ing bui ceult! e rangs ai 'soundeý freux>' i resi. as Wlth calm. Priiuted wvotdâ, 9tOmt thon;ltts ant! untirÃŽn [TREÂL,_ [Ms Dlow, Manager. LASS WORKS. IJLLOCK, ,7 Y'oun Street, Terrnte. ATTORN$EYSl AT LAW, ntIatit -S ollcont lg.- :TOINEV, 'UNVEYAN Otfitesaven (;. tC. Gnose' a LAW. OFFC-BIlOCK 1IIAM, Dl ATT fltNli't-AT'LAW. til e llgjiatry flaBra A. SAMMPSO. utoby 4.7W rTU81,EY &c ffc- >AItTNEL lî-AtN aASur XTA Il114 u Il10 er î 1U Cuui 1cny fan tBnai-s.,Wlity.4 i. 40 J. WILSýOX. IVORNEY AT LW ory aa lutbCW k, ~rt et trutat, WltltbY C. KrLLER, SA. O)LICITOR IN eyaitur. a&e. fleciatt-i OrLiniid auaCouuty afona- 40 .ANJE,L.I B BltýNIt'tAT LANW 50. -,N taItrvpibiî,ka- isa BuLdiuig, D'indus 42 LIIEEhNWOOD, .AW, (IIOICITQBINI -yPui,c, ocnveyftitccr, - ou rtact 0 ,'t 4P RILLINO S bert, two ut ors tiOfI - 1 12 r"t, L*4tii li aspd (eteufaiAgent, vStrüet, neaanlv ppeehta 12 tcolto to n tua nomt tpromîpt rtttttetticiia . coUiNTY (*AOL, hy. 4 IINANI) ACCOiT. lion. OthtIe--OppoâIta ýiol ni tt!to itss0 î(rT11 Ol (F TIlTE MF- disclest, andIÙaiu tnny r. lt, pay. i & WARREN, IL. WARZREN, M. D. V. CRtJN, ÂD IL IINGINEER.AN DUItNET, ut! Ageitai, tonveyancers ý)iilut raitn nip. Wid i. Valeabla landis fer BUINET, Beaveton. 'ERELL, GREEN STREET,' p of Eneet. Remi- 4a tIALF, D)ivisioNcOUT, uhip Brook.--At!- -14 VOL. VI. B.PATrTERSQ8NYM A. OFFICE BYRON ST., WHITRBY. A LS0 t Princea Aibat, Bueli. Manchester and ti P ay-'to afaicit latter plaemi visita tiice lia eeh ', nonîfi. Chroale, andi ait othen diseaisenincident te the hunten sysiani irsatet!. Canicerm ad Tuntors taiten oni and! titretiahihioiittit tsut' ofthe kttttfs. Spocal attention puidte tahtu treaituiï.it tif Dnapty Dispplsîn, tlgiss of tnTth iu,1 tîEya su lear. Piptrlia uresrin, at aiivsu DAnsar i' tr.- te ite andt! u ifcvery muaihi ai Meluu'sIlotte], leuehes4tar, fron 8Ste 1eut n. ; at Jeweut". Ituti telBraiuafronai 10 . t. tit) p. r.; and at ainus hôtel Port Perry, Irolut 1 ta 4 P. tu. Al nîtnner ofrirzie:ul oapains nnaailltirliy =eirnd lu ten ortcan iutry'. with the bit uiacatuf jîpiaicaiandiuîluirgfeuaf fatauiiueutt uitnauti)itluajrfitiii. A. EVJIJE1:1 BUSNSAS IIOKER, ANI) tGoC'IA- B tor lot Parlnt til eit BsiitBritiuuli North Amren sB ii'ltii - -Wellintgt li st., 'rioto. ilordiaitts, Trattesmtti îlot-ai atiiSalaon Propnlinaor,. AaîiitttMar ;311 Owterxandut othauna, haii'lOg bitamicsn miigvo'lot uliltim,, dentrotodstý1. ut' dlpnlain aui, toeatiier itîtia iltt o *real 'iitAitk liiai.hîad u!txtits.- ApjîlicaitiiutîitiirecOa cifritilnosal'iti int Oat'tidti ptiîse-uiînig theit itaaiîary ittpial.