Whitby Chronicle, 11 Sep 1862, p. 2

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______________________________________ M -h______ -~ mcer>' qale. andi Saving acimesuithsa -Jas. Weiker. Qrcre,&c.-Thona Mnleahy. Thse Calilornia manl. &ucton Sale of Carriages, &.-eOnovant Walkey & Co. Ontario Asizes. LWfe of W. L. Moltesizio. North llritithanad Mercantile Insuranco Ooiapay-T. Dow. CardCameon &Macdoneii. Ueunsekeeper or Cmain Grand Trunk iL-lwany. ProviniciallExiitiion. Royal 1T!nts-Jneob Brysin. Annual Eamniin nof Tenchers. Credit Saeor Villar o ,ts in- CauningUi. Colcetion andi CsmisIiou. Photechiromnatie Oit panting. Uecenscd Antieer-J. Muir. P1rivate Bortrditng li$us-J. A. Clark. SUEUFF'S SALE. any sand Whit c va. Smith, on 27th Dec.> 1862. .ONLiY ONE DILLARAKYE WYhily, Txr1î,Sept,11I, 1862. Thoruý hlm britsl( asîvontisin preut es ime for ers for yot you ils-:t and. farine, V.iefilvet are net j -*iII b ei them at>Y( out beiltg lrig al 0ove The Cu part af tht large a eun t.ban ailt ti ty puat tagr Oshawa,Y It s55 .II mediunm,i chant, il its circulai cular - oa back i posti efuc«L more I.IL h jADVERTISERS. tbs-liaitst nesirns.cf pishling nd aier:~ing a stock ivortis ngý wîll <tuik' anivautage etftte nensous te de se. Titis is the MakLing yotin aueorinoeutsoîts *os-tulseton-tgcusto- tir goosls. -Dy ai(vrtiiegt telt their attention, andihy knvu what dusciiptiono0f Town Improvemnus. I»atvltstanlilst lie dulties S of tise titoo, anti the scarcit>' of m ue>, in>' improvo- mente of a sultniat anti permnanent echar-. acter bave taken place lun Wliilhy turing tise presont sumimer. iu tise Norths Wanti epeelal>', soe-e l ex cel lent briceiitdiugs bave Scen put np,aod a uer v els-e-foat site- vak laid dava aIea; Brouk street, ssotb, frein Dndas scet te Mfas-y treot censl-ruct- et. Mr.J.V.Ilss a s ueectet a estantiai tvoa mien> brick buildfingrire ptoaf, 40 >4 20,u a awa'office, ut n.cist cf'seme $i1. 600 ; il adjoins -bis -preseut office. Mr. P. B. Wisitfeld, -tilden. A. uoî btiliuÃŽ tesligneti fer a post-ffilce anti résidence iw in course off onction b>' Mr. Penny, onth of tise Ligiitn>' Office- t le la bc a ver>' bantisotio structure cf tva stenios 50 fr1 22, vush a ving 16 >1 24. Tissbuilding is cf tise< samOe dsignU asthe CiosucrcLEOffice latcl et>scrtuibot inlatise. coleune, anti fs-m t eur Sgu S ousaît mnay, viii heonceecf tise iandoîaest structure fer n post ciice inu nu> ts nit Canada.- Bein; hut speciait>' fer peut-office 9secam- matiatien, mean as-e hin; tatou te In- sus-e nensual fsseiitieî anuitcens-nieuce te, lise public in tise va>' cf tisactitus peut- office business. Ms-. Thsomas Deverill, builtier.11 On Byran Street, Res-ti. Mr.- mv Sas trade large'-attutionse-'ans i mprÇçs-ements, ansi erecte inue P)clont trame build- incgs.wvitie fortisen westvard, M.IRas-pur bas pet op a coinfentable tas rii; -Tise largo nov bick block, tise nortis part cf vnici bits beau isretofore ocoupiot as tise Curo.el.scOffice, isWu een trans- forme inoa&"Tise Royal tLtel" b>' ?6~. Jascobs Bryan, vise bas expondat, ru as-e toIt, semetising in thilsosogibcniia cf $3,000 itn futiug up tise pnetuies sas a fisst- clati etablisismeet. 