il t 'f ~ ~ Irely d3o ' '. Most hé uin fm fiar'pub , nauy yeris nai tics or l , ll 4 N #tY, May 2, 8 thre Çotfl<?Y C0Vciîcz.-.ý JaaC0Uiî met P't tie ctù ITtTfThe annui ,ë ýt lits(Tbailisy) ev-Cnif -d 9latfi>' -- Cie Official Gelee, pebiit coud aine due nma aif - lipi are as foliova u a8eld Macd*onalei>- Attà c Vpper Cauaia. 3icoffe, Aittey> Gessetelu Morr-is, Becever General. Ilossiand, Miister of i oIe>', Pot.-asterGentere mI-TIigli, Cemmieisioner o ressei,Coamason D'Art-y McGee, Presidee i. Evanturel, ?siniafcr- os )Orionu, Prov-incind Seceti Wilson, SoictrGênan Alsbott, ýpIicitoe G en es' ual itcloog ta fhe Ëà ani os! pa&s éoslr fie -vana ritey', humai çf, dinr w ide. liea"a~t tisa> havi 80-01) t~he politicai ques- ~country. Iir. Sandfiels Premier, ile a streinnosa ircseefatiors b>'Popultionb, adrocate aifie Double ppecdiu fihegient. ierordlng f0 nom- demai vioa afthe t Bession 'noves! iu tihe mainte- a' exista, icas- ifea to set-ne. ua&da Iibts'ù use gtiveramenti 1te vote donc iothtf ould mt by populatiso wiab tbat theclm ceefchat rdcd nas nfrie ».t, te em.Iluf 0cr dut>' as public_ Je mm nalista must b. faitfily l>gcbtwgcd. W lre tjfê,1he confidence fiat1 Stitis crisgttohieitaft tiappi>'fie.Pl ciles foj xr owna triude ýwilci 1 %a - is l ivariail>' lppliesitoour opponentsm1 2. ouisi «ti tie c sohi and reprouth frieiid mAi -;foe didhti, oea aorVtt-we . saftcirejolitig core t!atdeféat'f ef . h Aston in 4gÈen-, at*kpt Io palleaon i 6ts: Part of YM clOngWli or Mn. Wiéon, irt" Mr. Poeé>, -on Mr'. Revend, tihe- vu affence. fpt-bicb we- suceesfnuIy kivol in 1tfe ceawêtnafi.aofîthat gentlemban a1 fie linodt-ofhie costituenf e. '!i, %VhWects,îfipeiled iee-s-day- noroiig es.antiennes- tintthfe gltfquesfion euM i day, Repretentaîioo f-liy Population, ib heen senr tfasleep!, (o fat- as tic prýese Governmnéut could do if) for. i. fs"xff years, wt letdeavoorisIto hope agais b' ipe-tiaf fiera vassonïate-l ho felià gences 0crOutinf"lo-uin yesîsnAtn>.1 m0ved ail som.iiîiy-of4otubt.. Tic toct s-' aevii a Gevertimeâut te iittrûdai no Bill. llavor of Itepi-cscntation b>' P ni puiation.during fthe pt-osent Palilameiit.- Tic demsinuileof fie 300Q,Otta?'leu lippes' Canadiens for represenfafien iii t' Asseuuli>uare nof f0bd lie atned 10-uni flic >-ar ldGG IAndi Mesars. MeDongal Wilson, Voie>, ans! Rowland ihicve njr f. f0 fhile?---enfietnen, vie but tic otiý of day plat-tsi n record iii ftie journale Pà rlitamerila voie of censure onb Measi ofCartier aà âslMacdonald bèu;t-su ilie>il not made ifus -sen>' mater a Csibintqnu lion1If las Mr. MeDauael fot-goue ifý able and tinansnerable atifat-ls on Mr ', Jc C. Mort-igoý for fhe vei-y acf lie is5 or -committift? lu. forgotten ht i i for mt acrident, lie voulsi have blisienlPs sonehi>' engageal in flic onshauglil on M hPatton for bli freacher>' to Upper Cainas -in joininîa ifniistr>' htff'oul it fmai. ai Represenîtton li> Population a Cibiti- - 01v-ure?1 2liiaa Mn. FoIe>' forgottén tii Li <tie n, o tuny(rrl bas a populi wmile four' Lover Caîtadian Repiresentî ae fives ait in Pat-iament for- a limas nmbe e of people? Have nl - toaur gentlemen foi Sgotten vint iras theic rant issue of tht genera l e4ction of 1861 ?