Whitby Chronicle, 7 Aug 1862, p. 2

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-Eut. ei04 .gricultural ga- thrive or flt t-o tÈily. We are net - (etlko-omideiig aur ewu iudividuly,, p8beep. fblrvo hollavo lu Iaklsgîpwi tuagaîàt a ~Ud.~hBaIL - esa oftroubles, but vo spealr oo Or lawi- 161 Jk. s. -Bain. - - prosemmu andI future.. Asuts-sme. ohn Il may be tisat our remarls may BoOm a rÂmérfan * -litto more.poi:ted just ne:, wen tisere la 6 men J bave aniy aunaunt cf biie limao Y4'~JA ~II~C C4 t ier bauds, tissu vison rado increasmte. fer tuaeIt làtaaîalf adozeu gei! oaae LY~ ONE DOLLA A YEAR viseatIquise abu'ot thsevlev a? maity e? ---a ur ds-wacseand amoug tlems-purapa Thiîrty, Augist 7, 1862. tise Ma.t PromloneaCtiste waus a? gond Ad~etImmegss mut b set ,~t-ada. W. roter mors p-trticnlauly la thse AderÉ»met&%a tt e snt n rock troad, aud tise t-astIfrein Epsea r4I to eek isia nedutmpmvt o tYxbidge, viicis lanovai- tuebeat, utear Auss-t*m P ansd ae cerain seasns o? tisa year l irn oat impassable. It la diiculI ta undet-atand- N 0 1r7I1 C E *tise spstiy vitis viicis oveu hiseeMosta - iutereated vi! lI ko? thse groat advusuage Ihiit tii-ge parties ini aurAdélito W htycud ei fc' o la n a mettlîement. *Stiubscs-bers viii beas--Wibrol es r ngo edo Id hutaurlu-msformuacrp~in r Oti tis te ady.antagpa hovever- - v lati advuee. erm vautr uane athoaristbu- by sumnat,,art uat fuliy caumleertd. ise pdape. W Tis eler.Tisera in, lioe'beliase, tir mores business Ceteptpr hr are many pep doue in Ubig ilg hnorpo wse have patronized us tise luet fie e Uimagin,<adge iae bsn aunr ue.g yesa ah aur evu expense, sud vWmo$pISomaine, ntIit t iptonatanlyichraring. h la! a feeling ofisaesyar Sonar Suaofr mgtt optfri rn dietveli nt nv ~qiÎ, l thia traflc tbroumgl Witly-its natural etît- led ~~t alîlleltai- It viii fini! an outlel elteablime. Tise e iitteStise l continua ta, take- lltt<It.~on is- slueloims. W.amount afi-igist i7aeivud eaI Wbiby sa. 1 littie Icsur. just nov le, attend ta tioit for quarter ending 30th Joiue uas llfty- -e.Tlmey sti1li-et ne diuning lut. fiv tons, and tbe Imolu amoutlo? inwards >~~ ~~ ,r u taCeika-ts 1isae froiglt for samne timé vas 531, tons,includ- ivil 'h- tse entlmanseiît isomu tise tramic trNWbitby atid a gi-eut muny rilI bave ta arrange, andI lie wz*lhl re nortbero villages. This hawveri, doles net ometising moe.frou tisern for bis hy - an.v mouna show tise vole e? thé tisu teutunetsuacu nt. !rtheru trudefrna l itîlo gous e la urge amount due s sfor jobaue sIocenuy frinmToroenta. lTisa ~ ~td avertsiu, vsiciahotldexperts, bowveerçar. mer. te be-consider- éd tissu the importa- andI it veuld Sectdit- P mon. paid fer wiseu ordered, in se- otb a hvmn iesat eicac ice vithfdur toi-ma. Parties sWho f - oayho m1aytouadbs so ken adrautage o? aur lenieney, and grain moe.tissu novr, vaul! ho expaorted tu vhom va hbave-made repeated al> unWh , if ail lie cor uu ý îtu leadieg inCa thu interior vere lu A gond tÎ )ns for paymaent, viii flumd ont tbab tl not smrer ourelses tû lie trified usat. l anol correct te suy, as smre - muybe itcliied to, that ail the produce 01 ujy long~er. Wiîh a beàsj' paper antI traffl1 f a? îla n wehuturtl> A tgpe, andI office expenses tle muet blnst hîyvi oeII ata " el- ecannaI diacliarge aur a blo eWhtyuMcm t -ay n es unless tisose visa take 0cr po-der un3. circurntace-wé içîse sgroal mal airy vtisus ud éetî~Ïdeal-fer jaeople pr.?er goleg a fev miles,1 enifarl wih san i ne fth i- atier ou a goodrea, tissu hy assorter Ineas. This il; tise aily notice W ud o-asat.ieieleCaoo n d udthasa vise do aet maIreY isient c lofe im>d itIs ts dtIngany country ar section l anmueSmeiomaid. 