Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1862, p. 2

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.Urw1a- - or let-S. Pollard. Depas- 4 Acres ai' Landl fus- ali-J. 1H.Per' PAfIS. oleiu-T1tnssday, Atigusi 213it- enwoodlrWednoaitay, Septesrr sd. AtTCTION SATLE. fonspboli Funiture, &c.. prottOi-t>'ni' M.Viner, ai Greeotootl,, Sepit lit Io.Tiîmpsoo, Auclianecm. q .5y il zimi thng a peaple - vismubrut yeaten'tay ver. causidemet after Our--elveu thse freest, lisp piegt, aud tuat pruspe roa on the faceai' tic i-rth-is plunging bundrediu i'fUsons' sodasai' innocent and untofl'entinei peopledun bath liensispheresi miser>', aud destitu- tiurr-and la - in a wortn -sc'nuibi> aff.'c' tine tîne commerce aud indusstmy, sud cou- seqeent!> tIse cami'art and Isappinesai' the We Canadians are b>' nu meaus the grestesi etrferer trons tIére metilever>' dity', tumu andi village fî'om Godes-icis ta Clspe isears unw illing testimionyt>'tat not lu Lancaishire àione as-e thé,e fe'ct of tise vair ta bc seau, andti iis ate of tiigs muet continuie until tise Fedes-als are con- vincet ai' the impossibili>' 'ni eubding tse SmaSh or n tîi tinse vira dai, oMiaIhave put an endt thteis ar. - Titis 'Cbs-umscli" Oti1èt Col abc for tise eve cili anc con an vwa bu th( ps-i Ch iei lrL de,- inr olb p thB ýtel au8m cssl 1by tbeir bitter ps~i ons as to bé sec Ibeir 8sf.e,, ortIe future to ýy are so palpably tending. TbeY ýtuated, and remind'us of tIse ides e arcientz, that wbomu the Ood's ýestroy tisey first makernad. dl action in thse matter or inter- roul doQ but little, 'aud migbht do tshould thse ire geat powers au. othte SotenC federacy, sud te and back at a single Fare of irry ocet'rs. This le certainly libers!, sud of course wiUi induce every one te crowd te thse cars. Ample accomumodation, bow. ever wil b. provideil, for Mr. McNai, aur obliging Station Mater àt Wbitby, bas lmtersted hiasserfin atise matter, snd le doing everything to attraçi peasur seekero I 1 ttJl h ~tnc1 TiS veeks paîpers ' ajritcd.11 tise'nev u - building ekpree'ry designed anti erecteti as taý ~~~~~' ~ ~ ~ h O ED L A A'Y A biafuture puhlhstiing office ai' thse Wlitisy - Cr<tosrIEi. ,TIhe enoretid moes at pted Bmt y,ý Tiiursriay, Augusi 21, I 10"' tiere emoval ai' the imumenise.qnantit>'Of ot mates-laneu plant of thseoffice, lbas neither aug AiveliOrtienlismust bot su'a< sn necr'ssitatedti <lestoppage of tise papor for aut e 12 o'eiook on W eqd"du5 inteàaerk, nomrbts suspension fan onu - bous- ta woe iuetisii Ietrsp befiîiuîd ans-regulur day ai' puhblcation ;sa -n rUwel<. iulat i tis resapect vo bave, as alwaya a iutroper<alubner.Veiou. heretofare, avotet tise .necessity oni'apolp-a'0< ietber, as usant>'celpose, th icr tCiiitgiosiu ta aur setiers for an>' els>'. th tIsse eales (Russisu, î'ressisasti I )urng the lima ve occuçiedth ie oIc!fou s,)pinis t ai ~ ru me-building (nearl>' six yeas,) vo vere nover airirs do,,$slt yet appssm. Ti is ulmien ta afisu' firttîus excuses for tIse ir-PI iroitable asufe fes a'metistian usa>' lie eguar eppesmance ni' aur sîeet-its ,laclehi nrid tees er esn.t eiv tifi' rediton'iall' mater-ar ta put our rend- rolis anaTe'r. i'mt accopteti, vorsîtieriaoff vithb alai'.sbeet. Tims'tellhug 1cr n iutoa'ltttOns.We irîemu!