-have thc>'ffi egoffen ho wtheti.electoi'e nere t-aIles!on-tic Iotil>'ta siijport no candidate tinfavonrabi I fo Repteapattation by Popuatiion, butL f s rejet every candidateevite dis! not plcdgg himniaîf to v-te.ouf cv-en>' Goverimett fi did nof mare ifte Cabinet questionP 1 ;a but a day sinice Messre. Cameron,- Camp~ beît, Streei ansi Crawford fit-uni' efaset ioffice luceause tic Cartier 9ovcromeua -ud niifot do justice to Upper Canada iu -hi tua mfet--auýd u irasifforouer friende, Wh ave afoosi ouf nobi>' for >ears inlu i ndvocecy, aetfile laeheur f0 etoopfi t that viheltis. getlenmen aermied ? Tha fiingis ve-y nand.- 13utt ne ete told tiel Upper Catiada ibý Oct. 3000fl.9resubolders arc f0 semnain dis- fraeuleedà , but me are greelonsi>'- f0be persisittesi fia managemuent. of eur own local afraire. If tic people ef Upper Ca nada 'cent-to huild a cen rod, or titei downcmn Glddbridge, cria cht-tee an lus suraice Compati>, Jean Baptiste is nef t t have fie pomer îo voteil, down. Upper Canda cousplaiee fiat - the Lover Cana- uiiene haveentire t-octroi oftic affaira of fthe Unioo'-tutb ic reguiete 1îl e com- met-ciel nyiteat impose tihe ,- aesi controli fie expensit4ëes, tand riun thc country loto -delt; andillice nsver i ief fie>' ay hal n0f at anoyrafe pontrol our perlishbusiness I -W. greatIy rise th le elpcfora of üppr" Cadana ifithe' 'Il reg'ar4 soiuauîilimfinga. boon as es feffrtaod-avafe t0 vnliht ,hcirnumerieai prepondei'nce aod vast contributions f0 tic Provlj1cial revenue clest-iy entifle theus. A greatasnistake Las been commige.d b>' thue gentlemen mc bave naines!. ýLiey bave deeerted ficir on prîncipIep,, ans! baye comiaittesi the ver>' trpo" u tptep detuoaned.ig their opponenfe', Th May' asie us mieL va voulti have iups the ' m -do- -voils! e ihave md therarefuse ofice and permit fie aid set of corrraptionai4tc t if a- T c s- -If e e b St mn- Buat lad not ovf, 1 ti Itls' told tas-catI thcyl-etüuaod ite ifscept office cd, and are tliê Outhns't--tive expressio.-%n- e- M1r. Macdonald would' bave feiesi, nd the the viewa ot the> Opposition, Thein ger ~ tieenr'erv;fonsn>-ior tihcugtthe îdhy believe if, re trecpursuasIedl hat tiýet>ri und, f hat pa dhsrptutable trickwias te, hi our- wouid hbe. cnêW pli dby"an aneduteaiot 'to ir, Drutm Wclegitimate Opjlosition. ButL wbuthc? tiat sssotds anenditnert buing caliusiveiy proý lasid been tic restait ornot, bettr-.z t1isu- p db> 'tir L4angevin, h,sugm a fu ntne etr iià be b' weoid-itnl tnUtt ýûl fnon. bly (lirier-Macdcýisald Gunernient vi alif corjýdlqcé. th44-f UCerdLe lr ità *Ilèn-x lH W aé u ytieý 'b he votes <or thc Opposition, there nouli irisa- tien fiat se canylwing tinen et fhe bit a triumplian, l'ndorsotcnnC Ilir ttb ýave Liberai Opposition à - idhave a*i-iceili Z[nltj1-fÊ lkpit' Itfý 0polients -;or 11- w. ~ ~ ~ ~ le thi rncpe ti-st were carricuilien M>. sz>ïevin iecaw-D of influence thcy>q iilithe for the i-ponce t4 oaetf$i.ppostitt étlecfô-s of lUp e ,.-<rhuwilnow nd gafenibly flic first~-~s* a 0be tOit 4ic lardy en - stop flic tlioÃifht oT ib firna n l if-y ?at- race of seri e I*" U" Cniiadu'? i- idtire wossi tlist W bqt iîsthe lt i the There lias h'one Party jas bande, Ift iltuo defeit tiis ti hcume, a. or flic stafe wil, i iWe6 Ii-n a' itrp¶ t i "cet-iuns tiket ery F~rcni mreand' reuty 0 dlsqfréi-w'tc4c d ting . ked the> recreant lippe lritotilnflicibar r tlie iras sotinti policy Sf ubi piion, iut1vokc frisVite amis or net; hit iL bas ocielitiy givei i th Cïô of lits cp~p~îslu1ki4mspiaiîsh. t.ftittbunt uiti olifinrtt>nit> ef plaiciitfheir tonienbp~~A1er Iiet Wms-.Ru t w. exjuul-ion f u<in ofilec o a fat>e iSsu4te, W 4~e altmaiusi f'or fmi e en- lejJumr, and of rrniieniinrgwhruuîîolk plI'uées ame- th are speuk the ii. ord? MWc recaîk i-i iligafire tLu iîtuuetial tes'pectatlurti îi e-g t-i id biffer allume theclate contc5t iti Siusgc-s-n. tu the de-fiuc- t-ff se cousnt-rit>intiome <m(4 nL Ire tietoumcsud M<r. 