Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1862, p. 3

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the lang lie a ikiloci Und hose ueitéled irielitigs oaijLut er>' latie unsa up. Bel uow, U, the -t eLuswill have a ting itcounita with' beun, or them, hit îsta Le boptd, in -ersous. A4graat ouany'oa law, wili dodge the draft b>' untry, or b>' purcbciing mtib- y lng excusos-huitail eaui- %Ve MsVtuH h4de1iighted aive r te 6010,000ey obuldItlie usivai>' ai ha Greelvjite wing is-hspreacers aif<vur we~-1e o vnsen i n en's .ce lions ilu ttiguee sud, harai tîeso aLi.te iverad, cisicteu- p-nerved ns ofaithunder,wba icd (ie county wilh Ibeir mat. id now, wlîan lite>' are con. T witb thie consequences ai' atnd iolly, woulch creep tbrougb o eqcape framthîe paru aif Swblcb îLhe> bave bretght np-- s, nase il is upan thons. WL>', suet and hiî foltowers itaithe ,itt for thoir gadless creed.- cal> read ai an impostor alto ta sîtriice iihbis awn bauds ife of bis doetuýiuîe, bauever ucituus. 1< reutiuod for Aba- la>' and lu;s diciples la show examrple i' cauvarlice sithonit the hlsiory aoir psur.At Cii ils oaci zealoîs, witi7' not* .ft lbe reunarlineuilanomal-esai'f id lor te Ytanhkee reedomn- iÀloiui'sreiyta JHoraice Iloracei (reely .-1 bave. just read yaurs ai' ýadulessed ta mysehi' tbracuug -kc Tu-ibiîe. Irthere lue it eils or asýUuuîuutians aififàets kntow ta ho errauteaus, 1 do ier hoo actroV@rî thons. If ictieronces wlicb I mu>' le- îlsely ciras-us, Ido nal noir ne nuait thons. Il there bo tilt an>' iimpationt and dicîta- <alve it il, deforeuce ta an tO'so Iltoait I have alaays sup- roit. A S- ta Ibe polie>' I ouiUgn," ai )you aS>', I have L) loavo aîîty oanain daubt. I be Untionu. I voulci save it iili wsuy under theo conîstitution., houaiuulauuluaity cuis. ho tester îLe Untioni wilt ho ta a-a1S. If' 11ti-uC ho thtose %Ihoý 'e the union uuiilu'slte>'coulul, urne save slaver>', I do nua fiem. Miy îaricnsaunî abject o VUrin, un vt cher ta tsavo uvor>.', Icatsld Save tîto .t fi-eaing iii>' slaves, I1svould, ÈU Cqulci scuve t b>' ireeing al wautii do it; aud if 1 caulci eii aum tsd benviuug ailiers id tulsa do that. Wbktt I do su«Lid calored race, 1 do because [lîsai. ta suive tii IUion, and ur 1 foionecirbecatuat. 1 do flot ýUld help tÉi sa've the hluusic. 1 %% icleut-vr 1I shal believe %abat irts the cens s; ud lalusl do or 1 beva doiîtg mare s lii la,. a1 Istîtcorrect errons tu ho errars, anîd I and I lu iI %ieW5 s0 fatst as tbey shall o true v 1ws. h ave lu ce npoe iaeeoidhuîg ta u> ie Îw ai' anud Ji uteil 1,0 madïilatlon cc e.tlfssid 1pc-isuunl wish tiso+t Yvurs, A. LINCOLN. im Rt l'me toidite? -v 1 1oi1tbs sinlitat luorrid sstared aaone ithe face, sud EcannicunanecoThero ho seas im'ilg sud foaming at the b9 ing bkis,eexbtibiîtisuchis g1 lis ulpiuroîui foueidbreailu, nip gecnlly, ilthatthere as fia or geCttiltg oui ai' the vs>'. le isi sonebody ; ta saliva thons 110w% thaîýn. lNuittmiseb altter fa- choice thie South finit, thon tb