Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1862, p. 2

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tetre -Pileering MpLleecss' Tat rutrln n4 ssply-Town cf Wbit é~s<e atvalrymatl -. . Aooticn sa!e- T. Wv. Cexx. Dow'& Pale' Alae. -Croleker. Oas Tac . day. lAth Ma IM,<a ILa 91. S2r lin.. WIt<V iîrntoec sutd1 .tI~en. pr<ii-ttT <nf Willssuc euri 1<q. Thdp, Meeyw. -n'ctioncer, On 7Failiv. trrc11Vh; 0,1 lnt No*. ý-1i Con. 4'rici-,ering, hnras, Ftn,-Iç, f.I tpknt.&c., prnp)ierty (4 Mr. NP A.Thomp-yonaa. stiose-zr, Zce"Firitîc-e, A -.ný Iaritu %I'ie<N r. T. W.M% .Ttýn,!kSIrel OhFirm efork il cim:. tmn.M 1 -1s<c~c' ri.n, oL-st 9, .9th a - k'rk~ <Ni Tis Iy. 3th Nreli Ja ~' attersaxiAaxctaqne"r r ri., e&,., xmli;o n' T&I*ro!tnz lr% * Voxal-: Grc E Ak" 319Il d'Erin 11,301-t v (7f .1 î~Sn S vle F-9- ,j s a*.M rr'i 21. i el In tieCat] 0' LY ONE D DLL &R A YEAB IVtbThirilîv.MarChi'13, 1852., sectsi fPs rlt'snaeait Thid dtay raeek,1 tisal. c it-vae aiedacascf 'huail et Qdee. t irit il-orae ii bel vrn i c, srionat cx-t12 tt but efuer ai sîhule al vilI actit' d'>mn ceasy and lnatt;ruil, :i theaa - Iliuai-miti îlpreseuttomne lasperîsit 'nts ce, - the t lat utcnd cfihicl muit' snt blit lenisec-ecf Max. -Dreraa, Ias is leuialinr f tise Oppsîtiasu siasaiof )lui r.lst>'iioneaean, Ma-. jo;eu Goiul t h1alatie tas"miacr for Nia-ah Olîtaria>. J> itl tasicgesai!casen uril C.a-taîilyi>'bai miaeal fa-ena Irir accstoaied placesa vnaa, rirlaspg, for 'try oppositec reuirss. White !his ira <ie c-se, Mr. Caerzrn<lacenen- î,rrmiucnt position lc inte racw ioueeý;atl auaulis tuaxo arra-iersa',aidrwsel, u1W .ýeaker," w cl'1im Iani'ta~i, c nnta-aut 1,14tt'Mil U -eeese, Wlcat Iiusidot e smpaa-laror ili tlaec-e lie nni n-.,betwmeta ~'eer M . Ot ihf sent awkwa-daaqus,,or 't!0qceaice cf 1-la. lu. C. Cataeron? Apai Plial! mc ne)t 1lavse cspa-snsmsitlc taeeu 1< andi lte aèspecîati>e maik ndsa- 'i4tes- ullp eop cf <lac honejrahthe geutlptutu vise' seisteaenss tise South %Rdiasg? Wcè i-fra fo-'lie dfe;éqencuiis hwill t *itbit Ile ça>ir4st. -' 0f lte sscirepreaentatiî'ec nca talatte hla ileraI election -41 VihaI lab>il ut ms-sew I* i peliaqsasasar>- iennor-flae Rm oh- lln hJiIyard Carneren ccii,' rs-i4raa~c n t isnoticealîle, and 1 1tsda-ll1tediy ne au n aposition ns an>' memnlatiiilaslite huass. e. ilaenLe lasai a bciii lu ianheAsaacmn)liy bloe, lié Cloquencei g&Vre liti a fasaenot 'place. As Grand Mrasier ofrte Orang,,men lelas-i nie a fr-equcrntl>' Pnintce 'cul l cucais LoîAw Qcisutliasî-soueof misean, diqtlia-s, iii 'le vrrymiscl- diiaappinted at net findiasg isas i-r-itlac lsjn<iiistuar- -pictuieat ;heinci,.s, rpaliz3' ai uthe eloquînla-matîly-r 'l->h ingtsi.a'-Ecpectaiioas milIlac ou i tlie fora-iae time te fanaioucas hi isiisaide tq tisa tluhlfui taongt the ie-sa-mumiers wsalîl1 %cote. But', i mw- have auid, ira <s litie time tl e<il' wiil ectle t 1 s-astnira'lvi>baieasy, sud i lise guvra-megtt cf tise coaaatry ailI geoun t atm istrehofaure Thc sspeenlatioia a'egoc-dig i ~t!ltcaapltied cbaunges in tflicCaibinet U "mol tiraa pearIr) Lac remaînire ; aitiscugla 'lisee s littîta doulit Ibat suant changes, 1 useci at -sle tim Han. M-r. Mo;t-so: E Pusbt ee'hiave <Lehe "i Grrutiisafor siiugÉ F <bait tise appetn'tment cOr iheir sticcessortaIl iil neitiier ulier thliccouslexiou or tise il pelle>'of lise Ghuertamient. AÀ Ici aseaf I .OSt< ;csmore, a I4 me isailiAcee miat me <bal te. flthtie meaintime me trust that etus- aastcaspea-sry of uSe, Glo& waill inS-sep w wted [)y th is ues-bll fagen>' sistier micis v be po isô o pinufiîly irithes.E tlsatilk, nnd like Tastkit dscvid'les ou tl minleretsa boustiag thes'muezxlento <heIfaitl futI, me miii soa have tis ift,tle piggià squcaiig eut ans al;a.sing echo to Globe ln fulciteras trom tiseir ediitert tute, Perches.