'Pa htn i< oelle vifor- vîr, iuutearitiof itS..hitii u. iiy R alegitIrc ut- su-grtnicetn hm nýirÃŽLtcelihc fu le ta-iuth an i emsfly tmachiiner'yniftli Sriglifsa îndtifutert fa s leIis c(iifbsur,%-andsch 'hd that ill> wsîild 1have lst-rdsuiueu fl'- isi cui)tittuclî ; adî i Je vi-tht grief aid, csuntry.1us u.htnnird rtoîais uiîrilwutoiMe hit iv 0 1r- b-t e'inr iiuîîcliint ben noncdtlievot~erould ie- Cfufoi-'ehose cdv isîbeeitit wtt oui-e ioui- iivîtgimni fuific Otti> niet1iLs rei thurik- 1>- ending, tare verse ,ti si 4. 'f'he uii:iiii- ui ii iislr 'c- iN01li hutte bi~l epriv. ,ed fuýl~t4p-eet ia i-Wwoks'ii da i sb%.4 oiiof ac nse-us of f ýlntit-rinlt tise !o>'aIt>of ice MfrA. lih it fau knTlm'.iîuuu ftic ple eucîflise bill. For. tie -caf, ?0; it- icousa nteuw ili buI)Iringuuiîigu:iti n {'t's pcptdrtnu nt taxtion budget, -e toevcry b1 t -'i;tiia n. 1 s-itfi-Il ltand Lb. inftioùiîs a -stI)urioa of' thicExt-le- jéd thsuhor. tfitwhr furc LiicAlns' > dcqe discluuted ituhore Lie Coitnittec oni . licUee, suiialiîXVs-<wubr 4wic puliet ctsuraMote of hich iv'e repu-it iae ei! odv adricdthea MitIî fil "il oiltesiesu i.týz ýaf tionti n iis-nuv-i-tryt cît n iurge saetiumt of flîcir ocn m ide h."libeail, t iîiti in 1ilwiî-u-,- the l otiisu-t ie Nor'- tcorner as it id *fjanà ad7t fu ý,tku Inaoit4il vi l sa-fuu- niti illiul lieytiecfore anicipated de- cit, "dit. carl> - sîioit if1 ', u t:tcuuutîmmfetitlis euy udirefctio, îmubiv pon fie ett"jss-iîs fa iýj:1 t he iuui l asu-iîîi-umf lî*ku bc~till i utiflue nenÈizletipelle>-., msif>i turszseu - hoiitum li-s J_ lgeuil 'u TîI-h- aULumul .1lucoune l;eietali, and til "fetthiat Setîlt1vo!i t,ît -cf dîiw> sjuiLi t tLuit 'cui I -it thl uîn s to seluit a soit spot. euiuuspleeMunas-aliis'uî, atmi in-flaatcitt-'. j on w iiii fîuislse m niat-ô aseh ss .1i7tIhe wesern tfiuiemhi s tst ot l:fin,t,y [~' lie iitia itusltl, f-i!-ciak of vicli ti eY u 't ioildtihfect a se1tJe[Inetiisf1f lie Rtrs na mî.. hiefu ia nteetcrxos a. 4i( -~ain tqaesfiiî-lna ti esnu--I ut of inoe cce; to wc- i duc at. eesanti n .9wlivit fluer are usîmf trunet o tItemu-1u'es aiicorrupt squandi- of fthc public mortely tf 'tlitc-tucttos, luitx cails fhusy epi-LoLuèr Alla ui~tilir itilt-itz n;. l their latter in- éi,~ *'iualssIit i uis'tustisusNtsi ti-k ny- ctliutcifyi to tuanage tise pubulcfinantffl, "tliui lo' cdilinuiiLnbc emuu~êiim uuîd u iug tihe- xpcnditiîte vmithirn tht- l'h pejl of thse NWeat osuul t ot be means of lr tii<i l>tOe. dud ket> sIannt ansid tuiitrul.thzii fatîti- net i Tic Pelle y gr thic Nelr Gotremument. ift I-h firtatplace, 'cith Livwer t'uil i u*1ts, fuI: - if*sih hi in>eutcuiatrc-suftica' The pîmflu,>'of' the Nust Goverouënt his a- ~ ~ ~ ~ be (iltmur, lsed.)lt is âsç'tfbfi-uer ':rti-m rend nspouIb, antid cut: ,tiougul, thos benaitancd ,L l <f.ow --1 1 ihy f~ titi 1 il1at-e but Ct-h u it- .b>' Mr. Iratibringe, on Monda>' cvening, li oualtses fa thisir tru Lb. th - - atveAssembi>'. -*4 tnh ie fuly offtiec lt, .4 >sp .