Sle-ýJosta Riclhardsemn. N. G. Esin K o nMil-Terr & Brother. niel'ennor. ligs anti ethers-Thonu Fs Peta Sile-Tsomas Foater. or Printîsng-County Ontario. SL Antirs's Churceh. lYbeat, Pais, Barley anti Dts- r &Bolton. resl-wm. oynten. )NE DOLLAR A TEAR Ttmurs4a3y J, 12, 1862. ruIt vas lssmtigoed on Msta êrMsxssvaaaI.-Mesars. Foiey, andi Moe., have iseen raý-elecit- 91 IV. bele,. that the tinie bau colnefôt thse fedeijon of the-British Proçinffl er Nol th Aýrerica. rrom $IF* ndasa't Fort Garry, the iedea P'tXv1s Stmofl *thinking mess, andtkth' thuo nnot k-far distant, e7hess tia tisay notbfà must te- fole. itsoit into seniethissg tangible-to *wit; a>X'a4asaujilon or Fusion et lUer, Kajesty'a posaessionsa lnNerth.Amerie.' E agllae S tamen of thse higet order, ,are become&f ai". te tie impartance cf the - tquWi*oa, iBot Sir Baiwer Lytton, issvségive'ho 1iestbject a grtat dei! ef at- tenitn, and bbth are in faver o? readjsust- nert ,ef thse Qa"Irnent. iTisey aggeat a C1iêisre m ~n.easary,. but gîvpne plan ýof a %Dion, whiô~bl,1ing just te ail section$, won]ld at tise sane tume rernove thse ancicot lansd -mrka -4ttt thse cenipobenta mîisit cÃ"sibesce. 'they do nset teilI us how we nse teer clous- 9ftisat Scylla, au oligarcisy; and t aitie "ie tineavoidth ie Cisarybdis,q a mlobocrscy - how old worid errera andi prejudices mial be ieft eut, andi new worldj follie ansd falliaes Doutibe taken in. G os! ûà rbid, that In the face of. the mélaacholy exaunpie whiébi la be:nhelti un bcefore us, ail P no~'hu1d ha vezW i the essussuenos'asnrespect of ail tise 010, logtitanti besaIfrientisant I miprove = 7%nei agovarimental Impossibility, élever anti sarnest but tieveit et seunti Judgnent, or good stittsmankibip." na I ha 1i 0tiiishnorble-and bise of Mr. Brown nov te pre-jutige andi condemeh Isisoltifientis ie fore liseare in a positions tO e bieard 1" Who'ti have tisougisiihai oe cf the p4sus.whisstles wiics ieretef'ore se nseekly piped l oy vien tise big orgati gave forth the note, voulitibave tise ternes' it» to apek out for itlf afttr tisis fasiion?1 Mn. Browan " disosorablers and "'base 10 anti oeeof tise mout abject et bis faitistel tolloyara tises te denonnce hue1 Wisai are va ceniing teoi But ve tergal, Tise titrabroî is nov a Misistar et tise Crown, andi cas tee tise faof t tise teraioad.1 O lampera, O, mortes1 Tbe Kailway AÃ-sagçent Bili. Town ounsJh WIIITBY, Mnday ,Jan. 9. Prosent lii 'otship eMao,(n the chairj) N er8. ors.yj aor-4 in -donellI,à in_ -B « vn Iict>arrott, ,sad Cneon. Asent4tI'es3t llillings andi Ocmità in Yatepsy4 s ofth is otis W- rd sraYing for 010o reel or thse hog byltaw se far as thse Saînrquttea ttisai ward. 11fr. ,Bro,çn brou6gi up' the rem~rt of this cemmitte, and tn netien the ceuncil went jute curà stnIitethveni...Cam-* cmosInluthe Chair, 4r t te readiing cf, thse cern ittee rose repertud. SCtIOGL It ltà s. Acomnmunicaionn mtise Secretatry ofý thse Board Of Sciseol Trusteea with tise estmmates fo~r thse cari t year ws' reati. The. asn6tnt etiia a *, the total.expenses for tise »r beiog $3017-ý ceMPese fth t e i tems $2070 fer salaries, $472 dclscntured Rad il rest, '$40 fer 1In- sursise, $250 Worrepa s, and $200 te contingencies, Frein Johin Shier êresîident of tise L1Sç p ropesitien -et the C4titi41 eferiing the Tewus Il ail and lamlq it djis gfor thse use et the Society hat boeilu uceetc and tisai the Seciety was prep)are4t6 proceed witli tise fCLlilin,&C. Frein N. Ray -tcndering his rcmignatien y lias aie i - '"" Among tise imsportant masMuM'îs8 whIicisi- ýyb lobeau, nominated Iote1j0tisa lspolloi. IVe dc et ielleva iaie engrous pubieoattentiontise question eoAf Tmuillate-n iasreevs. t nrtis, for whilcicoustitiiency he 'ptsl>ui ie rex nf ratderl ~diýobi5Letis ipsa tts getCnaenri. r' M neiiasacotfr14e Mae of re lectien. tisaeebeae censtral anti permanent power, maya otcupies, andi dasarves a ver». pr-.silirsg tIto f osssdlifir ellile. anti Bur id eut in Oppoiition set aubjecite tiste wbiacf a nieSvhich minent plac.M.Mclîelumiîa ~ms eeaa 1 -reI tra tate un rte-e u tsf ls mattes, Itui for IWeat York. suaybas iî.