-aul),I' after'day pss,îg by an' 15f.Du0 QOemmnt 1" 1V , Wlsy ur amas uerve Rt>. weald Le lii.!>' tae give vn' befere sue!,i state eo' thinslaLad i" lesfait in asprovi deuce tissu ln cur sos'ely eesclsed' cen tensporar>'. Bil letisa f-suo e>'lifeverial Mbr. BromanlsoWstreul up iu bis <atm abair and lbi ere éed oaIn dcln qnetasg 1i NO. minutes iliat paLua ritiiont tise proposem lm- maiisterial celncges suggestýed la>' 15e Leoeî e, ansalhil% pysiciaaa laving a tigbt-grii cf his patients mist, iiai n e qpuIstieri cf tisa aîcirculiîn* m~n," at ecdi P> rm. litical apasua htis reapondsIn- sever>' tielc ci <Le clochaned <lacIviie gis-iusglis friend tarhas fallummas; mholeseqm3 adriae. -Ke qol M r. Bon, dnt let <b.e eoitemint about >'onr imaglned crises oreroome TOU, rt-or tlae perople ýfF 4îig ttnd wil l b dislp- a, priated ilu s'tis lsleader orfItle Cane- uh,. iau Opposition aaext 1f41. Silme petr iota ýe you Iuon-, aannut asurvire t4s desjrua,ion of eg. tir counatry, csnd if 1ASr canîsot due lrgiti- mately lat i hi r brama ont sa-.t but iii <otac lauped, yuaa arec ntc t <ii uc* ritqla isclam. InIsoe man .lasse tise fasas ions of tise 8everanemt re lins acaith ai as il p State irnch =amre su0tisai 'our i: as, sad thse llsinistr>' wflineratthe, houqe on a fafrmer- baeis Iliau ever before. 'Jast lswasllow <bat J)li ad go Ilu aleep, and trouble Tourself ne more witis seanation bualletin@a on tihe ptate cf thse miaalaîrv." A*01-d ol'adirae Io the <a1rs.9, Thse Our noighb)r cf <the IPress does littie lse-tlian wmine aier lais lapleu anmdiion. 'Not an iicse.nf lais liaile siscet 1,ýés thea Hla l hat ilnot rîýled vt l hiu lsan'!ata. luis a nd ptteaus eum , <tinst$aof liii liard fortune. At onse jasi -'"tIe faýieadi'.-es lie cails ren of the partt apuawvloain le imnpqdeptiy for-ces hlas sfalucnes-are appealed ta for lielp. At etastiler tlac officers of Corporations ar-ebeelsîv solieltedi and, threatén.ýd, Ill> turns, for paitronlage. At ail!ttlles thie CitoC.tuKL ;S tihe terrible bel e carir <bat tasalaMlin er>' out fer laelp. -Anîd Oh ! <lae CIjtOý c.ix î, 'rith in s, a wick edf ei'icked paper, for obtainiaag <Lxii patronage whi-h tise editor nifaise Pre'ss sa 1b,%i Orly, yet un- auccessfuiliy5 nsiores. <&w se efront tlie sicked Ccaxcaa-lc aesi. .Aud Oh t dawling pabllie,ei lie timy3 ai$9implore YOU to be$tuas\ vour cLarltr tapon a worts>' ehîject likehe\ acPreit." 1-Thetreaihers cf tise Pr,, en Juqlga, whether tbis, accxatr.. piraird as it in%%ar ahi>' ici b> great self sasffclienc3 andi ridiculous cusicelithbas net been thie bairden of Mlr. llets'sotag glasce liqt setiled ini ibis aaei-;hbnrsat&. !lustead cf giving lus seaders a 'pajr m orth thseir *ubscriptioOi, titis la tise kitiai cf balddish wlaicis 4ieserves sap b o1hcm wreek-aftcr week. If <lie pretetiauîg ditor cf fIce PeresaIaad a leus exalteai eja-lii traa4scndaast irite, asud if, < la ging ansd inraviing fjor isatronn,an.c.sd abus- i;, those %miasrefuse t ' 0limeta bix petltios lic ctppiiliicaself praCiatil>' aLI ai sftll Io WQI-k, aua eiarda4re t~ foir bis' paper, lie meailai b. patrorsiatailike lhis aaeiglibotrs. tiut laceaimust lat prove Lim. self deperving cf patronage before lae gels it. Tlusiuecacru-sn e iii liat portioný et tlaem mise aidvertise: liberssly-are tac, P.