- Commeaarclilflousaitlu i'(îeîti A fa's gooilbui as',l'or Whange for ftrre- Griant Truntk Rtlway lioicl. (a8îa!f-sue if Z'iZuaD PpttPor'f ir/uWjy.) T ~ B N)~ttt4iN]l lEGm i> I NI"oi limt iii:it ud tht ;iuaflir, thut bc iti lu pOA(eosunîiii fthil bvittit thl,dihetiuinuct, ofaltialt llue tt Ilit futreit itr'tt îison MA ii acinuit. Coçud Lqor W i lias aîuîBraiicé, Esatlletuiit ttblîiig-att't attention fornmau andtihonte. - 1II IUIOTIM ý()SElI lUFPOT St, -EAST WINDSOR IIOUSE, WIIITIJY, ,r Itlabova iilul is itnited itaiili'anut nair( atoftie u' iit, mi i u'tt oa. a0douttotstttinfitioi ît tnavellrs. Ouot! Vw'YrORIAIOrJIL. Biiyitoit'.) -27 &NGLO-AÃŽIERICAN IIOTEL. l ~[F snts'nb~rliittites lit"t choyai oi* uttieblshe! la 1 ~stb it it atotiuu uuaey icuouttmtdut(iitt thie travellingpubliea. a 'r uuna sl. Coud stzbllutglaid uilemît 161II ZWICJLEy'i( IITEL. T atta Iau tmai'itiiuig publie, titit ho fits aew' butaiornuar'crlituîd liy Mr. Atitisuio lsitai ltahtu tn:îo'ulf'tigitz e uîaaanitv %aill*itt lcitai lontailtiaaautinoadtttaiultaeit>ats. Tha tailelaisif au; îîýýplîtl a'l1tfî aaurytling fît sou 00it. Cuiti sttlafiig tutI cirafuat usflgr0a1 ttue sPot. - .OltN ZWIItýKEýY. - UN11DS IO I UIL '111 riE4iEtI «danditîiAtt -STEMM AOAT MOTeL E uoaauî aiot.28 -UNION STATIOl'e IIOTEL. F y <T FYORK i, tiliý) iItY217SE '!reuui Ih ept, lluulùn Slaiuiou Torouteo. ltuaîirti pulir (t.fev. M i iS cta. <alood staiti ALIFTO? jO1TEL, B AIT ~At(KT St-BRETIRIi)NTO- J. SM '1711,i'nopnfatto. *xculant accon:i~ uoiiaatiuu. trr'ataiinpi etn e ir TuLE TEZRÂAPIN. r 11H PROItRIFTORS 0F yTits WILL lîkuovo hlaonuarcnotu ut ocaupat!iitof the elai ST. N W110L AS.lKi ng aet, Laronto ýf i tnr1 ept b>' luI. Ituriev. 'Tîte premisas ei-e büu auiew' ranovateal throughoet, nai ittia t )n tilue li-nsi utyle. Fvery pçourublo t!aiiceu u in ot.A elger divan filtet! up e- paiatel> intoite 's ouctaeebut theu busc brand" are permnitte te)t enter, u1 CARLISLE & McCONKCEY. CANTON MOTEL, D UFFINttS l7uEEi< PICKLIZING. 01 13aceccnolatieuion o'rralterta. W. CUIIIBERT, 44-ta -Pnopriatom'. FRONT STREEr, oemn fle Marit. WM. POWE1I, Proprietor- Beleville, Out. 29, 1861. 42-1>' DIANILLA flOUSE, Il Ent,.ersgnedbegi ea'.e te inforrt is _T fineadfi travelling publie, ihat ho bais taioan thle abi.vs 'seli kuovitl, sad -trusu, b>' strict etiaultau . to busiinetis, anti b> Wttevoriuig te do tll ia isipowuer for the con. tort aud coveineùof guests, Wte muat a attare ef tiabila pitruitga. Goeot!Liqns a iitCigars. Ceut tuttabie aoiniedstlaon furan anat! hase. An rttaaaiveaouaiareful Otlar alwuaty ln au- ~eudsca.S. CON WAY, manitis, "'et. 29, 1861. 49ronatr RUSSELL'S ROTEJ,1 S QUIE1BE . WIIITBY, Ce We, T New Ploui, Grain. Peod and ]Provision .Store.- .Nzt deet' Eats of Ar. Laing'e, ont Dun,' rusStreet. TJ!E suibscriber hIîaiing Icasedth îe pro. A.mises occupied Ilhv Mr. W' R. Dizoli, oSiera for sa]Ã"l litfor tlash. Fleur, Bneciletit FioriOtmeal, (cern aiai' Corni Burltn 'rt Bran P>olaate%,, Paal.,WiatlîIrttIs, Dtit'd Apples, Pîster. 