>' teuali<y basgissen aur asotba. andti a u it say ire so, anti sîthou4is Mr. Lin- tirai visare stihI titeroinet -taatîsemu. c ns>' nat have tire iralrness toa nu'- The nov building is oneuoai'h<b aut'l- cd-. as mitir he leno questinn cms nte on 2>, iOi xe n w ouhtivillimgl>' acquieslce, iu ordes- wo stories iigiand is atimitteàt <a e dt ie L a'n endt o tireer. Mîrters are cidedî>' the t4uuggoit printiugr office lu an>' becoming vorsu lu tire Status, the cut> aviMcnuti.Ts tyun'ts counbry' 1 entier mnilitas'> laîr. Tht building le nf a Composite clusractes-, tire vi 5s corpuL ait is vits-tiully sii8jenedst front presenting one large pointet s-rciset ru United StateS'in, nt li$ mmuemt, wîdov, 10>'1 8 feet, lu tire Iovem store>- l riest tiespor)-is ou the 1face n<of thedors e a eseh -adthrëe a lsine licte tohl us hie is aIl a mili'trv ;rositd archet wirdovs inth ie upper sta' 1tyantd ertrîhîi>y,'t<bla' iessse-Az i'fe>' cf cors- sponîtdiuug si ,e-vitir a baud',so iity is povsous.seml> fuiirtie cnsjee siewing; panel ire'T 1<>' is provenu1.nctît. Tînt loîver starey.heing tire pritng the. wiole Sanrni-west ever>' reitric-' ni! restitation visiir 1tIere. marchs of randt ompoïittrt'5'roonus tourise vl - - ighitoi vith large tintiovialon; tise ation hiaisimîsoseâ on vas-rire, bawlirC? lnt of a'tise buildin , ant in utbe rear. Aa iiscas-ted, ant inhophace ni' argulas- 0 tstarhcasu leasefro-te<bco'eiide ta these . mni uîan tsemeeein fa<~i50i cotait store>', anti a second ligit itaircasAala au>'~~~ ~~ c.uett ediu lune-foue the pninting outicie to tlie etitorlie n legenserrîteti inta flendistlias-laainants.rnn.Tiebulin îisuîe country' is laid wrate-vlce i lars retei-ta' m.' John Ham Penry. ai un expense uaf ho. Cu atIt-anti murdes- staîki aiueuy at day. Nei>,l1lsir shroots nei-,thlmom twi.cn $1500 anti$1600, M. Tiounas Do- na ir-reli hein,tise conutmnctor anti huilcier. ~ bis~~~~~~ gart rrclvTrhis-ei gri'fnslatter gentlemnani las executet i bs ral, for n t enterteirsinlIis vietra4.- tiers1 otniois alat ns tteliînits>, ore, isieanti ont, iu a ver>' cretiltablu 'i Fuinnits b> vny i s tr lattirlîu annuesanti in sncb a vormuanlike va>'ias E usat aitha is xt ide rnntris" anttsttiaii <o-reconurent i hm<o publie tI potwitloutfInltii-y parornage aurd support in business. We tv gorîseu amiisi uasi'rtit~ ~~ tirrteuntipul>lisi)nis;a rut ai'tIse bn'ilding,;b! ale t 1%fother ý% ihll iigiveouarumnatiers at a distance ar rie- 0 nohe, i apur" ilnh boliter iea ot vînat tIse luxamx~i e -.wIicis mue smarciing tlisîsu,,i l nroteils. i, andi apraoprirtiis is ateer tii'y s-ut At aup- 1ios p od v >andtinl lesa titan tventy-four bouirs;as EIes-y ta>'bs-luge us sucs tales of es-> paperîs i tise Provis-ce indeed 'w.i treeu ight 55 exsggenition, en.li s-hua arsd iorors from îire si uth fuei' 0 l>'s> tru elli Staesas w beievemastbi. jrn.1>' 80 lage a ibsare of public favor. Tt spieti sioce Alaric*à ms-dos andtie<li i1resei9 inrinitel> tise best advestiiug me-5 ted lavâ %ele le lose n te td- run l'tise Caunt>' of Ontai-North es-lrssans. Anti wben ve tliiiir- - ad n ,a tleast equal <0 an> . atirer inKi-o ees :hn. rust ho miteý cas-tisit ooeteiittilaK ;orQeusDvhni , we Iong wtb C Ã"tpr-Psro o.ovEcaroSo-Fl ,rîrue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~oili thtuii-s nrhiiy titale eexamiple ai' ailier Iocalibýes, the tttteremeruirtitsetiiii ui ue-, Msyor litas, an a numerousî>' igaReiàreqiai' Xi ensiceîilndrruueeiiir ir, sbtf- Mitiit noverrs-ons' Vn"s-C, - m the natepayens, proclalmuti s '<vý ors-lip n1, ina'otil i- <'r ,'t'. PuLblic oia. n Pýne rdy if itîn cic!r>' île>"irepart ut'woui n6 -i t Hldy rsr p~mteiFie me a o , eil, tise Undti at. as thse day- Ris Wcs-. it'th luer ertn i bhiet."slip'î reason for dam; ,sa wasL-the urgent fis are samnethmea hidi' inclinedte théleserenaîn at aistsi I hl f unit, lifter ail, tuhi netthé<ale r e latiicu'd t imtatal ht b>' tireme ba ave one day set spart asl a t cf Use ineteentir century, andt hat day of geurerul recrea'tian. Thse citiseni ligits of Cristiauiity hsave not takeuîsr e i bsns leexrscitsi place ai' heathen tarienese, for sus-el>' 11illiigness tao se t iinplaces of butai. is atvauced agisoai'the world's bistor>', ucîsanti vitexpect tiraI tise ta>'ilI bit un~~~ ~~~ vu sat5 sc c'ariii tte gerally oaiserveti. A