-eli acquatateai witi Illte benefits ltalie le-riveai frein a miaely, cireulated inewspapcr Le clfoaî ite vr>' ojeèt cfLth eir ansac- aseass b>' instertiu; them ltlan suobscure <lact hilrethe J1rffl, le,, the ax4itqr M o ut ad wirle ever se pitecaisi>. The wlaiaing Ii lite Drus af -last weela c %vas Iu reWernee tc the Cwinti 'ritîing. c l'c lie dter nitise Press, mitli tIsat busines n taet for tise possesýsieo f irlic ail tise' wra d aes atetglv<s liîui due credut, securvd he c astract for ise Counit> priastiaîg a(t. best it 0 I je typoss ad littie fislies,<liroughl the coeuntry. .LAT TVO CEKTS, l"l THOUISAND E3;S, FORl COMPC>SI.. r, l'ION; 1WO CENZTS, PERI TOKEN,8 F'OR PRZ,58 WOIM, AND TWO DOL - 1 4ARS AND TWEIVTYý P E CENIS, .8 PER RBAM, FOR ItA'PER4I X3essssg le lias gel, iisfat ceastrtact ruc caltor insiâs t ¶at Le is a'soe tste4 'sereceive the ' astieriaaig, for AM,4rha e neilser tender snorilr t, d And iela r a-ies te hselp bi la im li>'àsAyfaag the pro- arieteor cthle CArogiç relêixed tise ada vertisinlg mhiscu as as ieawatpriuter. 11edoes usore. Tis erofaolzah wmii man exclaltass -' a Notîiia but tihe amosast paartmxaawt L! >8 ai pou ezecatac et thse intettanste James Brow' Tise seaffiolti as sa-ce-aonstise çmeit jw s saroudfig lise gacil, assaitise e-zecaitio ~teck place iaspresence car' sveral tiseust apeetators of ail ages and botl aexe!. Daarlug tis latter part cf Sis'Iup-isoi mecutBa-eindevoetoal iuselt'sss'sdaoisly th <L seligiaus insstructioas cf bis ffipiritus - <ivisers 'rriclrl o tise, Rav. Mr. Fisl P borg i bicel, 0o1Suada>' igha tmf- Mouds>' assea-ulu, Se prajei aimot..mi! out eesiasgu-aut fu-equeufi>' sai. 'ta 1 Lv eve tcon-fllcuce iu be lt-irai, acasi'1Ikair tisat hSa mi u me5-tt u e rn I umui t, aLe. * At atîtut 8 n'a-lo-ha usa i Mucal merhito;, Messrs. Ciar-ke, Wailia, (luirats aunai Ruca-s took týijeiranve cf Biia, ant mca-e ail muahis til'tcd. Brumas alui re malucai csim andl coilecied. Ssiti' aatel tise cepartatre of lisese geasîhrnîrn, lare- ffil from governua- s taitcl raq î<roug;ista tise condetuci e au, ras-LuPat-tusola<fj-t cepi o cf ieeand <mu or tIa-ec cakes.- Aite- iseahafaat bas asutn-àbileiii egioiu execies LMa-. Davy< 'Ct i Maslusaa-> aud Ma-, Fiaha, He ILcu urgea upot ass cicutiemea te endcavor ao fiud eut, NI î Croolas, tishe m-tn tS wmisc ec'.li'bit' nad cial is as 'arlîl lainiat tisetime cf hie ecrest, analpros-ait cri htr ho ltuifruan Iter airnful massand by proenlas; utsa respcîailt! eaas;slayassnt, citaar io lia-a a a-iglatêous -iites, aaîd tî sestu a trgireetts -and saivesion, Ho us---ad Mr. Fiuh tinlie pua-lîcuhar ici iriting 9 is ii aeaifather lit' Eas uaad ]Ic il'Dowkausm laitblie da il a quiarter iîiFsre taslehaeahéiff air- r:vd lassaiantnaseeai r tromcs <ha thle tint for Ilue ttxeiîoluwuis att banad. Hc liad puoroîs> eeiu-ed lise gcrraeeat fs-sm lies-. Uar. Gratiet. ler-st- fi-tin, hie icciea, aioaktc bande î isM.Alita. tisc turslar>ns, M-r, Fis. anal alasil aurouatribin, autt huad ise tspfaresvel ll, e mas ialrn piaciosaca at the clisa ndaua a Whaite t-ait t -ra cap plataid upon LIai es4d. Tlii proc,-î siosa <o tise gallois' wsa-t ien formra-, headed yIl ltîe siieifi', anthclies-ena- trossit up la>'4tse bsumas d-esaed ira aisg',uiie, audth a a idlcuasmasc oas Lis face. Tisa coudemseaitais c>'ca ere a-cl aa Lie lips e liviai hue, but lbc ajceisde4alttise saf- frlti mithflranuns. After pasvoa- iiis Mr. grsta i rowu s-xisecl frusus lais inees, nAit stepping l e fi-fonstof <he sca&Tu!d, sali: My l>'frienda, T aranttoa>y>'a faim mo-<l te OD >'e. blas- ehen ai very blad -maria ~ aadtien- 1 ams gusit lo aie. 1T hope 1< e mîi da jeu good. 1 bepc e ii ÎL e a ta lesseaso ho e, und lasail people. >'oUngý a-a su lnd, tcL ntocamoast tbdoutIbo-te Stlaiaigs tisatliasbrouglit me tens>' lait encsa. Tiseugh, 1. at ns aeet eof <lac "atsuadea, 1am gojiig t) suIfer for it. R. "fora e aisi'utes sare, gale 1 ssal Leb te- afort ssj'od, nd I ay'wila umy lit' te iy rd 'Il sisali 4 e bfir* ais>' Ged in a few 44iinameý And caa>'the Lird bave manc> id on <ny go UI. Thse exetieaser ilhen' advanced and puileq lite gp Pover 14s face, aa i th ie 'utal kunot und2r lais left q.ir wiîh trembline bands. Hee aain hasch down to pra>', and while ilis easgagteltieboit wss drawn.