Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1862, p. 4

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 iitl Tnde, in 18r9, to $352,222; i M6, 10y " -,qALA - . 1;in 1861, to.$47B1l3û. I3ing rae eo ?4niterof eFinance,'tiey1.5e t, 1.13 per cuit, 1.14 3R.CLED3R&G.R cj~ ~ ~~~~e 8U et,16. pcent, and 1.15 per c"nt of' the he the desatch rointe Iièiporta of the province. The exporte sut<eOnl II o!e &C.19.00 ioVm% f Ntiva- Scôtia te lii f rom Can~ada to th~e eleer Co16nies WO ]g~n r, Ca.rleton iLygaûws q«e As(q ov erfl0f Geriiral, wlicb 185S , $960 ,428;- 1859, t84,475; -1860, DUNDAý$ STRBET, teII1TBY Reolutiofi or tho $723,534; 1861, $1.030,933. Or respec. retmcur y~ ~~ etNv cti tan ively, 4,08 pet cent, 3>39 Per c81et 208ro\ (;dbtt~~"4' pérrneut or that Goiony prIr cent, and 2.84 peT cent or 1tfle total ex. , approiad nebiitiion tvih the uigh- ports. Thea excesu bf êxpor.s over iumporta TVie 1ieax qeieree of Dre. OlendeT & c ' areciprucal interchauge wn-R imports wuaa ridtiir 88,$8,O, 8ornt ~~ iItenOppetiet nty freae-inVites a pr[70 *458,720; 1860, the importa per hendc ofgrc t- ttt t'bc erivnd trein a caretal pri e- içîfroin-Caniada. aliluJ ugtepopulation. were Canada, $1 3,73'a-vat; ul realtl-i4uipil'tut sd eait u tsfoehaProvinces Nova cta,$572; New -Brunswick, i g ' Uptttir'1.eTt nuidejr it -ille !tiui4tci of e27,55;- Prince Edward Ilaand, 13,65; corts§nii d ai;.ThetrfratilIISv4'utit touer te reportt Newtoundliud,, $49,76. The total imperth. bmt c tlie thfwufé4tl ¶cau1llotll AV%,M. Reiroiyronuiiddof the xmaritimeO provinces e h n ted'iatitoti. tettha aittUlcted t'tditl i teetit Sha' mprial tuii the Statets are âet down et $7,956,332. Their. teo irin a titdae -Vs:lePla ise ulpon lte col brattdt niants luit lO. -Ilitt total e«ports te the United States, $3,496,- >A1TWIFIALTESTII tuiartet tld u bhec ci tOor Priry '911. We Ûxay add, aisilnimportaJit fact, 10riAtatuf ate zaidjti 8 t aetii tt le ext,rCuile] an 0opiniion thotigl eue notatdverted te in the Report, latttit allai uae.tilpotvci ethtînê tl'y i e t e it . T h e F in a n c e th a i. i e t o ta l i p o r te o f th e s e p r o v in c e s , V h o p r o f a t o i i. n peite q a r o t w f D r. , lle it k.t1 exp&(ren iiv re tieve.bithaetab t )nt id , ow ever , tated I tl a- r em I llte U nit d S tates, or art~iles w hich p rf ci i e t hâ , titi te1 n ir it t i t - ,trttttlu ransd nB Cttcta ui gitt sepply, are, roundtly spea. tot i-ta vetervû -ittebc0#1405 tttn.l Cint't 1argiiits 1,aseTer otarie, ing, equaltot the total extporta trotte Canas. ltei t tthaýutillte tinte.l tha diirîîiti u U * hetnpprrialt deÎ it tethe Setes. tun in atari-ý i mel ail tthriiVt uvinref iliRt ilie p r jeà isble ltilitc4 Ir 'Colot, tietagrog sl iKtl â t i i))l