6 M I y developudweayacti a ebdJ tig v0ek, vili bava OuI> tseus. fricm ne part te anotîter. GeatI roadi i blame for aî,y trouble or expeusevel lie Biiijeceteî. - lissaethie immediata effeet of lu. se eressing &,the price» c? vieat at pointa Nýontse hlby is(e ai-ten cents par'beshlansid viaho ovvas Pavmtrw. 'tmsaANC5 yl laCo confasa tbabttis vould be a groat -tse tivantages o? ussuring lu stimulus ta iudmtce more landte tble put un- t p<sneo;it dout a fev issues hck- der cultisatîln i As tise advunIages wvooadet Le in oihar colus hat their con. ho proîtyeqaî idebeenrrevs tuttI~~~~~~~~ iduain u- nsuly~a tisa reaidents of tie noutheun towshis, tiser. im evory ruason Ce belieys hat soine -' ablioatiaa quita 's> div'aisio? oftisa expensea o be are limier -biatog o M curased Imîgil horeadily arrlved at. Whit. 1o? tise ira a? R, à J.b7 Suaas sem ts -geainess to- de lus tufans of Ibis ton, forlate aiap &d---Rn-- - aiel numbers and dlaplay Pie-nic, that vo bave yeý ntendod, vas tisat i gmtu tise ehi>dron of tb.eTown'-isîchools Crbetta Pei nt, eos 151447 ('iaday4) wvek. Brvertblug $svew4 tIm yitmJaytp of. thse dbaitu. Thé veathémi vas daeliîhtfmu-pebapm a' littl. salIs-y; but tise spot chosen on thse marginalf the lake asàa volt aàbaded giCle iuated lu Ch. 'Steethl' ofaihebm ellug bisez. off tise vater. ludeetl a taoue do- ligisîful or pleltuequeotpr~e is udt ont tisé vhole laIte shore tisu Corbett's paint, nous- Port Whitby. Tise Trustees oftise' Town sebools, vho had formed iheuiseives iotas emmaitee iliti paver ta add te lhiser numbor," vai-ked velle doiig ali tlsey couîd le havé thesec'"aston PAsoff val; tisey added anany o? tise ladies ef tue Cava an tise cemmittee, puocured abumud of mutsic, providad amnusements for tise child. ren, isad swings put op, &c., andI played the. part ett tise Iib4rai kintI papa uiast adI rnlrabîy. TIsey aise enlisît tise - interest af -tisé eltimens, an&I put, matIonS ia mach a satisfselary position thi by getueral, cou- sent, young sud *lid matIe up thiser m'inch ta isoldth ie Pic-ulic a fete day. For îhi,& prpn" os t m fat4? lIt'isa. obusiness vere closed in tisé afternoau, antI Whitty matIe- a gi-sud general tai-n eut. To lise agis.. able surpriàe o? al, the, choIoscf cuber locullîles, availeci thumuselsu orlime occa- slen aime, aud ou arrising au Chu _ground' tise achoals of Oshava, andI oue frorn Pick. ering, ver. aia oassernIsed. Thé- nurnier o? wel(dresscd hnppy-Ioolng childuen ou tise ground, lu holiday attre, could net ho lois tissu 1,000, sud a mtntplesuig and impeaiuig appeai-ance linty made. Ther. woue,. perbaps. sarne 1,500 spectatarsalase promeut, Most afvisomenjoyed theunselses in isavinî I<'a goo& tmime,t"jesl ns Match as the chiltIren ditI. Hiflureds tf sehieles a? eéry description, laI seuttered lu aIl diret. lcons -many o? wisicb ver. urnply sto-et wlis -geodîes,'t Andi ormed centre _points o? attraction for, faniIy, or triendly gi-ceps. À fuv came round in bouts, ileieIed ut for tha occasion; sud kept rnaving about in aIl sorts o? 'E niaval" uvolutions lu the srniling- liffle bay; and fi-rn tise 4"Minubabal" ioder IlConamodoet*e" Jerry, visa, vitis lis cr.w, wve. rlgged out ilu full Royal Yacht Club Coggery, ' 9grottgens of r.. ticlungl ver. ?requeudly fired. StifT, for- asl'pe»plé unbeat liseuselves lu thse pue.. sonce o? elasîle youîis andI gaiéty; ail pro. geut camne ta onjoy s aôiilay-anîd they did.