Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jul 1862, p. 2

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Theo reat Ner' Vot- jFbe diseotebt' of goid on tle wetern op ci the. foeir- Mountains, andth ie cy largoeontgratloa whith ila no, ln mnqfutetia, setî<ng In td*ards Britisht luell, 16hâvigilthe very good eftitrt iringlng thae north western Ililîl meitisnpoussions into notice.' il s net cly, one itan ontutaàhunudred in-Eug ad, knev out land touclieà the lPacifle, dore i!arvoy Irlie onialie brugelia- ®tlal ai San Juan. Lt but amwar be entloned, vhilel meniti interfe'ro wth atturo', or cauie a deplelion gr the trea-' ry ; or lot t Ilie. nown tirat ,geM fields Ne ben diseovereà ilunmre rilant de. adency, and John Bull aI ourde hegIns le b lis eyo, -and tiudyi l e lay of tite Ir it ibould prove trie tînt th e prezîous tal bai11s13o h.en round 01n the existera pas ai the hoad maters uf the iklat. emantheb.adrautages me iii dartre erofrorn, cati -harrlly ho tvor.cmtimiîled. Sir Baiver Lytton l ad île iuoking aller mir foretgn pommeiions, ""-gain me migitt îpo ta be brongbt ucarer the gaîrI fieluls Rmin vigeroas acton in the mater af uînînicatien 'but viit tire Duke of ?4cw- lii, aet te haad aftlite Colonial Depart. m4, me have no hope.IlIe ix as slow w as 'lie ufrtunately mas in 1854-5, d hie speech in te Honse ut Lords on 3 evening cf te 4t .:fJuly, ta character- le et him. MWe canuot deny hMhie mî t eu oe goud thing, itevver-a bil appoint nragistrstem in tae Idtuia y 1. tqrrltorlas. But aven tis had boesî de4 hy Lytton, snd His Grace did not aIr iL menid be uecemary lteappoint sny mornme years 10 corne. Ttec ta<, Ris tee as. net mnt te lave anytltlug ta mt te Hudson Bay Ce. Làckfng.the ýrgy to free tite extebitivut and tortile dmso e iNorh West froin this Incubas, 1open îlhnr ap te settiernent hoe1 ala ws in to romnain in, possession ofasompaity rappers ami bnnters, vit e doal lunit ir ertle disconrage emigratiou, and viro yoare, inomngli te ftkcî-xuaaged ho ýp he seret-of goid ou thte Friser.- y are effete. The days vben"' countryi eniveansd fertile enoungitau'support a alatton of mauy nmillions, -could stili i4e ýrained lu Ils natural sîste of forent and vwominl order tat taxes and martin,4i ,h thrive, are sareiy gone by. If jus- reqairçe Iit lt e Ce. b. rernunerated te land ai approprialed, il s nut ne- mqy Ilat iiu yieldiug ui for settlernent valleys efthlie Asinibe ine, thef Fraser, Saskatchewan, sud te Stickeeil.thiai immense tracts n te tospitaienre-a sn futitrlr nortb shouid aIse ha giron i on te cunlrary, the goverurnant ufthîe Ion 'lay Co,, a inttnitely btter than i n iay soea late Dur cenifer. %,itI nomne sitêvof jumtice, ap- st a mitolesalie derivation of ilà hem, me gay', atl gvemu tt- -t et te orty-eigittb parsiltÙ, ap titir boaversansd Mink8 for D bundrad years. -<> -ng the rakptdprogrtsm of British iL is' certain tithefore Ion be son. measo f cownutic tih. continent, aya tite Colont- a nti in thla me itaartily coin- are-snsiouely iookiiag for the cf a man tran'k lina'of Railmsy jotu lake Suprior sud te Pa- fear thcDlie of Ne-anatle o the realixatien O e tetad- itunteaton, lie, ne <obt, medi stockr forts sud relaya ')f Post die a ials-and, t May be-at tday, îelagraphiecommuntnies- itomarar, il by nu tens salie^ ta of Britisht Coimia. A.rail- before rman>' years, be feit W holi e nacessity, sud if