day ai' relaxation .ihl'rsedathos ouof e t atthciefs-anstIse car. anti bus>' toi! wich occup>' 'rsissisd atonsai te iarb otrtina froples' uncessiig attention vas wantedt, el>' stand b>, sud suritasnation-un ntaitisesoa'tIeyirvsUe ch tise mail vapini strides ai'ftadncur. tuthvitics eva fte ca b. enjy ýnt ia al<brse arts anti sciences vbiclir itîsoal detiment taoas-r dail>'avocallons. id-lavardsteams eliersiion cf amis-race lisa ill b. secnris>' ativertis;emuntsinaana. e beearadi-toru ta p'ecas IbrougIs tîrer calun, tise Grand Trunk BaBys>' p.opl oil'r a Gand ntioson w oaod airssalyn rions-w Cnii .-Two fine promising isoys-TIsos. 1, and! George, ageil 6-obldren of m. Welsh, residîng on thse town lini -kanud Pickerlng-, lest thIeir lives dnesday, thse l3th inst., under thse ing distressing circumstances, A spait es were en-age in ldrawing wbeal Lfield t te barn. Thons, <who ite a claver boy about thse farts, and familiar witb tihe ilriving of horses,) misacomplained. NEw Coum.-Thee s enov approachý in, thes earth aIL Uw Cornet. Its appear- anc. may b. noted in the Norihern portion <f aIle hýcveas. XI la tthe. second cornetf of 1862, tiscovered first by Profeser Tt- tle of Cambridge Universty, (U. S.) on tise nigisi of thse iBil of July last. Tlh. euubryo of a tail was firat di3covered about the 31st ulto. About the 26th 1us$., te. cornet iti expected t0 attatl its grealtes briliancy. The new Brick Chureb, erected in Os- hawa, for thse use of Dr. I'borustomss con- gregatiàn, Vill b. opened nex 8abbattfiir divine service. Dr. Thoraton: will prescis et 11 o'clock -a. m.,, andlthe Bey. David Ingls, Hamilton, at 2 p. % ansd 5gairL ai 6 ;lu-thse evumig. À collection vil 1 b. taken ,p ast escli service, ia ai<l of tbe buildiag fixmd. w4TI e veU.iown à"Tinto" mius, Lateet Wrîr Ncaa'a. t Qn:bm'c Turf Club ittecer,. ais TIse prirelînl itits sincs tise battle of Culpe « per, are tire iîowing up oi'tire. ram Arkansas, tire destruction of which is noiv ,uthentiesteil. -Il appears tIsatin a gning âowu t'he river whth the intention of making a crusiineti sttack witi tien. Breckénridgte ou Baton Rlouge, ber enginos gave waiy, and sic becarfte unminnagtaiic, sic wus <hon set en ire snd blown up . Llarrisoun's Lrauding bas beous evacuatet by the army of <bu Potomac. - The Tribsunes iiasnres- pendent states tlint tino evacuaton tank place withnout a llow, or tire boss of a sin. glu man, uni t tit the immense rny ni' the Potomac, iag andI haggrage, ar e nov i'ar swsy, lea*ving, tht place a tissertoti anti de- solate plain. Most ai'tIse army emnbnrketi lu tbe bonise. jeu. Mu<lellan anti bis staff' veut off' by land. - Iumors vem'e dur- rent at Waishington taIOtoii" Jackson vas comiug up the vale>' to nt- ,dnk Pope, anti attack lmu capiol. Thoéra are rumors of' a filî nsear Lexington,,ilu wii e.Confedersîtes, wsre victorins., TIse village of D)onatds, tIse capital oe' ljouisiana, liap heiîr comipîctel>' toyeri by tire Fn'deral ioojn1.ub-wnr ))rooki.- ltecruîiî ue os on Nwtb iulueris. 'fie d'rft bas causet great couaterînion anti tiuisatisfactiou. Coi. Cnrcorirn bis beêu releaset, sud bas bien matie a4Bi'gadier Gourerai ni' by tire Presidetit. Theme il lhsmore neyeni' irntcrest. m anti Mîdwi'ory injYpper Canada. Thit. LtIke Saipes-for Lait Ilputc.- TIse Londan Free Prsss says armungemonsia$ for runing'a mail steamer, for <hoes-emainder of he prissent soasan, to Fort Wiliams, undes- vbicir-ho 'aectrs precisel>'tise saiei ervice stipulsleclfor iim thse cantract reaito ho buenteretJiînt.o b>' bi, prodecosear, but vbich MrIs. Polo>' ps-ampl> set ajide, et one-fiftthe aipeus' ditare. TIse bout vil! commencis ber tripe A sbockîng ,tu'augdy ocars-ad ntBsamp- ton onsSaterda>' <bu 9tls.whihl -crettit much xiiu niumnt aunnte re--ntus. 