- Of crurse thora vas speeeb.rnakioe... sut giiodttutienitl au attendant on esery emeast~~ln ov.idas~ We sav tisa Rest. Mi-., Wauner, Ptesvd. Mr-. Ilyrné, flest. [r.' Mackleuinani, (vo don't tiitI Revd. 1 [r. Pentlqad matIe naspeech mItisengi vo loticed hlm pi-osent) Mfr. C. Draper, Mr.i r . Per-y5 Mr. Jleseb, Mr-. Fs-amer, Mi-. P~ursuant# ta Ifravu, ot Phckem-iig. Mr-. Robert SIpears vas ehosin chisali-usand Mi 1r. Oea. W-heer Secr.tary. IL -vaas uaulimomJs(y ia-s4Ce that tiesaun o? $60 freoais sori-ety ho uui.ed- neerfaitd, fur tise purpese cf isoltI- iimg a uniôn plowing mnaéS- islsfàli. ter considerable discassion as ta wlier a saitabIe fiel! udultI bu oblained for lise purpasie, h vua aged te adjaur uitîtil'tise 15th o? Sopituser next, tissu taO ma-t ut Manmchesster, and lu tise meautimne tise mcm- bers cth listuilee te gel ail neccsssiy infei-insui6mi herea asuitable ground vold beoabtaumuad,ma ceas- a central position as Passible.. Weha-me recise! the aboya, aceouint o? tieProceeditimls fi-ounMr. Whler, &scrctt ri or tise muelliuç In im lmg titent ln Oui- ruadurs, tiis msy lhe proper place hotu - gestt hmCd hosevieintend'glving ý donations for prizes, that il vould bha voîl Ce trans- mit -parliculari of itie smrnatoNir. iWheler, no tisat tSey mightbcle pecille! inthtie pili. tatI bih te b.e settled ut tise axî iieeÎug.- Tise Union plouglîing maieS a? the.tv-e Itidinga c f Ontario esutnut -ril Ce-u ka gi-est sueas4. Sýo coiîniy in Canada Coli- mic.& viimm tç beîtey niýa4yl ita wonk Whih. limtirder tulakeulit i ms, bovever, thosa libenu putties in the itidiuîg nho denise sa mulà support fi-r the liou iu should coutribute saudsoiuely towar-ts tîme priait list. By aendirlin ltel- ianesmt trne, se tha-î partieulurs mal bu prinîrd iii the hilli it yl bel p te guide tIe comutitec Ud sel, atthie sarne lime, bu au udver- tisement i.1 fasor o? their ovu business. lcçkeuiïiug Towshilîp Coahucil. MnsJmi y 28, 1852 The Coîticeil cf the Corporation o? Pick- urimmg iet uit tîhu Town 1all, llrug4lam. MNiumetes iof (ast icuting remailandI appro- ve& ing fer titL--Jt)htt ll;sight.- tOf Joseph iregg, iiut 1-ufurence ta tsin- ,,ant cliildren left aI luis rsiuc-Jîe Wixn Aise a c;ostîniun*,ctinifreux tho Colutnly Tremirer, -in ritreusre lto nm-retidcsît taxes. MI-. - %McCrci;;t Cmas-us thait Josuphu Gem-nil>- lu héiildbcf sue thse Council iii re- fi-onrce-tathe opeîing o? tise road allsw- ance betweesî LaIs 16 aud 1in tChu 2usd Mr. Wixsoun îiuoves, thijathe petition o? joseph (Jregg. presented Ibis day, bu npv considured, ansd tbattise hase lise ~ir&vilege o? asltlrussmig lIme Counicit in nnft-reaice tboreta. - Crried. On titiiu o? Ni-. lligit, s By-1isss sag passe! Coamss'tSclbol Section '>!o. 5 #12à3 fri bb heho esiurposezsof. l4uîoi on uiioi ,f Mr-. Qsapinau, a By-law was intrduwlid i pu ued, imosing, a raýtt oe? 1-1201s - a at eritjtfi dollar on l 1 "elw I 1 bc un auuel, anf lIiit l icI (Jlerk grant an order on the iretanrer for the son, of t111.50, hein,- the aInoîîîît t(i be paid for Pcrforîing -,Sucli job.-C&r. ()nimotion of Mr. I3nynton, &;a7'esoluCUo %vas passed cxernpting froin perforilsing ftîatute labor fer thei prtsent yéar, certain aged andI destitute pe sons. Mfr. Marah, movus tlîat thent inlnposed on certain 1 ogs 1inpoundctlbyRptbt. T'ow, %vith Sn-lirn $ni'der, Pound-kceper, Division &O4rb. not,..e-ollect4t, -or if collecte4, 1thitt tlîey be rfflundud.bv hiîpi to tbe differ. Ontpàtteâ'ownTngsjitnhbog-Carried. Mr. Marsît moves tht theTreisu rer ho, 1and la borýby uut4%,riardI anîd iuîstructel to pu Pay ulbaancW of at y Car's appro: prilations tu thc e ivcral wards, itnd which i5stii np'id 10 tÎhe cotimilicnrs 4d the several wjrds or tkheirodu.-ari. Mtr. lMytton mayaes, thàt the arcounit ol Adarn Wlsn sq.. lBarri-ter, Tarante, foradviceegiveon'.0T. O.Forernan, E&q.. ýwben Reeve ai this ?4tinicipàity asuWthe right et in.rýeAlticàaWepfyerg td voýte bu paid, and tire Clu-rk, ï ieebuy nuthorised to grant ant brder oný the Treasurer, for the saine. -Carriel. Mr MrRi oynthtthe resoltfnri pasd on the 20th jan. Imat, rt-'strýctinz hesalar. of the Assessr andI Collertor (0' *1 0. 0 ur cl, b , an d th e* sam u, fa l îu by Mr. Pu4hail i oves in ainendinent, that tho resolution n ais seid on t1e 20th J.lu (ast, bu the gnlu i i ie salaries> of zlie Arassor andI Collectai- for tu (rsent iyenr, andI that the eollertor or collectors ou rippOintud with tisaI nndrrstanding- A diyis5i s é alleI for oni the aniicnd- met -ehiIottn N.