'Tise oxtesît cf tise buildinsg is650 fX80, and s itusrusnt-ee-ccp- ltion, 'tise lurgoîst. otel promises in ithe Ceuni>'. -t cestains neolsss Iban 26 apast. mente atogether, iesites the isaemeut,_ vhsicis mîisi aise Se soitably flutet Il hav rot stciasle, fli-uos, up, if occasionu reqeirot. On enuernigtise- eriîtI'. wiv'ili Ibu enqtiiriitg ef Promises b>' te lare unis-auccubail fs-cm ms, if.1,11 snetat sti rilsBrcck streot, tise han is lof t nueite an juil wliat thi1eyvaust,,and tie nigisi,-aet n latrg etsttinu;ronni 22 fooet eawd t finsîth ley caa obtain square,- on tise eft. Tise <iniug,-roomu -aur placeofetbusInesWith- iichi sin tis setis vin; cf tise builti. piu, taitheitroubleof ecqui In e, la a spacieus apartmneot 22 M4 50ftest unr tise coutry. -tse heigbitôtatiseoeilitig hein; 12 fot, IttoNILz cireuCtSint8lu ry> vichis latise ieigisioft à» tise ceitings ou, e Ccsunty of QOntario, 1ba8-S utise groueti loon. Tisho oouiipintet un rolation, .anti is tuoe era -ctoak panels, viti bronzee colores! figuresq, se cîlor wpalierssi the coi- andi sopplieul with forisure et an *eknt ,'ttter. To the morcbuttt at pattern; itisl li liglitet, anti in eesy nes. Ps-îucçi Alitent, LPort t>eny, -peut, hit ont vils al requisite covenion- e-Uxniigor Ik'avertox5 ce",nti remas-kabl>' weil aslipted for thte uses Ily valiiible. as -is adventisixog tu viicis h la designeti. tas il ite tise Wiiitlsy nier- Asceutiba;, a bausisome niais-e, n e finti tlu theo CouaC.1 ppesan«d on tise irrsi ia1dntig Iwe lange Sittin.g rom tici ji cemfis J« te ?Io s-zt- in tise tront, tisai on the i-ibt fittuti ep as~ Jiit he L /sCoeins'ty. Es-on a lad.iess itia "à], isné Un a on tbuloft Atboniy, tise mcml distant initentiet as a prisat. panier, Sas-l e; bt- sin tIse (Jetint>',thore arc roomosiictng The loisby>'lendslato r trotelOLtesI niiei, 1 tison ,ail long veil ighittçdpnaug-, off vtsiclibt-ncb, 1stpes-1rhildig tih. To- 8 betiroosus. Iu tise sourh is wlngoftise wrs-scni tot it petoffice. sippen star>'tiser.la on thse landing, viicis lisirt iii any part eft tic Cana. refein1lea an ette-sitiie rocin, a bearieg eiqoal cisaue witS te Viut- appamalni,, viielcounveya hast ta 8Sml saut o f sectting a Coimt>' ligisteti and! air>' betroonît, aise stuatet lu stIVertiSits l ie12 JtLNîaieL.tinat ving, Tise upperist-or>'cf tise nos-us Lateus-lis-arNews. wng cf tise biuîdiîn, s altagetîer oc.- - coîio vilStva wosuperios- billiardsitables, ýeottc isbas-cconti Marylandi andi tiein nppointment,-tia sbillard recru -the nusaber bie; varioat>' oati. la 23 M 50, velilig-Ittutianiveiliventila- m- 75,000 te 150,000 men. SeCen- ted. Betore ascendîne tise tairuase, vo vons bave f.tileu jte their bands, isouitihave cot1cedt tebar,lunvise isauts appeans Wte b a preti>' genai vin; iti lan splendid roosa 22 M 26, fittel i ant tise part of t'ise lishahitauus ont ia onk panuels, vush a valnt anti cnt se CÃ"lltbtorato cause. If ihis ho canvet icenLci-, anti pcssusic es-es-,' e tie Southoru aa>m ît ho estsoug. qulsite buiong,,in; ta ol fiiô-llas! i tabliais. etinl Marlanod, vile tise ichu ment. _Tise famil>' privato apartuse nts are inry wiichi tht portion of it cm parti>' ountise grenas! loor lu the near, anti 'isicis tise Confeteratea nea' baye on tise second