aceoÊmb'cllY ,-tiare is ne 0reasson wit i l a aI least merkig expengem-5l îl te tate grant lansud te l Illinois bas tabier railways, sud ut te railmfty wouid U1so ha the couintry>, in itinging in em4'- sti. up it at tonse tract le. .t William aud the Rock>' Moun ère 'gnch a roati establiihed, me ýe products ut China, Japan sud [ajia, mouid pues uver i, an route Corlaini>' al Indian oficere tI altera mud-inulèAd oet lite oyage airounti Good Hope-taire iteric-ratlway te Collingmood -steamer titeuce te Fort., WI- ilsy to Lb. Pacific, sud steanaaithip Fdd, Blianghiai, or Cacutta. 3, veU avare 111.1 poople Ot dia kBIl b. iaciued te conqider tesa r*a tirders, and- te deoeknows whftt, proinising and tireahoning ait morts or bloody thiagi lb.7 IL'Nrd 10 do9,tho Cou foderates are bnmy at see.J. Titey haro beseiged a&bdtha sevetali mportant platts -inltontntyr4tromedthe coin. minaetions ofthlits ederais adcrons lte river eoltected a largo numiber of hormis and stores, and s«lieti their nuai. hors by isteoa&lidtiof theltceoràpalrlots wbo- wlîove herotofori lopIt n-eerrorem by the Féderals in-te, titS and tWvns of t.e plains cf te.htUey. A. co~lmteralê leader îsmed John Itorgm t thettn ead of nomie i,5M buidon. aIl tiisandialarnted th. Fodorala ie a àmoit dlsgraofai panta. Itutead of eacountering the oety boidly and itnnting latta out ofthetaState,-imtead of itletentratip a portion of, the large numnier etf roops îtey hiave availabla for titat pnrpose-hoso troops are îaattered -ôver a dosen or more t.ovns and -villages within a tow mites of oiach, othor acting ion thte deçfenaie, 'Whiie Morgan is iaisai'ely allowed 10 aîla c k àami dIuce oaci tomun lu, tarn t iiis wh4i"F-, Bit Ibis nay be more £ii8tte9yî4jS The darîng and duhocit litrehels" la visible everywbere, while te mapinaness and mat tof vigar ot tle !<ortborncrs stand out in lazy Conitrant. Even on the river, vitere tite the FederasareMnt pomerful, titis in reinarkable. "1The Grenda, laieo MempitsAppeal of tha I Sti repartq that tha rabel ram and iron.ciad guntoats Arirangas undar cout- niand of Ciplain J1. N. llryan, caie duvu frorn Yaxoa river ou the l9tkt, and rai, by hapot on tor(e viteitlies above Vtkburg, IîCeatll and auchored tier lte btt.res rrndinglte City. Thte Apl>eal sayg lte rani rani damu sera- ri Faderai mar vessel., sud disahled many mare. ('one of our vessela mas bluwn up. >tbeArkatîsas ines very formidadie guheat, beîng plateid mitit two and a hait incht iron witit plates ani usils riveteti. he bis s vory heavy armaitnnt, sud, is furnlithed mIit twc propellermseyavn fetactludiamoter, with fnur flanges ach. The loiq ofthe reies la sehiownatIl0 lcilled sud 18 mounded. Tito Federai losaq iga net knawn, bul in said te have beu Froin the James River.-tere )1e a report statîngltaI tbte Contederate linos have hien itreg it cdoser te Richmondbttt a large force bas. beau left in, the immedi- aie front 1f ite enemyaobstractions. il ae farîber asserteid that Gan. Stewart, lutI ýIenday, mitit a am wplacs etartiiler, igtimade lte circuit ot Goneral, MeClel. lan'a position, reachiug -the- James Rivet iteiov hlm, and epeued fireou a largo UsaI- ut transports, siokiu'g une ami crippling iieveral. TIare isne denying Gen. Me-CIcI. lait'a position inlumrunded vith danger. Thea CautedorateS are èrecting fortase as 10 block-adalte rivernd cuL Qillbis supplies, sud te isnuable tteao a