Whitby Chronicle, 18 Sep 1862, p. 1

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5 DA âr eus,, tir 1 1JGGCulNSb E.t ntMst lttl nt, et, W\hitby. le Registrv Office. ilsq ]?ER A NNUM, OF MONTREAL, flOltiAS DO)W$ manager* WV. BiU ,LL(IUK, oni, - autCre,'ecta OiN&IIADNIL S &A-r0NEYE; AT LAW, i Ibe Ciiîiitutuîlt Ontario-- Il 11 1AITNELL, t. ATTORINEiY, QfNVEYAlN &ti. ovfteêt tuer dC. Grose J. v. IAI N. C. IIA-11, -u tIt lIte t risîr lie . il ct AIttrti'-ý', stuliitulrit, &C.1 JN . .A. Si15 S»t DA RTN ELL. ITtI.M ASTHIEXtrIA- cS;ilfir -uit icOtaîerfor t,.Irî--tWiiitbu. 47 - RJA NE îuNFV îIilN ATTOR T' J. WILSON. 1 AFOIINEY AT 1.AVW PS C. KfÈLLER, T' 1,'W, SO(LICITOII IN aa-e' tlite Ctnitius ia, 401 'FTo UIN V-Y AT L.A W So- iuerv Noia hu u l , l'utîhu 4'i t C.itEN-WOOD, I BILLINGS RV, & Oui)NVEYAN(INi Au1lcanu, la-c leuts iet l f .vr ri > lNýEV A T A IVOL. vie- DOLPI-I&-"ALOON, TE TT TE 11YA!L. TYLEtM, Rinig ±' taTeotî)ito, W_1?eaLunch m-w-ry STAGE IIOUSE9 ISAAC FENTON, t ]ropritor. B EStT Wtat-, and ttt Il ;-il . riornt'nî iitttlttttti r triLvet,t ; C thigat attmttivc ho,tltvr. 16' ALBION HOTEL,. JANIDS 1LACK, i il 1'roprictor. (rradTrutik Rnilway lintel. (.#th étieifRiMti It~lfw. ;6u UNIIT tliNIt UGST0 INli'olNi i% InCPSSeeiii 4ttteav ttbott4, tMetulci ot M.~vi du i i lItttaiv ou i i tti lîhw ,atclunttt. L4uod 11 tiouri, Witstîdl îîa. aud homt,..1 JttsEI111 UEUOTTtIM, Il E abrui 'v lm tt !Iliu iauîtêt .&rttirod prt octb~t,.t- -itbu t'rotîrutd. al tîml tt ttvutivî otlti. 2*2 t jVICTORIA IIOTEL. 1 tt-rtîî t ia, tut t'l tit!i-t Ailbute Atih eteut lîtIltel. %vtti tl euit- l tdtrdit.g -v ii (t;tte îuîîîjttîmî1tiit te ravictii uit blîe. <~iVvhuit viii (tiiid lub! î iI -stl'r4 11) ZWC~YMHOTEL. TI IEsuttseriberi±rtoi Ifonît file friendsl WIIITBY, C.,W., TII Nçrtheru Eoteo Cannington. Tire lieuiîîg itimitierta Kt thlt above laver uIly kîîawt fatl, himretîtercid i, hteussry for datte mtt au nuidtuible extatît, and mande ôther talterattoan td improeuments, ta mectîro tCItl fit rtherir Uce atnfornd ne w*caoîîdatia <t( hie sriets,.Tireatauleite aiwaa-s prnnitldditi tie ibeit ili 1lewt.-nneandritone bint thue heu lrtiids uf Wlaett atid LUqttrmç kept cou lte trerilees. Tuerti kýeupcr. sttttîicel wttclectîu.<4va euhl Ilsen uuput". Bob ir te r(tetnîed.tie.r. titjyx fla attend- allee, uutiln y DÉt, te talutuchargce ottunis. JIJIIN WAIt) <'Smltttti- t iaIc. tOri'l,6. 411.etr STORElY'S JIOTEL, (Oe ixk>ffi /à sTitet , TOX ÇIffles. Tg I F. Iuu>Iîu~ îîic ite i e i tuaê<s tir iti-v e- i i anfltr tuaitt-ctt-irtteîlote ntt i iîlr.r. dveîttttitiir tte ttîui lie te a imn rtti. c iitlite-titi hilc.cttittheu. inuentlàî .tit- r forîî, tilt-, otlîritîr To tho Travolling ]Publie. 