- Théc sadden jirk cf tlst rope sent a thri!l isrogaagltheicviat croirai, sud the last ter- rible faat cf liuman la%, ala ex-scuted. A ew convulsive arg;sandtheilis uspeac4ed body> bec'ree tili. In hsaif an heur tise body was taien down ,and dclivereti oier to Mr. Fiali for buail i a thse NNýcropl1is. tAn iqipresion prevails tlsroaszsoat thse country tt 14 rowu, whaiever clsc bis erimes <in>' lane bûenwsaa jinuocent cf tise siaar cf peor Mr. Uojan. Extrsaordaarj, Rebbsryýiu Tor&ato. Çn Fias>'iss, ausc c.raordiiasry case cf [aoitntiued1 disacesa>'andisystimatie ebbýd of a ry god merc1at, on Yonge <lseotf depesil inaa"the Baul of Brilt'ish Neattia Aesei*c&' foe'800, tre;eter <laS allias, evess othlier valable igoods wbici meulai maire bise aboIe auciant bu Abeut $4000. TiisraqesA, 'lbrtuùate da- errer>' fer Ma-. Bacn, aud li tttie iglit lime, as Jsackson mes naatIsle point cf leas-- iluz in a few daym for Iiritisit Colu<abi%. Ur. l3anu,~mehen-uis's aihcuaiinet ho prose cute'Jeclcaon, a am Pleas sisade caacleaca Is-eaeut ofi, andi restoréd' his il'geîtau gains. CL.axA Ra7149SIsiE aa-À.si, -i adsgsr fui, 1110o caie li isicis tise acouulaied- ev ttid liomeai t--oitaain ou souse cf tise sidicmaikacof (<Se bm. Thes sidemaiks on tiomne f tise streelta a- Itt-inssase, anal utiters ire in se asu afir Mq-oi lte,'itisai risuaarsie n-ole iutc-'r nf brettlicig ILerir iech<s, Tuo tist2aiîtouotant d in. fcouvenience ta-c eSIisaý'.ic iloierable, for tise>' are prea-cutea y l 'l ibtauctions irons gem; -abroed. aim akin ia~heatl and ssanae- cý.utssr>'exercice. 1<d e isc dit' fts C i i e f C o s u a b l c to s s t. I r) t tt i s . a a- l yt o l a u t t h e j Wýlais sof thelatomas lau fia-e, lv tmli ii th <e remei-a1 oftif he snauav,, or suassiaa'mn- in, thec partiex 'o.;1sî4ai bfuro tise Mayor. Site for C- Aaa ricualglq rai lfltliga The inad most jadicieus stop take Ify r. tLincoiln since lie became-i.eida of tise Unitedi Steter la il Special Mpqissa tas Congress oas tie tiiat. Iu it lier cecasmendastise jsasiag orfa jit -emouai subsltanliaslly as foiloirs: Resoirved, That tbe Unitedi Statta OUA] tWe co-aperat. midi au>' Staie wieh i aduspt a gradua! lalishnisent cf aIaver gliving tas suehS Slte pecuasiar>' aid te uneud by ;nets Stte luinits di«ca-eiintusuqC Jpesate for tisé fnconveunieuces public ag prîvrate Prodiiced by cacha change -cf 8s Tht Prpsaient ayx If tlle proposition conteailu bule rei iasti;'u does fnot mcet the apprvai cf Col igrees aimathe country,, liere l is éendat; it îf it ducs- commxsandatas approval T deti il of imporauce the thtie Status and pnecj imaaaedimpca'intla erecapail sLuld7 et once diiiîiaet'y anotifleai cf Ibo fast, se litat the mn>' begin Io cuassider whlether le accept1a rejaet l. 1 The Fedcerai G&o",erumeat moulai fnlua hidlasa lattprpi in linon a maspisre lssee aise miot etReaipait mirins of elf, .pr.currsuiov STIeheiaedura cf tise esisrmng ltinrreotl,î caaîertnin tise hespe <bat <lac Gecernmen viil uliimatpiy be foreaileo askacîmîcai tlae iuâependeac cf anme part cf Ilce dîm afeced re>tîian, anad that atîl aise Slatve State fanf-ala ofsf echaîparus iiiili the819Va<"l Unrionisfor miaicli sae Ihave struzgitL , ýin aiau~d'gasat. me aaow elsouca,<r go wma TI) depris-e taran of liais lan;ce, stlahaana 'i0ly luis Ille rebel ' !on, aàIle iai<îatitpu o ecatrîeancomplutel>' depriraseasa -- f A$ teuc1i tient Sates îitliiis , isth A requiîitiots lua thee Mt>'nr rea-asuitg oilat ih)1tlcîci l t h ile .3taie ustrai Lias t I apblic aiiutqfIsle sate- jSiuu'a-, %wuid s-es-> soota, i Itnsi, itiait payerg ot