cicr- îhoy fttitt'df n l' AWoko bsorbiug Inteir5t re Ttienofcttiite ut/,l 1 tli ae lz ed ho nuticipitetd tu> lyattend tlt titistes avey.ltt>rt 0ttt ttoir BI for ils objert ta he t a- THRILLING ADVBNTIJRES offîpriîtg. uciiherG eaona te t.licufroc. IndeEAIIYSTTIRS, Ailol ratteli tertr ii)sf ctoy. Id1 (-ta TI-r',-AR- --M M ISWLZ ls ailrcitedy c¶ists btwîe,ûlî 1 VAjRREcN WIL1flVOODqlp4, tn f n (Il Arritricaii Coltonie,tand ~ f ti ti' ii«Ï eetiid 1erind ?t -0h 11. caltut - C\xcnd a ii- iii donctr.nltrn ie îtte ttttiii ~t"ii' tri'~'tpra Illeti uawiid,bag =iodseurT abes litim 'lmn, ii'k ettit eitîîre" , nuitFoot, ertiti rnfl' fo i o eut adle Plit it Teet.rvettin' ~I'ttic, TI'irte T!il' teg ii jtr T ' iti 'fitdW tiltrt'I v 0entli%'s i î,tun , ehibÎis tee cx-. 'l DI,îrndîtuiti'igitîT, ~ ~ M tt t~ toart tnd Exgert tradeit' ciit i i Tu1c'u irillin;It ii tdlîttAdveitîttrc, hies1 ) ut intreultîcod tttntgt ter crielit ie fur the past four yvenrs. fîgrori Iuigici î.t-iriii !i' TUIE IUO 7 E Scomplard it hIor tta 1 iiAteiîciciuttitei ieli, IRON D UKE, rt il i w"")rliy.r 'or leiiit'rdv'Ii rtnfailltl dGRA4ND TRuvx aund as faciliticï for comnmu- lçc iti tici Iîtii ji ti a Mair. <PMC LET toitecxtanld, tend their îtepu i iiiîii 1 ju. Iirit: Exl'tts~, DA C'ROCKE. ý il iwitt tndouhttdiy groir 'I'iù \hit lorîtlî, PROTECTION"ST, r,tIle it a11 xtant of ournitî t t'iiii .'il'i ONBRY'AN, i e Provinces uhonîti give ruse ",,.'întn itî'i' Li'ii'. 45)Bne tWiitlti. cass te their comnuaertial TýirÎ1lîîut Ev'*e t r;in à1'isoui illî, ýon la alireciori te the Tabi $itîit tti¶;hîwt,Ymiss yMONCK{, ich wihtho. f.ulowing, is 'fi'V taeti-i ioalaît ieGi. Srîitt, I-C tit oilcii StLtents ,anI 'Djaet'Ttîi)tt.trttrs l~kt.Clei 1oard jti r off' %lits andý ~lw t; Brie w ieavait Dctrtit, rk s.loet lars oe. roportion tale iarpoptula- A Deapeutdati nth e cit ml ýà8 î5$ -tu t ttes lte rescti 'ta anti EKporta cffoseit. ex. 'Vite littittitt te alottlo Ir Lg. M put nity o nri tumtig 'rie Isan,'f.p' toe n d tr i la sîuesiitey, * tlt1U tieand iluhîbltit tifc Ediari slnd aceetibsa A Iîce fott'Vita, 1t'tiitby, and vicinirtyfit ilre f, as the iinders*ilad he. Thrlitntr Atureers cf Two Scouet, lu preî,aeeî tg ri, eu il) orderts tl ue te the facîttat rîiteir ile- 'fTe Ittrd rr'm t)rdatt, F'triii ti lte Mutnryliteue iflo tc '[c n auacuigCrî :ha Woeir% stuetill; 'Daikey id-ier h rtcn&t inetict. rees~~~ nnemn cii gc)" 'tcmzixcler. n roak, &c., ~Aitkintis outh In k lu tlLt i®ta limited thaît ours, iîit ad cayie't hnd e.tndt STitAW MVILLINEit x~ taon wby, xith' iitereaiietTHRILIflG JVENTUXES. a'titti y tahratidipromtitpy. L tercourse, their taexi> 'ietokettts)) utrritcd t'iî Iti 'stLlGfl (iultsFait ani otiîcr latte ietd lilzeirist to enrpise'. T,, iitnlretd nuw and origle