17 WU. DO NÂLDSON. G.0lOBE iIEJL, BROOKLINa Tuiaboya 'sali bnowin, oteld etlisiuad failaitatipreiies* ivo beau Iprclamei'a by tht suiaarlbutr, sud ho etretOatnai titeit lie wll aliatym 175(on liandt3i ttt'uîipar« yqiîaily te the ' oafthi e là is;U0013. ."ita pratiiAOtha bu beau uttwly paluted alnti rettotraied, eidLatonvenuauatly tint! coiuforiatiiy. fttat! ti p. aatdi uo ffort ail 1 bc <parut! on thte ' art of thei liraeaitowîîar te reuder the (Boita nla h'ometuaatritthe tutlay offafit Iriautiai. Tha tatîleiv il tl awti>s ho tonnua plauuîffll%î rie a ltOiwiug emitnsaailiit tof ýiqiîorl% tii liamé hîlit litlîar, wlîouusaua aatnd ta MritsFittîtyit> fruaf. Moîîtiohi'fatand oti*.in ainielon r iaei Oit Tom,Illiand Gibaint hriîs ft('ogiiia tutti otar Briiodi-'5il'a-rt, $herry, m anti s ALEX. MiEXANDIIU. STA G E M-OU SE, 15 kAC FENTON, l'rtprfoetr. BTs' Wîtiîrmnuit f,uors; supc'O194çor .L.Jiaiîiloiiattii ' art', gut ubl'iagulit attentaive fîîîtlt'r. ' 1 Northern lIotel Cannington. Tui t niola<tis t uic aboya faivor ahI> ktinii t el, lia renaicil it 1ioessairylor- thfuauti.ýitttr to aiîiiurgeat fia pretttisas. îe lita, doua sme té,it aeoasikiiicc't aiit sd fuda tîfltîlerrîuiil itoiprovoiteitt, to tactîne éttilfarthtr ttc cts-iaf'ort arc iaaacoitînodtiîoii or thlita itI lsat i mé,ad tae 1'fin i lta hst bri4iti tif Wtiitu eut! (Lqîtors 1<at 01tuo intîia Tiaienti kauupanai--applhidwlîolu,'.la. Clviiai cui tit é" itit, Bob ti, ti' rla'wlied, r elwin uatîitil- aitiue,, -.4ltiit!b>'Dick4u tata e Èaarp iuftttîiaî-. Cn iti!îfiigitiq. Oct. 23r&!,1. 41. I8TOJIEY'14 MOTEL,_ rlr-t Ir.aite <ata, voto aitofo oI! ï1'ieiid tuiershr itiled fta l:a~aiaued w iatom i tlîîî'a l' l or forn ath ia îate l'r tutu ditri' l'ailticuttur attentioni pîti tu lfir' tiîr-ui'liui ftia ;l taaoaîty.Exuclutut ahl- JofIIX STOIE, ATRCHITECT. !C- 144, Bay Etreet Toronto. 1IBMOTS &SIOESL LEÂTflER FINDING9, &C. ,j1'IE UNI)ERSIGNED bûta es epeatfiill Ioa utfortu the, [icupla aof h , u ittit> #)f Oiutiro, asot tipblia gýýatei 'ttlt'lilu iasý oîcuad an cxtDutsuae BOOT &-%rSHOE STORE~ ilu tîtse s;pnaiotis prantaes k.te'n las CaIdwel's Block, Brook Su-, ~(a > eiapiot b>' M. wetllhioild) wiere %vi alsai bu tuoti ail tInta of Loathe, ULeeur -Fiaudiatgs, t&u. NXl~ a' iava, WILLI(AM BURNS. T~ D Iteviu's a Tannery of lita e'sn, W~. B. calose et baud, I>omrwsi;es fatufli. tlea ie ftffew oti tirainluthe t is a njcyThel triade sîiiti.AUlinais of w'so aitîr tatuî an tluu e sthere. The Four Straiogers, Four lraivtaUar*a tt une wU %intaýr'a nliglît, At may fntatier'd. boiarfl sufrc, And tlait aiiaî ina why tfuay hft tlair luti, MAd Wlîr llîey crosaied the aiea 1 (bic snit fur breitî, andi oua for gui', Mut lonu fr ai nunita ai Strifb; Ai( n lu ai .e îaf or a tontt iovua's iake, To u G a a trtiiîgun'ailire. Tlicy duielt alio 1îî>g otintluts lie, ' ;v eriicdccl ltiluiiwy utibydthe Craig* a grauy. Andt dii' wae ra rve l'y 601 ni eau, Andt titit'wure til i to iahall ; D'It h litle il tÃŽua ;lir4lqCTa'dlii. iVa litlluat aiuftltfiti al. mil iti t ifl tua teofyoutla bail pisactl tiol a ,adftifs ait to ýw uoid. Lutit iamaagi t 1kuciv, if ilufis wire se, lF,' dGiiitala W.