-d ae» bya populan en», uer as Thse fusion bil ihsusbeen se pensistcntly tisat cer-tailadasies oetî,1,&!îaUié-, naire absselute As l3 tise Americati Prasitiei oppose inlu ls ver» infatue», as te render lent Soct» hati calledti ipen Mm a-iorer- Qvuiiio.-Two destrmcirtîseires ls yrniaits chances oe tt ii its aofye-t ndculsct inakg,0Ar aneu ;aiiaitojasatr- atsli; :sjnt x y m olisces umkn ea ed un Qssbec withlss thse laait-sIioyaiatis ceedingly proliesatical. 'Itas preineters rangeusnent vitis lier, andt tisa asie pro- Swiics iuntiretis ofbouses mer the t hirt, anti a iycopisînt tise ftniSse i-ii o tecid-h fl -7pnei oalpliia ate$ ,.seem te bave been dtilm ie fsal gethe.ikîssg fer ande cisi te I dm et dollars vo$ls ef property_ ddJtealpltca atestniinu out,»l ssîscse t oinitc, ra>ias telet lier lkcop il,su epts tepiease AIl nen, cndsng by; plaasing lansd tlisrc nov remains but heAorne- enn ios us thaijî sIsn -----noue, andi iosino-iis Aua in tise sangain. ment 1i11 for ?ss nsitieraiion. TUSE LRtAS? MsONMIL55WORtsPs LL.s IJT UWTà i- Lssrruesare Bascis ettise states must ha ieft -visli» ;Tisill 1proposas isany ant i mpcrts-nnî Tise Cl-rk laid iefene tise cousci lii easing aAdtiîntenestlng et thse ta> 'tiseuc-ntrel et ils local Ieialui-e, -changes in th sGrandt Ti ssnit organization, draft leas4e Ofthtie two uses asjoiisa ths e vitnusesi,anti-tiesenve te bcawhte tisuse maltersafsfectiug !te, gancrail il la inticet A se-orgsniation eoftise inaten- mirls-t propenty trous Mn. Weî-r tu thse zed Thy afor a uretmtcerîaasnîîtiestan sd, ssn motion cf 11È. Mace- ses! Tia» ffori ss-ae i ent eiase, can be controlîi'd is»tihe cen- ual ceonom ofet tie Cosxspeîy. Tise chi ie orseli, tIse leaS vas rpprovet Ansd the ig, haa taturcet tise lklli ro-lartAis allecation Vav-on îissttrieinxeu he$ n -600 ExIUa~ oc Va meper. Wgeftion tisehaea! smtcet freceipts fer postal services, ans!tithé duî1silcate ounlthe part erthtie corjorà iion. is~~~~sre ~~~conveyasiee et treeps, anti militr» stores, Si.esri aimo M. 117m. Pisipini, resfsing avebeen lot inmetistese remanka stevard tha liquidationacf ltse floauiug siebts TisaClerk ross tise foiioa-sng qlnmnl- un tise GIS Con, et Pickcnin.-, b» tisepolie» cf tise nev Administration et tise cumpany; anoieuta-s entr $500 tiÃœn trou, Mr. Coroner Ea.sti-clJ-: _ ratiser remankable encountan visicîs i 'iseliave tu have talsan a step te. otiser 1tisai for principal, andt intercat -WUITUYs, hay 16ti, 1862. vsicis tise»-bicame se entan- varda tise realization et eut- favorite tiscon» on boà isnluCati.-da, telise pais!in full, eyu ot ty esa as tounctimpssilble ta seaer' -a fi-ertionoet tise Provinces. Ive lai-ger tiebts te ha isachinged b» tourti centaining tise foleivuing :-'11an tinactesi eut euttissg lise borna., This ÃŽiseato encth ie principle andi hava proes-sunce stock2ssd. Privilege tu bos- b» tisacoonicil et tise Townet Visitisyte nr soeadiffienîIt», anti tis ecrn»confidenceîlutisernsuit, hia» h, o two re il lions, te hearicoantesI firtst eqeCsit rous von a cep» efthîie-equisition mals freeti trous"tise bot-nsatîat Mr. Meflonsals!,unîting.vit sts o-sprefereur feesdsGr tisecomplatequsup. scuaig>o eieia uei ecs - cst ileu ttiebiisu»ithm .h e nt ees t fthîeeas!, mii hpa: e brrw iug tlae oengin ot tlise fit-" b» iviicîsatc tend ýoueilnesfthe ts aeutatnnl achrne atisemen psa ossIotiteancansbegleare ta rcply tisai Iavin; b» vistue ni tt' s~on ai.s.