'tltvrlsr te-iugLeit-itrie 1'remui- tuftt tiuititl 1fi T. Emtiein thi t ViIt~t tuf -:1u fai it vitiîg lfted tireui lit) f101ti t i ti ;lralittrat taecur ,nodttre ail tituer 1litî gbý ii flîtt Ir lie linttnds keîtiîC ttt!et2bal TUI i B EST O0? LIQIJORS à CIGARS.î Avi l b"iln is% lfl httcflrittîcd avtt. il hie -ticieiî-s f tlutucui-ut. Ailît tttitîut- 141r m-i itu- rel ttti lît-l t.eftn iîti ucutii WOON'S HOTEL, tap-iurtî îeît-ttttilîîuiiii-I l- i-n- tO ON -& IlROT If ER. tliuitii- tXthêt 04-u-tutl i ll uttfiPid uîî- l etdt-f iit i tiutciil t teii tt le iii- citaI. OFFICE IBYRON NT-, WITBY. J01tiN z Vlft<EY.-a UNION IIOTEL. and tîPrtmteAien irlt tant-heitr lZEICI1. (1-t . tilt- 'jo mcitt.îîu lriîitt, s- i -~ ~ ~ ~~I basit- iiIiisettutt c- tîttitîtewy teli ortiulîtîuîîs-titi-tu e ùIlttctl til ut nuî:îtuii -trt-I i thtî it i itî uu îf the cife. ttu'ecift itAsiist-uIt e and Eyceeus. 0.7 i'- 1neîr )iys likVturr.-Ott lte ust aidtellul cnet-y ALIION IOTE, tttiufi;tut uu tîcsUattuMutcetter, froni ALtelON uta.; i ,iea-cti'.. Utîtt. flat-list, front E' AST IMAIZKE17 -QUI:hi. TtI)NTI,- 1Aha<,ti. pj. en-, d tt Pzarkiiu'e Hotel. J1.s $,%SiIITII,. Unulli-tor. EXulý-Itlt lt ciitîti- Putri Icirr.vItrot i 10o4 p. nu.. moF oaf tîtuîlîtttî. att nti onttîtîttu Ili thee uiuifttt Vlt- m '1îî-11îîr (P' 1[f et-iauaI puruttiatut.kllîfztlly aI travoilturs. il penutrited iiitmati Ior catuttre, vitî the le ut - - -- --- -'------- tuttîcit îîetnett sutiiuît-ugicel inttrainents TuIE 'ERRAPIN. ktî letrftat L-tiu-wi.t a4zd;sflvtire ,tote tii itKceûp4tuu1 Acn I .[ T1?'IYýTL tute tll .1T. NlCutttAS lig -îr t tuti 1 LAA-Ip J.l> JA Ut 1<ý,io 1,%.uen t jIy MiV.. flur ràite fitie- t.inic i ' t tilIs its t stle _tWer%r ii reelc THlE sabîqcniher boss te aeeeueee thet hl tie .noir tuomptete, tw](1Tavina e'e pureso in tte btiinuCelibe utYonde u lt prit iqsttsmfactory to punlissersi GOLD & SILVER WATOHIEU 1-ranch Mibutal C lOoct d, 11 C 1 .N 1Iý U CKS, ouf Vtîricii t'ittçrns. Ladies & Gents-dold Chais Rings, Etgitns, Brooches, Earl-rings,, tteettlt .leJt G<Iutl.Giit1d tittetr Euri,&e, &c-. i t:7 Slpi-ctncles ta Suit al iéltl. > JAnEs JOuINSTON, Wtttt,tts)ker ad en.twethuir, Birook Stretet, Wluitlzy. SIG-O F (WTEE LARGE "ROCKJNG 1IIORSE.'1 ""tF etdacigtelimi utet iaed frore 6 tL 1-e-it, tisaiki in i FANCY GOODS, TOYS,- &c-. 0c1 ta ut tiitthit: lias11'4jtut itacle 1larjzt ftztruat utriCtu. tutti t",t lie le tîttW tre- î-.red t. iAiiiîtitttitite t itc-ap uu thue javirefilîtîtptour ti f liii ,tetîtro tii oery ainîic tiat Ciihaetitýtircd foýriie hi.