Whitby Chronicle, 2 Oct 1862, p. 2

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Y derleelt hsDRY. 'IMO <ol=ooreoeral nt Whitlby. ______As sntounced in cher coIumSi, I~l$ Good Vne fo>r ,%oley-jas. BaltIin. Eroeilency thse overnor General wilI b. Farm ta Hlliet- Ul S. titephbeîî. inWiitby ou Monday siext. Addresses ArrivaI of Ilus Ecerllency-M .J. Gunn. atre to be deiivered biai by thes Mayor and E~xtesnsive Crdit sale-Thotii e&rs. Corporation, and by the Warden and C.oun- Prizeseiig Mtseblne-JTtt. H. Gerrie. -ty Conneî. Ai, along Hie ExceIioucy's Jeception of theO Governnr Geera- tour tlsrough tise Province is reception w.. Saillis,'bas heurt eue perfect triumph, and we ex- Notice Specit Mee<itting of thie Ceanty pect that libis res pect,0 that whicb aiwaits Conci-II. J. Macdolieil. hlm ùai Whitby wili ni be behilnd Ray other BOtr9yad-N. G. ii-amest. nportion of loyal Canada. Boot an Shoa-JnsesIltso.As a Gevernor, Lord Mouck bas acted Great Rritain bI Oshawa Direct. în every. res peetwortsy the, represeutatire Go to Cowan's for Dry, Goods and evcry. of tie, Sovereign, and.withacrupulous rc* tlîing.ference wte econstitution sinte- bis suivent StolIý,i-assies Long. in1 Canada. As an msiinent siatesititui and * AUCTIO'N SALES. a liberal taleuied noblensan, as wdll as the On lot No 1%, in tihe Ath con., Witby. reproeetative of 0ur Quisen, ho is entitled on TulesdaY, Octoher 14th 1862 -Thomas to evcry ontward Mark of respect and esý Myers--Auctiooer. tccm wich becomes his position,,from a Loilt N , b i otc 2,ri con. Pirkpr- free aud loyal poopie.' onStraOctobcr 41fr, 1862- Let tbe loyal poople of Ontario dieu ni.n Tlsmrs Myrs~Antionçer. fail in doiug their sbarc. At tuie residence of the late Wmi. Bart-0 ictt. o1l Octotier îlis-- oln McGill, Au l it is as yet nol quite decided wbeilscr tinHi$ usEXcelency will go tbrougis th e towu, At tliê, Carriatre F actory of Migrq. Don. or will reccire the adsircses at the taiway 0V:us NîXVfl,ý & Coi., on the ' rid day of Station. Thse probabilities are in favor of Fasir-.Eîibansc, Jr., Auctiatseer. ,is driving tiross-h tle town, and theya OrisTi i No. 9, in thse is con. or 'cker- receiving the addresses. Or this a fuLer sng su "lîrsarOct 9 182-isoasand1 more definite annourscement wili bo Myr'rs.Acetioner. <1 The Warden ia in town 10 co-np. <hsIr' Na. %,oin asaeuse, Pickcring, oms ,ztrrlixOct 1~,1812-Tos.Myca, rate witii the iayor, atnd lhe as suminon. Cutorr. cdl a mieting of the Cossnty Council for theo On lort 'No. 5, broken front, ranze lhue, psrpote. Mr.,ýmith, ai once, shewed himn Plcrî.on Moudsy, Oct. 13, 1862.- rsçlf Most auxiaus ansd desirous of taking Up Tiîoas-MeraAsseiostir.thseinatter in that enthsiastic and loyal spirit wlich dots hlm Louai' as a goodSi ub- PbA jet, and becomes Lis position as tle Chie-f ït i « Il .aii I. - *Ma-,istrate of tihe County. sîr'm iis -~..(I.. < ~ -The Ncw l's-otrice. 01 O)r DOLLA-R A YEAR ':tic "sttan îd theMinîglry. Tlu'siurse of tise Gbsinii regard ta thse Ahiii-r sîinl worîisy of rem ask. 'Bit usi 1,%s10 meanu extt-ans-sinarv. Tt isas usîays le eï P lepie-yof tlIsaIJoutrntsuio Cry dovnanabci iuse vistre- it etîtnote-ai. tss<nl nritissiseresce. îossiit slts nattîs-st i-se Ilt. Tsee-htiasapprares e-f vIet s 1110.01, bicawitis amBtia stdau If, ssat finEx- i'Cýst. Tn-e estt e-ssseqsire5 lut con- deOIW v-HsîutprOof. Itin lutigl, lus La-, hiSwsiit. thiai criticisei tise potiecy af fite Aslmuiiitra iont. Whiile the Moderato pim-s, anti s careely att exception, act in a fipiri f taie-rance- andi forbe-aranice, assi Rivait tise-'fîil devselopernetit of ise- poiicy e-f t1AcMiîictry bosfore- pronounin; an api- ioise (ut-Glbe- prejsdJes the vIole- case. Ticit àacta it resiecita Ils. prapaucasIn.ui lur-olanasl lailwvuy. It promoiatees trisat tise p1aicy o i Ie isitry ii, and eonde-mua withasît cridesace lisat its conclnsious5 are carre-et. Mistaerin, le-mactrea, nses-t le-- f'ore tise- puicietishîe vitale s chentcs ta ruise nImified ta Parliament. -Tise Glube igntret ttLi-r siate-munt, and endeavons le- psijoles tise public mîud by, s tà4 -ibsi Mmgtees yl ua Thse Corporation Lau adopte-J a me-met-- lail tii.