- c v hc ii adesinistratlire 'polie» , fore. etfeutpesni ruer isuestnonloif 20 l xxv, te ofte yesn l comae offas!w. fslseMDuJ!..ct e qupe bonds, te replace tise unes iei is cto fmscsI~ol li dmd s. f.s,-te 'eDoald Sicttenowproohe tebe Il irerespect direcet, if it lis allovabie e.f ralt Jli, te NiagaranmIi-psslt .issucl,tss o t te or me <tu de se, tise cas-aloi ttention of teme ez ne asbfoe n aadanhitry'iagovcrrrnmeutvili ailsin a preWége uuknewn isave a ii-st lien upesi tisarailva», ils theaceuncilîldiscisatgedwviati 1tisen lba- Steaer ei~iigi ~ isfotsi n Caaulan iistn».No Part»y venIns, neling stock, ans!otiser pant.- liai-ad, anti ie sov stii blieea, te hava for~ ~ ~ ~ ~~b tiefcsieat svn seven Sefone vus us gene mie poiver 3nd. A conves-s1f iesi t nLandi second pre. bean my dsir, ln visici belef indeeti 1 ipeciali» for thse accomoda. i n tihe lace et suais diRiceltias as ut-ound ferential bons;giite fit-at anti second pro- arn most dea» ssuqti db» tise verdict et Onisti, tebs Pullt >a. é conl ndbscfiai-nce stock, mpc vl;ofë n*ytise ,jur-y -cînnedtatme ou tisat occason, tie ea e stitie-Mn MDoaii nt 5 Olicagues, antid i» etenilsa» I n<t acisusowîstie tise asqsrissantiseni- peceat on tisetrip. Fl las ne Mau in Canlada couldi nai tisaSeiren par cent bonds, duc lu Octoetst» efthtie ceuncil whisch eaa te ha impioti 1lba atiuniies nesi veck-- 1862, inte pcnpotuil tird pt-ête-nce in tise regntesi matie, and smonttise-aone " 0jenc. tore, ha entiistei vustiste reins et gîoek, aIl cuber et-dinar»Seontis anti car- sesrettuîly doctine ta coiupiy tiscrasith Consiute i ndmsa»have govarnunt wvus Setter prospect et inceasti taî beebdtiut, nepseutb» givin>z ais»more directiswon <taiseis- vw issposing a icense ou titan Johnu Sanildeis cDoald. Fiee fuils pi-titi-r nstok 4tisn raxmp. vis J hsv al rhIcsl W, 1. ine si et $25, Cast or Wagon, nusa rous tise odiutn iviici-as isai-er tise tien frein an» aecttiston jsisgmnn iniav~or pieasuMra sknnwvî te s s-tis» V irls iosfe., $10. c- es-nione or iles attacheas to erng eot-dinas-»boud-belters fur jaterest or Y»5h4tlO Ofsaficer of the i da;». Ameri-caa War. T-auyles ho i aprTscpl. th. Power ta -içrMam srl~ i -aise net alliadtu te ±alualri"i conujoitly wthtu lie teteral t-ceps have pais - ne- rdieaa ot tise nid uaximi aebse-ats a-i bikloiu.Ts ottat.slol. arc coutinual» m&0 viclenti» ur OtIas C$ osan iatisind cba e d frethe malins e ii <su1 v t,. - t0 ui air dtermnatien te detau! giuig measunes, wvihIcif eelfute ntsnlse tcamatt efn h55tiC-1tirl>sTdasv let iakiniantionteoetmy office su caron e nca tiseru$ acttision lts aiosti vnt erass»pnse~~afleci iSeit- elaiînL as! an atisboity te visich tise» eau l43,ne thlu tisa-laiee stg ecaqsacenir» mb anacis» ati contuon. he' t ïdfl tte cenceivoauything more juat' daim, eus! a-hidi snder Ail tisa ais-- d.In h aeetgnetcutyit mrý fso. aisut-than tise treatidmembera liav-e etcumastances ef tis euae 1 ted t t Ise ffen. faderais îa officiai!» repent- IVe esset, tisan, eus- confidence in tise au» iaglslation on tisa Grand Tnunk IWI si-a anad insulting tu me parsonrillr, ris s 5,739 inliltad, voundoti, nea- Premier, antinlutise aiilil» et bsis a.Wesnc»belvaatapnp- welas judficially, isetiser Be intentes! er Sai ef tise