- liiu. A .pItetlid uiisntittttt CHOIC1E FLOWERS, Anîd Fltimorlttur Puittit i nemt, Bird l tiges, htîlit lîuuttîriunette. Fattty Pipes, <utIeu.Tai $uuun-uîci s, i iRt' C,îute, f1aimiteps plaini, ,Jeaîcilny, lhuitxta, a uera ,lit t peuuit, utt. utk -itilt, mlet-tIitUil wtllucs Wura, lirblib, 1utîns, fit-ecraek-tm ireuirft- a,rkutitti-tcny*. ke Alt~Fr;iits tttîl Coeuttîtattcry. Al aIntaso% t' IEStrop1rieîor. W Autîy tlM tt, EI R el, . yIl -YîkoNotions. $IiRiruseTu ILS <LD I il< rpt t ti'-otue. tt5i ie te ef4-1e lue Wlt wtjtit tîtirunuthrm Sert mOueS haUt t4iat,- etutycif.-td, 11CW mew- ,,el % i tutie frreun11t le 'su.d NIr-ua imrICii mey i iýi i tuitirsare ut-ec.iteu l t 'e -utt u I nle.t Ste "cc t l'in vogue tîtti n Oflclhsa-eli,î,, a box.. o.-f enla. Ia Cloe awhite gurtain, sauced, le ime bacit, a riadaw le the apper 11u8 inue,,luOcf the crowdtd ifetres Of Paris ; a armndQW>wahicli lec Point Of attraction for all the len] students, Shap.bOo, and otiters, epicti the garrots -fecineg araund*. ýpile the prababujity that, uaaey Of tubers oaflite Iulge orpoiratiotî s Younlg France miglit have ht-< t-tft ifsid eertaiay notuikely er.irthe groeer's boy, araulti h hi,3 h1teci aut. af his-awzi am4dar, ýt L Pot (of îi4iignette;-,or ihat lut, the sedical tident. would 4isipe for -houri, adit-ring, men- le varitegateti baauy a? gi-co:t, aud, il multe, crounil the ariîedoi.framc:- etîtacit Fi-oimnatti, a %vsli-krast Of barricades aand entetgais, wculd sa hentutiaaeuted aitit a remi cap, nir Of Imoustaches, uand -a Barbas3 ILaf a sltyligituan a roofofubse uer P oS of catabieg ,a di.ît:trit! Ur& arhîybte Cutaitin. Ne -.- eSOne oilter attrat- zuardiansltip af Madame Ragaurdinaund Carie. Preseetly she reised ber ey,?s and let tlicin fuil again, as she netiieseinale onu gtizig u t lier. Tt wlira usticwadmtirer, andi a ncry dinfcrent one framnany cf ti t reu wbli wtte se famniliar ta lier. Tt iras a yoîîn.r mani itn a ltitiitubo se, a is shirt, ai fblack SHI;te, and aIlieut smkn-cpa ie îlv l. leirLAs yry butudutaîne, avitlita blatck nimastace, luni 1speaking e4cs, atiiooketi lik arianef tte saperier clasie of aorlieun. flciene kept lier ojes fixeiatt her mark for a taumuttit, and then biiushed up te lier venry iuani. She ltne thes fasc. It %aes ltetrtfa yotlig in iharnt littad suvr-tsIlime, ste t aa rc-tpectfal duýttsncc, follair lier, aïifii lie took intercat in ber, but io hard nover rcuîured toaudutresi ber. Ilow canelt tliere? Iliait hd lie iape totaseîiuct Iltai roara, wminhcit i bae but otea day v acâtit ? Thiie were qau-stianî arttich t!ins yaung girls iteatut ieat ; for, truth t lusqy, beavin,,,naticd the liatuI.td>mawtînkto-î scerai tinte, and hie nisspr-c-tful -aïuiduÃŽty tlan lier, she lianTrallier iselc'. izln-n' tu