ineveateut tit tint furtiter'lre-tnforcemients. Thte 300,000 mon sIîed for b7 lb. Pra- sident, are, ilb weald appear, cnlistiug stnntlng t0e ver $100, in the aggragate arc. bcoug offrerd, sud aveu tIfs s nIt fl- eutly temptttrg ta lunduce norlterii patrioe te atep forverd and fightI. Tihe tact ltaIt the offer ofthoanlies te se large an'amompt thm tîconte neaessary Je iti itseit a proof et the difficuity mhilr te FaderaI ga'vern- munI tntis in procuningsaldiara. Dratting "stretened, sud, tIare la BlItte doubt,, wil 1 bé rosorter! te. zIatters' bave beconte sse mrous and tit4e: aing, titat a çontplete cbittPet ofP icy bai iteen deterinined updn by dia Pro- Eidenlt ibi crryieg :,on the mar. General MccIllan abu een virluail espeudit by thé appointraetulof Gat. Haléeir, ai "'Gen. oral Commnandaut of the army ufthte Unitedi States." GOrealttinge are; expected front Gen. Pope, wmit h a ad la deletterite pusi th îlear, -and wm e rcontmeudation in oua orie sgentmul ordera la "1Lel us lookr itefura sund .net behitîd.1" Het,-<li: a id, millIb hofuand a matchIftan "Stenevail" Jackrsoit. He ea scsrcaly tarî tso greet s tailuroas ,tito ýYoung Napoleon."1 Altagedier, mar ruatters are lu a aritical mtate for theo Nortit, sud the eulengency re- quiras alte vigoraulsmutesres vitici t t" Presideul anti bis advisera item sppeîrr te, be sdopîiî.gý, bat ml4cit if adopted a yeaa agro, mfght bave savedmaillioni utftmasare suad stroants ut blood, It la aquestiton mitetiter aîty measures tla le takan are nt nom tue late. StO'OL Ii-Nc.-We apg amn mithîe at- t.anliou ut ur ut-edral lte epictric te b. givan te the clildreu ufthte Town Schooii, aud titis entirîxees tie cirtdren of all the scitoeis mititent exeptio-en 'Tiaday, lte :4Istimat.The programhibute vare' forid lu procmilua Coi TreaT*n ii. the iâ ôJ adojftod si the >lt Ming or te Oouncil, -fuUlow>ng las ta, i tô0Vides fur thte ra~ioig Iif $t,000 by taxes"Âcdor<lîng btsar. Tlhis wll obtocute E(o B r iby lte PCesý eon~1a l. dllar~s 1e ~con te1$1ill.e an ceis Inthed0ll'r u th assssinnt- militatr 'force w Lat loir the taxes weii 01117 tile Conte during the conti in lte dollar. Tito total assessea ralule culty. 7%Le M~ the prent-ls lettan ltat of ithe pro. te3 he? e sooti vious year-by soel 110 hio duction in vale, bomvgu, s iialufly in a. rMark ltof 1.ver of proprlctois, tenants,, storekeepera,:.dt.<layed l î. mneclailica, and ail who A148 taktd on renu 4?" h.pr and inconu deile li ttle, if any adirantage te mleO frointheii.detremb lit vaineb whilie tiey baveto the "organ'i tô PSY the iuçroase4 rate of t axation. Ilow. OREposseassos ever sattafacteriy th.expouditate of $700,0 Wital b the. tai MaY bc accounted for) ono titg viiih. bc hi- Aia admitted by the ralopayers, Ibat sqtch a that "'tord Pý min Istti lareo an atuaunt te b. levied ofl Houso of~ Coin a Town with the aparse population of bad 8no intentiôo Whithy- in any oneayear; more O5pecial l the 4, )r foe -hoth tit' wn Io'burdensae lîl no debt, Tq !nothert and wbere lta whole anûmnal («[tilte ex.