- Post, Master, Gene-rai ou tiese m- ject of tise nov Post-offlice, praying tisaI h muay le localesi in -ise- ne-v builinîg erectes ftur ise purpese b>-Mi'. Pcsry - andi if n tise-n, tisen ou somne ale-r part of Brocis Sire-et, stertis of Caldsvel's liocks. Tiss action of the Coussei libaslie-n cause-'dil y tisassertiost of Mr, Drape-r. tiat hebaLs autharit>- ta place tise-Post-ofilce ou a va- canti lot owne-il y hlm on Dudas sire-e-t, lîit Le le about ereciin- aaonc star>- qîsat- t>- fer île pus-pose, ainsi that île place is ta le leasae- for te-n years ta the Departaent:- ansi tisai if ahis la n satisfacto ry ta aIl par. sue-s coneeruesi, i., (Mfr. Draper,) bas autiso. rit>- to diasis the Pont-Master. Whateve-r Mait. Drssper'a foalisis bastings way emounit ta,nu atisîing muat Le uov- appare-nt ta tLe loua.-Mi'. Foiey * that un placin- the Past- office- nuywisais-eont ai Brock Street, tîle centre of businsessu of tLe Iaw,-sss<otus so ssgtisuat tise-visites of lise tstire- people cf Wbitity, as eilirees lrough ibeir repre. gatiies. EnougisuLalare-ad>' bain laid lefore- the Pont Mate-r Gene-rai, b>- lettes-s, pe-tiulutss, aund, personai expianation, ta pluiacc lmin 0full-'possession: of al lte fiseta, Thse-report cf tle l'est-offi-c In- ipeetar bas also be-e-n tnansmittesi ta tise DenaijMusnt, andi as vo umdertansi, la also. ton mass isuig like a flood ansd 1owhIN iu rivera tîlsal 0go vei-sprcsd and trans forr thse face of the country that it car neyer regaLin isr old appoarane or be auyý thing but a barresn arid avastc until a nosi soil bas aocuusulated on the bardee crist. B~ut dropjflng éaiies, and reiurning tx Fisssidcnt Lisicoli's proclaemation, wo pro. cece-i 10 consider the probable offect thons oC Righit glati would vs have been could tiie slaves have boen freed by ooinegradu al or le-es eangssiary proces, but If tI'f cannot bu wo can only say jflat juéatUi mC caoce v. Ajier the e lrst'id Jauuar#y, llooker-who before tisaittis. viii no doubt b.e in commsand in the. west.-Mit, cheli on the Atlantic coast and &a'Itchai eomianders. wbou's pition vii ilos thoraite do se, wiil procecd te organize ,negro regiments atnd these beiug sent atoissg tise saves, tIere. canuot be a daubt but that they svould risc en m<sas, puttlng to de-ail, or Wehaps a woraeecxlremity. ail the white people who utili romain or tIc plantations. The vholc cousntry wossld be*ovrrsn le wandering hanisofblac< despcnadoes leent on nihachief, agtsingl whom thse Corifederate trnops would bce as poerîcas as are tihe Federals againsi the gocrîias in Kentucky and Tcnurssc.- Ti.; 1carrying lte war imb AfricW" 13 the Africans would go far te disbond the Southern armies bY locaL-policeJrequiirc. ments, as wefl as by descrtion, for tisou- ssnds wossld risk a doerter's foteien the hope ofi'beig lîrolectars ta tise heiplc&is lefi nt home. Tîso Federais tinding tIsen- selves otnt-g-cnerailed,'and Leaten -i n nariy cY c ry.elig.genment, and holding in iseit hitns a trenchant and fearful weapon, whii can lie more casily drawn titan put ip; have after a greai deat of hlettlalion, deeirrd e-o uise it, tis deciaring tise war to le otie of extermination. lucre svouid still, 11(evcrcer, seem to le a way by which the Southeros nsay prevent or ai Icast de- fer à ciscck-mate. Le-t Davis bt proclaini cissanripîtion antriskc isomediatete tps te colonise or in sonse rstnncr provîde for tise liberaberi slaves and tihe force of Lîincoin's proclamtion wossid be very murh wcaken. 