Site avaîd lhave gitan the u-inoid tea-vetr trIs5e&ýher eycî ta iininaili, ju3uteci de if t'! moýre raliy lookin-, but, saine itoa or -ither shé did ttot dunc, uttIl pnesaitiy site hi. Ad naiceï, tîil thati <he îautiatîly prcpl- -t, and sa the hattilome, strtiîtger in t îet cenferenze mitiî liro otiter mark- n- 1t and uztitn hea ctually bowed irl-igtlj ut 1 cloeed lte arndoar. ,~lie lied bitact. litre for uan ttiX- tr ece irl of îtinetean, ratiter icartied taîýi rels,-auld 1 Veîcl torin le gineral f v;araet iiojaiiclliîntirv nfnts _;inttt rfor îtotauiutti rauIectinîti. 0f l.u-s iuîe> waas nat ait ideFLaudmittitg ai f 'a-Ctsie;înd iha bittup mare ocastles iig Spain- as the Freuich callanetîe in the air-taitanavr lied euaaurred ta 1ler - mmaritation durin- tlie aboIe of honrjure- Tithat d-y iîtîle mark- mai da-ne, for - Ille aras 100 mleli occipiod in Ihiking, ta arn. tut wioUn her fàther camne honme, bis dinnor irai re-ady. and etc2 reiseived hlim as ieutti. Slite ichuglit lie mas gi-ueor tlian u %vas il, thle liabitaof baie;i but tlitikîn-g <il iras lier oatî chnge oa' iduasi ,hi(7it ao;- reztea tiis, 81w ina iaorutnarI. Ditner anar, bu tald lier hoiaas itîg iiiuti, whicli iras ga cotnuiaitoccurr-ence us to excite no jsurpris, in bis daughitcr. Dut t.lis enenin; she dil fcat ,el-iinuittt, aseusuel, ta amusaelot-self muiit ý-r riatdle' and lier taaki, 50sitSe deItammined ta uit iiàMadame li oui-dia, and us a prelitninary, wet n hall, on -ecomi.z!n1-lierb edrlptaly furned round sharpiy, cryinig "con ,' and aî ho diii sa, bis doar opened and in wallced her father 1 The young matn hastily closcd bis win- dow, and Itelatnu, stunned, nearIy fainting., oni ank in e lrchair. lierc was samo- thing; trti!y myst,ériou.g But na0 it was nlot mysterioes nt ail ; it iresî quit le attral. ler treaclierape friend Madamne Paourdin bad lîctrutyed bler ta her fatier, andi ha ias izane ta Call the young man ta account. They bath aretie fery anti excitable, *she iras sure, ai.d who ceeul toil whtî ight happen. Pour Etelene, shr, wes quite riiecrable, quite wretcedf ant ishe could -ot tel mieatlta dc, go she toc#k Carioand wernt out ta perforta lier usual marketir.- Thc nuîxt day iras the fcie, aed Madatmie Sagoundin waa eariy with lier, ail drcesed iu her best, aed airay they started. They were goieg 4p., - CeQ'Ux by the raiiirty,-3 t tiat singular railivay, wiitc is one or the curasiitiesi of Paris,-and arrived nt the station a:t(ive inutes t-a. Jaudge of cf tho surprisa 0 f Jitulene, wheti tue persoab ie sa-w'v ras AiphO1ne1 joli, monsieur 1v cri jaileier ItaG din, as the yeun!,mari anem îitUt th en. "ti is ie t fuir. I did t1>1 0ui