V 'iiti 4i10, James NMurpliy,wico illeila short tira) ilti fobravc; d, -siti, urss a natice of Kilouren, near Ros,.- ~ ooP1 trovor Cotitty Douru, retautl. JaMes, tic.s 1111l i iPatrt, Vouttof twoe irothers, Ioft. lfor Englaud qi or vue; wlu<uu about seventeen or igbieeti years of I hart are;lie obtiTed work nt the Liverpool docks as a labourer. Maere it vas ibai bhis 'cirr ~OO*strong mnaclir france coccmonceed tO e- r. . ig)lî.iel graIto, - vlope itseof, and by theo active ernplpy. L1ther' , mont wlîicblbe folovedl bis proportIt>uU (o o fout tuiflo Nvere lucreasoil; bofore h. hal eomploleed. gr i wtili hoacchty bleut t- bis turctielli joar, hie aîood sovdff fot Me ognl'hghu, adsuitwled tventy alone. . At or rn i 'eo ', lougti c h proposed doiug thle work of tireof vs nuvlmon, if lie guit twe me's vages, wicicicbho b nl fil are u'or, readily oitane& But an ouater and more l reti h1z t1iiie, lccratcîe calling presenltedislinsfluthé n liteshape of an engagement witb a botel. n mor iic kooper, as waitor, jute acic it e escereil, Ù' _____________ad,by bis pleaing sud affable mauner, la - ogüthlcr with bis extraordiuslry , aize, libc ucfry ffar, aîracted .ncsuy visiitbra. But Murphcy's ~ WDE LA TVocsct's ro Mid expatding ilsel! luinproportion vih à tot ARI. his hody, lie becamo wveary of thce samourssul of lis life, andl resolved ce vary it by the ti tune 13- Tadîle. i, vercliuging scenes of a centinental tour. bl la Tour, agodI 1. 'rf Haviiu tricvlled throug h aIl the principal .es, 1>cticy, ucar ParÃŽia couctrie of Europe, eujoyiccg the compa. rc of noble fauiily, wasuy snd conversation o!. tic. igheit anid1 Alerman lBosley, ehRrg. bot odîcated'men lu thc digèrent places Q Lerelf lu maie attire. lin whichie ho ourned, lhe rettcrned te hlm r 1appoared ai. the butr atie village a iiglly accomplihciel geti. bort snd parted ai tIcl,'u elau, and su ricli hy tbe gifts of 'ticose i vory liglîl apparel, but wlco patronised hlm. ibat lie purclcaaed s eh a-w-Young F rendi. little property ai Kilowen,--whlch he left a '®rn.short lime Rince for auether toýr throtigh L.1r Eunrope.Whilo stavinur ai Marmillesà ,ho> is mruliug 1 wauq lu St. Martixc'a le Or lcn' Ilady ittiiug On is liotel. 1 askeci, ie, and shte said becA Sho auswored lneca nad 1 theliol.I femalo uwihttt cu ll sia itte a , ail mode ber gsu i FiclwbicbiI i roi up sud vgabnu 1 soppait ber. aud1 tatiuu. Sica %ras a le hâai 'in lier pomse ;lreo noies of 100 fi- cleus sud la bal, 2 % Shelicati aise t Ptitled ilGuide te ici ilsys lu London a French sud Enà iy (te Mr. Mouflet, -ho voluinteereil h1s >.Auk lier whait bru a wiy saicoladiegi he gays, sir, thi aunt, uilli whom Passy, sud disru able ber te doaun I gaya liaimll a dia , anid lsnows urôhu me ibis meruiug if Mny lolgorrs Wb:) il ea a youig minuvrlla oe train, sud uaul in,; ber ccpstairsf,1 volo saeie ut îcovorlug ilhefact thcs houle. 