Whitby Chronicle, 4 Sep 1862, p. 2

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- ~~t1 il T.aoher'ms e(-and lConvention. Jmpoasnded. -South natario -Agric-iaitar-at Exhibitlion. Taa',itfisc ale or ta Let-Va'ad. Pr-auitoat. Fuhl i rWpinrtnatln'us--.1. JCampbell. Rssrti'Iilt Clnhig-R. & J. Camapbell. tncireamett-Dair FrêesPreu. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A TEAR -Whtby, Thnrs'day, Sept, 4à~, 1&2. t;' Atlventltuaeamts man4t le tient ta battbre 12 o'claete an Wed,,eittv, ta mruer ta secanna insertion lbin e per of* that ieebc. Tba'lEmtgrtation epartmnht. Wlien it wuai'ntierstoodtk t Mr. lnMeGee vas b have charge of tae Bureau for te direcbion of Euigcatioai uatîers, aIl vere, sgi'eet, for once, tat tae rigli$marn hati haen put--i thue rgialplacet 'Ùit flîneas *as aclaalîled on a i ites. It ides conce- ted taI ta-a higla tegree of 'intelligence, lteitonorable gennleman super-atded an amtnat tof industry 'In masbarbng tsedtils ai tiis ver-y important questian, suaitaisna saseiter-in tshe ous couiti exceed. IL dotait nol ho te!efare otieririse Ihan avit 4,it'p regret te public leacofa te change - ý iiai badtlaken pae in thes mitintrawal ai Mfr. MeGee, andti:eiasappoinimeat aifhi. Evantarel ta tae chargQ af tins Emigrttan depatmeui. IL la net tai M. Evanlurel is nuitPa fttiag persan, if un muchaite itter vas not on lt- aPis buttLino ciange le attenteti aitin an ameuta ti fllfcuity, tmai may eveabastte in consiierablo trouble, ant muait itarl-burning,' ittîtmucin ai il aaams ta ho ieading tu te oit and timiein.î ha ce- prbated uspicioa af sectionai iteeiig, by te course- waritiei Lis aatcdthaut iM. Evatuacl iabiout La foiiaw up, viz a- ts -selection oelageints fan Francea, lelgirna andi Sarlzerlanti, ta trengthali ina ieFreinait membors, anti, ai courute, Franch i,îflueaace SIn 1Lever Canada. Nov, Iisq plan is net aviat is data it el 1» the Brintisht pecapb a ti misBritisht Provinace, Ner is iL saunt publie pniicy ta select aliens anti strangers as immigrants ta hue exclusion uni tiat lement ahîl ci r a1 tas ta c ha l egitimate surce avitence ad- ditions ta our- commuait>. aboulai liefirat Mouglt, ris a-anat tBritish suujects, WlIbit engenardtteir- retig iotus icith - 4libinecansd augl inet a -for-m an>' ; -par-i af te sélection. Certaini>' uein s course, if persistet in, couiti nôt lau tan -l~ea to ditiu.îusinctioa on te part oai tTppcr Canada. hI vscati bave immigratsthava and reareti in Bnîiaitfeelings, hoyaulta 13niLit lama, anti mitit a regard for Britilit -Iastitutions, te>'slioulti antibuginLta have a praference te stranget-s1 vetitar- Saia, -Belgiains or Fr-suai. Lover Canadta vas canqunareti by tins Ior. tue- cf ver, Hleccivib anti reiioe igitis were gitarateeti. Site bas lace te benefit oi titat taranteea anti alk tinoatdi- tiens aviiinh ierlgav-rnment, peraraial rigitta, anti liberty'ite pt-sasceaie) 1ur. nai, ini addition. Beyanti thesan atiitn- tage, se uglirt net, anti aitoalti not at- temtpt ta ge, and t Lmaîti ioaxplaiutaîl la lier inn as iientil> a toesas me>' ha, inat beyoad tite oetemeuLa ai prospority anti slit ativantages ai a union - viitt Brtlons, site cannet li par-miLet Lta aivance. Tin oumntry bi ceat>' anti arihing ta give te prent miaigtry a fair anti impartial trial, lthera are men ai mark, a nti nait ofa suse amoagat.them. [sLitt set aima unanitusaaasly mem, appoi..taiu M -Worslip te Muayor, Johnu Hama P.rq, Eaq., James Rave, FAq., Hug Frsuer, toq., Chauler Draper, Esq., and'lobai Ag- nev, Esq., a conîmitbee to aletite nocesa- sac>' arrangameuur fo'the. colletioniof snbscripi'ons, anti appolnting tie Mayor, Treast'rer of the mati. The meeting, va tiinkit il hIbc admit- tati, adoptetheitune andi proper course in coming ta Ltae conclins ate>' titi, maike the sum enieorn, anti imiL Lias amount to oeashililing. la titis va>'tse sttiscription b4 matie univeruitl. lTae poar man, as veli as te r-it mani, hashn equal opportaîdi'tyofmarkiaîg bis respect and ap. 