'of le lirterost wustaknu in tIre sport itanîr 1tierace st111 Wo lem Word Qinto, a late ailvert TaiSEPeos would b. afi' bteret taothe pubic, or adic fyiug ta yods- roaders-tlran b>' lying par-L sonal abuse ? Cabsge.iscad, anti al as you are, ss-eh>' yod kriow tisaitishe pratiug. "Dày" ai'rnrce Albertestmnts lu poacock'si featisers, vireis ie prteuids tW isa s riteri for oz nuvsps<per'? Yoe lenour <atliree cantî eveusi spell decentl>'. Anti >et you, sesp *yous- vulgar sbuse-yaur ,diri>'slang upon tire editor ai'tise ChWonirle for au>" iug tiratb. vonîti stsip the day ai' bis1 featisers! Was <iis rigil ai' yau? You, Ms. Cabbageheati, came fosvard s a valua- tas-y in <ha Jack.tdav sqnable. flemems- hoing Da.ivn'a theas->'of thie oulgin ai' spocies, pesraps ibis mas oul>' satura"-ften al-tse day migiti once have been abead ai' caiha ge 1 You bath mua> yet siscced in grovinc Estil! a little Iigher ir thre scale ai' life, anti it vant alie ver>'aaîouniuig to flot yon irangine loto rnonkeys anme fine saaruing I andi it irs iu 12.s-tisai visici bas ruritier 1no Valusîble t wmo Tise Chier Coustable. ilucir tiisatiefaution exigsailutIre tovu tefereuce ta Use position ai' the Chief titalse. lie i ostatî>' rgmum bliugr unt tis maîl pittaudit viicis lie redoives bis erce,-$3)anti applyiug 1te ecouncil for su increass. 1He bas ner erlmstiug compl.ail for magistrato, cotun- or, anti s-ltelrycr, cf iris grioVaniS Itisec bal tmesttnsontblie roce ivesr. Ibis iuldt n4bssa, set it le tire dut> ni tire =cil, vu thinsk, ta do soniethins; .ta putt i endtti t 5 lijie-a cîsici consetable is ntet îir thse towu, orlire i la et. If ie ireccssary, ieuslnoulti r'ceree ira fair L'a waguas for a faimrtiay's work ? l se ton can'do vitiraut orne, tisusise <ho rsenî incumbenrt. Ot', if Càmrs-On' bis t s suitabie peran t<a lt!the office, dis' erg. bis, anti pay a gooti main,'îlot -t eomcshing bis doue to stop tise etorltu sgliug nov goîn;, on. If Camnerou be fi for tise office de nutl koep ii ns 1e ay loter. Ifble snt aaite'tilot Imis a-- ndi suie tire morte>' of tlie ratitpaylirs. ýu-ana iere is preeisely the point-to -t allov îltta bumnialoti. Noe man ugit ta lisaithlm astray b>' tellinsg hlmi, ufiei the couneil tisatho oughitaehave n euce-cse of salas-y, andti tat hbie services ntitle Iisto t,-snd huside the counicil Iloy bis application ta go hy dei'ault.viti- et expsressing arn opinion. There are ole mIro Say <thaCarnno1'la "n undeda ld'%Tbîs-aànd-Tbat, and ougbt ta t ait'o te ienissst. Songe of <buse peu' c youd ho ver>' likel>' <o Say'tIse samge lu;g ouiun>' Constable. Tire post is tilts' Ye5IeI)andt unpnsptiai'. Witlsoui assert' g <batIreje ie he bs sun tisat. couitilho ounit ta fr11 tbe office, me Say' that tIre inecisuuld <roui bis coosiultýrateI>'. Tle ta tischar-CduI <ie tiutir's for a long tigne -anti v.-bsever is shnirt-cousings mu>' bu, le lbas nt talhis thvansin;e oni ic position, in' used i 1<, irs tIns' va>' cbamcteriatie onf atst consrtbls-t) m-irce iiimlaélf a luutyrut, antd sut tIse 'commuait>'b>' rui Cars for iris ovu gainantirfes.lHc ia matirractedtho tIr aler wâ>'-auttin ii ruitanit>', ur anduîittit nature lic tire rurcu ni' nost of îris faults. 'o, tht cabbetgit ileat i aig<le Oshaa Vuîudicettus-. Will you nercbir anytlmin- botter than xvulgar vegretalile ? WiIî you rieuer raw sto anything humaistIsait will bave sentait utd prudeusce enimýuZh ta mind its ovu huai' ns? WViat vas tire editar ai' the- Wiit. -y craometcrtioing or euying te pin te cail fÙr4h your uuvarrsutable persanal atseîr - last veek ? 