&$ aituar tolti, Ilf-i liia tes, tii jfilii iýthitli a huai s itîtîl fritati 'Ditîr fitis tti f-et-stliru.t; W, mwtigt ufi'ia tll a uii,-I . Niiw lite Oit flel iii lir frilstini ,4ri A,11.1 lite î.î att) mittua rti.i, 14lol lt,m:iiiiif.ler's lanîd. Alla id l u it li glit fr g'd]jil'ta I liati l t ied itiv fuit ir: AuJ lt 9 -e arc ý,rt-, amaia ho p:tuttire *wldi Dit tiha t ilîay itî'vt 1wdiawiîîlar ire, .iuil ai tîavo .11 gi i 11iilluit For ia trait' by ittîr mritîîîitin rivurs aIdal, (ftows tai -at it tîîiîiy taytnar, %Viitaru ie 1ta ltwir ut! Uic l'onrs A ver- m1trat ire -The Execenor. 14 The 'sonnat wuascertilî>'maie, sait Juhut Brown. 'saswule Mostîexiratondînar>' of'speecbea coiîsdirntg Ilte irculutaece and iPlace in whicb it ires uîpokenu.A parleur of vany gnum aliL humai>' aspect, funnisbed cti al tent nuaiogauy antd laicla aincloih, the -blinda efthte tac wintiaasohatniîl>' drai dean, the abiueasoet'e;aalat'closat!; tat tradiionat ticeantensof ef lat aandiugig e lt'c'tat! lu the aîiîing tincovrrut!table tiaif-aýdtoaaitpeuopleoail iii mouritinglu vrnoua attitutdcet'ofsurpiiise, t!laappefut niant ant i tauutn haiidclose b>' eeof ltae -mîitt!owà MniBrown, the, Atto'uey, haotduigup te ttte light thet axtnmoaudiuiaan acrap et paper, wfajalî hati falîcu upoi tititu adi like eaîiuulanebuilt. Otly al>'il ut a ago lue bud uuatienied ber funeral wiîb det c-utniandi porfect .iniiift-rauee, U'as 'sithouat île ivsigtasticai of' eucouniter'i. enyilitig 'shah ci tl isldteîandu. Fat bçwtvrn, laad betn lyitgin lw'sit foir tht unsutupectea ti at the nitîment hefa fen it feanai. lia ba t! e en emrplo'ed lt diaiw onttimextreutrtiary document, nui bat! bu kuoau aîîyîihng about 11. It tu a tbuntianboit enclosin l a simple cnve hope, ver>' secannyai> aet! op, antid eii-e cd te bni itu sItgreet soiemuhi>' b>' tlt next oet'ikm, abicb carnet! hlm OeThib balance, like a charge eof artlillen', ai matie everything egba8t erouîd itb. T genimnent and iexacamation acre likg neturai: but tae'soman tuas net mati.- , By the aide et' the table, ver>' pale an( profùuiidiy discompose!,> ast the tioxit0 lin ; a 'seman, oÇ -appearanuie aet tlnai cordant 'sith tbetlff tha bouse, oer-fifti t!erit'comple 1xionedand ut!fui et' intiti ails e tertain' CldtCrf bsbtuý1 sabbi ness, net to e heuti asile, imupaiiiîg' tl perfection êt'horn ea rnourniîng. 