aoufatirates là govrmeu t io deai vus tisegraquestion ition te provisie for tisa re-pa»ment of Yuns&, greb.ter. Mempissbas isean of fteration, tise-first step tLa-artia viici tise £4,000,000-atvauceti 1,»tisa country.1.O.ESTO D .., i eslestois bas heen li-vestes! a-aetticipate te Se tise incorporatîon et vouiilie c el-es! mkiýissuspicion, AI-,Ces-cnet - G-.O. foices Tse liismntilie îes Rierseltemcsvstisa pro. iSeuth ti l ial kuevr tisai tise company Mr-- tacs!oncli iu et] ing attenlnteis toryfIo£ tise Cou-1ne. e des. - 'ris. (be lobe ati15 U4.rlatss aIn. No-là Asesican, ricasu troubles ie Lin tisa Hessa. e w tise relations Sem tise Unites!d Staici Tise Commutte.e o sal defenceas hava licitions must, cou. ia fuature le the -epori ay. tisai )uncil as. eau la> couucil r. But osu -bave inqueit, sOsa in- tiseut in rvileges tise cet-- tishe du. t as tise Thse ti-catinent visich, tise nev minfisîr» ,hs48 reccels-s!fraiestise Globe 'nngs out tise Markisim L!cososi41(etfviicis hou. Davis! Reason, hrutiser-inlav of tise Cuesmiasioner of Crovu ,Landsis preprictos-,iluthse fol- lowings araint -lff 'N1EWxav OvsTZRNX,"..."2nf i sLn tor» iS geçel until te otiser is eti Tis ii a maxiisiPà angaot to-ta» as ai ans formas-pas-les!ofethtie' morld'alister». Y r. George Bromws, tisrougis the 619Se tolsiisston» et thise lMaedonaldiicoîe 1,lilâtr». lie mouilt haug; irai andt r» tlise iccuseti afterwantis. île places tbnM lu a taise position baes-re tise publie, baes-or ussyare i te:r seata la tise Rouge, os- beforie tisais- coetitiiants -bsase they eau fasly andi properh» expIais tis- ipolira». s Pls-lismient eus usus-asunabie licendemu. isIg tise Bn&vn-Dorion Goverpumoni saforo tise issinebsof tisat Goverument isadt te tot tako tlieir,,seats in tliseI-ougse, Sudsl codthit i isenonable ai ait fîmes, anti Il is- base of Mr. Brown nov to pra-jutige andi condatun hie elt i -snds baes-atise» are in atpesîion te)beisest- ;Netsa mnt îiitithser Tlen ofeParliiment, ai tisaps-e- senit momenýt Uges i vote of e>ut t o ou -Ildeusce." ' 9 -~ C.L sMrBrowun veA'uls! have us auffas- ai!l te ela cof wviia Upliar Canada cominsafo ninec nt reiod, tatbqs-ýsn ais!in -reine n uione au hei- pÇi, ait the o4r hal atn est-!» tri», Iq wosl t llow îte sip et ste tus sink raen a d ilndes fri.. . .... vi is lu- értremst-hat a large ameîsnt of. aevau-par-cetionds marture in Octobor, vlsicis danet possibl» ho proviticilfte-- tisailegiiation la abaslutel» uccesas-» b ýps-cienstisae boud-lsjldos- anti other cre. dites-s, frein esi'rying off tisa s-oling stock anti plant b» pieçt-mea4l andI consequcîsti» closingtis o ast -.-uie isifoiina.te bill ai tise last moeonnt, lias! îo subînit te an a'netsdmanî (?) of Mn. O'llalloran's b» ,wiicistise Provincial lien is vis-thsalyr- vives!, asdîtheisaquipusant mertgage bonds, muai subinit te go on tise umarket unidan lits ssadew.' Wlîh thse uistakas tisat mi» liaie, tur- ing ils construction, 1sakasi tise listery et tise iiistution, me dû neîssow propose te deal. Tisemoue~ cama frein Engiaiss, andi mas fred»y spant lu Cansada, te tise aistiching oet inu»oetoui- coitt-ymn.- Wisati vo daim Is is ai a venuvisici s se muais betafliutes!tise ceuntr-y, increasing tisa pnice of ]asnd, anti lis pt-educts, de- crcasing tise price ofe a-a-> article oftcorn- meÃe- wicl weimport.