îpabluu-Leeitv Ir as Ifs nit-kedocautz. liI~eeire uman 'hu foit- faf, Rsqognizintflue fedierà i chat-acter te Yei-s Paat have r mlîe uaint-uincth -a cf1tic actof Utiion, ansI due dan gerlat rIobie puosiltion n IaLu vu-y qte ut-doPrescit of itie cuitîcuf) emef-gene>'1 cf at- ifhau-e resiste i ail tlhe sedufl-tois (ifr aflc .luirt- mpLing te cian re ticelianis of the Union. ce a sot-les of yers-buf c-lie (cil civtiinis t - C Le flcIl tii heur siuasvictot-y lqaimlibit %von. lTic Goveroment mil sektrerned re NVU vcotute.tu iatet t et i here lis îlisen vLIanoir encouaîtemidline lic vetmnet iL een ayeuir sirictu l85ilt wb h ue )f). <of Canada b>' comtitijf' tes ail tfl m- positionti nuaglît iatîn tve foi-oed alî bers comping flic ndibuitrtcfoeal tin Lioner ùfiad te dcfe-aftiheGoyern- section reapeceirel>cen:trotofaliméfu-re -or -ment and tae.ticir-peees. aimupi> by do' a ocal or -a.,cioniaI theuacter, da tI 1À d aîmg av intmesari.m NcDoL~i i o-, lWih. traioeas a wissue ýiniivg\eirged wt i an sisd faan d hans> nwf ~t use -cte ct-i c- ofanecl mtïity asarc ectaifeosei ing ic etic e fttptciufntosbîi~lopais buLh sp--- ii f t-he p-rov--- - tiofu. -And iliat lluve t t'ey ined ti yfe itii sacrifice ? Thcy ctcll ib. flic>- havc 1,kepf t1uu 2n4. ;, ~ili ha dti-iLed -«'a*41., îils. oltl-%iuîksVy fs-uicocm~iuig iuuik tLuffcc; loca Lgisatio-t sihail* iet lp (ind f bttw-l thet>astÀtfihiur doing .. vrang ? it ler s.ectionuof tihe j-tIjie -Ansitiifà is na-good tii.uutiCicusfin fi-r tfile ivisites cf a me1jri -Y fJ4 a id irtung, for ItW uti A o ' èt- iOb' l sud tI-at thc admnineral, iota i-for, s Iiet-eifetc te le a mie l uIinijltor?-te bus - i~spb'L- ttiinasy t>'v ier admiîsti- ' r - t lic 'cOle i-hili vet- çuitttudi Butsure fur the saure acqct*ble ire are fuiedt fievmil ttT:t gra i-c ti iéal partlamunü,-eot* te.tà à tiôni-- refeuri-sa, anti auci ire tare cuniviriced, itu tien of flic Provinxce respective>.1 - -tci fuliîemsflnfenith'n. ut vmylmo cuir, teuil 4th. An amea-idmcnt t-cthe i.litia 1ev -info chiat cncaet- umsenconmenicing ustiliey vihIlie -poe au'aLuacuef-pie do.nih celingliéui-laenAni hoa f~i~en-olaient or tise availkm e force -of thc wiilthciy-Iiave ticsie pr ta-st ?S uu s p i r thuxy tire s-e eiucteJ, auîd inack ngs; ilt i i iii. rvince utoder ettiLicaît uffleera, thea dietri scafe-'-hnî-siiIllpt-even-t slcuttu esiut- rbutioat of ai-inif'urniuuhcd b, thi icriuil fie v-esy day tltey ro-ais uar sIoVniigit torie fiunl<iitue ef lattalionaâ, ver>' tectLen aittiflcidentsaio-Icf Mr NIc- ansi tic encuurutgetusent cf tha voiuitcer I)tîugnui and >fa. ley tfief tiey nuinsid in morement. condiumnaîion cf shei- preti>tuucsrs oi tltie f(th. Tief t-lIT eclii le reasjusted go -as 2îtii Metcii? Whaut seut of spetacleiih fto meef ns fat-laas possible tie dsioà mdei 1tbqey iien prinsufit uit ittg tliW>L tir piinuo h eewbtter.dutetç motion, and icatîiiig onlt-i potr w uut le eeu< au i c4c1 nets-l 8tasitinvthieumilveu )t? li fitetc-yfuora be4made vîih nà due regard teotcamte tournent fhe m-iu 'ioi iinet .bu -ari-i l i.,,fecfuring intea-esti of t-be coueoiy -in overvhclntiig utinýsîity fil(ue Upîsés-6th. A bill vihIl eieitrurçsacdtu settie Cane.nel nu-shssu? Arnoarctf hey t1ofitin a amore elultalrtatimnerth le relafiors cf pledged tu rei-egis ouanp ativerbc kseefluîal aictor antd eredito'5 sid f tio at rdrelief te veSt. 