1fier sus j rourn~igu-poû tomail gon 11the Strengt] [IJRSDAY, JJJLY-10, 1862. y )r e ,id of sl bil ac ýt Eer dan'.tbîr?1,Wby ugbrter nthe memo;r lvLît in some'shcnflit. nillistoue. -4eapctl dont spealr te ni! te n P tub> shouit!1 respect hen? liera sliaS i gne, fta(r tiriug ,aslife 'sMala nobotiy' teucriedt ',lie better tfor; cantimiol>' I vasne te wa botter for t il wy, abe t!l.. net even it c.kizn plruvm tae ian ibis precieuf l ah; andtiatdol adà lp et!m-ieet'fail aiea' ite 'sont! here i -tttIa bard n 1'souhdn't unientaulte for SmIdlel ut> eau brother. l'1Il1bave netlin-to dot thora 'sit if- Do yen suppose l'in geiog ta plioti, glvé np M nu> obusiness, anti alLjnycem. î1oý fort, te seat Phocba Thempson? Tht speaku itituis idjanuleas the 'soutnn'sas mati11t"lber a 1- fulahi fte' e in tht bouse et' unr knewi departeti fnat, anti have juil laid ber 'sas l tlevn,t sai thhenappropriate nectar, tin - Sa the sure andi -certainthope-" lonto b Mr. Browna made tnt! eerti imuelt' mnd!w in traeicng, au extreerdiuar>' grimae.- quiet 4aGy>oe.-supaose Van bounuta t go huotieg the ou Phçebit Tleçepa*nt tilt that dae cames ?" Theoab said the ateorney'. <'Baller ta ie a ghoal jius(le et encs, 'ahig o ouu, oulti bave anrar it' black formation. &'ney Orr', Pais. Chris- casa.N 1 NO*~ Malte his unwelcome oflace ail the more ~elling-to himn. In addition te ail the au. 4oyance and trouble, bora would ho a cen. -tant sugestion that ho bat! vronged those people." lie rushet! loto thes private sanctua. ry the meutt incomfontahle mati in Carling. 'ont!. An 'hobtest, sclllsh, inelllinalive citi' Zeu injunin; noeoue, rîWà Qs hc dit! net evep help aonmxa ny as bc inight have tione .what grieveus fanit had'ho comunittoil te bring upon bim sncbi a maisfortune as this? 1The witll whieli bat caniseti se, mach con. versation was te ibis purptlnt. Tt heqùeetEî- id ail thn proper>' of allit !itrs. Thomt. son et' Grave Street diet! possesseti, te John Brown, attorney lu Canlungford, lun trust for. Plinth)e Thoinson, the oauiy chilti of tbe testatrix w abebiinet sea or lhuard of baer for tuhirty ycars ; ant in u e of ail laful 'means te finul the sait! Phanhu trhomià on proving unsuccessfal, et the end! ot' tbrec yeara the propéty> in question was bequeathet l John Br'own, bis bains and adii'tators, absolutel>' anti in fail pusel4ien. ?;o wouder it.raseti a ferment in the uneomniunicative besoinet thea' Car. liîigforti att1orno anti- kept e ntoan lu talla for more ibanu lue t!eY5 Mn.- Tbom- SOn] bail diai poease f twentf ibousauti pannit.-; auch an evant h ot bappene! et canlingf orn thle' meute ef IOnu. cua on I pooz Pirs. brlullan, trenibiinâ alI1 over, ber paie face, rêddeninçr with passon.-, Thbere "vws a lit*lo the doog as tue servattwoman steppeci farther int&i the rooinito takoi ber part in, the iicenel which interasteti ber keenly. She vas al, tai wotnan, tftjq, andi dry, and about the~ same.age as ber accuser. There vas eveii a certain degree of likeness between them. As Nanti>'s tall- person anti white apron becamne C:eavly visible froin anong thé. littie groLip of gentlemen, Mrs. Christian rose, insPii'ed wi 'thail the beat andipassion of ber disa0pc$Ùtniant, to faceh~er foe. " iDit! you b, ow of th;s 7" sait! the ex-. ,Collent rector, whb bisconcernieilnalaprop face., Naincy dit! tn3t look at hian. 