ta J-1-t Bull. W-o - 1s. train tiesa ws ai the rapaci. forms not-an inapl prototype iewalt Jackson is about ta do i. nacoudaisare ont ofidate. inàpires inutiuctively against Qarplut" hi-noses it, and knoov The Qticbeb r cury Minsterj*il orgyan) bas tle follow1inc as the kdi»istractîon pr6Con C o temilitia question "Loct us abandon ail co.nceaimnent, ail falsa rPreiencesi- on tbis question, and lion. e8idy Stato the roasous that bave' led us tb adopt <hlo poliey to wich'the Lords atnd Uomwconers Of England object' Wbat are ih<'sc encsotis-? Plcîîcly titat, in thie opincions of the canaciaiiu people, there is neither Iek-eiihood aif or justification for hostilities with thcc S'taes-i-hia wndo not, believe iu the remote pro.llîsbility of invasion cither duriug the cocîticuoiceoaf the civl war, or et its close ; uand îheroioc-ù that t we are avt-r$s e to ioOstratiîs oiTlnsivo to Our ieighbbrs, ccid nt the saine time detrimnen. tl to aur lîtereît. hJpocîihese paints we chlînm to tic tue sole jtcdges of what ccciij bc expected frain us. The righi of dotermin. itsg the extent ai' our action, and tho lana. blenees af aur apinion, pertains it'o us as a seli-gavorning people, and for the exercise af tIiS tisscight we are respoîisipîe, ta flnse outside aof aurselves. 'lo scoid us becauie we înalat upan'aeeing thiuigs witbl our own eyei, instead of chrough Imperial 8pectclc-, is ta îipuign aur mast obvions privilege cas a freo people, and to iÏscrt for Englacd ait authoriîy as-or us which ber <'isost siatescuson ernplaticahly disclai.", Appoiutileîts. NEW ÂDVERTISEMLNTS, RTUST ~I~J AND FOR SALE 1 58 1D(Z. UIITELL'S FRUIT AND PREg1SERVE G LA ss8 j RS the halst evur offergcl ta ilue publi;e fer kc--pinug tnruit ili itIl utunal uCutiandsuul Clscu cu t- ei7uuiu hy tilucu lrili cu(lsuisf l G euHi Meuu t h(uu le untîcu oilihred in eutiuuîctitii) iu selicrlulute~h lit lte îu ieruub hîrei orlta i he olusmi*itelî gecuic iu i e hi lluiuiiiii iuu lu ii of 1862, JOHJN BRYA't. Al,,nt for Ce. (lutanlo. 1.5-Aui Apuprenticau svuuuuldte ban:ilue ecodii e bihu ithar onicnb.fi uuug etth Ràu e iIyrer C t tho îpoaimt i' Wliiytj u ollomu tthte TlOWN -.HALL, itIs EXCsct,Ixcy 1ru1EGOVautNaa GEN. hasA bui m s ecdl tu aku the folov- ing appnitm#tuumo, vis fleorgo Siîdhtsw ipî,of, i'the City Oai Hamuiltoni, Esquirce, tu ho a Natan>' Publiec fr Uppor Cstiiuda. James Rabbh, aitise City' of Hamiltonu, Eshiin Attorniey ciC Licw, ta bc a Noîcir> Oublile foîr lJpîsr Canuaua.. Alexanider Fuo., ai' lrigiston, Esquire, Attonruey'nutaito a .o a ocr>'Public Por Uplser Canatda._ Willhimtin udrew,,an Inspector ini An- atotsy for tl it () T uiloronttounmdor itme proisions ai' Sec.,4 -ofI'Cap- 76 ai the Coaisolidied Siatutes o ni icta. Ilisi imritx -TuuGont-itscaî Crs ui alsuuo bueeii bleused tIcigrnt Li- ccuuiues to anue~ul Ir1. Faeofa taeCity>'fai xICIi-s tutu,, FI(l-ie, NM. 1D., anJ Neil leItn-, int,, if te Nuitîa(if 'toeswktttr, Esquire, i M.I D., ta piuccisa IlhYsic. Sur,-ery ancd