0<1 aitîtough lby no meamîs wboily destroy. cdi. We lhsveno tosîghis ho'çcvcr that titis will le.Tie slave owners whois-ave le-e-n- ind 10 îlejr slave, cannt imiagine ti-r docile n-iiiin,- fiiowers tnansforsoed use-n élespertloes. No more would tise Britisi resiulentt of India have belicvcsl tisai tseir faitistîl se-pors couid ever have Lh-ome the inhsan monsters they pror- cd thleniselve-4 te le. The S-satherners wMi siat wilngiy give up tlir slaves nor is Davis anosîttocrat i . th power te compel, itich acourse. They viiitothIbis sretain that peculian institution wl;ich Las hadethe cect of making tisent for tise liai century i distinct people in ail thoso national char- acterisiies wulcis mark distinct nationali. hics. Tisey asili îisluk tise sacrifice teo gre-at for caarnitiea tiey cannot appre. he-na. We avait the resuit with the greateat ntcreat. Lutti cc ecxhUbitid tise comparative standing of tbe acbools lu the Tovwt of WVhitby, wsiti hss.of Osawa, Bovman- ville, Litissa>, Yorkville, and Barrie, ansi tLe average ooji f Ontario, and tq.e. Tia oeidsotbe regrdedtan eeoesioal. mode - f operatioe, ansd as no 5~employer jenIbisa aooes would a~llov sncb a -sytem tobc aete pon, as i n,s.T bs obvious princle, gcncnally adopte4 in* ordiary clrcurestanésé, Is eqqally atpplica- Sbis aad cqaaly vauabte li eodnfeia vithý - decaifional operatiaus. la ohs ttisi iese . is a vasSItiIisoyoit of vork te bcledoue.-- d Tiser. ts avaristy 0f subjecha ta e c tugit, !1 andsitise pupis vili exhibit s arises atsess of *g adrancemoni. Nov whe-n tvaOs'ior r a tsacbero are' e eployesi, thse econotit*i maode vossid ot, Le ta divide tise pepils la su* nassor astocompetoeacis leseer to ~.ghve instrstcti@e en al tishe topies, t0 pepfls yip thse die'rent *teps cf adraiscenient. This wotuld re-quire Ivo on more ofitheni iu that ,t perfoymaýnceof dcacl part of tIeus' duty, ta ,be engagelilu coing titis vrk wlsicl one gof tisent coulic do alone vîîh equsal i cii cieny-ao arrangement visin o rdim- aary tîathers, every one ean sccto0e, jvnuid lai most alsurd. TIc nessî t wosid c le thai eaca teacler's tsse- vosi le bcsc t diviricd sîp iv thse tuursernof cl;isee- nuler s cis arge, tisai lc<tossisi nst have tisse te do jutie ta uany af île-ru. A Mamnnt s -refiectîna uilî satisS'y sny perw.ini tisat tise Fplan e-fe-iuerationus luadmirabliy a tet 0 give- île leasi possible reîurn In eriucation- ai resutt, ansd yet <lbat le.ho inte unain, - the pisaais vhtich ur scisoali have htîtrr 2ta leen cooducted. The obvions tistuis for clîviding tle labor amon.g. tisoe taàuirs in th îlee-npioysaeni aillhe B.uardef fTrustcvts, - ould Le ona tue principleofatheîlejrif;cbe-ncv - of tise pupiée-Tley irlouii bu s-adistrL. ,,tbtec], titat no atva teacîcinitvoutl lere- t qîcire-d ta go avrs'tîe same groitnd. Al tlise pspiis cf tise towo of certain ustain- muents, should be ss;.ssigncd ta une te-arier, itisase of anoihes' grade te anotiter teacluer, aandi sa tîrotigitheticvhola sechool. (-ltdi- n rity it mniise ibst litîle tîiffere-oce ietse-r a dam. contairis te-o Itill or tsrcsuy. One- te-acîser wtli (Io it about tLetsaue justice C in n gîven tlune as bye ialoriog Su suiparate roasos ; but on tise plan we - ntraite, tise tender bu charge cf thse di.s- oîsîr le -enalesita' de-vole ta it jusi aboutsdotsble tise limnelue cotulsi oîhscnwise dIo, andi tlttci perfiarmu for 1h a gi-cato'r service-. TIse ai- vantscs of tissplan nmust ble olii. In rural niunicipaities si-ceeîte popsilatiian tg ni-ceuiarly sparco, tle se-astesst ai divi- sion of tabar cannai le made- avaiibslle; lui tise dense populatlots sof lovos tiffonts a fie-id for tle introdution e-f that prsu- cîpis of efllcicncy and ecauomr. For, this reason vo arceontitied tb iooekfor motre satisfactslry re-suiha tram ousi schioiu, thinn fram ihose ib egricultunal ne-gîborboodu, and one reasan wlty tlsoy have ual met aur jutîshexpectations -visy tise-y have le-n compamauiely more expenuire- than ho other place-s simiarly u-tuaied, l is cause bn aur scioolsa tiprincipie has leers ai. mach entireiy ne-glocteci. W. maintain Le-re-ltret'ebanisol., wihe, blaugis undenr tle coninol of oritoboard, arecnisverlbeless, bn tis-mesi d ational o5setationa, entireIy independentsiof ciels ot.iser, and tison in tise Nermry Sire-et Scînai, wbe,4s three- ton - hisse- beau enilaycd under the saisie tise labor3 of one afi 11cm on, 1y hizm conducte so an s teafford relier- to hc ù- allers,wvile the- aliter 5 daIly goitug o~r ucu 'b tary le tise Board of Granmmar Sebol Trt.stees. Wstursmi', se-pt. f23t'd., 18f12. Sm:-! hanve beon iistrnese(,t b>' if.