-m~alrin-itsin finance tilt in tise seustaes sçrierf eur extensive ceunis-y, sisoals! Se Iove t l asrange is ove affaira te thse hast adi-an. tago, W.ii hrespectas bc lglsts ortlits aboya ifl5ti * pigtie tise api quiotatio ,,ln whf t ottsn *meant, isain liiinselt offen Tise as- ssnothingiv tionaîl us-gail, in tise couincil te eali tortl, ai Eastwood. Tisa cous parier autblinti, nos-i de -u, and! tisane mua sn tise resolotion arllingil net- er tise tiislaiçe dutiesu as coroner ; tises ceulti liacenstruedi at or -ftnience ; tisaennui latter, ns! raslutineaf et iaCua eting tisachat-k te eonsisunicatevs utvooi. asseliedt te uthnor o is ion et tise s- troîn 1fr. n Mi.CaMplcl,ý (Wiiîy), gave notice ef lntnodueing a 4»-av toe canfirm a cet-tain - iy-lav ofthtie te nahip etf Viitls», veaiss -a ce9rtain reati aliovance in Mn. à Seinlua Tise by-law -wu- introulubes! naxi de> eanti passes! pro forrnni, Mn. Fairbanks Si-otigisi up tise report of tise 81kciala cemnmitteeaosi qealiiatien - viicis v asil, anti on motion tisa'concil - ent iuto coînesltteo tisereon. Tise scisedule tu tise report grive tisa fo1. -loving equalizesi value per acre :-Broek, $l3 50 ; Mare anti Rama $3 50 ; Pickering $24 ; Beach $18 ; Seugeg $13;4 ,Stt $8 88; 7Tsrais $7 50; Uxbitge *10 ; Wit- b» $25;- Rassi IVistis» $24> 50; Toa-n of WViîîiy. aqualizesi value, $660, 000; Osisi. Mn. Tisenpson opposes!tise adoption of tise report, anti centeutiet that Bt-oc vas oves- issaaseti. Mn. Brthisur aise expreaseti bistsdissent freni thise port ant inaplainetiof1thtie injustice visicisbat batt utine iis, tovu- asip ounIisees1alizrition et tise sseurnent. Tise sseiole sheving tisa valua ant i ajuii- catien, vwe adepiet inlucommute ion a division. > >On tise motion for adopt ion ieforetise; Wartlen, Ms-. Tisompsen, secondes! b» Mr. Breilsoun, movedti t reten bacr tise report vush instructtions teý retioce tise equalizeti valuaet Brock. te $13. pan acre, anti te place thse amnnt seo raduces! upon tise village et Osaaaantite to rWisiiy,, on sucis otiser munieipatity U asyma»eeni te tise cetmittat mOaà ttwusi Mr. Fairbanks opposes!tise motion anti reraettas!'ilri tisae roll fer tise tovnshsip et Brock for 1861 sa tne ean Eeat un,'<iii C.Oisseqtenca utf viiilthtisecomnittee Were: Couity Council. JneSession,, 1802. TIID DAY. Thse Wardcn took tise chair sisoril tte tan o'clock. Meuars. Hlewett ansd Watsoi, v*ere tise oui» usesbera absent, FrmeintiaCeunt» Engineen, lu referein te tis aed rare et loi 20, in tise MsCes et Wiitby. Prom' Natisi. Debeis, cialrnlng $100 Po acre fer Isati talen ter a certain roand run inlg On parn of lot 20, 9ti con. oet Iis by. Prom R. I. Chenu, Ganl.setrgeon, re qsîesting.lai,, et absence torîvwo monts, 0f T. hioure, and tiois, praylnte aid on tise lisse, betwaen tise townshiips o ReacIs andi Uxbritige-.Mr. ,Campbsel (Reacis). Of D. 8. WAasuds! gotihei-s, prà yiuM for aidon thse Break roas-..Mr. Caniphail, (Beachs.) lCOietTor s'ttunom. On motion cf Mr. SanjRster tise sy.ias te e-t tise VUilge etUxisritige ie s police village, *fluiait» pasict. On motion ofMr. Perrytishe usame of Mn. Sanguser wuas aitct te tise finance comnmtteeuin place oet tiai et Mn. Revett, 1862. in uitde s- t e C e s pite th o se p o rto n s ef t htie resîs et pt-osent unAinisbed. Yoibn cmuittic a ase laru itaIb» tie aant etftise arhInraiera 'in-the matr et tie Blsock river bridge, tie tsmof $4,200 b u a i s s e n a * a r s i a t i m 5 t i s a s i a r e o u t t i s i Cuni» le ha pais! for tie etectin cf tie bidge;, tiaitie» conceive tie atrrd te be'nojuast teada ihsfrConnty, beleving, as tie» d, tlisatishe lniabitants~ et tie IJnt d Cou itiei o ? Y ork an sd P ae f are nier ineemted in tie costrctlon teis bridge tian'tie nabtaSt ftisisConsul ire. 