IV arere gaing ta qcoaux but ipciseiy.ta Icce yen away. I dolnet pprovo af titis.' "M2%y dear mada ,' said thte yoeeg ma wmith extroepolinse 7 îiiaye acre gaie- ta Se aux aith mademjisel e. You protaised etie Bhauld be i ro- dtîced ta lier at saine future period . Ma foi, I thiouglit. there is no tinte h -the lime present ; ad 1Iisked all and care.' ~Itts of nu ose, 1 s4-e" excli ed Ma- darne Iltasourdin, goad-netturedily i'ýyaung yeople avili bc young pOe 8s, suppase i muet put up wiLk il." SJ saying site farieaily tntrodut ed thoa they toouit heir tickets, and je t 0 minutes more the yong girl faeuid hevsclf soated noext thte youtng_ man inaàaritilay a!urriage. b u t t u o j î e r o f t l w y o ' p o p - - h 1s muaIt as the, father. Alphonse 1-oint; thëon, in a fewirdos, tld hie aîu.y. The oti mani listencd aitit sucli attention ihat i said nathing. Achuard b)ut the ývaic Of- the voue"- man, and aie lie hýtard ie thaught. "Yuu ictettd, thee, ta eiarry my dauit. ton I' aaid. M. Dupuis, as thea ther rfinish- ccl. "With rour eriso, 1gvilon condition yauneaove nret hencu until tmarning,îi replied Oth01( aIdratt. 14Yau kOC)w that to fiu iMopaibtu'" seid Alphbonse, amnazud. "Hee," excini med thf in ai it, "g) to jour roaasOnu mnoment.tt "But your dattgiter Itîtears ail.', '&Does she ?-yaung tmain, dues smite keoir that yenutare going ta your death,- t1itt the insurroctian af to-manrawi;r ut't ap by the polkalp t rnrenrus ganci-al-ie- Surrection balnd-tîY,-îiat 1avery pri-parut- tien l iï aul o ta eush tho maremolt initu ;~ bud-tlrat ns Ilisrepufilleatis have beet ii itundred limes b*fort', tliey une wain ttîlic vîciis îof e moucAard, of au çzgcfn pro, curateur" "Mtuercifui Gaod P" cried Alpîttne. '-f cannet bolicre il. Thi- i4 n feint ta iseep me amay.' eitN, yonng man, Iua that agentr,-l arn th;ut i7muliil; sit stili tend listei. 1 ,%e, aigiteenypars ajo, ano-a ieît- cd atffl-er in thle ermy- cf Parii, 'decainlti. eniayinq the rO>spect o~f M t e trs, t mra mai.rnicdl, u id iue eutîd. i at-s ait 17aet--1 alct naîd arbii u co*thto rnuny iei cm o-t ý1- ta- jaiziîc theicenLeite. XVe acre defeattii. 1 mes tu-en prieuner, cd and ctn tu dcatlt. y art?. implored mry pardn tuez lier kecei, my baby in hlie arma. 'nuy ati'itred me a frati pardon, a ib~~a salary, and educatiori for orny child, il* [ bu- camne-a police agent. 1 tries a 'cowurd, fdr I cotîsettd. Fretin that houer ty lifu: Lis been a hell. My Wfec died of ahr- e u e u r t H na g a r e s p e c t a b l e p o Si t a i , eaesily obtuiriad she cou.Itktacý& of lte r- pub licati party. O1cu-ctstcterd an1tc ute iti- tolo iýesue miti i. FI. QDFL -ut tf lii tti t r. GUNN, M. D.