1 wout ul aluen 1 rturei e nway. I1liave ter faiticou is lice 8 uoW in Ancerica, haioneshîýs living ah Oie ii or bas heeor1 Parle. I1saled hlerý lyte coma te Ic la&b sct oolc il frotr bave er, whc Scieur lie in ljack uldo PENTISTRY! AIS. (JÀLLENDER & CARD gr. Carletonl Lyiido's Store DUNDAS STREEIT, ýVIIITIlY. PE tfl WIfidl iinthü lo:it rfeol maiiiih Iram duelce butithe i>bI osUlneet approreti Tite long oerloîiceoef Dis. Oallonider a éd oîfiertfliorniigl ckueiwledizo utthe pusO ue of Delkttt,, eiumîbjjieibon te» opreoiate theO rient 1lentto oe Ilrivv3toi uuml o erefîti pro. >gaiti. the tbath. 1pcîi tlîir îlit-uaervatioli O trsticael of tflilenîli, hpplieandamitcomifiiu ! motnkinit depund. Titoîr open% leuin luhiâa ranch eftl tue profeasicuc unuout fat;lutgve Rit! taetlon. Letthe otictei wfldlssà odteotié îHIY viait tutcccilu tie, before the digeose gotto nu #irn a liolil. SAhiTIFIÇIA.LTEETII iusertedI i, i;uld, Sil- ver, PlothusPlate aleoc ipun the eeuobrà ted,tuid îctly recotunco I tleî'.aiiized hase, afier the toat.' aud ulieut ai oved t îodi§ cdnîled by ce p)rofeaaifon. à opc.nratinule of Dri.. Celle"l ei &t Card -areeo ofixlv 'perforiued u a erfcti thel~seloathat7not ouly theotiatuit' ncoto t ihe souce tiuue. lithe diitbili*ity iel Lie mnualel I% usaind the 1hiariuuuuli lu the bleudIiqg ifeolur,the greutest à stisfction will, 'e fonc. l'articulai uttetititiii givtc'n te the outre set agîulctiomî of ehidrccî'o tcetli. l'îîructs ,'houhd atend te thuiie a Yeer iiporuhiatihdOîIhii bLir Ail operation A warrante,ý-d satWîeioiy. Ternis aucoonable. COnsultà tioIî free. 20 STOVÉS! Caution Aga~net Couutertcsts, $5 REWARL"! 'l'hoe bugli repule simd oxtoostre saI 'leeMesrx per- vidldut alitt etsilhc P11ichîllii'lt etsurueracoile- poajîloos iitheir ci m lrepnralkîcii, Mecu ry Tbeg toinforn pemre', Pilihig Ilioir inrdlii,,a thit Ihue ars eeirinc uîîhea. ýthe iiiidou'*th signtuire of l. & h- PLRY à Coi., is oiord u(mthe catAlde accueb il '- par ulfillê Coriaol Dfltta 'i acuinmand Dtrlul 'dicile. 13 ,htcwttii'ithe hototluii lihl uu~ miel. iii adititiihi Ilc5. t'eriy'edîiicillessae inî -Aumtraiha. lonia. ClilU4 rend ail oUior jauna efibe WOO&d -wilho e ted t-y a Paient c al ffixcoi ua botlo boaring tlietr ,iiansd adiresale fuit; à tiioçy -pwke e mid le o tIl be OCOm ect a f ibn palmhiet. e iiled 1ettiato pilou . elargi t Menare. R. a L. pcRmta & Co.