'preciation aifte ale launented Prine Consort. IL ttaav o for- te catmitîsa ta act, anti bring Le a piaasiiag ani satiafacto. r>' conclusion wataIina baun se aeli itegan. Cou'zYA(rs-a<tCttLr-'t.tt SOC an'r OF SoUT-a wNxua-uaili ha scean b>'adrartise- menct, tse CeunI>' Agccult+uraiir is ta Ite Ielti on tse irsI and secondda>'s ai Uctober ext., 'iea. new grountis edjin. ing the ',Towni1hall anti market.praperi>', tutva laaen,-preparetiant i l fatîcetifor te usaeaifte SoeicL>, anti-itera thtefair wia'bc honld titis yoar. lt-ro i spa senL a very goati appéaarancea,anti viit the tisd-t ite avaniHall, te accommotiationi would appear ta bc ample. At al avents Liey ara as comptap e as coula1i bc etpecteti, oansdecbg cl tina s nequbre t tblc duone, ant viitte fundsataIthe disposai of the offlicers and directors; tse exhibi- tara andthLtapublic cannot it i elnd Lina abhoIe arrangements a grant impcovementt ttiit? tcattrat aine)-sceat>' eccolimea- dations bereLeora obligeti-ta habcstabaittet L. Tae prises ofterct ititsyear are also larger-tito classes baviang leen tasBomne extent extandeti. Mc. Fa1ttlpi nks, as ailI 'a seean b>'te large poster t'mm a extr prizas amaunting t $18 for foais siret b>' bisi haose Blauck Jfirk Chiej' hiILinheavea- tai' èjae fine, ltair c Iis,>'ar-te tuntit since te Societysa iormtion-is arjcteel btahetiesgt y>'hl ai this Counit> Dar,àu)t-wu.ACC'Eiugx.-On Standas>'ltl, hics. Josepht Goult, ialf Ite ex hi. P. P., met writt a dreudiai accidient, la> ariicit sit inc ti lttlegs fractut-et juat aiuta Lin au kîs. It accurred uas foiloars : -Mr. anti Nirs. Ganld ware aut for a drive, te bit of te isidie brifee, avwereupon the hnrse sterteti, anti M. (ouiti jumped&, ouite ostop~ it anti fix -thne bridie. lTeé animai set off ut fulspeeti amitliMs. Gaulti, anti a tuilai about 2 >ers oid ut ber arma un the buggy. hics. Goulti seeing te positian cite ara.tin-leapedt of a lte htaggy avit tino childti ll in lerbareis, bsthe ihorue tees! running et te top ai hia speed ; site camaeLa te gratand waitli greet force, botit of hiec legs ware abrakea-ne lianes ofioe prtrudîng titraugi te fiest. lTe poor ady>'was immediateiy brongllhomlian rd Dr. Hillacry raducecth ie frac'turas, anti is noar aîîcutding an lber professobaahy. Utuader bis akllial trealment tera is ne dettbt ta aine isalong aisavaitas cenjil ha expecteti under te dircumstaaaces, ant is labi>' tu 0>Tite friaends aof r. Jaunes Camupbell (ni thee 5cm aifil. & J. Campbeall) ai tinis bawn, ailI bs grelifiçdt t heur-oaibis -asie t etura frirau Erope. hic. Canmpbell arr- ived'tihé- Ca reai Eastcraion Satartia> ltut, after ain absencee o a ienontLls. Ho, mati esxtensiv-e pureiaies ai Fu Importa. iant during bis trip, 'part aifaviicit iave na- reaZy 'arriveti, and ai W'111 beseesa b>'adi- rartîsemenLt i anetiter place, are off'ered te tina public an adrantia#èeus ternis. DI P RI3CeX Gaav %ow.