Mlcbwhrifé u in per Canada.t TIO1SO---kîWtiluy-ais the 22ud Mîtlrs. CGeorýo c M1on orai'an. *BEATTI E-At M;iukltum. nus rite ~r AcguSiII hi2.tf îsurpel lever. Mr %, %v; G- est l du-ltlr 1of 1itul21Mi lle-r, Eucuî , ai' lligi'îuu. ai kuuuu. îeu1 i esrs, leuîv. iuug a Ililîo 1 da« \S clc, tauuci a Irgc crcde The alTurin- ai' griilu, tlusll canfuitl Ia a iew )endis luoflul priuig wheaî, sellirug at e5c. ihere limsbo cci oecuuianaifonid of li.trley uuuu due nark-et, wlîicls ias tlecru fur nialting ai 50c. The shijiicug juice lues uot yet bein ti&c-d, it is trot proluable il, wll cxceoci 4.5c, ancciis aver>' pasible tuai it <i iiinat hoavec- 40c. ilaiik 'lu tis uit New Yorke quoted nu w at -12 to ls'l' iscitt. and d ihienu ta t le- ýeite at tihat. lf-tu 1s 00. (Jts 30e a 3e IPotatues 25c i -10c. Hliii>' a $10 per, NEW kDVERTISEMENTS. Cash for Wheat, Bar!ey anti Poas. ME11uusur-~u, wl t euy 'CAuSIIfor ny «IEAT, LUIl LVY AND PE AS, 1u0ruiut FoicîuuuuuI ' . 7 11Alil& BoiTiS . t ruccucuut'- i5,Au. 6 82. 32 11w Dnpartmoant of Crown Landz. Quebec 22ud 1Au-. 18632. icTd tie tu Tw -tuuy-l.rlc ni t,-petlr 111t O ,ic te To-îlriucijýoia i ueul ieu-ctiuet uuyd ii r li ceTuit it vfi m luU ti ui(of i iieuuî tiiuruhie, t-q., arlsuuu LCt Agorst, atfB taei ANDREW' RUSSELL, .53 ia Âuuwîct. Cornuti iuuoer. THURSDAY, Aug. 28th, 1862, At leitlf-pasit -7-'l-eLu. nu,, for ta opuirtasu of mtkiui miaCteiuitit -uuiîuîiuuuituu cuiuilite$er-uouîf Stitel, ttu 1h, Exellcuucy lue ttsn rG muor-ul, liicdc-erent la n uucoi- ii1iiil lii l. Iilguîcslthe lute Prilt.», climuort. ---- -ROIIT. JOIIN GUNNýc, NO TICEB. P tltl.mi NuTCCEla; heiciy given, thuint thu0 Saturday, the lot day of Na-v. iuescl, to t-el tt4 îut-s 1a Ituiir tie)uiih eutrt- lit Nuo. 14, 11u1t- 2uii casu. oa i itis HEICTORi BESTON, THE NE\V I M P IlOYiD 3MA P UPPER CANADA. îu l t raver u tuc l vt , uî i le d c, 't u e %%Iv ie- I1o pt~ icr cui ituctt-iuul ti t t ut - l -e 'îuuiit-uiiues linvleg coimpssued proaf Mh;-&ull is l t n aba ,l!buju utp iut kNcur r- l-c. F Walinig. of " $î-ruue SirvcC tu jl I uc utt", thavr, mstiltl itt lC-ttuu.giteiu the i lutctu Mai) tic mulet uioidiul îunîiencî. lIit truuattu'n.ltât poreon umo hilrcxe i o ilu etule i mie r Mnulu"uvt-, ltei',tuinulh' ucrd i ',dai .*,uui -t5 u5'ii , 11.1îîî tti i ll Ini uthi ai' Cci i4rl t , î'rtuil h uaitithe tîhhl mtu, Iu uc.icl ue rt-ee < c e -ot g ut ttc euulutaî o l sui' c u n u ïw l tiuuh ti e e iutt,-,ltt-lucettuueiuuusmet lut l , iiccul ut'i utc lclllsieotcra u t ducri vu;LI tup-, i, ie fihcehy te -luctuuh uil lot-I htiioF tu cir Lsucs etu-ct ai utbtugu teloi lapt'lu îor, t icipsi Mi eider to ça1 ie eb"' , I Tiruîiu, og 2 <Et. C, TIlEMaINE.11 RE-OPENING 0F MIS1-18S C AIlRRO LL'S 151 cpn on Titeuicut>, Sept. f utu, Wliltby, -Aug. L17, 1582. 