-a re 0 ilyIo c i cc- suhied ut Chett reaidvic. o tilrir S ili,, dot%. »%o iiyflver. tlitieocty îrîuîoîîc raor either al boraihrihatýid tbeyher..by tantico iit public ogiittât ciiy erasieuix..ag tuu4r mnsoîo. Thoget!t tIledicai Dlstovery of the Ago. IT<>LlN or ,trayed f rouai trciurLc of tlu late Wm. cowau, on Lot 'c. 15, lu tho lot Con. of Pickerincg, TWO BAY PONJIESP ()ne a MNare. and the oier as lorse -thoenmare lias a ecur on ber otff ind-ler, tibo )ort;phic. ua white star ou forebead doth )îlîd foot ire Whiite, Ithiyatand ceo ount 13X bonds high. Auy veison lvIlig Information te thee ubhacri- -bar Unit will lood te thocir raeoverY) wiIl ruooive the above rewà rd. - JOhIN WIliTMOIW., 24 »uinsCrook. PIRE AND LirFE INSU1RANGE CO~MPANY OPF ENGLAND. Ruye IeuranceJuidiugâ, Liuerpoo4 z g] F itli urs selazeil iti small ruez. andi aIterar "lI sv 1, uiaihte subrie! bût determinoil truggid, ho lIed inu EÂP R T-AN coi t.h crd a 1k cra.tLiT ry, EE tho hie tcenty sixth yoar, beiuig about iwetity- lELU *tou)~C AI Ilt.F iUt iviiiiî e %cdari.i0Vih AicicLNËautt.eh:. wluvhi forito, regiisu inhci~~~citces JT Variety lun Stoyiu, htolio- Finitire, Titi- uwe'~r, oiîyce fýweforiewhen ex- El ore u ito foot ligh i1île are informel .hy urarc, &o., euoou bepeeu uithIle Store VIlte f ,lu 5e. i eiéo'e'f 'e 'fcRrein. iîrvyus de-f * li G îtazette du .Tîfdi thai lbis body la te )Undtf eI ye ad tuiyn( at lit rauhhsl iputiicoilyiio ue er 1 tbuu cmnhlud, onu-sent t te us oeum OfPrcie. hepopii1~ ar neoicliuîpaioua,,bowlsahbhleui idino, Natural llishory lu Paria. AVIS olai >iii.iiitsheld eLaii ýtd;t*eciiir)y Wus, lias huenitroiucnd sutiouulgt tlicr voritis: cotecod,âghsuic. eit.koud oueiltiktiuoc. iîîîviim ie ASECiIOCuOPorBusItti-The ifolleWlug miprj£yirri. uuaiOPiiShii710iiheruiStiu- :ic nfot ath'ociug incident, rateI by Mis . Burke TEKN 0FS'V , <.ot.r..ox.iiei.ect&JIuiiiiitiglt i te a frienil, touk place a fe ourmnîhsha- IRON DpKE, ' wt)itlt.rfiuiiiil iato cstir.ai i0 uokfore Bucuk'S death, lu 1797 -A féeelle GRAND TRUNK, reîîgornfIllei.o 4.iiîacru-c . ooit ere h bic isl een a grèeatfavorIte PRINCE' ALIIERTj, tt4îiig fruiprocigltand lossur jrsuucdli ajouu- - witb the junior Burke, and bis Constant DA VY' CROCKE4T, lioie ucrih al vîgir liy ' l ia,.it,o u nu rural c eynpand1R TC701IS 7f 4-C. 'auhfirijrehu hiit lluiii. 1iuditM.myii liut Loîsucu. aih unlles lo:a in it ai. . ,ltilulîlnwiig AhI i H s-u l'cefue Icoe. Ki., t3irJus. 288 p rts len beihu aike. beautifiul sud i.-g- gCijai sud Sec. Dute. lIart.. 1%. 1'.Sr ,liii Alhoiie . SrOus la ~~ sportsI r i t.. S hir u-it i i ale Cordeiti,<K .. oicahi hre rous, urus nowin - Vlu i gsductieJINBYN iiiuiiM'ire. E-q. lilliaiu Cauiu, .s4.ILP., tsi th re deaîb o! bic mater turnie1 out teo te the '45 -rcket,-saWtitbi. lbt-n: "vPMiograuiihi ii ui si thePib-o it1Ago-m hiîtle. or tfuir ultcîu i lia éliaefer 33b. fr uc o! lie park for tice remaludor of bis i4,,avsIi.an l- xtcsrfetigaivlt for ilh liat nasauii titinjunctions tei the IVtss \I 0NC K, s?1~<aai iL anerfrigsenî servants that ho shold noither be ridilc n c aC. sououyfiirauifliirulifuuin, .idecuuliSiluie er'ur melesteil hy any eue. Wlil valking Brock-St.