-This worid' jetvadcal reai ta popular ,utertailinaent Appftrs before (b publiocOf Whitby, anad titis Çpua.ty agaia-the llrettimae aitit' in niyeàm'a on Thurs&,.y, lte hlt it.t Nomani bas avec appeared ila the circai ring in Gataa li tai lias made ie lanif eat a papetier favorite as Dan Rica. Mrishlow combines ail that ibuanique ant imusilg,i vititont an>' cf Lihegro'uuneqofa i eue, ant is iaitimeli wîhail bis hamaur; antd laugbter-apiiîng joies, the iaipeOt- ion ai goond breeding. Ta tact, coaafl' go La Dian Rice's show avitout feeling tmci te>' are in a ciroits. IL lis aw;tiave rament' ber corractly ,sorma six years agO inca lie passeti te-anagl i lby and tinsse wino enojyad tite aire trea affiodeà la>'hlm thon, aili Dot loue te oppartanity-'ni wittlusiag the enterlalametLprovideti iy-halun an t Lbi occaion. Reateit aad scugognsFtil, hoW. lTe Fal show nifte ltch nti Scu- god Agceculturcal Societytvmase l at e B- relia on Tiiýestia> lasL. Thece kapre onty Cire entries oiflPil wactt. lTe iallanvng tak te Ipni os: - S. Netherton, Jr., ist, Jtohn Bînylalon, 2îni, E.Walker, 8ri, W. Petitiali, 4tla, 'Ail salit, at prices rîryiaîg irogto-$1,0 inL $1, 141 par butail. Mr. J. B ynton sec- veti e flrst-c*te dinnor, ai avîicin Juties, Diractarit, anti campetîtomrsptook. Jaie- ges:«ý-J. S. Sproavie, TÉhinuas Clackaan;O,- andi Gearga'Morris, FRsqms BlastisaL Manasas, Anuna 27. One oifte ýevr York bitteries. baiang-, ing Lui Stur,,is' cochas, tdar CaptAin Van Putteamrier. aras ut Manassas an luestia> Iigint, and buçt four or Aix places in te biilaI atilhit u touîlcieratus, beiag star- raundeti anti iaviîng nititer itftintry nor carnira%' cîuar"iTe Taaeiiih Penaaa;.%l Vaia cav.trî-'escpetior ske'itl.anti cama lnôaule ixanti-ata'in bat' atisspýing, about Dine o'ciock iast nignt. 'The>' le- bavati ver>' badi>'. On altst Wetinesdaya rarning cari>' Ucacril Tayi.or's tu-igitie iFirst5 Second, Ithiri, amît FourtbNe Jersey V'o'unteiars.) of M1ajor-Gotecral Slo- cum's division of tht A ~nny o te patauttac, aas sent b ainul ta ManaMsns lTe trool ndý-tl et 1Bull Rin bridge atnd inaciedt o Mnsa on appiro.ic-ý iîng wiicht île te>'iiitL a line ai c-bel skiruuîia"trs, avina lui! bmue lau-lre tiiein Vite rigadte conAniueo lm mnrcha, ani in coning wiitin theic ciattIe tif te lortilcatiîmasut ite Jutîclionamie-h te>' iad no itîca are occrapiva-t.ccone-n- raltl irae<aiurtiiierywans openeti tpoi <hem (nin titrea difl'erentdticoti-tiîi. (ion, Taa'ior hila no acilicu>' or PivalrN', that otf Lite tivtsi-itînot luaving aiaiivcti iraî)th ie peiînsuanditii asa toneqttotttha ottlgoi ti reire, ont oai r.itge, Lelinti a'shelting ritiga. Wiiileie Bat-oI asrai cjrted tinat thua>' pacuîiy eaggd a brigade ai rt-bei tetfa'try. At letgtln Ceoiung a large force ai reblu- cavalry utiaing totaarti l R Iun bridge, avith te calient intention ai inlecceptiitg luis retreat, G(Icral Taylor aitiirci; luit trmoîtis acrosa Llltîýkbuia's fard, To tiis point te iai eîaypursuei hlm avit h or.o artiilerv, pouriitg cnaistor 1itý iLats raînis ,avtilîtstutt datitage, *otuilipg- amoaag otîters, teGent-cal sea'ereha-, cd ita Iiason slilghitti, anti kiliog Lieutenant Plume, of te Sectinti Noar Jersey rcoitent. T his brigade aras a sunaîll. neak oe, tiot nuuuboîbng avec 1,300 effeelva men. Itu- boss et (Gaine.-' Millivois ver>' se-vers, aud in tbe pressot afflýiir il aas almtanL wiLiaautoffti'u. its lassis l tat -kuown buLt li ver>' sevre. Anollier Jiatleh, tiasrosmte the F et- eatlArmy. Ne rak, Sept. 1. lita lri1bitnù'B .,Vas1hington tioapatt, latel Sunaîtta19i p. m., says lte anticipan- tia' titat a gMit luttla aronild a fongtîg to-ta>' (Soinda>'> aras prohiatai>' unbointed. No "0fring hicabean licard bhy snxioana liat- amers itere, anti there la no nanas ai a rctn- ewral of(a contest, except titat a ilern dlateil at'Fabirax station 1,10 am ., speak.ct ofi heeva' guînsbeiitg iteart inlatheneigihor. bond oi Rrislanv station. Titis is itoped in bigiest quartera bacc ta ha the nisec cctie b>'ýh lboa-itg up aI bis tra,îitsb>'Gem' L,w Yort, Sap.1I.