Whitby Chronicle, 20 Feb 1862, p. 1

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Teely t i -.L&W. OFFICZ-BRUCE C. ,W. ___ Zl ATEQRNEYAT.I.AW- oi te tcgiutny oiffts, ilrock O9N & 4ASIpSON miiAustancu Bltudi..ws- N. i,,A. RAlUISOM. 1801.28 Dit RNItLL. TRAMATRETA exaimui)eýruni uieOnyrv i le, Bu-otk--t., Whitby. 47 N McN"ABI T IIE,&to. iJlic- -otu usul CuuitstreeteA (eppe Toronto.8 îtTNTY- CRIWN ATTOR hue renioved tii t-he rîtomuf il's Store, Mouare. Mefiien- rock-St. LSalO.40 T J.i WILSON. ATrORNEY AT LAW, ES C. KEFLLER, T L&2IS, SOLICITORIN urseysticqer. &o. Offiee-in 0 eruit he Cltriulolece, ce1n Ii vIlle O f Beavur- rTtorali mmd (utity of'01i- 40 TTýl5UNEY AT LAW%7, SO- 'e Buim lding, Ï)ntueu 42 I.LIAW. SOlIlCITOR IN . Ë'iii Vitoria lîtk. im. on ltu.ck ttr"It.. 4R INVEYANCING S-EY AT LAW, thit-tîy C. W.- Bnoek-ut, Wlithy BitOWN, SSIONEIt FOR ýtnt, Land,1>1vi i (lenarai Agen, t, tttarly oppotelte îto hk en e ill orme, unît lproumpît-renlittancès [AM TlEMPEIST, M. D). TFEYT, OS-IAA, ADA .17 Tît THE COU à Y AOL, rcet, Vs'lithy.4 ' te Ro n 'ulicltug t'Stugenu, ýd. ieeitiîato ii the PDubuiri Ly- jj.I1erryi-u itîilditug, Byron St. $OUTIt o? TRE 1m- ti.Àtlbsi aate, unit lu mmiimyte b% a mire ori py. 1 FOOTE & WARREN, AMOS(0 W. CItON, WT, CIVIL, ENGINEERC-ANI) getWhitb I MIL Iand SirvetYrie l En- leldu, ireh St., lIuvmuanvile. rno, . 1.eM. 1.1R. UuusmtR, P.m. s riptionua for ie18euudrami ip ut rCi.&L LANDI SURVETOB$. itukmeci, 1.id Agl iet, Cnveyunceeru - et desecnptiens da-mn rip. WMt wîu1s 1iaI VmîLtuuulIqu lattis fer bing tovristilpu.. - 1 l-Beavertnni- une] WoeldVilîe. é P. BURNET, ce ville.Beavertoti. [OMAS DEVERELL,> Ell &C&cm., GIUEEN STREE,. M. SMIITHI, Tcwimhtp eof Brock. BeRos- tuant-on. 40 METCALF, FIFTII 1)IVISI ON COURT, si Tcmiiiitp Unuk. Ad-, 14 j C - I1Ct&b-II TRAVELR1 WILL FUIX) V h colivminlnt utopplilg ut thiî bote], nu they tui ban (rot- the Segistet Book kept t the bur thn routes takenr by thoîr prâeusemorx. Tho propritor tîîkex thtu -ocuicin itc thuaik big tlti'noren patnonu-anid frieuîde for t4i tibori p#ttroiize hoitowoa on hlm uh>oo tne i colinatiinci t lit niiw.-4ca tI Whlthy, Good Ïý1nbliug, and ateulîve Ostlers. whittiv, NMut qnO. 1 A-tf BLACKIS IIOT1UL, .>me f Rrot> ast IWDmd4s uttvl*eWAU6IJ. T tirAW)I!WLL A O -, &D <iEX- trullv itustod liotelhu heeri »ewlv fittod tip, bm -ro i'te is etoinfortatilè tria-1 heen îipare, $0 1lenute to , maitogiuusidvstr Vie bebout brnnçt i f Winie, Lt»qiwwsamd Ci- IttRoomuAnd eemîvillitîlaiat h, eug tal il umn4atentive ectîcre. rThuigtte mîtiuîtl iti the ver! henrt i ii t ait îîîmt' t ut~tpîg place for fit rner.. asrid JAMES ULA('K. Gran e o I'~nk Rallway Jb'toL (ýÇiu ife qo f tfmyIemp«q, Pm oi4 MS.) T EUNDIZSTONFD BV]lT5TNF!