- ception of a elma i em for debentures and bugrs i~ interit) la disbursed in carrent expansas. postalce stampt Thea ward appropriations tht. year iigitt well pected thait this h. dspeased vtit. A sain of IVO to cacit culty in the way ward wou!d maire the nocesary repairs on we fcar Ilave a, isidewalks, &c., without iucurring lte cx_- and l blut serg pens'of 1fiingý dom nove one@, and wbich la nov bc apeuiug ala8 grdinig nov gîrtets jst* deemabla Tretu present. Tue Council, mwe thtni, aboundla iitu10tîîeîr je bava talion into account lte large appro. viii, permit tet priation on PBrock street, this year, and lion oft sinnl coi considercd the nec ssity of an encrcnsed- rate for te purposa, hofore making Olcî mard 'appropriations, whicb viiinot falilisxelr 1fir short of $1000. Truc, the improvaluents bus been :pins madea millb IT h O the d90oo1.But ttc7 T,,,edale, ELq., cauld be dispeused mit. Next year thera County Norfolk would not bh. the saine haavy drm for Joseph Godin ci < Broek street, titaravOUId unet hc $300 for M. D., and Joli thte Agrieultural Socity, nor $250 for iii* ship of Tannen pairing te Grammar Scitool, nor the phýslte, surgery, otitor axtraordinary expensu whb itad Canada. -t b,> provided for ouut f his year'a taxes.- Our achool expeuses swallow up a most T anconisctonable portion of the tuwn taxes, upwards uf $3,00. Thei amouti.t, bcu ha aura, 'la aIl fairly 'and properly expended Concil meta and aeccounted for;t but dha amout, on the P" em eckuil face of li dues appear much to0 great for pein. iTihe mayar re a tuwn 111e ibis. TIl t eu asy u ggeot W. iliis, Pjctoi wvitlougbî lu b. doua towards s redaction. -of 1the vo'acr es IVe bav e btetofore, when treating on tae ket. Alan laid subject,- advocated a union of thte County coull of T. Dani Grainmar and our Town Sehools, and shalhsr n arn again taie 1up te mater inlu aarticia devo. MroMlesof lan ted tu ils exclusive conslderàtion. flecre,wa uof a resointioin ara maraly calliug ttc aitentionu fthtu rate- Society an the payera lu lita encrouse <iai h taxas. A.nd President of sai resiliy me cannaI dîsmls h uijctmd.touheallofaheI ýout again expraeui-our aïtoulsitient hum on mle ,iÎ cornes, or rallier hum ittla pertnitted, that resutned lu coma altitougb beittg fr c froi dobi thetI taxas oft third raportet i teTown uf Wbîîby antoant te elaven centsAuessmeut. R in tha dollar, or rather 'ithin a fractutthe report ain Ivï shillintgsansd titrea pouce 1l. lte £-' value uf rosi and the corporation,. A Àralableanad cons lu aat "Organ." ing 0te te fse SCisiewi5ade Thenbea lntton of Ibis y- Th ubcDaiyNe=-e amawng it. r, incosistuncesof the Morniag (ridte of ttbaae in iy, aud ilexeposîng theaau- r lia l~yof -te statetnents of is oeafrere. To the ioud cals a o the Chroniicle forrte. ire.wAl,Mfn in tbe govrmnt-the Neuts sings uut-"te Foote Job"-"Siatan ru- pruving" Lc. To theo oracular statainants of lte Clsronidze on the polity of lte ne administrat.ion, its approvai. Outhe, nov state of tbings, and sei.offical toue, ai* sumed wmit reatia- o ut ters of public plicy,-the News replies, correting -isl. tatoniants,(as â iteecaseo e .appoint- ment of Chiet Justice Draper as On@ ut tite Grand Trunk arbitrator'a) accases tte Clrreide or'ss.liing under taisecolors, says thatit has nu clairni lu rganahip, and titiv tsil preîence and assurance un ilspart,,la spoalin- at ailin lt.e naine of lteé guveru. mont, and rebulces it for ils ingratitude to and deàertiou utf<tau od friend.i and patrong. Thte inconsisteius out Mx. Fote'om orgau, ara certaiuly su marhied and pronti. nant i tat the anuhhiug uftheiaNeios mli be very generaiiy regarded as flot alto.' ge-ther untleâerved. Wo ail remiembor humw ioudly and trueg the imame moralug