'hoi alait iiiîamotaîîe~i> insolvent debtors in su economticial mauter,a tu-c., nd fic ecdisis te cf hîteubirsi suclihuic biiug madesi. luapply te i volet bý public te-un - iii rceive umi.i froun P-eifsm, ;%isIut s iscfinfluet h" lbéture oc, th. A a>ateni frt-ncma ad eur-o' er- 48lýqed. - - - ever>' luraci of puiblic seerice nl lue (Ft-ôiuflic Le"i r) ds, viti a vien fteéésltupe te ocual rdeveiopcment of their polloy- Bybul means et tii .»have a fair trial. Tii.y proaiisgo jp at firlyandwiey on otliuetiôui, 1 prdent "ecrifical enbrgency") ofmor' in -xnediate preeeing importance to- the Aote fcouintry. An amendcd Miii la lw ;-. re* adjaustoient of the Tarif; a l3ankrupt lan; fËerenclameênt ï-ad whlc abia1ing bjB .er ~?ef'-icîonj;-sto the é ai If v~ erninent, a-thoroug,,h investigation into ail thinga proiapd in the new roigrsnute.- By ail means4-heu, -ne Say, let_ thec cen Ministry-lat a n air and feulltria." ThWr ,iéiocOeytheir poikIcalanceci, but, keeping.tiîroittyý'n4v sf the. c'onuitry ln view, acceptsi di.the odwene O btai at théir hands. ne-sday nex-tantl itili bu eonrtinui-I tltriîiîglà - ont tic twn) foliowring ditys, Thiîrstbsv andi Pridiy>. The meeting f iis pring ïa ex- per-ot f0 sflrp.nea-- atty tîs't 'itas >ot tikc.i inis i i liif i li-c<tdy f hure arelhormes univeicd, and entered,- fruont.%Yi.-Srin, De- ltot ulcMontrus, Coraîwisll, Bi3iieeý viec, tand St. Caflllîî&a, And fi-inn To. iýonto, jAndl îîearcr7 hnnîu Lit-ngo dditfo;îas ivilI be nstu tutise lolId. iVlrin fvtIe f meven cunîipctîtor, AtfIn anîfpau-d, *ifH bc ie îtered fInlic hetiîrée tille t-aité. "lie ivcrgunftlachetus-f 'ciii lit, alI>to cnjoya trck lis in superb order. Thc Qeculiq firt h Day. Thare w'casmhuitutie stir un tleQueen's; Ritia ligy li esitthv, incon-.eqtent-e,<of coursefut fhe t-Xpreuueed du-zire of<ife1r .%jtusfy tItitii'ePe s$,LotIuuucIl leiii susphi.. t-loicul andtihficday 'aeljoyuî nuq-liet a huiiuThuere 'cure soute, fCuitrue i tht'race-gi-onni, for- tvhidipisdihe- madem sp. lMr. Edvmrd Atumttong a-as Lte'luii t fu Isut-tis*,cfr$10f e sielt-sru 'tunenguiftt-ie ether oupatifors, Ini sa tulinces cf orme lbdreti andi fvo hlidu-cu yrsds. The Aincatn i War. Tice'car oece à f flue past veue lenves Ueo. MClellan 'cltbim>-a fen ilso fit m3md, 9and! maffeni as fi t oui tm]ntCo-inlh.- (Len. hianls (Nortlie.) lias bimen eurisuac b>' GentJentoi(litr-iun s iecure- toatis!defeates!, andi put t> fligit. Coîbsiî- erabie lois in kitles! ans! onetded hlaa, ce are fois!,ttiten Place, hut dotalia arenul repos-Led. The confidets eare rcJtorf euh f0 bie in,- lange force, ai4 man>' accouni s eate flut tey hava elifl tRichmond, 'and, moves! North 10 taise tbe offensive. Not- u serte papes-e admit ticeiens obu lc starf- lia>"-mnidspprelinunu fo fr Baltimuose ans! Wt.ýliliisgfon are entertairud. As our Par.- ~lameiutat-y correapoodeet sa>'s if is un- kiîocu vint a day or- eut iur nia>' lbrin- 't Tic Presielt tf.las taken militai-v posede- alun of ahI tise riuit-ond. l'eter»lurg puipers report ti'tt on tic 'Mib 1iheu i'mt Mnsstfor -e en 1 ex stCity 'o>int, ansd vrtereut-pieed shl it e tîtu8, nin. a uidcpl- ioand-5thtte balance reuaci-4tîteir boaf, andI puihed for icvueel. T wt es-e hot et utud ciglit -.