îvu.-MnroMaih, atit thet flceve. So ltheniendiiient, watt ost. 'l'ie tit lti V as tîxen (ut atd c:srried or. tîhe san e drivis~ion« , àir. I>eiiilli niovw. lt haie coluctarg lie nî ip )lfillteg titutil the next fnîeutinir (Ir th is CU o ri c I c f %w h ic li d ie n tic e v i l bc givrîî. -' Carried. On motion of Mr. Mtunro, the Coitnefl adjoiriil tuit t agiin ont Friduiy, tre 2*2nd curren Trhe laitel-nalilifil Estubitl.oi. Tire following h tan analyiis frorn the correspondent of the New-Yoik Times, shlîOwing the relative position of thme mest conajýCýuoua nattons ut thet Gruat Exil-, liont liy carefully diettng abotit a Ilhousoxd pages of pi inted niiitter 1%, ay arrive at a w~ tN"es rrvery iiiteresti.îkr nes.Eng. land andtI he Eîiiglish Colonies occupy oule- malf oftifrt, ntirt- Exhibitin uilding.-- *lhere tare, uccordin.îg b the firt etlîtiûîu tof thet orlchd catalogue, wiîich, zIa~ t Isnol more iiicompleîe than the lasl iè 1hâvu iakeii as a o;aiidard, 18,V32 exhibitors, and the total awarda by tine jurors anlouit, Io 4,1-44 medais andi lonirblu mentions. Thiii gives 47J per cent. pf prizes.France hua a total tof-3, 160, arutit obtaitied tire extraordinmty, nàmber tif ~,4iaadbc. in ttert i 4per cent. of prises. Belciurn huaî63 uxhibitors, andI 413 awards' beiîîg 4 ýper cent. of ririzes.- Prugsia,t witli 1,551 exhibitors, onlly carres off .556 awards, or .46 Dur çent ortif sa. Auât ra i mauuhi more funiduine, and secures 876 rzewith 1,410 cciibitors, or '644 per cent. 'of prernienni. A lutTleoehoe GeIrman State, Wurîeuîhurg blsy.naie, sals in wltlî enotinoua plouk, fids a ru-1 prusentativu for ainvost uvery ciasa, Ii idii only 196 -exhibi tors, car-lus off 124 or f die mont creurny awards, buing 6 1,per cent. cf gl10ry.litaIlias8.41,300 ehibItors, und receivet;6,17 aweirds. or' 4191fier eiit. Rusl., ýiée659 ýshOvemnoffli, wlîa succueed in, t&L»hmt horne 298 x riz fr the sousie i rr r î £UImn xaiu-ey of the 24th bas the fillowang _ Itîla holieved in Enstem - N ortËCaro lia n îmaî anu ismurretio.has taken pilace arriioo.g the sevefal tboissd rtua,,egroet-on euraged ilth tIhe hansli usage experienced nit the a iu!Jof t!ulcr, ne mu~jr, by took advautage of an oppartunity promeut. cd vîmile the Yankees vere at dinner, andI ssinIgýtbe tacked arms, firet inlto them i anud kided àsevral. The, Yankees recaser. i ng frorn ibu panic into which thuy vere at firat. rwî,sseki beir gues aud miauglu. F Frorin thepostrnaster ut Goldîihro' vu dirc tbion îvy iîgwas huard, inithe dr ctof Nvbrun ou iday eeîn~ i beg!uauiug ut tht-eu, and coîîîinuiug uîîtil moeu en louc, p. mu. The £Enquirer, of the arne day, cou- tains dthe ftollowiug :-We leur,, by a gen- ilcrnarà frorn North r,liuIa bYu lice forcus on Iloanolie lsamd:(auvini V. 1egme very oppressive iu their mensures tu- wWrds the ne-rouýs iu their employ, thlu lt- ter, a fuv days fag , rose upen the Yaukees anud ldlled a largt 'number-o? 'theun. Sub. tie<pienii the IYankees armed themaelves withru herau&d uassacred about 800 of the uîe,,ro lahorers.> Thé nexî day the Y'ankees evua ted- the lsland. As rnaniv i stories have been goiug the round of the paliers relative te (Jeu. lleauregard's wliereabotst, andI the cause tf hlm absence frornltearrny, ve think hi weIl te state 114,liehois atirueut vith, i< fâmily ut Liatomi Springs, South. Alaharnus. lt will be recolleutud that Geo. Tleaurgard took the field iu the, Sdathwest whcn car I frtunes inUnitt quarter where ut Iheir Jdarkusî petiod. Iu the active campàign Iwliich cosued, andI in thé perfect organizwa lion cf thet iîmmne arrny ',ft Coritith, lie performed Isibora whicli seriously aflected lus lîealth, andI rendere a, period -of resî, aint recuperalion absolutely uuccssry- That he unljht enjoy the rnuclineuded reut lie procued a relief from hi& eciniand for a few nnthq. £ïFi-T os'aeyEA,,roWas <insasi. The eelTuet on the Yankee soldions o? Gen. Païîse's receîît oudvrs ta, thé 1"arrny cf itue Mtupipîihauuticl<'ý is alruaýdy beiuîg fuît by ie ùititnCil* Cu!'pepper. ThlieParty Who bu-rnîté biidge oser théeltapidast on thu 13îh, took breakfat that Mroning ut the liote o tf Alexander'G. Tmlifrro, Colomiel oif the 2lat Virginia regleauent. 