Chre. nc(e 'cried out for British interventionuinn tle American quarraI,litow it condemned- thte 1Nrtheruers, and itdvocated lte Con- féderate cuse, hum holdy and patrioti- csily,(I) ih vont lu for (Colonial defece- even 10 lita passtum- of tle, lige Militis 1bill ofthîe late 'Ministry-upon te defeat of whiih it almotslwant intobysteries, and abu8ed the French CauAalns as idloyal. Bu, how la it now ? Thte lme journal- or we sitouid perbsps ratiter say "lorgan, P) dadaes ail neaessity for'defenaive measures. In i issue ut last Saturdaly1:it condeninst the s.dllixloê presernptlon sud asurance iceeding hits-, besa -expa.-" of course mau me1! Iuovin C morne tinte andTi liuax no spei al igifano."-- :1t? ]By te .ffivaiof the tm ba" e onttt'tOl alaierslon a iîated in the atoas, tit thel Goverimnt an ot mitldramlug front Ca. sno* staîloned bere,." s pasad lthe iamr makiug a logailtender. Il, la cr- À pla miii obviatielte diff. %y ot muitail change., Ix viii t2e a&sgravaop'the,.evil jeug pnodaced by lte irre- nue, aud lai oipioyeihenl empiuymont front circula- ai Appotntràcnls. ncy lté Governor Geucral ler le, appoint James B. . fi., Asaociatç Coroner :, andtO bgratliceuses lu urthe City Orutawa,1111 fn G. Cullvr oft he tovît- .ad, Usq., M. fi., te pradtisa su ad midwifary ia Upper tinxn Coutucîl. ititevo>,cex, Jtily 22. at aigitl cloc,the mnaynn the. citair, aIl tithenkersb amI -a communication front ,on, lu refarence 10 the basa es ut land souti of lte mar- rIý iefure the Councti aunea. itFord asmeuntlng te $5, for tes on soverai keapers ut ane iuIbis tomit. ý ll laid ou tit(table s c'Opy Pamed hy lte Agrieuitnral 141h imet,autitonistngtae il Seciaty 10 aigu and attacit soclety to a laee for-tite rland 3f ýr. 'Brownilte Councîl miltee cf tite mitla onit it comnîiltee on Finance and, Rapant receiveAfiud adoptad tint. taed-that the -total annual üd personal property vrit iut *, die- preseanl.yer, accord. iaeu rei rolle 8 63,732 ecrase in the asse&sed va- 'ear, wh.t en pamer ilth -£nd. -Tbat -the totalpforosia snd personal property ià is U folevis, exclusivaetflire Nowresidet lande toi ble.present year t 1Nantt Word, $23785 56 ; Centre Word, $24970,$80 .outb Ward,'i$12l2O. Total $60 376 36. - -1 Nonealent-taor thte North WIld $71,6 -, Centre Ward, $3831; SoutiWza $1701 40.ý Total,$2855 60. 'Maing in ail su aggregateto-balance the maseaent eft tite preseut year ut $63732-36I. 8,ýcrcd, Titaltlihe ostaiteexpeuditnro le b. provided fer dia prasent. year te a fol- 1Om14 Vil:1- Couuty perpuaea fer 1862, $931.37 ; Commua Sahool parposes 1862, $U59.13; St>eetzansd iinprurannts$187O Notes tinser dbaouant$Z300-, Debentures andi lutient $513 i Sal auies eay $750 i provin- cial tai ou laverai $100 --Piningl$100 Fineand Water $100 iticidertihs $200 Grant 10 &grcutailri Society $300 ;' Bal- 'suce - grant to- Ladies hlenevoient Socie. ty'*20.-Totai $10,043.50. Lots8 paid un socount scîtreisi $900.00-, streets sud improeiuauls '$690.00: aeh in taud Tremuear, *60.00ý; rig tax $1 DO.- 00; Town &cale, $80.00; inos kc,, *10.- -00 ibalanice of Uaviey's note, $1600 i aupposcri yiald oft nun-reaideul lands, $1000.. 00;' tu bc OQiectad ron the'ita'qnaitip ut Wliitbl for sciteel purpoies, $2<000.-, T'otal*$396.00. 