-C loge Io 1rarel'a liel. >niçdriu edor afi s liaei<-aafor mwuuch iiurim s n ay ahîay a:u i.treu- tipue rr-ruilio4uheîuli. lu aehiîcîi6 puefy do,rin'. Mid 0 ,neti ceuied Ibis wcroru-ccolil servant coe tC Iclesuiih itiriabuitiinghilPro-rtic. anîh Ru'. o b-tii>. aie ,aiig uidt.r- cisei -close up te hbintsud after semeefo- uc iý1A ik lu bbtat r,iOufiîul 5rii<'V ia i ,tuir syc 'fi l aua.- %4 aîituysudvieluityIidse f ua ~îinit aile IOsTlti EsurIC-C et ui5h55 mouflu s pent lu viewing hlmt,, floeloepr. îit.ouoceilrrsct Ai uns iraa-Ceisrx oLtisd s. ahanddelbertev rstel hs ondlapn hs lu Ille !uihliuîury 11bte thde cusaifeord nI ru-ivliuoîho gcuit auiasl eira cf ahue ud ilhiluestelyreste ilsheailupon ls olnrîra u,,toe. ictcieaIXîhC"br. for chie cueaureoiutse ult.'gu. ssbosonin. Tho iugularlty of tie action ih Ail iid tilsni irk lt Ii51K uirb,>i5sud ahl i rrulltiifei(niu. MtHtiieeî'afy soul cisoil~~~~~~ sficremerne<fis aisouîlST J iv M 1IA~N EU y ex nibhe.r sex uiigi i i,da 1 vihc rdiiih uriufighia- mxucisefc cf bis rnceectteit m csîly outilprouiltly. atntu Cihîî L etuI5iilttI rrhs it aebdoiùig ilu tunrc lisinsister, vice occupfiolfimuairMachai hi -ir-of ewî uibis aoal nul iougha aIahi lmessud he aparen ai- Ladies' sauit iuitiuuuüs'bt anc etiter ilote flcie fii u iit curafhtiwr t li rimalcuigsu lot houht5 t al tîes nd te aparet re- uairccl, d1ud, oui eltercid. li the Isteet sylos. preuarouuiee. dylttaclititand almout intelligenceOfo 0-ly i l x'taueuie tetitrr e 0 my the ppeur brute, as if hoe coulil sympathise cvl 5 lk .u>a u pucu the uladdcr siil chu ur- ict isiard serrour, rusiing, ai once VIN GAB' VINEGÂR ! ! L *eju-eeil n 1V,. r!sioriuig thie= le t i ibsit,.- ,litre. wit-h htts in 33'ý. perl4,s. 9 balith imnu, ioially overpoerebisutir - uUIEIINI lSFRSI. IELI >1E1iUMPONPURE ULOOD. cd <~ ess~au4 tirovigais aver his 'izurcr îItllu et julisy, Iicanu fzt-tcicla iiulhleor ui t Fscci f b uni.sia hoeurepi long n vrbiu.îcly. ty îlu t'-u hie priîiusas oitr of li.ttti. euVeyý m ,uuiil. 'rs icabui'at-s, t n %c cilen su ey<oeS-uifts ttr.Bren k $*roeh, Wilthy. face aland W. à Àc. rn'. cia.sodt 36., perex - altlarge and gsuicil qihiuhls icc leie d e- À M.ITrel 0FBrstxtss.-A. parsen go- anuit r UI.Bu uIimoi -oaigond an- O NIhIIL'NSTtE.ATIt)tANi nuliugte iuric n iora.bok, elia' ihu--îîn article fcuîud by cueinl testa toe N etilticiIargtd ro 190 totigt hrho oieacandil ta tthc eat. ccen 1inluoe inthe t cru. AuuîiaioumlEirveg atejutphhcm le(] T ing dceply by lice way, forgot lice iigict MÇIÂ SCINAItPAUF. . u aOt mince direction.,o! bis borsa. Ro vas at leucti Whtby, jîuly O. 18G. - -2 * Ti ut Frienel. Baron wWoke up from lis broum sludy by botlu A -came cfriruimns i-lua î,li xbaunttcu uhuti uicea udridr biugpitngl me anu.hy Oshawa Advertisementq, cunevich urhurah ndifrîî r-cauahitiîaa-Iocf tur t Ver ciug.à iucaathIe rosI. Thora ba stuck l _________.