~ Lo 1TriEi0UNTY ltL -SUlfIA\T> AC0OV1- 'attiieaIla od6lisseit o f CL~ARK~, M. D.- liatel, W'tithy, iltîtt furler 31-Y ZKET, SOV1 11 11 -. ME-P v, aFv luth.ecryutti-t uriieuiticsud tinîin los iv. CRON, CIVIL ENGINEEII. AND dili & BrIRNET, lAL 1 -ND SRVEVORUS. anuiteI - vlu elaidefor I. BulNET, utIle, 1-anetan. [AS DEVERELL, - &C, ., GRlEEN STREET, W. N METCALF, lE 1-11TU DfVISIO.1N COUIZT, ton. 14 EUT IIPEARLS. 1) TEIIASUREIU OF TUlE ýf bri1gu. Addtroms, Uxltni 'e. rEX XA.NNAM, EIUUI-Tii-AND SUPEITIOII nuit amiaintutlpalieeWî T IIF itittta- mnul kitî eti, eld e ni i It lie wattreîe ottl hfia iteetitttt:i rfiýi 1 t leut iltîs o 1 l lu î ituîel hst tui tc It- rutîuicc a latiltci ttcly pliiteltend-u îtî titIu .tu it ut-te#> turt wilf hic sptur-d an te, Ttitp lu wtelt uehictiiie mcitt 1It uiiiu n i-t u lirîteu ist ot~ f ltqia tsi- be ble:tuul uitttic huiaucuî tI6 iitait. ýlort<eititFaiuttlyirt Mcieltasa llie uperitr ,ite.: 0l Tile, ut,îlltttt i tt,-beti tndse tt eit aed cther Bnitit i s, tort, $i4utrry, smitl Cui Winett. &c. &e. - s.Ist0î1 iîgmt Sandy - l in er. - ALEX. .tLEXA'NDER. CANTON IIOTEL, J)UF tECIEEI<, 'icKEliIING. SIIJD Ducccttitlatîiotr Trttilanx. IV. CUIHBERT, RLAILRO6AÏ> JIOTEL, F tliN'T STREET, nean lte Market. WM. PIUW.RflProprietimr. Betîttuitie. <tnt. Ct, 1861. 42.1y MANILLA IIOUSE, T 'frieîtalt tefl lti trcuîttIitiet.ttlic,tuientha' lusti tîkei ite îiîîe toItktti ltatl, sud teutiah%, strict tteýlitit ta hteate, tndhby eeariruut i t I t ilite i power- fur tîte a-are fattaud ennu.tiiitncof ateste,ta reer;t i acii- cf pulittfe utg. 'uuLiqtuare itiililgeis. Coti.lottehte tcîtiiutcîfuri tatitl anc4re. Att -ticit:tine su arcfut Ostuer alt i unai- tiLndauu-u. S. CONWAY, Mtinih la, <tat.29, 1861. Paitt,-4q RUSSELI'S HOTEL, QUE BEC. '[11tE uîuderuutgtiad Pruiprietenît cf tt~b i ntil U12Elý, b.g reepsttflty te peli their friotet. Iunci j'a, roes, detlatb-luotap ratîgit. -o uteietr etthlixlitciit dterit.g Ille wmner, mit enablett11Ilett iv ta aif r ta' the mtileeor a lte l.czisýl1utrcla, edlt e -n- velim! PulOia a lenerior aacontree dtkioi). LeI att4itii to tiluqeparlutililte).la4l]Be Wimu. tar, tl.ey have nit Plan td feWd-r(oints' Ici-o la useitietr t'il Htel, whiati, for etunfont andu tuiuarc au-e uerpt.ssed ile ihoaty. WMV3e. RUSSELL & SON. Quetea,Iluttreiu il, 1861. -ja Ettsu il- utietl- u -r eeîu tual peatu.buiit 1,2.. N l iii I liIi itît f ltuie' te if g itl li. 'lui- lundl tesîttueuatîli- u i iv i u tt th le Vttî of' 1-tînettîtitl e l ttItlîi-rt-l. al utii.