<!QT1 MarMonda und the publie, that hotu m ow tI pnleuttieuof het ho beoe), t'ho bulieu of which ho will lut Ittno carry Pui on biu own acoount. Good Liqioru, Wlnuiu and Branies, Exmeetit tihli--earefi lattention ibrmur -nd hon-i.. JOS EPIÎ RUE1IOTTom, -W i hy Ja .1 , 9 0ro pt e uorl . ÉAST WINDSOR flOUSE, WITIY, E'I t bove ti-toliu ituated iris plenf.mntnd IreU.red part utt he Town, ounthe, fronmt roud. i4ünoaci cenarxitieri ton travelloru. Gond Stahine and imtcîtive outteru. 22 HjIrRON IIOIJSE, pOT itiiiiyru. T îl ixdritmed hau iteketi tht atové flotet, Twhictî lie I lisi newly fitted lap iri tie b. &t unmner fo~r the a'oîmudOtieri e t Ie pbi. t*ned stubinîr, tine rfflmy uhaeot;,i, ndeverV at- tertnfl pad teii anmd hore. :.W- Tht,e cet ivrnc. lîq4udrm ana1 cigare nt thê ber. Wht;l4lAM TIIFWV VicTORIA JMOTEL. IIIT-LIA M SCO TT, l'ROPRl ET(IR.(Lffie w V Wuri. Btittx)tiîî'u24 ANGLO.AXERICAN IROTEL.- Ej'îEu,îterfhr ue tedup th-3 aboie aid Teutabhttmhd hotel, lwth the vieuk cf affnirig -3rery mîeuioi inatttî i, utthet ravetlrw ublic. Olytu hJiin a ttii. tabltng sit îietters, 16 ZW1'CKEY'S MOTEL. T id t le trruvetlliig pulic,thiît ho IhS lfm,w- ty p2pereet pu id iit 'riuhed the, uOve, thu.t thetraelin omuimiîîv wUll flild emi- gnrtableseoîîoduim) at .onoAortt atou. Vie rtabîle lu weill ii1liedwitl every'thiîmeini "hu T evir' cni îutîiuiî t haîtbeeariiewly littrid np iîînd noee Btt w icit iîtu, unt gid u CHAS. McCLEWE. ST RinAX JIOAT MOTEL. DWý iI AY, ?llnOPEflTor,. Gond IUNION.STATION IROTEL. front eKIuonStation, TToito. Bloard, si per îay. l is otut. Good Stmi-. EAST NI...RKET SQUARE, TOiRONTO,- miîdatioiî.- Every atteniton paid to them comct'îr of travellerii. S 1E PR()PI'ZETOItS 0F TIltS WILL l knritvn Sal(wm are nowIn rioecupation of theoled$5v. NICHOLAS. King 8truot,' Torouto ýfprunry kept hy Mr., hurle .Thie prumiscuq 140bcutierioly reneivutu ,tbrngbolt,munet fittnd ilt-iin tho irmt style. «Every proonrable d2- inaey uuuon. A cie divan itte'd up se- pr 1ioly3 into Wlîleh ittiie-bt tbe bot brutndu are perrnitted tW enter, 28 CARLISLE & McCONRET. CAïTON MOTEL, D UFFINS CREEK PICKERI~NG. 00)(J MANILLA J"OUSE,' T I urdrtign)elubgrlesve to ia hatq endnuthe travelling pibliè ustaken theab(ie eilt knoWui lo ,nîuhyer et tonntto.bttslesem, en'aoiixtod Iin ttuliispowert'or fout ut-uivealno e' leattu, to IseT r is t -t'the utt tirme r ender th e ono itel, a hlomo duuî4Zgthe. stay oruluI,4 friffnd9 The table willI atWayu b. round plunîtfoy Mo pied witlttheu be*lutinf aon. oeflAwn mbrute a litqîticf liquoru te bAti t tîi , «,wholeuie anmd retail. eKnliinuGleillevitt. Jlortoi's Faiiity Irof. .neîolÀiad ther Pirterrwhlmlry-: (lt Tom ioliarid Gin, liut brandu ot Copnlpu and ti ter Brftudi s, Port, Sherry, andt Cape Gond Stahlirig v ith 'Saimy tig Oti.er.