____________ rniaeh . c cir ihisu-sugs iu-lutaliua lîvilug tilt ui, eail snd ahoulera heing aloune WLIA EPs', MI. D. srcagth o -usaicit dtlt uiii-Itii wler 'isbl. 'r FEET, OSIIAWA, CANADA wbIui,-rujh1, 1cr ibilhe.it> me til ntln 'Isoc," saat! s nigicicur, lu pnà sig Vst.-K- 17 Clst I-1 t"hC<sean. an hen "Itliaiyou have ntt Iet obtainel your chu- - p. LreIJ*I. rt %i inch iccabe ireu..osuforuoc-aiiu j eci-you aiesa aetiled mnlciter2m T£ A1,, 11,sud DA'R-tcr LGb a. mlis. >aid i chelit lathe prie e haged ù11r te. raplie Il "De help une out,' heggod the "a. (îitrinuil, îîca.dù o sudcr lunlIhe beostle miedlii>îa.& siaca illah,"ssiIliatheotier, if yen'1atil s4'in. 4 ýldPPt ilT Die-paL Na. 9. lienme1- ait - L 0x rdi Si cet. L minii. tuir ai protmise ne more t0 denounice our ctirc JOUX GiLCIIrlSl?. Ageul: ILUiCLAY & Co., ,lauiîgoSre e Con- snd ctigregsitiu as you id I last Sinidsy, F ALEtIt it Facy ou Siphlc e I-y (îods bh her ,uerely becaruse wes difler frorn yeu." - J.cliil S'iroit Wsree, *orePuvhtsA.c oix s l tel- Il Poohi1 peuh l, riel thue parsen, Iltiat 4r7ev u. .~.iiî t stOLiS Ia 1 s> meant juut neîiing ntai <1-îit la ouly a - ai' MiEDInAL -iTRISE ON' ii il »- 8 nv- attar et business, ve musI say aomethiug S l FAIRD,4NK5S, rhys'iu!ogical View of Carilge, iloiaelc te -please the people, Corne, belp me 0j)LCIT<)ht NOTAIZY PUBLIC, &c. &Sc.- ,Qvcrad out."1 S5 0 ý \hi 11) ENRAC.hfV. ituisire muai alallour aus ai boneaist ug2mL, rc uc2 il etr func stMr dmuission. -tucgr t uet!îl îirt.a uf ii i .ou Oli i,- iiiril- et Mv - T CENSE AUCTON OU) CAXNADA tic-c)' of u iidiiio uatiriv. telin he *lady, ----e--.---- j e,, lier iisservices l flu nahdsorl uic <of bl01 tIi.xvs oihalllges, ef4Obî* bail si a ~l CLEtERN., -In tbic.dscussion lu tatchsof if )tar'ro sud Duiruii iColoiie, do ah. dIcIctilt'y, ,erîuusucu-ss, cIapresihou et spirutée, istrates' tc~h- ue n n tend Slie- hy Ai s hotu Ilou1seluold Furît'turoulî' tcnoftli heurt, esacocdsl iaui e Js fooem moun Friday onbhe Iterchnitlize alId thier tllécit5m uasreasonablu- uauvîulltuitry eiilicrunua, , 10iccuurge, ieflectcce ers5iti oo l npiy for public cilucalion lu Ire.ct,îishn 1 uunyidîeduu ana siitmdclêUfif,osnas bal nO9 idt Loît alerto rmakîdGînle <cuuiv.Aiuu-ut 55O fsss ftJ.rZUne isg surest o aeudcuc 1oreu- men conversant wâc the contury known INSURINCE & GENERAL AGENT L4 ,., 1c. It 1hleas Irnutlftil vi" h i nthtno eoplu intic. sire gse te omarnit nidtfine coiuteuplnzillatrrlige keur ii cat peophe secril spt'liq ctitert-i 8., surt.'t Olùutoet their phvts'ces silutearu, se quick,,sr) desirous of learuiug, Te'piiiiSUBSchhIBEtre ofRitiin co ahosd so e hI.t 1m lieir leiruiug te se- lLf u 1RPRD ~qiitnri, tuitu vharpe ':sti tis arii cac'i Ttc fur. - as lie 'h passaiMarine Ieisrancee Llig t.te ahicehu cr-y 1hcuu cuiii is eil tet. tiefrcoutta h rst Iaary. If sny one A e nberts n i lemn eitii YOUNUI M'ES mo tare trotubled wivit - crSpk ti e ili go imb the MoeahSehool iri Dublin, brl oaleoas i uhu os epua os,~urul -'ua yo out li voltl luinanqhçli hichi las beau eQudemned y he .1.Honi . 