--~-...rep-a 10 f; u e tii Baz.sae -Dut-'n~ ast eci ti re ~ male oaieef the Fasse>'Baxtuars e ltl f imy ansi Oshuina Bill. for be evo e st object ; attd b o t i. nehare I ra t O, -- jICUed te iean, mit viti a large. m!asuuas get-uei te the t-t-e of sâccese. Tiheluszaar in Wiisby vas sptccnd La, tint -d iii nid utf tefttuids OCSt ' Aimds'n'ôCiurci, nili inoproper>' i andI tint t st Ihe ta isnidcf tc Catholle creditors, -stidtinh Clturc .h et luet pince. Msrmbet-ao 1- flwb itec pa - cfaldonc on mlatiai, Jsuaominmtiones lîbei'nliy-ptitronized - oth; tbeis-juà -caises. and! vc enjoyed the sigif-of tie Catsolile - naeb-e Coni pxiest if4lptyîaug hispanse before the ccax- tflic fati- ad- Lng Emis-i of tie fair- foiie5of- n n rerd t o t - - - - - sufficiptoen li 4drca'e, mlieflie mendiera of sielatter cou. that 1icÀýctiî~ gregntion, bts nuovicrs, fllçed to Osinva, verbes-, 1852, c2 anis goftieneelee ilatte nlhatr sedîca- ai amâlgaynaint mentt miti - - thitifwoulil bu Atîs tii- aesufsns!ea. main 'etrunitlUne Tic negeis ! -ue v'tieatîil ciunreies shoihd bc 4nar éa-t get- on w otth- sis% ý -tiser mensu;r eswvii, - ,,uie. te ibnsun JO£ Prmaesoeo-i Oiris LIC03 AUGtiS.-ISome kidfitde o(X.Plimton-fonames$<of Whm à Mr. 'Iobsoti, secretar>- of 'he y es7-AgrieÃWraI ý ty.- -- uIDder- Ietkenjte benevolqnt tuis ofot< g irna lift. 'A rcnte fmi-m a bs beu -proifýded but-an aubacipionroüed t) î yhait tise renf -secs! contributed, &ce.. and l"t, L ecit -a 'lbbcc" vairmade andi some score of pion ~ asettibies on thc groutud andi help- éddIoputiif inlie ,croè.'Tbia is oni>' as if shonîs!liec.Joseph Pierson-from bcbg oec ofÇthe firât <annela in >»e township, of ans! tie knavery eftieeevioai licfuoliaihy -frustes! vas deprived tof il ac hepoesested Hie auccumula(sea bss, tOaat-enfoi extet -'-icpcf ifetmfsoio1mftcendiug ftelais biusiness propcrly.aud like faan>' befüre hlm, b. alioved-Ãnîfeitte tls ne - eof licin-1 eelvce utiu4 t'iesegleef proved hi8 complet. ruin. kfwas vile în thu'statc tiat id fitiade sumne offiose ecutracrdinuur, speeces-r. potted" 1ifor the fuît otuf ilnthiin ""aafflue lactie, but svicri mehave i 9cue à s>ei copied liffo E n.riuii iiiln itdcufgullible tuea'e puspera&$, s;ecim-ane uf 0cuadù-arî bite. îlos-Ë ! Dut Jou id hinîteif onceutuaire, andt %ve hi-usithe lesson hehimlssrcceivedvilî li ara adniouiiti'ouu ft0 un te acf more v'tul>' iii teéfuIt-re. - Sfrta-Weonii#tet iuncrifirsniutg tie- foi-e dlutt Mr. 'Viiua iiiul lindluut ieiuciecia suîuitproviilontsttrein 41tiec preutil.g feus ~ ~ by Itl'itiît-liNfr»t- Dixoutu Fust et uits s-urmut.Mu, luu:siuttt' iealings vrilI WcCful qunit 4 te -eflufr. lefoîînd 1-f i111tiy uuî vjî a-s lîltîs or i mî t flueit cl-utftufl. I uiftsitt -isly lc t-eceipf et a sîuelciitilut tiC fine itilelu>iu w gif -~ uuiu t>ieî-ciuu uitgarut5tcuiiiuusus a rtfilf stli 1#a.t*<t. hra. So mucli tiu bpisen saisi ato£ te lauil<; cm>' emalgattafion 111h -ans!in soppostitioni ru' uIl sciemne, tflnt Wne ýit nifrigit ft->- piaftic folowneg letter frein Mr-. Bs-vdgct tulon. Jj.S. !uX'cuonaîl on fie siabjte. Thep r«oiiofl le t Sn irt-udcervabiy lied in -ý4. d3r>dgsts<sopinion. Queee, l9ti MYAy-861. Mv- DtrîtuSix-- I have seen intshie public papère f li slpnxng ppoifit vas i-aises! on-flue , second rcaslin';iof thichlttîirodticrd lu>' v-ou fon tic<tuion o<iffi <tatid Tretik, Gt-et Westerti, andd Bndiudo andi Lakýe Huron Itilways. 1 ms! purposci>' refraitues!from ikiiig an>' publie t-cpi>' toaitonymous efateolefîfe wihI 'd fs-eu tifme f0 fine eppcased viti, referensu ftictheprovissione cf tint -mea- sure, bleieving tint due pt-oper tcnu rsto ilsa pi-ouoters f0 put-uc, vas fu faietei fiscal course ofif mukiig f hue.expinsstufions, 1>' at-faal evidecice irilieaioud b. -neiglied and eRited mien thc Bill camee before the Raina>' Ccmmiîtcc, f0 vhiei place ne neyer iotubtes! iL <neuls!, os hitierto ia.9 been tiie utfvary>'ii.g raie of pat-iamenili