ttan>' econeteb>' n separnie A! posRes8on, viii enablo thein stain-eme. Alt.ao&etisr, "Tise RayalI Rotels-' uneUniteti stores cf supplies anti sotas- as regards sie, accommoationa, anti Thse Nîsrtisemerm in tise meautimo superbes- 8un up, pause3s, as -v a tve ai- si woeren nsts stietin; iseip- rend>'statot, ail tise atjusieti of a rt cia leigeisralqorrein; ,iti,and establshmen; andtheb. ndertaking cf ta- ýn; et cachis riss. PPe bas ne- ensring euis n large expendliture n fscing e omrrsind, MclDo cil latiiepiaceti cult the promiuses, speats w-v or ~nMn. mraii are sittua;, triin; gen. Bsyau's enteriso, anti entities bisu toaa isoisedîence otfeors, cousin; liherai sisare et pubieil patronage. tdotent. MuCietino la agîin ap. Another imrant féature -cD=~ected 3 the chiot commant, but appeas itis-tisu Rayai ebeeldti ist e-oitt-its s total>' inactive, anti permils extensive sitablin-, tiscre Sin; sufluiesit il"1 Jackson te mas-ch loto Mary- accommodation ion 40 bas-se, vile the- vill, unnmoltett. Tise Nentisema ample iheti rooru measuires as uuelnas 160 bo.inning to get indigniant at fot if, lengtli. Thons are aise Ivo veiUf OUSt and 1untanifaclnnj sitaleet01 ii pisip, --froasiQsd rosr, ef excellent Tise folavwin1g are the Dis-iens for rîsicis u-lectiesse are te at place tiàsis Fainl Uppien anti Lwer Cat<ja, .TisOn. are q niembers ta bo eloctusti for Uppon Canada, aud 6 for Lcver Canadà. -Six i nuisr- farnatise fourtls ballot, andi vion retttmn<d, complote tise 48 leted members ef-tise tegisintive Ceaucit. The atitional tvo eoctins for Upper Catada, are fer tiso vacancicaumneti b>'tise deats cf Sir Alanu MecNaS anti Mn. Mrriti. %Va aise gis-e tise naines of tis e andidates uew ln tise fieldi for enci divisicis.- Maakide-Mr .Liscuanti, anti Mn. Beecher. Home-Mn. Aikins, anti.1Mr. Cia>'. 211assze-Mr. Oliver Blake., Micfliand-Mr. MeMast-es, anti Mn. Gamibie. Qiste-D)r. RIiesn, PaOrie>', Selmes ant ilUs. Ee Bsterum-Jr. Mcdoald-Mn. Mattice wun a candidate, but reiguet. Nia-gaia -Mr. Css'nie. (eis'eted.) WIestern-Mn. MeCs-eanduis!Mn, Prince. -De la Durantale-tiers. Mn.Uinieux. S/tawigaî.-D .MJhioit, ansd Mn. Baptisi. Kmewee-M. Cormier. De Laaaud ite--M. Oliver. De Loriner-Mn. Deseau, M. P.-P., andt Mn. Bourasa, M. P. P. Victesia-Iton. Mîiv, Ileli Coioresue's hrïs'n-îm 3csn i u- ciue.-On Tisunste>' yî, tise peuple cf tis neigliborisot rwere sisouked atise in- telligence ibat Mr. William B1artiutt, oe cf the Couneilions cf Eit Wisitlsy, ansi hale Deput>' Becs-e of tîsat towshsip, bat commsitted suicide byb>'uistin iig s lf vitis a nope e iis bas-n. Tiso distres.ing oc- connernes touS Iplace bctweess nitte andt tn o' dock in tIse forouucis. For one vecis paut it vas Suave tisai Mn. artictvas iaboiunstudr Mentlaalucination cf a vos-y desîsosdiný, chas-ctee, and nlissitgi suno pesisin ms-e-e ctesrined cf bis isnteonssta maSo aais>' vilSbieef, n stsict vateh u spiaceti on ail lis mos-e- moulai and tise famil>' emplayet a mn secialis- fan tiat purpese, vise vas cou. stanti>' near hlm. On, Thurta>ày',witie ail vere 'enzagesi in eraving l issai,& tise decemas ippe i loto tise ban-at ibis time tise man engage t t look, afts.r hlm vas v:nhingi a short distance off in tise fieId. An aunt living lus bis hansie vent la tht Ses-n door ta asetafa visat be vas taoin;,anti founuthisaiengages! iu sach a snanlen aLs t a aaken ne suspicion vhatev.