e ctsissbjaact ilao euuldera. tauiaistittsttst aiiest Ie iloa, as aaîbeun paical n csa-ha1adc- tqualitaudeIi-o .ralitise - assure Nortisea aheit, >'asasjsshitiantiacra tsi-tiai la crtain M&s Wctihip as cottîceiedtihe rset.gfor tse all ycrSa<iaisllt Ica ni> a-'s ern i i Thurada>' eet<ang, tise "th insa., it 7tise- fusa-sr es-or juin tLe bitt .er lu tfiair pro 0 clock-. IeW e s--Vt>sh Ptiee ocati att- f jostd Conficaftaea, teutionIote e 'quisltiess edvertisd -iitfI 1 >' "Ili'iaiut ecause, lu iiy'jttah; anotiser coiumn, a*uxuil*ict holisenetiasi 'milifunalis, gauaa, anal uut suudent emun.ecilsu icr am, large " a i m i saancce t4f thoeuha. ti i.better furaeh. LàtIllue ancre flatanclua ject d&sers-es. Ior îecastiary yiew. asic>' ettabiiar fCaitgres wiais11tls untautubllet anal tLe 2a-vasu-ru' i pu-terbeforerliacasa a-adi>' aco for Lin:. Fa-ttitx an....;Ptea05 autin lasurtsa- seif 110%Vaca> vacath<e cairr rtit e xpundiaasrci ulis H e mi iesbie-taco btain bgragio rut Ma-. ufIai. saua- saoulai pua-ciser, ai t'àa 'altatiasa Cilollgts suctiot sale ci' F4riiitqrae ou a S. Iciialnslavs 'à iii nia'aicaeai aaue. Sui m tua-as>, tise 111,ist-i, {ro uciin athet laa-t cif tise Gnaaoa- G-O neela a hua-lty,>'.<oîixaries-c mitia Sinarj f)i. t-coaein- tnlaa 'aitrat.cNest , ai'iluiia Snitrliuthe 0' refa-riT, ,Baisit <ol, tis r.t, th,-er tie - -mpt:iâmdatl ltiuprOoue Ai s a taattes- ni perfeat>y Muiasaaiicc rcser -a-'--VTe dloRangiu-ux, fac0edioi.ta isthatiact. lu<lcAtts ;tar Is lie rt-uaas ai-lit leulils-reui.on Utis'esnl,tIrcab -ia>slî fit to 3Mondas- evelnag ni-xtI b - tise Bev. nola is- "Tis e Uarjianst le sa-t-serraed, andC Staiti niBownissci:ie Sulj'et..uPliti. -lieltue-a siindlispenasableeluas maat le téas ogvya amiadesrn l-ttuurii" . plasyt-u." I saitaIltil ni Iuci>,but de- Oli tise IWcdaact l'a>' enin1 Ilus-ù~itau is- Vahais been aind'eatut~ u aauppiimeaitu- y ]l.Cti-u> ili bac aelis-eo l it', ~air ï6itiuptsubie buetata lu' lais t-ad. A tlac anme tiia. ,Imta oteahl, it-tIa. iaraitiutai rentikaiaalegeanenh o! tise ntieii. f<usa exceptioniheston uu. a, uta inhoraiti às-satlal tanrate iar unirecua nu->', anal it sa-is-hi at G etac utabai. wari muait nico a(\nlitsae, andia iti iaipanaanibi t-a fdaaeee a ta th at-iriasatâ wchitau>'ait itisa,ai ail l he uainulu ieh tuity fneni it. Suieti as mat>- a-ae itiduapasisab<ue, or 'ua>' Obs-Ji.st>-pa-oaase greet ettlcienax>' temard tattdiio,; the strtcgxge, enust unsalmii ceuse. Tise psepoaitij o cc m tai, ougis utt astl'er ual>', I isus'p ihma>' Lt esietsrd <au (ulte o iskha wliethîe peeniar>'coui fsiciaatsiua titadr-md moulai siot bécof mri vlte toe axStautinwi"dprite péteseaus con- Ceet lv ieýn arc thae institustionasipcpu-- Thse ceufedosatut aretaveitisanta-fa-oas Manassesg, viicis tlise>'eccuplurd Siuce ts baille cf Bull Ruts. (louterai Cortia gaiu- cd a victor> os-ca-Pa-ice anal 1$m0ulicugli ici NlisxxDuri. Tbe baîileI n- iusî - beent biard eue, li as-i.la!steu six dia>-' day' m-eliawitli e sometlilca;worib slj-erd. ------ 1Wile âit.i ue iuait tSe edoptionacf tise SMLSOr GatAtc Wsani-iuss s'es Hcsi prosoacd reoîntiota moulti b. <uta-ay il>iai- Wotnl'Si FAta,-lNr. *Boison, îLe, Secre' tualot->, anti not miailiitaucîf a ructictui har>' cfaise CuucyAt- rictsitaal Exhibition aneasure, il ia recomeaîiddin' lie laupe tLat it vîuuid soun tead tu imaportanat resaits. cf Sontis Oitariu, Laa- rcuidtl e folles lai1 1fai akmof au>' great aespenisilility Ic in, (-Ireolar, bsaalew in-ai moulai lac, te eau sias>' uddtiea u>'Coutr-y, I carasestî> Leg iL, attentions of our Ag-icaltaral faiei.ths Ie atiticai clf (;aaasgress anal tiae.peuple Il le, s te e -e-taed tiant theisaastiflaetîuu a I etie subjoct. Pa~ mas sot matir atut aiat carlier date. If