'le Three ivoirien stooti i'agrdin- each otîter acrosa the table'; the othars wure onljy spectatoi-s -4h07 were the porions l'éon- cerner1. Tho~ girl wbo bail already spoken andi who a it tile fair creaturel as dif" ferent frOMa1thebê bligerents as possible, atoot! hiolding lier 'wotber's handi tigbtly. She bat! ber ayua on tbunu botb, witla au aixtraordnaq air of control and auneon. scious auitbority. Tbey were hotu, fulli of rage andi excitenntu, ithe climax of a loiig smoulds'ring quarrai ; but thblbu e eesthaî watebdLetin e;t hcma ilent againati theià will. Tlhe crifias lastati only fora MqýUent. Poor Pairs. Chr-iîlau, yierding< to the in- pulse eof the sinali fiuîgers ibat closeti Bo tightly on ber baud,' fait back ois lber chair, atdtaempted to .rav e saaed dgn ity. Nancy wtbdrew to the door; andi Mr. Brown repeate.d thoexaîcamation in uvich lu disqrnay andi trouible bad it tirait expremsat itacîf, atCctairily lte 'omaa Mnut bavil bren niad 1"' 'a Wiil 'yon bave the gooddness toj letuit Seo t?" sait !%frs. Christian, with à % gap. It is impos sible, to say 'shà t ideas of tcaring il ep, or throwing it into the snjouldetitig ire, niight have mingleti with lier desire ; but, in the> flrst place, i ble was eaa"r to sas if she could nfot mnale somei tbine d'u't±ent but of thu.tpaper tban those astouulike,, wordà alselie d board mat.- Mîr. Briw.n -ils an Itunest matn, but bu was anl ittloriieV 1anti Mis. Chri a xwas an honcait woma, but she Waii ncxt 'or kia I If she Iid known wliat ans in that crue Taper, s* might nl, perhapa have preý i envecd caerully. $lie rend l4 ever, i tretubl n tot uutersanding the very y words uttened jud%;r her braath..- i Bessis d1iralso over ber ahoulden' ýeWbile ~ ~ occupie!, P'Mr. l-Brovi i relies :pe 'jèed mid witi avte 0 nmiW u c otragical thantb at oI "I~ ~ ianyabsordti hingsa it Said Mr, rovi, ,bu thist Y f I. - Wlio on eart-1 vas no next.rc wildsre excited self fro hoy ;b bina il fortha folly a bornel Nover' but iti Pd spiril. t'it poor saut 'om geing 'sut! b>' thiik holding oui ber passientt ,ouseu!s et' miles etue>; '0 s the deliyorer,-witii ail t ef love eut! passion. fHe -anti bave jus-tice doue te 'fana>' tus moi-aumadiy uni savot bar fri-on sautIeet' Fita'ioin l lier lsant. nrf-- her- oin Witt?," lia said, -aitb e little bea-aal have tr bùndeiis of My own.",1i A. fea vortis na>' inpl>' a great ileal'ilanr a little aoaxpany, wbera etlithie iittlocu. at tors'knouv ail about eacit other, This, p tbough it vas simpie euough, disturbedt!htb9U composure of the o yeng 4ector. A minuta fc a(ten be mutterati aemet6îng about bigtî furtber praeuuia boing unnoceaaany, antiel bastenet! aaay. There vere uew oui>' !e(t the nector, the cbunchwardan, anti Mn. Browun. 