'WA fuIlle! s icu litoreîdcjrzn lutin orizeto io ~ nomber (Mr. Osbcorne) lbe ail net say tsittîn, .Jcuiy2, i8ti. 2 e>o ueulçus.lthe bsekudli-er eaçtr eouu a iul inttere ten milites hefere holie fubatic.-procf - -- C. N. VARS. tlies, Culiucioitu et iju,ln". of Ilulury ith un"git r il abat I have heen ayîug. 1I*ecle<tt - 1t'flOAtD t't Qabava. ÃAIof'.D lic timthîcr'. 'côtlciiu,> litg there oe e dy, sud lice mutr jIeecull 11uuuc, iîlyoppi.- We have, reéeitii uevtita utelai oii uirtiliW onugiOt thce mental aritimaio cîsas. silete ice hat icue.-Eit sue. on ilu visitiiîg lite EîJROP14,AN~IOPTL uot.Pa"' b by uîvri eîmuydfl iniSucooSteot, tiaird dusor uurth o! bbce Otatrino valibg euiruscivi c if th Jp%%Iua i roulI- he ThBosaserdagetmaydfiu tc -47 6aocise o tfllie iit-ialmR4 su questions. At laul lice mastor ail. "lWhat surgeons in Boý,'uucandcthe lb ti4ti liu a4optuil wil SO. a day make lu four years ?" Thai IW. H. GIBUIS. & Co., -vie11< bftsleti4u) ca wln' aet irpP>tw~ WIAIUR!li ouib porbapa, puzzle a gooti mauy lu ibis NIPO puI,$tl OuerrolMercuil;, ni'ug> haFo b lfi b ofh loti rIerWANet Hloua. <cuRlearu aud laugiccar.> But four o, iee-rüiGaitzw. at low prlces for able e n10 luce prui c - i Sutic. beys bell oui licou bondls te show that ougli. - 4- 7 i itgFu( .aMi,,lé - bon ail sud 10 tlcey coul answer lIce quostion. Tire. -tbectr sea 3rb8> w hihs>o> O bSw iil * 1 ber calcà laleil a certain suin, sud ith. feurlhi a LYMAN! ENLI Si, âL LMa, elsbfi odl us rt '~&l l-~O * - difféent ameunt, lihe mater anath ie IRR AT LÂýW, Soleitor lunT-ua. CUL <W Modesîf îbree beys ail ta lie fonrtb. 6"Yoiare -sucuoe t.i, ppesitote PitOfcVsa. "IPlsYaie*wo-alf * be ecrog." l"Ne I'ncuct."replîed the beyi ____________________________e isus iiii a -ç at I îmed, v5 i'-sud Fll provo il. We have four years to s-. nà cdy - ieawtheut,~ auj t vilsnll il and as mccuit tfor, enulyon havu'î maeo ny ai- Dc ..-UKnubt ).Deaà j4Fioýû cilü tice r""'- leiance for îoap year."-Laughter. - 1{fOaLMAL? Wine uidapirit Merchante tu!l1. 1 euhl triotl Grooel aI ProisiouDénier King Si. p4ie t rr ýTe n - - .--.--a--- Ishsa Gu n Cr(ýes~ry In greut varey. T FLAjF$ 4à LUM Leous s vu Ts Waom îBo.-A. 1Mir. LlM: ± &.. a4r ikwtà ee lucitrit t N'o. 0,Lombard rt tet, Lajajon. CAPITATL: TWO NMILLIONS 3 ?ERLING AND LARGE 12ISEltVE FUS US. tlier .leioriut,îi uh1rojîcrty riuéreuilî ie As or bpiu -efftEpe4o1i iînomh Liic., trriliq. Ail pie in sci. prteîuiytl %' 4oied', ciiiit1t de suîtiîi'i, ur .liacuuuît, and %witluoiît refveliaî.to 'fhis oiiuîy u,Irotuî u iit jlîeel .affcty. LIFE DEPARTMENT, Largemt ucauticiîîîltiouuof l'rit. iuiuisi5tent , iti uiiiîî 1seiity, ami(] x cry b. ti inibrà ce iili, u theiict o-i lfe %.sstýilcf or- fort 1Ytl'ihe o id.