iEtguteiirg, te >rd dyitii a rd.'tlu xct'i'T" - ibits in ceetrit te l'aiina uudcci ic 'ii)10ar îdreepuîîe paid, --------------------- ______ Prvne.The articles se- 0,1trcetipît euti rire. lIxtr lotît, ti. New Flour, Grain, Feed and pari;cinarc tîtose on wheil Eîeryt'ii .'sycr anditCeneulor Proffi sion Store. ty te the ecxtent cf $10, 00, lu ttieàis, Ly f r u 'tiiit, esq, iPrirNx oc ctc k n',o iu uipori of te3er16,~~ Tihe frme and I lleIts flr'ce,.es, Dr. <daIr Street. îniprisad f94' tir ceittof uaIle i t Siîitjt . - t t1.bcia aigiaeitepe a heFamili' Doctcr,hby 1rt.I..Ttty rlTiii. ccii'dl th.W R ente t eay ho left ot of cou.- 1 ýîc1). i floig- sgluligise and s$tcadow, <r, t Vt ITO! oSers fer sa e wfor Catchi.li elDidFutGin, Mol t nit't'4tylisrry 1PeniciIIo Pr) e, $1.00. U .~~ Driod Fruits, ~~Fleur,'leîkltitt iltt t', (tetttt>i, t' ht t 6p, Sugar, Tes, Tobacco ant i litani dvet Rîtft t IL Cttoi Mô , "t Al -is 1 ,#totheh Lrged viith spocill Usl u $ 4att1'.or 25.te tnd '3- l 'elo ine u jt'Cortuii rt, h i Brnin>uct'el Velies, anti these have beau o)eritlu 1Itt anheby Si 'iiý~ei leS.i 'cre'l lLint, ,oi. t sic' tati aloreiniequivalenta M -' Il , itie otietr uPa i , 'si Ajple', B P'ltî,iîttant if alute supplli d l y oon mi , 0: k ; at~ u )ldAtpa,1ltlt wiii a uitineun app'.iestiitt. BoOkA 0::: TIRUS.CÂSH. ..L Xigatlon Tablas. ['retarnld t to tenyur ertitS tage pail, ot tt- 17 WM. DONÂLDSO'N. BI ire exteuded txade Iteen i cf prit ie. lutnake aLower Provincets, ire shntttd 1I>htograph AltiuMn aeVery vaîiety. '~j,8 êetsm us bair miarkeota, ni xiii>the feueNeter . orsAgenits, Bookt Azeeta,B of 'Gtent Britain, butiit(t iwtirstlhttle waîiothaers vil) do Wall WILLIAM I'EMPEST, X. D. t Jnite& Suites. Tables G, 7, t urir ,I o ktgnf eut Book't. Tbcy viti w~~~~~~~ tiitsc auee i u liumcx ctt jpepeher, alla ternise11h. K1INGSTEET, O$IIA.Wt,CANADA1> e United States foreascIi colo -100() Local ndTravelling ?Agents.LAIEIT 10 gives the agruegralo. Aun 'tic ;rcteaforltItsl.Fi/U-ntLABERRn T.CltW. et hes utetteitiîS lsily For stia co, epies, or for tentmi in qiiitiei, ttiqrmnte. matiete order in the boit style a, lar'e proportion of te gonds îî: nitir utiu iniîtil(n lppiv te or tsddro%îs attet itshiunu. 47 o tltItnet provinces nov huy in J(>litl)Wll' OTTER, Puhli,ýher, - iH tIti~21 hospieib1Cnd. ~ ~ 7 S anmonuSt., V kiied 011-111Li, l'fi. (ixG-1LciR1ST. _____bc___________________________ in T.ER l Funrl a4u't tspie ry ttn,t il mil o griutrlpro.- ft 81 * 1. D s.ttii ui Wse <n't'. > biin ýng whîch vo axcel, anti cf Shou a lers ofG Lands., jrcler tra.&.,-King st. Ra ilisna.4 fanuftuto of wb'cb is rapitily .4 ire Itwoud aso - mui.