33 ,(jl%-'ANTY sHA-ND, FRES1RBINT MATTIIEW CARL, 52-Bn.rt it iby. BRAC~ELET FOUND. Tlî i agt rarialoIn MOtîday localun Y thu Cuugregtiou4 ýlChurol u yrd. -Appbynt * MiR. fILBETTES. Wthiy, Alig. 24, 1s112. wn I N, tisa IL IV. CLAIIK, Mt. D. At ;Crlpttlrc,8 luutel, whitby, icutili firther liu~iee.81-y BOOT S AND SHOte-, Ladies', Gents', and Misses 1100u13AND»'8it0E14 CIJEAI> FOR CASH! lIen'sCoarse, $ 300O Calf, (Cîînadiaun,) -4 00 Cnif, (Prencli,) - 4 6 Ancd utlers ut eqiualiy 1lw priais. ttý-All Work Warranted !-eo &greuît ruiliit in l tprice nf every des- criptioni of work. CicLtoînqur,, are rempetfislly iucvited to aticî aud exoticcnu teo quility of tics work and urcîs. WILLIAM BURNS, cslîlweil's Block, Brook St., Wiitby. CA311 FOR SII EEP SINS & JIlDES WILLIAN BURNS, liroek Street, Wliîhy. EFFE ASSùRANCIE -1 SCOTTISII PROVINCIAL ASSURNXCE C1iOMPANY ESTABLISHED 182& Jncorporated by Act of Palliament. Capital One Million Sterling. Invested ini Canada $400,000 C AN ADA 1IEAD OFF[C]0 »- -MONTLEAL. A. Daviclu'aî Parker, Secretary. R vrmJýE0F PEi'lvery sus.uiercte anld twill b-akr ftý-orutulueomp&ar;ouii vitl, t1it a ei<i< ' %luS olluer C llptioai C iiàdal. 1-ghnsi ui l ion t ijiiiuuusn:t,%- ilîrl- Aîuu ruciisc -led mud ailier buuuiue-s trimn,- uîco uuduted -without rcftr,-u>e to icut- ]îid. WîuiV'tity, Au..'stiM. 1142. AgnWhitby. :u-y ACRES OF LAND rOR'SALE. Lot 1, 5th ...........200 acres. S 1th .,...... 100 1, 1 it, .. ... ..200 tg 4, ..... " .... :lo lAMtA.- Lot 11, A coneceiah. ...100 acres. 14,....... 100" (j " .....U:1o) 1, Ctlr ". ..00 " 1 i, 4th 205 15. 501 . 2c") 10, Sc .. .fu)i 24, l-Noh Wscuscoî.......... 11 -Ï, 41i 2017 71 '8tt1 ....... 204)" ELDWX. SI $1 rd eauîeesiuîi ...........0Ionacres. Wk 24,-liii, é- ....... 100 " Lot 14, 111h coi ' ..ou.......... 200-aares. Lot 15, 7th coacu.eioc- --......34 acres. l'art 32, itt43011., ucuucsurs-ey-..124 adres. To Lease for Ten Years.-MA.R,*A. N ùt c<1,1~ onSsiou ....100 aces. S~9, lttlî ".....0 10,1ltll.................0 "12, 111h ".......00 1ot 1 2tls ............. lo It For particatars cuappiy (if by latter, proý pau),') tu - An&.gugt 2), I5<8o. . PE IIRRY, Prnalriutor, Whithy, S32-i Lon)don, tierîbv tselteCouat'oms iicorpovc.tLed wsli l ti,,Nontît Itnitcli.> NOTICE fiA liarehy iro ttit ta euniuud Cocu p siesiý iliii rltinai Ntranlsgt busi nes nj- dertbuInA11 lia North British anud ler, caltla lnurance Uutmpat>-. NORTIL BRITIS.1I AND MERRCANTILE lIRE & LIFE INSUII NUEU AY Inoorporated by Roy5al Charter. ESTkBLisHED 1809. Cijii..............122,000,000 0 A >tg. Aeirnilluc il Fîîîd . 1,174.533 6il ý PRESIDENT, fis Graceo the Duke ai Ituisburghî, IZ. T. 'VICE-PRESIDENTS, Thto Mout ,tleut the Marqiuis of Ahorcn, K. G. ThaeItiglit lionu. thle ci of i,;tuir. HEAD OFFICE, -41,PRI1CE STn ET, EDINIJRGH.1 MANAGKR, SIrCTIETAIIY, Dasvid Sunitlî, Eu1. ,Joliu "gilvis, Esq Canada Central Branch « 4~ ~ ~~ %CUJE &SutaHS'ExuoMo-ruuvsL. MagigDireotors, 1). Lori%u Miigsl, sq*.. Ordinary Direotors, ie lom. JLtîuulZe , I. l. C Thoaus R ltu, 1Fot., luereltuint. ivid 15uviduou, Ecq., CiueraiManager, B-1111; of 1tcloiurcl. Gonorai Agents for Canada, M4istor. tacdougu nt Ilvidâon. So-cretary, j. IL Joliisoîo, Esq. PIRE D~iP RMENT. 