04 limir 1approacli tînt Cul.. vas unt boro neumd wus very riear .beinig eaptured, but,)hb good managemnt, cuntrived to.escape.' After îhey liatIbrteukfaited; the 'Yanikee èffatis seuirclied the boude, took *aa Ù4aiofaithe fuuily a ilvetr, bi-oke up thse tahlewlare andI <i-es andIfo1:,&o., and actually, wreueh- eid front Mre. Tuliufurro'm finger a splendid dinnmosiîdr y1fgra alue. xacjiE.s:i1Àxls Uit.1Yýouci(5sNs. mornsoe lime paI a gi-eut dual ba beettusBlid andI vriîttn, bath TNorîhandI Soumhi, about tle reinfoi-cemients thut hure béen, Qor arc about tC&I4, rcieiied '6j, Me, Clellan.But fi-rn a sorce eutltlud tb our confidenice, but wvil ev do trot fuel ut libertîy tumntaion. vu eluari thut uV ta Friday îii<ht, the I8tY inst.5 clIa' arnceyise bntîles acve ad lnet e tiâdl srmuythew aitle, Weved nt onerkman h4 wuy oif reinfti cenent.- 3ormmidu withb bis aroiy. vasunt îhîut datem ut Newport News. The sppeaemiceof othe priponers wiis horrible; thé'effects o? starvatia n and loi- tuire were pl4inly visi ble through tho thîtek wIsite powàeý which vas upon Ilueir faces, uu&"tley Wt hardly able te stand 1fpuight,ý b4 the cqi1ýmplatiio f theur dncrn teer- ed to have- tn ieet upon heiLmnds, lhey luughued and tlketI quille raîionally, biui- ding tîmir fullov.prisuuinluthe Juil -,uod- byeï wltb str-utch eçlrÇii1ewere gîuiug întoIhe ceuoti- y for a day or tve. Whou ail was ready tbey vere conducte.} te a grnlI cliapel, eut of aur sight, wI;ere, for the space o? ,tbire-ee inttýdpejtps, tlîey received,,mre consolation ,from. (the priesta. Then onv-,vus led, to.tcrioii ,fîorn sheer woakuesff cf bedy ijoe a silill Otu closmure, andI toldtI t'lneel dowit upothe biîie cf aaal declivity, visicis ho did wl.tlumrntm perfect good nature. Thét eu-- cetcmem hoemaker ( <il e l he loy' est utuder of Jupunése eociEty>, anuçd withi tif this couîitry, steiped fcrNiurd und t oîtI the lîostrte o vrcch î<u turc his helîJ a liie mne an one aide- if he ploavu-d. (L wculil lave given twelve anîd a haîif ceiýts to, gel out about tis ime1 fer there vus a Very co(d spoôt, riglt in tie piVof ry sic- ,mach, but it was et nu use ho thIink cf such a îhiug, fur 1 ieos hedged lu aIl rn ,uând leusfvet_.lu frpont o? s mee1h eeeuic-, ci- anmd lais vicim; me 1 puton -as god a euuitenance aass u nMy oser fi4 the marnent, sud loolced fiaI! ut tue dded) ,The-eu0ttauer masuued carefully hiadi.-- tance, uaiseml bis mvord,an ib a sbout, brulti owb vuie'rîlb e< force uptin the wi(Iiug nek, und tise'heud vas ýsescred' froun ilhady. lmmediateîy :ufter 1tue blow wa slriuk, a man fi-cmbelaind Ilutîl. etI lita victim foi-yard,sud lie 0fuil pro-cie ant i usîtautty cevered os'er witb a mat Not a momntt apsed befome the sicorîd sutTerer was breuglit forward, sman Med te kiwel beside lime fluai., wieh (he diii witlu the manimee celieas, and svhun asked Iay ai, oflicer if be susv the eliser man tinneaingiý the headless bot!y wiîhmn a foo)t.of biA very eyeca,) ha ruplied, ' Yea ;, ali riglît." A, second executione,-, with nmate dexterity, if posmible, than bis predecesor, operitted upoui Ibis eu. c (forgot tlu mention a third, wvisasuttered ut the %note tine fur a djlfurent ofromce.) The luit, knteitig Iîhy the aide of the other tuen, bore lus fate vilh us-cilmoi-a tranquility tItan eiîlîer tof i lie