy, i*,IRYCY. nid nt, tf,ir cases, 'wlilttlins Moa P&ICUIMA R t-pirtniêitnti tice.for kse25ers. metiluino-%thefli fiicf ai M len tlgiimu,!, fcate n speody eresr iioum u> teobot Dr. De Lai.ey' 17111s. - P'riret', p r lbox. Thie'y part f tige V,,iteiSrutes or TOTIIELA ÎISW me'lieai a iviýcer mvi, -arc teri-stinv comentp ttstaeehi iganiz tioc ronders 1 hem li>t invit.ten éatst a-. Thma«Iecrets et Yem À 7)reat;ies tc he eof 1 Je5f ('U tAjtfttOfitl on tfi,a, ea igtnt 11o7îg h. ýi-le .S2uoitoil dir li'It cf titu United listes f t -etutyittualutiýLth iîr B nsinps' ercot no t îiir. Lie Offleo . iI Pd, il tdor tige gggme of 64R. 81 Mu:dido'unLae, Albany', i I)ENTIS7 DRS. (JALLE~ND. giavgeosss, h)eaUst!, à Myr.OCarleton Ly nîatri.l noueil iTe logsede Vied laeq1e: tioe ottietr t ctut-iter cvvst iciltg t I o-riilue tie te OTent iltte igt aniligl .1 c 'ia, au,' iGUTTÂ Mes'itof-af I .i.. tintio mmabft egtiou Ecomas, la thse lime 'Ifi ITB Y,~ ýbruary, A. , s (rcoon, the toliow- 1 1 wý

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