'our -comittecrovoltithercore r e sp a- tc ; t I J » r a s o m m n e n s l I a t t i e C e n i » d o pa» thiai- hae oethie cessf lie arbitra iroy RussaîNt T AI Accottl.' Yeuir Comfnittee recenimend titisa Treasoren pa» tW the tovnship 1i-eestirert et tisa sevara Muicipaliies hereinatifr names! tise respective ameounts ai theo csodiotascis Monicipalit», in secouaivitis tise nu-réai- tient ta; fans!, vis a-Wbitby Rs 4.7 Uxbnisge $255.27, Scoct$253'28, -Bnock W4.90, Pickering*$149.73, Wisîhby 5.60, Réaais$275.39, leu te proviu-le ftheii JlI Tintarastof N. IL Di-bentureis $10.- $170.39. - Tise felloving Municipalitias are due tise non-résident fod, vi;...Scugog $13.14 lari andi Ramia te -provk1d e or.Jly Inter.-, pasonal assasinentvas us-gel- ie exceas et tise preîons year. Tise arguoments Rama, as alwaya iseretotere matie et vben tise ver» aisua Souths asswuas! edte acquiesce in mniug s8p- preceaai ýpnopniaîoins for s-oass in tise nords, vas Dis 1, îisaî thsevaiue et properi» vesîtild e en ci-ba e ti, a1n d ti h e nertue ni to v ush ip a In rs- a woulti repay 1h Iniidrectl» ins entrreased sisiîs et ' taxes ; but nôv vheu tise prôpenties, tuesYeer Cou benfltetias! encraes! in valua tiia vas arneut wý bjected . - tiso r O tiw Mr, Tisonipon and! Mr. Be orbets moti a sii rtasl tisa it ise n o usp ro du c t lee et th a e to f the tiiss rol! vas tiss-eighs inadvii'a na e, ansd tia if which dea pretieasitbe:ssinuunt et pennel propert» popry V anîti Se frotund te b. n e reates- if u $4 5 95 o gret, as hast yas. Tise» issistel tisitishe resident au psogress et theis- municipalty dis! nt ceue tie illage ap t e tisa i et R oac i , an d al t B r ec a fu tll sîseu s paii, in tise >siape cf taxes fu»l as muchboihewep ià h, i reeivei in 'tis a yvs ofet appropria- illff 1 00 f on iane lot Jan," imt, $4122,' estiÉG&Ied appýre&IafL6 ' ie toUnscil receipts for thse resuainder cf thse year Al et wbich in reapecîfssily $3,200- Total $7,322, JOUX HAM Pl The Trenaurer e8hinsales thse expenditure te tise lat Jenuary next, Lt $11,953, show- Oonmittee Itoonis, an apparent delieiency for tise current Guis une, 1862. year, over tise ordinary, receipts andi tie A clause-ii tise report in rel et Ooussty asseaannt of 1861 ot $4,631, Audit ef aenunia at Quarter Se î,n In the opinion eofT'or Cosmuttee', thse reeonemendjng thse appeintinent actual deflciency fer «1862 willI net ex- mittee of' the Couneil, te act cees! *3,500, exclnsiVi ef COUTSadOf th isetiste, magistrates wua truel .C2 (eunî ratés, levieti tise présent session et report afier sorne discussion 1 n your Censseil, anti vhleh, maY le pais te deeniet unnesesary, and Meti tise Country Treasurer before tise lot Jan. ing tisai any interférence wct et next, Tisis estiniateti deflciecY will catsse duetive ef ne geoti reulta, *hi ne esnbarrasmenît tie Couniy finances,, be Bîeppi out of etthe Ceunei inurnuci sMtise couaîy asacasnsts are ladictiou. nov invariabiy -matie te cuvertise estituat.. Tise report vws tien adopted e- ad expesuuiture for ess- fuil, year in ad-. Bd, and a by law foksnded tiserao vance, eonimencing the succeesling Jenu. the Ceuniy, for thss foltowirg na /attar tise sommer session of tise <Jeneil. ]Brock $1784.40, Mars end Rai A word ofierpianaîion is required te iseowPiksn*42,, ac$2 I r t i e c a u s e ef t i e a n o n t e t i d e fi c ie n e y e of g 2 . 8 , ot$ 4 4 , 4 ? $ 3,800. In thé' report of tlse Standiqg 95, Uxbridge $994.21, Wiitby Co Mmnitee on 1Pisianea andi Assassinent, $1561.99, .Sat Whiîby 81570.44 ander date 7tis Jesse,_1861, tise surplus for Whitby $931.3j4 Osisawa $883 9 tia i year vas estmated t $i 5,310, andi $15,00o. ) 1) sobjaci te t1ic disposai oethte Councl.