- Grans" tboltii BosîIrd <i'f îli,. w tWu wadeleat yen, 514 flite lefoj't:s'tini(,f HSiT wn'I'osCoulii, tllt thîe trtuelllttttesof' t-liisîT5nt La Vmr rIearned t 'e-ae offinion hli tenescryrt"qNel in tise Ce-ttue, (oni tise ocriot oS'isa.rt;s1sit nae- a ritteof te>l, for te pllýsc (4011, tehonl-) ta tise oteet- tisai site BÙIrd sîsOtîl e rlie-sJAssrtsetel lis se cordst'noswi eitstetîsiu.issttgut thol Cenia =t, tint rs f a its, sa ymtion a lu>'h Oteisri tsi hoe pp',riecd lis thoir Este-ad. 1 tPlnus&C K. M. CLENN, Sec. B. S. T. Mer. Watsou, 3Mr. Laing, and 3Mr. Mac. doueli, expressedth ieir aurpriso aitishe let-ý ter, a.ifigagtai h nmust.bave bison vrltsun uad&ra aaisa1preb essaiof etwise-ok piae. aI ibis Council »oard. While deuyiug î4se nlghe- of aay o9îside judividuai1te -al -tihe councei t t accosut for vhaî migît lhâve beeu said inb dise.ssîurtise affaire of 4he Corporation, ibisy ah the sans. tinte rensark. cd tist a w a ssa a .ttise Meelting of tise couneil -wm t iuapy te thse fliwiug effeci:_ On tise application for tise appro. priation suembers of tise Board cf Trsteîes Laid sta.îed tIt isole-ss tLe erant were mallo tise-y sould resig.ff. r. Watson and aller tuembaýrà of tihe cnnucit aid Ihtiteder sudh circssmstas'atise liard nii e 're-' modeiied b;satd vhie na dosirin, ite reaig- ntaioniof btce;rrcscîst lBoard, it w.as saisi, tisaI if tle nuuey vere graistar, thse reeve and sle-rty re-evue of tise town, wassld hsave intel itîflurusce it thes Cotsssty t3ossmsi, as iwoisid induethse alpoitittifuit îta tue marde ily lise latte-rr dy sceording bu their re- commctîdaîiîn. Tiaseiictas tsthsaosnit ,of %ba tbonis iraco ins the. dacttsit, so far as tise Grsatsssar -Schouçl Truîte-eswüe concerrsed. 3fr. Mavdorsell obtained Ile-rc 10 prese-al tise folloiriîgpetbtiost on Lehlsf of Meassi. Hall & Moody . To Mc Mîljo aiefrjOîrpotmti*t«n tet tiitut -li rs,ý ; i t lit ir si tî 'Ïafl es:dorie1 oe it. iii c - l,1.t il luviriîse- . ",-fat,- V ltuuci s ltt r'iît--ct f ait. "ll lrai li rh-,Cr.f rtetîlccttl. oirý On mo:îr.to . r. Dsii ~nr aSeirsolio- ..S or the new Post .-tel an ts. 5 ,Ilwg -*h Sëi:l f4 thriiOi'îit,«nl ra itaintte Town ta.of Ni-e. Asid, &r, ct,, tbera is S>ewtttttie cMOODYA On mo'A. tjin ft 3r fhiii arsost.o î*as11 i>ae4 y Le osclo ts uj o'fe 4isa tew aîtO e a nd îLe fu (f Io.llig nirmorballriopîawd: <~T TSEliOot..issE EEaS.3-ATE bue rEle !tSrget ÀS.," Ise no s t ie<apoatos St fowtî -s 'NSiî5ay.!l isîsStlY iiicc tluni dlo J. & Il. Spencer.-Brooklin ; dri d dofie-s Miller, Mirkham;i -»st htwo e-vs, tueo shenirtan~rd over, J. &1I. Spemtcer, litook- hbss ; itsd çdo Geo. Mille-r, Markiaans ; $i' do E. G- CJrien, Barrie; lest tva sisesiiri- ews eMiller<, Manleam -; 2nd do Ed., Jaone-., '1'orold; biset Ivo ewe iami>s, Geo. Miller, Markisam ; 2nd do ..r Il. Spoîscer, Trooilin ; rd do Gco. 1Mile-r,Markehasus. lus fine woolee-islccp, Mr'. .rkîarod, Os5- hawa, tank thseflIra prix., for lest rans; tise lird for tise lest sclirriin ns; thse fini tfor be-sitrain lainib ;tise fitst for ;iust 2 e-wcs, and tise 2isd for lesit aise4î*lisg ln pigs, Mn. J. P. Witcicr, W1o-ýuttrn, te-uvk tise principal prises isnYorksi~ rs and Mr. (Ieo. Millet', Ma'khîam i , l iter fl>ULTILY. lanIBlack Pelauds-Mn, C., Nosursoe, Of Whitly, iook a second prise, and waq awarded tLe "Fergua" ailver modal for the lest pair of Dousestie fowîs; also an exta pri-ze for tise Lest pair