Congres. actisjpon tisand suaiiaraas Toatr.eNro, MardIs 10, 1862. tte ecunias-y'aid to'tacS ainal es-es->'State DEsa Sus- w lilais shal see it t ho Ua'ethe aboli. wa ruite <o asic joua ho Senal atil) ion ou f Sae1-ca> itii' 15ifs orders, lauper- ae o f lise auveral groaune from Y<nsasa-Cossilisat aaau utfulo.le bsae t y-Say WIseaI, Spa-anFai lls gia-ita 1 0 ic titep tekli net tise Commencement et' "tus uase b>' mich s asplo is 1.uriis-n '-uiBanc>', Peas, Bgickwheat, adluauIe etar, miaitu aut ef blond alla Con Ce-ii tis e srs- ad sisclleu, aIse Isdatllut -canna-e migeit atrse Leeu saur-ad tise Union roc-ai, Iluekmieàt aseal, hali buabel encla A plaun for gradai emanefiaatioas is nu Ia f >ou esau scai tiem le James FlialeiagIdoutteMs (ii 3i steMs e c dstasa; Torote, or te C. Chatiberi I la a ç tlit tia i ss a ll paita i l nsre ac ti a bleua taaraugeueas itia tleus te recelse, andtac t>tise Chia-siiata moia usaaani mautdiatte, Ofermaai seo Pes-tlocifur thé iairabitaal total aiblition> Theue clo e,<-aMs aErehpniticsuinuE ujland., Thae caiis- jss"Lia Europu e nat el ove clctie au itueas-e desirasus cfrisaviat; saauaplesuj halli serriceabie bo tise federait causse. Thse "lacis bave snuy selap or isemp sscai, we attemsl oariigls# a ta sheasil tike tus'bav-e sm."'teriniiuaalou Ion., a4e. ~ Youi-s, Bust iee ilaaruotliea-coasidea-aio, Îrsicb "lCasa.- Cea. for tise Wc,1d' Pair, g mla" >e iecadat ha aupcit ~I cnsaneipattio cat isge of a. gôod demi cf Cousit> cf Vitoel5.tisa iseaesi>' for mii lia s u edit, and Tisa faaliawiu.' - t.aalaa vdiacit hat is swiply tius:Tie ÇoiàfrUdrte'çQa- ont l Ti fest <fGenéarl Qarter csx, sharp1enga'genent irlila the >orkloaenAanullic,' e"" " TI .Tcmestoa. ni livîZ tnus rglcînr rew abaatasa itsit> ,rc asli~~e~l f Isas Peso. f the oat> f On- ion oard or -. anscq î , thtie l 'snesa fnt: _Dr.Mtîieciaine, f lfrse ge tarte upeneai oun'uesduaty, at noon, ,i.efosre -o'rId a iia tiux rts iron ,cla seamr at oce 1 "c patrliauieitar>' prýcecainaga baves r e . J o h n u C e r i e , E4 q . , J . P . , o h nSa . M , W 1 1 t r utI c k l e c l s u s t e m r ,I e a . l i v e r a c a - b > ' a c h l a e nc g e f É ,o a s t il oi io u cclx, Eiq., . Pý, Ja mesý B. Campbell Esq, O Do oli" i nSir Rotbert P acl, for îthe JPandi CatîlinCaaapbehl5q, jP < fer caety Isau-lbéon ,celharzcd seaeral tht ~ ~ ~ ~ J JP.eBuahm Ciaiinan <<7 l1Cs<iaI c<mais eVresaa41(nOrif the lattel, ivisiiltise former Hono uer e Bonh l ie C ar cnt f y ier, not.Iha-r om' i fthe otaae Il o ;n a v a l lr ig a 'h e sa -J b e n r u t usas b o a r d I 1 m - c r s i e d p e r io n a lly o f lh a u i e . L o r d P a ,,. t i e Q u ft r c a - S e s i o n , b .i a g a s h a t a s î o u e - ra s s e a ' s - o p t n u s t e eRn a ti o f t i e f m i r , a an d at n - ta>' out of tise deatisofai a asar relative. tise cusViot rhj ifscenculld bu relieveib>' tise e-iIoir Pe aingt malcixag has 01 an1d Jury mwaq gswet.anrnanudtia*(119 ece md astu aae atuepirty « r lrpacis tpif vileg-e, assa M-Cout Wax adjoured as-il 12 o*eluelknesift up <>'o Mndarlake 'ber p.4of the asumeuebr-gli: the' udtr <c tise cic- -f tie irr.y. . ~river. On i,,Congresoi strliai;nuT cl jTo Y -nb;ý Iote1om Wmo. Macphaerson m bFrm'urinisa-a iflr nfsa< midiui- in rua btm-u piassn'ciarresek' a rca JohnBaM Donfol- fii ainwsc I ier uIo fi, r ap rin era, tioiu r, s.iir llusert Pv. jP)ale, wdn t t er<'acapo us JamesI elG- rito Ca.".Jon01_rxndpitot- i'51u1> ' bctra-i. Whes quit Lu apir l(y lo rirttr ou 1at w-r nd 13 of -hueirtiq ree e b te are,*cd, mriitsad iî aaîex-Ira S ar.gi o er a tus fro piseiixidbxainai.hleas 2% fd pr qaater.