> ALSX. A1EXAINDEPL Brookliu Houise. Ff~~~~' 1ESutie lavlnz letutd e] l. rrnllin T liui4, aittIttiil,d lip ou a flrpmai nsu rlwl fitis unw pro ureti vte>acct>niniedate the trivelli g Publie, ate they wil Simdttli bei-t qmlîttir e'LtîXnure, ami4l itstabto proviîd îtiiaî tiiý- heet the Seionsailordx, iritti eretit*Uer tii]tliî.tetmy cri bond, ie ho elitA siairi (il the pubaic epattronage.1 <4C Emot-KAN, <ORE Proerictor. ,N .-Allioon hrnd fhonumu and, Bugies te iilr0tmraierte oiany part elthettuu (oty. Iheetri urh7t.1861. il ýSTAGE HOUSE, ISAACJ FENTOIX, îîîodliotie fr trava-'lerwe goodmutabîtng uîîît atti, iîlv e 1hLîtleCr. 1 Northern HoteL Cannïngton. The iiicroeing Iim Aec t tbc nbore fayOT ahty ktvo li otal, bau rendered t ntieeueary for tht ntibrteentarte tprernmeeu leheu* domnc uitte e c"ij'ieiiitie lexte<it. undtniude ethîr ittertituorie ndi inprnvpeimts, te utere eLtitl i (îther the c)mfort aniaSemnnodatieîm tir hi$e guects. The taule lit alwxuYe pnvided wtth tii lt-i ini ueeunil,nd lien. htt tlue tutet bimide tif WViîîes amîl,iquera kept Dit the preatulees. Tavivc mkeepert; capplieti wtteseue. Gîte a ittîu te rerivnîteil O041er, atunays tLiatte nd- timie, i'.uiu by ick, to tuke charge et'tcanlîe. JOIIN WARD, Canniirztonm. Oct t.Sri, 1891; .i _r41 0<a e hck North o th e VI'arkdl .;q P#7 m. T IE nnler«itgoed Itavinu pmréhaAed theo ithove W"1l kntiwripremii-eu lfratmthe Ibte îimopraetur MNI>ansbegete unfrence te ieii fintds enà tIo' rmbite, ttmt tlu boitte lumnw 11!a ex citt <iner fer e it e piaealro urtta . CnifarPtitîtnaîh îklettt un ltiîg aid attuntive OuJler. VINEGÂR VINEGAR! Çiît u'îitit')tore, Brock ;,reet, W hltiiv. t',dd it ing ai] anaI! qiuittleun, whotseale suid r tait. Bitt a chieup, amuît 1ai17 geoil an- iimt,--a rtio>let f'uine] hy phemicu teutu ta> bc tuhe os ever prtdmic id ii: the toWIn. MICHAEL SCIISÂPIAUF. Wbithy, J.ly 9,1. I NOW 18 TUE TIME. GET,4PÎ)rR LKEIÇESS AT J1. A. C st Prize Pictua' atteny l yo 'A u ne] lIte-like Amýb%- eLtvt'e 1Lettcrginph, or Lcatfhen 1 ramiet'e a I.C:ket, Bras, e Ytlitg.hJ. A. C. cando it hi the bentt$~ anetîti ort notice. WIL1tINSON'S BLO)CK,' 88 EtBrmek Sfrei WAt0e. MALT VINEGAR. IALT VINEGAR can nom lu2 badIlnl«% 1Yorsniall.quantitiou, atthe '. 4I Whitbv Brewerv. 