-t-failif,: stri. -)uf weite-t tit l1et;il, uullu rli.u ieity 1cr pre jia i. 1 ittitN CAIITEIi, %Vliia', l'estoffilce. -GE()RGE IILE 12 fBrit-linte Pogt Offle.. FARM FOR SALE. T- IIRt EIUNIiiLEPD ACIIITS elundl fîur, aie Ii-u t itaiita-Litt NO.u., iltIi-t-ienr tiait i LiNae.'7 in tI(:le, Catilke Ta-anti- - iiiufuîaruit Contuiontaft, t -tueL% fnl I5; tat isu 1') tey-li utilIetýld nolars dia-n il itî tei erti ai- vecriar ut rItlleutjIgcc. 1Ftut furtIte ie, trtîeiler> tcppt la i)Ilit u ruupriter, - TONU ofetWlitbly wlitI'î, Mayiiil im rlu. MALT VINEG-AR. iAIT VINEGAJI cat ionebc hoied in I lurgu ce suittl quatitj,isite %Vhitbv Brewer-v. Hl. W. WOODWARD, Q MISINMEICI-tANT, INStURANCE i-tnd 'eJamtres ltaîlgsnl, Whitby. C. W. I'I:î-aastNCE.-TlioiasCle-lstunsqPr.- sidete timyd <ofTende. Tonnta't-1W. G. Uust- Es4. Manuager, lta iL. N. Anurie,5, Toi-ento; iV. V. IL[initata, Eiq., Nteasgcr Qïtubea jjrIda- 1-rciniia; W. GambleBEsq., NMiltonitîs lmTo- totite;, lion. P. M(iill, Prositeeitlanluk of )ton-. treuai Matitretl; Mas.4rrs. MXîitsnui, Tylpea & iltecitnsan. Tarante; feses. Anderson, Evanas & Co.. Meniti-al; M"ssai, W. Pite J& Sonu>Qae bec; Nlepsret. tl. J. Ifeac & Co. u-îy NOW IS TUE TIME. GET YOUmiTE LNESS ATl J. A. Clark'es lot Prizia VictueaG atlery TtîE Q- TY 11111E iseun:deel toi- Panitly Macit-' iliuittusnu tc iýJitdguîs ut li I'anîuia Ecifitio1, 1J. ltlu te01endon1,iSept. tItt, '25tb.h, Ott tl ie, -tFinctite 1R. 'Watuir & Ct lteir. t%uui. Th Tut tret E\ti'nPuiezinc i eia fi-r Nos. i atil 2 Stigutt'u. Matiuaettriutg Miieliutet. Priais ofià&tu iiîuuitaretticiaeter areÏe miite aitard- onT Wtsue .'o La 'n Welur & iWilsaon,'cii-a W'atmzsr &,fClu.tcmiirr' Title1ueevet-- cIl otitet-t, hy the flIit-JOf ArmiUnd Muinafu-, turci-, et tue Mealtaiitaîtlxttetit nte,. Taronte. Ttîcy aise I.ok Fr-t Extra Priseslit tute senenîzd îii Agriuulltntual Paino--tI ueil. toa » Gerts hat. 'f iliifisn, ieeiet he, ite by, Cituu-.iwuuit; tiulit ueypuu aIklt-itev itre theu il extiitei. Wizen & C.t. WVhe[er .5.& Wieott, and waitun & (l2sSuinutr, Exctlany Mtuitieg tuaI tr entwre mteîtititîsa-lancdluthe uîitcd ;inte-i or Cllau > ate partiesful'rmthe Stuttm ht, beau lin- portitigautui itle ttucktitu,ettructty,Wlh- saute prizes oit tîth, Itaiti ',Ft[ ar mIlIuluig i-ar, b).lMot ruruIlle t lue e,25cash, 4diittsrencs" Itu.4 eintic uetuanuaroatte itiprtLueleciîis tîthofietuatutii ud Nec f aetuurhlweinT-e beiig madeIII, lu Cttdh, 'y R. M. WANZER & Co ti$ ever YVmelàîîaturo htto U, S. Ail GeuujiiuaWtuiur . Ci.s& eigMahinAs beor ttle .tuîtuîî cf 1'. M WU isr la., leit- ton, o eti îupIntv. THE -BUFFALO MERCANTILJE COLLEGE, bIt-deend hen tmef*-n ua n e birdand hen c mata bustle' about thel i-oarn uni prepare bi-ea-fnB. 