(:nn vuor('iuiario, t XCN ATIIRIJY. Ile - te. i vuidasO a mai ,ro wil: 1 0 Fiflo3itth dty orNov. go.Be FIBA.U NKS. orI ail articlemq the grovin>, po Pt'IpoRTEItiS sud Ganerai MrcihniKu antiactre f Nrs.Scoia end Iîli te Court cf CtmuntPleas. Leud Slmaeo str(,ets, Osinevi. ?roviice bc anig .par ty te te IlowlaiitdBurt A.iciinteteer leUedaa,>idr 41tu«~<>~~~i" tosf *ha iaftbc funîe tnlh'$inuiTathabm CupiJllahettui. LYMAN ENGLISHL L B.. te arrangement eau ho offtttiîe!d, -î'si ryJTORNRY À TLA,k Soliettôr iun<Chan-. m I'lintif, f:,y, Cnvsyanoei', &., &o. doubtitly increase lterb0loîiai ' V8..Siniece st eppesith les ttoffice, thbawit. [ open the vay for tise iawbliih' heut11luines, Thonias Sihenlii sndMiEèhbsoi. 47 ire iiate poiticllrelations bei M eteugit. Dofcntiantt D. F.BURJKE, e important doptindeucues Of the tiNoet. 6,in lu du.A, Iturs. couttinlng lu >'N j(T'iý su- 1gî' - dmm 1riCt Iugcatt cmw. Tihe:eief tiimcuuy aucers, îea o ms. n atetimier tlîsn&t tabout will probaisly be ýfilteutinii l'trt et nortii-ttttit 15,in lc('n. A, MAas,COLI- iJsIswe. . - u,# icut~~ ~~ falbaroiespuei'taii ig 90 stires, mtueaor lauu. Çhina Gî.ýQanti Oreeryingrute aly, ito ratte Poincetteiicr. Iifet i' t lot 1,9, iuiCen. A, Miarte, Locisers, Sardlines, s&C., anti Froeldyteerà tn l.It is ot10bcepeôtodt thtl ccitiuuing 100 actas ierser lais. nec----- 't47 ~Idt wil1 pring UP ail at once ; il ulttor fCmlnts. ct'U)~s ieara for ils dcvelopnut, tand fCmoele.HTL le iitboe affauded ta Supply froni SylvestevMstihay.'IMot Tts5itION, nWÀ. tnt mes andi tiefliency wbiit may r as G7Otit.a.et bncau ofiquent, suit e. Tiai, îhe Preicnt ia.ttt'ice Jio ôWolfeuont. -J) i u.. n iituIoa4 mI ha seen by - dAtJOÏIN Ko&ELY at a gielit [JSLINS wls Parasols, ta make "ay for W. » Cail t onc? GOUI SALE. JLijNG & Co. is Dow on his way to Europe vo wiii commence to-<ay to elal large patttof eut Âoil frqm our former low prices. DE LAINES; BAI{EGES, nd ail Saimmer Goods soli at Cost froin this 'ail coods. BUTTER AND> EGOS iekn l Exchainge.- JÂEN~COLUNG & Co., . : Wl'lin#oa!a .llk, Bn'ocb t,1/ei TBY, July 8, 1 82. QqhNFO AN, WÂLKEY &-'O#. EWCK STREET, WHLTBY. A PEW DOORS soUiTH OF TUE MONTREAL BÂNX. AV FON IlTAI), anti arc coustatttly muufacturiug Carriegei,Buggies, MWaggous, &c., cftije tatasu ant i oîet ppravc't styles, mantnfactuuriug froni the baet unateriet Iîy the cîteiceest workmeu, beuuîg comp)etetut Nverlinru ttinnieives, tisev feut aeseîred r tirk cciil:give mtislfaction inlutelie' iu'iish nd(Inrnhility. At)kinds of wtrn thcy are îîroçtsreud te fliiali oeru'ior t entm DONON AiN, W.ALKEY & Co. '[14V. Nieihii, 5.12- Blors, roats kers, ri and Itoads of IFamilis utit lu;ates itiv tst s ati t loii i e es. H . GES I F iR I E, Agilt , Çt, C(,.: lu 0, ~VA, E )FFiCE tet- Blritish-& iterlea Express Col Montreal Omen Steaushlp C., and Glasgow Ltne Steamers, t i u-d ce de c io h ft e e g i t t lrY Oi- ROBERT e.CAIIBETuL, Aititit-tffle«of CuImep"Ltls OMNIBUS w liitby, Apnîl 3, '8 2. 