1quebect Guer1 Ageuoey. ln JirOk tcituaet, muid kito#mu asimue113muOriàO >lWhorooms hie houri iewy imttedti a nd] a- iiovattd,tnti the hlutmmee etn.iergolmugs lhorota#h e1hamige, ini ordesr te ufford te ieut pomuibie se eommüdutnln t ge*tu and]vimutert?.C The Atahing ilus mîth. e et tilripthon, mid the pnoprctnr- l-,e tuttcihty crtfil tii bava nnei01 but toprt oîu nd att,-itluuut eeu boiit _ýthe th The. bar wili ho uatppied with the boit l- ft qnou. inoem 01 - gns7&1. Cre mIllidsutua b t taei op the etttttagreemu nsreaorvati for ti privuta partises. i t VG. DAWES. WbîitY, Jain. 9, 1962. 5 STALY-Rt.T, Tulis IN- t 127 TKT 5-17 roptiotr.. ti *4PU <SALOON, -%XI'T Tt>TtHFtJ...Rn IN teN ERALGuEKT ,rrmissIon Milerhas & mie, n or BLdlvRUCE STiyquET i~ty ots C. W.mb adEspeepiqe eetntSle nmlprse JAEIECS. . MBnEmL,~ îule Coantvtiritîrie t, 2anâ Coe1, n titu Et. J bteudoîull, î'q. M ue hthy;ut, F. OC SuTR, E., bET, J îIUTep, Ce., W.b WOODRUFF & TIIOMPSON lcmuriuotiAiuatiome>ers t' r tlt coVirTY O'O &O CaatteI.a o0titea atteriteette, duO a et' aie sp- appeintoît, uad te rm tiade. Brouighanm.Oct. 18, 1861. - 40 TO TmE INIUITA&TS OF TIE COIXiTIES UOF IN tenuhoriig my utricentthumiltu te the, humla- r blit% oa f tbie Conmmtbeu eto' Vurit , amnd -0'nt-unie, for theii ariytivoru cue 'al pil Me dorie a-ta-tre. Iuganin e el ofoy uoliritiumg yîuuin fartîter uuppnrt and ceeufidiea lI thle (tire. It aili Cicr ho my dmalty te iirit thAt coni- <ente onnhure eau cheotaî nl erildinri ri * Pnmputndano-~ty atim the uites tention $0 h,ie-s iieu etIttlhe ecania uihall tait. ta derveitu eentinnusr.ç.. rAll a<sith e ft -t tbst(3 rt¶4t iteZ fl , v*hpe a Rpgitr oM 11 male# and suuka uipeuits, ta ne- gna 1nike t,- halfl ho attded t. Prijua e D. CAM P-BE LJ LICENSED AUOT VON ER, llauldnet, tue eros rit t lluck'e Iletel, Whmttby, Angtion A5asticnded tloinaSl parts et'~S Sprwlentv. gi., t. S. M. Wileeux, Eusq., Win.%Nilcex, Wliit y; Martin llambrleo nndE. itetidar, tuuhu&; -Gilbert F;ic",un. Eputnt; Chunîu teinet anti A. MeN;ali, Beuertori John MTorrîsen, and Neti amton;Adent (ledon, Munitut. sept. 21, 18Sol. - 811 - DRAIN TILES. JIIEusuuhte for ;aaile t thsiTile Tard T-41,hem Whit-by, (tumttieditely Ent îii9 'tIr. G. Oztoetr- ar) a qiua-Itity et' Drai uJ Tiîns, ail sizett, anti ut- meeratA e tu. Thet riOcs huve Ieen pronnunestl oy eoepeutit , jdgucbuet'f the very be-t qunalty. 1,000 CR Tiewlay 70 Rode. lin PrIe. jjlet fyriishe.iti 1ondoeru tzken lu' < Mosans. 