1NSUIIANCESeý fctead ut tihe lCI)WrTS RIATE-S of VIENIIi c rrelouuitug iiteh i.otu.-s iy lire i'roui Iir'lttiuuc iutidgnod.- lfie full pawer ai' Setui.ieg aIl bossui8 e ot- ed i t Chue -Stsuutrea l îfuurl of llirvetoro, aijd iiluciuare a cyuable iun ieatel> cil beiig Zad- LIPE DEPARTMENT. Thus C mjiauuy e 'ml-unies huec sy tenu i ofMuî- fuiutAcsoucaisaiituiesiiofa A LAll(;E 1'ti)TiTI NG CAP TtiL . tud î1iii-a affurds Ail tIhé feiiandut viiumtes'Llihco bu- prutheull iitrad by atus Li fumAsonccouin- NIuý,e-Ttiulusi' the iProits idvided siu5nnt tiou- iuuuut cîuder lparticipation (if profitsl Thue ucimicrilber hsegste îtiuaie Ia huis f'rieutîs4 anud tIse -publýie, 1:1101lie b" itbecii fspp0ei1etd -Agenut for the Comupany ian Wluitby aund vichuti- ty, at lu4.11W ruouidy te reue a rIlen siWtfu gise tfa I1partiiau-sas <a ruiaé, asu se'cluer ituiù(rutatiountîcat uts>'bu- retluîired. THOM!AS DONW, < Agent. Wlulltby, Juil>, 1962. f9 '-DW.ELLING TO LET. wTpeaaut ees-upied b>1" vii Mr. fI. E. PERRY. 9 J uly 8, 16.2 IN TI1E'TW) STORY Brick D)WaiiO14 (l~ stilt-, blocke. Foieou m i IL . PERUT. wblitby, Jtilîy 68, 2Î66 GREAT CIIANGE. T lEi llOt i aîahie pi-opan er tl habcfr Wednesday, October lst, 1882, Tîmo oxteitître preumes suad out affiiansd THE RAILIIOAD IOTEL CLEKRJN.G OUI SALE.j As olle of thle f1km of MCLUNG & CJo. is k0w on his way to Euro>pe to purchase largai>' for tisa Fall, wea ahi cormmancca to-day to sali s barge part of oiw at a grcat reduction frout our former low prices. MIJSLINS, DELAINES, 3RGS Shaw1s, Parasol4, -and ail Summer Goods sold at Cost fromi this dicte ta niz suaa wy tanrtFabl oodi. BUTTER AND EGOS -takan in Exchang.- q-e Caît ut anme? 1WýIIITBY, Job>' 8, 1862. JAMES McCLUNG &'Co., Jlkuuo'îBloc4, Brock ,St., Wîitby. V[ll subscribers bég te cal! your atteniont< t the fart that liaylng ansd harvest is coMn, on a paco, aind a now i.c the turne to e d luii your ordt-r, or caine your- selves, forthoirjustiy celebrcitcd Jombined 1Yower ami Rapr W-hich i s îw reacly for dolivery at thoir svnrks in Whth)y. 1%Iery Machine sald ià set ta work, and atisfaction -guaranteed, upon a fair trial; or nsale. For the information ni thoso that want to purchase anhucsd have uot hâd u opportunity of seeing thym lun use, wo wouid roter thein ta the Mfoiviug gentlLmen that bought of us hast season, Vit: - Shermsn Brown, Pickerinug, .Jabniutittlu'.iiliu, Whitby. 'Fus. etiHenry Powell, 16 ArLu. lJfiuiltacc, 44 ,Iulin Lengu, "W-i.1!iliî i. M. OCarpnter, m'Ili.1uv tiýrge l'ost, 'fisneu<iie e ciu tg, "Lew is 4 -ry e 1 J .ep i itl, "L.uC. Sîiclici f Itrlgfond, - . .1). Sikory, in u. Wright, Win: Netçbit, i .par Siaule, 'i tîtîlîr Grecci, luad iDickey, et luuury tTOpllis, W:î ciblet, . A. 11. Firîusvell, VaiciTtiouiuu,, ilcox, Baci4Irouva, 44 Nu-udt 1u.zkir t« -lClerk, 46Gisurge F'-utir"Rench. .'uucCoolhrac, Wlîitby. t4ucîîîîel Corii«c, l'(urry Toni, t' isLynuli etWru. Iceu'îJtriiai J,, 11 Ca I~~l pl i , W, -ui , 1 'lu'nsN. iofrvn, *' fic