nf Cilittaynoh fotvîs. At;te-ULTUR5AS. m'lOnsCTIOSsl-. Thte Canadat-ompaey's jirise of $,10o for tist, be-st 251 bushsolq Fait Wheut wax awaree-Mr. Jas. Fre-eman,. of Hlamilton. Titis second prise ly lte- Association to John 7MstchLcii, of Mono Mus,t, W and tise tsine- prizeocf $20 ta John Rose ot Glinurris. Several prises; in ranis vene awarîied ta- ,1o>isua Sirely of Scarbaro, andti taMr. IR. li._I>)e-iisôn, of Toronto. cADILteT VWAIttF. Jaiie ay, of Toronto, btail a mno- 11slolI ' csf titis de-partisseifntdatriitarion e- iitius I se111- ve-ryfine specisuens of fusr- i turt. In ts Iis esopaýrtmest (C. F. Haull, of Tarots. ta), carricti off île principal prises. .*£=i& TutAi5t555. Fire detector and hrsrglar * aîarm prz sddi1,ioja, Salema ickIartlt, Uni-arville. Blak-ils tire iron, Salemto Ecie-iardt, Uniîonvilîn. Four attuaigam bell; I rwino & Sans, SShingie machine, G. O. S. Conwsy, t!sh- lurs. Thse Canada Csmpany's prise for flax vasq awarded, Ms'. flUa'u. Miller rfNaai Beri io Isasîclu of Taret, James $tory B'e.Ct 14tl.visitelielgiso fie-id carrai 5ceil, ihhi et eh, Iarlingtrsn. -0>/sur e w us-sle/-pï notfLi-irr o-r C;t '-.qL.Be ramn, tvast-aaau e-trer, John0 Mille-r, Broughsam. Be-st 2 ewés, tva shears antiave-r, John Mille-r, irmgsm Be-st 2 slsearling oives, $Sim. JefTrey, W'hbttsv; rd, Join 1iilerc;Jirougltrn. In tilt olsssef Arts sud Mntfa(s-', io clagtriulstirai bool7 ant i opeoseits- 1Messirs. %Vlisiing and Hall of OJsawa, tonit Taiote tprises. Mr'.(Card of BrookIin, gaitishe second prbe for the- Lest vwooduso pumnp. - ln tLe clisa of de-enaive draving% aud clesigos, Mçssrs. Trentaine, l-te nsp pub- iiicreei-e-d vTarie-os$ prize-s, andi the *firit prix. and a dipioma for thîîr nov nssp of Cantada. In amateur paittting, Mins Rave -on WLiI y, &ot a lirai prise for the bisa plain in Lidic'ew-rie, 'Misa E. BrEchardI e-f Unionvmlle, vasa aardes tise finimt for braisi- inx, and Miss Stricklancl of 'Oshawa, tank prises fan fltncy nctting. FM'Sa, pa.'erixa ANeD 111001.111xDetsa. MeFsars. Barber Bras., dof Georgetown, and Mesns. Bunhots Bras., toâk al lthe-' prises for papers, in iether.press prînting, Messrs. Cisevet.&co..vere avrare lie firsi prize. sud utn book-binding. Messars. 1erown Bras., txok 4Il tL. prizea, and a d! fi' ýlf eýPrIcsflsr .,5' ýJgnT « f Wsiths- F b iEkdbcr ief 't e, WT7tity liJCeronifrfr If thse astbor cf tLe Communicationt wieiiappee-red bu your lasi lueove-r tise signuistresof "Doninia," viliipnbli4 11<i proper -nt in iyonr -columtni,,1 iMha fer.; nisis hits y it a jsscr ta bis utjuet auJ iII uatered attac-,ttttess le lac soe0, shah isold mysélf freic ta cOmuaidOr lm ti foui tradeceras cowalse-ly mla s ho l aig- NEW AVRIE - WHITBiY ANDERtSON Thse amnual U>t*itt a nI 0ymnasi8 - U CIJIIITE gane-s et Aiiseriy -t.aak place on tîLe t PîL Sept. - A good deal of inierest vas meu Get iar f h festeil is tiseproce-e-Ilugé. Tise- veatiser iGet- ad fteNorth!I appe-aresi ratiserunafavoratblo le thse mort'- Wil l iave t ou 'S i tseW ,, - ug, casting a gloam an tise spirit of tisa. givitsgiltei t n ~ea vI ad us ioked farvarci ýo a day cf enjay. meut, andi prcvcuted many. from comei e A NCINT 1EEIw~ tbat woulsi othervise atttend. Tise elosula MAGIC, 111RT11 ANVD isowever dispenel befare tise time arrive-J fer tise boa to satari ;ansi tise San hituîIuig ettieassaotsiticcn sic viths ahIla tbriIhiaut spiesudor, servei et iliigsci- once taeraise.ibn, spirits of the rr mt-î ,Seekecan sd t10 aie-d itiottal peit-es MUSIC HAE,~c îiO T tise ape-ning af thse iegalta. Titere vua ~s ieits et- tt iiSit-ae i 5. a-ery finse attcndance of spe-tators4, many ,nîi- cumin- from a disilatuco, attracted by thse1 amusements o-f tise day, titts others ta e-njn#- Miss .Andorsontn Sotond Sighti tise reaiiy he-autifusîsenery of tieOarev -r J'r.ii~-et-n -<eii Sive1 of L'ahie Sbmcoe, seitielmut ut etse-en t te -r 0111y. properly apîtredissie. c AlJT ION....e---rcc-cai~ti.enîiî Tise gentlemen vîn i-iueliy consente-J ta Suitvs-iac-SSýtt, --u- -raisw î stt s u g on tLe oce-aibot, amie-I viou tîac i -tt t Saîî-sc ,ti-sSsv si docisas egv-universel eatisfartiou, %vtrc te- ceir.,ua!CiiiSle-esrees. Ms', Ailes. Kennedy, Atlai'rIy ; Mr. John Aliîc.ciiitroTiit5s. .c Prince, lPoint Maris;.