- ®r, tisaIlie inteedtianythin, rron;; sit-l>' afîena'ards, Mn. Tisraas BartietI, <dectased'a broîber.) fouti bisa simiiarI>'- engageul an app9aeiig the. haro, antiL $nmeed off te bis vos-k afier exehaning an fe ved itis bis bs-aIler. SiiWi ylliam remlalneeinlutisobarts, After tise lapie of u90ne 11v. minutes turtiser, tise barn vas- aas~vti8teà ati theu isfotenate matn vwax tuent isasgieg b>' tise sUeëkt.,ation hlm irnees, tise rope nt hein,- lied suci- cuti>' higbatiierviso ta permto f tise pur- petration cfrte dreatifel teed. Lifoevas quite exiict. Tise nope vas ouy>'% , fea' foot long, anti ou examinatien, it vas faunot tisat, toceasedttek iltframt s gale in thse Iid5 and, as la auppaset, bit IL about bis pcnsuon til he otaunatoppontunil'ty t commit tise crime. Am'ininquees vas iseit turing the day, b>' Dr. Clark oft >sava, Coroner, visen s vtrdict cf suicide, wviie labarn U;notio tem9ra>' init>, vs etessc.a quarter Sessions nit CouaW yConl't* The Court ut Quarter Smius s pene(t on Tuesday last, befrbbis Honor Jtidge Bpnmhacs iatm',ndJS .<ic Esq., J. P.,j the panel ef Grandi Jurora ansvered, andi vere savenu - JAMES BARCLA-Y, Foruuw',. léorin Dlona' '- John Croxali, Manien Clitisoa, Jesepis Celilins, Hector, Grant, Lewis Grass, Benjamin Rantic, Robert Johumion, James Woednsff - William N'd a c-ti eln, George Ltte, Chariot Pilkie,_ John Proetor, Fns-Wulcot, CoteesianWaj, Wehab. The0 Court 4hen a4journea until tomor- row morning, incOrder to gils the Grand Jury aun opportunhty of coesidcring the bis sont befere them. -On Wednesday the -Court opened a t haf- paiL 9 wa'cocic, shortiy after wbieh 'the Grand Jury brought ini true bils in the fol. lowing cases. Lareeny. n1e, Queen vs. John EdwVard8a-Lar. cen>'. These we iearn, sire the oniy Casesfor trial at the pre%ent Sessions. . 1COt'N'Y COMIT. Thse Couni>' Court opened on Tuesday before Ris Ilotier lu&oDs~eiurnhum, but no business vas transacted, tihe parties net be. iog in readiness. Tisere arn ltogether bot 8 cases Oli tise docket. On Wef neay, verdicts vere bad in tise Leamen. vm. 7Tmrnpsn et ai-Action on promisaory note. Verdict for plaintiff $123.95.. Immediate executien. C. C. Kel. ler for plaintiff--R. J. Wilson, ceunie'. Gibb et alvw. PRnttgn-Action on pro. missory. note. Verdict for plainitiff $178. 85. N. G. H.am for plaintiiff The interpicader issue of Barber vs Babs- cocin was procceding *vitisas o gao t press. . L. Cocbrant, caunsel fortise plaintf, and R. J. Wilson counsel for de. The Prince Consort Memoriat. Thse committée- appôinted at the publiec meeting beld nt thse Towunmal, met on Satorda>' evening bait for thse purposc of deciding an the mode of collecting sois. seriptions:. the>' camne te the conclusion te bave lista vith printei l heings' lof t at thse difeèrent places of busitiusetirougbout theý tovo, as the mest convenient arrangement Listabave aceos.dingty basa Ieft, and vo trust that tise .ta visosa cms they are cosamitted, "Il give visat attention the,' cau la obtaisiiag nainesansd shillings. SUIExc ny Hseo.Ayoungmc