'Wichal pve te bc pro-. r'ided for thla year $6447.50. Your cent- nitîtea voîrltfurtitor recuaendti -ît the auni of Elevair cents on- the dollar bèt lcried sud collectati upon i heitole rate&. bic pî'uperty mithin the corporationftet l iao ut of ithtit>, whiîiu4rilraise abotînthe suni ut 87000,00 wlricirwiii provide for abateenus sud louses lu Collecol Rol upon nuu.reidetî landI &c. On uotionof Mr. Mardeneil theo rder et the day ltat île aide-walk, to the IïPtit Cliarcliho nent procedsd vtwulbas.meuk out,. r an att o4b 1 wmr Vtsc justice Bolow N. 1!.1 W. R.À B. fiey N. Mi J. s.C J. Mut W. N. 8, Wi 'w'4 aldonetote ian& ls otnded.- IIEACil-Fimyr ININ»%a ',h.Mi.ita..........lo Kn, td Osbotrne, b Il. Sti,1 e . ibail, t, Clu stsr..............2 .....a................ 17 Il.?.ui h-e bPîu.î-ou..................' G.~~~~~ ~~~ tiyi-,eGî--h tiîuu...........I hi 1 itn e, ciiîb lriiuîr.R l ?~ vir..-.,.............. I~,12înieait l t<. iii-i............ $. aîlec, l-lîue,î.................' tl~('st ~r.t. Il-l~................ W1 ~lliai~u't.................i J. Cuit , B. lhuuii---------- i. (tiie ....................O F. Oi-iiic t ~i ...................4 JZieerînIloit................ J.~~ ~~~ itiuau îti àeîiga..............C ..rî.............................. 4 ItiAeti, 1%1 Iniigu, ............ 177 ' r'î.nliiigtulî, laIititl tuîd litîgî, ou A Mtchteit breeii tlîu firet cloeeni utf Liadsay'and Rancit comaes Off ouThiarfe- day aI 1Prince Albient. Tite-Aret matai twieu W11ity and liommanville ,ca=teOTnear the LGrandý Tnunk Itailway Iloae, Put-t WititbY, Cn Tucedax>'afttrnoon. 'The Garait'mas play.*' erI belacen four out ccll intw imun- a ut fM up. Ih mili ho aven by the seure lIat Whitby mute victorioa.s; Woodwad ....28 61 J. Icbottom...26 122 C, Hit .......24: Dr. Raid ...ý. 27 R. Ilrodiur.'<....... 64 a frogi oar fornrier temns- ,hh., nom t'proRpeo1ittîP ai toples ult the UOverý shed et Olympia, .T Ming notice of duarriaieo 11Tite pQeee, u, ntering undeý itar roceut levatre ffoitioni atled"in leamInp't "privato "At th mtianer ia deop nioarniug. 'lar rYal H. R. WC hlghitesses the Prince of wua es, prince Alfred, Priuee Arltransd Prinýe Leopold Pblil]P woe prosent. An sitar mai or eted lu te c i drawing rooin fortthe cerezony. Thte mnmer: 'bride kAw-givn 'aay by her 1unnce, telb. , raignieg flaIre etSaxe.Coiiourg Goha. toe ia AI lte conciusion cf lb. service, 1the bride JUgal aI1Ï and bridegrooi more conducted by lte' 'o"""al meur. io aeee rntadeivine 1-p4o lord olmars ean affoini aparl. forais, ai -sil A-he cmnony lWad iîidram;,and thon rotreà. Tte-otiter royal and0 illus. C-SO) trions pe-pnarns 'andi gnests 1pr=cd o long i g th. drMýfing rioea.' FCtasi "Thte dresi more ontheOocca saion mss (lal!n9nt naornieg <roe. T1%fgentleen itn blackin ' Pl ien( evening 'conte, gM rouIrtsers, sud blackr 8Ccomit necircie hi, aud ladisInegrsy, or volet datation. mnràin4 dressas, an4 gray or suite gloves. bai The briae.Èôts'adniesofl mittsilk of a flbancworaf-4anuton sos, sud a iborde r ut lf 'M uranza lowers aIt thotîom o ette isirt. F D tS diu»it ms srVed et 2 p'cick,, af q r ter mliQt tho groaîiaet part of ber Ilajes. ,The 1 rty'x royal atidi otiier visilars ietprnpd tlumete01 L4,udon. About seveulny gliost oast dama, notice. Tt mas scu-vd iu a'large m'arrne.At àS t"Alun; OiV'lc lix'eir royalni tgineses jPincpanndacumpan I>rtiirruýM Louis of Raste letIfoc, St. Claire, itapy Co una 'yda. Thc suit iii atlendnnce uO abaz cuiedof Lady Citurchill, Major (bau. cotîtrivati Seayrnaur, :nud Captain1 Voir Westerveller." na