s t-oaectfalal prival4 Bill,, e rcm*lttes!,as a1 maiten ai course, 1u>' »e 11o use, t 1 nresinet fel, ycsc fIefwe coulti bave1 no olpprufntt7of mà ising cexplanalions tsi1 Parlintent anîill miiuBill came lu ticen-r dinar! course liefore, lie Riliway Commit- that the 13.1 prôpoqes to rastriet the ri.lits ofot'dhÃ"r~4I ~iff rlIt be difficuit fbgh 4Jtai até 4possible m;Sap. ,pýhnSlor exM îcon haLpoint. Ira théi fimt PI * k we eaili able f0 prove by ene~oe Lç.CocImitee, that the] 'terce c4pndrdei r ýeOitors, assent; 5tnde -Cmmu ,mappointid te repre. meart *-. a act for' Bont and Sherhol<iers or the. Comrcny, and wh on Saturday rctfcrn. aeduiCýanadà i, approve of the il en aatiafied with.fie pow of veto, whicb ia absolutcly semaridto e Bondholders whod are teiot., aye or no and without whoae > vote 11o ~ag.rement-of marnmà iation woulid lic valiâi). r.-Watkin wnul'attènd flie Co(.'C tMitteeaa'ýItnii n à a 1 bà fll'é le fo snq3î1y e thern fëly ortIfil ;s bject , But claug's e e-c insertvi pu etyý in the iteresti of the Provincc ts, If ced-y tit~ k<eeping opeti, iayev ot, of every par-g tdon of the UI,îitîddi flstifne4, êcLairWat- "n Lin>, es repreaeëntin;g fthc nc1hrlderlt, iwîl el lie trio z1a 10oobtaillntiy rtier m/meuore bc of' prolftfion, épcnl srset îe Bnondhliers,wlino .hoiia aep il yfrnice, dI 'thich ire (ionmittee wilI as ent te. The > obljectioniiherefore, iia n htu aitr lp<IL which ~ no diétuticenit dan- te pi 4é. Jiti ail tiiese quéstiongaif ctir thee rre- clitures MAi I3oïdhuldurs orf thdran! Trunlk Complany, slîould be taken- n cnaectioîî Pl w th le propo8ed project f re.ôrgani-A. tlan or the G 'rand Trurik 00o acy,ý whieh > will he laid before Parliamen t tftlic carli- est tl;i»enuLt Titat project, opoSîng ifm 1f dti>, fi> legallae ao ragt n 1 wl1) i ot Cred1tora, Bond and Sharltad agrec, r will ji-ovide fr r li cxisÃing d Jifilu es, and them'rnthte aaid objection feu f0 fte wh rî.n. Thc rate of tiat projec-t ÃŽast reat Th e hhird' objection la answre t> he tact tiit 'no.aucli provisions je tus J und o in flic ill at ail. Power tf0 naké rrange to Sali witb any RaLilways ici th etigt o e we*t, is elearly in thliciiferest of hle lPro- lifi <uic-, sii fiat is t.pening oct ifs pat terri- d ton s, f raille îboùld be fcararile coufraimil nisiy, and nt tirougx rate.S. li frnuesparut hoiverer, i,,net mnateriaf f hfl Afuidn *it-I thte ne]f', and it will lie for thec Coni ilfet> 1,5 do var withiL itas tbcy -plitae. It. la ofFercd in J> od raifi. toc le ie <fonelude b aiîgfnt the Lu>îfiîîg ielt of the Granid Trunk, oîtatay u iCenîîa e ow coinpimiveiyà aI. -ai Its nmain dehta arc ici Es law iithere Wil ,l crcditors net ofoIt eapprote of tir-î bill- i' i but Icae propuoseri to petîtion inb i18 aor ,0 The liirgetfit ceditor in Canadais le f ic 'wit rf Upper 'Carnad, and they Cýn1ireî co cor fi nr ftie Ullas inilI fie proveri before tfi thi LauW1,sy 4otimttdc.- 'Phe otiier erefl tors o n.aidsnow emutint tii Ile." thffii '50 - 1s 000. Tii sain iricltides onfy Y ,i0Idu"c Wc in aii (X<ileskstiatn $1toocdolla endii 1 ia. iuid by percolis of scfail rmon-!Si13 fthe now hiL-iîg rajîudly lisqfaidat*aî1, ittad isil ceOt iebusri-d ini full wi th th-cýonseii of ticem Eosgliii oriiditors. Thle bidandc crf flicor debt. iraivilaSida iLeti*itg fçji ot fhlin wal twcnty pcIf onsor firméi. T say; t refore, froc &dviitdly, f liat tic fear whili lias en ex- iý jreee'd tIi-lt fhe objeét f fthe rasent