- i this morann oa robei raid lit Catlettg;S Ltlan liiftrpped me of nearTy my aiL t irangi- derable; bult, ttrilnk dtt.and qineraliStu-. arCs a avalry, 1 atn pot the pnIy sr Tata have boiard alcendy ttor t the r I raid atlCatlett's Station on Eriu1ani-ilit la-,t, and have lertrned how t h. rehel Qen. Stimrt anti 1,200 Maiî titicvlry d.ithcin mnpnon otir oler ccanpR %aa(i *afrgnn tradat. and ctpne,1'Ootc roicol'ap te ataf train oif Gecuril ope, ccaréd acitea1m- sten land irardc s ( th leir Fenrcç, andi eirriati OIT ail that wa"Vas V1initbl W-thin their ranch. Therefora, it n sIiit Ihane- c es i r v for nme to repent te itory lhcre,-' Siufficoit to cnv efit ttha wafnk taperforln- ati mnýtt comUpi(ttef.ai buJ)jt 1jin. ealmott notitintr, narrei1i-ina,,buIt the no rck aof nur nce m-rniffilent raotre. 'liho ortie" of Genorail Tnic a xî~dme f(rom1 camp Pa t araaaerNr r >îÇ'O_1 ta My poqilluan, if <114 ot meirnfi elgain vi%îting tacap.irur!, h triap W leit viltitat oi Gen. Popen. i~l. nt thtreforo oltaineti 'aa tn bgota te MMP tm ailUtanrina' ofVirginia to loonk iLler it. I ~ t4~;~" nti canin bonme %(t'inir exelni tici'_ottc. The I"itifttrnt COlort.d îna"c"hall i uadea a dean thing oi il. TlhttnnlV art icla T dnit'l'lfini haivitia ,inv eenllil'ac1anPfii)tt T Cver l tnmq 'til emnç te ltti'tn nt' ,ninth Il"acnrt ia wn'th nvtiintil,ýp'tntctl i in q;IO tt'tti't", tiacreon. i"in- in a nnaalhle acar thea wrrck ntan arni mli amnuaaae.liere a'S line booklof ni nn lite opeatti a t oceto ttt3é".1" Oh! atIierc'.andi oh, vhere. arere my tte clenn cliît-tçaand i poaa? ine.Anti wvirpit'rterp thorse n-t blie*k pinta andi liefriré Chealter andi a Nltictndistprtt, id tnIk la enmpany wffli anotiier apeci mentnithé, humaan fitîilv,%m a io n tt. .."ritp bcd. int-ett.noahknetn'tran- diome. &.Were were therl %Il zoné. - Tai' haët 4icn unp the (-rç o 7ni'j. flen. irrev. "'Onwird te Ri,-itanonti." ti article, pérb,%nca. la aw n rg ç ent e up' orn the,'verrn ni ansme dirtv raTbel, or, iwhat leq arorta. ternratln-g tht' ca4atv forin ni 1 rome aleTia tbiop. lTe tibught le mati. TlInt a radhefore, Iati nof aln. Th iteqt iltîcae iq tan largt ta ptlnlîlait hant thea foiInwint-, l; ail thiît imc q2edtin te per.qnani effl'ctq bl4ngng ta Vieast-iff (fien. Pont'- .Ritze noie nofihi ent. CoilR.c. Chiai ni fýtaff-Carpet or flen. Rtherte; Chiei r fr'y.-E'er. thirttt. < Mnijnr Stlrii ,A. A.(.-a tzn paper cnltra.' ('ni. Cie rv' .M-.i a aaoniv. Coi. MeClnia, C. E.-iJslrt:w Coi. Mtortmn -Nix. Voi. iltatir-t)îtto. ("ni. Bcwtt-i 'pc.ce onia'. Mil 'r IMlina -uic j iiiLsîts acitatt, <'art, Pi fir-:BA'erýhitilr. <'apt. Sîin,nTitrea tttiet ci ne. Cn"i. Arite -Vvervthing-. Op, setrad-îccta. ('aplt. Popie. A. 0. ~-im"i C"nlit. Pan'z Pope - One lptece nof ale:1 1linien anti lîiis rai nýver* )rnp1t. 'Irnwni '1711h itroonnd ia ho- tic n nir tonit'. The tlînco itl t ripris,-qailtataras "aveti of t personani elifcts nitt:-stAf. Grtn. SLinirt f-vnn a darkey in camp of abot tthilt- asi eat ('ian. Pirpe, anti thîis eoahni ivatlanai ho encacai ini te Gtnerat'.t4-;f, tt cisa, shioller atrlrap. anti Pilant i 'iaeedta rie ta"'id" hIlm non ai mtule throtn.rliWirrenfon, liticleti 14N,> '-trealt," îOnward La ltilhtntig.