îl ( yî;e r Niw t'lielig.s loile i el ýx iuuoLtl utohatyecur. 1 £200,000 STERLING! ineoic froin mil muircî.siiim 1 5 £285,889. Ehiitihg asi lutruse ii oue yalr alohie ni £25,348, The fttuils p inliandlcxo' £700,000, 1~xiibticg at> tîecicic iiuiecr lîîtf £801000! Aluciîîîio, Ci~îitîiisI hi idc elarm, x.ii .ucnîhy .lcailsofii iaîy's uhîcrItictus, iîî Sec'ory uea,.sur> ltiuruîitii'îuruiïiied eùt ti ohlbec nI WhihArlAgenît for Towntiof Wlitby.. whihyAvrl l, [m2 hi id 11Q SOFAS, BRKS ON Bedsteads, 'Tables, Waribol>cs, Chest6 of Drawers, Looking Gluýei BooukCss :th4ci Picrlor. ni#,l l>rawîtij Room Chairs, okighirOlt Chars.Cltuc.oiicdChairs. Isýillet'l'ii bes To4wîcl Sauu,&c, Ae, lu greut varieiy,qn( ut groutiy rocedinces. IVirriît-itl Vo ho tmade, of the, best mattrîat and wnrkmà r stitp., lit re.e;îot.kfîilly iuîitc, uc i miatifin of hie stock. Every article la niainufac tured unhder b i %i i anllihl'hcsd Cau ,bc e en tdeil upon. UI tPIIOLSTEILY 1NýA:LL 115 BRANCHi-EQ, Cal. and coîtipare and' be satisfiedberc you go elsewhere ? Ouly 40 couls per (Galion nt 16 GEORGE YULE'S. ýKERQtSBEN1 011A - PENNSYLVAM<A OIL I Fun e r ai s At IReducel pricos For Cci 15 GEORGE YULE. ÉAtjdexrlîg in the ____________________________ ot ntic,C f1ins kcîut coný QuebeGvrmn gny u o 2, Collborcue Street, W -CR Il YV .N 1.. N Lîîu ~ O-obr 2, 1 atîti ehur RIEN )S -A PU13LIC DEPtRTXtENTS.- stuuîit o -i . Au ~ ~r'j~ ~ Y~T7~ A-nd dhern torge.t that-U Sacralby ît iuhscnluc. AtInas repiduVillige o!f(Ishaccot, who t ideï Laniby t i ul priu.ai I openit Lan. d , Aunue Street, 0 - lu î.crthiu1hctîfb*.t thé "CALI, t'I UtEiS urutsbul, fi-a-t lates, rsîîuuin;u outil Iurthcer notce. i sares, ii]i flklis e!oflC.ah roiuds. .5 Gqahlons oethte best neclit fi istlic*gcejitegt r)'auc c i koccur for) iedng s 4 & e. IcuIl atief f fcr'ni lmu i c m mai al- 1 h>t.66 0 Lus hi'uîr tttlical)ds n!tuof iutii as Ile iif 64 16 v xx 1 effienov o! thulitic.cbs ino <y, tlin follou-r- -66 e Purem ~u. PU lýly Supplied e_ ktinilýtg lune to be hftd on the shoi ~tl cicanil. WA1tE ROOMS Nu. 4, Brock Stuc ANI) 1?LLOW CITLZENS 1 FSTABJ ISJIED 1IN .782. GILLESPlE, MOFPAT & k ,- .,LSE îsi itiienlt reforeece toîie Beard ln Il. W. WOODWARD, Comiuni.ieaer ufrch 1 at, -whfby, ..4euet, Corsnty O Onario. Wliitby, Aug 10, 195Y ASUEINCE ICOMPANY MARINE DEPARTKENT. W IlLL taire lih ul an I ove Rises niticse ouest possible rat,3or e remluu; Insu,'r- uce gruild onit i iriqso for db. saumon or fin,,agnd ti a rehahtý renutuy por cent sllîwm.d ou the larit o? ucaro preuiluma of 1at seson, a prom:pt, iherul, aîil honorablhe cetleuocnt et cljucatelime apon l se Companuy, cpay ue roe ie. JOBS BLOWV, ~Wîitiy, Fh Io,1862. SJOSEPHI