1 > Sheriff'8 Sal.e of Lands. to Wii: Foenir ti d'IV ct1, ,32, ai 12o'eie i,o tkutien x ilho e th u - Atnut tel nu>' l, the ils 'ntitt Iýe, Lti teTovrt cntWltltby, lu the ituir of u09 r)i -,tflic niý.tti ltiud intereuit wluich fic îdrniiui eel lenflauissieereliy )IOssess, nthe ondemetI'tied landtesud ttr.ctiett Cl(ri3o, sitiili n m ie er uCutiant»' v'rtof'u urtain s ert. o ter Putau4 mv*is: Iu theu ttcauety court, sasmuiel C. Simitte, plaintitf, s. Fuela IM. -LI 2lis COfflwyÇg5xla Beîtb('i. . tnêe .g Q ibue.inte1(j ranti Benitiiel ,plittutiffk ve. Frmtues H. Bortolta>de- tendasnut. ln tit oulie tc . - louis Se taAil tIt AU ladu i Nel ti the Sr L', 'u li Thoucas C, Wea t itlf er Ree, Ju et L4 1 Bejaini~ tieariJeo te thce foiltute- 'cf lot Nn. 10, ot Rail Wtut- in the *uJ Con. cf utiff, v ,. Chtarles oi f oBtnuIa.l Z. ~ ole-auarticile tl witboit ai o p.ee13 Bc-g to antouIiCe the arrivai c.f a portion of their IFAItL St0c1 Whty ly9 i - diriet from BRITýAIN, Ex.-stcamshiP FAI~ Which thcy will seil atae small advance on th e é1n ah Thtuy exipect to have the bulk oif their stock forward about the 15thà Their stock of Men's and Boys~ READY-IIADiOE OLOTHING (0f their own manfucture> is iow very Complete. Wliibyýý Sept. 82 TUIE' BEST TIIING ,OUT, Ste get tîeose gentlecmen wlio have beci uin tht.e hbt of chargmtl re r>ett leqrlîts, to pîîllislit1 n l C jrices-it enutidets a lWeeerîetîtgpulito ec oi-e thiscnse1lves îc-lîc, euy cati (Io Lu ii, iltt ti tilcy. NOir, youx may caii it vtaity, or uuuyttîý-tets u î ieb .thie Cielifeiruiu mWini dots tike a Iill/eîp;'ieltii hc'ing thue ict'îie of sutis a rei:,oltieon in thce triu eeei ~ f/IeCotocty, iselletîle'ver it'itn, woinan ttiuel <utilel, te pt'eeire tite ~FIAi ti tiffl ibcrbc ittu te iîlui1îi- ï h 1-ýiciO ie ih (Iyltleilny l1lt14,ý ,L J N t iet ftU'e LIM %riV -teV -tr, e i Ei ie r i er ulijt etuas oriteititebi ONTARIO NEW bIILIýS- k tc u ,eri c u y h t t l ' t n ' ' v , ' M t t iU u t, t id tth t.iitcl o , a d ifnt 'ueuîtiII tiîetzttrelu uu'tuLtlIuti siet lie 4ustailitittiîtt rmeî utýai ri tut tiiilteNd -t sitertet"ne- tlt' woaiti .4 cu i t itite sito teie t tt t ct iltycuT î'it'uîi c(ieut ttt fle' tre ntica zotee ji s e aiuu e nflitC l ' Itnt it i ec t;it)a titi mitori-s fontien neutu i Uii. liDANt LCiCEi '£Lat W'ilbuy, lita "> 612, 19X I Sîosiuor h u ii tleeuîPrtovincial Puxerta ient ofilpport'sittau. CAPITAL £100,000. I rattaliutt aialeet O n11làtutt tnd theîz eiititts. Every iuteeruttiton supiee na)u plitiatien te the unterstifucfd. Main Risik. fortbhe casitiet tan Pnrts. JOHN ÂGNMW Trsveltiiuug Agent§ Byron ti reet, Whitity L V N B F 3 H .1 AT , w 't u iit n A u t rg a n - tuty ut tI ii utis otlnibereotiatauutly utiband. U3 N DE R TAKX 1N G. FUN iA llsut"ittliee sud sawidcdtte noie heiunkPLt cons4ltiy ou WVA Ilearse w bite on ihensi tenus. GEORGE CtiItCK.