oili-5 . My fist impression wus thut these menmm ment«have ben 1sîu1îified with soine poerlul.dtintebave wulked wiîh att toueli- ntelîtal tirmuiesa te iheir leiith, blit Iin uîow co.nvinced tisat the effeît if tise plut imagf' vorâdsf the piesta, îelling îhernth,îî they, wu,-ugoing tb a 4mtteh huiler COliD try,i" togeîher wiîh the tîîtod of putiîis1à meuit uand tarvation befona ceath-wtîs ta protiuce an indilferemce ta life', antI an lbey waîkuti tau have theur lîcadd eut od' viti as muclu aiidon as they vould tu thulir dliù- uer. -Letter freinJapat. Eisic DbszrEirmivc sFOuRteNoemTH ke' Anim.-QtFrlday uilgit lisi a hCaria.u dilun namuti Alexis Larnurehe, vho bas, isuen for some time a resident cf the 17niied Stauesu, coMMintted anl net of? foily visicis viii invoître hlm in -coaasderable dityleýuliy. andI disconcert bis patrcotic plans for the ritisiug cof a uaitien o? thee 300,000 nmen sue badîy vaimied to put dovui "Ibis inifimnus Ceailler havîuig - hpard on Tisursday Lat 'atLirnarche vas enga.ged in re-crutting Canadians for thse Nortnti-maarimy, cuitras->s ta tint ternis oethte enlistinent net, deter. 0,#o ta- Gloibe- sud lime Os-lIts A GU bas umbeen iateiy cri coitain sllc.hed proceadiaga - tIse 1eai-d of Pison Inal Oilug baing the lirtisen a? i ppssrs tIsaItise pi-at visaii auitt o? tise Roman CvLtislies L soi-y srnill, fck l in tat l'. siovide enougis te supply bll is cnsequexttly mahigedî'n ai ýe hie attentuon le anotisNi-pi Ir! o t hia gentleman, ai-sa 'dg, tisat if. tise Goernunent aded ta psy bim a saaq m Luinatie4Asyium nt. Cillia, i ceedinglî>-ceuveniont sus-au slf and iiefouir. Tise id dto he ieBourd.o? Prisen d wo are informa! htist hE recommeude! la tise Gove revereni! father sisoisî!bu;a e office o? ebapliinIo th le ,sitis a saazuy o? £50 a yesi (l>- bllas. that theise1r>- i gise il as we receise il- IW 18Y -iat ne lunitic a5ylum eisl providell vjîh s ubapiali rspea but b atist s ai i yT vauit.o? apiituat minlabra ituinte unates, cergymen be'oc fout! vilhitig te uttellu charge tIotise Province." fijoé-Osla kbte troques rinted tisa bote seîtbot tak ýY trouble tW lie ýcori-ectly la fadaS. Tti laoualtrue thi ,he admnistersIoa etIse !snh Caitolica iu Orillis bie m ~Te coutrary ix tis a esc cuie! t» cot iet location a irruexeiahle, lisat our everting. ta il. at - aIl sua>-excite surprise. - - sla. Tise railway -Co.-vo ar. sellaiyin. ing out formed-inteud ereclug-bafare vîntes- a n te nov si extensive fieursisedsaithtie station,- iectors, sud certain t la, tisat evcry ad#1itionýl ta ceai.'building erected ! lrsendors 'leâ&-ps- bioî lise ebsucès o? anybiing baing« doue initera f i« un tise vsy o? romoval. -It may lho e rf rt.-lthist eus-citizees viii aoetlisink ise subjeut teo, viosa sfficiontly important, la ergs upen 'ý4 t wantst, Grand TruaI Co.' the reunuval oftéý dditfanstationa Seudungs te tisýe malu roat i osslng qom %-f aItishe buldgie, or lËe tièseleven villing ta it coul! sacrifice sutiiug feir -Ibis purpase. Tise W th thseexpeusso. doubt voul! ba, great, tise adI- t voul! santlages vs vaul! derive voil! b. aise genient a leu vus great, for hoaldea tise convonieuce or tise- Ituapec. pra4usity, tisera vwould aime lie lb. alunait my have certain prospect o? s branels v-te tiseav. enmeat It la uat correct te judge oajthse seceasis>- sPPOInt ofthesetis by the pr.aent position ef Ir 1 lt- aur isusinoa reltionsa; but lot su>- ofiar a, te. business mou vise eau laite a rotrosMetie ýe ne! glance.o? tiirty yaars, imagine if tisy can, iu thIe visat vo ahould lie hirty ys-iears nc, vitb sn nee a bs-su e atise tovu Uine! vitit extensive tien te grain su! flour seds. hasiig Tise idesao encei-ing or develepiug id tisemumaaufactning ontorpris 1es among us, eemn4à - tri have raceive! ils quielas, aI ait uaenls, Il>- theO vË>-Iflar but liChé