1He calîcdIli nthe rackiaýi ofni'tire Prince Albert paper" a nIJFadcf«dn ! lie sai i ilat 1vIun ire was in ajniking humerlise wouldi ipoltino <trut anti stip, theb.brroweti plumes off bue Idatisn3 Anti for ibis you abuseuns vitbill'namnes-fliný,g rnni sash" in bils face, sud tauet bina vitisvisitin- bar- 'ouus I Nov, oui>' Usat ibis 'ta tIsprouting nis vVS. soTirraOiTÂnroL. Eleveus of bot these clubs met a51 l' nilla nus Tbirrsday lait ta play s seIa5rn match lomng due 10 North Ontario. -Thte 1 oalIser, Irover, ps-avec! tupropitiant sd lie-elerk ai' <but vonderful and variable -'inetitutit)t" ducreeteil at îtireraslsald b. augtiier mni"tin Io adueide the victory. - 1loiretter iie ÃŽ the>' bati me aplay, tise> enud 'nat b.haull'eulanudàabegiun u 5 mtade at all'bnîzartis;. Norths Ontario lion bue trias annd orties-etd Lindîsay <o banille sie e'illow.- The latter rospoudet -b>ysocrdtug in Mes. J..D. Sruiîb, anti J. B. KuoISl' son, vin guardedti ieir, wiecrits ii ilmeat cnrution-smd tii vas quitur necer'sa' ry-frontIse admirable bowling aud fildt mng of N.%ortb Ontario. At eleven oiciac tbu main comînencet, ta drap, atidhbaif au boum afiervartis it came dovru ini torrents anti forcet ail bautsd5 ta retire. lIosplits' hie shetor was fount lantise large baillai' Fcntoniteotl, where a goati lunch vwas proritisti anti vies-e thse part>' amuset tisenselves as best lirey couldtiatIl bclveen Ivoor triee 'cîock. TIse weatber.,tir gsivrnitironuis,ý(nl>' ta be -boken> nof mhriasii, the playors again tank thc frofdi Tht rrîin camne on almoat hinedi' atÈl>' nurrs;tire -roundi uost uucomfotnta' hie fen' pluîvess anti speculators, ' andtihie b;ÏlI go vet <bat ih..vas' almost impossible to maie- gond bowling. It wRas nt ibis stage of tins gane tbut Mr. 'WuIler mate- tis.e grenier part of i's score- but the n- reloonin.- main again drove tise pa-t> frons tIne fieldi. Sixty.six s'uni vere . made for 8 wluketa. Purnr;the forennon sai Wie- hzet hla'rien for 33 rans. An excellent ditrier wws servî'd up ai Mr. 'Fenston s in rire ovelaing, and %Mm. Convay'taÏble sud bar vere aise lues-aIl>' patrautiset. Thse day wtrs a disappiiitnut, but- Al- iiil Irît'tni uyy ul conte anid n-forth' liclov is-tise score.- 1IÇM)SAY CL.UB - 1S' lassuses. J. 1). Stnsiln. I ,ll.......:ý..........2 J. il. Kirovn'î'o1)hiW'roBo>'toioe... ,..i6 Ar. Ilu4letiitb, b1)nia...... ......... 4 i.ur. IlovrIto...... NI~. l)insfin"l. mun ont... ............< If'lltsIreIl, i>1 , Nrton . ....... .....I I.?rsrrc 'itlsarni, h Bo>mton. G.W'lsnot ..................li ,. fLn-,li U' î................. J. strsltli ;rot eOut.............. 41) i'til;Leô Bye 2 -%Viles 5 .. .I1 Tac W'rsc'rCa ltevumv. blsae Qurrterî>' for Je!>' bas, becu receveti fsrts tire publ isbers-Motet. Leoisard, Scott -& Ca.,ai' New Yorke, and s! n luever>' respect, aut abue numirer. Tire contents asé -es irîlue Life and Polie>'ofai'Pttm"-îîDs. D.nridst>n'a intirdution <o tise Olti Testai ment*'-, 'Eioctian Expensées-S-iVusm. Hiamilton, bis tacts-lues ai' perceptiansid Jud-rment" -- eîEnguI lteeilu Tutu"- 4'Celisbreted Litera->'Fiietsdeiips"--.&îTbe )avn. of Arimal Life"-"Cote mpus-r>' leT va 'reî ousmte Crrvsssxu w162. 1 -Ntxt. Sundri>, 1ev. J. T. Bymne milI de' by FtttST DAY.te ;The r fit a y's sport gat upby' tis Qe' exi orsl Tu d-~ Club, on tire new 1 St. £arles ra ourse camA off; Wednetday. <We vitre bel Flly ,justificd in our opinion sisaltItse relr'c' thl (ou of aise nev- course w oulc1bis fo n t o rmi nsyer tise very desiable pnsrposr i' ofaiffrti- tr en. rinosa wlo really -tok an înterpi'nluCh ire turf sun opprtniy of Ise1oldin1g gond sport withour, ut tIse same tinte, witnpeea4 0 lisgraceiisceneani'f riot.unr!tilsordiir.