0,iraioo& cbe'rtut. Whitby. * JAMES SNMLLIEÀ. i. RAINE amunitor' ty et' on- agInut r de-... . i im n aihe 4a;euety ot 0t>utarii, cmiet gtîil sy thel 2fmday (et, Mare h, A. ID. 1,"2, ut l'à)Clot.k IT fUF'AT, MERCANTILE%, CO LLEGE, NMI & SENE CASTREES#, cf College, ,iemeuAtîdin ATlAXV, CLEVELAND, A N D ST. L () CIS. A Sc'tctftrsbl e Isuneelfront flue flufa.. les ColIfifog, aill mcuotI elin4iriy oft'te ethjems effther eeîttigthue earme, ou- for reviarv- Th, * eIsu oftheme Iuatitutlei,; ute lmpyf , i-ninz g initiautdieeCooe Th trse of In.«trctîiti, !M PO ar ru4elo enunitîlito2ewrty anut Pm'îwica. and! thceh*NmW vota Iha stedeît-, a perfet kncw- I l~ n utilte il pî-Irtioont,f n- mu * * lJÀwtuerituneirllArlt-hai<tit a-it Peeu- mminei tegtuit in tii,11unes1 thercttgbandi pIat miner. ?isor met'atliSysetsaof*Pnusm uIm,~~~p Ahly.1.tpnc. Corne, wmlt, tic ttinfofirwv o tr ime, T 1he eIock ilu utnizînglve - ,lBe q tanetgelttI ltuesii Id; Nom 111ýdo tIseg, lookhve 1'%'t 0te OPut niibarlmiv ln, Amuînwt mer miret tif MieConie; 1 don't- tnow Iheu tuu guiall'et omi If mla"i raiiiy dayu 0ii' itvu gznt Io =rt ont tilt ny dnng Anti limeo. tilt tli. tatous ; Tii-m a u mg net nu mctiuRn bu, - lfo' bothérati ln vpoâr potelis Tuherc'i-s iteRua] txer srpel galled, Anud onttherc dowm any P t jS'ill And011theSh" livi, get tile A=eh. And wo1'4a eijusIlomwvn yt utile MIJeu et beohfllhen sent yet.- Un £aan't &oncmif ttngu don't ma- tMT l ly quit teuailitie; 01YW§ niy tuasgeva" Ont, l'i e trelagiîe ur, ferimng. lt'u neurly tortn olùck Azal gemtimu5 up ut Ilm>if' tuight lun real 1 v iiitu e S.1i I vekei an harettilti ale.l«tniglut, To prove tlaat ttnayiî Thut muiîcntd My brairi bu ftrther tfloti, .1mu n uimt i te re.enue Tlîat-hlf.h* l ýesop) wor vith tnroing uprits" tOf luouth 'twil ûprimorivte. AnudtJames do feteti -% gailen et' Conee~ntr~tdThLvries voter, Vinsjtttop-îtreuî nyceunbo Wellhoe tVin huait ; l'y,, Ihour i al tnti, 'ltfarunlu i1.1 ia i blus tmuaeite; Whutit feole the'y wcme ecine , ie azair, lue worktcnusbhril aum mi 5iîi1 h' i-e eae uy guîduRe v, big duel Mat i-hmoinu drmttn ituuioume NI) reeder, whon utohev l dte wrk With INuse gei urtlhcuiious. Andi, Jenes t tileutJIîtho tolegneptu, Ma blet myomur Tuti onjt si. dosea i phgexît auR, To igel the hnueau eleiar; And tell l'roîueuor Frnîdiy, Anti amy usiut-clueiîi.t *htnu, T. formard, l'y um MeNduî post, rieoir îteextraetcfe-. 