1 il0f eourse you wahi eccept ber trust, v Mn. IlIown," Said the:e ector.ý e The aterne>' made agreat nmati>'grima- ces, but saiti nottîin g. -The wlboIe matter wai-i tee aîartIing eut!dauddente to iae left hlmi timo ta thinlavlaha uwus tii do. "*Anyhow the Poor Cliistians ara lefito in the turcl," sait!the cburchwtrden; '-for il 1 suppoe, Brown, if youdon't unduntake it. it'll go ia oCbanaery. Oh 1I1I ti't prete't! te kuow ; but it's naturel te 8up 'R peosf e'course, tbat it 'soulti go llotoa iChanceenl, sud stand emnpty wvith ail tho . eindotua broken,fu for ty yiaos. But i r o;ult't tha>' malte yon undainiake it thii cir yolu pîcaset! or no? I arn onu>' sayinà t4W!îat occnra te me ;et' course 'l'ut net a r11iîvya-1 cei't ino." (CWeil, nover m*.nd," saiti Mn. lrownai canno undentake te se>' just sai this r l"ttf4icaj moment abat I shah di), It!o't- hIV-thle elmosphere et' this platce, atid ti'esnotbin,, more te ho doua bore justt U.ay' that 1 k of l. We lied bctter IL "But tule linus-autti NunCy-Se thni~ mus e o cene te dieti>.- Wliat ahi you,.do about %lium?" saidt!lite tTo ho sure I1I1tio'i doubt tberosg ' plie and jewellen>' andi suchb luluga abouti a' -tbey' 'etght te be sea1ati an(] securcd,and a ere-ý fnetonar_. lueor euhning wan p+ >w, slie miglt have mle>' in oýd stock- i juge tni about the bouse. 1- shouldt bch -Surprisei t! . t iîing.'- aller abat - aa've * beentd tayâ.Tfwauty tboliant! poundis A i and a. daugbter! If au>' onýi ba t tit mei ihuit oit!Mrs. Thomnsoni hadeit ier;the Onee1 i-or the othe 1r yestert!ay et this turne, 1 abouit!i >_have isaid! lue>' waici rac>. -Ceniaini>',1 »I Broan, thaýcuphoarls anti désis antinose yforth sîmou'itibu axalmnliet!ent!sealiti up. -It la your duly;tot PhSoeaThomson. You *must do) you-rsut4W"te PboSbe Tboînpson, nt or sbe'll get'Aama é es et' yu. I suppose -. s-yeu ougbtteokuet." YI IlConfouniPhanhe Thomuon P' sat! the attornecy, aithi graitt unctilit; t"but ut netwiîlisteifting, cerne aiong, let us get il out of this.- As for ber janieller>' ant iber T la oit tciinga, the>' ni a>' ettheir chance. ai 1 cattstand la an>' longer- pal I1îliane's , ne air te breathe.__ otu, il the aid -y 'shah erer manage te- live eigbly years, ;e i are.PV r, iVau.î .ct ntCli tttber lit such ira'- tuera te ni 7revenant ai itof thse1 ILIDES & LBATIIER., Il Et UJNIERSIGNED 18 PREPARIID Ti J. a> casuihfunrfides deliN-ared ai Lyni" Oi!Tiur.oYBrok Streat Wiitby..,, N'S H3 jimiol loi unexpociet! occurrence me>' ho h'etter cvi-' denee th >'le ver>' maeinh' ahici tie avonimiget' tbe de>' tus spent -in venions buses leCanîluford then b>' an>' at-ler meens. - Finsit.',the liitie benea of ibe Chnis. îiîs uIt îas e cottage ou the other aida ot' (Iove ,iret-a bomel>' hit obox et' tua etories 1!