- Wits tîte 'xcteption of a few sli-tistencoui- crs, hIncs are unuvojduble in a crîîwîi haro e wanoextensive brach ofi'thepc, eV roid order as vel muintajîseti. Tire ut' C enidan ce wa. very large, iucluduîsg is Bi' iiiL ellen y th e GovernrirGenerul un d!mute, ai uary ni' tire eating citjerts, nificers ni' he garriton, mombers -of te portitrt fra' erniry andr otîsers, inludurrg a goirlyiv nîmber oni' ladir's. T se co rsu vas in g ooàt el orer miIjlihiely, in timi, ta beconrs a c favorite ainggronnti. The dense louds ki of' tua whch vere hore aloniy the wid prnved, Irowver, a souce enre- veuieînreIr)tothe spctabtors. lTht stands ~i erd wr- il 011cr; and tise caterint' vimbin the, groînrriï vireperi'ormcd :in is accusr to nu'iI style ira' Mr. Edabu Ru.ytîoîld. . The wlr'le itîtereat of the day va ls ni' en ise cettrei] lu tiset fis-t race, for tIre 'Q ier'tî's l t e of n i' lbty guineus, th e gift o'f r lier Moat (iraioua Majety, fr horses breti Dl vr Canaris only, ent <at bave -nover woIr pirble ney ;i tuile heuts; en- 1rance $30 , Turf club aveighIsi." Six à hois i errel for this race. lin-y cainr ti Ioi tire slrtii-piost in splen did cnditions-i lo'ie'!, itri'nty remarie that tise dipay of bori'iial trî'ril, asvery !gond- uti rftir sivern ilnsu stats, an d i is -r uot aver tie cuse, it'nag5 ut tlat mna.te I ru gt nfuel ibmgether. .Jlazepa tnt N'oyiu a ricaredtita bu tise fuvoritce, a it(] tie hackura ni litesenag l'ieraliy 14 vent it beatty." Blezing Star stori about tIl s'cotid'insetimoation ; but the knoving ireo Riing Star von the plate aftt'rea keî'nîy Cîtt ,iee m atch, ci l3-y pr rit ! td 1 by Noyons, anti foloveti slarp by tino otîr. li'or tie second raip, titre-w ere orriy ivo errtre, < thewail lnovis geilina' Mnt ctiur înîd Mm. Ltifedshor.s Ilmeediey. 'outi ar as a a deioi faîvo rt, antI le itc. s fçît o nf'dent* -Ot tht other btand, tht îîrîrî'iorsm'ia aboehot rtf coin- nîîisît-nrrs o v ocI for bis otettr', tarir th e opinion ti-t't tintfeelinugsof tîni.t-n' ho tonde air n'tnitet , m C'!!ar tîr ht'tliiuui1t1'm* as prutt.y evenly liviiitl. 'liïa as a capital race., Thrnngbout thse- vIrole -n - ico mile liti-ti tittp kept aimost nec< und'nneeh. Bradi , lt-a 'ever,. bail tIse leati anti maintaineti it, cumin;IIII wivinarr, nOItil, closely contesteil tac.- Thrisminci' vas forsa purseof $501 open tn aIl hoîs'î. 1 ' - For tine tiirti race, tIse seurry stakes- îOpen t ti li uniraineti boes iliat'have br',cririiuisetsregularl>' as hauka, sîibjcct <o tIe apçimorîl of tisa stewards;. ali"rnili' ircats ; 'gi'ti man riters; veltr mei,,,hC" -ingre vitre thîrree cutries. TIse crrite4 -lay 'b uteeto C hrssy Reilly anti BW y f O'Roumrlr, ami uotvithstarriengtire bact <battise forimer vas dcîiediv the fuvoite -bceagihng inav>'ontds, Billy's plucki carti tti mua; iougis victorious, clounely, preseti, lbovever-tse tva other barses' keephsrg iupon tlIewiutscr's Isculsi, sud 111 a lu t o v erb ailin ; Iris . , Tibi t .rmsirratisti tht dayeà spôv«t, w1lsîc hIe asmsmussî af mnsÃ"ùy eia4geti bande-s; for' t1uirûte lieuemad ronsiderable luiukin yail 1,reseut,' vJIiiicthe cOouois-pCra mur'- td strong anldiiot iesitatu teo riâk ton'uivey on tie issue. As a viole tie ers vero.v(ry saccessri, andt e tis sns rs of tire Clrub genertillY, as vu11 a loe vIsa ati special charjge of tie r' r hee r s ave reason te b u s tisfl d <h Irleflirat sport on theit Oiw course.- 7r ronicle. , î m h e r ' r n e o l lu i t o f t h e e B a t t u e b r t W O d f l Jrrcks.an id Pope. 'lIreprlire te tîh ifle or- Sltlvkl"y r"trîrî.Ocrttil 01 onFiflay, bCtin 'ilC oirt' todtie Rrîlfltfn Rive, iu a irîrisîr htwerîO Viru înrlrinct of otîr rnrny Ld at lrge force or tho enen. !Ille I t t ir wer r e i i i t h co u i t i a) s s i n k i "v l mid -ords, nî21 riorers fr'11 intr ru r lia t& , lrcl orin g t lrroe c o m m în s i o elO O Ilciwlo rrivei re'etiI vay rvI.r )[Mr on.Sirntiay night. hlr ursuit was. s i r n i fr r trme d istance, un i .tie Y n ' etfoi-ces uale a stand at :Soitbwodst [ounttiricnar Mtclrll'5si$ttion, about 4x mies eynriî tie, Jt'rplin. Siglit