-str f.Sepe cicu-5 l s.r -t on<'ci - ff l isa WiVstney, -Se-i-ncm iiis, Oriiia. <ie saecsa iibh'a~itisesntaeti Tfor7ot ta mention tiatsai e-or tise Acsia.ýie)n 2.e-.cise~ ic P mes sddnot came aIl, iss cnqste-ce af n-a- se--nu",'ouise aS. Y the-re befng neo compeilîlr. Tise Bail vas- - - ua de-idu-si ruînhi. Tise folltIavil5ts 0!)V L EF RMN~ prise' lit 'cG O A-EY RM NY lit, Venture, Wm. iie-.,MarAs, 2nd T sii iliri ~ctfBu-T GCloud, Chan s IRobinson, Orîbîja. - A L 1VNTFER, iss-snAsvCU-3 entries. thltci tetliaits u !nt s'siurica-imise--I1W let, Cs-/:/-rCharles Tisomcsonlryc, sclT--ui- Orilia,. 2i d, RdndoCer, Rtichard W,. Le-e,KW &(U 'IJ B fT FOr"tct,400 vos--I cuics. 5e'tt ene esnt e-î ati iwlýantto lui, il san Timon, 2nd, Robt. r v tyfe,~si st ta- u r ti ea. .Auclt - iraSuttti'iLeISj-,uteer lit. WitNm ukon, ima, 2-itd, lryi Tii-sou, AtLen>-. Ouns Standing îlumnp-4 eosainq, Tst, liryau Tii-non. Ibree SaeIuJL-ap- 3entries, Lii Parymis Tii-non. Standing, iig Lecp-3 envties, l.3t,Rbie-r t AlIan. StainibuUp, Ste-p ansid a- -tlé lsu, Bryan_ Tivsi on. TbrovinZ SIede-4 entrbeg, lai, Pat Me-Leati. Tiroving Jie-ay %uhder Sionis -3 e-utris, li, Aex. e ries# '15q. WuieingGrsa> ol-l circi,11 PUCe -ornaAccD£Omo', tise Wisas'd appears at thei HeuI ou Monay wand e-irsdats renoanesi Me-sanics eveanimgs,1 --JAMES BAIN. ERST PIZE - JAMES îî: GE ;Fe bave1 mne-an da-isa-thue mangae i 1co>wý. Mr. Geors'cit roya dae ual oceupy the poiinlefore île- country>- vue-bJohný Sa>desiMmedonald Isolda. Therefore StmLndfieid Macdloraldi s io statesmanhIt i4e îlsIsefre tIse Globe cannaI gise isz ap. proral ta an>' act Ibat praceed train tise Premier. The- Gloe-e-artdo-mbschbef. lis paveç,r ta do sus-auls le lesieeibh>- a fe-des-itissi cf tise Ps'ovlinces, tovare-s wviich graul ui. tise Imtercolonbal Raiivay vossîsi lac a-lrtoîp; tiserefore the;s Globe dieries tise- proje-t. Tis is tlse coutemptibie 1po sîtion oruf tise Glotbe-.Ansi ve- regret .- ltisii aneýiI-utin lsa Jourunal cf ts isaflu- Tisýe e,<tsilliois opeusu to-e-as>, (Wee-ne- day,) nisl givcug oe-d promise -of hi-ea et-ueTisee ntrie-i are stumerous. Tise rtsn itstsnight acîsitbi5marniug Lad anme- elfe-elin Içceping things bacie- bat an far lise ve-aitisr habe-id op Juria; tise day; asi lisep fine te relainder of the SLa ndl ta-matrov tise ,£grie-ultural fair ,wilil e ail tisai us frienda coulsi edesire. Full justLice iil e Jane esisibitors nextt week sîria eomploe-t ps-uns ligI puhhissesi. wo Ihave tise best autisarlt> for statÎug tlsmt tie-se lis-na trutlis svistever us'tise nu. inous- me adg M r. Mc(e-e' reignalion, Mu', Mceteilaun ouli 'afulaccord wvus -ho tier'emie-r on tise suljeciof tise Inter. cooil l;Limway, Lut ilaone- af tLe armeal alvocates of the meune Clear-sigistesi, ai he is, lecsaies bts theisaccamplilisment of se- gs-eat a praoct, ai safe-guare-t teBritishs- ,A.teeican tatinalit-, andte bishst me-ns af piramating lI riis Amerie-se piosperity. andunuonc.I Ia Wt'News. Th1e laté st andl uat î t ntioun. Sre-prea, i gi made lu favar at Mr. Draperas6.Mr'. Peir'Y~s building is be-eu e8peciali>- de. siguesid -n e-eted for a Paît-office-, ansi as a eouveueut re-idence for tise Post Master. t isas been built fire-proaf, ansitise famil>- aputme-mts arce istirel>' separatei ans i s. tintI from tise office. Tise rent asked lai casy h>viai is ailowesi b>-tise Departaient te tue Posi Master. Mfr. Draparis is a onue star>' coutce-rmt, viere nl>-thse office la ta .e- l'tipt, auJ spart from whlihdite Post Master muai pt-avide blunssîf-withs a reai- de-ne-e--no malter at whit incouve-niene asusi sufering ta