isamed John McFarlane, son of lir. James MeFarlane,~ a respectable fariner in the oth Cou. Of Piclceneg terminated bis existence by hanging bhimself on the tiwyc i father'a hou.., on Monda7 evenin, the Stis [at R.iLI had beau for soa years snfftlr- iog frein atspecial disease, and aise frocs lipleptie fiti. lIn addition ta thie. il- tiens lie had lately isi ,red bis knsee joint, bya eCut vtii - iukandhasdmffared asv.s in e 1 ousq É4Thbe 4ead that and fatal net. An inqusest vas ieeld noxt day by Dr. Tiseker, Counnty Coroner, and a' verdict returned in accendasico viti tise above fais. Taiie CÂuireiiç uxA s <out again, llad bis advertisement of cheap gcods and gro-1 ceries, antd leara boy hlie au solla gooti article ut a ea' price. E£NxSIVC SÀLI OF CÂ.stU*cs,-Seo Aul-.lsintothe llet. lr. .vier. Thse füolos4xne, areas bas buen present'.. cd by tise Cisurcis Wanclens ni congruga. tifn of St Gtor(ge's\Cbnrch, Piekg'in, ÃŽ tise lied. .Ma uViner, on thse occasion 'o his departure f or Fingland. W. cheo,.fuIly publiais it, togethen with Mnr. Viner's neply. Thse address speaks for itisif, bu< is ne MOre tisan 1. Vinier'. deserta: 7b t1re Revermd 4George iH. P. Viner, Minister of St. George's Clttrclt, Pickering, Canada Il'est. flevicý1zeun NDDesa Sîa,-Tt vas vsth feelings of silneeu regret that'wc, thse uo'ù. gregatien of St. Georgo'n churuis, tearned sometinte ince of jour intention of leav. ingr us; ad nov, when tise turne ulosel>' approaches for yonr departure, tisat regret bas deepned i joa eartihlt sornea'. jIt wonld ho a violaýtion of justice On aUr part, iaheuld vo suifler yon taoi take yon Icave - of us withont Or pobliely bearing testiinon> te tise faithfui samd effcient dis charge nf youn encrons dutieswbîlst labon. ing amongst us. On jour arrivai in this ýtownsisip, tise prospects of thse ehurch were gloori>'. Tise flock bat; for a long periot, beri wîtisont a paster. ILs îirdivital niescrs bat bu. ýcene susittened, and Inls ome cases, aliena.1 ted front thefod But in ssite cf dis- cooraegemenls, tise tnature o09irbicis ne but yourself eau fully appreuisite, yen bave persevered in-the good work ta wisiehyen, devored yorseif util your lubors'haveý been blessed -wuitiste riais promise of abon- dant succc£$. Ln evôr>' good work cotnstted witi tise veltar oftise cisurcil in tb ieigiborisood, yen have alwaya been williug te contribute in 1imne, in caomet, in persoîal Oc-ýrtions, and alsoplu--woridly goods. Wbon yoo came amonget us vu biailno public altar at whiul.totewoissip-uù s-oof that. vO uld tcitIt aur cris,unoter ivîii hte ct'er, up praisu sand prayer Iote "Go ofOr fatlsers"'-o. restistg place fur tihe bodies of thoe nwhcs departein letan faits ofur cent. rnuuion. Now, wvis on n ithtraw front nis, WC mal-e thiîs juetaouwltre c yoor ser-vices in a biiildirg,, whiuis,thob modest in its prcteusicsss, is yet a decýit- n,îtd convenient lbouse for tise vorsbip, cf li "vise dwcllctbnot iu temples ms4de witis hands.") We feui tbat It is 'mainty O5:isa tp our- exertions that we possçns snb curus, fillet %vithit uka respect- able number of iearers, antI vo trust tiset from gerreration te generatien yoor ,?iau:e vii M b It din rememibronce anti or,, in