o? tise malter nov-a-daya, ing lise aun! moi-a is tise pity, for if suythiug voul! fermne serve ta fIl np aur 11macniflcent distanees" t Lh 'tié o oursatisfaction, il voua!ld e extensive 8? Liste manufauteries. If wa areo uQ un tise aloit, a EMasall <ur auxt door neiglibAt- slli shootsites! o?' L Thse us, and va yl avaken ome' fine moi-tslg a& vl vilS Cbeopleaisant esatio-rtsoft o? ýat both- tiugling in teeaors-8-tissî ve are n'etthe ectsble. isi-geattewovuiluOseario. itisera The Qeebe Net.. lest-us tisat vitisin ýuatlonhe uttwio or tisre- tIys tise JEecutive s Mara, bas put tise pruuing kuifo o? roti-onchment b n. labo tise puhhioDepatmot. 8ouse tén air e'9eleven ali-eh ave been, disebiarged froin ef note-book ai- poneili tii! Coi ut the Pie-uic.- Thse tyrant banîmbe! as tIse ruine dîinit.y o? tisaaccasion. TIesewa bavndsu!kept up às constant strain ot gea! musuc, sud atIdetI mach te thie generali-eullveuusomt of thse- day. AI- Ciougis the Trustées, snd thé Tesebera de- serve everyt.ing kîndl>-tsu aub at o?. thuin foi- hir exertions un hulngiug about tisé pie nie and pereutug thte ,sr. rangements, thé great sucem wvisieli atten- de! it la, as uisual, oving ta tise cordiaI co- epes-stion und efforts aftie ladies of tisW Townu. To individualuse veuld ho (avidîoaus --ail contiibnted and' are desos-ving site tise Ibauka of tiose cencerne! ; bat- mare especually tiss good vomen-tsey don'î 111e te ho callatI lain - visavarice!dn glaýeà-tiesesoinluprovidinZ for Cthecous- toii, Ksîulrus, non tle si amouint for extra vont lu coits o? ihis carpe mi-all Mr. Mt-eiglit imoves,1 ho instrecteel toaptovido aSce aiMary- ili,-s 1 indigenit circtuautaicr, ai Ceemîcil Oui or tieoru tht îîcxt. -ut-t-ed. Mr-. Wixen moves, tisa bis etIer on the Tu-essor, tiAiglutfer tise nts-of $2 pai! te Ralt. Bu nd iru part paymseut for buail4 aide roaid betveéut Lots 14 laC concession - Carnie!, Mr. Cliapruasu gises ri at thse neuImting o? It for leovulto introduise a BI s Collecter ai astes of? is prescent yesr. - SMr. McCi-cightmt uves grant an ordes- on ltse Tm Thouasn. fori- tie ipipi t t ?4Sua preut, an! had a kitid 1van! .Mr. Wixsa snd kinld iysale foter everbady. Ms-. a raIn i 8Sfrdevant 15 alimaentitléi! toa svote o? accoanmt of bisanlc, uandisulget h t ram ltae Board uhlp-'r.u.Cmr o? Schoel truetes, for bis lihoraljtyinluis s rder or opeaiag bis grounds Ca tise ciowd. An! in $7 te John1 conclusion, wv' hotIeve ter amu- be. p-il! b> bina sîde th chldrn o th scoot, tat illconfttof mis ual seau tergal thesgr.at pic-uic Bt 'os-- sppri-a-itet bett'a Point iu 1862, au!, like éMes-ny? lhthae ai 4mryûhcoeeesmic Chi-bimas " vsh for '<otany hiappy se- Ir Iuna gia tsi-us." - - y, sud tai - and- Goo. M expen! ties To lime Jack.Daw ofsthte Prnace Albert cil by thelise Papes-. - - - - Mr. Clapa It 15 ouI, viseusMi-. Wiljeox stepes ot donov adio Lccîtîng Itae 5C nt <tli tcsilî- - ,is awidev un 1 re[iort bthi ret day o? Nov. te Bossa -e rant in fayot-ef John toise by imt John Nlclntash, s abridge atm antI 15,fax tise ice titat lie W-T ( ouîaeil, niove 5w t appoint îviasbip for tise laithe Reese arr tW Tises. $8 50, hoilir e vuxo iliff i3 tne exisci-nu in 6btns ~-nza iu a fluas, 82 t f triumph. r we msand b>- Isae wilnin, pot, aý1_'7é i se tisab u inte gi-est IXuteruutio uni race tise nations have comae lu thusg: U ItiiesAsieres. .2i lu.tumt........... ý aiiwTaurlacd-......... bwal..... tir Englaad vwould have, madIe betiar urne if ssa ha! usaI bean weigispd vitb her cutio- nies, Sbut mIte can sellautoa iti ack crc suchs pleasant field. Tise race- ha. Cveu France sud ube United Stes amonulato a dus! heast.- If tise catalogae coeld b. comapteld.o? the Freuich deport meut-as-il lias;ies ef tise Antierîcun, itea la iuot vie sisadov o? a doulit tissi Amauleaf vouid lie fi-at and* France second. Hoi-tAble Murd1elrby st Lanatic. A horrible muîai-I r as cornnittd on Xanduy at Suttan, noa %Vteyiott. 