- 0 <r P r, T YiOU R .. ls2 ' . r i ' a r b a r ia diati u a lm q u 'i b - Stmi (f if- r,!reptlae <sa- te ar rie! <s'a lii C it9a t Caolracon s lo aitver> Th olt a eRS- drci î on'a old bpeasacat-s ,î l ~ec mlpî r t s r u-m tei os ;alc. ra~ iaa t as C :Pr IS te ir, fs Çie r o b >' a or t4eas t t r ;# ain tana. s ai lît 1at,7 v. llr!;i' l . Tl oat(] le t -.--. ut f r Pi ilaîifl W . . Ta emay sas fusr plia n. a tîs aa 1i i i ttIsi'- ii'- raQuai irittti M in se ' a -Ira il Cîarare'ia12e l l lit . W eli c il y Nadi' s 1a, t i a vrnr -i'..1.sesr uteam s-i a i e i'igen i.ia 1ai SulrmCi 3e, or Rit lsn C d li.M r i-Verdict b>' ous nt fr p ain it ' . H ba t irnui r i- n at < -u nu iat' L !r ,l i' 1 4 t - 62frusm Baaropu se or Trc-mxiaaefr W. H. f remasitynom. Sia' s-asals fuu!uavexla,;>' i lent fo pisiactii £3for pGai. S. Cisela lia t m lw lces- Ila-a ti e m îi ie isanaa-bn aiîa lî iis ELcu~sr> se rs an(fîîa pat nall. i mmal i tu. l ie eatiel.n- j u, t re In ta- ue o-a-r raîmou re tllsi m. a sai ie u pejar a iaiut S ,t ea esf V - eritb o s t for m a-se! iff- WrditH aaetldier ot i-tar, bud pî ae %va,' l e lncae oa Coat Taais if!~~~~~~~~~~~ foniaail 5 8 i-I aaaaitsee suaaaara fura ti iston . mint oai _%ui< -aI ain Enrtottsaaparptr h f cala , fo. I l Cotiar uf us- p alu t ' i bris < rm e-ah.Iri te, u is eopfll i ne u ýIlf bî v t: a i h r n ar t i e C s- s L 4 a- Je IJan ' IJ6lc f iasc ra(ia. - V e ti . e plt a-n uia, Pianthelrn aud Tieka,,, ,uai) V ot1 u'îAil-d lu a rm rov ast. te se'nt for p iaint£:46 3î Cd.8 . H.meailtr i. i cauranbu. ltier a a f tei4iv arbfom u ilr i 1as ?-Il A rtteatti-oag. m ve g an fo r cî tin W Il T .mante eforpiain oIIpjaec a- ?a iu q 2-a1t-QW tlar-a-v tmou r ita I __________________________________________ e 0oeo Ba rg Ta. H l/ad n e t ci -Vxudict tcahot a f-mi -e uasvre.qas a ll n i lirsaon jlI; d of for plaaiastili' £53.-15i,6. 1 lnaedilt c xc. liren gaîaua'. lie $. a % orencae alto ima-ll euh iF ,iClaL WoiT IOa eS. rptr nr cutirin, S~ . .Cçlnt-brnefor plcii i. laca-f-sc i ali ised r gu(. n thle 'asl raa t f Stpie a s. >I e y e. 1*1ai -V rulaxa tas ls', a oa l l e ic int im rernond. i t i ' teh i e cmiuuro je for Platif paaa $1 6 7. 98au.taiaîe cccs- a t <'s iaeru.i--d airten oiallea-ra a r tha e ' atar. -c4'aiew,-sa a-n axc t On l. . l.oci r lae fo. uiîafor p. lat taa risai ticen axransthurr-alct, i . sai <p-u, r n ty v J a' , g te iala ns ts. a/ut -p n *et c l -Ve di t &ot fr n a i ' . d' ýjtR Daaiauaqf -/au Chnleu4i.c<r <eaasl i r jaiuîau if 3. 15tc) hau in mediuîarÇ ar els. 'I o saalt t-uieut, i Iî, La N O TIa~<C ESu>zoa R aa4u~ . a-ro 'l Cocha-asatCothfie forîiuiff tisiaru,;ar. The b1. ra-r ir avisab;id leurai .2r'ifl4a~ 'u I lJa'crieîi v. hMc eC e tn al.-Verdict Ioh>' ,a ndhu i l at s t hae-.if "rpo l y 'o eiia '< ta R elàvt:.xtsaau e inta u i laa.aasa il for P itiaif $ 16i7215 . l. Puititaka ec- mis l)e rîfmuI nv l fiî.iic i c'uki s iu'an m tIl'le .t iu-ia-xauitca-f -atrp.j 5sigt-a. - -H Coe csr an e foriii il aaduraie I hîîtaoit ,iit il't brt aa-'ad tisner fýi-at glas ,-'l'. e .,uj ,:,tntai dit ai ,ljgrf ie ý s-tas ws S<lX< i en vs. tustast"al.-Ve-dict fi:.ri,' -ta 'i._ iay i t ~iif t aitieacaae , Ofgg' a -a'. iii f 34 . 0 t in d it 'ex c tn . . t. c ii rs i l, ï clu c î' n~ i"oril ud in Conai't r aiiv i-ai- .a-rt it au 14a'-,nidri S. i.c r n re ;- p/ t C: t i .ulp t i f ' 'ii'i"' uti as hr i i' e.îtC ai ui i. 4. tar ,i - ar ulico na'-ait 3 f r l aelatlti'-Verdic ftisoîa-Ie t'i ra eaiae sc h- i-i .-'ru'ii ýt au-aaai<ruat lna i4 r c î ahtiff,$616,72- 'S., Il. Ftaiarh urlI t.te and hRnaiia ets-- stacu W.H Ja Tax'dhit exaralo a islB il,.ainlndack cal aitii ia t ale a-il ii îshoî-u t he irm - ine i, ii'iia aal aa.a raa turt sa Id t y. c nutit- fo roaiV iti t fk24 rI.5.1 , ou-ail ac ieranaoà iîaî-î n ulcatiaFytlv, ut i î- -aiu.fiY i tcsiJrir1eca~aty<a a ii.