conection vins tise fliret msni;iîstjtin cf tise gospel in tii ediice, after ils beéin- siedicatedto tahie worsbip of Aimiý,bty God. IL wonîd bo aise ungratefui an aur part if w. tditi netpublîc>' ackowlesige-tise persenal obligations unsler whlib yen bave pts2ed us ail, during jeurresidence amongssB us. Yen have becu the iustructon of the i<cth ie consoler or tue aflste4l, tiseý uomforter and l ,ugeocf tie 11) ispni. vatelif, a We l i ubtlie, a tefrknd usi wel us the iiistur of religion, yenr bave saried satdgainedi. ur respect aod gratitude. 1 Our prayar, Revenant antid dar Sir, an behalt ef yonnseif and beIoved. famil>' is, îts4t lunviatsoever part of Godý8 earts ju -ra>' by Ris providence ho pl>ieed lM:3 baud rua>'lbe witlt yon ta 1ratect yo-Ris si. rit lu ativise jan-Ilis love to malin ybu hauppy.- - IIE7iU'~ B. E<T G, Chrsrch Iftrrders. liere fâllow tihe naines or 65 cilies.-' - REPLIÀY: 7lb theÇ&hurch Wfardens andi Concrega. fion of St. George's CAuiscÀ, I>sf- fis' Creec. DEAn nessrs r.- cei,'e witb feel- ings or frne common satisfaction tise very kint vends cf partirtg yen bave justa4dre3- sed me. yen have beun pîcased Iot speak iu ver>' llatteniss ternas, il is ta ho feared, cf ru>'inble labens as a muinister cf tise word sud sacrarnas lu your midst for a peniostioetmore titan live yeuse. 1 vessli isa n i innunativeland notising of yn but gond -gond Cvirç_n i ttlf in ts n nocoeic f jour lives, andtihie excellencyc cf jour vends in thse gospel, tsntii Jon al ceChio bu e, x.perfect'ýMan....srto thsesues. 1 sure cf tisesMature cf thse fultrïeu f Christ.1 ga wiît yen reuli7zn te yontelves the bics. sot standard of bely lling. viiel thie churcis, thee wîtness ands keeper of boi>' iriti nets beo e ber chiltren, as thseeue truec ambition alono vwortis>'of isamortal api. Reoartil>' tisnking yen for youralFe.ÃŽ tienate pnay-ers arn behaif cf inysoif andI fa.i I amn, dear Brethnen, f ' The Colonites.-CausdinluEoglaadé. We take tise olIaving fros tise Lendont Siat- of ibe i4th ut.. tisai portion visicis relates te Canada wiii ihe rend wiîh saine intenest by cen rendors: Tire Neanr-s-rs TnAursr' cf tise Inter- national Exhibition sisonit havp specisti at- traction for Englishmen. Thse gotdwaslisr frein Atitratia bas aiwayi a crowd'or spdc- ters ubout hics. Thise finest lady and-tise rntest rustie sire curions taý see boy tise sisining grains ara, extrauteti fracstise sliovulful cf gniti>' as nd, Tise timbert tropi>'catchses tise eye-and linge lumpsý et cre can hardi>' be ovunooke,-tbe oMe- gant sicv cars-isges, t isumntueiss fors, tise Indiars drésaes, tise stuffet moose-deor, are cash>' reinanleet andi sure te bu admuri. -t But it luWrhns lesiovng au heur 0t¶a es-en in a sntgle s-hit, epen thu ver>' inter. ion of >tisse Biriis Norths American Courts. For tse>' con tain, t use an itiexaut but expressive phrase, tise "mnking5' of a dwsen greut cuistnies. Tise smaloest in tise gronp cf »colonies bore repneseuted in, a jewel that au>' kissg cf men iniglît bo glat ta _possess. Prince tVwards Islanud is but-. n tisirti tise sir cf Watceandibis uont>' sevent>' ibousanti iniabtant,-yet cîbibits capabilities of soistaining a flonrisisingt commnueity-; evea tiseunctnte red - Indiant shoistg i, oa blent for deen>rl' manlpuiatiiig lis! beantîful ligit vocta of tise Isans.