'About hait. 8ia ea e, a-secnd face appearoti-thaI anded ai u; atîia piuta d mun e hoirs, ra1hert- aI, ýuery sailowr, clo.;e-sItaven, aith ,a cant bitied ap ta hie chie, anîd a *'CCdA rîbaed iti hie button-hote uandithie aIÉd Mue would Mkthis joue; giru ou boili cheeke, san eiîlîo hr-rîiet-sadiy ii te truc, but aiit eh a smil initaih'ec tien and gratitude. And thon ho wouid sit dom 10 hbig breakfast for just tareuîy min- nies, et theed o? abic i lie be woul depart frare taking a stiCit fi-on the corner o? totem. A&t fia-e or six o'clack in the Leoin- soinOtimes uter-the aId mac mould no- ter aut alil, Getaeraly, boarever, ho did coue ac ak le uineer, irtich ilisdengittor flciene routi hava uimrayi ready, weller ho carne'or uat, lu the meautimo, abc weuutd sir or reatd, or piuy-ay, play, on nu aid pilLtathat tati seem boîter days, but wtich seresthIe puepase of lte yoeng' girl. Eloienu andl bot bird, a lînnet, sang E ail day, making 'citerful that ld onTiton,e quoerly adorneti todd-lookin.- pietures on the arali about that dreadful nansiayor, Banepart. But Hulene Depuis aras a Frenchi girl, and she admnireal ibese platunes becausej o f their subject, hoeweven infoniort- tir eaueber fatiier hlelco she Coamdd un tell, Shep knew haomwu on- Cerlo up staIes, lniitini dm e 'y gUr dia, tlinaugh bler doar, nL3s se passusl, alà' ilion hurt-Ted in ti placatem on a plare betidu e boutle oaaltie. As ah. poýUret out thCauuîa? ofSteanutt-hot eahesttuts, olut feli fi-an i e~ta jetter, To loala ut it, 10 renIe uaddres, to Ã"pea il, re ail three Uact donc le the tine usueily re- qeit-ed for olieu It %ias a respc-eîfiei, but aareest denlai-uttio? lavac frein lier neigit- baur opposite, ara signed lhimeelf Alphoet poas, typographe. lHe doiatuduti iem per. maission to eiuke iief keaito aber pareati, if ste lied 'a-ny, anîd deciaroui bis autls to becaoebetter acquuinted. 'iWelt, ma biche,' excliinefl the îieick husky voice of Madaime laordt."Wit poulet is ttat you are duvaurinpg so ewcr- 440Oh, Madamne Racoardui,F suehan cadt- tenture. I have -uSti a deethearî; and sua-hl e sieecheart. The ituidsomest neit 1 eversa.' rior- âchool, the Uoa'ertrnent'g on lte strengulio? lis beiag ang utid chevalier atit e iof o t aiti. lu iras in thle inontibo? Jaite Franuce aras beginnia- I10 seat-lie Tbea-e were signe of revolutia ii for aIl wmi aàd ete perception, idea o? politis.' Mia' alo seo - Vumong the, people, alud espoeaii thie tradespeople, %vere aware tlie muai leke plac-iliet k aras i iritler by voilence or- otherwm oif the Vmst pîsntatuiu.'..îufi -the letton. 1-ad it to e -knoai my eyesi are nao lYith caim Printed words, great thonghts andi uatfring 'EPTIEM',vLBER 18, 1862. GLE i NO. 36,

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