% Witcre tcreiticammt r , ai ror tlityvent la Pu îrniit-e. And nc ane <tini even îorm an intel eaitlasz. *Thrqe efllnts th - hassince divi- stif ant i8 snoar li Dixi +Capt. Pope, 'ihen i1Çireard I ra,asa itqtiring tao my to i xia8rt' ¶Capt. Baill bat $50 in Cet.g Lantst aîr Nets. Thrreh bben naiiianin an any mantant rt.rc'eved sittea -tahrdav'a figýtli g. ILiL lavary calten-, horever, frotta the fnrtiter ucctnts receia'edtl, at te Fnilerai. g'ntta uA nch re sconnssut-, tin,-.tp ta ietla idm)ittetila inte firtate$ patchea rereia'ed, atd thit tLie statemntut of te Narthern lolsses have beengraý ,Te ietirAlilatg bave custintidfratti àisa-tr '_lae ntnck ,,nti,-h Sati. salisr y liesimply toIti iaim thae thiv ay to tnaleeli.atpplication, vras tay petitaan ta tine Cotncil. 1 fr. Por>'wac ini-lincel ta belieVèrfuatnr tinat Uta position taikea b>' 1fr. Lynila whren atin theCatincil wam abolit right- that armaq ta haveno tief constabie. Ifor. avec Camernhel tae office a lang tîme - ha avas gettingold id 0w, anti aoffît bave ta hac Qtpporteti inue %aa>. îVhitlihe, (Mr. Parrv,) prînpitail walt-ýinteatd of an cceasiig lis cralery, ta 'giva hlnimore work La do-fa lot lm n lrve' lathe Town alal- net tas Loek-uîî k-eper, ntid keep tishe u-1 natt -.cales i la aition tbhic aLter dtLls. Titis liea believeti araîtti hie botter tin keepinz thLe prat ihll keapair on a star- ring pif Lance iin 'Ille nfïii.'ec unted. mm Mun migltmnnilIla toliva ;-Iivded he. ta'een tara waat otly la keep hoat thUt $ta rvation painît. île believe t iat ýa gtrang, ablet min lika Lewis, the pretsent haill keepar coitli da bettel' for hbimuali titan depeudisgpin aii vviaie got ram tin, Corp oration, cii Ilthai avîila nio Injustice vrus dî;ne hititti.Uier-n ar:itiserred.. h Writico o"Ila' ni-ht.liehaconeti-ýe, thaL tae Chiei con etthtle s'ild îli ve chafrge i. te locktip. -lNe airgeti tu adop)tion aif tth% planion tit- ', il îlins te be'st ay 10 incet ltheah dtic riee. \ft'r sanile fItr- ter remarks ;ni an tloliry cîtaracter te Ceitrmitîderet, tîi, .on motion ofNIr. ,Mnc(ittnell. a resoliitiititaisreorted bi- strînt'ittg thne ctîîntitlce oun apiicatiorins to office 10 taike sîeî,%ti ti isccrta'n te amnit ( ti cca revaitaltog;ethier ty tine ÇiitiConstabule or ic srVice- 'lta cnstahie', trotatontanti c'iîttty, ili tîtlâ ot L b attîttof %Il-t. Mý!cAiîteI a racolai tion arseti itru th ie itall koop' er ne' itle t:ria o foftaitiig ni clamitig te rte to L~ the îll' ncliacetilgrotind-s, an tti itre of ta toamo pt'perty. ('olnei! ud ijargic te Lot ý a hat manIay Officiai Appoîtlmcîtow. Ilie exctallen yltbe Gctvtrnîr gaineai hau been ilea$edtg'b mâltatheno llowimng ap. poîttttnt, a'iz:- 1lie Honottrable 1Dîa'id Reesar, aitinoe ,Viilazeofai Mark'liam, Lo ha a Ntntary Public fur Ujaper Canada. Walter IL (eikiot, ai thte Village o ,Aurora, , M. D., t'ubo an A&isortate 1Coroner for te Utniîtd Cou'ies ai Yark I and Peli. JuaEtceilena>' has alsn heen pica"et< La gratLicoasie tn JuhatiiioLter, ai the Toaru._ Tacetic, nifaine the vittaa reof Manch-ester, 1 4ýquit', '1,.D,)., un b thel ite iepractisa. i'lysit', Surgrtyttandi Mitiviary i Upper Caiada. Tha 'NorLhit udl Souîth. tý W lt'atit t l( t a t I f!,'14t, ltlaoata 1trë- atttt.:w,'d aitt m,'t atrnt-daçit Pray .altant' 'pntcif vtia ve itflor lia lent tltnîtgr-aakav lai Lta atlvic <1tttadit- lian t rir, l liitnr, i ilit 1Nothttnotlld ltIliv-e ratuiîl iiiaouirning g-r'e' atn iita's nI ,lt-t'ai bt'sto<'t:d aior. --tiy, lattai eu tan tatrltet-ttltu~ii.t tne tuieti tno tho'vit' ' w It,tw it 1(IttV oeaanntnt, aa'ttiltlb 'îauialt? dalo-ti, iV nttoîe etnatlnat' , wýSemetiltia 1iotic, siit litIt q -'lttt5 ht iltitybribes for craven leS. Iaatlca'a1+iaaCaons. ai'-t nr aksty 'tLilitroc naiteai'ta'tl, %0a'Itilt tttn'ag uth; ir iîseries, gl:tncat aI ttatits i t'7(t! t ti ntatitre Lite bayinîat Shoialailiaiv ' aiatiotl nue)litLthe *1t;tth to aiin"! Fe litial-tic t uon t-It lis o),)tlîti iLdî,t L colwe ta-gn(l Tt la in tîtoas Ltat a'e cailIttiramel itou se- lcret, ai 1L- oLl' 'ettco r'reble lin point nirInuatilerti-tt Jî ~5tt ite oin'nt i'roan Etnaar orh Lie- ho hîliti' eSothti ie:uig ia-ktiga blaguer itag ÇDrtit-rii larce t iai 1,lUtiloiatd; cap. Lttting ltae perSaitl ittg gta<iin te (real- iangf Pope, raeil ite nhL rÎuiuphts.of N1itti. '.ts <h. ntia- iitt l-ligwLi <tat ili"ai ntair:nniWaiiigiof!