-çilîia ma et'of. gaenin frnt, anti soe vcgciaies baibuti There on that springaftnoon, malIens dit! net looit beerful. Thetutle stttiug.reom tuas, dasenteti -hclf ia ba! ui eut-tht hearîh wua insept- uborooni la a ltter. Be- aie's pupils h-btcocme te-day. The>' bat! gel bolide>' three timysage, in happy anticipation et' being dismnissat! for aven ; anti oui>' tiair yong teachar's prutieutiel raimen3tirtne adt!praventet! poor Pars. Chiaitiain froru nmaitig, e littie speech te tbitm1 andtPiiimg them aIl tiai bancefor- 'sertiMiss Christaieti tuulti bavr otheer occupaioru, bot 'souit! altuays lie fout! ot'- therand ut-laditt sec ber littia friends in 'tem utae house. To mate tha. speech 'soulti bavo dali,rbhtet! Pars. Cbistien's beart. She bhdmnaeat,- 'bettr, te couve>' tise rnaningof et' hb>' tun>'a fatal - bitandet!allusion. -la tuit "ort of self- destruction~ the poor tueman hati enl>' been tee sucaëesful ; for airoady> the maothans et' thes litteuil's I sl ad entnu unire intu .-On the other aide ef t' le rouit, et tha saeaheur, Nancy praparat! bur.tea in tlie bouse ef ahtchaluewas taurporar>' uis:tr-eustça There couidt! ne aauj' otieutWlook it.- ber.r.ow, ibat (bis tait,dtr>', Nithenet! figue, aund faciefulauoet'CianatuteilLst iehnlleâ, wu lite Mm. CObnîtain. Tht neseoniblunco lied boen noticat b>' menu>. Andmat solti Mis. Tbüo alid net liesitetedta t avow tiait ber faitht'ut servant wus canneeted wiili ber b>' saie distant bonid of relation. abip, h tuas net difficuît tatinaigine- that tbesa twa 'sera veau>' reinteti ubougli bath tieit d tranuousl>'. Nakney hlid a frienni wiith lier tateat.. Tha>' ere inlathe aeur- fui ititcheai, ahich hbdat! 'itdeato, Uic gardo3n, andl n aint!ow inetbesida u Yll eo' tht bouse, b>' 'hach a gWmpse et'f the streot migbt be obtainiedt! rou ritltte gerden gatte, Tha lheligbt abonu piemsaitly>'thnougl the chearful apartinent. Ali the paculier orne- rntulse a laitcheni-thec cvers, time craela. an>',-iba polisbeti sparlie sahiing peatUÉu anti bnnuas.loinud the 'salis. Thinoliý it ail tuant Nancy' la ber luta blaeck dresji anti emplit anoîvy.wbte epron. She car- niet!benrliant! higb anti iove t siba cer- tain rbytbnurlanl latian. It iâ sozrti>'ant uphilosophical et naltlsieli luet thera la no, reami en)jyment 1n aict-eduies.s Naine>' lid non UnClaSness ini ber triuiapl. The mone yrumlaiud abat lbar victor>' muaI bave Ceoat- bier oppenent, lte niora entifo gretv hon saistfaction- Bernoise niigbt'bava nilvot aith bar exeitationnlied<lie lied an>' puy lu ber, but alie badt!andet!inoii aioit queuce, h tuas 'sitb unalloe'd pleasare (huit she conteunplatedth ie ovarthnow et'flien ad- venr>'. Perbiaps ilîe ver>' satisfaction of -a go-iti action la luférior te thte bautet saiafacton'>'wîth - wli, b>' timas1a bà d man la permittedti t cootemplete the i3satW ef bis 'siclittitss.Naine>' tarchet! about ber tilabhen, pneaeiug ,,ber tee wiib an ami jeyment allih passibiy' tonit! net-have atý l' ii ', 1