old ta 'The lord chancelier sud Lard Palmier. kuowmu n stan, Eîrnl Russell, suda sev.'ral otlior ca- witc tim linetiniserà mare proscrit t tite mai- toOd and riage. TtheIgarletf Derbty, flan-of CIa- ding l'en, rndaîn, atîd. Saveal, otitor pnnages re- wit th etc énîve.,dqpeciai invitation%, 11Tha<)flke cde friande, w Nemnurs wmus prosent. lIer Mjesty tas good â51e bean pleiueteiluignify her initerntion of sîcape Pot èûnte-rnin& thte ranir et royal ifighnesi, on dresa n-m Prince Louis et lasse.» At one A (er the- cerenrony tle wmAding prO- lad.heexi seuls mena tuispected. Promnur ont amoug mare aitil tite mare thngaso otlrod ity ltaieIactess Of ried ; tli Aîboll, thoeNtaharajàh Dbaleep Singhi andI hogs for ite Caunteqs of' Fie. The 1 ucitcss of question- Atholils preacol mas a',Pressa Prapie,lte in morali balla tornnd ftrnm apioce ut green varie- generatilu entedl marhïle' fromt Biair Atitoý 1 mounlad sexe$ the w ith mîtiuldings of osIr baves and acorns, or-alilyE itavitîg ou, one aide i lu roe b.arîns 0f ltae ndi .prnce LOUiS ofiemseand lber 1yal i M, pgat nes arma miii eoreunet eter.I on thte <tht. me mari or aide the folioiug tuscripti n :-11 Tb mîgîîty u Reér Royal lilgitueseS the PrinIl Ailece of digestible Englsnd,- 6n 1ýer îrarrage, Jil1, 1862.Get5 hytie ~tiieof- Atiioli." he-mole a griat mi mia urnc enîed ity a fmi> imu ailad royal luain f(boitr sue. ircuniaga oaky pek, esi ned b alaiehé% prriei Taylor, Esq., I. A.?, lite itale' the ful il) silYéýr gîla. Dis Itgînegs t e a taa ge th jait iluli'cp Siagitai prrect ws a utagni- sii fieent juwchied fait in gald ; oine ac ide île tihe titrai ruose ot, Hn-and-tamd 4fr9w a a arga rriby, mut. Ilemerald lesves, surrounde« mt large>'Atph peanl, sud reliered vii i iso e amel, tnt'- Ara iug bar lIorai IIlgineaa'si ni nogran ut or rd "A..M M4. ," 'te initiais ot l aud t or >1ary. ,lu ilamondi, robiez, na d emnernadsida couty< b!endd. Tue -reversa' ide i soiemlal îl ie similar lu deigu, ibut bsviiig. ýaipe bios-be th mom<% and huds compo.ed o eirge p .avs the 22iud mit ILeavei; oteul' emerald.4, au the lmôno- I - ren ns4ore, bbu i otitie -gooti dinuer wmas uer* by Wfr. lIeu g ain fro- which bottoniutfto <Gratn Tsurk itoteî. - ta eorufenw Ict< Thea return tmatcit willi cene off, atI I3r ;,old chatu, mith t Wo large niauiihbaos Wedunaadsy neoit. 'taUeis, aid a nutlnber ot pearlM tulorvals betvmeen lte inki, 'Ti JelL'Dsvlsl's Addlra .ýLid lis ,Aria>. of Fire18 giftî pon the ocasaloti ]y siver guitjeael ce4 *îIh Prasideut Davis, cousikdatign of tha large cairngorm set bu geý recitl triampists e car anuzs, basi Isseeed arountd. 114CatirngOrn fror te fuiiombtg asurrs te thte offilcem nd lte kay'fortned of lier Royal m~en mite participated uttahe rbes oetSa. corunel, thQ vitale rieitly eng earl battIes t- .-1 BIla, Stanrocir and Tbile Ritchmnd, jaiy .5, grahu, sdbrp-a sultabl4 To-tie ro my in Estern Virgluta-Sol. Tite atone is a reiarkablesape5r iest-1ceugratuaste y tiondmserias cr tound of -great beaul>'ans izq brlian, tre hcudrtefaveurett. i of Divine Prosidencef-you :'have ono, andi-FîLU a4bjtke5ldOuse tte Cpafedîfrste 8îatesi do iteartily tender lete ou heitaàe i he .Iiàite- ?dntaIt hé' Ê~lev.l ÇPYpQL,vWlttujslcaneren ouiave ise sîll- niie ilOWtî lnt retd in-St411kch -fülI> and beroicall>' sorved. Tehdy"'ag'o <rtil witli'ahi ite impos8iuàgsoleu an iny»ding arsny, vahtly turmejàet îo-ouî ; p îsf isOlîraon uIi iM-rnubers sud l inte' naterial orf ivaiTfita ducased, mite mas stationed cio.lybleagnered your eapittelanti vaun - Cççk, as a yotng mati re$o tin-ly iiroclaimed, ilsa peati>' conqeti, P*it5t5tts13 iARûM&i thl -rua marcher! te atiette onemin h<n~insny good qutalities aud bis eu nue et.IIII .