~los natiçt Lue splirit oîni tti gtutittutin le, if potnitti t lt elu'all itl taiutltnhî Zeatr! Wltithar i,,4 Oie seîirit no' the ûah tllniielic ;ai ? 01 tal. nahvi Ittutîte Wattý bn taniter, Liathtenir tctedti aaiLl rç- bn tinuir endtt latCl,~ i tt in van- "Cliie. l.itantîti in LaJ" ewbtta aract tht in'iaciileitEutîa cre carcereti. 'T'hn Chiot XMagîistraLe tichadet iis Lrooamu, . 1-i 1 n .ai. .t a 'oI- an- Lino re - - - Laces. aWilliamse, Comra*a'atscof te Farces. The race-counrse is beeaîtiiully situaied on lte river, lbanti, ant isha aportion oet tiat ioveiy 'utraethaircoutry >'exteodiag front 'St. I. )aire~, vhict la ackanoalaigdt o itae gar- don, ai Canada. lTeo ma t t te graund iav«s titroaguttiitit people ain borsetnaek, aina aver>' apioe of cantrayanas capalé oa talling upon ts aviteait, vas put,: itoce- qînitiion. lnThe rnc eîraGent. Williams and ti ter oahiloerq occuiat seats on lte Steaad"s stand.inoaes.8 a-ppeer toi halve been avit coothactei, atidt.e an' rsntgemoinls géeîrli>'gooti, eltinarit c nt- plainits avarematie ai the itgit price c-har- gati for adimissien ta te grounti. aadthein avant oai prepen accaiaoniin for <he-pt-cs. As te hiteccamaeout la iront of tae grnd standi ion exercse, il atts mith in ffi- cuit>'btite iecroart, consist ingitg cii-liy luhe etmitg -Mon, coule) be kepî incck, se alixiauts iacre Ibe>' ta havfea gooti visa ai titeir favorites, anti tee Chat <iliy veninli goot condaitioni. A crnnibte Miliary. Pouice, itoarever-, restrnined ti'air ýatidta', witile lina tomes caîntereti ntowa-aitttheinta- gaie. rTe aCiloinifneyerai of aine bprsct, oxcbteai ho1aos ofi nalîlite tticatest, cani somut' hoavyhans avare tarIe. Abouatarwo nlciockn tins 4etîlti-4 for, <m i iaLrace aee matie; haut tinh sta, 9 at anot aeatamplîiitt'ilaco saunalime, th,,o ltllesof starter' beinz car- taitl>' inomontthatkie a llbcanateeti t aritlinhe turf. lhceeor o m m irea iti tlIts obfiloar srtcceetiea in rancifithe ttitses ai ut lune, anti in astan>' instantces -as lte start spoilet 1>' tino aya-are)nes an of ntiur i eapacticaular litrse. lina irst race wua ai $25 eaehî;i L ittcieit,' aitin$2.50 eii f'or hou-ses botua fide the prapsrt1y ef ceai-, donas in Canada ; tare milesq; (taiCe rfind lte coure ;) gentlemen niers,aritoso natels ara enelosed inlabreekela litera aera aine aintriott. anti taecesutfth ie rnciwaras a 4"pL. Paytier-, S., F. Gela.,hr-. ni. Verge, 5 yoaar, lOtat. 9lhs., [Mr-. Alloa>, a*en.] 1 Mfajir houa, PR. A.; ch. h., Tint Guiuer, [ltie PopeSî'ar. 5 yoaat, lOet. Cnpt. 'Traverse, GOtin Itilbes, b.g.,mt.t catit, ag'ediv1,4t. c'hlhs., [Caf'b Parker) 3 Mr-. CuitoutiGr. 'ia, ch. gGant ytmn- en acd ura . ln, [T. Alloayl>'... . 