iîrsime-f-eepeciaUl>-dering tise- lue-le-me-ut ve-ter, Mr. Draper viii also lie pais tisa FouI-office auiovunce. Wtt eannaI bring oussive-a taissue-vs tiat Mr. ii'cleys vel l-nova enue cf righî andi jus- îte-e, viii pert-ilm,'for liese ako-ef con- fe-r-iig a ftvor on Ms'. Drape-r, so do tiss MrI. t outrage lise pubie- sanisue-ntand' Selta utosugl"dhitse cxprese visisaof tise peo- plis of ÏIe Towav of Whiîhy. Tise-fief las gosse fort-'I Abralsant Liuscoissi, Pre-sidetit o-f tisese Uniteds State-ti lis b>- tie- word of lis pave-r de-elare-J tIti fibitr amillionts of people, miay of vhont tare- isever kuovo aagitilut alaver>-, sialI ifter a ce-s tain dataelie regardes as fre-., sîél ui tise-y 8clilele-id guiltie-ss lu al acta vlaicS nia>-ble oece-sain>-ttasulata.nhi. aie ilseir ire-Josu. Tîsis de-cie- of tLe nbnete-etisceon>- lai uýn weuderfitl>- prolifie of startling events îis:î tIis aorsiouuceemnt-.carrying vith it if ceCi-ý,ce-oesquonccs,tisever>- tiouglts cf viîicisse- ýam a ln!fet ornor-failis ligiatl>- ou hepullie ear,1and Jasé net son- sil>-afle-eh ils great puise. Mues as ave if.ave doairod tlisefreedom of tise Saisise-va slaves aund do sili, vu cannot cuti>- tisiuk efthie- uprislng cf tisese miullons-vuse barissg tIwsVs beau treatesi as brutes. Massacis - Michigan. We Lase-s oui' comparsom.n- u tecier f uperieten- deuî's report for Upper Cassuula fan 1860, be-cause ihat istise iatest _publiset, or ai, le-ast t as ureacisosi us. Tise nesult cf comparison vas istiuas favorable ta oui' ae-olsiaas v. couisi ba"edesiresi, but secis statistica Ms ae bappessèd wtepossesfor 1861, exlsibitesi a s1ilgiiprovement. But visatever-iie standing of oux a sedsmigisi lbe, visetiser abovis or baby tiose, isicis semîaibe sn-îLe eueiries am perfect>- legi. timate, wsiether iti la posaihlsta hsnpro ve- ansi boy tisis naylbe dotie;ansi tise.en. quýiries as-e more imperativel>- impiesae-s upon us siheu vis fins tisaI Our standing on scisool matte-rs la net as satiiiactory-as vis conld vs'. lu càrrybng aon o c s-ois, tise aima sisouisi he ta econsplis îLhe greateat ameunai cf gond vitis a givemsamoussi of moue>- W. do neal say 'that leuas aiulsi b xp ude-d for acisool perpass ha ii board bave- blîberto demandeci, Luitvisdo sa> tisai lise-y ouid give us ai good value for dis mone>- îppropriat4dsas h la posai., lie ta Lave, Tise prapesi rete-dy voulsi net le ta eut davu salariés aire-a-amal enasigh, nor ta e-eprive tise sscois of con- visiieuces and asivantages vsicis are neces- sas'> ta prisae-ne lise heaiîb, or pramot tise, mutua i Mprovrnseul or tise pupils. Goosi te-ache-ns ougit ta Le, ands muat Le pail, and ta secnua effielene->, duels' number musi boua a uitable 'proportioa la tise nutbe-r af pupiha ta lbs tasigisl. i lthe vorat possible polie>- ta e liiggardiy on tise pointa. "A gond teacher la ciseap ai sey reastunahuie salai'>, -wlile,£ poar -heacher ia wanth very lhllle indeps.I, h lanot thea lui tise eut-tailmseum cf oui' exnendhture for nov- Clasas bote os ebs, accord- mng ta theis' praflciency.? liBut strîti> apiakin; ve- ougît net te stop the-re. The- 'amis principle- 0f<classification should bc' cas'ied Ilirougis aitthose-olcs.ustdcr lte ce ntral of oaar board., Exceptiug, peuýiaps, hno.lbhe'priimas-y dopartiment, no tva heacisers la île samse emplo>, closaiSle ýe-qured t'O ce-p>- Ibe saine groonsi at the- sintuIise. -Tacarry out Ibis iplan,.mli the acisoolsasboasisibLe place-J unelerono e ai umter, ansi tlen tise pupils remos'ed front eune dcpartaica.tuta notber, arIen, ansi ouI>- view ies rfeec ouhd %war- rant thse transfer. WetertIis plan imi le- entirmi> as fe-ne devclopesi, is jîssi naw pnacticalle or net, tise-Boas-el ai Trusteas are-, pos-baps, tise lest jud.