loàtt h here imlanu facMriosut. io 'RRRESHINGJiYIAOHI NE Sheriffs Sale of Lands. collltv o Ontrio, N SATihT11)Aiu. fllu (2nî4offltaro Ffeetday cOriue A.D., 1 u, t 12a oe noot, wîli ba.aculd hli Pnblie Ausciion, ati ny ofce, ilu tich iuo $ lieuse, lustihe Towenut' Whists>' lu the Comnîr of Outairl, flui lit, tithe ami. inàoLeneuit eloi the uinderuîielitinuted dfoul etssa-riir îijý- sÉs, in tha uuindorcneitaod Iits (minl im' meutote iherk, eiseci tsi's nudor amui is virtuioo ace-rttcl, writs ofniri Fi acs anc i Vuii- ditiuli iiprnu, viz. Iu thea Court (if Qlsenie BIeutal. R Iowelanid Iirr Adlnistrtrlr, adlJuoes, ai lte erseucutl est.ite and £et ' mariKhlaaîtd creisits eofChimIe lUuiam iurulocsu, 11(1 unadmili.tred b> soa Julia CLhrorluil- 09. Thois, nutInes, ThconscuSuortisiq,and P.tkichaiol lu thse Court cf Camnueuti Pleutag. RslnlJurAdmnîitruer adi collUgedaib cf ilie persocial ceInte iîîd riioctii, rigl.t- tiai If creditu of Clarke Litlimin Chureilli, î<ecO ieft uuladuutîiuiu d hy soa île .Jnîfa iîurolil. ThomistinesThoriusShr-rtie, smd Nlichu-ut Inafie Conrt ouf Common Pleas, ]lowiiud Birm iisitrator, eclla edim ai'h hliper-%oui:u1 ostate saul effe0m *,1n illi&iu codit.s ofClrkLusthm ineit c uc laItlutdnicuisto-rcd b>' oticip i, 1tia clin reliihi. rd. Thoasa ctlie, TitonusSltortfss anud Michalel bleliagli. * endt. luet No. le, lu Cou. A, M anht, eontsinliug 14,5 acres, me Or basa. î>sariainaoc -Iif15, ilu Coli. A, Mars, Coni- tabuciuîg A cilreu,-moreoronheas. ouuiIsf aid chlaIt 151, luCuit. A, Mati, contsiinig 100 scea os orlse lantte Court aiC ()uîumoit Phe2g.- JnoWoiedn Pairt, cf 29, !etcor lIt. coluunuutuengoc lot, lit a distance ofX10 Conurse Solntu11 î4 (ihgroc ct angle et sîd o, 1 lîirtiiun a And Ilorso Power, andi Wouid reqietoliNtenîing purcitsors ta cail sud tee their Nia. d f, t chines litfoiýo buyiug eisewhere, for they are quille certain the stylo sud finiïh aor Iheirnn Machines will brig thocin ista puŽlic favor. * ulso, Steel Plocsls,.îllvaorFanniugtiîî 1Mi1ls, Scuffierti, Staos, MilI Work, &c. -f WIITBY Jne -BROWN &'PAITEIRSONS. lot, IVITY ue1,1862,.-4sud1 ta DONOVÂN, WALKEY &o. ?1RACTICAL CARIRIA.GE BUILDELIS, 71d BROCK STREE, WFTLTBY. (J3 W., e A FEW DOODRS SOUTH OP THE MONTREAL ]3ANK. HAÂVE MN IIAND, and are cosauilyiy us4uoýicturinug Carricuges, iiggMo, aggons, '-&c., ai the latest aud înostat pprovad stylos, nmanuacturirg irons the habst uatcrial and] b-yl-lia choicesl waorkmen, being conspetent %warkmnen thonsucelvos, thoy -fao! atucur-ei thecir work w ill gîve satisfaction in style, finish, sud dorahitity. Ail kitucs of w rk tlone witta neatuassansd despatch. h IA PN' ATENTI IELIlvuu~5 bought the righit for this County for lilenî's Patent IYkecl, they be- also to atnnumut îlsey a prpared ta illi ail ordera for these tse.i \'~O NAN, W AL K EY i to TUE Eaîtnmoit Rrvii Tiit Noasia IlBRviuuuIl, 0170wn çiii ju qi ti ia *AND] Tf' l1ima it of the --------- - 1 r l' aà,

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