îBih re > 4 to :&c -id the payinent officia îrg deb'tc in CýI Ounad L ;San, entire o>isapprehelipouc; f i Hui, tic Province i,; going to à ain lag - ru y by rte passage of titis in«agure It %%ul C sdin iht> gremf.advantagc <of itpro ,iug fthe 051f itill, of itè Rin-ay enferprisà by re- 10 a $ iîg tIlle ost of working them,'<Icid su o ncre;vîis f leftri of'aggrepittCe n t ro fi t.I %%iii gain Ile ûapying oOf tice i mt-plus r lIisîg stock or tie une lue fiticthe xnti of a1lie ofler. and ttias ciierea3e 1 tib cie of itectftres f0 auppfy the wvants of 'e il he tritdC or the cuitry-aid Le ,rImaniî C u c l' tC r rb z o d, 2 ê 1 irt] ACte îiviitg Unil rk iem. f rit inenQ timrlaré lec da day io «e once toitdteiu c uor the sn Il. ThLes0 Wua direct vote ou munt - fmajouLe>' frem citiera up nerly as possale" heis i-g p>-ten for mut-i flic I x. ~ N Deà it Six.- 116%w frac taif ithat we Jittie kà 6jý wlintitdà &y iily in-, forth, -Within-twedltr four hus of au evçait nhics is pregndL rili tînt gnavee t conlsef{ueces ta the Pû: 'i{c - rurote fta 70f1lestWekIite. trs hnig it my'riext letter woild'c'nvéy oîe1~*î0~ f apolifi cl Onui- , ubici C.!>'mat W tvifn, anmd chid, in Canida4.lit)idrd d4sleî1C4 cè but*~ ci1 iucIis Lthe fnef, and thec hange 1 a eak or~ ceà pturss> hroug.i ail ils ?Inees iW Iat o ipdaty tfthfe isuir wicrs lievote whicli >ciled oIT a ministry of iéven j eaai ,rowth on Tficeday mest, tie new Premier, lot in fcraon-of ' cours, as c vli b x ,IiiduI froui iéhe.roue. tiil ce tien >(It b>' dcputy-whl announce thc pnlicyl hi lienciorfh fie Obernrient or VCana. la propos(; f0 puriue. 1: la hard>' uec-.1 ar> thut 1 fiOuld recapnusinto the tacts ,i îy lenigti, but as, in' do.I-bt, yon bave e-usderîs %tio do not sec nilits>'. papers if nIy fî ts e ll t&,do 5go witrl irevnt'. IL of dcotrse welh knowi liruugioci thé )ovin)ce tint fthc Milia la Bill of Roc, . .- *. McDonald reniained iii abcyance for menf tetl iyà e 8 - io, ltconeequence of hie ýlà sss5; ndil erIng fiat fume ilt ns ihe lijeof of constnnt discussion, easpeCialy rfiog flic Loer Caîsada imerciers, Who ard ed if g e tîcrally w ith d i efavo u -'li y rlked, ahore tail tmingaS, ticejarovisipu1, dii cuttipelleIstffenidance for *twcîatY. ;it daislt % centrai point, in 141sf cases fcsjnrss, distant from tLii houles for flic riP of utfrainiî>g Sd'id the relmunerûLlon rs 2.- pert dafvas cotliat ail caiculate ti i.-cf tfe rtf. - allre pcipt>ar. 1 anp: ,%ii fiiif tic 2, s 6dvouid lieve paid ver>' le miore tiati the grog, su fiat thé cuit liocrdirng added la the 198g of limé gfaierly lbc put et 15)gppr $tîem or ni of £7 pecr an : ec fiau. Aganst ti4 ey re-btlleti and meefingts -tc e d i0 wlue:s plsacies to profest caIiJst the in. îttjie, n as reraedî. -TCés nenberi ok e.hsc ilarfitand quita i ef imer cf th ,wasitd upon 31r. Csirtlaii iti the. foîmafion fiat tic>' wonld have to vowt usin1st tic-second reading. Tiie Miniètry. si ioxaever, commifted to the bill, and . - s. sais iltififEtpereortage ih in author ity r conxiotiIci huive il put be.Yond daniger. tnt MNr. (jiirtier eaid f0 bis di8contenfed aie: iinof f ranspired ; but if S leaËen atfic irasnof moved trOus eplirpoSat brinsfldig if ùm ntthe. est-lient-Smoment; iupppae.lmetiroir the cnes tpoar fiem.-.. <aî htar,ce muet er ofmrembe-s. Witiout e _pcsker tiretire non 128 mercierrs the flbcrr# Mr. Foley -es voi n Liu,.- for flot Pl niable beyo plaent the 1 feul Wi. q "AsusuEl