-g. Dsar popn- laulon la acaQeresi aven a large-r territary, tissu titloai ust to cf tIe anme nuint. ber cf irihbitata ta, %vhie-ImigisI pseseni an obstie-le ta eoilecting hog(:ein Inone -place tises Llîdren of tise primas'>-depart- monts, eût t ght not ta ps'iveut tise large-r psupils fron taheiding anyvbere ln the tavuwn Were thiseledepariment mit le le-este-l Tise great advantagoe te bcede-e rived fron ttissarrag.emcnt, vo-sîsi n-de-r it vos-tii suefflort ta accomplishi i, aud vo hope tise truste-es ailI nt le-sat tak- tise matIe-s'iluta t1sir se-riosas causideraion. Town Couuscîl. SPECIA.L MEETING. Sabr-a>-Ev.sep. 27tis. ADfl aaTO TUiS QilauERNOZ GEMALns la tIl -I'.imasterUIWOi-ai.- - .reo utinpasaîed cutderiagp> i l.Ota limnasDacford, tas' fixinig the3 isandle of is eto-vispnmp. S Canci adjocnesi w 10 01 rioek ou Fr1. duy mornuug, tLe 3rd bout, 31r, Jameb Bain allers -go-otlvelue fan mosaey, lu tise shape cf boots anJd saesa.> Provielai Exhtlatioa-prlxe List. Tise Exsihi tien tisis yenr vas in e-van> respect a comploe succairs. Duriog tise visek5 Il lucalculated-, thit i It as visht- e-J by saiesueaxî-tistorusausi persns.- Tise stre-fof nITaronto vltnes eýd canstanti st-reams cf pe-apletiîtroogisnt'tise- ee-k, auJ tLe- seve-ral h luetksud places of ac-- cemmoatthn we-refil le-J ta 'epltien. Tise - veaiher ils-ouglieut prove4 moat propi- lieus. A frie-nS silo as intise cil>- on Satur-a>-, vlan tise g-e-at l'ustle vasaven, neL-miankesi tus on bis veluttirn taTes-e-ia locoe-cd like a man site-r a "big apree."- T'he several botels wvish hne like palace-s durneg tise yack iaoked raliser aS>, ansi ee-n thegriait Crystist Palace itscif l tison tise appearance of a ittigedoear- teld baIl roon- - eele-ci frow itise- liaItuof prises tise foi- towiusg as of theis mai fte-re-t ta osîr CIA55 t.-a1LOçtJ101S ItoSEs Beat tlsoro<arb-Ius'ed stallioin '<hes TDow-i prise Mthse nese- ien ; searge llsggsn- hei- n pragr w "thnai battons, of Biat a 2-ad prise faner tse-,c 1th lest 2 year olsi; Rotbent Arienstronag, cf teE ahclonsies. China la ni Misrkits, Palai prize for tise- est ye-an hsg Le e-Ironie rebeliion ssîlîl îmouldé colt. andi Rie-isarel oiver, of Colountîsus, TIslia la unsettle-si;symptanus cff tise 2n, prix.for a 2 yisar atd fil>- ; Iliat. ulîtive nsiug hein,, oaieurel>- isard ,,,-it,Drintuaa d prix. for le-stsenl thoen, lu épite aio tise caro use-e broos maue, - thie-gasBilents. Ilin sialautsettleel; ,,In tise ciaasi cf carniage homres thare vas enancipatiou que-ston Aîilh agitati somewavis of - lsaa fàetian, tise classes, vhole of soclet>- Lere vihs a si il ,aý"ssaisi, *êré badly arrange-l auJ the deislaona ia enatchee fl netual impan- tisi'aheaiug gioundsvell ;net tb r liai as they ssold bave been. Mn. RoLat thte Circassian vas'. The. Turklsh Beatistoùke-a 2 a rfrbest 2 year oadie-Ilunsettied', tise Moitegrlna-ia opeý Rh>-y, ansd -Mr. Johsn Eliloît, cf »Diffins' 'ion anth ie Servians ln a state litil, Crie-k, a Snd prise for boit single. carniage cf lasutitts iksi-kneos liera., - 8Bide, avIlie the fantutical 8>-riais Mol For Lest3 year oId stalion, liensy dasit are rciesev hi mrer h sirauglt, J. Wilson, Oshsava, bale-lu s - igisinudî ii prix. ; fors' est yearling cale, John-ilsMler, Austia l is seitled,and fumbingami Lit prix., sud for Lest Iroosi mare, îat lu e-Mpty poce il ila eeisand, 'vi prise. Joihs chiionpsan, of %Whitby. te-ao gentl>' holding dovua V-etstia ans is ttilrât prize for tise be8t span draugist Italiuans i'th iseRtigarians w vus di homs. Itli- unsettlëd ituSthseRomsan 4t e-XTTi.5. France l is e-retl>- ansi geutly unse For tbe be-st bull -af an>- age, Joisu as tas' as cati bc jsauce--by Legiiti Tho nom, Wbbtby5 took a prise. For OrleanitlîtgtriguLas -bui aet very lest 4>-car olsi Devon, Tisas, Alian, as ilE 1ndi nofotbe1 ahr piis,.suel- for, boui 2>-isanolelbull , J. Egaic l snIoLorabeflhie Spencer, of Brookllo, a fluai prize. 'P-rsstîle-4,b>- famine amnffeu eunes bisai 2 year oîl Biter, an sd J. Spenceer, miii OPeratives. Trel&nd si iii Aaidr bu I isere 1

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