1 apifearu tistaaI nunatixe! John Cux ha! becou for soute ttuelobas-lite ndut- a braign aour arny presse! MucOlalîsu aftethe Lis bat- dle cf Malvern Hil, Iliside wouuld haveha hasîtced ta isa relie?. Ounlise oiser ha', t1 sisould l'ope bu menaqed ! h>aauspe-af acci force, the Duruside fleoèt vili ail up hetuen lkipipablannock er-IPotomatc. ivt Mtx(LrireNox Tanse REcisTmt Tva negrees vote exécute! at Kinatu, men N~. C., ou Fridaylust, >y-ordes of olonel pend Sol. Williams, C. S. A. TIsey soi-o foan! hast gailty o? drutmlug,-up -tees-sita erarn-.mai- aide. -pros ~ vas ELEue. vaT easo.-Elopemesia ing in Torento are things of sar., oucuronce, me but oua diii usalI>- ae place on Friday. 'eau A gallant carter residing x-tise autos-n Ar,b Part o the ty 4otne-onsut a Y0osg shahi Irias damaél vltÉ go me-peîeniana ta good men looksa,apd lbis alietipu #as. -eproca tise:h, isy thse rai- eue. 13ùt, l ,1ltises-e vas a a car 'I5se- i5 itilkthbe case, aý-ît4iso nrs o reahized 4tis tuth of the smavnz."the-. lis test The crops in Ibis Couîty, andIaigb~ hgod ionurmAl l ina 51, sever prj> ede oetter appearuuee. :If the prusent lavai-. als'wittlir-coauiniqsfor larvest qoi-, tions, the yield vilI bu miore tîîau a4,x FÂm.m.. WaTsa.-A large poriion buhal. reumly been eut, sud- quite, a , uaai(Y boumed. The Itreaddh sewu, yl 2cornpare fayôêrajbly wtê tai of 1kv st Iaý', wei4hsIe fielik WvOiy-siae.l sdtnsu plu-pime.- Toîmg drouîh, thé receiri raina havegie thse àprimag - vieat a voiidiurui, atart, and ilt in novw, perbaps, qtaite as mutcla advatnepd, and as lueuvy-aeiôp as Chat Of former yeu-rm. ýTse ofly di-uw-buck la lte dreud tof iîjurr fromn the red inauct,, vhich bas mue~ jippearmce- everywhee.,Notus sulage fueld tîîît we have huard eseupltu, frorn h. S f.-, ilowver, thse durnagu wuh it is likeîjy te oca in iun ceutinr; but 1tîmeretan acai-eely be a doubi litîmut will affect Ilp. satmple, as itmtouat derive f ta s sflenalmcu - froua -Ch? rni(ky juice inthie young lieruel. Myriiids cari ho meen eft 'tseryIheaid of viseat Chat onoe au pull iu a fieldI. andI p-osent appe*aimes itdicutea a (rge Bit.ss--The breadîh, sovn il not quile so large u las year ;- tFe cngp looh 1s1l -but al .dupetidà upon fuir wcuîlserfur mPita_ mim- it. Tisera are muny flulds u1ow intIer_ tise ,ickfe, andI ufortoight o? tl1ep reSeu1t veather vili ensure a bright- ample,. Puaa.-nevr vas a-,butter viop-lurgo breadtis movo, and j.ield exlraordinarily Tui: Iir uor ihichis t Yýs fearer] ut tine lime wculd bc a total lO h as tumJed put rnueh botter than ivas expuctcd, andI in a fuir average crop. - *CïEuets-AII hinds o? grecn crops (wiîbtîteexception a? catrrats,) u4ver loed better. - The dry sveiiîhet. desitwiy. ad the canrot cncp j hut in muu;y places wuimte, turnipe-vere isovu inistead,- andI they -have' doue extremeîy vell. P otato&u-viIl bu a mont. ple;utifuul yield, und, an yul, thero îs no appearaàicd cf disease anyvhumie.... Turnips, muatugolds, &c., gise excee promise. AItogeiher theu bariet ibis Besson lans ibendant tine, 'and vitis fuir picles thse ?r.rmer trilI hase notbing ta complaiu of. Tise Ameriesia lVar.- Drafîing la Ibreatenedli aprocltamataion b> tise Preaident. asould thekneelUjr nuiaber- of voIenteera oh1come forvurd"hy tise 15th imal. Tire. lanie doubt isut4îisat it will have te bu aesorte-d te. Gen-. mu- Clellauî is reportud te haçe agalu changéed bis nesiîion. Thear se atisemain>reports o? tise'evacualiet aiRichsmonud, îw"-th adoption hy thea -oenfedei-atu3, ofa- e lene or .detience soutis of the James River; but ihese -are merelv reports et rerou d kui bappeusud.- ta 6atn ieStsas , a We land Arisuir lj i, 'd I,

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