'liutuaine 1I9gaît my itianutsiii -1 tht)etdnet like tt ,Meusi t And "m t'Vveumiy omis square iiitt, 'bero'Il buceeogh t r( gKes l. Antd-., do terri the battry ny i, Timo mhout li j iit ii forer, Amud givo l. it iýngfu meuhek;- It mante a gete ue er, Anti i'Ym-tuge milI- uemht.atge p ientu Andet uk itit* Jal ouiei k th t- Cre. %ýit h the nmm acv Jtiime Jaî And, Jame> ' eteh down uny1l:tet baltooln, mve!d bidueîf fai alten. One fine sotir moister Ieft bis1 his lonnglng jad bis stemt towui wluericucame thl andi sho oef behindthei:open freun bis wife si bi - ease (enth rmilingly dosrr eueS. Thé. mii ou lier lap, mati andi Ha-nacrawl vçe uulayinsr a a 10rWeefl5 cf céond i nihgly faste lt back agî lh mannel jnst asu e pavaR, qami» lhe prise,. % lndicrens ni of inornittia aeffl vta, hoS Wsuutlhave om ,aboch termoil and ver. mer evoting the. Tiscllea,. wouk*ghep Ma nati, put on tke1t, lit bis Pipe, andi tuirnoti rds thé front room, frein ho noiseoef merry laughton fun, Seftly hea pproacheti n dont vhich concealeti him nd ebidren, lbanu bimgelf'at ha itamer imutf, andi looketi a on tbe froties of ie iî itle tIur, k itte youngemt girl o~n the doorstep, white Fritz led about tue looru. Tlhey a bt'ndmreicknds vith the w-4-»e nto the wiuud-eonty afovo. Fritz bai! ge a pieco lui for a playtbing, antd lung oom, but with a thbnd curi- 1to, iti sm, îhm b. tnigbt pull Thte kftten. qccording te Ir YounOg cati, isaved fant -e villi ceunie-i anhIta., but ceet ilus fat betwee ,,r guden pull, and awuy fle*,u t.e aselookoti after it vitb ai;slment. Thon rose buarsia and shoota of duligbtEand ithe net vit-haut a atruggli ruaistance disappeareé eti for the heur vhie cem'ptttienq. ne w jbdgrnent, knev boa neatly, anti bis ceuni gave tutu a contisin quit. riaturalîy, in C( the tone toe .Cern wemr vceived auns i bis vaàity, mut icte lion, and! boforo lent bow lie cold have li finsaae utui- g i - -empur Mluater IXTeinzel1mtiuulotikaslon f( uifelf andi amused i mnelf vit luing jean, with bis childrons's d sionm. Au ioce,-bewavyer, ha mi grave (1e, and! sai!, mI neugit, ttle Cs ipt lte Iitten -go, snd corne te suppe Camné., 4au vite, Il if ailreaily."1 As gnon "us he chuttireri hord fatber's volce, tbey thouglt ne more a th: kîttpt, but sprung up uni!mari tow hiu idh mmorny faces. But he didtio anti lis îem as be vas accumtornete t hoie afe ieonly a short salut., snd $âme t6 bis mlfe, White cama tovands with he bhanid lmld Oet.and the voit- bave b shotait *abeutl malter1 dean ht ?e iiuw cmevaely a-is th theskitten I1IBut, Yeat look angry. B fe vextynu-? - Pxactly vexatiotLq," re " and #eLalse 1 aaw shadowe-d byt raîuindis you ç9 alItys quiet ai ~ t ho vallu ad ~TO T.ICIiNIIR iTAWR ERs AD t>im, aumutiua PETrTY GJ2APMEN, IN TiIK USNl7Ti F-ONT Cammdi ofOnter &t- KLOSS C, W.. c1ov PUBLIC attA Beiud by ue l reuti Qtmoluao.-. a Qiiohos. i QUE]BE( ý ru

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