- Nuv Brunswick, wtth its nis sommer fruick site b>' saideuwvilS ileiglisa,andi mccv ploualssusnd rmitre>'trains ospeinl> ataptet for wintor travelisg-its jet-btack bloeksf of a ceai tisaI will hurm like a candle andti yielddr cil like an elive,-îts specimens cf enauitetd mon, anticf tise machiner>' is> risicis forcesaare ulearet anoan-aris reap.1 ed-Sbo*sa so ucis ehodoue'b>'eut>' t'u'o iundredt tiousanti people, andt - ev muh remoains te de visore thse ' fereigu trade cf tbose people is aIrent>' vontistire1 taillions n jean. Nova &-etis telits i wn tale aud prophecies ils ovu future in ver>' naine isat ovenhauge tisas. vel.filled scilves, anti cases cf dtiis fiis, presorveti fruits, stuttesi gaine, viti fnrnitssno bois curions and cosafortable, anti tropisies_ of ceal andi iran. Tise trausatlsutie Suetaîs us a isard>' plant-a'ith a Rlover cf beaot>' ce its rcugh pniclely stemi. Vauceus-er's Island;tise yeuug-eat cf tise colonies re>pne- sentt, sonda haine encugis te prauxise pi-antI> a future Britaisi ce -ise faraiff Nortis Pacifie. But it is Canada tisat fuls tise largest space ansid caimtise Io-est titut>'. It la vertS>' cf far moe.tissu the- notice it mn>' attraci b>'. 1w timber pile.- Lt Lasûmaùsthing te saow more interesting tisa tiseblssclç valnt and te whw tcalu isai %vero seedlinga -before thé 1rzous be-~ gýan ta rei.n ae le~,ines tisat iele tise prtejrett. suit lunsei moueltfaverbotit vilS GevessimenL antid oo- si asupcOi> commeildeti for its usilitar>'aiattg. The duties tes-led on Brsitishs maunfacturpa migbt te safely calulate t t prainuec a large revenue itfcf igiter pressure. T'ie amtouiit of ttOnbobtwsen tise ire uanres M trivial lu cornr;ooll WvustIshc eutte anti tise mens cf tisree millions of titris-ing uenii-grnesvrs, timber menuisants, ast copper miners. Tise are trutha visici tua Csnna- dians vili ore long perceive anti appneciitlr. Some cf tisoir inosi popnular peliticians andi vniters aire cf tise sciscai tiat vouit efn. iine perfect ictorcal independence t hiun- restrict.et fs>reign intorcur8e. -Thene la novl le l6srgland a leader ot_-thi partyr irhose absece fro-antise- mneetifegef yesterday la toa b. regretted. Mat. Otrtne Earuzils a'statesman vise mn>' at auj tine 1njs from tise idersisip cf Oppesition to tise bond cf a Goveremenit doermined iepon Stise ressirof s buses, tise retrenuismet c.f c f expendure, afindth ie liberatien cf trade. A iea' epcisof Canadian palities bascon- 1tain> 'êt in. Of ibis tise nejeetion, cf tise combroisanti costl>' Militli li heettiad-. monsni llvise desire net cul>' ta protons-ve Canada teitise Britishs Crovo but ciosel>' unlle ber vitb' tise B itisis peciplo. Tise followincg lutter hbis ern rnccis-sd troin '-A. C. Bucisanani, Esq., tse Cief :Agent of Einigrntien ai QuiebFec, wlis a re- rquest tisat re onîtl( gis-o it pýubicir>'. lV do se glatily, deeiisg tise sgetoscon- taiet therelis cf sufficiLnt public imnpor.