F. RAIINE~R Pianuo-Forte Mnufacturer,, WAREROOM%, WJITBY, C. W 42 - -- -- --- iW Ityfor - -- skur y - - a -- 1 1 }IOTErL S?1.ING IMoRTATON8JAMESME BLA(;K ~ J.. ~'A4ASMALL PFARK FO0,eSALE Begto announco the arrivai of their SrWgan Srinr tckrVirai L ue'VE A'llZbeing pr largor ossortînticithon usuia, wllich thoy offr rfoi.Cash, lit rxces flthat wll bear COtt>p ruco3rii lli010 oCÛiiPitioO ofMsdtttlteW Esrl"11 son with 'ForotÃŽlo,' or auyi other Town in Westcrn Canada, consistitig of thu latestl blm la sltWt lhc qmcrter Of a MIleOOf styles inu tilicvillage co r lwodicrioA odooy Uroas Gouds, Bonnets, llo,4iiry, dwelliriz, ltl ;lit il) put a dgifee of shlI.iýtGloves, pair, wt ta ~le oiit-biIldci. Thora Io Sanlrs, ft bos, ai" e n orchard ; t e lti 'el fo OO0. 4 a t i e ss , W h it e C o t t o n $ , d ict tee a rc s iil n o e m . t cre s a c ru e l e tW o o d 1 a Fst~rsWit otosEtrilpod Siiriting, Shcetiug, Table Linon, Towelings, Car- lot pets, Damà skq, VWildow :ýtsan;d Nlusliris, Mârsaillos Quitta, Ticklng, &c. For fnurtheri partlotlars apply un the nI Woe woaild direct splectalt attenctionLn tho gentleman's D epartment, comprising an sesl. extensive aeort;uocct )f'Brc)ad ClOth!s, Cassiffneros,' Tweeds, Cottonl Drills, Denitue, :Mate. Caps, Sirts;, Undor Clotlîing,, Collis , lies, Bracea, and ltoady.made Clotbing, FI~ IFR A E In Iton and Boys (boita, Vests and Penite o! overy stylo and' quallty, mader up on AR FO S LE the promises, tîto fit aud* workuceusicip mnay ho deponded on. ARSO AD 0 ce .rd The Taîloring Dopiitmellt la utder lthe suporindendance of a Flrst Class (Outter, aud. 00 uA~~Ci, S OopoN,10oresou r e , gentlemen favo-iug us 'with Iheir eiders, cuay rely ounlisTing their garmut20d0ii iiholguel isithe Lot o 2of4hfou. of ihe >a -workmanliko manuer, anudl te lateist styles of fsion, Towiip iiiScott, lu the Countly of OnttSJio, GR>EIE.AFresh à Ãek cf l'oa,- Sugars, ýTobaccOs, f&C., &c. %çith a dwelilng house and'other oui-buicdM SEEDS-Clover sud Tinoy, ois wella ulasrmn rGre Seoils, just Thero are also 84aceof71 recivod. Cal betoro purcllasirig elcewhere- gîreember - soit pîcrohaerm. -~~ l'or furtlier partiOlwrt apply oteprl il Whiby Aprl 3,182.R. & J. CAMPBELL,, tor, whitb, Aprl 23 1862 1erýrY's Brick .Wock, .Brock ,Strmtà ' BIcfIArýD 1ERSai Brock,7tli, April 18M ls2 LICEN"SED .AUCTIONEERS, FOR THE COUNTY Or ONTARIO. 1111 ocdereignoil are tha Aeotloueers w1IO TILL Tiave taken ct Licus. cip lw the prlalent ' :Lynchla& Msrki3wry for ouilty. 3Georgoeldo-5dok 4. James- Wcudrut!--Picerlnj . MANUFACTUREý'R 0F ALL KINDS OF 5. Lvi Fiairbanrk. Jr. o the fiinofaibng & hleduelfrCouty. jolr Ca CM .6.Ti uios ayri-CouiitY- 8.Ambes .teriii -diclo k Uiý T__ uebw ala 20t -ANoD-leU IV . PAXTON, - lt ~Y ~ iU t lW V T L CuTreaîyrer'sftllorr r. ~ sfrsl er ag n xeletasrleto t.onv P)fies, ac o 1