#i nte xe liin S.dBuu irbea'cuandn. <aînrcs- atfiafiini omaInlle'nnco-' ii' - iaau .'ati-t it.îa'styamlsaaa.aa-ia-taaa il i s f) e n duwat-î ti, oass.i je e(ýtt f.pnsuce j Sc; s l. t ailrm '"ix <. i. N ait e ,yaflottrdi f a- arr u L, s é :p r 'ti, si atofihue r& a ir le a a t. aaaanltc, t'ta <~ . si i e Auiansa-umaa W tr. hit haiaaî'.a vi b i' il3 tr fiautla ie<, C E2' N ~ !U R 3E i i thea eapaivriave -l actions tu it hnaueaiuatx-is - -n'le 1, r.t l e r a e P 1 , ichra os , idl.nssruaiauuDds. ui, i.sta »atu uailaiat'a cxuluuoi i ur oi aucisiaiva-d -- - - Lau la ira' uî 4)tis e uvaid uîltui, tsi ia al a lieia-aysuc'auu, hs uc- lisu t-is foIliair dslas a-no naa-tbri-îu it ud 'nî -foareh.naiiauiaa-aar mor <tin iairai Buta'ruutiaisfrans c i -tuaa ,asla. uuthing ttiitaiscig a',fr t h lasi-r w -aiLuass-l"",~aîuai atea ' " at-oiru a .se-ririaî>,:a arxtai s, ve sua ,eai !lurai>' vunuti uia tuait uta tîtor'nu i ei ot d"i t c ia t aabuust - ai -si iusetu a aji t r Cu nchi touta-o s tie il>oaitg opinaiionf t -t ' iat -a calire u-topaaj hi tliiu edcptard. - " %%'eiitO fui' tux taieaa m fo the 1,k. as'tatoisj 5"ua- riea'rat btea Wha-. i n U ie îl ue ar mi -uta-laia- rWinanaîrawy a d isoucaI. Latr T rel i e t'ihi li ears tiFruIt a t-W h li- tl iit oýr IIati Aitil«tct Il lu -cta saî<le ul rriraas -; itca rr e , lne tciac au d oi t. jofal-r tkanau!wauxui. .a i t terflne r c miti tisave Iied ilnrpese cf eml Ilats se u oprsitt ts lu 'ai>uttaW 'r , at i m Irc aýýo i;itdia ulare 1;t~cterussieswîstaencadsu ts ~w A I V;5lit,-a nttion of the Jn. alae J*ua liîm ,us ajiel!1 l r ,o ambla nditu ion u i o er et iani misrai- ita Ilttaas ice andi. tu; t, rew, latii' srut rXstew C1talit W s-f 'Irtc as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~iil cL1anugn3-sa ll ucsaa oje ast ýas a-itliltu i se M/rrr A fex tui1t!u fjNtlu.taililvi WI A eise'aI,5 eitiaia5#I ta da in-ea muxiaitist aI ora-eeraiue --t rails. 1Ite J rinu u s a iea nu.sci'tlac<ar ax i al ia t il -luclIfo aua jasie aura t il ITug-t latte t ras l tited wcnial aaae n u ici the s-eus- fAt iuçazel spaa-Isi s w et ii froui muas iaa- sa<t aransittto goevernuc ent na t, c Aintat.d pe. c ienivt O ectit>f c talai iaut baii'cursent a ien hu Yaaaa3oL t ia en Wlar - inn-t a s t h e u c gi n t h Ja u i s t i S i t e aB l' c h a il a v i s e a , - I tu i d. m - - a r u -- a - a l e - u e u 1 a a . a - sInu eaueml' exat tgeaier a tie riatiu caulte o utii isIle :Irinn0aic i tca ii0 r-stnot1', <Linie -ct pIostae -ia th cf omerluti re ai a,- St lw ie f e au il ent'a vuPo ita lsc ail) iiAre.s ' ii. tir '- tiue.'a NerlerI e ctin, ot Gpithe gmais di"ailid ttîvat al N ine cf lteau ruk r, i i>thé 1ull'uè cuin C) F tailis nd» g4t i rtiu4- la>'cf lsîc - t a nd temis s pm ,ti' - a. os o1touisnc uu- ' ' prc'MI P-nc tsepdjlr f the nads. Tiesent.or-iecesi,ro bo u lof ta outb itt j- 1> ,l cAnv te i ouaIe 't j- erate S lt e i C tug raStats._ Andetl, e' er liht e uak lidiga.. hutt lt f-1[Y n. lGluta fe.ezeritui-io lIal, C'<W ars ttis eul t o ic aso ts sai seta cf tise an Thtiaaa- aft r 'a litiftti ina-ft iva.thircin t - 91ç Ls a n u ole a in jt t etuas i t el eat ion ca ei Io juicr tit h c e o nie tr jî on d liîuI lin 'J.' l<r KN I E ' D . of the orpr.î sait <L eis Curaga-c u d o f'oi- 11tc, Molineo auandiulîteyracisaq rd ac j - UTtaVIIALit' 4 teas>' eclae csa fpu powae<Lt or iah iaras Mn ir ;oe' b>-' s IrUe' Pciak1na-adasa£Ir- IitntrcsulatIaiIti tt"cal D. ,r ltl [e tlct heti sectaoa, eablc deter dsmî tin cfl cî- eiui Nitle oftue' lito a ercau I r 3cu2tttia-e-tttîaci sirl-sa-aa <lac po plteeof is A d ua-,as, e. St tuas ( u as or ssal manaei a ereu . otie a i- seas <s ~s ' Annusi ra ci soi. in, Tlmday M ý 1 ý 'i'

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