0 h. C. I,iaîielt, b., , radlay, 4 yra, 1Otît. 2itîs,, [Mc. I>tryj ..... .......i0 Mç. C. E1trî's, b. t,, Muihryeoo,, 11s, . t . , [Majotur Oiltaotrj -I.... Mn. Iinqala, Ch., Moria, a,'etl10-at. 411 i, [V. leithiteJ ....... Cttpt. liayair, S. F. fitî., clu. g, Bil1 Mc. Vpane, Ga'. CGît., b. I,., Filliituster - Tlhe bettîil, at tn ageneral waluthtut ttBnSlOi ecanedtoIetalie feIavorite,andtt larie a09t1à aers v(T'eredti aîlha suecr'sl. ont titae Iltagbeln loa0%re ltin o trses startetl pr(-it>' ave, Verge ati OCunnjerttirit-r mia lae)d,ande) io ties n ,itr- lte laititta lyîug aveiltnp. At te Linofst unla Vergle and Gattunet acre nocari>' aitrenaL lbut ana cctttait t heuî SecLio cndtheiormertlolkt up te rertring ian sple'n.luiaLyle., wmtiaig la> aLveraîl iagin Gunien a aise iti. iit, -secondt.DBat ti ie. 3 mna. 54t so. i z Tatas ILICC tuelaSLaceof sua10et avii 8aei, for-lucesqa t e acre ever rua frrpublic moitit>, onu uile; i tane igentlemen ridons. hilr. Ticanrizz, GOti Rilait, lut. b., PliraIt, (Capi. Paîrkern).,.............. Mar. Ctirtes, litit ceg, b. mi, KitI', <(Mc. ikininýOnl 6htai.).............2 lit-. Litîleteai, (lt-s. fluants,, bita mu. Citar- ceai, (hic. Fox, (Iran. Guardai) .... 3 Mn.ý Fergtin, hb. , Ma(I11>Bawna, (Assi's- tant Surgeon Pergustia, lflinr t..0 lUajor Penn, R. A., Skctitiies, (Mn. Yo aung-, R. - A .............. O0 Laur>' Hoan>' led aIffiii r-aeIuiiag thes ticAwr-gate, etassi>'attendet b>' PlinaIanti Kitb>',vhetn Pieket îaak np taertnîg tiii oppnoie- tae tlirsauiarter duîsancsý. -caimn, agacu. a'iva--a frAntiy- 1colnf.gnrly uI (i1,Vyae~ d,.) rd . h. -aletiia.genrai>'dva ieit eter-ata' M . aeri le pr( bot.(Grey)...o0 inoLno n Tavern,ifor te paroa~ Deios eeif tlkn Fano>' Ken, paoin tn ijes e iéAsaaaîo' Mr'bie, ageti. (Iloali')0 and iarwrartiagLhs intereusâiit' îaLern '- blep aed. (Rady) ......t..... ti ra ivwa>' Mr. IL.W. Craierti, M.p a Tino beîtiag vas greati' lin favo i ldtaokthe chair at 2 o'cl ock, About ulvea,. Iriustmaaa an6 Tuarawa>' but the Odta af«i-lbgentlemnnrespondtin, theLitanvitx4io,>, fereti on neitirair vesver>' beaty' tatte mOh-ahaners tins len- . T.'pGal fiag~ beiag'loeeathetinoess mata a geeti lato Finanetes iittei' oi Canada; bt. sart and it ail ey er'villtelte first bar.Hon. H. Hlamiton, uni Canada; lt, iio, aile, on leaPlng, Fana>'Keînble feb. tO-feere'Iiitn f aatatt iitgher-rider lienavi>'ani irct'un bis iil. w .', Nov~a ScOtia; te one B tigint shotitter but not serloisP5b>'* is con'.hlieke>', Nova &cotia; Me. Joita' lloyd at, sairei 3randy Cocktail alti e l, l~iad %Mr- JalitaDetuale, Newbirunsaiktet "gaiea lnocleat oul. oi titorace. Tat lot,. A. L. Daaghy, Vancouaver, IM. , SlYat'5-(WC thiale) vent doan et theo second Chtambertin, of Canadai Major CaImpbi Ilî htardie but calumedt tino race gclentli.- C. B., of Canadta ; Mr. Mar. TitotnLqus Wi rishusa, ncanoyieiO caned ever>'- riuini M. p.i. . . -Glryn, M.l,, titnfr in spentlit Style, aina)belti a geati K. D. Hodson, M. l',. inthe .Aj~ istkti inhianniri b>. Tamrsal>ct i (ai>andG1'we!iiairb, NM. -P.. hir- Weguelin,i. p., the an4Iul~Lclua tacio~ tidaado. At Righî lion. E. 1P, i3uv(-rie, lI. u te jour turinne la8t qua-rter on i ilcu Mil,, 'Scynair. M.PMr otl'Lt. ' Moaucialti anti thîtii lest bili"" ta hc .G.Cla M. P.. Mr. su,îP Cial-' lI" oiaas ttkepî intu h e N t -,is' . . ,,d.lyil rilintt, Mnr. .J in Clap-ana, Mr.il. ,.r- tan -bLmt esleagltt-i clent, Tet-RrL>' itaid MNr. ChoarnehMr. l1artri1,lý, >ir .N," Gttrryolvi'n 4Jiag a)rcut, wttied1o i arei, 1%ILR.S, M>1v. - 1.tmi To S 'ractai ttt ti. ioeacomtlg trwaikin, tic., ToLiame iutraiainicyb' te vaI tA 1 litaCitairmn isaid ltt a imeeting was ineenhutaked don aby onet a Lt0 br-O, î initailaIne LrattoatTav-r'a la ino lajý TetttcWtty Po t ~ he ruaî.itIn autel cerneîat fJînar aa tLsuithi ;e lar int armnuer- )y>'ia leagîi %ciai alfi, ai< iut' t4 Laiironan lttiaittt trl-r -the litbihan sturga.WIl<FIa"-ilmit t'C in<i aie of the'. Bnitish Nrtlnele~tt anti (lacryowett a gfurati tiil <thtiteiI' Itn-tF41it,itrfu tpr the to c t'ra-in beîî',dhy am ayea. Itare>iilyhîta ltani îbcehof g ntqi eaatiut un-tMin. 19 Sec.