-llmu- - mars tuiste AineanasË iny ger evu, and tis publie de- as tihat VAWhIr>in<fait b a.1) lier peuple, il seama tg' thm 18t1 dal ot Mal, 1862- iy .xîort%îîuuft t iud lesE 1 teuuloil ot-uLvrillé voodard Cis.leuny DeWcitfe 'p îIoy tnigitt tetnd ta Pt date, àa rsstiuiu of came, thme cîtizenm uf 1) ~om > -' ' auythiiig ht eli mou omn ' - ' . more eaflaatnsdly ltht Preés nasl< lte folloeing coin- titan sîtelià demntastrz oa recoipt ofuthle 91 narriaget' at v.ahieli I crlite.l Amsyeti are in dsily influential leaulers of t ng aitit lt.e frelîgsicnnand venttirc to suirnesxt ti tnierI by . thac mlita e cf iaauln n c~avorinI uple, recaived a luge specilen ara ntttificieut naimier am- bonaId r-ia*sort ofnend.scripl ha obteiued lfar tauadi, JIee, luuIting. liko a crosbdlmcan 1 dia Lord lllayor rc shionad cura dodg'er sud a teill frate p meetingoft îh rîlcle ~ ~ efulstion lthe Pl ins rlieuro on artile f ful ueiliabitant-e of ltae Fe 8ttr caarce-wmiichme uder-. States Ou titmriozL if$ id accepte1as a saniple of the mad« sottlomanl t ftieir d4q zt, Ilay1ti,,<livide.'4 our trensttre char air, ver>'laithfiili boys lunta eoice and a a et af ur . V me put ourmesoth ie Outairla Of aA. 9.S. VILITAý, iq, wd itunir sud meul le bcd-ï . il Killino>', Co. Dublit rchance w dreai"-and me <id M natiyatrangt and moudrons dreaini1 ail true friauiiIi ofrlte a tinta va faucied lbat omtrimouy continue la Vegarrl % si itolisitedjrud conjugal allices riecina mur ahici s c te gCo, Peepla fie Ioitger umar. of America. The br ler' atiiliated. I3raedinug cattle sud proclamnation aliai i rbutèc'z meat as oui t ofthe nuigateti 1<>'Genart.îl' i- ,bey ivare oîI'y kapî as exatnples le" 15, t!iulaes ta ou iy irand good condual for the risiug I Vaot f, and y-toori in, ta tend i the yealh of botl caily-In alked youirchî, he mbola art and wyitery o etls-. tiisContetibon iq ta e ronjuying tietevies, Agasin mhile ia the naineetofhîttan iahr taunlay letevilymititin err ill'îvuiues mitit hich at im, 111e thi.evitale in Jopi"bally, i lite iilulds of tIhe 'e aarried amay an il mere by a o67uider whelther il wtnd-caused ne do'btfby thit n- ca~ n ibjîtiate ltheS if i twre ogrribie, sur le Graharn-aud ian4ad tiafty n te 4 àaiedb>' lth ut Lakea City', ranaîiigri&ied <(int<n mill , and çoctplled-to grind Gris- Yeti know liaIt feti ur for aIit f Brighila wivee. At siavt'-, yeu knorv th >ur naxt mornie; me arakenet 0tha Stceesion aidcen, 1realieutji ofutthe truth o et avokediiL. I us>'mdi <tha "nîî ii tanlty andi vexation of Ihave rejeicedl if the ý -and tatislaail va knom about 1i-teu put tdowu anti Lt tle srîitortia Ofethtit they bird hcen isuappori ais e I u r re r O c f Y o n g L f d y . lin j ulit >' o e Ie < h a it Yonag Statem;-)bqt e avîtrefé Folting niorder hie beau 'comiiteri Ruti fisthae ttht- ugbridge, a amail 'tomu lu the the hvfitan - 4 f t'-IelnMry Àknp Susan Hall, ta britu tehvrs daugitter ut Mr. Hl, aes fpect.a, evered nanhr ~ or, living at Midrlhanm aria, I fi- nly prodtice disastera n, Jane 18, lui

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