ksirarrgwas kept ropn Sntrrilay iitrîiîsg, 3nul 1nthe -sfterononi liii dfay, ir tut 4 o'c'irck, an ,ttuta' tasnînîle trpn 1 e eîrerrry tîy a 1,trtîors <ifthe d(ivision of 'eus. Errcîl1, anr! a brigwtnr<raer lieu. (,1. I W'iider t)vr :trt iri--inner.s vere itrrcil tn thi.t enmgagerrsdît, inelnuîlirsg 30 0itît of tire lattit adroits th-at a- Union ittl.ion ,raist . ttto, pièces wliile ,'mstcuvnrsr- rs 'g tri surrorur tise Stotrewal Brigadle, 41ii tire gelleLral biivi Lste tt tire euemny,: o*s irnkiricîl sud avoûnrictlisaut tast fouir irri iu'iter tian orurs ti.h. n'aswhile braN't'i%'letrilîi n cisilii siriýler lrscoin-< [!n trat ten. 'Witir'lras,bot tlmmougli ir ri(lib, whiietrIrîi r urpportst carne rr p. sou liuncl miicr si lxiven tisck un r trirtrln' pettU'ît aart. Ou $atriiray iiglît tise lis'îio nI I O.V. 1P. 1111n'ai gager!, r11-1r1l01i't îrirle Ijitiolsforce rc'trr'red. gtire p.-irisiit be'riîg ke1t ip for a 4lisrtcini0 tt'lire rn;le'4. lioutt1y tanil rajii î"ti w &s tieaîriaftvr îihiitm.andl a iiýili' tij'i îî tlrat -t i-ttile <rok jlr ttvijru lyrît rt irjirir îxuth(y '1t r-ioiiertr4ewî'rc irent, bsulçto Gor i'Iýsvlln', n'trt ,lrî'y wn'ctrîîr'iurre'l Ili, riro-rl teo Ritiîtitîi, gilarrlAtir' t t t uîv-rî eirer,îniilurljapt. Win .\ci"iti' tr stateI to f i'the pri rrl'mlie ir' lorreincirir' l'ir anmi tic-<1 agpwiruýI it yccrttri y"r line.il'itfsisdl lire!ytlfz. ' tîir'ie tlrrtrst-t m ir,\ îrcity ; atw lvuitt irrili, fr h <rîlulof ia vfIr'y latîrl a'nrr anti imotit checrittg victory. ani 1i tire ri,-lit qtr'rtem t bio it ie Ini rel-crtntld tiro, in Irfis glorins ili'iny 1 Altr'i'rg!m "Stouiewall" Juka.învar; i tIr frot o f n,îr rijetr littus, amui notw'tt si;niir bu wrvas iiier kîrî -itu)t'îlurrutinnti îîr to 111e awa «y a tringrle liorîr, yet the ami 1 rer Gr'norals iratialreailiyIe;;: n Lb inrlî il try censures;nt tisecIlelsîr, Fillî atîîpîllitv, wcakîtes. criraior iliag&-e 'rstire trns tîsat taure cotnîng freed irii> na, trtioruîntitcyfel ors J:tcksq( it'bo-e Cud'eiracy. Ibhe restIlt shows th J. gg rkisuira not Isýers ,lul. Tiss pre or (loirS ami splans, i. 'rh arcels necesssrS vsclogry as :arc tkil! anticdirgitlie h lie ititî,f, biml u> bu CatmtîrlutrI. '17o t! 'trnis'mticnt, the tirntie sceuset ta bu lest; bý ir tire tlowîuniresps thu ecm ns 1 Iity191 intiebsra'st %wbicîr fnîows, Jskisîis nota'rewirdlelI bytscds4. "Vire c.lîrturc o n i' n. Pi tnil ah coeîrisose flcet.r avilI icirtii ito ireIL tireswarrimg powuVr.S toa aspedy <s on, ac a snbàeqnent attaclr on Wa.sbitog. ton, arnd a mardi intû Maryliint] are con,~ ,siâerêd a certainity. Trnopa h u teiy pouredti ibongil Piehimod bsurm'in nuamb eris. Qver 40,000 xnl' P!s - 4 throu2h iere, toward Gordonzivilie. si~ the 5tlr met., from Georgia ind M!iSippi ulone. 100-additions1 pieces of artillery were, -sent in that direction on Monday Abolit 110,090 tnn re n O aoW ria nd l in Riçlirond; 350,000 men, ut iiat.re in Vir!iiuia alrirn, with from 200,n00 200.000 iin other prton if thirutr, An ,rdiitinral draft of 150,000 rs soo),n ex. pi'cîed to b0 e r!. Thî'se meýri are by no mentis ail disciplioe-d, buit orespldd hardy Pghtiîrg iaterild. Tiiey do not al watts make an attnck in gond order, buit corne plunring -along lu enormous masses riponi batteries. regttrdless of gaps npro inu1their rmous by ,storms of 0iut, rrd oftr>W gaini tiý oirnt tlrmou~h threr force or nuinhers and dead weighlt. The 2llexcnn Expirdtion-Thit Inter- The spprialécorrespondent of -thc New. York Tribune writing froin Parisi under date of-Aumust 1sf, bis Ille foiiowin'g Gen. Forey saileti frnm ClrougIt 1Tue8day, Juty 29, for Mexico. Thenn. ber of troops already gotre or unider ordier to go to reoenrorce Gen.Lono' over 119.bO of al ans., The pbi are stili 1i gnrautt of tht course to hoý