- tance te comîssaîs i tie stt(enotii uof a large Iaisa cf our rentiers. TebtMie Editor of t/te lJ'/dtby, C/u,-sniCIC. Nor tisat tise organisation 4)f n sc4rnmo fur a botter sysiteru cf ceiodil tion iii en- grossieg tise attention cf oti rpbiemn,, .andil fse sietuSb 'tissuseh>'gis-eus te thiss ubjeet cf Eigiraticis, 1 nus itiduet, tisrough tise medinin cf tise Ps-ens, te inssiske a feir emarls and sugges-,tions le the fitr mers andi ianded prc[prittors cf Causida, upon tise impor-tatnceocf dovisin- smo mecans to Make poiinfor Eig:rant families vise annrieit isconoitry rithiout fends; vlsicis, wlsiite tcnih eproiinte tise eosnfort cf tise pen er ra hiTIissef', viii prove atvantagecous te tise Fatrner> anti beneficial, I hlope, t, tise country a, large. Thee official rotureis freintisis cffice, pub. Slisheti frein lime tte n utise tail prints, Ssow tisat ssci cul>'are liiige cerclions cof Emigrants frei tise unitutiKingdumm an- riving tisis season b>' lie- St. Lavrence route, but tisaitisons is a censliderable .in- creage la tise nusises, ccieg ,vin tise States. Tise great drnawback agni-lut vnics the lent of a pocn Emignant fanitj bas uiow te corsienti is tise vaut cf somn o rnf ®n alielter, risere ho can place bis famii>', risile bu goes oet toi vcrk for tiseir support. The feiioving ~ tins oraios fusil te pers eni tisaI oce- -1. MONA v> -ltese finalr isibitiont - a.itd w nesslib< SeeOas>, anue.susnithn unutîn tise prise-tickets, whIcis be>' are ruq tuo place utise proper articles befc poso.-Non-mrbens admitrlat ti use Paainrt6f 50 1cents sachs timo. 3. WeiaNsuessu, 24th.-T'io juil; tise varions8 classes yull càtmpiete naa, ant i viiiplate alithtie ps-i-s ïf ýessiIhle. Admission ths 4e>'tus sus jesterda>'. S4. -TiusscÂr,25 tihs*-All tise nem pize-tickets neo>'eý tistributt b>' th, gui vii bcSe lcudjupon the -propen luis mnornsing, befoj-o 9 o'eleek if Po Tise pubic viii bi admittet this di payaient cf 25 cenis b>' easui persei tillse cf entenog. The amateur ban rmu-isicin ccnnsopetitiOri 1'o-priasse ffl oposi tise grouets. 5t. FtuseAY, 2thb-Tbe amicaltns of tise Direutors et the Amsociathrj lako pineceut Il0 a. tin., in tise Cam 1 i w) m. Tise bauids i iil continue v nîsan tise grents. Tise PresîtentY lis-on tise Amnal Asitress nt 2 p. ta, visicis ltie E'tiibiton viii Se cory ofilcistl>' utos3et, andexisibiiors n-y menue te taize ava>' ibOir ps-epertj. uissiots to-day tise same as josterday 6. S.î-nit)uur, 27th.-Tse Ts- %viii commence prayîng tisa premintr a. nii., Esisibitorhtiilreosoe Sinus- t>' fs-ouatise greusediandi hoildinir. TIscgie vii b. -lept oloseti as I necmIsas->andtinone nil b. ndmiusedi tisase vIs euesihav tsat thoy bas-s noss te attend te. Souadecisel asc 'Po t/te Eulitor cf the. W/sitAy 0'hs Tbe Pie-nie cf tise-Epimeapal - sebool. teck Place ce Wednesajil h u i )tise Oad tdfavorite Pic-nieci (Coribett's -point).--Tise nemben wa s ornevJsat sasallertisais wuraatic su3 it baltbeen arraugeti vILS theO sc Oàlsava anti aise tiseeue i -toi vils thie Bay Schle,,(Wbitby,> w bas-e a genenai Pie-nie. IBu t ne doubt, of tisenain tbat toll~i-P ing, tise Osisawa sciseol arrngy ii le tise 'Tovnfer a post-ponRinent pi-i ni hefloigYi ,b5 nd s-ess ina. empicinenit Ot tise dtitimettcf - havea'ithbin t t grostis, aut botter tanent sacceas. T trains te ced rates. 1 ioeî of such wüntry

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