-Tt -a4 e1> met firni -t)Nota1it turc - oai ae, anti on. iteresuit c larg#e SUM t u at neelrtilfiet"-ltrvln meney chan 'etibanalt tiaLat tencoiv-Ia ititemi(lrabls i-m u or fScnia i tt l ti ' daitv er ti Ltý Ti e ce aqas sabstituteti tocrt ttbcI th lii.s i Amrlea Wbta> )lun tti tIjoilai Sîtuleca, but wavjIlltte sanme pur-So. HiLeecal Line Araso>Cjiîon, -,It as bit, le Litea huco ithinh caîtttace finlrit race tint onte linatîio thr 'oe rfIlle aaer th wa lihava atorne aT. stakpq of 25waiit' olalnhatl not rec i -or1!tin1 '3 1UPet 1$2j& nttt; tinrce Lave mit.. h1acsal egi aatt-ti vi nîî'i,,at terti for cge ant iealuiti. Miacea anti geitiingasricitepeh t iai tin t:t1-t'aPI'tt att-a'gac iar-e allatveai 3, gentlemen riders, Si, lacmtailt talt.ipoitel i iii Capi. Paàyaîtecr's 5. F. h cs b i., ottAnneric-, )tf' t ht.P uot~n'ti Varrce, I5 yoars ....... .... ....... îO-aiciui:tt, arte) î :t( ch itutatteraipi, Ilc. Ctnslbaitletilial . fi., Jalia .'\i ia-itrutioai ar iih kiýri eniot be 1t.î a,-I>'ar ..... ......... 2 eaipeti'tI Irasu-c i î lr's t ho h iaià Th l as lain tvor -of Verge", ttî apa<eîiytatt Varient @u. artatcarrivdbi :1 1hs, .tia taa' egt Ia'l i t-'ao ii),tcia ea, haingb1091hu. - Jathî Adams wanlte iraiaattrîlit tm:ILn-titaneu. hitnt hl lezi agtit. Tinecattdithttellay îcîîîli neauciibrtaiiteutuhet wholea limo mini trur- t ' -tŽ,at i-shta ioi el l e rurth-rli tarirt pintr-,. Tirne. iia gattt fi att ioA ate itra o,(rat ner X :hi tîtiïtl boau are aratu L b>' i.'~, altiïiit ,ea' ttta o aem ý gauttg sIba het ietec i to' u-rltùerur r tn ffina heat. liný- ni s'condtinoL kept ; tima ol It ataaau-ti-r;aut-.Wtuta tird 3 rmita. 50 ee, c.'This trnc,- ans-&3 ic t a 'titil i a a s i t rni anni 4 at-If th ii ig ec Itr- i i.tla y bal it patît. - Gtn.atntaintou 7LÎ cn t iit P _ýYla t lt>' t ('apt, Pi<>' Le's S._ F. GfIi inît l Atm tea1:it-t ttto c ti'Itrz ot rtia n tisa Mc atr' . <tira, Iibuâter, 1 l0 ssrîtt.îïtjt si.ttltan e s rtiurie uhý 1L4 ii hy ah1 ot tt.ctin. lictec Ihorst-s riraaîna shoulItir to slîouidlr till npar te witànntig pattaI. 'biarae 2 tu'ututeg sec. dA-. M-il Tin-cnaîtu->' lai tnihtatý lnioaL con- - lounai dl,-tialoira abhat lte t,-tllas1 a h easu c aitcia t iIn in orpan ai' Oea. P aeauia- naioiî,ihn;-l.aoa&l ta tino o F nihi-a tttpptlita, ,Tino ticitn < ara iý ic o a, --3astI lat Acopiýa t, a mat-e c.ýaLhy raid, a u sudef)ît ltent ajout ciia ýýal iloicec îîa-la o le inmeduîuaely avthttcnt, lut tihe aivance ncds arsI partant maîrwont. lai tinhe rce tiglt un ouir nigint tanW'o n a -dybtaî'eitar(n i tait aniMmtassltaeeneiet> 'appeacat i tn foýrci- aitlt intiantry, artilloe->, atei au'ulry, andi cttîacti Ou-o. Hoo tnn'diviiono, ariiclislosti.300 imeutantifato d te h iin 'canne). Menaviile c.nr'CeclAttot ragnînetî it cd tn-y nartillery- Y, P SOIat, camfion. .'as'~iiltta-eaacît j î,-1t iî ul i S tIA t ri-Aanri (-t nee nov iti ut îitecuitan '. i[aîr1111 1%. u so(i thtin iniititunin! p~bi lo tter pairpu Sua'edtintAn rica-,zit h.i praeauae, uit -eutîlennat- bto va,t oitAeiewlhatin fl deutinty lie publie uit hut aidai uitlh"n i tan inoBla liNrlAe Cea') r rttuï naslatldùncrthein ii ies 1 tbudtlvsInaIaleei trt tn u lirtî ttc gîcari muîun o it ne ' Satles -aas ne mainte -tradesci eti tae neot ex came tritittil te pues of an, auraeih bath on t) ol eL aa tiic. Abs L At pre Nt:' ui R Snoaa.... 4 100 M. Thaaite....,. el PÀ. Armarong., ,83, .100> T. Law ler-li

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