pursued in . tbis Mrxican businless, 1< is s%;Li] âL6 Nar lmîs sinstructionq to -oe'y were: rîStrike quick aoc! bardi.'l fi la 1the ôpinion of torny that tise Rioperor le sir' in aur! srry of the serzipe moito whreh 1 rumte anti cnnspaiy triekrihlm ni!n( . btat bis greut desire is Ito Zptont <o it as >sgon as posi l' O do thi-, is armny mui î nrcli to MJexicri, presîde over a free itiection, dictat the terwu of a treaty br fthe Go)verntnent ci1 its owvn mtnno(aditulriug, ani theu hurry 'out nir the country herore - sa i G o r ro u til f t u m briles t g p iece . A C- , co rd in i b t M irsinier Ililla il , if th e fr CI 1 Nr1esiCan el14CVtors shotilît happcn ta choose Juarpnz himsleif, tir! -F1rench (ke,)eroneoýt 1woul<1 bu bound to accept hiro. fi ii pret 0 '1yI plailo that Jrrarei. bai snrcb risen in Yfeilcheb etimnaiirm noflaie, %wlîiie saTlei ut 1i hoi' ulChief c liirSdocati iï doing 1- itil 1ei.1î Mm rote fr"om frlin tterily Ilwillih1Fore»y' arrierl lut Vema Crurz. a Bairon IticMnt . whriai f,,rur'rly nt. d taer! tgthe isPros-r4i,ieatigilrr b Mexito, 1,rîan luii a u;ti a rihs ju-it pub. IL lislhertil a p mpbeit i >iltrin, ctttlDr'r l-M xcn feFrqun whîuluh arue thrrtFranicec on!'! ive a gootigd rrmn to NlvxiC0, ur! 'bcatett nhoappy eCourrtry. AS\ter iravir, sut up a G overir- a- menot ther ,tirsý miîitary tIipi fm:t tiinles ,1r that, -<o etahlih it, a Frenu'm arny ao' oc- Y, cuition 60,000 strong r huhuidb k -f tIsuri for ten years. 'fhen, osttr~ )n ritmunim 1 t Ilag0i(lg. whieh is ILsnecen. le sasy ai V) set irl up-ati( eitablisli-it, France- ai sirold wlvance it s bundred milliburs of 1. frricefor rtnnin, ex:çpcusesi. Thse Baron li)ii Sevitieutly a 7auot iwith s bs1c. )ject, t' antil a suffioi(mitly sensible înau. Il re- 1 ormmmis .FrancetîI>- go- thi r,)is<he-t ' Vomc ien it, vith thme above.mentini -cn- of i tions in viii w. Tt iis noticeabli t tiat folks ber wvom ic.l scbo 'm" r--. tva steamerm thse lPmnrrt mneuiatian ri lion la nov ,visosu tise h tirat tbu Cunifouernte Iste-ancrer iInrrimînc. andi 29u succ in isespins; the Ferl- oral f'gt 'niaec 1< iii- tatit hat (srhibireru'uu's ,<o War on thre 4tIr, tatînhicirit n'irsrrtîrrîrînîcl (nr Gi-ialdiitnhoS't'ily n'as roinndunt, ans it, vas u'çsorl91tc.l <tt lie n'ould asatsi bts ai h bIe I~al of ÃŽ50,001>nmen. 'flue mrntinsg Pont arslinqn lsa Ltt r ont th e ru m I j t x Ln't o f < 1 .e c i mr m e r c e a o f N 1 , " r e cavsta t itise Ferlu'rdrnt".b:'r.lysm' <oine tirenuseires j-st 0oIrtsidt rf tie re ti- ,icrih-eul ijruit:s iscoenunir a urgiatin if-r Ltre exjirue unroge rf seutttith le Vrrg!u- Anncric.rrtConvraenstor t n istiglit. Mrr. Slilil l ial air insiîrrvaitlu. "liotiveni' artann tîy'<uhti.-;ttdietnte iitIrl'trms'u'ir. s M. l Tii linvelticl l said t rili thllgîI ti nnillitiitisi<if 'nagl:rntii1.1 <li, îrnltiitlri.Cusorass'Y France u'onri'l niot art îrt nmu nuir Tier ecogrnitianrof thein iniirpflnsrlcofn thue Sirrtlsarsr% ris nmurqlt'certnl ltresulatull't oloseri quiet butistear!> or tire buis. Prrsvhiiuwtis rse iialilve, ecCd[t bacon, wh'iclir v.r.e brits. Officiaml Appoliutuistt. Ilis Excnllette>'theu Govennom Crenerul- iras been pleasoti ta make tire fnslowirrg ep. poisrbmeîsts, viol: lThe Riglit teril. Johsns L-yni b t.- Roman Catholic BILisbopof Toronito, ta-ire a Meshor o! tise Counchi ni' Public Itistmiu- tiants ilu pper Canada. Dncan A. McMnitîhus, ai'tise lavisai' Sandichs, -Equire, ta bu Cnerk ni' tIeý Court>' Court isroui! -'for rite C)uuit>' ai' Rsse, iiithre roo aofIiloratio ZNelson, su. persoed. - - Tisomas Bern, ai' tise Toar ofai' t- barn, Esqur'e, ta be a NMotavr> Publhe fan Upp>er Canaris. f Chasles Franiciq, of tire Vilage ofTrVon- it. u..~ i....t Laur tes bc a juta- 1 1 Cr4 ,fec

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