- Whtliy, Tale. hth; 1862. W4-1 j Farin for-Sale.- ALD i'5rl ,fuiont Gouacte (about 5 5,ats.tt) For Ternis su ua irtucr partietelitret pll', if lle rpo*tpmid tot - ert hlr>eukiue'. 0. ItE.FV. WILLIAM BENz"SoN (11 u.-0 i ;., be Patet 'lt ii,tür 0it. u he C oul t iiit n ,t i titnc Ct ilt> it tle W'«<'et o T vIciJf clyui' Lee~te I(t .5uets per b;u'y Wit, . theUicCali- niana lune. yîtu~Iucev:t tnct, nP.rîut congts. -rn tuîtli/i it ofieýie.q, tinil the Californiaman will givo you a discount of 33 per cent on almost every article of fine Liquors thorein pub. -lished; tltereby utlvingyoup te 'i'y Jer (ceît,-uîere intercst, atn sure, than you would bo willing te vey kaud-itgly.A The, Galiforniaman sliii eeutintîes te meil tho BEST TEAS, thit(iii thet word-cto fine, si1e"f11, extra fine, litet tite>Bout Tea, for $1.per p ou d. off of wltieh Iu ilgv 2er' Iîee t b oeue w îo buîy 1 t Ipoundu or uepwaireiu. RO ERV-At usmil pi4 ts-ifew sets more,tfpre /cate$17 te, s7 0.-Miel 00 G(Basa pretiervo jars-îiiiti aquarts atl17 te 25 cen'ts. GLÂSSWARE of everYdescriittion always ou baud. BOOTS AND a het'gctstock tof every de.cltîerîpin of ti-e Liqiatry togetleer witjIc 500 buttrelie et deitiestir, Wii4koy, peurcbeuil prier tee the hite TàiîffW antd tituber oit mle at tise Galifornia Store, et 3Octs, por gallon, for-ive Gallottien pwardu A LIDERiL D18VOUN'T TO 11<)TEL KEER11.l TELOMAS M'ULCAHY, 7I I.subacribeIs beg ta cat1i )our attentioNn ho the, tact titat itayiug anti isrveut i,.4 -~'cnçin ottepinte, autthat n qtî m leti lmac oe pte inyeur ortir, or conte)your- selvea, for tlei'justly celebtetd n'y-1, &t \Vehtl', t' i Gocaible, W "y IFOR SALE.U 200 1 A n t n e.rm jjned T ,tra re i$4tesc ,etctee ute gronel divii haadiiiietes or tir týt)s t For further ptertictiltit'i pply te tlue preprle- - Itib'IARTJ Fi, tnr.' Lot Ne. 4,. tlleCori. 'tncek, '/reeîusiuiel, tP. O lioc %pl,,Aeii 18112. l]34f LICENSED àtUCTI.\LEE% FOR TIuE COUNTX OF ONTARIO., i.'r' trbc' l1et1ort irt' 'l') 4. .Jaine't ~~~ lVatot1 ita y . 0>!ceottulfo Ceu i lo mil - y W. PAXIION. hi Gouuty Trt'uer. Phoenix Firoi Assurance Go. Eu"I SIM DIN .Î42. - CIILESPIE MOFI AT & G. It't t 0t>, X , llliii. nti-b 1 jitut c t titi4lui) nut eCria'> ii, I te ,~~~nuuolZwe &ruttlo-Cou.i s, m it-saiae Petuiani-aore iXfcaiy ur cu at- ttteu inliaitr n j'rt-tutn n if i talCati'Ot n i Ioî 61. IY, -fl i. te CAMPBELL- 1 - . - . e m % 1 IT f't n n il Y ( Fil 1 XT n 1 1 1 lit lil'i'l 0 Il 111L-111 Ntil ý 1

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