- Thse a ppropriationsl for *Roati andi Bridges PCTOV In 1861 were 8,200e being witbin s rille Mr. ThorApson brugisi up- il rf eS*,000 oer tie estimnateti surplus whicis iis cemiîjice, nti on motiony itl tie extra expenditures on C unty pro. cil went iîto co unitteu tieros perty fuly expain thia matter. Y er adopteti w iîisut amend eitati Ceninitte. assimt tie telowing estimate fosnded lisreoî-enaetitsttatl fprobable receipta and dîsbrseuents for t1,948 14, b. levicti for &choc 1 the e a ing e , 1 6 ,tie curre sitye r, in the o îc ,.,j " ea sintiern1s3 ~frei tisedifféirent nsssieipsl IsTlArg zX'sx~iTuua.To meet Debenîsîres due lut Jan.., 1863, $1,200, Towýu à hip, 4OV't Pl o. 7th Sept., 1863, * 0, C uîoîissdue appropriation . - lt Jai., 1863, $408, de. 7 h tirei, 1863,' BrOÙL* ..... .*557 5 *390, do. let July, 1863, $432, do.itsh Mar aniILana. ..280 3e Sept., 1863, $360, Crier 'if Court, $100, Jikris. 966 00 Jailler anti Jail supplies $1 tG0 i seriff, suis. iencli..... ....... 7.9 70 dry services $13100, Cicrl: ef the Pl>ce Scu)tt...e. ....... .261 45 $800, Otilceis salaries È9250 Geol Sur- Seugi,# .............. 93 45 geen $130, C1. ty Au$120,Iof issî . .. 953 lieunîy $M, Ilcoîbers WV es $375, Cu, xrso.. :.446 ty Proparty $500, Coronserg Inqiiesta $200, WisVhltîy, Eaîu...442 O5 Isîsurance .$150, CrQwn W%ýitnesca $75, Wi5by, West ...457 35 Counny Atruý $350, IWoodi fu o euîty IWÂADS £5D BDUE. Buildins $250, Seu-gog Bridge $250, Nar. Mr. Faisrbanks breugisî op tihe rown Bridge *50- TIserai Bridge $500O, tItis colstittee, and, on motiont Jurera $2000, Prissting $1000, Costeblee cil, reselves! itzelf into -commitie $100, Micellueou $~00.-$~,0~~ , hsl icreous. Tise report un ÈBId, K»RCEIPT8. lengtisen,-d didcussion in comni Jury tees *150, Magitratas filses $100, Weil as betere <he Council, andtv Auctiosseers L.eetnes $200, liawlsers Li. tuaIty asiopted as follewa, ceuse$ sîC, 1Jilbereui $200j UovernmenîT isitie-Odb»tserp for erimnai Justics $220G.-$3050. deutity EsîgÃŽisseer tisai tise moue> '- Leaving $15,000 te bc protided fur by p)rOPtiatel fur tise isuprevenent assessns<iit tise prescrit ycar fer tise eur- (rusîre roadïii Thorais, ere neti rani expessetftise -Ceuni» f'or 18G3.IL fir tise purpose, andi tiai, a furti afi'ords Your Cornuitite mueis satisfaction,9 $200, ost usai portion iselween thse te ataire tisai alitisé municîpalities have ei-uissi corseesienau, andi *100 on t] paid in fuîit tIe County ristea for 1861, wîl, tien tet1weess the Caiueren rron tie exception oethtie *sited Townships of rer of t'ie tlth concession efthtise M aran anti Rasm . The a mnount due iy eFT iorais, yllbe tsce sary te tiee townuips l4 $2,000 wisici bowe%,,r prtions efthtie red in % istatef will ise f <l» coi-res!, eut ef tise preceedtis ineicti1tisey voss t ierefore rec et tie cesin- sae ci lands fr utinail tiat an appropriation bcruatei Tise connoil met m DI o'clock ibis monoi ing,an eus!isnieti thi-ou.i tise venr, - -ASIDITOP5. Mn. 'Ver-non, secondes! by Mr. Sangatar, moi-es! PâYtnE"t et $60 eaaste thse Audil tors-Jtno. Ctes-ta anti Josephs Thekey. - Mn. Thompion suggestes tise final aujdt o? tise report in thse firut instance. Rtepos-t finally-astuiti antit-as!, <iiison setion et ,Mr. Tisonpson-Ms-. Vernon vltisdravîng bis motion. Tise report et tis a aditeni aLtate tisaitisthe i-resident landi tend b net beenau eduis! fer icsse yesýCro , -tisroogh naglecu, anti tisaitise auditori, tise présent »ean, satusadti t de tise woniu î- iistit extra rernunieratlo, is, a duwcuuslon enêeei, ini aSieSalilths e usisesu 0f the Caouneil took part. Thea tsatterv a liU- maatil ipoeet ot, ou tisa ustisvtaîsding tiret théîatitors cf tise ps-avion ive year* vere le cemplete thair venr, byaduig' tise nen.residenî land! tans!ofet lstse »etrai anti tisatishe present anditou, ooçpiaw ti ais- ve frein tisai pasled. lu s4Semeasn' tise à résolution, useas! tMr.IF,-ait'aa1e. ti-t et tise 15g appre- lit oftisa tSufficent efifti anti tisai .pon. id anthus townsip' put tisose fit se ha ecmmenti 1ar -us tue saine tr c n hqbushner more mai laaanti tes-ms t <is Ceuni», - teseiltstlun vilinu 2ad. Yens- commeittea vculd aisa e bg t a$*L10 par ir credsh, bringe unden ise netae outhtie Coaneil thse esolotiosa - act, tisat tisa estimatae tisahe cuftet ia tibssments, bridge bilsa Sean greati» encrasas!in con. Byrlav rape ae Tevn sequance et tise vateis cf lthe ier laengpriating *600 1072.17. saises! 1,»tie dam ut M s. Arnoldt Bre siser, Blacku river. s,.,. iis adas shey c,-rn,.-. haïl..ha, 5.& c. iî, bridea j Mr. Pers-y contendtia i Hie v ft outs îfl- $10 10; A. U. WiIà oi, $g-j .s riuisiitteà . Sprowle.-$12 8; John Seilsean, * IERRY, Oeergp Yole, *lý 44. ise Oous j fl Cisaimah.néër is intrceà te hav'ectise rpuirs i roof et tie Court leuse -matie, sud thats furtser action bc tare in relaiion,>t t, Clton te tise Sisire*iseil ai laresent. Seioe, andi 'Th*c cdisuiutee regret to e ailn t6,ea tt o a Coern cpeetf a prisener freintise gas! yard, anal t éonjeintiy týecorstntetst conà tatnt wî -while k eut of tise prsaOeri Ara lifthe-yaeti. Tise eommîutt iL being aise regret te learu tisat unsier tise pregent sers eu -ntend - Prison regulations, tise County cannot t ivo suid bc Pro- tise benefit ef tise labot etftise pribeners, bile It would lnasmuueis as tise reatileiauLtlorize tbg- 'à prpe jr keeper ofthtie ga>l te ritceive gli tise ben,.. fit tisai inayaccrue frein abois Ilibr. ilA ainenti- "aurs. eon La ssesa tie report oethtie eommiiteeo ilrrinting issýue!t as uikeu up duringtieeeigsseu a 488 40 1 nd a4epted as tello wsi: 1% 292.13, Scu- Tiaitliscy lini tise amount etf*e 12 te orah $428. bco due Mr. Holden, whsIch alont the y Tensisp roomuend te b<s paid. tise remnaissîng por 44, Tovu etf tien et tise Maccunt, $1*4 4, balng for 4 5 < . t t l veriaisg n o tices e o f v sl ss C o urts a,à Quarte r Seaslis a*iais whlch the Ceencil has notiisi, rto.1 le -reporL t 'baSt isssvlsiexemineati tis ceettet ,tse Coun. W. IL lIIkgýns, anunhing Wo $329 34, s potthcy res.smndth ie sani- e wbc palaL... idab Éî bk-linO rctoimend pjayment et accoisets tishe sn' oaie e undy à & iVilaa, $ t4;n alai olten 4d'epoe Luise & Orr, $(;; andi D. Bah tuue advetne t.>r tenders for ail tise pssssting Fo .i,-necesStsir' te bt dole sfor tise Corporation periîtetid',, tse preet aa, andti tisiseetirity he itdfisî,. e n b» thse contracter for tise sasletiAo 70 56 -performance ethtie verk witisin ose mentis. 39 69 Mr. Orr efthtie Yisdicator isaving beau D& 64 caileti upon in relation wtiste prices cisarg. 70 56 cd In Mr. lliggin' account enterati intir 26 46 expisîsatienos statistg tise rtes te bc tain 13 23 anti reassusable, antie charge for press 22 0S5 work especiallyxssodenate. 44 20 Memîrs. Retelifi, Carspbeil, rWiiby>, 48 R1 and ti ter tin ers eiupre-ssesitisasseivee 35 28 nucis satistfieti wiististe explanations; for~ freint ateuents visics vere allove attr ereport efitrop outaitie cenceriiiig tise mattera it va tise Cocun. xpected tisai a matre's neat woulti hava ee et tise been discovereti, adrwent e Tise couneil tisen atijeornela nittea, as vas e.Yen- - FIFILIDAY. bsaaSta Eh pls Ant brAR sin.- -